Saturday, August 17, 2013




Folks, it is now 25 minutes past eleven on this Saturday Morning. I sit here at Fort Pierce, Florida, in a huge STM illusion that seems so real it can reach out and bite me right on my electrician-Joe Sweet-Cheeks!

Now we will talk a little bit about what I was originally going to say on the previous blog, but as usual. WOMO distractions caused other plans to reroute themselves. Some assholes are yelling out in my hallway this morning, but not real loud as they used to do. Still, so crude, so vulgar, so uncouth, and so other side of the Huntington tracks, ''dahling''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is 90 degrees, going up to about 94 with a predicted heat index of 102-106 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, wow, nice and lovely-toasty, mommy, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Yes, whoever is left out here, my thanks for staying with Morianity. Those who have left me have missed out on the greatest part of this blog, when it all not only comes together, but when all hell does actually break loose as a result. Oh, and please, do not think this just means stuff about Atlantic City, New Jersey; or even this wild powerful mysterious ''THAT-FAMILY'' all though as sure as snow in Alaska, that too. Anyway, thanks to my very loyal Morians for holding the course and keeping the faith, you won't be disappointed. The WOMO is hacking my word document sir, Bob McDowell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission, at 37 past eleven.

It began at the exact time that I had finished typing what else, but (THAT-FAMILY).

Life for me would be totally boring, a lot less miserable, but in all fairness, completely boring, should these mother fucking monsters ever be caught, and brought to justice; and this shit all stopped once and for all.

Yes, none of us are in exactly the same place that they used to be. We on Earth while awake in normal reality, are consciously aware of roughly 400 individual broken pieces or instants of time, or in time. This translates to just a bit more than seven separate instants per second, and is this way for reasons no one truly understands yet in the great scientific community, and one of five ominous initial groups for me, those being SC, JB, PC, MC, and DS. Still, let me not get strayed and moved off the main discussion here. 400 times each and every waking minute, you, me, and the lamp post, are not what they were in that instant before, as the entire universe has moved. Galaxies have separated by more miles than most of you will ever drive in your entire life, and that is one small item out of countless others that we could say with certainty, have indeed altered, in each of these little instant points, 400 times per minute. Now things as you know quite well are not normally in seconds and minutes for most of the time, and we tend to live in actual bigger strings of these smaller time chunks, that make up the hour, the day, and even weeks and months and years. Still, twenty years is always that very same amount of minutes and seconds, and multiply that by 400 and that is how many approximate instants, you are fully aware of while conscious. As we move along in this regular-time, normally; and to do this, we need to not permit the mass of our bodies to exceed about 15-35 thousand miles per second, not a problem for any of us, quite naturally. Long story short (LSS), as we move, we change, as all things must change, anything not at zero degrees kelvin, must change. Nothing by the way is at absolutely zero degrees-K. Laboratory scientists have come closer and closer to duplicating this atomic freeze down to the last degree broken into fractions of minus 20 or 30 or whatever exponents, but reaching it absolutely has not been achieved. All things are changing, this is why we age, the universes ages, and all things are never quite what they were as we look back from any point. As more 'look-back' is observed, we as people must face the obvious fact. We are not who we were 5 minutes ago, not precisely. As the look-back grows larger, those words of ''not precisely'' grow much more like, not that much, somewhat, little, very little, hardly recognizable, totally forgotten as though dead from our point of seemingly being consciously us and alive. This is why time is meaningless to the mind and consciousness on all levels. We are totally not the person we were as a teenager and a child, when we reach the rip mold age of 35. We are also totally different all over again at 90 than we were at 60 and 40, let alone at ten or at four. The greater the look-back, the more we observe this change, to the point of sentient beings becoming all psychotic and damaged if they focused on it, realizing the real them that they always hoped to be forever, is all ready long gone, dead. As a psychological protective barrier of a sort, our memories consciously start to blur therefore, as we attempt remembering back into early childhood, and continue back beyond that towards the day of birth. The people we all are right now, are dead in a small way in only a second, and in bigger ways in a year, and in bigger ways still in 30, 40, 50 years. But folks, let me ask you to face a mirror and ask yourself in the privacy of your isolated thoughts, right here and now, ''Do you feel dead''. The answer is that you most certainly DO NOT. There is always just YOU, and this YOU moves along from quintillions of eons before this universe ever began its time dimension, and this YOU will move right along in endless eons after this universe no longer in its time dimension has any room left, or another way to put it is the end of time, so silly, but more understandable for all of you. This 'YOU' has lived many other lives all over hyperspace, the combined fifth dimensional hyperspace, containing every possible universe, and its space-time. Memories are always deep down in powerful layers of unconsciousness and subconsciousness parts of us, as the front mind and awareness, or the consciousness would literally wipe out and explode if suddenly it became the total absolute YOU. This can only exist in the void infinity, where indeed, you are, you EXIST, and that's it, until you dream out and away from that onto an Astral-Plane. No religion and no bible, and no little grays from Pleadian Worlds of dreaming interactions, and so on and so forth, has this information. You do not have it either. You may read these powerful words of total truth, but the great Bluebook Protectors of these truths, know that no one can receive this information, it has been literally deprogrammed and disengaged from any human mortal's ability to grasp this much power. Still, just in case a few UFO-BUFFS out here may wish to put a really huge 2+2 thing together, I will blow your freaking mind right now. The USAF began the Project Bluebook after the great war, WW-2, had ended, and large rashes of so-called sightings began to explode the world over. But in the middle of 1969, they officially ended and terminated this entire thing. No more sightings or stories were permitted to be reported and the project was kaput, over, and the entire never resolved mysterious deal became officially dead, and the world governments stated and told the citizenry that there is no such thing as any extra-terrestrial activity. There isn't of course, it is EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITY, and yes, THEY KNOW ALL ABOUT IT, and so do any and all of you who have read through my nearly eight years of blogs, only you all do the very same thing that the USAF-PB did to you fans of this phenomenon. You shut it down and said, no, this guy is just violently and completely insane, and the Jason Forrest New Bluebook controllers then went onto shut the second book, and THAT, as Mister Esolph would say so well in his many fairytale rhymes for the young folks; IS THAT. Folks, Exploratronics explains every unsolved mystery on this planet. Also, seeing the simple truth that you are always you, moving along because it is warmer than absolute zero, and thus never being born or dying into anything realer than you ever make it become, would liberate so many tears and fears of humanity. But the old religion that never even tried to explain this, messed up this chance for the past two millennium. Now Morianity has come along, trying to liberate all of the pathetic captives, to this all enslaving endless stream of fears and tears. Oh well, I tried. Maybe someone in the future will take up where I left off, and be better equipped to carry the ball and bring forth MORIANITY-2. If this does not happen, you can all forget about junk like Heavens Gate and being rescued by these advanced TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, and here is why, and you won't like it one dam bit Admiral Kirkspock Humpback. THEY are the ones playing with us, enslaving us, and telling us that they are OUR GODS in the first place, and you advanced thinkers in the Morgan Freeman society out here, honestly think that they are suddenly out of the goodness of their mother fucking hearts, going to wake up one day or millennium, or whatever Congressman 1975 Oakstreet; and gee whiz and willagars people, coffee is boiling away and stinking; don't you think the powers on this Earth know all this, and that is why they are covering it all up, so you and I won't go out tonight and tear society apart into a lawless unrecognizable global anarchy? Oh sure, this has already been dealt with by these T-3-E ''GOD-ENTITIES''. They wrote a clause into the great ''Holy-Words'', that if someone like me comes along and says stuff like this, stone me man, I am the fucking Antichrist. I have some disturbing news for you all out here. Enjoy the cool ass TV movies about Antichrist coming and all of that, because just as all the rest of it from one end of Hollywood smack dab to the other end, it is all just a pile of pure frikkin' fiction!!! Only by the establishment of Morianity for Millennium-3, will the real HEAVENS GATE ever have a chance to open. That may sound real uppity and braggadocio to many many people, but the problem is that it does in fact fit the old paranoia joke. You are not being paranoid if indeed somebody really is out to get you, and in many cases, this is very real, and the patient walks out of their psychiatrists office with a false smile, and is shot two blocks down the road, over at 81st and Madison. Well, my words and this morianity, really happen to be the all mighty reality and truth for this pathetic little world, but I have zero clout, zero credibility, and in all odds, this world will therefore be in for one very wild ride, straight into a slow lingering horrific rotten burning hell, but don't a one of you ever scream, oh that fucking Mark Wayne Mohr, what a dirt bag. No sir, no mahm. This poor old diseased pathetic little shit head dirt bag tried all that he could to warn and tell what I know, and it all begins with Atlantic city, and TAWF, AKA ''That Astral World Family'' that has done all of this and is now sitting back inside their little video game, laughing, and chasing each other up stairways. Mister Macy, may I please, sir:


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