Sunday, September 17, 2023

Doing It Right Mister Penny


Diiiii-diiiii-doing it riiiiight, Mister 1994 Penny Pushers

Recently just this 2023 year, the mighty Verizon carriers who I had in the late 1990's 4 a while, found out about my CALLIO woes, and teased me. As U know, this is Y now, I've been returning the favor with them, perhaps showing that I am no better than they R stooping 2 such snake cum levels of low, but still, as the great Detective Lenny Briscoe puts it so damn well on that marvelous mind busting law show called, “L&O”, time 2 a beach bum not buffeted Ziggy quote here, perhaps, huh gwate ole' weerlld? Now a half decade or so B-4 those Verizon times, came the middle 1990's. This time it was the great J. C. Pennies store that was involved in the endless unrelenting tease of the mountainpen. On me' bugged up phone, I told me' pal Mister David Roth many times how the child molester of Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG back in 1970 naught only had more than his plumbing interest involved since indeed he was a plumber by trade, but he definitely had my plumbing as his main interest early that summer. But he also had another deal going. He was an incredible studderer. Seemingly folks, we have but yet still another POOR RICHARD RUSS BENNY FRANK NEW WORD 4 adding 2 our middle 18th century dictionary, STUDDERER. B-4 going on, it is a super mind bending hot day in this part of the woods-neck, Mister awesome weather-dude, Albert Roker, naught Roku, but still, those endless subatomic numerations and Einsteinian 'spooky fawces' of Mister Mac Andrews & Forbes Licorice Plant of Camden, NJUSAESMWG Hall from the tail end of those wild ass 1980's, huh world, YO? Now getting back on pernt here peeps, we have 'Mister Chill-mo-Tom' the studderer', and this dude made most studdering folks look quite tame at the practice, I mean he could futhermucking studder on steroids, and it was beyond impossible 2 know the dude abnd not make fun of the way he did it behind his back, and just as I did upon countless occasions 2 many peeps ever since leaving the dude behind in the dust on the night of 12 July in the magical '70 year. So in early 1994, both at my final months residing at the great Gibbsboro Meeker home on Route non-potato chip factory 561, and later after moving into the great Highview Apartment system 4 the second time and one decade after being there B-4; I must have had countless phone-laughs with Dave regarding Mister REALE and his STUTTERING. U remember peeps, I blogged it as well on many occasions. He might say something along the lines of, “U may as well just get it o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-VER with, as not only did he get stuck a very long time on the beginning of a word, but then after finally breaking through the stuck-barrier so 2 speak, he then would major intensely blurt out the remainder of the word. After about half a year of Dave and I having our phone-fun with this, and no weerlld, I'd never even dream of making fun of someone in front of them, and U may call this backstabbing or cowardice should that in any way please anyone of U, BUTTERCHEESE and big ass BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-BUTT and but peeps; it is not. It is simply being polite yet simultaneously, get real here Mister 1980 Bob Schleigh from the '80 year and times, it was funnier than piss eating Dogtown on cracker juice and steroids, YO, and I couldn't help but crack the shkit up, and he never knew it so he couldn't have been wounded in any way by it. Wouldn't it have been nice if he had felt that humanly decent about sexually molesting a fifteen year old boy, and only one year after my last molestation underneath the Schiff's Central Pier of Atlantic City no the final weekend of June in 1969 on the 28th day and Saturday, by the awesome and white hot WHNY lovely, Mizz Hollister? Anyway peeps, all of a sudden in summer time of 1994, television commercials with catchy jingles began springing up one after another, with the two most often heard and best ones tune-wise, being the two department stores, SEARS, and PENNIES. Sears came quite close 2 copying a lot of similar musical and instrumental sounds that I had just recently done and yes, copyrighted as well. It is always a possible random coincidence, but the pattern 4 this endlessly ocurring deal in my life makes the possibility of mere happenstance extremely low if not absolutely non-existent entirely. As 4 the PENNIES promotion, this was unmistakable, just as was the soon 2 follow half a decade later Verizon promotion of the CALL TEN directly following the whole world knowing about my search 4 Sarah and my CALLIO PROBLEMS and woe-whiz-me total nightmare of suffering and grief beyond human measure or relatability. A child knows that no possible coincidence can exist between their CALL 10 and my CALL-IO (Callio) deal. Anyone who chooses naught 2-C or believe this, is simply a quintessential damn fool 2 the exponential mathematical power of twenty-eight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in that PENNY promotyion, many may remember who R naught millennial babies but have some year time underneath their belts of life, that super catchy tune, and the lyrics saying, “Diiiii-diiiii-doing it riiiiight! Now this all fits into my life in zillions of ways and especially post 1980 summer time and following my 4 demos recorded at Maxfield Studio, remade shortly thereafter by Sir Howard Solomon at my place, the RPL studio, and later after that by a week or so, sent 2 the UNITED STATES © COPYRIGHT OFFICE 4 official Library of Congress musical registration, and we all know this story, so Y rehash it now? We will get back 2 all of this an dit fits like a smooth lady's glove from the great Victorian-era times of the late 19th century and my days with lovely Trentonian, the awesome lovely Sar J. Karge, born on July the 18th in 1896, and the grandmother of Sarah Callio of Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG huh great marvelous Copyright © Office, and all 1997 musical projects from the future-MOUNTAINPEN? Oh golly-gee willagars whiz-fizz, non Wooooooooolf coin dealers, or Detective Ray Curtis NYNY fictional employees, YO!!!!!! Si it appears we have yet another damn POOR Richard Russ Benny Frank word, 2-B added 2 the 260 year old dictionary now, Trentonian, and I cannot 4 the life of me C-Y. Y wouldn't a resident of Trenton, NJUSAESMWG B labeled, a Trentonian? WOW, I'm so glad sometimes 4 the 'CONTROL-V' feature of a computerized keyboard, gee willagars and golly gash darn gee whiz Pennock-Mohr 'bi-cursors' of the string-wire magical net-lands, huh YO??????????????

Now during those Penney promotion ad-spot times of 1994, we had my simultaneous times at the great and illustrious Haddonwood Swim & Heath Club, of Deptford, NJUSAESMWG, and right down the road a mile or less from the psychic shop where 16 year old Mister Cannon took it upon himself one magical late spring day in 1996 2 blatantly destroy one of me 4 automobile hubcaps on me' Saturn car while I was inside of that shop getting a psychic reading just after leaving the health club. The previous year and only eight months earlier from the date of the car damage, was 1995, and my times at their swimming pool where Mister Cannon's future wife, and my yet 2-B recognized as daughter, would come 2 meet me, and talk 2 me; and I would go onto display some of me' miraculous water-feats, such as me' talent of utilizing me' awareness of mind being literally anti-gravitation. While typing all of this blog, I've been struck with another quite nasty-ass body slam assault and bowels attack by the WOMO SPACEFORCE MACYFORCE TRUMPFORCE or 4 short, the WSMT enemies, using their ultra covert death weaponry technology on me!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Arthur TCE Crane from 1991, after I go and take care of what may B called BATHROOM-BIZZ or BB, I will come back and finish this mind blowing blog, and as of this present moment, “U all ain't heard nothing yet”, quoting the great musician here, Mister Al Jolson, oh so wonderfully; me' great Blogaudian viewers out there in Cyberville. So how do we now tie into things that, speaking of a great musician, most absolutely connects as directly as anything possibly ever could, right smack dab into yet another marvelous great and ultra super talented musician, musical artist, and best kept secret in the almighty Huntington family so far in 3,000 years, after-all, Christ was no secret, & that was about as 'Ward Cleaver out in the open' as it gets, oh great weerlld out there. Am I right or am I right, YO? Yeah Beve, more than just your pop's car window is now ALL OUT IN THE OPEN, and U had just better bet on that one, as must I. Now we have quickly discussed the very most compressed and important secrets of the MIND DIMENSION (6-D) as well as how even Professor Albert Einstein was somewhat onto it all, and yet missed the mark where it most urgently counted, or so it appeared; but if he had naught taken things 2 level one, then the Mountainpen, and the son of one of Sir Al's pals; would B completely unable now, up here in this 2023 year; 2 bring 2 us in present moment, this so well informed, level two. So 2 quote now, Mister Henningsen, and whom was so appropriately codenamed by his CIA bosses from late in the damn ass 1960's; “It's just that simple”, he said “Mark”, and so I now say unto all of U, “WEERLLD”! Fortunately I had the forethought and insight 2 remember 2 enter-down ten extra blank pages or 4 short, 2 'EDTEBP', so Mizz Screwupface Notfondauonebit Sleazeweedsdisease cannot hurt me with her rotten ONES-ASSAULT TODAY, at least 4 right now, oh wonderful folks! Let's truck and trudge on here, shall we; as this is now going 2 lead into me' non-globally recognized daughter, music, and yes, experimenting with the wild transdimensional hyperspace system that lays below the realm of mind, oh awesome also musical artist of the more distant past times, the lovely gorgeous white hot, Mizz Marilyn 5-D McCoo, YO! Most of me' wonderful glorious Blogaudians out here know certain truths that I've claimed right along in this Morianity project that has been on the internet now 4 just under two solid decades. B-4 my internet versions of this story, we had my CASSETTE TAPPED LIFE JOURNAL. This of course as its name implies quite directly was also me' life story as it was going Joe 1980 Sivo-RPL down live in what many love 2 call, 'real time', not that time is real, or that it can ever B out of synchronization, even if the distance between things measured is a few inches or even a few nanometer. All separation in space has a connected perfectly in ratio, separation in time. It merely is that our brains R designed not 2-B effected by miniscule amounts, so we do think of any near 2 us distances as things being in real photon chronology (real-time). In fact the area size of our planet where we have all evolved and came 2 exist physically on its surface, is exactly in this range while our brains R still perfectly able 2 decode the infinitesimal out of synchronization of this, but should our globe B larger, even say by being four times its actual diameter; wow, don't get me started. We would now B completely out of real time perfect synchronization with our counterparts on the exact opposite side of us, say in Australia or China somewhere that is around half the circumference of the planet away from us. Our brains R fast enough on a conscious waking level, so as 2 function just as they do an dvery well, but not quite fast enough in time processing, 2 operate in a near-perfect and true 'real time' at distances much past the circumference of our world. This is because our brains R able 2 process on a conscious level speed, anything that is not faster than approximately one four-hundredths of a minute, and so Morianity labels this truth as true-instants, as in peeps saying 2 their kids 4 a perfect example here YO, “U get over here this instant Charlie boy”! That means of course, NOW on steroids! In my day it also meant, or else; and or else didn't mean time outs. It meant getting a good swift kick in the grassmole. Those days R over, but U still R able 2 get me' point here. An instant is a quick measure of time, and the very quickest is what our minds R capable of being able 2 recognize and agree on, and yes, there R about 400 of these instants each and every minute; and no one has any more of them, nor any less of them, that anyone else; other than 4 the infinitesimal micro-tiny variations between us all, ranging say at very most, 2 a tolerance of maybe 5 or 10 IPS (Instants-Per-Minute). I also named this as a teenager, consciousness time level-1, in honor of not only Sir Gene Roddenberry's marvelous 60's television SYFY show called “STAR TREK”, but that one particular episode with that goddess queen blond DELIA the girl from Scallos Planet with her family, who drank some nuked water on the planet and suddenly became what is scientifically impossible yet made a marvelous great fictional TV-show, hyper-time compressed. How me' father used 2 holler at me when I suggested this being possible somehow after seeing that show, and he told me that the greatest mind and park pal of his, from Princeton U, absolutely insisted, “U cannot compress time. It only goes in the other direction, when 2 much G-force begins effecting U, resulting from acceleration 2 nearly the velocity of the photon”. I always still enjoyed fantasizing the possibility, perhaps because that awesome girl was so beyond white hot luscious 'joor-jess'. She was on some other shows that I loved from those same times, such as PERRY MASON. I forget her name and never was much on names of peeps. Still, hypertime is a total fantasy, unless of course on other levels of 6-D, the MIND, but still, this is way 2 advanced 2 begin tackling on this one present time particular blog. So 'permit me' 2 move this along here, HG. But using my nomenclature of Consciousness time level, as extreme G-forces would begin 2 effect something it lessens the ability of your STM-connectedness 2 separate, so in truth, Sir einstein is absolutely correct, and we must always measure this is fractional mathematics, in other words as follows: This is only an example, but let us say that beginning at the G-force from reaching 98.2 percent of C (the speed of light) or the CONSTANT-{C}, it would double from G-1 up to G-2, and then every one ten-thousandths of one decimal point that is beyond 98.2%, it would increase geometrically, as in 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and so on; at each increase, CTL would also become a fractional ability of separation, in other words, at 4, it may drop 2 CTL-1/2, and at 8, it may drop 2 CTL-1/3, and at 16, it may drop 2 CTL ¼, and so on; but it never would increase into more hyper-time separation, it just doesn't operate that way by any science we presently even remotely can get our heads around as sentient rational scientific homosapiens of the Earth-Planet, (CTL-Consciousness Time Level), again, this is me' own made up lingo after seeing that marvelous fictional television show, Star Trek. Noiw after my Magnesonic counterstrike 4 that brutal health death attack earlier, I will move back with the discussion that goes just a wee tad bit further concerning my daughter and her beyond awesome, and as all of her music and songs R, 1997 song, that in a parallel world, was an entirely different song, called, WSMT, and naught standing of course, 4 the WOMO SPACEFORCE MACYFORCE TRUMPFORCE, although, Sirs Redfield and Safet, we must endlessly wonder about everything, right? Yes that incredible song was called, in this dream-world parallel dimension of the 5th and transdimensional hyperspace, (WANNA' SPEND MY TIME). It is now 3:55 on this Sunday afternoon on 17 September, 2023, and I was just assaulted again with noise. That dirt bag neighborhood enemy WSMT scum hole dirt bag loud blotor-sickie motorcycle dude roaring real slowly by me' window. There ain't nothing that I can do about this diseased prick other than laugh and know he can only do it very rarely and 4 a very short time, and that I do have peeps looking after me and someday they all may have 2 have their wicked deeds B accounted 4 by a judging authority when all of this is hopefully eventually proven and punished someday but let us get back 2 the present times 4 right now, folks. So far today, it is health and noise, so let me break 4 a short while again 2 play some roulette that matches numbers 4 these persecuting events, and C what the results R, YO. B right back folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B-4 going, I will get me' revenge now, 4 these two attacks on me with me' WONDERFUL POWERFUL AWESOME MAGNESONIC system, invented in March of 1983 from me' Atco, NJUSAESMWG home at 134 Non-Chuck Avenue (Norris Walker Avenue) of all future great books written by future Mountainpen and present Mark Wayne Mohr, called TPB, or “The Permission Barrier”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So “HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO” now, ole' great weerlld 'aldare', WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Now let me refresh your memory with a short paragraph from a blog that had many hits on it, then we will move a wee tad bit along further with the example of that wild 1997 dual song of Mariah Carey, the one from my waking world, and then the one from the parallel dimension and dream-world, called WANNA' SPEND MY TIME'. This gets so beyond surreal and unfathomably inconceivable folks, that no one blog or even one hundred of these Mountainpen blogs could ever truly and honestly do absolute justice 2 the entire story. Hey, how can we expect a report written on one single world and hyperspace dimension 2 adequately cover the powerful and all encompassing deals and truths that R laying beyond all of the 5th dimensional hyperspace????????? Please readeth on.

Peeps; the most important deal right now 4 anyone following these blogs 2 start fully and completely realizing here is that there truly is something that my Morianity calls, “MACHINE-MIND, and how there really is an actual 6th DIMENSION which is one and the very same thing as MIND,and is where all thought and mind and BRAIN comes from, with brain merely being an actual 3 pound sack that is made of matter on a material realm of so-called existence. This also is Y these so called dream-vision-psychic experiences also all R originating from as well, great folks out there in Cyberville. This is also all Y the mathematical formulas all insist when attempting 2 perform what is now scientifically acceptable as well as labeled as “STRING THEORY” concerning our cosmos, must B done in an eleventh dimensional mathematical system or it won't work,and I seem 2-B the only mother flagging person alive today on this planet who knows just Y the math is insisting on this 11th dimensional deal, since we have 2 opposing big bang blow outs and each contains, once it branches off and out of the purgatorial super hot super bright inner realm of the Almighty's upline thought wave's first inter-fluxing from zero dimension itself into just out beyond it; and as it grow and slows and cools, it then goes on 2 develops length, width, depth, separation of LWD in motion (time) and all of that D-1-2-3-4 further splitting into atomic vibratory frequency or the 5th dimensional hyperspace. So if we have two opposing systems leaving the Purgatory or the Planck-Time, then there must B a containing field surrounding all of both of this stuff, and THAT, Sir Rockdroid of Star Trek oh sir, IS INDEED THIS ELEVENTH FLUCKING DIMENSION, that R mathematical systems in the string theory absolutely insist upon using or else, and simply put here folks, IT JUST DOESN'T WORK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of each one of these exact truths and details, while we humanly exist as tiny energetic Purgatites who lose our energies much quicker than those higher valued energetic astral energy beings (astral-entities) (Purgatites), same thing; all of our paranormal and or psychic stuff that appears 2 us as so unexplainable and endlessly surreal and mysterious, is anything but and it all makes absolute perfect sense, but only in light of knowing what I have told 2-U all here concerning the dimension of mind, or the 6-D, as mind is not the 3 dimensions of 'L-W-D' butTERCHEESE and big ass BUTT, and but peeps; it is not even motion or atomic signature, the 4-5 dimensionality, but rather MIND is part of the magical Einsteinian conversion that nobody seems 2 grasp entirely, not even him. It is Y 'E' is 'M' times C-SQ, and it is also Y 'M' is 'E' divided by C-SQ. Even Mister A-I never seemed 2-B concerned with just Y this magical speed of light squared deal is so important, and the answer is simple, C-SQUARED is MIND, and is the polar opposite of absolute gravitation or SINGULARITY. This is also the precise flucking reason that his great RELATIVITY works the way that it does, an dis what is is, 2 quote lovely Mizz Dawn-Marie King here, YO weerlld!!!!!!!!!!! MIND is the polar reverse 2 the non separation of ZERO DIMENSION. Absolute gravitation is SINGULARITY, & ALL GODDAMN QUANTUM SCIENTISTS DO IN FACT KNOW AND REALIZE THAT MUCH OF THIS MORIANITY. If I could build a magical machine that increased gravitational forces (G-fawces) all around within say 100 feet of it, anything inside of that field of energetic truth would now B under its control, and I began increasing the intensity in graduation levels click by click, U would begin 2-C all around U everything as if it was a video be it a tape back last century or a DVD or whatever today in these present times an d21st century technology, but U would C reality around U suddenly B on FAST FORWARD,A and every time I would turn it up another click, things around U would again speed up, because the gravity forces around U would literally B preventing your humanly connected MIND-SOURCE (your human brain) from being able 2 separate the 3-D-{L-W-D} dimensions as well as all those things not being effected by the machine. 2-U, under this higher G-force effect, it would all seem perfectly normal; as would things 4 those outside of it, 2 both them and U, it would appear perfectly normal; that is 2 say, this difference in ability 2 separate is merely a relative condition that is based on everyone's 6-D or MIND dimensional connections. The more gravitation that is all around U, the less able this mind dimensional connectiveness with U is able 2 separate its actual TRUTH of Z-D (zero dimension). In truth or in Z-D, nothing is separate and all is one, just as the great 1974 beach alchemist somehow by pure quantum magic or 'whatever' was able 2 send that information directly into my MIND-BRAIN that day back in that summer after I had returned 2 Mizz Selena Dada's rooming house on Stenton Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. When I am under this wild situation with this 3,000 year old Huntington Family Curse, or this HFC 4 a shorter way of saying it from now on if I should so desire doing on future blogging works, all of these things R a part of this quantum deal, and 2 even begin attempting 2 tackle this right now would B quintessential absurdity folks. Just know this as pure fact 4 right now, and later on we can try getting a wee tad bit into it all; and yes, with or without any help whatsoever from lovely awesome white hot Mizz Patty Hollister. All that matters 4 now is that back on October 5th in 2008, I had a sudden dreaming burst out of repressed memories as a result of being under an unfathomable degree of psychiatric pressure while living with these insane very distant cousins of Patty's and it all came out in that wild dream, but the 6th dimension was also right there in my face, and I want 2 quickly open this up and then other future blogs can start getting more into the goddamn specifics of it all, YO folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIND operates in ways that goes so goddamn far beyond anything even remotely conceived of as of yet by anyone in the psychiatric industry and or mentioned even slightly in their great mighty bible, the DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manuel), and if I should even try in any tiny way 2 tell just what I know about so much incredible slit, that I would B locked away 4 life with some excuse like “He is 2 dangerous 2-B let loose on society”, they'd make up something, AND YES PEEPS, THEY'D MAKE IT STICK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This world simply put YO, just ain't ready 4 all the flicking shkit that I truly know, and yes weerlld, IPYT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we will get a bit more into the exact reasons 4 my dream-released-information on that date, let us 4 now and B-I re-post shortly on an upcoming blog, this very blog that was in real time then, U will immediately C how the 6th DIMENSION or the MIND REALM, even Eckankar chimes in with their name and label 4 it, they call it the “MENTAL PLANE”, and it is all just varying ways of saying the exact same goddamn thing folks. As soon as I had those memories re-channeled and released from deeply buried subconsciousness, and then began typing and blogging the story, and the MACHINE MIND AND MENTAL PLANE OF THE 6th DIMENSION picked it up, instantly came super loud WOMO-SPACEFORCE-WSMT ASSAULTS, CHOPPERS FLYING CRASH LEVEL ALL AROUND, AND APPEARING LITERALLY RIGHT OUT OF NOWHERE, AND MOTOR CYCLES RIPPING AND ROARING DOWN THE STREET LIKE FLUCKING DAMN ASS ARMAGEDDON WAS READY 2 ALL BUST OUT LOOSE all over Hammonton-Blueberryville, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember that morning at the King MARHOUSE at 65 Middle Road, as if it was ten goddamn mother flagging minutes ago, YO WEERLLD!!!!!! I will make a CAP job, but finding it any time that U wish 2 peeps, is easy as childsplay, merely archive the older blogs and follow the links and click, and U will come 2 those early 2008 autumn days blogs. Hey if I can do it no sweat, then most of any of U should B able 2 do it as easily as lovely Mizz Paula Patton can convict hypothetical criminals in her sleep as the ADA of Manhattan, on Dick wonderful and awesome WOOOOOOOOOOOLF's incredible law show, “L&O” and now surpassing the once television's number one law show, “Perry Mason”!!!!!!!!!!!! Then 4 the past few nights, my dreams have been quite incredible, and my telling U all this very blog was right smack dab front and center in one of those dreams, quoting my pal, the lovely Mizz Sally Starr from days when I was only a small kid and watching he great marvelous television show called, “Popeye Theater” on the same exact time slot that less than a year later would come 2 host the new soap show on Philly's channel-6 WFIL TV station back then later 2 change into WPVI, “DARK SHADOWS”; hey YO, those inescapable sub atomic numerations, oh weerlld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now in one part of that wild recent dream during all these times of major newest computer hacking and major 5 multiples of roulette numbers being simultaneously attracted all around me like helpless chickens all cooped up in a hen house, with hungry wolves right outside the fence with a broken area, and just ready 2 strike their prey; and the KAPOW, but I was there with Misses Young whom was one of my last 2 COOLEY HALL EDUCATORS late in 1972, and even though lovely Amy wasn't there as she was in our class there, but her mom was there who was with us on the class trip that day and has been told and blogged several times when we all went into NYC (Manhattan), and Amy's mom asked me 2 let her read my Wall Street Journal newspaper. I knew that she was trying 2 get Amy and me together, despite our ages being nearly 4 years apart, and me being now just over 18. I did not know however back then, just Y. She came 2 me in a powerful dream and told me that she was dying of cancer, and that she was concerned that her daughter wouldn't B able 2 handle it, and she thought of me as a very level headed young man who would make a good husband 4 her daughter once she reached an appropriate age 2 marry me. I never knew all of this, and yes, it may have total truth 2 it, it may have only small amounts of truth and all merely part in some way, of what I call and label as U all know, TOSE. The transdimensional effects that always exist in-between varying worlds of the virtually unlimited transdimensional hyperspace. But the powerful awesome and absolutely inconceivable complexities involved in all of the MIND REALM and what truly is behind it all, would take millions of years, and then it would B a mere tiny surface scratch folks!!!!! There was a dude many decades ago when I was shortly out of that job at the RPL sound studio joint in middle March of 1981, maybe the summer time range in 1981 if me' memories R working at all well here, and this guy was twice my age in his very early fifties and also did security guard work, and we were talking, and I got onto a powerful topic that he appeared 2-B very interested in and it needs not B told more about 4 right now because it simply ain't germane 2 my point. I remember now, it was the subject of advanced mathematics, and we got talking about large numbers, the laws of large numbers, and things along this line, and suddenly I remember telling him that I can count all the way up 2 the number of 999 decillion googalplex to the exponential power of 999 decillion googalplex. He just looked at me with one of those wild vacant but intense stares, just as in that wild 2009 movie with my daughter and how she would give lovely big-gal Gabourey the long stare down, in her welfare DCF Office. Then he told me, “I guess it would require a million years or so 4-U-2-B able 2 do it and so really, U couldn't, and then he gave sort of an almost force-groaned half chuckle. Without thinking that maybe I'd hurt his feelings should I say what I then went onto say, and was 2 young then 2-B more conscious of proper sociological behavior; I remember very well just blurting out 2 him, “A million years, buddy, the entire lifespan of this universe a million times over wouldn't even get me close 2 it, YO”! He sort of looked at me hurt, as though I was being really mean and mocking his seemingly small amount of intellect in things pertaining 2 high math and or science, and he was attending the Rutgers University, and I would think now as I look back upon that day, that he was a wee tad bit upset with me. I only saw him on that one day and never again as he was a fill in at a job where I had recently been going 2 and that also was a temporary assignment 4 me, so we never again crossed paths and I never was able 2 properly apologize 23 him 4 me' somewhat rude and ill mannered behavior. I am so goddamn flucking frucking sick and tired of these hacks, especially this decade plus years long now miserable (ODF-HACK) YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! Okay, so we R now a wee tad bit refreshed here, maybe even U-2, should U-B out there and amongst the ghost-whispering-breathers, oh lovely Mizz Hollister H-H-Patty (GWB)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So let us move onto the following paragraph now folks, and discuss how my experimenting with that wild 1997 DREAM-SONG; caused all manner of stuff 2 happen, here in me' waking life, and so 'LIKE WOW'; Mister awesome & illustrious Macy-Stacey bank-trucks and Flowerland dream-visions of nine years into the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I first blog-told this tale while back early into this blogging project and residing at the MMM joint or trailer park owned by Mizz Jenny Plageman, up in Mullica Township, NJUSAESMWG. I even told about a few of the musical notes and not even bothering 2-C if they matched a keyboard, as I was in a hurry as I normally am, 2 finish a blog and shoot it up 2 the site 4 publishing, and in those times, I had less time. I now am completely retired and have all day and night, unlike up in Jersey. Of course, today the illustrious Copyright Office has the 29th musical project which contains this wild 1997 tune, and 2 quote th awesome top-ADA-John James (Jack) McCoy, of the fictional Manhattan DA's Office from the greatest law show on this Earth now, and surpassing the once all time greatest law show, 'PERRY MASON', “from the other side”, when he was teasing and taunting if memory is serving me accurately here peeps, that poor dude who got framed by a gorgeous lady college professor, and bisexual murderer of her friend Leann, if I'm correct here. Well Mister McCoy; this song DOES COME FROM THE OTHER SIDE, well, not so much the other side as U would call it; but rather, from another parallel dimension in the unfathomably vast and even virtually completely unlimited fifth dimensional hyperspace, YO sir. I found my ultra talented kid singing this song 2 me in this AWESOME UNFORGETTABLE WILD VIVID DREAM, IN 1997; and upon awakening, the tune was meant 2 stick in me' head along with the main hook-words 2 that song, forever, just as the 1980 experience with SCYLLA and HER LOIS FOCA SONG, 5 weeks or so after my moving into the Robin Hill Apartments, unit # 1802. It wasn't until I came 2 Florida and had been here 4 about a year however, that I actually recorded the song at a professional recording studio. That enemy biker scum is annoying me and back again as I type this all up at 4:44 PM, same exact number matching her Harlem movie address of those times also, YO, and matching in single digits, my student number in 1972, up at the great illustrious CHURCH FARM SCHOOL, and with or without any unforgettable statements and slogans made between my awesome flucking mom and the great headmaster of the joint the great Doctor Shriner and the owner then of much of the mighty wonderful BREYERS ICE CREAM, that I even back then, loved and adored with the passion of a native born true Italian, U all know the type, the ones who would never think of pronouncing a name such as siff a log leo, but rather as sha flah leo. I think I was the only one who ever called Long Islander Sir Delmo Cifaloglio, by his truly Italian pronounced name; and it seemed 2 absolutely awe him. Perhaps because he knew that my roots did not contain any Italian, at least nowhere within the past ten generations of my family, that I am aware of, YO weerlld. WHAAAAAAAAAAAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I recorded that song at the final ending day of the year of 2010 and just after one full year of life here in Flowerland, AKA Florida-USA. Now I made a karaoke recording of it back while living at Jenny's MMM PARK, but this was also sent 4 copyright, and was merely an amateur version of the song, but the head examiner of the Copyright Office seemed 2-B major effected by it, and of course, this was I am quite positive now, all due 2 the fact that indeed, she knew a whole lot more about the tune, about my family, and about ALL OF ITS WILD SECRETS, and she phoned me up and was a wee tad bit up set about something that I had included in the forms that I sent down there 2 them. I was only following the exact instructions that R written quite specifically on these copyright forms, where if U need any additional space 2 write in pertinent stuff concerning the songs in a collection, 2 use a separate sheet of paper, only when I sent a yellow legal pad sheet with a little bit of information, she freaked like my mom freaked at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments that day in late 1980 or early in 1981 somewhere, when she said something 2 me concerning lovely Mizz Patricia HHH, her old coworker from the shipping company, and then I, as I always did and only because I knew that it major big time annoyed her when I did it; I chimed in with Patty's name HOLLISTER after she had called her by a newly remarried name of HOWARD, and this would set her off like I was a Serbian student in early 1914 outside of a university and just about 2 set off the great war, as then it was called. Nobody of course knew that an even greater war was only a couple of damn decades out into the antimatter space, (the future). Foplks, mty mother FREAKED when I did this, and so I did it all the more, today, Mizz ADA fictional Carmichael mah'm. This would B called “pushing her buttons”, YO. How about however, B-4 judging me so harshly, 'Mister coming over with the bracelets Semple'; we need 2 remember what SHE DID 2 ME, denying me knowledge of me' own goddamn daughter, huh there Mister Dolan, also of 'L&O', YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and then those endless & relentless processions of SARAH's and Gaines's on that show, make my story beyond something that anyone of U can honestly tell me is all just me'; sicko deranged imaginative egotistical braggadocio psychotic delusions of a quintessential nub job whackadoodle, huh there Mister Pedersen of SP Record Company, YO??????? SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, just where R all of those goddessdog Cifaloglio employees and People's Magazine articles, when we really and truly need them here, if 4 absolutely no other reason than 4 the major ass EFFECT of it all, YO fwolks, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO????????????????????

Now not only did stuff all go down big time with wild and weird weather the moment that I did that wild 1997 dream-tune on me' whittle amateur karaoke machine back up in Jersey in the summer time range of the year of 2007, and 10 years after the actual dream was given 2 me, but then again and nearly a half decade later on after that, here in Florida at a joint in Port Saint Lucie near the intersection area of the area famous Crosstown Parkway and Bayshore Boulevard, during the springtime of the 2011 year, YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had the most incredibly wild deadly outbreak of mid-western-USA tornadoes in recorded jhistroy while I was recording this tune, and also, we had a thunderstorm right there in town that was monstrously awesome, and knocked out all of the electrical power and causing a temporary shut down in the project, unlike anything ever B-4 in my life while trying 2 do music at a professional studio. Now this is only a door opening, and soon I'll get a whole damn lot more into this wild major 3000 year old HUNTINGTON FAMILY and its mind busting MARCUCCI THAXTON SECRETS from just outside beyond the metaversal-astrally famous DOGTOWN GATES just beyond the frightening DOGTOWN BRIDGE of the timeless-endless PURGATORY!!!!!!!!!!!









I will now post up the lunar calendar 4-U all.


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2023---JWSC-SUN-11-271







      Photos of the Day




Week ending Tuesday afternoon: 09-19-23































9/06------249 -------70---------------------28---X---4




9/10------253 -------72----------------------28---X---8






9/16------259 -------72----------------------28---X---14













































Yes, we will B making a CAP-JOB of some other stuff and tieing in unfathomable stuff relating 2 just what the 6-D is truly up 2, well, being more honest here folks, what the Mountainpen has so far managed 2 get just a wee tad whittle bit of handle on, so far in his measly current-me-human-life of Mark Wayne Mohr, that is, YO. I am speaking first and foremost of an old early October OH-MAROLA-8 blog, titled, “How Many Times My Friend”, and then we will open up and start exploring just how it works, and then hjjust Y the mind dimension feels compelled 23 absolutely and relentlessly assault me upon my saying certain things, in public, or anywhere I would suppose, huh great weerlld aldare??????????????

END TRANSMISSION, YO-YO'D & BOUNCED ALL AROUND, WILD AND PETRIFIED, FROM TOWN 2 TOWN; AND HATED 'CAUSE I DID IT BETTER, or I suppose that is at least one of those brighter shining Pedersen lights 4 it all, huh Mister incredible latengrate DAVE ROTH of Oakland Street in Philly? Yes, I could talk on forever, and is Y of course, me' internet handle-name is what it is, huh Latengrate gorgeous mean spirited evil Chuckie-girl, Mizz DAWN-MARIE KING of Atlantic City, as well as awesome Blueberryville???????????????? WHAAAAAAAAAAAHA AHA-AHA-AHA, Mister Mike McNulty (MMCNY)!!!!!!!!

Posting up at 6:06 PM, 09-17-2023, YO.

1-2-3, oh lovely wonderful LIGHTNING!





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