Saturday, July 22, 2023





8:24 Ante' Meridian, Saturday morning, July 22, 2023

On my last blog, Chapter 6 of Capt. Picard's Hell-box, I started 2 say something and it began with Shakespeare, and then suddenly, I GOT MIND HACKED BY THE WSS. All of this will tie up together in and with my recent dream with my 'dawter', as it is spelled in the parallel world where my entire nightmares all truly began, along with the STARBURN OUTREACH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF PENNSYLVANIA. It also is Y this blog is naught written with any coloring of printed words, nor colored pages. I need 2C now if the hack from copying what my dawter told me recently, is now on me' 'OPEN OFFICE WORD SYSTEM', or if it is on the 'BDC Web-Site' itself; as if this crap with my words all coming out in highlighted jumble-junk of the past few, still happens on THIS BLOG; THEN IT IS A HACK AT THE BLOGGER, and it's naught on me' goddamn office-word system, YO! I can't wait 2 post and C, but let me finish up what needs 2B said here first. If this MIMI-HACK is on the computer, it must B taken over 2 the PSL-Walmart Store's 'TECHY' joint, TODAY!

Ever since that wild dreaming interaction with me' dawter in that parallel place where she was doing something on a computer, and then I copied it; pow, that wild stupid ass (word-highlight-hack) began 2 happen on me' blogs. But let me get back 2 Mister Shakespeare and his famous saying, that any educated person knows only 2 damn well, concerning the world being a stage, and we all being mere play-actors on that damn stage. I was mind hacked B4-I could go onto say that everythig indeed is a play or a simulation program from an upline reality, and so 4 all I can ever truly B allowed 2 know 4 absolute sure concerning my woes and hells, is that they R indeed happening 2 me; and they ain't any damn ass delusions. As 4 those seemingly responcible, I must always face the possibility that nobody even knows me, or about me; and they have nothing whatsoever 2 do with my agonies and persecutions, but in fact; the directors and producers and writers of this human world Shakespearian play, have scripted this so as it looks like this 2 me, when it is carefully examined and analyzed; yet all the while, it is the upline characters doing all of this, pulling all of the puppet strings; and the actual people R just play acting in this horrendous play, and mean me no harm at all. This fact must B faced as a total POSSIBILITY, otherwise, I am truly insane. I of course know fully well, that I am most likely the most rational and sane person alive!

Now I won't highlight, color, underline, slant, cut and paste, or do any feature whatsoever on this entire blog word document. If it comes out without that stupid highlight junk that messes up my pages, then the hack is in my computer, and is 'a direct result of my DREAM' from a few nights back, with me' transdimensional kid, and no, naught PEE, but rather, Merry. Just because lovely PEE in most worlds, died in a taxicab at her birth, and in one, she exists and resides with the entire family in Egg Harbor City, NJUSAESMWG; does not mean that if I am dreaming of my kid in this world, it is not a transdimensional event, as it most certainly is. Most peeps don't even in their wildest fantacies, take dreaming one wee bit seriously, and the few that do, have all sorts of crazy wild notions and superstitions about it that R far and wide distances from the reality of what I know about the truths, concerning the 5th dimensional hyperspace. Still, all this said; there is a wee bit more B4-I close this out 2C if it posts up without the HIGHLIGHT-HACK! U don't need 2 know 2 much, as I cannot B sure who is friend, and who is foe, and just who is reading me on this BDC web-site. 4 all I know, I have but one person, my follower, who even remotely cares about reading my story, and who can ever know; maybe many care, and just don't know any more than I do, what can B done about my plight, and my hell. I never wanted anything from anybody, and am a true blue believer in that great saying, “Give me a hand UP, and NAUGHT a HAND OUT”. All I ever wanted in life was a fair and honest chance, same as anybody goddamn ass else, YO. But I don't know who is who, and what is what; so if anyone reading these blogs thinks that I can EVER truly let it all out, completely unabridged and detailed and leaving absolutely nothing out; well, “FORGET IT”, as I simply cannot. It just would naught B safe nor prudent 4 me 2 ever just wrecklessly 'let it all hang out', as the old expression used 2 go, YO BRAH!

Now exactly what is going on with the 'COMMENTS-DECREASING-HACK', is an entirely other issue and matter. I am going 2B running several tests. I think that every time that I go up on my dashboard STATS, clicking on that button saying 'STATS', so that I can 'CAP' in the results, it is causing it 2 decrease by one comment count; and if I am wrong, we will cross that bridge then. 4 now, I am going 2 begin a carefully kept accurate log on my own files, and test this out. Then I am going 2 have the lady who helped me B4 on several of me' 'blog-issues', from the library; e'mail the Blogger-Team with the results of the test that I will now B running. Until this issue is successfully resolved however, I will say no more about it on any blogs. I have a couple of wild theories as 2 what caused this, and if correct, it is yet another oh-M-8-MIMI-HACK; as it seemingly began at the 3-33 and 4 the gods only know what reason, began becoming noticed by me, this blogger, after it fell down 2 the count number of 3-27. So where R-U when we all need U, Sir Nickola Tesla and your great Manhattan hotel room, from so long ago, and so far away? Oh yes, lovely 'Mizz Mia Berriosaflash'; just how can we all learn 2 live in peace?


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