Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This is the final day of 2013, and also Donna Summer's birthday, if she was still here with us. Yes the great thirty-first December day, WOW, it gets around to happening every year, gee willagars, Surfer Fonty.

And it is a balmy sixty one humid degrees, at twenty four past three, this morning. Basically, this is no longer a blog, but in truth; it has never been one. A blog nobody follows, other than for those keeping tabs on you with agendas; is not really a blog, and never was. So just as it all started around the first day in February in 1983 as PHONE PROGRAM 1 and 2 on the 'A' and 'B' sides of a cassette tape, and then each following tape afterward becomes two integers higher, such as 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and so forth, light bulb hacking shit heads and all others in this motley friggin' crew; it merely, to quote Billy Shakespeare and his rose by any name bullshit; and an extremely enlightened attitude for anyone living in the Renaissance period; is now the same deal, and an extention with a new name among so many names proceeding it, but it is all just the pathetic records kept by pathetic fucking MARK WAYNE MOHR, known also, sir PRINCE, my old pal and CHEMTRAIL FELLOW SUFFERER; as both Mountainpen, and the Head Morian, and which is of course meaningless, moaningless, and whatever the mighty Professor Kaku and his great mind pals, might all come up with as time, to quote the non bird EAGLES, keeps slipping, slipping, slipping, into Ingrid's future, and all of our futures as well, without any transdimensional audition and repertoire men and women taking the phonograph arm off of the vinyl recording, at the great almighty CARRIAGE LAMP APARTMENTS, that seemed to become some very wild and strange other names, as time continued following the great words of this non-Philadelphian football team. Let's not fight over this fucking shit, Mommy Dearest S-Day. I wouldn't like it, and I am not liking any of it, but what am I supposed to do to Gary Stone and the Matrix digital redhead syndrome all around me, BRAH?


Dave Roth used to say it so well with his fist under his arm pit. Here is my opinion of the whole world, then came the nasty and quite revolting sound, but it got the point across, GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON, sir, just as you claimed that it would, kind sir!

Not one mother fucking cock sucker on this planet has ever done one thing that was not already part of this cosmic Shakespearean play. When I force myself to dwell on this powerful ultimate monster ass reality, it is difficult not to forgive even peeps like family, Fonda-lovely, and so many more. It really does take the monsters and the scary living dead creatures, right out of the lonely cellars in the deserted woods of the fiction world, and makes them all dissolve into oblivion. Another comforting thought in all of this is that simple lyric in the great summer-1984 tune of Diana Ross, because yes, shake it up any way you want to, but when you throw it out of the bag, it always comes out as ''NOTHING LASTS FOREVER''. Of course 'forever' is just a silly illusion that exists inside a very few spatial dimensions but who's counting, 1969 Russ? Yes, these records will be kept as 2014 comes in, on the open-office system, for days at a time, and just to keep a ''safe journal'' that cannot be so easily wiped out as was my 1983 diary on tape, by the great washcloths, sir Druggie David Skeleton; but every week or twice a week, I will still go on posting. Eventually, I am not going to care about any of this. I do not believe in cold turkey changes, it splits the soul way too much, Adam Pandora. Still, slowly over time, this will just all dissolve away and turn into nothingness, which it has always been. It is only the powers that are beyond all of us that really are real, and really get the thrills or any of the emotions of life, out of the totality of everything. Not seeing or knowing this 100% is tantamount to being cemented permanently to a powerful dangerous illusion. The realer part of our self is all that matters, and all basic religions told that same story line, hundreds and even thousands of years ago, long before Morianity and MWM ever got here in SPACE-TIME-MIND.

Well, tweet tweet tweet, let my little tweety bird fly away for now, BRO. There are a few locations and secrets that are bigger than anything any of you will ever see on any TV show or movie or read in any source. I will tell more, LATER!

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