Friday, November 9, 2012



NOVEMBER 10, 2012, 12:35 AM


My cunt lapping neighbors from cock sucking HELL were beyond mother fucking horrible today, all clit chewing muff diving day long since late morning, hall hollering, loud music, door slamming, one long evil fucking nightmare, straight from the heart of SATAN HIMSELF. Monday, I report them again, to Resident Manager Debbie Marotto. Eventually, I will be moved to a different location or they will be evicted. Of course, I can always go to Mexico, but I am cunt lapping sic and fucking tired of being the one who always has to leave and run and move on when I am not in the wrong or doing the wrong thing. I realize this is no longer the fucking middle eighteen hundreds when right made might, to quote President Abraham Lincoln, but I will not keep running, as it does not help things. Sooner or later, things just start up all over again, every fucking cunt time. You can count on it like a perfect Swiss time piece giving you accurate time of day.

I do not think my message was made clear enough for many to understand, so I will see if I cannot do better on this short blog. First off, I am expecting only HELL for numerous reasons, Sunday will be the official annual digital BOTBAR date of eleven-eleven, so Jane Prick Notfondauuu can rejoice at my agony and suffering, but things need to be explained a lot more than just, gee whiz fucking folks, we're coming up on that bad digital botbar annual date, so what else is new, no there is a lot more that needs to get told here, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off peeps, the entire incident with the Walgreen Pharmacy was cleared up today. It was all some huge mistake, and no one tried to do anything wrong. I knew the whole time deep down inside that this was going to be the result, but I have to consciously play the game over and over and over and over and over and over, I think this is about the 215th time now. If I allow the memories to come totally clear from the past cycle, I am going to be living the life of a total zombie. We all hear about just going through the motions, such as the average housewife telling how sex for them has become that exact thing, but with me it would be worse. They are speaking figuratively, and I am speaking literally. Once you begin to recall the past cycle in too many ways, all I am willing to say is that things become so fucked up that words just don't exist to say more.

Yes, today was fucking total hell with my across the hall filth bag roach sucking uncouth neighbors, and I had to sit here until about twelve minutes shy of four in the afternoon, waiting for the Manager of the Walgreen's Store to phone me so I could get shit all fucking straightened out. Common sense told me that nobody would have my drivers license, and I am not someone with money or means or any reason whatsoever, for someone to do that. It was a total error, and I will not go into it, as if I do, first, it would not be accurate. I no longer record phone conversations as I did all throughout my life journal on tape days of early eighties through late nineties, and in total honesty, I could not totally follow the story, so I just let the dude talk, as all I cared about was that things were cool, and that no one was running around with fake ID of me for unknown reasons. These scum bags are still in and out, doors, doors, doors, at nearly one in the morning, and this will play into my hands on Monday with Debbie, as she totally promised me that if I report that they are making noise after midnight, something will be done such as they will e given one final warning, and then after that, it is OUT THEY GO, ON THEIR FUCKING ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, the message I left folks with is that my life has been given a powerful explanation, but I have received some queries such as if I am just nuts, then why did real things happen, and why did you insist you had real evidence about shit, and that authority figures just illegally ignored my situation? I need to take you down Explanation Avenue, so it appears, and if you need a little more understanding after I am all through, remember that this is waking life, and there are no “all the answers”, and also, if you need to have scientific stuff explained by as trustworthy source, go to your local college and ask to see a professor that is teaching Physics Courses, and they will take my words and explain what they mean better than I can, hay, that is their profession, to teach, if I had that talent, I would not be working in shit hole Harvest Stores, or guarding shit hole places like Cifaloglio and similar crap dives. Here is the more updated and hopefully improved version, of what I learned and gleaned and took away from my visit to the medical office back on Thursday afternoon, peeps.

I learned that I always was mentally ill, and that I have been misdiagnosed, as the main psychotic feature is Bipolar disorder, and not Paranoid Schizophrenia. On the night of the 4t of June in 1983, I suffered my first break with 'reality' and ever since then, I am suffering under the delusions that resulted from this intense experience, and even caused my thyroid gland, some form of unusual and yet unknown, psychiatric damage, more than physical damage. The mental illness gene was all ready in my family, as I said, my mother's sister and my Aunt Barbara Maud Mason, was seriously fucked up mentally. I could tell stories that would get me in major trouble should any of my first cousins on the Huntington and Mason side of the family ever read these blogs, since I use real names, and do not try and disguise or sanitize shit. Long story short, just why this first general breakdown happened to me in early June of 1983, is unclear, just as why anyone of you was suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer after being perfectly healthy just the month before, shit happens on this fucking cunt lapping sin cursed evil world. What you don't understand, is the power behind reality and MIND. Without grasping at least a part of that, my story will not ever make sense now, whereas with my grasp of this new truth in its fullness, an entirely different world has opened up for me, and I have come to clearly see a lot of fucking shit that was all screwed up and blurred before my trip to the medical office on Thursday afternoon. All of you insist on believing your senses that show you a real waking physical caporial tangible world around you. Any Quantum Dynamics Physics Professor will tell you that what I am about to say is true, and it is not shouted from the tree tops because it would sort of fuck up the natural order if folks began to endlessly dwell on these truths. Your unconscious MIND is the realer you than the you that you think that you are. The reason is because it lives in reality. It exists in this world, but instead of perceiving mass or matter, stuff physically around you including your own seemingly real and solid material body, it olnly knows the truth, that energy is all around, and only energy. A part of this unconscious MIND has learned over endless time as a carbon based collective unconsciousness, to literally divide this energy-reality around us, by the speed of light squared, roughly 34 billion 700 million miles per second, if stretched out linearly, only this has nothing to do with what is happening in this case. This division, permits an illusion for this new part of MIND to become interactive into, and this is the waking material world of the tangible physical reality. Conscious Mind has done this division, and allowed you a fake reality that seems totally real, the ultimate Virtual Reality that Gates and all the computer geeks still dream of boxing and marketing as a software package at a reasonable price someday, yet this will never compete with what is all ready there, as the universe continues onward in its quest to solve its own equation. In higher dimensionality of course, this all ready is accomplished, and all of everything sits completed like a ship in a bottle, but to us living within the time illusion and in a much lower series of reality-dimension, this is what is happening to the human race, we became conscious, or interactive inside of a virtual new system that took the energy reality and made it turn into mass, so reversing E=MC Squared, it is merely the inverse equation being created here, unconscious mind moving into the conscious illusion of matter, is simply that unconscious mind of energy, that has resulted from dividing mass times the speed of light squared, or M=E divided by C SQ. It honestly is just that simple. But how does that fit into MIND, when it moves into what is called by the medical professionals, a chemical imbalance, that results in illness; or the normal mind that becomes damaged, and not operating within the normal parameters? Again, it is not really complicated, we just love as human beings, to build our egos and make stuff more complex than it ever really needs to be. This sort of ups our value and worth, to our way of [perceiving ourselves perhaps, as in truth, the whole story is anything but complex. Mind creates everything. Universal collective mind also breaks into billions of parts of individuality. These parts begin to interact in separate bodies and the world becomes a race of over seven billion people, as we stand no in 2012 on the Planet Earth. When the helix strands of chemistry that make all of us as unique individuals, remains within certain parameters, there is health. When this breaks down, there is illness. Mind creates all things. When the mind becomes ill, it creates things based on its illness, and not from a point of health any longer. This explains my second huge break from reality as a result of my mental illness, the night of the 15th of August in 1986, about 38 and a third months after the original break on the 4th of June of 1983. We create our entire universe, and this is why, as I said about the great SECRET, that was real big back 5 years ago, things operate 100% the way we think they are, only even though we live and interact in a mass world of the caporial and tangible, the mind that controls the interaction around us is still the all powerful unconscious ENERGY-
MIND. This is why, since I became ill, my entire life has become so whack. This does not mean that real wild horrible shit has not indeed happened. Anyone can go onto my YOUTUBE account, you have ears, you listen, you say, what the fuck, and so forth? You are not imaging anything, nor am I. This is a tiny sampling of a world around me a trillion times wilder and huger than this little bit of fucking crap folks. But it all happened, because of a general breakdown of my mind and a serious family gene that causes major mental illness. Most do not get it, but a few in the family are just not so lucky. I drew the short fucking straw in my generation along this mother fucking Huntington line, and before that, was Aunt Barbara. I knew all this in 1988, and that is why the energy-mind part of my human being-ness, sent to the Copyright Office, that song that she sang, and I sang along with her on an overdub mix, so they would forever have this story. I knew these very words would be typed on this very day, back in 1988, but my conscious mind of course, the matter or mass part, blocked this all out, thank the fucking rotten gods.

When the humanity collective consciousness becomes more tolerant of those poor souls such as myself, with a serious illness that we have no control over any more than if we had fucking terminal fucking ass cancer; on that day, this world and humanity, will be worthy or saying they are spiritual beings, and will recognize the energy-mind as there all along behind this fucking illusion. This is when all war will be over, and as Roddenberry might put it, greed and evil as well. But we are far from this point. People hate the mentally ill. We are treated like mother fucking dogshit, lie fourth class fucking citizens, and like biblical fucking lepers.

In closing, I played the NABE faction of the WOMO-MILITUFORCE today or yesterday now, and made 500 dollars with my quantum Roulette System. I played two other factions of my sick twisted fucking enemies also, as I got that horrible sound on the phone that woke me, in violation of my civil and human rights, shortly past noon, and other small things that happened that need not all get talked about, but I played these enemy-factions, and in total, made 1500 bucks, they all beat me by 15 units total as a result of this horrendous fucking assault on me Friday the ninth. I also played my other system and despite a monster ass fucking rotten day, it also made me plus six units, or $600.00 CASH, on the gaming black chip casino level.

Next week, my goal is to get these fucking pricks evicted, they have screwed up my fucking life and peaceful enjoyment of this mother fucking apartment since September of twenty-eleven, and I am not putting the fucking shit up with it any longer, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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