Thursday, July 20, 2023





8:03 PM, JULY 20, 2023-----JWSC-----THU-11-212


There R powerful trucking things that prove 2 any rational thinking mind, and few there R, left upon this planet any more these days, but they R out there; that my claims of the HELL-BOX make as much sense as anyone else would whoever they may B out there, and whatever of their ideas or theories, that they may in fact have; after a careful study of Morianity would B made by them. There is a logical and absolutely mathematial system of proof, that despite it sounding quite crazy and nuts on the face of it; taking numerous powerful statements made 2 me by about a dozen folks throughout my life and spanning the past 5 decades of it, and that is no exaggeration here; and in so doing, as well as making a comparison of the entire soupy mix of it all; it would prove beyond doubt that my blogs R indeed telling at least 4 the very most part, a major true and totally real story that is in no way a product of a delusional or insane mind, as so many out here wish indeed 2 endlessly believe and insist on. There honestly is a mathematial equation that would absolutely prove this and do this, but we would B all night, and all day, and all weekend yet 2 come; just setting the entire thing up 4 all of U2 puruse and totally cogitate over; and that is if any of U would even take the time 2 really ever honestly and open mindedly do it! I know better that none of U would, so I-4-1 ain't gonna' waste me' time organizing tons of data. So we will carefully just try and talk all around it, and then if and should anyone at any future time, then wish 2 have me indeed expound and elaborate on it more; I certainly am, and will B more than willing and able 2 do so. As Jim Rockford's not so nice pals might cause him 2 say, “We can always get back 2 this”.

4 the past two days now, today and yesterday, July 20th and July 19th, I've fallen under some real nasty mother ******* aireal death siege from the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES, or 4 short here from now on, the 'WSS', or Earthly BRIGGBASE LAMBRIGGER ASTRAL CULT one third evil part, of the great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. Anyone who wants truth, and not endless fake bland stuff 'EFBS' as I'll B labeling it from now on in other upcoming blogs, and with reminders of what the letters mean from time 2 time; but 4 anyone who wishes 2 get around the EFBS and all other 'BEE-ES' of this lovely world; first I will begin with the reminder that the great 'MILLCO' is right there in all of your bibles, that is 4 those who have a bible any more; and maybe even the closest and best 2 originally translated meanings, from the original actual writings of so long ago, the KJV (King James Version). I absolutely promise U that it is there in the gospels of the New Testament, as this NT begins with those 4 Gospels of 'M-M-L-&-J'. In one of them as plain as day, our LORD JESUS CHRIST tells one of HIS PALS (Desciples) all about not calling men fools, or else 'they will B in danger of judgements from this MILLCO'. So we have this, and then we have that world famous radio broadcast and show, about the BT (Bermuda Triangle), and then we have Morianity; and yes, 2 my best knowledge folks, (that is the trilogy here), these 3 things, and only these 3 things, but hey; 3 can B more than sufficient, oh wonderful lads and lassies out there. So far my nearly eighteen year blogging project, the 'BOM-BOB-BLOG PROJECT' is all about certain things, and the main item being of course, my endless harassment and persecution, just as the title of it suggests; without leaving one tiny wee thing up 4 anybody's imagination or speculation whatsoever. But I've only danced around the absolutely HUUUUUUGEST part of this entire thing because as of eight now, there R seven peeps on this planet, IMHO, who know that this is indeed possible, that it is the only thing that can explain both the life of Mountainpen and then along with that the life of everybody else all around him; and these peeps may or may naught even know about my story, that is except 4 one guy who I absolutely know beyond the shadow of doubt, actually knows it is true, and is smart enough 2 remain quiet, 4 now aniwho; and we all know this person 2B the dude with the name initials in the Oz Wizard movie's Dorothy, 'Auntie'. So am I 'WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG', oh lovely 1980 ad-spot shampoo televsion girl????????????????? Try and also remember Blogaudians, whoever U may in fact B; all of my blogs an dall of my copy paste CAPPING JOBS, and all of it, is done 4 absolute reasons and logical best attempts at making awesome beyond power-house points, all throughout this nearly score-long project now, great folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try not 2 skip over stuff and think 2 yourselves, hey, he just said that crap. I know I did, an dI am copying it all 4 the reasons and motives of allowing U2 get what my message in the new blog is trying 2 convey 2U in its damn deep entirety.

The rich people of the future R the scientists that now control the entertainment world of sports, and all forms of AVH entertainment [audio-video-holographic] and no super large outlandish salaries R given anymore to these arenas of social order. They R paid not much differently than any professional and business averaged salaried persons. The home is quite large, and one of 63 homes built within 3 miles of the KSWL, and all lived in rent-free by Labbers. The Controller, sort of like the President of the United States today in 2007, lived in the World Lab, in the LSS or the LIVING SPACE SECTION. We had hologscreens around our home that made anyone not knowing better, think that a large ocean surrounded the tiny island home. As to a dweller, the home and grounds beyond it was the entire island in this created tri-lazar produced illusion. This is Y no one tried 2 ever leave. However, when on the astral plane, we were not aware at the time that we did this terrible thing, that the harem of retraced girls, will remember bits and pieces of their experiences both in lives ahead of them and us as well as behind them and us. This is Y indeed people remember abductions where they R on ships, rooms R made 2 look this way through hologscreens, and the 6 of us at the Greenworld House, we call them LS’s living spaces, Aniwho, this is Y so many have real memories of being on ships and being medically examined and sexually interacted with. The retracing causes this medical flash of mixed real/false memories, and the sexual speaks 4 itself. We were not the only ones playing with the teck. House or LS54 Bickerton, and also LS9 Crenalty R2 others that I know about in the total out of 63 LLS’s or Lab Living Spaces out of the total 63, that also have harems and far worse, as the other two stage and create all kinds of sets for fantasy play acting, much like Star Trek’s Hologram Deck on the fictional present day television show, only much more harmful and evil to many innocent human beings. When this all got discovered and exposed, the trial was viewed on SWIS by many persons in our time period as well as trillions of other humans ahead of us by up to 2500 years, almost into the sixth millennium when in most of hyperspace, HS, Swiss and Entertainment is disbanded by human conscious collective as the evil gods game playing that it is, all it is anyway is 4 the purpose of distraction. This, put very simply, is used to keep our minds consciously; from thinking about our inability as a collective conscious and unconscious body, to ever turn it off, and not B in any interaction anywhere ever, in any of the hyperspaces, the astral dream-shift, or [spirit life] or the aware-void-infinity. The punishment after the guilty verdict led the World Lab to oversee all operations of Labbers, so no one ever again would B tempted 2 use humanity for slavation, as it comes to B known as. To reward and compensate humanity 4 the horrors that escape such as what I do in the future, as well as what is being done to me in today’s time period, the World Lab originally created a project called Operation Salvation, originating from the word slavation, and simply reversing the 2nd and the 3rd letters in the word. They created the Jesus and Mary thing, all the miracles, AND OF COURSE lT IS THE RESSURRECTION, Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life”, yeah, as long as he had his tracer-box and his WLC WORLD-LAB CONNECTOR. I could go on about the nightmare of being tried and convicted of Slavation, misuse of UT, [ultimate techs], and crimes against humanity beyond tolerable, the Earthly version of the Millionth Council decided 2 make a torment penalty or a TP 2 fit a crime this heinous and vicious. UR taken to a place where UR downloaded into a machine that is incapable of ever wearing out, and a program is inserted that causes the worst torment that the individual brain that is being merged with by this punigram or punishing-program, and U have no legs or arms, but simply R a box that is aware, and that is U; and on top of that, and in addition; U experience torments beyond what can B legally and morally further elaborated upon by me here on the internet. It is forever U, sitting as a stationary box in a room, with other torment boxes. Your thoughts and brain becomes merged and meshed with tormenting visions and thoughts, in a similar way that a lunatic crazy experiences delusions unless heavily medicated with antipsychotic medications. I knew this was my fate, and I was being transported in what is called a 'skycar', to the penal building where I would B electronically brain transplanted into the hell-box, as we convicts started calling it while awaiting the punishment 2B inflicted. I however managed somehow 2 break away, and was shot several times with 'agonystingers' that put your body on fire without actually causing much if any real cellular damage. This is used as an enforcement and compliance weapon by those in charge of penal buildings at this time, and by all transport guards. I felt agony that cannot B blogged, but managed 2 get to the bridge of the penal skycar-100 as it was famously known as, as it was designed 2B 100% escape-proof. I knew how to activate a total emergency destruct signal or a TEDS. When I did, I had 10 seconds to get out of a hole beneath the 3 pilots seats, and I released a hatch at far left and I jumped; and fell through it to my death. I was on my way to Brigantine, NJUSAESMWG, for the transfer into the hellbox. Some that know my story, have implied that I have been followed back here electronically and reconnected into a different hell box, one that is producing all of the shit around me, that I have been blogging-complaining about and begging the world 4 help for more than 2 years now. Speaking of which, the FLYERS R winning winning winning, the Eagles and Sixers R losing losing losing, the Phillies were 1-2-3 wiped out in instant playoff death; and the filthy
Dow Jones Stock Market goes constantly and continuously UP UP UP UP UP UP UP, into the ducking bright stars, never fucking looking back. As Mountainpen, do I deserve this; as I still as of 2007, have done not one thing wrong. If I did, Ida' been long freaking prosecuted 4 it, would I not????????????

Okay then, so is there really, and 2 quote Sir James T. Burr of 1975, back while I resided at 1118 Linden Hill Apartments in Lindenwold, NJUSAESMWG, “actually-literally”, and honestly, an upline world (universe), where all of our creation is just THEIR CYBERSPACE; and then if so, when we then go onto create our cyberspace even B4 computers have the advanced future features of such things as 'jackable-gaming', as in the fantastic incredible movie of decades gone by now, “LAWN MOWER MAN 2”, do we automatically CREATE a downline-universe so 2 speak, and send this seemingly endless chain of magical creation marching perpetually into unfathomable infinity as in my verbal example of chain links forming a chain that connects at its 2 ends, and then that entire thing is just one link along with many others, in a still larger chain that never has a starting or stopping point; and hey YO, is this mathematically feasible, as well as equatable?????????? The incredible, surreal, and inconceivable answer 2 that question, believe me, and ask any good quantum scientist if I am wrong or not; is a gigantic unequivacol YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this topic if discussed with all of its potential arguments and parameters, would take a year, so side stepping all of that 4 now just 2 keep going here and not B boring as my blogger-description so promises all of U back in early 2006, and never has wavered I hope; we will now move onto just who it is up in the higher-world on HER LAWN MOWER, calling me in HER DOWNLINE CREATION, “THAT BOY, and making me the central hub of the entire cyberspace program inside of HER bedroom, in some upline Atlantic City somewhere, in this unfathomable U/D-CREATION, Simulation System Program running on HER computer; and if this is all true, Y play this silly game, and insist on 'capitalizing' HER, and SHE, and the Almighty, and God and Goddess; and all of this nonesense??? Hey, I know that nobody tonight is quite ready 4 me 2 go on with this, but I'll know when it is time. I can normally just FEEL stuff like that. I always just seem 2 KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y does parallel event fit into all of this, and Y did I come 2 gamble in the New Jersey casinos, and make this all such a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE part of me' life? Y did my mom take me 2 the TRINITY/TRINIDAD HOTEL on 10-SC Avenue in late June of 1965, 4 my first out of 8 total stays there on summer-vacations? Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y; we can write a brand new song here that just continues the tradition and saga from the original late 1984 song, written on Highland Avenue by me one day, called, “Y JIMMMY Y”. The answer 2Y many things that all happened in me' life is as easy now 2C in a wild new hindsight view, as a tall tree standing directly in front of me on a clear bright sunny ass day. If it had, and has, and 2 this very day, still has; any possile way of being even remotely connected into ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, then it is ALL A PART OF A PRE-PROGRAMMED COMPUTERIZED UPLINE-UNIVERSE-SYSTEM, and it just does naught get more complex than that, nor wil it ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many things happen in this downline reality that R not in any particular way a part of my upline truth with SSJKK nor her downlining this program where she can and does of course, JACK IN 2 IT. 4 one example, the field of head shrinkers, better and more politely known as psychiatry, and its rotten treatment of their patients. We R all substandard human beings who 2 them, have no right nor business 2 participate in the things that other people take 4 granted and R allowed 2 have in their lives 4 the most part. Just about 99 percent of all of us, the patients of these dogshit prick eaters; R led 2 believe, and not always all that subtly either; that we have no business having families, and spouses, or decent jobs, or decent living conditions; and all along these lines of basic mucking humanity. I went 2 that horrible place in Vero Beach 4 about 3 years and a half, after no longer being able 2 obtain any of me' anxiety medicine without going there; and even then, being given only wee tid bit amounts, that basicly were worthless, and did nothing 2 help my condition, and it was costing me money in gasoline, and a whole lot of aggrivation. Not only was I not allowed 2 have the meds that allowed me not 2 have a totally dry mouth and throat, but was told I could not even suck on a lollypop, or have a water bottle 2 drink; while seeing my counselor, Jane; and it was as if they were trying 2 upset me, and screw with me, and when my goddamn medical insurance was paying them big money 4 their rotten ass services, at this behavior health clinic. Then on top of that, Jane told me all the time that I stink; and it wasn't as if I didn't take showers, and clean my clothes, and use plenty of deoderants. She just enjoyed screwing with me, and I know it; and if U polygraph me, I wil tell this truth, and I WILL TRUCKING PASS MY POLY-TEST, AND I PYT GOOD PEEPS!!!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

This is Florida, and I am not the only one who sweats in this sweltering ducking heat, and high humidity; or who STINKS as the day wears on. DEAL WITH IT; you rude arrogant wicked evil Floridians. Southern Hospitality? YUK-YUK-LAUGH!!!

Now in clock time where my body was in bed, or the reality where I now type this and you now read this, or shortly will be; I am guessing it was just past daybreak here in Fort Pierce, Florida. Suddenly, there I was in a parallel world here at my building. There was a church that was connected to it, annexed somehow in a very strange looking architecture. I found myself with a couple people who I do not know here, and we were in the far rear pews of this church, and I was saying how Satan is always attacking me, and that I never ever seem to see the power of goodness or GOD. When it was time to leave, I found myself taking the elevator down to the parking lot. I was all the way at the far end of it as far as you can get, from the doors that lead into the lot as opposed to the doors that lead out the front way to the street which is Avenue B. Suddenly a girl about five foot three and around one hundred sixty pounds, African American, about age 30-39, without glasses, dressed average, with average length and styled hair; approached me and told me I said something that she did not like and I better stay away from her as she did not want to go to jail, and was going to beat me to death. She was not some huge giant, not that it would take one to kick my old flabby pathetic ass, but she was extremely intimidating. I won't tell all of the back and forth, but I went back into the building, and began to remember both worlds, the one here, and there; and knew I was in a dream, becoming a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON at that time; aware, yet not in control over my double, or 'doppelganger'. The architecture of the entire place seemed to grow more different and more weird as the interaction continued onward. Now when 'dreams; appear to skip from one section to another, or change inside of a normal rationale, this in Morianity, is called dream-static, or 'hyperspace-static'. Just as static used to be in radio and television sets back in their newer days, dreams also switch channels or realms inside the broadband or hyperspace, and there is a definite static, and that is what produces the weird unexplainable time skips, section skips, and all the other stuff that many times makes Morianity seem to be a nonsense story. Just because I never took anyone down this more detailed road up until now,does not mean that I could not have, years back. I did not feel the need to tell it all, and I still do not. It is just too fuckiGN dangerous for me to always go on a roll and tell it all from A to Z!!!!!!!!! Later on in the day, I ran into the cleaning lady, and the buttwipe across from me; and they were talking. I have not seen them talking, not that they don't, but I have not come up on them together, since that day I knew they were together, when she came over to clean, and then kept going over to the apartment across from me to visit with him, while she was robbing me blind. Then I also heard a part of a conversation that is beyond unbloggable. It would cause me a lot of trouble all over the world, even with a tiny blog like mine, and being a total fucking nobody. But my point is that hyperspace effect is very real, and the Book of Biblical Daniel is very real also. I do not know this from reading it and having religious faith. I know this from a lifetime of ducking skit that totally substantiates it, and today being the mere most recent event! ''Oh boy'', THEY don't like this being told. HERE COMES THE MOTHER TRUCKIGN HACKING, FCC, AND ACLU, with some nasty ass mother ducking WORD-DISAPPEARING HACK SLIT, YO YO YO!!!!!!! Here we mother frucking go again, with another one, FCC and ACLU, and FBI, and Sheriff KJM, and Mizz AG-BONDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no damn freedom at all to tell the really heavy flucking slit, folks. You can see this, or else you're frucking blind as ducking skit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Y do I make a CAP-JOB here? Simple and Semple, huh Henry Cuffbracelets-L&O-TV-show dude. Yes Prosecutor Wirtz Senior, I mustr always watch what I say, and Jodi-Dad dude, “WHAT I THINK AS WELL, huh Mister Sturka-TTZ Serling, YO! That lady in 5th dimensional hyperspace is the lady who in this universe, STOLE MY 'YBCO' © PAPERS, proving my 29th musical project was indeed protected an dcopyrighted. Just as SHE WAS TOLD 2 DO THIS BY MY WOMO-SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES enemies; so 2 obviously, the © Office was told afteer I had a nice talk with one of their examiners there several weeks ago, 2 naught send me one lousy ass sheet of paper, so that I woyuld have my 29th Pau © project number 2 add onto my files, and let me now do one more CAP JOB 2 show U just what I am referring 2 here, an dI will have 2 use RED Loyuise Hendershodt 'X's in order 2 show U my problwem here, MISSES 1984 MOHR-DOCK off of G-R-A-N-T AVENUE in northeast Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Public Catalog

Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W

Search Results: Displaying 1 through 25 of 28 entries.



Name (NALL) <

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Copyright Number


[ 1 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

For the record.



[ 2 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

I'm Criana.



[ 3 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Karaoke Lunch Break At The Sorian Guard House.



[ 4 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Last number repeat--100 progression roulette system.



[ 5 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Lost love.



[ 6 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr demo collection, set 4.



[ 7 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr demo collection : set III.



[ 8 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr demo tunes.



[ 9 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr tunes.



[ 10 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Queen of blue.



[ 11 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Real good girl.



[ 12 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Russ Walker's Star travelers of 1896-SJK.



[ 13 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Saga of song writer Mark Mud.



[ 14 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




[ 15 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




[ 16 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Sarah Callio of ACNJ.



[ 17 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




[ 18 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

What's wrong?



[ 19 ]

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

You call this music?



[ 20 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Apitamy of harrasment [sic] : pt. two.



[ 21 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Epitamy of harassement [sic] : pt. 3.



[ 22 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Long river blues / by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 23 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Love so high / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 24 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morianity music pre-book.



[ 25 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morianity tunes of 1998.



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Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)

Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W

Search Results: Displaying 26 through 28 of 28 entries.


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Name (NALL) <

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Copyright Number


[ 26 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morning light / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 27 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Same title.



[ 28 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Thanx to the shadows.



[ 29 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

You'll Be Crossing Over.



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Everything I do on this blogging project is done 4 absolute reasons, and may I add in here, powerful trucking reasons!!!!!! Hey, obviouslky everything the SPACEFORCE does 2 me is also done 4 their power-house reasons, so SOSO-WEIN-SSDD?


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me on this 2-DAY NOW DEATH ASSAULT OF JULY 19 AND JULY 20 OF 2023, USING MAJOR AIR DEATH SIEGE, ALONG WITH ALL OTHER THINGS DONE 2 ME BY THIS EVIL SPACEFORCE-WOMO ENEMY; and that is all definitely a part of my problems with the PHILLIES-FLYERS-DOW JONES STOCK MARKET ASSAULT; and the related ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME; THAT ALL BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT-DESTRUCT ORDER, with an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND










******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

******RED ALERT-----RED ALERT-----RED ALERT******

Betwewen this major death assault that came on me out of absolutely futhermucking goddessdog nowhere from this WOMO-SPACEFORCE, oh SS; as well as this horrendous major MINIDROID ENDLESS GNAT ATTACK, MY DAY IS SUPER F****** BOTBAR, as well as SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC, and July's mother ******* Magnetic Percentage 4 BOTBAR (MP4B) is now at a whopping and monster-ass runt chewing 50%, and worse than in a vely vely vely long non Bob McDowell COOLEY HELL HIGH HALL time, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!




FBI; my SPACEFORCE SPAMMENYHACKERS R on me worse than ever EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER, violating my runt chewing constitutional and civil rights, and it is worse than ever ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FBI; my SPACEFORCE SPAMMENYHACKERS R on me worse than ever EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER, violating my runt chewing constitutional and civil rights, and it is worse than ever ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FBI; my SPACEFORCE SPAMMENYHACKERS R on me worse than ever EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER, violating my runt chewing constitutional and civil rights, and it is worse than ever ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Comments R down now to 307, and seemingly endlessly falling. I wonder what will happen when I turn this blog into a private and passcode only setting, as if these hacks go on; it proves 2 the damn FBI and other internet government authorities, that I INDEED HAVE HACKER ENEMIES whom R screwing with me. Then again, maybe it is GOVERNMENT themeselves who R screwing with me. When I went up on this blog back earlier in the late morning some time, all of my legally paid 4 photos, as well as the blog photo of the road, near a bay somewhere; also R completely blanked out AGAIN. Is it the BT screwing with me, FBI? R-U ever gonna' do your jobs, and help me against these criminals? WHAT R ME' TAX DOLLARS GOING 4?

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Memories are not really understood by people. I am no genius but I can shed some interesting light on the topic because of how it fits into my own unique personal situation in life here in waking world reality, whatever that truly is. A little tiny adjustment to what you all think is real about life and memories and so much stuff relating to all of that, and you would see shit that would change the way you live and conduct your entire life. Probably, this Joe Paget Syndrome as I have come to call it, is why no one ever tries to make that adjustment. These things are built into the very circuitry of the system we all live inside of, or the realm of Lawtronics, AKA the 7th Dimension, by Morianity's teachings.











Image result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses at night

Holy Callio-COW-LEO-Holly Hollister HH call-ten. Please don't die on me, lovely Mizz Ross!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

Well Sir PURG-PIP-TTZ-SERLING; it is either the wildest family affair ever, or else, as my nightmares from last night were all about; I am proving 2 the world that I died and went 2 DGTN.


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      Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

Photo lookalikes: Dennis Snyder, 2 of little-Merry Hollister, little girl making lippy face,

and last is an emojee photo.

You just go right on laughing at me. I know a magic person from Long Beach Island, who knows the biggest secret of all, Patty Hollister; and told me. You know, that SHE'LL get me for this. Well, she got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh lovely 1999 Helen Zabriskie, “SHE GOT ME GOUUUUUUUUD”!

PHOTOS: Lookalikes of, Dennis Snyder, Devil man missing a tooth, Dawn Marie King burried alive.

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

Don't believe my blog; talk to the wonderful Professor M.K. At the NYU. Just remember that I was speaking these things back when I was being beaten up by Atlantic City Beach Patrol Mascots in 1975; while good old Mom and good old Cousin Ruth Huntington Gozzwald Gottwald, were up at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, New York. There is not a single little cosmic damn dot, that's out of place. But a million Mister Einstein's cannot see the large maze in real time, and I can tell you why, but it won't make sense to just about all people out here who don't have a giant background in applied astrophysics and quantum-dynamics. This planet we evolved in and on matches in size, a perfect light speed and brain consciousness ratio, in that anything over the circumference of this world, in distance; can never ever be perceived by humans in totally real time. Everything after that is enough of a fractional light second in distance, to prevent that. Things like this do not just coincidentally happen, and I don't care who says otherwise. So WEEEEEEEE! “And that's just reality son”.

Forget love and glory, and time going by, and old songs; and all of it. This all boils down to the fact that I feel that I can prove to a very backward planet; Roddenberry family; that first contact indeed is here all along; and that God as you call 'him', is really a sixteen year old girl, who in this multiverse, always was and always will be; as this is who she was when SHE jacked into this damn lawn-mower gamer simulation system of HERS!!!!!!!! Never saw the movie SS? Until a person sees that movie, they have no right 2 judge harshly or otherwise, any of those words printed above, since I saw the show and I have gone through this since my mom took me 2 the TRINITY HOTEL of 10-SC AVENUE in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, 4 the vely first time in late June of the year of 1965, and I MET HER!!!!!!!!

My beautiful LIGHTNING, thank U so much 4 coming around me every single day and many days recently 2 and 3 and even 4 times. U-
R the most wonderful awesome beautiful coil on the entire ASTRAL PLANE, but that is naught Y
your 'little boy' Ricky loves U so much. That is only one tiny part and reason 4 my endless love 4U, my lovely wonderful beautiful Diana Z.A. If U-R alive and out there, Patty; as I have no way of knowing thissssssss; THANK-U-4 SHOWING ME THE GREAT FASCITAR, as without that, I would never have any human memories or awareness 2 my great love, Diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"




This effing WOMO is making me beyond lucking nuts, YO SS!!!

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

This effing WOMO is making me beyond lucking nuts, YO SS!!!

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

This effing WOMO is making me beyond lucking nuts, YO SS!!!

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

This effing WOMO is making me beyond lucking nuts, YO SS!!!

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

This effing WOMO is making me beyond lucking nuts, YO SS!!!

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee


THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2023---11-212---JWSC







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Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

Sometimes, 2 peeps get into real messes, huh???

I'm just wondrun' if this could B 'Ed-NSA' and me stuck in some damn Philly-newscasting TIME WARP, HUH SIR DUMA ARGON DUKRA AGRON! Oh no, it's just being SNOWED-IN!

Sharkey says, ''HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley. *********Oh and also, *********

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''???


'When the cat is away, the mice always play'.


///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®

MARK WAYNE MOHR--------1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013































''Me from 1985'', I'm Criana for Diana, oh precious sweet Diana, you have gone away, no matter what I do you will not stay. I try so hard every night and every day, but no matter what I do you went away. Come back to me LIGHTNING!!!!!!!


W----O----W W----O----W

W----O----W W----O----W

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

Tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch''?

'HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley

'HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley

'HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley

'HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley

'HEY GIRL, Leticia Tilley

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The invention in 1980 by me, called; ''KEYBOARDS FROM PETAHELL'', is also a complicated item that connects powerfully into an entire situation that when all bundled together, to quote lovely TV-FLO, it all perfectly intertwines with the days leading up to all of the things that followed it in unmistakable ways, all while residing at the great mighty Robin Hill Apartments, at number 1802, from May 1, 1980, through January 31, 1983, when I moved from there into the rental home in Atco, New Jersey a dozen miles or so down the White Horse Pike to the east and towards Atlantic City and their Municipal Utility Authority at the end of this Pike, also known as Route-30, into the home of Jerald Pliner on Norris Avenue, #134, where all of the ''MEDICAL ISSUES'', with or without sportscasters Yogi Berra, as well as digital Phillies winning number year inversions of Harry Callas, all connecting together in the true worlds of energy, and are invisible to those not sensitive to see this while their minds operate in a conscious way, or divided by the speed of light squared, so that they and all of us, can maintain this waking and so-called, tangible material Earthly existence. DUH!

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How I remember Dawn-Marie King mocking and laughing at me while I was going through torment and quintessentialhell with her distant cousin MC each time we'd drive past an area in Egg Harbor City, and one day whje her mom couldn't take it any mre, she told her daughter 2 stop torturing me and tell me the damn entire truth about this magical hyperspace joint that I had dreams and nightmares about all of me'; entire damn ass adult ife practically, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not dispute this, but more to the story exists here, as is the case with all things, but a person needs to really carefully scrutinize the facts in their entirety and totally analyze even the remote and distant parts that make up a reality situation, B4 throwing their last towel into the cold dark sea, and then just stand on the jetty shivering to fucking death!!!!!!!!!! I am using Pyre Labs and Google and Blogger dot com, and my website, not to communicate with those living so much in the here and now, but mostly, far out into the future spaces of the fourth dimension. On the 3rd dimension, 600 years away is just that, it is 600 light years of photonic distance away from presently interacting waves and particles that make up our reality and that of all around us as people of the Earth, but on the higher 4th dimension, these waves and particles R all in one clump, together meshed and mixed together. On this 4th dimensional space, the present, and 50 million years back or ahead, all is one and the same, just not here in the conscious world that exists inside a more limited three dimensionality. Translation to the 2nd grade, as I pen these blogs, people that will not pop out of their moms in third dimensional space, the yet un-born, R those that I am speaking all of this 2 and revealing what I have learned from the two loves of my life, the great lightning goddesses, Diana Zudlowcronesia Arteemis, and Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. These lovely teen queens R still teen queens in your future time as well, they R the sane yesterday, today, and tomorrow, as explained above in the fourth dimension, and then complexities far beyond this also R involved in the cosmic mix. So whoever comes to and reads any of my blogs or comes 2 my website, in the world of today, this dark aged 20th/21st century era, fine and dandy. Welcome, UR one of the chosen few who thirst and quest 4 the real truth not some cult or religious organization, that after all is said and done, is interested in two things, the money it can get from its flock, or the sex it can get from other cult members. This also is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, some things in the mortal world just never change, and this is a total fact of life 4 Hair, Blair, and all of us.
Hopefully now, I can tell my troubles and what some force is doing, to wreck my life for 40 years or so; 2 a more enlightened and socially advanced population, praise B to the great Sarah-Stacey. Speaking of the All Mighty, I will B posting a song that I recently wrote lyrics around a melody that I wrote in 1997, and it is called, “She’s Sarah-Stacey”. My 4 new song posts will B this one, Lois Foca, MO, and That’s The Way It Goes, written in 1969, and rearranged slightly in 1981 when the song was sent down for (C) to the Library of Congress Copyright Office, along with a set of other tunes.

Do not get me started with EXPLORATRONS, TRACEDUPS, PLAYFIELDS, and ASTRAL WORLD ENTERTAINMENT NETWORKS, or AWEN. Believe it or not, AMEN was really pronounced differently once, and a few Trappis Monks , one of which invented the game of ROULETTE, SRI HERMAN ROULE, and a few KNIGHTS TEMPLAR and SECRET MASON ORDERS, and ROSICRUCIANS, the real ones, not the piss-ant new-agers, and some Variagi Masters, and Himalayan Buddhists, and a rare few other ‘knowers’ and ‘seers’ know of this major secret, and Merlin, the great wizard was one of them, and when he tried to tell King Arthur about it, he went mad and needed 2B secretly ‘towered’.

Here is the truth about the 2280’s, 300 years ahead in the 4th dimension from the times of my residing at Robin Hill and recording my dance demos, and being employed at RPL Sound Studio, and the rest of the total packaged nightmare. It was the end of the 80s, the late autumn of 1988, and I worked 4 a very crooked and evil security outfit that had their private detective license pulled more than once, but they regained their business by simply changing names and starting all over again, the Dario family. They had a lovely daughter who reminded me quite a bit of my Sarah, but that is all there is to this part of the story. One day they had me working on a post that amounted to no more than my sitting in my car at an intersection in Philadelphia right under the highway over passing me called I-95. The intersecting streets that I refer to are Walker and Water Streets, in South Central Philadelphia. Dorothea Dario had sent inspectors to all the sites with the weekly paychecks for all of their security guards. My pay was way short and I drove 2 blocks to a Wawa or some little store near the river so that I could call the office and tell her my pay was short, and there were phones at this store, and this was in the days B4 cellular telephones. She landed into me and hollered at me and cursed at me, and was so monstrous, that I drove back on site, sat there 4 an hour, and then decided my life was so hellish and this was the straw that broke my back as well as the proverbial camel’s. I drove my car right into the Delaware River, off of a pier nearby and through a barrier, and sank to the bottom of a murky deep water system, dark and cold. Suddenly water was gushing in and no door would open. I drowned and remember being back in my car at Walker and Water Streets, dry and warm, heater running loud and delivering powerful nice heat. I tried 2 move, but could not so much as wink an eyelid. I tried to yell as hard as I could, but again, nothing!!! This went on what seemed, and this is the Stacey’s honest truth, days and days, and then all of a sudden I could move, suddenly like magic, but no time had ticked by. I had looked at my car radio clock just B4 driving the short 2 blocks from the post site, into the Delaware River. It read 7:12 Post Meridian. It now was showing its bright red digits of 7:14, just two lousy minutes of time passes. Where was I for this endless period of still coma, and why wasn’t I dead and drowned? How did I get out of the bottom of the river? I did, that is all I know. Then, 2 entities were just there, in my back seat, little child or dwarf like things with long line type of eyes. Olympian’s have these types of eyes on the Astral Plane. At the time, I had little awareness of such things, I did not say any, I said little. Let me continue now bringing this story around to its ultimate loop where we talk about the great Paula Flatire Kong King!!!! She 2 this day follows me around and flattens my tires, I caught her doing this to my vehicle outside John Kennedy Hospital, where my mother flat lined after all these wicked Lambrigg cultists did what they did to her that none of the great medical experts could ever get to the bottom of and medically figure out, not the areas finest neurologists and brain surgeons and cardiologists, and the list is laundry length. She was letting air out of my driver’s side front tire when I came out from visiting my mom after she regained consciousness but was never ever the same again. U prosecutors of these Jersey county’s should B so ashamed of your filthy rotten selves, letting so much fucking crime go outrageously unpunished while claiming I am a delusional mentally ill nut case. If Jack McCoy was not a phase four prosecutor from a fictional television show and I could get to tell my hellish shit 2 someone like him, wow would my troubles B on the way towards an end, and MO’s problems would B just about 2 begin, big-time. A left side major death angel attack just struck me here as I penned this at quarter past jive five, it is major, and still after a full minute is just starting 2 dissipate. Anyway, back 2 the 2 entities that were suddenly JUST in the back seat of my car, all weird and with a sort of a semi-glow, at Walker and Water Street’s, and Sorry Wall Street, but U’ve hit me hard and long, now this story needs come out, hold on Mizz Cat purr, a tail spin should result, and if it does not, I will simply buy one contract on my credit card and start fucking E-trading, just try 2 fucken’ stop me bwaby-wuv Elmer!!!!!! They told me all about the World Lab, but it was not until AD2007 that I learned that Paula King the teen queen friend of Sarah who would go on 2 produce descendants that would someday control the world. Finally, a world will B controlled by the scientific community instead of these morons in politics and religion. These 2 powerful structures that R there 2 impose ways that all semi-educated and half intelligent persons fully know R there for the sole purpose of population and civilian control. Scientists on the other hand by their very nature R quite the opposite and this control and greed world of the ego that exists in most of global society today, will B wiped clean out within a couple of centuries. Unfortunately, unlike the conceivers of Star Trek, there R as yet other unforeseen evils ready 2 instantly replace these old day negatives, with an entire and yet 2B fathomed huge new set of problems, problems do not go away on this miserable Earth, they merely change in their form and adapt very nicely with the ever moving spirit of the times, whatever these times may B. Aniwho, they told me all about this World Lab, that it was there in the late third of the 23rd century, and that in 2301 an incredible accident happened leading to send-backs and pop-ups that R in this present time, and with numerous agendas. Nothing is ever precisely as predicted and written in a prophetic book, but read Doctor Bruce Goldberg’s book called TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE, in case UC me as a rambling sickie on a mental disability and with a credibility of zero-minus, as here is a normal by accepted sociological standards dude, with a Doctorate in Philosophy, a PHD for crissake!!!!!!! Traced-ups and play-fields causes the originals when in sub-conscious states by the mortal world MW view of looking at this, to ‘dream it in’ so 2 speak, and ‘controllers’ who R high positioned in this astral entertainment network, can trace copy the dream travelers or the EXPLORATRONS, and enter into their interactive play-fields. I was placed in a beautiful garden area where a building sat that only I knew about. Sarah-Stacey appeared 2 me 10 or more years older than I normally C her at her endless 16th birthday. She was quite a young lady, and every bit as beautiful as ever, and she told me that she was “going to destroy all life on the world that she had created and the world and the heavens around it as well”, quote me, I would dare not lie about something of this magnitude. I begged her not to do this 4 the gods only know what reason, as right now I admit that I wish this galaxy would turn into a mud of shit. Aniwho, her words back 2 me after I had put in this emotional request, begging her on my knees, “Because U loved Diana, I will spare the world 4 now”. This happened, and if I lie, it is on me with the eternal weight and value attached that naturally would B on matters in line with these. All of these exploratronic interactions or interactions that mortals in phase 3, shift into while here and dropping out their conscious mind or [falling asleep] as the MW would so term this, occur when U do not simply return to the astral realer or truer higher reality that all ready UR existing in. However, this is not the case all the time, and when we do not shut off here and resume there, not that really any parallel connection is any realer than we all choose 2 make it B anyway, but in these such instances, instead of as mystic guru’s of the esoteric would put it, dreaming on the astral plane or realm, we instead R interacting [dreaming] in hyperspace as sort of a recessant personality against and compared with another HSM or hyperspace me, only the dominant other world or parallel universe counterpart, he or she is in a conscious wavelength, and to him or her, U the dreaming invader to that world R an EXPLORATRON. This is one of several ways in which some ‘travelers’ of the ‘mind’ [6th-D] is mind, get caught in a no-return cosmic rip tide that leads down into the sub life of the microbes, germs, viruses, and the split leveled awareness's in the subatomic and sub molecular interactions that can B labeled as PHASE 5 BEINGNESS. We cannot go here 4 a long time, U only think I have said outlandish bizarre things as of yet so far, so 4 now, I will cool it!!!!!! Paula King and Sarah and Nina, and other friends from Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic
city, NJUSAESMWG, R all part of the hugest inter-cycle happenings imaginable, and the chain that John Henningsen gave me, has many secrets and answers all locked up within it. Remember that if U or I dream about an object, B it your TV set or lamp or a wrist watch or a car or anything, it is now an astrally connected or more accurately astrally empowered object, right here on the physical plane. The story of World Lab is only known about presently by me, as David Roth whom also knew about, WAS MURDERED earlier in this miserable freaking century. However, a taped life journal may very well B turned over 2 some one some day, and this may get 2 various people in various futures and parts of 3-D space along the time line, missing some and hitting others, but when I tell Google, I am speaking directly to the future, so long as they remain active, and then there is laser trace, distance delay scan, Swis, and the great lunar satellites that link up with Earth orbital’s as well, that make a huge field that can synthesize great distances. I will detail World Lab, Paula King, Sarah and her friends, whether I have sufficient claims to state with accuracy and authority that she is living on Earth, and really is the All Mighty Jehovah Goddess, and on and on, but later on in the 4th dimension we can detail these things, along with the magical and extremely powerful CHAIN, which spells CHINA in a different alphabetized combination, the first builders of bead counters, and the I-Ching, which is really, based on the first premises of computer systems, as a hexagram can B face up or down blocks on sticks or [wands], and based on the yin/yang possibilities of a throwing of these wands, each of the six are a binary code of a sorts, and this is real, it has tranced me to things that I dare not talk about today, nor will I 4 some time. The Deliverance Hex is the one that propelled and hurled me on the night or early morning of the 7th of December of 1996, to the street in Atlantic City with Sarah, at the Trinidad, and I learned that what I was searching 4 and going totally crazy over, was right there in front of my nose all along, but without the I-Ching, I would have lost it and B in a mental health facility forever out of my mind and forever nuts, millions of years of coma and insanity, is thesis somebody’s idea of Next Generation HELL, Engineer Jordy, or what?????????

Well Big brown eyed beautiful girl, no matter what U ever do 2 me, my love 4U great Jehovah Stacey is as infinite as your upline thought, and yes, I screwed up when attempting 2 explain on a PB the size dimensionality of the endless upline and downline series of multiverses that all loop together in this strange and very mysterious location that U have all heard me refer 2 as the SIXTH DIMENSION. All of everything here in the downline totaled together, can never B as great as the smallest thing above us in the uplines, and concentrically, the up-line's smallest thing is greater and larger than all of their down-lines all totaled up together, but any way, my long bright brown haired teen queen, your parents nor Diana’s powerful evil brother will never stop my endless infinite love 4 U my great queen. I made some bad mistakes, but if U give me just one more chance, I will not let U down. I know U came 2 me as Giant Sharon in early August of 1998, and I blew it like a stupid scared little wuss that I am, can U ever forgive your special doggie, THAT BOY, Zeranniss Yancy????????????? and know the truth that the MILLIONTH COUNCIL IS COVERING UP. This brings date and time file 00000IX to an end. END TRANSMISSION.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 2:06 PM

Labels: a true story:, THE MILLIONTH COUNCIL and ME



© BOM-BOB-BLOGS 2006-2023-URL





2:29 PM, JULY 20, 2023---ML---DAY---HBD---54, THU-11-212

Every miserable goddamn thing that I have done within my online experience called 'blogging' since January of 2006, was done 4 one purpose only, that being, finding a way out of what I've labeled since about 15 months into the project; “Picard's HELL-BOX”. All I want is 2 prove all of the things that otherwise seem absolutely unbelievable 2 ordinary 'rational-based life-living-humans', R indeed happening 2 and around me, since I was practically mother ******* born, and R still ongoing 2 this very present second. The only way of doing this, unless one of U out here ever wishes 2 show me differently; is 2 post things that show U, that the odds that I am making up anything in all of this; would B quite goddamn astronomical. When I show U over and over again that my 'comments-count' continues dwindling, and there is no way 4 me 2 get it stopped, or show U how the stock market's DJIA points correspond perfectly and endlessly over decades of time, 2 this 'so-called invisible and imagined' persecution on my part, or when I post up something such as what I will post up now, proving that there is no way that the MACY CLUB is not my main blogaudience here since I started this project in 2006; then I ask U all repeatedly, is there a better way 4 me 2 do it, as if there is; then I will do it that way? IPYT people!!!!!!!

Very rarely, 2 or more astral entities R dreaming the exact same dream, being comparable to 2 people here on Earth dreaming of the same thing and of each other, and both waking up and remembering their dreams, such as in the famous fictional example with the dream that both Annie and Kevin Costner had in the fictional movie, Field of Dreams from 1989, about the Ebbits Baseball Field. So shortening the story and answering your query, one of my many dreams that I have, as a dog named ZERANNIS ARTHUR YANCY JONES, is that of me, MWM. Also one of the many dreams that I have, as a great Duke and owner of a large 9 octillion cubic mile area, but a mere speck in the huge Olympian Province, OP, where the mighty GREAT DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS lives with me in the Great Ricktown Manor, click into and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR information, is where my name is Rictofarious and 8 other names after that, that have legal registration meanings in Ricktown’s capitol City of AKOSLEM, the full city’s spelling is shown on my website, this is the shortened mortal world spelling. Here, I am Rick, but never went by this shortened nickname, until one day when the great parents of my lovely blond Diana, a 33 foot pure energy coil that stands 6' and 3' tall with long bright canary yellow hair past her knees, and long eyes that curve up just a tiny bit at each end.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:36 AM No comments:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good day 2 you all, I am under a major death siege this morning, started getting super freaking bad at eleven of the clock this moanin’. Super chopper attack, super chemtrail attack, planes all around, noisy cars, yesterday was just some trail sky action, but thousands of biker pricks with their thundering pieces of 'deciaballity'. One dark colored sports car after I left a 7-11 store came as close to my car as possible while I was pulled over on a side road looking 4 my pass-out-revenge-tracts, telling people 2 visit my site, nearly swiping me and no opposing traffic was coming down the road 2 cause this driver 2 do this to me, and he slowly came up on me, then gunned off with deafening sound, and I flipped the mother incestrallite the mid-bird. The mid-bird is being flipped at your mothers and daughters, and all of U right now through this web log [blog], and 6th dimensional usage of the machine mind.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, AHA-AHA-AHA Sir MCNulty!!!!! U all impress me like a ton of loose goose smells. I have the ability 2 just think your heart stopping, and it will. Ask the Mayor of AC, NJ, and his LG pals, if I cannot think and move.

I may have confused the name of a baseball field and the year of a movie by one year, and even multiplied a very large number wrongly when I cubed it from just over 2 billion miles cubed; and stuff along these lines; but the story is perfect in every way in so far as proving all of my blog claims, and making all of my points; and it doesn't take an FBI Agent, a polygraph tester, a head shrinker, a psychiatrist, or anyone else, 2C the totall truths that R involved in any of this. My second blogging year, 2007, on my original blogs, proves absolutely that the MACY CLUB was and most likely still is as of the tail end of 2022 last year, when my daughter's most recent music project was released, that is unless U believe that U-R the most recent HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE jackpot winner out in LA-CALI, and yes, congrats YO 2U. So all I try and do is post proofs 2 these facts on these blogs while simultaneously telling my incredible mind blowing TMMB-1969-story from 'ED' (Earthly-Dogtown), AKA HELL ON EARTH. As said at the start of this blog, show me another or a better way of accomplishing that urgent goal great peeps out here, and I'll gladly follow your frikkin' ass lead, YO!

As U know, yesterday was major hell, and even today began with more air hellishness; and all following a nightmare of SPACEFORCE PERSECUTION preceeding the HELLISHNESS. This pattern was first observed by me the MOUNTAINPEN, in 1988, while residing at the Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG home on West Central Avenue, number 114. When I would have horrible nightmares of the 'BRIGGBASE', and being horribly harassed by Earthly military air vessels; I would wake up, and it would B all around me just LIKE TOTAL MOTHER ******* MAGIC, YO BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Put me under oath 2 every word spoken so far on this blog, and pentothol drug me 4 truth-accuracy as well, any authority out here, YO; as I AM SPEAKING ONLY 100 PERCENT THE DAMN ASS TRUTH YO!!!!! We all know that the stock market, during that recent period that crossed me over in my nightmarish life-magnetics recently, and back into the thirties on annual 2023-MP4B, and during that period, the DJIA has ABSOLUTELY TRUCKING SOARED, and just as it did again yestersday, according 2 me' 'HAYSTACK NEWS STREAMING SERVICE' on me' 'ROKU-TV'. It is now way over 35,000 points, and just B4 this assault on me several weeks back, it was in the middle and high 33-K's, and we all know it; and we all have seen me prove this direct paralleling persecution, and the tactics of my SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES OVER A PERIOD NOW OF NEARLY 4 FLUCKING DECADES; and still U all hate me, and only wish me DEAD. What a bunch of rotten citizens inhabit this awesome ass pwanet; huh Mister Elmer Fwuuuud, oh sir????????????????









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I will say it 3 times over 2 make a serious damn 'pernt', Arch! This is all just reality, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces









Image result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses at night

Holy Callio-COW-LEO-Holly Hollister HH call-ten. Please don't die on me, lovely Mizz Ross!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

Well Sir PURG-PIP-TTZ-SERLING; it is either the wildest family affair ever, or else, as my nightmares from last night were all about; I am proving 2 the world that I died and went 2 DGTN.


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Damn you Mark, said me' mommy all da' time, YO.

Damn you Mark, said me' mommy all da' time, YO.

Damn you Mark, said me' mommy all da' time, YO.

Damn you Mark, said me' mommy all da' time, YO.

And 4 all I know world, maybe she did manage 2 damn me; YO PHHH. I mean is that any wilder than your marvelous Fascitar, especially when delivered 2 me in such stealthful mind bending manner? A mother continuing 2 damn her own son, and the only time that she ever swore was when she would say that 2 me in real fits of major frikkin' anger, YO BRO. “LIKE-WO”, 2 quote the younger generation here!!!!!!!!!


4:55 PM, WED-11-211-JWSC-----JULY 19, 2023


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5:15 PM, Wednesday, July 19, 2023

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This is the most wild and crazy horse puke that has happened 2 me now on this entire nearly 18 years that I have experienced as a blogger, at this BDC web-site; and I've had quite a few, 2 quote President Obama, “doozie-whoppers”. This one however, at least in my opinion, absolutely takes both the cake, as well as the entire candy box and ice cream freezer, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO; and unless someone proves me wrong, is quite obviously another 2008 MIMI-HACK, and my blogs R full of them, and their many magical numerations that happened 2 me, as soon as I was dumb enough 2 take the advice of distant cuzz-Dawn-Marie King; and buy HER GAME, and download it into me' whittle computer, over at my MMM Mizz Jenny Plageman owned trailer park, at 3100 South Jewelly WHITE HORSE PIKE, in Mullica-Hammonton, NJUSAESMNWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 quote many great and fantastic FBI-AGENTS all over this marvelous wonderful land (USA), “the proof is simply naught disputable, YO”! I agree with U dudes and duddesses out there, and U2, wonderful landlord 4 half a year or so in 2009, Agent Steve Caruso, of back then, Austin TXUSAESMWG! So let me shout out one gargantuanly HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As we all know, Morianity began in 1995, with my incredible search 2 find a mysterious almighty GODDESS, the great SSJKK of eternity, AKA Earthly Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. However, the first three years of these later on 2 form and spin off; 'BOM-BLOGS', AKA 'BOM-BOB-BLOGS'; seemingly laid the groundwork and frame-work 4 all of the following hellishness and nightmares 2 follow. If I am wrong and in need of being corrected, don't B silent, correct me; but no stupid ass comments please. Show me logically how I am all wrong in all of this, and I'll close down this blog in 12 hours flat, and none of U will ever have 2 suffer me, or it, ever freaking again; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank U4 coming over 2 visit your boy again today, me' lovely beautiful awesome LIGHTNING. U have been so good 2 your LITTLE-BOY this year, and I love U far beyond what simple Earth-Mortal-World words could ever hope 2 tell U, me' lovely sweet precious girl!!!!!!!! Maybe U know that I fell under some heavy and nasty death sky harassment today, beginning this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning; and so U then came over 2 try and protect, and look after me. THANK-U Diana, me' endless fantastic love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IWALU-990!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Friday, March 30, 2007

I am under the worst MILITUFORCE SIEGE that I have seen in ages and ages, kemtrails R all over me, choppers are horrific, causing the cheating Snyder Flyers to WIN WIN WIN, and the Dow Jones market to go UP UP UP. Until next week when some additional chip memory is installed into this system, it is difficult operating, bare with me, as the Slowsky Turtle’s R in the house, and no one changes their ways as the bartender well knows.

Message 2 my very best friend Mizz Karen Simons of Grassi Reality Company:

I as Mountainpen, or MWM as U know me by, is one of nearly unlimited dream sequences that I am having from my more real astral life. On this plane of astrallity, I also have numerous identities that I am aware of when I visit the 6th dimension which can only B accessed if U know the way, and that is to get into the locale of KRASSLEVILLE at the border of the great OP [OLYMPIAN PROVINCE], and go onto the river with a powerful enough motor-ship, as this river runs from woust to nest, or in mortality, here on the mortal world, picture our great Mississippi or Missouri Rivers here in America, running backwards and uphill. Some rivers on Earth do indeed flow in reverse directions from the others, but this is a mere geographical anomaly, as 4 whatever reason, that particular area is lowering from the higher real estate in reverse direction to all other areas in the neighboring parallel and part of the globe, hence no Earthly river runs literally against gravitation, or uphill. However, the great K. River does indeed flow from down to up or woust to nest as these 2 directions R referred 2 on the Astral Plane. When and if U can reach far and high enough, it cuts through a strange area inside a deeply unfathomable gorge that makes our Earth world Grand Canyon look like a Bowell that U would eat a can of Campbell's Possibilities Soup out of. Up in this part of the in-between province areas, lies many large fields of void areas that always have been there and always will B, and R controlled by the Great Millionth Council, GMC, the ruling body in total control of phase #2 reality, the ASTRAL PLANE. This deep gorge leads to many labeled fields that this GMC experiments with in their “dream travel” experiments, and is Y we mortals C 'UFO'-crafts from time 2 time that R not our own secret military test covert crafts, which is what 97% of sightings really R, but the other 3% are Olympian 'dream-travel' Airships. In a nutshell, I go occasionally to the mental plane or 6th dimension, and am aware that astrally, I exist as thousands of entities in separate individual states on lower levels of astrallity, and that each of these entities dream-down into the mortal realm or physical plane. Very rarely, 2 or more astral entities R dreaming the exact same dream, being comparable to 2 people here on Earth dreaming of the same thing and of each other, and both waking up and remembering their dreams, such as in the famous fictional example with the dream that both Annie and Kevin Costner had in the fictional movie, Field of Dreams from 1988, about the Ebbits Baseball Field. So shortening the story and answering your query, one of my many dreams that I have, as a dog named ZERANNIS ARTHUR YANCY JONES, is that of me, MWM. Also one of the many dreams that I have, as a great Duke and owner of a large 9 octillion cubic mile area, but a mere speck in the huge Olympian Province, OP, where the mighty GREAT DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS lives with me in the Great Ricktown Manor, click into and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR information, is where my name is Rictofarious and 8 other names after that, that have legal registration meanings in Ricktown’s capitol City of AKOSLEM, the full city’s spelling is shown on my website, this is the shortened mortal world spelling. Here, I am Rick, but never went by this shortened nickname, until one day when the great parents of my lovely blond Diana, a 33 foot pure energy coil that stands 6' and 3' tall with long bright canary yellow hair past her knees, and long eyes that curve up just a tiny bit at each end, but are very long---------------------each one about this long and no wider than-------------------maybe twice this example, at most, one look at her eyes, or her, by any man from Earth, and U never will B the same again. Not a day goes by that I do not think about her eyes, and even clearly C them in my own mind’s eye, even now as I speak. She hates it when I call her slit-eyes, so I do not do this, but it does describe her eyes, and when I lose consciousness tonight, just for entering this through the machine mind, I will most likely catch hell for saying this, but that will B when I am RICK. Anyway, her great parents Zeus and Leda brought her over 2 Ricktown and after introducing me to her and her 2 me, I told her and my exact words were millions of eons ago, “U CAN CALL ME RICK”. Then she blurted out immediately with such vigor it threw me back, “YOU’RE MY RICK”. Karen, I was never in all my eternal existence, as happy as I was at that moment, when the devil’s sister fell in love with me, but lightning did not get permission to live with me in Ricktown Manor until many long infinities passed. At first, I either would visit her at the God’s Manor in the great Olympia Proper, and watch her play tennis with her family and friends, or we would go down the path to her beautiful CODE CABIN. U can read about this by clicking into the CODE CABIN section on my website, as shown above. So no as me here on the mortal world, I am Rick’s dream, and not Rick, but have many many memories of my truer life as Rictofarious, just in my dreams last night, in time’s illusion, I remember taking lightning to her Queen’s meeting in the capitol city of Akoslem, Ricktown’s capitol, as she was made Ricktown’s queen by a 97.84% population majority vote, when I as Rick, presented this stage A request to our citizens, where later it was unanimously 100% approved by the Millionth Council, the Astral Plane's Absolute Authorities. If I were Rick here, U would not recognize me, as I am quite the stud, standing just over 88 full inches high, eyeballing Barkley and Chamberlain, and am 330 pounds of pure solid muscle. Here I am old, ugly, fat, and stupid, and hated by humanity. There, I am respected, always 23 years old, no matter how many ceecee’s go by, as time on the astral is created 4 the interactions, the reverse from mortal world life where time first needs substance and reality in order for any interaction to thereby come into being. But, as a code between good friends, U certainly can call me Rick, I know lightning will not mind, she knows U are happily married and living as a mortal being on the mortal realm. Sarah-Stacey is the real jealous one of all the gods and goddesses. If I am anywhere near any pretty women, she sends hundreds of crows and ravens and hawks, occasionally flying right over my car and I can even C their eyes looking at me, that is how close many come, if I am too long with anyone too pretty, and U know me, I do love beauty queens, in my human world existence. Hope I answered your question sufficiently, KS, and thank you for monitoring my sites and blogs.

To EP if UR still on the mortal world as EP, Spider:

Sorry I told the great secret, and ever since I let this cat out, the fucking jerk off military scum bags have been illegally persecuting me day and night, it all began at about 11 of the clock ante’ meridian on Wednesday morning, and the bomb blew up right in my face and has been re-exploding all over me ever since. U will C so many fucking Earthquakes, Twisters, Fires, Floods, City and School Violence, Volcanoes, Tidal Waves, Droughts, wild weather in general, and major shit in the middle east, U’ve asked fucking 4 it, so stand back and watch!!!

Message to MAGNESONIC:

All general and special orders, all tecks, ZDT & ADT, carry out my orders, your gain is at 11.8 infinity flux, your I&D is at 11.5, your desire key has been reset from normal neutral J position to the I position. Cosmiputer, ON AN I TO D, A/B TONE PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, SCAN USING G13 AND G14, and CG5555, CG2, CG39, and CG18-TOTAL IONIC HYPERSPACIAL EXIM UNCREATION IF ANY HACKER TRIES TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR IMPLEMENTATION OF MY MACHINE-MIND ORDER, NOT USING TELEPHONE SEQUENCING SYSTEM, UNDER CRUSH AND SINGE TOTAL DESTRUCT DESTRUCT DUMA FLEET-ALL- DESTRUCT, CODE CG 18 ULTIMATE.

Well, when the meteors and asteroids and comets tear this rotten rock to pieces soon, only Maggie can stop it, so you’ll come running time then, and maybe, just freaking maybe, I will have mercy on this miserable cosmos.
Message to anyone following me on my side of the army wishing for a 50% law suit jury award cut of the action:

Help me prove this nightmare being done 2 me is indeed real, and if I get 20 billion, after legal cut is paid, and any state federal and surtaxes, my net jury award will B split in half, and this half can be split into 20 or 50 or 80 or however many wish to form a covert group and help me from the shadows. The enemy will never know 4 sure when they’re gonna get caught with their hand in the fucking cookie jar now, and get their private parts placed in a Sharon Stone Casino Vice Mob-pain machine.

Message to parallel event gamester-scum:

Ok, U turned March of two thousand and seven into total fucking DOGTOWN 4 me, and I lost 12 units last night after your chopper attack hit for about the 10th time in the past 80 hours. Flyers win-cheat, and Dow up and away with beautiful balloons. CHEATERS, CHEATERS, CHEATERS, that is all that all of UR, Snyder puker, U couldn't take that god-shit awful team of yours and win one legitimate game without choppering me to death, for all the love and money in the MWG. U’re notin’ but pure cheatin’ scuz!!!!!! Big man huh, picking on me, bullies will never B heroes, only loose smelly shit pudding, all of U, and my covert army if they ever awaken and C the $$$$$ potential in helping me, will someday bury all of U sick diseased maggot sucking turds.
Bye-Bye, jag-offs, bigger secrets than EP are soon 2 come, build bigger closets, bastards!!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:36 AM No comments:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good day 2 you all, I am under a major death siege this morning, started getting super freaking bad at eleven of the clock this moanin’. Super chopper attack, super chemtrail attack, planes all around, noisy cars, yesterday was just some trail sky action, but thousands of biker pricks with their thundering pieces of 'deciaballity'. One dark colored sports car after I left a 7-11 store came as close to my car as possible while I was pulled over on a side road looking 4 my pass-out-revenge-tracts, telling people 2 visit my site, nearly swiping me and no opposing traffic was coming down the road 2 cause this driver 2 do this to me, and he slowly came up on me, then gunned off with deafening sound, and I flipped the mother incestrallite the mid-bird. The mid-bird is being flipped at your mothers and daughters, and all of U right now through this web log [blog], and 6th dimensional usage of the machine mind. So U all want 2 play with me, fine. Just keep track of everything in a roulette game, and do not look at it as playing separate games. The time U begin, record every single number, color, order, range, dozen, column, and then take 20 or so groups of 4 or 5 numbers, your choice, whatever, and group them as a package number, and give them a letter or number code. Then remember, never lose track of your TOTAL SPINS SCORE, as let us 4 example say that your total spins after 30 games played and recorded, is 6400. U go home and see that in this total, there R 730 hits on the number package of 10-13-30-35. This package or grouping of 4 numbers is always measured in run run change by the total spins divided by how many times this package comes out. The equation is done by taking the 730 hits and multiplying them by 100, and then dividing this product by the 6400 or total amount of spins. As the magnetic percentage of this package moves up and down, it becomes mathematically magnetized so to speak in ranges, and when a package is at a bottoming of a range and starting to climb, this is when this 4 numbers needs 2B played, so grouping many packages and keeping track of their magnetic percentages, [MP’s], is an infallible way 2 endlessly know which numbers 2 play that R positive 4 coming out more than the long run outcome average of 9.5:1 for each of the four on any given spin, as 38 numbers R on the wheel, hence 38 divided by the 4 numbers, or 9-1/2. Grouping 4 or 5 numbers in packages is one way to play, U also can just use the RED, BLACK, ODD, EVEN, LOW, and HIGH, or the DOZENS, COLUMNS, STREETS, LINES, hell, U can even package up what gamblers refer to as corners or squares which is the four numbers anywhere on the roulette layout that all mix together such as the 1,2,4,5 or the 32,33,35,36 and so forth. All of cosmic reality is already flowing inside and within fields of preset magnetic percentages, and keeping track of anything in one long or as one endless event, allows anyone 2B able 2 predict above the normal ratio of long run math norms, again such as 1:38 for picking randomly any next outcome in the game of ROULETTE. Picking 18 numbers at random gives a player a ratio of 1:2 for picking a correct number, and so forth. Computers can B programmed with varying software programs that U or a programmer, would need 2 write, and tell the machine exactly what is the maximum best single number, outside bet out of the 6-choice, or whatever, 4U2 play. U can spend 3 hours a day 5 days a week 2 keep up with a hundred things and calculate it all separately yourself, but getting your PC to perform the mental-shoulders 4U is naturally what I would advise. Anyone can keep their fucking mouth shut, do this, never admit 2 doing it, go into a casino, place your bets, stay a while, record every number, leave, go home, and re-enter all of your newest number outcomes into your endless one long game equation. U may not now or ever sell 4 any money or other valued equivalent, any of this top top secret 22nd century knowledge of applying the LONG-RUN-EVENT-CONCEPT, to roulette, or 2 anything else 4 that matter. U may however, feel totally free 2 use it yourself, and B careful,m as they R not there in the casino business 2 continuously hand U their money, and the only ways 2 get it are these cheat-sheet methodologies, this one, and the proper application of using QUANTUMCARDECKS, and waiting 4 two CORRECT STRINGS or two INCORRECT STRINGS to occur, and then bet a 3 stage MM against the C-5 or I-5 strings. As I freaking speak at about 12:40 Post Meridian, I am here at Eddie Himacane’s place getting a super 2nd nasty very low helicopter attack. Wow, your moms and dauts were super fantastic last night, WO WO WO WO and WOWWOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want another secret out in the open? I have told over and over again how anyone can prove there is no such thing as death, not at least the way U perceive it 2B. This method I have repeatedly described as the F6/10. This is the FASCITAR 6 and 10 method, where U can go anywhere U wish, and B there as real as it is 2B here, neither R really real, only the true void infinity, is what is real. Go to my maps section on my web SPIDER ELVIS site,, and see the map of the Province of Olympia, or the OP. Most physical-projectors, and regular dreamers, and phase-4 entities R from the OP. Just use the 6/10 method, and 10 times, daydream yourself in my Great First Hall, in the great Ricktown Manor, in Ricktown’s Hovahahn region, 61,000 Earth type miles in sensory illusion, from Ricktown’s great capitol city, Akoslem City. Then command your soul [astral body, or glorified body, or light starry body], to keep numerous religious and mystic and psychic people happy with a more elucidated nomenclature; anyway, tell it to leave U and appear in this hall. All persons doing this will C things differently, as nothing is real except void infinity. One will say my wall paper is loaded with yancies, [astral word 4 polka-dots]. Another will see painted colors, still another will C more of a cylindrical tunnel with light at the end of it that U never can get 2 the end of. But here on the physicality or the Earth realms, human life, whatever, no difference rabies and germios. NONE. The proof of what I say is when the great Sarah-Stacey had 4 different people tell what they saw and heard regarding her son’s life on the Earth-worlds, leading up to his eventual mission-planned ministry, crucifixion, and laser-trace [resurrection].

Must close out, things R bad, but some people have witnessed things, and R now on their way to tell a local judge what is going on. Some body out there in Callio/Levy/Martino-ville can get ready real damn soon to shit in their pants. I have major news 4U all, in the Lamistrashy Scuzbuckets Club of ACNJUSAESMWG, exposure is closer than U know, as someone in a very high position examined my VHS copy of Shadows, the soap, the section dealing with the Levy-athans, and has made a major hidden discovery that indeed pertains 2 all of this in a super way, you R so mucking HISTORY, that is TOTAL--HISTORY, so Bye Bye brown eyes. My covenant with U will remain forever obeyed, and non-violated. I am not like my lineage thousands of years ago, I keep my promise 2U, SAR, my endless love; and U will B forever mine, and that is not written in the astral cities, it is the astral cities, and beyond that and all of 5th dimensional HS, beyond the thought-D or D-6, and all of it. I will always B that dog, your big firedog, ZERANNISS, THAT BOY. U even named me that on the streets of the physical plane here back in the late 1960’s, and I never forgot those lovely things U spoke 2 me, nor will I ever, nor will I ever forget your lovely smile, huge brown eyes, and long light brown hair, UR my SCYLLA, look at the name SCYLLA, S as in Sarah, Y is an interchangeable I, only the O is missing from Callio, and the O is not for C yall soon, bank on it, right after the tidal wave strikes, grow back eyes all of U as you’ll need them. Mister Winn really hated me' 1983 tidal wave song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:59 AM 1 comment:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007



I have not been burning the midnight oil writing web logs recently. The story of my life can never really B properly told, and no way, in its fullness. Trying 2 say certain things is a total useless endeavor. If I say 2 someone 4 example that “U won’t believe me if I tell U”, and they keep insisting that they will, then I wonder, if they will not believe me in the smaller thing when telling them that they won’t believe, how the devil can they believe the bigger thing that they wish 4 me 2 tell. Not a single soul will take me seriously when I say that everything down 2 the smallest nth degree, is cosmiprogrammed with me in the following manner: Whatever things I like R always repelled from my proximity, and whatever things I do not like, R totally attracted into it, without exception, and definitely without my needing to exaggerate this. It’s all simply 100% true. Society, at least here in America has altered in several major ways, although mankind has not changed at all in its basic and fundamental existence. With the passing of every year and decade, people that were 30 R simply as those that were 25 a decade or so ago. This is not coming from a person normally aging and born and died, but from someone existing throughout HS. Again, I feel the need 2 specify, that all of U also R in HS in infinite or near infinite existences, but if U do not know it and I mean know it totally and completely like the way U know your name and telephone number, then it is for all intense and purposes, meaningless, as 2 your sense of it all, U got born, U are living your life, and heading for a certain grave. Nothing about this last sentence is untrue, yet due 2 lack of enlightenment, all but a few hundred people alive today know what I mean when I say that also U exist in endless ways of dreams in the great unimaginable HYPERSPACE, [HS]. If 100 people all have 50 million dollars worth of jewels hidden in a secret area behind a panel in their attic, and one out of these persons stumbles onto their secret panel and opens it up and removes their treasure, and pays the taxes on it, the rest is theirs to live like kings and queens. In reality, the one is no different that all the others living in homes with similar treasures hidden behind a panel in their attics. Yet the one will now live a totally different life. If he or she then tried to tell the others that they also had treasures hidden in their homes, and could not prove it 2 them in any real way, not a one would start ripping apart a costly nice well arranged grouping of attic rooms. They would laugh and tell U that U’re a nut, and get lost. Right? If I tell every one in the world that by following me around and documenting exactly what I say is true, and all form a club that will lead to sort of a covert future class action 'legal-sewers' in a future litigation, as I would most definitely cut the group in, they would never do it, and it never will happen, as they all R2 busy telling me 2 take sike meds, see a counselor, and get psychiatric help. I know beyond the shadow of any doubt, that I can never not B, I exist, always have, and always will, and that the GMC is persecuting me in every way possible night and day, and that this hell will never ever end, not in a year, not in 10, not in 100, not in 1000, not in a million, and this I swear in front of any court or tribunal, worldwide, and will state under oath under penalty of perjury charges, right in the United States Supreme Court. I absolutely know that if right this minute, some beauty queen fell madly in love with me, and I was given an opportunity to make 200 grand a year in some business capacity, or if someone legitimately promoted one or more of my many songs or inventions or ideas; the Dow Jones market would fall forever until a 4-sale sign appeared at the property at Broad & Wall Streets in Manhattan. The Phillies would win almost every game like magic, and the Flyers would go endlessly swishing down the toilet. No Mensa genius is needed here 2C that this entire thing has 2B someone’s upline world thought, and this basically is backed up in the Christian scriptures whether Mountainpen says it or not, and that the thought was about me, or else, there just could not possibly B this powerful of a connection or parallel event between these things. The machine I type on in the Word Perfect Program, adds an [N] to ratio, changes the word casino to casino, over and over, and then I come to learn at the SORA classes legislated by the Governor and conducted under the New Jersey State Police, is also getting their program effected when the typist of the test wrote the word RATIO, and machine mind added the famous N. Lots of people think they R at the center of the universe, but they R simply not. It is a recognized psychological disorder. But the shrinks in my case R all wrong, but I can never hope nor expect 2 get them 2 tear apart their expensive attic tiles and find their 50 million in jewels, on the say so of a nut case mad man.


I know that many have fallen for the great one as she lives here in this dreamality, or physical life. Many have met her and written their songs about her, I am but one, but I am her special dog, Zeranniss. Many have written many songs about her, and many have made it to the top of the musical charts that rate music. In 1983, I met a dude named Bob, and he still is right here in Lindenwold, NJUSAESMWG. He introduced me to his good friend the SPIDER, back in 1985. Originally, I was led 2 believe that he was the greatest Elvis Presley impersonator in the world, and worked as a dispatcher for the NJ State Police at the HARRAH’S MARINA, in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG. On many parts of the enormous and unfathomably gargantuan hyperspace, this is located on Tennessee Avenue, where Mick-Gee’s shit hole building stands on this atomic signature and intraphasing. He was the coolest dude I ever met. He lived in Berlin, NJUSAESMWG, and one day Bob and I were over at his place just down the block from the Fleetway car dealership. He got unbelievably intoxicated and sat down on his bed and began to cry like a baby. Bob knew, or must have, that he was about 2 let one more person in on the hugest thing in the history of the news media business or 'Poparotcee or however U spell it'. Bob kept shaking his right shoulder gently and saying, don’t tellem Elv, don’t, U can’t risk it. He went on 2 let me in on the fact that he met a giant brown haired beauty queen that he referred 2 as the ‘water-queen’. It took until the 21st century to run around, 4 me 2 realize he had met Sarah. Making a very long and secret story short, he wanted her and she was happy with her new husband whom she married in 1977. The situation grew ugly and Mister Claridge top of the escalator restaurant’s son, Sar’s Earth realm hubby, said he was going 2 make a huge scandal and wreck his career if he did not leave his wife alone. He met her at a show he was doing. She had driven him as mad as she has driven me. He decided 2 fake his death and surface as a fantastic impersonator, so he could B near her, and without her knowing it nor trying 2, nor having her hubby stop him. He planned it out very well over years, and didn’t care how heartbroken the whole world would B, not even his own daughter. He made powerful friends as his real self first, so as 2B able 2 get his position with the NJ State Police, as their Harrah’s Marina dispatcher. The world knew this great man 4 a long time as the Spider, and other initialed hailing's for more closer friends, that had meaning, and is why Michael Jackson married his daughter, as well of course as a rouse to attempt to show the world that he really isn’t a little sick child abusing scuz-bucket. But much more was connected in all of this. McG loved the power of controlling a powerful deity living on the Earth without her full memories available 2 her. Elvis found about about the matter sucking Karge-hole, and neither McG nor Sar’s hub were going 2 ever again let Spider B who he was B4 the nightmare of all of this. All spiritual and hyper-natural things occur on the astral plane, which at times can blur, or said perhaps better, the fields between the planes of what mortals call life and death, [physical/astral]. I told all of U that my friend Sally, who hosted 'Popeye Theater' decades ago on 'WFIL-TV', Philadelphia channel #6, before it became WPVI; did me a favor and called the Mayor's office in AC, NJ, and spoke 2 a dude named Rick. Levy had a cousin working on channel 10 in Philly, who got with his radio buddies in Trenton and started vicious lies about Sally, all because she helped me against Levy and his gang of cohorts, back when he was the Chief of the Beach Patrol, and these people will wipe anyone out that gets in their way. They R worse than any known mafia or black file government agency, and have merged into one group called the LAMISTS. They also exist astrally, and with this name, the Dark Shadows soap opera uses the word LEVIATHANS, but it is the LAMISTS, the one third if the Great Millionth Council that broke away from the other two thirds, and have a huge astral headquarters called the BRIGGBASE, its Earth realm twin is BRIGANTINE, NJUSAESMWG. As long as they have me 2 pick on the DOW WILL B UP UP UP UP UP. As long as they have me 2 pick on the PHILLIES WILL LOSE LOSE LOSE LOSE.

2 any group that may someday or perhaps has secretly formed as the future class-action suit witnesses:

I will share 50% of all my after tax monies awarded, split up between U. If UR out there, may the GODS B with U. They have done serious body damage 2 me in the last week, and if I die, my murderers R listed, go to any of my blogs on or that R on my website, [spiders make webs] and all of these scum R listed. They killed me, my mother, Dave Roth, and his mother, 4 brutal murders. If I was not 100% sure of my facts, would I dare 2 make such claims and face libel and slander charges????? Think about it!!!!!!!!!!

Message to the great SSJKK:

In human form, U have had great and small people alike fall madly in love with U. In your upline world, as U dream at night, and go into your down-lined thoughtwave, [your creation], U must know that some part of U loves me, and that I am always THAT BOY, or that dog, from DOGTOWN. I was jealous of my brother in my dream, and am so very sorry that I split his head open with a rock.
Message 2 Dorian Wall-banger:
Wish U would put your great theme back on, I was just busting your balls when I would sing along with the LL arrangement. The real infringer was prick cock-head Bobby Brown.
Message 2 the elements:
Bring the wrath of the great SSJKK upon this wicked and sin-cursed evil planet, please, they deserve non of your great mercy, only judgment and Dogtown.
Message 2 Morty Mortino, {death}:
Please take me out of this you rotten prick. Stacey won’t let me visit U at your building in the Great SDK. I know UR near me and I am ready to give U my spirit. Have mercy and get me out of this awful nightmare, if Stacey will ever let U. She says I must do something first, I have not yet figured out what she wants me 2 do. I asked her last night while she was flying her big kite that I got her 4 her birthday. She just giggles and tells me she’s gonna dangle her lovely long brown hair all over me and then take me over to Viqueen’s Island and make me scream like a wild man.

Message to the great Hispanic break dancer dog of Dogtown:

U may B able 2 avoid the paddles better than me, but I am dreaming out of there now, while U still R dreaming that UR there, suffer ya growling fangface mitt licker.

Message 2 all my lovely dee-dee ravens and hawks:

Keep following me and watching over me and tell Diana 2 come 2 me soon. I am going nuts without her flashing around, I need her so very bad. How I would do anything for the privilege and honor of dying in the electric chair. Oh JB, let me just sit on it and run some of Diana into me. When I was ten or so as Mountainpen, I would stick an electricians double pole into the outlets and put each hand on one and feel her lovely warm current moving all throughout my entire body, how I love U so my electron, and happy birthday in your human form, yesterday. I still treasure the tape I have of U calling my house and telling me you didn’t need this, no how, no nothing, back in the spring time 24 years back in ’83. Light bulbs have been blowing left and right in my residence, is it U, or MILITUFORCE 'scuzzers'?

To the residents of the astral city of HYDROGLACIA, the physical plane world pulsar star in the MWG:

What do U want with me? I cannot stay dead, so Y keep killing and fucking with me? Ass holes. All stars here in physicality, not the man-made ones, R in reality large densely populated astral cities. Light is astrally thought energies, and the astral plane is crowded and hence mostly bright. The faster things move in the dream worlds here, the smaller they R and the hotter they R. Concentrically, the larger things R here, the slower and colder they R, and R all perfectly and accurately measurable by the use of the kelvin temperature scales. People think it is a made up word from Star Trek, it is not. 0 degrees kelvin is the same as saying that no motion exists on a molecular level, and as motion begins 2 occur, so does vibration on many varying scales, causing a basic heating up and speeding up and shrinking in size. The Kelvin race on the show from the AG, Andromeda Galaxy, is just phase four entities trying to exist in the third phase and not lawtronically being able to, hence ending up as characters on the fictional show called Star Trek. I have a special weapon that will cause U pain and problems Hydroglacia, if U continue fucking with my ass. I like U much better as a beautiful pulsar star, quit 'enlucating' through the 'Bickwad' fields in the void areas past the OP, or I will use my Magflector on U, and the world will get a taste of science fact and fiction that will really blur the lines of science and church philosophy’s, and screw up society so bad, it will take 500 years to pull out of the 2nd dark ages, I ain’t bluffin’ ass holes!!!!!


All systems went into failure on roulette during this super March attack and MARCH SADNESS. But hoops B damned, the QUANTUMCARDECKS have done well. But 2 add to the efficiency, always stop for at least 20-30 hours, any and all gaming, once getting two 5-strings of CORRECT’S or INCORRECT’S. Once when I did not, I went on to get 5 of them in one 3 hour period, and lost the head of my dick for the day. Also, if U monitor just 10 'carddecks', and get a magnetic percentage of total verses amount of five’s, and play the lowest cards, and running out the higher MP cards for getting 5-STRINGS using what some gamblers refer 2 as [paper games], U can always play cards that R giving U the best odds 4 getting the 2 and 3 strings, and occasional 4 strings, and there R many more secrets I will show the entities of the multiverse in this great HS, as we move and march along in this blog, but 4 today, FINE’.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 3:09 PM No comments:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


March 20, 2K7, Tuesday

Well, I have, as always, lots and lots of things 2 tell. Message from the 'GIANTPUSSYS' CLUB:

U all impress me like a ton of loose goose smells. I have the ability 2 just think your heart stopping, and it will. Ask the Mayor of AC, NJ, and his LG pals, if I cannot think and move. I try 2 do nice things 4 people, and all I ever get back is shit. Chemtrails all over me every single day, never ending Milituforce Otammscum non-stop planes, choppers, trails, and loud road sounds. All through March of oh-seven, this is in all honesty the worst Wirtz siege I have ever been put through since December of 1991, when I remember telling the Camden County Prosecutor, one of the men supposedly working my case, Mr. Ron Wirtz, that I have not had a single day all month without pure horrific and endless hell. I told him that I would take things into my own hands if necessary, and he said over my CIA/NSA/BFA bugged up telephone, exactly what U hear Jack McCoy on L&O say, to the parents of the New York high school, not HYPERSPACE, on the school shooting episode, that I had 2B careful of my choice of words, that he is an officer of the court and that talk like this would cause him 2 have to bring the bracelets over and get me, just as when McCoy said “talk like this could get U into a world of trouble”, and it is just that sample. Not at all intricate nor complex, very totally sample.


Put all the giant slutty Paula and Sarah lookalikes U want around me, as it impresses me like tons of elephant snot, mixed with snake venom, and a pinch of monkey happiness. Paula and I were talking about some wild crap when she told me that she nearly had the baby in the taxi cab, and was crying in pain at 1802, after my mom left and drove somewhere; she has a drivers license, and is much younger in that part of the great HS. I told U that U did not look a day older than when I last saw U, and that included in my part of hyperspace on the early afternoon of 12 July in 1997, 27 years after last seeing U and all of Sarah-Stacey’s other friends on the public New Jersey Transit bus, in the Atlantic City terminal, on Arkansas Avenue, where it was located at that time. Paula, I know the big secret of both your baby and Sarah’s baby, and Y she never had others. After what she did, that wasn’t bad enough, I should have had a say in the taking of my own kids life. McGuire has no other reason 4 all this hostility if this is not what occurred. It is not like I marched into his cruddy bar just over a decade ago and told him he is a rotten no good ansectrallite, his whiskey sucks, and his daddy was a shit head. I went in there all nice, and he acted like the world had just come to an end. So after my brutal rape, can there really B more than one conclusion 4 me 2 draw? Obviously, I stirred up quite a dern hornets nest when I came back on the soon looking 4 ‘my’ Sarah. My mother went behind my back with the algebra deal, the sending me to summer school at the Lower Merion High School, in Narberth, PAUSAESMWG, leading to her Faith/Church Farm School deal in Exton, PAUSAESMWG. I did not ask for one dern bit of any of this crap. Forces as I speak R trying 2 totally end my miserable mucking life, and I will not stand idly by and let them, I am not going anywhere, nor making any changes. U can all go screw yourselves. Soon, my lightning will B around a lot more, and you’ll all B sorry. I have asked her 2 hit some filthy enemies, and she will. Hopefully someday, she will ground through me and end my miserable hellish interaction here.

Message to son of day-trader magic boy-Gordo:

What U told me about the stock options, and other things, I will check into all of it and C what part of all of this can B done in this location of HS. As U may or may not B aware of, there R so many universes in the 5th dimension, that anyone could buy any number on a mega jack pot or power ball lottery, and take it to the correct universe; and it will match the winning ticket. The real trick is beyond worrying about material crap. If I can get into the 6th dimension, all of my thoughts as well as Stacey’s, all of them, exist there in their true and pure form.

Message to the 6th dimension, and machine mind:

I want major earthquakes, volcanoes, twisters, lightning storms, floods, fires, wars, pestilence, and all forms of vibratory unrest and scramble 2 occur. I want this miserable hell 2 end. I want an end 2 all of this shit. I want Shorty MacInvondi, Professor Theodore T. Jackson, and all other 4th phase entities that have influenced me 2 create them in the fifth dimensional HS and let them exist in their third phase of reality, to get what they all deserve, An eye 4 an eye, and I agree. Tell Gordo, thank you 4 helping me with all the info he gave me last night in this time dimensions physicality. Tell Paula, that whether she or Sarah had the kid, or both, U had no right to abort it without telling me; and big McG and his car-gun from the McCoo-5th-D, can burn in the fires of Dogtown’s sulfur pits 4 all I care. Yes, I hear U; the computer went nuts, and Ed said I pulled a plug out; but we know what is going on, don’t we 6th D? We know exactly what combination of these alpha keys lets the secrets out that you do not want out, tee-hee.


Come to this lovely world of mine, come, I invite U. Please feel free 2 come and visit our nice hellish place here, and come in quickly, and avoid Sarah Jupiter Stacey from 2 worlds out from our fusion reactor, she is our vacuum cleaner, and will try to suck you in to spare her creation, but I want U to come and smash this lovely place to bits, and end my hell forever. You hear me through the machine mind of this system, no differently than Magnesonic.


Yes, unless one long game is played, and a total game MP is kept of every number and dozen and color and on and on, no system based on mathematics can hope to reverse the power of negamagging. Every single day in this March attack, my 'quantum-carddecks' have made me either one or two units, but all systems keep failing. My betting could B 10,20,40 dollars, or it could B just as easily 500,1000,2000 dollars. The base levels of the minimum and maximum NJ casino amounts, vary only because of bankroll, or lack thereof. Every 95 bets placed will lose 5 times on house edge green numbers of 0/00. With a three-stage MM betting strategy [mini-martingale, not martinogale], the units of 1/2/4 average roughly out to just under 3 units lost, as U may lose half of your bet on bet one, or on higher bet 2, or even higher max. Bet 3. There R slightly more 2 and 3 strings than there R4 strings, so the average is not a perfect 1+2+4 divided by 3. Anyway, 5X3= 15 units lost to house edge roughly every 95 spins, or approximately 16 lost per hekaspins, or [-160] units/kilo-spins. For me, roughly 5-7 strings in each 100 group of bets, again do not confuse bets and spins, as not all spins R bet, will generate a 5 or more string causing a loss of [-7 units] to occur. An average of 6 times the 7 units lost, getting 6 from the average of 5-7, is minus 42 units. An average of 70 to 100 units of profit occurs by getting 2,3, and 4 strings, in each group of 100 placed bets. It gets confusing here, but if you record string numbers on paper as 2,3,4, or 5, never recording singleton ones, nor is anything 5 more than 5, it is just recorded as a 5-string. Then actual bets made has nothing 2 do with actual spins, although it averages out fairly close in longer running plays. In any event, each hundred group of bets, not spins, using 85 as an average of profit units, we subtract the average of loss units, 42 and get a sub-profit total of 85-42=ing 43. Now subtract 15 for an average green-house edge loss, and the numbers become 85-42-15 or 43-15 which = +28 units/100 bets, which a placement of 100 bets averages out 2B roughly 310-356 spins. This is pretty much a rough one third of a KS, kilo-spin, not Krassle Sarah. So 28 X 3 = 84 units profit, and rounding it down in a pessimistic average, say, 80 units profit per KS, or DKS, DEKA-KILO-SPIN---- [10,000] spins, this comes to 800. If I can keep making anywhere close to 800 units per DKS, even on a $10 base betting level, this is $8,000.00 and on the 100-200-400 dollar or 1-2-4 black money-chip level, this is $80,000/DKS. 40 hours at average casino table playing, produces about 9-11 thousand spins, an average of one DKS. People average a 40 hour work week. I am not greedy, and have no fucking dern desire 2 earn 80 grand a week, wouldn’t know what 2 do with it. I am just telling the neggamaggers that this is so far impervious 2 their attacks on me, so I politely say FUDGE-U, and your lovely mama’s, and daughters. Hay all whom know me, know that I am a nice guy, but if you’re gonna fudge with me and wreck my life 24/7/365.2422, watch out, because I will develop ways 2 piss off the suit-punks, and freely teach these methods on the friggin net.

Message 2 Robert McGee:

U ugly old white slaver monster, here’s 2U bud. Raise your glass up with Martino, and her daughter in law and the Mayor, and drink one on me tonight, this night may B your last, as when U least expect 2C me, ask big S, I can B right there in your face and hear what U say, and U can’t even C that I am there, but ol’ Sharkey is here, ya' drunken old fool.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:45 PM No comments:

Friday, March 16, 2007


For the future law suit attorneys:

March of 2007 has been the worst attack on me in my entire life. Ed informs me that Stage # 58 of prior blog is not up on the Blogger site, so I will have a cut and paste job ahead of me, I know I posted it, and it was hacked off, naturally big Eddie doesn’t C it that way. All yesterday, Thursday, a chopper flew over my residence, and late in the afternoon, blew out my bowels with one of their fucking nuclear death beams. I have not ever suffered this bad, and is obviously being done by the MC that R living here in the human realm. They as they do on many occasions, told Diana that she was not allowed 2 come near me and B with me 4 moral support, I have witnessed this 4 over 21 years, all throughout this hell. When she is all over, buildings burning down, people taken to the Cyclopes caves 2 make her coils, storm all over, yet nothing near or around me. She even told me that she is told that they will hurt and persecute worse if she tries 2 come near me and console me, so she figures it is better 4 me if she keeps her distance. Logs and journals of places I go, all recorded and meticulously retained by me, will show an undeniable pattern that rules out any chance of this being a possible coincidence. I do not blame my lovely blond love doll, she is only looking after her little boy, go to and click into the RICKTOWN MANOR section, and C how she always takes wonderful care of me, and loves me passionately and endlessly. I can admit to a dual awareness relationship while being a US citizen on the mortal world, with her, as stated herein, as she is, always has been, and always will B, 18 years of age. With Stacey on the other hand, it is always her 16th birthday, and if I admitted to the dual awareness of what goes on with us, it would B but a matter of time B4 legislation would B enacted on a psychic level, just 2 get @ me. I know that what I say is all true.

To those interested in things I learned @ the TECK BAY MYSTERY SCHOOL OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA, throughout my infinite existence:

All events, whether they B laws that get passed, or eating ice cream at the SUBS & SWIRLS stand in Red Lion, NJUSAESMWG, back in the 1980’s with my now deceased pal, Dave, have both natural and supernatural forces acting on them. This is why on certain very bad days, anyone, not just me, should U have a stereo, a washing machine, an automobile, or whatever, with an intermittent problem that acts up occasionally but at no regular nor particular time, it will B cosmiprogrammed so to speak, 2 mostly if not just about always, do the acting up on times and dates where UR already in the middle of a monstrously botbar, [BAD] day. Bottom-Of-The-Barrel-Already-Rated is the word BOTBAR when the initials to these words is pronounced. Hundreds of years ago I wrote an entire book of words that I made up, it is just something that I as the real me, does, sahwee if it turns anyone off. First, the Flyers Hockey Team has always been the total fucking shittiest team in the NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE, and has been unable this 06/07 season, 2 win one single game legitimately, or without cheating by harassing me 2 death the day of their game, sometimes even the night B4. Not One SINGLE GAME so far this year, one without using major persecution on me 2 get their evil monstrous way, through the use of PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY OR PET. Using Pet, in 12 decades from now and beyond, and getting caught, is punishable by death by slow torture in most countries on this planet. This bill passes into law in most lines of hyperspace around the AD year of 2128-2130. This PET is a vicious thing 2 do, and destroys the innocent who never do a damn thing to deserve what is being done 2 them. It is being done simply because through secret tests in a lab of the real world, ‘they’ learn who 2 bless or curse, 4 lack of a better way to put this, in order to make things occur in a preponderance, or simply put, more times than not in a significant amount. This is LIFE-CONTROLLING, and the term becomes used around 94-99 later in this century. If my ‘BACK IN TIME LAWSUIT” now, needs B pulled 2 do nothing more than 2 assist some poor innocents going through my damn hell up in the freggin’ future, then so B it. Lawyers and whores will never go out of business, the oldest 2 professions, and the ones that will B around when this old world says good night. As long as covert LIFE-CONTROLLING is ongoing with me in this backward and non-believing time period, my only hope is that the ACLU will believe me in the tiniest way and check it all out, follow and shadow me 4 a year if needed, they never will back it off 4 very long, watch me long enough and U will C that I speak the total truth, and make this claim that this is all true and accurate, under full penalty of any and all perjury charges, now or ever.
The longer the Karge wormhole is sucking matter in down in AC, NJ, on Tennessee Avenue, the stronger it gets, don’t believe me, just order last nights copy on the HISTORY CHANNEL, of the show on the BERMUDA triangle, the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, and all the stuff they R allowed 2 tell UB4 they would get stopped, remember, it all is under regulation, through some agency, in this case it would B, the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISION. No matter what U ever would attempt 2 do, UR under one agency or another, and would run fast and hard into a brick wall, should U ever attempt 2 tell the real truth, but I say this NOW:


When I try to get help and bring real world legitimate evidence to the authorities that someone or something is making my life a constant never ending living hell, I start out OK some times, but sooner or later, the brick wall slams U helplessly into a defeated and stopped position, and there is no way around it. So let us argue the logic of human world verses hyper natural world controllers, in all of this fucking sordid mess. The military, every branch, uses a word SNAFU, or situation normal, all 'fowled/fucked' up, with the more polite civilian translation on the left side if the slash. They admit that it is routine to have fuck-ups. Then look at the attempted Watergate coverup with our 37th president, Richard Milhouse Nixon, SNAFU, and step down, bringing Mr. Ford the late, into office. How about Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, our #42 guy? He would have sold rotten fruit to his lovely grandma to make that one just go away, Mr. McCoy, would he not? No, humans R not covering up this hyper-natural stuff, includes the psychic realities such as Ghosts and astral communicating, and on and on, the UFO shit, the being medically examined on the crafts and other abduction phenomenon, the secrets kept by top controllers of the basicly 3 major largest wealthiest church denominations/organizations, and on and on we could go. All of this, from now I will call, the HYPERNATURAL. What is supernatural in 1922 is old discovered reality 80 years later, and so forth, so this does not cut it with me 4 the points that I will attempt 2 convey as we endlessly move and march along with MORIANITY. If the wormhole is not Y the Atlantic City property thing is transpiring, then what is? Dya ever get the real or true story, will anyone ever talk about it? Does anybody know? U can bet the casinos, somebody knows!!!!!!!!!!! Prove me wrong, and put up a structure, ga'hed. Just prove me totally wrong, I Billy Mahoney dare any of U, at the risk of poor Kiefer Sutherland getting his face turned into punched fruit again. Speak of people knowing things, how about FLATLINERS, the movie? Someone who is behind writing and getting this show into reality, knows more than U and maybe even me, about major physical/astral connection realities. My life was never the same after coming out of the 1986 mid August interaction with my lovely friend Donna from Ohio Avenue, Mizz ACMC Lab Assistant. Talk about getting the Kiefer crap knocked out of your life over and over, the minute U come back, I do not wonder, UC, I know beyond any doubt, that someone behind the making of this great movie, knows a hell of a lot, besides how 2 make a profit in the physical world. Yes 'SUBS AND SWIRLS' was the name of the ice cream place where my car was shut off and turned back on, on many occasions back in ’86 and ’87. I remember all of this hell like it happened last trucking night. U do not forget squat when it stinks as bad as my squat does. Going anywhere near the Atlantic Ocean’s true property at 30 South Plaza Place, and the punishment from the GMC is not mentionable. My mother and I had a fight in the car back during my search 2 locate the great Sarah-Stacey in the 19 nineties. The fight was so bad I had to leave the vehicle and go into the woods along the Garden State Parkway and scream and holler and break soda bottles against tress, to get the anger out of my system. Hyper-natural forces definitely surround this whole damn bloody mess. I will B telling personal secrets of horrific deeds that I know and witnessed people do over the past 40 years, most of it all connects back to Italy and India, and to the great KALI, and her son, who now exists as DONALD TRUMP, and is what the ‘believers’ would call if they knew what I do, ANTICHRIST. I know that attempts were made on my life in more than 28 incidents, and more than 100 intimidations and clever threats were made 2 persons in my family and small circle of once close friends, to get away from me, and 2 forever keep their mouths shut, OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!

To the lawtrons fucking with my luck, ya scum:

I knew that if I told the blog and my tape recorder about my 15 grouping roulette system, U would wipe it out and send it into systems failure, as U did the other day, UR all as dependable as freggin’ clockwork. The reason U cannot stop certain tools used in the ASAP- TEK, is that it is coming from cosmos, and not through a mathematically pre-set system, and hence all throughout this abominable month of March SADNESS, with the use of QUANTUMCARD decks, and applying the wait for correct or incorrect strings of 2, and then betting for either a 2, 3, or a 4 string to occur, a making 4-stage MM bets, MINI-MARTINGALE; I still could keep generating a profits unit of just over 10 and a half before losing a set via a 5 or greater string of [I] or [C] strings coming in. No system can ever beat the negative hyper-natural fields that surround me while under these fucking extreme death sieges, but this is not a fixed system, and appears 2B impervious 2 the attack of what U have heard me refer 2 as NEGAMAGGING. In 1986 when I played professionally at the ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG casinos, this started getting real bad. The 177th AIRBOURNE in Pomona, NJUSAESMWG, flew over me @ trree-top level over and over every trip I made down and back, scaring the living daylights out of a legal citizen. This was and still is a total DUCKING VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS, AND CIVIL LIBERTIES. If I am so wrong about the warp on Tennessee Avenue, prove me wrong somebody. As small controlled dark matter electrofields of hyper-density continue sucking more mass into them, it is like a baby feeding and breathing, and GROWING bigger and stronger all the time. Eventually, these magnetic sounds of a sort will throw our entire orbit off, unless the system is deactivated, either by the GMC [GREAT-MILLIONTH-COUNCIL], and within less than 230 decannums, periods of roughly 36.75 days to one decannum, short 4 DECI-ANNUM, or tenth of a year, and R all ready used in many sections of the great gigantic HS, anyway, they will knock us into a new orbit entirely, making our years and days of new and different durations. Weather will become very extreme, and sea levels will B way up as well as way out and down, despite temperatures, which also will fluctuate more irregularly and with more intensity. The only way to deactivate this built tunnel between Sarah’s dream city warp, and Tennessee Avenue where I originally met her in this series and sequence of dreams that U would call my human present lifetime, is to bring her memories back 2 her by forcing her friend McGuire to release her from his controlled brain-stun over her, a system that works not all that differently from a keyword that awakens a patient from a very deep hypnotic trance. She instantly would make the proper adjustments that will save our planet from literally self destructing, but if it is not done within the next 300 decannums, it will be fate sealed. This and many close versions and variations of us in HS, will perish. Actually, in the grand scheme of it all, it will not really make a hill of beans of difference, we R not 3-D beings, but 5-D. (When I wrote this in middle 2007, I had not yet seen the Alannis Morrisette movie at the King home. I was still living back at the MMM trailer place owned by mighty Mizz Jenny Plageman. I pen this last sentence now up in the year of 2023.

To The Local Authorities:

So, I am not the only one U guys enjoy setting up, at least I know I am not crazy, or the only one this slit ever happens to. My 1994 accident that U set up with the Mexican-American driver and the MA police officer responding to the intentional, U would call an accident, along Kessler Hospital Road that starts with a five, running northward & eventually intersecting with the twisted crazy Starburn 'Starburst' Route #9 of East South Jersey. If ‘she’ calls me to testify about the spurious way things happen in this town, I will cooperate fully with her attorneys, I do not like police corruption, or any corruption, and have the utmost respect 4 all good honest law enforcement personnel. I detest people who think a badge of any kind is a license 2B a rotten criminal, we all have 2 share this misery we call human life.

This blog today would B much longer, but a major storm has struck the entire area, and was predicted 2 occur, so it is not hyper-natural, but I will B sharing huge secrets soon, and ripping off huge closet doors from their hinges, all these fucking secrets make me sick 2 my friggin’ stomach.

To the entities of every type while I close out today, 3/16/2007:
Do what U want, but when I start telling what I know about the details of NEGAMAGGING, LIFE CONTROLLERS, the true origins and invaders humanly of the LAMIST BRIGGER CULT and tie it directly to a mob boss in Chicago, ILUSAESMWG, and tell proof of the dark matter controlled spots, the absolute secrets of AC, NJ and its direct ties to IRAN, IRAQ, and the entire descendants of the middle east through the tribes of Ishmael and Hagar his mom, and how the great Sarah fits into all of it, and on and on et-el Estelle, Bassler, that is, and about her and her adopted son Chester, and the CIA/NSA connection to the real man who blew New York up, Bush’s good buddy, Mr. O. Ben Laden. All this recent shit UR getting is total crap. He and all of them do what O. Tells them 2 do, and the B’s and O have been pals 4 ever, and the truth is that we have all been totally skunked. The reason the lid stays on this one is because the MILITUFORCE and my entire Sarah situation R the forces behind this super cover up. If humans tried 2 cover it, it would eventually have SNAFU’d and ended up another WHITEWATER, WATERGATE, and MONICA LEWINSKI, don’t fucking tell someone who know, that he doesn’t. The pulsar UFO is a real astral city that the BRIGGERS took over with another of there very successful astral plane invasions, and is all part of Y the Shaw of Iran in the 1960’s told his very good lady friend, my Aunt, Mizz Geraldine Snow Mason, from Narberth, PAUSAESMWG, to get her daughter 2 come down to AC, NJ on vacation with mom and me and get in with Sarah and the Viqueen teen-queen gang, named on Earth by the local guys, the QUODDY MOCKERS. They all hung outside the Quoddy Moccasin store in front of the existing at the time, MAYFLOWER HOTEL, with the time warp running through it and zenithing in power at the center on the top floor, on the north facing side. It is Y the place had 2 come down, and no other place can ever go up, and the power of it, under the control of ROBERT MCGUIRE, is used quite frequently when he needs 2 do one of his big miracles, such as kill me and get away with it, just go to my website and click into the pictures part, as I have nothing to fucking gain by making anything up, but the ice and snow storm will grow monstrously bad if I do not break off my machine mind counter attack right now, so this blog today is fine’, but much more will soon B said, I have a ton of evidence that I am soon sending to Steve Hawking, although they probably have him and his family on pain and fear of death, all ready controlled not to take my stuff and examine it and prove beyond any doubt that it all is real, and answers every damn thing that has been going on since B4 this universe ever even got started.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:09 PM No comments:

Labels: Dreams, Harassment, Persecution, Psychic, UFO's

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Forget about a Poponorom folks, let us try---



'PPNRM', & it can B pronounced as 'Popinoromo' 4 short!


The Epitome of Harassment - Internet Version

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The Epitome of Harassment Internet Version, CB #13
Wednesday, 122607.480.14 Beginning Transmission:

2007 has been the most awful year in my miserable life. I have had 3 or more straight weeks without one single day’s let up of major siege, mostly air siege, but sieges and persecutions of all kinds, yet all totally covert, and next to impossible to prove that they are indeed real and being intentionally just for my benefit. Y they make it so bad 4 me on holidays is a spurious anomaly that I will most likely never B really able 2 get 2 the bottom of, but nonetheless it is the total truth. Coming home on Christmas morning at just past midnight from my job work post, kemtrails filled the sky, and a fresh bright new one was streaming above me, totally zenithing my security station as I was packing up my personal items so I could go home. I drive a few miles into Hammonton, and a reddish van began following me and turning as I turned, every single time. I pulled over on a side street and so did the van on the opposite side. I sat there and after a few minutes went by, it went on, but was still out there. As soon as I went another 2 blocks, there it was right back, following me, until I nearly arrived at the local police station, and he or she then broke off this attack. The police assured me that it was not one of them in an unmarked car doing this to me, but whoever it is, they R in league with a loud corporate or military type of helicopter, as the previous night, although I remember seeing this same van at a slightly different part of town, it did not follow me, but as soon as I arrived at my residence and began unpacking my items in my car 2 take into my residence, this huge chopper appeared literally out of nowhere and buzzed and chopped over me and my residence at 12:30 in the morning, shaking my trailer park like an earthquake. Then the next morning, the same chopper came along or early afternoon, and flew over my residence again, loud and low. The planes and choppers have been continual and non- stop constant 4 three straight weeks now, and so have the poisonous toxic propane kemtrails, unless the weather is 2 rainy. A child with mentally challenging problems can C that my troubles R not ever going 2 end nor will I ever even B believed by anyone with clout that is willing 2 help me get this nightmare situation around me every day and night of my life stopped. The same challenged child can C that B4I get heavily into meaty issues of today’s blog, I will start with one of several major TRS, or TODAYS’ REVENGE SECRETS. First, I believe I know now who the follower/stalker on Christmas morning is, and he lives in my trailer park right next to me if I am right. They have lived there practically forever, and my landlady told me it is not the same people, but I know better. They slam the van doors over and over all weekend long while I try my best 2 sleep, as I work on the weekend nights as U now should know. Again, when these scum bags finally drive off of the property, what then within 2 minutes comes over, but that same loud low zenithing chopper. This has been going on in my life now since the early middle 1980’s, the van that is in with some plane or helicopter or other air vehicle. I have every reason 2 believe that the man who threatened to kill me at the Turnersville Pathmark parking lot on the afternoon of the 2nd of August in 1996, and frightened my mom so bad that she never was the same and led I believe to her shortly following undiagnosable medical condition that came upon her as mysteriously as Stephen King’s Fog, precisely 10 years ago today, leading to her lingering hellish slow tortuous death, and eventual murder on the 4th of March in the year of 2000. He was of the Masonic Order, and was going to kill me because another Mason, my pal David Roth, had recently given 2 me, a family lineage chart so secret, that it later led to the books by Dan Brown. This chart proves that I am the 61st grandson in direct lineage descendandship to one of the brothers of a great master who claims 2B the son of God, the SAR {LORD] Jesus Christ. In ancient Hebrew, SAR is LORD and SARAH is LORDESS. This goes back to when World Lab went back with the Peebee’s as they R called, or the PYRAMID BUILDERS. Dan Brown’s story is not true, and Jesus never had a daughter named LORDESS. But the great Sarah Stacey Jehovah does come to Earth’s mortal world from time 2 time, and I know huge secrets about it all. Lots of it all ready is told in some basic text on my website, The show that was the biggest hit serial daytime drama from 1966-1971 called “Dark Shadows”, tried to expose this BUILDERBERGER MASONIC secret, and the cover story of Jonathan Frid desiring 2 return 2 Vaudeville, was all pure bull smells. U cannot expose nor beat these WORLD OWNERS. Let me get more 4 right now, into the heart of my first of today’s TRS: I told U all about an old pal in my special education school, named Jerry, the kid who blurted out the no-no to the great LORD, back in the MW year of 1972, and when I told her that the 17th of last June, as it was early October at the time, would come 2B a super historical date in American history but not until the following year. This indeed was true, as it was the date that the Democratic office building, the WATERGATE BUILDING, in Washington, DCUSAESMWG, was entered and bugged, under direct orders of the 37th president, Richard Milhouse Nixon. A PBE also needs 2B amended and corrected, I said the spring and meant to type in the AUTUMN of 1972 was when Jerry blurted this statement out to the great SSJKK, who had somehow managed 2 come to the MW, and infiltrate my school, as a Rehab student. Jerry’s father was a royal pain in the rear end, but I always got along swimmingly well with his wonderful mom. However, when I went to contact her from time to time in the early nineties about having her put me in touch with Jerry, remember that this was right B4I started going through my [mid-life-crises/Sarah-thing], whatever it really was, and like magic, Mrs. Heitzmann turned on me and told me it would B4 the best if I just leave Jerry alone and not ever bother him. She had absolutely no logical reason for abusing and mistreating me, we always had been friends, and Jerry was a great friend. I knew that Sarah’s head-tap would most likely have worn off by now, and we could have shared many a war story. Do not get me wrong, I love all mighty Jehovah more than any of U mortal worlders could ever know, but our special relationship has been compromised and interfered with by something that she herself established a long time ago, THE KINGS. This world has always had an ownership, an astral MILLIONTH COUNCIL in physical form, just as the Catholic Pope is symbolically thought of by his followers as God here on the MW Mortal World. Even orders such as ECKANKAR recognize how astral entities and societies, need 2 also have their physical counterparts here on the physical plane or realm, and these great KINGS in the book of KINGS, in the Holy Scriptures, is now the BUILDERBERGERS. Locked up tight in the bank and copies under the Pine Forests of the great NJUSAESMWG, will always B the proof of the greatest secret in this entire world, and that is who I am and who I directly related to. This is not dynamite, it is beyond thermonuclear!!!!! I never asked David 2 take this chart out of that lodge, he did it, and I know that they murdered him for doing it, but I guess Constable McMeekan does not believe my story, or just doesn’t have the blatant fun circles to take on the owners of the world, can’t really say that I blame him. Dangerfield knew a lot, but am not sure whether he was Masonic or not. He tried 2 warn me from Brad’s house on the telephone, what I was up against. It scared me so bad, that the following day, I wrote the song, “THAT’S THE WAY IT GOES”. This was copyrighted more than a decade later by me in early 1981. The dude that chased Brad and myself that horrible night a few weeks after this, was told by Sarah and the Callio family, FTV and SCTV not withstanding, to get this chain away from me, and when the wife messed it up for their sinister little plan, I went on to getting thrown out of the apartment for unfair things, and a few short months after moving from Westmont to Oaklyn, in NJUSAESMWG, came the night early in December, the 7th I believe, where I went 2 sleep and Sarah took the chain away from me in the dream, and when I awakened and looked in my secret strongbox 4 it, sure enough, the physical counterpart of this great chain had totally and completely vanished. In 1996 about 2 weeks B4 the terror threat made to my mother at Turnersville, NJUSAESMWG at the grocery store by the man in the {VAN}, always a covert van with no windows, mom and I decided on a trip back from good old Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, 2 pull over in Egg Harbor City, NJUSAESMWG, and go to the local diner for a nice din-din. The waitress was shaking in her boots, came right over to us and said to us, “A contract is on your life”. She went onto say that I as well as my Saturn vehicle, fit the precise description, that she knew this 4 a fact, as she had connected family in the area there, a nest of city corruption and illegal drug trafficking, and it seemed that somebody finked on somebody up there high in the drug-SAR bizz, and then told some other JO that it was me, setting me up for a hit, I believe on the L&O show, this would B considered 2B ATTEMPTED MURDER. In the real world, my complaints and story mean absolutely nothing to the local and state authorities, I can go get myself shot to death 4 all anybody around here gives a rotten dern.

All of the entire last week, and the weekend also, right up through and including Christmas Day and today the present day, things R off the scale horrific hellish, and nightmarish. Last week’s Monday and Tuesday and Thursday were beyond HELL. Thursday, “THEY” obviously did not want me 2 go 2C my doctor, and made my trip there and back, as well as the complete day, a nightmare of indescribable torment and torture. Every light burned me, an old harassment, they can control any and all devices run electronically, mechanically, or biologically. Traffic and street lights R certainly no exception. The entire week and really 4 three straight weeks, the question would more accurately B, what DID NOT HAPPEN, that was making my life a living pure hell, not what was. This way we can abridge the list considerably, from a million pages down 2 maybe a line or 2. NATURALLY, THE DOW JONES DOES NOTHING BUT MOVE UP AND UP AND UP AND UP JUST AS I PREDICTED THAT IT WOULD, AND THE PHILLIES KEEP ENDLESSLY LOSING, THE SIXERS AND EAGLES AS WELL, WHILE THEW FLYERS KEEP ON WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING, AND THIS WILL ENDLESSLY GO ON. Of course, even though the Eagles Football Team’s playoff chances had ended, I still tried 2 do them one last favor, knowing fully well, that if I blogged boldly that they will not win another game all season, that most likely just to wipe out my credibility, the Builderberger/Masonic forces/Skull & Crossbones Club World OWNERS/Fortune 50 FAMILIES, the original BIBLICAL KINGS from the Christian Scriptures KJV of the Holy Bible, would then “fix” things, so they would now WIN, after all, the playoffs cannot happen, so who really cares, as I stand 2 gain no positive magnetics out of it!!!!!!!

According to the WORLD-CONTRLLERS of the present time, there is no way 4 me 2 win, so just die pathetic Mountainpen scum bag, just go ahead and Paula King Weston die!!!!!!!!! Well, unlike Paula, I cannot remain dead if some ditsy jag officer keeps retracing me. So endless hell is all I can ever hope 4. Dark Shadows during its Leviathan plot, mentions that the cult is interested in those that travel in time. My original LOIS FOCA lyrics go, “I’m gonna sing U a little story about a man in all his glory, who learned how to travel through time”. Dream travel to other times and places in hyperspace, is not some invention of Mountainpen, I merely am one of the few who know how real it all is, and has the fun circles 2 tell others publicly about it.

Do U really think I have even opened the door on all the things I am going to say about HADDONWOOD SWIM CLUB? The huge black flies that were dropped out of the airplane that has been dogging me since the mid 1980’s, the strange people I met there, developing my abilities to move without swimming, the spurious jogging trail that led to the Briggbase, and many other stories, will all get detailed and elaborated on within a short time. They do not care how many secrets I let out to the world that R totally verifiable, they have neither shame nor conscience at all, they R all pure slimy scum. I told U all that they do not care if a total s^^^^^ w#### like Connie Chung, does International news, yet appears buck naked 4 the world in many photographs in the STAG MAGAZINE’S September of 1978 issue. Sarah-Stacey warned me not 2B profane in my blogs, as it filters out many markets that have the greatest odds 4 believing some of the incredible truths being preached in MORIANITY!!!!!!! I had no idea that saying the other word for kitty cat was obscene until she came 2 me on VIQUEEN’S ISLAND, and showed me how one site in particular that I shoot my blogging texts up to is asterisking out the word. I wish now to take this opportunity to express my sincere apology to the site, and will cease and desist from all profanity. When I speak about the magical times while I am under long term super heavy sky and aerial siege that is very mysteriously and in my opinion esoterically bringing the female population to an almost voodoo spelled attraction to me physically, as in reality, there is nothing at all 2B attracted to, as I am just an ugly old shrimpy flabby loser, nothing that would attract women. Instead of saying the not so nice word 4 cat-command, as it is not politically correct 2 say, I will use the politically correct abbreviated initials instead, as they also stand for the cat’s other word-command. And speaking of this, ZIP, NADA, ZILCH, WONDER BREAD, RIPOFFS, and ZERO, PC is the still on-going status quo. I will admit that one day early last week, I walked into the Hammonton Shop Rite Grocery Store, in NJUSAESMWG, it was so ridiculously absurd, I think that it was locally staged, as I know that some locals that know about Morianity, could easily B given a few hundred bucks by the Bowel Movement Club or BMC as I will now shorten it 2 and U know what and who I am speaking of, the murderer-controllers of this wuvwee whittle pwanet!!!!. It was 2 ridiculous. 2 total beauty queens acting like I’m some rock star on the Disney channel instead of a 53 year ancient ugly piece of excrement. Then another total fashion model queen starts literally following me aisle 2 aisle and being as blatantly obvious with flirtations smiling and a shaky walk, even I know when it is beyond ridiculous.

Does any one out here remember my starting an intro discourse on how objects dreamed about now R astrally empowered so 2 speak, here on the mortal world MW. Do U remember how also I said that every time I would take my Plymouth Breeze automobile back to the dealership in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, the place that I traded in my Satan-Saturn for the Breeze, that the MILITUFORCE, or MO, would persecute me with horrendous awful military chopper attacks? I never claimed to have all the answers, U would have to join or ask the BMC-MO. MO is the astral energy part of this evil contamination and infestation, and the human realm counterpart physically of MO is their BMC. Perhaps saying MO-BMC tells the full truth, as it incorporates both the physicality and astrallity of the situation. Never is there one without the twinallity of the other. UR all blind. The world is the blind led by the blind. UR either an atheist who believes in atoms 4 some reason, but no other unseen things, well, I guess germs 2 or else there would rapidly B a demise of the atheists, or U believe in austere rigid religious foundation systems that those measuring in the moronic mental scales should B able 2C clearly, R all out 4 your money and 2 totally control U and your mind. We exist here in these dreams or lifetimes, and your only hope to know Y and how U fit into the system, is to go on an individual spiritual journey as some more enlightened souls refer to this as. I gave U all the FASCITAR hidden wisdom, and told U the simple way to work it, and in no time, UR able to prove to yourself that the limits R and always will B, what U set 4 yourself, in spirituality and wisdom in these hidden areas. The gods or God claims that it made mankind in its image. This is taught in just about all faiths. We all love entertainment and games, if this was not the case, Hollywood would B broke, not multi-billionaires. This applies to Atari and Wii, and all of that as well. If we enjoy this so much and R made in the image of this “GOD”, then just imagine how big GOD’S games R, and this simple statement proves all of the teachings in MORIANITY. The hidden reason, we all, us and the gods, R doing this, is to distract from ever thinking about the reality that once U exist, U exist. U can never not B, this goes on forever and ever, and all I ask U is to start thinking about it 4 a second. How can U seriously not B scared out of your mind 2 know that this never ever never ever can ever end 4 Chirssake? U cannot fathom the endless great times I have with both the Goddess Diana Arteemis, known to a few mystics in the BMC as Artemisia, and the great SAR, known to me only as the GREAT SSJKK, and yet as wonderful and beautiful times ten to the trillionth power that these beings are, I would trade it in instantly 2B able 2 reach the great Nirvana, total NIRVANA, OBLIVION, something that never ever can B done.

There is literally a ton of text to tell, and I hope some of U last night were watching the PPS network between 6 and 7 PM last night, U would C how the think tankers R all ready thinking the new computation machines in a reverse way, this is the true birth of the MOGO, these will B written and machines 2 run them will come to the markets, but not tomorrow. Someone somewhere is using MOGO software 2 wreck my life back here in my present time illusion. All that is going on around me is being done by a level-12 MOGO. When I discuss phase 5 entities and the 3rd part of dream down existence or the ‘physical’, as void oneness is one, and the astral is 2, here in 3 we deal with many magical illusions, and SSJKK told me another thing I needed to blog, so again in MW order, I must say this, it is her command to me, I of course without question, obey my teen queen. First, I sincerely apologize 4 all of my profanity, it will terminate. Secondly, the reason for it is in two parts, first, to avoid her message to me being filtered by the younger markets, and secondly, that the more I hate even MO or any of these enemies, and vibrate my hate with wicked evil words, I am not that much above their evil and also, they still R all simply that other part of me that is not me directly, so I am hurling out evil words and thoughts at my own self, and then I must tell the world this; or I’ll get the cracker crumbs knocked out of me when I lose consciousness 2-night, & seeing this in forward-mortal world time illusion. SSJKK told me that she had a job for Moses, and never let him C HER splendor and exquisite unfathomable beauty, while hiding behind a large clump of mountain brush. He only saw HER bright hair seemingly coming through this at him. He asked HER how a mission this large was 2B accomplished. SHE told him he would B given 2 devices, the man Aaron, and the David Copperfield stick. I am giving U so much of a greater tool, SHE tells me, THE INTERNET. SHE is right, all though I totally admit that presently, my knowledge of this entire new digital world is gonna' B forced 2 grow in leaps, bounds, and parsecs B4 this can all really come into fruition. I watch shows from time to time that show kids toying with all of this like they were born into a computerized freaking crib; and I am still wondering how to keep my website from being one single star in the Milky Way Galaxy 'MWG'. But then I stand back and ponder at what I already have accomplished, and C how the search engines themselves and even the spellcheckers, promote it all automatically if given sufficient time; and I indeed have all the time in the world, or until SSJKK tells me the job has been successfully completed. SHE says when it is done, she will release me as Mountainpen from this awful set of dreams, I can just B with HER, and never again have 2 wake up here. It ain’t Nirvanic oblivion, but being with my teen queen forever, is not too bad of a second, if U get me' drift. If Moses saw more than just the intense glow from her long dazzling hair, he would have not called her 'a hard task master', when SHE told him it was time to stop his Moses dream, and just B in Sahasra Dal Kanwal. If he remembered what I do of HER and HER great city, he then would have fallen down on the rocks and cursed physical life; and he would have begged for a last breath. GAME OVER.

The great Sarah-Stacey has 2 favorite numbers in our base ten decimal system of mathematics, the [7], and the [12]. Take the number 3 and the number 4, and add them together and then multiply them together. Here is how the 7 and the 12 come 2B. So what is the 3 and the 4? The Gaines family and Donna R major connected into all of this. G is the 7th letter in the English alphabetical system. L is the 12th letter. Geometric angles such as the capital {L} produce the carpenter’s levelers. The song I wrote in 1980 after experiencing my first interaction with God All Mighty, SSJKK, as a grown up in my current lifetime dreams, LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS, or LOIS FOCA, 4 short, admits to my active dream and soul traveling, long B4 ever becoming first degreed in ECKANKAR 2 decades later at the start of the 21st century. Carpenters R basically stone Mason’s. MASON/CARPENTER in English also produces those great 2 unforgettable Mariah Carey letters that it seems I am forever unable 2 run away from, the great MC, for MILLIONTH COUNCIL.

No other explanation 4 all that is happening 2 me, and the murder of my best friend in this current dream sequence, [lifetime], David Roth, and all of the things that happened to the both of us since our Earthly paths crossed at the Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG department store, known then as the #113 Caldor store, run by Carl and Dorothy; and name combined/shortened. Secrets do not stop here. All of MUZAK, all casinos and gambling and the regulators of them such as the CCC in NJUSAESMWG, and all large corporations, and all of the entire music and movie and sports entertainment combined world, and so very much more; is all 'MO-BMC' totally owner-operated, and fully controlled. Things that have occurred and R still ongoing to this second in my hellish and miserable existence, proves and verifies beyond any infinitesimal shadow-doubt, that any of this information can really ever in any way B disputed by any one. The 4 directions that go out and endlessly meet and run into each other to create the geometric sphere from a flat square,. Being NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST, gives us the 4. The 3 is the electron, the proton and the neutron inside every single atom of every universe in every multiverse ever created by any wavelength of 6th dimensional particle equivalent. Again, 4X3 is 12 and 4+3 is 7. Then comes the real Copperfield stuff. The 7 and the 12 when multiplied together is 96 and the inverse of these digits is 69. I was 14 for 11 months in 1969 and I was 41 for 11 months in 1996. the MW year of 1969 was the chain interaction. The mortal world year of 1996 was the hypnosis, and my remembering how much Sarah had meant to me. Did I get a Gerry Heitzmann head pat job without knowing it, or just allow boyhood to turn magically into manhood, forgetting what the real part of my life was all about, and Y-I was here as Mountainpen 2 start with??????? Then only Paris Hilton’s dad knows whether or not he and his MO-BMC buddies set me up that early August day on the Atlantic City Beach, with giant Sharon. No mortal can ever know how bad that day was, the air siege, the road siege; it was all off the dials. I was standing in the shallows of the Atlantic Ocean and said a prayer as mortal worlders would see it as. I said something like, Sarah-Stacey, I cannot take this, Y have U left me at my darkest hour? 10 minutes later I walked up 2 where my clothes were, and a giant girl with long dark hair and giant killer chocolate brown eyes was all over me like I was some god or something, and like a damn idiotic fool; I just walked away from her and never looked back, but into my dreams she came on several occasions, and yes; a trick that Sarah is so famous 4 doing.

The contact I recently got is that 407 pix have been attempted now by 17 persons, at the property in Atlantic City, at 30 South Plaza Place. Not one comes out without a huge gapped out spot, and gee I wonder Y, ex Mayor Levy.

GOOGLE, SWIS, WORLD LAB, this is an official web document blogging text that is co-copyrighted MARK MOHR/PSUDO MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, if either of these names should appear on any of these web logging texts. I voluntarily swear under perjury charges should IB lying, that all of this is total truth, containing only total truth with no omissions nor additions.


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:44 PM No comments:

Labels: government persecution mason/builderburg aliens UFO occult magic

Monday, December 17, 2007


DATFILE #XXV 121707.720.18 CHAPTER BLOG #012

I am at Ann Silva’s pad to tell U that MO is persecuting me to my grave. They ruined my chance to go to a Christmas party, and they ruined my opportunity 2 attend the BBW club event back last week on Thursday night.

Last Friday and Friday night was off the scale siege in both air and ground assaults on me continuously. Saturday morning, the TPK jet trailing attack was wall to wall horizon hell. Every time the enemy makes Saturday a super bad day 4 me, I may as well not even put on channel 12 at 7PM to watch the Lawrence Welk TV show, 2C my favorite singing star, Anna Connie. The parallel event is way over 90% over the past 18 months now of keeping track of this parallel event, that on these super siege death-hell Saturdays, Anna Connie is never on, and in the rare instances where she is, the close up shots R never as good, and she is fully dressed, as opposed 2 those lovely sleeveless outfits that she normally wears. A 4th power failure occurred at work, fortunately, not on my shift, just inconvenienced me as I needed 2 reset some machines and clocks in the guard station. Every day, these poisons from these awful rock chucking TPK’s have caused me a vicious diarrhea attack, Sunday’s shift was horrendously painful, they injured my body severely, and I was beyond miserable. Not one person believes that these trails R doing this 2 people, despite evidence supporting the claims I make such as it began in 1987 late in the year, not the jet lines, but the poisonous way that they spread out in the skies Since this time, many things such as ADD, hyperactivity, depression, pneumonia, colds-flues-viruses-with new more powerful strains and more outbreaks per year per capita, breathing disorders, asthma, coughing and audible wheezing, and the list goes on. When I worked at the senior’s building where I told my blog audience how the resident manager caught one security guard tape recording secretly, another one, me, and this convinced him that my claims of persecution by some unknown force and conspiratorial entities, was real, this is also where alarms constantly went off with no explanations, as well as on shifts that I was working, a preponderance of medial emergencies also occurred where paramedics needed 2 respond. I may B indeed the main effect target, but if U think 4 one rotten minper that others R not getting side affected by all of this, UR major huge-time kidding yourselves. And I can accept no responsibility 4 any of this, as I have spent literally decades of time now attempting 2 convince the society around me of all of this hell being real and indeed happening to both myself, and those unfortunate 2B all around my immediate proximity.

Remember, I told U all in prior blogging texts or PBT, that I met a person on this human world named David Charles Roth, in early November of 1985. We were both working as retail store security guards 4 the then, Caldor Department store of Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG. A prior PBE said the word shave, the S got on the text somehow, I meant 2 say have. I have reasons 2 suspect a huge thing, I cannot prove it. Paula Uwich told me that Sarah was in prison, the Sarah I was trying to locate, the Sarah that had projected out of body from her host body that was laying on a bed in a hotel called the Bolivar, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, back in the middle and late 1960’s. An astral image can B imprisoned or captured by a device that works on the basic principles of kerlian technology. She became a basic zombie after all of this, and no longer could handle the responsibilities of owning property and running a hotel, and trashed the place as well as another property that she had purchased a few years later bodily, in 1972. In 1971, I was forced to attend the Lower Merion, PAUSAESMWG school, to get a summer school credit in Algebra-2, in order to go onto the following grade in school, I was a huge goof off in school, as was Donna, and neither of us graduated, but she attended Jeremiah Burke in Boston, and the common link was that we both were considered, using her own words, “class clowns”. My mother was influenced by the entire plot that also caused Russ Thaxton to get molested, bombed, and walk miles at past midnight at 15 years of age, over to my Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG apartment and with a ‘knowing’ knew that I was alone in there with no parent or guardian present to keep him from passing the front door, and he came in and we had a major rap session, long B4 the African-American music was invented. This all of course as stated previously, led to the burning and total destruction of the BOB, or the Book Of Beach. Honestly, I ask ye, could the great James Patterson invent all of this, could a fiction writer really ever come up with a made up story that even rivals my true story 10 percent. Speaking of PBE’s and percents, in one of my past 2 blogs, I made a typo and said & instead of %, I meant 2 say %, sahwee there rich prince of the capital!!!!!! Ed says, I should fix the problem, U know, go back and edit so people do not think I am an idiot and not want 2 read my blog. My response is that it is quicker to retract and repair on a future text, I do not get the time I need now 2 get what I 2 need get out on the computer and up 2 the blogging sites 4 hopefully, the world someday. Aniwho female version of the mountains and daughter of my bizz part’s buddy, Billie-Bo, I need 2 start working on completing the picture of my life, by filling in much more about the 1970’s. Everything that happened was all part of Sarah and the chain, and the entire Atlantic City nightmare around me since I reached age ten years as Mountainpen. When I was living at the home of 1208 Greentree Lane, my Aunt and uncles, so I could attend the LMHS as prior stated and take the summer course of ALGEBRA 2, this was the home of my Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, who was a very good friend of the Shaw of IRAN at the time. I told my Morians some of the story, no heavy details, but a huge plot beyond fathomability was inside and through this Sarah situation. Remember, she is your all mighty Jehovah God. But much more is involved in all of this. Back now with the plot with the algebra class, U must C how everything is connected and not in ways that R always good or positive, the forces have a strange way of mathematically, balancing things. The forces of evil if humans insist on seeing this carbon based illusion, R precisely twice as powerful as the forces of good, however there R always twice as many good entities than bad ones in a big pictures reality. Adding half to a whole makes the half become a third of the new whole, and adding half of this new hole, makes that half one fourth the amount of the new total, this is a lawtronic truth, and is Y all things not only connect, have varying parallel-event-truths, and last but in no way least, Y these connections R under the systematic rules that govern the reality of the exim-ratio or the ever existing 8th and beyond dimensional reality that would cause what I jokingly refer 2 as ADULT-PLAYGROUND-RAGE, if someone were to keep asking 4 reasons that the 8th dimension has no start nor stop, and is merely a comparison 2 endless wheels on Ferris and endless Ferris on wheels, and the reason is that there is no reason, and time does not exist in the 8th dimension, not until it comes down 4 dimensions onto the 4th, this is time as we poor mortals perceive this thing. But in the old recess school yards that we all remember, if a kid keeps saying Y, Y, Y, every time the other kid says anything, the question asked is always legitimate, as the answer always indeed is the question, but when the answer comes out that there is no answer, and this is the simple truth that void infinity is totally and completely, but should one of the 2 kids B a big angry kid wanting 2 know something, and the one that repeats the word, “Y” back 2 him, and playground rage, kid or adult, is about 2 ensue; and then the fists R flying, and unfortunately, this is all Y reality is so dark and cold and evil and totally messed up, because, religion, God, and all of this not withstanding, the answer is and always will B that there simply IS NO DERN ANSWER, so like it or not, this is true void infinity, or total TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now let me sort of, for now Aniwho, attempt 2 tie some of this together. When I was living at Gerry Snow Mason’s place and taking the 6 week summer course in Algebra-2 to make up a necessary credit, I would get picked up just past noon, as summer school, at least back then, did not last all day as regular year school did, and when my aunt came 2 pick me up, she had the famous to this area, KYW radio station playing in her car radio. The weather that came on at just past noon would come on this radio, and every single day almost without exception, the announcer would say and I quote,” 15 foot waves R crashing off the shore down in Atlantic City”. Stacey was very up set with me because she had not seen me down in her great human world equivalent of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, since the last night on the bus that she was there with her gang, on the night of the 12th of July, in the MW year of 1970. U can check this historical fact out, that the Atlantic Ocean acted up in this way every day practically during the summer months of 1971, which was the first year that she had not seen nor interacted with me physically by this time of the year, and this was not my choice. Her parents on the great ASTRAL PLANE, have done all they could throughout all of eternity, to keep us separated, and away from each other. As 4 the Masons, and our family, the Eastman and Huntington lines working into the Masons in the late 19th century when my grandmother was in her late teens and fell in love with my grandfather, a physical education instructor who went on to work and retire from the University of Pennsylvania in the early 20th century, Dave Roth was a high degreed Mason, and materialized at the same job post where I was placed on in late 1985, and life changed since all of this occurred. He worked in-house for the Caldor department store directly, and I was with a contracted-out security company, the famous Wells Fargo, that UC so many Western movies with where the bandits hold up the stagecoaches and trains, and the guards R the Wells Fargo guys, same guys. Dave and I met and I told him about both Diana, and the great Sarah, Diana immediately almost, and Sarah in the spring of 1986 outside the Medport Diner in Medford, NJUSAESMWG, in the parking lot, upon finishing a meal that we had just shared there.

Not all energy dots R kind and benevolent entities, many R horrendous and very malevolent, such as the ones that appeared several mornings in my home in Somerdale. NJUSAESMWG, right B4 my mother took ill, and very suddenly, strangely, and totally medically unexplainably 2 this very freaking day, by the best area neurologists, cardiologists, and U name the specialty, they all were consulted. The great Sally Starr who hosted POPEYE THEATRE all over the channel 6 Delaware Valley area, called my moms room at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Hospital, in Stratford, NJUSAESMWG, and was scared to death, as while she and my mom were on the telephone together, my mom got an attack and scared poor Sally almost to a heart attack herself, she later went onto tell me in the kitchen of her home in Atco, NJUSAESMWG. All these things can B verified, the CIA and the FBI know it all happened and is totally real and the truth, they have been bugging me and following me around 4 more than 20-30 years since my father did some deep sea diving 4 them, somewhere back in the early 1960’s. The 1960’s lead into the 70’s with major things 4 me 2 tell 2 this world, and just as the 70’s led into the 80’s and so on and so forth. Permit me pweeeeeze 2 get back to the energy dots. I would come out of my room at between 5 and 6 of the clock in the morning, and would C this incredible phenomenon on several occasions, they ran along the wall, tracing along where the wiring obviously was, the electrons from the power company were large and running around much slower than normally, they were bright white, yet soft and non-blinding. All I know is that just after this strange occurrence, my mom came up from her lower bedroom, we had the split level type home where the door was at the middle level, and stairs went both up and down to 2 separate levels of the dwelling. She came up from her night of sleep, and was never the same; she would not talk, just kept looking at me. When I called 911 finally, and they placed her down horizontally on the board that they use to get the patient into their ambulance, she stopped breathing, and they had no proper equipment onboard, and she was DOA at the horse pistol. They brought her back, to use your forward mortal silly way of seeing reality, they then placed her unconscious body into a machine where she was standing nearly fully upright inside of this life support device, and looked as dead to the world as U can get without actually being so. Never was she ever her normal prior self again, and these energy dots did this to her, but more is involved, the game of solitaire, and playing cards R also very connected into all of this, as is of course, the great SARAH CALLIO MARTINO, and U should know this story if UR a loyal Morian following my 5 so-far blogs here on This ZOMBIE-CONNECTION with Sarah’s grandmother, Sarah J. Karge, in the human world; I know is also a great part of all of this. Years, or should I say nearly 3 full centuries ago, when I was dreaming that I was Benjamin Franklin; I was many things, one of which was a high degreed MASON. When I told Dave Roth about the chain and the great Sarah that late Spring afternoon in 1985 in Medford, NJUSAESMWG, at the Medport Diner parking lot, I was telling him that the astral chain counterpart of the physical one that was given 2 me by my Organizational Big Brother, John Henningsen, and proceeded 2 draw this thing in a car that now I know the Central Intelligence Agency of the United states of America had bugged up both audibly and visually, and just completed making perhaps a drawing of 10 or so links and the way the 2 end links worked so as to hook into each other, these details can B told at a later time. But as soon as I drew it, including the astral extra ‘things’ that were somehow part of and attached to every third link, and B4 going on, I am getting the [not coming out on the keyboard when typed] hack, 3 or 4 times, the [R] in words fails to produce itself on the screen of this word document. Aniwho, MC, and the real Millionth Council, oh and a quick insert, hope all goes well with your concert, but moving on, Paul gives his regards to your dad, I ran into him at the local Shop Rite 3 times recently, kind of weird after living in town with him not far away for more than 7 years, but again Aniwho, I had drawn these strange objects that only were on this chain in its astral plane counterpart, and Dave almost used my car seat for a toilet, let out a loud belch, as he tended to make these gross groaning's with some regularity, and then in a stunned voice, he said to me right seconds shy of the Medford police arriving, all this was told on many prior blogging texts, [PBT], and Aniwho, he said 2 me and I will quote as U cannot ever forget some powerful stuff in your ‘life’, “Mark, do U know what U just did, Mark, these symbols R major secret Mason signs and symbols, tell me right now and 4 real/e, where did U get privy to this information?” I stared back into his eyes with open candor and pure simple honesty, and said, “Pal, this was all in this dream that I told U about with the great Sarah Krassle back in 1969”. Then the police were all over us, actually, it was an off duty officer in ‘civy’ clothes and unmarked car, and he had us by shotgun and huge K-9 and we both thought we were gonna' get our beads blown right off. This story has been blogged B4, but never the whole truth about the chain containing these MASON symbols, that in no way, I humanly could ever had had any access 2, I never was a lodge brother in this or any other clan, not in this present sequence of Michael Mountainpen dreams. Sarah is behind much more of many things, and I have no more time tonight to complete all or even close to all of what I really wish to say, this must wait 4 later on in the week.

They almost took my job from me this past weekend, and made my time there at work, another total freaking Dogtown-Hell!!!!! Then this morning 8 minutes shy of the opening Dow Jones bell, at 9:22 AM, the MILITUFORCE, the MO, the US MILITARY, whatever is going on and I have no way of ever totally knowing these details, but they flew a loud and crash level bunch of residence-zenithing military rumbling aircraft over me, awakening me, and totally violating my CIVIL, CONSTITUTIONAL, AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Every day for 2 weeks, it has been constant sky siege, and yet basically zip and nada pussy command. Until this reverses and changes back to the norm, they know they have me right by my fun circles. I just wanna know where the local and state police and the authorities R, I never ever even C them around anymore. Only when they follow me to and from work or errand places on rare occasions, do I ever C a police car any more. Where R they, did they all get spirited off to the BRIGGBASE????????

GOOGLE, SATELITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, WORLD LABORATORIES, this is an official web document. This web logging or blogging text is an official document that is voluntarily sworn by me to be totally the full truth with no omissions or additions. The great Sarah spoke 2 me and told me that my markets, the young, those that may believe me, will B filtered away from my and her great message that this planet needs 2 hear, should I persist in my profanity, so U will C that I obey my great teen queen, and no more profanity will exist in these words. These words I claim to also all B co-copyrighted MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, along with the Internet and Google search engine system of the present time.

END TRANSMISSION OF DATFILE #XXV, CU soon my lovely long brown haired huge chocolate brown eyed KALI, COW, Callio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:25 PM No comments:

Labels: harassment and coaliens the Millionth Council, the gods


Yes, up here in 2023 now, and a whopping 16 years later from these 'ohm-Marola'-7 blogs; I do realize that me' math was off, and that 12 times 7 does naught equal 96, but rather 84, and yes Mister Pennock oh sir, and once great 'palamine', in me' school-boy-days; “I am only human, and most definitely am NAUGHT perfect; and just as U so claimed in those wild ass days, YO BRAH!!!!!


Friday, December 14, 2007


DATFILE XXIV, CB #11, 121407.631.77



Last night I was supposed to go to the club I mentioned about big and beautiful women, but the enemy screwed everything up as usual. Then today, they staged a major accident, another famous INAC, right outside my home that knocked out my telephone landline as well as electrical power, affecting the entire area, all of Decosta and Hammonton, in New Jersey were blacked out, USAESMWG. This now is the third power outage, counting the small quicker ones, in about one week’s time. If the local PD would really check it out, they would find out that I am the victim behind all of this and that innocent persons on the roads R being put at a high risk of injury and death, all to persecute me. Any good competent investigator would C if they would ever properly investigate all the pole-hitting accidents that R causing my many power outages, they would in fact find a common link. No conspiracy is that good, Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson not withstanding. A major hack hit and a wipe out of more than a page of blogging occurred the past 2 hours. This is literally the worst day of 2007 4 me, and 2007 has without a doubt been the freaking worst year of my entire infinity.

Now I will attempt 2 correct the problem with my gapped out blog, as I am under the worst siege of my entire life. I was home 4 a while Ed worked on the computer here at Ann Silva’s place, and even at half past 4, the working electrical crew is still at it with a huge arrow blocking the one of two lanes of the eastbound route 30 traffic. Somehow the enemy or MO knew ahead of time, and time is simply a mortal mans conscious illusion, remember, that I was planning on getting my passport renewed today at the Hammonton, post office, NJUSAESMWG. Everything was saying about the 5th and the 6th dimension got poofed off the word program, all I can try now 2 do with very limited time as I must go to freaking work 2 night, and I did not cause this hacked and changed font, I am only typing normally, did not do a thing, and this is getting totally ridiculous and beyond absurd.

Phase 5 as U should now B aware of from reading and studying other blogging texts, is the energy that becomes the mass equivalent of events brought about mortally on phase three, after being first recorded on Millionth Council or electronic mediums, same difference. As I type now at about quarter past six this hellish Friday evening, a CIA/NSA CRASH LEVEL private airplane is buzzing and dogging me literally to my grave here at Ann Silva’s place, and she is witnessing all that is happening 2 me today. She was released Wednesday from the hospital that admitted her 4 pneumonia back on Monday night. U all R so lucky, seeing things the mortal way that all of U do. I know the truth, and am not one bit afraid 2 tell all of the world that YES I DO KNOW IT--LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!!!! If U could C it all with my level of pure simple awareness, U would not look at my way out sounding speeches as complex and crazy. I never said that the astral plane is a place, or that Santa Claus is living somewhere north of Canada, in an underground elf-crowded toy shop. I said that everything is a condition-interaction, and that includes this tangible physical world and life as well. We will come back to this, but I need first to tell U more about another part of what was previously gapped out on this blog.

When I attended the special-ed school that I have made mention of on numerous past blogging texts, on Hopkins Lane, in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, I made some mention of another girl in my life by the name of Sarah Jacobson, who attended the rehab part of this special-ed school, 2 separate parts, and she went around constantly bragging about being the strongest person, not the strongest girl, but the strongest person in the entire school. I knew beyond any doubt that she indeed was the “THE STRONGEST PERSON IN THE SCHOOL”, of which I had no doubt at all, and was indeed totally true. I still am attempting to click in and make repairs on the hack job that some evil MO whack job did 2 me. Bear with me PWEEEEEZE!!!!! She threw huge boys around like they were lunch boxes, and beat grown men teachers that were as tall as 6’3” in arm wrestles in 2 seconds; they didn’t even stand a chance. One night she came to me in a dream and said, not to me, but another boy standing nearby, as we all in this interaction were standing on a bridge nearby the school, and he asked her if he could kiss her and she replied, and I will never forget this in millions of mortal world-MW- years, “I don’t kiss boys”. The reason this stuck with me is not because of what she had said as she stood there dazzlingly gorgeous and tantalizing, 73 or 74 inches of ultimate female delight, and stronger than 3 grown men all put together, but the reason that it stuck with me 2 this very day is because, months later in the late spring of the year of seventy-two, about five months following this DREAM-INTERACTION, I was indeed standing on this bridge near the school, and there was a beautiful lake there in the Haddonfield Pennypacker Park, in New Jersey, USAESMWG, and the boy from the interaction was now also here, some kid at the school that was in Sarah J. {Cobson’s} class. Sure enough he asked to kiss her right there within feet distance of my ear shot, and I thought I would drop dead when I heard her say, “I don’t kiss boys”. I then heard this wise ass guy who was new at school and not aware of her power; say to her, “what, do U kiss girls? Then I heard a cracking sound so loud that my heart raced inside my fragile little chest, and this sound was his face literally being turned into a broken mass of less than human looking oozy goo. But I really knew she was 4 real, when I would C her wreck and destroy a kid by the name of Pat Lafarce in a 2 second smash-down arm wrestle, and all though I was 18 and he was 11 and a half, I couldn’t hold him off for even a second, so think what Sarah would have done to me. There was nobody like her; she had huge chocolate brown eyes, very long brown exquisite hair, and I know that indeed this was my Sarah and that she had infiltrated my school. Sarah was famous 4 being able 2 enter into my dreams, and then as U mortals would see it as, effect the direct reality around me after awakening from one of these dreams, that pertained 2 what these dreams were about. What girl, back in the early 1970’s anyway, today is totally different, went around bragging about her monstrous unfathomable physical strength? But she did, and all the time. Now when a person is under 20, a year is not felt the same way that a year is felt for us over 50 persons. One or two years now are meaningless, but in a person’s teens, it is quite a big chunky percentage of their life, am I not right? So Sarah in Atlantic City was not seen since the 12th of July of 1970, and here I am in the autumn of 1972.Now I had been friends with a dude named Jerry Heitzmann from Bellmawr, NJUSAESMWG, for just over a year, from my class, and now he had recently been placed into the REHAB class where Sarah was also attending. I had told him all about the great Sarah Krassle from Atlantic City, NJUSAEMWG. He secretly got me aside in the woods by the Pennypacker Park Lake by the “I don’t kiss boys bridge” as I named it ever since the dream came true, and he said to me something I will not forget in thousands of MW years, maybe never. He said that Sarah wants him to introduce me 2 her. I was scared out of my living mind, but I went during lunch break, into a room where she said to come in, and another boy, tall and thin, a rehab student, about 6’6” tall and slight of build with scraggly ugly long black hair, was talking to her and they were discussing marriage. I walked in, and stared up at both of these very tall people, while shaking in my whittle freaking boots. Sarah then said to him after smiling at me,” I wouldn’t date U or marry U if U were the last kid in the world” Then she came right over to me and said, “Hi, I’m Sarah, you’re a great looking boy”. At this point my heart was banging so fast in my chest, I honest to the gods believed that within seconds, I would pass out onto the floor, I got dizzy and light headed, and she grabbed my hand and helped me to sit down at a desk. Believe it or not, I said something that got the conversation turned to the re-election of President Nixon and how I all ready knew he would get it and that June the 17th of the year was gonna B a day for American history, and I said this 2 her. She smiled at me and said that I was right and that I had all ready lived through that date many countless times in a cycle that I should not B remembering. I did not totally understand it, but smiled, and told her that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. Then like a total fool jag officer, Jerry blurted out, “Y not, she’s the great Sarah Krassle”? She immediately jumped up and touched the top of his head gently, and never again did he ever remember one thing that I had told him about the great Sarah. The next day she was not in the rehab class. 3 days later she still was not around, and no matter how much I tried 2 learn what had happened, everyone insisted that no such person ever was there. The kid that had his injury told me he was hit by his dad accidentally in the back yard of their home while they were doing some heavy landscaping work over the previous weekend. Do I really have to tell U that this is TRS?????????????? If I do, U go to REHAB or special ed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 a subject I’ve left alone 4 a while, the great WORLD LAB and the mid 22 hundreds, where I live and work as Labber Zeejins Arthurs. B4I go on with this, in case I forgot and this was part of what got gapped out on the blog today, the very worst day of my entire life, I think the enemy all ready knew I was gonna get my passport renewed at the Hammonton post office, NJUSAESMWG, and they do not wish 4 me 2 ever escape their evil empire, their prison that they’ve so carefully constructed covertly 4 me, and their wicked games that the gods R playing with me, through them. I said on another PBE, that U may have heard if U attended Sunday school, how “God works through people”. I know I heard it over and over. The type came out that God words through them, error, sahwee their rich prince of the capital!!!! Sure miss your great ads, lose that stinking Geico crap and put your great ads back on the freaking boob tube!!!!!! Anyone doubting time is being transcended via dream travel, forget warp drive garbage, U need 2 know the truth son!!!!!! I-Ching is very real, the part not found in most library books either, where this book of non-atomic-freezing, [CHANGES], has its true power of prophecy lie. The hexagram of DELIVERANCE saved my miserable life and sanity, some of it anyway, back in the mortal world year of 1996, when on the night of or early morning hours really, of the 7th of December, this time frame 4 me, will truly live in infamy!!!!!!! I was out of my skull trying to get to the bottom of this {Sarah situation}. I spent money in credit that I knew I’d never B able 2 repay, in my lengthy and tedious search and quest 2 locate this all mighty god of yours, Earthlings!!!!!!!! This story, a lot of it, not all of it, has been made mention of in prior blog texts, and a right side death angel just winged my right side as I type this now at around 8:17PM. If my passport is denied by the state department, it will just B another proof in my folder that I am not imagining any of this hell!!!!!!! I will find out in 7-9 weeks so the post office tells me, as of this date, Friday evening on 121407. Ever since awakening or whatever I [really] did, from my major interaction on the night of August 15th in 1986, I knew something beyond unexplainable had occurred. Christmas trees, talk about Captain Picard’s SHIP IN A BOTTLE. Y did I do this 2 your daughter? Because she is a very beautiful and desirous woman 4 starters, but I as Mountainpen did not do a thing 2 your dern daughter. This is all talked about in earlier Morianity. From day flock ducking crow eating number one, I always believed I was not really awake, and as time seemingly went on, I believed ever more, that eventually, I would ‘really’ awaken from this nightmare that I fell asleep into on this horrific 15th August day here in ’86!!!!!!!! I still refuse to ever part totally with this piece of the 6th dimension, and hold it very dear and close to my heart, [thought]. It keeps me going at many of my unfathomably darkest hours, here in Dogtown, Shawnee!!!!!!!! I know she put me in the bottle. Machines like U would never believe, exist in this World Lab in the mid late twenty two hundreds. 300 years ago, U try talking 2 anybody about jet air travel, spaceflights, moon landings, internet, television and radio, any of it; and they would lock U up so freaking tight, they would hear U squeaking a light year away bwaby-wuv!!!! I am telling U that I was probed when I fell into bed that night, and 'Scummer has me in this nightmarogram' of hers, up in the future, I know it. Look, I am guilty of re-tracing her a long time from now, not as me, but as another part of a larger reality of me. Should I have 2 suffer this bad 4 this crime? Doubt the validity of my claims, fine!!! How come U will buy and publish and read, as a society, a book then that says exactly what I am making claim here to, by Doctor Bruce Goldberg, called TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE, go TO SITES LIKE WWW.BORDERS.COM OR WWW.AMAZON.COM OR WWW.BARNESANDNOBLE.COM, AND DON’T TAKE MY DERN WORD FOR URINE!!!!!!!!!!!

This is all actually literally happening 2 me, I am not nuts. I’m not making up any of this, and I could care less about my 15 minutes, as they call it. Fame and money and power, is very fleeting. Does anyone really think in 90 years, which will arrive in a flash; what Britney Speers had for dinner, on the night of her 19th birthday party? No one gains a dern thing by fame or fortune, and it is fleeting, and pure vanity; all is vanity. I wish 2B believed by authorities that I have been major huge-time victimized by horrendous entities, and the crime against me is unspeakable, unconscionable, and totally monstrous!!!!!!!!! Funny that machine-mind-6th-D, not fifth Mizz Macoo, spelled GAIN, as GAINES, with the added E. I have not even started getting into all the particulars regarding Russ Thaxton, the Book of the Beach, 'Sarah J. Cobson', Estelle Bassler formerly of 30 South Plaza Place in the magical home in Atlantic City, Mayor Levy, or the 3 warping triangulation fields. Aniwho I had to click in the corrected GAIN without the ‘E’ at the end, and I had to click the correct spelling in.

The story is far from over about the great Book of the Beach written by me in the MW year of AD 1969, Sarah J. Cobson, and yes, U can C this non-stop hacking today will not take the slightest vacation. I have had 3 power outages, I know there is a conspiracy with the following evil trilogy: ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY, ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, AND THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, which is one and the same thing as Resorts International Hotel and Casino and the MARY CARTER PAINT COMPANY, MC, can U live 'withoudem'???? Well next week it is time 4 me 2 do a detailed blog on how 2 build a DISTANCE-DELAY RETRACING RECORDING MACHINE. If U wanna' play all the way 2 the freaking wall out there in Dogtownland, fine; so B it!!!! I can play right along as well.

When the building in ACNJUSAESMWG called the HILTON HOTEL AND CASINO on the southeastern end of the great Jersey seashore gambling strip was called the GOLDEN NUGGET, under tunnel vision blind man Steve Winn who never went blind, another big Liz and Dick publicity stunt, at least Mr. Trump is 4 real/e and I will give the ol’smell that one, but back on point. I drove down just past 11 at night to go there, on the 19th of September, in the MW year of 1983. I was greeted by a dude in the parking garage outside, in his gate house, and he knew me. We had talked a few times, and he said this thing to me and I freaking quote: Diana Ross was just in here, right in here I mean, waiting to talk 2U”. My privecode had a huge red [713] displayed on it, our special code 4 if she (LIGHTNING), ever wanted me to meet her in Atlantic City at the Nugget, in her human form. It seems she was down there that night visiting her very good friend of many a year even back then who was starring at the Resorts CIA Casino, Stevie Wonder. She had wanted 2C me, but I was put 2 sleep by some CIA technology, around 9-PM, in my rented home, from the owner Jerald Pliner, located in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, at 134 Norris Avenue. I got down there too late, and just missed her; and still am missing her. I closed my eyes 4 a second at 9-PM, and the next second it was 5 shy of eleven. The code came in late in the afternoon B4 it was time 4 me 2 pick my mom up at the Lindenwold station of the Patco High Speed Line train system, after her day at the office in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG was over. These things all happened, Rambo, and Miss Blake, cove agencies; it is all just part of some evil illegitimate person who is the son of a female dog 2 boot, part of his or her MOGO, OR MOTIVE-GOAL SOFTWARE PROGRAM, that first R introduced to the civilian population in the late two oh three oh’s The reason 4 this 3 decade wait 4 these, is that in order 2 run a program that pays your bills on time is one thing, and takes a small amount of speed and power and memory from your current desk or lap top computation machine. Remember ya ol smells like me, when knowing a new word, 'GIGA' was the talk of the office, I know in the last real disco year of 1979, it was the talk of the recording studio where I was employed at this time, the great, RECORDED PUBLICATIONS LABORATORY, or as I refer to it in my own 6th-D-connectiveness [mind] my first lab job, the second of course being World Lab. Well, there is Mega and Gega, but adding 3 zeros there is terra and adding 3 zeros to Terra or 6 zeros to Gega, and U have the great Peta. These metrics stand for trillion and quadrillion, and the first time most people heard of the Terra, was on the TNG-STAR TREK SHOW. Always a show ahead of its time, this was always in all of its many broken and sliced offshoots, terrific beyond comparison; but is it coincidental, or part of phase 4 and 6th-D MOGO? Well, look at the part that led to the DEEP SPACE NINE, again with the DS. The distance that is involved in crossing this MWG is precisely matched with moving at their maximum of 90 percent of the speed of light squared, U would get from end to end in about three fourths of one Earth year. There is no way someone in the studios calculated this, it was all known, as I know and just know many things; but ask any think tank to write out this equation, and it precisely matches up. Now the real story comes here however: Any TNG fan remembers the TIME TRAVELER who came from and I quote from the show, “A place called New Jersey”. Come on, gimme a break willya'? Some of these phase 4 clubbers somehow know all about me, even in their waking MW lives, and consciousness, so hey YO, just don’t ask me how pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.

Then there is the word KARGE, as in SSJKK, in human form. KENNY ROGERS was interacted with from the 4th phase and the 6th dimension just like I was, by this great beautiful being. His Warren Grove, NJUSAESMWG girlfriend from his boy hood, Lucile, the fudge shop owner; is tied into things 2 lengthy 4 me 2 explore with U all right at present 'minper'. His songs all have that LOIS FOCA ‘feel’, as does LOIS FOCA, and my other LOIS FOCA similars, right? This is Sarah-Stacey’s way of soul to soul communicating. Just listen to his Coward of the County, and U Picked A Fine Time 2 Leave Me L. U cannot mistake that looking at the name KARGE, his name is KENNY ROGERS, these things RY his mother named him the Christian name that she did, all things R connected perfectly, and coincidence is an illusion. Nothing ever just happens, except mans continued dark ages ignorance. If I did not have 2 go to work I would say so dern much more, but this much must now B said.

The great SSJKK spoke 2 me and I must obey. She said she told Donna the same thing she told me, the only people that ever will believe the impossible and take it more seriously, R the young, in this politically correct world, one hesitates 2 even write in the word, but screw it, I will, THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!! This is the market with the open mind, and in a whisper of time, they R grown and in control of the society, and we all oldies R in the home with the nurses collecting our smells from pans, or in the dern grave. So I was told by her that I must stop using my horrible profanity, as it filters out my markets and keeps the only possible present-time entities, from getting access to my information, adults won’t listen nor believe, just like Santa Claus. Nothing is real, and everything is real, but what is real, what U know is real, is real/e, and truth is void infinity, and little persons innately know this simple truth and reality, but get talked out of it with things like, the dark cannot hurt U and there is no boogie man in the closet, the heck there ain’t, take some acid. U never would eat another thing if your eyes were amplified 2C all the crawling germs and microbes all over your plate and your food. I could talk on like this for days, they know, Donna knows, I KNOW, YEAH I KNOW.

GOOGLE, SATELITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, and World Lab, this is co-copyrighted under MARK MOHR AND PSUDO MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. We must now END TRANSMISSION, lest I B fired from my measly rotten job!!!!

CAL,KALI, CALLIO, great SSJKK, I WILL CU SOON--VERY SOON-- if I have 2 jump on the RR tracks every day until I am not retraced again back into this hell.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 6:43 PM No comments:

Labels: and the Millionth Council, harassment and covert government persecution, the gods

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


B E G I N N I N G T R A N S M I S S I O N:

I AM IN A DEATH SIEGE BUT WHAT ELSE IS DUCKING NEW LADIES AND LADS? The weekend at work was pure unadulterated fucking hell, they did every possible and potential thing to make me totally fucking miserable. This attack never broke off, and unlike the prior week backing off from the weekend a bit, Monday and again today, Tuesday, has been off the scale major aerial harassment. The same private job, owned by the evil CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY/NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, BLACK CO-OPS SYSTEMS, has been dogging and following me around since early Monday morning, low and loudly buzzing me ILLEGALLY, at my residence as well as every stinking place that I go in my vehicle.
WHERE R THE FUCKING STATE POLICE, AND THE LOCAL POLICE, AND IF UR IN ON THIS, U CAN AND WILL B HELD LIABLE, BOTH IN MIS AND MAL FEASANCE Law suits, as any private citizen is legally able to sue any one or any agency of the state or the federal government, so if UR permitting this or doing this, even through FISA, or Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, U still shave no statute to hide behind that permits targeting and victimizing any United States citizen, born 'natively', or naturalized!!!!!

Bad enough the power was knocked out one day last week, but then it happened again for a about a minute or slightly less. VCR remote control jamming attacks R back and bad again, the batteries test out green and strong on the tester. The health and body attacks R constant and severe, and have been right along 4 more than 21 years since all of this Scummer nightmare began 4 me upon my awakening out of that incredible slit where I seemingly spent 5 months with Scummer, in the “other Sarah/Harrah Atlantic City”. Speaking of quotation marks, even wicked vile old Hitler deserves the back end quotes, forgot them on another recently blogged text, another of my many famous PBE’s, or PRIOR BLOGGING ERRORS. All of this endless and continual Dogtownish hell death siege is Y, naturally using PET, or PARALLEL EVENT TECHNOLOGY, the continual EVIL EMPIRE IS ON THIS NON STOP ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!

DOW JONES NEVER STOPS RUNNING UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, JUST AS I CLAIMED. FLYERS GO ON WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING JUST AS I CLAIMED. THE EVIL FILTHY CHEATING FLYERS HAVE BEEN NUMBER ONE FIRST PLACE IN THEIR DIVISION OF THE HOCKEY TEAMS, 4 MOST OF THIS SEASON NOW, THIS WILL NOT CHANGE, ONLY GETTING WORSE UNTIL SOMEONE EITHER HELPS ME OR I DECIDE 2 LITERALLY WRIP THIS GALAXY APART USING ZERO POINT ENERGY. When I told a top dude at the Camden County Prosecutors Office about this back in the start of the nineties, his precise words to me were this: “Mountainpen, if U really could do it, U probably would B doing the human race the biggest favor ever”. This I swear under voluntary oath, prove me ever 2B a liar about this, and I gladly submit 2 FULL MAXIMUM PENALTY PURJURY CHARGES, BWABY-WUV. I have more than one TRS [TODAY’S REVENGE SECRET], since U cock suckers out there refuse 2 back the fuck off of me, here is one right now, and another will follow at a later point in the blog!!!!!!! Rules as U well know R different 4 all of us, and sort of a “bucks-to-laws” ratio exists all over this planet and the USA ain’t no fucking exception rapies and germiblows!!!!! Let me walk past Donald Trump and yell over, “Hay Trump, ya ugly cock sucker, I’m gonna do your ugly daughter”, and I would B locked up and not C freedom 4 decades. But if I had a daughter, and he did this to me, and right in front of her to boot, he would get scott-free away with it. Anyone wishing to disagree with me and debate me about this, go right ahead. I know what I know, and the whole damn world can go straight 2 freaking Dogtown [HELL] 4 all I give a rats petunia. But this is old news, not the first TRS #1. I moved into Hammonton 7 years and 40 days ago, on Halloween night in the year 2K. I was getting no cable service at first, could not afford one extra penny 4 shit. Then I started my job with Assholes Protection out in Pendell Pennsylvania, USAESMWG, and in a while, was able 2 afford basic cheap cable TV, got a few channels, but nice and crystal clear. Then later on as money grew a little less tight, I added a converter box and was receiving channels over the 100 spot and had music channels as well. One day I was in another what I’ve come 2 call an INTENTIONAL-ACCIDENT or 4 short, an INAC, notice that {accident} begins with AC as does many of my super life negatives, starting with of course Atlantic City, but ‘any-who’ 'Billiebo’s' gorgeous daughter, and yes cutie-pie, I have been saying this longer than U have been dreaming here in your present sequence of not Millionth Council dreams, but back on point, now money was scarce again, what else is new 4 me? This is Y MO makes me get into so many INAC’s, no not Inca’s spell-checker, but James Redfield is one hell of a great author and 2 books that R must reading 4 any true Morian, R “The Celestine Prophecy”, and “The Tenth Insight”, but anywho, what will break the bank of an all ready poverty stricken dude faster than forcing him out of residences, off of jobs, and causing him fixed INAC’s on top of that, with regularity. These R all fixed accidents, and they R indeed totally INTENTIONAL!!!!! Let me now get back on point again with my cable TV. So I now must disconnect not only the high channels that require an attached converter cable box, but I must step down to a lower tier of service, I was paying around 50 something dollars per month, and now I would receive a few channels perhaps a dozen instead of 3 or 4 dozen or so, but at the lower monthly dollar rate of ten. The installer was a hell of a nice fellow and fixed me all up with my new cheap service, and connected up both of my VCR machines along with a DVD/VCR all in one machine. I seemed 2 get certain channels on one machine and others on another and still different ones off of the direct TV antenna setting where signal was straight into the TV on that setting, from the inputted cable line. Some time later, perhaps 20, 40, 60 days, somewhere in this time frame, without doing anything to the cable wires or intentionally breaking any laws that would make me guilty of cable theft, and just from setting one VCR and another VCR, on opposite settings, as one no longer recorded properly and needed repairs and I was saving 4 this expense, but the show I taped and watched with regularity, was on the other VCR’s line up of shows that it could receive. Making this bizarre and long story shorter but definitely no less bizarre, as this would B impossible 2 do, I re-channel-scanned, U know, the feature in all receivers, that scan the available channels that U may receive off of a system, B it cable or satellite, or antenna or what have U. Suddenly, on this simple readjusted new setting, all of the units scanned all of the higher tier channels that I paid $50 monthly in order to receive, and now no longer was receiving the majority of them. I did nothing illegal, nor anything wrong, but all of the higher tier’s were back on line now, and normally, honest me, would have called up the cable company and asked 4 an installer to come back and check this all out, but life now had beaten me down to a point where I never thought that I would B willing ever 2 go. My attitude had indeed finally shifted to, I will do whatever I can without getting caught, not, is it the right thing to do or not. Hay, C it my way 4 a quick minper or 2: I am being messed with, tormented, stolen from, raped and robbed in both property and in a physical bodily way, and 4 nearly 2 decades, at this time, as this was around the autumn of 2K4, more than 3 full years ago. The list goes on, hundreds of my ideas and songs and numerous intellectual property was stolen by the fortune 500 club part of the LAMBRIG-CULT, since the tender age of ten years. I wrote Samsonite Luggage Company in 1964 and told them that if they could add an adjustable raising handle to the bag and put ball bearing wheels on 4 corners of the bottom of the bag, even a tiny whittle weakling like me could handle heavy luggage. They used the idea a year later, and wrote me back that they had been all ready working on this, hay maybe they were, but 4-give me 4 not buying into it, sahwee, just not buyin’ it bwaby-wuv, and this suit case example is one of hundreds, and hundreds of songs that I have written have been slightly re-worked and changed just enough so everyone else gets rich and famous, and leaves the real talent behind, in the dust cloud, to live paycheck 2 paycheck, and suffer every day of his miserable twisted sick pathetic life, the filthy demonic fucking stinking thieves!!!!!!!!! Again, my famous diverting into a new tangent off of the main point is occurring, vely vely sahwee!!!!! So now I am watching all these channels, and feeling scared and guilty. Scared that if caught, I would get a monster bill someday that if I tried not to pay, they could threaten 2 prosecute, all though I could look any judge straight in the eye and honestly under oath say that all I did was to switch to of my own fully bought and paid 4 VCR machines, from 2 different output jacks at the rear of my fully owned and totally paid 4 television set. I technically did no wrong, but still, I was receiving stolen property, or cable signal. Guilty feelings were also bad, as I never want anything that is not mine. If Bill Gates and Donald Trump had 100 times more than they have, I still do not want 10 or 100 grand of their money. It is their money, not mine, this is how I was raised, and YI am not against hitting kids to show them that being bad and feeling pain comes hand in hand, literally, but the law is the law, and legislation through the doctor Spokkers changed all of this, and I would obey the law of the land if ever I had kids, I am allowed to loudly proclaim that I vehemently disagree with these laws however, this indeed ids my constitutional right 2 do. I must B in a weird new universe, and will explain more about this soon on this blog, but spell checker will not recognize the word vehemently no matter how I try 2 spell it, and 2B vehement about something is a real non poor me made up Franklin word. Could I now B existing in a parallel reality where this word exists not? I committed suicide over the weekend, and of course, this causes me 2 somehow get brought back in a slightly altered universe, here we fucking go again. Just could not take any more shit, and laid down again in front of the Gambler’s Express train. U never will believe the total awesome experience this is, 2C this bright light from the train at the dead of night, coming speedily at U, while simultaneously hearing the engineer blow the whistle over and over and then non-stop, the loudness of it is beyond deafening. U could not duplicate it on the greatest home theatre sound system anywhere; U would lose the real-world ambiance of the incredible experience. The thrill of tasting death and knowing that in seconds, U will B sliced into pieces by thousands of tons of fast moving hard metal, slamming into your flesh with almost the force of the gods. It is cool as shit, believe me baby-love. The nightmare of knowing that U can never ever stop existing is so horrible, that words could never B made nor invented by any living group of entities that would adequately and properly describe this situation, even fractionally and infinitesimally. U exist and that is that. Please stop seeing time as such a real and linear thing. Lawtronics force gravity 2 exist and bend all of space and time into a spherical cycle. U can place a board 100 feet long on a fulcrum and place absolutely no weight anywhere on either side of the board. The board most likely unless it is one eighth of one inch in thickness will not break. Place a board 3 inches thick in this same manner, and perhaps it could B a mile long. But a length will exist where this board, in ratio to its strength and girth with the length, will no longer B straight. It will begin 2 bend downward on both ends, or woustward speaking astrally and in hyperspheric terminology. Even in the great expansion or Earth in hypothetical growth in all spherical dimensionality, {outer space} has this lawtronic effect. Everything bends, curves, and completes into three dimensions of spherical geometry. Back again on point now with my cable company: Along comes Ed Himacane, I get him moved into an empty trailer in my park, and he now is paying a much cheaper rent than he was previously paying at his prior residence. He has enough money to call the cable company and gets the package deal as Verison DSL who we first were going to deal with, screwed us, so we took our bees wax elsewhere, Otammite Milituforce, AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a very nice whittle joke here, sahwee, but this constant shit is really getting to me!!!!!!!!!! At least I just use Magnesonic 2 influence unrest and then things 6th dimensionally happen, but the tension is there all ready, I merely assist in directing some of the energies with my knowledge on how to electromagnetically interact my knowledge regarding asapian-claim, coming from the ASAP or ABSOLUTE SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLE, that fluxes in and out of zero-dimension and quarkian inter-phased and interchanged functionality. So again back on point, Ed gets cable, and one day B4 getting the full service where all the channels not included in the cable converter box, R received, he says 2 me something about paying just over 10 bucks monthly 4 his cable TV, yet he is getting all of these dozens of channels. Now my question is simple 4 those able 2 follow along so far on this entire dribble? Y is Ed paying the ten and some change and getting this full tier, while 4 three years I’ve been living on eggshells scared and yes, guilty in my conscience, thinking that I have stolen years of cable-TV service at about 40 bucks per month? This by the way is 36 months or more times 4 with a zero added on, so let us do the math, 4X36 is 144, add the zero, and U get the amount of clock minutes in one Earth day, 1440. If I got a pay this bill in this amount or else, in the mail, I’d B up SHITS CRIK WITH NO PADDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even my Newton Creek days look tame next 2 being up Shits Creek!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess it’s the no-paddles thing that makes it so gods-awful bad and gross, wouldn’t U agree???? Now Ed told me this right after the last Gambler’s Express train incident, and now there is seemingly no word ‘veheminant’ in this universe. What am I supposed 2 think, U fucking tell me RMA BWABY-WUV ELMER FUDD!!!!!!!!!

How’ bout on DATFILE BLOG XX, when I made a joke about inventing another wordage situation, 4 the chemtrailing poisons? I was saying that PK TODD or PAULA KING at the SCOTT RANSOME TODD REALITY COMPANY, C earlier blogging on this man and how he confessed to me something in my bugged car, bugged by me with a hidden cassette tape recorder back in 1988. I said that TPK will B used in new blogging entries and that it means TOXIC-PROPE-KEMTRAILS. I went on jokingly describing how the letter inversion of this new abbreviation of TPK, was the same 3 letters of PKT. Then notice how I get messed with, as it is totally beyond any coincidental chance, in my following blog, DATFILE XXII. On two, not tow, 2, occasions, I am typing along, and two 3 letter words get inverted, the SUE when I said that phase 4 entities USE Hollywood, and then later on in the blog, I tried to say two and it came out tow, well the many INAC’s they caused me over countless years of misery, did indeed get me many a tow job. Pweeeeeze do not insult my tiny whittle intelligence, and attempt 2 SORIAN-18 tell me that I am not being in some definite way, interfered with, by some intelligent wicked evil force or forces or entity or entities!!!!!!! Jack McCoy wouldn’t go 4 that kind of a coincidence, nor would luscious Angie Harmon Karden, the 16 octave amplifier & beauty queen prosecutor all wrapped up into one, at least on the {L&O} Television show!!!!!! No random element caused this TOW-2 occur bwaby-wuv Elmer, silly wabbit, Trix serial, and all the bull shit of the world not withstanding!!!!!!!

Notice, I did not try to do the Rats and Tats and EAGLES FOOTBALL, after the second loss in a row-tow 2 New England, I knew the fucking season was totally done and over right then and there. Playoff chances R now over, 3 straight losses, hardly any wins this entire season, this team totally sucks, and no amount of my toying with it is gonna' helpem' now, watch and C, they’ll not win anther game this season, may as well suit-off and go to the Caribbean somewhere 4 an early vacation guys, and lose Andy, his mind is no more on the game now with his tow-2 kids in a mess, than shit and sugar tastes the same to any sane and rational mind!!!!!!! Andy, I feel 4 you, time however 4U2 join the Jim Fregosi Swimming Pool club, C earlier Morianity blogging 2 understand all this a bit better!!!!!!!!!!! I knew my ship was called the Titanic-Iceberg while driving into my fucking job Sunday afternoon around half past three. A major fucking flash mob hit me harder than piss, and tail gating scum bags were all over me like maggots on the 'postmordemites'!!!!! No rapies and germiblows, I do not need stock tickers and radios and sports announcers, I have my flash mobs, road sieges, air sieges, body attacks, TPK attacks, choppers, incidents on the job of spurious natures, such as my pants not going down to my shoes all the way while hot shot Donna blares out her last dance through the car stereo of the jerk off saying this to me, it all is on earlier Morianity, nothing I say is there, isn’t there, this stuff has been blogged, and soon all my blogging and many new songs and many sound bites will all B up on my website, go to

Now I wish to share a little discourse with U my Morians, on what U have perhaps on occasion heard me refer 2 as LOWER and HIGHER astrallity. The astral counterpart of hyperspace in all downlined thought waves, is one and not two, this appears on the face of it 2B what I am implying, wrong, sahwee there rich prince of the capital. Lower astral entities and higher astral entities exist on this one astral plane of each of these countless 6th dimensionally sourced thought-waving systems. B4 going on, remember again, there is the length and width and depth of a 3 dimensional so called physical or real tangible life and universe, and then there is what and Y this tangible universe and all of us is really here and interacting 2 start with, UR all seeing thins in total reverse. Add motion to the mix or the absence of stillness, the separation of frozen atomic-event, and this gives us all TIME, the 4th dimension. Then all of the universes in the great hyperspace is the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension would B void and useless without thought wave 6th dimensional connections into it, thus thought can and should B thought of as the 6th dimensional part of our Earthly life, and then what makes it all operate in an orderly and in 'transmutably' controlled fashion, but LAWTRONICS, which U may feel totally free 2 equate as the 7th dimension. Then the explosion: implosion ration of the uncreation is the 8th dimension that permits Lawtrons in the 7th-D to exit from a prior cycle into a new cycle and literally move from less than nothing up to nothing and then beyond this into interaction throughout hyperspace and astrallity. Lower astral entities come directly out and away from VI or [VOID INFINITY], into this second-phased existence, escaping the imprisonment of ‘awareness’ without interaction, none at all, which is the TRUE STATE or simpler put, which is TRUTH, or the PHASE ONE existence. In the great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal in phase 2 astrallity, the great Scylla goddess, known as Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, named her club/gang of girls, powerful teen aged beauty queen giant girls, VI-QUEENS, the number six [6] of ancient Earth, in the ROMAN EMPIRE, VI=6. There R 87 VIQUEENS, but in truth, these R the QUEENS OF TRUTH, or VI, six or Roman Number [numeral] VI means “THE TRUTH”. Void Infinity or VI in Earth 21st century translation has an astral connection that conscious mind ascribes to each one of us differently, it would mean one thing to me, one to U, and another to another, and so forth. Moving on now, HIGHER ASTRAL beings or entities, we all R entities, so do not make a deal about me using this term a lot, these R those that have become lawtronically changed from astral phase 2 into phase 4 entities existing in hyper spatial physicality. This phase 4 group of entities or said better perhaps, this society, now attempts to re-group and rejoin with the phase-2 astrallites, and just as the board previously mentioned is lawtronically destined 2 begin carrying weight as it grows longer so as to make it eventually bend down and woustward and cycle up and around spherically, so also here, the phase 4 society instead of doing what it tries to do, gets lawtronically turned into PHASE-5, or as I put it in my human blogging and in my human interaction as Mountainpen, HIGHER ENERGY ENTITIES, verses the lower energy entities that R coming straight out and away from the truth or the VI. On this phase-3 physicality, permitting [our imaginations] the phase-4 society, to run rampidly and wildly through us and our lives, unchecked, would B totally disastrous. By now, anyone open minded that has studied Morianity 2 this point, should begin 2 wake up and CY certain things R dangerous 2 do here in physical life, now that UR learning some hidden and powerful truths, many will not ever learn this even if reading it a thousand times over, it is lawtronic who gets this and who never will, now and in the 4th dimension spatially. The real brain breaker here is that to the more intellectual mind, a question will pose itself here as follows: OK, Mountainpen, U say that this phase-5 then creates the astral plane that the phase 2 comes 2B in when escaping or [dreaming out and away from] the truth or VI. So is this not out of order? Out of what? Here we go again. Kind Morian, pweeeeeze stop thinking linearly. In astrallity, nothing happens first or last or next, or in any sequential order at all. Things R in base 8 math, and there R no 10ths nor tents. Built into any and all interaction, is also the co-interaction that is agreed upon by the astral entities, that make various connections between interactions that on the MW would B related 2 as a type of an order or a chronology. This all is just liquid here on the Astral Plane, remember the golden law there, INTERACTION FIRST, AND THEN THE TIME AND THE SPACE FOR THAT INTERACTION TO TAKE FORM AND SHAPE WITHIN BECOMES INSTANTLY ONE AND THE SAME WITH IT, U could say that it is created or built in, but there is nothing in any way mechanically going on, it just is a lawtronic reality. The total reverse occurs in all of the hyperspace or the astral world’s twin, and this lawtronic twinallity reverse effect, also is a totally in-transmutable law.

I blogged how Ann King Silva was my one and only real true friend who understands my situation with Sarah, so what do the BRIGGERS do, but immediately give her pneumonia. I took her to the Atlanticare Hospital on Jimmie Leeds Road in Pomona, NJUSAESMWG yesterday Monday, and she will hopefully B well enough 2 return home by Friday, her doctor tells me. This is Y these scum R so low, they know I fear them not, they hold nothing over me, death can suck my dick and so can these dirt ball gods. But they know how to hurt me by hurting someone close to me. Oh U scare me, YO, Mister “Dark Shadows” “BEST”; I'm just so dern SCAAAARRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time is moving along, I will tell more later, and the other TRS will B told later this week. The mortal illusion seems real even to me, I must play the game of these gods 4 right now, time is short, and I must stop blogging as the computer needs some work, I am getting messed with but I know what to do. I will wrap it up by telling U a few things. Can any of UC how Millionth Council Electronic Metaphysics operates? I call it 'Mickem' for a short abbreviation, but nothing short is going on here; more like something very huge. I type onto this machine and send it electronically up to blogging posts and this in not magic. It is a real Earth physical system that works with electronic realities, and the MC is ELECTRONICS. They can totally control and muck with anything biological or electrical or mechanical. I say Ann Silva saved my life and my sanity, if I had wanted 2B nasty, as many R on this wuvwee whittle world, I could have said Ann was the meanie, and Ed was the nice dude; and he would B lying in the hospital, not Ann. This is dangerous fucking stuff, and this is Y all forms of hexing and voodoo and witchcraft have always been outlawed and even enlightened and technologically advanced societies never totally collectively stop believing in this stuff, they know deep down that they better believe it. The EVIL LAMIST BRIGGBASE SHITTY DEMONCIC SLIME BUCKETS R evil beyond the Charmed-TV girls’ wildest Hollywood fantasies, and they R part of this phase 4 nightmare, not consciously of course, so naturally I do not blame them. This is all what led to the famous statement made by the Master Jesus, “forgive them; they don’t have conscious awareness 2 what the hell they’re doing”. If UR even slightly beginning 2C how some of these truths R so real and R all around us so dangerously and deadly, it may B time 4U2 read this, and maybe even comprehend it now on a slightly higher lever of your conscious mind self. The Law and Order TV show with the New Jersey mayor and the war hero medals and the crime and then the outer world counterpart reality shaping and forming as if to attempt to mold a duplication to Hollywood’s fantasy. The movie “THE GREAT LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE” with the future governor’s wife in the starring role was then shortly followed by 2 powerful real life non Hollywood quakes that shook Frisco and LA around like a kid and a soda bottle. Y then does this appear 2 have a [bringing into reality] effect sometimes, and not other times, says the skeptics of the world from Missouri, USAESMWG. Well, first, time has not ended yet, and this should B obvious to a retard. Lots of crazy shit still comes into reality from fantasy recorded on electronic mediums. Just a couple weeks ago, another LAW AND ORDER materialization-into-the-real-world, was when the mortician was in on selling body parts and putting fake tubes on bodies so viewers at funeral viewings wouldn’t get wise to it, right out of the L&O episode. Hay, some coincidence, but all the stuff like Mayor Levy, can U honestly really tell me that U can buy this as a coincidence as opposed to believing what I know 2B the truth about all of this? Now the entire story is not just that time is not over and it all will happen, this is not the case, remember first, LAWTRONICS keeps things from happening like vampires, werewolves, monsters, super people hero’s, and along these lines, but here is the other part of a simple truth, yet untold by me: In my example here, we will say that UR at the local mall with your friends and hopefully nowhere near the 19 year old who got fired from his job last week at Mickey Dee, and mowed down people like they were tall grassy weeds. Now U know dern well that U cannot buy every thing that UC at the mall. Trump probably would have to stretch and groan to buy the mall. In fact, U and I, rarely would B able 2 come close 2 buying all of the items that we think we want and or need. So what do we do? We start to plan and budget, and begin making choices as we trudge around store to store, am I right thus far? So we fuss about and eventually settle on buying a collection of things at various stores. It starts with wishing U could buy the whole fucking mall, and ends up where we settle and make our ultimate Shakespearean decisions of what [2 buy or not 2 buy, as this surely is the question Romeo]!!!!!!!! If U operate like this, using this SOME AND NOT OTHER’S choices, do U mean 2 tell me that it is difficult to then C the PHASE-4 CLUBBER’S not operating in this similar manner? Come on, the coffee is hot and black, the creams and sugars R right there in your face, the steamy smelly stench of it could knock over a grisly bear, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

This is not another TRS, no time today, but a quick more now on the chain, and Brad and Sid Crown, and Rodney Dangerfield, and Russell Thaxton, only let me twist into a slightly different direction. There R dream-travelers out there in hyperspace from more advanced humanities in more distant space time, and people someday do know Lawtronics, and way more than you will learn from my brief blogs on this subject more than 2 centuries B4 it should really B talked about. When U dream and not on the astral plane, U dream through other 'hyperspacers' in a 5th dimension so large, Einstein couldn’t grasp it. I met 2 advanced 'hyperspacers' in the mortal world year of 1996 when my thinking about Sarah stuff was all getting a huge foot hold on me and my so-called mid life crises. The 2 men that I encountered during a major interaction, R very dark black in skin tone, and R of average height/weight/build. They naturally were brown eyed, and they had short and neat hair, course type, and were dressed immaculately, with many jewels on and bracelets on their wrists. I had with me a device in my Saturn car and kept trying to hide it from them, as they made no attempts to hide the fact that they had every goal and intention of removing this object from me. This object was a precise but miniaturized version of the strong box that I used in the year 1969 to contain my 2 most prized possessions, my chain, and my BOB. This stands if U do not remember, 4 my BOOK OF THE BEACH. Russ Thaxton got me to burn this book that told many secrets about these wild dangerous mysterious Atlantic City people, and the great Sarah Krassle herself, and her Earthly friends, don’t get too jealous Moses and Holly Skunker Hunter. I will not go on 2 night with this, they did get this away from me, but I know who they R and all about them, one was with Donna Gaines in Munich Germany in 1968 when she performed her special and secret version of HAIR, which totally blew, and this High School Musical is what led to all of the future HSM’s because B4 my situation at the recording studio and my finding her disc in the attic, the world never cared about stars when they were kids, I changed all of this, do not ever try convincing me otherwise, there is simply 2 much evidence 2 support my claims that I know beyond shadow doubt 2B totally accurate and true!!!!!! This dude sang along with her in this horrible version of Hair, quite a mamajama if it takes me to say so!!!!!!! Without her and her friends taking this box, I would have been able 2 make Sarah Krassle love me right here in the human world where I so desperately need her. I will tell so freaking much more later, U have not heard 3% of Al Jolson’s fucking blog-music, so just keep waitin’ and DRMA anticipatin’, cause I don’t need this, no how, no nothing, BRIAN. The whole story of the Golden Nugget Casino, and Brian, and the 713 but not the L&O Abograbe Prison episode, or is it, but later BRO GREEN!!!!!!!!

DATFILE XXIII ENDS TRANSMISSION HERE, and this is all co-copyrighted MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, if these names should appear anywhere on the blogging texts or on the Google site posting them, as permitted by law, with the internet and Google search engine systems. CU real soon my beautiful Atlantic Ocean, I love U more than my life times infinity cubed and squared and quantitatively re-curved infinitely and exponentially!!!!!!!! UR my brown eyed and long brown haired forever teen queen, and these mortals, nor your evil parents will ever take U away from your Doggie Zeranniss Yancy. Bye-Bye 4 now brown eyed KAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not burn any bushes with your long lovely brown hair, my endless beautiful love!!!! I am so sorry about my brother!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:43 PM No comments:

Labels: astral projection dreams paranormal aliens millionth council, harassment and covert government persecution, the gods

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Naught boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.

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Boy oh boy, Morianity began with a bang on cassette tape back in 1995, and then came 11 years later, with no help whatsoever from Jane Thistlethorns Sleazeweedsdisease, other than 4 her fave damn number of course. 2007 told many things, the GAMES EXPERT, the retranced song memories of SCYLLA's incredible LOIS FOCA of all great GLENN arrangements all over the place, and so much damn ass more, YO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!

NO SIR, naught boring at all; none whatsoever!!!!!!






Two nights ago; my daughter told me to do something, and I did it. I don't know why MC in that parallel universe told me to do it, but I did. In so doing; I had a huge thing confirmed. The dude at the library from the CHASE family two years ago, was a plant. Any record of his working at the local grocery store is erased and gone; just as MC told me it would be. I, to put it quite frank; don't really give a stuck. But she seemed to want me to do this, and learn this, so as I said; I did, and I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Wo' Billy Harner, last man on the Steel Pier; but then, shortly before you were; some other major event went down on this pier, and we all know it, so why play stupid ass games? I also know that when I faked like I would be dead in an hour, back at 506 Robin Hill in 1984; suddenly, a lot of peeps that were messing with me on the telephone, abruptly stopped it completely, for quite a while. It was as if they JUST POOF, DREAM-FLASHED AWAY far from here, and any of us in this realm. Well, blog counts don't lie, and you all saw I was getting over 200 average daily hits for a while. 50,000 went to 55,000 in days, then right after I ran the poison non fake cigarette experiment number two, in 2014, from Fort Pierce, Florida; poof, a lot of them went away again. Am I dreaming all of this ducking mitt up, White House, Secret Service, FBI, NSA, CIA, whoever, whatever, hay, you geniuses tell me, YO??????????? Only, up here 8 years later, do I need any of them 2 tell me one goddessdog thing? It is clearer than Coral Mauden's wild ugly nose, just what is going on. IT IS ALL COMING OUT OF WHAT PSYCHICS CALL, AND HAVE CALLED 4 CENTURIES NOW; THE (DREAM-WORLD)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's not his problem, Misses Mohr”. Well Dock, oh mighty throat specialist off of Grant Avenue after making my turn off of 95 and onto Academy Road; then what is my problem? Why will I go into a slow endless eternal torment, and stay here forever and ever, Dennis Chase, Everett Simpson, and Robert McGuire???????? Because 8 years from now in 2023, I will realize that what I already knew back when these blogs were brand new, in 2006 and 2007, concerning the great illustrious HELL-BOX OF BRIGANTINE, NJUSAESMNWG; was an accurate depiction and explaination of all of my damn miseries, ALL ALONG, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!

Oh Lordess (SAR) (AH), what a lovely world I am stuck in. It is not the world; it is the personal interaction that I must endure in hyperspace, in this particular parallel universe. So many peeps have told me my DREAMING-TRIANGLE is not real and accurate, based on the fact that they cannot control what happens in ''dreams'' and they can control stuff here, when awake. I always respond back with a little mental exercise that really tends to blow trucking minds from Heredahellda and back again. Just how much do you, or can you, dude, duddess; control here in your waking life? Can you wake up and decide today I will become a lawyer, or a rock star, or marry some god or goddess type of awesome person, or ''whatever''; to quote you as a boy, Honorable ex 1975 friend, and co-friend of Albert Pileggi; Honorable Congressman Robert Andrews, kind sir?????? CAN-U? Just how much control do we all have, right here and awake, other than seemingly the tiniest wee bit 2 decide what we will do in small incremental things such as getting up off of our couch 2 get a drink, or perhaps wait a while longer? Yes, over smaller amounts of energetic truths, we have 'some' control, yes, and this takes me 2 that awesome episode on 'TTZ' television show where the dude in the Potomac Club in Washington, DC; goes back in time 100 years 2 the time of President Lincoln's assassination, and eventually comes 2C and realize that there R indeed VARYING AMOUNTS OF CONTROL; based on energetic truths that R all rapped up in all things, all the time. Things requiring less energy R somewhat manipulatable, while the larger things that go beyond certain specific points, simply R not; and not just 4 average peeps, but yes; even 4 the billionaires and celebrities and all of the entire 'Hot-shot Club', if U will. U must C that episode of Rod Serlings great TTZ show, as it will blow your mind when U take that, along with this Morianity lesson; and compare it all together, YO!

Last night I had the worse nightmares practically, that I ever experienced, because it seemingly went on 4 most of the entire sleep-time, and it involved literally all of the miserable monstrous horiffic junk, and I mean ALL OF IT; that plagues me here in my so-called WAKING-LIFE! I do naught think that anything was missing, and seemingly contained the entire package of nightmarish junk that I suffer through in one way or the other, right here while me' head ain't resting on pillows, physically. I had credit problems, I had problems going on with telecommunications companies, I had peeps around me vanishing and disappearing, I had numerous incredible injustices, and it all was taking place in a present time point, just as it would B if here and fully awake in this so-called 'real world, right here and now'. It truly was a futhermucking monstrous hellish experience that woke me up around twenty minutes past five of the clock this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning with a bang, and a mood that is off the wall dark and trucking dismal, cubed and Cuban! One thing that I was able however 2 calmly derrive out of the nightmarish experience from total goddamn hell itself however, was simply thisssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakesssssssssssssssssss of 1983-AMC: Speaking only 4 me but 4 all I know, all of U as well; problems here and awake, seem 2 stem from a deeper truer source of what psychic peeps insist on still labeling as, the 'DREAM-WORLD', and all of my life, I knew that there was indeed something 2 all of this, since my life depicted those truths; and on full raging stenching steroids at light speed squared!

Robin Hill Apartments - Voorhees, New Jersey 08043

Is it time, Mizz Mildred B. Young, to go back to your classroom at Cooley-Wormhole Hall now, or just back half way or maybe three quarters; to the great farm outside of HADDONFIELD; to quote my words in 1970, to my special-ed teacher, Mister David Leigh Smith; that turned out to be in fact, a time nearly a decade later; and a place; Misses Sudano; called ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS of VOORHEES, NEW JERSEY-USA???????? I don't need PM or any other lovely Mizz Patricia Meeker initials, 2 tell me that things going far beyond our waking world, R indeed where this entire nasty-ass mess all seems 2 absolutely originate in!!!!!!!!

I was living at 506 Robin Hill, during the time of Ingrid, and these other two idiots, as well as the poison fake cigarette trick that my mom and I played on the Otammic forces against me, that are now called by me, for the most part; the MILITUFORCE. I won't forget that deal in a long time, and just as I recently promised 2 all me' Blogaudians naught so long ago now; it all ties endlessly in of course with what I did in the summer of 1970 on that public bus, or really, what I told decades later on something called BLOGS, concerning that night of PK-day, AKA 7-12. DICE fits into all of these things also, am I wrong peeps? But then B4U all shout stuff at me like Y do I make a big deal out of it all, remember that dates and SAFET proves beyond any damn small doubt whatsoever here that it all connects up, but naught here in waking-life. The true power 2 how as well as where and Y it all connects up together, as the psychics call it, “lies forever in the transdimensional hyperspace, sorry, I mean the DREAM-WORLD”!!!!!! So sahwee, all U wonderful Japanese Ambassadors of the WWll circa.

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2006-2014 © MOUNTAINPEN


Original five blogs:

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views – 2981

My 5 blogs before this one:

Miserable rotten Thistlethorns Painjane Notfondauonebit Skuzdrinker, just got me again. Yes oh lovely gal-pal from 1999, Mizz Zabriskie, she got me weelwee damn 'GOUUUUUUUUD'; U white hot goddess U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like-WOW. Here is my necessary friggin' compensation of 5-group numerations now, oh 'cold cruel weerlld'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Then came last night. Cuzz Trump was with me, and we were in a place I do not feel I should discuss, of course it was in a parallel universe. After-all, my body is laying dead on a bed, and my spirit is out and roaming around in the parallel universes of hyperspace, and all of you call this ''dreaming'', same diff, I promise ye. All I will say is that he told me he knew what I was supposed to do and that I always need to obey the great Queen of the universe. He said many things, I just don't feel too great about imparting a lot of this on a blog right now. Sorry. I will say this, YO. He and I got talking towards the very ending of the nocturnal-experience, about my dropped off viewership after it had reached a nice clip. I remember as clearly as if it was on my television right now, and I was sitting all kicked back with a bowl of luscious and delicious Breyers Ice Cream in my hands, and watching it live. I said, ''Cuzz Don, I would rather have a real audience of 10 and a total blog count now of 900, than have a million daily readers that would max out most counters after a few years''. I went onto say, and I remember it in paraphrase only so I do not quote here, that it would be better to have one or two or three peeps who wanted to meet me and see what this is all about, than have the combined hits on a stupid silly blogger count, of all the famous people on Youtube on the planet. As I said, this is a very close but not actual quote from me. Then he smiled and he said to me in a changed pitch of voice from before, “Cuzz, you're all wet. The more you have reading you, the more earning potential you have''. You see, even in that parallel reality, he only sees dollar bills. He has no clue that this blog is nothing at all about the $$$$$$$$$$$, and that just about all other frucking skit on this planet, is only about the $$$$$$$$$, just as the great Kevin Trudeau taught so many of us through the years. I had already learned this in 1971 from a friend of the family, a Mister Leon Mitryk, from Burlington, New Jersey, 60 yards away on High Street, from where I worked with my brother in a print shop, nearly three ducking hundred years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

''Here you sit, broken hearted. You came to skit, and only farted''. As I now proceed in the MORIANITY story of great truth, and great sorrows; this description of anyone reading and doubting, is very accurate; despite being taken from 1969 at a public bathroom stall; and was quite well known in my generation.

JUNE 19, 2014,





And yes, me' butt-hole nabes above me, are hammering! Only up here 8 years in 2023; we all know it was not above me, but always in that enemy WOMO next door joint, number 605, an inverted number 506, as in poison cigarette fakers and Sarah Bus fakes also, but no; not techno-pop fakes. How I do enjoy messing around with electronics, because instinctively I always knew, even as a small frikkin' child; that something beyond odd and strange, laid behind the world of the 'mother board dodads', and we now all know what it truly is, YO; the great awesome astral world authority, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JOHN J CROWLEY, Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?

Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »expand




John J Crowley's entire criminal record

The man who ripped me off in 1979 with the tow truck deal:

Last Known Address: 1201 ROBERTS WAY, VOORHEES, NJ, 08043












205 lbs.



Offense or Statute

Offense/Statute: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD Disposition Date: 29 March 1996



Why have a dozen top musical artists ripped off songs from me over the past four plus decades? There is a reason, and not all of it is nee-nee-nee-nee weird and super mother ducking natural; and I promise you that!!!!!!! Where are you SHERIFF KJM??? Well, maybe through the back door, you have sent me that wonderful FPPD-COP. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am going to be moving out of this mother trucking horrible building before one more year is up. I cannot take these runt chewing roaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now there have been a few brave souls who have wondered aloud, and let me know it through numerous channels and back doors, that if indeed MIND CONTROL is so much behind everything, then how can I ever really know just who is truly behind this? Ever notice how they never allow me 2 really KNOW ANYTHING 4 SURE, GREAT FOLKS OUT THERE???????????????? Any other questions 4 the ages; oh all of U great peeps?

Patty Hollister was necessary to the great video-game of the 'GASME-GODS', as has been recently told after my recent revelations concerning those facts were finally slammed into my goddamn conscious awareness!!!!!!!!! Still, have all of the facts been told? Well, if the WOMO-Milituforce keeps planting roach colonies in my apartment, this world can get ducking ready to hear some REALLY MAJOR SKIT THAT I HAVE NOT EVER TOLD; oh me' wonderful Sheriff Mascara, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am one ducking angry person. Still, my beautiful lovely golden moon was there to greet me earlier in the evening, and for that much, I am very grateful to the gods of the Astral-Plane, AKA, the Purgatory. Like WOW and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not trying to get all esoteric or philosophical, or pretend that I know all of the answers. I AM NOT Patty Hollister, and this is not the late sixties, or early seventies. BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, Jesus Christ all mighty YO; let's play Bob Schleigh's game, at the Camden, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG security gatehouse. LET'S INDEED BE REAL, folks!! No ordinary mother ducking dream can be more real than ten times all of your other dreams put together, and no ordinary dream can alter your mother trucking waking life from the second that you wake up out of it. Yes Spellchecker, it is totally outlandish!!!!!!! But it's way more than that. It definitely fits the Agent Falcon/Agent Condor profile for why things may have all gone down like this. Anyone who follows ufology at all, knows that huge walls and blocks are real; and that there is indeed a powerful cover-up of 'SOMETHING'. Just what, my jury is totally out; but definitely mucking 'SOMETHING', YO! For right god-dog now, that is all that I have to say, but know this my Blogaudians. We'll be further exploring down this road, and without any help from my ex-son in law Nicky, and his magical hyperspace road-trips through time and hyperspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my ELECTRONIC stuff did appear to be able to create “monster-ass recordings”!!!! The man in any realm, was 'telling it true', oh lovely little Sandra Tammie D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People can insist all they want to, and I know that they are wrong. They tell me that I am a paranoid lunatic, with a zillion damn delusions. Well, as Mashell Daniels said in 1980, at the RPL Sound Recording Studio Laboratories, of Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG; “I am entitled to my opinion”, and of course, so is evweebwudy else. But in absolute truth, we all are under the same, whatever you may wish to call it, deal; and that is, none of us are entitled to our FACTS. I feel that I have presented lots and lots and lots of very great arguments, and even many facts, that are just about 99+% beyond anyone's power or ability to dispute. To me at least, the items in my Morianity are absolutely irrefutable. Here's another whittle morsel tidbit of horse-slit that is very much a head scratcher, unless what lays underneath your hair is as dead as your carpets. During that wild Christmas party at that medical research institute place where I did janitorial work for the contractor, Mister Berny Derakowski; and was told by two doctors who had a bit too much to drink, all about using very young blood to transfuse older bodies, and thus rejuvenating them to youth again, after a couple of years; just what if after they sobered up; they came to realize that they released some highly classified medical information to the lowly 'TPB' non-lightning janitor? Only readers of my great 1994 book know what's getting mother mucking said there. Aniwho, and moving this right along YO; just what if they got together, just like towards the ending of that fantastic Sharon Stone movie, “CASINO”, and had “THAT SAME TALK”, or maybe the mob is connected into the medical industry; hey after-all, everybody knows about the music freaking industry, for Jesus Christ's sake, heaven forbid, YO!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes peeps, you heard me right. Just what if they had that talk, that in the movie, ended with that nasty scene in the Vegas desert, only with me, and knowing about my dirty little trash can habits; they simply arranged for me to pick up some horrendous medical virus? First off, if this is all real, then this is why, MISSES MOHR, HE DID NOT THINK THAT MY THROAT WAS MY PROBLEM”, and also, this is why nobody has ever, ever, in the entire medical industry; attempted to properly treat me, or help me; and they basicly are sitting around and just hoping and waiting for me to mother trucking die in endless agony, huh Doctor's Schorr and Shareef of Fort Pierce?????????? This would also explain why many powerful, and very wealthy politicians, are involved in the mix; such as the TRILOGY FROM HELL, TRUMP-SCOTT-BONDI; as I discussed on several prior blogs, YO!!!!!! Just think about it, YO ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whispers and ghosts from the past:

This is now the THIRD TIME that my kitchen sink has been interfered with, here at my PUBLIC HOUSING BUILDING APARTMENT. Again, the drain despite a leak proof stopper purchased by me at the local Publix store, was securely in place, just as it was those other two previous times, was breached somehow, and nasty ass mother mucking soap-suds had begun to seep up into my god-dog sink, and along with that; lots of mother ducking filthy dirty rotten nasty ass ROACHES R all over swimming around in the sudsy mother trucking water. Naturally, I emptied it all out, cleaned up this mess for a third time now, kind Sheriff KJM sir; and then cleaned and drained the sink with loads of scalding hot water that I boiled. Then I took a half a can of mother ducking 'RAID' roach spray, and inundated my kitchen with it. All day long, the harassing telephone calls were real bad, and I know exactly who is behind all of them, or almost all of them; a very crooked evil debt collection company who illegally hacks into my line and my actual account that I have through the COMCAST carriers, as every time they start annoying me again with letters and calls, THESE OTHER CALLS ALWAYS SEEM TO DUCKING RUNT FOLLOW SUIT, ME KIND SIR! The calls began as soon as I woke up and began my day at around just past eight this goddessdog MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING kind sir, and the sink incident had to have occurred somewhere between six of the clock this evening, and about ten minutes shy of seven. It had to take at least a few minutes for this evil to have been accomplished against me, and I was in my kitchen at around six to warm up a little snack, and then at about three minutes shy of seven, I went into the kitchen to grab a bite of ice cream from my freezer, and happened to look at my sink, and POW! To intentionally perpetrate this crime against me, Sheriff sir; is more than criminal mischief, it is also ELDER ABUSE, and it is also beyond that, a dangerous health threat against an innocent person, who is always current in his rent, and does nothing whatsoever to a single mother mucking soul, to deserve this absolutely wicked and demonic mother trucking torture, and criminal behavior, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have learned major skit from that wonderful PROJECT BLUEBOOK television show, and one of the items learned, I must confess to already having figured out a very long mother clucking stunt huffing time ago, me lads and me lassies out here in Blogaudianland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is that THE MILITUFORCE WILL NEVER EVER STOP, AND THIS HELL WILL INDEED GO ON FOR THE GOD-DOG TRUCKING REST OF MY PATHETIC DESEASED CURSED LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! These totally sicko pricks will ruin my entire life, as they have done so ever since I MOTHER MUCKING RUNT EATING EXITED HIGH SCHOOL at my special-ed school called the Cooley-Hall Bancroft school, on Hopkins Lane, in Haddonfield, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I won't be joining the largest UFO Club in the United States as a chess or a poker move in some strategic counterstrike. BUTTERFIELDS AND BIG ASS BUTTTTTT, I WILL BE JOINING UP because I MUST DO THIS. These diseased rock chucking whack job pricks on steroids, simply are leaving me absolutely no mother trucking other 'cherce'; YO Mister Archibald Bunkerqueens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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13 MARCH, 2019


Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

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I mother ducking knew when I was twenty, and heard that inaudible yet absolutely distinct voice, telling me to spare myself an unfathomable HELL, and just end it all, that I should have mother ducking listened to it, and NOT WUSSED THE STUNT EATING SLIT OUT!!! If I hadn't been such a punt sucking goddamn coward, I could have exited away from this inconceivable hellishness, and spared myself more agony and demonic grief than even I can possibly imagine. BUT NOW THAT I HAVE SUFFERED THIS LONG, AND HAVE WAY TOO MUCH NECESSARY INFORMATION TO SHARE WITH THOSE OTHER FEW CURSED FOLKS OUT HERE ON THE CE-6ers list or (M2F-CLASSIFICATION), I realize that I must now remain here, join the biggest 'UFO' club out there in this country, and shout out my life's-experiences to the ENTIRE WORLD, and if they don't believe me, well, then they all deserve to be tormented and tortured as badly as I have been, as they will indeed be, as have I, IF they are in REAL CONTACT, as I obviously AM, and have been all along, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FEBRUARY 17, 2014,




Well they ducked me good, Bob McDowell. Unless this is some temporary hack, whatever that god-dog trucking Wordpress hack was this afternoon, really flucked up these blogs, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Federal Communications Commission; this is a violation of my CIVIL RIGHTS, my HUMAN RIGHTS, AND CONSTITUTIONAL CLUCKING RIGHTS, YO!!!!

Every document has been frucked with, FCC, local PEEDEE, State of Florida Police, ACLU, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and anyone else who might just give the smallest hell!

Mack and Lester 1967 Kaiter, this is totally mother lucking ridiculous, sirs! Everything is hacked out, YO! Before I murder the entire family of Atlantic City from HELL, fire BILL, from Cifaloglio; I'll tell so many things to so many people, the pop will be swarming around this Public Housing Building like flies on a July ducking garbage truck, tomorrow flocking stunt eating nerd chewing morning! There is no ONE WAY STREET; merely streets where the law makes it legal to only drive in one direction. If one is able to not get caught, Frank Callio on Bacharach Boulevard, one can drive down either side, of course, don't get trucking killed while making the attempt, either, BRO! But I think my pernt is being made, Archie trucking glass Bunker, YO!!!!!!!!!! Hay, shake it up and toss it out any way that you like, Sargent mucking Friday on 1967 Dragnet. This is all just one huge simulationogram, sir; and you too, Professor Kaku. Maybe both of us would do better to keep our big mother mucking mouths shut, to quote 'lovely-ass Monique'! Give me a break Misses Rabil; I'm so stupid and wetahded, I can't see all the skit has gone on for fifty mother mucking years for crissake. Jesus Christ Almighty, Mike Bustarm Sotas, with almost the strength of lovely Keisha!!!!!!! BUTT, no cigar lovely SJK.

Two of the greatest things talked about in my blogs as the MOUNTAINPEN or in MORIANITY, you may think of, as either EXPLORATRONS, or AUGUST 15th OF 1986. You would be within a good thinking pattern to make that selection, but in truth, a hidden cosmic agenda called, REALITY-3 is the real biggest deal in my horrific and sub-vampiric life and cursed existence, as the chosen HUNTINGTON. Reality-3 is not something that has ever been totally rationally figured out by me, so I will not pretend for a second that in any way, shape, or form, it has been. I will merely remind my readers that it has to do with the theory that perhaps, and only perhaps, one larger truth and ongoing nightmare, is causing both of my PARALLEL-EVENT situations, of one---me being up or down, and two---'THEY' being winners or losers in a very strange trilogy of events; these being the Dow Jones, the Philadelphia Phillies, and the Philadelphia Flyers. All I can say in good conscience, is that I cannot prove satisfactorily no matter how hard I have tried for more than twenty-six years now; whether there is or is not, a REALITY-3, or whether just the parallel event itself, IS EVERYTHING, and why it all began on one exact night in the summer of 1986; also remains a total elusive mystery. Still, one fact remains undisputed. Since this hell started around me in 1986, only the year of 1994 seemed to be magical. It totally cut me a break. Things, big things started to go my way in almost unfathomable ways. Why? Because the Baseball Clubs went on strike, so there was no Phillies season. Then in the autumn, the HOCKEY CLUBS went on strike, so DUHH, there was no Flyers Season, only there was, a small one, as early in 1995, when the magical year of 1994 ended; a short hockey season began, causing a three year doubling of the Dow Jones stock market, and basically, the end of my life, via the search for the missing teenager of my past; the most inconceivable nightmare to ever rear its ugly head in all of recorded history. Now this had to get out of the way in order to lay a foundation about the true major significance and surreal importance, of this wild trilogy, and parallel event nightmare in my life, that yes; all started when the rest of the hell started, back on 15 August, 1986. There just is no getting around the fact that something more powerful and strange than all of the combined so-called UFO-abductions all put together, happened to one person at one exact point in history, ME; and on this date. Everything, whether or not a bigger REALITY-3 is behind it or not; seems to revolve around an 'inescapable' reality, 'PARALLEL EVENT', without any 1983 or 1997 tunes, from any members of this great and awesome Carpenter family of 3,000+ years. Now, some few real follower geniuses know why certain unnamed people told me to “PUT THAT ON TOP”, Commander Pablo, so check that off, KIRKWHALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it is time to talk about the most powerful skit in the multiverse now, since they have temporarily wiped out my documents-files. First, I checked to see if the music files are trucked with, and they are 'OKAY', but I am backing them up as soon as I post up this blog. I do not need to be kicked in my mucking nuts twice. A little land is all I ever need, I am not greedy, Lenny and Gabby. OUCH, who needs more than TWO FRUCKING ACRES? That's not something I care to deal with, at this time, or any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still folks, let me leave all side tracked tangents alone for right now, and stick to the flucking point of REALITY-3. Lookouts in hotel rooms so that I can be raped by a powerful gorgeous girl gang called the ATLANTIC CITY QUODDY MOCKERS, back in the 1960's; child molesters, and alien-ESS- abductionists, R a lot more than this all was supposed to B, when planned originally in some wooded area outside Chicago, Illinois, on a hunting trip; with my distant now dead, PTL cousins, and the dad of the now hot shot prick owner of the Irish Pub, great sir Robert McGuire. They never planned it to go this far, but as it did move onward, their bodies were taken over by their doppelgangers on numerous occasions, and then this thing grew into monstrous and unfathomable proportions. The expression of letting things grow or get out of proportion, was literally mother trucking born from this incredible surreal outlandish and inconceivable horse slit, cubed and ducking CUBAN!!!

Long Story Short, (LSS), all of you out here only can live in one world at a time, and don't even believe a wild tale such as Morianity, which is being literally brought to you all in five dimensions, and cannot be brought in any other way, as then, simply put; it would no longer be my story, or MORIANITY!!!! Still, this story includes a huge deal where my Aunt Geraldine, who us cousins all called 'Aunt Gerry', and who was great friends with a Central Intelligence Agency Agent who was the fake Iranian Shah back in the sixties; and they knew both this, as well as how the two families needed to be brought together in the third millennium, in order 2 create this powerful religion called, MORIANITY. You need powerful trucking skit folks, or religions and cults die off. John Henningsen the great, of Denver, Colorado, would have a perfect and super adequately fitting saying for this, right about now; no need for reiteration, YO! If Aunt Geraldine COLD-WHITE-STUFF did not ask my mom to have Cousin Sandy come down in 1967, to the Trinidad with us, none of this could ever have all happened, and no human group can pull off perfect slit without what military officers will all tell you, as it is not classified, ''lots and lots of SNAFU's''.

Hay to quote what resulted, or my wonderful super kid;

''YOU WON'T EVEN ASK FOR WHAT''???????? There is a seventh dimension, and it is called LAWTRONICS. This does many things, and creates many absolutes and constants; and even PERMISSION BARRIERS, if you will. This LAWTRONIC REALM is not imaginable to human beings, forget about even trying to climb into the ducking skit, folks. But there are limits placed on the natural world where the odds of something happening become total-zero, not even one times ten to a billionth power. The POPE and the CATHOLICS call these zero percentage events, ''miracles'', but I know better. There are no miracles, only super sophisticated high technology from future universes throughout fifth dimensional hyperspace! LSS; this is going 2B discussing what they might classify miracles, scientists might classify unidentified in laboratories as of yet in present times, but MORIANITY classifies as REALITY THREE.

When Goddess Diana, who Saint Paul mentions in the Holy Bible, gave me the PARALLEL-EVENT information, at the Highview Apartments in early 1986, in Williamstown, New Jersey; I went onto do the impossible, turn $100 cash into $9200 cash, over a consistent eight month period, playing roulette professionally, in the casinos of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA-ESMWG! Roulette is a cool game. Players over long periods get lucky streaks, and they get unlucky streaks, but applying the skills of pure parallel event or APE (Applied Parallel Event), can and will make a player a consistent profit, month and year in and month and year out. It is very boring to play this method in roulette, and quite tedious as well. Still and all, if you wait for strong parallel events such as anything at least five or six to one, over another in outside betting situations, it WILL ENDLESSLY WORK. THE MATH PROVES OUT that the secret is to never 'stack-up' and only bet the same flat bet all the time, and wait until the parallel event is right, and I never did. I played a lot of half-OK bets to make, and eventually, I lost two games in a row after eight months, and decided to take my 9200 dollar profit, an amount made over all losses, and quit, sending me right back to working for asshole bosses at security guard companies, at slit hole posts. Still, I had my days in the sun, and I mother mucking felt like a real cool ass somebody, even if it was for only eight stunt sniffing months, Charlie Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be getting into the details, as this is not the purpose of this revenge blog. I've already explained on many prior blogs, just how to apply Parallel Event to this game and win. It is boring, and just about no one can stick to it, but if you could; you would then B able 2 work about two dozen hours weekly, and make an average of 13-18 chips. Seems small, huh. That's what a lot of blue haired 'laughing grandmas', down in Atlantic City, thought too. But the ducking casinos weren't laughing at all, and Donald Trump was out of his trucking mind. If you can average that many weekly chips, it could be on red nickels worth five dollars each, or purple five hundred dollar pieces. Hay peeps, I have a wild frucking news flash for y'alls. 15 and a half times 500 bucks every week, will get you MURDERED by the CASINO MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have been made to know this, quite well, YO YO YO YO, without Nick squeezing used condos on broken parts inside my vehicle, or banging and breaking the hubcaps up while the beats go on in the military FAA 177 Jersey Devils Club of Pomona Futures, of Frank Callio, decades before any of this made any sense; and long B4 the damn first legislation ever came to pass in Jersey, legalizing trucking casino gambling, for crissake, YO!!!!!!!! Jesus God, Misses Pennock, I said DICK, not mother lucking dicl, as these letters are right next to each other Henry Ling-Long Fonda of Hockey 57 and Philly sticks and rotten promotions!!!! SHEEEEEEEEIT.

Now folks; parallel event can beat a game with a negative advantage of 5.26 percent, ask any gamer who knows casino games, any real professional. After they tell you this they'll go onto tell you that even Albert Einstein insisted that this game of Roulette, is a lady that cannot be beaten. If we were equating this with punching power, Lady Roulette would be K1000, and the (K) would stand for powerful gorgeous 1999 KEISHA, who fractured my right arm in two places in just a playful punch one night, after returning home with Helen Zabriski, from a day trip to where else, but Atlantic City, New Jersey. Still, it can be beaten using parallel event, and my point is, this is a technology that comes from the gods, as if Einstein himself cannot do something, and I can; are you gonna' give me that much ducking credit, or just 'give it up Mister Harvey' sir, and believe in my wonderful and beautiful GODDESS DIANA ARTEEMIS OF ROME? You're speaking to the Roman silversmith from the BIBLE. So disbelieve all that U want 2. 'Sawn-U', BRAHHH. BUT, here is the great news flash!!! When using this parallel event technology or (PET) on other things, there is always the question that surfaces, that goes; could there be something that operates behind the OZ CURTAINS of parallel event? And I am saying and have said for nearly nine blogging years now, good people; YES THERE MOST LIKELY IS. I do not know for sure, but forget roulette, and look at ME verses DOW JONES, PHILLIES, and FLYERS. This has gone on since my days of playing roulette in the casinos and using this parallel event skit, my fiends and friends out there. They turned around and used this technology on me for daring to use it as a mortal human, on the mortal realm of the Earth. But look for a seck folks, at the mechanics behind this fluckiGN slit. What if some THIRD THING is what is making the other two, be in some parallel? This cannot be known, as we are measuring a parallel between two seemingly unrelated things, and have absolutely no frucking idea whatsoever what any third thing around the situation could even begin 2B. Am I right or am I right, good folks???????????????????? But what if I told you right now that I have taken this wondering a few steps further in this new decade of this new millennium, and am now quite a bit ahead mentally, of where I was on this matter between 2000 and 2010? This will begin 2B talked about as this new book and blog moves forward, yes; towards the great ''15 YEAR''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


DATFILE: 093008.003.55 ----- Beginning:

I have been given a major order from the All Mighty. I must repent 4 my wicked last few blogs, telling things that the great SSJKK is not happy with and using so much profanity and judgmental attitude towards HER creation.


All HELL/DOGTOWN broke loose all day today starting when I tried 2 change some personal billing dates with lending institutions, and as the famous recording artist of the sixties told me on many an occasion, 2 succeed in this life, everything is a matter of proper TIMING. I chose one of the worst times and dates 2 make any financial request of the world and United States banking systems. This is my rotten luck, and always has been, but I have no one 2 blame except 4 that JO that stares back at me when I’m shaving. All I would have had 2 do is turn on the CNBC cable-TV channel, and common sense would have taken things from there. Tonight, I was talking 2 lightning on the telephone, and the BRIGGERS cut in and messed with me. Then I had 2 take Dawnie Terra TPB over 2 the pizzeria where Mario, Chicky's boss was standing outside and up set about Chicky's drinking on the job. Today was not a day 2 up set ANY businessman, small or great, as they have some genuine concerns, and I understand that. None of this had 2 ever happen, they in this case, have their shaving images 2 blame 4 my fighting them back, what, I’m gonna' just sit back like a geek in high school and just take this, unanswered without fighting back, ya nuts? The great Diana Zuudlocrenesia Arteemis informed me that All Mighty SSJKK demands an instant apology on line in her human form on all 3 posts that I have put my recent angry blogs up on. Things went from bad 2 worse and I know who rules this empire with a firm yet loving hand, tough love yes, but love nonetheless, MC rules, as SHE says she does, I do not say this I am a nobody, a nothing just a pile of useless ignorant puke. SHE SAID IT, in middle may of this year from atop the great Empire State Building, and it made many a magazine, Google around, it is there, I never say anything, SHE says SHE RULES THE EMPIRE. Anyone that can come into your ‘DREAMS’ whenever she feels like it, and it is no regular ordinary ‘DREAM’ when it occurs, believe that if U ever believed squat, I do not make one claim, SHE DOES. She made the entire night horrendous and showed me WHO’S BOSS OUT HERE, not only in her special MARHOUSE, but all over this entire planet, from corner 2 corner, and I recognize U oh MIGHTY LOVELY QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND. Please accept the feeble apology I now attempt making 2U, my great infinite TEEN-QUEEN. I love U so much and wish only the very best 4U now and forever. I am your humble servant, that is all I ever desire 2B, oh mighty one. Lightning informed me that if I repent and apologize publicly, that U might find it in your lovely great heart 2 forgive your silly and foolish moronic SHELLFISH. I do not ever want U2C me as your SHELLFISH. I am your SERBANT, MIGHTY AWSOME QUEEN and IWALU.



Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:27 PM


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Chester sir, when SSJKK talks of a shellfish, it ain't a good thing!!!!

Chester Frank said it all so perfectly from a bar back in 1999 up in New Jersey not that far from the famous Burlington near the Delaware River and the historical Washington's crossing, he looked at me for no particular reason out of the blue, and just went, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.







5:42 AM, Tuesday morning, 18 July, 2023



Endless clues 2 crap, just never quits, does it?

This opening chapter will naught B long, nor cover a whole lot of ground; but it will go into just a few things concerning the evil antics accomplished by, as well as many details about, the recently name-labeled by this blogger, “WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MILLIONTH COUNCIL SPAMMENIES”; and 4 A NICE SHORTENED COMBO HERE, the “WSMCS”. I am going 2 begin with an incident that happened approximately a month B4 the great and illustrious HADDONWOOD SWIM AND TENNIS CLUB of Debtford, NJUSAESMNWG, closed down forever, after several decades of operating a successful health club by this name; and then suddenly without warning nor reason; it just went 'POOF'; and it closed down overnight; and leaving recently re-upped members such as the Mountainpen, out a couple hundred trucking bucks, with no recourse whatsoever. Yes a month or so shy of the mysterious shut down on a dime, I was in the outdoor swimming pool on one late July hot and sunny-bright afternoon, when all of a sudden, several aireal vehciles began harassing me; and as soon as they did this, extremely large black horse-flies just came out of absolutely nowhere, and began literally sworming all around and over me, and biting me. As soon as I would manage 2 kill one, others came charging and biting. I managed 2 catch one of them that was only slightly injured, and 4 whatever the reason; I placed it into a pocket in my swimming trunks, and then I left the pool angry, and fit 2B futhermucking tied up with steel ropes. When I got home 2 my Kent Street apartment, at the Highview of Williamstown; I observed when carefully placing this HUUUUUUUUUUUGE fly into a large glass jar, that it had completely heeled up from a major swat on the concrete pool; as if it never had happened at all. Now exactly Y-I did what I did next, is anyone's guess, or guest here; as lovely Scylla would say it perhaps. Now here is what I did. I took a tea kettle in the kitchen, and boiled it with some water. Then I emptied the water into the glass jar and placed the lid back on. The fly of course was instantly boiled and died, only it did naught remain dead. After the water had eventually cooled down, it came right back 2 life. Later, I froze it in the freezer, same thing happened; it froze and died. Then it returned 2 life again after being thawed out. Then I froze it again and this time, I crushed it in-between two pieces of cut poster-board pieces about 10 by 10 inches, and then scraped it back into the jar; and I went 2 sleep. The next morning, U got it, me' wonderful peeps; as if nothing had happened, it was just fine and completely alive. I never told a soul about this throughout the entire final days of the 20th century, but I transferred this fly into a jar that had a special double lid like a special salt shaker has; so that I could literally completely cover it into an air tight condition, that I called a sleeper-mode, or I could place the outer jar lid open and the inner lid with dozens of small breather-holes would then allow air into the jar. Whenever I would wish 2 awaken the fly, I simply would open the outer lid up and after air came into the jar, the fly would wake up and move around. I kept this fly in my possession until I ran away from the King family, back early in middle December of 2009; and the gods only know whatever became of it. I also lost the magical clock that I had, that when it was placed facing the corner of any room, somehow stopped, and it altered normal regular time flow in that corner area; and I could take a small piece of meat, and place it in a corner where the clock was effecting it, and keep it there a month, and it never went bad; and the clock would only gain one hour of actual passed time. Both the fly, as well as the clock, were forever lost 2 me, and much more also was lost; thanx 2 this great WASHCLOTH FAMILY OF EARTHLY DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!!!

So much now, 4 this 'integrenetrized' fly!

But I am concentrating right now on the WSMCS, and its manipulation of numerous realities surrounding this Earth-Plane of mortal world existence. A couple of days ago, when I was having that problem with numerous annoying and attacking minidroids (gnats-flies-etcetera) that kept coming out of nowhere, it also happened around half past 5 in the goddessdog morning again, & after hours of a back off from this. When I got up 2 go 2 me' kitchen laundry-closet 4 a new can of raid that I had stored there, I passed me' front door, and heard a sound outside. I went out, and sure enough, and at that ungodly hour; there was a circling persecuting air vessel that was harassing me, and I absolutely futhermucking know, that this was what somehow, despite my being clueless 2 exactly how; this minidroid invasion suddenly materialized all around me in me' home. It happened exactly as it happened in the summer time of the year of 1996, at the Haddonwood Club, up in Jersey. I am no more imagining all of this, than I am imagining that it is beyond miserably hot as hell in Florida, in the summer time. Now in case anyone is remotely interested, I am still heading 4 SOUTH AMERICA; and vely vely vely non-McDowell-1972 SOON, but that blog-book is over, and most likely; this will B the final BLOG BOOK OF THE 'BOM', and will merely continue on now with ascending numerical chapter numbers, YO BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now 4 the most incredible nocturnal experience in quite a long time, perhaps along the lines of the 'MOWRY-PULL-PLUG' incident in the hyperspace-dude's office back in last April. A couple of hours ago, I was sound asleep and lightning was around me, and SHE gave me a few small jolts, and I could hear HER voice saying 2 me, “U-R going 2 have a wild experience now, little boy”. Suddenly SHE was gone, and I was in a large empty room, and as I began walking around, and towards a wall; I suddenly saw a large computer, and a large banquet type very long table that it was on, and perfectly centered. Suddenly I saw my kid, and she was with two peeps who I am clueless 2 who they were, R, or 'whatever'; Sir Congressman. They were completely seemingly oblivious 2 my being there, as if I was all ghosted out, 2 their relative perspective. Now, I just got totally goddessdog mucking trucked by Mizz Jane Toiletwaterdrinking Sleazeweedsdisease Skumslime Thistlethorns, and need 2 stunt phlegm hate here (compensate), with me' 'twustworthy whittle fweekin' number-five-groupings', so here goes; and then we will get back 2 this WILD ASS DREAM, YO!!!!!!!!


Suddenly they were doing something on that computer, and I kept edging myself closer 2 them; yet they were absolutely oblivious 2 my presence there. They were doing things on the computer that resulted from very similar things that R recently happening 2 me, with my numerous 'word-office hacks', or 'WHATEVER'-CONGRESSMAN-1975. Many things happened on this computer, and they did some stuff and I was observing them, and then without going into lots of other details that can B saved 4 future blogs; I came out of this experience, and then I wanted 2C if some of the things that I saw them do would operate and function on my waking-world computer. Sure enough, one of the things that I actually LEARNED FROM THIS WILD DREAMING INTERACTION, OR MY 'TRIP IN 5-D HYPERSPACE', however U may wish 2C these truths; actually worked on my waking world computer. I won't get into all of this now, since it is way 2 goddessdog HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, and time just won't permit it. So far, and I'll say only this much, this has allowed me now 2 use my 'highlighted delete extra pages' function, allowing me 2 again compensate 4 Jane Thistlethornsdisease, and her endless ONES-GROUPS-ASSAULT on the pitiful helpless pathetic MOUNTAINEN. It also allows me 2 do something that makes me' documents work the way that I wish, and without using the mouse 2 do several things, that when the hacks R bad, and especially the 'MNR-HACKS'; is extremely difficult as well as punishingly annoying. 2 major things have now been elliviated, and all 'thanx-2-me'-daughter', and her 2 pals, showing me this weird feature; and from A PARALLEL WORLD. So now peeps, if we connect this kind of junk with 1997, and her fantastic WESTMONT song; well, 2 quote the goddamn younger generation here, since it beats anything else that I could say, and IPYT great folks; “LIKE-WOW DUDE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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