Tuesday, August 13, 2013



7:58 AM-EDST, TUESDAY, 13 AUGUST, 2013

A lot of shit is happening, both in real time, as well as inside of my own self. I have come to remember a few things that I've been suppressing for a very long time.

I was awakened to a very sore throat a little while ago and along with this, began to uncover some powerful memories about Roseann Delaney. But that can wait for right now. She is the reason that I tried to hatch a plan to construct something that I labeled as 'Timeless Satellite' right shortly after my first encounter with this extremely beautiful teenaged girl, right around my age at least in appearance, and again, Jim Rockford, we can back around to all of this later on as it does indeed fit quite perfectly into all of that is going on both now and for decades of time as well, but I'm moving this on for now and we will come back t all of these topics.

The majority of my audience has left me. I was getting an average of 130 daily page hits for much of this year of 2013, up until the summer time came in, when it started to suddenly slow down and down and down, and right at a time where I am able to tie stuff together and prove all of the claims made all these years now in my Morianity. Also, my asshole nabes slammed in late, after 11, but were quiet after that, and now this morning, a few doors are banging out over the past twenty minutes from now, give or take, at 8:10 this morning. I'll get days of totally one thing and then days of totally another thing around here, there is absolutely no way to predict or get any kind of a handle on the activities that go on around this crapper hole, passing for a life dwelling. So, my computer is about to get packed up and stored along the wall with much of my other stuff, and I will just be taking off into the night and vanishing out of view with nobody the wiser, at least around here. It will all go down when all of you, here and there, least expect it. I will not tell any of my plans, as it only serves to weaken my position with my WOMO-MILITUFORCE ENEMIES.

What I will say is that the answer to all my searching for truth about so many things all of my adult life now, and especially since my mid-life began at around age forty; was as most powerful things always are; right in front of the nose on my face. It has always been around the great one and only Irish teenaged love of my life, ROSEANN DELANEY. All her type, and we certainly are not speaking of national origin here folks, in legend anyway, have this strange and peculiar power, to make other peeps forget things. I, unlike any or at least the great majority of any of you, have not received my information second hand, I was right there. But since peeps do not understand, nor can they seemingly reach an enlightened enough point so as to properly believe in, the truths of exploratronics and hyperspace; would instantly ask me such things as, I thought Paula king rang your doorbell in the daytime. She did. That does not mean, Roseann Delaney, dead and asleep to the world, cannot be inside of her and in a domination mode as opposed to a recessant mode of dream-control. Even 'this type' entity, has exploratronic capabilities, perhaps, their abilities are tuned far greater and higher than those unlike themselves. So if I say that an exploratron traveler did such and such, the actual physical person may be anyone from Joe doe to Jane Payne to Mark Bark to Joan Bone. They are not even aware for the most part that they are doing something. Ed Lynch and myself certainly were not aware that Bob McGuire was standing right outside our automobile, that he had crossed over Tennessee Avenue from the north side over to the south side where his hotel and bar was back in 2006, and had approached my automobile at the side where Ed was sitting, the front passenger's seat. We never ever knew that he was there, our memories had been blotted out entirely. Yet we had been photographing the area that day for the website called morianity-foundation, and when we went to get the CD print out of those photos, at the Eckert Pharmacy in Berlin, New Jersey a short time later, and examined them, there he was, just as plain as day, that look of Irish anger in his face, his fists all clinched up in fight mode, yet for what reason, as we could not even see him there. He knew our photographs would reveal all of this, and obviously this was another THAT-FAMILY tactic of scaring us off, with this wild esoteric parlor trick, only one in the family bag of so many. Roseann is family also. The Delaney branch has two possible close-in relations to the cousins of a cousin in the family of actress Maria Shriver, family through marriage, which a lot of these peeps are, and no ancestry dot com is going to ever know all these details, only the great Mormon Church has all of these secrets, and only if you personally are pals with Elder Hair, will you stand a prayer of learning all of these things.

Now for an opening about Roseann Delaney. I met her in 1967, at the very next week, after a lot of her friends from Atlantic City, all decided to gang rape me. I was only twelve and a half years of age, and old enough to appreciate that these were ravishing lovely teenaged girls of about the age of sixteen, back in late June in 1967, and had become friends of my first cousin, Sandy. This is the real hurricane that blew my life into the hellish situation that it later all became, and was every bit as destructive. Also, my cousin Sandy was only there at the great Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, because her mother insisted that her sister in law who was my mother, take her along with us that one time out of the eight times that we vacationed there, from the summers of 1965 and 1968 inclusive, twice per season. There were 4 prior stays and 3 after stays, from this one time with cousin Sandy. She had a boyfriend named David at the time, right before she met her later to follow fiance' and husband of the future, named Timothy Letterman. Also, her mother, my aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, was personal friends with the Shah of Iran at the time back in 1967, very good friends, may I add. For reasons way to complicated to even try getting into on any one blog, I came to learn in the 21st century, that all of this was part of a global plot to plant me smack dab in the middle of this family, way back then, so that many monstrous things could then happen. I don't trust any of these dam lizards, but hay, I could be wrong, and maybe there is indeed some great and wonderful outcome that sprouts out of all of this someday, and I am just to limited in my horizon vantage point to see it, unlike the Almighty Goddess, SSJK.

All I can say for sure right now, are a few simple facts. My life is on some wild course that all the power in the world seems unable to interrupt. Also, it is physically impossible for me to ever take a clear photo and in its entirety, of the magical home at 30 South Plaza Place, in south Atlantic City, New Jersey; and that there are members in this wild family who have the power to totally wipe out your memories of recent events about them or things that they may have just done to you or told you, as this has happened to both me and others with me, on numerous occasions.

In my opinion, Roseann Delaney is the one who has done all of this to me, and even peeps like my daughter and others close within my family and her family, may have had their memories all blotted out, or at least scrambled in various amounts and degrees. As for my rape in the hotel while my cousin acted as the lookout and my mother was up on the boardwalk getting them all some drinks at the salt water taffy place known as Frailenger's, it was half past nine at night around the 27th of June of 1967, and all that Roseann would have had to do, was to influence these girls to all do this to me, from some place nearby, possibly right there at the Trinidad Hotel (Trinity) if this had all taken place in South America. I realize that lots of events seem jumbled and ridiculous, but the entire truth would take me a million long pages to write in some kind of a perfect order, so don't expect that any time soon, good folks. I have not heard this many early morning slamming fucking doors now for ages. Between this and the terrible throat attack, I know I am under a real problem here, AG of Florida, mahm, Mizz Bondi.

Also, my Channel-12-Weather-Bug has been totally hacked now for a week. The camera shot is stuck at one time and location, and the weather map never shows any color-key conditions, and the lightning position system appears down as well, FCC, BOB MCDOWELL, sir, and old pal from 1972. For those who are fans of the Chris Bennett/Chester Perkowski Comic-Hero World of so-called fiction characters even including those supernatural beings, many do exist, and I realize that, Roseann being definitely one of them, yes this is true, despite the poo-pooing of Sally Starr and her friend the professor back in freaking 1998. How we both were wrecked and ruined for messing with any of these powerful Scott Ransom people back in that time, some ten years after the comment made to me indeed, by the illustrious Mister Scott Ransom about my powerful angry enemies, the 'Disgruntled Ones', the day that I bugged up my automobile and got him talking about him and his boss Kelly Jackson, of Jackson and Jackson Realty. Originally in 1983, Kelly was employed as a real estate agent at the offices of Dixon and Dixon. The reason they are disgruntled is because I made a stink about Marcy Levy and Robin Gibb ripping off my music arrangement on a 1980 song I had written called, ''LOST LOVE''. They even got the Copyright Office in on their little scam somehow, changing the date from 1980 to 1980 on my stuff that I sent down there as one package and one musical project. You all have seen the paste in of my copyrights page. No need for posting it again now. Rapping this up, the Delaney types, do not bite outside on the neck, and the one time my lovely Roseann did this to me on the night of the fourth of June, Wednesday, back in 1969, outside my apartment on Pyle Avenue without any space journeys or saluting going on in the mix of all this horrendous garbage; this was just a big 'hickey', no not a hockey, nor were the Philly Flyers involved, although folks, the Jersey Devils used to practice just out beyond this area that is being discussed, and then moved up north into the Meadowland-Area, and the newly formed Flyers came over to us; but more importantly, maiden names and symbolism, tell me that Yogi Berra said it better than all of us, ''Some things are too coincidental to be a coincidence''. Now you see why I needed to be stopped and blocked and sanctioned or said differently, ''made to go anti-viral'', by the World Owners, on my Youtube Account. Still, an interesting PCN for MY YOUTUBE MUSIC, right, number 550, as in 'December-2009', as well as 'Mark Mohr escapes Dawn King', and yes; many many many others, lovely Ingrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes this was one big painful bite in the neck, but that was all it was. When Mizz Delaney wants to really do her thing, to put it sixties style; she is like a lizard. You get this lovely wonderful awesome French-kiss. Then when her tongue is in the back of your throat, like jelly fish, she has a special tongue that sucks blood right out of your capillaries that are all over that deep area in the throat. You have no memory of it or very little, and also, she has been doing all of this all of this time, and is why this all happened in 1969 first, then later on when she came to me in 1983 one night while I was watching a movie in my living room about some kids trying to make a recording of a song they had written, calling it a real monster tune, I remember that night with full clarity, despite this being over thirty years ago; only I do not remember anything other than a hazy quick appearance of Roseann while my mom went to the toilet to help stink up the Septic plant, just long enough to take care of bizz. Only this attack left me damaged forever, in more ways than one, and only one doctor and one great lab technician know, but will never tell. A child can see what all the implications would be for finking on this just to help pathetic little me out. So of course, that will never happen. Yeah, I don't know either, great wonderful Lab Technician Scylla. Oh my poor poor pitiful lymph glands, from here to Lake Champlain, Louisiana, huh Katrina. Yes, they have built their own Magnesonic and totally stopped all my lovely great storms!

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