Thursday, August 29, 2013



2:08 PM-EDST (MSPT) Melanie Safka Psychic Time) in 1973



Folks, this may or not post when the actual blog is completed, as mostly all of my blogs do; and before I even proofread and correct them, which is why later on, you normally see the same material re-posted and corrected for typographical errors and or other errors that I named 'Mind Hacks' some years ago when these blogs were all new, and I was living in good old wonderful New Jersey, don't piss the piss out of me Governor Bigguy. I'm used to the way people act all over the place, and especially rotten ass politicians, but then, they all have their good sides, I mean, somebody married all these people. Yes people, I am going to keep a record of the day, much like I used to do for nearly two full decades onto a cassette taping system. When I feel it is the proper time to post this blog up, I will, and until then, well it's not rocket science or T.D. Financial enterprises; I won't.

I went to sleep and closed out one of the worst days of twenty-thirteen, earlier this morning, awaking without cause from uncouth external stimulous from beyond my door, at rougly twenty five minutes past one this afternoon. So far, I have heard only a door or two,closed extremely quietly, one fire whistle just recently while typing this paragraph, a short quick not blasting loud one outside, and other than normal old age aches and pains, the day is qithout incident and nice and quiet. That of course as you all know can alter on the skating flip of a thin ass dime. This is why I'll use this a written tape recorder now, and say what is going on so far, then close down, and use this as merely a journal-diary, and later on, when I deem it to be an appropriate time, I'll post up onto the interconnected networking system of the Personal and otherwise non-personal computer system linking system that's AKA and refered to for a short abbreviation as the ''internet''.

Before I crashed into sleep and relatively quiet 'dream-land' for me anyway, and since this was a SUPER-BOTBAR day yesterday for me caused mostly, and most are; by the WOMO-MILITUFORCE ASSAULTING ME HUGE TIME MAJOR; with various covert attacks that would be virtually unrecognizable by others not suffering at their evil hands, and especially if each or any one of them was examined individually and not seen as a collective attack pattern that is inconceivably horrendous to go through for nearly thirty mother fucking years. I still say, I am superman, and any of you out there, all the billions of you, would all be long dead or long insane or long in prison, if you had ever had to face what is being thrown at me all this time. Now I did two things before retiring for the day around just shy of five this moaaaaaaaaanin'. I played the NEW ROULETTE, that over in a distant part of hyperspace is called the 9-16-Roulette System; and in 35 spins, made approximately twelve hundred dollars, Misses Audrey Atco Heller Grace. Go play with your duck, lady. Speaking of all 'ladies' as well as all 'kitty cats'; the second event I made sure to do before crashing was to ask my wonderful Astral Panther Cat (APC), Sir Gawky Gaukauk, and a tenured professor at the Astral plane Province Olympia Teckbay Mystery School, by using an ordinary deck of playing cards with the jokers and tens and royal cards all removed, one simple question, this being; why the fucking hell was this day so off the scales horrendous and vicious and monstrous, the twenty-eighth of August? My answer was immediate and powerful, as they usually are. Taking just what I had been very recently discussing in my blogging project called, ''MORIANITY'', these match-listed following items to the PCN given to me by Professor GAGA, left me with no doubts, as to why the WOMO 'subskummites' were punishing me so very harshly, and severely, cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was given PCN-572. Below are the match-listed items that so far, I have worked out that equal this PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER OF 752. Oh well, there is a plus out of this number, lovely giant Twinbay-08, from this poor old ugly diseased glass half empty kind of a guy, AKA single me-mi, in more ways than one, AND LOVING IT MISTER MAXWELL MCDONALD. Should we use this 572-number, and subtract one for singularity, something I'll have Dawn King to thank for, forever, kiss-kiss, Dawny, you couldn't have done me a bigger favor honey if you'd thrown me down on your porch that day and did a lot more than just lift up your dress and show me all of your pink lovely woman-hood. How I'll remember he Mommy-Ann nearly dying that afternoon in late spring or early summer of OH-MAROLA-9. Mister Macy, please, SIR, R.H., tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh yes, take the number digit at the end and make it single and not stealing any old sixties songs such as, ''It Takes Two, Baby''; and then send it past the singularity through the Morgan Freeman system Alice hole, and we would have the house address number of my wonderful and dahling relatives up in 'Bah-bah-lahn, dahling'. December of 1972 was the last time I was ever past what used to be the Idlewild Airport, now named for a dude killed by Robert McGuire when he was a very young man, and one hell of a wild Irish mother fucking family controller, making the overseas ancients or even the crime boss fams pale in comparison to this son of a bitch from ACNJUSAESMWG!!!!!

Can you believe Microsucks Spellchecker not knowing the word, IDLEWILD. Well, you all today just know of it as the JFK Airport in Queens, New York. Yes sir, they really do know the secret of keeping things all in the family, huh Arch you crazy old buzard you, how my uncle Heinz loved his very fave television show, and couldn't wait for his great banking day to end on that night, and take the LIRR from work at the second largest bank of the planet in those days, called the Chemical National Bank, in Manhattan, exit the Fatherhurl Train System, and be picked up at the station down the road from ol' Kaptain Kangaroo, and be driven by my mother's first cousin, Ruth Huntington Gottwald, back to 175 Peninsula drive, across from the great yacht-club on the other side of the bay there, dahling. Say hi to Greenacres Gabor, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting real impressed with my all mighty family, them and Aunt Geraldine and her great CIA agent friend, the SHAH, and on and on we all know that I could go, DOGFS, so WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now for the six match-list-items that correspond to PCN-572, Uncle Looking Glass Heinz Gottwald, late Senior vice President of CN Bank. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA, help me out here, girl!!!!!!!



Or better said peeps; take me, and do a total 180, YO, YO, YO, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA MIKE MCGUIRENULTY!

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