Sunday, March 26, 2023






Sunday, 26 March, 2023 @12:57 P.M.

Beginning Transmission:







This is not a good weekend, and may B the first in some time now 4 going frikkin' ass BOTBAR BOTH DAYS. Obviously the parallel event and the ICPE-APE-TECH DEAL is what is behind it, we all know who is in trouble and just what is going on. Only a moron refuses 2 accept these truths after my 17+ year blogging project now called, the “BOM-BLOGS”. Only a goddessdog total fool would continue 2 deny reality at this point, no matter how many darn dog shrinks and psych experts would tell me 2 do otherwise. Those same 'gods of the DSM' once declared homosexuality 2B “mental illness”, it truly is in the older DSM version or previous lower than the current number, as these manuals R indeed numbered as they endlessly so-called-improve in scientific accuracy, as all of the general sciences also tend 2 operate and always have done so throughout history. Already a strange thing happened with this computer while typing in this first paragraph, and now here is Y yesterday was a total futhermucking BOTBAR DAY that made March-2023 my 5th one now and 1:5 or 20% MPB!!! It began yesterday with a mid 2 late morning air attack that is continuing today with loud planes, no chemtrails as was yesterday, but soon, it will B time 2 activate my airport warning light system that was told 2U all on earlier blogging texts. TRUMP AND HIS SCUM-PEEPS R TRULY POURING ON THIS WEEKEND DEATH SIEGE 4 ME, and we all know EXACTLY 4 WHAT REASON AND THERESULT IT NORMALLY GETS IN HIS ROTTEN CROOKED FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back 2Y yesterday went nasty rotten total BOTBAR, long B4 the closing of the day and is Y the final 2 letters in that word “BOTBAR” R there and what they signify and MEAN, “Already Rated”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 'BOTB' stands 4 and MEANS, “Bottom Of The Barrel”. So really bad days with a lot of rotten nasty frikkin' death siege, causes a bottom of the barrel day, and also 2B rated as such already long B4 the closing out of the day chronologically. This is Y that word has its meaning, and there is absolutely no ambiguity about it now, or back in the years of summertime July in 1967 and 19678, oh illustrious great camp counselor sir, Mister Mack Kaiter. So WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.






So yesterday began with a nasty aerial hit and then it broke off but immediately I knew I would have a lot of noise and another stupid ass party in the park's Community Room. I was, as I normally always tend 2B, totally accurate and correct. No folks,I ain't psychic, merely mathematically oriented and understand many powerful statistical and patternized reality functions in my personal life, and have had numerous decades of endlessly proving life's experiences 2 back this all up without fail! Another chime in from Sir Chester-Frank, pweeeeeeeeeze; “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. Then the loud party arrived. But I may have still had a day close out of either a 2-1 or a 1-2, slightly above the lowest rating of a 1-1, Mize Sleazeweedsdisease Notfondauonebit Jane, but still another major bad thing ocurred 4 the pitiful NON-RON Mountainpen B4 the eleven of the clock hour struck. I had retrieved my mail around six in the evening and was speaking 2 my pal on the phone off and on from Miami, Mister MP, and so it wasn't until a late hour in the day trhat I opened up my mail, and among the three items was my new 182 day car insurance policy information from State 'Jake' Farm. The son of a bitches upped my car insurance by about 34% and 4 absolutely no good reason other than they are the kings and world owners and can do whatever they wish 2 us poor defenseless folks, and WE ALL KNOW IT WORKS THIS WAY. So I am out of pocket now another 31 dollars every single freaking month, and my budget is already over the red-line by fifty or more each month 4 the previous seven damn months. This of course after an already lousy rotten day, shot me straight 2 a futhermucking total B-O-T-B-A-R--------DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now today, I have bad aerial attacks, I don't feel 2 well physically so some sort of health death-beam assault has been applied 2 me while I slept, and I am quite depressed from this endless goddessdog assault on me by this miserable once-termed WOMO standing 4 and MEANING the WORLD OWNERS-MILITUFORCE OTAMMITES and now more recently changed into the Spammenies after the in-between naming of them as simply the MISOE-MISEC-SPACEFORCE!!!!!!!!!! I am holding pretty much around super HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC X2 AS WELL AS BOTBUR X2. Once that red colored vowel changes from a 'U' into an 'A', that's it, BOTX2 & SUPER HIGH CCOTX2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


















Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me on this ENTIRE WEEKEND OF MARCH 25 AND MARCH 26 OF 2023 WITH DEATH BEAM HEALTH CUBAN ATTACK WEAPONRY, MAJOR NOISE, AND MAJOR AIR ASSAULTS; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.




Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.


Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).


Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.










GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND





Here is a whittle 'TRS' (Non-Angie-Piss) list of items that R soon about 2B harped on one by one, on somewhat greater detail than anything done on these blogs so far; and if they get censored off by my newest woe-whiz-me troubles, consisting of what I call the Mountainpen Dual Interference Online Persecution, shortened into the abbreviated letters of (MDIOP) and pronounced “modiop”; then it will B necessary 4 me 2 pay a geek squad person 2 help me set up a WIX website and show me how 2 blog onto it and transfer my stuff from Blogger. Another 16 bucks monthly, out of my pocket and into this crooked world of endless Huntington Hellishness from Earthly-translated DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, what can I do, YO? So here is that list, lovely Angie, and all others: WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW!!!!








Modiop or no modiop folks, I merely am going 2 now tell U what this list is so there is no chance 4 a censorship today. It is as follows, and this is just a beginners list. Back in 1969, my pal then, Brad Messenger has been thoroughly discussed on earlier blogs from in-between the starting time of 2006 through the ending of that first 21st century decade. But I never got into specifics on several points, not that I can remember, despite telling U about the connections to educators in my once attended [public high school, HTHS, as well as many other items. I never fully tied in the magical chain with the entertainment industry, and many other things despite my telling U all about his wild super hot gorgeous mother Grace and how a great movie star from those days was beyond infatuated with her and wouldn't stop calling Brad's apartment in Westmont at the Haddon Hills over and over, but I know that in the days of earlier blogging, I was too scared of crossing red-lines 2 ever really get into some of the unfathomable stuff that totally ties many wild effing things all together in indisputable ways. Calling the entire thing bizarre only makes that word seem inadequate 4 possibly truly describing all of the nuances involved in this tieing in of the great entertainment industry. I know that this world is part of the Carlos Castaneda deal of the 'dream-gating stuff' where he discusses many astral clubs, them being one of them, only he never said that in h is great book from the nineties, but they are indirectly in this book, as many astral clubs indeed do come here into physicality and all meet up together without any real worthwhile waking-world memory of the whole pie, explaining how Mister Roddenberry 4 one great fantastic example, is able to know how coins and coils do indeed use the great frightening CHOKE-TACTIC with mortals on this physical plane, such as Diana did 2 me in 1983. She is a coil, and is dreaming that she is the lightning goddess of this Earth-Planet. But there R at least three episodes where the original Star Trek television show depicts this choking technique, and Roddenberry would have absolutely no mortal world way of knowing this stuff, only if someone such as myself has actually experienced the phenomenon could they then come 2 know about it. Well, that is unless the Carlos Castaneda Syndrome as I'll call it now,is what is in fact, 'kicking in' here with all of this wild shullbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I'll B getting into how my daughter fits into this whole bloody miserable mess, along with the great man of magic TRUMP, and many others in my family, and then, oh boy Uncle Billy and Mister Capra, will I then weelwee go 2 town and get into stuff that eventually, only my own site will allow me 2 properly tell it all, and I will, since TRUMP will never back off his endless nightmare hellish assault on me so he can endlessly get his miserable rotten monstrous demonic way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then I'll tell U other stuff that is magical and that all can do and C4 yourselves such as what I told 2 Brad back in 1969 concerning seeing from inside of ourselves, all the way out to infinity and it took him a few minutes and he said I was crazy as everyone does, until that is, he eventually saw what I was telling him, and was then able 2 derive the full MEANING 4 HIMSELF, UC peeps, the convincer punch is always when things that I say 2U can B experienced by all of U personally. That is when U can no longer insist that Mountainpen is just a complete utter crackpot. You can read all about peeps and their opinions on this topic of me, my blogs, and all of it, by simple Googling up or as I say, asking the great G-GODS thisssssss: Simply type into the search-box: crackpots from New Jersey.







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