Monday, October 5, 2015


The chemtrails are all over the great Fort Pierce, Florida today, and few lower than normal planes are in the sky as well; but I have seen all of this bullshit countless times before, and to quote my latengrate pal, “Despite this all not being all that grand or swift, what else is dam new”? I'll most likely hear him saying this to me until the day I leave this evil ugly old world for good, which if viewed on the sixth dimension, is never. To quote my also latengrate mother, along with my old coworker, Mizz Mashell Daniels from back in 1980, “Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy”!!!!!

Now after reading a decade of my blogs; how can anyone not believe when I say that something way bigger than any of this, is what is really behind all of these dam magical powerful OZ curtains????????

Working for Amazon Sounds Utterly Soul Crushing [Updated]

Good Lordess, and 25 cents; William Leonard McKinnon, old 1980 rap king buddy; where are you when the turds are being missile fired into the giant industrial sized fans that the Milituforce places on top of my head, 24-7-365.2422, oh GAP Saint Lucie County Sheriff, K. J. Mascara; and Florida State Attorney General, Pam Bondi?

          Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

Let me tell you a little bit about thoughts and mind and brain and higher sourced realities verses only what we tangibly see and recognize to be 'supposedly' real. Whatever any of you want to believe or feel more comfortable accepting into your most private parts of yourselves; I am here to tell you that even though I am far from knowing all of everything, “What I do know, I know, no matter how fucked up, far out, and unbelievable any of it may sound to anybody else”. Call that my opening quote and official AMP statement, if you wish, oh GAP BLOGAUD!

What exactly, if viewed from a make believe play room that lies above the entire cosmos in some upline reality that goes far beyond anything that our downline brains are able to imagine fully due to the laws of upline-downline that anyone who ever worked for Tupperware or Amway distributors, knows perfectly well what I am speaking about here; WOULD BE SEEN by a higher reality entity? First, all lower world thought, imagination, actions, interactions, possibilities, and even more but we'll stick with this for now; would be seen the way you and I would see an entire painting we hold in our hand or even hung on our walls. But if this painting has people drawn in it, can they ever see each other when there is no higher dimension for them to stand back from, and view the whole thing? How about if we programmed not a normal chess-computer, but a chess game, where each piece from the rook to the King and Queen, all have independent thought, as well as different skill levels of understanding the game? Try wearing these thoughts in your mind a while, even before I start to ever get really bigger into this deal, with you folks out there, OK?

Last night, I interacted with SSJKK at her great city that mortals normally call, by English waking world Earth diction, “HEAVEN”. Diana and Sarah Krassle kept changing back and forth in forms and laughing at me, until I began to see that all things are humorous, so long as we adjust out moods in a certain way. This is what MC did with the stairs as a tiny tot. None of you have a clue what I witnessed with those horrible early seventies stair chases, one after another, not just two in the chase like in the 2009 CD, but three. And you wonder why I wonder?

To quote Diana, Waterfalls are so awesome”.

The number 25 stands for many powerful great inconceivable things; ladies and gentlemen. In the nineteen-sixties, it meant acid that the kids tripped out on, the very same way that I am able to trance out only without any actual chemistry ingested. I can alter my brain chemistry without taking illegal toxins. Still acid was many things, LSD, 25, Travel-Agent, hawk, and believe me; many other labels were assigned to this accidentally discovered combo of chemistry, in a German lab, by a Dock Hoffman, and not Julia from Dark Shadows, and definitely not the great awesome Julie Somnambulist White. When I left the greatr 1802 Robin Hill Apartments of Voorhees, New Jersey, USA on 31 January, 1983, to move into the rental split level home of Mister Gerald Pliner, owner of the Jackson Road L&S nursing home, just a couple miles down the road, my mom and I were at 134 Norris Avenue, in Atco, New Jersey. The world famous expression of, (IT IS WHAT IT IS), has five letters in the sentence. If you take that Norris Avenue address, 134, and find word number 1, 3, and 4; it removes the word “WHAT”, as well as the two “IT” words. The remaining sentence spells Goddess ISIS, and now, our current overseas woes. But what does the ISIS word reflect numerologically, but the second and fifth and final words to the sentence, the 2 word and the 5 word, or 25. So we get a 135, a 25, and folks, remember, IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!! I doubt I need any train trips to wonderful cities to my south, late in 1983, to tell me even more about so many of my dam repressed nightmare memories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(25) Twenty-five lighthouses that strobe.

      Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses

      Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses

      Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses

      Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses

      Image result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthousesImage result for images of lighthouses

Oh SSJKK, I love playing your game called GTNOTG, that you taught me out in infinity on your great street called, Monolazarium boulevard. But this game here and now, really real sucks, lovely lighthouse musical girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A child can see what you have done, a moron simpleton of four can see it with pencils stuck in its eyeballs. That search to find you, that unfathomable spell that came over me in 1994 and 1995 to find you, made me more than crazy, I'll have you know. This robbed my entire life. I lost my good name and my good credit. I lost every single thing I had that meant anything to me. And my sanity went to hell along the pathway that all of this was on the entire mother fuckiGN horrendous time!!!!


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She used to say, and I quote; “If you don't like cats and dogs and kids, there's got to be something wrong with you somewhere”. I am speaking of the world's great and now sadly late, disco diva, Mizz Donna Gaines Summer!

You are reading AMP-HIFISAF, CHAPTER 128.


Folks, how can anyone not think that Dogtown is indeed fixed in stone; and that this stone is not so hot, that it melts the soul, without ever doing anything to terminate the awareness of that melting horror; in the name of Goddess? How can you all, not see the trouble we're in; and forget the old spiritual hymn music, folks, pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeze, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TANKS!

But while we remain alive, in a dreaming body, all throughout the unfathomable hyperspace; we can find countless Walmart stores to do our shopping in, and for me to go to see my blond teen queen, the Lightning Goddess Diana. That was a day, I will never forget. I tried to buy one combo video machine, and settled for a rotten cheap model that has absolute zero video quality and audio quality on the VHS half. Now the cheapo model is great on the CD-DVD side of this two part combo video system; I will give it that much. Still, here is some dam advice, folks.



BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, you need a wee bit more advice, great folks out here, or not great; as only you can know if you are great or not. Hell, just as Jesus Christ told the Apostle Peter a while back, when Pete said ''Good master” to him, and them Jesus replied back to him, “Why are you calling me good, as there is only one who is good, and this is the father in heaven. Gender is meaningless on Astral Plane reality, but notice this incredible part of scripture that many peeps refuse to ever read or discuss, because they cannot understand how this can be one god, yet one part of this god can say that thing about another part of that same god. The trinity is the most complex reality to try rapping our brains around, because our brains exist in three dimensions, and only in the sixth where true mind is contained, does TRINITY make perfect sense. This dam world does not need to know any more right now about this crap, so I'll stop flapping my fuckiGN gums!



Oh the candy man can, Mister Billadelphia, sir. You have friends, but then they all seem to stick together; like messy, ugly, shitty, factory glue.

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Let me mix it all with love, and make the world taste good; and god dam it to hell, Mister Shidaleedee Marion Wayne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Climb down off that high horse, there partner, and remember the Alamo joke, with the four dudes on the airplane, and only three dam parachutes and the motors both blew out, mid-flight. OH BOY. Yes, “I'm his COWORKER, not his dam mother”. I thought Mizz Daniels was going to knock that poor male nurse out cold that night in Camden, New Jersey's Cooper hospital, WEEEEEEEE! We almost had Dice and the Dock on the floor, 21 years apart, but hey, great place, you're already in th edam ass hospital for crissake, YO BRO! Now how about that dam Egg Harbor City, New Jersey waitress coming over to my mom and me on 2 August of 1996. Isn't this ten years after Nebnooshoo was born, or is it just me? WO Billy Harner Honda, and all SARAH notes on th edam piano, how can we rationalize away those wise people, from mobsters to potato chips, in the name of the great pink goddess of SDK?

I tried to obey today, SSJKK. Don't mean to rhyme but I guess it's just time to arrange those letters in their correct B to G order, huh all Levy's and Gibbsboro's? Misses Meeker Speaker, and the dam Alannis Morrisette GODDESS SSJKK movie. Oh Margie and Marcy, I need a break from all you powerful super resourceful Scott Ransom people, from Oak Street to PEE-DTIVE, and then some; am I right, Mister Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act folks, (FISA)? Jesus god dam Christ, am I right or am I right, and a big ass boy oh boy oh boy oh god dam boy; would fit in pretty dam swell and well, right about now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Then there is the powerful awesome Mizz Paula Criminal Super-psychic Uwich of Glendora, Rippoff, New Jersey, USA!!!!!!!! the caller-ID Braxton's, Sarah is in prison with her strobing lighthouses, and I could go on an don and on with absurd symbolic things that could never be explained away. But how does all of this possibly work its way into the new American culture of guns and violence? Roseburg, Attorney Malcolm Rosenberg, let me open with this one for all the true pure hearted dummies that like to stare at gorgeous lady's legs and stay stupid from here, all the way to Iraq!!!!!!!!! Whenever I try to figure some shit out in my own hellish nightmare personal life, lads and lassies, YO; I begin by removing the number one fuck up that I was as guilty as any of you out there online reading these words, might be. I would make lists of things that could be possibly why some real bad shit went down around me, and then I would get totally blindsided by the word “OR”, rather than the word “AND”. Instead of wondering which items on the list of dam possibilities may indeed have been the culprit, you know, this or that or that or this, and along that stupid line of light-weight thinking, to quote my marvelous wonderful super wealthy cousin Donald; I began substituting the word of 'OR' with the word of 'AND', and then saying to myself silently; SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT man; how about if I just take the whole dam list, you know; this and that, and that and this, and all of it; rather than try to weed out any of it. I can't speak for you, but I know I speak for Donald or myself here, if we are talking about 100 dollar bills. I would much rather not worry about this one, or that one, shit assholes; give me the entire mother fuckiGN pile of them; ya' dam ass dorks!!!!!!!!!! I hear various concepts talked about, you know, living with mothers past 25-35 years of age, no girlfriends, all shit that could be applied to me all of my life, only I would never dream of actually doing violence and getting a weapon, and shooting up any innocent people. Still, for those who do, why do we say, let us explore mental problems or we can explore changing gun laws. Hey fuckiGN assholes out here, YO; you don';t do or or or or, you take all good ideas and do them all, you know, and and and and and, get it yet, you dam doofises! Want more information? I could tell you how symbolism effects all of our lives in ways no one would ever believe, and going by the correct algorithms, software programs could be invented to generate lots of lives saved via prevention, and prediction, you know; as in the movies about cops who know who will do what before hand, and stop it from happening. But I'll do you one better. Blogs from my first few years, told a lot of things about how people like me, who were different as children, and attended special educational systems, and even in adult mental illness clinics, we are all treated very second class. Why don't we have a right to be as miserable as all of you out there, who don't have any problems getting into relationships, both sexual, and non sexual; in other words; not one place we go to, not early in the schools, and not ever in adult psych clinics, do they treat us like anything but fuckiGN animals. We are never supposed to have normal feelings or desires. We may want, but we cannot have. The system fails us huge time, Mister President, because no one out there, ever wants to ever try and bring any happiness to any of us. They just want to shove pills and poisons into our mother fuckiGN arteries, so we get sick and die early, have stinky bodies, fruity breaths; and look like fuckiGN shit ass hell, all warmed over, from last year's holiday oven!!! Instead of recognizing people with emotional problems, we are teased continuously by your music and your television shows, and you think we are all so stupid and don't catch all this shit? It is your rotten wicked system, that wants all of us folks with mental health issues, and emotional problems; to be single and isolated, and miserable; and on and on and on. The entire system is geared and rigged for all of us to endlessly fail, and be treated like mother fuckiGN ass animals!!!!! This is just the beginning, sir; as I could go on and on and on; Mister Obama, to tell you why things are only going to get worse, and worse, and worse, all over this rotten nation. And you know sir, even if you hate me, or despise my harsh words; deep down inside, I happen to know that you, and all of you out there, know that people like myself are trying to just cooperate with all of you, obey the laws of the lands 100% better than those without MH issues, and again, I could rant on with a laundry list a mile long. I really don't have to add a lot more here, as if this blog does not prove that I could personally put a bigger dent in this nation's gun problem, and violence; than anyone else combined, for not being too dam fucking scare to speak out, and tell shit, that most folks just don't have the mother fuckiGN ass balls to ever say; then I may as well shut up for fuckiGN ever, and just quit cold; right here, and right now, lovely lieutenant 'L&O' Van Buren, ma'am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our love was true, our love was rare

No other love could ever compare

Now that you're gone

My spirits are low

And baby baby baby, I love you so.

Image result for images free funny faces

© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr

Re-copyrighted as a compilation music project in June of 1980, from my apartment at 1802 Robin Hill, 4th and Preston, Voorhees Township, NJ-USA.

What do you think of this story?
here for comments or suggestions.

I went to that music attorney by the name of Malcolm Rosenberg, early in the autumn of 1980, or somewhere around there.

What do you think of this story?
here for comments or suggestions.


What do you think of this story?
here for comments or suggestions.




OCTOBER 5, 2015,







Now I tell the truth, and I punch hard, and I don't care if someone says I am not mother fucking politically correct, AKA-PC. THIS IS THE TRUTH, THAT GETS PEEPS LIKE ME, INTO BIG FUCKING TROUBLE, FOR TELLING THEM. BUT ON I GO, TELLING IT TRUE AND HARD, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

Yes, I went into the doctor a little disgruntled back on Wednesday, and with every good reason. I am doing nothing wrong, breaking no laws, and I am not a drug addict. This medication I have been on since July of 1983 has saved my life, and these EVIL 'FUCKIGN' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HAVE TRIED TO MURDER ME SINCE THE DEATH OF THE DOCTOR WHO PUT ME ON THIS MEDICINE TO BEGIN WITH; DOCTOR FRANK ADDIEGO OF WESTMONT, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY (WTNJUSAESMWG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I said to the doctor, “Whatever happened to the “First do no harm oath you all took”, you would have needed to be there to witness the major hostility on his part. Once you get onto the world owners trying to covertly destroy and kill anyone such as myself who knows all about them or way too much about shit in their opinion; basically, it is torment and torture and borrowed mother fucking time until the end, and when the end comes, it is brutal and mother fuckiGN wicked as triple shit, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you all that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Tahren-tee it too; and what invention does anyone recommend for dealing with this cunt chewing nightmare of mine, oh mighty boxer George sir????

Oh, the things I could say; kind Sheriff sir. Excuse please, the times that this comes out Sheriff sit. This is some kind of a hack, just as are these other cute little things, like making my text read 'Jehovah HOG', kind Sheriff. What kind of a person would do something like that; makes you wonder sir, huh?

The things I could say; kind Sheriff sir. Excuse please, the times that this comes out Sheriff sit. This is some kind of a hack, just as are these other cute little things, like making my text read ''HOG'', rather than Jehovah GOD, kind Sheriff. What kind of a person would do something like that; makes you wonder sir, huh?

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

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What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

What kind of a person would do something like that????

So there I am, at 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS, IN THE YEAR OF 1980, MOVING IN ON MAY 1. Hay, I was playing with all this mother fucking shit when most of you out here were shitting into your dam diapers, if you even fucking existed at all, YO YO YO YO!!!

Robin Hill Apartments - Voorhees, New Jersey 08043







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People mother fucking totally amaze me. Trying to understand or predict them was difficult a generation or two ago, and now in these times, try multiplying that quantitatively. Certain things grab them and make them go totally fuckiGN ape-shit, like my trip to the Walmart, on the day of the huge lightning storm in Port Saint Lucie; and my personal private prayer that was answered. The view count on that blog was twenty times higher than most of my blogs. Why? And not a mother fucking jerk off soul out there, in screwed up cunt lapping cyberspace, ever says boo anymore to me; or tells me squat, or offers me a scrap of ideas. I don't know what I ever did to Alpha-Deep 6, but he or she sure vanished away, and so did everybody. They dropped me like I'm mother fucking hot, sheriff Mascara, and I am going to tell you why, in my humble opinion, sir.

Image result for sheriff ken j. mascara

Things changed really big since two things happened, and really, they both are totally connected, because even though it would enrage the mighty Donna Patterson, I'll fucking say it anyway. Because my lab-tech who seemed to know more about my medical condition in 1984 was my daughter, and I know it, and she knows it, and by the way, my distant cousin knows it.

So my 2012 song ''YBCO'' and my telling about my medical condition, are not only linked back in 1983 and 1984, but up in 2012 and 2015 as well. A lot of folks insist that my way of reasoning is mentally ill and magical and comes from a mind disease called schizophrenia. They are not 100% wrong as far as what that illness does in fact do to the mind. The problem is that cancer can cause terrible stomach distress, but so can fucking eating too many dam candy bars. In other words, I am not a paranoid schizophrenic; no matter how many nut case docks out there want to insist otherwise, and hey, I'll collect the dam disability checks monthly. So screw you!

I am composing a letter to the FCC about my official complaint that all three major networks don't give the news on most autumn Saturday's. I am not into fucking sports and never was, and do not think it is fair that no news is given such as was the case tonight other than for a lousy fucking fifteen minute last second insert by NBC, as a result of nothing but mother fuckiGN football. I am not saying screw fucking football. If people must enjoy this barbaric fucking dinosaur sport, fine, but on all three major networks and then no news, that IS WRONG, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, and you'll be getting my official letter of complaint this coming week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another fire alarm went off while I tried to watch the tiny little inserted news segment. If it is not for me and is really genuine, then I guess the building has some brand new fuckiGN asshole tenants who will keep setting this shit off; kind Sheriff, sir. WOW THAT, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! And a big fat SHEEEEEEEEEIT.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

I am so sick and tired of being totally innocent, while being accused of always being the instigator, and the bad-guy in everything.

Holy Call Ten, huh Miss Blake and Mister Rambo of 83 and 84? Yes, the more I pound the past into my awareness, the more I will hold and remember this was not a dream and that I need to redo stuff, or else go through this again, Lieutenant Commander Jordyhell!!!!!!! Time squared? How-bout, go fuck a ruptured duck, Gene and Lucy?

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I really need to fuckiGN start proof-reading me' ol' bwogs, folks! I look like a fuckiGN dam ass idiot otherwise. A lot of this fucking shit is being done with DIRECT-HACK, and a lot is being done with MIND-HACK; hacked literally right into my mother fucking brain, and five percent of YOUTUBE'S total material, is filled with conspiracy-theory oriented, (truth-patriot) to say it better, topics; right down to how electromagnetic devices can be aimed at people covertly and stealthfully, and their minds literally hacked into; only you and Youtube, all of you out here, do not know the biggest secrets of all; such as PLAYFIELD ARENA INTERACTIONS of the PEEFOREY. If you try and totally keep a dam secret from them, and never spill it or talk; they can throw you into what you would all call a powerful and vivid dream, and you will find yourself somewhere, telling that secret to them, or to one of their clever people they send into your playfield arena.

Any time that anyone who is wealthy, and not a part of their order, wishes for me to show them absolute proof, of much of my claims and stories told on this blog; right down to how some of your own secret stuff, from corporate unexplainable espionage, to stuff like misbehaving spousal websites, and just who really had the idea to create them, and the famous one of recent days, and on and on; well then, you know you can always ask, and I will answer. But for some reason, ever since my 'YBCO' song, all persons have totally mother fuckiGN deserted me, from Alpha Deep 6, to many many other great travelers of the cosmos!

When you read Chapter 098, or see the margin to the right, up at the Blogger Dot Com website; you will see two Chapter 97's. This was another fucking one of my stupid ass errors, hacks, whatever's, RAW!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about that folks.



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