Monday, March 20, 2023



Blog Persecution—March, 2023----PAGE 04



Okay here is what is happening. I am either too stupid about this new age online junk, or it is a game, and I am in HELL; just as I told Sir Joseph Padgett at the Roadway Trucking job in Pennsylvania that day back in 2002. It honestly is one or the other. I was just on the GOOGLE asking questions such as, “Do blogging sites use 'AI' to censor blogs” or, “how to remedy the problem of blog censorship, when a blogger is doing nothing wrong”?, and so forth. In many cases, asking the Google-Gods questions that I have, does indeed produce successful answers and information for me; but this time, zilch, nada, zip, and yes, 'Wonder-Bread', from the nineteen-nineties as well.

This woe-whiz-me bull **** began again for me yesterday when I went onto the computer in the evening, and up to my blog-site, 'BDC'. Again, my latest at the time blog, CHAPTER—025—MPN, had been taken down. Now here is the powerful kicker that I plan to tell the ACLU in my letter that I plan to both write and mail before this week is out. Why is it that the material was already UP ON OLDER BLOGS FROM BACK IN 2007, and now it is being censored, why? All I can reason out here people is that ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS have been recently installed somewhere after about 2010 or so, that operate in a sort of way that my 2007 “MOGOSP” stuff used to talk about on my original old blogs, where the system searches for a motive such as in my case, my attempt at getting my story believed; and if TOO MUCH STUFF IS ALL UP ON ANY ONE BLOG, THAT CAUSES THE PROGRAM TO SAY TO ITSELF, HMM, THIS CROSSES THE LINE OF TOO MUCH BEING TOLD THAT JUST MAY MAKE HIM SOME NEW CONVERTS OR GET HIS STUFF BELIEVED JUST A TAD WEE BIT TOO MUCH TODAY. And it only seems to care about TODAY, as each new day and new blog becomes written. Now this is my opinion and only my opinion, but I am going to ask the American Civil Liberties Union to look into this rights violation system for me. This is most likely another futile attempt of a tiny 'piss-ant nobody' trying to fight Scott-Ransom-Todd Reality's 1988, “Very powerful people” who are against me and extremely disgruntled with me. Scott's 1988 words, not mine; oh world! Folks, I am a human being living in a world of machines and computers, creatures without a soul, just as was all foretold in a beyond unfathomable way back in early 1970, a strangely super mind bending coincidental time-year, if I do say so myself. The peeps who created that fantastic television show called, “Dark Shadows” had no idea, absolutely none at all, that they were being totally used as a tool, just so that one person, MOUNTAINPEN, would put together what is happening up here well into this future century. I know that this sounds utterly fantastic, and it breaks my m***** f***** c*** s****** heart that nobody out here has sufficient true-astral-energy to take one word I speak seriously at all. So rather than for me to end up frustrated to the point of my eventually perhaps doing something disastrous, I will most likely be ending this project, and moving into a different area of life, despite my advanced physical age; get myself back into the working scene, and no matter what it takes, amass the needed sum of money so as to be able to prove to myself one way or the other and once and for all, IF I AM IN HELL, MISTER PADGETT!

Hey ACLU dudes and duddesses:

Everything now taken down was once okay to be up there!

End transmission, and I may not be resuming this ever.

GOOD RIDDANCE to the internet and the blogging scene!

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