Friday, October 30, 2015

Chapter 00016, The Bum Classification

Chapter 00016

The Bum Classification

My hurricane door installation will take place on Monday late morning or very early afternoon, on 2 November. New month, new doors, new whatever, to quote my old singing buddy, Bob, from Oak Street, in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, back in 1975. If you run into Al Pillegi, tell him YO dude, hey sup? For me! If you run into Bob, Al Pileggi, same diff, BRAH! My point about all of this, is that HALLS FAWCES won't ever ever ever ever ever ever fucking allow me to move into anything closely resembling NEW. Stop making fucking fun of me, Geico, or I'll squish that dam ugly polka dotted reptilian lizard scum with both my feet until all that's left is dust and memories, YO!

How do I know I have nothing but enemies in my rotten family and government agent spies who all hate my guts for no good reason? Because they are freezing me underneath the 100,000 count. It is as if these dirty mother fuckers are messing with me, and you know the funny thing about it out there in cyber-village, YO? I already knew deep down in my fucking cunt eating spirit, that this would be done by you ingrate mother fuckers. You have been given magical fuckiGN shit by me, and you all sit there, and just laugh and mock me, and spit and jeer all over me. Too bad my father planned all of this, from his island fuckiGN universe diners of Akoslem City, or at least that's what he imparted to me back in fucking diseased 1976, when he drew those sea charts, for where the seven Spanish treasure galleons were lost to hurricanes, centuries ago, YO BRO! You see, he had the correct bloodlines in his mother fucking ancestry, to get him into a very secret room at a Portugal museum, during World War 2. This is where a lot of his extensive research was conducted, and then later on, his pal who was in charge of ops on his naval vessel, second only to the Captain, would allow a maneuver to be carried out, known by treasure salvers as ''magging''. Powerful magnetometers are used to get readings from long sunken metal artifacts and bullion bars from where the actual vessels long rotted out and vanished. All I have to do is to take these last positions, and there is a computer program that will plot where this last known coordinate chart shows where to begin at site-1, as from there, the other six sites are all given in tenths of miles in compass directions; and this will modify right up to a present point, where this all would be, based on tides and storms, and other oceanographic and marine situations, that pertain to all of these things.

The problem after this is that some fuckiGN jerk off political deal was made by unscrupulous dirt bags here in god dam crooked Florida. Now a bunch of asshole private salvage company people, own the rights to the entire fuckiGN Treasure Coast. So I will not ever just hand these fuckiGN dirt bags squat after what my dad and I went through to get this mother fuckiGN shit, THAT you can believe, YO! If my dam ass daughter or her children, want to share 50-50 with these crooks or make some deal with them, that's cool with me as I'll be fuckiGN dead and gone, and I have willed this to her. Screw this shit, crooked Florida and your crooked rotten Treasure Coast. My dad and I didn't ruin our entire family just so a few dirty crooks can rip us off!

Live Camera image from Seaport Hotel

Live Camera from Seaport Hotel, Boston, MA
Camera Animation
Choose a duration:
* Broadband connection recommended

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

There should be a big fucking sign right here, saying welcome to the life of Mountainpen, please continue a forward path to better observe.


I can just put on a pair of transdimensional reality shifters, and make the whole fucking word disappear.

A very simple device can do something similar, and it doesn't need any electronic parts. Now the only reason you don't pay attention is because you think I am lying. I am probably about the most honest mother fuckiGN jack off bastard that you will ever in any way be in contact with, your entire lives, whoever is out here. So be stupid cubed in Cuba. Go win for the lottery of Atlantic City and Camden, Daddy Cuba; you whore from 2002!!!!!!!!!!!


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