Saturday, August 3, 2013






The exploratrons of higher type are active, doing some wild flickering, with both brightness, as well as on-off flickering of the text being typed as well. This is quite easily explainable folks, as they indeed do come from tomorrow, and are running backwards, relative to my universe, and most of yours, out there; and they know already; that this is going to be a real major monster blog.

I ran into a few folks who know each other and have for years, who are former readers and viewers of the Morianity BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, in my ''DREAMS'' last night. What you think of as dreams and dreaming is no more solid than a glass of warm water without the glass, but that is OK, as know the truth. They were sitting in a park with lots of grassy area, maybe three acres top, maybe only two, and beyond it in all directions was thick dense woods, not from my area but hardwood trees, with no pines and no palms, just the hard wood type of trees. At the very center of this land plot was a double-sized mobile home trailer in excellent condition, both inside and outside, leaving me to ponder why anyone able to afford this type of dwelling, would want to live in a ''trailer'' but guess what, many folks enjoy these things, as I came to learn. There was no set amount, as all during the interaction of my 'dreaming', it altered from one dude, to a full party of eight to ten, and ranging in all adult ages up to near elderly, whatever this endlessly changing amount of years is considered to be in today's times and age, all the way down to very early twenties, and both genders, men and women. They told me they were avid followers of Morianity until about late last year somewhere before they became aware of two powerful things about me. One was that I was consciously attempting to awaken this Almighty God of theirs, when I know fully well this is not what She wants, and also, when my blogs seemed more artificial, or in their other selected way of putting it, after I went on to ask them to be more descriptive of what they meant to say to me; one very small man about five feet at best, and very thin, as if he was ill with you know what, hay that old PC thing strikes again; but yes, he casually came closer than before where he had been standing relative to where I was as well, and said to me in a very soft spoken and mild mannered voice; well Mountainpen, you once wrote as though you were keeping a powerful cool journal, and now it seems to be about having an audience, pleasing an audience, and even wondering who we all are out here; and this turned us all off, as we used to think of you as quite special and different, in that regard, you know; not giving a hoot about those type of things. Then you seemed to just not be like that anymore, and we stopped following you. I asked if they were a club, you know, a UFO club, a paranormal research type of club, or whatever it may be; and they all insisted, no; we just are all a group of friends who your daughter put us onto, shortly after your public apology to her, for that lovely bad habit in your family. This is all a quote, folks, almost verbatim. Let's leave shit there!

After this initial stuff, I still have more powerful vivid memories about this experience and then it fades into as most of you know from your own dreaming experiences, less distinguishable clear memories, and only jumbled pieces that blur more and more mas it stretches further out still from what is clearly retained upon awakening. Of course, as all dream-research folks do and know to do, I immediately do one of two things, either record onto cassette tape on my HYPERSPACE JOURNAL, or type up on my word document, in my same titled dated documents on the subject, as many clear and then even unclear details as is possible. Maybe you all have noticed and maybe not, but memories of both waking life and dreaming life, all fade, but a marked distinguishable difference does in fact exist as to the ratio of how those from waking world fade out over time, verses the 'dream memories'.

Hyperspace is a fancy word. It just means an area that contains all of the parallel universes, all realities of four dimensional space-time, all existing on parallel dimensional planes due to atomic agreement in frequency in each of all of these individual unique locales. Journal is another fancy word, in my opinion. Maybe not as fancy as memoir, but all any of it is, is someone telling a story of their life. Whoop-dee-do. Well, here is where Archie Bunker and his whoop-dee-do may just fall a little bit short. I keep track of hyperspace in my life, all the things that relate to my life in my present persona as Mark Wayne Mohr; and I do not, except for literary purposes and to word my blogs a little bit more readable for any and all of you; separate ANY OF hyperspace, or as you might word it your way, I don't separate my dream reality from my waking one, as I know better. It is not any different, as it is apart only by atomic frequency, and not by so much as one inch in space, or one second in time. Now with this all said, we'll move this on a bit, folks. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

After this earlier part went down, I was inside the trailer sitting at a card table, where many radios and televisions that all were on different stations and channels, were on, not loudly, in fact, very softly, each one barely on, but on nonetheless. There was even a digital radio on the table, I suddenly found myself sitting at, along with this very small gentleman of about 35 years of age or so, and two other men and two women, a total with myself included, of six persons, four men and two women. We were all talking, and suddenly the announcer on the radio that was playing softly on the table well below our decibel conversation level; made the statement that following the worst global disaster in the known history since Jesus Christ walked this Earth, things are getting back to normal, to a small extent. With that he announced the next song to be played. It was called, “Love is for Carpenters”. I thought I was going to go to the bathroom in my underwear. Then it began to play, and I asked if they would turn up the volume. It was the same song that I heard both in 2011 and in 2012, first at the Teck Bay Mystery School in the Advanced Robotics Class, with the Wildwood Press Tablet in the hands of Ten-Grand-Joe, and later, in that wild interaction where I was all dressed up in my best cloths, which is not saying much; and found myself at some crazy looking high school type bleachers, the like I have never seen before or since; and it was being sung to me again, and this was last September, late in the month somewhere. It resembles the version sent down to the Copyright Office in 2007, as far as the tune; only in a harmony. What is the song here, is a harmony part there; and the actual song is too beautiful to believe; and if you listen to it, most people who have any emotions at all, burst out crying immediately. After all of this happened, and the lady who made the volume higher on this crispy clear digital BOSE radio system, and I remember seeing the words printed on it in bright YELLOW, 'BOSE DIGITAL RADIO'; she immediately returned the volume to where it had been before the song had come on, and I burst into tears crying and asked why it was on the radio? This is when they told me that THEY ARE the regulators of what I call the ESS or the ''EXPLORATRONIC SUPER MIND''. I then suddenly remembered that these thick woods outside were solid, no pathway in or out beyond this plot of land was there, anywhere. I blurted this out, and those at the table began softly laughing, and said to me, one at a time; there is just nothing out there beyond those woods. They go on a short ways, and then there's nothing; and that's a direct quote now, by me. I remember after this, falling onto the floor of the trailer, and begging to stay there with them; and not to make me leave ever, and allow me to never return to my miseries back beyond those woods, as there is indeed, a misery out there beyond. They said that they know this, but that this is my misery, I created it, and then I worsened it by trying to wake up GOD in HER dreams; first when I thought that it was Sarah Callio, and now that I have come to know that it is MC. They said if I am ever successful at waking Her up inside her dream, she will make the flip side come true. I asked what they meant, and one of the ladies stood up slowly to her full height of around the normal five feet five inches inside her bright red flat sandals, and she said to me, ''Oh you don't know, that's right. The other side of the CD we just heard on the radio, is called, 'Now My Glittering Stars Will Fall', oh yes, it is just as beautiful a song too''. Right after this a few very powerful things did indeed happen. Things were said of immense importance, but I cannot pull it back to save me. Not now, and not when I first got up. I know it had something to do with how horrible it would be if I was ever able to successfully make the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle wake up inside HER dream fully, but that is all that I know for sure; no details at all beyond merely knowing that this was what it was about. Then I remember being in the woods and looking at the magic trailer, and walking a bit further until the trailer vanished from the thick forestation completely. Then I know I looked back the other way in front of me, and there was a gigantic bed and someone laying on it. I remember walking over to it, and then falling down on it and into my own self and while doing that, literally jumping up and awake from this powerful ass dreaming experience.

Now here is what needs to be said on this blog; now that I have told you all about this interaction. First, energy runs through people, in the same like manner that MOGOSP runs through internet circuitry in the future, or in hyperspace, which includes all possible universes, at all of their possible times of existence. The whole enchalate nine yards, or however it is spelled, as Microsucks refuses to correctly spell a commonly used word for me on many attempts now, and there's nothing freaking bloody shoe enchanting about it, Google. Yes, it is never the people by themselves that really are doing anything in bigger picture truth, but merely an unknown energy that runs and really does operate in and through all of us all of the time, on the physical material realm and waking world plane of existence. But are there magic spots in some of the locales in hyperspace? Well, the simple answer is a freaking resounding loud YES, with all of the depth, and echo, and sonic effects; of all of the stupid automobile commercials all put together and then some more. What would be some of them off the top of my head, you may be wondering, well, here we go, © Office, and all of my old songs from yesteryear. One would certainly be Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, New Jersey between the boardwalk and the Pacific Avenue intersection. Another one would be the magic double trailer. Another would be the Egg Harbor City schools and grocery stores, in New Jersey, and yet still another would most certainly be the Bermuda Triangle. Still another would be Williamstown, New Jersey, the entire area or most of it aniwho, Flo. I could go on, believe that folks, but let us save time and 'energy' for right this second, and just elaborate on what is up here so far. We would be hours and hours just surface scratching Atlantic city and 'IOSC' AVENUE. Let us work on the next biggie, WILLIAMSTOWN. Oh by the way IOSC is my cute little code and truthful rhyming lyrical content. It is just short for Tennessee Avenue, you know, IO for TEN, and SC, as saying these letters is like pronouncing the last two thirds of the state name of Tennessee, AHA AHA AHA, Arsinio!!!!!! Still, Nate, you know this all happened, so does Kathy Gatherer, and so do lots of other peeps that do their utmost best to keep endless lids on all of this 'UFO related' crap.

Yes people, let us indeed begin the long discussion of Williamstown, New Jersey, and my personal interactions with it over three different stages of residing there. And yes good folks, there is a W----O----W involved here!

Just keeping it super short and sweet, L-4, let us do this, Mike McNulty and Loudcar Hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is where I began applying parallel event to roulette and winning in Atlantic City in the casinos as a professional gambler in 1986. It is where I built my full scale model of MAGNESONIC, and plugged it into a complex system of numerous machines, and did many forbidden things. It is where I talked to several attorney's about suing numerous top name recording artists, for ripping off large parts of my music, back in those days and getting nowhere, but it is all fixed, so quite naturally, big surprise. It is where I began working as a Tape Duplicator at the RPL Sound Recording Studio and Laboratory. It is where I began my search to find the powerful awesome elusive mysterious teenager from my past, the great SARAH. It is also where I wrote the song on May 12, 1996, ''SARAH''. It is where Paula King Delaney, or whatever and whoever she really is, raped me a second time, back in late June of 1996; and nearly gave me my second daughter, PEE; only she went on to miscarry, but I live in 5-D, where I love my wonderful P, more than my life itself; and do not limit my existence to a tiny little world of 4-D as do all of you. Screw you, hacking exploratrons; I see what you're trying to do here; ya-miserable fucking jerk offs.

I could go on with numerous other smaller but worthy of mentioning items, and at a later time, will most likely be doing so; but for right now; let us stick with this nice sizable 'dirty laundry list', OK? My blogs detail and discuss all of these subheadings as listed above, but only in small details, here and there, every so often, when it fits into the blog being written at these times, and this will dovetail real nicely into what I now will go onto say to you now folks.

Earlier on the blog, I told you in this dream from last night, using your words as a society totally stuck in three dimensions, when I ended with the words, ''Let's leave shit there'', I did not tell one other thing that needed to be told regarding these folks telling me something. They told me before we got onto unmentionable topics such as the Joe Twist Joe King John Mason Funeral Syndrome for a clever wordage folks of very nasty business; or for a short and abbreviated lettering, (JTJKJMFS) and many real followers, and 'family' know what this horror all strands for, without getting any judgmental NYC-SVU CS Investigators involved here good peeps, YO; but yes, they told me that some recent advice given to my daughter, and I know exactly what it was, about me, word for word; is probably more apropos for me now. I TOTALLY AGREE, but it is a whole lot easier said and or given, than it is to be actually followed. I'll do a second freaking W----O----W if no one minds. Hay I'm the one who wrote GITYA way back in 1983, not the one who wrote the 1997 one, hay, am I wrong fans? But, this will dovetail our topic now perfectly right into the next group of words, matter and antimatter, in case this matters to anti body, Roseann, OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the old Star Trek original 1960's show with the immortal episode Mister Flint who ;played Doctor Lockner Chief of Medical Staff on the great hit TV show of the times, ''Medical Center''; said how leaving the EARTH, led to his downfall, as well as the end of his immortality. Well, my Earth is smaller in reality, than his fictional one. It is WILLIAMSTOWN, New Jersey. Every time I left it, all three times, living there and then leaving it, it led to the total ruination and the complete utter frikkin' destruction, of my entire life. I slowly put my life back together, and seemed to find myself back again in Williamstown, and then left it; and BOOM, here we go again; old kids, new kids, AND ALL KIDS, IN WILLIAMS OR ANY OTHER TOWNS OR PLANETS, SIR MATCHES MCGUIRE FLINT-KING'S OF FIRELIGHT'S AND P. JANE'S! So before I en d up[ going all psycho and MENTAL on you all, let me tie this all together more intelligently, AH-HA-AH-HA Antimatternulty. When you just hate somebody for no reason at all, remember your mind is only working because of electrons, and electrons are positrons that are from antimatter universes in hyperspace, where time is running backward, so these positrons contain the entire knowledge and awareness of all the possible things ahead of us, as to them, our future is their past, and vice versa, simple physics in or out of chairs, water, or speeding up camera still frames, or maybe put better to quote Dennis Fakecousin Snyder from good old Jersey, ''That's just reality son''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hated that son of bitch Arsinio Hall the second I first saw him back before Jane witch Bitch screwed me at that Georgia frikkin' ballpark that night, and only recently am coming to see why I didn't like this dude, nor do I. Matter and antimatter, even if it does not matter to anti one, what can I say here Jay-Jay Evans, hell, I'm even living in Florida now, so say hi to your wonderful MOM, if you can get P to light up a candle or two, YO! Lots of memory loss has happened to me in February, June, and October. In February of 1997, on Tennessee Avenue, in October of 2006 on Tennessee Avenue, and in June of 1996 in Williamstown at my apartment at the Highview, Misses Shoemaker Levy Mayor. As I began typing these three things, a hack key fucked it all up and I had to redo it. See how these fucking EXPLORATRONS STRIKE EREAL HARD AND GO ON A ROLL, AND I FUCKING KNEW IF I LOOKED OVER, IT WOULD SAY PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN, AND IT DOES, SO HERE GOES MY COMPENSATRION, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

55555555555555555555555555, PLUS 55555555555, TIMES 555555555555555555, IS EQUAL TO WHOI GIVES A RATS BEHIND? JUST LET ME STARE AT THESE LOVELY 5555555 NUMBERS, WOW, MCGUIRE AND FAMILY, fist, gun, or whatever. Just what are you hiding down there on your great street, you MICKBASTARDASS?????????????????????????

The great Paula Roofdog Belinda King, and her parking lots and her radio station, WAYV, wow, where can we ever go to run and hide, my old friend Regis Baduncle Lawandorder Philbin??????????????????????????? Well, come to think of it friend, I never had any good uncles, still, my bad one was a bit further off than Yonkers, Mister Trump and mister Wolf, as you know, he was up in Ammityville until the toaster oven fire in the early sixties, and then moved to Babylon onto Peninsula Drive, number 175, man alive, or maybe not if you don't survive the plane crashes in the dam water or the beat downs by Atlantic City Lifeguard Mascots. Is this 1970 or 2015, what;s going fucking on, CALLIO KENNEDY MCG? Well Mister Smith, if you're reading this, I should have stayed as crazy as Mary Moore and the gang all wanted me to, and just went around picking lovely roses and humming stupid tunes like That's The Way It Goes, right Diana, I know you liked the darn rewritten intro to it in 1981, so please don't say no how, no nothing, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks it is time or way over time, for me to clue you all into something about the BLOGS OF FREAKING MOUNTAINPEN.

Each chapter is nothing more than a squad room like the one we all enjoy seeing while watching shows such as L&O-SVU or whatever, any of these type of television shows; where detectives go to chalk or poster boards and begin diddling around with posting photos, charts, and all manner of crime related data for study, just as a math professor in a university, would have stuff up like, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, on their board, (E=MC2). The correct font for making the dam '2' raised, and not lowered, I cannot find, so I am sorry about that Chief Levy Sayfrance. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Mashell Daniels and her neighbor Jerry Patterson, and their friend from down the way, pretty-sue, wow another wild story that would fill a few 'journals' or 'whatever' Bob, old pal from Oak Street in HHNJUSAESMWG, WHAAAAAAABIT!! The year would be 1980, well almost, it would be just shy of Christmas, and my car was stolen out of the recording studio parking lot. I told this story a million ass times good peeps, but Mashell and Jerry were extremely beautiful women who were stories all by themselves, especially ex's and their occupations. I know this world thinks I am a stupid ass moron, but you know, I am not as dumb as you butt-wipes seem to think I am. When you tote up 100 fucking things, the crazy 3-way telephone connection with my boss's wife and her friend and myself, the Hollywood ex's of these girl coworkers, and all the shit back then, right now, and all up in-between, well, I know a lot more than just how to do the Einstein equation, sorry Mary Moore. Give that adorable little dog a pat for me, or maybe I should be more careful, huh Regy old buddy??????????????? Wow, then there was Cigar Karge, Elvis Presley, and Hope Kernan, just for starters, only we could go fucking on and on and on and on and on and on, and you all know this is 100% the total truth. I don't have to convince a soul of any of that. It is like trying to explain viral videos, and that will be repeated tonight, all as promised, so WEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!! These sicko exploratron travelers will screw with anything that they can, and LOVE IT, MAXWELL MCDONALD, SIR, light or heavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn down the car radio, Dave Roth, don't want the employees tripping over the fast food back in 1988!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you see, between shit like that, and all the fucking top artists taking parts of me and using me all up, huh lovely Donna girl; I know the truth, and I know I'm not all that horrible, just a bit out of step and out of time. Still, insult me all you want to, you lowlife mother fucking scum suckers. I know what I know; and you can all go to hell and KISS MY LILLY-W.A.

Why didn't somebody give me that great advice about my kid that they gave to her about me, W—O—W?

Thank you Mister Ortega for letting me know that Paula did not get an order from her pit boss in 1986 to ask me what I was doing at the Claridge hotel and Casino that day. Now I know she was just asking me for her own reasons, so shill on, Beach Patrollers, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. What a hellish ride into Queens that was, and you thought that shit was all funny the next day. Well, there is an old saying that there's a special place in HELL for used car salesmen, and maybe indeed there freaking is, world. All I know is that there is definitely a special place reserved there for many many dirt bag peeps in ATLANTIC SHITTY CITY, NEW JITTY JERSEY, so I'll gladly get the hell off your beach, great governor, WITH PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then along came you, 657-123, oh PG, and with that, also came jerk off teasing car commercials form garbage Nissan, as well as dual-awareness railroad tracks and the automobile driven and ridden in by lovely Sarah Callio and her friend. Wow what a couple of worthless mother fuckers if ever there were two such witches on this planet, WHAAA! Still, why did this all happen, Dennis Chase, since you seem to be so mother fucking smart and have all the dam ass Jack McCoy 2006 Nuclear Winter Answers!!!!!!!!!!!!! One thing was for sure back in fucking 1980; and that is this all seemed to drive electrician JOE at the river, at the licorice plant, nuts as shit; just mentioning these Atlantic fucking shitty City witches, right Garbageman Anthony Deer-Hunter? How's the great Cifaloglio doing? You don't think I know why Delmo was pissed off at me? You really take me for a fucking ass fool, you crocks of stenchy crap. You don't think I know all the dirty little secrets up on that rotten ass fucking island????????????????????????????????????????






Was this on the billboard too that day, Mony James-68?

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

A child can see how Wall Street crooks are ripping off the world every dam day!





I AM NOT GOING TO BABY ANY OF YOU, WHOEVER IS READING THESE WORDS, FRIEND, OR FOE. I KNOW TOTALLY WELL THAT I HAVE A COMBINATION OF BOTH, AND NEED TO FOCUS MY ATTENTION MORE ON THE FRIEND SECTION THAN THE FOE SECTION. My apologies for my last blog being long when I promised you all a glorified tweet, but I got going, and things took me where they took me, Commissioner of NYNY Fictional Police, and “L&O” TV Show. I am getting a lot of hacking after a few days with this being a bit better, Bob McDowell, please step up your efforts again, as whatever you did a few days ago for me, IT WAS WORKING REAL FRIKKIN' WELL, AND THANK YOU, BUDDY AND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have my way of knowing many things. I know when people are thinking about me when I am what you consider to be ''sleeping''. I know precise transdimensional tricks that move many of the various realities germane to me and my life, in directions that I bend them into from my current waking life, and I have something that is sort of resembled in an old black and white ''TWILIGHT ZONE'' television show, the episode where a dude was compulsively obsessed with moving junky looking objects that appeared to be worthless and of no significance, to various places around his basement, knowing that it caused a parallel-event of major world events. It was as all of Serling's shows, really a great work of art, but first off, much of the 20th century science fiction is not all that fictional, and the authorities want this secret kept locked up REAL DAM TIGHT! This is sort of a type of mix of what has been discussed in lots of previous Morianity, ''TILE TAPPING'', and ''APPLIED PARALLEL EVENT'' OR APE for short abbreviation. LSS, moving junk around and tapping tile codes and slowly over time, finding patterns that seem to correspond with energy flows within reality not normally observed or understood one bit yet by 2013's standards and scientific limitations; is like the cruder way of turning mass into energy, of the two possible ways of doing it; atom smashing, verses simple fire such as burning up a newspaper, and yes, a newspaper, like the Wildwood Tablet Press of 2007 and 2008 dream-discussions, and the future tap screens, and the still near recent future of plastic guns, and 3-D laser printers. All of this is still the 3 year old licking an ice cream cone next to the multi-millionaire owner of an ice cream company, with factories around the country. In simple truth, but remaining factual and honest 100%, good folks, there are things that can be done in order to make other things slowly move towards your center gravity. Again, CONTACT has made me aware and sentient to these powerful and totally unknown truths. Contact with what you ask? EXPLORATRONIC REALITY, is the only answer that I can provide you with, but we must shift a major gear, as a huge hack just struck me AGAIN, on word open office 3.1, or in my computer, AND I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE, SIR BOB FCC MCDOWELL, OLD 1972 PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I managed to get out of it, but it was a bad fucking cunt hack, sir, and pal. Now back to my point that some EXPLORATRON RIGHT HERE IN THIS ROOM AND INSIDE OF ME, IS DOING ITS BEST TO HACK OUT AND DESTROY THIS BLOG WORK SINCE I BEGAN A HALF HOUR FUCKING AGO, the old magnetic percentage syndrome folks, you all fucking know perfectly well what I mean, bringing in the first day of the new month with fucking hassles and persecutions. Yes WE WERE DISCUSSING CONTACT WITH EXPLORATRONIC REALITY, AND SOMETHING SOMEWHERE DID NOT FUCKING LIKE WHERE I AM ABOUT TO GO. We are going to be getting into the topic of the exact army of those, who I refer to as, MARKER-BEES, the ones who if you go to any library in most USA counties coast to coast, and randomly take 20 books off of the shelves from various areas in these libraries and take them back to your table, you will see that some of them have lots of strange markings, underlines, notations, and other things as well, even some type of codes to each other. It is there, it is not mistakable, and it proves I am telling lots of truths, but only if you go and see this shit for yourselves, people, YO. But this hack on this system today is forcing me to reroute too many thoughts and subjects that just cannot be properly all tied together in one blog, so let me again just get back to what I started to say before the wild hack that nearly closed down the blog completely, YO. Contact with Exploratrons of an advanced type, or the TYPE-3, as I personally term them, not that they term themselves this; but I need to have some kind of a reference obviously, but this contact, has side effects. The main effect is the contact, and the side effects are every bit as lengthy as those shown on the average medication bottle showing physical side effects. These may be cosmic side effects, but which is really larger when you stop to seriously ponder this query, my friends? Some medications, or the cosmos. I am only going to open a couple of doors for today on this blog, and then we can later on do some major fucking exploring along. Before I get into anything, CHEMTRAILING WAS VERY BAD ALL OVER MY AREA ALL DAY LONG YESTERDAY THE THIRTY-FIRST OF JULY, and I have been feeling very poorly for some time now as all fucking year, this jet attack fuel dump in over-concentrated amounts in compressed continual areas, MINE, cause many SIDE EFFECTS to their main effect of dumping overloaded jet aircraft's, to make for statistically safer landings. Still, ever since the jet age, breathing disorders and pulmonary. I may have to schedule a medical appointment ahead of normal schedule to complain about the effects on my heart, my breathing, and numerous other health related issues, resulting from exposing me intentionally way too often, to this toxic amount of propane mixed jet fuel of several nasty chemicals. This is why since this jet age all started, and keeps growing every single decade thereafter, there are more per-capita cases of numerous breathing disorders from asthma to lung cancers to literally dozens of inhalation related medical disorders, from patients all over this world where jet travel is in abundance and is growing, there is no denying this fact. Every year, more cases, more cases, and more cases. Not just more cases, put in a linear growth in a per-capita legitimate count, and these facts are available online from chemtrail clubs and researchers who know that this is causing a problem with the health of those of us on the ground who must inhale this fucking nasty cunt lapping mess every singe month of the year, without any let up ever. Take any area you may be in folks, how many days each month are filled with them, and how many days are free of them. Keep records, then demand under freedom of information acts, to have medical statistical reports released to you from the Medical Bureau folks at the AMA. Begin charting how new cases follow months and year averages corresponding to the higher daily jet fuel dumps and vice versa. I realize many folks think it is more than jet fuel and have many other ideas. Who am I to take this away from anyone, maybe there is some truth in it, but all I know for sure is that we are the tip of several cycles in the natural order of ice ages, and due to this, we need all the global warming we can get, as sooner than many think, the world will cool off for a long while, and this planet will only sustain a few million peeps at that point, in the majority of localized parallel universes in the fifth dimensional hyperspace called the multiverse, standing for multiple vibratory atomic realities, or said even still simpler, many songs, verses the single song of just one universe, uni for single one, and verse for vibratory song. Not only is the entire 5-D cosmos alive in ways not yet dreamed of, but it continually is singing to us biological beings. Yes, I will expose my medical problems next week on the first full week of month number eight or (August), by going to my doctor. There are a lot of strange things going on with all of this, as this all began with a choking condition that came on me one night at exactly half past ten on 4 June in 1983, right smack dab out of the dark night sky, while residing in Atco, New Jersey, at 134 Norris Avenue. But let's quickly round robin this back to not using silly junk in a basement, but other things that really do make things alter in a 5-D reality. Saying and doing certain exact things in both this universe while ''awake'' as well as in ''dreams'' with characters from other universes in the vast hyperspace that contains all of them; ours, and all of theirs; and there is a lot more, but rather than my just ranting off a huge list of things that any of you can do starting the second that you finish reading this very blog, to prove all that I tell you is totally real and true; let me explain first on this blog, quickly and follow up on other following blogs; the mechanics going on behind these great still totally unknown OZ-CURTAINS, as of August of twenty-thirteen. By the way don't let my great daughter kid any of you about any of this over the past nearly eight years now. You saw the BLUCRAN, and dozens of other things, right down to OZ-CURTAINS, and of course, many things can be totally just a coincidence, but when one becomes 2, then 3, then 40, then 500, now about 6000, well, how viral must the count of coincidences be, before you see I am really in this shit with SCYLLA; and always have been and will be, as we just exist, and time is only real in 5 and less dimensions of waking life so-called-reality. Also, sure I can edit my blogs, but when the FBI or other NSA authorities put this all to the test some day and probably already freaking have done so; every edit job of old blogs, just as if you are working on your own computer files, has a MOST RECENT WORKED ON DATE stored and recorded, if not available on the blog somewhere, then on the Google files somewhere. Everything is carefully scrutinized and recorded today, right down to how many times you belch, fart, and blow colored snot out of one nostril. I don't mean to get nasty, but loud and dirty gets attention, and I learned this from a great top world commander, and a wonderful trustworthy source; General George Patton, of World war 2!

Google knows there is no way this blog is fake or phony. There is no techno-pop involved in this blog, or techno-parlor tricks. I can play around to prove points such as the one recently explained that any lengthy literary work has a magic ability if you allow it and become sensitized to it, to hook anyone directly up into cosmic communication. But as for stuff that I began figuring out after the end of 2007, and then as 2008 came in and my ''daughter''; or whatever she really is, began doing her thing; you need to ask her of her motives, not me of mine. I want nothing at all from her other than to know that she is relatively happy and OK, as not too much longer will I be dreaming this Mark Wayne Mohr dream. I am old and dying, and ill; from decades of severe fucking persecution, as well as unmentionable physical attacks from this sick evil torture loving group I have called the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ever since beginning my Morianity blogging project in early 2006. Now what She is really up to, and what Her agendas may be all about, this only Scylla-Jehovah truly knows, and I'll be frank with all of you, fiends and friends alike. I am very frightened of the great SSJKK, she has demonstrated for a very long time that she just wants to use me to play some sick demented game of hers, and let my life be dammed to hell. Oh well, say 'LEVY'! Or say, SHOEMAKER TROUBLE, right US © OFFICE??????????


OK, bird chirpers, this will be of your liking, short, not a lot of wild gear shifts, over and done with and leaving you with some real head scratching to do, YO.

First, sir, Mister New-Age Music Initials, all any of this proves, is what I am trying to prove all along, and we do not need your services, as I was never planning to do any day trading, or contacting of Mister Coins.

I ALREADY MCKINNON KNEW, this would all break-down, Admiral, General, public or private. I have watched this all work around me for just about three decades since the nightmare mother fucking began. I can play the same games that you billionaire dirt bags can play, it does not take a ton of mullah to do this, just a bit of gray matter in operation, and an in tact memory. But WHAT would break down, some are perhaps asking, so fine, let me tell you.

First, the WOMO-MILITUFORCE will not allow anything that I do or ever try to do, to work, even if I seem to defy huge odds, twice in one year, using a technology that goes far beyond this known mortal world. Some say and insist on an answer to give me even one percent of credibility, TELL US YYYYYYYYYYY, this is happening to you as otherwise, screw you Mountainpen, we are not going to do anything besides laugh at you and get our kicks reading your blogs. Well, the great © Office knows that some of you do and have done in the past, way more than just this, but that is between all of your consciences and what may pass through your scared little brains as you someday draw your last breath. In any event, dancing with me next May, or out in deep space in any month despite no measurable time out there; here is what is wrong, James T. Burr of the Starship Gloucester of 1973-PCI. Keeping it simple yet subtle, good folks, and bad ones Jason and friends; I knew that eventually these World-Owners would merely shift away from the way they were trading on the stock market, and make me look dumb, as this has been the Opposite-Shooter-Pattern of the Mountainpen, for a very fucking long time. Why my pop and his pal planned this horror, only the fucking top agencies and maybe Mister Snowden know, but in any event, see if I could really give a fucking rats bitch eating stinky ass, YO. What's done is done, Dogs, and DMK said it perfectly in the late first decade of this barking century and millennium, and yes, I forgot ''decade after decade'', thank you Drew! But in long run play, no matter what they do to try and fuck up my credibility, they cannot do it by proving me WRONG about the endlessly bullish DOW JONES STOCK MARKET, and yes GINA, I MOTHER FUCKING TOLD YOU, SWEETIETRON!!!!!!! Maybe I am taking this to an absurd extreme, but at least I did not word this the way I could have, WL of 2293. Now, how about the 'random' draw so to speak in my discourse several blogs back on the way social networking sites ''really'' operate and function. Of course it is not random. That is why I was clever in my words. I even went as far as to say that I have enemies with great power, and the great mighty crew from Washington knew all of this back in 1988 and 1989 and still have the fucking cassette tapes sitting someplace to this very ass day, YO. I would love to have a random chance, but I don't. You can all hit a lottery, even post up a video that might be selected to be super pushed. I CANNOT, because 'THEY' have me on an endless ''KEEP HIM DOWN AND FAILED LIST''.

I need to word shit very carefully, folks. I know what is going on, and what I am saying; AND DOING. I told you I had a conversation with a powerful dude, but what you don't understand to this day, is hyperspace and dreams; and just how fucking EXPLORATRONICS really operates in life.

I was not told my Youtube experiment would end up like it did by a mere relative of a very well known artist. Nor was I receiving communications from this same person in ways that folks understand, who refuse to believe in the reality of exploratronics. There is a parallel universe where a lot of shit is happening that is so mind fucking boggling, it cannot ever all be blogged, even piecemeal. The dude who told me this, is the director of ops at NASA, in the dimension or parallel reality where a highway goes from Vineland, New Jersey, straight into the Beltway of DC, and I am a paramedic. Do not confuse this with another wild location in hyperspace where I live on London Avenue, in Egg Harbor City, New Jersey; and my daughter Paula King Junior or (PEE) as she insists on that nickname; was traumatized by the death of her father, me, and literally ripped a dozen New Jersey State Police Officers to shreds, at the home of one of them; and was sentenced to the Harborfields Detention Center, of Egg Harbor City, New Jersey, until her eighteenth birthday; but this was commuted to her sixteenth birthday after she invented the most incredible computer, where a type of humongous sized scanner-laser-printer allows things to be sent over the internet, literally turned into zeros and ones, just ten years or so before in this universe, a similar invention has made the news recently about a plastic gun, and all geeks know all about this, only this invention altered the entire civilization. Anyone who tells me I do not have the two most incredible daughters in the galaxy, does not fully understand me or my situation in five dimensions. All that said, nothing is of any real shock value. I TOLD YOU ALL, the stock market will not stop going higher and higher and higher, and this is precisely what it's doing, and will be doing for many years to come. What I have not told you is that complicated things can be manipulated in normal circumstances, by dream-control, all throughout much of the localized fifth dimensional hyperspace. I may have said this or that, and some tid bit; but I have never told you why I can make things spin around, or think about forward motion, and propel myself ahead in water, as Joan at HW Swim Club not only witnessed, but hopefully did not make any unpleasant donations to the swimming pool as a result, K-MART! I have a ton of other smelly things to talk about too folks. Much of it will be saved for other times. Mister Ortley, Mister Ortega, and Mister Burdick, are three characters from slightly more distant hyperspace universes, who I am in regular communications with, and only these three, but as things localize and come closer to our atomic frequency agreements here; there are a dozen or more characters of regular meeting. If a lady named Patricia Hollister in maiden name, had not worked along with my mother in this exact universe, back in the late sixties and early seventies, you are all clueless how powerfully different things would be here in this world right now and for an entire generation. First, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, both end up as small time executives at companies that went bust by the time they were 40, and neither man ever was so much as a millionaire, let alone, altered the world with all of this software. But so far I have not made things clear, and on purpose, as to why I am in so much trouble. This is because I fear telling this even though I will not be believed, your deeper unconsciousness folks, all know the same truths that I know on a conscious level, and things could get very hot for me if I say too much, no matter how many crack-pot lists and tin-foil hat lists, they endlessly keep me on, for sake of planetary agenda, of course. Unless you believe the real truth about Triple-Goddess, or Mother/ Daughter/ Electron, (MDE) you can pronounce this as MIDDIE; it is pointless to talk on much further. Only in a very very few parallel universes to this one, am I also destined in this exact persona as the me who I am awake and living in as Mark Wayne Mohr, has been contacted directly on this powerful a level, by Middie. Once this happens, two things are automatic. The actual illusion of time that you were to believe this single contact-point ever took place, is meaningless, and in reality, it runs from the second of birth to the second of death, illusions, but real to most hyperspace lower type exploratrons, most of you, in other words, very very very very Ingrid-83 most of you! When contact is a reality, all non contacted reality is estranged from you. This is the evil twin part of the contact. When this force comes around me as Lightning, all the birds observe this interaction between us, and they all know me and they really do follow me around and talk to me. I tuned out their actual words long ago, and just hear the twits and the tweets like all of you, but I could just as easily hear them, any time I wish to. Contact also does one more thing. It makes you a lot more user friendly and normally interactive with the nature forces all over, and this includes the forces that supposedly bind things all together, and fall into itself, as a result of a mind signal from a higher dimension than hyperspace, creating STM, but also, creating a person who can alter the direction of a 500 pound motor rotisserie in a diner, and move along in the water at an endlessly high speed until I would drown myself. My days of playing with all this shit are over since the world is so totally under continual visual observation, by all of us, peeps with all of their cellphones, Google Earth Satellite Systems, and on and on and on I could go. I really have no need going on any more right now, as any door that I open up from this point, leads into a minimum of tens of thousands of additional words just to scratch the fucking topic's surface, YO. There is no unsolved question or mystery, not the pyramids, not why we are here, not where the sky ends either grand-daddy. Still, I have indeed recently learned the full power of CONTACT. You CANNOT tell, you CANNOT prove, and it is all just as if there were a MOGOSP running on internet-2, 3, or 4; something none of you need to be remotely aware of right now, but these are channels of it when it is split into channels, where robotic and spam ops are not interrupted, so that MOGOSP can run successfully, and on these channels, using what is now considered as SPAM or robot-ops, would be for the most part meaningless, or as meaningless as knowing that most things don't matter one bit, as all things are rapped up in illusions, or less politely said; in lies.

When my dad talked about my future friend, David Roth, he said that we would meet at a mall kind of a place, and both be working there, and probably together. That too came to pass, with perfect accuracy, in November of 1985; with or without any cry's over Diana, or songs called, I'M CRIANA, copyrighted that year, MMCN, so laugh, moron!!! But did my dad ever discuss the dude I already met just less than a year back at the PCI? Sure he did, without my even saying BOO about him, he knew of him, but only in his, yes you guessed it, “PILLOW TALK”!!!!!!!!!!!!




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***Never risk follow the follow. ***


My Photo
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


{{{{{{(((('O-H***S-H-I-T'))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood:

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.






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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

If you have read this opening, feel free to skip this part.

FOLKS, AS I SAID TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE IN THE LATE EIGHTIES ON MY EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE. How can I possibly know when you are reading what I am writing? I AM not the great ISISCYLLA SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and never will be, sort of like my old pal David Charles Roth's only show in town. How he would always remind me, seemingly on a daily basis, that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is not the only show in town, nor will they ever be. I believe the tapes are somewhere available in the great Library of Congress, Copyright Office, in Washington, District of Columbia, a place may I add with a very liberated attitude where the age of sexual consent should be placed, and what is good for the lawmakers, is good for everyone else, and if that is not true, just exactly how have I misspelled America? XIII is the number by the way, such a tender age and how the perverts must wonder why this is not common knowledge and all move into our great capitol city, right Roy? I still cannot believe that you told me this, or that nobody seems to know it, know matter how I spread around what you said to me, old pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be the master sheet for PART 5 of MORIANITY.

You may skip through this by scrolling, any time, folks.

December 12, 2006

More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3)

Mark_from_njAt the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey.  Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations. 

Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently.  He was given a CD called "The Meaning of Life."  The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title.  He's really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark's side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day.  More importantly, he is insane.  Completely, violently insane. 

Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU's own Jason Forrest isn't clear.) 

Here then, are three selections from Mark's version of reality:

If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.

As Bob Chabot said in 1981, is there any excuse 4U? Signed, Da' Mountainpen.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA??????????????????????????




**W-Map, courtesy of CHANNEL 12 local South Florida TV.**

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Are you on this thing, BREAD and IF, OR 'as if', Doctor Garrigan???????????????????

      Photos of the Day

A beautiful shot of LUNA, also known as the moon, and 'Goddess Diana', by the Romans.

She is real folks, you will see when you're dead!



Atlantic County, New Jersey
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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!



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Diana, don't let me down, Moon Goddess. I will always love you, as Whit H. said!!!!!!


My toilet has been repaired for now. My dirt bag nabes across the hall come in yelling and slamming at 3 in the morning the past two days now, and within 20 minutes, roaching pop up, as if an army of them race out of their infested ghetto trash drug dealing apartment and over to my poor innocent unit.

I have totally removed all my social networking crap permanently off of the ninny-net internet. No more Facebook, no more Youtube, you will never be able to access my music ever again, HA-HA-HA. The hell with all of this evil sin cursed planet.

I am going to move back up to Jersey where I belong, and was forced to leave my only familiar surroundings and territory by that monster no good crummy family. I will be glad to be back in four seasons with a lot less heat, cheaper food prices by 40 percent, and having my old peeps back to help take care of me, against these horrible monster fucking TAWF WOMO enemies straight out of total hell. Nearly 4 years down here is quite long and enough and sufficient punishment, right Paula Belinda King Roofdog?

Well, if anyone wishes to make contact with me and the RPLDD CLUB, as has been the BURD DICK BRIDGE CASE for several nights now, here I go, to beddie fucking bye, so see you in my nightmares, dirtballs, if you dare want to mess with me. Do you really want a hurricane to take Florida completely to pieces, totally dwarfing old Andrew in 1992? WOW, how soon folks with power tend to forget that I too via Maggie, have plenty of power of my own, ya' jerk offs.

I can enjoy my own stuff, my formulas, my knowledge, my private music that was never appreciated or understood, and this world can go STRAIGHT INTO THE FIRES OF HELL AT C-SQ!

BYE-BYE 4 right now, miserable rotten Callio and TAWF CLAN!!!!





40 years ago it was 1973, and right around this time, in that year, I was attending a school at the Cherry Hill Mall, at the 1 Cherry Hill Building, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, AKA Raspberry Valley, in my so-called book of fiction from 1994, called, “The Permission Barrier”. The name of that school was not AKKI or ACI, as the cassette tapes dictated in my book, but was PCI, standing for the Professional Careers Institute, run by two fellows, Michael Tedesco and Peter Hasse, and who knows who else? In those days, I did not have 40 years in front of me already past, loaded and filled with enough stress and emotional damage to kill any normal hundred people ten times over. My mind was sharp, and not all broken and gone the way it is now as a result of four decades of pure freaking hell. Long story made short, this course was taught without instructors and professors until the very end where you went into a room the size of a home that contained an IBM-360 computer, where you then performed a few simple tasks, and received your degree as a programmer. I graduated with a B+ in just over half a year. Back then I could learn in this self taught type of way without any problem, this is not the case after the horrendous eighties did me totally in, at light speed cubed. If today was then, I would be on top of the world, but the largest word in the dictionary will always remain, the word, IF. Now, I am screwed. I can learn fine with a teacher and hands on instructions and some practice rote, but take that away, and I am just a dumb ass fucking retard, and on top of that, since meeting Jim Burr, at this computer school, and his putting me onto this SITUATION, that SOMETHING was against me and ruining my life, and even went further into the epitome of weird, telling me it all had something to do with my god dam fucking family, at the time, I thought this dude was a total nut job times a billion or two. He was correct all along, and now, I realize this was no random shit in 1994 that I joined the Haddonwood Swimming Club, or that I sent this book, TPB down to the US © Office on Halloween Day, 'look out there'. Still on top of these smaller mountains, I came to know in this year, that there was no longer so much as one millionth of one percent of doubt, and that all of this was no game, and that something from far beyond ORDINARY REALITY, indeed was messing with both me, my mother, and in ways I still do not know 100%, my family. The last two years of my mother's life, she existed in a semi waking and semi-sleeping state, and this condition of 'zombism' as I'll take the fucking liberty of now coining this word, like it or not; is known about by only a few top degreed Mason and Rosicrucian secret societies. Also, my friend Dave was a high degreed Mason, and snuck a secret chart out of his lodge one night early in the nineties, showing who I really am, and who my family really is, and I suppose, this is why a lot of fucking shit is so beyond believable all over the place, and thereby forces me to be placed on a very HEAVY-CRACK-POT-LIST, as without implementing this methodology of dealing with shit like this; the authorities would have to admit to the UFO situation, and all of the rest of EXPLORATRONIC REALITY. Folks, this ain't gonna' happen, as this world society is owned and controlled by real honest WORLD OWNERS, from where I carefully choose the words in my term of WOMO, World Owners, and MO standing for Milituforce Otammites, and Otammites standing for the root word OTAMM, made up by me in 1988, standing for the words, ORGANIZED TRASH AGAINST MARK MOHR! All of this is real, and disbelievers in my words can, and this is putting it purple chip politely folks; kiss my ass, and burn in hell. I KNOW WHAT I KNOW!

Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, there was about 3 or 4 hours of those assholes going in and out with their doors, but they did not slam them super loud, as only that one illegal fucking jerk off who is supposedly barred from coming here but that's a laugh, does this; and no one else. Still, they leave a code by using their door hang rug. The front side is an unmissable large lion, as in KING, that they put up as soon as they came into that apartment a few months after I moved in here and lost the other dude to them. During certain times, they turn this rug hang backwards to a blank side, and I cannot prove it, but common sense tells me it is some type of a code to their drug trafficking trade, that they are not in, or out of supply, or as Robert Andrews put it, down in Albert Pileggi's basement, on that night in June of 1975, “WHATEVER”!!!!!!!!!!!!

My toilet is acting up again, and if I cannot make it flow better, I'll have to call in a work order. I won't live in a stink box for anybody. In the old days, it was not just for the rich Kim Spoiled types, to have a heavy flowing water flush, we all had it, it was SLOP, as I call it, “Standard Lousy Operating Procedure”, for all of us in the USA to have the basic necessities in life. Now, because these bastard billionaire scum bag criminals, want to be so filthy rich; we all must suffer, so they can enjoy the Kardashian Dirtbag Silver Spoon in the Clit Syndrome. There is a slut that makes me sick to my stomach even more than the mighty horn blowing other land owner of the Atlantic City Karge World. Common sense tells anyone not lobotomized, this insane nonsense that jerk fucking off Ronald Reagan started with all this corporate Wall fucking Street greed, will eventually come to a disastrous fucking end, and only holy fucking hell knows how bad it will get first, before shit explodes into a real CSR, (Cosmic Septic Reality)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People like this make me violently ill, so don't worry about my sanity, worry about your sick world, as a dumb fool of two can see this is not going to be self sustainable, and before the end of this century, a completely different world will come to be. But before things get better, they normally get as worse as worse can possibly be, and I am just glad that I won't mother fucking be around to have to live in this rotten ass mess.

I will also have to have the Staples Guru back over this week. I am going to have this machine serviced and all the hacks and bugs removed. Any provable maliciousness, will be reported to the FBI, no matter what happens as a result. In any event, my wonderful awesome LIGHTNING came to see me around ten past one yesterday afternoon, and I need to tell her, THANK YOU DIANA, AND IWALU, no matter what you do to me TRIPLE GODDESS. When the next ten chapters come in, you will begin being taken through hypothetical stuff that must be written, TPB style, but you will get the mind freaking blow of your life, I promise!















As soon as I got off the telephone with my friend, Ann King Silva, I activated the computer to do this blog, and immediately realized that my settings again are all switched back to living on 36th Avenue, San Mateo, California, and the time reads accordingly. Let me now effect repairs for my true address of 601 Avenue B, here in Fort Pierce, Florida, and make my clock read nearly a quarter before three, not much earlier, on this freaking ass 'Monday-HELLIDAY-HOLIDAY' afternoon.

I've told Ann, all the shit that has been done to me recently by these enemies, as well as all of the many cousins, distant as they may be, of her very special and incredible family. She knows about the leaving of the Egg Harbor Township Library that day in the autumn in 2006 with Ed and myself, after my blogging that I'll be arriving on 10-SC Avenue shortly, in enemy-town Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and once there, good old non-fully-human ROBERT MCGUIRE, was right there around us in the shadows, TO GREET US, in a not so friendly way, ATLANTIC COUNTY PROSECUTOR, cousin of my Philadelphia Doctor of the nineteen-seventies, Edmund L. Housel, and brother of Elisa, Joe King's Fiance', Joe is the only son of Ann King. They will be working on getting me my copy back on my all ready paid for and totally legal website disc, the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, Google it up , folks, have a blast. If you come from the distant future, and are accessing this through the cosmanet system, using distance delay channels AX57 or AX592, type in as long as it is in the year of 2007 or the latter part of 2006. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Well, all night long, both of my GODESSESS interacted with me in wild and strange ways. Memories in this waking human realm right now, are blurry and fuzzy, to say the very least. Ann knows, and now remembers; seeing the pix on this MF website, and neither Ed nor myself, remembers a thing about McGuire sticking his ugly head in my automobile passenger side front window. Take a look, ACP Housel. We had no knowledge that this event ever took place at all, and were amazingly stymied and quite flabbergasted when we developed the film disc at the Eckert Pharmacy, and saw this for the freaking first time ourselves. If this is not a major THREAT TO THE NATIONAL SECURITY, a powerful clan walking around amongst us with this kind of power, and obviously not timid or shy about using their powers and abilities on both me, and any or all of my associates or friends; then I do not know what would be, MISTER TOM RIDGE, SIR!!!!!!! Then I told Ann all about the time in June of 1996 when I left my swim club in West Deptford, New Jersey, called the Haddonwood Swim and Health Club, that was owned and operated by MISTER TONY ZENUN; and how I proceeded to go to this psychic shop just down the road a mile or less, called “The Gathering Place”; and then that punk Nick took a hammer and ruined my hubcap on my Saturn Satan Automobile, cool combination, Satan wrecking a Saturn, hay, who knows; maybe a house divided against itself can stand up after-all.

Someone did a Golden Nugget Triple-A Auto Club on me yesterday, calling in a fake maintenance report, saying my door to my apartment is broken, causing the maintenance peeps to knock early, and awaken me for nothing; when there was nothing whatsoever wrong with my door. Someday, when I know who is doing this, I will sample your voice; and you will be paid a personal visit from Tom Ridge, and the boys from Homeland Security. As I said, I only wish I could sing like that shit up on U-Tube. Computers can indeed come in quite handy. I think it was done better than 1980, and am wondering if artists still share the disdain for technology that the great Donna Gaines Summer did when I admitted to her that I used it back then.

Fire alarms are hell in public housing buildings. At all times, I need to be ready to put in my earplugs, and even then, slip on a pair of headset phones over even this, to avoid going totally ass deaf from the shrill sound. It lasts until the Fire Department can arrive, and determine the apartment number where the smoke alarm went off; and only they can then proceed to terminate this gods awful piercing sound that in my opinion poses a health hazard to the hearing (OF), and not twice fucking hacked “ODF” the residents, but this is none of my business. I am in here saving money, so I can return to New Jersey, and my friend Ann King; and be back amongst peeps who care about me. I need extra money, so I can move all my personal belongings into storage up there, and secure a place to reside. I hope it may be one of many homes, owned and rented out by the infamous and eminent Judge Frank Rasso. The day that I moved in here, and had to get up and work very hard the next day, over at the HARVEST, ; three, count them Lex Luther Supershit; 3 fire alarms went off, late afternoon, and then the sleep destroying other two, one happening past midnight, and the final one around just shy of six in the fucking ass moUUUUUUUrning!!!!! Any fucking cunt eating time that peeps wanna' make my fucking pathetic twisted ass life nothing but a totally endless, never stopping nightmare hot fire breathing hell; they have a million various ways of covertly fucking pulling off a string of different shit ass things, and never ever be recognized or caught, for what they really are doing; and that of course is, killing me, year after year; every night and day, decade after decade; wrecking and obliterating my entire life, for reasons that these sick twat-lappers only know and understand.

I want to make sure that GODDESS SCYLLA KNOWS that I do not hold her family against her, for any of this; and all though we both were set up on that night of Saturday the second of August, nearly 25 years ago, I really will always remember in some hazy way, despite McGuire and Rogers 'Milk of Amnesia' (L&O) strobing hypnotic powers; the fun we had for an hour, and I would do it all over again, accept for the part of giving you a fake phone number, and ripping up yours, I am so sorry. You would have been worth Rikers Island, and you can tell Paula King the great TYPE-3 Exploratron, I said so. Nobody is perfect, right Bruce Pennock?, Vance Grody street addresses all notwithstanding, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I've had issues with many members of your distant clan, Ann, but you are my best friend. I know that your late daughter, Dawn-Marie, forced you to write me that note, back in 2010.

Eric, I know you too, have been placed under some type of extreme pressure, to hurt me the way you have done. This is why I totally know that Christianity is fake and phony, MISTER POPE. If a consistent pattern over nearly six decades of time now, proves beyond any shadow of doubt, that this thing that is against me, is much stronger than your so called 'GOD', by the way that you see things; then I will go with what my five senses perceive every time. I will not deny reality, just because it can indeed become way to ugly to stare down, and face many times; and I will still not deny its existence, nor its truths. It is all nothing but a gigantic humongous hoax that has lasted for thousands of mother fucking years now. Someday soon, MORIANITY will bring the OZ-CURTAINS down on all of this, and the world will simply have to awaken at this point, to truth and enlightenment.

Yes, 42 years ago, I was walking down the great mighty Tennessee Avenue of Atlantic City, and Sarah was right there with Nina and Paula, and a car came down from Pacific Avenue, towards the boardwalk, and stopped outside the shop of the great Karge. I still can hear you so loud and clear, hollering into the car window, right there outside the doorway into McGuire's BOTBAR bar and Pittsburgh Hotel, “YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN THE SHOP”. Some things just cannot be forgotten, even with a gallon of Doctor Rogers Nasal Spray shots of Propophol, or MOA.

Lots of planes are flying around, and have been. Yesterday, I was driving over to the old place to finish the little shit up, and somebody removed all of the carts, and the dollies; and I had to kill myself; getting lots of small, but heavy shit up to my fucking #607 apartment. The same fucking chopper that is stalking me fucking illegally, and has been for 25 years or so; again, was in front of me, while I was fucking driving down good old Orange Avenue, around 2-2:30 yesterday; towards my old residence.

It is only a matter of time before this WOMO scum twisted evil fucking demonic despicable enemy loses completely, and this is all over. Someday, I have to fucking die, and then you cannot fucking hurt me ever again, HA-HA. If this happens, then fine; but the other possibility is, that you are gonna' be found out and caught, no matter how mother fucking clever and all mighty powerful that you may think that you all are out here, mother fucking jerk offs! Maybe I should lower my major cussing level. After-all, as the blogs of October 5th of 2008 state, I am not 'standing at the foot of the stairs', am I right MO'-------NICK???????????? Maybe we should all click onto and then we can all go WOW, or maybe just WHAAAAAAAAAAA.

Yes, hopefully MI, you have forgiven me for 1986. It is me who cannot ever forgive myself for letting things turn out the way it all did, losing you for a second time. I cry myself to sleep every single night, ask Diana. Still, through STM, I saw and knew all of this back on the prior PITSY year of 1994. You know about it, you even agreed that I was “That-Boy”, and until your parents came along down the beach and wrecked everything, I was happy for the first time in my life. I was the age in this interaction of waking mind, that you are now, today. I told you, and I meant it, and still do, “Have a nice life”. How Hollywood can live with themselves for capitalizing on my agony, and endless tears; is absolutely incomprehensible, unthinkable, totally deplorable, and completely abominable.

Bon Jovi's cousin sent me a note saying, “Mission accomplished, BRO”. I am not sure what he meant or means, and am still studying the situation. Sorry things fucked up with your cousin, but as I'm quite sure that you know my friend, once they stop pumping gas, and go onto make it into the big time, they'll turn on you. That is merely the freaking story of life in this wovewee ol' world, there maitee. In the parallel universe where I now am typing this re-post folks, this never even happened. The only thing that actually happened since the last time my WOMO enemies murdered me and the WL retraced me, is still in the future as of this blog's time, and that is Tony Bon recognizing a tune from 1983 that has not even been taken to the studio yet, talk about time frikkin manipulation, golly gash darn shit your pants and WOW.

LSS, I tried to put all of us out of our misery, and it didn't work. But I haven't given up yet, so don't anybody count me out. As Jack McCoy on the “L&O” television show would put this so perfectly and eloquently, “I still have one more at-bats, so don't count me out”




5555555555555555555555555555555555555. This will compensate for fucking page eleven of eleven, you disease weeds from 20 years ago in Atlanta. Georgia.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA??????????????????????????




**W-Map, courtesy of CHANNEL 12 local South Florida TV.**

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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!


SOMEONE WILL NOT GIVE ME A MOMENT'S PEACE, AND WE ALL MOTHER FUCKING KNOW WHO THIS IS, DON'T WE, CUNT LAPPING AGENTS, CONDOR AND FALCON, OF THE 1988 UFO THE COVER UP DOCUMENTARY, ON NEW YORK, NY, CHANNEL 11 TELEVISION, WPIX????????? And I know who they are. They are TYPE THREE EXPLORATRONS, and yes, time travelers is another way for you to see this truth if you are not reading on my mother fucking dick chewing ass level yet, dudes and duddesses, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that mouth!!!!!!!


DIANA ARTEEMIS, MY BABY-BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I ran into '10 grand Joe Supersecrets' today, with the special bicycle battery of the Melanie and many other high-notes clubs of Planet Earth. He was in school with me, and we were studying Advanced Robotics. Naturally, this was in hyperspace, or you mortal worlders would say it more like, “Mark, you ass hole, you mean you had this powerful dream last night”, OYR, whateverrrr. I am going to make hyperspace, and parallel universe reality believers, out of some of you if it takes me five hundred thousand Lieutenant Ouhora-Trek years. Well, I was in a computer class today at the Fort Pierce, Florida, Harvest, whose website internet address can be accessed as follows: , when suddenly this evil horrid man, assaulted me out of the blue. Now people are beginning to know, and believe. Still, you are all clueless to many things, such as why I am getting totally mother fucking hammered and pummeled this entire mother fucking week peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! The attack was totally unprovoked. I was only sitting in a chair, and quietly talking to my friend who we will just call, Delilah for sake of secrecy, and safety, and closets in general. I'll fucking give Dawn-Marie King big-time unlimited credit for one thing, and that is that she did not think that her sexual molestation by her no good rotten fucking father back in 1972, was one bit funny. BOOM-BOOM-BOOM, are powerful ass fucking nerves being funny boned here, YO??????? Let me discuss this powerful nightmare last night that woke me with a super ass bang, thanks to my beautiful and wonderful mother fucking alarm clock at precisely half past eight, giving me the needed time to shower, dress, and drive four blocks to my job; taking only one or two minutes time, where I work the 9-3 shift on Mondays, Tuesdays, and fucking ass Wednesdays.

Chemtrail and plane aerial assault, has been TOTAL fucking murder all week fucking long, with this fucking hockey hickey (LING-LONG-FONDA-MONSTER-SLAPPER) playoff shit, that I have had to deal with ever since the 15th day of cunt eating August, in the demonic and Satanic year of 1986; and has been told and blogged out to the public world now, for about six straight fucking consecutive ass years, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will freaking be undoubtedly told again and again and again; and a lot more than seventeen ripped off times, BRAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So are we going out tonight, Shaniah, you miserable whore?

All week ling, Henry Barbara Thirteen Angry-Men, I've been destroyed, and it is only a mother fucking matter of time before M---AGNESONI---C scans, and avenges my hellish miseries being perpetrated upon me by quintessential scoundrels, and total ass scum, YO!!!!!!! Don't fucking believe me, but when Planet Earth gets wiped, don't say I didn't fucking warn everybody, Agent Caruso. I have tried to get this shit against me stopped for decades now FBI, and you did nothing but 'BACK-BURNER' me to death, YO, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew that things were destined to be off the scale putrid, and monstrously horrific for me, after my coming out of that wild interaction at half past eight this moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning. I am not as stupid as peeps would hope I am, or believe, in their rash fallible total ignorance, peeps. LSS, I was in this robotics class, and Nick Cannon walked in with a group of women, all dressed very strangely. They wanted to know all of the details about something that Joe and I had just finished making in this classroom-lab of a sort. I began telling them what they wanted to know, and Joe suddenly stood up and yelled at me at the top of his lings, which I never ever saw him do in 'waking-life' at the Harvest before he was canned, or 'plipped' as they say 100 years from now, “pink-slipped”, without cause; some time back, and it is all on my blogs from last summer time, BRRRR! Just what significance these strangely dressed ladies had, I do not yet know, but they, along with 'Road Time Trip Man' all sort of ended up in the background more and more, as this interaction progressed. Mariah Carey was singing a beautiful song, that I have never heard before throughout all of infinity, and it was so beautiful, and like she was so famous for in the nineties for doing, it has many octaves, and her heavenly voice was beyond outstanding and divine. When she finished the song, she walked over to my seat in this school-lab, and grabbed the thing that Joe hollered at me not to let anyone look at or touch. Naturally, we all were so totally ass spellbound by her music, and her song, and her ultra fantastic voice; that nobody could even move. She smiled down at me in my seat, while holding this wild looking small, but seemingly heavy gadget. As she kept holding onto it, it began to pulsate, and make bright strobing colors. Then she sat it down on my desk, that was twice the size of a normal desk one might expect to see in a classroom at a college or a high school, and Joe jumped away faster than Britney's grandfather warped out of my home in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, USAESMWG, that day in the early nineteen-nineties. Then Mariah re-sang her super lovely song to me, and it made me cry like a little baby, because she sounded so totally fantastic, and the song was so totally ass wonderful; and with such a surreal and unfathomable ten octave vocal range with her full voice, which should be a physical world impossibility. Then everyone was suddenly just gone, while I sat there dumbfounded. The strange gadget was gone as well, and I thought that maybe, just as with the cassette tape back in 1986 in this part of the hyperspace, in Manhattan; that she had taken it, and who knows if indeed she did or not. I know that she lifted the cassette tape, after singing a song on it, along with the song that was playing on my car stereo.

Then came the alarm clock, the sky attack, and also the physical health attack, which resulted from so many poisonous chemtrailing vapors. Just GOOGLE UP the great 'SKYWITNESS' on the freaking great U-TUBE, and so many other chemtrial reports on this fantastic site. Don't listen to me. It all is right up there, and has all been fully exposed; and still we all go right on dying from these toxic poisons, and no one appears to have the fucking balls to do anything to stop them, “legally of course”, AS THESE BLOGS DO NOT EVER ACT TO PROMOTE ANY SORT OF VIOLENCE, OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, YO!!!!

The man who attacked me in class today, and what happened just a few hours earlier in a parallel universe, is all connected up. Only the great fucking PAULA KING knows exactly how. I will be leaving this hot hell called Florida very soon, and returning home. Dawn is no longer able to get at me in the physical world up there. I have made peace with the rest of the family, well, many of them. Many of them are and will be hopeless, that is quite obvious. I knew that deep inside my soul on that day at the beach, when Levy brought 100 of his cousins there, and scared away the normal crowd. I was not intimidated. I let one of the dudes help me feed the seagulls, and had a nice friendly talk. Still, the girl that ended my beach going days for a few years, caused quite a temporary bear in the New York financial systems in the not too distant future. Still, as long and ling as they have me to fucking mess with and hurt, they never ever will lose. They will just go on endlessly, and relentlessly, fucking gaining and winning their cheated points of power, and forever screwing the poor peeps into endless hellish poverty and woe. This nation makes me sick to my mother fucking ass stomach, and so do all wealthy dirt bag fucking peeps.

GINA, JUST AS YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD PIN ME IN ONE SECOND IN THAT ARM WRESTLE, AND DID, YOU SUPER LOVELY TALL INCREDIBLE POWERFUL BEAUTIFUL LONG DARK HAIRED LUSCIOUS FREAKING YOUNG BEAUTY QUEEN, IN 1998; I NOW TELL THIS WORLD, THAT AS LONG AS THEY HAVE ME TO HURT, MARKET UP/UP/UP/UP/UP, AND FLYERS ROTTEN SINGERS CLUB HOCKEY WINS/WINS/WINS/WINS/WINS/ AND WINS!!!!!!!!!!! How I'll endlessly remember the nightmare days of enduring that horrible rotten fucking singer that promoted those cheating filthy dirty mobbed up Philadelphia Flyers, and scum bag dirt ball diseased twisted evil demonic Ed Snyder, with that totally awful shitty promotion on Philly-57 television, and the way his horrendous rotten voice sang those words, “Flyers Hockey, on Philly-fifty-seven”, just thinking about it, I swear to the gods, I am growing totally fucking nauseous right now, this very fucking ass minute, YO!!!!!

If these fucking jerk offs won't stop this attack, and break off this mother fucking shit that has been strong and beyond hell all week fucking long, someone powerful will be dead in 48 mother fucking hours, so watch the news, and then see if this breaks off by what happens, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing I totally fucking ass know, and that is that some force out here wants with all of their heart and soul, for me to fucking discuss in detail, some powerful shit in both the years of 1972, as well as 1975; involving the All Mighty Goddess of this Universe and Multiverse, and I WILL NOT BETRAY MY FREAKING TEEN-QUEEN, NOT FOR ANYBODY; so go screw your mothers, you diseased piles of puke!!! You won't get these secrets out of me, you mother fucking shit heads, so you may as well just give up!!!!!!!


Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.


My Photo
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.






Only the opening title words are real.



I'm so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new

Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few

Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew

We're down and out, and we will even go to work for you

You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two

I am so weak and faint and do not wanna' be so blue

While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe

Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you

We'll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew

But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say

I've been working hard out in the sun all day

And I'm not giving any freaking fish away


So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea

And when you're done your song of woe, that you have sung to me

Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty

And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me

And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish

You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch

I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled

So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed

Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled

People say I'm cold and cruel, on every single day

But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay

So I'm not giving any of my fish away


They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand

And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand

Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died

The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried

And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned

Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound

Just another bucket and, then he'll have caught his fill

A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill

The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again

Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben

I've been working hard out in the sun all day

So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay

And I'm not giving any of my fish away


You'll be crossing over, later wishing you'd been nicer

You'll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer

You'll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they're talking

You'll be crossing over, and you'll have to keep on walking

You'll be crossing over, watching all the others eating

Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating

Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate

You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate

You'll be crossing over, and you'll be a lonesome rover

Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say

That you've been working hard out in the sun all day

Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay

So you're not giving any of your fish away


Sharkey says, 'HEY GIRL', Leticia Tilley, oh and also,

tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???

Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth. So here we go.


AUUCH, HEINZ GOTTWALD, say what Aunt Ruth?







TRACK ALONG WITH: Only the opening title words are real.



**********WHERE ELSE, H------E------L------L**********


A child knows that a lot of stuff can be learned by visiting my Youtube site, that will remain for now and a little while longer, but not endlessly. It will all come down when Morianity has completed, and I alone know that time, as well as all of the other parts of me that are not me directly. Click below, YO!!


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On Blogger since January 2006
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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
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||CALENDAR FOR '69-'70||

JULY 1969

S. M. T. W. T. F. S.


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MARCH 1970

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The hacking update is as follows: Right after I blocked the lower right of my screen with a little 2X2 inch screen blocker, somewhere in-between that point and the time I went to post the last blog, they hacked into the clock time system, and changed it to the opposite meridian, making it PM when it was AM, and I know of no way of changing it back other than for setting the fucking hour to maximum, the good old number Jane Diseaseweeds Miss-Bitch ''11'', and when the minutes swing around, then I can set it to the correct meridian by upping the switch in the control panel. They still are hacking, as I no sooner started this paragraph, when the light bulb shit began, so again, until it is time for me to post up, I will block this latest mother fucking major ass annoyance. You know peeps, these cunt sniffing garbage chewers have nothing better to do with their lives than to mess with me now for about 30-50 years, and this tells you and me two huge fucking things about this group I sometimes refer to as just 'them' and more often, to the name of, WOMO-MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I am not able to access my 'Weather Bug App', unless I RED-X Hendershodt out of half a dozen or more continual popping up error screens that instantly come on, both in the beginning as well as any time that I click onto the various parts of the APP, shown in rectangles on the far left side.

Here I am a total little nobody, yet someone out here with a great deal of mother fucking twat huffing power, has nothing better to do than to make my life as miserable as they possibly fucking can, day after Bob Barker day, week after Bob Barker week, month after Bob Barker month, year after Bob Barker year, century after Bob Barker century, and millennium after Bob Barker millennium. I quote this great man, who used to be the host of the famous great pricing television show, before the mighty Drew Carey took it over; during a time of many many many many wild BLUCRAN alterations, all over the entire universe, or so it seems; to observant whittle me aniwho, MCMCAAONMC!!! WOW, what a long ass memory, sheeeeeeeeeeit, and also in this particular case, I know how to click onto my own blogs, and then click onto the section that says 'MY BLOGS', where all of my old blogs show up; and then like DUH; I can click and read, but here is what a lot of you bible thumper arrogant bastards are so totally fucking unaware of, and all I wanna' do is teach you something, and you wanna' tell me Ima jit bag who's going to fucking eternal hell. Well, you're fucking half right, as somewhere somehow, in-between 1982 and 1986, my conscious illusion in Space Time Mind (STM) 'realized' that I was there, and as I learned from a very wild mysterious dude back at age nineteen and a fucking half in the scummer-time of 1974, in where gods-dam else, but Atlantic City, New Jersey; that all time is one time, and it is only there in MIND, and once you're here, you've always been here and will always be here, since in truth you simply exist, and time is not real, other than to us in a dreaming-hyperspace interaction in five dimensions, but not on the Astral-Plane or the Void-Infinity where it all simply JUST IS, AND EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So let's get to teaching those who love to just let the spirit lead, and open randomly up to some place in scripture. Folks, I hate to tell something that All Mighty Sarah Krassle may not really want you to know, nut here goes, besides all of the effects of chemtrails, or really JET FUEL. The less powerful secret is that there is no magic in the bible, that makes this great manual of life instruction, one bit different from any other lengthy literary work, in so far as thinking you can say some prayer to any cosmic force, and have a message perfectly revealed to you through a random draw, or an opening to a page. Morianity, Christianity, and 'anyanity', or anything at all; will produce these exact same results, and in fact good folks; gimme' a break willya Marge Leo from 1985, this cosmos is begging to communicate with its lower life self, as us Earthling biological beings, who are all so deep asleep, in the dreams of fifth dimensional hyperspace. Morianity has made no bones about this since it began early in 2006, and still does not. There is no random, everything is non-random, but the patterns are so complex, it produces an illusion. Just as so many mirages exist, on hot summer days on blacktop paved roads to strobing lights of the Shadow Monster Bad-Lighters Club, of the ENY-ENEMY New Jersey license plate folks, of the last years of the good old nineteen fucking eighties; in or out of gated housing communities of the future, guarded by us lowly security guards, in the case here; the heart attack death strobe of late 1988, at Raynard Run, of Mount Honda 'don't like it', Laurel. Where is the Copyright Office going to bat for a person, when you need them, great wonderful awesome daut???????????? I could begin with the LOST LOVE thievery, MISTER Lenny McKinnon and work my way through Mister Brown the coke-head, but there is no need, as we all know I cannot fight the owners and the MAS of this ugly rotten planet. That's been tried, and it is a lost mother fucking cause, YO DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you the Mayor was 'shady', lovely and powerful Jennifer, water lifter!

Still, which MAYOR, at this point, but then, this dovetails and segways right directly back to our point that holy scripture is no more magical than any long literary work, in so far as playing a game called, NO SARAH, not that game on Pearl Harbor Day, W—O—W, but the game called, I AM ASKING AND KNOCKING, SO TELL AND OPEN. This game, unlike the first game that is just between the great All mighty Teen-queen Goddess of your universe folks, that is private between just us or was until I shone a huge strobelight on it called the interconnecting network computer system of Albert Gore and his pals; aniwho, this one is written clearly about in just about every American home, you all have copies of game number 2, as shown in red highlighting and black lettering, Joann. Yes people, I simply, whether you wish to believe I'm lying to you 'OR NAUT', Miss AT&T Blake from late spring-time-1983; and whether or not the great hotel and video land owners want to give me any grief on this subject or NAUT; but yes; I merely took my own stuff at random, nothing was behind it, and look how it fitted into a perfect place with the current shit being told and talked about at current time morianity. I don't just mean this recent chapter number 220 of Safe Journal. I have been doing this all year long, in case all of you have been too busy listening to Lady Gawky at 135 decibels, and rattling your gray matter apart. Morianity and the real message, is not even begun yet, even though I could have ended it all after three or four years. If that's not the quintessential conundrum of philosophical bullshit at C-Squared, what is?

I know I am not always right about everything, and who is? Still, as for this recent BLUCRAN with the FOLLOW THE FOLLOW on the stock market going totally south, this is just done by the WORLD OWNERS, to kill my mother fucking credibility. One thing that won't happen that kills my credibility, IT WON'T GO DOWN, IT WILL JUST KEEP GOING HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER, and this I TOL YO ALL SO, and still fucking TELL YOU ALL SO, so mark it down, not market-down, and mark my words, as I told you it will be 25,000 basis points by the end of the year and 50,000 basis points by 2015, and this is exactly where the fucking cock sucking DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES will be, at these times, and YOU WILL ALL SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then go ahead and laugh all you want to at little nobody shit eating me, good folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I cannot make you believe one thing I say to you, but in my head right now, is SAFE JOURNAL chapter number 333, and so we are going to click on it and then cut and paste this into this present blog, or I am really, AHA AHA AHA, Mister McNulty!




This is an addition that will be re-posted at for now, later hopefully, the entire blog will post for the first time at wordpress blog site, it seems to be either legitimately down, or else it is being, or I am being hacked out, either or. Anytime that I try a post up within 5 minutes of Wall Street's closing hell fucking bell, I run the risk, how I remember my daughter's freaking 39th birthday, it is all up on the blogs folks, doghouses and all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since this is a new blog on on a new URL that is the same as the old one except that it contains the unbroken letters of 'continues', this blog will post up, followed by two powerful ones that have a lot to do with my present time circumstances, as well as things spoken on this blog, so read this blog and read the two that follow it, carefully, GOOGLE and the powerful WOMO Fortune-500 all totally know what's mother fucking going on, they and their Satanic Bohemian Club are all an evil and integral part of it, after freaking all.

My dirt bag piece of shit neighbor next door is PERSECUTING AND HARASSING ME. All day long and every day again. He waits for me to pass his door when I come home tired from work, and as soon as I get inside my apartment, BOOM, a million watts of sub-woofers strike my poor pathetic walls. He started attacking me this morning. I live with total sick demonic whack jobs, and am looking to get out of here as soon as possible, and my letter to the Attorney General is now in the mail, because laws are broken, my lease promises me some degree of living in my apartment. This death siege on me is unrelenting, it never stops, and it is worse than any mother fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire mother fucking cunt eating cock chewing fucking ass life.

Very soon, I promise this world one thing. Huge fantastic covered lids will be blown off of Atlantic City and its multiple gigantic cover ups and corruptions. Only what has been done to me will be discussed, I do not care one bit if somebody is not trying to wipe me out. Speaking of wiping out, until the world is struck with huge devastating destructive damage via Magnesonic, this will go on and on without any fucking let up. All it takes is for me to go somewhere in a parallel universe, come back here, and then electronically recreate that item. Last April, many of you know that I took a song that was sung to me in a parallel universe, discussed often in my summer time of 2008 blogs back in New Jersey; and went to a studio in PSLFLUSAESMWG, and had it done as close to the way I remembered it from this powerful 1997 “DREAM”. Dreaming is no more than the natural exploration of the parallel universes of 5th dimensional hyperspace. Even though I sampled my own voice and had the machine sing the song, since the CHEMTRAILS wiped out my singing voice completely, which in my case is a favor to the world but that's neither hair nor there, huh DAG; but even with this not being exactly the way it was in the 'dream', doing it as close to the way it was done in the dream, and using the world of electronics, since electrons are 5th dimensional subatomic particles totally not understood in 2012; I was able to cause a terrible outbreak of American twisters, plus a lot of other monster ass weather all over the place. This backed shit off for me enough to get me out of the hoods of 26th Street, and into the hoods of Lowlifeville of 7th Avenue. Anyone with no consideration about annoying their neighbors, is low life, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, or any other categorical possibility. Soon, I may do the unthinkable, and have Scylla sing the song, 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS', digitally of course and sampled of course; 1980 all over again, right time traveling great Copyright Office? Well you always wanted to know, MR. TRUMP; if I could get my kid at age sixteen, and bring her to your rotten Plaza Casino back in 'oh-nine. With a little increase in speed, voices go to the ages that they were when we were younger, because the human larynx slows down from the second we are born all throughout our lives, and all voices slowly deepen. I do not know if I want to go that far, but if I do, and post it onto my U-T Account, the world most likely will go to at least having many many 1980 Mount Saint Helen reenactments. Don't be too quick to think this is all a fucking joke folks. Just give Steve Hawking a chance to examine my words carefully, and then you'll get your socks, shoes, and all the gold in fort Knox, blown up your ass holes, YO. Later on, I'll tell huge shit about how to become a major player in the worlds of the exploratron. For right now, GOOGLE up GAWNUM, GOOGLE up FASCITAR, and if you are reading this in 2089 or further out via lunar satellite time delay attachment field systems, tune back into 2007 internet, and GOOGLE up the website. Do not look for me any longer where I work at the harvest folks, it has all been sanitized over since I shot off my mouth.

This fucking cunt world is really asking for shit, from here all the way to the Grant avenue exit off of 95, right Jessica, my beautiful boss?


This is a further addition and insertion at 3:58 in the afternoon, here on the east mother fucking coast of America; on one of the worst siege days in many years for fucking ass pathetic me. I cannot post up to the website that I blog onto, as I get an 'OOPS' sign, instead of the normal post pages. We will try later on, as I now will counterstrike this evil empire in another huge ass fucking way. Now you'll get oops signs when you try and go to any of my YOUTUBE old sites!!!!!

Good moanin' folks. I am totally hacked and will most likely be throwing away this computer. You see a lot of shit on fucking television about services that can help you, for a price naturally, but I do not think it is going to help, I may try and I may not. Right now, the newest hack is this stupid fucking light bulb that appears at the bottom right of my screen and will not go away unless you ignore it each time and stop clicking onto it, some sort of word program bullshit, but it should not be self activating over and over. Ever since mother fucking one week ago, as you all remember I am quite sure, two Thursdays now, or for 8 days straight, I have been under a non-stop hell and siege. Fire alarms every single day, as many as three times in one day, and this has never happened before. Before I get rid of this machine, I will bring the Staples Store guru over again, another 100 bucks; but I have no choice. As for the light bulb hack, I have made a thick cardboard cut out 2 by 2 inches, and rolled a piece of black electrical tape up, and have affixed this to block out this annoying fucking pop up, and it did me a favor, as now; I will not see the fucking clock be hacked any more, or get fucked by seeing ones and Jane slime-ball-bitch Notfondauu. So thank you, 'mother fuckers', good or bad names, and hoods!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You want real fucking war with me, you god dam mother fucking slime bag cock suckers, and you will have one. I will tell the maybe three or four peeps out here who are real folks, and not OTAMM enemies, some real heavy truths; and if you do not spread it around the internet, you are doing a real disfavor to lots of good honest folks, who still believe in pixie dust, Irish Lep-Magic, and Santa Fucking Claus!!!!!!! This will be a little rat-tat-telling of some nasty secrets that they don't want fucking told, and you better bet and know, Mister Ward Cleaver and others, that I have nothing to gain by misleading any of you. In fact, I just want to fucking bring you all a tiny tad morsel of electronic education, if you'll Uncle-Heinz-Gozzwald permit me, camera and all, and yes wow, from December of 1972, so let us all be dammed, speaking of fucking Beaver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of us have tried reading several or maybe quite a lot of the world famous “Books 4 dummies”, on every conceivable subject I believe nowadays, from internet, youtube, the PC, to how to properly blow your nose or fart through a hose, Mister John Late King Roofdog Phonydauts. Shall we begin, oh lovely ladies and gentlemen:

We are going to begin this discourse with my telling you a nasty truth, that dumb little me knows to be true, and if I am ever believed; there will be an extinction of a recently new term used every day now, that has nothing to do with illness and disease, as it once was limited to, and still should be; and that would be something ''going viral''. The sad truth folks is this is a huge hoax and I will explain the entire thing to all of you who do not know, and those who do know, are hating my guts for attempting to blow away this little fucking stupid fantasy; and that is all that it is. Once upon a time, recording artists would sell vinyl records and cassette tapes and even 8-track tapes, but all that aside in the pre-digital age of electronic dinosaurs; this is a simple truth that is ugly, especially for peeps like me, who have made enemies for whatever the reasons may be, and lots of you without even knowing it are on the same lists I am on; and this is why your life, hard as you may try; is going no place, and you are miserable; ball bust 24-7 as you may endlessly keep trying, in vane. Let me use the old music world days just so I can build this ugly monster and show you how it all works. Don't think this blog will not be re-posted 4 or 5 times every single month, as I plan to tell this story until SOME WORLD POWER SUCCESSFULLY SHUTS ME FUCKING UP, AND THEY WILL, eventually; but that is then, and this is now. Rather than try and tell complicated way out nutty sounding unbelievable fish tale truths about things on a big ass fucking scientific Einsteinian level, we will now be concentrating here in Morianity, on just the exact opposite. I am going to really keep trying harder and harder, to talk third grade, as I am slowly coming to realize my words are being interpreted, based on my concepts of things, THIRD GRADE, no offense.

When a recording artist sells half a million records, be it old days vinyl or today's CD, it was and maybe still is, called silver sales. One million is gold, two million is platinum, and when some great project sells past the 4 or the 6 mega stage, they called it and perhaps still do, double or triple platinum. If you think that any kind of randomness was behind these large volume success stories and high volume sales, you would be wrong. Also, to assume talent is the only factor involved, is a laugh nine hours long. Same would apply to any other single thing. Numerous things all connect and commingle together, and naturally, in order to sell any product, there must be a world or at least a national level agreement, that what someone is trying to sell, is popular and pleasing, as it is no easy task for anyone to separate another from their hard earned money, you must exchange something that is desired, or said maybe another quick way, is popular. All the talent in the world by itself is nothing, and all the promotion in the world is nothing; so you need to have a pleasing product to be considered popular, and then you need money behind you to push that product, or you could be selling eternal life for three dollars, and you will get nowhere. Now I could get all complicated as to how things work in any selling industry, and although I possess no degree in marketing, I did sales work, I worked in the music business, and I do have a basic knowledge of many things, including well hidden secrets. I told a long time ago about the 'producer button' on the old recording machines, and if you think that was my only secret, you can be quite free to rethink that all you wish, as you'd be in the right. I know way too much for my own good, and that stays there.

Now we will bring into this mix, the computer age, and the great social media of the twenty-first century. We could be all night long talking about the most basic fucking shit, good people. Let me skip to Youtube, and viral videos; because I am about as sick and tired as one can get, of hearing about these so-called nonsensical things, I could expel poison sumac weeds right through my walls. There are three kinds of videos anyone can post on the social media site Youtube, or any other type of site, and there are others less known. One is a low volume unpopular video. One is a viral video. One is a payola video. This is powerful truth that needs to be more carefully explained. You open up a Youtube Account, create a page, and start posting videos. You will never be anything other than a low volume unpopular video, I do not care if you post a video that when you click on it, Blue Eyes himself, pops out of the screen, materializes in your room; and sings, “Fly Me To The Moon”, in full real life drama; then vanishes back into the video at the end, and it closes out like any normal video. This may be a slight exaggeration, but I need to get loud and dirty and come full power; or no one wants to even fucking listen to anything I ever tell. On the other hand, it could be a 20 second clip of turning on your cellphone and recording yourself hanging from a chandelier, and singing a song called, “I'm Hanging Around 4U”, all out of tune, and it goes 'viral'. Nothing GOES viral. If CNN, or a large music or movie studio, or a large press outlet, randomly decides to promote you; after accidentally falling onto your post, like a lottery winner picking the correct number; 'THAT', is what virals the video, and if you all don't wanna' believe me, FINE, stay fucking stupid. Now you can PAY. You go to Google and do one of two things. You can use this AD-WORD stuff and you will pay a minimum of 25 dollars per day, and they will 'feature' your video from time to time, depending on the size of your account 'how much MONEY' that you wish to pay them. Also, you can go to GOOGLE SEARCH, and type in this short little phrase, YOUTUBE VIEWS. These are the networking systems that legally have programmed networking systems that are not robotic, that can deliver bulk amounts of views, as well as comments, subscriptions, and like/dislike displays, the whole fucking 9 yards. Word Spell Checker is too stupid, to properly show me how to fucking spell the word that sounds like a Mexican Pizza. It is really a worthless fucking hunk of junk these days for me, unless I am just getting more fucking hacking, which could be totally the case here, good folks! For fifteen dollars, I bought one 5-K package of views on my 'YBCO' song. The extra views are nothing more than them going out of their way, to be clever and tricky; to make me think, and falsely believe, that anyone could care less about my videos; and hope I will buy another 5000. I will not. So let us go over this again. You can buy-fake the count, you can accept that just your friends are going to look at your stuff, if you're lucky, and then you can be the lottery winner. People win the fucking powerball, or mega jackpot lottery, every single week, and month; somewhere. This means, you were randomly viewed by someone with lots of clout who decides to viral your video. If some news press system, or some music or movie studio, sees something, and airs it, or promotes it, in numerous potential ways; then one thing does lead to another, and overnight there it is, 100,000, a million, maybe ten. You might as well play the fucking lottery at the local gas pump!

Now if you just want to network a bunch of friends all together in Twitter and Facebook and Youtube, and post lots of stuff; you can find yourself getting 1-10 thousand views on your stuff, maybe. This friends and fiends, is the simple ABC's lesson, about 'so-called viral videos'. I plan to post this blog along with other blogs, at least a few times monthly; as I feel the world needs to grab that coffee cup in the morning, force an eyelid open, and wake up to the dam fucking truth, and for those out here that tell me I am lying about this and it is just my own sour grapes because I never got any action, then you know what, folks; you just have yourselves a real nice time believing that, it's your fantasy, not mine. I stick to what is real, what is honest; and I do not like this capitalistic money grubbing evil world one bit. How fast all of you god dam fucking assholes have forgotten 2008, and the stock market bail out, and now these crooks are at record all time highs, and let me ask you, haters and doubters of me; are you a lot better off than back in 2008? I already know the true answer. 97-99 percent of you are NOT. A very few are, wow, rock on, and viral on. I am just telling the truth, and if you want to hold it all against me about that one dam shit eating fib about Sarah, and July the twelfth in 1970, FINE, YO! SAWN-U BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some of you out here know the real total truth, and hate my fucking guts, and that's fine, but you know. You know the whole god dam rotten bloody mess, from here to the age of Aquarius. At least I can make up my mind, and do not vacillate back and forth. One minute I am of significant eternal value, the next, well year not minute, but that depends on how fast your mass is traveling, I am violently insane. I will now leave my worries behind, Jason, and tell Boo that if he gets taken to Rock Road again, don't call me, call my Golden Nugget Privecode!

Oh yes, baby-love, I sure did ask Gawky Gaukauk why last Thursday's attack came down on me like a bolt of lightning, and what did I get but PCN-165. Now not to sound like a total trash-can or a female offspring, or get myself shot through the heart at the CCP Office or any of its transdimensional doppelgangers in high school Mister Disney Sir, BUT, when I asked what this huge COMPUTER HACK IS ALL ABOUT, yeah you got it, PCN-835. Did anybody say W---O---W, Bob Chabot, or is there some other excuse again, Mister Tom Cruise, old jet-pal??????????????????

Have another one on me, Leticia; as I am still laughing thinking about that day you barked at Brownie, but will never know why your wonderful cuzz wanted Midge. Joe did not put that magical crap inside my car, into his collar; so nobody is joining 'Frankie' any time soon. WEEEEEEEEEEE!

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