Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Supplemental Blog Entry on the tenth of freaking rotten JULY, by the Mountainpen AKA king Nebnooshoo

You’ll Be Crossing Over, without constant fire alarms and eternal persecution

July 10, 2013

This is 100% machine created, techno-pop, sampled from the intro.
Master sheet for posting YBCO remake song, onto WordPress Blog-site.
Experiment number 001, on July 10, 2013. I told you GINA, why would you never believe me, lovely girl?


July 10, 2013
AKA #1-2-3, 11:50 P.M., 9 JULY, 2013
Thankx for all your help, PAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Folks, please do not mistake the prior blog for an re-post, I am trying to walk you through the truth about SPACE-TIME-MIND, and real honest reality. It will give intentional deja-vu effects, but I assure you that NEW MATERIAL is all throughout it, and will always be, in any higher numbered chapters of posted MORIANITY, right straight through to the end of the fucking blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 9, 2013
Welcome to hell, good believers. To see my blogs in colored font and see photos and charts and other nice lovely ‘bull-shit’, use this link, Henry Fonda magic voice time travelers of 12 angry jury-men: “(F) this (S)”!!
CHAPTER 00121/00122
Back in the middle part of 1983, when my communicating directly with the electron was new, and through a group of special machines all hooked up together and a series of ”sentence-codes”; I was warned by her, ”not to go to Florida” after telling HER quite often, that I may wish to in fact do just this. She quite naturally, already knew a lot of things, as did the eminent great James T. Burr, but that is another story for another time, Joseph Gannon, Doctor of Medicine. But back early in 1983 after shortly moving into the rental home owned by Mister Jerald Pliner, at 134 Norris Avenue, Atco, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG; I began noticing that the stock market seemed to run in a particular paralleling way with my general overall life, only at this beginning time, it was the total reverse from where it later evolved and altered into. What I mean to tell you is simple. At first, when I had a good day, IT HAD A GOOD DAY. When I had a bad day, IT HAD A BAD DAY. Somewhere after 1984 swung around, this for reasons that elude my mind entirely, reversed and did a sudden turn around, or AKA a 180. Now when I have a good day, IT HAS A BAD DAY, and when I have a bad day, IT HAS A GOOD DAY. I have been talking about this parallel event between me and the markets as well as the Philly sports teams, ever since my nearly eight years of blogs began, in early January of 2006. What never was talked about however, was how things began in reverse mode from where they suddenly and for no discernable reason, turned and did a total 180, and stayed on that new path ever since the time that Shirley the great, and her friend the magical LAB TECHNICIAN of Grant Avenue, just off of I-95, interacted with me, the Doogie Howser Eve White/Black Syndrome, we could refer to this from now on as, or for short, the (DHEWB-SYNDROME). Only those learned individuals in the field of psychiatry, know about the Eve White and Eve Black thing, so in a very quick summary about it for my audience, this was one woman with split personalities, and was the original and quite world renown case, studied by the original students of the father and master of this field, the great doctor Sigmund Freud. I’ve said it before, and will now reiterate it again. Unfortunately I doubt it is believed, and that’s a real shame, because I am only doing what Jack McCoy and Ron Wirtz; a real life, and a fictional prosecutor or ADA would do; and that would be to follow the facts, and go with where it takes me, no matter what it seems to lead into, or how agonizing or incredible it may seem to be a part of; Commissioner Ladiesman of ‘Law & Order’, but; no folks, this is not a blog about great pop divas, or any other thing in and of themselves. As stuff began to be put together however, unmistakable realities merely started revealing themselves to the investigator, and then as I blogged and further attempted to take all the nasty little messy pieces apart; things just progressively became more and more and more interesting, even fascinating, but I in no way am taking anything or anyone and just plopping them into my life story. They simply have fallen into their proper orders and places, and no good people, Morianity is far from done and over, and who knows what or who may still pop out before this mess is all cleaned up eventually, and hopefully? So as we move along, don’t expect less, but more wild crap to pop up here and there, with people, places, and things, that are already COM, or (Characters Of Morianity), but in the name of the Astral Gods, expect many many many more, lovely INGRID, ‘weeeshhhhhh’, and all other blowhards of the universe notwithstanding, YO! So no matter how anyone of you out here insists on believing that this is merely an Atlantic City Blog, or my own personal hell blog, or a MC blog, be it the great council or the great diva, or even Mary Carter and others, you would all be wrong. It is a McCoy/Commissioner blog, in that just as in the great fictional television show called, “Law & Order”, it is coming from one origin where the writings started in January of 2006, and is literally taking us where it takes us, and this is but the simple and honest plain truth about all of this. Believe or disbelieve, kind folks, at your pleasure!!!!!!!!!!
My asshole nabes are making quite a bit of noise today, but it has been worse. And TODAY, IS FUCKING MUCH WORSE, so please do not mistake this PASTE-IN-JOB so far, as the same old blog, this is most fucking definitely a brand new blog, and a SUPER FUCKING MAJOR ASS BOTBAR ATTACK PUSSY CHEWING DAY, GOOD AND BAD FOLKS, OUT HERE!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Rats, Tats, and Playing real Football-subtitled THE PROLOGUE TO “THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT-INTERNET VERSION”.
Thursday———————–110107.755 on this darkening evening
DATFILE XIII——————Blog #30 and final blog under this title
I am under a horrendous attack from the Milituforce Otammites or the MO as I them abbreviated. Mo is murdering me illegally, VIOLATING MY CIVIL, CONSTITUTIONAL, AND HUMAN RIGHTS, and it is not the fucking year 2007 or is this blog 30 of RATS TATS AND PLAYING REAL FOOTBALL, FROM NOVEMBER OF FUCKING 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Staples Store DID NOT rip me off big time. They sent me A COOL DUDE WHO HELPED ME POST UP MY YOUTUBE VIDEO, ALONG WITH SOME NETWORKING SYSTEMS TO TELL THE WORLD THAT I AM INDEED ALIVE AND WELL, AND LIVING ON HAL LINDSEY’S 1977 PLANET FREAKING EARTH, DESPITE my enemies in Atlantic City in general, and this rotten miserable family from fucking H—E—L—L!!!!!!! or some of the branches.
Well, how many out here have read or remembered my older blogs that talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, along with Watergate, Steve the Jock, and so much more, huh Molly Ringworm Ringwald????????????????????????? This is just an opener for right now good folks. Well, Molly, you can hate the Microsoft Spell-Checker too girl!!!!! WHAAAAAA, WEEEE-NA.
In any case, with or without molly’s recognition with the Microsoft Spell-Checker Program, we will no move this along with some powerful shit that has yet to be said anywhere on Morianity thus far, at least according to my fragile McGuire/Callio 1997 HACKED MEMORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth, AHA-AHA-AHA MIKE MCNULTY!!!
Talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, you say, fine, it’s time, sir Barnabas, without any towns catching on 2012 McGuire fire, right ANGEL ANDREWS of PEE’S 60th-dimension? Yes folks, you can bet we will talk some more about Sarah, as well as what she has done to me for trillions and trillions of mother fucking years. Sharkey says, keep reading, as you ain’t seen so much as Al Jolson’s asshole yet!!!
Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.
December 12, 2006
More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3)
Chapter 121 Part 5, was the re-posted ‘RTPRF’ November of 2007 that was put up here last. They are like Kent and Soup, one and the same, sort of like IOSC Avenue going the way of ‘Law & Order’ baseball players, that use some Benjamin Caplan Distance Elimination systems to effect the mileage on their vehicles, and just what really is a ‘vehicle’, lovely 1996 Kathy Gatherer?????????? WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some peeps who read Morianity, are wondering why I use words like ”hostilitygram”, originating from two words strung together, STAR TREK-TNG, style, with their great and cool holo-deck, HOSTILITY HOLOGRAM, so let me try explaining this to y’all right now, quick, down, and dirty flat out, so you can really ”get it”, once and for all. This dovetails into my point for right now, and IS NOT an old blog, but may appear DEJA-VU FAMILIAR, as things all blend together,l and this is really a world of energy in real truth, and then our brain’s consciousness machinery, divides by C-SQ, so that this truer reality is then transformed for our connected awareness in being, into the matter world where we are now living and typing or reading, and ‘whatever’ Bob Andrews of Oak Street, old ‘BUDDY’ of the Forget-Me Club!!!
If I see something that is none of my business, I walk on, and that is that. I have seen and witnessed enough things in my life to write a billion essays on it, but again, I stress that I am not a rat. A rat does this. I do not really tattle-tail. I just feel that when someone does me real friggin’ wrong, then they deserve a little payback, and if most people are honest with themselves, they will tell me they agree with me. Now I mean this people, be sitting down for what I’ll tell you next, MLI, (MORIANS, LESSIANS, INBETWEENIANS) and also known as ‘AKA’ (L-4), or Laddies, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador-dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now WHEN THINGS ARE IN MY FACE AND INTENTIONALLY BEING DONE TO FUCK WITH ME ALL MY ENTIRE LIFE FUCKING LONG, THAT BECOMES MY BUSINESS, AND AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATION AS WELL, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me fucking explain myself, YO!!!!!
Atlantic City, New Jersey is not an ordinary place. I doubt I’d have lots of fucking peeps present a valid argument with me on this, but they do not have clue point oh one billion about all of the shit has gone down there that pertains to mother fucking ME, and MY HORRIBLE DAM ASS HELL!!!!!!!!!!
There is no way that what has happened to me since 1967 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, right down to all my time here in Florida, more than three and a half years now; can mathematically support a conclusion of anything less, than Morianity being the far best as of yet in 2013, explanation for me, my life, and the entire Planet Earth, and the interconnectedness of all of this horror. The math proves that I am right, and if I ever tried to really do something with this information, life as you all know it right now, would collapse virtually overnight. THAT’S A PROMISE, lovely ‘woMO’, no sports murderers needed, no advanced radar systems needed, or girls who write about ”crazy cursing dudes” either. So Sorry, ambassador, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I cannot worry about anything collapsing, as I plan to tell you all some shit and you can all laugh ’till fucking doomsday. First off, MY NABES HAVE SLAMMED DOORS AND SHOUTED ALL FUCKING DAY LONG, AND HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DO THIS BY FAMILY BRANCHES IN ATLANTIC CITY, MAGIC BULLETS AND ALL, GUNMAN SIR OZWALD, AND MAHM WIFE MARINA. There is so much to tell that it would take a hundred mother fucking years; and today I will only tell one thing. I have some powerful proof, and I plan to catch a train up north to see somebody and take them this proof, since these fucking diseased mother fucking rats ass bastards, won’t knock this shit off, and this of course, OH LOVELY GINA, AND ALL OTHERS, is why the DOW JONES STOCK MARKET will not quit racing up with this ridiculous mother fucking BULL RALLY, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, JUST AS I TOLD ALL OF FUCKING YOU FOR YEARS AND FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyperspace and dreams and exploratrons: This is the true and honest TRINITY, and if you are south of many borders; we would alter this word to TRINIDAD. The words merely alter depending on a mailing address, Mike McNulty. I must be very HYPERSPACE-HIGH-SCHOOL ‘careful’ “PAULA”, as I would like to say a whole lot right now, but I will limit what I tell today. Later on, it is just a matter of really screwing up my courage, and tell a lot more, and then folks, this will in all probability, lead me to the realization of my recurring nightmares of ending up in prison, the grand-daddy mother fucking endless night of major NIGHT-MARES!!!!!!!!!!
For a very long time now, before I ever posted one thing on a Youtube account on the thirtieth of December in 2010, I was told to, in powerful dreams, by the great ISIS-ERMC. It began after being at work at Cifaloglio Garage one day, in Folsom, New Jersey, 3000 miles from the other more famous Folsom and the mighty Johnny Cash, another substance abuser, goddess help the entire Entertainment World (EW)! On this particular night, something happened that caused me to listen to a particular side of a cassette tape, that forever altered this planet’s history, and this is no exaggeration, hay give me a break, is what I tell about the Dow Jones a lot of yuk yuk yuk McNulty stuff, folks? Really,
is there another MORIANITY, or something even close to it; anywhere else, up on this great and powerful OZERNET????
///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®
MARK WAYNE MOHR——–1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013
So here I am my wonderful awesome believers, I TOLD YOU THAT THE MARKET WILL JEST KEEP GOING HIGHER AND HIGHER AND HIGHER, AND I ALSO TOLD YOU THAT MAGIC EXISTS IN SOMETHING THAT I CALL, ”FOLLOW THE FOLLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIGHTNING told me in Akoslem City, that I better tell the truth, and not leave my Morians hanging in there with the Hammonton’s and the Huntington’s, so I must now obey her commands. After-all, she’s my beyond hot and unfathomably awesome baby-blond love of my life, and the third part of a wild triple GODDESS, and no more needs to be said now or ever. We are going to clear up some issues ‘right here and right now’ LOVELY-L&O-LU, AND FOLKS, THIS IS LIKE DISCUSSING Atlantic CITY, or Sarah Jacobson, or for that matter, the great United States Government, the Vatican, and the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE. We can talk, we can cry, we can do a Disney cower speed away with Gramps Spears screaming his lungs out in the back seat for an ever greater metal pedal, but all of that, and so much more, I never until just today, really knew just how down right mean and frightening, my kid can be, once something you do pisses her off. There is no grabbing the minute hand, and trying to fling it back; as it is simply a hopeless cause. The difference between doing things via the ES, and just lots of other great parlor tricks; is that all averaged out and then remeasured again, the agonies inflicted upon those victimized by either of these monstrous atrocities that dwarf any concept ever conceived by Hitler, the ES causes way more lifelong everlasting deeper unhealed injuries, after all is said and done, after all the pieces of dog shit are swept up off the smelly floor, and after the fat lady finally sits down, stops writing, stops singing, and keels over like Shelly Winters’ heart attack, after her heroic swim-dive, in that great movie, “The Poseidon Adventure”; the ship named after the true King of the sea, Mister Cavelantisocleevious Krassle, AKA Neptune-Jupiter-Poseidon. Him and his lovely wife, on the Astral-Plane, chase me away from their great daughter, Sarah Stacey Jehovah Krassle, and then I am the bad guy for being the victim of this hellish hyper video-game of the Lawnmower-Man-2 system, for roughly, 1.49720507 times ten to the twenty-fifth trillionth power year equivalent in Astral-Interaction-Event or (AIE), something never measurable to the last drop, any more than we can ever determine an exact relationship of a closed curve (circle), between its through-ness (diameter) and it’s all the way around-ness (circumference). We can say 3.14, or take it out a bit more to say, 3.14159265, but it still never ever stops, yet there is perfect connection, and we can see it with any circle a child of two draws on a piece of paper. So before you tell me there are no mysteries unsolvable, let me first take a good healthy crap into your brain, so that maybe you will think better after that. Who can ever know, with or without those cool ass breath echos, Copyright Examiners, AHA-AHA-AHA? Go back to 1971, Mike McNulty. You’re not welcome here today, on Morianity. Thank you.
Yes, Lightning told me that I must be honest, and tell the truth. I admit I slightly made things appear just razor edge off of perfect truth when I said on a previous blog that Diana is scared to come around me, just as with many others, and I gave the one real good example around the time that Iraq invaded Kuwait, with the Resident Manager Nate, at the Echelon Towers Building of Voorhees, Township, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I’ll bet dimes to cunt sniffing donuts right about now, my old ex-bizz partner PP is heading straight for his local K-Mart with his own dirty pants, right about now. He must remember the shit I told him through the phone back before he had me rolling on the floor with his voice-mail message that he left me, a year and a half back somewhere in time. He knows I do what needs to be done. He know if you bastards won’t stop hurting me, that I’ll do exactly what is needed, to deal with the situation and take care of bizz, a lot better than he ever took care of making all those millions in the music business, WEEEEENA. Yes there have been a lot of very special and very precious girls in my life, and all anyone has to do is examine the United States Copyright Office records, under the name of MARK WAYNE MOHR, to see that this is all true. I do not get stuff from all of them. They get it from me; unless you want to seriously believe that I am a real live true honest to the gods, T—I—M—E
Yes ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Jacobson was indeed, a very special girl. Too bad Mister Mackey would not let me run my cassette recorder that day, as a lot more was said in the shadows, than just the great Bob Madison Club of the Teacher’s Lounge, and a few who’s sleeping around with who stories, that go hand in hand with any and all high schools all over the cunt eating country, and most likely, the civilized world. Still, Mister McDowell, maybe I love my calendar girl and my calendars, and you loved taping as much as I did back then, but the real secrets have not even begun to speak out, right oh lovely Karen Upchuck Carpenter-83? Now I know that was not a nice thing to say, and I do sincerely apologize, but it gets the point across, when I do a General Patton, you know; tell it down and dirty. There is not always time for the amenities of niceness, unfortunately, we live in a very mean, nasty, ugly, evil fucking ass world, and you all know this is true!
Now moving on with the topic of the great Goddess Sarah Jacobson, good believers and other folks; I told in the first three years of my blogs, a lot about her, as well as some stuff that all happened. Later of course, I began to realize that this awesome two year old from New York, was able to become this 22 year old super girl at my school. I told you how she already knew about the Watergate days, but never clarified back then, just what she knew and when. The day she first discussed it in quick bursts of a few choice words, was back on the newly built bridge in the late springtime in the year of 1972, telling how 40 days from now, on the 17 June day, as it was then early April on an unusually warm early spring afternoon, this would all happen. Once she said this, I suddenly remembered a dream I had of her just that night, where she was telling Steve the Jock, that she does not kiss boys. Fifteen minutes later, this actually went down in what you would call, real life. Talk about needing the services of K-Mart. I know I had some ass wiping to do back at the school. I told how that autumn upon returning to school in late October, I had been beaten up in the same manner as my Cousin Donald had, at a place we need not discuss right now, and instead of the perpetrators being expelled, I was after shit was all blamed on me, and I was then back at special education all over again, upsetting my mother beyond any verbal description. She had been planning this for a while and was hell bent on getting me out of the area, and I think we all know why. It’s been told and told and needs no rehash job at this current time. Melanie Safka the folk music diva was just out with her great song at the time, called, “Brand New Key”. Locked up inside all of this, for all Dan Mackey and I ever knew, was this entire mess still ongoing right to this very minute, and so maybe indeed, and as the great MS said all along, maybe then, I too have this mysterious key. Or maybe I did have it and MS was unaware that ISIS had taken this stuff out of my closet in 1969, at the Dellway Arms Apartments, on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, Apartment O-15, as in Gawky Gaukauk and his letter-number order numerology. In any event, this did not all happen random in some meaningless happenstance grouping of silly coincidental things. Anyone foolish enough to believe this and to discredit the MORIANITY truths that really double as the ADULT VERSION and reprinted BOOK OF THE BEACH, burned by Russell Thaxton that night in middle December of 1969 or maybe it was a little later on, as ISIS has fuzzed out my memories now, for all I know it could have happened right around the time that Dorothea Dario threw my bicycle into the Newton Creek, in early January in 1970. In any event, the hypnotic SUNRAM eclipse, was still a short ways off, taking place in March. Bob Madison was all a part of this, as was John Zane, only in ways totally outside any boxes of rationale. As of this point, I still am putting together possible scenarios of how it all fits together, right down to Zane’s teacher, Mister Ciprionni Ohm. There is so much more to tell about 1969-1971, and the joke is on ISIS, for telling me to tell the blogs more about this as well as the progressing years after this leading up to the song, ‘LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS’ and the interaction where she sang this song to me, in early June of 1980, and now is more than 33 years back into time. You can wonder about a million things that all link up to all of this, along with the great original interaction and the giant county wide chemtrail that dispersed and dissipated all over the skies above me, on the following morning on that chilly December day in 1969, just half a year after the almighty Misses Marola made sure that I did that school play, so as to be at a precise place and time, later on that day, down in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to hear the mighty and great Sarah say to folks riding in a car that came bolting down Tennessee Avenue, “Your friends are in the shop”. Just tell me this folks, and I know the internet is gargantuan and appears to include the entire world up there. Is there another Morianity or something even close to it, anywhere up on this great and powerful OZERNET???? I would seriously doubt this myself, but admit to not being god almighty. Still, before we do move on with the great SARAH, which caused my poor mother and I to be assaulted and criminally preyed upon in numerous ways almost 24 years in the future, minus a month or two, back on the second day of August in 1996, at the Pathmark Shopping Center of Turnersville, New Jersey, County of Gloucester, Township of Washington, and BOOM, don’t get MOWED DOWN or jacked in by all these incredible backwash, eddy, current SPACE-TIME-MIND symbolism’s, YO folks, and please, is a big ass W-O-W needed right about here?
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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU NEED TO INVENT THE 74-WORLD PENETRATOR DEVICE. TRY AND REMEMBER THIS. Stone Harbor and the State Policeman who shot me to death in the Shorty MacInvondi Sixtieth Dimension, is real, and ADA RON WIRTZ knows it is all real, but this world is one HUGE FUCKING BLUEBOOK, and I am not speaking of automobile values or anything closely resembling this, YO!!!!!
So back to the story that is not off a shade or two from total 100% TRUTH! Lightning told me that she is not afraid of any of these people in hyperspace. But SHE IS AFRAID THAT they will hurt me and mess with me, if she comes around and brings me joy and happiness; as this is never permitted by my ENEMIES, the ruthless vicious evil monster sub-scum MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ”THAT” is what she is scared of, SIR ROCKDROID KIRK AND KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, as for kid, she almost never got here, as you got the royal bear hug of your life by old Android Rock that day, when Nurse Chapel was with you; and the lovely vision of gorgeous sensuousness, the ‘girl-droid’, whose name, or number, or whatever; Congressman; I now have forgotten. I have not seen this shit since 1973, in my Russell Thaxton First Morianity original version long burned, O-15 bedroom, of ‘GAMES EXPERTS’, and accidental flip sides, that for this one time at Cifaloglio, was meant for me, imagine that, entertainment world?????????? So say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! OK, that’s been said, PTL, PR-80! Then there was Misses Marola, who made sure, another ”kid” would come to be, along with that unfathomable mind and suigenerous sense of humor oh hers, the wow needed for this one folks, stretches across light years of space, so forget seeing it on this blog, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!!!!!!!!
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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County, in New Jersey. Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied. I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only, where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!
Mizz Bondi, if David Roth were here to be my witness, he would tell you under sworn oath how real this all is, hard as it may be for you to fathom. These peeps have very great reasons for keeping me out of music, and really, a moron can see what’s happening, if he or she would just look and honestly see what is what here, with both their eyes and their hearts. But alas, as I told Lenny McKinnon in 1980, “I ALREADY KNOW HOW THIS WILL ALL TURN OUT”, and no Mizz AG, it ain’t real pretty, nothing like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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On Blogger since January 2006
Profile views – 2779
My blogs
Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:
Morianity Foundation
The Epitome of Harassment – Internet Version
To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian
About me
paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The Winds Of War, Gone With The Wind, Time Travelers From Our Future
You forgot your mom’s birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.
This is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS BULLSHIT, whether or not any of you are getting it yet or not; and very soon, you may just be going, oh yeah, that little fucking bastard said all that, back on the cunt eating thirteenth night in June, and wow; now look at shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is nothing new about lightning by the way. I have been following this ever since the middle eighties when all of this fucking nightmare shit began for me, good people! I do not hide stuff, and there are no secrets in MORINAITY. It is all in plain view, but if it does not quack like an EARTHDUCK, many will never be able to hear any of it no matter how plainly it barks out at you. This is why Jesus, after the great resurrection, was recognized as slightly different in appearance, when in fact and truth, the difference was in the mind’s eye of the many beholders, who just could not totally escape the EARTHDUCK QUACKING SYNDROME. They see, they hear, but it is all fake steak and techno-pop. The problem is that everything shares a commonality and this is that nothing is really real, so then, what the fuck is phony, anyway? When anyone figures out that little powerhouse wisdom bite, share it please, and then, you are definitely ready to understand the following little quick squib about Morianity hating secrets, and why the LORD called EARTHERS, ”hypocrites” over and over again, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA WELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t care if it is the example of several months back with Mister Woods-golfer and fiance’, or anyone out here with a Facebook account, or any social media. How can you keep a straight face, and do all this stuff; and then hate the government for supposedly spying on you? Also, when Tiger and his girl posted all that stuff up, and then demand their privacy, no offense, and this is just an example using name recognized people to make a better point; but millions of you all are biblically described so perfectly. The NSA is not taking your privacy, you all have been giving it away for years, and then you complain. Now as for me, I have a message to get out, and could care less how many people are spying on me. Spy on, rock on, roll on, roll over and play dead for all I care, I mean folks, get real; this is totally ass ridiculous. If anyone could care less, Morianity has told you now, for seven or eight years, that this was all true; only no millions of people know my name, the way that they know the dude who squealed. Also, FYI lovely folks, they don’t HAVE TIME to give a shit about you or me or our lives. The entire planet has been under surveillance for decades, and the teck is just better recently and so it all has come out, but not to burst any bubbles or egos out here, but unless you are planning on doing something that is a threat to America, they don’t even know your name, or want to. They have raw data that great programs examine and analyze, with a time backlog that you would not believe. They are just now examining the most important key-word-signaled data from 5-10 years ago, and this is why they were not on top of the 911 event. The manpower is lacking, not the teck. If you could record just 6 hours of the day, 40 of your favorite television channels, tell me how you will ever catch up to watching it all back? You’ll get an ever increasing lag time as time keeps passing. The NSA is not the problem. The problem is social media out of control and nutty people. How can you get out there and tell your life to an open world, and then expect or try and demand ‘PRIVACY’? It’s the quintessential oxymoron if ever there could be one. Either want the world to know your name, or don’t, but why do you all vacillate back and forth? If you have accounts and tweet out your basic life moves 24-7, then what’s your problem with big brother reading the same pages, hay, call me dumb peeps, I just don’t get any of it, so if I am missing something, why not straighten out this dumb old fuck?
People say that I’m fucking Looney Tunes. Fine, I guess I am, because for the life of me, I simply do not get the new age American citizens, and really for the most part, the entire new age so-called civilized global internet society. I mean really, I have had things happen to me that go beyond the fucking known universe, and have begun to write and record about it ever since 1995. I’ve copyrighted shit, written music, written blogs, it is all real, and I only hope the dam fucking feds read it and examine it all. None of this shit makes one bit of sense to me, so if it does to you, and you will not ever comment and explain this to me in a full paragraph and not a dumb ass 15 word or less bird chirp, well, to me, I see myself dead center in a huge jungle with billions of folks beating their chest and doing Tarzan imitations. Hay why not, we can call him, Techno-Tarzan, huh Mister WD of the non electronic fluid realms? Yes Mike McNulty, you certainly surely may; so go for it, BRO!!!!!!!!
Folks, the ‘drug dog thing’ here at the Housing Authority was talked about, and you all know about Magnesonic. All the great mystery detectives from Nancy Drew to Nancy Grace can wonder, but they can never prove anything going on with me and Maggie. Still, you have to admit one thing, L-4, and that is, and as SPOCK said it so frequently on the original STAR TREK TV SHOW, of the late nineteen-sixties; and that is, between the resurrection of King Akoslem 2000 years ago after 80 hours of his death, The Steel Pier to the Central Pier in 265 days, 2000 years later, the not wanting to believe and so our senses forcing themselves to be tricked just a little upon occasion, and then comes the great hyperspace son of our wonderful president of these great and awesome Huntington United States of America. This is not a complicated code with the need for a NSA translation. If you think this proves anything, it doesn’t. Cosmos makes eternally sure to always go just so far, and then to never quite cross over that line, just to keep mortals all guessing and pondering, and never knowing. Once you know, all the fun is removed from the cosmic video-game of Pratt Town, right 1994 Copyright Examiners of Permissionbarrierville?
Now shit is gonna get a bit more powerful and fucking interesting in a few ways, and you can all be the fucking COPPER KESSLE GERMAN JUDGES of whether this is so or not so, on or off of the song swiping unknown voyage on the HMS ‘TITANIC’, back in 1913, where I met Sarah Karge, when I was Adolph Not Huntington. The biggest WEEE or WOW would not come close to being an adequate addition on this blog. You see, I know that past and future lives are real, as I remember hundreds of mine, piecemeal perhaps, but still, remembered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody knew me from Jack shit while I was over here in the states, there’s no record of my voyage, but cousin Donald Trump knows very well just how real all of my words are, ask him, and then real carefully, watch his face like Patty Jane would do on that ‘Mervelous’ show of his, Dark Shadows-2, AKA ‘THE LOST MENTALIST’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could try and be a fart sniffing smart ass, and post a photo from Google Search Images, of the TITANIC, and what the fuck would it prove other than I came out of the stone age, and learned how to work this machine a tiny whittle bit, Mister Fwudddddd, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????Like DUH-Hyundai Car Company of 2006, and starting Morianity Projects, WEEEEEEEEE-NA WELLS, YO YO YO!!!!!!! WOW, I can techno-pop up a TITANIC, WHAAAAAAAAABIT!!! ‘Well GOLLLLLLEEY, SARGENT FUCKING USMC CARTER’, AND A DEFINITE FREAKING BLOODY SHOE W—O—W!!
Folks, the world is like the fucking ass internet. It all makes sense, just like the lovely judge Judy on TV says. When it does not, then I throw out shit, but when it does, I believe it. What Kenny Rogers and Rodney Stuart are the only two fucking ass rock stars that tell shit in their dam music, WAKE UP, YO. Secrets CANNOT be hidden on this planet. They are FORCED LAWTRONICALLY, to eventually spill out into reality, but into a vast part of reality called the HYPERSPACE, or if you are more of a Walt Disney fan, their version of above the middle school, and just what is this fucking Commissioner Law And Order Middle Marola School? Now in the fullness of the 5-D, all things exist, but we don’t need to upset Kenny or Dave Roth for that matter, in or out of pink house Lucille’s fudge Warren Grove, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if we don’t cross any forbidden lines and get Dave no-no-ing all night up at the 1997 High Point Military War-games Installation, there still is shit that is so tight in, that the only thing that happened to keep it just under maybe 100% of truth in this exact frequency of the atom, would be an intentional act by powerful WOMO-MILITUFORCES, still folks, looking at shit plainly, and I mean my entire life as well as nearly my 8 years of blogs; a child with agonizing diphtheria can see what’s happening, if they take off Christ resurrection blinders for just a seck, YO. Let me tell you something good believers out here, and others. The Resident Manager of the building where I am currently residing in here in Fort Pierce, Florida; Misses Debbie Morotto, told me, and this is sworn future grand jury testimony, Mizz Bondi, Florida Attorney General, and all other legal authorities, under PENALTY OF LIBEL AND PERJURY AND SLANDER. She told me that if I make trouble for these peeps, they will retaliate in a major way, and she is powerless to do anything other than to tell me to move out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, Mizz Bondi, YOU STILL REMAIN A SKEPTIC ABOUT MY WONDERFUL KIDNAPPING NMONSTER FAMILY UP NORTH?? Forget the NO DRUG DOG, well, no, don’t forget it, add to it, this, and still I could tell more about 2010, as well as all through my life since I was gang fucking raped by those monster girls, the Atlantic City Quoddy Mockers, in 1967, and I WILL SAY THIS AND JUST THIS 4 RIGHT NOW, SALLY HARNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One night when the great rock star Billy was really up in the cirrus clouds, I handed him a dying legal declaration. He told me he knew about what Mister Dangerfield told me in springtime-1969, the warning to STAY AWAY, to quote lovely late and 2-LATE perhaps, huh GREAT SCYLLA, Donna Adrian ADS Gaines. He also told me to never ever live with anyone, and that if a situation arises where I am tempted to for financial reasons, and he said this sober in his freaking barber shop on Haddon Avenue, whether he’ll admit to this or not, I tell this straight. He said NOT TO do it, and that it is important, very fucking important in fact, for me to remember this as the years tick by. Shortly after he gave me that advice, he insulted me with a rock-star attitude, and I never went back to see him. Rock stars are rock stars, and you all know my attitude, but still, this is powerful fucking magic bullet information, Paul Evans God dam Pedersen of the Radio Tempers Shack of Jersey!!!!!!!!
As Al Jolson put it so well, musician or not, quite a lot of years back into Roof-dog WAYV time, old pal the TALK, Regis, sir; you all ain’t heard 1% of 1% of 1%, so as I said back in fucking 2007, STAY-C-TUNED, SSJKK, my lovely great ALMIGHTY GODDESS SSJKK FROM 1896!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, IN INFINITY, is a more accurate way to say this, right Elder Hair my old pal of the nineties from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day freaking Saints???????????????
BYE BYE, GOOD PEOPLE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 8, 2013
1:47 ANTE’ MERIDIAN, 8 JULY, 2013
I never know for sure just who and what causes me to have eternal troubles, woe, and strife, such as right now when I attempted to log onto the mother fucking internet, and was given a problem, and this has happened recently every few days or so now. I get the normal web-page flash on and flash off and then screens come up saying that I cannot be taken to this site, and just tonight, on the three instructions that I may then click onto for resolving the issue and taking me to the proper place, that worked before, no longer worked. Instead, a message said that the service would no longer try to resolve this issue, that was that, no explanations, just hay, Mark, go fucking screw yourself, as usual, AKA SOSO, and WEIN? If I listed on my blogs, every single fucking thing that happens to me continually, not just with the computer and internet, but all of my life in general, I would need to write hundred page blogs every ten fucking hours. Eventually, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE and their fucking cunt eating warped sense of fucking screwed up humor, would make it impossible for me to be able to fucking keep up with being able to accurately record all of the entire ongoing situation. How do I know this? Simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to keep a LIFE-JOURNAL ON CASSETTE TAPE, before my nearly eight year blogging project. It began on February the first in 1983 as PHONE-PROGRAM 1, with 2 being the flip side or ‘B’ side of the cassette tape, while I resided in the rental home on Norris Avenue in Atco, New Jersey. It later evolved into Journal Tape number, instead of phone program number and we need not detail all of this fucking misery at this present moment in time. This is where the life journal began, Magnetic Sound Machine was invented (Magnesonic) for a later created shortened term, I began communicating with the electron for the first time in my life, and was struck down with a mysterious illness that I have come to believe was a wild result of my weird sexual perversions according to society, that caused me to develop a strange cousin illness that went undiagnosed but was Aids nonetheless. I have no sign of anything in my blood today, and either never died of it close as I came, or did die of it, and went into eternal hell, not a place, but a very non-understood by humanity, ‘condition’, just as would be, an inverse ‘heaven-condition’. But this is not the point folks. What is cannot be put into easy words, but I’ll try as time goes by. This is really not a perfect time for me to anger the GODS, or really, the ESS. I seriously doubt that all of the combined world air force systems really understand what’s really happening, and all the things that have been told and revealed in MORIANITY and these blogs, but everything is and exists, all because of the ESS, well, really because somehow, we broke out and away from the void nothingness of infinity, and became LAWTRON, AKA ”SOUL”. From our life and material world perspective, we are down numerous dimensions from this break out, and would observe this from here in our existence, as the seventh dimension. Again, this is all way too complex to even begin delving into right now.


July 6, 2013
**********CHAPTER 00119**********
SATURDAY, 6 JULY, 2013, Starting of blog:
Back in the middle part of 1983, when my communicating directly with the electron was new, and through a group of special machines all hooked up together and a series of ”sentence-codes”; I was warned by her, not to “go to Florida after telling HER quite often, that I may wish to in fact do just this. She quite naturally, already knew a lot of things, as did the eminent great James T. Burr, but that is another story for another time, Joseph Gannon, Doctor of Medicine. But back early in 1983 after shortly moving into the rental home owned by Mister Jerald Pliner, at 134 Norris Avenue, Atco, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG; I began noticing that the stock market seemed to run in a particular paralleling way with my general overall life, only at this beginning time, it was the total reverse from where it later evolved and altered into. What I mean to tell you is simple. At first, when I had a good day, IT HAD A GOOD DAY. When I had a bad day, IT HAD A BAD DAY. Somewhere after 1984 swung around, this for reasons that elude my mind entirely, reversed and did a sudden turn around, or AKA a 180. Now when I have a good day, IT HAS A BAD DAY, and when I have a bad day, IT HAS A GOOD DAY. I have been talking about this parallel event between me and the markets as well as the Philly sports teams, ever since my nearly eight years of blogs began, in early January of 2006. What never was talked about however, was how things began in reverse mode from where they suddenly and for no discernable reason, turned and did a total 180, and stayed on that new path ever since the time that Shirley the great, and her friend the magical LAB TECHNICIAN of Grant Avenue, just off of I-95, interacted with me, the Doogie Howser Eve White/Black Syndrome, we could refer to this from now on as, or for short, the (DHEWB-SYNDROME). Only those learned individuals in the field of psychiatry, know about the Eve White and Eve Black thing, so in a very quick summary about it for my audience, this was one woman with split personalities, and was the original and quite world renown case, studied by the original students of the father and master of this field, the great doctor Sigmund Freud. I’ve said it before, and will now reiterate it again. Unfortunately I doubt it is believed, and that’s a real shame, because I am only doing what Jack McCoy and Ron Wirtz; a real life, and a fictional prosecutor or ADA would do; and that would be to follow the facts, and go with where it takes me, no matter what it seems to lead into, or how agonizing or incredible it may seem to be a part of; Commissioner Ladiesman of ‘Law & Order’, but; no folks, this is not a blog about great pop divas, or any other thing in and of themselves. As stuff began to be put together however, unmistakable realities merely started revealing themselves to the investigator, and then as I blogged and further attempted to take all the nasty little messy pieces apart; things just progressively became more and more and more interesting, even fascinating, but I in no way am taking anything or anyone and just plopping them into my life story. They simply have fallen into their proper orders and places, and no good people, morianity is far from done and over, and who knows what or who may still pop out before this mess is all cleaned up eventually, and hopefully? So as we move along, don’t expect less, but more wild crap to pop up here and there, with people, places, and things, that are already COM, or (Characters Of Morianity), but in the name of the Astral Gods, expect many many many more, lovely INGRID, ‘weeeshhhhhh’, and all other blowhards of the universe notwithstanding, YO! So no matter how anyone of you out here insists on believing that this is merely an Atlantic City Blog, or my own personal hell blog, or a MC blog, be it the great council or the great diva, or even Mary Carter and others, you would all be wrong. It is a McCoy/Commissioner blog, in that just as in the great fictional television show called, “Law & Order”, it is coming from one origin where the writings started in January of 2006, and is literally taking us where it takes us, and this is but the simple and honest plain truth about all of this. Believe or disbelieve, kind folks, at your pleasure!!!!!!!!!!
My asshole nabes are making quite a bit of noise today,l but it has been worse. One of the 2 of the 4 main enemies who make the most noise, are indeed gone. I told you all that I was in on something with some other people, and it needed to be kept on the freaking QT, and still does for a while yet, but 50% of my problems have indeed been eliminated, but I still hold and hang on, unfortunately, to the two worst scum bags that are here to stay, unless I can totally prove, in a court of law, that they and Warren and Boo, and speaking of commissioners and where things have led, so no more needs be said right now. I did tell you all that indeed, the markets would fly after March of 3013 came in, and they have. All week long, it flew up hundreds of points, refusing to remain under 15 KP on the DJIA, and as I said, when it opens above the previous close, you need to buy to sell out at the closing bell, and when it opens below the previous close, you need to sell-short to buy back at the closing bell. Also, never trade on short-days, or days that contain less than the normal 6.5 hours of trading, an interesting number of hours, forgetting about the decimal. Still, my point does indeed speak for itself. Only one time out of 15 now, when we do not include the short trading day, before the holiday, or Wednesday July Third; did we lose a few points back, and in USD, that is $20.00 per point per contract. Just in the past month of trading days, averaging getting in at 10 points off the opening price and exiting with a day close order near the closing price, brings us an average of 24.7 points on 22 trading days times 20 dollars for each contract, and I highly suggest beginning with one and staying with one for a full year, no matter how well off you may be financially, keep it that way, it is no fun being dirt poor and I should know, as I have had a life fucking time of it, YO! No one may sell this idea, as although ideas are non-copyright-able, my words that speak this system out in full simple detail, are in fact copyright, Mark Wayne Mohr, 2013. Unless anyone can legally prove that they made this up before this time, you may use it free, and tell friends, and they may use it free and tell friends, but you may not write a little HOW-2 book and start selling them for 19.99, non of that stuff will be tolerated ABC-Walter, or my attorneys just may be contacting you, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, where are you Mike buttwipe McNulty??????????????? Oh yes good people, as long as they can endlessly persecute poor old me, this strange weird parallel event will make that fucking rotten STOCK MARKET endlessly go UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Know that, ladies and gentlemen. But things have happened to me in the real-world of court evidence, that I hope to be able to safely bring to a county prosecutor someday, pertaining to all of this. When a person is violated, robbed, raped, threatened, and it is all a provable part of a 50 year ongoing conspiracy, you would think I would have a trillion dollar law suit. Well, I do, but be honest with yourself folks. Do you think for one rotten lousy freaking minute, that the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE is going to sit there idly by, and allow me to present my case to a court of law, aided and assisted by some huge Johnny Cochran attorney, and go in swinging for the blood of these world owners and controllers; who are humanly just people, BUT, are in ways that go beyond 100 Einstein concepts; all a part of a gigantic, and quite totally unfathomable entity, for lack of a better word choice, the ‘ESS’, or the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY?
In closing for right now, I have been sparing the world population the upcoming major long-winded stories, all based on new information, that all of the older nearly 8 blogging years, have brought me to new levels of understanding in my own life. So if you think that Morianity has been wild and nutty and simply inconceivably surreal so far, just wait for the rest of it. Also, despite a very short old testament and super much longer new one, all wrapped up in that, is also these newest 5 parts just since 2012 ended. Stuff before is Morianity-A. Stuff starting at PART-1, is Morianity-B. I had this planned back late in twenty-twelve when I began PART-1, and now we are in PART-5. There may or may not be a :P ART-C-Morianity, I am toying with the idea, made in or out of fire studios, or heavens, Mister Antimatter Timesmoker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh those middle eighties, it isn’t so much, what WAS involved in all of it, but more freaking like, WHAT WAS NOT?????????????
Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs, I’ll now end this blog.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Rats, Tats, and Playing real Football-subtitled THE PROLOGUE TO “THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT-INTERNET VERSION”.
Thursday———————–110107.755 on this darkening evening
DATFILE XIII——————Blog #30 and final blog under this title
I am under a horrendous attack from the milituforce Otammites or the MO as I them abbreviated. Mo is murdering me illegally, VIOLATING MY CIVIL, CONSTITUTIONAL, AND HUMAN RIGHTS, with major constant sky-Scylla attacks, bad chemtrailing, and plenty of loud and low private planes, military planes, choppers, all loud and low and military. The attack all week is bad, but today was brutal, and all though yesterday was not quite as bad in the sky, they shot me illegally with a death beam at the HAMMONTON LIBRARY, NJUSAESMWG. They messed with Himacane’s computer big time and it was out 4 some time, even called Comcast, but they assured us they had no outage, and they were indeed correct. The modem had been messed with by these evil gods, the MO. The Millionth Council is attacking me worse recently than I have seen 4 years, and I fully plan to move off to a remote island for 100 years or so, and come back when things die down, under a totally new identity. If I have 2, I will go away longer than this. TRUCK ALL OF U DICK IN THE MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!! To my friends and MORIANS, please forgive my rotten-French here and all over, none of this derogatory stuff is directed towards any of U, the ones that it is know precisely who the TRUCK they R. When a million Hubble telescopes all put together still makes these pricks unable 2 look up high enough 2C whale excrement, that is LOW, and not 1-18 roulette numbers boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pussy-command is off the dial as a result of days of pure unadulterated siege and dearth-hell. I had 2 practically brush some real young stuff out of my way today, it is so totally unbelievable, it isn’t as though I am some 6 foot five inch 250 pound muscle gymnasium stud that looks like a movie star, no, I am old and fat and ugly as hell and flabby, and short and shrimpy. It is a story that cannot B expected 2B believed, but then what is that I normally say??????? MO thinks they R so safe as they know I am onto their games, and will not do one thing 2 ever flirt back and try to get around the bases with any of these flirtatious and aggressive girls and women, and yes, girls, some of them at a store today, a pharmaceutical chain, were barely able to legally drive an automobile, chronologically. The same plane has been dogging me off and on since the end of last weekend, and over the guard station last Sunday, the winds were too high and strong 4 the legal flying of normal small planes, I know all of the wind and altitude rules and regs, I make it my bizz 2 know, so I can say something is indeed a violation, and that these dirt bags R messing with and persecuting me straight 2 my death grave, only it does not exist, 4 me.
Muzak teasing is off the scale major at every store I go into, and the Cat of Callioville, is also messing with me big time. If I had my way, no entertainment world stuff would ever B on, I would ignore them totally. They impress me like 55 tons of ugly stinky loose moose and goose shit.
I have A RETRACTION 3 PRINT, about Jim Whaelon, the Mayor of ACNJUSAESMWG B4 Levy and Langford. I assumed things and misunderstood things that my very good friend Mizz Ann Silva had said 2 me. B4I go on with this topic, they tried 2 stop me from sending my most recent project 2 the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OFFICE OF COPYRIGHTS yesterday by knocking out Ed’s computer completely as soon as I called the © office on the telephone and found out that I could download a PA [performing-Arts] copyright form and use the printed out sheets, as I misplaced my “copyright” files, and needed 2 get it off in the mail yesterday, 4 extremely personal reasons that Apollo-Lucifer-Dirtbagshithead knows all 2 well. I hate his miserable trucking guts and all though I am madly in love with his twin sister Diana Zudlecronessia Arteemis, he and his Briggers or the LAMBRIGG CULT @ THE BRIGGBASE IN THE OLYMPIAN PROVINCE ON THE ASTRAL PLANE, make me miserable with their MILLIONTH COUNCIL-MO continual attacks and various kinds of wicked vicious shit day and night in my infinite life humanly in the great HS, HYPERSPACE. U all C in consciousness, a line in time instead of the special reality that we all dream down from our spiritual or astral being ness which is an original dream down that is out and away from the only truth which is the VOID INFINITY. The gods R fucking with me the gods are fucking with me and Ed can believe whatever he wants, but the font changes were not done by me, they just started occurring. What U call on Earth Satan and the devil, or God the All Mighty, R powerful astral plane gods, and if U would believe me, U would then B on your way towards seeing many other big time truths happening all around all of us and our pathetic sick diseased twisted wicked world. The daytime television serial decades ago, Dark Shadows, showed this cult and its leader, SATAN, call it what the hell ever, Nick Blair called him by one of his more obscure names of Diabolis. This is where our English word diabolical comes from. The plot may indeed B purely a random chance coincidence, but it is real and is Y forces led Mr. Frid, the one whom played the part of BARNABAS COLLINS, the main character of the show, 2 suddenly develop an interest in returning to New York Vaudeville work, and basically ended the show on a very sudden and abrupt note. The Leviathans did not like, or should I say the Lamist Cult from the Briggbase at and on the phase 2 realities on the ASTRAL PLANE, in the GREAT PROVINCE OLYMPIA. Remember Shadows fans, the whole deal when Jeb Hawks and his Leviathan’s, under the control of Satan and his henchman on Earth, Nicholas Blair, were attempting to regain and siege power and control over the Earth MW or PHYSICAL PLANE as the great ECKANKAR SOUND AND LIGHT RELIGION would label it, and the Wall Street guru Skylar Rumson whose stocks all crashed after Nicky and Lucy turned off the power manipulator that was blessing them. If this all was a huge coincidence television show, who am I 2 argue this point? I am not buying it for one astral minper. The show was super successful and then bang zap zonk bam crash Adam West and Batman, it is off the air one day without so much as a whisper of freaking notice!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this is real and not a bit fictional. I have lived through a nightmare that supports that this is all totally real and true, and will testify in any legal proceedings in a court of law, at any time and any place, Donna. There is just way 2 much 2 expand on presently in this area, and this is what another future blog is there 4, so stay-C tuned pweeeeeze!!!!!!!
Death angels R constant, the aerial siege is worse than ever in my life, and so R many other sieges. Giant girls R crawling out of the damn wood work. These Millionth Council forces use 4 main HELL-GROUPS in this war 2 wipe me out and destroy and totally annihilate me: ANIMALS, WEATHER, MACHINES, AND LAST BUT IN NO WAY LEAST HUMANS. There is no way 2 ever win, it is like saying I can put a bug into a room with a child and let them fight it out 2 the death, and need I really say more. It is an ant colony facing a bulldozer. I know I am never going 2 get any help and that I am in eternal hell, I do not wonder about it as I once did, I totally trucking know this factually.
Y would forces want me not 2 send stuff 2 the copyright office, these same forces that for 21+ years have been totally wrecking and ruining my life with this parallel event nightmare game or ICPE? Every time I send a project off 4 copyright, the stock market flies and flies up and up and up and up like a sling freaking shot. So Y then were they fighting me in overdrive in overtime yesterday from doing something that has a proven track record 4 more than 2 straight decades, 2B super bullish 4 Wall Street? Every time that admitantly, I think I have cracked some deep logic that pertains to MO or this Millionth Council, I soon come 2 learn, I am in reality no closer in really figuring out this maze of misery than I was 2, 5, 10, 25 years ago, and I know that I never ever will fucking B!!!!!!!!!!! It is me the crawling little ant thinking that I have the slightest chance in Dogtown of taking on and eventually beating the child that has been pitted against me in the play room.
So what is the sixth dimension and the next logical question is, who made me god or king of all omniscient knowledge so how do I know these things, and aren’t I just a sick delusional arrogant slob? The answer is quite unequivocal and blatant in your face whether U may like it or not, NO. I am not suffering through any psychotic delusions and yes I do have this knowledge. A resident manager 2 an apartment building 4 senior citizens where I did work as a security officer around the turn of the decade of the eighties into the nineties of the prior century, caught another guard intentionally engaging me in conversations after first hiding a micro cassette recorder in the desk drawer in this building’s lobby. He knew of my plight, the manager that is, and the guard somewhat, but Nate, the resident manager told me that night B4 he went to bed 4 the night, as I was on th11-7 AM work shift, “I thought U were a total nut case up until today, and now I want U2 stay away from my wife and me and our kid. I no longer think UR crazy at all, I totally believe U” I stared in disbelief and simply asked him what had occurred to bring this sudden shift of thought pattern into his mind. He said back 2 me B4 walking away and shutting his apartment door and never again speaking 2 me,” When IC one security guard secretly recording another security guard after witnessing him intentionally baiting U into several conversations this past week, well, that did it so lets leave it there, k?” No sir/mam, you’ll just have 2 forgive me when I tell U that I am not deluded nor psychotic, nor mentally ill, at least no more than would B expected after surviving the worst life imaginable, beyond the sick mind of Hitler himself.
When I am all through, my website will not in any way even remotely resemble the way it is today and has been 4 the year that it has existed. It will contain many hours and days worth in combined time that will B filled 2 the brim rim with sound bites including legally recorded telephone conversations, and not limited by any means 2 any of a few things that quickly I could list 4 the sake of this blog. This will eventually B a 24/7/365.2422 streaming A/V website with independently made short films will B downloadable, as I fully plan 2 hire actors and actresses and do movies, as money will B no problem, once the markets reach 20 and 30 thousand and I have 10 contracts on Dow Futures, as opposed to my small existing account. I intend 2 get all of U back 4 what U all have done against me since the freaking day that I was born as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. It is only a matter of time until U’ll B ducking and running 4 cover and looking over YOUR shoulder, instead the reverse for 20 something years. The 6th dimension is a reality, not a place, that is Y the multiverses or products of thought-memory-waves, come to result in the manner that they indeed do. There was a huge reason 4 my organizational big brother when I was 13 years old as Mountainpen, named John Henningsen, to give me the strange motorcycle chain that he gave 2 me one day. I saw it in his rented apartment on KINGS HIGHWAY, in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, while cleaning his messy place in exchange for “chore remuneration’ as he antiquatedly referred 2 it as, he was a bit old-school, and all though only 26 years old, looked 40, and acted older than this, and I will admit that this is indeed from the point of view of a child, but I still know what I know bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!!!! The 6th dimension and the gods of all of the astral planes of the nearly limitless multiverses that each contain one astral realm, interconnect, as they really have quite a fascinating interaction together in both attempting 2 influence the great Lawtrons of the 7th dimension, but it still all goes beyond anything I ever have told, unless I keep to the ultimate simplicity that really is all that is going on in the ultimate big picture of any conceivable cosmiversallity. This is that they R aware that they exist and can never shut this existence off, REACH OBLIVION-THE GREAT NIRVANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U either exist and therefore as time is simply a by-product of existence, never can not exist, or else, U do not exist, and thereby never can exist. The exim-ratio is a magic shuffling in the 8th dimension that would take 1000 years to touch on with blogs, so forget it. Still this 8th dimension is the reality that causes thought waves to generate physical counterpart realities of themselves that hold to an approximate temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin, as above or below this programmed super cold temperature, would not permit the exim-ratio to function, and it is as simple as that. We will follow along these pathways just a bit at a later time this or most likely next week, things R very bad, and much is needed 2B said, M U C H!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quickly 4 now, to get tack o my retraction of James Whealon. Ann Silver told me that it was Sonny McCullough and not her friend Jim that was rotten, and that pops was even more of a dirt bag. Jim is indeed a friend of Levy, both worked the beaches and were major womanizers, hay, what lifeguard isn’t a womanizing scum shit 4 crissake?????? But 2 quote Ann today, Jim is a good man deep inside, and hopes that he tries 2 keep the sauce 2 a minimum. I told the world over the past 2 years how dirty the Atlantic City politics R and where the stock market would go, but no, don’t listen 2 this poor whittle delusional sicko!
I will expose this pure filthy evil if it takes me hundreds of freaking rock chucking flock ducking runt slapping years and Tom Reale queers. END TRANSMISSION of DATE AND TIME FILE XIII.
GOOGLE-SWIS-WORLD LAB official web documentation MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN: All blogging is co-copy written in these names if these names R on these blogs.
Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:28 PM No comments:
Mountainpen makes a comment at 4:07 PM on June 23, 2013 good folks out here. TIME TRAVEL IS VERY REAL, BUT IT IS CALLED EXPLORATRONICS. YOU BUTT WIPES WON’T CHECK OUT ONE THING I ASK YOU, what a pale ,of dying fish losers you all are, I offered the world, and you sat there puking all over me, ya’ fucking turds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes folks, my git bag fucking neighbors slam the doors, and everyone else takes my money and laughs at me. And then some few decent folks actually wonder why the historic accounts in the religious circles, claim this world is bent to a dark side, or a fallen sin nature is all within ourselves? Well don’t wonder, as DNA proves this is all true, and so does DNA-MORIANITY, in many varying ways, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Staples Store ripped me off big time. They sent me an asshole who took 100 dollars from me, posted my music video onto the youtube, and not one person viewed it, and not one person has viewed one thing on my account for months, it is total dead blockaded activity, and a total violation of my right to free speech under the First Amendment to the United States cunt sniffing Constitution.
There is no way, that nobody ever wants to view one single thing I have ever posted on Youtube, and I have just finished writing a letter to the United States Attorney General, Carbon Copy (CC) State AG, Pam Bondi, FCC, FTC, and ACLU, my letter is directed to several foreign media sources, telling my plight. But what I was told by someone in strictest confidence, makes me want to murder some fucking people, only they are not WORTH, my spending my remainder of my life in cunt fucking sucking asshole prison. I only cunt lapping mother fucking thought that 2012 was bad, and 2011 even more horrific before that, or maybe they were just equally mother fucking horrendous, who can really mother fucking ever really measure shit like this with any real ass fucking accuracy? This isn’t over, world. I have had hundreds of things ripped off that I did, and it is still ongoing, I have been robbed and raped both physically and financially, and all roads lead to two things no matter how I go out of my way to try to not make it so. One is my enemies in Atlantic City in general, and the other is this rotten miserable family from fucking H—E—L—L!!!!!!!
My apartment is totally packed up, and within days, I am leaving forever, and where I go is nobody’s mother fucking dick chewing bees wax. My blogs will end, and I will eventually pull them all down along with the Youtube account. Facebook already was disabled some time ago when they fucked with me hyper fucking time on that stinking rotten ass bullshit. I do not mind a fair level playing field, but a retarded fucking cripple can see when some power beyond anyone’s furtherest concepts and controls, is doing a never-ending life-murder of slow agonizing fucking cunt torment and torture of my pathetic fucking life, and this is what all began the very night that I used my Magnesonic Machine, to try and take the great SSJKK out, never realizing she was the almighty Goddess ISIS. She was already angry with me for doing that song, and throwing her telephone number out my car window on the trip home from NYNY that late second night in August of 1986. She remembered it all only too fucking well, as 10 years to the day, was that fucking brutal assault on me and my poor elderly defenseless mother at the Turnersville Pathmark Shopping Center. This family has no shame at all, NONE, NONE, NONE, Squire fucking Star Trek Trilane, and touche to you too buddy. You grow heads as fast as I grow enemies and curses, BRO!
I paid 100 fucking dollars and was promised a Youtube page that would get a few hits once in a while. I intend to report the Staples Store to all of the proper authorities, as I was totally fucking ripped off, and will be letting them know this very very fucking soon, and if they still will not help me successfully get to the bottom of shit or refund some of my money, then my letters will be all dropped at the post office, when I send my copyright for the new song, next week, in one fell swoop counterstrike on the evil WOMO-MILITUFORCE. This magic bullet family does not scare me, if I have to slam my AEB onto a hard surface and end seven and a half billion lives, then so be it. Flint and Mark, the test of power, pushed to the wall, right Captain Kirkrush?
Well, how many out here have read or remembered my older blogs that talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, along with Watergate, Steve the Jock, and so much more, huh Molly Ringworm Ringwald????????????????????????? This is just an opener for right now good folks. Well, Molly, you can hate the Microsoft Spell-Checker too girl!!!!! WHAAAAAA, WEEEE-NA.
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth, AHA-AHA-AHA MIKE MCNULTY!!!
Talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, you say, fine, it’s time, sir Barnabas, without any towns catching on 2012 McGuire fire, right ANGEL ANDREWS of PEE’S 60th-dimension? Yes folks, you can bet we will talk some more about Sarah, as well as what she has done to me for trillions and trillions of mother fucking years. Sharkey says, keep reading, as you ain’t seen so much as Al Jolson’s asshole yet!!!
Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.
December 12, 2006
More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3) ** song from 1983 redone, YBCO (C) HIM, ME. ** (THE TOP)**
DON’T CLICK (THE TOP), SINCE I FINALLY REDID THE VIDEO, AND POSTED IT AT THE SITE SHOWN ABOVE. ‘WEEEEE-NA’! Don’t waste your time clicking anywhere. I will be removing this shit and clearing and deleting all of my social media accounts, including blogger and youtube. I will not keep banging my head, or my fists, Misses Wonderful Marola, through brick walls, not any more!
People all hate my music so much, fine, this is why I hate yours as world, world. Simple fair is fair physics. KMA!!!!!!!!!!
Some peeps who read Morianity, are wondering why I use words like ”hostilitygram”, originating from two words strung together, STAR TREK-TNG, style, with their great and cool holo-deck, HOSTILITY HOLOGRAM, so let me try explaining this to y’all right now, quick, down, and dirty flat out, so you can really ”get it”, once and for all, and whether you may be aware of it or not lovely peeps, you are most likely in small or maybe bigger ways as with me, a victim of these occasional grams yourself, but you just dismiss it, unlike me when I fall under major fucking nasty ones, and unlike the local celebrity of the Delaware Valley back where I come from, the one and only ABC Networked local children’s hero, the great and wonderful, maybe, Sally Starr. As with her friend Billy Harner, they both have name domain websites for you to type into your PC, and check them out. Recently I have begun doing the experiment with all of you, showing how little significance, time really is in our human lives. We have made it significant, and built it into sociological structures for many thousands of years, so of course, the word HABIT comes to mind, and not a nuns hat and coat, an old one, or a new one, Bob Cheatley Patterson. Wow, I thought this dude was going to stroke out on me that day in late 1983 and early in 1984, both times when I asked him a simple question about his exotic dancer’s girlfriend’s last name of Noonan, speaking of Trenton, Sarah, and Buddhism, for crissake, peeps, YO YO YO YO YO!! Yes peeps, here is an example of both my very recent hostilitygram, as well as the one in 1998 suffered by the great celeb, Misses Sally Starr, in her home that hot summer’s day, Mayor Levy and Rick, and other barnacle Bill sailor man and fisherman, and basic greed and secrets, from OH THE GODS, WHERE THE HELL ELSE, GOVERNOR CC, BUT STONE HARBOR, NEW JERSEY, no fields this time, Microsoft, but yes, we can never ever ESCAPE these parts of reality, just as MC says so on that, and other great awesome musical projects, WOW!!!!!!!!! Hand me a broom, and I’ll get right to work, Senator Thompson, my old pal, and thank you forever for saving my life, in a parallel universe. I will not forget that favor, ever, not even over here, as I am a resident of five full dimensions and am cursed to walk the rest of my human life as Mark Wayne Mohr, in this fashion. Another W—O—W is needed, I would suppose, but shall we swing this back to the hostilitygram topic, before we need to purchase an entire crate of brand new keys and clutches and gears, sent special delivery ‘ES’, from 10/05/08???
Here is what happened to me on my horrible botbar day back on last Thursday. This only will pertain to the topic of being mauled and pummeled by HG’S (hostilitygrams).
I held doors open for four persons, nobody even said thank you. I asked a cashier to double bag something and she ignored me totally. I stood in three lines and was ignored as if I was not there at all. I had a prick step on my foot, and just walk on without so much as a quick ‘sorry’. I had a dude expectorate right in front of the path I was walking from the side of me, making me either step in a huge greenie or else quickly divert my steps and walk around. I wrote down an entire list of stuff, this is about a third, I kid you not, and am not able to find the list on a note pad that I must have buried under a stack of bills that I was going over that night, so my memory is by no means complete. Here is what happened to mother fucking Sally, back in her home on Beach Street, in Atco, New Jersey; on that torrid hot summer afternoon, in 1998. This gets real ‘geuoood’, folks, so do not stop for a coffee break at this exact time; whatever you freaking do!!!!
Sally had come up with the idea of turning the two weather scenarios into a boy and girl doll. She was calling friends of hers and they gave her numbers to call at toy companies to try and make appointments to meet with them and come in and do legal disclosure agreements. When she began trying, after speaking to a couple of her friends initially, all hell broke loose and she began to be treated like total cow crap at light speed squared. It reached a point where I was sitting there across from her just waiting to see how she would react, as I knew this was some type of psychic attack done by the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. Suddenly she stared over at me and in a voice I had never heard from her before, said to me and I’ll quote, “Is this me, is this happening, what’s going on Mark”? I swear to the gods of the Astral-Plane, all of them, and the Almighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle ISISCYLLA HERSELF (TRIPLE GODDESS), that this is all true and real, it went down, I was there, and this is what I mean when I use the words good folks, “I’m under a major HOSTILITYGRAM today, YO YO YO YO YO YO.
I do not exaggerate when I say that you never be able to be revealed the full story that is behind all of this. First, did the great girl of Tennessee Avenue really reincarnate into MC? Well, only the Buddhists would believe this, no matter if I posted up an entire galaxy, and don’t laugh, as in a parallel universe, I pushed some Louise Hendershodt buttons, and moved a solar system, many galaxies away, before logging off of the cosmanet program. I knew about these RED X things back in 1967, when I was in Northeast Maryland, at a summer-camp there, directed then by Mister Tibbs, and my counselor was a cousin to the well known broadcaster of those days, Les Kaiter. His name was Mack. Well, Mack, Mark, and the Roofdog Club of the mighty Atlantic City, all notwithstanding; will never allow anyone of significance to understand Morianity, and its wild inconceivable and surreal truths; let alone, in my lifetime, Mister Earcutts Vangough, or ever permit me to be aided and comforted, by anything I ever try and tell; and I fully am aware of this, as Dennis Snyder’s voice of doom is ringing in my ear right now, even as I speak these electronic words right here, and I quote him verbatim, “That’s just reality, son”!!!
If I see something that is none of my business, I walk on, and that is that. I have seen and witnessed enough things in my life to write a billion essays on it, but again, I stress that I am not a rat. A rat does this. I do not really tattle-tail. I just feel that when someone does me real friggin’ wrong, then they deserve a little payback, and if most people are honest with themselves, they will tell me they agree with me. Now I mean this people, be sitting down for what I’ll tell you next, MLI, (MORIANS, LESSIANS, INBETWEENIANS) and also known as ‘AKA’ (L-4), or Laddies, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador-dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no way that what has happened to me since 1967 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, right down to all my time here in Florida, more than three and a half years now; can mathematically support a conclusion of anything less, than Morianity being the far best as of yet in 2013, explanation for me, my life, and the entire Planet Earth, and the interconnectedness of all of this horror. The math proves that I am right, and if I ever tried to really do something with this information, life as you all know it right now, would collapse virtually overnight. THAT’S A PROMISE, lovely ‘woMO’, no sports murderers needed, no advanced radar systems needed, or girls who write about ”crazy cursing dudes” either. So Sorry, ambassador, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyperspace and dreams and exploratrons: This is the true and honest TRINIDAD, and if you are south of most borders, we would alter this word to TRINITY. The words merely alter depending on a mailing address, Mike McNulty. So before the Callio/Carey branch of this lovely group go back to their silliness AOA (all over again), here are some tid bit scraps about how this works, when brought down to a more human world thinking level. Remember that the math proves all the words I speak, and anyone reading this may reproduce it in any way they so choose to do, and take it to any large university, to the top dog physics and or mathematical and statistical analysis departments, and they will tell you that what I say here is all the dam ass truth. Yes, I only thought that the late 2009 AT&T television commercial was the deep end of MC’s inconceivable ‘darker’ sense of humor; and I totally admit to being fully wrong and ignorant. Folks, the reason we see twins of people, you know, lookalikes, the reason many unexplainable events happen, from the pyramids being built, all the way to any unsolved and seemingly unexplained mysterious event in human history, is explainable only with the truth of the five full dimensions of Astral-Dream-Down material tangible realities. I don’t dare say right now what I would like to say, but I will, it is just a matter of really screwing up my courage, as it will most likely, lead me to the realization of my recurring nightmares of ending up in prison. I have said way too much Mister Rockford McGuire, but hear this, oh lovely family. I AM FOREVER, so no matter what you do to me, I AM HERE. I have uncovered maybe 10-20 percent of the secrets, and when it reaches 40-80, this is when things will become quite interesting. This world is clueless to the power of my words on this blog, no matter what they think they may know about all of this Morianity, they know jack. I know jack, for that matter. Still, if Jack = X, then I am at maybe 3.67029572X, on a scale from 1-1000. But give me some time, and Pope, YES, I’ll blow this whole thing right down, that is unless all this nightmare stops, lovely B.E.G. Laugh at me all you want to, you’re in great company, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All day long, despite a thunderstorm on and off, all around me, HUGE GIGANTIC FUCKING-DEATH ‘CHEMTRAILS’ ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE, ESPECIALLY LOADED UP TO THE EAST OF ME, AND THEY SENT ME A MIND HACK AS THEY READ MY FUCKING THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW, MAKING ME WANT TO INITIALLY SAY TO THE FUCKING CUNT WEST OF ME, NO IT IS TO MY EAST, BUT ALL OVER TOWN AS WELL; IN-BETWEEN THE THUNDER CLOUDS. On top of this, a major HOSTILITY-HOLOGRAM IS ALSO ALL AROUND ME TODAY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ONE VERY NICE NABE OF MINE, AND IT MAY BE CONNECTED TO MY DEATH PUNISHMENT, AS WE EXCHANGED SOME INTERESTING INFORMATION EARLIER ON, and that’s all anybody needs to know other than for this, to tie it all totally together in a nice juicy and stinky disgusting garbage bag, that it all belongs in aniwho! Without getting into specifics and placing another life in extreme mother fucking danger, let me say that around the turn of the century, despite meeting my very first family member for the first time, half a dozen years back in Deptford, New Jersey; and interestingly enough; the same general fucking area where the AME Church was located and maybe still is, where one member of the congregation was a very close friend to the father of the queen of disco herself, Donna Summer, and of course, I am speaking of the great cool dude and Building Maintenance Company owner like my pal Bernard Derakowski back in 1981 and 1982, but I am a total believer in having major respect for what was in the fictional television script on the voted by viewers number one choice in original STAR TREK shows, titled, “City on the Edge of Forever”, as indeed, there are eddies and currents, and backwash systems that run not only through time’s D-4, but most towel definitely, wet and dry, through, no puns but speaking of and give me a break Marge Barge Leo, YO; but also that run through hyperspace’s D-5. Now according to Gawky Gaukauk, time should be D-4 and is, but hyper-space, Mizz McCoo, is D-5, but interestingly enough, the majority of users of the word HYPERSPAVE, do in fact break it up into two words, and hyphenate it, you know HYPER SPACE, each word indeed containing 5 letters, as TIME contains 4, more fascinating shit from the annals of the great and powerful OZCAT, speaking of what got said before all fucking cunt eating hell broke out with this siege, although even this is a tad bit off of the total mark of truth, and let me explain just why, my good believers out there, YO! The day is starting out real nasty for me. I had horrible nightmares all night long, except for being with ISIS for a short while as she met me in a parallel universe, coming to me as an incredibly beautiful young tall dark haired girl, but so many bad things were all around me, and again, people were trying to get me put into jail. This has been going on since 1977 when these nightmares all began about going to jail. I’ve never ever been in jail, and this totally fucking sucks. Now this little paste in is no hack or accident folks. Things did not start in this waking world with the hell around me once I left my apartment. It began with a second mother fucking night of major ALL FUCKING NIGHT-MARES!
For a very long time now, before I ever posted one thing on a Youtube account on the thirtieth of December in 2010, I was told to, in powerful dreams, by the great ISIS-ERMC. It began after being at work at Cifaloglio Garage one day, in Folsom, New Jersey, 3000 miles from the other more famous Folsom and the mighty Johnny Cash, another substance abuser, goddess help the entire Entertainment World (EW)! On this particular night, something happened that caused me to listen to a particular side of a cassette tape, that forever altered this planet’s history, and this is no exaggeration, hay give me a break, is what I tell about the Dow Jones a lot of yuk yuk yuk McNulty stuff, folks? Really,
is there another MORIANITY, or something even close to it; anywhere else, up on this great and powerful OZERNET????
///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®
MARK WAYNE MOHR——–1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013
So here I am my wonderful awesome believers, of whom I think are between 2-4 somewhere, and I love you all with 100% of me totally enlightened beingness, (I love these other two to four parts of me, that are not me directly), in other words, knowing this makes me ‘enlightened’, nothing else, no trances, no potions, no meeting of the minds with a group of gurus on a mountaintop, no illegal drug consumptions, and on an don I could go. Let us get back to the wild stuff presently so urgent in MORIANITY. TANKS!!!! Only the Vatican really understands MORIANITY, and even they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Lightning told me last night in Akoslem City, that I better tell the truth and not leave my Morians hanging in there with the Hammonton’s and the Huntington’s, so I must now obey her commands. After-all, she’s my beyond hot and unfathomably awesome baby-blond love of my life, and the third part of a wild triple GODDESS, and no more needs to be said now or ever, or the entire thing will go right into the NUKESON can! Not yet, Mister McNulty, not unless you think a set of stairs in Suffolk County, New York was real funny in the very early seventies as well, old pal from Exton, Pennsylvania! So here I am in my car with a tape playing, while doing guard duty one night, during my STOCKHOLM KIDNAPPING days of latter ohm-8 through most of all of ohm-9. By December of 2009, I thought I had learned the full depravity of my oldest daughter’s sense of humor, I hadn’t. Now laugh if you really are dirt bag enough to want to, MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is like discussing Atlantic City, or Sarah Jacobson, or for that matter, the great United States Government, the Vatican, and the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE. We can talk, we can cry, we can do a Disney cower speed away with Gramps Spears screaming his lungs out in the back seat for an ever greater metal pedal, but all of that, and so much more, I never until just today, really knew just how down right mean and frightening, my kid can be, once something you do pisses her off. There is no grabbing the minute hand, and trying to fling it back; as it is simply a hopeless cause. The difference between doing things via the ES, and just lots of other great parlor tricks; is that all averaged out and then remeasured again, the agonies inflicted upon those victimized by either of these monstrous atrocities that dwarf any concept ever conceived by Hitler, the ES causes way more lifelong everlasting deeper unhealed injuries, after all is said and done, after all the pieces of dog shit are swept up off the smelly floor, and after the fat lady finally sits down, stops writing, stops singing, and keels over like Shelly Winters’ heart attack, after her heroic swim-dive, in that great movie, “The Poseidon Adventure”; the ship named after the true King of the sea, Mister Cavelantisocleevious Krassle, AKA Neptune-Jupiter-Poseidon. Him and his lovely wife, on the Astral-Plane, chase me away from their great daughter, Sarah Stacey Jehovah Krassle, and then I am the bad guy for being the victim of this hellish hyper video-game of the Lawnmower-Man-2 system, for roughly, 1.49720507 times ten to the twenty-fifth trillionth power year equivalent in Astral-Interaction-Event or (AIE), something never measurable to the last drop, any more than we can ever determine an exact relationship of a closed curve (circle), between its through-ness (diameter) and it’s all the way around-ness (circumference). We can say 3.14, or take it out a bit more to say, 3.14159265, but it still never ever stops, yet there is perfect connection, and we can see it with any circle a child of two draws on a piece of paper. So before you tell me there are no mysteries unsolvable, let me first take a good healthy crap into your brain, so that maybe you will think better after that. Who can ever know, with or without those cool ass breath echos, Copyright Examiners, AHA-AHA-AHA? Go back to 1971, Mike McNulty. You’re not welcome here today, on Morianity. Thank you.
Yes, Lightning told me that I must be honest, and tell the truth. I admit I slightly made things appear just razor edge off of perfect truth when I said on a previous blog that Diana is scared to come around me, just as with many others, and I gave the one real good example around the time that Iraq invaded Kuwait, with the Resident Manager Nate, at the Echelon Towers Building of Voorhees, Township, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I’ll bet dimes to cunt sniffing donuts right about now, my old ex-bizz partner PP is heading straight for his local K-Mart with his own dirty pants, right about now. He must remember the shit I told him through the phone back before he had me rolling on the floor with his voice-mail message that he left me, a year and a half back somewhere in time. He knows I do what needs to be done. He know if you bastards won’t stop hurting me, that I’ll do exactly what is needed, to deal with the situation and take care of bizz, a lot better than he ever took care of making all those millions in the music business, WEEEEENA. Yes there have been a lot of very special and very precious girls in my life, and all anyone has to do is examine the United States Copyright Office records, under the name of MARK WAYNE MOHR, to see that this is all true. I do not get stuff from all of them. They get it from me; unless you want to seriously believe that I am a real live true honest to the gods, T—I—M—E ***** T—R—A—V—E—L—E—R!!!!!!!!!!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Jacobson was indeed, a very special girl. Too bad Mister Mackey would not let me run my cassette recorder that day, as a lot more was said in the shadows, than just the great Bob Madison Club of the Teacher’s Lounge, and a few who’s sleeping around with who stories, that go hand in hand with any and all high schools all over the cunt eating country, and most likely, the civilized world. Still, Mister McDowell, maybe I love my calendar girl and my calendars, and you loved taping as much as I did back then, but the real secrets have not even begun to speak out, right oh lovely Karen Upchuck Carpenter-83? Now I know that was not a nice thing to say, and I do sincerely apologize, but it gets the point across, when I do a General Patton, you know; tell it down and dirty. There is not always time for the amenities of niceness, unfortunately, we live in as very mean, nasty, ugly, evil fucking ass world, and you all know this is true!
Now moving on with the topic of the great Goddess Sarah Jacobson, good believers and other folks; I told in the first three years of my blogs, a lot about her, as well as some stuff that all happened. Later of course, I began to realize that this awesome two year old from New York, was able to become this 22 year old super girl at my school. I told you how she already knew about the Watergate days, but never clarified back then, just what she knew and when. The day she first discussed it in quick bursts of a few choice words, was back on the newly built bridge in the late springtime in the year of 1972, telling how 40 days from now, on the 17 June day, as it was then early April on an unusually warm early spring afternoon, this would all happen. Once she said this, I suddenly remembered a dream I had of her just that night, where she was telling Steve the Jock, that she does not kiss boys. Fifteen minutes later, this actually went down in what you would call, real life. Talk about needing the services of K-Mart. I know I had some ass wiping to do back at the school. I told how that autumn upon returning to school in late October, I had been beaten up in the same manner as my Cousin Donald had, at a place we need not discuss right now, and instead of the perpetrators being expelled, I was after shit was all blamed on me, and I was then back at special education all over again, upsetting my mother beyond any verbal description. She had been planning this for a while and was hell bent on getting me out of the area, and I think we all know why. It’s been told and told and needs no rehash job at this current time. Melanie Safka the folk music diva was just out with her great song at the time, called, “Brand New Key”. Locked up inside all of this, for all Dan Mackey and I ever knew, was this entire mess still ongoing right to this very minute, and so maybe indeed, and as the great MS said all along, maybe then, I too have this mysterious key. Or maybe I did have it and MS was unaware that ISIS had taken this stuff out of my closet in 1969, at the Dellway Arms Apartments, on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, Apartment O-15, as in Gawky Gaukauk and his letter-number order numerology. In any event, this did not all happen random in some meaningless happenstance grouping of silly coincidental things. Anyone foolish enough to believe this and to discredit the MORIANITY truths that really double as the ADULT VERSION and reprinted BOOK OF THE BEACH, burned by Russell Thaxton that night in middle December of 1969 or maybe it was a little later on, as ISIS has fuzzed out my memories now, for all I know it could have happened right around the time that Dorothea Dario threw my bicycle into the Newton Creek, in early January in 1970. In any event, the hypnotic SUNRAM eclipse, was still a short ways off, taking place in March. Bob Madison was all a part of this, as was John Zane, only in ways totally outside any boxes of rationale. As of this point, I still am putting together possible scenarios of how it all fits together, right down to Zane’s teacher, Mister Ciprionni Ohm. There is so much more to tell about 1969-1971, and the joke is on ISIS, for telling me to tell the blogs more about this as well as the progressing years after this leading up to the song, ‘LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS’ and the interaction where she sang this song to me, in early June of 1980, and now is more than 33 years back into time. You can wonder about a million things that all link up to all of this, along with the great original interaction and the giant county wide chemtrail that dispersed and dissipated all over the skies above me, on the following morning on that chilly December day in 1969, just half a year after the almighty Misses Marola made sure that I did that school play, so as to be at a precise place and time, later on that day, down in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to hear the mighty and great Sarah say to folks riding in a car that came bolting down Tennessee Avenue, “Your friends are in the shop”. Just tell me this folks, and I know the internet is gargantuan and appears to include the entire world up there. Is there another Morianity or something even close to it, anywhere up on this great and powerful OZERNET???? I would seriously doubt this myself, but admit to not being god almighty. Still, before we do move on with the great SARAH, which caused my poor mother and I to be assaulted and criminally preyed upon in numerous ways almost 24 years in the future, minus a month or two, back on the second day of August in 1996, at the Pathmark Shopping Center of Turnersville, New Jersey, County of Gloucester, Township of Washington, and BOOM, don’t get MOWED DOWN or jacked in by all these incredible backwash, eddy, current SPACE-TIME-MIND symbolism’s, YO folks, and please, is a big ass W-O-W needed right about here?
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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So back to the story that is not off a shade or two from total 100% TRUTH! Lightning told me that she is not afraid of any of these people in hyperspace. But SHE IS AFRAID THAT they will hurt me and mess with me, if she comes around and brings me joy and happiness; as this is never permitted by my ENEMIES, the ruthless vicious evil monster sub-scum MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ”THAT” is what she is scared of, SIR ROCKDROID KIRK AND KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, as for kid, she almost never got here, as you got the royal bear hug of your life by old Android Rock that day, when Nurse Chapel was with you; and the lovely vision of gorgeous sensuousness, the ‘girl-droid’, whose name, or number, or whatever; congressman; I now have forgotten. I have not seen this shit since 1973, in my Russell Thaxton First Morianity original version long burned, O-15 bedroom, of ‘GAMES EXPERTS’, and accidental flip sides, that for this one time at Cifaloglio, was meant for me, imagine that, entertainment world?????????? So say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! OK, that’s been said, PTL, PR-80! Then there was Misses Marola, who made sure, another ”kid” would come to be, along with that unfathomable mind and suigenerous sense of humor oh hers, the wow needed for this one folks, stretches across light years of space, so forget seeing it on this blog, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!!!!!!!!
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Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County, in New Jersey. Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied. I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only, where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!
Mizz Bondi, if David Roth were here to be my witness, he would tell you under sworn oath how real this all is, hard as it may be for you to fathom. These peeps have very great reasons for keeping me out of music, and really, a moron can see what’s happening, if he or she would just look and honestly see what is what here, with both their eyes and their hearts. But alas, as I told Lenny McKinnon in 1908, “I ALREADY KNOW HOW THIS WILL ALL TURN OUT”, and no Mizz AG, it ain’t real pretty, nothing like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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On Blogger since January 2006
Profile views – 2779
My blogs
Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:
Morianity Foundation
The Epitome of Harassment – Internet Version
To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian
About me
paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The Winds Of War, Gone With The Wind, Time Travelers From Our Future
You forgot your mom’s birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.
This is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS BULLSHIT, whether or not any of you are getting it yet or not; and very soon, you may just be going, oh yeah, that little fucking bastard said all that, back on the cunt eating thirteenth night in June, and wow; now look at shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is nothing new about lightning by the way. I have been following this ever since the middle eighties when all of this fucking nightmare shit began for me, good people! I do not hide stuff, and there are no secrets in MORINAITY. It is all in plain view, but if it does not quack like an EARTHDUCK, many will never be able to hear any of it no matter how plainly it barks out at you. This is why Jesus, after the great resurrection, was recognized as slightly different in appearance, when in fact and truth, the difference was in the mind’s eye of the many beholders, who just could not totally escape the EARTHDUCK QUACKING SYNDROME. They see, they hear, but it is all fake steak and techno-pop. The problem is that everything shares a commonality and this is that nothing is really real, so then, what the fuck is phony, anyway? When anyone figures out that little powerhouse wisdom bite, share it please, and then, you are definitely ready to understand the following little quick squib about Morianity hating secrets, and why the LORD called EARTHERS, ”hypocrites” over and over again, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA WELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t care if it is the example of several months back with Mister Woods-golfer and fiance’, or anyone out here with a Facebook account, or any social media. How can you keep a straight face, and do all this stuff; and then hate the government for supposedly spying on you? Also, when Tiger and his girl posted all that stuff up, and then demand their privacy, no offense, and this is just an example using name recognized people to make a better point; but millions of you all are biblically described so perfectly. The NSA is not taking your privacy, you all have been giving it away for years, and then you complain. Now as for me, I have a message to get out, and could care less how many people are spying on me. Spy on, rock on, roll on, roll over and play dead for all I care, I mean folks, get real; this is totally ass ridiculous. If anyone could care less, Morianity has told you now, for seven or eight years, that this was all true; only no millions of people know my name, the way that they know the dude who squealed. Also, FYI lovely folks, they don’t HAVE TIME to give a shit about you or me or our lives. The entire planet has been under surveillance for decades, and the teck is just better recently and so it all has come out, but not to burst any bubbles or egos out here, but unless you are planning on doing something that is a threat to America, they don’t even know your name, or want to. They have raw data that great programs examine and analyze, with a time backlog that you would not believe. They are just now examining the most important key-word-signaled data from 5-10 years ago, and this is why they were not on top of the 911 event. The manpower is lacking, not the teck. If you could record just 6 hours of the day, 40 of your favorite television channels, tell me how you will ever catch up to watching it all back? You’ll get an ever increasing lag time as time keeps passing. The NSA is not the problem. The problem is social media out of control and nutty people. How can you get out there and tell your life to an open world, and then expect or try and demand ‘PRIVACY’? It’s the quintessential oxymoron if ever there could be one. Either want the world to know your name, or don’t, but why do you all vacillate back and forth? If you have accounts and tweet out your basic life moves 24-7, then what’s your problem with big brother reading the same pages, hay, call me dumb peeps, I just don’t get any of it, so if I am missing something, why not straighten out this dumb old fuck?
People say that I’m fucking Looney Tunes. Fine, I guess I am, because for the life of me, I simply do not get the new age American citizens, and really for the most part, the entire new age so-called civilized global internet society. I mean really, I have had things happen to me that go beyond the fucking known universe, and have begun to write and record about it ever since 1995. I’ve copyrighted shit, written music, written blogs, it is all real, and I only hope the dam fucking feds read it and examine it all. None of this shit makes one bit of sense to me, so if it does to you, and you will not ever comment and explain this to me in a full paragraph and not a dumb ass 15 word or less bird chirp, well, to me, I see myself dead center in a huge jungle with billions of folks beating their chest and doing Tarzan imitations. Hay why not, we can call him, Techno-Tarzan, huh Mister WD of the non electronic fluid realms? Yes Mike McNulty, you certainly surely may; so go for it, BRO!!!!!!!!
Folks, the ‘drug dog thing’ here at the Housing Authority was talked about, and you all know about Magnesonic. All the great mystery detectives from Nancy Drew to Nancy Grace and wonder, but they can never prove anything going on with me and Maggie. Still, you have to admit one thing, L-4, and that is, and as SPOCK said it so frequently on the original STAR TREK TV SHOW, of the late nineteen-sixties; and that is, between the resurrection of King Akoslem 2000 years ago after 80 hours of his death, The Steel Pier to the Central Pier in 265 days, 2000 years later, the not wanting to believe and so our senses forcing themselves to be tricked just a little upon occasion, and then comes the great hyperspace son of our wonderful president of these great and awesome Huntington United States of America. This is not a complicated code with the need for a NSA translation. If you think this proves anything, it doesn’t. Cosmos makes eternally sure to always go just so far, and them to never quite cross over that line, just to keep mortals all guessing and pondering, and never knowing. Once you know, all the fun is removed from the cosmic video-game of Pratt Town, right 1994 Copyright Examiners of Permissionbarrierville?
To view this at blogger, use their link, friends and fiends, whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
BYE-BYE good people!


July 5, 2013
This link is good for viewing color and seeing photos once you read here on wordpress. Enjoy. It is quite shocking and powerful, and I am labeled a delusional siko so who gives a shit aniwho, Mister Trump?
When my dad talked about my future friend, David Roth, he said that we would meet at a mall kind of a place, and both be working there, and probably together. That too came to pass, with perfect accuracy, in November of 1985; with or without any cry’s over Diana, or songs called, I’M CRIANA, copyrighted that year, MMCN, so laugh, moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is quarter shy of eleven at night, July fourth, in 2013, Saturday.
Market must have closed early.
Never trade on short days!!!!!!!!!!
So far in 3 weeks, only one loss with following, this session
would never have been traded, early close days, never risk follow the follow.
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
{{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood:
Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.
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On Blogger since January 2006
Profile views – 2779
My blogs
Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:
Morianity Foundation
The Epitome of Harassment – Internet Version
To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian
About me
paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The Winds Of War, Gone With The Wind, Time Travelers From Our Future
You forgot your mom’s birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.
If you have read this opening, feel free to skip this part.
FOLKS, AS I SAID TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE IN THE LATE EIGHTIES ON MY EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE. How can I possibly know when you are reading what I am writing? I AM not the great ISISCYLLA SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and never will be, sort of like my old pal David Charles Roth’s only show in town. How he would always remind me, seemingly on a daily basis, that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is not the only show in town, nor will they ever be. I believe the tapes are somewhere available in the great Library of Congress, Copyright Office, in Washington, District of Columbia, a place may I add with a very liberated attitude where the age of sexual consent should be placed, and what is good for the lawmakers, is good for everyone else, and if that is not true, just exactly how have I misspelled America? XIII is the number by the way, such a tender age and how the perverts must wonder why this is not common knowledge and all move into our great capitol city, right Roy? I still cannot believe that you told me this, or that nobody seems to know it, know matter how I spread around what you said to me, old pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be the master sheet for PART 5 of MORIANITY.
You may skip through this by scrolling, any time, folks.
December 12, 2006
More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3)
At the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey.  Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations.
Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently.  He was given a CD called “The Meaning of Life.”  The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title.  He’s really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark’s side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day.  More importantly, he is insane.  Completely, violently insane.
Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU’s own Jason Forrest isn’t clear.)
Here then, are three selections from Mark’s version of reality:
Interdimensional Technology (MP3)    Android & Angel (MP3)    12th Planet (MP3)
If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.
As Bob Chabot said in 1981, is there any excuse 4U? Signed, Da’ Mountainpen.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA??????????????????????????
**W-Map, courtesy of CHANNEL 12 local South Florida TV.**
Note: The image above may not reflect the current alert state for your county due to a several minute delay between the issuance of the alert and the map processing.
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Are you on this thing, BREAD and IF, OR ‘as if’, Doctor Garrigan???????????????????
A beautiful shot of LUNA, also known as the moon, and ‘Goddess Diana’, by the Romans.
She is real folks, you will see when you’re dead!
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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!
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Diana, don’t let me down, moon goddess. I will always love you, as Whit H. said!!!!!!
WOW, let us go a little into this huge one, believers, and ‘others’, without me joining the ranks of one failed student-teacher from late in 1972, huh Danny Mackey, time MMCN!
Yes, powerful shit is in the numbers 3 and 4, right old buddy Jim Trent Doogie Howser? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get more into this later on tomorrow and Sunday, as this entire month of fucking dick licking June is one huge mother fucking ass SUPER CUNT HUFFING BOTBAR COMPILATION!!!
WOW, let us go a little into this huge one, believers, and ‘others’, without me joining the ranks of one failed student-teacher from late in 1972, huh Danny Mackey, time MMCN!
Yes, powerful shit is in the numbers 3 and 4, right old buddy Jim Trent Doogie Howser? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get more into this later on tomorrow and Sunday, as this entire month of fucking dick licking June is one huge mother fucking ass SUPER CUNT HUFFING BOTBAR COMPILATION!!!
SOMEONE WILL NOT GIVE ME A MOMENT’S PEACE, AND WE ALL MOTHER FUCKING KNOW WHO THIS IS, DON’T WE, CUNT LAPPING AGENTS, CONDOR AND FALCON, OF THE 1988 UFO THE COVER UP DOCUMENTARY, ON NEW YORK, NY, CHANNEL 11 TELEVISION, WPIX????????? And I know who they are. They are TYPE THREE EXPLORATRONS, and yes, time travelers is another way for you to see this truth if you are not reading on my mother fucking dick chewing ass level yet, dudes and duddesses, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that mouth!!!!!!!
All shit eating hell broke loose back on mother fucking TUESDAY EVENING, attacks on my TV/VIDEO MACHINES with the WOMO MILI-2-FORCE death beam assault guns, and much much more. Way too much for me to want to start getting into with you all tonight on this dam freaking whittle bwog. Technically, I should have god dam known, that the following day was gonna’ be super fucking ass MURDER, and as you all known ‘IT WAS’, with or without any real good girl accents, on or not on any old songs copyrighted by me in 1986, WHAAAAAAAABIT, and I did know, but here is that perfect example of suppressing rotten thoughts, and even fucking blocking them totally out all together, and we all do it, and in different varying degrees. SLAM BANG BOOM, what a bunch of fucking asshole nabes I am stuck with, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new
Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few
Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew
We’re down and out, and we will even go to work for you
You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two
I am so weak and faint and do not wanna’ be so blue
While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe
Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you
We’ll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew
But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say
I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
And I’m not giving any freaking fish away
So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea
And when you’re done your song of woe, that you have sung to me
Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty
And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me
And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish
You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch
I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled
So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed
Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled
People say I’m cold and cruel, on every single day
But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay
So I’m not giving any of my fish away
They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand
And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand
Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died
The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried
And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned
Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound
Just another bucket and, then he’ll have caught his fill
A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill
The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again
Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben
I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay
And I’m not giving any of my fish away
You’ll be crossing over, later wishing you’d been nicer
You’ll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer
You’ll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they’re talking
You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll have to keep on walking
You’ll be crossing over, watching all the others eating
Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating
Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate
You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate
You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll be a lonesome rover
Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say
That you’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay
So you’re not giving any of your fish away
Doors, doors, doors, doors, Public Housing Authority!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy mother fucking stink shits folks, remember that MENTALIST television episode that aired a couple of weeks back with the coin trick and Patty Jane was telling Wayne Rigsby about the two coins and how the simplest and most obvious thing is normally the truth about any given circumstance and or situation? Well, I’ve been too busy being persecuted and picked on since then, to really make contact with that thought until recently, and then when I did and something popped up in my fact, I still was too busy getting fucked with by my enemies, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, to get into this wild mother fucking deal, good people and my wonderful believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now however, to quote the mighty Leviathan, Barnabas Collins Frid, of yesteryear, “IT’S TIME”, SO LET ME PROCEED TO DO JUST THAT. This really will blow your mind, the utter fucking simplicity of something that has bugged me out for a very fucking ass long dam time, good folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of horrible things have happened to me in the 21st century believers and haters alike, but let me tell you one powerful thing in all localized honesty, mister Joel sir, and fellow rip off music world victim, WHAAAAAAA and WEEEE!!
There is nothing worse than coming to a state of 100 percent enlightenment and then reconstructing what you all see as mere (dreams), and knowing how great your losses really are, and how they can even be quantitatively made worse if that is humanly conceivable; by carefully examining the cosmic jigsaw puzzle box, and then slowly, one by one, putting all the decillions of pieces together until the picture jumps into 5-D action, not just 3-D, and none of you most likely have the teeniest whittle clue what I am even saying her,e and that is what is so fucking ass sad, Eric and Jack Eggfert from Fort Pierce. This is a wild and different place down here. Peeps are basically without any compassion, 99% of peeps are very fucking mean down south, and I need to get up north where at least this number is only around 93 or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoever coined the expression that every little bit counts in life, they have been way fucking under recognized for contributing major ideas onto society. Well, is that another honest to the gods thing that I can relate to, Sir Joel, victim to victim, WOW, this is getting 265 day good, real good, if I grow a pair of thrill rocks. Wolf-Wolf, I mean really aunt Ruth, where where you when the dogs were being walked. I was with a fantastic unbelievable toddler while you were doing whatever it was you were doing that day, ice cream or no ice cream, you stingy old banker scum UNCLE HEINZ YACHTSMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh shit, Youtube is fucking at it again. Out of nowhere, my ”YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER” song, is displaying that silly 301+ after the ‘views’, and I have only been up there to post it, edit it, and view it three times, to share it with Blogger on a new sharing system they have. I did that about a week ago, after it had been up a week, and that was on the fourteenth of June, but everybody hates my guts, and I know nobody ever looks at my crappy fucking music, so why is that same 301+ back on the new post up, it has a different freaking video and is not the same shit, it only has the harmony track from 1984, mixed in to the 2012 newly written lyrics to the old 1983 song that was called then, when I wrote it back in Atco, New Jersey, “Girl, I’ll Tell you anything”. Those Goog’s really hate me, and do all they can to let me know I should stop existing and just remove my junk off their site. I suppose at this point it is out of spite that I do not have the Staples Store guy over and just hit a couple of delete buttons and EX out of the whole thing once and for all, right my gorgeous and lovely Louise Hendershodt, from 1968, in Northeast, Maryland summer cramp, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????????? Today, the entire place would have been shut down and sued. I could tell things that would blow away half a continent, and just don’t think it relevant right now or important to what my life is about right now, other than for telling Louise about the RED X of the future, and she of course just laughed and called me whatever the 1968 equivalent would be for a geek and a kook. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, the prob Bob, is that I was, and usually am, without trying to brag, I totally swear to the gods, CORRECT about all the shit that I tell and reveal. Still, © Office, why do I bother, it ain’t ever fucking ass appreciated, YO, right good peeps?
Of course there is danger in the fields, Rodney, and yes, I should have stayed away from Atlantic City, but you told a lot more details to your friend, Brad’s mom, Grace Messenger, and I do not believe the coincidence of messenger-angel names here, not when my life altered the universe, and the universe altered my dam life, and so on. Go ahead PP, have Doc Jack for breakfast, he was worthless, just like Eric, and you can have all these dam ass Floridians, they are rude and vulgar, and basically, uncaring mean ass-wipes. Still, I can add pieces, and I can add days and weeks, and I wasn’t falling off of turnip trucks hiding from border patrolmen for the past ten days, and before that in some crib crying for his fucking mommy, YO dogs!
||CALENDAR FOR ’69-’70||
JULY 1969
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12—-WEEK 1
13 14 15 16 17 18 19—-WEEK 2
20 21 22 23 24 25 26—-WEEK 3
27 28 29 30 31
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1 2—-WEEK 4
3 4 5 6 7 8 9—-WEEK 5
10 11 12 13 14 15 16—WEEK 6
17 18 19 20 21 22 23—WEEK 7
24 25 26 27 28 29 30—WEEK 8
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1 2 3 4 5 6—–WEEK 9
7 8 9 10 11 12 13—-WEEK 10
14 15 16 17 18 19 20—-WEEK 11
21 22 23 24 25 26 27—-WEEK 12
28 29 30
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1 2 3 4——–WEEK 13
5 6 7 8 9 10 11——-WEEK 14
12 13 14 15 16 17 18——-WEEK 15
19 20 21 22 23 24 25——-WEEK 16
26 27 28 29 30 31
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1——–WEEK 17
2 3 4 5 6 7 8——–WEEK 18
9 10 11 12 13 14 15——-WEEK 19
16 17 18 19 20 21 22——-WEEK 20
23 24 25 26 27 28 29——-WEEK 21
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1 2 3 4 5 6———-WEEK 22
7 8 9 10 11 12 13———WEEK 23
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27———WEEK 25
28 29 30 31
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1 2 3———–WEEK 26
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7————WEEK 31
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22 23 24 25 26 27 28———–WEEK 34
MARCH 1970
S. M. T. W. T. F. S.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7————-WEEK 35
8 9 10 11 12 13 14————WEEK 36
15 16 17 18 19 20 21————WEEK 37
22 23 24 25 26 27 28————WEEK 38
29 30 31
Where is Marge Break-Giver Leo, and Steve Legal team McGinty, when you really need help? ‘WOW’, Mister RHM!!!
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Sharkey says, ‘HEY GIRL’, Leticia Tilley, oh and also,
tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???
Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth. So here we go.
AUUCH, HEINZ GOTTWALD, say what Aunt Ruth?
The SKY persecution is major, but the assault today is mother fucking way beyond just this, it is a magnetic or psychic attack, and much mother fuckin g more is going on all fucking cunt around me, good peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of boring my audience with same old same old dick licking bullshit here folks, I WON’T discuss the attack any further other than to paste in something, and then we will ignore these cunt chewing total trash, and move into PROJECT NSA-DREAMING JEANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be my RETALIATORY FUCKING COUNTERSTRIKE for what is being done to me now ever fucking since 1986 when this assault on me by the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE all fucking seemed to begin, not that shit in my fucking diseased puke sucking life was some fucking ass heaven before that, as it fucking was certainly not, YO YO YO YO, AHA-AHA-AHA, MISTER FUCKING MICHAEL MCNULTY, SIR, FROM FUCKING DIESEASED Ass 1971, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAA!!
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
{{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE 4 ME SUCKS; and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, FOR THE FUCKING MISERABLE 1984 RECORD, AND ALL UGD’S!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this is the one out of eight times, we would have dropped a few bucks, but notice, this is the first trading session since I told y’all about following the follow, that it did not work, it seems to work about 7 or 8 times in ten. Most brokers that say they can give you something with a 75% accuracy, would be fired and jailed by the SEC. Also, more is going on recently than meets the eye, Weena Wells. Well, she and her boyfriend would be the two that wouldn’t need to hear that morsel of information. SHEEEEEEEEEEIT! {{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE SUCKS, and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, but good old Maggie decided to retrieve my miserable life, right Shirley Grant, G-R-A-N-T?????? Where the fuck are you McGinty and Weena, Jesus Christ?
Well Golly, Sergeant Carter, of the USMC, salute me in the ship if you want, but in any case, that was a long long distance away, huh guys. I know you read my blogs, who’s kidding fucking who, Exploratronic Supermind society????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
Asteroids and Comets
When I tell today’s revenge secret, regarding my pillow talking father from fucking January of 1974, there will be some very sorry fucking people out here, somewhere, AND ONLY THEY WILL KNOW JUST WHO THEY ARE, AND I KNOW THAT THEY ARE READING THIS BLOG, ALONG WITH ANOTHER ABOUT 5 PERCENT OF NON-OTAMMITES; PRAISE ALMIGHTY GODDESS SSJK, KNOWN MORTALLY AS GOD, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH GOD, and known to me as my teen-queen Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle.
Thank you Diana for the back to back visits. I really need your help, I AM BEING FUCKING MAULED AND PUMMELED, SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved your gorgeous ”Lakehouse Lightning”, PETA-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now I need your help, please burn down my enemies and strike them with your power and loveliness, my beyond hot and great wonderful awesome teen queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The SKY persecution is major, but the assault today is mother fucking way beyond just this, it is a magnetic or psychic attack, and much mother fuckin g more is going on all fucking cunt around me, good peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of boring my audience with same old same old dick licking bullshit here folks, I WON’T discuss the attack any further other than to paste in something, and then we will ignore these cunt chewing total trash, and move into PROJECT NSA-DREAMING JEANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be my RETALIATORY FUCKING COUNTERSTRIKE for what is being done to me now ever fucking since 1986 when this assault on me by the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE all fucking seemed to begin, not that shit in my fucking diseased puke sucking life was some fucking ass heaven before that, as it fucking was certainly not, YO YO YO YO, AHA-AHA-AHA, MISTER FUCKING MICHAEL MCNULTY, SIR, FROM FUCKING DIESEASED Ass 1971, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAA!!
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
{{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE 4 ME SUCKS; and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, FOR THE FUCKING MISERABLE 1984 RECORD, AND ALL UGD’S!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this is the one out of eight times, we would have dropped a few bucks, but notice, this is the first trading session since I told y’all about following the follow, that it did not work, it seems to work about 7 or 8 times in ten. Most brokers that say they can give you something with a 75% accuracy, would be fired and jailed by the SEC. Also, more is going on recently than meets the eye, Weena Wells. Well, she and her boyfriend would be the two that wouldn’t need to hear that morsel of information. SHEEEEEEEEEEIT! {{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE SUCKS, and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, but good old Maggie decided to retrieve my miserable life, right Shirley Grant, G-R-A-N-T?????? Where the fuck are you McGinty and Weena, Jesus Christ?
Well Golly, Sergeant Carter, of the USMC, salute me in the ship if you want, but in any case, that was a long long distance away, huh guys. I know you read my blogs, who’s kidding fucking who, Exploratronic Supermind society????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
Asteroids and Comets
When I tell today’s revenge secret, regarding my pillow talking father from fucking January of 1974, there will be some very sorry fucking people out here, somewhere, AND ONLY THEY WILL KNOW JUST WHO THEY ARE, AND I KNOW THAT THEY ARE READING THIS BLOG, ALONG WITH ANOTHER ABOUT 5 PERCENT OF NON-OTAMMITES; PRAISE ALMIGHTY GODDESS SSJK, KNOWN MORTALLY AS GOD, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH GOD, and known to me as my teen-queen Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle.
Thank you Diana for the back to back visits. I really need your help, I AM BEING FUCKING MAULED AND PUMMELED, SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved your gorgeous ”Lakehouse Lightning”, PETA-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now I need your help, please burn down my enemies and strike them with your power and loveliness, my beyond hot and great wonderful awesome teen queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’LL TAKE YOU TO YOUR FAVORITE WATERFALLS TONIGHT, LOVELY PRECIOUS SWEET DIANA, know that my wonderful beautiful endless love and BABY-BLOND! But for right now, HA-HA-Ha, you missed me Jane Dirtbag with your ones-clock-attack, it’s now fucking 19 minutes past one, you rotten bitch. What you did to me just over 20 years ago at that ball-field in Georgia, is WAY FAR BEYOND FUCKING UNFORGIVABLE and as Dawn would put it quite perfectly, honey; this shit is merely what it is, no more and no less. An enemy put a mouse in my apartment a few days back while I was out on my previous errands, not the ones I went on today and got cremated with planes and chemtrails all over town, worse than in a very fucking long ass time, YO YO YO YO!!!
Well, Sherry-Lee P honey, you wanted my time car, the old 94 SATAN, well, you got it. Enjoy it, along with the wonderful monster ass dude himself. Wow, what a bunch of lovelies I have been forced to contend with for 60 goddam years. Jeese Louise, Fonty Cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So folks, fuck my assault today, we can always play James Maverick Rockford, and get back to this later, loose fucking teeth and all, Jimbo, sorry old pal. For now, we will tie Sherry-Lee Pote, the automobile insurance Sales Person back in 1997, in with my father further back in early 1974 with his pillow sleep talking, while I carefully listened in.
First, my blogs discussed on many chapters throughout the past times since they began on the ‘Blogger dot com’ web-site, in January of 2006; how he already was totally and fully aware of future times, no guesswork at all. He knew all about the details of movies that were years and years away from being not only made, but even conceived of in those minute details, by the writers, of the great awesome fucking STAR TREK people. He knew about the space stations that built the ships, describing the movies in detail, on this one part. All of the end seventies and into th eighties and nineties movies, depicted these very platforms in orbit around Earth, that build the large star ships. Back then, no one even thought of such things, it would be like today if I told you in a serious tone, let’s field travel to Galaxy QYV3958-34588, 300,000,000 light years away, meet up with some of my friends; and then return back here ten seconds after we departed. I mean this. This is no fucking exaggeration, I promise. But the pillow talking ‘sleep-talker’ father of mine did not end things with Star Trek platforms building Enterprise Starships, not by a fucking Perry White phone hang-up long shot, sir inspector Kent Louigee Henderson. Well, my father on another night, went on an angry tirade in his sleep, telling a sales lady to stop trying to steal the special automobile that was being planned for my son to have when he ends his thirties. What special automobile, I was thinking, as would you too be thinking. You see, I’m really not as far out and weird as many of you may wish to believe, or listen to the crazy cursing dudes writer and friend of Jason Forrest of the internet radio, WFMU. No one more than fucking me, would love to have a hum drum ordinary normal life, without whatever this is dogging me endlessly, ever since it just fucking popped magically intro my proximity and surroundings in August on 1986. NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one soul would want more than me, to have a MOTHER FUCKING NORMAL AVERAGE LIFE, whatever that really works out to be, in some powerful group’s idea of ‘reality’; NOT A ONE! Ed Himacane lied to me and promised that one person with enough clout, would eventually read my life story, and want to get involved and help me with this problem, that is in no way imagined or just some fucking ass psychotic fucking delusion, no matter what 99% of you assholes insist on believing and chuckling at, despite major proofs over and over, posted by me, this blogger, onto my blogs, for years and years and fucking cunt years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But shall we remain on point for right now peeps, and discuss the pillow talk about Sherry-Lee Pote, back in 1974, describing an incident in the autumn of 1997, 23 fucking chromosome years in the double helix fucking future, YO YO BOUNCED AROUND © 1988, MARK WAYNE MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JOHN J CROWLEY , Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?
Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »
John J Crowley’s entire criminal record
The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:
Last Known Address: 1201 ROBERTS WAY, VOORHEES, NJ, 08043


205 lbs.
Offense or Statute
Offense/Statute: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD Disposition Date: 29 March 1996
Even this awful evil son of a bitch devil from the mother of a devil, could not inflict the pain on me back late in the fucking 70′s, like the mother fucking jerk off scum bags have done to me since middle 1986, sending me to eternal fucking ass HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My father talked about a strange sales lady who would be making me a trade or an exchange, costing me a valuable and necessary tool and ability that I needed to have, in my special circumstances, under this affliction caused to me by the WOMO-MILITUFORCE and their unrelenting barrage of life destruction endless attacks on my life, without an ounce of fucking mercy, or shame or conscience, whatsoever. L will tell you that he spoke certain things that naturally, even with my superb long memory, it will be word paraphrased, but I remember the gist of what was said in his ‘sleep’ that the cosmic forces quite obviously wanted and meant for me to hear, those nights from long ago.
Let me get into my little buggy and hee haw out of here, just as I did before, YO! But before this comes into fucking cunt fruition folks, Dad went on for around an hour, discussing legislators, Washington, DC, and politics; and just how filthy dirty it all is; and that with one stroke of a pen, at any time; anyone’s life can be irrevocably altered forever, even in this so called, and I say this term loosely as diareah flows, “free country”. He also went on an don about an older friend who in the beginning, I thought was Jim Burr, but it was not, it was David Roth, and it took me until living down here in hot fucking ass miserable Florida, to really put all of the one and ones together, and get all of the proper two-answers. When my dad talked about the future friend, David Roth, he said that we would meet at a mall kind of a place, and both be working there, abnd probably together. Tat too came to pass with perfect fucking accuracy, in November of 1985, with or without any cry’s over Diana, or songs called, I’M CRIANA, copyrighted that year, MMCN, so laugh, moron!!!!!!!!
It is time for me to stop banging the walls Misses wonderful Marola, and cross over to the other side of the tracks, sweetie!!!!!!!!!
Without waiting much longer, I will just vanish out of view for another 70 day-off grid period, sort of like 2008 all over again, with a little late 2009 all mixed into the soup recipe, YO BRRR!
He also finished on this one night with this about Washington politics, then Dave Roth, and sure enough, as with Jim, was a little older than me, and he went onto tell me that the two of us were destined to be in a great struggle of some kind that he could not begin to explain to me. Now by this point, I had managed to slowly get him into a half-way-zone, where he was almost my subject, and was hypnotized and in my controlled trance, and I began to quiz my own father about stuff. This is when I was told that he and Albert Einstein, under a secret project after the Electromagnetic Invisibility Project (EIP) was abandoned, and the Battleship Eldridge was no longer a part of this secret testing of the secret parts of the intelligence war efforts in league with the newly then established NON SUCH AGENCY or the (NSA), showing their sense of humor to be somewhere around as warped as my daughter’s; but who am I to fucking judge anyone for the sake of crucified fucking Christ??????
Now the real big secret, is that I learned that my father planned me, my personality, my traits, the way I would grow up and become, with a magical knowledge and gift for exploring unknown concepts in mathematics and physics. Somehow+, he and his pal, mister Einstein and a lab under the total control of the NSA, managed to splice in some kind of microbiological system that allowed my father to shoot sperm that was half his and half Einstein’s, and the only time that my father did not use the sexual withdraw method with my mother during their sexual activities, was when he said to her one day out of the blue after coming home from meeting with strange peeps, to hear my mom tell the story, and he said to her, “Honey, I want to have a child”. It seems that my mother had a severely tipped uterus and withdraw which under normal circumstances is not by any means a reliable or safe method of couples not wanting children conceived to protect against that, but with my mother’s tipped uterus, this worked out just fine, and the one time my dad wanted to have me, HE HAD ME, he and EINSTEIN had me, they both are MY FATHERS. I KNEW AQBOUT THIS SINCE THE AGE OF 42 DURING MY SEARCH TO FIND THE MISSING TEENAGER IN MY LIFE, THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTTY SARAH KRASSLE. She did not tell me, and the story would be way too long for me to even try getting into a short version of it right now on this blog, but we will get to all of this, I promise you. Now exactly what my oldest daughter knew in her conscious mind awareness back around the time of my Haddonwood days, is shaky ground to explore, on best of days, and I’ll gladly expound on this and tell you all just why I am saying this on my blogs. Also, you’ll need to soon be made privy to just who Sherry-Lee Pote really was, as I can prove that Boo, Sherry, and my wonderful darling and pain in the *** daughter, are all very good friends and have been for decades. Sherry-L.P. was indeed a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON, and just about all peeps in the crew, are becoming more and more skilled, in the hopes of an eventual invite, into this very mighty and unfathomable Exploratronic Supermind Society, (ESS). But I am not done with my TRS or my counterattack by telling major shit today, for this horrible mother fucking first BOTBAR of JULY, leaving me now at 33% MPB for 07-13. Needless to say, THIS SUCKS A FAT THROBBIBG ONE AT C-SQ! My father told me what would happen to Jupiter and how exactly I fitted into it, up in 1994, 20 fucking asshole years in the future from his pillow dribbles, back in early January of ’74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the hugest and most powerful secret that cannot be topped whether you’ll realize it or not right away or even at all, once I now impart it to all of you, my BLOGAUD, my believers, and my majority Otamm readers, (MORS), is simply put, this folks: He knew about my idea for creating that thing that I have mentioned on earlier blogs, called “Timeless Satellite”. He said that my idea was ingenious about building androids to be programmed as crippled college degreed real people, who would get degrees and high paying jobs, and live meagerly, funneling the majority of their money to a Swiss Account in my name, so that I could amass the funds to build this satellite and launch it between Earth and the Moon. I wanted to reach a target goal of one hundred million dollars by 1990, and launch off the Earth in 1992. My dad then tried to explain details to me about hyperspace and how in many parallel universes, I do succeed, but not in this one, but that eventually, in one of them, the future residents will find a way to cross the barriers of the fifth dimension and come and get their creator, me, and take me to the satellite. When I asked why that could be, and wouldn’t it vanish away if I was not left here to complete the task, it was my dads word choice that you hear me use on so many of my Morianity blogs. He said, it will not vanish because of a complex hyperspace equation. This is a near, if not an exact quote. Only in the 21st century, did I begin to understand what he was really saying to me, in this altered half-awake, half-asleep tranced state. He knew about future Star Trek movies, he knew about my good friend David Roth, he knew about powerful political enemies that would mess with me in the future, and he knew that he and Albert, had meticulously gone to great lengths, to plan my birth. This is why he was so disappointed when he went away and came back, leaving me without a father from age 9 through age 19, and then I appeared not to have inherited any of the characteristics that he was hoping for, with that split gene in me. But that was to all bloom and blossom later on, while my hell grew worse and worse as my fucking thirties began creeping into my physical life, and all of this fucking hellish horseshit began to fucking dick eating unfold. I was being prepared, I was being tested, all these attacks right down to today up in the sky, it is all to keep pushing me to my limits, and just what the real goal of ‘Steiny’ and my poopy fucking Poppy was, I’ll never know. I do know that playing god is stupid, role reversals are a deadly thing to get into. Look what happened when god tried to play human, they fucking crucified him and put him in agony and shame. Oh sure, the cult called Christianity insists this was all part of the plan, and if you just go back to the bible, it is. But back way before that, is a teenaged girl who is playing a huge super advanced type of a video-game with all of us humans in this down-lined fucking little speck universe. Dennis Snyder from Mullica, New Jersey would most likely chime in right about now if he was taking part in these writings and add in the words, “That’s just reality, son”!!!!!!
///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®
MARK WAYNE MOHR——–1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013
Now remember, this chart will move during the hours of 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM, not in live action, but you can snap off and back onto the blog, and every few minutes, the chart will update; ahhh these leevely ol leprechauns, maitees. Technology can be wonderful me frensl, speeshally ween its on your side of the fight. But without the lousy attempted Irish accent, let me tell you that the enemies broke my air conditioner, and I will let it stay broken, so that this time, maintenance will not be able to come in and say,oh it’s working fine, you asshole, Mark. It is not working fine, it has been fucking hit by the Raspberry Carnival Crew of 1460-2010. One hell of a lifetime, if I do see so, meself, Meester Meeguire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doors, doors, doors, doors, Public Housing Authority!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy mother fucking stink shits folks, remember that MENTALIST television episode that aired a couple of weeks back with the coin trick and Patty Jane was telling Wayne Rigsby about the two coins and how the simplest and most obvious thing is normally the truth about any given circumstance and or situation? Well, I’ve been too busy being persecuted and picked on since then, to really make contact with that thought until recently, and then when I did and something popped up in my fact, I still was too busy getting fucked with by my enemies, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, to get into this wild mother fucking deal, good people and my wonderful believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now however, to quote the mighty Leviathan, Barnabas Collins Frid, of yesteryear, “IT’S TIME”, SO LET ME PROCEED TO DO JUST THAT. This really will blow your mind, the utter fucking simplicity of something that has bugged me out for a very fucking ass long dam time, good folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I talked about how the energy worlds of ‘spirit’, as most humans who are not the science, and laboratory type, of folks, would think of stuff as; and go onto tell you that waking material tangible physical life in this caporial arena and shared material world illusion, is only possible by our consciousness, whatever this truly is, some mysterious force that combined MIND with individual BRAIN, is by mathematical proof, literally dividing by the constant squared, or speed of light (C-SQ). Then I go onto say that here in waking life while conscious, we seem to receive a reverse of all things that are TRUE AND REAL. While, thank you Patty Jane, for this marvelous advice, and it was right in fucking front of me the entire time, a place where most of us receive the maximum effects of being totally blindsided. Of course, if the great E=MC SQ is going to be reversed, so that we can live here awake and conscious in a solid material universe, by the mere doing of this by our ‘brains’, we then would receive a sort of backward or reversed vision of basic life concept, no matter what arena, something observed such as the sun going around the Earth, most truths such as the smart money being normally the dumb advice in the long run despite the great and mighty powerful Misses 1969 Marola Lottery, and on and on and on we could take this horse shit, good people, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, this was a day of loud doors again, a nasty sore throat in the morning, a shit attack in the evening, all day fucking chemtrailing, and nasty overall shit all fucking cunt lapping day long, AKA one of the god dam Mountainpen’s famous many many many hurricane blowing force BOTBAR DAYS!!!!!
Now I will tell you a little more big news that time and personal major hell has been preventing me from getting to much into, and that is, that an old acquaintance made contact through a neighbor on another floor, and I have learned a lot of powerful things, not much of it is safely bloggable if I value my fucking life, as you don’t mess with this fucking family, and remain real healthy. I would tell you to ask Janis Joplin, if I am addressing any of her fans from long ago, but then as you know, you would also need to invite in Sissy’s Cuzz from the Oranges of Jersey, along with Patty Sorenecks, to make contact. As I said, this is what happens when those magic bullets really begin to fly, ladies and gentlemen, YO! I will only tell you a few tiny things. First, I had no idea how powerful these Lambrigger jerk offs feel about all time periods in nickels. You know, 5 years, 10, 15, 20, 25, and I am not really tool sure about the nickels after the first five of them. This is a huge thing, and is why a waitress was literally corner-room-reality-manipulated or CRRM in case I wish to use this abbreviated term again on future blogs; but this is why she told me there was a contract on my life, right in front of my mother who was seated across the booth from me that day on the second of mother fucking August in 1996, 10 years to the day that I was in my passenger seat in my car, while David Roth was in a Manhattan night club, seeing his great pals, a music group calling themselves, “NEW SHOES”. But there is a lot more, and it really is or may as well be if it is not, on what is refered to by the No Such Agency, as Top Majestic Secret Level, or TMSL, it does not go higher, there is no top top top top top, this is like twenty tops without sounding like a silly grade school kid. From every conceivable huge thing from stuff in my daughter’s life to Star Trek owners and producers, all of these EW peeps and probably the entire IL Club (LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE ASTRAL-PLANE), have a major thing about the nickel years. Presidential elections may come in fours, leap years may come in fours as well are are the same ones, but the real hidden shit behind the OZ-CURTAINS, all come in FIVES. This is not why I like the number 5, and is honestly; and faint if you want to, hearing this coming from me the Mountainpen; but it is really just a wild cosmic duplication of things, or (a coincidence) if you will permit me here, bended knee Gottwald, UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can look at times that are separated by these nickel years, of many dates and times in my life, where this has proven out, abnd this small group of words of wisdom from the non crawling bugs of music or non music, are powerful true honest words of fantastic advice. You see, this technology if you will, can be applied against this evil fucking Illuminati group as well as just be a plus on their side of this fight with me throughout fucking eternity. Yeah, Heavy girl, own up to that little powerhouse of great wisdom, postcard queen from hell, and cosmic landlords of the application of my songs from the eighties. Oh yes, good old cowardly King Walter, RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can skit the tigers and the bears, oh what, open reel master tapes of eighty-six????????????????????????????
Yes Kenny Rogers, you know whassup, and don’t even think about trying to lie to me or your old flame from Warren Grove in New Jersey. We all have our pink houses, and lake-houses to deal with, and even Superman has a way of living, suffering, and dying, right wonderful Mister S.M. Carey????????????????????????? Let’s not dig up too many lovely Roseann Delaney’s, I get nervous at this time of night, just on the mother fucking outside chance that phase-4 may work in more cases than my rotten old CUZZ, the Marvelous and Mervelous, and the ACMUA PIPES and underneath bedroom pipes, all notwithstanding, AHA-AHA-AHA! Yeah, go ahead, Mister McNulty, you can join the choir. I cannot sample you, I never taped anything of you, WEEEEEEEEEE!
I am so sick to my stomach from living nearly sixty years in this world, I could throw up with the force of a nuclear volcano on steroids, ladies and gentlemen. There really is no excuse for the quintessential evil, that exists in this tiny little rotten to the core world. Sorry Twinbay, this is just how this poor old broken down glass-half-empty guy, feels about fucking shit right about now, sweetie. Give my best to lovely Jenny Washburn and gorgeous Tiffany, WHAAAAAA!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
My neighbors have all banded together to kill me, and they may not even be aware of this on some conscious mind level. It makes me want to cry like a baby how ignorant and pathetic this human race really is. You go up for example on the great internet, and read how the limited human mind places things into the same compressed files, that Youtube does with your original CD digital music that you post, making it sound about as degraded as listening to a rock concert through toilet paper rolls glued to your ears, from the parking lot on a windy day, at best. I am not saying this to belittle Youtube, but I do attempt to make my little point, people, that is all. I know I am incredibly outspoken, and most likely not only have offended the majority of the world power structure system as well as the 99ers, because I cannot live that boxed in and completely compressed. I have seen incredible things, and lived an incredible life. No one else alive would have survived it, and my survival has nothing to do with anything that brings me praise or glory or credit, believe me good folks. I am here and alive and am doing this project, because a power far greater than I will ever hope to be in my wildest fantasies has desired for this to all be so. I have as much to do with it as I have to do with succeeding in life in so far as the way humankind perceives successful living here on Earth, you all know, money, family, peace of mind, security, happiness, fulfillment, respect from peers, and all of that nice stuff that separates the beggars and bums, from the big shots.
My apartment is all packed up. I wil be heading for Mexico in two weeks, towards late in the month, one night when the world least is expecting me to do this. They did not think I would ever make good on my continual promise to vanish in the dead of night out of New Jersey, but I did, Pipe Maintenance Man, Mister Simon Baker. Never say never, ladies and gentlemen. That is a foolish thing to do or believe, and you really should take my advice here; but hay, you just go do whatever makes all of you happy and blissful. Keep that joy overflowing, right lovely Ashley Tinsdale?
Wrapping things up, maybe things are real clear to me that you all cannot see no matter what I post up, and then as well, maybe a lot of stuff that you all take for granted, is Einstein difficult for me, so did anyone out here ever so much as ponder and scratch your head on just what might indeed be causing this quintessential conundrum of illogical reality? If you were me, you would be thinking about this as often as you pee and poop and eat and drink. I do not have the luxury that you do, of NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS, CONTINUALLY!
So that you don’t have to click onto the right margin, here is a smattering of recent activity in late May and early June, from older blogs, pasted in. Have yourselves a very nice day.
OK folks, I’ve cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where I must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be. I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I’ll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessarily stop when the words of, “cut, that’s a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I’ll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, ‘Callio-Botbar’; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it ‘important’ here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ”conspiracy theory” writings. Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites; and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers. It is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability; as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom; they’ve got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to. At least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into ‘now’. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E? Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ”EXPLORATRONICS”, and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club; is by all of the labels and the standards of the entire Morianity system; a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks, who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane; by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that; except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies, of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Morianity. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this; and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists, such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on, with all professions; I would doubt with what’s left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens; I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks; but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones, inside of an unimaginably vast hyperspace, that contains them all; would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the ‘religion’ for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blogged texts; MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3, or simply MFM3.
*** W-O-W ***
Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resort SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA—-SIN—-O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here’s the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life. Then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do; this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ”New Age”. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System, or the (PCLS) for the short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, and somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway; made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily? Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I’ll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don’t even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I’ve been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston’s Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad, and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don’t go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ‘OH’, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, in the early nineties; “Don’t keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it, and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it, yet staying vigilant; and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that’s when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you Ron Wirtz, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of eleven, let me ‘cunt phlegm rape’, with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555, is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president? What fella, are ya’ nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake, we are speaking of the subject of blood. In fact we have been, ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I’ll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court. I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn’t sound so bad to me right now. Fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from ‘MIVILLE’ and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin’ half off? Well, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally believe that REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don’t fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens; and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance, that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart’s or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN’S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD’S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an ‘outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don’t get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it is no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono, from New Jersey, in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.9-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed a 1.74% unit gain, over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning; would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over; I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fucking jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back; and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now. In fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!
But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash, and their all night door slamming, and screaming, and drug selling, and using, over in those apartments across from me. I have nothing to lose. It will stop, or it is back to fucking New Jersey for me. So get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
My neighbors have all banded together to kill me, and they may not even be aware of this on some conscious mind level. It makes me want to cry like a baby how ignorant and pathetic this human race really is. You go up for example on the great internet, and read how the limited human mind places things into the same compressed files, that Youtube does with your original CD digital music that you post, making it sound about as degraded as listening to a rock concert through toilet paper rolls glued to your ears, from the parking lot on a windy day, at best. I am not saying this to belittle Youtube, but I do attempt to make my little point, people, that is all. I know I am incredibly outspoken, and most likely not only have offended the majority of the world power structure system as well as the 99ers, because I cannot live that boxed in and completely compressed. I have seen incredible things, and lived an incredible life. No one else alive would have survived it, and my survival has nothing to do with anything that brings me praise or glory or credit, believe me good folks. I am here and alive and am doing this project, because a power far greater than I will ever hope to be in my wildest fantasies has desired for this to all be so. I have as much to do with it as I have to do with succeeding in life in so far as the way humankind perceives successful living here on Earth, you all know, money, family, peace of mind, security, happiness, fulfillment, respect from peers, and all of that nice stuff that separates the beggars and bums, from the big shots.
My apartment is all packed up. I wil be heading for Mexico in two weeks, towards late in the month, one night when the world least is expecting me to do this. They did not think I would ever make good on my continual promise to vanish in the dead of night out of New Jersey, but I did, Pipe Maintenance Man, Mister Simon Baker. Never say never, ladies and gentlemen. That is a foolish thing to do or believe, and you really should take my advice here; but hay, you just go do whatever makes all of you happy and blissful. Keep that joy overflowing, right lovely Ashley Tinsdale?
Wrapping things up, maybe things are real clear to me that you all cannot see no matter what I post up, and then as well, maybe a lot of stuff that you all take for granted, is Einstein difficult for me, so did anyone out here ever so much as ponder and scratch your head on just what might indeed be causing this quintessential conundrum of illogical reality? If you were me, you would be thinking about this as often as you pee and poop and eat and drink. I do not have the luxury that you do, of NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS, CONTINUALLY!
So that you don’t have to click onto the right margin, here is a smattering of recent activity in late May and early June, from older blogs, pasted in. Have yourselves a very nice day.
OK folks, I’ve cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where I must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be. I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I’ll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessarily stop when the words of, “cut, that’s a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I’ll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, ‘Callio-Botbar’; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it ‘important’ here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ”conspiracy theory” writings. Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites; and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers. It is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability; as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom; they’ve got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to. At least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into ‘now’. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E? Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ”EXPLORATRONICS”, and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club; is by all of the labels and the standards of the entire Morianity system; a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks, who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane; by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that; except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies, of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Morianity. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this; and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists, such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on, with all professions; I would doubt with what’s left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens; I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks; but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones, inside of an unimaginably vast hyperspace, that contains them all; would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the ‘religion’ for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blogged texts; MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3, or simply MFM3.
*** W-O-W ***
Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resort SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA—-SIN—-O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here’s the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life. Then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do; this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ”New Age”. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System, or the (PCLS) for the short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, and somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway; made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily? Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I’ll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don’t even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I’ve been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston’s Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad, and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don’t go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ‘OH’, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, in the early nineties; “Don’t keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it, and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it, yet staying vigilant; and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that’s when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you Ron Wirtz, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of eleven, let me ‘cunt phlegm rape’, with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555, is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president? What fella, are ya’ nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake, we are speaking of the subject of blood. In fact we have been, ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I’ll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court. I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn’t sound so bad to me right now. Fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from ‘MIVILLE’ and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin’ half off? Well, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally believe that REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don’t fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens; and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance, that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart’s or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN’S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD’S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an ‘outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don’t get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it is no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono, from New Jersey, in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.9-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed a 1.74% unit gain, over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning; would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over; I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fucking jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back; and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now. In fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!
But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash, and their all night door slamming, and screaming, and drug selling, and using, over in those apartments across from me. I have nothing to lose. It will stop, or it is back to fucking New Jersey for me. So get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
DATFILE: 120511.656 WORLD LABS OF 2295
Loud small planes are around, I have seen it worse. I knew last night around 2 or 3 in the morning, they were not done with me, as this fucking attack is about as fucking cock sucking relentless as I’ve seen in 25 fucking ass years now. I was talking to Diana over the phone, and they illegally cut in and cut me off. This leaves me with a dead circuit line, until eventually, they allow the line to come back again. If they did not, I would simply not pay my AT&T bill, as even this twisted fucking disease cannot have things both ways all the time, no matter how much they think that they mother fucking can, YO.
I talk about solid helium on other blogs, and skytorcycles that I have ridden over Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, or will ride as JOJO, but I do not tell the details of why the great Colaman came to HADDONWOOD CLUB in the middle nineties.
When things come out in detail, right down to who really owns the networks, and I break down how none of these things are imagined or coincidental, JASON SCUMMER; then and only then will I be either dead, or on my way into court for an all out battle with WOMO. It is you or me bastards, and prisoners have stopped being taken, if they ever were; a long time ago, by both sides of this horrendous battle; that even the BIBLE describes, only no one yet, Dr. Camping included; has really even come close to figuring it out. Only Mini-Great Jewelly knows, and this mighty Type-3-EXPLORATRON is more than some pathetic somnambulist, believe me folks. This story does not start in 1969 or 1954, as it begins with the stars, the real ones that glitter at night, huh Sarah-Stacey Krassle, my endless TQ love? When I tie it all up this week if this does not stop, this world will be on its way into a hell that will lead to the end of mankind, as he now knows it too be; and the ushering in of a new calendar, and a new year one; the JEWELLY calendar. As I type this, the fire alarm just went off here. It is every mother fucking day, and this is way beyond unspeakable. Before it all is over, I may well be in jail, and some of you cunt lappers may be dead in the fucking ground, so tell them all how your lovely daughter told me that last day, that you are not my buddy, AKS.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Posted by mark wayne mohr at 9:14 AM No comments:
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Monday, November 19, 2012
Yes 001, I do get it, so these two re-posts should prove I understand, oh great pipe repairman and games expert, you know you guys owe me a thank you letter, but then, Shitner Shatner will make my hair fall out and white before he sends me his, the egomaniac.
SBT-DATFILE: 092912.564
© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2012
It is Saturday afternoon in Fort Pierce, for me. It is not Drake Towers in Philadelphia, Sheriff Mascara kind sir. It is not San Mateo, California, Sheriff Monks, kind sir, either. Still, this is starting out as another bad day, with the famous ASTRAL PLANE TOOL KNOWN AS “PAWM-PIE-ETTOS” from my WOMO-MILITUFORCE EXPLORATRON BRIGGBASE CULT ENEMIES, here in this waking world. At exactly one-eleven this afternoon, the door slammer across the hall woke me out of a sound sleep with a powerful slam, not at 1:10 or 1:12 or 1:04 or 1:16, no, but at precisely one eleven. ‘THAT’, kind android Star Trek ROCK, is not the equation; it is not a coincidence either. The last few days, there are only two or three real loud slams. It is not an all day and night affair, still; it is as though they got revenge by doing it at an exact time, so as my not being able to miss the event; and seeing that horrible time displayed on a clock. Well it did not work, as my mom always kept clocks five minutes fast, an absurd habit to keep her from being late, but I have seemed to have adopted this habit myself, now in my old age. Tell that to the beach goddess, as I said, enough continual persecution, and one day OTAMM will be eternally sorry, not for me, but FOR THEM. 555555555555555555555555555555 will compensate for that nasty attack on me. Next door is also messing with me, but it is not too bad. It is all within a more tolerable range. I thought things were bad when I was working, and now I have totally figured out, why WOMO ENEMIES hate me working, and making a little bit of extra pin money. I would be able to go out when things get real bad around here, and break up the annoyances to a small degree. Without any money for gasoline to run the car, that is not only totally impossible; but literally makes it feel like I am in prison. I sit here day after day, and for six fucking months, thinking to myself; “Who did I kill, who did I assault, who did I rob, who did I rape, what did I do; so why am I in mother fucking dick licking jail? Then I think back further in time, and remember other times and similar situations, where at other previous times, I was in the very same sinking boat that I am now in. Then when I would eventually find some little weekend job somewhere, guarding some place, pow; the enemies would make me suffer, by pounding me with endless aerial assault, and also, a lot more shit done to me on the ground. When I occasionally was able to prove some ground attacks were real, the police normally insisted on covering it up every time. How I can relate to the mother fucking poor UFO-answer seeking people. However, on one big point, I vehemently DISAGREE WITH THEM, kind Sheriff’s, and L-4, and all others reading me. You see, they in their blissful ignorance, are actually seeking to have an abnormal life, by discovering aliens or whatever. I make no judgments here, other than to draw you all a word picture, that will endlessly separate ME from any of THEM; those who are looking to find trouble, whereas ALL I HAVE EVER WANTED WAS TO BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL AVERAGE LIFE IN THIS WORLD AS MARK WAYNE MOHR, whether anyone of you chooses to believe me or mother fucking not, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my dam life, I try to stay out of trouble, and I try not to place myself into situations where this stuff would happen to me as a result. Whereas in contrast, those others who post videos on YOUTUBE, many I have now shared with you, my MORIANS, all looking to expose the government, or make trouble with the so-called airships that may not belong to the normal waking world airspace system, exposing secret groups or societies, and on and on. It is as though they are searching more for trouble or just perhaps some wild and weird exciting personal life. I don’t say this to anger them, just to tell the truth, which does anger people unfortunately, and always has. This can lead as far as the crucifixion of one great religious leader, who the world bases its entire calendar on today, yet for the most part scoffs at, as they do me, and why not. We are physically related, & it is all in the family, Archie Bunker. I did not play down the boss that I had, over at the Harvest Job through the AARP PROGRAM, old big-red, AKA Jessica Grant, who got rid of me, in the middle of last March; and altered my life in ways, that are beyond unspeakable and deplorable, now forcing me to live imprisoned. As much as I may have hated that hard physical job, being a weak person and thus, mostly a security guard all of my life, it brought in more sustained monies for at least some type of a life. I am A Huntington, & a blue-blood, most of us are weak. Most ten year year old children can, and always could, beat me in an arm wrestle. That is just the way it is, Dawn-Marie, mighty Highness King queen. In my younger days, I could go into a gym, and workout, and do wonders with gaining strength in short term bursts; but then I would totally wear out and give out, and within three years or so, little girls were pinning me in arm wrestles, all over again. This is the way I am built as a blue-blood Huntington. I am what I am, oh great lovely and late, Dawn Marie King, and as you said so often back when you had me kidnapped under Stockholm Syndrome in 2008-2009, “It is what it is”!!!!!!! You see folks, I am not making these things up. I am merely telling what has happened, who has said what, who has done what, and then the resulting factor of me, now exiled in a hellish doom, far from anything I am used to and always knew, all of my life; stuck in a roach invested place, with roach putrid nabes; and a life filled with people who hate my guts, and don’t give a fucking shit about me; other than to watch, or to make, me suffer. There was a boy who was dying of fucking cancer, on television; in the early springtime of 1983. How I will always remember him. He said, ‘when he meets God, he is going to punch him right in the nose’. I feel the same way, only I know better. I don’t want to end up sucking weeds at the bottom of Huntington Bay for all eternity, listening to bull frogs and enemy dudes with strange number signs on their bodies. WEEEEEEEEEEE, 2008 all over again, give me a break please, Elmer Fudd sir, thank you kindly. Yes, that huge star, that went super-nova recently, hmm; I’ll bet that was that poor cancer kid making that horrendous mistake of punching god in the nose back in 1983, quite a show from Earth and physical reality space-time, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Ann King sits up there in luxury, after doing all of this to me, watching and enjoying my 40 inch 5000 dollar television that I bought at American Appliances, on the Black Horse Pike in Mount Ephraim, New Jersey, in late 1994. That big old clunker was one hell of a beauty queen television, and see, it still works just fine, and after moving to Somerdale, and then to Guthrie Short’s mansion over in Blue Anchor, then Hammonton at the Trailer Park, and then to the other three Hammonton homes, where Ann and Dawn moved to, twice with me, and the final time, without me. Dawn only lasted a year after I left in middle December of 2009, and passed away, Praise the Lord, on January first in 2011. This is what people who wipe out my life will all eventually get, whether they believe it or not. They will pay the ultimate price for destroying my innocent life. They will get PAYBACK. So will all the peeps here today down in Fort Pierce, as no one is immune. The Earthquake struck as I said it would, and the mother fucking crooked biased Mark Mohr hating media, totally avoided telling the story; and this was not a tiny little quake, good folks. I said there was a quake coming, and it came. You can only access the information by going to GOOGLE, and requesting ‘latest earthquake activity’. Speaking of quakes, or Quakers, or even famous towns in Pennsylvania; the mighty Robert McGuire, did in fact tell me back in 1997, just as the other McGuire jets were roaring over and above us that day outside of his Erin Bar, on the bottom floor of his Pittsburgh Hotel, on Tennessee Avenue; that the local family had roots in Pennsylvania, and that his father built the hotel in 1902. Well Prosecutor ADA Wirtz Senior, Carlisle is in Pennsylvania, and I was treated like a dog there, when I drove up there with David Roth, in June, Hubcap time era, of 1996, Kathy Gatherer, and so is the first mobile home that I lived in at ages six and seven, up high on a hill, in the middle of a cornfield, and yes, the lightning dream was very real, Annie Costner, so why not go do some bodyguard work on a corpse for all I care, Kev. Still, I had lots of friends at the Richland School; Jacky Patteroff, Sky Cunesman, Jefferey Rosenhower, Tommy Coddonodo, Ann Reese, and Bobby Witherspoon, just to name a few, right Congressman?????????????????????? WEEEEEEEEEEEE, where is mother fucking cunt lapping Rod Serling, when a man really needs him right there at his side, YO?????????? What other secrets does McGuire know besides this latest dig for Hoffa being a total waste of time, or even bigger secrets of this powerful powerful powerful awesome family from the stars, here to serve and be cursed, and even commingle, am I wrong car seller Moroni? Are you still the 10%-ME of the Mars Graphics Printing Shop, old pal? Oh well, suck it up buddy, that wife of yours was hotter than the sun. If I ever tell the full story of the psychics, both in 1976 and again in 1996, the world will understand why it is better to believe that there is no unnatural order and so-called, ‘spirit world’. People can only be so afraid, and then a human heart will literally destroy itself. Enough fear will cause a heart no matter how healthy, to explode. Then the person will die instantly of cardiac arrest and massive heart attack. Send some flowers Frank Callio, you know where, only you and McGuire know exactly where, well maybe Trinidad Sat Sam knows too, but we can save those school bus rides for other traveling Julia White true stories that go beyond the permission barrier. I am thinking of doing just such a sequel folks, “Beyond the Permission Barrier”. If I ever do, and with all names and places altered, the world will still self destruct. You can think of it as the ‘Gloomy-Sunday’ of the book world, only America does not ban things unless they are advocating government overthrow, or detailed instructions for becoming a successful terrorist. Why anyone would want to hurt innocent people, eludes me. I know; as I am hurt and damaged beyond repair, and I also know that I am innocent. Some don’t think I am, and to them I sadly say, “GO SCREW YOURSELVES”. BYE-BYE folks.
I have powerful stuff to talk about. Also, I am under a heavy aerial assault today with one of the WOMO-MILITUFORCE famously used tools of their great carpentry kit of pure evil from the Astral Plane, the mighty PAWM-PIE-ETTOS. The day is super BOTBAR, and a lot of heavy amounts of young goddess type of girls, are all over the place. I was out getting my prescriptions at the Walgreen’s Pharmacy, and spending my final three and a half dollars, until the 3rd, and what would have been my mother’s 93rd birthday, good old frikkin September the third. My Dad was one week later on September the tenth, and my mother used to love to say how she robbed the cradle. I am not touching this one ladies and gentlemen. Somebody contacts, in my opinion, all poster’s of anything chemtrail-related, and sends them about four and half billion websites to check out, showing all of us the error of our ways. He even mentions how Joanie Mitchel sings a famous song of hers, about them, from 1967. They are all through the HAIR movie, done in 1979, on the remake of the original hit New York Broadway theatrical original performance in 1968, ‘HAIR’. I also had Donna Summer’s wild version of this, done as a teenager, long before she ever did anything else. Now it belongs to the FBI, via the basement of Agent Steve Caruso, of Austin, Texas. No SPELL CHECKER, if Ms Mitchel wants to spell her name ‘Joanie’, that is entirely her business, but hopefully she’ll have enough good common sense back in time, to stay away from some real lovely folks that her friends like Dusty, Carlie, and poor paranoid, yeah right, Janis; did not all stay away from; down in wonderful sweet, and totally mobbed-up ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USA-ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Carlie falls victim to the error’d ways of the Micro-Sucks spell-checker computer system also, WEEEEEEEEE, new Bank Trucks, and fuck you too again, as if I want to fucking say ERROR’D, then that is what I’ll say. You don’t own me or my life, you silly ass fucking computer program, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, watch out for FIRE MCGUIRE. He loves to also destroy people’s personal property, and tries to kill pets, wreck automobiles, and even though my credibility is total zero; my kid does pull a lot of weight, only she does not believe the GREAT PRINCE, nor me, on the jet issue; or even what happened a long time ago. Unfortunately, I cannot randomly select what I choose to uncover, discover; and come to learn as fact. I disagreed with my mom on this, and never thought that I would disagree with her granddaughter. Oh well Mayor Levy, who can know the future? Yeah right, to that one as well, huh your back-pain honor? No one talks about the OJ TRIAL, and CNN VIDEO, that day, where some MILITUFORCE CRAFT, WARPED out of our orbit; as it is all there, and it really happened. Yes, I had the tape. Now guess who has this tape. Either the KING’s, or the FIBBIES.
Do I know why the CHEMTRAIL ATTACK IS SO BAD TODAY? You can bet your ass that I do, Annie Costner, bodyguard of the Iowa cornfields. I HAD AN EXTREMELY INCREDIBLE EXPLORATRONIC INTERACTION right before awakening at half past ten this morning, another one, what is this half past ten shit all about, I am left to begin pondering on quite philosophically, and perhaps even criminally? This also rings lots of head bells, as things tend to repeat in numbers, and in events; and on and on I could go on this very wild topic. Ten-thirty was choke time, on the evening of June 4th in 1983, where that all began, along with Sabrina Collins, from the ‘REAL DARK SHADOWS SHOW’, back when talent was real, and not all synthesized and copied; and who am I to talk in this great pot and kettle situation, as many I’m quite sure are asking right about frikkin now? There also was another half past ten, also at night, on a Saturday, more than twenty-six years ago. I was with the loveliest girl I ever met, and ended up never knowing what forces had brought us together intentionally; and nearly had a fate of my own waiting for me, called Rikers Island Jail. For non, New Yorkers, there are many other things on this island, it is not just a jail, just in case anyone is remotely interested. There is something for me, about ten thirty, usually at night, but it can be morning as well, so it seems. In any event, I will tell the wild exploratronic interaction or as you might call it, wild vivid DREAM, to you on this blog, but before we do get into it, I want to discuss a few things that will lead up just ever so nicely, into all of it. The person leaving me a lifetime of information to check out regarding the CHEMTRAIL subject, needs me to say a few things here. For once, I did successfully reply to your message. Yours was the only one that worked. When I tried PP, I got all kinds of screens as he is a member of the AOL-INTERNET, and hard as I tried, I could not get back to him, SAR knows I tried. I tried replying to my new friend ADS, and also failed, in fact his entire comment on the WORDPRESS to me, vanished, poof, and that was that, fortunately for me, I copied down the frikkin e-mail address that he has, so I will at least be able to communicate, once someone ever helps me. Things for me are not like Mister Knowso can ever imagine, because he is not me, just as I am not him. He does not think that I know the history of chemtrails. Most folks until this very year, do not think these things existed before the nineties, and I of course know that this is a lot of crap. Not only were both contrails and chemtrails around before the nineties, and before my problem with them began, in either the end of November, or the start of December, in the year of 1987; but in fact; they do show up on many Hollywood movies, HAIR from 1979 being one of them, and in the song done by JM in the middle late nineteen-sixties, she is indeed driving through the Western deserts of the United States, and sees her share of the very same grid pattern thickening cloud dissipating stuff, that is shown on the remake of the Broadway Play HAIR, and before JM sang her song of bedazzlement while doing some desert driving, there is history far beyond this. I have in my possession, both a contrail and a chemtrail, during the CIVIL WAR, Miss KNOWSO JESSICA GRANT, a descendant of our great General and later to follow US President, YO. This is because the same things that have caused the ‘REAL GOOD GIRL’ (MY) INTRO situation, and the trip from September 30th in 2008, up to October 31st in that same year, only a 31 day time travel, but time travel nonetheless folks, and the 6-9 rooms in a home I never saw ever, and had no reason to ever see it, owned by Judge Frank Raso of Hammonton, New Jersey; being shown to me by the greatest female recording artist on this planet, Mariah Carey; and the list goes on with literally hundreds of personal real actual time travel stunts, that somehow are all involved in my life; are not something that the mighty KNOWSO Patrick Jane of the MENTALIST television show, or anyone else sharing the view that there totally is no way that anything beyond the natural order physical-plane can exist; is a total fool. What throws off the belief or disbelief, and also causes age old disputes and down right nasty arguments, is something called TRANSDIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE. This is not understood except for, and by, a handful of top physicists. It explains why I can go back in time ten minutes and shoot myself dead, and it has nothing to do with all the so many other rationalizations made so far, even by the greatest minds of the scientific community. Time travel, no matter how it is done, even the so-called trips to the future in fast space ships; is not what people think at all. You would have to see the reality in pictures. Words will never do it justice. If you take the video of a car moving down a street, and this lasts from one o’clock, until one minute past, and you slow it down, and watch it; this car becomes many cars, and many time-realities; and all that is happening in or out of so-called normal or extra-normal travel throughout that minute, is an energy of mind, transferring from instants to instants, in a very very miniscule kind of a time fraction. As this MIND-ENERGY is moving by way of its very nature of its own existence as a sent signal from the sixth dimension, down into all of the 5th dimensional lower hyperspace parallel universes, a lot of things are happening, that 21st century science is only starting to wrap their frikkin heads around at the top think tank and physics lab level. In the early 22 hundreds, the accepted reality of ‘SPACE-TIME-MIND’ becomes understood, and this alters life on ‘Planet Earth’ beyond a million times that of the wheel, or fire, or even prostitution; if I can be allowed a little lightening of the load here, with some attempted humor, good peeps. We can get back to all of this and more, at later times. For now, the chemtrail topic is indeed complex, and it has nothing to do with any one thing, and anyone who believes that something so big as this, can really be such a mono-topic, is kidding themselves. Without these chemtrails, it is difficult to use ‘STM’ as efficiently, so they are placed all over everywhere, and until the nineties came in, folks were literally in their own zones a lot more, but they were all over the place, just less in the eighties, and less still before the eighties, but they WERE THERE; and I do know the history of them, and need not be reminded of this by any so-called all-knowing folks. This is all very personal for me, and I don’t expect to be believed on face value when I make that claim, as why should a nobody be? I get it, I am not a frikkin moron. Now I want to talk to my new pal ADS, as the next paragraph starts; and this will then work to automatically dovetail into the powerful ‘DREAM’ from early this morning before my awakening to start this BOTBAR last day of the month, and many of my followers, know about MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE and using it against me by the evil vicious WOMO since 1986, just as they also use ICPE/PARALELL EVENT, ALL BRINGING ME TO ENDLESSLY SUFFER WITH THIS EVIL TRILOGY OF THE PHILLIES, FLYERS, DOW JONES DEAL!!!!!!!!
Since I am no good with computers, I lost your comment, and you can re-ask me and I will answer, but for now; I hope you read, and are trying using, the great mystical powerful FASCITAR TOOL, that I explained to you, and the rest of Morianity, and not for the first time, on a near recent blogging text. The Fascitar can take you into a connection with the sixth dimension, placing your energetic awareness onto the ASTRAL-PLANE, where you can simply create an interaction, and by merely thinking anything, it is just all around you, as you are merged instantly into what you are thinking, and the illusion of a space and a time dimension are created right along with you as you do this. This is the total opposite of waking world life, where first we appear to totally need space and time, in order to then make an interaction, or even have a body that powers a brain, that is able to generate ‘THOUGHT’. This is why the PHYSICAL and the ASTRAL are planes that will never be able to be merged. They are as far away from each other as anything can theoretically ever be, but not in time, and not in distance, but in TRUTH. I do not say that because of this, that truth is a dimension, however it almost is. The zero dimensional void infinity IS TRUTH, and that truth is a LACK OF ALL DIMENSION. How can anything really be real? How can things be created when there is just void, nothing? They CANNOT BE. However, we can, and do, learn to successfully DREAM OUT AND AWAY FROM THAT VOID LACK OF DIMENSIONAL TRUTH, and onto the lower ASTRAL PLANE, where from there, we further DREAM DOWN into physical material waking worlds, or the fifth dimensional hyperspace, that contains virtually endless and countless ’4-D’ parallel-universes, such as the one right here, where I am typing this message, and you are reading it. Well, we believe we are, when in TRUTH, we are always simply EXISTING at the void, or ZERO-D, and dreaming out and away from that, and into all of this, as nothing of this is real, but it is one hell of an illusion, or a DREAM.
Here is what I was interacting with in my thoughts, that were seemingly more real than any day or night in so-called waking life, that I can remember. To begin, I found myself on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City; and for a brief moment, the same dream or whatever, that I was interacting in back on the morning of the 7th of December of 1996; where the great Mary Tyler Moore was wearing her famous green dress and standing on a non existing balcony at the Trinidad Hotel, facing the street, as no balcony ever faced the street, only the pool and then the street or just the pool, but here in this experience, there were rooms facing the King Parking Lot and McGuire’s Hotel and Erin Bar, and balconies; and I had not yet met McGuire, nor had I even spoken with Misses Estelle Bassler. That all came some time in February and March of the following year of 1997, the year my mom fell savagely victim to almost a voo-doo curse type of unknown outlandish medical condition. We can get into that a lot more, at other future times, and blogs. The scene quickly turned to where I was up on the boardwalk at the Frailenger Salt Water Taffy Store, where in waking life, I spent many many times inside of, throughout my younger life. Suddenly, the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE was just standing there, and we began talking as though the two of us had normal routine conversations there, every single day. I even remember thinking of my life, and not realizing I was ‘dreaming’, and thinking to myself, while we were talking; “Why does this feel so normal and every-day usual to me, just thinking nothing of talking to, and being with, the most beautiful giant teenager in the multiverse, like it’s nothing? Then we walked down to HER lovely shop where she told me to run up and down the street calling her name, and so I did this. Suddenly she and I were eleven years old, and it was the summer of 1966. I was wondering why my left wrist hurt me, and was all bandaged up. I then remembered that it was about six weeks earlier, when Bruce Walter, in Westmont, New Jersey, had chased me inside of my apartment, at 125-A, Haddon Hills; with a hellish tasting concoction; that he had made in my mom’s kitchen, and was going to force me to drink, because I would not stop cursing so badly. Sarah then walked with me to her upstairs area above the great shop, that Misses Bassler kept insisting was not where I know it was back in time, when I would speak to her often from my Somerdale home throughout most of 1997, after learning she no longer lived after 1974, at 30 South Plaza Place, in South Atlantic City, New Jersey; but instead had moved down to Northern Florida, to Ormond Beach; a place I would come to visit a dozen years in the future, on my drive down from Cifaloglio to Fort Pierce, in December of 2009. The minute I saw the area, I remembered it from countless recurring and repeating very vivid dreams, but this is just an added foot note, and we need now to go back to the point that is discussing this wild vivid dream of just this very morning. I swear this all happened in this powerful dream, so if anyone does not want to hear some powerful truth, maybe now is a good time to move over and read the blogs of Martha P. Hallaway, and Her Rare French Gold and Silver Coins Collection, or perhaps you might try the blogs of Donnie D. Dillinger, and his Life as a Florida Keys Painter; but if you remain here, you will hear some stuff, and what you hear may shock you a little. Hay, maybe you’ll just yawn and say, there goes Mountainpen, as usual, honey; pass me another biscuit, and another cup of tea; and definitely one for my pal, Patrick Jane, the disbeliever. But before I march things right along here, I owe some peeps an apology for my stupidity, and I will admit that when I am wrong and I get all spaced out over something, that indeed, I was; and will gladly say how very sorry I am, for being a dick head. Please accept my frikkin apology. I came to learn just this very day, and hour, that nobody hacked into my YOUTUBE ACCOUNT. This is just a random tool button that pops up on videos here and there, so people can make them better by improving the lighting or color, and what have you; as most things on the ‘YT’ are photographs, and moving images; where this would all pertain to. I am sorry for going off and getting pissed over nothing. What a dork I am, DUH!!!!!!! Just now, I’m back from a two hour break. I ate dinner, and saw the local and world news. It seems that Texas had a little rumble all its own yesterday, a small quake. If you don’t want too many nasty aftershocks, please back off this persecution, thank you, dick head twat chewers. Now back to my pal, and my continuing message to ADS. It is now 835 millidays, today, the 30th and final day of September. The fourth quarter of 2012 is just a tad bit more than four hours away. As I said, I will try and tell my pal, if he is listening, on the BLOGGER site, as I don’t regularly post on any other site now, as this one brings the most accurate re-creation of my word document to the viewer. If this blog is appearing on any non blogger-dot-com website, and you are not reading it clearly, or the printed text appears to be crushed together, then revisit me where each post is put up in clear and ordered sequence, by clicking this following web-address: and you will be able to see things much better, maybe not my message, but at least the printed words that make it up. Now, I will try answering what question I think you asked me, in fact, I think you already read my other message, and it may have inadvertently caused me to remember an Astral Plane experience, as remember good friend, they are not existing in a time continuum there, and we are here; so when you think that you are remembering any altered state of conscious thoughts and events, it has no time order referenced to you at the moment that you are remembering it. When you wake up and say, wow, what a dream, you did not just have a dream, nor are you just now remembering this. All things exist in void, later being dreamed down into the Astrality of existence, a starry and lighter realm. Then later, we dream down further into all of these ‘human dreams of caporial tangible material life’ that we call real or physical, totally in error, as reversing the truth just about always will equal or become a large majority of it. We see the Earth or any world we would be on as a flat surface. We see the sun going around us by rising in the east and setting in the west. It seems that it is quite normal that most things whether it be intentional or accidental, are all tricking our senses through some kind of reversal mechanism. If you could reverse the so-called smart money moves, all of them, on the stock market; and be wealthy enough to ride out the temporary swings against your positions; you would always win, and make the biggest money. Everyone in a majority, guesses wrong. Reversing the majority concept is always going to contain more of the truth and accuracy of any item that’s possible. Now, I believe that you wanted to know if a shared dreaming experience in the hyperspace, or down here in these parallel universes of waking world physicality; would effect, or be able to effect the Astral. The answer is always NO. All things are first real and true in the void. Then in the Phase-2, they are always most real and ahead of anything dreamed down from there onto 3rd lower planes or realms, such as waking world 5th dimensional hyperspace. All that can happen in a reverse direction, is exactly what I think just happened, only I have yet to tell it; that is, my powerful full EXPLORATRONIC INTERACTION OF THIS MORNING, with SSJKK, the All Mighty Goddess. I believe that because you and I have made contact on this computer, my friend ADS, this has happened. Still, until I totally know you, and we talk on e-mail, which will be coming to pass if indeed one of two possible things is the reality of this situation; as since I cannot undo the accidental erasure of your comment while attempting to reply to it, only the date would help me in making up my mind or ruling one thing out, as if it is back this spring, and only because of coinciding initials to something, it would make one huge thing a possibility and in the quanta waves, only finding out that you are not the person I think this could be or have been actually, then we will eliminate one thing, and as the Quantum Physicists say so well, the half alive and half dead cat will be caught, and no longer in the state of quantum flux. Either way, reality is reality. If you are still with me, alive, and reading this, and were thinking about the message that I just printed a couple days ago for you, then either way would explain what I used to call, the RPLDD, that we need not really fully examine right now. We will speak at more lengths about all this on future blogs, and I want to see if you have an active e-mail account. A lot of peeps tend to simply vanish out of existence, when they communicate with me; one way or the other. The main thing is not to fear these Shadows from hell, as their food and sustenance IS OUR FEAR. If we starve these monsters, they weaken, and even go away in time. If we feed them with our fear and give them glory, even as biblically spoken in scripture teachings and principles, especially in the religion and faith called, Christianity; then THEY TAKE HOLD and then THEY GAIN VICTORY OVER US, and only then, my friend. Now, since this still pertains to ADS, let me tell the rest of this powerful “DREAM” that woke me at 10:30 this morning with quite a bouncing bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told how SHE told me to run up and down the street calling HER name, and how we ended up in the upstairs area above the Tennessee Avenue shop. SHE wanted me to open up the middle dresser drawer of a three drawer dresser, and I did, the very same one I had for many years and kept my own clothes in as a youth and even as an adult, and did not lose this piece of furniture until early-middle 1994, when I moved into the Highview Apartments, in Williamstown, New Jersey on April the first in 1994. When I opened this up, a large motorcycle chain was not inside this drawer, as I had totally expected it to be. Then SSJKK turned to me, as the eleven year old SARAH, who I knew from the middle sixties, and told me that SHE wanted the chain to be there, that I had it up in the future, and SHE went onto remind me of my two organizational ‘mentor big brothers’ that I had had, Fredrick Hinger from the Philharmonic, and later, John Henningsen from the Campbell’s Soup Company. She told me that John, the second BIG BROTHER, would be giving me this chain, and that I needed to keep my strongbox unlocked on an exact date, when December of 1969 rolls around. I have no memory of any of this in my so-called real or waking (life). I only remember the chain being in this strongbox, and then always locking it, as it also contained something that was not for my mother’s eyes, or any other nosy person who just might be poking around while I was not home at the Dellway Arms Apartments, and was off at school. All I remember in waking life is the powerful DREAM where SARAH took the chain away on a beach, and then placed it into her middle dresser drawer, above HER shop, in that upstairs area. SHE seems to have some kind of affinity with “UPPER ROOMS”, and then remember, MISTER KNOWSO know-it-all, that the very next day, was the day that I got onto the school bus to go to school, and suddenly, there was a gigantic three criss crossed perfectly angled CHEMTRAIL, that spread out all over the skies above Camden County, New Jersey, that early winter and early December day morning, back in 1969. This was not some ride through the desert, nor was this some, DREAM, as others refer to things in reverse. Still, and trying to stick to the point here, in the experience that I seemingly had this morning, by my reference to waking world time illusion, here is what frikkin played out, my pal, or well, until the cat is out of quantum flux, this is a non touchable subject, who knows? I suddenly remember a lot of haze, and trying to focus my eyes, that worked just fine until this haze just came suddenly bursting out of nowhere; and onto this ‘dream-scene’. I found myself taking the chain in 1969, and bringing it to SSJKK, now back in HER true form as the six foot seven inch goddess from SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, HER great city, that in some ways mirror images Atlantic City, as though Atlantic City is some shrunken down incredibly miniaturized version of the ‘real’ thing. SSJKK smiled at me and placed it into her middle drawer, and told me that SHE will sing my favorite song to me now, called, “Love Is For Carpenters”. I fell dead asleep in my own ‘dream’ right in HER arms. The next thing I knew, I was putting on the best clothes that I had, a nice suit that was given to me through the AARP Program and the man Trevor Watkins, who was my overseer there, and who had some kind of connections with the local area Salvation Army Store. I put on these really nice clothes, and drove in my car to an area like I never saw in my life. It was half inside and half outside, of something. It was, and it wasn’t, all at the same time. Even for me, like wow, this was totally off the wall frikkin’ weird. Then, I sat down on some bleachers, about midway up on them, at the left end of them, when they are facing me head on. There were no other bleachers, yet they were on the left side of something, of what I just cannot pull up. Suddenly a limo drove up, and Mariah Carey, the great recording artist; got out with a man, some white dude about thirty to forty, with average build and height, medium length hair for the styles of men today, brownish color, that was slightly balding; and was dressed immaculately, as was MC. She was wearing the huge motorcycle chain around her neck in a triple loop, and she sounded more like a house pet than a person when she walked over towards me, as a result. We talked, and it was as though we had met here and talked on many occasions. I remember thinking, why is this so normal to be with the greatest singer on the planet, as though this happened all the time? Then she asked me if I wanted to hear “the song”. I said of course I did, not knowing what was going on. Then she sang it to me, with her beyond beautiful voice. It was not a tune I recognized from anywhere in this world at any time, not even remotely. When this was done, she took off the chain and asked me if I wanted to wear it for a while. I was scared, and told her that SHE is the All Mighty Goddess, and that I had no business to ever wear HER great chain. She laughed softly, and told me that this chain is a lot more than I have come to yet figure out. Then she touched it, and instantly it became a smaller more normal sized chain made of beautiful topaz and diamonds, huge rocks an inch thick that had weird shapes, and were all connected by this solid silver but now, quite thin chain. I noticed a medallion on it at the bottom, and on it read ‘I AM 231′. Then the next thing I knew, I was awake back here in this very room, and it was about 10:30 AM, give or take a minute or two. I have not had this powerful an interaction with the All Mighty Goddess, in I do not remember how long, 2008 sometime or there about. This was the time they all began, and just kept coming, up through the Shop Rite purple highlights in the hair dream that is on my blogs. Anyway, for now this is enough about this powerful ‘DREAM’.
In closing for the night, my nabes are noisy, lots of doors, lots of activity, but nothing real super bad or loud, as though they know the limits, and know that they are being watched.
Very interesting things are happening all around both me, and those around me, and all over the area; but I am just keeping my mouth shut for right now. Mexico may be just a short time away, and then again, I may not go there for five thousand frikkin years. That’s on me, ZEEEEE.


July 3, 2013
The SKY persecution is major, but the assault today is mother fucking way beyond just this, it is a magnetic or psychic attack, and much mother fuckin g more is going on all fucking cunt around me, good peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of boring my audience with same old same old dick licking bullshit here folks, I WON’T discuss the attack any further other than to paste in something, and then we will ignore these cunt chewing total trash, and move into PROJECT NSA-DREAMING JEANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be my RETALIATORY FUCKING COUNTERSTRIKE for what is being done to me now ever fucking since 1986 when this assault on me by the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE all fucking seemed to begin, not that shit in my fucking diseased puke sucking life was some fucking ass heaven before that, as it fucking was certainly not, YO YO YO YO, AHA-AHA-AHA, MISTER FUCKING MICHAEL MCNULTY, SIR, FROM FUCKING DIESEASED Ass 1971, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAA!!
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
{{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE 4 ME SUCKS; and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, FOR THE FUCKING MISERABLE 1984 RECORD, AND ALL UGD’S!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this is the one out of eight times, we would have dropped a few bucks, but notice, this is the first trading session since I told y’all about following the follow, that it did not work, it seems to work about 7 or 8 times in ten. Most brokers that say they can give you something with a 75% accuracy, would be fired and jailed by the SEC. Also, more is going on recently than meets the eye, Weena Wells. Well, she and her boyfriend would be the two that wouldn’t need to hear that morsel of information. SHEEEEEEEEEEIT! {{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE SUCKS, and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, but good old Maggie decided to retrieve my miserable life, right Shirley Grant, G-R-A-N-T?????? Where the fuck are you McGinty and Weena, Jesus Christ?
Well Golly, Sergeant Carter, of the USMC, salute me in the ship if you want, but in any case, that was a long long distance away, huh guys. I know you read my blogs, who’s kidding fucking who, Exploratronic Supermind society????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
Asteroids and Comets
When I tell today’s revenge secret, regarding my pillow talking father from fucking January of 1974, there will be some very sorry fucking people out here, somewhere, AND ONLY THEY WILL KNOW JUST WHO THEY ARE, AND I KNOW THAT THEY ARE READING THIS BLOG, ALONG WITH ANOTHER ABOUT 5 PERCENT OF NON-OTAMMITES; PRAISE ALMIGHTY GODDESS SSJK, KNOWN MORTALLY AS GOD, JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH GOD, and known to me as my teen-queen Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle.
Thank you Diana for the back to back visits. I really need your help, I AM BEING FUCKING MAULED AND PUMMELED, SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved your gorgeous ”Lakehouse Lightning”, PETA-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now I need your help, please burn down my enemies and strike them with your power and loveliness, my beyond hot and great wonderful awesome teen queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’LL TAKE YOU TO YOUR FAVORITE WATERFALLS TONIGHT, LOVELY PRECIOUS SWEET DIANA, know that my wonderful beautiful endless love and BABY-BLOND! But for right now, HA-HA-Ha, you missed me Jane Dirtbag with your ones-clock-attack, it’s now fucking 19 minutes past one, you rotten bitch. What you did to me just over 20 years ago at that ball-field in Georgia, is WAY FAR BEYOND FUCKING UNFORGIVABLE and as Dawn would put it quite perfectly, honey; this shit is merely what it is, no more and no less. An enemy put a mouse in my apartment a few days back while I was out on my previous errands, not the ones I went on today and got cremated with planes and chemtrails all over town, worse than in a very fucking long ass time, YO YO YO YO!!!
Well, Sherry-Lee P honey, you wanted my time car, the old 94 SATAN, well, you got it. Enjoy it, along with the wonderful monster ass dude himself. Wow, what a bunch of lovelies I have been forced to contend with for 60 goddam years. Jeese Louise, Fonty Cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So folks, fuck my assault today, we can always play James Maverick Rockford, and get back to this later, loose fucking teeth and all, Jimbo, sorry old pal. For now, we will tie Sherry-Lee Pote, the automobile insurance Sales Person back in 1997, in with my father further back in early 1974 with his pillow sleep talking, while I carefully listened in.
First, my blogs discussed on many chapters throughout the past times since they began on the ‘Blogger dot com’ web-site, in January of 2006; how he already was totally and fully aware of future times, no guesswork at all. He knew all about the details of movies that were years and years away from being not only made, but even conceived of in those minute details, by the writers, of the great awesome fucking STAR TREK people. He knew about the space stations that built the ships, describing the movies in detail, on this one part. All of the end seventies and into th eighties and nineties movies, depicted these very platforms in orbit around Earth, that build the large star ships. Back then, no one even thought of such things, it would be like today if I told you in a serious tone, let’s field travel to Galaxy QYV3958-34588, 300,000,000 light years away, meet up with some of my friends; and then return back here ten seconds after we departed. I mean this. This is no fucking exaggeration, I promise. But the pillow talking ‘sleep-talker’ father of mine did not end things with Star Trek platforms building Enterprise Starships, not by a fucking Perry White phone hang-up long shot, sir inspector Kent Louigee Henderson. Well, my father on another night, went on an angry tirade in his sleep, telling a sales lady to stop trying to steal the special automobile that was being planned for my son to have when he ends his thirties. What special automobile, I was thinking, as would you too be thinking. You see, I’m really not as far out and weird as many of you may wish to believe, or listen to the crazy cursing dudes writer and friend of Jason Forrest of the internet radio, WFMU. No one more than fucking me, would love to have a hum drum ordinary normal life, without whatever this is dogging me endlessly, ever since it just fucking popped magically intro my proximity and surroundings in August on 1986. NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one soul would want more than me, to have a MOTHER FUCKING NORMAL AVERAGE LIFE, whatever that really works out to be, in some powerful group’s idea of ‘reality’; NOT A ONE! Ed Himacane lied to me and promised that one person with enough clout, would eventually read my life story, and want to get involved and help me with this problem, that is in no way imagined or just some fucking ass psychotic fucking delusion, no matter what 99% of you assholes insist on believing and chuckling at, despite major proofs over and over, posted by me, this blogger, onto my blogs, for years and years and fucking cunt years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But shall we remain on point for right now peeps, and discuss the pillow talk about Sherry-Lee Pote, back in 1974, describing an incident in the autumn of 1997, 23 fucking chromosome years in the double helix fucking future, YO YO BOUNCED AROUND © 1988, MARK WAYNE MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JOHN J CROWLEY , Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?
Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »
John J Crowley’s entire criminal record
The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:
Last Known Address: 1201 ROBERTS WAY, VOORHEES, NJ, 08043


205 lbs.
Offense or Statute
Offense/Statute: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD Disposition Date: 29 March 1996
Even this awful evil son of a bitch devil from the mother of a devil, could not inflict the pain on me back late in the fucking 70′s, like the mother fucking jerk off scum bags have done to me since middle 1986, sending me to eternal fucking ass HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My father talked about a strange sales lady who would be making me a trade or an exchange, costing me a valuable and necessary tool and ability that I needed to have, in my special circumstances, under this affliction caused to me by the WOMO-MILITUFORCE and their unrelenting barrage of life destruction endless attacks on my life, without an ounce of fucking mercy, or shame or conscience, whatsoever. L will tell you that he spoke certain things that naturally, even with my superb long memory, it will be word paraphrased, but I remember the gist of what was said in his ‘sleep’ that the cosmic forces quite obviously wanted and meant for me to hear, those nights from long ago.
Let me get into my little buggy and hee haw out of here, just as I did before, YO! But before this comes into fucking cunt fruition folks, Dad went on for around an hour, discussing legislators, Washington, DC, and politics; and just how filthy dirty it all is; and that with one stroke of a pen, at any time; anyone’s life can be irrevocably altered forever, even in this so called, and I say this term loosely as diareah flows, “free country”. He also went on an don about an older friend who in the beginning, I thought was Jim Burr, but it was not, it was David Roth, and it took me until living down here in hot fucking ass miserable Florida, to really put all of the one and ones together, and get all of the proper two-answers. When my dad talked about the future friend, David Roth, he said that we would meet at a mall kind of a place, and both be working there, abnd probably together. Tat too came to pass with perfect fucking accuracy, in November of 1985, with or without any cry’s over Diana, or songs called, I’M CRIANA, copyrighted that year, MMCN, so laugh, moron!!!!!!!!
It is time for me to stop banging the walls Misses wonderful Marola, and cross over to the other side of the tracks, sweetie!!!!!!!!!
Without waiting much longer, I will just vanish out of view for another 70 day-off grid period, sort of like 2008 all over again, with a little late 2009 all mixed into the soup recipe, YO BRRR!
He also finished on this one night with this about Washington politics, then Dave Roth, and sure enough, as with Jim, was a little older than me, and he went onto tell me that the two of us were destined to be in a great struggle of some kind that he could not begin to explain to me. Now by this point, I had managed to slowly get him into a half-way-zone, where he was almost my subject, and was hypnotized and in my controlled trance, and I began to quiz my own father about stuff. This is when I was told that he and Albert Einstein, under a secret project after the Electromagnetic Invisibility Project (EIP) was abandoned, and the Battleship Eldridge was no longer a part of this secret testing of the secret parts of the intelligence war efforts in league with the newly then established NON SUCH AGENCY or the (NSA), showing their sense of humor to be somewhere around as warped as my daughter’s; but who am I to fucking judge anyone for the sake of crucified fucking Christ??????
Now the real big secret, is that I learned that my father planned me, my personality, my traits, the way I would grow up and become, with a magical knowledge and gift for exploring unknown concepts in mathematics and physics. Somehow+, he and his pal, mister Einstein and a lab under the total control of the NSA, managed to splice in some kind of microbiological system that allowed my father to shoot sperm that was half his and half Einstein’s, and the only time that my father did not use the sexual withdraw method with my mother during their sexual activities, was when he said to her one day out of the blue after coming home from meeting with strange peeps, to hear my mom tell the story, and he said to her, “Honey, I want to have a child”. It seems that my mother had a severely tipped uterus and withdraw which under normal circumstances is not by any means a reliable or safe method of couples not wanting children conceived to protect against that, but with my mother’s tipped uterus, this worked out just fine, and the one time my dad wanted to have me, HE HAD ME, he and EINSTEIN had me, they both are MY FATHERS. I KNEW AQBOUT THIS SINCE THE AGE OF 42 DURING MY SEARCH TO FIND THE MISSING TEENAGER IN MY LIFE, THE GREAT AND ALMIGHTTY SARAH KRASSLE. She did not tell me, and the story would be way too long for me to even try getting into a short version of it right now on this blog, but we will get to all of this, I promise you. Now exactly what my oldest daughter knew in her conscious mind awareness back around the time of my Haddonwood days, is shaky ground to explore, on best of days, and I’ll gladly expound on this and tell you all just why I am saying this on my blogs. Also, you’ll need to soon be made privy to just who Sherry-Lee Pote really was, as I can prove that Boo, Sherry, and my wonderful darling and pain in the *** daughter, are all very good friends and have been for decades. Sherry-L.P. was indeed a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON, and just about all peeps in the crew, are becoming more and more skilled, in the hopes of an eventual invite, into this very mighty and unfathomable Exploratronic Supermind Society, (ESS). But I am not done with my TRS or my counterattack by telling major shit today, for this horrible mother fucking first BOTBAR of JULY, leaving me now at 33% MPB for 07-13. Needless to say, THIS SUCKS A FAT THROBBIBG ONE AT C-SQ! My father told me what would happen to Jupiter and how exactly I fitted into it, up in 1994, 20 fucking asshole years in the future from his pillow dribbles, back in early January of ’74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the hugest and most powerful secret that cannot be topped whether you’ll realize it or not right away or even at all, once I now impart it to all of you, my BLOGAUD, my believers, and my majority Otamm readers, (MORS), is simply put, this folks: He knew about my idea for creating that thing that I have mentioned on earlier blogs, called “Timeless Satellite”. He said that my idea was ingenius about building androids to be programmed as crippled college degreed real people, who would get degrees and high paying jobs, and live meagerly, funneling the majority of their money to a Swiss Account in my name, so that I could amass the funds to build this satellite and launch it between Earth and the Moon. I wanted to reach a target goal of one hundred million dollars by 1990, and launch off the Earth in 1992. My dad then tried to explain details to me about hyperspace and how in many parallel universes, I do succeed, but not in this one, but that eventually, in one of them, the future residents will find a way to cross the barriers of the fifth dimension and come and get their creator, me, and take me to the satellite. When I asked why that could be, and wouldn’t it vanish away if I was not left here to complete the task, it was my dads word choice that you hear me use on so many of my Morianity blogs. He said, it will not vanish because of a complex hyperspace equation. This is a near, if not an exact quote. Only in the 21st century, did I begin to understand what he was really saying to me, in this altered half-awake, half-asleep tranced state. He knew about future Star Trek movies, he knew about my good friend David Roth, he knew about powerful political enemies that would mess with me in the future, and he knew that he and Albert, had meticulously gone to great lengths, to plan my birth. This is why he was so disappointed when he went away and came back, leaving me without a father from age 9 through age 19, and then ?I appeared not to have inherited any of the characteristics that he was hoping for, wit that split gene in me. But that was to all bloom and blossom later on, while my hell grew worse and worse as my fucking thirties began creeping into my physical life, and all of this fucking hellish horseshit began to fucking dick eating unfold. I was being prepared, I was being tested, all these attacks right down to today up in the sky, it is all to keep pushing me to my limits, and just what the real goal of ‘Steiny’ and my poopy fucking Poppy was, I’ll never know. I do know that playing god is stupid, role reversals are a deadly thing to get into. Look what happened when god tried to play human, they fucking crucified him and put him in agony and shame. Oh sure, the cult called Christianity insists this was all part of the plan, and if you just go back to the bible, it is. But back way before that, is a teenaged girl who is playing a huge super advanced type of a video-game with all of us humans in this down-lined fucking little speck universe. Dennis Snyder from Mullica, New Jersey would most likely chime in right about now if he was taking part in these writings and add in the words, “That’s just reality, son”!!!!!!
///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®
MARK WAYNE MOHR——–1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013
Now remember, this chart will move during the hours of 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM, not in live action, but you can snap off and back onto the blog, and every few minutes, the chart will update; ahhh these leevely ol leprechauns, maitees. Technology can be wonderful me frensl, speeshally ween its on your side of the fight. But without the lousy attempted Irish accent, let me tell you that the enemies broke my air conditioner, and I will let it stay broken, so that this time, maintenance will not be able to come in and say,oh it’s working fine, you asshole, Mark. It is not working fine, it has been fucking hit by the Raspberry Carnival Crew of 1460-2010. One hell of a lifetime, if I do see so, meself, Meester Meeguire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doors, doors, doors, doors, Public Housing Authority!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy mother fucking stink shits folks, remember that MENTALIST television episode that aired a couple of weeks back with the coin trick and Patty Jane was telling Wayne Rigsby about the two coins and how the simplest and most obvious thing is normally the truth about any given circumstance and or situation? Well, I’ve been too busy being persecuted and picked on since then, to really make contact with that thought until recently, and then when I did and something popped up in my fact, I still was too busy getting fucked with by my enemies, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, to get into this wild mother fucking deal, good people and my wonderful believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now however, to quote the mighty Leviathan, Barnabas Collins Frid, of yesteryear, “IT’S TIME”, SO LET ME PROCEED TO DO JUST THAT. This really will blow your mind, the utter fucking simplicity of something that has bugged me out for a very fucking ass long dam time, good folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I talked about how the energy worlds of ‘spirit’, as most humans who are not the science, and laboratory type, of folks, would think of stuff as; and go onto tell you that waking material tangible physical life in this caporial arena and shared material world illusion, is only possible by our consciousness, whatever this truly is, some mysterious force that combined MIND with individual BRAIN, is by mathematical proof, literally dividing by the constant squared, or speed of light (C-SQ). Then I go onto say that here in waking life while conscious, we seem to receive a reverse of all things that are TRUE AND REAL. While, thank you Patty Jane, for this marvelous advice, and it was right in fucking front of me the entire time, a place where most of us receive the maximum effects of being totally blindsided. Of course, if the great E=MC SQ is going to be reversed, so that we can live here awake and conscious in a solid material universe, by the mere doing of this by our ‘brains’, we then would receive a sort of backward or reversed vision of basic life concept, no matter what arena, something observed such as the sun going around the Earth, most truths such as the smart money being normally the dumb advice in the long run despite the great and mighty powerful Misses 1969 Marola Lottery, and on and on and on we could take this horse shit, good people, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, this was a day of loud doors again, a nasty sore throat in the morning, a shit attack in the evening, all day fucking chemtrailing, and nasty overall shit all fucking cunt lapping day long, AKA one of the god dam Mountainpen’s famous many many many hurricane blowing force BOTBAR DAYS!!!!!
Now I will tell you a little more big news that time and personal major hell has been preventing me from getting to much into, and that is, that an old acquaintance made contact through a neighbor on another floor, and I have learned a lot of powerful things, not much of it is safely bloggable if I value my fucking life, as you don’t mess with this fucking family, and remain real healthy. I would tell you to ask Janis Joplin, if I am addressing any of her fans from long ago, but then as you know, you would also need to invite in Sissy’s Cuzz from the Oranges of Jersey, along with Patty Sorenecks, to make contact. As I said, this is what happens when those magic bullets really begin to fly, ladies and gentlemen, YO! I will only tell you a few tiny things. First, I had no idea how powerful these Lambrigger jerk offs feel about all time periods in nickels. You know, 5 years, 10, 15, 20, 25, and I am not really tool sure about the nickels after the first five of them. This is a huge thing, and is why a waitress was literally corner-room-reality-manipulated or CRRM in case I wish to use this abbreviated term again on future blogs; but this is why she told me there was a contract on my life, right in front of my mother who was seated across the booth from me that day on the second of mother fucking August in 1996, 10 years to the day that I was in my passenger seat in my car, while David Roth was in a Manhattan night club, seeing his great pals, a music group calling themselves, “NEW SHOES”. But there is a lot more, and it really is or may as well be if it is not, on what is refered to by the No Such Agency, as Top Majestic Secret Level, or TMSL, it does not go higher, there is no top top top top top, this is like twenty tops without sounding like a silly grade school kid. From every conceivable huge thing from stuff in my daughter’s life to Star Trek owners and producers, all of these EW peeps and probably the entire IL Club (LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE ASTRAL-PLANE), have a major thing about the nickel years. Presidential elections may come in fours, leap years may come in fours as well are are the same ones, but the real hidden shit behind the OZ-CURTAINS, all come in FIVES. This is not why I like the number 5, and is honestly; and faint if you want to, hearing this coming from me the Mountainpen; but it is really just a wild cosmic duplication of things, or (a coincidence) if you will permit me here, bended knee Gottwald, UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can look at times that are separated by these nickel years, of many dates and times in my life, where this has proven out, abnd this small group of words of wisdom from the non crawling bugs of music or non music, are powerful true honest words of fantastic advice. You see, this technology if you will, can be applied against this evil fucking Illuminati group as well as just be a plus on their side of this fight with me throughout fucking eternity. Yeah, Heavy girl, own up to that little powerhouse of great wisdom, postcard queen from hell, and cosmic landlords of the application of my songs from the eighties. Oh yes, good old cowardly King Walter, RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can skit the tigers and the bears, oh what, open reel master tapes of eighty-six????????????????????????????
Yes Kenny Rogers, you know whassup, and don’t even think about trying to lie to me or your old flame from Warren Grove in New Jersey. We all have our pink houses, and lake-houses to deal with, and even Superman has a way of living, suffering, and dying, right wonderful Mister S.M. Carey????????????????????????? Let’s not dig up too many lovely Roseann Delaney’s, I get nervous at this time of night, just on the mother fucking outside chance that phase-4 may work in more cases than my rotten old CUZZ, the Marvelous and Mervelous, and the ACMUA PIPES and underneath bedroom pipes, all notwithstanding, AHA-AHA-AHA! Yeah, go ahead, Mister McNulty, you can join the choir. I cannot sample you, I never taped anything of you, WEEEEEEEEEE!
I am so sick to my stomach from living nearly sixty years in this world, I could throw up with the force of a nuclear volcano on steroids, ladies and gentlemen. There really is no excuse for the quintessential evil, that exists in this tiny little rotten to the core world. Sorry Twinbay, this is just how this poor old broken down glass-half-empty guy, feels about fucking shit right about now, sweetie. Give my best to lovely Jenny Washburn and gorgeous Tiffany, WHAAAAAA!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
My neighbors have all banded together to kill me, and they may not even be aware of this on some conscious mind level. It makes me want to cry like a baby how ignorant and pathetic this human race really is. You go up for example on the great internet, and read how the limited human mind places things into the same compressed files, that Youtube does with your original CD digital music that you post, making it sound about as degraded as listening to a rock concert through toilet paper rolls glued to your ears, from the parking lot on a windy day, at best. I am not saying this to belittle Youtube, but I do attempt to make my little point, people, that is all. I know I am incredibly outspoken, and most likely not only have offended the majority of the world power structure system as well as the 99ers, because I cannot live that boxed in and completely compressed. I have seen incredible things, and lived an incredible life. No one else alive would have survived it, and my survival has nothing to do with anything that brings me praise or glory or credit, believe me good folks. I am here and alive and am doing this project, because a power far greater than I will ever hope to be in my wildest fantasies has desired for this to all be so. I have as much to do with it as I have to do with succeeding in life in so far as the way humankind perceives successful living here on Earth, you all know, money, family, peace of mind, security, happiness, fulfillment, respect from peers, and all of that nice stuff that separates the beggars and bums, from the big shots.
My apartment is all packed up. I wil be heading for Mexico in two weeks, towards late in the month, one night when the world least is expecting me to do this. They did not think I would ever make good on my continual promise to vanish in the dead of night out of New Jersey, but I did, Pipe Maintenance Man, Mister Simon Baker. Never say never, ladies and gentlemen. That is a foolish thing to do or believe, and you really should take my advice here; but hay, you just go do whatever makes all of you happy and blissful. Keep that joy overflowing, right lovely Ashley Tinsdale?
Wrapping things up, maybe things are real clear to me that you all cannot see no matter what I post up, and then as well, maybe a lot of stuff that you all take for granted, is Einstein difficult for me, so did anyone out here ever so much as ponder and scratch your head on just what might indeed be causing this quintessential conundrum of illogical reality? If you were me, you would be thinking about this as often as you pee and poop and eat and drink. I do not have the luxury that you do, of NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS, CONTINUALLY!
So that you don’t have to click onto the right margin, here is a smattering of recent activity in late May and early June, from older blogs, pasted in. Have yourselves a very nice day.
OK folks, I’ve cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where I must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be. I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I’ll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessarily stop when the words of, “cut, that’s a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I’ll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, ‘Callio-Botbar’; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it ‘important’ here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ”conspiracy theory” writings. Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites; and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers. It is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability; as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom; they’ve got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to. At least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into ‘now’. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E? Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ”EXPLORATRONICS”, and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club; is by all of the labels and the standards of the entire Morianity system; a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks, who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane; by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that; except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies, of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Morianity. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this; and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists, such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on, with all professions; I would doubt with what’s left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens; I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks; but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones, inside of an unimaginably vast hyperspace, that contains them all; would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the ‘religion’ for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blogged texts; MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3, or simply MFM3.
*** W-O-W ***
Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resort SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA—-SIN—-O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here’s the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life. Then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do; this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ”New Age”. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System, or the (PCLS) for the short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, and somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway; made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily? Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I’ll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don’t even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I’ve been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston’s Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad, and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don’t go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ‘OH’, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, in the early nineties; “Don’t keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it, and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it, yet staying vigilant; and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that’s when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you Ron Wirtz, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of eleven, let me ‘cunt phlegm rape’, with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555, is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president? What fella, are ya’ nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake, we are speaking of the subject of blood. In fact we have been, ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I’ll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court. I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn’t sound so bad to me right now. Fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from ‘MIVILLE’ and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin’ half off? Well, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally believe that REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don’t fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens; and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance, that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart’s or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN’S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD’S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an ‘outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don’t get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it is no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono, from New Jersey, in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.9-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed a 1.74% unit gain, over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning; would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over; I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fucking jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back; and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now. In fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!
But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash, and their all night door slamming, and screaming, and drug selling, and using, over in those apartments across from me. I have nothing to lose. It will stop, or it is back to fucking New Jersey for me. So get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
My neighbors have all banded together to kill me, and they may not even be aware of this on some conscious mind level. It makes me want to cry like a baby how ignorant and pathetic this human race really is. You go up for example on the great internet, and read how the limited human mind places things into the same compressed files, that Youtube does with your original CD digital music that you post, making it sound about as degraded as listening to a rock concert through toilet paper rolls glued to your ears, from the parking lot on a windy day, at best. I am not saying this to belittle Youtube, but I do attempt to make my little point, people, that is all. I know I am incredibly outspoken, and most likely not only have offended the majority of the world power structure system as well as the 99ers, because I cannot live that boxed in and completely compressed. I have seen incredible things, and lived an incredible life. No one else alive would have survived it, and my survival has nothing to do with anything that brings me praise or glory or credit, believe me good folks. I am here and alive and am doing this project, because a power far greater than I will ever hope to be in my wildest fantasies has desired for this to all be so. I have as much to do with it as I have to do with succeeding in life in so far as the way humankind perceives successful living here on Earth, you all know, money, family, peace of mind, security, happiness, fulfillment, respect from peers, and all of that nice stuff that separates the beggars and bums, from the big shots.
My apartment is all packed up. I wil be heading for Mexico in two weeks, towards late in the month, one night when the world least is expecting me to do this. They did not think I would ever make good on my continual promise to vanish in the dead of night out of New Jersey, but I did, Pipe Maintenance Man, Mister Simon Baker. Never say never, ladies and gentlemen. That is a foolish thing to do or believe, and you really should take my advice here; but hay, you just go do whatever makes all of you happy and blissful. Keep that joy overflowing, right lovely Ashley Tinsdale?
Wrapping things up, maybe things are real clear to me that you all cannot see no matter what I post up, and then as well, maybe a lot of stuff that you all take for granted, is Einstein difficult for me, so did anyone out here ever so much as ponder and scratch your head on just what might indeed be causing this quintessential conundrum of illogical reality? If you were me, you would be thinking about this as often as you pee and poop and eat and drink. I do not have the luxury that you do, of NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS, CONTINUALLY!
So that you don’t have to click onto the right margin, here is a smattering of recent activity in late May and early June, from older blogs, pasted in. Have yourselves a very nice day.
OK folks, I’ve cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where I must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be. I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I’ll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessarily stop when the words of, “cut, that’s a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I’ll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, ‘Callio-Botbar’; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it ‘important’ here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ”conspiracy theory” writings. Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites; and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers. It is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability; as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom; they’ve got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to. At least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into ‘now’. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E? Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ”EXPLORATRONICS”, and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club; is by all of the labels and the standards of the entire Morianity system; a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks, who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane; by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that; except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies, of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Morianity. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this; and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists, such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on, with all professions; I would doubt with what’s left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens; I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks; but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones, inside of an unimaginably vast hyperspace, that contains them all; would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the ‘religion’ for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blogged texts; MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3, or simply MFM3.
*** W-O-W ***
Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resort SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA—-SIN—-O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here’s the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life. Then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do; this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ”New Age”. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System, or the (PCLS) for the short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, and somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway; made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily? Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I’ll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don’t even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I’ve been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston’s Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad, and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don’t go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ‘OH’, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, in the early nineties; “Don’t keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it, and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it, yet staying vigilant; and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that’s when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you Ron Wirtz, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of eleven, let me ‘cunt phlegm rape’, with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555, is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president? What fella, are ya’ nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake, we are speaking of the subject of blood. In fact we have been, ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I’ll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court. I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn’t sound so bad to me right now. Fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from ‘MIVILLE’ and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin’ half off? Well, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally believe that REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don’t fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens; and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance, that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart’s or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN’S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD’S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an ‘outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don’t get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it is no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono, from New Jersey, in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.9-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed a 1.74% unit gain, over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning; would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over; I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fucking jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back; and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now. In fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!
But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash, and their all night door slamming, and screaming, and drug selling, and using, over in those apartments across from me. I have nothing to lose. It will stop, or it is back to fucking New Jersey for me. So get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!
I will not be continuing Morianity as long as I may have recently implied. When I said, “until the day I die”, that was an admitted now exaggeration. Sorry folks, I will try not to undermine my credibility by doing those things. If I am going to go out of my way to appear ridiculous, beyond the already absurd to most folks blogs in and of themselves, then I deserve what I get, and that being, thought of as an endless fruitcake and crackpot, and laughed at, never to be taken seriously about anything, a real shame, because misguided as some things may indeed be in all of this for going on 8 years now; these blogs attempt to tell a true life story of me and what I have lived and suffered through. Like most things if not all things I have ever attempted, this blogging project, and any off shoot beyond that such as posting music done by me, and all of it, is just a total miserable failure, so what else is new, and SOSO (Same-Old-Same-Old)?
Only I can know the true powerful significance of my music, my posting stock market charts, and many other things that attach the Morianity Project. To those not living inside of my private hell, they cannot make sense at all, and really, I am starting to see with honest clarity, the total futility of the entire nasty mess. It is fine and completely all right for a group of people to steal my entire life, my entire everything, nothing left out that humans could ever possibly think of, and this is just fine and dandy. Let me jaywalk or spit on the sidewalk however, and I’ll get a fifty year prison sentence. This is not an exaggeration, this is pure dynamite honest simple plain straight out truth, folks.
The path in front of me is clear as a bell. If I continue to pursue things the same way that I have done for the past many years, I will receive the very same rotten results of the many years. If I do not alter my course, nothing can ever hope to get the smallest bit better. It still may never get better no matter what, but my simple point is that if I do the same thing forever, than past performance will pretty much guarantee future results. I am a blogger, not a prospectus writer that must comply with legal constraints. They are not permitted to tell potential investors in anything imaginable on this planet, that past performance repeated, guarantees sameness, and in business, this is most likely a more honest and real scenario, but in life, I think most would agree with me that indeed, what is illegal to proclaim in an investment prospectus, is basically the honest and full truth regarding things pertaining to living life in the physical world.
My neighbors have all banded together to kill me, and they may not even be aware of this on some conscious mind level. It makes me want to cry like a baby how ignorant and pathetic this human race really is. You go up for example on the great internet, and read how the limited human mind places things into the same compressed files, that Youtube does with your original CD digital music that you post, making it sound about as degraded as listening to a rock concert through toilet paper rolls glued to your ears, from the parking lot on a windy day, at best. I am not saying this to belittle Youtube, but I do attempt to make my little point, people, that is all. I know I am incredibly outspoken, and most likely not only have offended the majority of the world power structure system as well as the 99ers, because I cannot live that boxed in and completely compressed. I have seen incredible things, and lived an incredible life. No one else alive would have survived it, and my survival has nothing to do with anything that brings me praise or glory or credit, believe me good folks. I am here and alive and am doing this project, because a power far greater than I will ever hope to be in my wildest fantasies has desired for this to all be so. I have as much to do with it as I have to do with succeeding in life in so far as the way humankind perceives successful living here on Earth, you all know, money, family, peace of mind, security, happiness, fulfillment, respect from peers, and all of that nice stuff that separates the beggars and bums, from the big shots.
My apartment is all packed up. I wil be heading for Mexico in two weeks, towards late in the month, one night when the world least is expecting me to do this. They did not think I would ever make good on my continual promise to vanish in the dead of night out of New Jersey, but I did, Pipe Maintenance Man, Mister Simon Baker. Never say never, ladies and gentlemen. That is a foolish thing to do or believe, and you really should take my advice here; but hay, you just go do whatever makes all of you happy and blissful. Keep that joy overflowing, right lovely Ashley Tinsdale?
Wrapping things up, maybe things are real clear to me that you all cannot see no matter what I post up, and then as well, maybe a lot of stuff that you all take for granted, is Einstein difficult for me, so did anyone out here ever so much as ponder and scratch your head on just what might indeed be causing this quintessential conundrum of illogical reality? If you were me, you would be thinking about this as often as you pee and poop and eat and drink. I do not have the luxury that you do, of NOT THINKING ABOUT THIS, CONTINUALLY!
So that you don’t have to click onto the right margin, here is a smattering of recent activity in late May and early June, from older blogs, pasted in. Have yourselves a very nice day.
OK folks, I’ve cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where I must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL’S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be. I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I’ll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessarily stop when the words of, “cut, that’s a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I’ll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, ‘Callio-Botbar’; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it ‘important’ here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ”conspiracy theory” writings. Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites; and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers. It is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability; as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom; they’ve got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to. At least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into ‘now’. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E? Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ”EXPLORATRONICS”, and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club; is by all of the labels and the standards of the entire Morianity system; a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks, who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane; by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that; except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies, of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Morianity. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this; and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists, such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on, with all professions; I would doubt with what’s left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens; I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks; but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones, inside of an unimaginably vast hyperspace, that contains them all; would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the ‘religion’ for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blogged texts; MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3, or simply MFM3.
*** W-O-W ***
Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resort SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA—-SIN—-O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here’s the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life. Then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do; this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ”New Age”. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System, or the (PCLS) for the short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, and somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway; made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily? Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I’ll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don’t even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I’ve been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston’s Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad, and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don’t go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ‘OH’, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG, in the early nineties; “Don’t keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it, and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it, yet staying vigilant; and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that’s when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you Ron Wirtz, KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of eleven, let me ‘cunt phlegm rape’, with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555, is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president? What fella, are ya’ nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake, we are speaking of the subject of blood. In fact we have been, ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I’ll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court. I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn’t sound so bad to me right now. Fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from ‘MIVILLE’ and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin’ half off? Well, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally believe that REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don’t fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens; and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance, that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart’s or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN’S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD’S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an ‘outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don’t get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it is no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono, from New Jersey, in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.9-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed a 1.74% unit gain, over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High School in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning; would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over; I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fucking jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back; and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now. In fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!
But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash, and their all night door slamming, and screaming, and drug selling, and using, over in those apartments across from me. I have nothing to lose. It will stop, or it is back to fucking New Jersey for me. So get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!
Here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson. Nothing just happens, all things happen for reasons, and random is merely a disguised pattern, on a grand cosmic scale. There are math formulas that are extremely complex that force those in the know, to in fact realize that the words spoken here are true and accurate. These folks cannot come out and just say this on TV, or other media sources, and alter society in a flash. It is way too controlled for that to ever be permitted to happen. Only certified looney folks such as myself can say these things, and then when they do, who listens? We are all looney, remember?
Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.
live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I’m so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new
Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few
Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew
We’re down and out, and we will even go to work for you
You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two
I am so weak and faint and do not wanna’ be so blue
While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe
Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you
We’ll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew
But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say
I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
And I’m not giving any freaking fish away
So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea
And when you’re done your song of woe, that you have sung to me
Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty
And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me
And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish
You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch
I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled
So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed
Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled
People say I’m cold and cruel, on every single day
But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay
So I’m not giving any of my fish away
They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand
And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand
Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died
The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried
And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned
Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound
Just another bucket and, then he’ll have caught his fill
A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill
The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again
Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben
I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay
And I’m not giving any of my fish away
You’ll be crossing over, later wishing you’d been nicer
You’ll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer
You’ll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they’re talking
You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll have to keep on walking
You’ll be crossing over, watching all the others eating
Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating
Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate
You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate
You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll be a lonesome rover
Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say
That you’ve been working hard out in the sun all day
Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay
So you’re not giving any of your fish away
Yes sir, old buddy from CF School, ‘IT’S TIME’, MMCN!
You said it all in late 1971, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharkey says, ‘HEY GIRL’, Leticia Tilley, oh and also,
tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???
Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth. So here we go.
AUUCH, HEINZ GOTTWALD, say what Aunt Ruth?
A child knows that a lot of stuff can be learned by visiting my Youtube site, that will remain for now and a little while longer, but not endlessly. It will all come down when Morianity has completed, and I alone know that time, as well as all of the other parts of me that are not me directly. Click below, YO!!
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On Blogger since January 2006
Profile views – 2779
My blogs
Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:
Morianity Foundation
The Epitome of Harassment – Internet Version
To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian
About me
paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The Winds Of War, Gone With The Wind, Time Travelers From Our Future
You forgot your mom’s birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.
If you have read this opening, feel free to skip this part.
FOLKS, AS I SAID TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE IN THE LATE EIGHTIES ON MY EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE. How can I possibly know when you are reading what I am writing? I AM not the great ISISCYLLA SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and never will be, sort of like my old pal David Charles Roth’s only show in town. How he would always remind me, seemingly on a daily basis, that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is not the only show in town, nor will they ever be. I believe the tapes are somewhere available in the great Library of Congress, Copyright Office, in Washington, District of Columbia, a place may I add with a very liberated attitude where the age of sexual consent should be placed, and what is good for the lawmakers, is good for everyone else, and if that is not true, just exactly how have I misspelled America? XIII is the number by the way, such a tender age and how the perverts must wonder why this is not common knowledge and all move into our great capitol city, right Roy? I still cannot believe that you told me this, or that nobody seems to know it, know matter how I spread around what you said to me, old pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be the master sheet for PART 5 of MORIANITY.
You may skip through this by scrolling, any time, folks.
December 12, 2006
More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3) ** song from 1983 redone, YBCO (C) HIM, ME.
This is merely a harmony track, I am trying to make a video and post the entire song, YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER, MARK WAYNE MOHR, FULL COPYRIGHT AND OWNERSHIP OF SONG. Now at the risk of getting crucified, pigeonholed, or persecuted, read on, my wonderful great Morians.
At the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey.  Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations.
Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently.  He was given a CD called “The Meaning of Life.”  The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title.  He’s really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark’s side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day.  More importantly, he is insane.  Completely, violently insane.
Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU’s own Jason Forrest isn’t clear.)
Here then, are three selections from Mark’s version of reality:
Interdimensional Technology (MP3)    Android & Angel (MP3)    12th Planet (MP3)
If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.
As Bob Chabot said in 1981, is there any excuse 4U? Signed, Da’ Mountainpen.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA??????????????????????????
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Are you on this thing, BREAD and IF, OR ‘as if’, Doctor Garrigan???????????????????
A beautiful shot of LUNA, also known as the moon, and ‘Goddess Diana’, by the Romans.
She is real folks, you will see when you’re dead!
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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!
SOMEONE WILL NOT GIVE ME A MOMENT’S PEACE, AND WE ALL MOTHER FUCKING KNOW WHO THIS IS, DON’T WE, CUNT LAPPING AGENTS, CONDOR AND FALCON, OF THE 1988 UFO THE COVER UP DOCUMENTARY, ON NEW YORK, NY, CHANNEL 11 TELEVISION, WPIX????????? And I know who they are. They are TYPE THREE EXPLORATRONS, and yes, time travelers is another way for you to see this truth if you are not reading on my mother fucking dick chewing ass level yet, dudes and duddesses, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that mouth!!!!!!!
3+4—3×4—7+12—7×12 ****** But what is so awesome about the (3) and the (4) to begin with, some are asking me, WOW, let us go a little into this huge one, believers, and ‘others’, without me joining the ranks of one failed student-teacher from late in 1972, huh Danny Mackey, time MMCN!
Yes, powerful shit is in the numbers 3 and 4, right old buddy Jim Trent Doogie Howser? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get more into this later on tomorrow and Sunday, as this entire month of fucking dick licking June is one huge mother fucking ass SUPER CUNT HUFFING BOTBAR COMPILATION!!!
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Diana, don’t let me down, moon goddess. I will always love you, as Whit H. said!!!!!!
GO TO THIS LINK FOR COLOR FONT AND PHOTOS THAT SHOW UP, and have a nice day folks!!!!!!!!!!


July 2, 2013
To see colors and photos, use this link folks, and have a nice day.
and also known as, folks,
Seasons  >  Summer
Photo 1 of 15
LoriAnn Mirabito, 6/22/2013
Norwich, NY 13815
A double rainbow…what a treat in the day sky!
Jim Burr knew a lot of shit, and the great all mighty Copyright Office knows that I know that he knows a little too much for his own fucking ass good. I wasn’t shy about making my opinions known on a public record about that, back in 1984, see below before you holler “PANTS ON FIRE”!
My error, sorry, it was not the FOR THE RECORD, in ’84, but was the work titled, I’M CRIANA, in ’85, early in that year.
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
{{{{{{((((‘O-H***S-H-I-T’))))}}}}}}, BY GOLLY GOOD FOLKS, YO, here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson Hollywood: LIFE SUCKS, and sister, I was better off dying of fucking Aids in ’83, but good old Maggie decided to retrieve my miserable life, right Shirley Grant, G-R-A-N-T?????? Where the fuck are you McGinty and Weena, Jesus Christ?
Well, this is the one out of eight times, we would have dropped a few bucks, but notice, this is the first trading session since I told y’all about following the follow, that it did not work, it seems to work about 7 or 8 times in ten. Most brokers that say they can give you something with a 75% accuracy, would be fired and jailed by the SEC. Also, more is going on recently than meets the eye, Weena Wells. Well, she and her boyfriend would be the two that wouldn’t need to hear that morsel of information. SHEEEEEEEEEEIT!
Well Golly, Sergeant Carter, of the USMC, salute me in the ship if you want, but in any case, that was a long long distance away, huh guys. I know you read my blogs, who’s kidding fucking who, Exploratronic Supermind society????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
Asteroids and Comets
Thank you Diana for the back to back visits. I loved your gorgeous ”Lakehouse Lightning”, PETA-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, as you put it so well, on the invisible thieves episode, Inspector sir, “How big a brain would that take”? Well, I have an answer for you. It would take the brain of the upline above us, to really ever get to the bottom of Morianity, where and why it exists, began, and will conclude. Don’t ever let me bullshit a soul, I certainly am as clueless as a busted fucking cookie lying in the dust on a dirty floor in a factory, three steps away from being crushed into grains of sugar by the foreman or the security guard, as he or she approaches. There was a time when I was pretty dam sure of myself, that is what being young, dumb, and full of cum, comes from, peeps, it did not originate to describe the great dreaming Jeanie’s and their great top secret black-ops plans. Hay, you really think I give a fuck, Mister Trump. Why would I be any different than you were that day with your pal, Mister Steve? Why would I give any more of a fucking shit than you do? Hay, you are just a lot more able than I am, to reside in luxury, you and millions of others around the world, and a smaller amount by far that are in the B-Club, but let me tell you a thing, almighty sir. I am sure you guessed this already, but I have a very long memory. I hope you prepare your great grandchildren, for their chance encounters with me, out there in negative space, and this goes for all of the other Jimmy Stuart wonderful Life, “YOU TOO’S”, Mister fucking POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(PHOTOS) Human Brain, courtesy of the National Geographic.
I don’t give 2 shits any more than you did back in time, Dave Speas. Remember how I started telling you what happened, before the boss called you to change some oil or whatever? If you don’t I do, saw you at Cooper River Park on TV also!!!
Well, Sherry-Lee P honey, you wanted my time car, the old 94 SATAN, well, you got it. Enjoy it, along with the wonderful monster ass dude himself. Wow, what a bunch of lovelies I have been forced to contend with for 60 goddam years. Jeese Louise, Fonty Cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


June 30, 2013
1:39 AM, 30 JUNE, 2013, SUNDAY MORNING
STARTING BLOG: Sorry, I fucked up the last blog’s CH.#.
Thank you Diana for coming over to visit with me yesterday. Your lovely lightning drives me passionately wild beyond verbal description. Folks, she was awesome and all over me, and I needed her so much. She knows what I mean, I really go nuts when you give me ”Lakehouse Lightning”. You are the coolest astral teenager in all of everything, lovely baby-blond.
All day was horrible with my ass hold dirt bag uncouth and lewd crude slob neighbors from hell across the hell-hall from my apartment unit. Yesterday was a super fucking BOTBAR day for me, but so is nearly every fucking day this month in June, and I’ll be very glad to be fucking rid of it in just over 22 hours, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No people, I will not be in Florida for them to be picking on me much longer. Linda Horn was the first straw for ruining my move down here with her hearing the voice of god crap, to tell me to tell Eric about my daughters, PEE and MI. What a huge mistake that all was. But even without Linda-Lee Horn, there was the horrible jerk off trucker who made my life HELL intentionally back at the White fucking shitty City Manatee RV and Trailer Home Park in the spring time in 2010, and then after all of this along with car tampering, along came jit bag Sat Nurine Trinidad, and things just kept progressively going down hill. Walmart kept fucking with me medication and insurance, and I switched over to using the Walgreen Pharmaceutical Chain, and it just kept fucking coming and coming, Boo calling me from County fucking Jail, the persecution at that horrific rotten Harvest job through the AARP Program stipend program on e Street up in fucking Washington, the blog being fucked with, the library harassment leading me to buy this computer with the help of my coworker Clay Coins, and I could go on and fucking on forever, this is just a scratch off of ice shavings from the berg that sunk the Titanic Vessel back 101 years ago and some months. Any day now when enemies least expect it,I’ll vanish into the fucking darkness, and where I go is nobody’s fucking business, and it may be anywhere. I am learning the hard way folks, to do things the Darius Evans (Deezy Slim) style. I’ll just shut up and run, as I did before, and had me three months or so of relative peace before they all found me and began this fucking shit up all over fucking again. What would you dirt bag monster trash peeps do if you did not have me to fucking rip apart 24-7-365.2422????????????????????
Yes, my mom never knew it, but my dad, to quote him from 1974, “Planned my birth”. It was touched on on earlier blogging, and it is too nightmarish to delve into right now today. But more than ‘Daddy-O’ was involved; and this explains why they have all had me as a lab rat, caged in a zoo, studying every facet of my life and behavior, my mode of living and life choices, my accomplishments and more to the point, my lack thereof, and my social life failure, and on and on I could mother fucking go. It is in all honesty, the only possible and not the BEST, but the fucking ONLY possible way that all of this shit in my life could indeed be around me continuously. No other thing could or would ever adequately and properly explain or address it properly, if at all, BRAH! Yes, time to get into the old coach and hop on down the road, any day now, this ain’t gonna’ cut it here in this miserable hot fucking city of Fort Pierce. Giddy up, YO!
JOHN J CROWLEY , Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?
Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »
John J Crowley’s entire criminal record
The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:
Last Known Address: 1201 ROBERTS WAY, VOORHEES, NJ, 08043


205 lbs.
Offense or Statute
Offense/Statute: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD Disposition Date: 29 March 1996
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Let me get into my little buggy and hee haw out of here, just as I did before, YO!
It is time for me to stop banging the walls misses wonderful Marola, and cross over to the other side of the tracks, sweetie!!!!!!!!!
Parallel event and parallel tracks, and parallel railroads. Is the name of the song, “Don’t Ef Around With Magnetics”, Donnie?
Here I thought the song was about a greedy fishermen I knew from Stone Harbor, New Jersey back in the late sixties and early seventies. Oh well, fish on, men of the sea.
This compensates for another fucking page eleven of fucking eleven, Jane Sleazeweedsdisease!!!!
Use this link if you wish folks:


June 29, 2013
and also known as, folks,
HUGE GIGANTIC FUCKING-DEATH ‘CHEMTRAILS’ ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE AGAIN TODAY, ladies and gentlemen. The enemies have not been this relentless about making me kill myself or go nuts, in mother fucking decades. EVER SINCE I DID WHAT, PEOPLE, GO AHEAD, YOU TELL ME. Ever since the song was posted on 14 June, two weeks ago today, onto the mother fucking dick licking YOUTUBE SITE, “YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER”. THIS EVIL FUCKING COUNTRY AND GOVERNMENT TOTALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The computer is all hacked up and won’t respond normally anymore to shit. Every device is broken, everything I mother fucking have, and THIS IS HOW THEY GOT THEIR EVIL STOCK FUCKING MARKET TO SHOOT BACK UP TO THE STARS, USING ICPE ILLEGALLY ON ME AND WRECKING MY ENTIRE MOTHER FUCKING LIFE 24-7-365.2422!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no choice but to talk about all that I know and have come to figure out about the NSA PROJECT DREAMING JEANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These cunt lapping bastards leave me no choice, oh sweet lovely blond victim of sir Barnabas Collins, and Lambrigger Cult family, from just beyond my FLOWER WING at RICKTOWN MANOR on the ASTRAL-PLANE in the PROVINCE of OLYMPIA!!!!!!!!!! Ever since I sent the song that I wrote around the 5th or 6th of August in 1986, from my rented home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, down to the United States Copyright Office, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL” all hell literally broke into my existence, notice my word choice, I didn’t say ‘broke loose’, as it did not, it attached its reality to my reality, and maybe I should have said both these words on my opening of the tape before the music began to play, MY REALITY, but in any event, MI NIGHTMARE indeed began right here, right back then. I already had a fucked up life, but no comparison to what manifested after this horrific night of throwing that fucking copyright certificate into the fucking mail drop.
Just this very night on the CBS EVENING NEWS, the forbidden topic of gene splicing was touched on, as if they already knew this blog for tonight was being planned, yeah right, sure, AS IF! These mother fucking jerk off swine sucking pussy chewers know the end from the beginning, it is admitted to in the holy mother fucking scriptures, just using stupid nonsense like the word GOD as if GOD has some meaning, not even giving this god a name, such as HER REAL NAME, if we are talking about the AVITAR CREATOR of this VIDEOGAME, JEHOVAH, then spell it out completely, burned-pants-peeps, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, FIRST DAUGHTER OF NEPTUNE-JUPITER JAPTARAMA CAVELANTISOCLLEVIOUS KRASSLE, FROM THE CAPITOL CITY OF THE ASTRAL PLANE, KNOWN AS SAHASRA DAL KANWAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sending the third part of your personality to me this afternoon, even if it was just that one lovely gorgeous double lightning strike, so I’ll return the favor humanly now and in my mere mortal way, give you back a double rainbow, or a photo of one on my blog, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah, the forbidden cunt eating topic of gene splicing, and how a person may have two fathers, biologically. This was all started by PROJECT DREAMING JEANNIE, with my father Wayne Landis Mohr, Albert Einstein, and numerous other MAJESTIC LEVEL TOP SECRET classification specialists in many powerful ass scientific fields. You’s never believe the entire story in a million years, you already don’t believe diddly whoopee fucking squat now, so I am screwed before I even take my so-called burning fucking pants the shit off, right folks?????
Seasons  >  Summer
Photo 1 of 15
LoriAnn Mirabito, 6/22/2013
Norwich, NY 13815
A double rainbow…what a treat in the day sky!
Jim Burr knew a lot of shit, and the great all mighty Copyright Office knows that I know that he knows a little too much for his own fucking ass good. I wasn’t shy about making my opinions known on a public record about that, back in 1984, see below before you holler “PANTS ON FIRE”!
Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I talk a lot about my copyrighted music, so here it is, folks.
I wonder why the great Disney is checking out little nobody me, good folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?
Public Catalog
Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)
Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W
Search Results: Displaying 1 through 25 of 28 entries.
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Name (NALL) <
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[ 1 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
For the record.
[ 2 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
I'm Criana.
[ 3 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Karaoke Lunch Break At The Sorian Guard House.
[ 4 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Last number repeat–100 progression roulette system.
[ 5 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Lost love.
[ 6 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr demo collection, set 4.
[ 7 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr demo collection : set III.
[ 8 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr demo tunes.
[ 9 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr tunes.
[ 10 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Queen of blue.
[ 11 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Real good girl.
[ 12 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Russ Walker's Star travelers of 1896-SJK.
[ 13 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Saga of song writer Mark Mud.
[ 14 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
[ 15 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
[ 16 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Sarah Callio of ACNJ.
[ 17 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
[ 18 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
What's wrong?
[ 19 ]
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
You call this music?
[ 20 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Apitamy of harrasment [sic] : pt. two.
[ 21 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Epitamy of harassement [sic] : pt. 3.
[ 22 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Long river blues / by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.
[ 23 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Love so high / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.
[ 24 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Morianity music pre-book.
[ 25 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Morianity tunes of 1998.
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What do you need to know about me, Walter, old buddy WW2?
Public Catalog
Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)
Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W
Search Results: Displaying 26 through 28 of 28 entries.
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[ 26 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Morning light / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.
[ 27 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Same title.
[ 28 ]
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Thanx to the shadows.
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Hyperspace alterations are a lot bigger than just me and my family and the 'fields' Rodney sir, they are even part of the NJ legislation system, criminal codes pertaining to sex offenders such as John and Ed, both from my past, and I am not an offender, TEE HEE HEE Lilly Munster. Still, Incollingo Groceries IS IN Egg Harbor City, NJ, USAESMWG. Explain it all away, wonderful Missourians Club, Ga'hed!
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Atlantic County is unique in New Jersey, in that it is home to Atlantic City, the only municipality in the state where casino gaming is permitted.   Thirteen casino/hotels, which attract more than 34 million visitors each year, currently operate in Atlantic City.   Those numbers are in addition to the many seasonal tourists who visit Atlantic County each summer.   Their numbers dwarf the figure of 271,015 permanent residents of our county and contribute significantly to the need for prosecutorial and related criminal justice services provided by this office.
The New Jersey Constitution provides that each county shall have a County Prosecutor.   This constitutional provision is implemented by a statute creating the Office of the County Prosecutor which mandates that the criminal business of the state be prosecuted exclusively by the County Prosecutor except in those cases where the Attorney General may choose to supersede.   The statute charges the County Prosecutor with the duty of using all reasonable and lawful diligence for the detection, arrest, indictment and conviction of offenders against the law.
The Office of the Prosecutor in Atlantic County is located in Mays Landing, New Jersey, with a satellite office maintained in Atlantic City.
The office has a staff of a 182, which includes the Prosecutor, First Assistant Prosecutor, Chief of County Detectives, 7 Chief Assistant Prosecutors, 33 Assistant Prosecutors, 5 captains, 8 lieutenants, 19 sergeants, 45 detectives and 15 agents.   The balance of the staff consists of clerical and support personnel.
Atlantic County is comprised of 23 municipalities with 18 separate municipal police departments which fall under the jurisdiction of the Atlantic County Prosecutor.
Atlantic County is located in the southeastern portion of New Jersey, with the Atlantic Ocean at its shores.   To the south of Atlantic County, beyond the Tuckahoe River is Cape May County.   To the southwest is Cumberland County.   Lying west of the only straight line border are Gloucester and Camden Counties.   To the north across the Mullica River and Greate Bay is found Burlington and Ocean Counties.   Atlantic County covers a total area of 566 square miles.
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The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:
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Atlantic County Government
Youth Detention, Harborfields
Buffalo Ave. & Duerer St.
Egg Harbor City, NJ
609-965-7962 (FAX)
Kimery Lewis, Superintendent
Wayne Ford, Assistant Superintendent
Program Description
Mission Statement
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Dept. of Public Safety Home Page
Harborfields operates under the auspices of the County of Atlantic, Department of Public Safety and is managed, under contract, by the State of New Jersey, Department of Law and Public Safety, Juvenile Justice Commission. Harborfields is located on Buffalo Avenue and Duerer Street in the City of Egg Harbor, New Jersey. The Program serves male and female juveniles between the ages of 12 and 18 awaiting court review for disposition, trial or other court action. The facility has 8 secure beds for females and 19 secure beds for males.
Harborfields provides a secure, safe, clean and healthy environment for court-detained youth. The dedicated staff of Harborfields are consistent, tolerant individuals who work as team players. Leading by example, the staff is able to provide to difficult youth much needed self-discipline, respect for self and others and personal responsibility.
Through education and rehabilitation, emotional support, stability and structure, the youth at Harborfields are dealt with as individuals. At Harborfields the program prepares its youth to reenter the community or to enter into Juvenile Justice Commission programs.
With the use of effective treatment methods, Harborfields is making a difference in the lives of youth.
Harborfields meets the needs of the community as a secure facility for juveniles who have been deemed unsuitable for release pending court appearance. Harborfields also works to stabilize juveniles by structuring their day with educational activities.
1. Counseling Component – Guided Group Interaction is conducted daily by two staff for approximately 1 hour per session. Individual Counseling is provided as needed by staff social workers.
2. Academic Education, Special Education and GED preparation are provided by the Atlantic County Special Services School District with the expectation that youth will return to the regional public school or transitional school.
3. Drug and Alcohol Counseling as well as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous sessions are provided through the County Youth Services Commission, as needed.
4. Recreation and Athletics are conducted in the facility gymnasium by the Physical Education Teacher provided by the Atlantic County Special Services School District.
5. Sex Education and Parenting classes are provided by an on-site Program Specialist.
6. Community involvement is maintained through special events which include speakers such as the Mayors of Atlantic City and Egg Harbor, members of the police department, and people from other walks of life.
7. In House Detention Program – The facility manages a 10 slot program which places youth onhouse arrest under the shared supervision of parents and detention officers. The intention is to have the youth continue in usual community activities pending court appearance.
Upon arrest, a juvenile must be seen by Juvenile Intake for determination of detainable offense which would result in the youth being remanded to Harborfields.
Sunday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Family & Friends
Thursday 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – Parents Only
Visitation Requirements:
Visitors must present proper ID
Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
No former residents are allowed to visit.
Special visits available upon request, with approval of the Superintendent.
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Two songs involving the Almighty Goddess in her newest reincarnated form, has altered my life three times now, August 1986, June 2012, and June 2013. But that does not begin to explain Lisa and her brotyher the former Atlantic coubnty New Jersey Prosecutor, and she worked for the Dyfis peeps, a child services program called by other innitials in all other states except where Lisa works for them, and then comes my telling David Roth outside the Medport Diner in May of 1986, about Sarah Krassle, and being stalked and followed ever since, by the men in black or whatever and whoever they really truly mother fucking are, huh cousin kissing Jimmy Dean from 1975? Double or single rainbows, on or off of cifaloglio property, and in or out of the CCC-Casinos of Atlantic city, shit is shit is shit, or as lovely cunt displaying porch lovely would say, AKA Dawn-Marie King, "Mark, it is what it is". Yeah sure it is sweetie, and you are or were, what you were, and your friend Cuba the whore bum, and all the other trash out of fucmking Atlantic fucking City, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, Albert Wildhair, it comes down to the Battleship Eldridge and my dad and lots of others in that lovely fucking military. The President knows what I am talking about my friends, he was involved in some of this wild experimentation in his earlier life, and cannot ever speak about it, if you get my drift, the old, or else deal.
Still, how disappointed my father was in January of 1974, when I did not yet display any of the third characheteristics of his pal. I had no interest at all, I was just another Donald Trump, or in this time period, to be fair to the Donald, I'd have to include the word 'wannabee' but back then, he was just a punk, well, he still is a punk, just a wealthy rats bastard selfish egocentric self righteous arrogant slob punk times a billion, or a few of them. Jim Burr knew my family was behjind the whole mess, but how did he know, or better said perhasps, just who really was this Jim Pratt characther of ''the phase-4 PERMISSION BARRIER'' worlds of hyperspace? We will examine these things for a little while, but merely start for tonioght, later on, we will kill these mother fuckers with my truths from so long ago, I have not forgotyten a thing, but I HAVE BEEN BLOCKING SOME REAL NASTY FUCKING DOGSHIT, good folks and believers!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch those goddam Solataire cards Mommy Dearest Davis, because hyperspace equation can kick some very serious fucking ass. My mother was invaded by Paula king, and tried to rape me aggain, as my own mother for gods sake. This family hjas no fucking shame. And I kniow that snotty sinatra family is in on it, as he always hated my fucking guts as a kid, him and his rotten walking boots daughter, and his fan club president lived right across from mom and me in Somerdale, New Jersey in 1997, when the Prize Patrol truck came to my house in a parallel universe while i was there, and over there, there is no one by the name of K.J. McAllister. But as jim burr might chime in real well right about now, I doubt I'll easily be convinced there is one here either, I am skeptical and cannot prove and you cannot dispel. My dad came up north when I was 9, and brought me huge solar system charts to post on my bedroom wall, the same ones that Apollo-13 Commander Jim Lovell gave to his son, if I ain't mistaken, they fill up an entire normal sized bedroom wall, I am not talking Kim Kardashien here folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Gimme a bwake Marge Leo, 4 crissake, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, 'he planned me', JIM, they all ''planned me'', him, Curly, and the entire fucking NSA, and now they watch me carefully and closely tro see just what I do, and every move that I fucking make. This all makes Arney Schwartzigovernor and the gang and all their stupid ass movies look like the Brady fucking Bunch in any real comparison to my true reality, MISTER PATTERSON SIR; beach shades, and tears, and all, sir!!!!!!!!! but thenm, I don't fucking plan to cut off my ear, or worry about reflectional time, now, or in 2031, or for that matter, dorthea rightcrosswow Darrio of 1970, even in 2301, Sky Car 100 escapes and all, or Arny boxes just north of fucking Atlantic City futures, TEE HEE HEE, Mizz Munster, YO!!!!!!! So I am left to ponder if my wonderful kid duid not know in her conscious mind all along even back in early off grid peridod Ckiprionni OHM-8, this entire messy ass thing, hay, i'd be a moron not to wonder, but then eventually, I'll cross over and hopefully, Shirley, get me very chemtrailed sore throat healed, hay the song does relay the potential message for my hoping for this. SHEEEEEEIT, come on fucking big Marge! As I speak , the WOMO MILITUFORCE IS USING ETTOS against me, blocking a powerful thing i need to tell you, but HA HA FUCKING HA, JANE DIRTBAG, you missed me, it is fucking 13 past eleven, you rotten bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH, SLAP, hay, I play the 1-18 from time to time, not the 1-6, no right crosses MI, Jesus almighty, the dude almost went on his ass and they kept the take in the show, cool. I remember that seat belt, and you only got stronger I'm quite sure, you go lovely girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, Billy Hatrner the great hated that song, and i don't care. Still, he was quide crude, lewd, and rude, about saying it that night down in his weed smokey basement. Jesus God, Theresa Pennock, and music groups that think my life is funny both today and long ago, aha-aha-aha Mike MMCN! ''Go home'', fucking Ziggy McNulty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that third day of the 1970 vacation, Jesus I-CHING, how about that day a week after that one, why was that one blocked from trance, mister Chinaman Almighty guru of the God Dynasty? Too much for me to handle at 14 and a half? Shit, so was becomming a daddy at 15 and a fucking ass qwuarter, YO! GOOGLE and YOUTUBE, THAT is what they were blocking, something told to me by DIANA less than a full day ago. W—–O—–W!!!!! Well, here we go, let me tell what SHWE SAID 2 ME, FOLKS!
The people that are behind this all my life, in the MAJESTIC TOP SECRET PROJECT DREAMING JEANNIE, are not going to ever allow anything for me, to work, even stopping the seemingly impossible to stop, my winning at roulette in the casinos near my residence in 1986, after working out a major mathematicval system to do it, with a littkle help from a beautiful friend of mine, Diana Arteemis, AKA, lightning. They allow only a few peeps to view my posts on Youtube, they are the only ones except for a handful that view the blogs as well. Counts are meaningless. Thousands of powerful people around the globe have viewed my Youtube shit, but 'the GOOG' will not allow the commoners to look at it and become enlightened to why Christianity is a huger fucking miserable ass balloon hoax, and that is all it ever was or could fucking be, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They hacked out my Spellchecker by the way, when I pasted in the watrerfall photo, so expect a lot of misspelled words, it is not my fucking fault, as I am being fucking hacked, YO!
Yeah Albert, you godda love these mother fuckers, you know, the Donald, the Goog, and so forth and so on, and if these pricks don't quit slamming in and out of that fucking apartment over fucking there, I WILL CALL FUCKING 911!!!!!
Miss Blake, I think you did know whether 'somebody was trying to drive me crazy or not', 30 years ago, from AT&T. I think you knew perfectly well, to almost quote Mister Nixon. Wow did we have a common hobby that got us both into gargantuan sized mother fucking superman double-trouble!!!
Well Love Goddess Venus Arteemis, cousin of Diana, ;et me just say this: Here is my BLOG BIO, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Really good folks:
is there another MORIANITY, or something even close to it; anywhere else, up on this great and powerful OZERNET????
///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®
MARK WAYNE MOHR——–1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013
So here I am my wonderful awesome believers, of whom I think are between 2-4 somewhere, and I love you all with 100% of me totally enlightened beingness, (I love these other two to four parts of me, that are not me directly), in other words, knowing this makes me 'enlightened', nothing else, no trances, no potions, no meeting of the minds with a group of gurus on a mountaintop, no illegal drug consumptions, and on an don I could go. Let us get back to the wild stuff presently so urgent in MORIANITY. TANKS!!!! Only the Vatican really understands MORIANITY, and even they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Lightning told me last night in Akoslem City, that I better tell the truth and not leave my Morians hanging in there with the Hammonton's and the Huntington's, so I must now obey her commands. After-all, she's my beyond hot and unfathomably awesome baby-blond love of my life, and the third part of a wild triple GODDESS, and no more needs to be said now or ever, or the entire thing will go right into the NUKESON can! Not yet, Mister McNulty, not unless you think a set of stairs in Suffolk County, New York was real funny in the very early seventies as well, old pal from Exton, Pennsylvania! So here I am in my car with a tape playing, while doing guard duty one night, during my STOCKHOLM KIDNAPPING days of latter ohm-8 through most of all of ohm-9. By December of 2009, I thought I had learned the full depravity of my oldest daughter's sense of humor, I hadn't. Now laugh if you really are dirt bag enough to want to, MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Non-Precipitation Advisory
Flood Statement
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County, in New Jersey. Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied. I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only, where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!
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On Blogger since January 2006
Profile views – 2779
My blogs
Morianity Bible For Millenium Three:
Morianity Foundation
The Epitome of Harassment – Internet Version
To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian
About me
paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The Winds Of War, Gone With The Wind, Time Travelers From Our Future
You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.
What nobody is aware of, is that huge things are around the corner, and is why the stock market is whip sawing and see sawing back and forth, like 50 powerful men playing Tug-Of-War, with 25 men on each side holding the rope. Eventually, one side will prove a little stronger. This is not just something recently beginning, and is more like something recently ending, a long journey, just about to be completed, only it still is not over, as the traveler may have been gone a million years and came from the distant stars, but home is yet an hour away, and robbers and murderers still await him along the roadway near to his home, and at any second, can finish this poor bastard off in one mighty fell fucking swoop. ?this is not some philosophy, and it certainly ain't poetry, so forget Shakespeare or Romeo and Juliet, or even similar names, this is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS BULLSHIT, whether or not any of you are getting it yet or not, and very soon, you may just be going, oh yeah, that little fucking bastard said all that back on the cunt eating thirteenth night in June, and wow, now look at shit. That;s all you fucking need to know, great folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No this is not the crazy rantings of lunatic Mountainpen or even the nightly resurrections of Roseann Delaney or the one time resurrection of the great Lord and Master King Akoslem, also known as (AKA) Jesus Christ. Without delving too deeply into anything in particular in order to safeguard great things as much as is humanly Pennock-possible, I will only say this. The WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE woke me up very very very Hurricane Ingrid ill this morning with a sore throat so bad I wanted to punch a mother fucking hole in my wall. After lots of lozenge tablets and chewing on Buffered Aspirin for most of the day, I AM OK now, but I AM NOT ICY ISIS, lost in time, or chillier than an ice machine, with or without any Trinity chemtrails, hotels, machines filled with ice cubes, balconies to be dangled off of, or curly haired lost daughters of Carlisle Avenue, huh Ron Bustrips Wirtz, of the Camden County, New Jersey, Prosecutor's Office? Oh sir, I did plenty of legwork, as you so instructed me to do back in the mother fucking rotten middle nineteen-nineties, YO YO YO YO and not bounced around from town to town, or other such 1988 copyrighted shit in my fucking ass name! Ga'hed, say it Dad and Dawn-Marie, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! Ga'hed, Mike McNulty, laugh out loud, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA! Morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all think you have all of the answers to everything. Even Einstein was totally fucking clueless about how to beat Roulette, using parallel event, time's reflection, and just why it makes sentient beings aware to roughly 400 tiny instant little pieces, each and every minute of the clock while they are in hyperspace. Wanna' really know a fucked up secret, not that anyone out here's gonna' fucking believe a dam ass word I say, BRO? This great man was unable to perform many simple tasks, including the tying of shoelaces until his fifteenth birthday, and even then, there are photographs of his shoes tied all his life, in loose knots, rather than bows. He, like me, was great at being able to see obvious things all around us that for reasons too lengthy and complicated, seem to elude the 99.999999999% of most sentient persons in hyperspace, or waking mortal tangible an material life. He was not all that good in math, and had many persons in his early days, helping him to actually physically work out into equations, all his ideas about the cosmos. When they seemed to fit together, he had the opposite thing happen to him that happens to me, a total 180 concentrically persisting reality from that of freaking ass mine. All his helpers vanished into obscurity, and he was left as the great publisher and total creator of the ''theory of general and special relativity''. This is the total opposite, and the entire Copyright Office and legal system of the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS KNOWS THIS PERFECTLY TOTALLY WELL; and that is for just one example, the project called Billy Harner 2000. You can Google up or click on the link here, and see his web-page, but you will see how I totally vanished out of all reality from anything pertaining to STUDIO PARK RECORDS, HIM, or for that matter, the illustrious and wonderful PAUL EVANS PEDERSEN. I have no issue with this anymore folks, and could care less, and you wanna' know why good folks? Because it is just all that much MORE FREAKING EVIDENCE IN MY FAVOR AND ON MY SIDE OF THIS ETERNAL BATTLE AND WAR, proving how someone or something, Captain Shatner and kid, have GONE OUT OF THEIR WAY WORKING TRIPLE SHIFT OVERTIME FOR DECADES NOW, to do all of this to me, in a continual pattern, relentlessly, without so much as a hint of ceasing any time or millennium soon. They made me deathly ill as they did to Mikey back on Sunday.
Yesterday late into the night, I took a huge computer hack attack. Then hours later, my health was brutally and viciously struck by these filthy fucking bottom feeder sub-pigs. This of course shot the DOW up, and the chart below shows this. But before this is all said and done, I will prove that time travel is going on all around us, right under our noses, but in ways no mortal as of yet in this year, can even remotely begin to conceive of. It honestly is like the example of trying to explain the ocean to a person from the Colorado Rocky Mountains who never even saw an ocean on television or in a picture, let alone in actual reality. There you would be attempting to make one futile attempt with one example after another, but when the person actually would come to see it some day for real, they would say to themselves, shit man, nobody came close to describing it.
The world has wanted me to vanish away ever since I left high school. The movie done by the MTM Network back around 1996, depicted a small ocean attempt description example, in their great movie staring Mary Tyler Moore, called, “Secrets of the Rose Garden”. This is a MUST-C movie for all Believers of Morianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only seeing it, AGAIN, explains just why it is such a MUST-C fucking ass show, I can only proclaim that it is now in words ladies and freaking gentlemen, YO! Now what happened back in fucking school that caused this planet's powerful controllers and owners, to desire this so much? Well, how many out here have read or remembered my older blogs that talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, along with Watergate, Steve the Jock, and so much more, huh Molly Ringworm Ringwald????????????????????????? This is just an opener for right now good folks. Well, Molly, you can hate the Microsoft Spell-Checker too, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharkey says, 'HEY GIRL', Leticia Tilley, oh and also,
tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???
Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth. HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**W-Map, courtesy of CHANNEL 12 local South Florida TV.**
Note: The image above may not reflect the current alert state for your county due to a several minute delay between the issuance of the alert and the map processing.
Advisory Colors Key
Winter Storm Watch
Flood Warning
Non-Precipitation Advisory
Flood Statement
Link to where photos show up and font is in color, go to:
Nighty night folks, WHAAAAAAAAA!

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