Tuesday, July 25, 2023




2:30 AM, Tuesday morning, 25 July, 2023


Things R about as bad as they can get 4 mucking me, YO, and I am seriously pondering leaving Florida and this evil nation within the week, and just disappearing into South America forever, with the clothes on my runt huffing back!!!!!!!!!! The DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE STOCK MARKET WAS UP MONDAY ABOUT 180 POINTS OR SO, & I CAN ONLY GIVE ROUGH ESTIMATES FROM MY HAYSTACK NEWS STREAMING SERVICES; but it is a close guess, from any of SSJKK's mighty pearl-guests; if I do say so me'self, YO awesome peeps! Here comes yet another mother yucking major computer hack. A document opened up while typing about the stock market. I was trying 2 say that the mother flucking markets R flying UP-UP-UP- UP-UP EVERY SINGLE TRADING DAY NOW IN HUUUUUUGE AMOUNTS, and of course it is all due 2 me' endless persecution, and harassment; from the WOMO-SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES, WEIN-SOSO-SSDD? Whenever I say slit that they don't like, POOF; it is always when documents just suddenly fly open, and weird screen pop-ups begin 2 mother frucking occur, and worse. But there is yet one other thing 2B discussed, and I truly wish that anyone reading this, gets this at lightning speed, 2 their nearest and most trusted preachers of any of the church following CHRISTIANITY folks out there; as they will relate 2 it 100 percent, only hopefully; I can educate them a wee bit beyond their old-world concepts and ideas, that in no way by altering their views into these teachings, undermines or lessens in the smallest way, Christ or Christianity; and if anything, it makes it all COME TOTALLY ALIVE IN FULL COLOR AND VIGOUR. U-C-I do naught believe in a pitch forked horn headed “DEVIL” named SATAN, yet what I absolutely know 2B true, makes the biblical concept of this entire truth, explode with major intensity; as it is all entirely real and true and just not with some child frightening ugly guy, who seemingly has pen and paper in hand, & walking all around 2 and fro upon this planet, and hoping 2 make endless deals with humans 4 their 'endless-awareness' (souls)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just ain't happening like this, people. But there is a left spinning subatomic energy force that runs the entire evil part of the Astral Plane's great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, and Jesus Himself discussed them at one powerful time in Holy Scriptures, that is recorded in what we call, “our BIBLES”, concerning daring naught 2 call our fellow bretheren 'FOOLS'! But Jesus talked about Dogtown and the DEVIL (SATAN) all throughout HIS ministry here on the Earth-Planet yes indeed, and was naught about 2 even try and make stuff as clear, or as absolute, in so far as Astral-Plane truths-revealed, because simply put; HE knew that humans couldn't and wouldn't B able 2 properly grasp them, and is Y my writings of course lose all of their real power, at least in these dark ages, of perhaps the year eighty, through about 2,080, or later even still. That super flucking goddamn annoying ODF-HACK never ever goes away, and hopefully, the PSL TECHY PLACE can find it, and get it removed; as I am heading within the next three days, over there; and I am leaving this machine, and if he cannot fix it, then he can effing ass keep it or junk it!!!!!!! But let me finish out me' frikkin' whittle pernt here, Sir Archibald Bunker of Queens, NYUSAESMWG. When I got up early this morning upon awakening from some crazy and wild dreams with a dude who I never even met here in me' waking life, the great and illustrious SHERIFF KEN J. MASCARA, OF SL-COUNTY-FLOWERLAND-USA; I was brutally assaulted right away with two major items, and one has 2 do with what I want the Christian ministers 2 hear, here in my story; if anyone reading it can get this 2 anyone of them. Christians, true bible believing ones; know about, and freely admit 2 and discuss, Demonic Opression”; and this is not ever 2B confused with DEMONIC POSSESSION. With oppression, these left spinning, or electromagneitc negative polarity 'HALLS FAWCES' connect into the moods of human beings, and this is very real. Many peeps have what is called in the psych industry, the mental illness of 'DEPRESSION”, and it is absolutely one and the same thing with DEMONIC OPPRESSION, and it is very real, it exists; and it is confused with what is now termed in the post-Freudian days of psychiatry, the mental illness or disorder labeled 'DEPRESSION'. But here is how a patient can know, despite anyone in the so-called head shrinker experts club (HSEC) saying differently, and IPYT absolutely; simply by using what my Morianity calls and labels, the “BOUNCE-BACK-ABILITY” theory, whereby no matter what happens 2 make anybody get depressed, after a short time; a biologically healthy brain, will always BOUNCE RIGHT BACK 2 NORMAL again. There is no set time, but it is of course in a ratio of how bad the crap was, that got us all depressed 2 begin with. If it was a minor thing, maybe that period would range in a healthy brain along the lines of between 30 minutes 2 a couple of hours. If it was a major thing, the period could B 3 hours 2 up 2 half a day, and then the in-between minor 2 major would likewise have some type of an in-between recuperative time range; but the key word is that a healthy mind that is naught clinically depressed, no matter what, does indeed have a healthy averaged bounce-back time, and we do bounce back. Yes from the second I awoke, a major heavy attack on me was done by the LEFT SPINNING SUBATOMIC PARTICLE ENERGY FAWCES, that Christians R perfectly free 2 re-word in their old-world lingo, as a DEMONIC or SATANIC ATTACK. I assure the world, it is not apples and oranges, but rather, SIX IN ONE, AND HALF A DOZEN IN THE OTHER, U KNOW; THE VERY SAME DAMN ASS THING, just worded in 2 varying ways, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes world, I woke up, and I instantly fell under MAJOR DEMONIC OPPRESSION, and every single time this happens 2 me, the day goes beyond off the frucking scales SUPER BOTBAR, and don't try handing trucking me folks, that well; 'I am expecting it, and C the parallel, and thus go onto create a BOTBAR DAY 4 ME'SELF', as this is total 100 percent bull-slit on steroids. No mood, no wishing, no mind games, no any of this; makes things happen out on the roads, makes air pilots come death-crash-close 2 me, makes my bowels explode during a nap, and on and on we can go here, oh Sir Mister Biden, and fellow Reaganomics-hater-BROTHER out there!!!!!!! I am in no way causing any of this 2 happen, so hey, don't even go there me' wonderful peeps out here, just don't, pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!!!! It is total crap, and I have no time 2 sit around eating crap!!!!!!! These demonic attacks happen, and then POOF-POW-BANG-SLAM-ZAMZONK-ALLAGAZAM, and then all of DOGTOWN then goes onto break frikkin' ass loose all around me!!!!!!!!! When I suddenly get that burst of DEMONIC OPPRESSION, and I am speaking now of well over 3 solid decades of this slit folks; POW; stuff like today then goes onto happen, and I am totally powerless 2 stop it, and don't start with that bible reading, and prayers, and all of that total ass junk; pwetty pwetty pweeeeeeze!!!! The other thing done 2 me this moanin' B4 all the afternoon-evening hellishness later came 2 pass; was being thrown off of my ROKU-TV-APPS, over and over again, until I just decided, 'truck U WOMO'; I'll just watch my goddamn ass DVD player 4 a while, and then it was after that time that I got suddenly sleepy, and then went onto take my four hour or so afternoon nap and then, well, U all know the rest of that nightmare flucking tale from DOGTOWN, and there is no need 4 me 2 reiterate it, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Like I said, and will go on saying until someone someday gets this slit stopped.









It was summer time in 1996, and I still resided at Highview Apartments and had naught yet moved into Barf-Karpf's home in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG. Suddenly I began 2 witness this harassment on me, and especially the REALLY NASTY MAJOR ILLEGAL AIR PERSECUTION AROUND ME, yet it was never a provable reality, so I could naught get it stopped, nor can I even 2 this very damn day. HOW DO U SPELL THE WORD 'UNFAIR' OR 'CRUEL-2-THE-EPITOME', oh wonderful great President Biden, kind sir? It can B spelled in several ways: WOMO, SPACEFORCE, OTAMM, SPAMMENIES, LIFE OF MISTER MOUNTAINPEN, MARK WAYNE MOHR, and all along those lines. Just in case U may ever B wondering, oh kind sir!!!!! Maybe we can even throw in, 'my rotten sicko family', and yes of course, Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG'. This is no longer a mother ******* computer with a lot of hacks. It has now odfficially mother ******* become a gargantuan beyond Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUGE BLACK-HAT COMPUTER HACK, attempting 2 pass itself off as a goddamn mother ******* computer!!!!!!!!!! I have a list of slit so long, that I doubt that nay TECHY can help me.

Yes of course, I am not trying to get all esoteric or philosophical, or pretend that I know all of the answers. I AM NOT Patty Hollister, and this is not the late sixties, or early seventies. BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, Jesus Christ Almighty YO; let's play Bob Schleigh's game, at the Camden, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG security gatehouse. LET'S INDEED BE REAL, folks!! No ordinary mother ducking dream can be more real than ten times all of your other dreams put together, and no ordinary dream can alter your mother trucking waking life from the second that you wake up out of it. Yes Spellchecker, it is totally outlandish!!!!!!! But it's way more than that. It definitely fits the Agent Falcon/Agent Condor profile for why things may have all gone down like this. Anyone who follows ufology at all, knows that huge walls and blocks are real; and that there is indeed a powerful cover-up of 'SOMETHING'. Just what, my jury is totally out; but definitely mucking 'SOMETHING', YO! For right god-dog now, that is all that I have to say, but know this my Blogaudians. We'll be further exploring down this road, and without any help from my ex-son in law Nicky, and his magical hyperspace road-trips through time and hyperspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, my ELECTRONIC stuff did appear to be able to create “monster-ass recordings!!!! The man in any realm, was 'telling it true', oh lovely little Sandra Tammie D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So who out here was smart enough 2 pick up on a computer word-sentence break HACK or a (WSB-HACK) on a recent prior blog, happening at the exact time, Sir Shakespeare, of my 6-D MIND HACK that struck me like a ton of slit bricks cubed and CUBAN?????????????? Yes, the HIGHLIGHT-HACK is also here 2 stay, TECHY MAN of PSL-FL-USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'THE END'; oh lovely katy Savant-2007.

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