Friday, September 15, 2023

Endless Botbars 4 the Mountainpen


2:32 PM, Friday, September 15, 2023

Endless Botbars 4 the Mountainpen and endless ICPE-APE-TECH

Some time back from late 1978 through 1979, I resided in the first out of three total times, in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, and in an old dilapidated apartment building on Main Street in center town near an area-famous theater, and owned by a crazy and nasty lady named Mizz Doris Plum, who lived there in the building with her also rotten hubby who hated me from the moment that I moved into that trash closet with my mom. One day after a lot of Dogtown had broken loose between them and myself, she told me, “Mark, I want U gone by the 'fifdeeeenth' of September', and spoken exactly the way that I just typed this word. I remember the way she said it as it is burned into my memory and spirit, and every flucking fifteenth of this goddamn ass month, I think about this, and without fail, YO oh weerlld, YO!!!!!!!!! On top of that, it is super hot and bright and humid and miserable and extremely noisy today and the noise has been ongoing 4 2 weeks and will go on at least one more week, as I have a bunch of flucking roofers working on the structure right across from me called the community center, and that extends beyond me' trailer on both the north and the south ends quite a ways, and includes offices and a small gym, maitnance closets, and lots of areas, it is a large area with a large roof, but there is more. That roof DID NOT NEED REPAIR, nobody even hinted that it needed anything, there were no leaks, no signs of soon-2-B leaks such as darkened or molded areas showing up, and etcetera. I know this powerful roofing noise 4 a month I s all 2 screw with me, and it also hinders my trying 2 drive in and out of here during the day, my mail service, and on and on. This of course is Y folks, you've been seeing the stock market racing up and up and up and going straight 2 the mother flagging goddamn stars, just in case U all have forgotten about rock chucking parallel event, and its mighty goddamn hunt trapping cousin, ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!! There is still some more, as with the Mountainpen, there always flucking is, right wonderful Blogaudian peeps??????????? The dream connection into everything is also a powerful part of this nightmare hellishness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allow and Gozzwald-GOD-Gottwald BANKERS OF MANHATTAN, permit me 2 explain this a wee tad bit frikkin' further!!! Shortly B-4 this even began going on, the roofing job that is; my dreams that do come in waves and grouped times, also started, only usually lasting two or three nights, and now suddenly R just about every single goddamn ass night, involving being right there where I used 2 live, and not so much being right there in the PEE-HA BUILDING, but life there and being all around the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Building which is about four or five blocks from the PEE-HA as well as the now somewhat globally famous FEDERAL COURTHOUSE BUILDING at the corner of Orange Avenue and Federal Highway Route #1. Last night's wild dreaming interactions were the most powerful in this recent horrible string of them. They were ultra major super ass vivid as well, I remember tons of details and hope 2 eventually forget much of this hellish nightmare flucking experience, YO weerlld!!! Rather than tell U all even wee tad bits of this, or U should U-2-B out there and one of me' viewing Blogaudians, oh lovely Mizz 1974 Patricia H-H-Hollister of those glory Flyers winning-days; I choose 4 right now 2 say nothing more of them, and merely keep this blog of this world, and with things from this waking world mental-dimension, with the always possible altering option of a later-tell, YO BRRRRRR! Merely the TOSE (towel-seepage effects) of this, will B a wee tad bit harped on, so let's go with this and 2 quote 1970 Sir Chillmo Thomas Reale of Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG; “Let's get it over with”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This entire nightmare that was filled with mystery and intrigue comparable 2 any James Bond story, involved lots of places in the center of town, including some industrial joints that don't even exist here in the waking mind dimensions where I am residing in, at least not in that exact area that I sometimes refer 2 as the cell-tower dozen block radius area or the CTDBR AREA 4 a shortened abbreviation, YO. By the way, and also is pronounceable here as, the CITABAR AREA, and it is quite self explanatory because there is a HUUUUUUUGE cell-tower with countless dozens of flocks of giant black DEE-DEE raven birds and hawk-buzzards, whom all nest there and fly all around here during the seasonal months where they have naught flown up north 2 escape this monster Flowerland-USA, 'AKA-Florida', heat each season. All around this area is what could B thought of, especially 2 the east of it towards the ocean and B-4 passing east of the main drag, ROUTE 1 and the Federal Highway; we do have all types of industrial locations, one of them being the utility company that is local 2 this area as we don't have the privilege of enjoying the much better, or so I've been told all of me' entire life, and quite nationally famous utility, called the Florida Power and Light. Even my dad talked about it and knew a dude from Arizona who had a lot of stock in the company. But let us move this along now, shall we great wonderful peeps out there? This nightmare involved lots of stuff that is totally an unmistakable powerful now called and labeled by Mountainpen, “TOSE” and once labeled by pre-Mountainpen and Mister Mark Wayne Mohr back in the circa of 1980 and at the RPL recording studio labs and factory job, when this similar thing happened 2 me upon several occasions, the “RPL-DREAM-DEAL” or 4 short, I would say on me' life-taped-journal upon many discussions concerning this, the 'RPLDD'. It just means that in my dreams, stuff happens that R very close 2 stuff that I will B having happen all around me that very shortly 2 come following day, as in the case with the Shipping Department at that RPL job in 1980, or actually it was around early December in 1979 if I ain't mistaken here, with that muscleman guy who everyone there called the miniature version of the Incredible Hulk, and they were accurately describing the dude; since he did look exactly like Mister Louis Ferigno only eight inches shorter. I awoke and left me' north bedroom shortly past 2 this moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning 2 the loudest noises yet from these roofers, most likely because currently they R working in the area closest 2 me' trailer or pre-fab home or whatever U wish 2 call it. Between these horrendous vivid lucid nightmare interactions ending with Davids and Barnabas Collins stumbling onto a magical cornfield filled with bags and bags, burlap large type of bag containers, all filled with tiny pure solid gold flakes like prospectors would find in Alaska nearly 2 centuries ago during the gold rush times right out of the streams and waters that they were doing what was then called, panning 4 gold and using pans 2 indeed sift the waters and eventually get tiny flakes of gold at the bottom of their pans. Seems like yesterday 2 ole' Mountainpen who lived a life as a railroad man named DAVID, and whose family had a successful gold prospector in it, but this story is 2 powerful 2 get into as it involves the great Mormon Joseph Smith, and then a wild cool descendant of one of Smith's Earthly pals, who was told 2 sell me an automobile that also had a MAGICAL MCFLY CIRCUIT IN IT, as I said, this is 2 much 4 today's short tweet-blog, so let's move on and quote the Chillmo again, get it over with, in or out of the year of John, Photeous, 1970, and Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. No wonder Vicki Call Ten and Mister Tom Reale made such a great pair back in that year, even if my gorgeous hair was all part of the magical Donna Gaines equation or naught, oh lovely Mizz AT&T BLAKE, mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-THAT.

The nightmare was definitely a TOSE DEAL here with thgese roofers, and on top of that, I do not think I ever blog-told U all something else that happened 2 me about half a year give or take a month or 2 from my moving into this place I now reside at, the great wonderful awesome QUIET WATERS CO-OP PARK of northeastern Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went out one afternoon 2 talk to the FPUA meter-read employee sitting in his truck and going over the figures that he had just taken electronically from some area meters that surround me' home here. He abruptly and rudely told me that he is very busy and 4 me 2 just call the main number of the company and ask them whatever I need and they will help me and impolitely told me how answering any of me' questions, simply ain't his job. He told me that if I am quick about it, that he would try and answer my one simple question however. So I simply proceeded by telling him that my landline phone service has troubles and so I was wondering if there could B any connection 2-Y-I also am experiencing a lot of electrical woes as well. B-4-I even completed my sentence, he rolls up his window of his truck without looking at me or speaking one word. Her then proceeds 2 simply drive off. I then called the company as he had told me 2 do, only this call was a MAJOR COMPLAINT ABOUT THEIR VERY MEAN AND RUDE EMPLOYEE who needed 2-B schooled just a wee tad non-Patty HHH bit, on how 2 do proper PR and customer relations!!!!! I had never in al my life, and told the FPUA this as well, been treated so vulgarly and rotten by any worker of any utility company living now in two states in my life, Florida and Jersey. They apologized 2 me and told me that he would B spoken 2 and reprimanded. Personally, I doubt they ever did one thing whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is simply based on me' personal experiences as a lifelong recipient of this 3,000 year old HUNTINGTON FAMILY FLUCKING CURSE, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U missed me U wvi witch bitch Thistlethorns Notfondauonebit Sleazeweedsdisease Uglypusspus Janecrumb, so HA-HA-AH-HA-HA-HA 2-U-4 that at least, Braves lovin' lady whom U and your hubby and your EW pals clobbered and clocked me 2 death one early spring night back in flucking 1993, a night I won't goddamn ass forget in a thousand ass years!!!!!

5555555555---END TRANSMISSION-----5555555555

1 comment:

  1. YOU TELL'EM MISTER MOUNTAINPEN; U GODDARN TELL'EM YO! And it is me, the Mountainpen, and naught in 1969, saying this 2 me 'boy'!
