Wednesday, December 16, 2015




My name is Mark Wayne Mohr, and my handle is Mountainpen. It is a quarter before eleven, on this Wednesday evening, on 16 December, 2015. This is an official dying utterance and dying declaration, and I authorize my daughter to sue the county of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, the Attorney General of Florida, and the police on state and local levels; when I am found dead and murdered in here, or outside nearby to here, at 601 Avenue B, Apartment #607, Fort Pierce, Florida 34950. My sea charts left to me by my father, born September 10, 1919, in Toledo, Ohio, United States; goes to my daughter. This of course is not my daughter at age four, but this funny face on the internet is a close resemblance to her, at that age of approximately four years. This is an internet copy of my last will and testament. At 10:36, I was assaulted AGAIN, with another MAJOR UTILITY ATTACK, the moment I turned on this computer, just to look at the weather; as I was not planning on doing an additional blog today, but suddenly, and even with my battery back up protection totally operational, as with the last time the enemy that I have, and label, as the Milituforce; did this to me, also, this somehow knocks off the electricity to only this one electrical outlet source, where my computer and my fan are hooked into. It goes off for only a quarter of a second, and then it comes back on, but the computer somehow is totally killed, and turned off. When I rebooted up, my open-office document had a notice warning pop up screen saying my settings are locked, and using this may cause damage. I know this is a major MILITUFORCE HACK, and I plan to write a letter to Microsoft Corporation, and mail it off, before the end of business this week. Wall Street is doing all of this to me, and has been, for thirty years now.

I am putting on notice; the press, and the television stations local to my area, in Palm Beach, Florida; that I am officially holding my county, and my sheriff, responsible for my death, and my murder; and my ENDLESS TORTURE, as this is real, it is happening to me, and I am being tormented in my own paid for legal apartment, day and night, by forces totally beyond my control, and like it or not, it is the sheriff's responsibility to help me, and contact me, and render assistance to me, before it is too late, Mister Merker!

I am signing this internet official documentation, and last will and testament now, at fifty-three minutes past ten of the clock, in the post meridian, on this Wednesday night, 16 December, 2015. I sign this now, MARK WAYNE MOHR, date of birth is Saturday, December fourth at 9:30 ante' meridian, in the year of 1954. I legally swear an oath that my words are true!

My Photo

Hopefully, Merry, all your questions have been successfully answered in all universes. I did my best, and as usual, my best always totally sucks.

Living in this horrible evil demonic nation for sixty-one years has been a nightmare hell. I tell anyone now from other nations, YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME INTO THIS HORRIBLE FUCKING ROTTEN PLACE, IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!

          Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

Please go back to your own universe, and let this one blow up, thank you! If you cva hear me Almighty Goddess SSJKK, I take back my request that I presented to you on th eother side of the Eden-Fence. Let them all die!


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