Saturday, July 13, 2013



3:25 AM, SATURDAY, 13 JULY, 2013

JUST IN CASE THIS BLOGGER NEVER MADE HIS POINT regarding his opinion of life, I will do so again, ''IT SUCKS''.

My rent situation is now rectified. This just means another things solved, and yet another one to go wrong soon again. The words of Clarence Harris will echo in my head forever or dam near, when he told me in the summer of 1998, that he personally related to my rotten situation that I';d told him of, regarding moving from place to place to place, trying to escape horrendous mother fucking people that just harass you and make you miserable, intentionally, for no reason whatsoever, and he said, to the effect, yeah, and moving changes only an exact negative that was plaguing you before, and now I you go an move, and it is right back at you again, only as some other just as rotten an issue, and it never fails. He was right. But this will segway right into a powerful point that will be made on this blog that has not been mentioned in a detailed manner for years on my blogs, but some may indeed remember my words of yesteryear being repeated and then amplified on. Folks, the times that all the dots do not connect, merely is because the real nasty shit is coming from the Astral-Plane, and makes its way down here, just as we all do, into this physical form of tangible an material life. When I am overly paranoid and cannot prove a human connection, yet 98 or 99 out of 100 dots will totally humanly connect right here on the waking world; it is because I tend to overlook for sanity's sake, that the problems are all originating FIRST, on a higher realm. It does not have to all connect up here so perfectly, not unless we are trying to convict a criminal in a court of law, or along these lines, and this is great, no one wants the old days back when so many innocent peeps were just stoned to death, we need to all be protected an given fair trials, then hung slowly as most guilty bastards are worthy of this punishment, that are in court. But in all seriousness good people, all I mean to say is that I refuse in my blogs, to be held, and I said this years ago on old blogs, to a standard of COURT PROOF, when I tell the very sad fucking story of my miserable life. Just because none of you, or so I chance this assumption here, live and believe in this higher plane, outside of maybe seeing a small little crumb of the banquet feast on a Sunday in a church, and then boom, it is only part of your life for that hour, and in a totally different way than with me; but hay, that is your own bizz folks, and I am not so fortunate as all of you, to have that luxury. I know shit that no mortal should be know while wearing a coat of flesh and having circulating blood within it. My pants are not on fire, and everything I have claimed that has happened to me, is very real. On top of that, reality around me continues to reflect and echo continuous proofs of this being the total truth, but other external forces work triple overtime to stop others from ever seeing this dead on shit that is right in front of them, or as my mom would do, as she would call it and to use her own words, ''play head games'', this was Her way of dealing with the bizarre rotten crap in life, but it is NOT MY WAY. I need total reality, and sometimes that extends beyond length and width and depth, and so others who refuse to even think about also making this same leap along with me, say, no asshole Mark, you are deluded. Only I am not one fucking bit deluded, and you know something, way deep down inside, many of the most loyal card carrying dues paying members of the great Missourians Club, know this is true and that these words are honest and real, but they deny it, and as my mom would have done, ''PLAYED HER DAM HEAD GAMES''. Fine, you do that, mom, and all others in this club, and in the GWPOS CLUB also, just please do not expect me to do this, AS I FREAKING REFUSE, YO!

Extremely wild shit is happening, both to me, and to the entire cosmos, only I am seeing it with great and perfect clarity, unlike YOU. If this sounds huffy and stuffy or crass or even resembles a brag, it ain't meant that way, and yet, I'll be man enough to apologize in advance for those who insist on taking my words that way despite my claim that they are not meant in this way one little bit. Why do I say, LIFE SUCKS? Why in less than 678 million words, anyway? Well, let me get short and sweet and loud and dirty, and try and clear up a few things. First, it is OK for this world to steal billions of dollars from me over the past 50 years. Second it is IK for peeps to endlessly try and take away what little possessions and money I have to survive in this evil world. Third, it is perfectly OK to be treated like shit for as lifetime, for doing no wrong or harm to any of these mother fucking worthless jerk off prick people all mentioned in nearly eight years of blogs now. All of this is totally 100% fine and well, and I should just sit here saying 'praise the Lord' and forgiving people. In your fucking wet dreams, sweet peas. Do you wanna' know why rich people distance themselves from the poor? If they did not, they would be hounded for money constantly. Poor people only want money and it is all they are ever thinking about. It is beyond pathetic. You can literally divvy up annual incomes in multiples of as low as 5000 dollars. Those making 5 try and take from those making 10. Those making ten, from those making 15, and on and on and on. Mikey is no different. His hand is out for my help all the time. I am going to give him twenty dollars on Monday, and then I am not going to stay in touch any longer. I would like to, but I cannot be his bank. On top of that, I know it is just going to go to that whore Pearl, friend of his in Miami. Still, I will do this for him on Monday, and my conscience is clean to just drop him as a friend after that. He was extra generous with me when he got out of the hospital and needed me to drive him around for a couple of days on important errands. He gave me 70 bucks or more, and insisted on it, for gasoline that came to I'm sure no more than 30-50 bucks, so I will give him a photograph of Ulysses S. Grant. After-all, he and Jessica were pretty tight up at the Harvest, and she is a descendant of the great Grants. But after this, I am done, as he has only asked me to come over to his crib the last three times, to beg for money. If I had a lot of it, I would be generous, and probably lose it all, I am not like the rich, and do not worship manna, and you cannot worship it, not and keep your knowledge and connection to the higher reality. I refuse to ever go back to mono or black and white television, or living in three dimensions, the way all of you do, and then call ME the deluded psycho. It is a very very fucking ugly world, more ugly than it is evil, sordid and filled with revolting junk that would make lifer in max prison flinch back, if he or she really knew, just what I know.

I no longer have ill will for any rotten son of a bitch, only an intense desire to escape the entire video-game. This avatar is sick and tired of being jacked in here, and wants OUT; end program, Star Trek TNG, #1-Lieutenant Commander Wil Riker, sir! Salute that one, Gomer Pyle.

Folks, I have no 100% proof to many things, yet some of you out here, know exactly what is happening to me, and are more shocked about it all than I am. Don't be. It is all because the fucking BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS, or the Lambrigg Cult of the Astral realities, is behind all of this with me, and the long stretching line in my family that is nothing more than a code that is quite intricate, and that you all call DNA. Four little fucking things all combined and scrambled, to make all of us exactly who and what we think ourselves to be. Where are you when I need you Moon-gazer Organ-man, I loved your old tune, YO? Where are you Public Broadcasting Network? That was such an awesome fucking TV show, dogs!

Folks, living in the fifth dimension is not strange or ridiculous. It is totally necessary in order to ever live in physical form, and be able to KNOW. Otherwise, you will WONDER, from the first breath you draw, right to your last! But realizing how this all does indeed operate and function, as Morianity has attempted to teach for three quarters of a decade now, while double-bubble telling my life story in this process; will open up lots of new roads to explore, and if you ever would really do some of the shit that has been preached about here in my blogs, one sentence you would never ever say about Mountainpen ever again, would be the funny and famous one that gets us all a laugh or ten, from time to time, would go ''Liar-Liar, PANTS ON FIRE''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks are clueless since they started walking this Earth, why do we need to fall asleep, and then, why do we DREAM. Dreaming, the hyperspace, and the truth about EXPLOATRONIC REALITY, is the biggest trinidad since the 1969 three jet criss-cross in Camden County, New Jersey, following the incredible ''DREAM'' I had just ''awakened out of'', if you are far enough south, the word translates to TRINITY. Did I know any of that back after my mom and I stopped vacationing at the Atlantic City hotel called the Treymore, and began doing our 8 vacations on Tennessee Avenue at the trinidad Hotel. What do you think? Give me a dam break, Margie Leo 4 crissake, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No I cannot prove to the standard of court evidence, 99% of what I claim has all gone down in my life on these blogs of Mountainpen. Many very bad people walk away from the court room free individuals, also, every day. Don't make more out of things than my words, but really folks, do you really think that just because I cannot wake up tomorrow morning into a world that recognizes me and what I have gone through, that I'll just sit here like a fool and accept total fucking defeat? Can any of you out here really be that dam nuts?????????????? Have a nice day, Cousin! Leave my kid alone, you rotten bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not work for the city, Mister Dooley, nor do I ever wish to, so go break Donnie's heart, or have Levy do it, as he busted McGreevy's!

Well you want it loud and dirty, General Sir, and that's what you'll get, along with short and sweet, not the blog, but each sub-set part of many many many Ingrid-84 parts of it, AT&T!

First things first. I am tired of insulting the intelligence of my readers. They may think I am a fucking worthless nut for the most part, yet they still, for reasons known only to them, keep reading me. That's there own business. As for me, let me tell it, all of it, super abridged of course, so nobody can think right now that by reading through this blog, they'll come away with the fucking wisdom of the guru sages. Still, Lenny sir, let's go, all tanning lotions and salons of Giantville Mechanic Stations of Berlin, New Hollywood Jersey. Wow, I am so fucking dogshit impressed. When you can do some of the things that I can do, now you can really give me the evil stare down, Mizz 'Gianto' of 2004, with all of your stupid ridiculous cellphone calls and stupidity.

As Mike Kelly would put it in the late nineties, on his publication known then as “Secrets From the Next Dimension”, 'THE CHEMTRAILS ARE BACK TO STAY'. Every day or just about, for weeks now, this has been the case, here in my area of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, 24/7/365.2422. But folks, if you think that any one issue right now is really important, or if they do for that fucking ass matter; then I say, as perhaps would Tiny Tim as well, not the vocalist; Bless them everyone. THE FLYING RACING BULL RALLY STOCK FUCKING MARKET IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA' DO, GINA, GINA, GINA, GINA, GINA, AND ALL OTHER GINA'S AND NON-GINA'S OUT HERE. 'BUT' my good people out here; or maybe not so good as how can I possibly know this one way or the other, dam it Coach Othershoe Dammit Bowerman of the U of O/Nike, even though I have no way of getting a read on the audience of my words, I can however know a lot of mysterious things that go far beyond the realms of what others can get in their normal every day waking world lives. First off, I am all through treating anyone out here as an idiot, and my most sincere apology for doing so this long. Yes there are plenty of PP types, but along with them are plenty of more advanced thinkers, who may or may not agree with me and see things my exact way, but they ain't stupid, and they know that this thing with THE STOCK MARKET, MY DAUGHTER, THIS FAMILY, THESE BLOGS, AND THE FACT THAT NO HUMAN GAME OR SYSTEM WOULD BE GOING ON THIS LONG, YOU KNOW THIS, YOU ARE NOT IN THE FUCKING THIRD GRADE LENNY BRISCOE, AND YOU KNOW IT, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT ANY MORE THAN I DO, BUT YOU DO FUCKING KNOW IT, AND SO, I am all through treating you all like a group of little kids or dummies. I apologize for my recent doing of such, as well. Now it is going to be loud and dirty, and General Patton Style or 'GPS', only nothing to do with any cartography or satellites or position scans.

Ever since I posted up the entire 1983 re-did song called now, “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER”, things exploded in my face like a fucking cunt thermonuclear hyper bomb of continental destruction capability. Skeptics such as politicians, those who disowned me long ago, and new ones who told me politely to go see McKannon, all of them and any of them; they see only what they want to. They would try and rationalize away the things happening all around me, and that is again, totally their mother fucking squat eating business. I am all for freedom, and would have it no other way. The Missourians Club of the majority skeptical folks, or the (MCMSF) for shortened abbreviation, would also see the entire so-called ''music problem'' that David Roth and I first observed, very shortly after we first met on a security guard job, in Woodbury Heights, in New Jersey, in early November of 1985; and as was all predicted by my Battleship Einstein Invisibility Experimentation subject father; as happening later on in my life just as it did; as the overactive imagination of merely two failed musicians. Well I cannot speak for David, only for myself. When people like the president of the MCMSF, Mister Edward Himacane Lynch, who believed nothing other than real black and white in your face things, said to me one day, “Mark, things happen in your life that I simply cannot explain”, well, that is like a drowning person begging a large drink of water. It really does fucking say it all, and that is all I can now say, of it. You either think, as did another jerk off David back in early 2011, that my pants are on fire, or you don't, but I know that I am being 100% honest and truthful to you all, here on this fucked up blog. I TOLD YOU, of the stock market, of the problem I have with anything connected to music, of the powerful unlimited abilities of this family and especially Mizz Doogie Howser Junior, my mysterious illness from 1983 being a lot more tied up in all of this 40 year plus nightmare, than even I thought, back when these blogs first began in 2006, by me, the MOUNTAINPEN NEBNOOSHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not gloating, 'but' really folks, or during any school fights of fiction, B-U-T we cannot forget that I also told you about parlor tricks and time travel, and exploratronics and somnambulists, all back during the early part of these blogs, as well, so am I lying, David Drugpants?????????????

I told the beginning of the Fascitar, I told how I have been followed and even attacked upon occasion when MUSIC is connected with any of this, I have told you all every single part of my nightmare fucking story. If you go to the biography section in my blogs, most of them, I post it now, and you can then fucking easily click onto the 5 old parts of Morianity, that were one blog, until I got fucked and stopped late in 2011 and had to begin this new version or second part in Morianity, this current one blog; but it merely connects right up to those blogs, and they all are in perfect dated order, at A direct link if you are reading this anywhere not on BLOGGER, is as follows:

None of you out here, NONE, could survive my HELL. This is why no one else has my level of fucking enlightenment. This may sound as a brag, but it is a plea for help from someone with clout, only none ever comes. I only did this blogging at the fucking cunt lapping behest of Chris Bennett and Eddie Lynch, as they told me that this would in fact be the eventual outcome, if nothing else, some curious person would make contact and wish to help, and of course also have the necessary means and clout to be able to really do so. I have been out here following their advice now for over seven and a half mother fucking years, wasting my time, and getting absolutely fucking cock sucking nowhere at all! WHY? Simple, as with all things, SOMEONE IS STOPPING IT FROM HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone with extreme absolute total power over this entire reality and waking world. If you're waiting for the Air force or anyone else to print this all answering information, then watch your face wrinkle up like a nice fucking ass prune and your hair fall out and what's left turn to bright white. It won't happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there are a few dumb ass folks who still say after reading my blogs, hay asshole Mountainpen, I don't follow one thing you are trying to say or tell. Well, gee, of course you don't, you are not supposed to if you aren't. I do not know how to talk much plainer and stay out of a bunch of law suits. How dumb the fuck are you's????????????????? I try and expose my enemy nabes to the family-connection, and right away, AND AS YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO RECALL, BOOM, I get big time fucked with, with this rent bullshit issue. Don't worry, it will be taken care of tomorrow. No one can Eddie Lynch 'explain' it or why exactly it all happened, but tomorrow, my TD bank, free of normal charge, will STOP PAYMENT on my original check, and put another through to the Housing Authority, along with the verification that I did try and pay this on time as I always do on the day my SS Disability money comes into my bank account, and it was not one bit my fault that it is getting paid half a month fucking late. Still, this is why the market flew up another 200 points almost, today. HURT ME, FUCK WITH ME, FUCK WITH MY LIFE, MY PROPERTY, AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP IT GOES, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don't listen the fuck to me, I am only right all the time, this never fucking ever fails, oh yeah, right, sure, I am just a big assfuckinghole, YO DOGS! WOLF-WOLF, ''BUT'' Henry Fonda!

How can anyone of you tell me that my wonderful daughter has not been messing with me since she was a child, and then before that, as Sarah from 10-SC Avenue. When someone vanishes out of this world 100%, no record of them, no memory of them, hay, you do the fucking god dam math, people. Then I won't lie. I did what Roger Colaman told me not to do after my apology song was posted. That was all SHE WANTED, but no, I said to myself, hay, why not, here is a way to prove this all to the world. Yeah, some great mice and men plan, huh YO? Things have fucking god dam N---E---V---E---R BEEN THIS BAD FOR ME, NOT FUCKING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This even beats where it all seemed to begin getting worse, the great mother fucking 'B-----U-----T'-----1986!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look people, just because you are here in 2013, and were born somewhere as who you think you are, in 1915-1999 somewhere, stop living with tons of shit in your brain. There are trillions of years in this space-time continuum, and way more than trillions of parallel universes, that the math equations verify; and just because this is not talked about in school, or on TV all the time; that is because most of you only care about stupid shit from the entertainment world, the biggest trouble makers involved in all of this in the fucking first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot more shit is going on all around this little ass universe. Just because you are sitting around watching TEEN-NICK, or General Hospital, or Two and a Half Men, or whatever; that does not dispel the other realities, far beyond that, a quintillion times over. The coffee beans are really beginning to stink up the kitchens of this world each morning. Why not at least attempt to wake the hell up, WORLD????????????????????????????????????

Let me give you some shit for now, and later, I promise to fucking blow your minds from here to count Von-Cucci Haddonfield in 1970, and back again, Sueann M from PCI of '73. Forget this part of this mother fucking wild family that has been blogged about a lot from 2008-2013, and T+ counting. Let us go and move to an entirely other realm, even though, and as song-promised, both songs actually, right Tony Bonjovi old 'buddy', you of all people, WOW; but yes, we never can really 'escape them', not even in hot Florida. Shortly after a young African American lad of 16, thought it funny to be in on some wild parlor trick of his pal and him busting the hubcap on my Saturn Automobile and then letting me know it was busted at a nearby telephone booth while I was phoning my mother; he said a few other things that I had blocked out of my memory. He called me Mister Lucky and repeated it several times, and smirked at me with a grin that I wanted to literally smack right off of his dam face that late afternoon in 1996, on the Black Horse Pike, in New Jersey. Three times in a very short conversation, he called me that, ''nick-name'', even though he was the one with the 'nick' name. Did you read this up here in 2013, and go back to laugh at me, as I remember another thing you said while you kept interrupting me while I was trying to speak to my mom on that fucking payphone? He said, “there's some 'monster ass' damage to your hubcap, Mister Lucky”. Years later while I slept at my trailer one day, and working weekend night shift at Cifaloglio as a Security Guard, he was showing me he had grown up, and that shortly after he did this to me, he was also working at some mall as a Security Guard, and a fire broke out. In this wild 'dream' that he got me into with him, my cassette deck was in a store that this fire was coming from, and he grabbed it and took it out to me and handed it to me, and he said, “we don't want that burning up BRO, that thing makes monster ass recordings”. It wasn't until a week ago, and I did not blog it, nor did I ever plan to until all this shit went down, but I was right back in that same dream with him, and he said we are going to be going to Boston soon, just you and me, we're not taking my wife, she's in a really bad mood. I said why? He said because she met somebody who had powers, you know, like on that Mentalist TV show, and she found out all about you. You of course meant ME. I said when? He said, around the time Angela and Donna kept their word about not wanting the Twin Towers back, just the dude with the golden chains on his motorcycle jacket. The US Copyright Office knows fully well, the Astral-Plane equivalent of the words TWIN and TWO, and TOWERS and dollars. They have a copy and it's either on their 1988 or 1989 copyright, both misspelled but called now in 20-20 hindsight, EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, you can view this for yourself right now when I shortly post up my copyright records for you. Last night, the Atlantic Ocean was extremely good to me, and we played together and had a wonderful time for what seemed like years. I knew I would be punished for this, just as in early autumn of 1994, when she came to me as both this form, along with her form as the teenaged girl, when Mariena and Japtarama chased me away from her later at the end of it. Japtarama on the Astral-Plane translates into Earth mortal world English language, to the word, Poseidon.

For the past two weeks, the illegal mother fucking noisy jerk off neighbor has been back. No one believes me that he is here. He is here, it is not a lie. Yet no one will admit to seeing this mother fucking prick. Well, who will admit the Jesus Christ slight visual alteration resurrection syndrome, for that matter, oh lovely world of fake steak filled with salt, pepper, and techno-pop? Hay Bob A, 'WHATEVER' from 1975!

This sentence was fucking HACKED OFF 4 times now, WOW!

Yeah, crazy me, huh PP, oh and immature, what a mirror you have dude, I envy you. It must be the greatest mirror in the fucking world, MISTER PAUL DREAMTEMPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Thank you for coming to see me today, baby-blond, on 7/12!



      Photos of the Day


Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.

my pic photo MohrMark.jpg


Here is a little bio information about the Head-Morian, as requested by the original blog website that I joined in 2006 to begin my blogs and the Morianity-Project:


My Photo

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views - 2779

My blogs

About me

paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The winds of war, Time travelers from our future, Gone with the wind,

You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?

An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:

At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

Now before we complete the blog, please see this:

Alerts Map
Note: The image above may not reflect the current alert state for your county due to a several minute delay between the issuance of the alert and the map processing.
Advisory Colors Key
Winter Storm Watch
Flood Warning
Non-Precipitation Advisory
Flood Statement

The State Attorney General, Mizz Bondi won't help me or believe me, so you won/t be seeing her pretty little face on the blogs any more. But I know what I know, folks, and I, know that someone is intentionally mother fucking trying to cause me endless misery, and major hassles, eventually leading me to one of three eventualities, a tomb, a sike commitment without any wild out of time and tune musicians (eat your hearts out Dave and Darius), or where else, land of recurring fields of danger nightmares, but PRISON. The WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE if they have their druthers, the order would be, confined to a box six feet below the ground, confined to prison, or confined to a state sike horse pistol, as old Bruce Perfect only-human Pennock would say this so long ago, by most mortal standards and points of view. He has no idea who is biggest fan is and has been for so long, and I am not gonna'; give the dude a big head and look him up and show him all this shit. We have enough people walking around this fucking world thinking that they're just so dam ass all that times ten to the power of ninety, and so why should I aid in increasing the number and count of bozos such as this, Mister Patrick Jane. Still, I feel so sorry for him and his show, and I knew the night that super Red John list last episode aired, that things would end up CANCELLED AGAIN, just as what happened in April of 1971, with the great fucking serial television show, “Dark Shadows”; for daring to really get folks slowly indoctrinated, through a long time believable plot, that indeed; there really is a Lenny McKannon, or you know, all joking aside; maybe it is really smarter if I just say, THE DEVIL, as this is a moving entity, and can go from place to place, and the great holy words say this exactly, how he walks on the Earth from place to cause, fuckin g up all the shit he wants to and has a major goal and plan to wipe out anything connected with the Huntington Family, of which my DNA-CHAIN is directly along, and other powerful folks too, let us leave shit right there, lads and lassies, OK, John King? Yes Diana, I see you, you lovely gorgeous baby-blond, in your mortal world form as a channel of delicious beautiful electrons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some peeps who read Morianity, are wondering why I use words like ''hostilitygram'', originating from two words strung together, STAR TREK-TNG, style, with their great and cool holo-deck, HOSTILITY HOLOGRAM, so let me try explaining this to y'all right now, quick, down, and dirty flat out, so you can really ''get it'', once and for all. This dovetails into my point for right now, and IS NOT an old blog, but may appear DEJA-VU FAMILIAR, as things all blend together, and this is really a world of energy in real truth, and then our brain's consciousness machinery, divides by C-SQ, so that this truer reality is then transformed for our connected awareness in being, into the matter world where we are now living and typing or reading, and 'whatever' Bob Andrews of Oak Street, old 'BUDDY' of the Forget-Me Club!!!

Every miracle that has ever resulted in somebody being canonized, is explainable entirely in five full dimensions, but we all exist materially in only three. There is a way to actually do more than all of the 'Steve Hawking types' ever have yet to do, and it will be told in both an instructional way as well as in a journal story-telling way, but when I am all through, this world will topple right on its ass. I know a lot more than any of my mother fucking enemies think I do. Yes Diana, I love you, and I see and hear you, BABY-BLOND love doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOLKS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, when you see a new post with some old and familiar writings, do not just log off. It may start old seeming as a repeat, but will merge into brand new stuff, proving to you, that indeed, time is pure illusion in three dimensions, and further proving how life does indeed GET US STUCK AND TRAPPED, INTO CYCLES, and much much much much fucking ass more, this is just a scratching of the dam surface of shit, believers, YO! I love you so much, LIGHTNING, you are all around me, and making me so very happy, lovely wonderful awesome girl!!!!!! GOLLLLLLEEY, Sargent Carter, why is this all happening to me, MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes one day too late, I'll come looking for you, I'll no longer know who you are. Remember a girl from my little boy world, and doing the best to forget who you are. Yes you are my STACEY, the great Sarah-Stacey, you're more than a girl; from the shore. You sent her to me so that I'd love you too, but instead I forgot even more.

WOW, do you think I ever wanted to forget you, BEG?

Yes, they are trying to cleverly throw me into the street, and I need your help, TROPLE GODDESS. PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM MURDER ME, this evil rotten government does not care one bit about me, I am just a threat to them as I know way to fucking much, and covered myself with © Insurance.

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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
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