Thursday, July 11, 2013




Well you want it loud and dirty, General Sir, and that's what you'll get, along with short and sweet, not the blog, but each sub-set part of many many many Ingrid-84 parts of it, AT&T!



First things first. I am tired of insulting the intelligence of my readers. They may think I am a fucking worthless nut for the most part, yet they still, for reasons known only to them, keep reading me. That's there own business. As for me, let me tell it, all of it, super abridged of course, so nobody can think right now that by reading through this blog, they'll come away with the fucking wisdom of the guru sages. Still, Lenny sir, let's go, all tanning lotions and salons of Giantville Mechanic Stations of Berlin, New Hollywood Jersey. Wow, I am so fucking dogshit impressed. When you can do some of the things that I can do, now you can really give me the evil stare down, Mizz 'Gianto' of 2004, with all of your stupid ridiculous cellphone calls and stupidity.

As Mike Kelly would put it in the late nineties, on his publication known then as ・gSecrets From the Next Dimension・h, 'THE CHEMTRAILS ARE BACK TO STAY'. Every day or just about, for weeks now, this has been the case, here in my area of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, 24/7/365.2422. But folks, if you think that any one issue right now is really important, or if they do for that fucking ass matter; then I say, as perhaps would Tiny Tim as well, not the vocalist; Bless them everyone. THE FLYING RACING BULL RALLY STOCK FUCKING MARKET IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA' DO, GINA, GINA, GINA, GINA, GINA, AND ALL OTHER GINA'S AND NON-GINA'S OUT HERE. 'BUT' my good people out here; or maybe not so good as how can I possibly know this one way or the other, dam it Coach Othershoe Dammit Bowerman of the U of O/Nike, even though I have no way of getting a read on the audience of my words, I can however know a lot of mysterious things that go far beyond the realms of what others can get in their normal every day waking world lives. First off, I am all through treating anyone out here as an idiot, and my most sincere apology for doing so this long. Yes there are plenty of PP types, but along with them are plenty of more advanced thinkers, who may or may not agree with me and see things my exact way, but they ain't stupid, and they know that this thing with THE STOCK MARKET, MY DAUGHTER, THIS FAMILY, THESE BLOGS, AND THE FACT THAT NO HUMAN GAME OR SYSTEM WOULD BE GOING ON THIS LONG, YOU KNOW THIS, YOU ARE NOT IN THE FUCKING THIRD GRADE LENNY BRISCOE, AND YOU KNOW IT, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT ANY MORE THAN I DO, BUT YOU DO FUCKING KNOW IT, AND SO, I am all through treating you all like a group of little kids or dummies. I apologize for my recent doing of such, as well. Now it is going to be loud and dirty, and General Patton Style or 'GPS', only nothing to do with any cartography or satellites or position scans.


Ever since I posted up the entire 1983 re-did song called now, ・gYOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER・h, things exploded in my face like a fucking cunt thermonuclear hyper bomb of continental destruction capability. Skeptics such as politicians, those who disowned me long ago, and new ones who told me politely to go see McKannon, all of them and any of them; they see only what they want to. They would try and rationalize away the things happening all around me, and that is again, totally their mother fucking squat eating business. I am all for freedom, and would have it no other way. The Missourians Club of the majority skeptical folks, or the (MCMSF) for shortened abbreviation, would also see the entire so-called ''music problem'' that David Roth and I first observed, very shortly after we first met on a security guard job, in Woodbury Heights, in New Jersey, in early November of 1985; and as was all predicted by my Battleship Einstein Invisibility Experimentation subject father; as happening later on in my life just as it did; as the overactive imagination of merely two failed musicians. Well I cannot speak for David, only for myself. When people like the president of the MCMSF, Mister Edward Himacane Lynch, who believed nothing other than real black and white in your face things, said to me one day, ・gMark, things happen in your life that I simply cannot explain・h, well, that is like a drowning person begging a large drink of water. It really does fucking say it all, and that is all I can now say, of it. You either think, as did another jerk off David back in early 2011, that my pants are on fire, or you don't, but I know I that I am being 100% honest and truthful to you all, here on this fucked up blog. I TOLD YOU, of the stock market, of the problem I have with anything connected to music, of the powerful unlimited abilities of this family and especially Mizz Doogie Howser Junior, my mysterious illness from 1983 being a lot more tied up in all of this 40 year plus nightmare, than even I thought, back when these blogs first began in 2006, by me, the MOUNTAINPEN NEBNOOSHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not gloating, 'but' really folks, or during any school fights of fiction, B-U-T we cannot forget that I also told you about parlor tricks and time travel, and exploratronics and somnambulists, all back during the early part of these blogs, as well, so am I lying, David Drugpants?????????????

I told the beginning of the Fascitar, I told how I have been followed and even attacked upon occasion when MUSIC is xconnected with any of this, I have told you all every single part of my nightmare fucking story. If you go to the biography section in my blogs, most of them, I post it now, and you can then fucking easily click onto the 5 old parts of Morianity, that were one blog, until I got fucked and stopped late in 2011 and had to begin this new version or second part in Morianity, this current one blog; but it merely connects right up to those blogs, and they all are in perfect dated order, at A direct link if you are reading this anywhere not on BLOGGER, is as follows:

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