Saturday, September 16, 2023

What is Really Going Down


What is Really Going Down, Mister 1980 Sivo-RPL?

About a week ago give or take a day, I had a wild dream where I was at my Aunt Gerry and Uncle Stuart's Narberth, Pennsylvania home, located at 1208 Greentree Lane, in the great USA. They sold this joint somewhere at the end of 1986, that magical surreal Mountainpen life altering year, simultaneously, and this home is a place that I've experienced lifelong nightmares in, and 4 the gods only know what reason. I never actually suffered any really traumatic experiences in that place ever, in my entire life. But 2 quote my beach bum pal Ziggy, from summer time in Atlantic City in the year of 1969, “That's the way it goes”! Reasons 4 these nightmares being based in any kind or type of logic and sense or not, had them I DID, off and on all of me' life, and just this goddamn past week; several of them happened 2 me as well, and one in particular needs now B fully discussed and completely addressed. I was in the den which is the room at the end of the home that faced the driveway that was on a major slanted angle leading up 2 the road called Greentree Lane. In this den, my KB-300 Peavey Keyboard Amplifier was sitting in, and was plugged into a tape machine that had a built in amplifier, and a man who I do not know from the waking world life I am presently living in, lovely Mizz Dark Shadows Carolyn Stoddard dreams discussing character of the show; and this guy was explaining 2 me that it had been recently modified and no longer worked the same way that it used 2. The details R major and time would not permit me 2 give the whole story out 2-U good folks right now. Still, it had 2 do with that blog that I already told U all about. I posted up some powerful explanations of just how the mind dimension operates along with how machine-mind fits into everything, and even how psychic phenomenon related material all does as well, only I never got real specific and left a lot of peeps cliff hanging, 2 say the least. I know that I did, and I had my reasons. We must accept my truths in small stages. Not even geniuses would B able 2 swallow and gobble it all up in a few quick meals. Bear with me and try going with me, as I simply am not enough of a genius 2 properly give this 2-U now, and as I speak, an outage lasting 2 seconds just went down at half pasty ten, and simultaneously an airplane is going over me outside my residence as well, so they know I am about 2 spill a major story 2-U all here. MACHINE MIND KNOWS what I am about 2 put on the official record here and tell 2 any really interested peeps who R not doubters or mere curiosity seekers. If we take stuff from our dreams and begin 2 copy it in waking life and continue as with a serial soap show, endlessly building on it as well as interweaving and connecting it all together more and more and allowing it 2 slowly merge together, this is what Morianity labels as tieing the weave structure, or 4 a shortened abbreviation, TWS, and doing this creates all sorts of wild and and not fully understood nor controlled mega powers 2 begin interacting with us. However, it cannot just B randomly done. U cannot decide one day 2 merely go and do this. U first need 2 have something in a wild vivid dream actually happen and that U remember upon awakening real solidly well, and it needs 2-B something instructional. In my case, and no this ain't the first time this has happened 2 me nor that I have indeed gone on 2 play with it, but it is the first tine that I've decided 2 tell my Blogaudians about this. I now know that I should have done this long ago 2 folks. So in this dream, at the home owned by my uncle and aunt up through most of 1986 and after they both had died; I am in their den where they had their television set and cozy relaxing chairs 4 evening entertainment; where the TV set always was in waking life, my keyboard amp was there instead, and sitting beside it, a tape machine that I never actually had in waking life. Suddenly this other guest or whoever it was in this parallel dimension of my sleeping-mind, begins showing me that the volume knob at the far right with a blue colored control cap on it no longer made changes in volume, and went onto explain how he had altered the function so that it now creates an illusion of becoming louder only it is not actually turning up any electrical gain in the power, yet appears 2-B increasing in intensity, his exact words. Then he told me that I should B blogging about this as well as telling a lot more details on just exactly what my lightning goddess DIANA ARTEEMIS has revealed 2 me over the past 30 years regarding the 6th dimension as well as how machine mind all fits into it. So when I did that blog several blogs back, I was experimenting and following his ideas, yes, taking the advice of someone from a dream as U all might wish 2 describe the event, and bringing it into a substance and form in the waking world reality. All objects when dreamed of and that match an object in our waking lives, become what Morianity calls, ASTRALLY-EMPOWERED. Now my Peavey Keyboard 300 amplifier is amongst several objects in this home that R now completely Astrally Empowered. Back when I was in Mister Smith's class, I had an old Native American large coin that had absolutely no monetary value, or so I was told on my 20th birthday, at a coin dealer shop at the world famous Moorestown Mall of New Jersey-USA. But monetary value B damned 2 Dogtown, because it had much greater value, it contained true astral power, as would me' motor cycle chain if it hadn't of course mysteriously and magically vanished and disappeared into the mists of a hot sunny summer's day. One day in Mister Smith's class at Cooley Hall, I was with my pal Jerry Heitzmann outside on the lunch break, and had brought this coin in with me that day. I took it out of me' pocket and told Jerry my dream from a few nights earlier. I was in the Pennypacker Woods and Park behind the Cooley Hall in this dream, and had this coin and it spoke 2 me and told me something incredible, an dafter I told Jerry what it was and 4 my own reasons that I won't tell right now, I am not going 2 share what this coin spoke aloud 2 me. I'll say only this much. In great detail it told me about early in the following century I would live far away from Jersey and B turning on a machine and hearing a magical connected string or wire that had me on one end of it and my pal Bruce Pennock on the other end of it. It made very little sense because first off, Bruce and I did not become friends until the following year when I left the Church Farm School and returned 2 Cooley Hall and went into Misses Young's class where Bruce was. But later on ten years after the new century came in, I was living in a horrible neighborhood in Fort Pierce, Florida-USA, at 26th Street and Avenue E, and one day on my computer and on this thing we all now call the internet, I went up 2 a site called “Crazy Cursing Dudes”, and on this site, both myself as well as Bruce R on this thing and cursing away, and not even in any remotest way, Earthly connected other than 4 the fact that 2 the rest of the world, it is just 2 crazy nut job guys cussing a lot on a tape, yet we were indeed all connected by this magical string or wire, or interconnected networking system of this future time in this next future century. Now with my Peavey keyboard amplifier KB-300, when I moved from the PEE-HA building into here, some electrical surge broke it or if nothing else, blew the fuse. I still have it and plan 2 have it looked at someday, using it now as merely an end-table, that I can place several objects atop of. But I blogged my story about the stuff this guy in the den was telling me that I should, and it got five or more times the hits that my other posts R averaging. Is there even more connection 2 all of this, U may B wondering? Well, I must continue building the inter-dream experience B-I can ever fully know the answer 2 that whittle query. Taking 4 example here, the incident with the motor cycle chain in late 1969, I suddenly am having this wild dream where I am with Sarah on the beach and she grabs the chain out of my hands and tells me that SHE needs it 4 HER great city. Then we R upstairs in HER shop on 10-SC Avenue, and SHE is placing it in Her middle dresser drawer, only that drawer is the exact same dresser drawer that was also in my own Dellway Arms Apartment bedroom. Now in one dream, we have 2 waking-world-objects, suddenly being made part of this dreaming interaction. The coin that was discussed that I took into school 2 show 2 Jerry during lunch recess break one day, has a design on it precisely matching the design on those doors that led Doctor Julia Hoffman on that incredible television soap show called, “DARK SHADOWS”, past the I-CHING door and down a strange slightly curving corridor that eventually opened out suddenly back nearly three quarters of a century in time right outside the doors of the Colinwood mansion, or the great house, as it was called in the show. Now 4 the mind busting deal that trumps even the ace and the king. Inside Sarah's shop in that incredible late 1969 dreaming interaction, was, as I stated on numerous blogs, this dresser drawer that was the exact matching one that I had in me' own waking world bedroom where I kept me' clothes, both as a boy and as a younger fully grown man. However, what I thought was some magic box all these years, and had never bothered 2 try and remember 2 clearly; suddenly was revealed 2 me, in this very recent dream, at my Narberth-PA-USA relative's home, and in their den; by that strange man about 35 years of age, medium build and height, and long scraggly unwashed sixties-hippie type hair. Now as I completed this past sentence, I just realized that Mizz Thistlethorns Sleazeweedsdisease Notfondauonebit Jane Uglypusspus just dependably nailed me again on her miserable rotten evil twisted page eleven of flucking eleven, so I will now compensate with fives, and then we will resume our topic and wrap things up.


He made me realize that in that shop of Sarah's, was in fact, the PEAVEY KEYBOARD AMP that I purchased right here in Florida, that far away place where Bruce a future pal would B on one end of a wire-string, and me on the other end. Then along came, no, not Webster in 1983, ripping off my damn music; but rather, WFMU-internet radio and Jason Forrest, and the whole damn connected up deal. Tiny subatomic numbers connect into everything, we all know it, and most peeps R-2 turned off 2 even think about it. But we can't kill truth, it exists. Truth cannot lie, nor can lies B any part of truth. There can B some portions all divvied out one from another, but this is only the in-between gray areas and remember how our great LORD JESUS hates gray areas and fence straddlers.


EVENT-1-JULY 23, 2023, 7:18 AM


EVENT-2-JULY 27, 2023, 7:16 AM


EVENT-3-AUGUST 5, 2023, 7:23 AM


EVENT-4-AUGUST 20, 2023, 4:08 PM


EVENT-5-AUGUST 21, 2023, 10:50 PM


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EVENT-7-AUGUST 23, 2023, 1:15 AM


EVENT-8-SEPTEMBER 16, 2023, 10:30 AM


There also is a whole lot more 2 that twin sister and her hubby and the magic device in his office and the plug that I pulled out of the wall shutting down his machine and shutting down my life this year as a result. Just got another (3-LETTER-HACK) on that word in red font above, shutting, YO. I fixed it of course. I do not know all of the facts so unless I can ever come 2 learn a lot more, I won't bad mouth nor say anything at all about this, 4 right now anyway folks. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite my adding a comment 2 my blog, it dropped yet another number, down 2 an ever dwindling flucking 251, now down from the half year ago point of 365, to a MINUS 114, all that's missing here R ghost whispers and Central Avenue Moorestown addresses from 1988 and 1989; and maybe some great McDonald's dancing!


4295 posts


All Time--------------------------------384,928



This Month------------------------------8,534

Last Month------------------------------4,614

The magic of the 6th dimension is entirely different than the magic of upline-downline universe reality. Someone ten years ago asked me if Sarah is upline and is merely a girl thinking about a special dude at a seashore resort and this entire universe happens 2-B her thought wave, then who is at the very top upline, as this must B of course, GOD? The nightmare truth of this is not all that complex, but it is painful and peeps don't wish 2 C painful things that they can just as easily and quickly avoid forever by playing mama's head-games, and pretending it all away. Take the surface of a planet and this Earth. It is so big and we R so small that we can live here and endlessly walk all around it. It never seems 2 begin or end anywhere and it also seems 2 go on and on forever. If we did not know better, than 2 us, this is the reality, only of course, we do, and it isn't. Mathematics dictates that smaller infinities lay forever within and inside of larger infinities, yet they all R infinities. At the unfathomable outer edge 2 any circle, comes 7th dimensional Lawtronics. Everything has 2 eventually all loop and come around and go into full-circle, quoting lovely Whoopee Gynan Goldberg of the late 1980's or early nineties, on that marvelous television show, “STAR TREK, TNG”. Each one of us R the god and absolute gravitation of virtually countless and unlimited downlines created by each and every one of our nearly endless thoughts. And at the outer rim of the sphere of everything, it all loops together, simple as that, all of the chain links become larger links into larger chains and eventually the highest and the lowest simple fall into each other and from that magical point, nothing begins, nothing ends, there R no outer or inner centers or boundaries. Sounds 2 wild 2-B true, I know. Problem is peeps, it is the damn ass total truth, and I promise you that (IPYT), and with or without lovely muscles MO-NIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posting at 12:07 PM----SEPTEMBER 16, 2023


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