Friday, January 30, 2015


OK, in case my readers haven't been able to GET THIS, very recently, over the past week, some really wild dangerous shit is going on all around me, and they are not all part of an agreeing force. Part of them are pro TAWF, and part of them are pro Milituforce, but part of them are not at all on friendly terms with TAWF, or the Milituforce. If you are not in a mood to be on top of your Sherlock Holmes game, and don't have a strong stomach, I suggest waiting for a while, until you get back on top of your game, as you won't appreciate this blog if you are 20 or 50 under, I promise.

I cannot make a claim of being 100 percent correct; but I feel strongly that recent documents were hacked off my computer, because they involved some powerful and recent exploratronic supermind society activity, that is part of an organized plan, that is now just realizing its beginning at this time of early 2015; AS PREDICTED by my prior 2014 blogs; and you all know that I tell the truth about this. But this organized plan that is being carried out live right now, and is new; will be moving along for about a decade, give or take maybe a year. I cannot make an accurate prediction. But I do know that the L&O Wolf NBC folks know about it. The odds of a coincidence-show tonight, that on the money, is difficult for me to buy into, and I know would also be for the great and late sportscaster, Yogi Berra. I may not be passionately in love with the entire TAWF group, but I love my daughter to death even if she hates and mistrusts me, and I would eliminate in a heartbeat, anyone who meant her or her close in peeps any harm whatsoever. Still, enough facts have been presented over the past seven years now just about to the day, leading to only one possible conclusion, and this is without my telling how I recently remembered what my joke to Jerry Heitzmann was all about, before he lost it and acted totally crazy and nuts on the beach, and I remember where th e beach was. It was the exact same place in Brant Beach, New Jersey, where in 1986, David Roth and myself, took a wiped out image-object of Sarah Krassle, and buried it underneath the sand near the sea, and the weather instantly changed from calm and quiet to stormy and actually dangerous, right out of the best number one novels in any top ten selling list, the world over. I am speaking of Turnersville, New Jersey, and 1996, and two incidents that are beyond a mind blow, and then some of this cannot be told too directly, as it is way too sensitive, but those who know, will get the message, and actually, have known about this for some time, IMHO.

This recent stuff is so powerful that 'they' had to take the blog chapters 14-20 and hack them right out of my dock-files, on my Open Office 3.1 system. Let me start with the joke that I told to Jerry Heitzmann. Before I do, remember the simple way to think of this. I was the one asleep and dreaming into a universe where he has his waking world existence. I have no way of knowing all the things that my double (doppelganger) knew from his life over there, and for all I know now over here where I am awake and typing this blog, we had gotten back together, or maybe never split up, or maybe anything. But I was discussing how that broken Mountain Dew glass soda bottle, all broken back in middle 1986 somewhere, was buried somewhere deep in the sand right down near where the waves are breaking. He was not amused, and it was fear on his face, more than anger, but some of it was indeed anger as well, as he always had a secret crush on her, since I told him how beyond red hot and lovely she is. This explains why he was flipping out and did what he did, but it does not explain his incredible power to make me suddenly be miles away and hours later, alone in my car, and driving down highway-295. He pointed the stick at me and said that same thing that was said to me once before, only with a slight variation of interchanging the word 'word' and the word 'highway'. As many of you know from reading my most recent year and a half to two years of blogs, I lived in Quakertown, and was in contact with a small boy and a small girl, both around my age of about six years. These children were dead. Even at nine, I would see dead people inside my apartment at 2041 Chestnut Street, Apartment 24-A, in the center-city area of Philadelphia, PA, USA, ESMWG. After a while, I was able to visually tune them out, but when they came in, they put terrible indescribable fear into me, causing me to run out into the street, far from my apartment where I was isolated and all alone, and feeling their nightmare frightening presence. Now in 1996, a youth about age 14, who was a carbon copy of my daughter's husband only a little bit younger, came up to me and seemed to know things about both me as well as my Saturn automobile, when I stopped to use a pay phone in 1996, at the side of the road, being the Black Horse Pike, on my way home from Haddonwood Swim Club, and The Gathering Place shop, towards Williamstown. He approached me and told me that my hub cap was all broken and messed up, and came out of nowhere. He vanished into nowhere as well, the more I remember that incredible weird day. This very same exact youth was also suddenly hanging around THE HARVEST place that I started to work at back as June of 2010 came in, after living here in Florida for about a half year. He was called the mystery-kid, and the only thing was, people could see him, so that eases my worries somewhat. He had a major affinity to and with me, and after he vanished, friends of my daughter, Warren and Boo began to come into the place. Later friends of theirs; Darius and David, began to work there with me. This all followed a time line of synchronized accuracy; boom-boom-boom. Now 1996 and 2010 is 14 years apart, and this kid was the same age, about 14. Now many kids 16 look 14 or look 18, but his voice was anything but 16 also, and yes, he had the same voice in 2010 at Harvest. Shortly after my daughter's twins were born, I happened to be watching The Early Show on where else but NBC one morning, and low and behold, the boy was an absolute carbon copy of his dad, in every way. I am starting to believe now that it was him who used TAWF-POWERS, and is shown how to use the ESS about ten years from now; that I encountered in 1996, while I was trying to phone home that day, as well as at Harvest just four and a half years ago. Shortly after this, he vanished and I did not see him until after his birth shortly thereafter on the following spring, and then on the television, up in the condo outdoor swimming pool. I did not have my television on sound mode, and don't know what was said by anyone. Many times I watch TV without sound, as I really love quiet. My point to all of this of course is that both possibilities are outlandish and impossible by most people's belief systems. But recently, hyperspace is moving in some really nutty ways, such as finding the ID of myself, as being one and the same in that other parallel world, with Frank Callio, living in Maple Shade, and planning to purchase a home in a few months, in Williamstown; the next town over from Turnersville, where both the phone incident happened, and the Terrorist threat did as well, back on August 2, 1996, shortly after seeing the kid. Over the past few weeks, this has been on my mind and I have been worried about it, as wild nightmares have also picked up during that exact period that parallels this. Hyperspace activity or dreaming is perfectly normal and natural. Still, when one begins to uncover as many secrets about this locked up heavily guarded secret, that is thought to be just as innocent as going to sleep and dreaming, and that is all it ever is or was or will be; more and more of the package opens up around you, in similar manner as the more proficient you become at an occupational position, the more the company will start raising your status and salary compensation, for being able to handle more and higher duties that go onto make more money for your organization. ESS is a lot like this, only without the directness of money involved. As you learn and grow and desire more interaction and connections to this with the waking life you exist in; you seem to be shown more and you then come to realize you need to experiment more on your own, and let this process keep round robining. Now I don't have to be correct in all my assumptions and speculations, but one thing is for sure. This kid at 14 years, will look so close to how his dad looked at 14 years, it will be more than a remarkable resemblance. All of this rapping up to a final conclusive idea or thought, takes me to this simple quick grouping of words. Around 2025, one of three things will happen. One is too horrible to even voice, and the main reason for my not believing this as said before, is that more than just I, was able to see and speak to this kid in 2010. Still, nothing is ever written in stone, and after all I have seen, I can count nothing out. Then there is the simple fact that three kids look more identical than any triplets I've ever encountered, being the kid I saw on The Early Show, the kid I saw at Harvest when he would have been about minus one year old, and the kid in 1996 when he would have been about minus fifteen years old. The third possibility in all of this is that he will be taught by his extra-normal parents, how to manipulate Space-Time-Mind, and then go onto join and become an actively participating member of the most covert and secret powerful club in the multiverse, the Exploratronic Supermind Society, or the (ESS). But this doesn't scratch the surface one percent, on so many other detailed information about all the things that connect all these people to me and how the teachings of Morianity also fit into it, all in ways that simply put, really cannot be denied by any legitimate investigative study. No I don't know. I never said I did. But I have gone through some way out crap for a very long time that has no down to Earth rational answers and explanations whatsoever. All I am after is the truth, and of course, making sure that my closest family line continues on past the year of 2025.

Back when I was seeing those numerous people with the tin foil lined hats, I never told you that one of them said to me while riding by me on a bicycle, and my car being one of hundreds along Route One here in Fort Pierce, Florida; that my family line is in danger, an exact quote if you just change the word 'my' to the word 'your'! This was all during the time that President Obama was getting his bear hug here, by that local pizzeria owner dude. It wasn't long after this, that Sandy from the Harvest, who always liked me a lot, turned on me quite viciously for absolutely no reason that I can start to fathom. Shortly after this, the short sale forced my pal Mikey Patterson down to Miami and later to Fort Lauderdale, far away. I don't drive but a few miles, and to me at my age now, 50-100 miles each way might as well be to the fuckiGN moon, I'm old and worn out from a lifetime of mother fuckiGN bullshit squared. Now they have me totally isolated. The incident with the cleaning lady theft, the incident of being cut off of my anti-anxiety medications, and the list just goes endlessly on and on. Not Don Dover, quit fucking hacking me, you cunt sniffing blow job queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, their objective and motive and total goal is simple and very easy for me to fucking discern. They keep me down, keep me broke, keep me helpless, keep me isolated, and keep me dodging truckloads of mother fuckiGN horrendous enemies, 24-7-364.2422!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fun, huh?

HA-HA-HA; you missed me, Jane Sleazebag Weedsdisease Sluthead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for me to hit the hay, and then later on, I will tell you more details about the past week, the Star Trek connections to it all, and even how things got real bad after seeing another person who could very possibly be behind a lot of things for a lot of years.

People who have wiped out my life, don't care that I am on to them one little bit, folks!

They only worry about what those who they go after such as me, can prove to the general society. They know that I know their evil deeds. They sit back laughing and drinking some hard liquor, stumbling and babbling and cussing and tripping and eventually falling down , passing out, and dreaming they are doing it all over again to some other poor pathetic black-cloud Joe Shmo. Many times I say that God is dead. God isn't dead, but god and this forgiveness game is not something you need to concern yourself when feeling weak or low. You may think you have all the facts. I don't have all the facts, but I have some facts, and they aren't all pretty. When I was hypnotized by Doctor Mark Wolf of Moorestown, New Jersey in 1996, it all changed. Suddenly bits and pieces were destined to all come together and fit, slowly ever so slowly, but fit they will, and fit they did. Many think they know this blog has agendas and they're only correct in so much as it does, but anything they so far might have guessed was these agendas, all odds are you were all glad not to be betting real money wagers. Unless you said that ever since day one, over nine years ago; their agenda was to tell the world about the ESS, and just how they are all playing this endless, ruthless, monstrous, detestable, and reprehensible game with me, in this current me-lifetime; then I sincerely hope you didn't place a big book on it, as you just lost a lot of money and better start running right now and keep looking over your shoulder for your bookie and his muscle. The only way that I can ever hope to accomplish my goal of exposing this incredible truth, is to get a small group together, and show them this is real, to all of their own individual satisfactions. That for me, is a very tall order!



Remember good people, I was nearly expelled for taking over a student's mind back in school, by the name of John Zane, and I drove a couple of people as adults, completely nuts, the biggest case being Joe Paget, on a security guard job out in Pennsylvania. I have been somewhat careful not to cross sand-lines for 9+ years on my blogs now great people. This may not be able to be maintained however. This is why I have let my state AG know that my life is in extreme danger right now, as if I don't go all out soon, I might as well take a fucking long dark swim out to sea and then a nice deep dive down to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apollo, the great god, and his Olympian family, at least the way Star Trek's original shows told it; all gave up and decided to let things all dissolve, much like a pill in a glass of water. But one day, I told my lovely Sarah Krassle how much I needed and loved and wanted her, that I would die without her, and to please never ever go away, and to keep this little game of hers going. She told me two things but only one was ever told. She said that because I loved Diana, she would do this for me. But she also said after a long pause, we will meet again at another fence, and then let the games begin. Well, I wasn't sure what she meant, or what these fascinating words of hers could possibly mean for me. I do know she goes into Sarah Callio and locks me in her big lighthouse many times. But then, other times she goes into bosses and gets me fired, or goes into neighbors and gets them t make horrific noises. Or she goes into people I am doing various business with, to make it all fuck up, and on and on and on and on! I am being trained for some huge mission in five dimensions. This world is here because I talked her into playing more games with us. She is sixteen forever, and she loves games. Games like Salvation, games like Guess The Names Of The Guests, Kite Flying, Tag, she loves them all. She loves word games too, and she names every single thing in sight. The Almighty is pure spirit energy and takes any and all forms on the Astral plane for all of us, and each one of us has their own private heaven, filled with countless beings and items we crave and love in our spirit. What I knew as Sarah a long time ago, the Almighty knew she had to go into her, and later the other Sarah, and on and on. She is there and she knew me forever and knew that she needed to play a very different game with me. This is in fact what has happened in this lifetime and in this particular parallel reality of my waking world. I am like you, only aware. I can die here or in a million various dreams. Instantly you wake into a life where the real you is and has been a part of all along. Your life seems real behind you and others seem to be as dreams, and this can change in a heartbeat, or lack of a few. God is spirit and must be worshiped in spirit. I was hoping that she would come directly to me and live with me here. This is not going to happen. Her spirit can enter an active lifetime, but she will always remain elusive, as she did in the sixties as Sarah of Tennessee Avenue. No one to this day remembers her. No red blooded boys could forget some teen that gorgeous. They know cousin Callio, only she is no cousin. I have not totally figured out just who that water witch really is yet, and I have wondered about it for two dam decades now!
































Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. Fun is replaced with 'intense'.




The perfect storm of Halloween 1990? This was just a couple weeks after Sara J. Karge left this world early in October at the age of ninety-four. Did I see her, and her friends, as ghost-teens, Misses Estelle Andersen Bassler, of Ormund Beach, Florida, USA???????????? Makes me wonder, lovely 5-Party Sarah Whisperer.

There are many unexplainable truths happening all around the universe, and our world, and yes; us individually. This is simply because, we all are like a little package, with a super program, and a super computer; Professor Kaku, that automatically turns on an entire 're-al-o-gram', and then all else exists because of each of us, in fact making this so. Well, this seems an OK idea and concept until the next very obvious query comes popping into most healthy minds, from here. Fine, so how does it all then interact together? This is where I keep saying to you all, do you have ten or twenty or more years to sit and read? I think I have finally found an easier way of drawing correlations and parallels that won't be too long or boring, and as the next blogs keep coming, I'll see what I can do to really blow your mind yet while keeping it grade freaking school simple, folks!

Hay there beautiful Katharine. Keep swimming you great big lovely girl.

I love sharks, they are very fascinating fish. The Atlantic City Beach Patrol, nicknamed me “SHARKEY”, back in 1997. WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU's own Jason Forrest isn't clear.) 

Here then, are three selections from Mark's version of reality:

If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.

Yeah, you go do that, listener Theresa, WOW!!!

And as Bob Chabot said in 1981, is there any excuse 4U? Signed, Da' Mountainpen, TEE-HEE-HEE!!!

If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.

*****W-----O-----W***** AND *****W-----O-----W*****


Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness. Fun is replaced with 'intense'.
Favorite Movies
Favorite Music
Favorite Books

You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?

An angry mother.

Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:

At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything. Sorry I'm so dam negative, lovely Twinbay!

Well great peeps, I'm signing off the blog!

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