Saturday, November 17, 2012




SBT-DATFILE: 111612.102




© 2006-2012 MARK WAYNE MOHR


I will say a few short things, and may not even post this up now, we will see what happens as hours and time continues to tick onward.

As you know I had the police over, two nice officers responded to my call, but the nabes were real quiet when they arrived. Old tricks from my days of Somerdale, New Jersey, with the Snotty Stosney's across the street from my home at 112 Harvard Avenue. They will file a report with the building management, and things will progress along. I never said I want my nabes to not be able to play their rotten music, just not so mother fucking loud that my walls are shaking, and I am left in here with a migraine headache, it really is just not fair. They can enjoy it just as much a little lower in volume, and I can enjoy hearing less of it as well, they used to call this compromising, a word and idea-concept that appears to be rapidly going out of frikkin style.

My roulette system that I totally refuse to divulge or impart to a soul, made me another 2 units today and another 9 units over the past three games. As for the Quantum-Roulette, where I play my various WOMO ENEMY FACTIONS, in fake paper games, today made up for a recent screw up where I was winning over them on three consecutive days and times when they should have been kicking my ass through my throat, but Thursday the fifdeeeenth, made up for all of that Misses DORIS WILL-I-AM-ST-OWN PLUM firebug JL landlady. Insurance companies all know what 'JL' stands for, and no, it ain't pretty; not the term, nor the deed. The bitch belonged put away behind prison bars, for endangering lives, and destroying other folks property. How many 'cosmic relatives' do you have, Robert McGuire?

Well people, you all witnessed this yesterday. I very subtlety asked my wonderful all mighty empire ruling kid if we can kiss and make up, and try to get along; and you saw what resulted in just a few hours time as a response. Well, Nancy Reagan just said NO, and it looks like others have learned quite well from her. WOW. I bet you are getting one big laugh out of my nightmare, ex friend Eric. I fully intend to show you before this is all played out and done, that you misjudged me and my situation. All you did was play the odds, and I know as a former professional gambler, that you will win in the long run doing that. Still you will have your losses, and the loss you will always have, is short changing me; as you will never know how to put the fly specks on the cosmic magnifier, and watch truths bigger than you have a concept or a clue about, jump right out at you like a masked group of Halloween tricksters on a hayride. Having fun in your new life, All Mighty Ann King? Oh yes, play your stupid game whistling Eric, but I had three people tell me since May of this year, after seeing my two passport photos and my Florida driver license photo, the dude needs a pair of glasses. You're the dude, dude. Keep preaching buddy, I don't miss your class, or the Harvest, or any of that dog shit. Senator Fred Thompson says it a lot better than I ever can, “Good riddance”. I know what is real and what is not real, just as I mother fucking know that ever since a week ago at the medical office, ALL FUCKING CUNT LAPPING HELL HAS BROKEN LOOSE AROUND ME, another consequence that stems from a precise thing that I did. I need to remember that I HAVE NO FREEDOM TO OPERATE THE WAY OTHER FREE CITIZENS DO IN THIS MESSED UP NATION, NOT WITHOUT PERSECUTION COVERTLY COMING AT ME FROM ALL SIDES, AT THE SPEED OF COCK SUCKING LIGHT, SQUARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, TD Bank Trucks, WOW! Oh shit peeps, I forgot, I AM THE CHOSEN HUNTINGTON, and must endlessly carry the family frikkin curse to my grave. I wonder if cousin Barry or cousin David will pick it up then, or maybe their kids or grand kids, or maybe one of cousin Sandy's daughters sons or grandsons. After-all, she had three healthy adorable daughters, the twins, and little Geri. Poor thing will have her share of problems with spell-checkers, so it appears. Oh well, we sure have our crosses to bear, most of us anyway, as very few have such marvelous lives as you, Donald. But then, you cheated, and got me to bring your personality into this waking world, via my recording knowledge and apparatus, at the end of the nineteen-seventies. Like you give a shit? Say high to Steve Lose for me, Donnie boy, and the Macy heirs, and any of the Strauss heirs as well. You know Trumpie, one thing I'll never try and take away from you or tarnish your name with a lie about, and that is your honesty. You are a totally honest son of a bitch, and the world needs to hear that, coming from a dude who fucking hates your miserable guts. You will come right out and tell a person that you will screw them over. I know this about you, but with me, you keep quiet, or get in with all my peeps. Well, you enjoy your life, as you know; in a puff of time, it is all over, me, I can't wait, where you, you want it to go on and on. So when we both are at the end of our lives, who wins the game then, and who is the one with the big fucking smile on their face? You know, because you are an honest man.

The biggest secret in the world is all wrapped up in a little movie done in the middle nineties, starring Mary Tyler Moore, called, “Secrets of the Rose Garden”. Yes, I should have stayed crazy and forever lost, so what really began to awaken me and my memories around the time I was leaving the Meeker home in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, in the spring of 1994, and penning my book, dictated onto cassette tapes, called, “The Permission barrier”? What forces all got together and decided that Mark Wayne Mohr was going to slowly remember it all over the next 20 years? That is for other future blogs, folks, nighty-night.



Every other day, and this has been going on now for two weeks, these mother fucking dirt bag neighbors, are blasting me out with that loud stereo attack from across the hall. Today it woke me at quarter before nine this morning. I am playing my MORIANITY TAPES through the PEDERSEN ROACHPHONE SYSTEM (PRS) for a counterstrike, and the other counterstrike will be this blog, then the final one will be on Monday when I find Debbie and tell her, either this stops, I get moved to another unit within 30 days around quieter older non-party ass hole fucking peeps, or then I go straight to the fucking governor of Florida, the Honorable Rick Scott. Even yesterday, the music played, but I can live with it when the walls are not shaking to hell and I am not in here with a migraine headache. Volume on systems is there for a reason. Not everyone wants to injure their hearing or get a headache, only the few percentage of total crazy nuts, and then you out here, call ME a crazy nut and show me wearing a mother fucking tin foil hat with horns and shades, yeah right, and merry Christmas to you too, Beach Patterson, not Mikey.

This is a SUPER FUCKING MUFF DIVING BOTBAR DAY. I have unplugged from the internet, and still I am getting bothered by all sorts of fucking shit while attempting to do this mother fucking cock sucking word document, in total violation of MY CIVIL RIGHTS, MY HUMAN RIGHTS, AND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERY OTHER MOTHER FUCKING DAY NOW IS SUPER BOTBAR, I have not seen an attack this bad in my three fucking years in FLORIDA, but naturally, good old THANKX-2-GIVENS (THANKSGIVING) SIEGE, is rearing its mother fucking clit chewing UGLY AHEAD AGAIN FOR THE FUCKING YEAR, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I proved a long time ago to myself, that one of two things is real. ONE IS THAT THERE IS NO GOD, AND TWO IS THAT IF I AM WRONG ABOUT THAT, THEN FINE; BUT ONE SIDE OF THE “GOD-COIN IS GOD”, AND THE OTHER SIDE OF THE “GOD-COIN IS SATAN”; or humankind's concept of both of these words and terms, whatever the real truth is that exists that make these words come to exist in our human vocabulary. Not a soul will ever fucking convince me otherwise of any possible option-three here, not after what I've been mother fucking cock sucking put through on this Earth for nearly 58 years now, and will be 58 years come the 4th. My life makes anything Hitler ever did to anyone, look like a walk on the beach, as well as the last day of Jesus, or the entire Bubonic Plague of Europe. None of you have been me for the past 50 years suffering this HUNTINGTON CURSE, so you only think you can scoff or be angry at these words, and you have no standing at all to judge them, because you just don't fucking know, and you never will, not while alive.

I all ready knew the WOMO-NMILITUFORCE would blow my weekend to shit, first they just about always do, hockey season lockout or no lockout, the only time it was not this bad, both the hockey and the baseball season were locked out through the entire year of 1994 with only a short hockey season starting in early 1995 that caused a three year hell that would have finished off any other person on this mother fucking twisted diseased deranged little world of ours. Once that happened and the markets doubled as a result over those three years, Sarah Trinitrail ah-ah-ah-I-I-I don't know Krassle, talk about turning it up; she cranked my life up to LEVEL INTOLERABLE CUBED, CUBED, CUBED, CUBED, AND CUBED, or one times ten to the fifteenth exponential power.

This is why I will now post what I first posted yesterday at the WORDPRESS site, up here at the BLOGGER site, and then this blog, only this blog will now go onto tell the secret way of knowing why “ALL OF THEM ARE UP TO AND WHAT THEIR AGENDAS ALL ARE, ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS”. They cannot fake it, as to do so would cost them tens of billions of dollars, over and over again, until in short order, nothing at all would be left. Wealth can be created, and wealth can be made to vanish, ask any cock sucking historian if this is a true statement or not, good folks.

To lead into the topic of today's counterstrike revenge and attack by me, let me begin by explaining a few simple things that most persons have never stopped to ever think about. Time is too precious a commodity for the majority of peeps now to be able to do much more than be a human drone and go through life's numerous and complex motions, and when they are all said and done at the end of each day, they just fall into bed and crash only to begin the cycle all over again a number of hours later, So allow me now to awaken you to a few simple truths, that will begin shocking you, if you read a newspaper for more than just ads, coops, or sport scores; or view the World News on television, with any regularity. Believe me, the exact thing I'll say now, THEY do not want told, and THEY do not want me saying, and my response to THEM is then, why won't you stop persecuting me every day with your MIND CONTROL and BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION AIR SYSTEMS AND SOUND SYSTEMS, that cause those around me to mess with me and want to make me miserable without ever even having a tiny fucking cunt clue, just why they feel this way about me, someone who is quiet and stays to himself and never bothers a cunt eating fucking soul. Behavior modification is discussed seriously on CNN, and by great eighties artists such as the PRINCE, on several YOUTUBE VIDEOS, just click on their rectangular search box while up there, “Prince talks about chemtrails”. Oh well, at least he does not talk about 1969 or TRINITRAILS. Lots of folks have blamed 911 fallout and mercury light poisoning for illnesses. None of it has any validity, it is all coming as a result of the POISONING OF OUR SKIES. If it was all done to just reflect sunlight better at higher atmospheric altitudes as the Al Gore Fans would tell you, then why long before anyone would care about such things, are these trails all over movies from back in the days long before any such topics such as 'GLOBAL WARMING' ever came to be? You can see it in the 1980 'HAIR' movie remake of the old 1968 Broadway Musical Show, you can hear it in the song written in the middle sixties by Joanie Parkinglots Mitchell, and on and on I could go. Still, this blog is not a blog about fucking ass chemtrails. It is about neighbors from fucking HELL, and it is about my revenge since this just won't stop, not even with the police, just I like told you in my letter, sir, SHERIFF MASCARA, of My wonderful AHA, Saint Lucie County, here in AHA, paradise, or sunny scummy FLOIDA, where are you Mike McNulty of 1971 as I could really use your laugh right about fucking cunt now, big guy, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!! No ladies and gentlemen, this is a blog that will be telling a few very well guarded secrets about the great all mighty STOCK MARKET SYSTEM OF THE WORLD, as well as the biggest secret that is attached to them, and no, for once, I do not speak of something that you would have a lot more difficulty in grasping, my personal PARALLEL EVENT with it, all though this is all wrapped totally up in what I will be telling, but for now, forget all that, and just listen real hard to what I tell you right now, as this is gonna' be big, and it is gonna' really fucking piss off powerful jerk offs, the world fucking over, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am speaking of the connection to these markets, to something most if not all serious investors have all heard of and even make their personal portfolio trading strategies, center around to some degree if not a large degree, and this is known as the SMART MONEY, and is based on two things, percentages and something the Wall Streeters also have hated for around fifteen months now give or take, the OCCUPY group and their incessant reiteration of the 99/1 percentage, as this all connects up and applies, to the SMART MONEY, so let me go on and explain this and detail it all out for you. I can tell you all in good conscience that this is not the time to switch over to the Blog of Ronnie Plutamyer and his apple trees, or Margie B. Sanderson and Her Teacher Blogs. No, this is where you need to be right now, peeps, right here, at MORIANITY. Smart Money, means where most of the buy or most of the sell orders are placed at any given time. It does not differ all tat much from a horse race, where the three payout horses, win-1, place-2, and show-3, are IN THE MONEY or ITM HORSES, while all the remaining slower horses from number 4 to however many others who crossed the finish line later, are known as the OUT OF MONEY or OOM HORSES. Smart Money in the world of market investing is simply an after the fact abstract. At any given time where any given market is trading and open, it is alive with two vital organs. One is its heart or price that it is valued at right then and there at that microsecond, and the the other organ is a divergence of how many BUY ORDERS and how many SELL ORDERS exist, that when all executed at future seconds and minutes, will always when tallied up will be be equal and keeping that heart-price unchanged, or else it will be gaining in buy over sell orders, raising the price, or it will be gaining in sell over buy orders, lowering the price. These markets are monstrously huge and despite anyone's ego, it is nearly impossible to rig the price in any significant way, of any market, no matter who you are or how much money you have to use as a tool for making that attempt. Then when the SEC occasionally decides to do its job and make some market manipulator pay for his or her crimes, that also is a contributing factor, but the main topic here is Smart Money in normal usual situations, and not market manipulations via many powerful and illegal methods, all the way from tossing dummy account monies in large sums back and forth, to spreading rumors online or even in known hang out restaurants where brokers have their lunch in New York City. Still, let us just stay with the topic of SMART MONEY, to make a powerful point, that OCCUPY also knows about, only in a different way. Let us say that FJUTE5 stock is at 10 dollars a share at this exact point in time with zero buy/sell orders. If five minutes later on, the buy orders outnumber the sell orders to the point where it raises the price up to 10.125 dollars per share, SMART MONEY, or (SM) for short; has raised this price. SM thought that five minutes ago, the price would rise for various and numerous reasons, and then all simultaneously, without any connections with each other, hopefully and supposedly in most cases; made their trades, or made their bets as a horse track gambler would put it, it really is the same thing in mathematical principles other than business risk is not created in and by itself as a gaming house. Still investing is gambling, and if this was not so, then FEDERAL LAW would not exist that forces every prospectus ever written to add in the famous disclaimer of the famous words that all investors see in their sleep, “Past performance is not a guarantee of future results”. Still, before I lose the viewer interest, let me march this along. No matter how many people in the 1% of the smallest investors, invest and trade, the real effect of prices and price changes will come from the total amount of all of the buying and selling orders, and this money is the greater money collective of 99% of the wealthier investors, or the SM. The SM will not ever be in a re-count situation or a close call election, this is Wall Street, not Political Election Processes. There cannot ever be close calls between SM and the rest of us little folks, Even when the market prices are unchanged, it is the SM, not any of the 1% little traders, that are causing this balance of BUY/SELL. There simply is just way to much control and the ratio of the SM verses the other 99% total $ is and will always be insignificant, hence, when prices move up and down, it is SM that is doing it. Most of the time it is being done totally legitimately, and yes there are cheaters and exceptions, and we have a rotten enforcement system because a lot of SEC agents have their hands out, and I personally know it, but again, this is not the point here, the point is about the SM, and then when I feel you understand this, I'll move us all along to World News, and agendas, and proof of a powerful ugly demon out there called the G-20 or the Banking system, all owned by none other than the World Owners of the WOMO. So first, it is only the biggest 99% that really moves the prices, and all the small folks put together just do not have the capitol to make any price changes. Then second, these movers and shakers of the investment community are all trying to make a profit which is perfectly fine if they do it legally without ripping off peoples entire retirement savings and so forth, but it is not done to move the prices, not in theory, it is done by these investors because the majority of them believe that the markets will indeed go in one direction or another, so they place their gigantic orders to buy or to sell, be it a commodity, a stock, a bond, an option, be it single, consortium, or corporate investment, etcetera. Then by these 'smart' and huge people, all betting in the same direction, or more in one than another, such as to keep a simple illustration here, out of 100 investors making 10 trades, 7 bet in total share averages on a rising price so they BUY, while 3 bet in total share averages on a falling price so they SELL, the combined 10-SMART-MONEY system, becomes a 7 to buy and 3 to sell, and as first year investment college courses teach, the law of supply and demand merely then goes on to force a rise in the price of that particular company or corporation division of itself, or “SHARE”. So without any organized conspiracy, this is happening every single day and every single second. Orders come flooding in, and prices move all around. Still the traders on the floor of the stock exchange can do little things to make little changes, but when it is all said and done, at the end of each business day, the SM speaks, and everyone else must listen, because one day a company that is publicly traded is valued at 500 dollar a share, and the next day, at only 450, and for those on the wrong end of that trade, it is curtains. Now SM (SMART MONEY) can be followed as far as what their agenda are, far beyond and outside of their money temples at Broad and Wall in Manhattan. Take last week. Monday-Thursday, the markets did terribly and fell down like an old sixties Slinky toy, down a long escalator of non hazardous life, huh old pal Pete Smith from McAndrews and Forbes Licorice? Yet on Friday, it was able to take 50 points of profit, still a nasty slip and fall for the week, but let's look at the agenda. All week long, down, down, and down, she went. Then comes Friday. Things could not be worse in the Middle East. This country is still years and years away from being energy independent, so our national interest and even security, is on high alert right now as I speak and blog this, anything can al;ways happen. Things may all turn out just fine, me personally, I don't like this shit one little bit. It is dovetailing in with the Mayan Calendar crap, it is all coming together with very intense new weather patterns on a global scale, it is on the heals of four murdered Americans, I mean, things could not fucking stink a whole lot more if five billion pigs fell out of the sky and all took a monster shit when they landed, really folks, it couldn't stink all that much more right now if it tried to, on steroids. Yet what happens on FRIDAY, the SM placed a lot more BUY ORDERS than they did on SELL orders on the 30 Industrial Stocks, DJIA of the Dow Jones American System. So the smart money believes and has agendas that will cause events to begin leading towards, a real fuck up all over again, in that lovely part of the world that cannot seem to sustain any lasting peace if it tried, for thousands of mother fucking ass years now, and all since Abraham and Sarah. It would have been 5,000 fucking times more logical for the DJIA to have climbed nearly a thousand points between last Monday and say about Wednesday when shit was heating up over in the Holy Lands, and then drop like hell on Thursday and worse yet, yesterday on Friday. But no, so why no? AGENDAS of the American and even the GLOBAL BANKING SYSTEM. They want this war to escalate. They secretly want this to get real bad, so we can all pay DOUBLE IN GASOLINE, just like back in the nineteen-seventies, not once, but fucking twice, THESE SCAMS WERE ALL PULLED. I tell you folks, in all honesty, these people are all out enemies, and want to kill off 90-99 percent of the little people, and they will. They will starve us eventually to death,m and get us to kill each other all fucking off. Watching the Global International situations unravel on the news, and then comparing the DJIA stock market system tells it all. When it does not go up when things in the Middle East improve, and it does not go down when things over there start getting scarey as fucking shit, this is how you can know the agenda of Wall Street. When it is up as it was on Friday, after Jerusalem and all the shit over there went down, with the threat of it only getting worse and worse, that is your proving agenda, that OK, then that must be what WALL STREET DOES WANT TO HAVE HAPPEN. If it was what THEY DID NOT WANT, then it would have dropped, as the SM would have placed many more selling orders than buying orders on Friday, and the first three days of the week should have gone in the opposite direction, but didn't. Speaking of rotten fucking shit this is now PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN, LEAVING ME TO FUCKING SEE FOUR ONES ON MY SCREEN, SO LET ME NOW COMPENSTATE WITH SOME NICE FIVES, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5555555555555 times 5555555 times 55555555555 and then divided by 555555555555 is equal to gives a fucking ass shit as all I want to do is stare at these lovely ass fucking fivers, and get Jane's ugly puss out of my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I have told what I wanted to tell, and now on Monday, I will either get Debbie to move me, or I will drive down to the fucking cunt State Capitol, and see just what my human rights are, remember I am 10% non-white, and will be sending a letter off to al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. This is a violation of my civil rights.

Enjoy these YOUTUBE VIDEO LINKS, just click on them and when they end, click back on your top left screen back button to bring you right back here where you can enjoy clicking and viewing all day long.

END OF THE BLOG FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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