Thursday, November 22, 2012




SBT-DATFILE: 111912.978






© 2006-2012 MARK WAYNE MOHR


First things first. I did not feel very well today and stayed mostly in bed. When I do not prove something, and merely say it without backing it up at all, it is ignored by the forces that make up this surrounding interaction between themselves and me throughout all mother fucking eternity. Someone is trying to steal my identity, and of course, there will never be any way for me to press charges, because that would activate a public record that things in this blog of the past seven years, have some basis in reality, and this is strictly forbidden of course, by the WOMO-MILITUFORCE powers and world controllers, or really cosmic controllers and owners. I have had this proven to me so many times that I lost fucking count. It is real, and none of you will believe me, so screw all of you. If any one of you told me something, I would want you to try and show me some proof, but I would not ignore you and insist you are just fucking crazy. That is because I have, or use, a brain, that god gave me, to quote mortals. But the real truth behind this of course, is so much more devious and complex, containing circumstances that are going way beyond dire and deadly, all interwoven throughout this inconceivable, and totally indescribable, mother fucking nightmare. Still, in the world of humans and waking every day physics, there have been certain discoveries made over the past one, two, and three hundred or so years now, the more recent one containing two of the forces that the cosmos is made up of, out of a total of four, supposedly; are the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. In truth or on a higher plane of existence to sound like a spiritual guru or master, more nonsense yet more acceptable when I add this in to my words; the Astral Plane equivalent to the strong physical forces are thought of as FAITH or BELIEF, while the weak physical forces are thought of as DOUBT and DISBELIEF. You know very well, that when you think about anything that remains a non provable item in the waking world, let us take as you all would phrase this, “life after death” as a good example. As you ponder and dwell on this in your mind, you can begin to feel invisible tugging mental forces, as you grapple with the 'gee could it be', verses, 'no I don't believe this', racing back and forth through your “MIND”. There are indeed forces on the Astral Plane, just as they exist here physically, two are as I said, faith, and doubt. But yes, as here physically; there are more than these two. Far into the future, the physical world will replace the remaining forces with MIND and VELOCITRON REALITY. This then leads all of humankind into the truth and wisdom, of what then will become known as 'SPACE-TIME-MIND' or STM. Currently, the physics community sees a possibility for explaining cosmos from the first hydrogen ion to the present time, with two items called DARK ENERGY and DARK MATTER. At least they are on their way, but a far cry from where they will end up when WL is built. The (dream-down from the Astral Plane), or the “hyperspace” that we are existing in as TRANSDIMENSIONAL WAKING MIND, is part of some other things as well, that all of the collective consciousness is presently clueless to. When Mister Doubleday invented the game of Baseball, no one imagined it would become such a large reality, but it did. Still, it is a game, it is a created event that is not a reality other than the realness that exists in any game played. The game itself has no reality beyond the game of BASEBALL. When we examine life, and try to place our faith in anything that is not provable, the weak and strong Astral Nuke forces come instantly into play, down here in this waking dream experience. We shift from fractional pieces of beliefs to doubts, over and over again, in differing degrees depending on just what is being examined and by who, as no two people are the same of course. Mind down here has broken down into individuality, dreaming throughout billions of carbon based physical biological bodies, and biochemical brains. No one wants to believe that we are not here to experience a sort of cosmic education or a spiritual growth collectively, except for perhaps the total atheists. Most folks need to see a truth around them and everyone else that places us in an evolving growth and education process, where we advance along some sort of spiritual path. The truth that in higher truth, the so-called straight line of time is pure illusion; totally and instantly makes that silliness null and void at its outset. The life or dreams or whatever of this time period, as well as those from a thousand years ago or ahead of us, or ten thousand, are all like dots on a big round disc that exists one dimension above our reality of 3-D. So from the point of view literally, of the fourth dimension, where is the school? Where is this learning? Where is this linear truth where we learn our ABC's and then move onto college, then post grad, then a career, then maturity, and so on? All the time in the world is all a bunch of dots on this disc, and there is no order whatsoever. There is no explanation at all for the way masters and gurus have been telling this lie for ten thousand years or so now. No growth or learning process is happening to a so called race of human beings. This is all just a game, just as if you lower this all by a dimension, anyone inside of all the baseball games ever played, if these characters were suddenly made separate from the outside realer truth one dimension beyond them, this game would be reality, and would be there for no other reason than because empires yell out, “PLAY BALL”. So a cosmic empire has yelled out, “PLAY BALL, and here we all are. You don't have to like this information, you can even fucking kill the messenger of it, but it won't change this great truth that is finally being told as of early 2006, called, MORIANITY.

Let me show you another little parlor trick, folks. When I said that I could not post any more YOUTUBE videos directly to my blogs from YOUTUBE that actually show up with the real YOUTUBE images of the video, but I won't be stopped from showing links to click on, this was just words, and on that day, the markets flew, as they did today because the American Agenda no matter what anyone wishes to believe, is for Israel to go to war. Smart money speaks, as told on a recent blog. Now, they will not change their agendas just to make my words and message on MORIANITY look foolish, or to try and deceive anyone. Whatever the WALL STREET AGENDA is at all times, shows up when more people are buying than they are selling or selling more than they are buying, and then comparing that with the world events discussed on the global news. It is just that simple, John Henningsen, red, green, blue, or purple polka dotted. Now the next day after I actually posted VIDEO LINKS that could be clicked on for taking you to the same YOUTUBE VIDEOS, the markets fell, unlike when I merely said I would be able to compensate for the sudden alteration of the internet owners, good old GOOGLE. The powers behind all of these things are so complex that even super abridged and compressed, I could type for days and nights non-stop, and this would not all get properly told, so either you will lean yourselves toward connecting into your Astral strong nuclear forces, or you will lean yourselves toward connecting into your Astral weak nuclear forces. You will do this through the 6th dimension without ever being aware of this, as your individual MIND is all part of the MIND DIMENSION, the 6th-D. On top of that, you will alter your rate of accelerating and decelerating values of levels of believing and disbelieving, all within microseconds, far beyond what you can ever be aware or conscious to, as only deeper subconscious and all the way down to totally unconscious mind awareness's can interact and be aware of time instants of more than roughly 400 per minute, while on Earth at the speed this planet moves throughout space. The very reason for its combined speed through space as well as its size in diameter, has to do with a ratio with the speed of light, or the physics constant. This is what keeps your waking brain part of MIND, existing in this exact interaction, all of us with each other, and all of us individually as well. All of the entire universe and its immense size, is all to create this one planet, with a waking consciousness, US. The entire huge universe is needed to exist around us, just so we can exist the way that we do. It may seem difficult to believe or grasp that truth, but it is truth just the fucking same, peeps. Ask any astrophysicist what would happen if galaxies were smaller and stars did not have the large areas in-between them. They will tell you this is true, they may not yet know the full story as I have printed it; and they surely do not know that this was created as a game, no differently than a teenager putting a dollar into a video machine at a mall arcade, as told in my 1994 book, called, “The Permission Barrier”.

Why would I make up a story and tell you my identity is being messed with if it were not true? Someone used it twice now recently. I know who the culprits are. It is my neighbors, a pharmacy, and McGuire. He photostatted my ID back in 1997 at his Erin Bar that day in early February. This entire story has been told over and over again, on these mother fucking blogs. This nightmare family of DREAMS and WASHCLOTHS, goes far beyond what I will tell tonight, folks. I have gigantic secrets on everybody. Why would I not after all I have been through, think about it logically? Last night after falling asleep, the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle kicked the living crap out of me all night long, and told me that if She did not love me, she would not chastise me. I told Her that I remember the original Old Testament well.

***END TRANSMISSION:*** and now, read SJ-CH 0640.

11/22/12 @ 2:20 AM STANDARD EASTERN


Three quick things L-4. Lots of stuff is ongoing, not all is safely bloggable right at this minute. My going to Mexico is still a very definite maybe. As I told Mayor Levy while he still was Chief of the ACBP in late September of 1997, the future is a mystery. For master T-3-E it of course is not.

First off people, happy helliday to everyone. Some of the WM has used their T-3-E abilities to move backward in the 5th dimension, and make some significant Blucran changes, an old trick at least around four and a half years or so. You don't need to know the details at this point. Still, my identity is safe, because the world is not ready to have things explode about me yet, so stuff got reversed and fixed, and do not act so innocent and as if you are clueless to these words.

Some time ago, I was harping and harping on two fine gentlemen who came on a television show, a 1988 documentary aired on New York City, Channel 11, WPIX, title named “UFO, THE COVER UP”. They appeared on my blog comment area, or someone did, for a while, and it takes me a lot longer to learn things without help from others of the hands on type, this is just how my fucked up brain is wired, so fucking sue me. I could not work my computer or answer them, now that I can, they are in the four winds. I finally have learned how to work my electronic mail system recently, as current blogs reveal. Whether the other entity is amongst the living or not, also remains a mystery as of now, nut I have the e-mail address saved on my word document page called, 'personal directory page', and can always pull that up. Still, if you guys, the bird-men, are out here, let me know if you would please. Obviously, looking back at my entire life, my family, and myself, have been part ODF something from far beyond this world all along, or else there would be no way that all these dates all match so perfectly up together with stuff. PART OF, you fucking hacker scum, NOT PART ODF, you hacking filth. See, this is my point, I am not discussing the purchase of some food item on an errand when this happens, but what in fact am I discussing? You see, there is real shit to my story, no matter how many mother fucking millions of Patty Jane's want to laugh and scoff it off. I'd love to be disproved, and have had some good people try. One man almost lost it once, and was about to practically attack me, he got so upset, trying to dispel and disprove my horrible nightmare. It cannot be disproved, it is all real. You think I enjoy this, you twisted fucking bastards?

When this shit that is happening around me begins to go on a roll that would literally make a lot of people go fucking nuts overnight; there is no denying its reality. Only a moron ass hole would deny what the human senses show. T-3-E are in individual as well as combination club groups, and they can do anything they want, as to them, all of us are part of their toy soldiers and dolls. Until I make this world see this for exactly what it really is, this conversation is totally pointless and a futile waste of my time. Again folks, T-3-E stands for TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS and this simply means that they are masters of operating fully with various degrees of control over their own doppelgangers and even other people or things all over 5th dimensional hyperspace, and close parallel universes in hyperspace are very intertwined, thus doing something in one, has great effects in others, the most effects in the most closely parallel ones, and the least effects in the more distant parallel ones. Sometimes I call T-3-E masters, ICS or IN-CHARGE-SOMNAMBULISTS. Two things can boost a person who wishes to try becoming a T-3-E, one is certain prescription medications, and another is a battery hat. This delivers a continual small current of electricity to your brain that if done not too often, is harmless if used within power limits, and can totally expand the power of the otherwise ordinary mind. If you ever encounter a person wearing a hat that seemingly is controlling you against your will, I strongly urge you to do the following thing. So it cannot be called an assault, simply burst out with the words, “YO, I love that cool hat BRO, and literally ask if you can see it up close and take it from their head, and then run like fucking hell. If you get into legal trouble, print out a copy of this blog and let me talk to the authority who has you in their charge. I will gladly tell them my entire story of MORIANITY, and that I advised you to do this if ever necessary.

The atom is made up of three main parts ad many other quite mystical energies and realities that lay inside and in-between these three main parts, these being, as you should know if you went to fourth grade; the proton, electron, and neutron. The directions of flat surfaces anywhere, or geometric planes, create north in front of you, south behind you, east to the right of you, and west to the left of you. 3+4 is 7 and 3X4 is 12. Now upping this, 7+12 is 19 and 7X12 is 84. 1984 is the most special and powerful number to the All mighty SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE. We won't be pursuing this on the blog. Still, are you out here, Agent Falcon or Agent Condor, because I am rapidly running out of time dudes? I did not know how to make my computer work to contact you earlier. How long are we going to put up with this Jim Pratt Colony and his cosmic internet, and his friends the master exploratrons? If I die without someone taking my place, this world may go on with this thing unchallenged, and this will be the end of humanity, and that I will promise you, because of one thing, and only one thing; and laugh if you wish, “I KNOW”. I have seen and witnessed way too much, and the only reason I am still here and walking around is because they have take me straight to Mary Tyler Moore's Green Dress Rose Garden. As long as my credibility remains at zero, why risk a murder charge? I would play it the very same way if the roles were reversed, Nepjup JC Krassle. A penny for your thoughts, Your honor, Sir. Where are you when I need you, doctor Marcus Welby and Doctor Steven Kiley? I cannot speak for the nurse, but my life is what it is because of one huge CON, and yes, it has been hard to swallow, since shortly before my trip out to Grant Avenue in early 3-4 extended +/X twice out. Coincidence? Sure, right. Gobble gobble folks.
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