Sunday, November 25, 2012




SBT-DATFILE: 112512.159











Folks, let me tell a few things, and I will try hard to keep it very short and to the point, as many know, I really do not have anything to prove, and it is obvious to any non soulless people that my enemies are the ones desperately and unrelentingly attempting to discredit and disprove me, yet laughing and staying on the winning end of many things the entire time, in covert and stealthy ways.

First, and this has been talked about before, for a solid month now, my crazy ass hole neighbors from across the hall, are on some kind of a roll that no coincidence can be rationally believed in, and I am speaking about the way they fuck with me IN AN ALTERNATING DAILY PATTERN, or every other day, for a SOLID FUCKING MONTH NOW. So on this day, after a mother fucking dick licking month of this, I totally know that some kind of teasing is BUILT INTO THIS PERSECUTION of me by these twisted fart huffing screw balls, and thus have finally asked my GAGA KITTY just WHY THIS IS BEING DONE TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 'dam answer', President Corsakolf McCoy, is as follows, according to the great and mighty mystical cat known on the ASTRAL PLANE CIRCLES as GAWKY GAUKAUK!!!!!!!!!!!! The PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER OR (PCN) IS (927). This includes these powerful items from my GAWNUM MATCHBOOK LIST:


There are other less significant items in the list that need not all be printed on this blog, YO! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I also asked my GAGA-KITTY, why this Saturday, November the 24th was so very bad, and it was folks, as I had major computer hacking while attempting to post up the previous blog back earlier yesterday on the Blogger site, one freeze up after another when I tried to go to the title rectangle and print the title, sir buddy chum old friend and now Chairman, Federal Communications Commission, and Federal Bureau of Investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My answer to this query, was the PCN-583, matching these following main items in my GAWNUM MATCHBOOK LIST, YO PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Roulette is getting harder and harder to win and beat the card-wheels as 2012 progresses onward, but I managed on a very nasty ass Saturday to crank out 3.5 units on my system that I do not divulge details on due to quantum destruction effects or QDE for short. QDE is why I procrastinate telling many things on my blogs, until I get what I need out of a situation and then it is safe to talk and have the QDE strike me like a mack fucking ass truck at 100 miles per hour, YO. On a black gaming chip level, as I used in my professional gambling days in 1986 from late March through late October, this would come to $350.00. As for the quantum roulette, I played hackers and was up one unit, I played nabes and was up two units, and I played the general combined WOMO factions together and was up one unit, for a combined additional 4 units, a daily total of 750 clams, and even on the green quarter level, this comes to a nice hefty sum total of $187.50. I'll survive Mizz Gainer, YO!

As for a nice juicy little RATS-TATS-FOOTBALL-TRS, or (Today's Revenge Secret) for wrecking another one of my days, let the old messenger tell you a short little story here good folks, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I have talked on and on and on and on about sleep and dreams, void, parallel universes, exploratrons, and what was done to me in the sixties in Atlantic City, and other times by McGuire and other 'lovelies' of 10-SC Avenue of Trump Village, but I never hit a real home run on one thing, or at least I do not think that I ever covered this with any powerful elucidation and elaboration; so now I will, just a little, as an opener for tonight, and a closer to the blog.

I have talked about the knee-jerk reaction to things that I try to expose and uncover and make public, that as the great KEVIN TRUDEAU says on his infomercials so perfectly and marvelously, THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW, OR ME TO TELL THE GENERAL PUBLIC, and this also is a topic that has been blogged and blogged about by me, Mountainpen, onto MORIANITY, and recently reiterated upon as well. I speak of a 1988 documentary aired on the WPIX NEW YORK, NEW YORK TELEVISION STATION, CHANNEL 11, CALLED, “UFO, THE COVER UP”. Let me tell all of you, that what I know about all of this, goes far beyond what anyone else in the world in this time period knows, and has to do as said over and over, with DREAMS, HYPERSPACE, THE ASTRAL REALM, and ADVANCED TYPE-3 EXPLORATRONS. The detailed information that I have given and how what I know differs from a lot of powerful parlor tricks and illusion performed on humanity for a very long time, is not the point at all however. The point being made right now, PERTAINS TO A TIMELINE. Looking back at my life, a powerful exploratronic experience that I had, where I was told to talk more about the nineteen-seventies, is only a part of this, but it fits like a perfectly smooth fashion model's glove. It goes through these seventies, and then after they all end and I move into Robin Hill Apartments in Voorhees Township in New Jersey fgor th efirst of three times living there from 1989 through 1991, and has major connections to many years that are separated by a very powerful and magical number, the number of three (3). I speak of 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. Make no mistake, without my typing so much as one more thing tonight, WOMO MILITUFORCE is one scared and angry bunch of entities right about now, and I haven't even whet the apatite of Al Jolson and the entire crew yet, let alone rung the bell that begins the fish banquet. This great WPIX UFO documentary was aired in 1988, but 1989 is when some of the real stuff that was talked about in this great documentary with the agents Falcon and Condor, all began to culminate and blend together, and begin the new age, at least over here in the 'Western-World' as the Asians and Europeans refer to all of us over here. A moron can see that I will be opening up a can of worms, and a hornets nest, that makes all of Atlantic City in New Jersey, and one lousy branch of a great world famous family from Massachusetts, seem tame if discussed only in the surface of them here on the waking Earth tangible material world. All things have doppelgangers, all things came from a huge unimaginable dream-out from void nothingness. The hugest conceivable super computer could never put together, just how the 7th dimension of lawtronics operates, but it does, and the future knows that it does for reasons that would take a day of typing to try and begin to explain. Still, analyze the phrase and see how it fucks with your mind, “NOTHING IS REAL”. What is really real people, is NOTHING. All else is a huge DREAM-OUT, or a CREATION. Seeing it anyway you wish is part of the parlor trick. No human will be alive to witness whether or not the universe works with the 'steady state' or 'big chill' or 'big crunch' or 'recirculation' or any other thing that scientists and astrophysicists may dream up as time continues to pass. Morianity has attempted to tell, what I know because of a future life I live, as Labber Zeejins, at the World Laboratory. But all of that was revealed to me right after the time that this fantastic documentary was aired in the late nineteen-eighties by WPIX CHANNEL 11, television, in NYNY. Choose your poison, folks, let us use the big chill, which right now as 2013 approaches, is the most popular believed theory of the future of our universe. This means basically that things will expand for trillions of years and eventually all nuclear action will cease and things will be dark and cold and still. This is void. This is where dream-out occurs. Existence never was part of atomic reality, and goes beyond it, because it is there in the dark nothingness of void. However peeps, if things crunch but do not recirculate, all that is exists in one gigantic ion of hydrogen, and this force of existence still exists in that state. If this force is what blows it all endlessly in and out, then the concern either way is just a reversal of opposite concepts. The truth of void never changes, nor that all that is real is in fact this void, and that we as part of it in dream states, simply 'exist' and nothing matters, as nothing starts or stops, and time is just part of a small package or bag so to speak, containing many items. It does not even have to be there at all except to permit the dreams that we currently are all seemingly in. Still, this just takes us to the point that everything in this dream is a big parlor trick or game, and only the more advanced parts of the package can create parameters of that game and set up some rules and guidelines. Many blogs from years ago in Morianity, have labeled this as EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. This is merely a collective and club of a sort, of advanced (T-3-E) or Type-3-Exploratrons. But the much simpler point for today and the hard punching revenge secret built into all of this, is as follows. The timeline of all of our lives, runs in threes, in years, in months, in days, in everything. This is a magical number, as is the one directly above it, the number of '4'. Proving to me that 3 and 4 are indeed the codes to the cosmos, is the way that they will lead to the number 1984, and this number is a year like no other number, for me. Even though I discuss years like 1969, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1994, 2006, and others, a lot more than I do 1984, is only because, we are approaching a time where I need to show a line in the illusion, a line where 36 months separate many things in my life that cannot all be a coincidence, not unless the odds of a powerball jackpot are what you wish to accept for things to all have just happened in a random. “That's not his problem”. No, Ralph and Sandy, perhaps it is not indeed, so then, what is? As sands through the hour glass, Doctor, what is, because I am here to admit that I do not have all the answers, and McCoy and Mo can curse and swear all day, but it changes nothing. How can all of this have happened, that is unless Jehovah is indeed SSJK, and Morianity is all true and accurate? So as Copper Kettle Fudge Shops of Atlantic City said many years and decades ago, “You be the judge”. OK fine, so what is my problem Doctor? Please, all I ask is that you don't say, “I-I-I don't know”. Please, because if you search yourself, you know that you do know. L-4, search the 7 years of blogs, and see how the Fascitar connects into all of this. I never said Jehovah remembers it all while dreaming here with us. But every time I tell how to use this great system, notice the interactions start up with me, and the great SSJK. Give me a break, Chinese Girl, and watch those matches. Bob, Dawn, and Donna, the real 'hot stuff trilogy', huh? WOW.

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