Thursday, July 11, 2013






11 JULY, 2013, Paula King is a covert killer, Regis!

It is a dozen minutes shy of three this Thursday super botbar afternoon. It feels a hundred an fifty degrees outside, with frizzle, and recently a little tiny bit of distant lightning. I wish to the gods that SHE would come right in here and be with me,and end this infinite nightmare once and for all, yes I hear you, I LOVE YOU, I know you can instantly access through your electrons, what I am typing on this electronic gismo. Your parents on the Astral Plane are murdering me!!!

Yesterday, the roach spray maintenance peeps were in here spraying around, but this is not killing this weird mini-ant that has invaded me for some time. When they were here, I observed a note at my outer door in-between the grooved slots that are angled in a way so that notes can be left, and are by the Housing authority, regarding numerous issues, from time to time. This was a note saying that I DID NOT PAY MY RENT. I did pay my rent, of course, the day my disability money clears into my bank as I always do each month. The bank shows no record, yet they gave me a receipt that shows it. They printed me a statement for me to show the Resident Manager, and tomorrow when she is in her office at this building, in the morning, I WILL. Also, the bank is checking with the Housing Authority to see what the problem is as I paid a check at the bank as I always do, and TD BANK and the Fort Pierce Housing authority offer this service to come in and pay the rent directly there, along with a check and the upper part of the rental notice, mailed to each renter every month on the final week of each month. You also have the option of taking into the Authority, and their building is closer, than the bank, over on Orange Avenue, between 6th and 7th Avenues, next to the Wells Fargo Bank North Fort Pierce Office. But even though a lady is seated in an office behind some enclosed glass, she does not take the rent, and you have to plop it into a very public slot that can easily be met with mischievousness should some dirty bastard decide to ever pull a reach-grab and the box gets full, or use the old chewing gum trick that at least will not lead to anyone dying of Aids the way I did in 1983, SISTER CARPENTER, I'm here now MI, doesn't that matter at all to you???????????????????????????????????????? In any event, YO, I thought trusting the bank would be a better move for me, but not when the system is trying to get rid of you and put you out in the street. The State Attorney General, Mizz Bondi won't help me or believe me, so you won/t be seeing her pretty little face on the blogs any more. But I know what I know, folks, and I, know that someone is intentionally mother fucking trying to cause me endless misery, and major hassles, eventually leading me to one of three eventualities, a tomb, a sike commitment without any wild out of time and tune musicians (eat your hearts out Dave and Darius), or where else, land of recurring fields of danger nightmares, but PRISON. The WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE if they have their druthers, the order would be, confined to a box six feet below the ground, confined to prison, or confined to a state sike horse pistol, as old Bruce Perfect only-human Pennock would say this so long ago, by most mortal standards and points of view. He has no idea who is biggest fan is and has been for so long, and I am not gonna'; give the dude a big head and look him up and show him all this shit. We have enough people walking around this fucking world thinking that they're just so dam ass all that times ten to the power of ninety, and so why should I aid in increasing the number and count of bozos such as this, Mister Patrick Jane. Still, I feel so sorry for him and his show, and I knew the night that super Red John list last episode aired, that things would end up CANCELLED AGAIN, just as what happened in April of 1971, with the great fucking serial television show, “Dark Shadows”; for daring to really get folks slowly indoctrinated, through a long time believable plot, that indeed; there really is a Lenny McKannon, or you know, all joking aside; maybe it is really smarter if I just say, THE DEVIL, as this is a moving entity, and can go from place to place, and the great holy words say this exactly, how he walks on the Earth from place to cause, fuckin g up all the shit he wants to and has a major goal and plan to wipe out anything connected with the Huntington Family, of which my DNA-CHAIN is directly along, and other powerful folks too, let us leave shit right there, lads and lassies, OK, John King? Yes Diana, I see you, you lovely gorgeous baby-blond, in your mortal world form as a channel of delicious beautiful electrons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some peeps who read Morianity, are wondering why I use words like ''hostilitygram'', originating from two words strung together, STAR TREK-TNG, style, with their great and cool holo-deck, HOSTILITY HOLOGRAM, so let me try explaining this to y'all right now, quick, down, and dirty flat out, so you can really ''get it'', once and for all. This dovetails into my point for right now, and IS NOT an old blog, but may appear DEJA-VU FAMILIAR, as things all blend together, and this is really a world of energy in real truth, and then our brain's consciousness machinery, divides by C-SQ, so that this truer reality is then transformed for our connected awareness in being, into the matter world where we are now living and typing or reading, and 'whatever' Bob Andrews of Oak Street, old 'BUDDY' of the Forget-Me Club!!!

Every miracle that has ever resulted in somebody being canonized, is explainable entirely in five full dimensions, but we all exist materially in only three. There is a way to actually do more than all of the 'Steve Hawking types' ever have yet to do, and it will be told in both an instructional way as well as in a journal story-telling way, but when I am all through, this world will topple right on its ass. I know a lot more than any of my mother fucking enemies think I do. Yes Diana, I love you, and I see and hear you, BABY-BLOND love doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOLKS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, when you see a new post with some old and familiar writings, do not just log off. It may start old seeming as a repeat, but will merge into brand new stuff, proving to you, that indeed, time is pure illusion in three dimensions, and further proving how life does indeed GET US STUCK AND TRAPPED, INTO CYCLES, and much much much much fucking ass more, this is just a scratching of the dam surface of shit, believers, YO! I love you so much, LIGHTNING, you are all around me, and making me so very happy, lovely wonderful awesome girl!!!!!! GOLLLLLLEEY, Sargent Carter, why is this all happening to me, MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes one day too late, I'll come looking for you, I'll no longer know who you are. Remember a girl from my little boy world, and doing the best to forget who you are. Yes you are my STACEY, the great Sarah-Stacey, you're more than a girl; from the shore. You sent her to me so that I'd love you too, but instead I forgot even more.

WOW, do you think I ever wanted to forget you, BEG?

Yes, they are trying to cleverly throw me into the street, and I need your help, TROPLE GODDESS. PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM MURDER ME, this evil rotten government does not care one bit about me, I am just a threat to them as I know way to fucking much, and covered myself with © Insurance.

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