Saturday, July 6, 2013



**********CHAPTER 00119**********

SATURDAY, 6 JULY, 2013, Starting of blog:

Back in the middle part of 1983, when my communicating directly with the electron was new, and through a group of special machines all hooked up together and a series of ''sentence-codes''; I was warned by her, not to “go to Florida after telling HER quite often, that I may wish to in fact do just this. She quite naturally, already knew a lot of things, as did the eminent great James T. Burr, but that is another story for another time, Joseph Gannon, Doctor of Medicine. But back early in 1983 after shortly moving into the rental home owned by Mister Jerald Pliner, at 134 Norris Avenue, Atco, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG; I began noticing that the stock market seemed to run in a particular paralleling way with my general overall life, only at this beginning time, it was the total reverse from where it later evolved and altered into. What I mean to tell you is simple. At first, when I had a good day, IT HAD A GOOD DAY. When I had a bad day, IT HAD A BAD DAY. Somewhere after 1984 swung around, this for reasons that elude my mind entirely, reversed and did a sudden turn around, or AKA a 180. Now when I have a good day, IT HAS A BAD DAY, and when I have a bad day, IT HAS A GOOD DAY. I have been talking about this parallel event between me and the markets as well as the Philly sports teams, ever since my nearly eight years of blogs began, in early January of 2006. What never was talked about however, was how things began in reverse mode from where they suddenly and for no discernable reason, turned and did a total 180, and stayed on that new path ever since the time that Shirley the great, and her friend the magical LAB TECHNICIAN of Grant Avenue, just off of I-95, interacted with me, the Doogie Howser Eve White/Black Syndrome, we could refer to this from now on as, or for short, the (DHEWB-SYNDROME). Only those learned individuals in the field of psychiatry, know about the Eve White and Eve Black thing, so in a very quick summary about it for my audience, this was one woman with split personalities, and was the original and quite world renown case, studied by the original students of the father and master of this field, the great doctor Sigmund Freud. I've said it before, and will now reiterate it again. Unfortunately I doubt it is believed, and that's a real shame, because I am only doing what Jack McCoy and Ron Wirtz; a real life, and a fictional prosecutor or ADA would do; and that would be to follow the facts, and go with where it takes me, no matter what it seems to lead into, or how agonizing or incredible it may seem to be a part of; Commissioner Ladiesman of 'Law & Order', but; no folks, this is not a blog about great pop divas, or any other thing in and of themselves. As stuff began to be put together however, unmistakable realities merely started revealing themselves to the investigator, and then as I blogged and further attempted to take all the nasty little messy pieces apart; things just progressively became more and more and more interesting, even fascinating, but I in no way am taking anything or anyone and just plopping them into my life story. They simply have fallen into their proper orders and places, and no good people, morianity is far from done and over, and who knows what or who may still pop out before this mess is all cleaned up eventually, and hopefully? So as we move along, don't expect less, but more wild crap to pop up here and there, with people, places, and things, that are already COM, or (Characters Of Morianity), but in the name of the Astral Gods, expect many many many more, lovely INGRID, 'weeeshhhhhh', and all other blowhards of the universe notwithstanding, YO! So no matter how anyone of you out here insists on believing that this is merely an Atlantic City Blog, or my own personal hell blog, or a MC blog, be it the great council or the great diva, or even Mary Carter and others, you would all be wrong. It is a McCoy/Commissioner blog, in that just as in the great fictional television show called, “Law & Order”, it is coming from one origin where the writings started in January of 2006, and is literally taking us where it takes us, and this is but the simple and honest plain truth about all of this. Believe or disbelieve, kind folks, at your pleasure!!!!!!!!!!

My asshole nabes are making quite a bit of noise today,l but it has been worse. One of the 2 of the 4 main enemies who make the most noise, are indeed gone. I told you all that I was in on something with some other people, and it needed to be kept on the freaking QT, and still does for a while yet, but 50% of my problems have indeed been eliminated, but I still hold and hang on, unfortunately, to the two worst scum bags that are here to stay, unless I can totally prove, in a court of law, that they and Warren and Boo, and speaking of commissioners and where things have led, so no more needs be said right now. I did tell you all that indeed, the markets would fly after March of 3013 came in, and they have. All week long, it flew up hundreds of points, refusing to remain under 15 KP on the DJIA, and as I said, when it opens above the previous close, you need to buy to sell out at the closing bell, and when it opens below the previous close, you need to sell-short to buy back at the closing bell. Also, never trade on short-days, or days that contain less than the normal 6.5 hours of trading, an interesting number of hours, forgetting about the decimal. Still, my point does indeed speak for itself. Only one time out of 15 now, when we do not include the short trading day, before the holiday, or Wednesday July Third; did we lose a few points back, and in USD, that is $20.00 per point per contract. Just in the past month of trading days, averaging getting in at 10 points off the opening price and exiting with a day close order near the closing price, brings us an average of 24.7 points on 22 trading days times 20 dollars for each contract, and I highly suggest beginning with one and staying with one for a full year, no matter how well off you may be financially, keep it that way, it is no fun being dirt poor and I should know, as I have had a life fucking time of it, YO! No one may sell this idea, as although ideas are non-copyright-able, my words that speak this system out in full simple detail, are in fact copyright, Mark Wayne Mohr, 2013. Unless anyone can legally prove that they made this up before this time, you may use it free, and tell friends, and they may use it free and tell friends, but you may not write a little HOW-2 book and start selling them for 19.99, non of that stuff will be tolerated ABC-Walter, or my attorneys just may be contacting you, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, where are you Mike buttwipe McNulty??????????????? Oh yes good people, as long as they can endlessly persecute poor old me, this strange weird parallel event will make that fucking rotten STOCK MARKET endlessly go UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Know that, ladies and gentlemen. But things have happened to me in the real-world of court evidence, that I hope to be able to safely bring to a county prosecutor someday, pertaining to all of this. When a person is violated, robbed, raped, threatened, and it is all a provable part of a 50 year ongoing conspiracy, you would think I would have a trillion dollar law suit. Well, I do, but be honest with yourself folks. Do you think for one rotten lousy freaking minute, that the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE is going to sit there idly by, and allow me to present my case to a court of law, aided and assisted by some huge Johnny Cochran attorney, and go in swinging for the blood of these world owners and controllers; who are humanly just people, BUT, are in ways that go beyond 100 Einstein concepts; all a part of a gigantic, and quite totally unfathomable entity, for lack of a better word choice, the 'ESS', or the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY?

In closing for right now, I have been sparing the world population the upcoming major long-winded stories, all based on new information, that all of the older nearly 8 blogging years, have brought me to new levels of understanding in my own life. So if you think that Morianity has been wild and nutty and simply inconceivably surreal so far, just wait for the rest of it. Also, despite a very short old testament and super much longer new one, all wrapped up in that, is also these newest 5 parts just since 2012 ended. Stuff before is Morianity-A. Stuff starting at PART-1, is Morianity-B. I had this planned back late in twenty-twelve when I began PART-1, and now we are in PART-5. There may or may not be a :PART-C-Morianity, I am toying with the idea, made in or out of fire studios, or heavens, Mister Antimatter Timesmoker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh those middle eighties, it isn't so much, what WAS involved in all of it, but more freaking like, WHAT WAS NOT?????????????

Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs, I'll now end this blog.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Rats, Tats, and Playing real Football-subtitled THE PROLOGUE TO “THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT-INTERNET VERSION”.
Thursday-----------------------110107.755 on this darkening evening
DATFILE XIII------------------Blog #30 and final blog under this title

I am under a horrendous attack from the milituforce Otammites or the MO as I them abbreviated. Mo is murdering me illegally, VIOLATING MY CIVIL, CONSTITUTIONAL, AND HUMAN RIGHTS, with major constant sky-Scylla attacks, bad chemtrailing, and plenty of loud and low private planes, military planes, choppers, all loud and low and military. The attack all week is bad, but today was brutal, and all though yesterday was not quite as bad in the sky, they shot me illegally with a death beam at the HAMMONTON LIBRARY, NJUSAESMWG. They messed with Himacane’s computer big time and it was out 4 some time, even called Comcast, but they assured us they had no outage, and they were indeed correct. The modem had been messed with by these evil gods, the MO. The Millionth Council is attacking me worse recently than I have seen 4 years, and I fully plan to move off to a remote island for 100 years or so, and come back when things die down, under a totally new identity. If I have 2, I will go away longer than this. TRUCK ALL OF U DICK IN THE MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!! To my friends and MORIANS, please forgive my rotten-French here and all over, none of this derogatory stuff is directed towards any of U, the ones that it is know precisely who the TRUCK they R. When a million Hubble telescopes all put together still makes these pricks unable 2 look up high enough 2C whale excrement, that is LOW, and not 1-18 roulette numbers boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pussy-command is off the dial as a result of days of pure unadulterated siege and dearth-hell. I had 2 practically brush some real young stuff out of my way today, it is so totally unbelievable, it isn’t as though I am some 6 foot five inch 250 pound muscle gymnasium stud that looks like a movie star, no, I am old and fat and ugly as hell and flabby, and short and shrimpy. It is a story that cannot B expected 2B believed, but then what is that I normally say??????? MO thinks they R so safe as they know I am onto their games, and will not do one thing 2 ever flirt back and try to get around the bases with any of these flirtatious and aggressive girls and women, and yes, girls, some of them at a store today, a pharmaceutical chain, were barely able to legally drive an automobile, chronologically. The same plane has been dogging me off and on since the end of last weekend, and over the guard station last Sunday, the winds were too high and strong 4 the legal flying of normal small planes, I know all of the wind and altitude rules and regs, I make it my bizz 2 know, so I can say something is indeed a violation, and that these dirt bags R messing with and persecuting me straight 2 my death grave, only it does not exist, 4 me.

Muzak teasing is off the scale major at every store I go into, and the Cat of Callioville, is also messing with me big time. If I had my way, no entertainment world stuff would ever B on, I would ignore them totally. They impress me like 55 tons of ugly stinky loose moose and goose shit.

I have A RETRACTION 3 PRINT, about Jim Whaelon, the Mayor of ACNJUSAESMWG B4 Levy and Langford. I assumed things and misunderstood things that my very good friend Mizz Ann Silva had said 2 me. B4I go on with this topic, they tried 2 stop me from sending my most recent project 2 the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OFFICE OF COPYRIGHTS yesterday by knocking out Ed’s computer completely as soon as I called the © office on the telephone and found out that I could download a PA [performing-Arts] copyright form and use the printed out sheets, as I misplaced my “copyright” files, and needed 2 get it off in the mail yesterday, 4 extremely personal reasons that Apollo-Lucifer-Dirtbagshithead knows all 2 well. I hate his miserable trucking guts and all though I am madly in love with his twin sister Diana Zudlecronessia Arteemis, he and his Briggers or the LAMBRIGG CULT @ THE BRIGGBASE IN THE OLYMPIAN PROVINCE ON THE ASTRAL PLANE, make me miserable with their MILLIONTH COUNCIL-MO continual attacks and various kinds of wicked vicious shit day and night in my infinite life humanly in the great HS, HYPERSPACE. U all C in consciousness, a line in time instead of the special reality that we all dream down from our spiritual or astral being ness which is an original dream down that is out and away from the only truth which is the VOID INFINITY. The gods R fucking with me the gods are fucking with me and Ed can believe whatever he wants, but the font changes were not done by me, they just started occurring. What U call on Earth Satan and the devil, or God the All Mighty, R powerful astral plane gods, and if U would believe me, U would then B on your way towards seeing many other big time truths happening all around all of us and our pathetic sick diseased twisted wicked world. The daytime television serial decades ago, Dark Shadows, showed this cult and its leader, SATAN, call it what the hell ever, Nick Blair called him by one of his more obscure names of Diabolis. This is where our English word diabolical comes from. The plot may indeed B purely a random chance coincidence, but it is real and is Y forces led Mr. Frid, the one whom played the part of BARNABAS COLLINS, the main character of the show, 2 suddenly develop an interest in returning to New York Vaudeville work, and basically ended the show on a very sudden and abrupt note. The Leviathans did not like, or should I say the Lamist Cult from the Briggbase at and on the phase 2 realities on the ASTRAL PLANE, in the GREAT PROVINCE OLYMPIA. Remember Shadows fans, the whole deal when Jeb Hawks and his Leviathan’s, under the control of Satan and his henchman on Earth, Nicholas Blair, were attempting to regain and siege power and control over the Earth MW or PHYSICAL PLANE as the great ECKANKAR SOUND AND LIGHT RELIGION would label it, and the Wall Street guru Skylar Rumson whose stocks all crashed after Nicky and Lucy turned off the power manipulator that was blessing them. If this all was a huge coincidence television show, who am I 2 argue this point? I am not buying it for one astral minper. The show was super successful and then bang zap zonk bam crash Adam West and Batman, it is off the air one day without so much as a whisper of freaking notice!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this is real and not a bit fictional. I have lived through a nightmare that supports that this is all totally real and true, and will testify in any legal proceedings in a court of law, at any time and any place, Donna. There is just way 2 much 2 expand on presently in this area, and this is what another future blog is there 4, so stay-C tuned pweeeeeze!!!!!!!

Death angels R constant, the aerial siege is worse than ever in my life, and so R many other sieges. Giant girls R crawling out of the damn wood work. These Millionth Council forces use 4 main HELL-GROUPS in this war 2 wipe me out and destroy and totally annihilate me: ANIMALS, WEATHER, MACHINES, AND LAST BUT IN NO WAY LEAST HUMANS. There is no way 2 ever win, it is like saying I can put a bug into a room with a child and let them fight it out 2 the death, and need I really say more. It is an ant colony facing a bulldozer. I know I am never going 2 get any help and that I am in eternal hell, I do not wonder about it as I once did, I totally trucking know this factually.

Y would forces want me not 2 send stuff 2 the copyright office, these same forces that for 21+ years have been totally wrecking and ruining my life with this parallel event nightmare game or ICPE? Every time I send a project off 4 copyright, the stock market flies and flies up and up and up and up like a sling freaking shot. So Y then were they fighting me in overdrive in overtime yesterday from doing something that has a proven track record 4 more than 2 straight decades, 2B super bullish 4 Wall Street? Every time that admitantly, I think I have cracked some deep logic that pertains to MO or this Millionth Council, I soon come 2 learn, I am in reality no closer in really figuring out this maze of misery than I was 2, 5, 10, 25 years ago, and I know that I never ever will fucking B!!!!!!!!!!! It is me the crawling little ant thinking that I have the slightest chance in Dogtown of taking on and eventually beating the child that has been pitted against me in the play room.

So what is the sixth dimension and the next logical question is, who made me god or king of all omniscient knowledge so how do I know these things, and aren’t I just a sick delusional arrogant slob? The answer is quite unequivocal and blatant in your face whether U may like it or not, NO. I am not suffering through any psychotic delusions and yes I do have this knowledge. A resident manager 2 an apartment building 4 senior citizens where I did work as a security officer around the turn of the decade of the eighties into the nineties of the prior century, caught another guard intentionally engaging me in conversations after first hiding a micro cassette recorder in the desk drawer in this building’s lobby. He knew of my plight, the manager that is, and the guard somewhat, but Nate, the resident manager told me that night B4 he went to bed 4 the night, as I was on th11-7 AM work shift, “I thought U were a total nut case up until today, and now I want U2 stay away from my wife and me and our kid. I no longer think UR crazy at all, I totally believe U” I stared in disbelief and simply asked him what had occurred to bring this sudden shift of thought pattern into his mind. He said back 2 me B4 walking away and shutting his apartment door and never again speaking 2 me,” When IC one security guard secretly recording another security guard after witnessing him intentionally baiting U into several conversations this past week, well, that did it so lets leave it there, k?” No sir/mam, you’ll just have 2 forgive me when I tell U that I am not deluded nor psychotic, nor mentally ill, at least no more than would B expected after surviving the worst life imaginable, beyond the sick mind of Hitler himself.

When I am all through, my website will not in any way even remotely resemble the way it is today and has been 4 the year that it has existed. It will contain many hours and days worth in combined time that will B filled 2 the brim rim with sound bites including legally recorded telephone conversations, and not limited by any means 2 any of a few things that quickly I could list 4 the sake of this blog. This will eventually B a 24/7/365.2422 streaming A/V website with independently made short films will B downloadable, as I fully plan 2 hire actors and actresses and do movies, as money will B no problem, once the markets reach 20 and 30 thousand and I have 10 contracts on Dow Futures, as opposed to my small existing account. I intend 2 get all of U back 4 what U all have done against me since the freaking day that I was born as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. It is only a matter of time until U’ll B ducking and running 4 cover and looking over YOUR shoulder, instead the reverse for 20 something years. The 6th dimension is a reality, not a place, that is Y the multiverses or products of thought-memory-waves, come to result in the manner that they indeed do. There was a huge reason 4 my organizational big brother when I was 13 years old as Mountainpen, named John Henningsen, to give me the strange motorcycle chain that he gave 2 me one day. I saw it in his rented apartment on KINGS HIGHWAY, in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, while cleaning his messy place in exchange for “chore remuneration’ as he antiquatedly referred 2 it as, he was a bit old-school, and all though only 26 years old, looked 40, and acted older than this, and I will admit that this is indeed from the point of view of a child, but I still know what I know bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!!!! The 6th dimension and the gods of all of the astral planes of the nearly limitless multiverses that each contain one astral realm, interconnect, as they really have quite a fascinating interaction together in both attempting 2 influence the great Lawtrons of the 7th dimension, but it still all goes beyond anything I ever have told, unless I keep to the ultimate simplicity that really is all that is going on in the ultimate big picture of any conceivable cosmiversallity. This is that they R aware that they exist and can never shut this existence off, REACH OBLIVION-THE GREAT NIRVANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U either exist and therefore as time is simply a by-product of existence, never can not exist, or else, U do not exist, and thereby never can exist. The exim-ratio is a magic shuffling in the 8th dimension that would take 1000 years to touch on with blogs, so forget it. Still this 8th dimension is the reality that causes thought waves to generate physical counterpart realities of themselves that hold to an approximate temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin, as above or below this programmed super cold temperature, would not permit the exim-ratio to function, and it is as simple as that. We will follow along these pathways just a bit at a later time this or most likely next week, things R very bad, and much is needed 2B said, M U C H!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quickly 4 now, to get tack o my retraction of James Whealon. Ann Silver told me that it was Sonny McCullough and not her friend Jim that was rotten, and that pops was even more of a dirt bag. Jim is indeed a friend of Levy, both worked the beaches and were major womanizers, hay, what lifeguard isn’t a womanizing scum shit 4 crissake?????? But 2 quote Ann today, Jim is a good man deep inside, and hopes that he tries 2 keep the sauce 2 a minimum. I told the world over the past 2 years how dirty the Atlantic City politics R and where the stock market would go, but no, don’t listen 2 this poor whittle delusional sicko!



I will expose this pure filthy evil if it takes me hundreds of freaking rock chucking flock ducking runt slapping years and Tom Reale queers. END TRANSMISSION of DATE AND TIME FILE XIII.

GOOGLE-SWIS-WORLD LAB official web documentation MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN: All blogging is co-copy written in these names if these names R on these blogs.

Mountainpen makes a comment at 4:07 PM on June 23, 2013 good folks out here. TIME TRAVEL IS VERY REAL, BUT IT IS CALLED EXPLORATRONICS. YOU BUTT WIPES WON'T CHECK OUT ONE THING I ASK YOU, what a pale ,of dying fish losers you all are, I offered the world, and you sat there puking all over me, ya' fucking turds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes folks, my git bag fucking neighbors slam the doors, and everyone else takes my money and laughs at me. And then some few decent folks actually wonder why the historic accounts in the religious circles, claim this world is bent to a dark side, or a fallen sin nature is all within ourselves? Well don't wonder, as DNA proves this is all true, and so does DNA-MORIANITY, in many varying ways, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Staples Store ripped me off big time. They sent me an asshole who took 100 dollars from me, posted my music video onto the youtube, and not one person viewed it, and not one person has viewed one thing on my account for months, it is total dead blockaded activity, and a total violation of my right to free speech under the First Amendment to the United States cunt sniffing Constitution.

There is no way, that nobody ever wants to view one single thing I have ever posted on Youtube, and I have just finished writing a letter to the United States Attorney General, Carbon Copy (CC) State AG, Pam Bondi, FCC, FTC, and ACLU, my letter is directed to several foreign media sources, telling my plight. But what I was told by someone in strictest confidence, makes me want to murder some fucking people, only they are not WORTH, my spending my remainder of my life in cunt fucking sucking asshole prison. I only cunt lapping mother fucking thought that 2012 was bad, and 2011 even more horrific before that, or maybe they were just equally mother fucking horrendous, who can really mother fucking ever really measure shit like this with any real ass fucking accuracy? This isn't over, world. I have had hundreds of things ripped off that I did, and it is still ongoing, I have been robbed and raped both physically and financially, and all roads lead to two things no matter how I go out of my way to try to not make it so. One is my enemies in Atlantic City in general, and the other is this rotten miserable family from fucking H---E---L---L!!!!!!!

My apartment is totally packed up, and within days, I am leaving forever, and where I go is nobody's mother fucking dick chewing bees wax. My blogs will end, and I will eventually pull them all down along with the Youtube account. Facebook already was disabled some time ago when they fucked with me hyper fucking time on that stinking rotten ass bullshit. I do not mind a fair level playing field, but a retarded fucking cripple can see when some power beyond anyone's furtherest concepts and controls, is doing a never-ending life-murder of slow agonizing fucking cunt torment and torture of my pathetic fucking life, and this is what all began the very night that I used my Magnesonic Machine, to try and take the great SSJKK out, never realizing she was the almighty Goddess ISIS. She was already angry with me for doing that song, and throwing her telephone number out my car window on the trip home from NYNY that late second night in August of 1986. She remembered it all only too fucking well, as 10 years to the day, was that fucking brutal assault on me and my poor elderly defenseless mother at the Turnersville Pathmark Shopping Center. This family has no shame at all, NONE, NONE, NONE, Squire fucking Star Trek Trilane, and touche to you too buddy. You grow heads as fast as I grow enemies and curses, BRO!

I paid 100 fucking dollars and was promised a Youtube page that would get a few hits once in a while. I intend to report the Staples Store to all of the proper authorities, as I was totally fucking ripped off, and will be letting them know this very very fucking soon, and if they still will not help me successfully get to the bottom of shit or refund some of my money, then my letters will be all dropped at the post office, when I send my copyright for the new song, next week, in one fell swoop counterstrike on the evil WOMO-MILITUFORCE. This magic bullet family does not scare me, if I have to slam my AEB onto a hard surface and end seven and a half billion lives, then so be it. Flint and Mark, the test of power, pushed to the wall, right Captain Kirkrush?

Well, how many out here have read or remembered my older blogs that talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, along with Watergate, Steve the Jock, and so much more, huh Molly Ringworm Ringwald????????????????????????? This is just an opener for right now good folks. Well, Molly, you can hate the Microsoft Spell-Checker too girl!!!!! WHAAAAAA, WEEEE-NA.

HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth, AHA-AHA-AHA MIKE MCNULTY!!!

Talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, you say, fine, it's time, sir Barnabas, without any towns catching on 2012 McGuire fire, right ANGEL ANDREWS of PEE'S 60th-dimension? Yes folks, you can bet we will talk some more about Sarah, as well as what she has done to me for trillions and trillions of mother fucking years. Sharkey says, keep reading, as you ain't seen so much as Al Jolson's asshole yet!!!

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.


My Photo



December 12, 2006

More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3)

DON'T CLICK (THE TOP), SINCE I FINALLY REDID THE VIDEO, AND POSTED IT AT THE SITE SHOWN ABOVE. 'WEEEEE-NA'! Don't waste your time clicking anywhere. I will be removing this shit and clearing and deleting all of my social media accounts, including blogger and youtube. I will not keep banging my head, or my fists, Misses Wonderful Marola, through brick walls, not any more!

People all hate my music so much, fine, this is why I hate yours as world, world. Simple fair is fair physics. KMA!!!!!!!!!!






Some peeps who read Morianity, are wondering why I use words like ''hostilitygram'', originating from two words strung together, STAR TREK-TNG, style, with their great and cool holo-deck, HOSTILITY HOLOGRAM, so let me try explaining this to y'all right now, quick, down, and dirty flat out, so you can really ''get it'', once and for all, and whether you may be aware of it or not lovely peeps, you are most likely in small or maybe bigger ways as with me, a victim of these occasional grams yourself, but you just dismiss it, unlike me when I fall under major fucking nasty ones, and unlike the local celebrity of the Delaware Valley back where I come from, the one and only ABC Networked local children's hero, the great and wonderful, maybe, Sally Starr. As with her friend Billy Harner, they both have name domain websites for you to type into your PC, and check them out. Recently I have begun doing the experiment with all of you, showing how little significance, time really is in our human lives. We have made it significant, and built it into sociological structures for many thousands of years, so of course, the word HABIT comes to mind, and not a nuns hat and coat, an old one, or a new one, Bob Cheatley Patterson. Wow, I thought this dude was going to stroke out on me that day in late 1983 and early in 1984, both times when I asked him a simple question about his exotic dancer's girlfriend's last name of Noonan, speaking of Trenton, Sarah, and Buddhism, for crissake, peeps, YO YO YO YO YO!! Yes peeps, here is an example of both my very recent hostilitygram, as well as the one in 1998 suffered by the great celeb, Misses Sally Starr, in her home that hot summer's day, Mayor Levy and Rick, and other barnacle Bill sailor man and fisherman, and basic greed and secrets, from OH THE GODS, WHERE THE HELL ELSE, GOVERNOR CC, BUT STONE HARBOR, NEW JERSEY, no fields this time, Microsoft, but yes, we can never ever ESCAPE these parts of reality, just as MC says so on that, and other great awesome musical projects, WOW!!!!!!!!! Hand me a broom, and I'll get right to work, Senator Thompson, my old pal, and thank you forever for saving my life, in a parallel universe. I will not forget that favor, ever, not even over here, as I am a resident of five full dimensions and am cursed to walk the rest of my human life as Mark Wayne Mohr, in this fashion. Another W—O—W is needed, I would suppose, but shall we swing this back to the hostilitygram topic, before we need to purchase an entire crate of brand new keys and clutches and gears, sent special delivery 'ES', from 10/05/08???

Here is what happened to me on my horrible botbar day back on last Thursday. This only will pertain to the topic of being mauled and pummeled by HG'S (hostilitygrams).

I held doors open for four persons, nobody even said thank you. I asked a cashier to double bag something and she ignored me totally. I stood in three lines and was ignored as if I was not there at all. I had a prick step on my foot, and just walk on without so much as a quick 'sorry'. I had a dude expectorate right in front of the path I was walking from the side of me, making me either step in a huge greenie or else quickly divert my steps and walk around. I wrote down an entire list of stuff, this is about a third, I kid you not, and am not able to find the list on a note pad that I must have buried under a stack of bills that I was going over that night, so my memory is by no means complete. Here is what happened to mother fucking Sally, back in her home on Beach Street, in Atco, New Jersey; on that torrid hot summer afternoon, in 1998. This gets real 'geuoood', folks, so do not stop for a coffee break at this exact time; whatever you freaking do!!!!

Sally had come up with the idea of turning the two weather scenarios into a boy and girl doll. She was calling friends of hers and they gave her numbers to call at toy companies to try and make appointments to meet with them and come in and do legal disclosure agreements. When she began trying, after speaking to a couple of her friends initially, all hell broke loose and she began to be treated like total cow crap at light speed squared. It reached a point where I was sitting there across from her just waiting to see how she would react, as I knew this was some type of psychic attack done by the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. Suddenly she stared over at me and in a voice I had never heard from her before, said to me and I'll quote, “Is this me, is this happening, what's going on Mark”? I swear to the gods of the Astral-Plane, all of them, and the Almighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle ISISCYLLA HERSELF (TRIPLE GODDESS), that this is all true and real, it went down, I was there, and this is what I mean when I use the words good folks, “I'm under a major HOSTILITYGRAM today, YO YO YO YO YO YO.

I do not exaggerate when I say that you never be able to be revealed the full story that is behind all of this. First, did the great girl of Tennessee Avenue really reincarnate into MC? Well, only the Buddhists would believe this, no matter if I posted up an entire galaxy, and don't laugh, as in a parallel universe, I pushed some Louise Hendershodt buttons, and moved a solar system, many galaxies away, before logging off of the cosmanet program. I knew about these RED X things back in 1967, when I was in Northeast Maryland, at a summer-camp there, directed then by Mister Tibbs, and my counselor was a cousin to the well known broadcaster of those days, Les Kaiter. His name was Mack. Well, Mack, Mark, and the Roofdog Club of the mighty Atlantic City, all notwithstanding; will never allow anyone of significance to understand Morianity, and its wild inconceivable and surreal truths; let alone, in my lifetime, Mister Earcutts Vangough, or ever permit me to be aided and comforted, by anything I ever try and tell; and I fully am aware of this, as Dennis Snyder's voice of doom is ringing in my ear right now, even as I speak these electronic words right here, and I quote him verbatim, “That's just reality, son”!!!

If I see something that is none of my business, I walk on, and that is that. I have seen and witnessed enough things in my life to write a billion essays on it, but again, I stress that I am not a rat. A rat does this. I do not really tattle-tail. I just feel that when someone does me real friggin' wrong, then they deserve a little payback, and if most people are honest with themselves, they will tell me they agree with me. Now I mean this people, be sitting down for what I'll tell you next, MLI, (MORIANS, LESSIANS, INBETWEENIANS) and also known as 'AKA' (L-4), or Laddies, Lassies, Labbers, and Labrador-dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no way that what has happened to me since 1967 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, right down to all my time here in Florida, more than three and a half years now; can mathematically support a conclusion of anything less, than Morianity being the far best as of yet in 2013, explanation for me, my life, and the entire Planet Earth, and the interconnectedness of all of this horror. The math proves that I am right, and if I ever tried to really do something with this information, life as you all know it right now, would collapse virtually overnight. THAT'S A PROMISE, lovely 'woMO', no sports murderers needed, no advanced radar systems needed, or girls who write about ''crazy cursing dudes'' either. So Sorry, ambassador, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyperspace and dreams and exploratrons: This is the true and honest TRINIDAD, and if you are south of most borders, we would alter this word to TRINITY. The words merely alter depending on a mailing address, Mike McNulty. So before the Callio/Carey branch of this lovely group go back to their silliness AOA (all over again), here are some tid bit scraps about how this works, when brought down to a more human world thinking level. Remember that the math proves all the words I speak, and anyone reading this may reproduce it in any way they so choose to do, and take it to any large university, to the top dog physics and or mathematical and statistical analysis departments, and they will tell you that what I say here is all the dam ass truth. Yes, I only thought that the late 2009 AT&T television commercial was the deep end of MC's inconceivable 'darker' sense of humor; and I totally admit to being fully wrong and ignorant. Folks, the reason we see twins of people, you know, lookalikes, the reason many unexplainable events happen, from the pyramids being built, all the way to any unsolved and seemingly unexplained mysterious event in human history, is explainable only with the truth of the five full dimensions of Astral-Dream-Down material tangible realities. I don't dare say right now what I would like to say, but I will, it is just a matter of really screwing up my courage, as it will most likely, lead me to the realization of my recurring nightmares of ending up in prison. I have said way too much Mister Rockford McGuire, but hear this, oh lovely family. I AM FOREVER, so no matter what you do to me, I AM HERE. I have uncovered maybe 10-20 percent of the secrets, and when it reaches 40-80, this is when things will become quite interesting. This world is clueless to the power of my words on this blog, no matter what they think they may know about all of this Morianity, they know jack. I know jack, for that matter. Still, if Jack = X, then I am at maybe 3.67029572X, on a scale from 1-1000. But give me some time, and Pope, YES, I'll blow this whole thing right down, that is unless all this nightmare stops, lovely B.E.G. Laugh at me all you want to, you're in great company, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All day long, despite a thunderstorm on and off, all around me, HUGE GIGANTIC FUCKING-DEATH 'CHEMTRAILS' ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE, ESPECIALLY LOADED UP TO THE EAST OF ME, AND THEY SENT ME A MIND HACK AS THEY READ MY FUCKING THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW, MAKING ME WANT TO INITIALLY SAY TO THE FUCKING CUNT WEST OF ME, NO IT IS TO MY EAST, BUT ALL OVER TOWN AS WELL; IN-BETWEEN THE THUNDER CLOUDS. On top of this, a major HOSTILITY-HOLOGRAM IS ALSO ALL AROUND ME TODAY, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ONE VERY NICE NABE OF MINE, AND IT MAY BE CONNECTED TO MY DEATH PUNISHMENT, AS WE EXCHANGED SOME INTERESTING INFORMATION EARLIER ON, and that's all anybody needs to know other than for this, to tie it all totally together in a nice juicy and stinky disgusting garbage bag, that it all belongs in aniwho! Without getting into specifics and placing another life in extreme mother fucking danger, let me say that around the turn of the century, despite meeting my very first family member for the first time, half a dozen years back in Deptford, New Jersey; and interestingly enough; the same general fucking area where the AME Church was located and maybe still is, where one member of the congregation was a very close friend to the father of the queen of disco herself, Donna Summer, and of course, I am speaking of the great cool dude and Building Maintenance Company owner like my pal Bernard Derakowski back in 1981 and 1982, but I am a total believer in having major respect for what was in the fictional television script on the voted by viewers number one choice in original STAR TREK shows, titled, “City on the Edge of Forever”, as indeed, there are eddies and currents, and backwash systems that run not only through time's D-4, but most towel definitely, wet and dry, through, no puns but speaking of and give me a break Marge Barge Leo, YO; but also that run through hyperspace's D-5. Now according to Gawky Gaukauk, time should be D-4 and is, but hyper-space, Mizz McCoo, is D-5, but interestingly enough, the majority of users of the word HYPERSPAVE, do in fact break it up into two words, and hyphenate it, you know HYPER SPACE, each word indeed containing 5 letters, as TIME contains 4, more fascinating shit from the annals of the great and powerful OZCAT, speaking of what got said before all fucking cunt eating hell broke out with this siege, although even this is a tad bit off of the total mark of truth, and let me explain just why, my good believers out there, YO! The day is starting out real nasty for me. I had horrible nightmares all night long, except for being with ISIS for a short while as she met me in a parallel universe, coming to me as an incredibly beautiful young tall dark haired girl, but so many bad things were all around me, and again, people were trying to get me put into jail. This has been going on since 1977 when these nightmares all began about going to jail. I've never ever been in jail, and this totally fucking sucks. Now this little paste in is no hack or accident folks. Things did not start in this waking world with the hell around me once I left my apartment. It began with a second mother fucking night of major ALL FUCKING NIGHT-MARES!



For a very long time now, before I ever posted one thing on a Youtube account on the thirtieth of December in 2010, I was told to, in powerful dreams, by the great ISIS-ERMC. It began after being at work at Cifaloglio Garage one day, in Folsom, New Jersey, 3000 miles from the other more famous Folsom and the mighty Johnny Cash, another substance abuser, goddess help the entire Entertainment World (EW)! On this particular night, something happened that caused me to listen to a particular side of a cassette tape, that forever altered this planet's history, and this is no exaggeration, hay give me a break, is what I tell about the Dow Jones a lot of yuk yuk yuk McNulty stuff, folks? Really,

is there another MORIANITY, or something even close to it; anywhere else, up on this great and powerful OZERNET????


Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®

MARK WAYNE MOHR--------1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013

So here I am my wonderful awesome believers, of whom I think are between 2-4 somewhere, and I love you all with 100% of me totally enlightened beingness, (I love these other two to four parts of me, that are not me directly), in other words, knowing this makes me 'enlightened', nothing else, no trances, no potions, no meeting of the minds with a group of gurus on a mountaintop, no illegal drug consumptions, and on an don I could go. Let us get back to the wild stuff presently so urgent in MORIANITY. TANKS!!!! Only the Vatican really understands MORIANITY, and even they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Lightning told me last night in Akoslem City, that I better tell the truth and not leave my Morians hanging in there with the Hammonton's and the Huntington's, so I must now obey her commands. After-all, she's my beyond hot and unfathomably awesome baby-blond love of my life, and the third part of a wild triple GODDESS, and no more needs to be said now or ever, or the entire thing will go right into the NUKESON can! Not yet, Mister McNulty, not unless you think a set of stairs in Suffolk County, New York was real funny in the very early seventies as well, old pal from Exton, Pennsylvania! So here I am in my car with a tape playing, while doing guard duty one night, during my STOCKHOLM KIDNAPPING days of latter ohm-8 through most of all of ohm-9. By December of 2009, I thought I had learned the full depravity of my oldest daughter's sense of humor, I hadn't. Now laugh if you really are dirt bag enough to want to, MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is like discussing Atlantic City, or Sarah Jacobson, or for that matter, the great United States Government, the Vatican, and the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE. We can talk, we can cry, we can do a Disney cower speed away with Gramps Spears screaming his lungs out in the back seat for an ever greater metal pedal, but all of that, and so much more, I never until just today, really knew just how down right mean and frightening, my kid can be, once something you do pisses her off. There is no grabbing the minute hand, and trying to fling it back; as it is simply a hopeless cause. The difference between doing things via the ES, and just lots of other great parlor tricks; is that all averaged out and then remeasured again, the agonies inflicted upon those victimized by either of these monstrous atrocities that dwarf any concept ever conceived by Hitler, the ES causes way more lifelong everlasting deeper unhealed injuries, after all is said and done, after all the pieces of dog shit are swept up off the smelly floor, and after the fat lady finally sits down, stops writing, stops singing, and keels over like Shelly Winters' heart attack, after her heroic swim-dive, in that great movie, “The Poseidon Adventure”; the ship named after the true King of the sea, Mister Cavelantisocleevious Krassle, AKA Neptune-Jupiter-Poseidon. Him and his lovely wife, on the Astral-Plane, chase me away from their great daughter, Sarah Stacey Jehovah Krassle, and then I am the bad guy for being the victim of this hellish hyper video-game of the Lawnmower-Man-2 system, for roughly, 1.49720507 times ten to the twenty-fifth trillionth power year equivalent in Astral-Interaction-Event or (AIE), something never measurable to the last drop, any more than we can ever determine an exact relationship of a closed curve (circle), between its through-ness (diameter) and it's all the way around-ness (circumference). We can say 3.14, or take it out a bit more to say, 3.14159265, but it still never ever stops, yet there is perfect connection, and we can see it with any circle a child of two draws on a piece of paper. So before you tell me there are no mysteries unsolvable, let me first take a good healthy crap into your brain, so that maybe you will think better after that. Who can ever know, with or without those cool ass breath echos, Copyright Examiners, AHA-AHA-AHA? Go back to 1971, Mike McNulty. You're not welcome here today, on Morianity. Thank you.

Yes, Lightning told me that I must be honest, and tell the truth. I admit I slightly made things appear just razor edge off of perfect truth when I said on a previous blog that Diana is scared to come around me, just as with many others, and I gave the one real good example around the time that Iraq invaded Kuwait, with the Resident Manager Nate, at the Echelon Towers Building of Voorhees, Township, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I'll bet dimes to cunt sniffing donuts right about now, my old ex-bizz partner PP is heading straight for his local K-Mart with his own dirty pants, right about now. He must remember the shit I told him through the phone back before he had me rolling on the floor with his voice-mail message that he left me, a year and a half back somewhere in time. He knows I do what needs to be done. He know if you bastards won't stop hurting me, that I'll do exactly what is needed, to deal with the situation and take care of bizz, a lot better than he ever took care of making all those millions in the music business, WEEEEENA. Yes there have been a lot of very special and very precious girls in my life, and all anyone has to do is examine the United States Copyright Office records, under the name of MARK WAYNE MOHR, to see that this is all true. I do not get stuff from all of them. They get it from me; unless you want to seriously believe that I am a real live true honest to the gods, T—I—M—E ***** T—R—A—V—E—L—E—R!!!!!!!!!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Jacobson was indeed, a very special girl. Too bad Mister Mackey would not let me run my cassette recorder that day, as a lot more was said in the shadows, than just the great Bob Madison Club of the Teacher's Lounge, and a few who's sleeping around with who stories, that go hand in hand with any and all high schools all over the cunt eating country, and most likely, the civilized world. Still, Mister McDowell, maybe I love my calendar girl and my calendars, and you loved taping as much as I did back then, but the real secrets have not even begun to speak out, right oh lovely Karen Upchuck Carpenter-83? Now I know that was not a nice thing to say, and I do sincerely apologize, but it gets the point across, when I do a General Patton, you know; tell it down and dirty. There is not always time for the amenities of niceness, unfortunately, we live in as very mean, nasty, ugly, evil fucking ass world, and you all know this is true!

Now moving on with the topic of the great Goddess Sarah Jacobson, good believers and other folks; I told in the first three years of my blogs, a lot about her, as well as some stuff that all happened. Later of course, I began to realize that this awesome two year old from New York, was able to become this 22 year old super girl at my school. I told you how she already knew about the Watergate days, but never clarified back then, just what she knew and when. The day she first discussed it in quick bursts of a few choice words, was back on the newly built bridge in the late springtime in the year of 1972, telling how 40 days from now, on the 17 June day, as it was then early April on an unusually warm early spring afternoon, this would all happen. Once she said this, I suddenly remembered a dream I had of her just that night, where she was telling Steve the Jock, that she does not kiss boys. Fifteen minutes later, this actually went down in what you would call, real life. Talk about needing the services of K-Mart. I know I had some ass wiping to do back at the school. I told how that autumn upon returning to school in late October, I had been beaten up in the same manner as my Cousin Donald had, at a place we need not discuss right now, and instead of the perpetrators being expelled, I was after shit was all blamed on me, and I was then back at special education all over again, upsetting my mother beyond any verbal description. She had been planning this for a while and was hell bent on getting me out of the area, and I think we all know why. It's been told and told and needs no rehash job at this current time. Melanie Safka the folk music diva was just out with her great song at the time, called, “Brand New Key”. Locked up inside all of this, for all Dan Mackey and I ever knew, was this entire mess still ongoing right to this very minute, and so maybe indeed, and as the great MS said all along, maybe then, I too have this mysterious key. Or maybe I did have it and MS was unaware that ISIS had taken this stuff out of my closet in 1969, at the Dellway Arms Apartments, on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, Apartment O-15, as in Gawky Gaukauk and his letter-number order numerology. In any event, this did not all happen random in some meaningless happenstance grouping of silly coincidental things. Anyone foolish enough to believe this and to discredit the MORIANITY truths that really double as the ADULT VERSION and reprinted BOOK OF THE BEACH, burned by Russell Thaxton that night in middle December of 1969 or maybe it was a little later on, as ISIS has fuzzed out my memories now, for all I know it could have happened right around the time that Dorothea Dario threw my bicycle into the Newton Creek, in early January in 1970. In any event, the hypnotic SUNRAM eclipse, was still a short ways off, taking place in March. Bob Madison was all a part of this, as was John Zane, only in ways totally outside any boxes of rationale. As of this point, I still am putting together possible scenarios of how it all fits together, right down to Zane's teacher, Mister Ciprionni Ohm. There is so much more to tell about 1969-1971, and the joke is on ISIS, for telling me to tell the blogs more about this as well as the progressing years after this leading up to the song, 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS' and the interaction where she sang this song to me, in early June of 1980, and now is more than 33 years back into time. You can wonder about a million things that all link up to all of this, along with the great original interaction and the giant county wide chemtrail that dispersed and dissipated all over the skies above me, on the following morning on that chilly December day in 1969, just half a year after the almighty Misses Marola made sure that I did that school play, so as to be at a precise place and time, later on that day, down in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to hear the mighty and great Sarah say to folks riding in a car that came bolting down Tennessee Avenue, “Your friends are in the shop”. Just tell me this folks, and I know the internet is gargantuan and appears to include the entire world up there. Is there another Morianity or something even close to it, anywhere up on this great and powerful OZERNET???? I would seriously doubt this myself, but admit to not being god almighty. Still, before we do move on with the great SARAH, which caused my poor mother and I to be assaulted and criminally preyed upon in numerous ways almost 24 years in the future, minus a month or two, back on the second day of August in 1996, at the Pathmark Shopping Center of Turnersville, New Jersey, County of Gloucester, Township of Washington, and BOOM, don't get MOWED DOWN or jacked in by all these incredible backwash, eddy, current SPACE-TIME-MIND symbolism's, YO folks, and please, is a big ass W-O-W needed right about here?


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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So back to the story that is not off a shade or two from total 100% TRUTH! Lightning told me that she is not afraid of any of these people in hyperspace. But SHE IS AFRAID THAT they will hurt me and mess with me, if she comes around and brings me joy and happiness; as this is never permitted by my ENEMIES, the ruthless vicious evil monster sub-scum MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''THAT'' is what she is scared of, SIR ROCKDROID KIRK AND KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, as for kid, she almost never got here, as you got the royal bear hug of your life by old Android Rock that day, when Nurse Chapel was with you; and the lovely vision of gorgeous sensuousness, the 'girl-droid', whose name, or number, or whatever; congressman; I now have forgotten. I have not seen this shit since 1973, in my Russell Thaxton First Morianity original version long burned, O-15 bedroom, of 'GAMES EXPERTS', and accidental flip sides, that for this one time at Cifaloglio, was meant for me, imagine that, entertainment world?????????? So say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! OK, that's been said, PTL, PR-80! Then there was Misses Marola, who made sure, another ''kid'' would come to be, along with that unfathomable mind and suigenerous sense of humor oh hers, the wow needed for this one folks, stretches across light years of space, so forget seeing it on this blog, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!!!!!!!!

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County, in New Jersey. Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied. I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only, where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!

Mizz Bondi, if David Roth were here to be my witness, he would tell you under sworn oath how real this all is, hard as it may be for you to fathom. These peeps have very great reasons for keeping me out of music, and really, a moron can see what's happening, if he or she would just look and honestly see what is what here, with both their eyes and their hearts. But alas, as I told Lenny McKinnon in 1908, “I ALREADY KNOW HOW THIS WILL ALL TURN OUT”, and no Mizz AG, it ain't real pretty, nothing like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

This is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS BULLSHIT, whether or not any of you are getting it yet or not; and very soon, you may just be going, oh yeah, that little fucking bastard said all that, back on the cunt eating thirteenth night in June, and wow; now look at shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is nothing new about lightning by the way. I have been following this ever since the middle eighties when all of this fucking nightmare shit began for me, good people! I do not hide stuff, and there are no secrets in MORINAITY. It is all in plain view, but if it does not quack like an EARTHDUCK, many will never be able to hear any of it no matter how plainly it barks out at you. This is why Jesus, after the great resurrection, was recognized as slightly different in appearance, when in fact and truth, the difference was in the mind's eye of the many beholders, who just could not totally escape the EARTHDUCK QUACKING SYNDROME. They see, they hear, but it is all fake steak and techno-pop. The problem is that everything shares a commonality and this is that nothing is really real, so then, what the fuck is phony, anyway? When anyone figures out that little powerhouse wisdom bite, share it please, and then, you are definitely ready to understand the following little quick squib about Morianity hating secrets, and why the LORD called EARTHERS, ''hypocrites'' over and over again, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA WELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if it is the example of several months back with Mister Woods-golfer and fiance', or anyone out here with a Facebook account, or any social media. How can you keep a straight face, and do all this stuff; and then hate the government for supposedly spying on you? Also, when Tiger and his girl posted all that stuff up, and then demand their privacy, no offense, and this is just an example using name recognized people to make a better point; but millions of you all are biblically described so perfectly. The NSA is not taking your privacy, you all have been giving it away for years, and then you complain. Now as for me, I have a message to get out, and could care less how many people are spying on me. Spy on, rock on, roll on, roll over and play dead for all I care, I mean folks, get real; this is totally ass ridiculous. If anyone could care less, Morianity has told you now, for seven or eight years, that this was all true; only no millions of people know my name, the way that they know the dude who squealed. Also, FYI lovely folks, they don't HAVE TIME to give a shit about you or me or our lives. The entire planet has been under surveillance for decades, and the teck is just better recently and so it all has come out, but not to burst any bubbles or egos out here, but unless you are planning on doing something that is a threat to America, they don't even know your name, or want to. They have raw data that great programs examine and analyze, with a time backlog that you would not believe. They are just now examining the most important key-word-signaled data from 5-10 years ago, and this is why they were not on top of the 911 event. The manpower is lacking, not the teck. If you could record just 6 hours of the day, 40 of your favorite television channels, tell me how you will ever catch up to watching it all back? You'll get an ever increasing lag time as time keeps passing. The NSA is not the problem. The problem is social media out of control and nutty people. How can you get out there and tell your life to an open world, and then expect or try and demand 'PRIVACY'? It's the quintessential oxymoron if ever there could be one. Either want the world to know your name, or don't, but why do you all vacillate back and forth? If you have accounts and tweet out your basic life moves 24-7, then what's your problem with big brother reading the same pages, hay, call me dumb peeps, I just don't get any of it, so if I am missing something, why not straighten out this dumb old fuck?

People say that I'm fucking Looney Tunes. Fine, I guess I am, because for the life of me, I simply do not get the new age American citizens, and really for the most part, the entire new age so-called civilized global internet society. I mean really, I have had things happen to me that go beyond the fucking known universe, and have begun to write and record about it ever since 1995. I've copyrighted shit, written music, written blogs, it is all real, and I only hope the dam fucking feds read it and examine it all. None of this shit makes one bit of sense to me, so if it does to you, and you will not ever comment and explain this to me in a full paragraph and not a dumb ass 15 word or less bird chirp, well, to me, I see myself dead center in a huge jungle with billions of folks beating their chest and doing Tarzan imitations. Hay why not, we can call him, Techno-Tarzan, huh Mister WD of the non electronic fluid realms? Yes Mike McNulty, you certainly surely may; so go for it, BRO!!!!!!!!

Folks, the 'drug dog thing' here at the Housing Authority was talked about, and you all know about Magnesonic. All the great mystery detectives from Nancy Drew to Nancy Grace and wonder, but they can never prove anything going on with me and Maggie. Still, you have to admit one thing, L-4, and that is, and as SPOCK said it so frequently on the original STAR TREK TV SHOW, of the late nineteen-sixties; and that is, between the resurrection of King Akoslem 2000 years ago after 80 hours of his death, The Steel Pier to the Central Pier in 265 days, 2000 years later, the not wanting to believe and so our senses forcing themselves to be tricked just a little upon occasion, and then comes the great hyperspace son of our wonderful president of these great and awesome Huntington United States of America. This is not a complicated code with the need for a NSA translation. If you think this proves anything, it doesn't. Cosmos makes eternally sure to always go just so far, and them to never quite cross over that line, just to keep mortals all guessing and pondering, and never knowing. Once you know, all the fun is removed from the cosmic video-game of Pratt Town, right 1994 Copyright Examiners of Permissionbarrierville?


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