Sunday, November 4, 2012













If you are in the mood for a normal long winded blog by the Mountainpen, read this later. If you are looking to read a short quick hard punching thousand words, remain here and read, as I have no time right now to be my usual motor mouth self. I need to tell one thing, right now, today, this very hour, for reasons that it is only important that I understand. If I felt that you the reader needed to know the details, I would supply them, I promise. When our parents used to tell us old fucks like me, before a whipping, that this was going to hurt them a lot more than it will hurt us,m we all know that was the epitome of lies, but when they would tell us that we do not always need to understand, merely to obey, like it or not, it was the epitome of truths. We simply do not always need to know all of the stuff, but I feel that one powerful thing does in fact need to get told and this blog will tell it, and then sign off, for the day, baring or really, bot-baring any unforeseen catastrophe or calamity striking me at C-SQ. The 4th subtitle tells the deal, straight up and out, I want to give you just what I know about the topic of why the hidden is hidden, and so I will venture now to do this, L-4, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, in case you are interested in the occult and the paranormal or esoteric, the first thing you need to know and be told, is that the word 'OCCULT' actually means 'HIDDEN'. That is all it means, there are no other parts to this word, it could be totally and completely substituted by the word, HIDDEN, at any point, it is the very same exact deal. Now that this is out of the way, I want to tell what I personally know about just why certain things in this 'life', are in fact, HIDDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may not be what you will expect to hear and read, and you may not agree with me, but I only print what I know to be true, or else, I will say, well folks, this may be true, and this is what I was told, such as yesterday when I told a real whopper, but I have every reason not to doubt the validity of the man who told me, or his incredible computer skills as a major WH Hacker. This takes us into a terrific example of why things are hidden. Just humor me people, can you do that lousy little thing for me for about five fucking minutes, to quote Sidney Cohen Crown back in the fall of 1969 on Haddon Avenue, Shorty MacInvondi???????????????????? Can you right off the top of your head, see why something like this is not going to be as easy to prove as 1-2-3, Diana Jackson? Give me a break. Not everything is going to be a fucking day at the dam beach people, crissake man. If life was meant to be easy, we all would have big buttons all over us with the word, STAPLES printed all over them. When my mother asked Nixon's great hatchet man, the great and now late, Chuck Colson, to help her son out of a big mess and imploring him as another born-again-Christian, as was my mother, and there never was any doubt about that, miss Chillie McKinnon, despite her being, as all Christians, quite far from perfect angels, Mister Colson told my mom, that there was absolutely nothing that can be done, reminding me a bit of early 1984 and a strange transdimensional throat therapist in northeast Philadelphia, who phoned my mom at her Lavino Shipping Office, to tell her, that my throat is not my problem, and it wasn't, my problem was and is, a lot bigger than my fucking ass throat, and the total power and truths behind all of this, remain to this very day, completely and fully HIDDEN, or occult, have it any way you want, in or out of the Burger KING. The Project Bluebook that was set up to study the UFO phenomenon in the forties, closed up and no longer accepted any kind of public interaction one day. Whether or not outer worldly crafts or aliens or some threat out beyond exists or does not exist, is not the situation, no matter how you might wish to disagree with me. The situation is that one day, the entire deal was decided to be classified and HIDDEN from the citizenry. I know for a fact that nothing is real. You can make anything real or unreal. This is what really is being HIDDEN, and the Bluebookers KNOW IT ALL REAL FRIKKIN WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, besides wondering who is cheating who, and what else is going on in the world of country music, as if I could give a squat and a half on my best of days; the real shit is that there are reasons why the hidden, is being hidden, and not all of it will be told today, and yes, I am opening up a door on this blog, just a door, and it will all lead out into one hell of a hallway and into many other rooms, at later times, and on other blogs, as time marches along. All I am willing to impart directly for right now, is that humankind is inside a powerful series of reversals. We all live in a world that is literrally in a backward or inverted system of some sort, right down to our fear of extinction, which is a heaven, and all though none of you can understand or decode these words and this message properly right now; I speak the truth. Religion is the main thing behind the hiding of secrets or hidden stuff. But what is religion? It is a way to reduce the built in fear of extinction in the collective conscious mind of humanity. The real truth would set us free of one major fear, and go onto open a Pandora's Box, of a new horror that literally is a vigintillion or so times worse than the concept of death and the end of shit. These truths are scattered all throughout MORIANITY and my blogs for nearly seven dam years now, and we need not drudge up all this shit right now. For right now, just know, that there is no accurate way for anyone of you out here to determine that legitimacy or accuracy or value of anything that you come across such as my blogs for one example, based on anything that you have used your entire life to base your decisions and conclusions on, thus far. Just because I do not post up stuff that gets eighty million hits in 200 hours does not mean a thing. If it did, a lot of stuff that gets exposure like it's going out of style, would be changing the world, and no offense, but I doubt that all the two faced cats, and all the crying little girls, and all the Justin Beiber videos all combined, will ever make a tiny dent in that department, other than many folks seeing it and hearing it and moving on to the next day. What morianity knows, is what built this entire universe you live in, and why, and who, and when and where, and a million other things, but it is being hidden. Many truths are hidden, and the reasons for this are also being hidden, and this is hopefully beginning to add a little new light and dimension into an old query of the great Y's of the world forever. Just Y is this all happening? Well, you may want to look me up and shoot me after I say this, but I am saying it now anyway. The seven years of my blogs tell the entire answer of this great Y. Can it ever be decoded by humanity? Well, that is another HIDDEN question, I suppose. Will my ex-coworker, Mister Sat Nurine, ever go back and drive that wild bus that makes electric cart wide angle turns? Whether he does or does not, why would he say what was in my 'dream' for no reason? Why a million trillion quintillion other things for that matter? Is this all hidden, and being hidden, and is the answer to that query, also hidden. Some discuss a cosmic code and say that the entire cosmos is basically a digital computer, working out its own equations and becoming self aware, by creating the element of carbon, or us or what lead to us in the present state of evolving biological process. If this is true, or untrue, it remains a query still, and the answer thus is hidden. Learn to appreciate the occult folks, it is just the HIDDEN, and we all seem to wonder and gaze out thoughts towards this magical world of the unexplainable. If this was not true, the author of the Harry Potter books would be my coworker over at the Tea and Crumpet shop of London. Many folks wonder stuff when it is not even a needed thing to do, as nothing in their life really warrants such curiosity. So taking this fact into consideration folks, see how I must feel after 1969 came and went, and I went through so many wild and unexplained mysterious things, way too lengthy to ever ever ever all be properly told and blogged in the full nth degree and detail. 90+% of folks on the internet, who are surfing through the wild esoteric postings, such as just a hand picked few that I have posted onto these blogs as a random quick example of my point; have no real reason to even be doing it, other than the Harry Potter Syndrome, as we can think of this for now. Now I on the other hand, to quote my wicked friend from long ago, mister Jim Burr; of Merrysharkville-Gloucester, New Jersey, USAESMWG; have indisputable evidence all around me, 24/7, that I am not here in the way that others are in this world, and that something beyond conceivable is going on all around me, and always has, and seemingly, always will be. Denying it would be plain ass stupid, and would be sort of like after a big kid punches a little kid real hard, and he wants to be macho in front of a recess yard full of his friends; and so he keeps saying that it didn't hurt, until the big kid finally ends up knocking the little kid totally out, like a busted light-bulb. There was an even bigger point to this, that has been ETOSS-HACKED out of my mind, along with the great Tracy Ullman of a recent blog. When I remember it again, I will come back and do a reconnect, with or without the love. Let me finish out my simple point that at a later time can and will be expanded and elucidated upon, the hidden being hidden, sort of like children having children, only without the disgusting-ness of that situation.

Secrets are not usually a good thing. They have more harmful potential energy locked within their total realities than they ever could have positive or good. Some are necessary however. If we told our enemies all of our secrets, the USA would not be a super power by the next sunrise. I fully understand and concur with the way stuff like this is handled, as I said, some secrets are very needed items. You cannot torture a person sufficiently to make them tell what they do not know. All military systems that are worth a penny, operate in this way, on a 'need-2-know basis', to quote my father, a loyal Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy during world War II. Then there are other secrets that are only kept to keep those who feel more powerful or better than others, in their place. Again, I can relate so personally to how secrets when used against you, can be beyond mother fucking devastating. There was a presidential candidate during the race in 1972 with Nixon, involving a man by the name of Muskie, if I am spelling his sir name correctly, and I may or may not be. He had a few emotional problems in his life and had sought out some professional psychiatric help. To this very daym, the stigma of not being able to totally control ones mental condition to the standards of the society in which they live, wrecks and destroys that person in most cases. This man's political career was totally wiped out when the fucking miserable jerk off press stumbled onto the hidden secret of this man's past. They ran with that famous political football of what would happen if Russia suddenly invaded us at two in the morning, would he have a total nervous breakdown, and end up in the non-musicians sike ward for US Presidents, just when we need a leader to be there for us. Hay, all I know is that this shit cost me a daughter, and I will be angry about this for the rest of my mother fucking life, with or without any presidential campaigns, or crying little girls, hay, maybe that is why I was crying one day at age one, all though I think it was when my dam mother dropped me in the street when she fall down right outside her home at 440 South 50th Street, in West Philly. Folks, I am so pissed fucking off right now at this world, that nobody has a full idea of how lucky everyone is that the entire galaxy does not implode into a super electron in the next hour. You all have no dam idea!

NO DAM WABBITS TODAY, YO! 5555555555555555555.

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