Thursday, September 7, 2023

All Things Have Origins


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All Things Have Origins, and Then Comes the Upline T-Q

No one can force anyone 2-C and or believe one stinking thing that they choose not 2 believe, and hey YO; I “would not have it any other way”; just as the fictional LA-CALI Captain and C-O of Sergeant Friday, of the 1968's Dragnet TV-Show put it so well on one particular great episode. U-R reading a blog that is written by a true-blue non Cooley Hall classmate who is a very proud FREEDOM-FIGHTER, and hopefully someday if needed; is more than willing 2 die 4 my cause, and I mean that; unlike lots of wussy cowards out there with big mouths flags and symbols all over their person, and plenty of misguided information that has flooded their lives 4 a long time. Simply put, I would jump into a roaring and blazing fire 2 have some magic genie or 'whatever' ole' pal Bob Andrews sir, show me how 2 successfully convince peeps that me' Morianity story is all completely and totally true, but I wouldn't in a billion damn years even think about WISHING 2 FORCE ANY OF THIS ON ANYONE, as this goes so against the Mountainpen's grain that no words exist 2 really properly make this fully understood 2 a single soul. In the most misguided way possibly imaginable here, these peeps worship who I used 2 actually B a century ago, and of course, would never believe this in a million years if sat down and told who I really was. Of course this is Y-I am absolutely aware of just what is being done here and by those exact same demonic fawces who tried 2 use me 2 completely wreck and ruin this world, and thank the astral-plane gods, failed quite miserably in the long run only some rotten small seeds did remain and left 2 grow in dark gardens all over, waiting 4 just the right times 2 try once again 2 make this world quintessentially beyond miserable, CUBED! Those who know what is being indirectly spoken of here, KNOW, and 4 those who do naught, well, better then that U do naught, huh wonderful awesome 1983 Mizz Blake of the 'PHONE COMPANY? All things aside and moving this right along now, we have the powerhouse truths that all things have an origin, even surnames matching occupations that we R in and even slang cursing words such as the ole' English most famous two, Fornication Upon Consent of the King, and Store High In Transport. All things do absolutely make sense, and nothing that is legitimate, is without its complete one-hundred percent LEGITIMATE-SOURCE, and THAT, I do promise U all, (IPYT) as gorgeous lovely MO-nique would put it so well, in middle late ohm-9; and without any coffee sharing meetings, and or photo postings, real or hypothetical. The first of those later-2-B used as nasty cursing words, I learned from an employee truck driver at the Roadway Trucking yard on County Line Road and Route 309 intersection in Pennsylvania, and about ten years later on at the great awesome Tony Bonjovi owned AVALON RECORDING STUDIO of Port Saint Lucie, FLUSAESMWG, is where I learned the other deal from Tony-B's marvelous sound engineer, Sir Ryan. But me' whittle simple pernt here Mister Queens-New York-USA Archibald Bunker and anyone else remotely interested here; is that all things real and worthy of honest attention paid 2 them ever, do indeed HAVE LEGITIMATE SENSE-MAKING ORIGINS, places where they all stem from and originate, and they make total sense, without one wee tad little bit of forced reality or misperceptions of any kind being intentionally and or wrongfully attached 2 them, YO. So also, does Morianity and Mountainpen, who created, or perhaps stated better and more honestly here, developed and refined it into what it is right now this very day, in time illusion, also has an extremely real and legitimate origin, and reason 4 being, although one thing about it is all that I admit 2 truly knowing 4 absolute complete certain oh kind folks. This is, put quite simply here BRRRRRRRRRR, is thissssssss, lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes of 1983: Folks, Morianity is an ever growing and even being realized set of both facts and historical accounts of real life things and deals pertaining 2 its author the Mountainpen, and also it is very similar 2 our wonderful awesome United States CONSTITUTION an dits elastic clause that allows 4 what we all have heard many times, the 'AMENDMENTS' 2 it, as the founding fathers, wonderful and wise as they may have been, were never arrogant enough 2 believe in their infallibility nor that this document should B without the possibility of being amended in some ways as future times endlessly move on causing sociological alterations in ways that they knew fully well, they in their fixed time and lives, would B inadequate 2 fully address and come 2-C and realize, so it does need 2 have some elasticity in the document so as the basic idea remains fixed and always there like a shining star, yet when small alterations become needed due 2 unforeseeable changing future times, things can then B indeed made available so as 2 allow those changes 2 legitimately happen without ever needing 2 end the great US-Constitution altogether. So 2 is Morianity, in this one respect, and some great Blogaudian lady, without even ever knowing it or becoming aware of her discovery when she commented on this very blog back in my days of residing up in New Jersey. She accused the blogs of being sort of 'fickle', my word not here, but she did say that very thing; or meant it nonetheless. What her exact words were went about like this following deal here. She said my discussions concerning the MILLIONTH COUNCIL were sort of offensive 2 her an da waste of time, because they obviously were written by an author who was simply making it all up as he went along. She was in no way mistaken. We all R making it all up as we go along, but as in the example that I just cited concerning our marvelous constitution, the basic facts and the basic truths remain always forever unaltered. Nothing in the constitution itself changes here, despite its having the ability 2 make amendments, when a majority vote in the Washington power structures agree 2 it. So 2 in Morianity, as well as its numerous discussions of the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, nothing is being made up. Changes R only because as times move onward and I progress along in my physical current lifetime as Mountainpen's pseudonym's true person of Mark Wayne Mohr; things get remembered, things get connected into newly discovered realities going on as the times keep moving forward, and changes of all types in fact tend 2 occasionally appear, and then cause the illusion of just making up a wild tale, and changing it at the whim of a sour stomach or something; but this would B as far from truth, as day is from night, folks. Right now as U all know, I live in Fort Pierce, Florida-USA. B-4 coming down here, I resided in Hammonton, New Jersey- USA, with the KING FAMILY of magical nightmare-washcloths from that wildest year of all, Sir John and Sir Photeous, 1970! I did everything in my power not 2 move and leave the only place where I was relatively content and comfortable, relatively of course 2 someone who has become the targeted victim of an unfathomable 3,000 year old family curse, originated on the goddessdog ASTRAL-PLANE itself, oh lovely Mizz Hollister! If I had naught left the very night that I did, all odds R that I would have been murdered, most likely in my sleep, within one or two more nights in that home that I lived there with these moron idiot nut-job whackadoo dangerous sickos that I absolutely believe were all pre-planned from longer ago than most humans could even ever B able 2 rationally conceive of, and that I had a crossroads timeline staring me in the face with no way out of it whatsoever. I could either get into me' automobile and make a run 4 it far away or I could remain there an dB MUREDERED, OH AWESOME FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and yes, the home that we were all renting was owned BY AN FBI AGENT by the name of AGENT STEVE CARUSO, an da resident at that time on 2009, of the great illustrious flag flying and very proud and BRIGHT TRUMP RED of course, AUSTIN, TXUSAESMWG. Yes sir weerlld, good ole' lovely TEXAS, huh TEX from Mac-Andrews & Forbes Licorice in 1981 or 1982 somewhere, nicknamed by a causer of major woes 4 the future-Mountainpen, named on his birth certificate as Mister Montague, and whose first name that I did know well, is being mysteriously hacked out of me' brain right now, oh folks. The great Jesus Christ-TAUGHT-SAFET endlessly is there 4 all of us, 2 brilliantly light the way 4 any true seeker 2 use those words that were commanded by our LORD, U all know, seek and U will find, knock and the door will B opened 4-U, well, just how do we do this? Oh the Christians, how they make my roll on the floor with belly aching laughter fits. Well Mountainpen U damn idiot, U-R supposed 2 have faith and wait on the Lord, and pray without stopping, an dread your bible and wait 4 guidance, and all of this is fine and well, totally and completely, but our LORD told us that WE R-2 TAKE ACTION, we pray, then we ACT, U know, and despite this not being actually in the scriptures directly, I promise U all that faithful bible reading will bring U all 2 the absolutely unmissable realization that we do not expect GOD ALMIGHTY 2 do our work 4 us, it is all right in there as plain as the noses on your damn ass Christian faces, peeps. I am only trying 2 help U idiots. JESUS gave us a powerful methodology 4 doing this seeking, and it was CANONIZED AND REMOVED BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and 4 reasons that only they totally know and fully understand, 2 this very damn day, IPYT great folks out here in Cyberville. Now rather than go on an don here, we can skip over things not right now needed 4 making today's point. There is always tons of information that could B hypothetically added and I always know instinctively perhaps, that at a certain point, it is just time 2 stop and move along, and then come back at other times when the discussion is also along equal lines on a future blog-work, YO. 4 the past forty minutes or so, I am getting some aerial siege outside, light, but definitely out there, and it is now 3:55, so it most likely is all PARALLEL EVENT AND WALL STREET DOW JONES (DJIA) MARKET CONNECTED, as it always is and has been now ever since 1986 when this nightmare washcloth hellishness from 1970 decided 2 move into its next phase of Dogtown Disaster 4 the poor pitiful non-Ron whittle helpless me, 'PPNR-Mountainpen'. Also the WSMT scum-ball sub-squat SPAMMENIES, from out beyond Dogtown's mighty & well guarded gates, by the mighty and HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE 'Vacuvious', and his guarding dog-gang, or however his mortal world name is correctly spelled here, Mister Barnabas Jonathan Frid Collins of 1968 Dark Shadows; assaulted me in me' sleep with a nasty Havana death weapon strike on me' poor sick ole' body, causing me 2 slit into me' pee-jays a wee tad whittle bit, and forced me up and awake at just shy of 12-noon, and after only getting 4 hours of goddessdog sleep, now twice in a row; and also caused by them. So a little MAGGIE-COUNTERSTRIKE WILL B DONE, following the blog and B-4 we end it 4 the day. 4 right now, let me move along towards the point just a little more succinctly. Lots of beyond wild stuff was happening around me and me' final days and times up there in Jersey, and some of U may know of some of it, and some of U may know a lot of a lot of it, and then there R those who may know an in-between amount of this hellish junk. I wanted desperately 2 remain there and not have 2 lose so many precious items that my running away caused me 2 in fact forever lose, and most of it were fantastic proofs of my war with this WOMO-OTAMMIC FORCE all of these many decades, and now, it is forever all gone. We R going 2-B tieing lots of things together that will all B leading up 2 the very point being made here, but of course, this is a full blown project, 2 quote Sir Eddie Himacane Lynch, and it just cannot B done in one single blog-work; YO great wonderful folks out there!!!!!!!!!!!! When I finally left that night, at some wee early hour, and from my job at Cifaloglio, after all of the employees had clocked out; that was it, there was no turning back and yes, we all have these, what I in this Morianity have come 2 call, MAJOR LIFE POINTS, or 4 short (MLP's). This is as real as that blog that seemed 2 interest quite a few folks, U know, zones and locations, especially how they may indeed B effecting all of our lives in complex outlandish ways. Let me now cut and paste or CAP something in that will indeed B leading us into a more detailed and further examined and explained illustration 2 so many things that need a whole damn lot more discussions. Several of these last days in Jersey as well as early days here in Fort Pierce blogs, will have CAPPED in parts and then some wild discussions, and when all is said and done, and by the end of this horrendous 2023 year; a lot of U as well, R gonna' B going, “WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WO-WO-WO-WOW-WOW-WOW-WO-YO, and THAT folks, I do completely promise U all BRAH!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Paranoia can indeed B overdone. Still the area in-between naivety and paranoid delusions or overly exaggerated perceptions on the part of humans, is an extremely gray and uncertain ranging area, and always will B. I would much rather C imaginary bogeymen all over and B safer and more well prepared, and laughed at, and safer, than B part of the MAROLA-CROWD, and end up bleeding out on the night streets oif Manhattan in some real bad hood.

The famous property investor/medical powerhouse who I do not personally know, from the Florida area, is not the name I gave, and some few may have decoded and deciphered it from well cripted clues given on my recent blogs. He and the girl he has stalked 4 twenty plus years, verifies my so-called delusions r anything but, they R indeed totally real. No one can clearly define in ways that would legally stand up in a court of law, how an accurate and acceptable measurement of knowing where this great mental line of demarcation really can indeed b drawn.

The entire trip was siege and hell, it was off the scale. and it no longer matters and perhaps never did matter, where I go or where I am. What matters is blackboards, and men named "SMITH". They knew back in the great '70 that all of this was real with me, it was all totally real then, as it is all real today, at any velocity. Now if this posts automatically, I will know not 2 repeat what I just did.

OK, it did not, machines R totally part of the dream that we all R experiencing, there is no real reliable and accurate predictability, and never was there, nor will B.

First, without any offense meant at all, Morianity tells a non- tellable story. No words have ever been designed 2 make possible, they never will exist, and this is Y the ancient Pentecostals knew of this mysterious situation and classified it as SPEAKING IN TONGUES. This issue has been very confused due to the normal religious bickering and split offs between the many historical denominations of the last 1800 years or so.

Can a family B huge and part of mysteries that go beyond words and mans entire spectrum of all accepted things, totally out of mankind's framework of acceptable possibilities? Well, I know 4 sure that this answer is indeed a resounding YES. People have seen and witnessed things, they or many of them R no longer around, where they REALLY R, is anybody's friggin' guess, BRO. What family is being talked about here, mine, TAWF, both? How about I do not totally know and when I do not know something then I am the first 2 admit that I do not know, so let me leave that right where it is 4 now, K?

How did I manage 2 entirely alter the society of the global interaction all around me over the course of say the past 3 and a half decades? Simple. It is not just me involved in this, and what comes 2 mind is an old and very great black and white version of the sixties OUTER LIMITS show, where several geniuses all were part of a huge mission, and then after the thing got close 2 becoming realized, they started 2 know each other. The entertainment-world is part of a huger deal than all the movies concepts all put together. They all R here, and so R many other GROUPINGS, but the problem with James Redfield's concepts, or his so-called MAYAN all-knowers-that typed or made up this manuscript, discussed in his book, is that none of any of these powerful mystical geniuses understand that all is but a dream, and the dream is part of a huge game, and that the reason 4 the games is DISTRACTION.

There is no bullshit about exploratronics, notice I used the word in blogs long B4I actually discussed details about it, this is the parlor trick of MC and her nickname being in the starting of the 1986 copyrighted tape called, REAL GOOD GIRL. Y did it change my life, and Y did the neighbor across the street in Babylon, LI, at 176, U know what Drive, have the number of that address, and how can all this B if it is not a huge 2008 World Series Parlor Trick. Time prevents me from going into 2 much more on today's blog, the library gives me a measly 30 minutes, and I have been also given annoyers as part of the equation, MC knows who she sent over. Her problems R known 2 her, and she is wise 2 keep them all 2 herself. Maybe she overcame her problem that permitted her newest release 2B done on HS-sis birthday, was overcome with the very expensive CSV-computer prog, if she Millie Vinnilli's it at concerts, that might not B so wise. Still, a sophisticated CSV prog can b made 2B used in live stuff, with the bucks she has, still, i have ears, and was a sound man, and know what I heard that night. Then again, maybe it explains the medical office and the PCN's show lots of wild tales as well.

Long story made short, the Julia White thing is real, so is Arthur Hunt. I may not always have all my facts totally straight B-4-I report them, still, I do know what I know, and as I speak, her annoyers just left the computer area, amazing, if it had been me, Ida been kicked oudda here, & the rules with me, R always quite different. An old issue, there is no need 2 revisit this, BRO.

End Transmission 4 now, daddy's treasure is still here, and will B, MC, 4 a long time. Godda go, bye bye, and remember, the plans I have 2 show what I know is real, it is all coming and very soon.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:43 AM 1 comment:


Sunday, December 27, 2009

chapter three, mountainpen lives on at DTC

Did not mean 2 publish blog 2, hit enter by mistake and it published.

Now here is what I cannot do, I cannot hit save and then hit enter 2 change paragraphs, or it posts. At least the MC does this 2 me, do not know about how it would operate 4 another.

Ormund Beach up north from here, where Estelle Andersen Arthur Bassler Huntington, YO players is this real, but this place has been where I have stood in many of my 'dreams' as U would call them, throughout the past 30 or 40 years of my life back in New Jersey. I thought I'd plucking grit myself when I was on my way down here 2 the treasure coast, and stopped off the main highway-95-4 a quick visit 2 Estelle's Beach there, the original owner of the property on Tennessee Avenue who sold her hotel 2 Sarah Karge early in the 1970's.

Also I thought I'd shkit myself from the start of this trip. The minute I hit the Carolinas and it became daybreak, the MILITUFORCE was all over me with sky persecution, and every day has been beyond hell with this unless it poured rain, as it did on 2 days so far here in this new hellishness. Still I am winning, Scylla could not make me stay in her horrible plan or prison one day longer, and she can rot in hell. My cousin from the north-lands beyond Maine told me that his brother, my first cousin Sandy's hubby's brother, knows that my story is 100% true, and is a well known celeb who does not dare ever come forward. Some of U genius types out here may know who and what is being discussed here, if not, live with it, I live with far freaking worse, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a large Florida real estate investor who also is a well known doctor in these parts, who has been harassing this lady, CHARITY, since high school, and they R all now in their 40's, she got her last flat tire about 50 days ago she told me the other day. She works 4 powerful government people and I have no reason at all 2 doubt here freaking credibility.

When I said, "you'll all die, in blog number one of MLOADTC, a week back or so, I meant that all persons die, this is truth, not 2B taken the way Mike and Diane and
their friends from Jersey radio and WAYV might take this; flat tires, hospital rapes, and all. It is always totally OK 2 hurt me and violate me, I am the eternal bad guy so who really cares, still, I am in truth just the innocent victim here, and get tormented and tortured endlessly. If U think they care or anyone in authority cares, U have never read books by Michael Smith or Michael Moore. Start going 2 book stores and libraries, READ PEEPS, B4 Sky is right and it really is 2 damn late 4 all of us.

Try and remember peeps, words R there so we do not grunt in caves like wolves and dogs. They will never adequately express certain reality and truth. It is my error and has been 4 thinking that UR not enlightened enough when I say that TIME IS NOT REAL, AND U SIMPLY EXIST, and that if U were really enlightened U would C that short group of WORDS, and go, oh ducking shkit all mighty, and GET IT. NO WORDS tell what I know, it is me that knows something, so I mistakenly start believing that this knowledge is transmittable with somehow the usage of just the perfect comb of correct and perfect words, BULL FRUYUCKING SHKEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had giant young beauty queen teenagers fall in love with me during my trip down here at interstate rest stops, the biggest event in Florida only a hundred or so miles away from my new place. She had long dark hair, and was about 6-4 and had a fashion model body and would not leave me alone, I finally told her 2 get the fruck lost. Up here now in 2023, may I add in here, boy oh boy does HALLS FAWCES WORK ON ME AND ENDLESSLY USE THEIR DAMN ASS TELLOSIAN POWERS 2 COMPLETELY WRECK AND DESTROY ME' LIFE, YO!!!!!

DEEDEE is all I need, and she is all over me, only thing, more all over me here in this wicked place is the barrage of never ending motor mucking stinking cycles. DEEDEE is in flocks, and follows me all over. It is starting 2 get recognized, but I dont care. Just keep protecting me DEEDEE, PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE.

Now I'll call him by the phony name of Harry-Tee Brady. He has been stalking and wrecking the life of this Charity lady 4 over 25 years, so indeed, I am not the only one who is having this happen, and indeed, people DO, CARRY grudges. How real is this exploratron thing, well; let me ask U this. When I shortly prove it is all the total real truth behind everything, what R-U gonna' do then, hide your nose in a cave and scream? It is all coming, B careful, PAULA KING OF W-A-Y-V FM-RADIO!!!!!!

The prophet of nothing came from 1988 and knew some big stuff, thanks 2 copyrighted Jimmy the great colonist of the DSV Seaquest Bee-Gee ripoffs club. Then came the mighty prophet Jeremiah who entered the world through the mind of Michael Smith, no blackboards or 1970's needed either here BRR!!!!!!!!!! We all know now that 2050 is the last year of the stock market, and MC leaves this part of her life 2 return to SDC in 2049, oh yes Harold C, this is how the 10 insights of the great James Redfield speak, nothing is random, not the barking of a dog a half mile down the road, NOTHING is just happening. Read the book and apply the pages after 150, 2 the year of 1950. Just do it 4 a century; it will take a good reader an hour or less, READ, GROW and LEARN there, me' little leapfrogs.

ARNIE, I'LL B BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:40 AM No comments:


chapter 2, mountainpen lives on at daddy's treasure coast

You will find chapter one at I have limited library time only, wait an hour 2 blog less than an hour. Wow, life sucks a big fat ducking stick. Anyway, these 2 sites will make up my new blogs. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

giant pussies R all over Florida, life is hell beyond measure, and I have my miserable daughter 2 thank 4 all of this, according 2 a special person who I will call Charity. That is all U need 2 know about this lady of about mid forties in age. She knows my entire story, and I know hers. Wait until I am hooked up again at home down here and can really blog, this will say basically nothing.

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:37 AM No comments:


Friday, December 11, 2009


Subtitled: Camel Straws and Levy’s Gang
3:39 PM, Friday, eleven December, 2009


Well peeps, this is where I bid U all a fond ado and farewell. U will not B seeing me around, maybe never, maybe a bit later on, but not 4 at least well into the next year when I have established myself some place far away from where I am.

This is the day I AM leaving, and without my JEEP, my PEEJ, or anything that is basically 2 much beyond the clothes on my back, a few small bags, and my car. Lucky 4 me that I always take several bags 2 work with me, so I won’t B questioned at door check, by Warden Dawn Monster King.

She went off on me today after her mom left me alone here with her. She told me that she won’t bother me, how many times have I been lied 2 in this world by people, and then called a liar myself? Wow, more of an irony here than all the parkways and driveways on the planet. So I have 2-B the one who leaves and drives into the darkness, without a plan or any way of knowing anything about what tomorrow will have in store 4 me. Dawn said that it is ALL MY FAULT. I am the reason that everything is wrong around here. She of course never makes any mistakes or does anything less than perfect.

She said that I am the reason 4 her distant cousin Mariah’s troubles, & that I broke up her parents; and am now doing the same thing 2 her and Chicky. I do not have the smallest idea what she is talking about. I am in the middle of this. Chicky demands 2-B shown the house where Dawn, not me, had been cheating on him at, with her new bar pick up. I am ordered by both of them do things that put me in the middle of their marital affairs, and then I get the blame from both of them. Long story short, there is no way 2 win, and all I can ever have here is endless abuse and misery.

Ann had a death in her family that Dawn never even knew these cousins, so while Dawn is here at the house with me, she is at a viewing, and later will stay at the Harbor overnight and B all day Saturday as well, and come back late Saturday night or else on Sunday. A 2023 insert here, the harbor means a home in good ole' EGG HARBOR CITY, NEW JERSEY-USA, where else???

Dawn told me if I try 2 leave, she will have the FBI after me, and tell the landlord agent all kinds of lies about me. It is laughable, her mother would stand up 4 me, and she will never get away with all of this monstrous horror;
but she has become totally off the wall mentally diseased, and lately, over the past weeks, has started degenerating further and faster.

There is nothing I can do but leave the few possessions I owned all behind, and take off into the night. I will get Chicky at his job, and all ready have the car bags in the trunk, and that is that. This is the end of nearly 5 years of totally unsuccessful blogging that only led 2 my meeting these monster people, by first being at the library so as 2 use their computer, as I had none then, and then from there going 2 Ed’s apartment in Judge Raso’s rooming house, where Ann and Dawn lived upstairs. This was all destined and definitely totally pre-destined 2 all happen 2 me, right down 2 me pounding these keys on this board right this second.

Dawn also said that when Chicky gets drunk and punches this guy who Dawn was sleeping with, and ends up in jail, it will B all my fault. I am the one that engineered all this, just 2 break up her and Chicky. Yeah, I have nothing better 2 do with my life than give 3 shirts whether U and Chicky break up or stay married 4 the next 90 years. Yeah, I have some big ulterior motive. Now this kind of talk is founded on her mental delusions and major psychiatric disorders, with no basis whatsoever in reality. Call me a nut case all U want, I know what true mental disease is, I live in the same home with it and have now since late August of oh-nine.

Well is there really ever a right or a proper place 2 begin something, or end it, such as MORIANITY? Something like this, has only its own living entity, and is as timeless as the void. The simple truth is that they killed my mother, and then did everything they could 2 get me wiped out, so that all my evidence that Dave Roth and I collected through the years, could all B made 2 disappear in the famous vanishing acts of the Vegas History Marker Vanishing Club.

No matter what happens 2 me now, I will derive extreme pleasure in bringing this insane demonic monster down, and by leaving, and her having no more slave or wheel man 2 take her all over creation and back; it will B a short march of days, B4 she will B put back in her cage where animals and pure trash, all belong. Maybe it was meant 2 take 30 years or so 4 Donna’s prophecy 2 kick in. Whether the morning light and the dawning of a new day will bring all of us 2 total destruction, or me 2 a new beginning, nobody can know; but I do know that I cannot stand one more night in this house with this evil sick piece of filth. Ingrate is not the word, she is beyond any ingrate. I have done, as her mother said 2 me, more 4 this piece of ugly disease, than anyone has ever done 4 another, and out of the kindness of my heart; and all I ever get back, continually, is major disrespect, threats of physical violence, and total non appreciation. Her mother said 2 me that she brought Satan’s twin monster into this world, and I know 4 a fact that she just might B totally accurate. In any case, this is it 4 me, 4 blogging on the internet, a total waste of time that led 2 my absolute demise and obliteration, so Arnie, I will not B back, and U can go terminate that one buddy.

Morianity was an attempt 4 me 2 tell people that a terrible injustice had been done., The more I went along, more injustices kept right on chasing the all ready existing story as per the time it began getting blogged. These R the weird beyond belief things that I would notice on real super bad (BOTBAR) days, in years and decades past, while I was attempting 2 record what happened around me while driving on the road, and super siege was all around me no matter where I went or what I did. Many times, I would find myself totally unable 2 keep pace with the new events while still trying 2 record the all ready past events. This is no coincidence. I take this as a total sign that some powerful thing, B it a gods-game, or whatever, is occurring in the universe, and it is not alterable. Also, the MIKE GUTHERMAN SYNDROME kicks in here as well. This was a landlord I had in 1976, in a crummy apartment system , actually he was the resident manager, and his name was Mike. One day,B4 moving out, I gave him some of my possessions, some phonograph records, and a few little things that I did not wish 2 bother lugging 2 the next place. He looked me up about 3 or 4 months later in my new place, and went 2 the trouble of finding me at the new place, miles away, and told me his entire life was destroyed, and it happened ever since I gave him these things. His wife left him, he lost his job, and he was homeless. I used 2 envy him and his gorgeous wife, and thought they had it made. Something is going on, I may not know exactly what it is, only that atheists R so full of shirt, they stink from here 2 next Halloween.

Well, so Morianity is about 2 end, not for 70 days, but either a lot longer than this or maybe forever. So let me throw in the ending 2 one part of the Cherry Hill nightmare back in 1986 when life went from bleak 2 over 4 me. I told U last night that these 2 men, a father and son team, were 2 meet us in the driveway of the home on Marlton Pike. They were late, and mom and I decided 2 leave. Somehow they knew it had been us waiting there as they pulled up late, and chased us down a busy highway 4 a mile B4 we realized it was most likely them, and decided 2 pull over onto the shoulder. How many times do I remember mom and I saying 2 each other, if only we had just kept on going. People R not all in some huge conspiracy, and the reason mentally ill, persons develop this paranoia is because they R unable 2 distinguish between energy running through things such as people, animals, weather, machines, and so forth, and instead just C the physical material THING that is DOING something. The paranoia is real, but is never properly directed at the spiritual energy behind the curtains of Oz. This all though I truly admit 2 not having even close 2 all the answers about, is what is going on, and not what appears 2B happening. First it is a world of energy, and then conscious mind unscrambles this by dividing everything somehow by light speed squared. Simply put, it is set up 2 intentionally mislead us, 4 whatever the reasons, but still, this is the fact.

Morianity is not important. I tried 2 tell things, and I failed. Masters knew all along, I went about it the wrong way. U were correct Mister Klemp. However, I had a 2nd reason 4 doing this. I wanted someone 2 help me. This is not a world like that, and I was very naïve. I grew up a lot more again, Mackey and McDowell, how about U dudes? How the BEEGEE's must B endlessly flucking laughing at me up here still, in 2023, YO YO YO YO YO YO, just another whittle future insert here peeps!!!!!

Well, if I can escape tonight, I am
gone, so do not look 4 blogs after the weekend from Mountainpen, if U do not C one later on within 12 hours or so of this post. This will not B a 70 day experiment. I am trying 2 get away with my life, and only the gods know what will become of me now. Find someone else 2 take over an Otammite vehicle and use the device in their trunk, Rog. Where were U when it all hit the fan here with your deranged sick butt wiping cousin? Thank her 4 this, she left me no choice. I fear 4 my safety here. I will tell the FBI man, Steve Caruso a lot more about what she has done 2 me, than anything she can ever dream of telling him, BRAH. So Dawn, bring it ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will CU in HELL, U MONSTER; U AND YOUR ENTIRE WASHCLOTH FAMILY from the fires of HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 1:31 PM No comments:


Thursday, December 10, 2009


Date And Time File: World-Labs-Send-Back Text:

Well, Jane Dog-snot nailed me a few minutes ago, I had a nasty chopper attack here at Frankiemiway and Thirteenth Streets shortly after returning home with Louis Laines (Chicky) is his wife-given nickname, and it sort of stuck around town here in Blueberrymovcomville, and the nuclear health attack was super wicked and really trucked me up. I may decide 2 drive over 2 the trucking hospital and get this slap- exposed and stopped once and 4 all, or friggin’ die in the friggin’ attempt. The computer hacks R way up today also, Miss know it all, and I challenge any of U superpeeps out here in internet land 2 survive mi curse 4 any length if time. Mi mom was put 2 this test at her mighty lifelong love, the Inchcape, formerly known Prince, SIR, as Lavino Shipping, in Philadelphia, how’s it going Stanley, and wow, this sure helped 2 get me in a mess this time, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From now on, when a siege hits this trucking runt slapping bad, I am going back 2 the TRS, or telling at least one, TODAY’S REVENGE SECRETS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a million, they all R true and real, it is not that I ran out or came close 2 running out, I just was getting 2 nice and 2 soft with these dog stick yummy lovers. That is gonna change now at C squared, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one is just today, or really, yesterday, it is past midnight don’t U know, and Ann and I were over at Dawn’s probie, as U know if U have read the recent blogs. Ann was struck with a major E-4 ETTOS ATTACK while telling John a very major story. When he reminded her of the conversation up 2 that point, she was able 2 overcome the 6th dimensional blocked signal of the MILLIONTH-FILTHBAG-COUNCIL. The second TRS is a little bigger and better than this one, and may indeed explain today’s heavy attack, all though, as I suspected, the dirt ball brother shmucking Philadelphia Flyers played a game, and sure enough it started at the same time they frikkin’ nuked me.

U all know the story unless U only read a blog here and there and don’t follow me, about Joe Berrios the flash, B4 the show a little later on. Nut let me discuss these wonderful evil times of the very late 1980’s, BRA---HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, there was the 2 huge exploratronic interactions that U should know of by now, the first one in early June of 1980, and the second one on August 15 of 1986. The first one was when All Mighty Scylla appeared 2 me and spirited me off 2 a location that is really a condition-interaction on the Astral Plane, called, Monolazarium Square. This is where Scylla makes her real true appearances, and U will not learn of any of this on MC Archives or any mortal world source. U think SHE sounds terrific here on the mortal world, well let me just start here, U will not B getting doodly squeaks tonight, just a tiny taste, so live with it. When U understand how 2 make a subliminal tape, and then further understand, how 2 use electronic metaphysics, and totally come 2 know that this entire universe is but a speck in the true higher dimension beyond it called HYPERSPACE that contains this universe and countless googolplexes of other ones in a parallel system of varying atomic frequency activities way 2 complicated 4 the 21st century physicists 2 really understand as of yet. It remains in the realm of theoretical sciences 4 right now 4 many reasons but one major one is that they indeed know that the world would go totally nuts forever should real authorities and not certified Mountainpen tell us all tomorrow, that Morianity is indeed telling the truth. Let me tell U something that will put thick curly hair on the chest of a young child, beware, this is no kids stuff, so if U don’t wanna get a shock, switch over 2 another blog, as I’m quite sure that Martha Stuart or Britney Spears is out there somewhere just beaming 2 tell their fans of some of their newest and silly trivia’s.

I moved into Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on the 15th day of July of 1986, 'the gods hellllllllp me'. In the next 4 weeks, literally, ALL OF HELL was all cosmically set 2 bust loose. It began around the time all the unpacking was fully completed, say July 20th. I had my entire sound system and other devices all hooked up in the new residence, following the departure of the mighty Highview Tooth Fairy Cheers. I decided 2 begin a new music project of 5-8 songs, I forget the exact deal. It is very unpleasant and full of horrific memories of how I have let the All Mighty Scylla slip away from me not once, but twice, while the Shakespearean gods R eating more popcorn and laughing their ugly grass moles right off in their mighty Astral Plane mansions, many larger than the state of Ohio. B4I made the music track on the first of all the songs, called PLANES, all about me in my 1983 Blue NSA named Nunggen, whatever that is and only the black file club knows, maybe its freaking code or maybe I’m just a damn dummy. Real Good Girl was done next, and then I do not remember the order of how the music tracks were first made. B4I even thought of singing on any of them, I made a really wild cassette tape. I put an incredible message on the left side of my open reel mastering machine at minus 30 decibels on the volume unit meter, and music from , now I remember, it is coming freaking back 2 me BRO, a song I wrote about and 4 my Lightning Goddess Diana, called, I’m Gonna Kick U In Your Doo-Doo-Doo. Not a very nice title, and I suppose the lyrics in RGG were not all that nice either, but this has nothing 2 do with the issue at hand right now. I pushed in the mono mix button on the equalizer, and fed it into a prep input switch B4 it fed into my cassette deck from the open reel, and also through a very nice compressor/expander that really clean ed up muddy signals, and made cassettes sound more like future CD quality. Even the Copyright Office asked about my sound equipment back in 1984 when I sent down my project called, “What’s Wrong”. I turned the input recording signals 2 equal levels, mixed the open reel signal 2 mono, causing the music track on the lightning song that was blaring out at 30 or more DB over the other side, 2 now become buried beneath the music track sound. I was a soundman at RPL, and a duplicator, I know a little about all of this, and had the best teacher in the friggin’ music industry, our Chief Recording Engineer Howard Solomon, who produced and engineered many a 50’s hit recording. When I listened back, it was only the music track of this newly written song that was consciously audible, but my unconscious was hearing more than just this music. This unconscious part of me that also remembered Babylon, 1968, Julia White, and MI, is a major part of the Cherry Hill story, called in the book from 1994, The Permission Barrier, Raspberry Valley. Now there is no more hiding in Joe Dragnet Friday fake names and changes. It was not 4 another solid decade that I would come 2 remember the mighty giant Mister Martino and his cousin through marriage, Paula King, and several others, paying me an afternoon visit. I would not come 2 know on an awake level, any of these characters 4 a long time. It was the creation of this powerful subliminal cassette tape, and then playing it a dozen times or so, that all led up 2 the events that followed.

As 4 the great man of tempers and asininity, Mister Karpf, let me tell U what happened on the first week in July, if memory is correctly serving me, in the mighty death blow year 4 me of 1986. The man who told me about the “Word on the street that said I am leaving 4 Florida shortly 2 go down with Howard Solomon”, also was late 2 show up when mom and I met these 2 dudes that owned this property. A father and son team who had powerful J-lawyers in their family, and threatened us with this on a constant level. Mom and I were intimidated and messed with by some of the best experts around during our careers as harassed and persecuted individuals in a very WICKED DEMONIC EMPIRE, run by snotty capitalist heartless pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the story is huge, and I am remembering huge things. Super huge and yes, not-bloggable things. So 4 tonight, I leave all of this right here at your doorstep 2 digest this much of how a lot of this all began. Still, it never ever really began, and U must learn 2 deal with me saying this 2U. I would have no Earthly reason 2 lie or make up such a statement. This is all being said because enemies persecuted me 2 death. But 1 more thing will B said, and that is this, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW, 5-9-4/4-9-5, what happens when U take my parents names along with mine, which R all thank the gods a compatible GAWNUM, but what is the PCNT or total? My dad is WAYNE MOHR, my mom is GRACE MASON, they R also thank the gods GAWNUMLY compatible. MARK MOHR+mom+dad, equals a powerful year, and parents R major involved in it all, am I right, or please tell me, am I right, as I know 4 sure BRR that I am not wrong, baby-love????????

BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP:

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:12 PM No comments:



World Lab-SBT-DATFILE: 121009.795



These scum bag evil forces have hit my body and health with a major bowel and heart death beam at 7 of the clock, just a few moments back. On top of that, they knew how horrible my day went, and of the failed attempt 2 seek justice for ourselves, and that Ann and I must go on endlessly enduring the monster known as the KING OF DAYBREAK, & ALSO SIR PRINCE, BOTH FORMERLY AND FOREVER, known as Dawn-Marie Washcloth King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is only going 2 get worse, and I know that I AM GOING 2 DIE VERY SOON, and the entire criminal justice system and much more, will B-2 blame 4 my demise and slow torturous MURDER, just as they murdered aid painfully illegally covertly and very cleverly, my mother, GRACE MOHR in early March of oh-Marola-oh, and then 2 years later on, my best friend in this miserable whack life, DAVID CHARLERS ROTH, in early March of oh-Marola-2. U think I made up Misses Marola, don’t U, some of U out there, just 2 coincidental in so many things. Well, the board of education in New Jersey has certification records of everybody, even advanced exploratrons, they still operate THROUGH a real and awake physical body that lives and exists in their normal waking dimensional part of the great vast and limitless hyperspace, so check it out. Then go on and check out my book copyrighted in 1994, called, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”. U will C the book ends somewhere in Misses Marola two thousand and three. Everybody back in 1969, despite the movie called, “2001, A Space Odyssey”, pronounced years past 2000, as how could they have known how peeps would actually pronoun ce it up there, as twenty-oh three, or two, or whatever. This is a HISTORY-MARKER, and if UR not LOOKING 4 THESE HM’s, then simply put, U won’t B finding them, because they R cleverly buried and concealed from normal onlookers. Only real true SEEKERS OF TRUTH, R ever meant 2 find them, and even still, they R consistently and continually removed, just as much as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL can safely get away with doing without risking 2 much freaking butt-wiping exposure.

10 to 1, I’ll lay U odds there is a Voorhees Scum-balls game tonight, and that explains the major health beam hit at 7 on the nose, as well as electrical brownouts over the past couple of hours, the famous Maxwell smart Utility Attack of the Parallel Events Trick, may I add, Chief? Yeah gorgeous 99, U were luscious and tall and so easy on the eyes, but your partner Maxwell, he had a number that makes my skin crawl, not that it was his fault. None of choose our badge or employee or clock numbers, the only choice was our original identifying nomenclature. This was indeed out choice on the Astral Plane, and we were all permitted this choice, as if not, our entire destinies that R connected into this through the GAWNUM, could not B carried out.

I know I will either die, run far away, or remain in an infinite and inconceivable living subvampiric hell. There simply is no option #4 involved here. It makes me laugh 2 hear dream discussion groups, any kind, just in a hallway somewhere, or in an internet chat room, or even in some high spiritual study group. Throughout my life, I have heard al Jack McCoy stand whoppers, that would make even Levi March sit up and take freaking notice, BRO. The only point in this billion word potential discussion on this 4 right now tonight is on control. I hear them all say, U never really seem 2B able 2 control things 2 much. Stand back and dream through yourselves right here while awake and conscious. Unless your freaking name is Donald Hairpiece or something, just how many of U peeps think U have any more control right here in what U falsely perceive as some more REAL waking world situation. The coffee beans have stunk up the room now all day, how’ bout waking the truck up everybody, like YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I really am not making a valid points, fine, comment and tell old Mountain Y he is wrong, go ahead. It is welcomed. I’ve only been around forever, please don’t let that intimidate U or stand in your way, if Ur so convinced like Mizz UMWELL, that UR so on top of it all, and I am just some non bloggable “R” word, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now great awesome folks, have I called this DOUBLING DOW JONES STOCK MARKET SINCE IT BOTTOMED OUT AROUND 6550, OR NAUGHT, MISS BLAKE??????? I just ask U2 judge me on my record and on the merits here/ No, I cannot B correct 100% of the time, as simply put, the Bruce Pennock Syndrome or the BPS just does not permit that, another part of LAWTRONICS. This is Y the bible hoax is so way cool, it fools anyone not knowing some powerful Astral Plane truths, such as the bored gods and their games, many other things also, but the most important other thing here, being the reality of judging prophets verses self fulfilling prophecies. Any serious studier of the scriptures can C that a powerful truth is there that is not real pretty 4 those that wish 2C things as magical and beyond human reasoning. All of the laws in the days of biblical prophets R based on breaking the built in LAWTRONICS. This means being correct in prophesying 100%. But this PARLOR TRICK, is attainable, and even admitted 2. A huge group from transdimensional futures via exploratronics, set this entire thing up so that humankind can better deal with problems and fears, and evolve into a better society and class of peeps. 2 bad the experiment was a gargantuan freaking failure. But my point is this, and please listen hard with all your ears, U will hear the cry, the pounding waves, and the crushing castle, hopefully without any hairpieces falling off into your soup bowls: All throughout scripture, what is openly and transparently said and admitted 2 after things predicted all came 2 pass? “This came 2 pass 2 fulfill the prophecy made by such and such biblical prophet that said that such and such a thing would occur. It openly admits 2 anyone that wants 2C how this entire thing is real and operates in its true form, and does not attempt 2 disguise the truth or B deceptive about any of it in any way at all. These few truths tonight took less than an hour 2 discuss on this computer, including post time. I have literally thousands more, so tell me, where is the time ever gonna permit the telling of even fractions of what I really know about al of truth? But am I claiming here and now that I have the key 2 all of truth? No I’m not BRR!!! I only know that TRUTH IS VOID INFINITY. That is absolute. It is inviolate. It is LAWTRONIC. But if U should now go on 2 ask me 2 really explain the VOID, and all of the inter-looping 7th dimensional systems of each individual loop in a chain that never stops inter-locking, I can only tell U all what I have learned from several powerful Astral Plane goddesses over the past quarter century in mortal world waking time, those being Diana Arteemis, Sarah-Stacey Krassle, and daddy-Neptune-Jupiter JC Krassle. On this mortal waking world, my encounters back in 2003 and 2004 with the human world vacationer god, Psyche Myrathus, proved 2 me beyond satisfaction, that even the gods while in bodies, forget so much about truth, that I cannot hold a conversation with them any more than with other human peeps. This is not huberous arrogance, but simply void. Void is truth. Void is all U and I ever need 2 know. Anything created out and away beyond this point of zero-dimension, is a created dreaming interaction, first onto the Astral Plane, and later down further into the 5th dimensional hyperspace, where U think U-R reading this blog right now, when in truth, UR in VOID!!!!!!!!

Isn’t this wonderful? Then U have true so-called masters that know that even their small limited truths cannot B told 2 what they term, the Chela, in one short lesson, or over short times of even a year or more. Most masters believe that 5-30 years is needed 2 slowly grasp the VOID. Well, the truth, the void, what does 5-30 years of illusion have 2 do with any of this, or even carpenters or love, or Tina Luscious Turner 4 that matter, just answer me that one, some gene out here. Tell me Steinmind, ga’hed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If U insist on a little down 2 Earth human grounded physical world talk, fine, let’s friggin; do it, BRAH!!!!! Nearly 5 years ago, I was put onto the concept of telling my life story online 2 the potential world, through the use of 2 unheard of words or one anyway, 4 me in those days, INTERNET BLOGGING. It was all a huge cosmic set up. All of it. All it cost me was an existing hell being doubled, maybe even tripled. Oh the memories of blocked nightmares flowed back into my consciousness as the project went on, but U know, just as when the mighty search had all begun, 2 find Sarah Krassle in the middle nineties, and had led me 2 my hell back then becoming exponentially worsened, it even increased again a lot more, and as unfathomable as this might appear on the surface, it is all the truth. Translation is simple. U cannot beat the powerful omnipotent Astral World Authorities, the (AWA), the (MILLIONTH-COUNCIL). They may have a physical material worlds counterpart of appearing small and benign little doo-dads that U will c if U should crack open the casings of any of your electronic devices, but the real MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is way more than this counterpart being these smelly tiny electron guzzlers. A total now of 5 boxes have trucking popped up and screwed with me so far on this blog work. This is the MILLIONTH-CPUNCIL’S LATEST COMPUTER HACK WITH ME, and there is not shirt that I can do about it, not stinky smelly shirt, without the friggin’ “R”. Since they wanna B cute about all this, SHIRLEY LATE-NITE, I will not B wishing the Atlantic City Police Department a HAPPY NEW YEAR in 20 days or so, As I did back in 1994. McGuire had just destroyed my automobile, AGAIN, when it was parked near the old Children’s Seashore Home and where I lived when I attended the 3rd grade in South Atlantic City, under Principal Vance, and teacher, Helfidge. This is where that lea rhyming tick busted my gas cap lock when he could not get it off 2 put sand in the vehicle, something he does 2 all of his enemies, and someday I will personally either send this pile of mucous 2 prison 4 it, or do unbloggable things, YO, take that any way U wanna, Paula Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My life would B better than it is now, if I went 2 bunt tapping jail, nothing could B this bad, NOTHING, RON, U liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carlisle, Pennsylvania, mi answers R all there huh? Well, a sheriff was sure waiting there 2 run me and Dave out of town on a frickin’ rail, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE R ALWAYS THE BAD GUYS, right murdered old pal? Then there R those that remind me of which is real, the slow poison job from John Schau, or my message I left him on voicemail where I could hear him make a final death sound and then fall back onto his bed, Hay, I have a right 2 tell a friend a lot of horrific junk that’s going on in mi life, YO. This is not Y the dude plunked off. He was killed by a slow poisoning in numerous diners, from an evil dude living on Donna Morning Light Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia, YO. Am I being 2 graphic, or 2 specific here, S? If I am, let me know, and I’ll cool it.

There is a ton of knock lucking stuff I want 2 tell, and will, in later blogs, YO. The GAWNUM is very powerful, please B careful, and if U go nuts, I warned U. Also, the August 2, 1996 terroristic threat thing with my mom and me, is even more powerful. Should I ever really decide 2 do this Colaman, I am holding U2 your word that U will get this nightmare stopped. I do not know how U can, U do not know what or who UR fighting, it goes far beyond all the loops and all the chains. I would think that U would rather just come back here on top of a mountain and throw me down a power-stick, and let me just handle the situation, the old way, U know, like ‘Fontana and the Toilet Bubblers’, now here is a real cool name 4 a new musical ‘gang’. Yeah, so where is that little girl, MCGUIRE HATCHETSKULL GASTANK SANDMAN?????????????????

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KS-W-L-2298, this is all copyrighted in 2009 by Michael Wayne Mountainpen, and is all protected intellectual property, also registered on an official bloggers registration website. This is all truth so help me Goddess Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. Blahhhhhh and bleeeee, and blummmm.


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 5:22 PM No comments:



Datfile: 121009.532
Subtitled: Mountainpen, the bad guy

Somewhere as the nineties came into being, I managed 2 mentally put together a powerful truth. This truth is sort of a scientific measurement of things in my life in general, that is not something that I can seemingly ever separate myself from, it is ads built in as my body. If I want 2 walk around this material physical realm, then I need 2 bring my body along 4 the ride. Also, I seemingly need 2 have with me, this ever present measurement and precise balance of allowable things that I will now attempt 2 explain in the following way: B4I do however, the machine is acting up a bit, and Y not, powerful hellish realities surround me, and DEEDEE is everywhere as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love my large black birds, but still, they indeed R a powerful indicator that major problems and woes R exiting all around me. When I tell the story from where my blog of last night ended up through this morning, U will C how it all fits into Dave Roth’s famous statement made so often 2 me, some time back, “U and me, we R always the bad guys”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quite naturally, this was spoken in a sarcastic as well as an extremely sad overtone. B4I go here, let me just show a little bit of what I am saying as far as perfect balancing and an ever present scale that rides along, with no option 2 delete or cancel or remove this cosmic whatever it is.

If I were 2 accurately take a measurement by rating my days in a number value, sort of a 1-5 with best as a 5 and worst as a 1, whatever the moving average becomes and rides along as with the passage of time, it normally remains in this locked average 4 extended periods. Also, another constant that is involved with this truth, is that when an alteration or a deviation from this moving average range, way more times than not, forever and ever, it changes not 4 the better, or into higher numeration but into lower numeration, depicting that things R going from a long running moving average, and then like a cannon ball through the chest, pow, way more times than not, things do turn, but suddenly into lower and more negative territory. This is not words on a blog. Dave and I experimented with actually recording our lives, me especially, as I really took it totally seriously and never failed one day 2 enter in a number, so that calculations would always accurately B an ongoing and perfectly calculated system. This was not done in my case 4 a few months or even a few years, it began in the times B4I even met Dave Roth, around July somewhere in 1982, and I was faithful 2 performing this activity until my sheets were nothing but solid ones like a flatline heart monitor depicting death of a patient, and this was around August in 1997. I just could not handle this any more, and actually grew frightened that somehow the very act of recording this, was also the possible cause of its very propagation and ongoing continuation. I based on the well known application of people in general, evil in nature, and the way that if someone around U that is out 2 make U miserable, learns that U dislike something quite passionately, then he or she will go out of their way 2 worsen things all the more 4-U, by bringing this into amplification in any way or ways that they may B able 2 so do. U all know this is truth, all of U. Disagree and lie. So I after 15 solid years grew powerfully apprehensive about continuing with this, and just one day discontinued my measurement scales of my life. This is when also, I began 2 gain some real new respect 4 invisible so-called ‘cosmic forces’, with or without any agreements or disagreements from R-2-D-2 or the ‘EMPIRE’.

U missed me Jane diseasestench, but she managed 2 nail me last night during a horrible fight between Chicky and Dawn, I had just fallen asleep around half past midnight, and BOOM, a tremendous door slam awoke me on the exact stoke of one-eleven in the mother trucking moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning. I had 2 get out of bed, tired in more ways than freaking 1, and reset my large red LED digital clock 2 the 5’s, U know, 5:55, and just 4 the record now, 5555555555 plus 5555555555555555555555 times 555555555555555555555 to the power of 555555555555555555555555555555555555, and divided by the 7th root of 55555555555555555555, is not something that the average Wal-Mart calculator can quickly give U the answer 2.

I will fill U all in as 2-Y Ann and I, and not the King of daybreak, went this morning 2C John Judy. He did not know that we were coming, and was glad 2 talk 2 us. Dawn is a real player of the CJS (criminal justice system). Still, she is been a monster now 4 some time, and I am beyond just way disappointed in her. She totally and absolutely disgusts and revolts me, and I do not think that I have ever totally detested and deplored a human being in my entire life of more than 55 years in this lifetime, as much as I do, Dawn. She is not evil, Evil is HER, INCARNATE. If bloody shoes had human births, and walked by themselves, and wrote songs in the year 2000, and had Copyright Office Examiners know exactly what is being said here should they ever B reading this copyrighted material in the near future, then this NIGHTMARE-WOMAN is SATAN INCARNATE, and Y not, she is part of the WASHCLOTH FAMILY of my life’s termination, Agnes Nixon John and Photeous Proteous, echoes, murders, rip-offs, and all of this total horror notwithstanding, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Judy know how bad this situation is, and promises us that if we just hang on, things will shall I say, B resolved eventually, and in the only possible way that they ever can B.

Slave Mark, taxicab serviced her all day yesterday back and forth from the house here, over a mile or more, 2 her new boy-toy’s place, where there is a house, and a long driveway with a large yard where vehicles R parked, and his vehicle, a big old van, is also there, and I ran them all around all day, 2 liquor stores, and back and forth, each time they’d have a fight, or whatever. When hubby-Chicky got off from work, he went over 2 stay with his brothers on Bellevue Avenue, the main drag here in Blueberryville of long preplanned Guatemalan Julia Mariena Carlittia White Krassle. Let me tell U a powerful secret about an overweight lady with a very bad temper, who once hung around with this powerful goddess of the Astral Plane. They lived in Philadelphia 4 a short time, and at the risk of 2 left foot dancers getting read the riot act by companies owned by Shirley in the middle seventies, this was a dozen years earlier around 1962, right around the time that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Texas. Many powerful global as well as cosmic forces reaching far out beyond this tiny speck of nothing in the gargantuan expansion of this hypersphere, know quite well, or will after reading this, that I know about this small time in history where HYPERSPACE effects almost caused this universe 2 experience the utter wipe out of humanity and the total destruction of sentient beingness. If I may B permitted a little more leeway and leverage and permission 2 speak great er secrets than R locked away in any TTT-secret files, this universe DID IN FACT, or we humans in it, DID get Arnie-terminated. There was no being back about this one, Arnie boy. But we did come back. I know how it came back, Y, and who exactly was responsible 4 bringing it all back, inserting a cosmic splice of a sort, and then remaking the show, as though it never had ended, huh Cuz Don????????? Sorry if gorgeous Olivia ripped U off, BRO. This blog is not about secrets, or washcloths made of lung tissue, or 4 that matter, even red shoes. So let me tell U all just how Ann came 2B in the car during this mornings’ ride over 2 Chicky’s job. Last night, Dawn and her mom were in some real vicious fights, and then when I finally picked up Chicky, and he was later told about the boy toy deal, things blew up as U might except. First, Dawn planned initially 2 stay all night at this young Mexican dude’s crib, but complex circumstances R involved, as he has a family, and keeps a van in a yard behind the home on Third Street, so he can play around I suppose. Don’t ask and I won’t tell, as I do not wanna know anything. I am only upset when I get dragged into the damn middle of their war, and as the subtitle implies without any pulled punches or subtleties, they always end up making innocent poor ME, 2B the bad guy, every time. I-C the hackers from the MILLIONTH COUNCIL R STARTING THEIR SHIRT UP, popping one damn box up after another, here, Admiral Greatestfishinthewholedamnbay Spock. Well, Holdam Bay or Huntington Bay, or Barnegat Bay, it really makes no difference, it always comes out that I AM TOTALLY INNOCENT, YET I AM ALWAYS THE TRUCKING BAD GUY, AND DAVE ROTH ALSO HAD 2 ENDURE AND EXPERIENCE THIS EXACT SAME NIGHTMARE IN HIS PATHETIC LIFE. This is Y we were compatible. We shared our miseries together, and some force out there was (LOVIN’ IT), huh Mister MC-DONALD RADIATION LIMITS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back now 2 last night. We all got screamed at and cursed at by Dawn, the mighty and off her rocker forever, KING. Her mother asked her if she would like it if she told her husband about this little fling. This set off World War Ninety. Then this morning Chicky insisted on seeing the house that Dawn was going 2, and THIS is Y, curls not withstanding in the equation, Ann Silva had gone with me, so as 2 witness that I did not do anything wrong. He immediately demanded that I turn the car around and drive home so he could give Dawn an ear full. After he got back into the car, Dawn came out 2 my side of the window and screamed at me that I told, and I should mind my own business, I of course had done nothing other than taxi cab these trashy filthy welfare rats around and B their darn slaves, day in a week out and month in and year out. Ann tried 2 tell Dawn that I had nothing 2 do with it, but she is loaded out of her sick scull, and does not even realize that she herself had told Chicky last night, just 2 beat her mom 2 the punch since she had threatened 2 out her on her fling. Then Ann said, drive away, U have had enough. As we went down the road, she said 2 me, we R going over 2C John Judy, this is Dawn’s probie, as U know she is a career criminal, out on parole. He is doing his gods honest best 2 violate her, but she is very clever, and knows how 2 work the system incredibly. In any event, I am home doing this blog, and the monster is asleep, along with the lion, and many great tunes from early in the nineteen-seventies.

Don’t think I don’t know the Shirley secret, and don’t think I have not figured out the real reason Y the 2 of U---AP gods hate me so much. It seems I have been in error about some of my facts, and I am more than man enough 2 own up 2 this right now. The mighty FASCITAR 6-10 system only seems 2 work 4 persons with certain PCN identities. Gawky told me as well as showed me something last night during my exploratron activities. A lot of this is totally never bloggable and tell-able. As U should now know and B aware of in the GAWNUM, there R 81 ROOTS. These roots contain no zeros, and go from 11-99. The Holy Bible is filled with secrets that still R not even close 2 being revealed. This is Y indeed, we do influence those who name us here, long B4 we arrive here from the Astral Plane interaction that does not have a time dimension in it, merely an interaction dimension, and don’t even try and tackle this right now. Still, my point today is this: The ALL-MIGHTY SSJKK has reasons 4 making certain base-10 numerations so important 2 HER and HER plans with carbon based interaction (CBI), that receives 6th dimensional outputs. Without exciting John Henningsen from Colorado, or his predecessor mentor, Frederick Hinger, 2 much; these roots also produce the 81 PCN’s. (PRIVATE-COSMICALLY-CODED-NUMBERS). But using just the root numerations with no zeros, from 11 through 99, these 81 roots have 2 powerful things instantly built into them that hopefully, if I am not soon murdered, will B discussed at greater lengths and in more elucidation and detail later on in future blogging works. These 2 things R numbers of power that relate 2 Physical Plane realities, the tangible so 2 speak, as well as numbers that relate oppositely 2 a lack of power, and this lack of power or attachment 2 material grounded gravitation's, allow 4 much easier and more effective use from tools such as applying the great FASCITAR, or just ‘spiritual’ things in general, remember that ASTRAL and SPIRITUAL can interchange like a pair of matching socks. It is simply 2 words that mean exactly the same thing, 4 the very most part. Some of the 81 root numbers that match Earthly power, if U really study biblical inferences and implications through heavy scriptural analysis, R the numbers of 12, 17, and 23. Now 4 reasons 2 lengthy 2 try and talk about today, roots that contain in one or both digits, the numbers of 1, 8, or 9, have the less grounded aura surrounding them, and I hate using that word aura, but it fits so I do. Those that have both the grounding as well as the Astral, have the rarer ability 2 choose a path of ground or air, so 2 speak, if that is, they R consciously aware of the situation here. Do not look at this quickly, it needs study, or U will C inaccurate things. Learn what I mean by the 2 digit root of a PCN, and B sure U know what is being said here. In any event, there R many persons, that do not find it as easy as I do, 2 use the Fascitar-6/10. Even using it successfully, there is the 2nd gate so 2 speak that’s involved with this. After the Fascitar-6/10 produces the waking-freeze, U need 2 will yourself onto the ASTRAL PLANE, and the fear of physical death is what prevents the vast majority from experiencing a life long thrill that U will remember forever and will B there at your death bed 2 greet U with a smile. But with the wrong identity and PCN, even if U miraculously reach a successful waking-freeze, where a strong will 2 exist on the Astral Plane will cause U2 forget that UR dreaming here, and poof, it is unbelievable. But with 2 heavily a grounded identity, U will never overcome the fear-factor involved, and will just eventually unfreeze, and normally awaken a bit shaken, and yes, a believer in the F-6/10 without even experiencing the full trip, so 2 speak. So I was misspoken and in full error, when I said that anyone can use the FASCITAR-6/10 and have this mighty experience, but still, so many can do it if that is ever what they wish 2 try, if 4 nothing other than 2 forever allay their fears of physical death. So Y do some of the powerful gods desire 2 set up families on the human realm, and even upon rare occasions, attempt 2 reconnect? Well, 'GAGA' told me, and it is not bloggable, I am truly sorry. I don’t DARE say it. Still, he offered me the winning number of the POWER-BALL LOTTERY, if I will commandeer what can B labeled, a “TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRUNK DEVICE” Y this is all happening 2 me, he says, is all connected in with the HUNTINGTON FAMILY. Well, maybe so, he chose my family’s area as one of the places 2 bring his human family, 4 a short while. Then he chose 2 have me witness many things that happened there. All this time, I thought that his trick daughter was behind this, but alas, those mighty river snakes marched up his huge escalator and demolished lots of things. I doubt he can forgive me 4 that, or 4 breaking all of the harmonica records. As many history markers as they destroy, new ones balance out by getting created. This is Y the old L&O shows cannot B shown 4 me however. Somewhere around 2006, early in the year, most of those shows just suddenly were pulled. I know exactly Y they were, Shirley. Oh well, I am not out of the Dancers woods yet, huh girl????????????????? That day on New Year in ‘63, Shirley told me she was out there until 2 or 3 or so. Make up your mind, Shirley, or neither 1 of us will B leaving our troubles behind, any time soon, babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister Trump, how can U live with your evil ugly self, U piece of total disease? Bad enough what U did 2 old ladies and business partners and stuff like that, but as Steve Winn knows about U, UR the real cold ice machine heart, not me, curl that around your wig there and tell my 7th grandpa I said hi next time U ride the Movcom, dude.

WORLD LABS OF 2296, GOOGLE ENGINE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, this is all protected intellectual property of Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009. I am not back in sixty-eight with the Wildwood Press, and could care less about football teams, WAWA Stores, or explorations in the washcloth family. The song in the same project of RGG from 1986, Callio Calliel Wolf, called PLANES, tells and echoes my sentiments about as well as anything could do so, LEAVE-ME-ALONE-----CREEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Omar Andeel would say back around ‘83, to the Dow Jones peeps, or others on FSI, UP-UP-UP-UP-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEIN, really, SOSO, U know, SSDD!!!!!

End Transmission:

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:48 AM No comments:


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


DATFILE: 120909.751, beginning transmission:

Things R as bad as they can get. Dawn has been getting drunk and has fallen completely off of the wagon, and taken the wheels along with her. She does not care one bit about herself or the good possibility of throwing her life away by spending so much of it in jail, and so Y should anyone else care about her. If U have no self respect, I say, do not expect a lot of respect from other peeps. She has a boy toy on the side and has been cheating on Chicky with him 4 the past 8 days now since the casino trip last week that Ann and I made, and returned 2 this hellishness. Alky's look 4 excuses 2 drink. There R no excuses 4 substance abuse. Dope is 4 dopes, and hall is 4 the hall-less, alky-hall that is.

Mister Judy was here today and actually caught Dawn good and drunk, and with her boy toy friend. He and his female officer sidekick R totally disgusted with her, and I have no clue what will happen soon. I know that Dawn is skating not only on very thin ice, but I can it cracking all around her as well, and water splashing.

Don’t beat yourself up distant cuz of hers, at least U admit 2 some of your let’s just say imperfections, and UR the one person in the entire family of washcloths and T-T-EXPLS, that knew what U wanted in this life, and then had the guts 2 go and make it happen. I am your proudest fan, and whether or not more than that is part of the equation, this changes nothing about that. I know what U went through, I actually saw it go down, some of it, and I will never betray what I saw, U can know this 4 the rest of your life, MI, MYE, ? How it all happened as far as me being connected up, all I can do is offer my best speculations and educated ideas, it makes more sense than other possibilities that U may or may not have been told or figured out 4 yourself. I think the truth beats the wildest Patterson novels, don’t U. It sure would not bother me if he or anyone came up with the idea of using this as a fictional concept, as if it did not sell 50 million copies of books over the next 10 years, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WOULD. Finding out so much about how JW did all of this over so long a period of time, starts 2 make me wonder if the Movcom isn’t real. Who knows?

Right now, the mighty Queen King of daylight is in a van behind a house, with a man over 21 who has a wife and kids, and a 14 year old child sex toy on the side. He said this 2 her in that Mexican language, and then Dawn told me what he said. U would think that after all she had gone through with her father Joe Twist as a child, she would have literally chucked this immersed up dude right out of my car, but no; there they R right now, hiding out in case Hammonton’s finest come knocking on the door later tonight. When I pick her up at 9:30, she is going 2 the Chinese eats place next 2 where Chicky works at the pizzeria, and then she will B there when Chicky and I meet up 2 bring him home from the job. Ann expects all hell 2 break loose, and is ready 2 make the necessary telephone calls 2 the necessary peeps later ion, should the need arise, and I have a strong gut feeling that it may indeed arise.

Dawn has been on a string of mind blowing good luck, and has literally been living a charmed life 4 a solid year or so; while literally wiping my life totally out, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and every other conceivable ally that U might B able 2 come up with, BRAH. Nothing according 2 Diana, can last forever, NOTHING. Still, I wonder, who’s cheatin’ who, who is behind Paul Pedersen answering my ad in the 'pape', who ‘really’ was behind the other 1979 ad in that same 'pape', the Courier Post of south Jersey, that led me 2 working at the recording studio called RPL in late July in 1979?


Unless justice is done and this nightmare is stopped 4 me, and I am at least allowed 2 go back 2 my prior hellish existence in the PRE-DAWN KING NIGHTMARE DAYS, then I honestly do not knows what the future holds 4 both me and all of humanity, so just friggin’ pick a number babe, and do not fool yourself 4 one second, after all U have seen and witnessed. U know that this entire thing is all here because of me and because an upline teenager had one single thought that downlined itself into all of this and all of us.

Well Jim Burr U said once a person gets into the occult, Satan will destroy them. Maybe your simple explanations r indeed the truth, and all of freaking Morianity is nothing but a pathetic lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that I ever on purpose am attempting 2 mislead anyone ever. But hay Bruce Allen Pennock of the early nineteen-seventies, I AM, not a jeep, but ONLY HUMAN, all dog foods and Scylla Goddesses notwithstanding here, mustache finger BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that black cat hated me in 1980, and the lady whose lap it was on hated me as well. If any of this had led 2 my good, or even let me say, had led 2 anything other than my seemingly total obliteration times ten 2 the power of a million, then indeed, that would B totally a White ‘Horse’ Pike of a different color, ceramic shops and all. Yeah, time travel, exploratron traveler, and Roger, all R PCN-176, and once I found out that roger, Jim Pratt, and Gawky R one and the same, like Kent and soup, well, only JAY-JAY could really accurately say the rest of this part.

Dawn and her mom R phone fighting. What can I say, mustache dude? Never in my entire life have I been forced 2 endure this much. It is worse than maximum security prison, and my other problems don’t go away, they R right there all the time, on top of this super added nightmare, and who cares? Do U thin, one friggin’ soul on this miserable spinning ball of hurl could care the smallest grass mole bit? Ed. UR probably happier than I am sitting there in jail. They just will never put Dawn where she belongs, she is an animal, and should B behind orison bars 4 the rest of her diseased miserable rotten life.

Mister Judy, if UR reading this, please in the name of the gods, help me, rescue me from this monstrous and unspeakable nightmare, do your sworn duty 2 uphold the law, as she is in violation of her parole. Thank U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Dawn is this bad, I cannot blog my normal blogs, there is no way 2 do anything until this horrific HUNTINGTON CURSE is either lifted or at least eased a small amount. Ever since Mayor Levy went the way of Donald Shalvoy, it seems that things have 'multiplicatively' frickin’ worsened 4 me. Y do U blame me sir? I did not screw up your back, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not get U hooked on pain meds, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Dawn threatens people, she is not blowing hot air around. When she threatens harm on her mother, it really scares me Mister Judy, won’t U do something 2 please help us all end our nightmare? Even Judge Tonbay Raso witnessed her drunkenness today. Is nobody ever gonna put this animal back into her cage?????????

End Tranny, YE ol’ black-hearted granny, YARR buccaneers, this ole’ pirate has seen better days, not many, but he has, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 3:53 PM No comments:


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


SUBTITLED: ‘The Great Black Cat is on the Prowl’
120809.506--(Not Robin Hill, Floridian Trekker).

Well, THE MIGHTY AND LIFE THREATENING FILTHY ***CHEMTRAILS*** R back again lads, lassies and Labrador Retrievers. I may not B Manson, or the son of Same, nor the brother of Ed Himacane who murdered 2 coed years ago, and U can verify and Google this, using not the HIMACANE NICKNAME, but his name of LYNCH, this clan is from where else, the illustrious MANHATTAN, in New York State, USAESMWG? Still, I do love gorgeous Lab dogs, both the black and the yellow types, and really as with All mighty Scylla, I love dogs in general, and it is a huge myth that started a long time ago, that she is not a major hyper time, literally, dog fancier. I don’t even need friends and peeps of the great Miss Blake, 2 inform me of that whittle incidental. Go and Google up the topic and read all about it, CHEMTRAIL/CONTRAIL, and 2 really great sites I can take U2 now by just highlighting this and clicking on it R as follows: and and learn what others R saying, not just Motor-mouth Mountainpen. This has been on a real powerful roll, night and day, get out your cell phone camera or any photo hand held device that U may have with U and if UR in Atlantic County in New Jersey, record this, and start sending it 2 your news media outlets, and do not forget the weather channel, turn on the TV and their web address is given all the time. They will not listen 2 just me, I need helpers 2 corroborate my nightmare, please out here, is humanity dead and buried, Already??????? If not, the lines of Julia will shortly C-2 it, that if we R not all dead yet, at least we will all B-2 sick, and unable 2 fight these vicious hunt trappers. Evil wicked stock pluckers like this should all B taken out, lined up, and slowly shot and left 2 painfully bleed out and croak. I mean that, and I don’t give a 'hoot-pollute' what anybody thinks of my bold bumptious statement here.

As 4 the gravestone at mi job that reads, ‘Good Girl Bum’, again I checked into it this past weekend, it has been there forever, and nobody knows Y. The story goes that a truck driver brought it here one day, and it was set there, in case one of the future employees ever has a pre-teenaged daughter and nicknames her BUM, and she dies in 1947, and the technology comes 2 exist where they can send her back to 1947, and bury her back there, and this sure seems very far fetched 2 me, and every bit as wild as anything ever written in Morianity. Let me now talk a bit about Morianity, and wild and outlandish as all get the heck out, stuff that proves mathematically which scientists know fully well is indeed a language of symbols, YO, so let me dig right into this without further hesitation, BRO. The PCN 4 the word “MORIANITY” is not compatible with the author, me, in actual true birth name, as U know Gawnum identities R always the given-birth names, without any exceptions ever. This means both the Christian, or 1st name, and then the Sir, or last name. The past presidents, both Bush’s, have the same PCN 4 example, and no matter how many other names lay in-between their Christian and Sir names, only these 2R used, and this makes both of these US Presidents have the PCN-176. Speaking of Star Ship Enterprise Engineer Jordy and somebody’s idea of HE-double Sesame Street hockey sticks Lenny Briscoe, that true loyal Trekker fans know what is being said here, let us all examine the GAWNUM and symbolic proofs of connections here. MARK MOHR is PCN-871. Remember that there R 81 possible PCN’s. Some identical ones R compatible, some R not. Some evidential ones R compatible, some R not. Compatibility is not having equal PCN’s, but whether or not at least one digit in numbers being compared and matched, equals the sum total of the numbers all added up together called a Private-Cosmicallycoded Number Total, or PCNT. Morianity and Mark Mohr do not match up, 0 Compatibility, so what gives here, how does the story really go, Mister Neilson from the seventies, yo, it seems like last week 2 me, where has it all gone, and no, I do not think we ever will learn. Examining this carefully, even mi daughter who lots of Morianity is all about, is not a match, or has a 0%-C. So the magic now is asking the great black cat, Gawky, to tell us where truth really is here with this very unnerving situation of McLaughlin Mysteries, huh Sarah, only which 1? Now, if we 2 a three-way match up CT, not my 7th Gramps state in ‘96, 3-back, but should we do a Compatibility Test (CT) here 2 get at the truth, using MYE-MI-MC, whatever U wanna' use, only spell out her eleven letter true birth name and get PCN-231, and then add up my PCN-871, and then add up the PCN of MORIANITY, which is number 972, R total becomes quite interesting, as not only does this PCNT-2074 match out at least one digit in all numbers or PCN’s that make up this total, being 972, 231, and 871, but a double bubble effect is really a wipe out cool thing that U need 2 really look at here. First, all of this was given 2 me in what U call ‘vivid-dreaming’ less than 2 years ago, by this very large black cat from the Astral Plane. The PCN of the words, ASTRAL-PLANE-BLACK-CAT is 110. The PCN-110 is also assigned 2 the great Doctor Julia White of the 1994 Permission Barrier, both these beings R powerful beyond any fear factor or Shannon Kickcar luscious Irish girls of the North-Shore Inlet of the Sci-Fi Channel on Cable Network Television. Julia White was in my bedroom last night, U would either say I am crazy, or some small group of U that perhaps believes in the UFO-AP, or Abduction-Phenomenon, no cosmic coincidence that these letter abbreviations match those of Astral-Plane, here either. But back on point with this PCNT, and then we will get 2 last night and my wild ride in hyperspace exploratronically, with both of my favorite Astral Parents (AP), not mine, but U all get my sarcastic flippancy I’m quite sure, BRAH. First I’ll say that 110+110 is 220, and is a 25% match out or {C} Compatibility. As 4 Morianity, I never wanted any blue-parrot part of any of this, difficult as it may indeed B4 many of U out here on the internet 2 believe this ultra powerful truth, it is truth nonetheless. Martino is a dangerous evil 2 the core monster, and so R all his nightmare Atlantic City pals and peeps, who R all dirty, filthy, and rotten, straight into their deepest core, and then beyond that, straight into their true beingness at total zero-dimension. This includes the clans of McGettigan, McGinty, McGuire, Callio, Levy, and many others. The most innocent of all of them would B McGinty and Levy. The out of area peeps from the Kevin Bacon Lakeshore of Flat lines would B the Gallagher’s and all those surrounding certain cousins of this line, some being Chicago mob bosses, and others being just a girl who grew up nearby, and married my distant cousin, Arthur, not son of Sam, Huntington, but a few sons further down from the Governor, Arthur Huntington. When Dudley Moore, my very favorite actor/comedian of the latter part of last century, played in the movie ARTHUR, U would have 2B blind 2 let lots of stuff get past U with this, as well as the circa of time, as the movie would B one thing, the war-hero medal thing with the ‘then-future Atlantic City Mayor, another thing, and my demo recordings still another 3rd thing, all around this same exact period in history, and all so connected, it that it out-smells month old rotting fish. Speaking of the round-robin effect that now swirls us right back around 2 how and Y Morianity has all come 2 exist, when all I ever wanted was a normal average life for the last 55 years, and this is seemingly a totally impossible result 2 achieve. So mi story along with both me personally, and the creation of this religious foundation, hopefully someday, and that includes a large area far beyond this one speck in HS, is not solely about me, and in fact, if it was just me that had wanted 2 do all this and just make up a bunch of fantastic absurdities, it never would have even gone as far as years of serious blogging onto public internet websites. We all know, that everything has 2 start someplace. No one ever was born, and stood up 6 feet tall, and began living a life of full blown complex interaction. All things while awake and conscious, R in a times process. This permits not only separateness away from the otherwise collectiveness, but the possibility of various choices from unfathomably gargantuan sized cosmic event menu potentials, and this is “Y the 4th and the 5th dimension R made up of a basically twined fabric. Neither would or could work without the other part of itself, riding right there along with its partner, like 2 silly trash truck drivers with combined double digit intelligence quotients, BRR!!!!!!!!

U missed me Jane Skunk-blood, it is almost a quarter past one scum, HA-HA-BOO from eighty frickin’ two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me move it along here.

Levy was ‘given’ something, as was I. With me, I was later punished by misusing what was Astrally given me, and my punitation was 7 Augusts from May in 1980, later down Dolan Wolf Road. Levy managed 2 hang on longer, but that was a smoke and mirrors trick. U-C, he didn’t really do anything with his Astral stuff until he used it in a political platform 2 run 4 Mayor. This is Y his punitation, was actually longer in arriving than mine. Mine was more than a half dozen years after sending stuff around. His was not even 2 full years away. Everyone knows, that needs 2 know, what is all being said here. Those that R not getting it, simply put, just don’t need 2B understanding it. This is how the bible built in so many of its powerful locked up mysteries, and only open-able throughout the long corridors of time, as humankind needed 2 unravel them, and this part of 2011 and Family Stations Incorporated, and doctor Harold Camping, I do believe in, 100%. I just know 4 a fact that no mortal can ever put into a box, this incredible upline world teenaged girl, SARAH-STACEY-JEHOVAH-KRASSLE. I also know that my love 4 her goes beyond the stars and infinities, and so much more, it is so totally never bloggable, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will say 2 those Mensa types, that my uncle Stuart Mason who was named directly as he was a direct descendant of Mary Stuart, the great Queen of Scotland, grew up and married a girl named Geraldine Snow. The name and word of (SNOW) has a PCN that matches the nickname of her mother, I was always forced 2 call her MIMI when visiting Narberth, PA, on many a Thanksgiving Holiday. I confused this event with other festive holiday visits 2 relatives in Babylon, Long Island, where Uncle Heinz Gottwald had a non-blood mother who raised him up as a young lad over in Germany, and her nickname was Omee. Real explorers that delve deep into this, can C how the mighty cat has let me in on learning so very much of otherwise totally forever sealed up stuff. The magic in using the GAWNUM, or Gawky Gaukauk’s Astral Plane Numerology, is in understanding how 2 assign values in three digit numbers, how 2 create proper comparison queries, and how 2 let the system itself build the structure 4 wording and phrasing your questions 2 the GAWNUM. U simply take already existing things that show anywhere from 0-100% match outs or C, (Compatibility) and then when U establish that things match and work with this, U merely plug in different names or dates or times or day names or whatever. The all ready proven phrase shows an all ready existing matching truth that has all ready been verified in historical content, in simpler words, the thing all ready happened. Now I am not implying it is that becoming an expert GAWNUMER is much different than becoming an expert GOOGLER, or an expert in anything, a career profession, application of makeup 4 women, developing a sports or musical or art talent, or whatever. Practice may not ever make perfect, but it will make 4 more and more improvement, stride 4 that if learning the deeper truths of life hidden from view, is of interest 2U. If not, the heck with it, it is a great tool, and can become dangerously addictive. Once U come 2C the mind bending power of this thing, addictiveness will B just one of your situations, may I leave that there please?

I never wanted this life. I certainly never asked 4 the Tennessee Avenue thing, or 1969, or being interacted with by a powerful omnipotent goddess of beauty beyond human description. I wanted none of this, and that is Y this great tool called GAWNUM shows that just by myself, or even SSJKK in her present human existent, just by HERSELF, is not compatible with the term of MORIANITY. But again in reiteration, put all 3 together, and the match up is wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made another 3 units today in the parking lot of the Criminal Justice Complex of Atlantic County late thi
s morning. I had 2 take Dawn King over 2 visit her 'probie, Mister Judy'. I guess all the sick pervs and nut cases that R into golden showers would have been popping wood as Detective Curtis would say on the greatest law show ever on television, L&O. Dawn cane out and told me how a long line of girls were all being forced, her included, 2 urinate in a cup. Sounds totally gross 2 me. Some big trial must B happening there today, the lot is full 2 capacity, and parking is all the way onto the road leading up 2 the place. Still I managed 2 park and play my hypothetical roulette. Yesterday I made 18 units, the day B4 that and the prior day still, was the weekend of Saturday/Sunday, and again, I just kept kicking hypothetical butt, during my worst attacks and sieges and botbars. Again, BOTBAR stands 4 the words, BOTTOM OF THE BARREL, ALREADY RATED, day. Most of my days all year, year in and year freaking out, R indeed very VERY, B-O-T-B-A-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Using the GAWNUM is your own business, it can alter your entire life, it caused a prior landlord 2 go nuts whack and begin heavily drinking and gambling. She went down hill and will never B the same, don’t make a god out of it. A powerful Astral Plane god, gave me this, in my SLEEP. His Earthly identity is not bloggable. Just B careful and beware, Paula Waves. Go ahead and use it, but cautiously. U may not sell or profit from it, I will come after U. It is 4 recreational use, and is far from benign and recreational, so Caveat Emptor, YO!!!!!!!! Since GG chose not 2 tell his human world family and have it ever protected in their name, it is legally mi intellectual property.

The last thing 4 right now that I feel the need 2 quickly hash out, is that there is so much going on with so much, that unlike a Patterson novel, or even a long winded Tolstoy work, this is a story of infinity, and has no real true origin or termination. I ride the tide, and move with the flow of cosmic energies. Those that think that cosmic energy is phony, never had a serious out of the blue attack of depression. They never suddenly felt an urge and even an irritable influence 2 do something very bad or destructive, B it drinking, racing recklessly in a car, punching somebody, and what have U. They also never grabbed a small iron pipe and banged it hard against a brick wall. Or if they did, they ignored the energy of cosmos that is now rumbling throughout their entire body, invisibly, chalking it off 2 hitting a ‘funny-bone’ or ‘bad Superman vibrations’, or whatever.

Persecution on me from scum bag block pucking filth bags has been on as mighty roll, so has the 'giant girlogram', the overall nuisances of life in general, and female flirtations that R beyond normal 4 an old ugly fat shrimp like me. Still, I just report the darn news, I am not creating it, or most of it anyway. When Maggie finds the magic 2 un-hack herself, this is when the fun and game will begin, and these low life stink breathers will get off of my back 4 a while.

Google Engine, SWIS, KSWL-2297, this is all protected with US Copyright Registration, and is all the total truth. Y would I lie about such things? Blahhhhhh and bleee and blummmmmmmmmmm. END TRANSMISSION, 4 right now BRO!!!

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:57 AM No comments:


Sunday, December 6, 2009


SUBTITLED: ‘Three-Hundred-Sixty-Three-PCN’
World-Lab SBT DATFILE: 120709.048
Beginning Transmission:

I am under THE WORST MILI-2-FORCE WOMO-DEATH SIEGE that I have been in and under in months if not years, it is horrendous. When the ground assault is not as prevalent and strong around me due 2 colder weather and less motorbike riders, the same forces and powers go up into the skies, and persecute me with vicious chemtrailing, and plane and chopper attacks and all manner of other type of aerial vessels. When I copyrighted REAL-GOOD-GIRL, and sent it down in the United States mail, on August 15, 1986, life forever altered 4 me, and not 4 the better, as all of my 'global blogaudiance' is fully aware of, BRAH. Right now I am suffering what I term myself and privately, Magnehack Jacklattisawattack, or Michael Jackson’s initials, only the now at rest former we all know what, let’s keep it real here, and this means as just with my hurricanes being somehow hacked away 4 three straight seasons now, a major phenomenon being secretly discussed globally by meteorologists, but more than just this is being somehow compensated or preventing the Magnetic Sound Machine from performing my normal counterstrikes on and against this diseased Brigger puppeteer EVIL EMPIRE, which by the way, will super score tomorrow, with a DOW JONES SOARING OF 3-6 HUNDRED POINTS, MINIMUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday was no walk on the lake-shore, but Sunday yesterday, WAS PURE FILTH BAG HELL CUBED TIMES INFINITY, and then some more. It was quite horrendous, they hit me and hurt me continuously and monstrously and viciously, and mercilessly, because as I said B4 and will again, like the mothers who raised these piles of sick excrement, they also R liquid smell stuff times ten to the fortieth power, YO. At least miss Dirtweeds missed me so far today. I knew this would B seriously bad, as whenever I have any major interactions exploratronically that R extra vivid and contain attractive females, a total no-no 4 me under this mother trucking HUNTINGTON-CURSE, and when I lost my waking world awareness 4 a very short few minutes around the middle of my Sunday shift at work, I was in a powerful exploratronic interaction in a parallel part of this multiverse from my waking being here, and I was with 2 very strange characters, a boy and a girl, and the girl was awesome and it is sort of un-bloggable, here in this universe we have all this political correctness and age hang ups. Fine, I obey the rules of society, Nina Draper Wolf, but when in Rome, we can all do as the Romans do, still, as I said, I knew I would pay 4 it in death siege back here. Oh and get your minds out of the sewer, no sex was involved. This world has become beyond ridiculous, U better have legal proof that your watch is broken, if anyone 18+ so much as asks a 17 and under what time of the day it is. The reason that society has become the way it has, has been touched on, but it is of course not the full and only story. Complex chain reactions and domino effects not yet even touched on, by angels or devils, R involved in major complicated ways in the mix of all of this garbage, and I won’t even attempt 2 get into all these intricacies tonight.

Privecode number or PCN-363, is a major important one out of the 81 possible PCN’s. 4 starters, the song title, “Real Good Girl” is PCN-363, and was mailed 2 the copyright office on August 15, 1986, when my life changed forever on that date. But what Privecode number do U think that (AUGUST FIFTEEN, NINETEEN-EIGHTY-SIX) is, BRAH? Gee, could it B PCN-363?, like DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U know the world would never believe the people that R carefully using the mighty GAWNUM, even as I electronically am speaking right this very second. Naturally, I have had lots of things backwards 4 a while, but time always or usually gets around 2 straightening out things wondered about. Many times, we R so sure of our facts and believe old Auntie Evie has run off with the cake, when all along, it was her nasty little old momma Betty-Jean. Things in life can seem 2 appear confusing naturally, and then , there R those times when boxers, and lawyers, and many professional peeps will all tell U right now straight faced and totally up front, confusion is the most powerful punch ever thrown against an adversary. The more I sit here and concentrate on the Shaw of Iran or the boardwalk and the tapes left there that started the entire first great Gulf War, and so much more, instantly I am standing at home plate with a bat in my hand, and a pitcher is out there about 2 wind up and toss me a baseball, or so I would surely think. We all R wearing baseball uniforms, the crowds R cheering, and the dogs and beers R entering a lot of bodies all throughout the huge stadium. Suddenly, U-C the ball coming right at U, only it is not a baseball, it is a basketball. What the shirt am I supposed 2 do now, catch it and dribble it towards first base, throw it out into right field, try and bat it and bust my wrist 4 sure, just tell me, as no one else in this situation is gonna tell me. So let me say I decide 2 dribble it after catching it, and I am heading towards first base. Suddenly, the opponent on first base comes charging right at me and tackles me down 2 the ground and I find myself holding onto a football, of course the player uniforms that we all R now wearing, changed just as suddenly as well. All I am saying with all this ‘dribble’ here, is that this wild parable of a sort, could very easily represent my life ever since I had the extremely unfortunate butt wiping experience of coming into 3-2-1-contact, and meeting a man by the name of Jim Burr, in the year 1973, a few months after my last encounter with the mighty exploratron Sarah Jacobson, from Haddonfield. The magical luscious giant long dark haired rehab student that was discussed on lots of prior blogs back in 2007, and in this general time circa.

Just B4I forget, and move this along with lots more openings of things that will all B covered in more elaborate detail at a later time, let me give U2 great website addresses 2 check out, and U can also just GOOGLE up, the topic CHEMTRAIL/CONTRAIL. Just type in and also and read all about the chemtrails. I have not been under this much chemtrail siege in a very long time now. Anyone awake and living in Atlantic county, really should get a night camera and photograph this experience taking place in the skies of this county. Then U should send it into the news media and ask them what is going on, and sign your name, ‘Trinitrail Queried’. Never forget that JEHOVAH always leaves HER MARKERS, no matter where SHE goes in the mortal waking hyperspaces of cosmos throughout its time. Meeting HER at the TRINIDAD, or TRINI as in TRINI-TY, is only one example. TRI means literally 3, as in one god with 3 personalities. Many things R accurate that followers of religious faiths all basically believe in together, but myths also have origins, and realities over long time periods, cannot help but eventually blur. 3-6-3, their R two 3’s in the 6, and a total then of 4 threes in this PCN. 4 and 3 is not some random deal. Adding these digits creates the sum of 7. Multiplying these digits creates the product of 12. 7 and 12 R powerful numbers 2 the All Mighty SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE. The Millionth-Council just made a pop up window appear when all I did was push a cursor up key so I could delete a typo letter that a red line alerted me 2. Anyway, this is a fitting date 2 discuss these 2 numbers, it is the 12th month and the 7th day, and the 13th anniversary in about 3 hours from my major 1996 exploratronic travels, amplified with a little Chinese hocus-pocus, that hurled me back 2 Tennessee Avenue of Atlantic city, with the great Sarah-Stacey, where she was pointing up 2 the TRINIDAD HOTEL balcony, and saying 2 me, “Let’s play a game boy, let’s play GUESS THE NAME OF THE GUESTS”. U don’t forget this powerful kind of interaction in 13 tiny years, or centuries. Once U-C the great SSJKK, UR never normal again, SHE is beyond hot and awesome times infinity. But this leads me back 2 the great JOHN KING. Now a real teenaged girl named Paula King, is his daughter. An exploratron of the advanced type-3 level, sometimes calling herself Julia White and other times, Mariena Carlittia, depending on where U may observe the surroundings of this in, took over and dominated this person during several times of her life. She may C the memories of these times as hazy dreams, but they happened, perhaps even unknown 2 her, and only possibly revealed through powerful hypnosis, or she may indeed remember some of the take-over’s more directly, but she would always C it even then, as her own wild choices that she herself had made, and this would B a false belief. Let me tell U all about another night in 1997 around 2 or 3 in the morning. I had just watched some old television show, an old original black and white Superman, with the episode of the enemy that almost killed Superman with hidden Kryptonite that came down a tube where a trap was laid and Superman was in this room in a home owned by as character and enemy of his named HAPPY J KING. After this show ended and B-4-I ever even knew John King by name all though I had met him that time on the previous late summer day when he insisted I use that beach hose, but I turned off the television 2 go out and buy some ice cream at a 24 hour Shop Rite Grocery Store in Berlin, a few miles east of my home in Somerdale on Harvard Avenue, and the skies were totally CHEMTRAIL FILLED, ‘WALL 2 FREAKING WALL’ and all that was missing was the (sound and video), and the store clerk ready 2 take my money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it is things like this, looking back in hindsight, that is leading me more and more, 2 believe in the MOVCOM, (MOVING-COMPOUND). Y is the great Neptune using me 2 play Houdini, and get me 2 steal a car from an Otammite so I can use this powerful World-Lab device that is hard wired into the trunk? Y did these gods come here, and have, or so the story goes 2 the public, a very special world recognized daughter? Is there a possibility that she engineered it this way so that she could get around a powerful Astral Plane law called the SIL, (Scylla Inheritance Law)? Unless, U know about the Millionth-Council, and the way the Astral Plane is governed and ruled by the gods of OLYMPIA, and understand what this mighty law is all about, U will have no real clue Y this is all happening. Even I am only starting 2 get a small scrape in an ice cube larger than the Pacific Ocean. My mom came into direct contact on August 2, 1996, 10 years later after Real Good Girl, the song, was written in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and recorded a week later right in my living room on Marlton Pike. The bass drum on the tape, CE, is my fist striking Richard Karpf’s hardwood floor. If this all did not have such cosmic nightmarish proportions and dimensions, it would B in the league of Harold Lloyd. Anyway, at a now defunct spot and casualty of the HMRC (History Marker Removal Club), called the Turnersville Pathmark Grocery Store and Shopping Center, in Turnersville, Washington Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, USAESMWG, a man threatened 2 KILL both me, and my mother, and the police swept the entire matter under the rug, so tell me, sike ward doctors, just what am I supposed 2B imagining and fantasizing here, doctors????????????????????????????

The only reason my Philadelphia Eagles, HA-HA-HA-BOO-WHO, won today and making it a streak now of 3 straight wins, is because after the MILLIONTH COUNCIL and their human world puppet workers of iniquity failed in destroying my communications system this weekend with my daughter and lightning, this threw the parallel event applied against me, right back into their faces like a dose of Captain Shatner Corbamite, or CSC as I abbreviate this as upon occasion!!!!!!!!

Until Magnesonic can un-hack itself and find a way 2 compensate 4 the newest long running Lattisaw Jack-Hack attack, I am basically, and this is putting it hyper politely, ska-roooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eventually, a mighty powerful earthquake will tear half of this diseased planet apart, and then these sick scum balls will have 2 leave me alone 4 a while. Unfortunately millions of innocent peeps will have 2 die first. Say-La-V, BRO, is it life, death, or Morianity, at its best??????????????

Magnesonic, G-7 open command, destroy, or B destroyed, and totally wiped out. All enemies of Michael Mountainpen utterly crushed and obliterated, G-189, and STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t blame me when a large city crumbles shortly 2 the frickin; ground. I*t is what it is, and ever since 1986, this hell nightmare is indeed what all of this is, 4 me, and the gods only know Y, I say it is all just a sick demented demonic puke swallowing game, 4 the perverted amusement of a bunch of diseased bored insane Olympian gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been the claim of Morianity, from its inception. This is the entire foundation 2 its total belief system.

Let me crash now, and C if Pearl Harbor Krassle day is awaiting me this year with a real doozie, it can happen any year, and I never know when the medical center will strike and the 9 winds will blow. Still, I wonder who’s cheating who, and no one is seemingly cheating my psychic abilities, as some treatment had 2B done, or else she used CSV program. I was a sound man, I know what I hear!!!!!!!!


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:33 PM No comments:



Subtitled: ‘Hello U Ugly Little Smelly Electron Guzzlers’
DATFILE: 120609.474.555555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

Recently my blogs have been shorter, I try 2 produce a run occasionally of shorter individual tales of woe. This is so the reputation of Mountainpen the Motor-mouth can B somewhat hopefully lessened and eased off, oh well, this blog may also not B real long, but it will B one of those blogs, as I have ‘like totally’ had it with this 25+ friggin’ years of non-stop persecution. Please now, don’t any of U out here talk. U all would have long been in one of 3 spots should this had all fallen on U as opposed 2 me, and those would B either: a jail cell, a padded room, or a plot in the ground or else in an urn. I am constantly bombarded by Jane Disease Onescumbugthug, I am always missing out on seeing and staring at ‘5-sets’ lately as well, and death angels R back heavy again, also so is the 'tallgirlogram' junk, the aerial harassment, road harassment with gaters and butt wipe drivers in general, and I could go on and on. The property damage attack is also back on a super nasty roll, Muzak, and many other smaller more annoying and less dangerous harassment's as well, and I could extend this list and waste a lot of time, U either get it, or guess what, U do not get it, things R beyond HELL SQUARED, A-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could stand 4 Arcing Energies, but doesn’t, huh Brook Toothpaste; U gorgeous hunk of woman U. Moving on, PROPERTY-DAMAGE, includes all broken electronic stuff, messed with electronic stuff, flat tires that I consider 2B spurious, car non-starts, that I consider 2B spurious, utility attacks of any kind, including the famous fake-pole-accidents that I have abbreviated into the word FAPOAC. When more witnesses R around such as if or when I live very close or directly with others, these persecutions need 2B rearranged and altered a bit 2 remain invisible 2 those not looking 4 them and knowing it is indeed happening 2 them intentionally. They merely do more stuff 2 me whenever I am away from those others that would B involved, ‘they’ always have adjustable game plans, and Mel Gibson the mighty TAXI-DRIVER could never ever B topped in the great nineties movie, “Conspiracy Theory”, when he told Julia Roberts that it wouldn’t B much of a conspiracy if those being messed with could turn around and prove it all with the ease of a child riding a merry-go-round.

Whether or not it was because the Philadelphia puke ball flyers Hockey team played a game last night or not, and I highly believe it was the reason, but in any event, I was assaulted with a nasty PROPERTY ATTACK/UTILITY ATTACK. My communications system that I use 2 speak back and forth with both my lightning Goddess Diana Arteemis, as well as my hyperspace daughter Paula King, Junior, was tampered with somehow while I slept yesterday, in-between my work shifts. It was the same deal that has been ongoing with me in this hell game with the MILITUFORCE OTAMMITE's, or MO, and also referred 2 as (WOMO, or WORLD-OWNERS and MILITUFORCE OTAMMITE's), since all of this started, WITH SENDING MY MUSIC PROJECT ENTITLED, “***REAL-GOOD-GIRL***”, DOWN 2 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE, ON AUGUST THE 15TH OF THE YEAR ADEG OF 1,986!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have harped on this now directly as well as indirectly all throughout my entire blogging career of about 4 and one half years now, it as ‘U know in nearly two thousand ten now. ''Where is it all going'', Misses Messenger, at the Cooper River Park, in the summer of 1969, more than 40 frickin’ years back into electron-positive space expansion points, that R laying in all angular arcing points around this 8,000 mile diameter spinning ball of sold barf? This 11 hundred mile per hour spinning dust cloud, and all of the expansion beyond it that is produced by a magical and totally misunderstood as of 2010 entity known as conscious waking mind, is as real as this entity called waking consciousness insists 2U and me that it is. Everything is all inside of us, at a point smaller than the tiniest hydrogen ion. It is called Void Infinity, and some just say the void, or the great-void, or dimensionless-ness, or the lack of dimension. I have always named this REALITY-CONDITION, “ZERO-DIMENSION”. The SSM know precisely what is going on, and where the parlor trick is and what it is, and what causes it, CONSCIOUS MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, using the APE or the applied science of parallel event, making Sunday Hell, as well as Saturday night, Saturday, basically the entire weekend, as they always or just about always in fact do, they still did not accomplish their sick demented goal and game, of making my Eagles lose 4 two straight weeks, nor have they gotten the Stink-ball Flyers out off their slump either, BOO-HOO-WHO-HA-HA!!! BOO-BOO-HA-HA-WHO, IS THIS STILL ONE NINE EIGHT TWO, CE???????????? Well Icabod Crane and Trickyteeteet all not withstanding, along with Mayor Callio Levy Calibar of Halloweentown, which lies only about a thousand miles away from Potterkovich on the great Astral Plane, and is more real than this phony dream out expansion of endless decillions of cubic light years of freezing cold 2.7 Kelvin average degrees, yet still, here I am, and here all of UR, and there UR as well, PCN-110, Oh Great ONE, and Mighty Doctor Julia White, alias, skfhjiovms, and iwojmoiqvovm, and rspiovhwmerpjhep, and U get the somnambulism point by now unless your mind was sent on a far distant vacation. This brings me 2 my point on this blog that there R3 types of explorations, TYPE-1, the natural reccesant type, TYPE-2, the focused aware type, and TYPE-3, the dominant motive type. Lets ‘explore’ this a bit. Nobody, including those that claim they do not dream, does not fall into one of these 3 categories. Those non-dreamers, dream no differently than the most vivid dreamers, but some of us have varying degrees of switch connections that process the hyperspace explorations within parameters that your physically awake or conscious mind can indeed take in and use and properly handle and assimilate. This will B discussed now, but first, let me say that I was able 2 rearrange some stuff electronically, I as well as Julia White and her Earth peeps and family (TAWF), have electronic smarts and abilities. I know exactly what makes it really all work, and exactly who and what is really all is, down here in this hyperspace-dream, that U all still C and call, the real and solid tangible life, and think of all else as dreams, death, the end, and nonsense, and all of this is just fine, and totally your own business. I am free 2 come up online here and rebut what I know is the basic global sociological opinion of these things in general, and this is my rebuttal, lads, lassies, and yellow and black beautiful Labs!!!!!

Exploratrons and this topic must open right where I brought U all into it with the lines leading up 2 right here on this blog. Julia White is an alias. Her name is Mariena Carlittia Krassle, and she is the spouse of Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious Krassle, only marriage is not real on the Astral Plane, so I say spouse because Earthers can identify better, hopefully, with the blog here as I attempt now 2 continue on a while with it. The Earth-English word NEPTUNE has an Astral Plane thought-pronunciation, and even this is not saying the real truth, but is as close as I can even hope 2 try this communication with the world. Some Smarty Jones out here might examine this and C the light bulb scream out Edison’s name, most won’t, and things R better this way, it is not a bloggable thing 2 say, and I do not want 2 get removed from the UM site, and am trying 2 keep it subtle and careful B4I get thrown down a set of very unpleasant stairs. Psychics out here know that there is no Earthly way I could have known what went on at that location in those days. Enough of that, as DZA would say, she’d add, “Little boy” as well. Y she calls the me as Rictafarius “Little boy” when I stand 7-4 and weigh 340 pounds and it is all solid muscle, is a mystery 2 me, other than most likely because in her realer form, she is a gigantic coil of pure energy, standing 40 feet high or so, and if she were 2 suddenly appear in a town on Planet Earth, all electricity the world over, would instantly just stop, and the brightness would light up the darkest night locations all over the entire world. But back 2 Julia. I met her and knew her when she took over one exact teenaged girl in Atlantic City during a small time in the nineteen-sixties. She occasionally still inhabits this being, as a type-3 full blown exploratron, the DOMINANT-MOTIVE EXPLOATRON TYPE. This is the kind that can dream through U while UR awake, and within a small period of time, U suddenly R finding yourself changing with no real cause, or as though something else is directing U. The DSM-4 book or the god of the sike shrink community, is filled with all of their so-called ideas, and reasons 4 persons suddenly developing there weird and strange behaviors. They can make plenty of sense, but the truth goes far beyond their limited concepts, because all of these educated peeps believe that life is real, and not the other way around. That will nip finding the real true answers 2 all of it, right in the bud every single freaking time, YO!!!!! Julia liked me because Paula liked me, U still R inside somebody’s life while UR in your dream in hyperspace travel. The person dominated is also left alone on many occasions as well, but after enough invasions or abductions, or any word that anyone wishes 2 choose and ascribe to all of this is just fine by me, but when U have been ’taken and used’ one time or 1000 times, UR now one of the exclusive smaller percentage in the hyperspace population that has no number, it is far beyond even a googolplex 2 the power of a googolplex, but most likely between a hundredth, 2 a tenth, of one percent of persons, of any and all ages, in the entire multiverse; could B classified during their lifetimes, as TADE VICTIMS, as World Lab refers 2 them as in 2299, TAKEN-AND-USED. My mother was one, I am another one, but never confuse something now with me on this topic. Atlantic City and the Trinidad was solid and real, or at least says conscious mind, and so was %*^ Peninsula Drive in New York in August of 1968. So was a hospital elevator in 1998 early in January, and in all 3 of these cases, this was no dream, this was as all of U mortals out here would call it, QUITE REAL, I WAS RAPED, by this giant lovely PAULA KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was never the fault of Paula King. She and her friends all the times that this happened, were totally oblivious 2 a much higher reality that was going on invisibly behind the wings of the stage here in the mighty Shakespeare Theatre of the Physical Plane life, BRO!!!!!!!! If I ever accused Paula, she would sue me, and tell her shrink she must B going crazy, how can this dude B in my dreams? This is what is happening, and until the world really sees this entire UFO balloon party crash hoax 4 just what it is, humanity improving in multiple parameters of life including basic contentment and fulfillment in beingness, is forever beyond and behind locked and heavily bolted and guarded doors. Many blogs will follow this now opened up point along much further, step, by step, and inch, by inch, with absolutely no help from either Niagara Falls, or any of the 3 Stooges, sorry Sally, I could not resist throwing this one in here, like DUH, players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many things that happened 2 me on the Astral Plane, R the reason that I am dreaming this all down here in the various hyperspace universes, all so differently in varying ones. This allows the greater and full 5th dimensional total me, 2 experience the full or total interaction, hyper-cosmically. The 1994 book I wrote and copyrighted on 31 October, called, LAWTRONICS, subtitled, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”, contains all of the things in all of my blogs, in the ways and the thoughts of someone not yet consciously caught up 2 the full reality that is wrapped up within all of this hyper-cosmos. Can anyone ever really fully deal with hyper-cosmos, and its interactive twinallity with the Astral Plane where Lawtrons escape out of the VOID and land into so 2 speak? Not in a 'vaquillion eons', BRAH, we R discussing sizes and totals that a million trillion Einstein’s all put together would just give up the ghost and die, B4 even making that futile attempt, believe me. Look, my dad and he were talking a lot more than how good or bad the coffee tasted at Princeton University. I do know some stuff, just take my word 4 something, dudes and duddesses.

We will further all of this along in later blogging works. I managed 2 reconfigure my stuff, and have all the lost
communications with my Walsh Atlantic Crew, as well as Lightning, all restored and fully operational, or as functional as Doctor McCoy’s whale kidney repair kit, of the days of REAL GOOD GRAVESTONES and shoe BUMS, and POWER-BALL lottery jackpot winning numbers.

If anyone can C the huge wild plan going on, UR the next rocket scientist of the world that will B making history of your own someday. I dare not come out and just think I can blog this. Even I am not that R-worded, BRR!!!!!!!!!!

Some have accused me of being hot air. Instead of taking hot air and making hoaxes, I just in
hale and then have all this wind 2 swish around, U know, the epitome of monstermouthitis. Well, B of good cheer there peeps, I may have this affliction, but I can live with it, others with my total situation, would have perished long ago. My stories of how I watched my mom turn 2 the booze at the end of her life because of co-worker Emily, is all prior-blogged. At least I am sane and alive, and unlike a great majority of the mighty THAT-FAMILY from seventy, am not a substance abuser either. This little goodie 2 shoes is not trying 2 cast dirt on others, brag on sainthood, or even just slap myself on the back a little. These words R merely attempting 2 make a needed point here peeps, that here I am, still doing relatively fine, and yes, despite being forced 2 endure a continuous mega-hell, that would kill the dead, 3 times over, and 9 times on Sunday.

My mind is beyond boggled, every day I play and average about 6 units profit on my roulette system, roughly 40 units profit weekly. On the green 25 dollar level, that is all I’d ever need. If I can’t live well on 920 SSD plus about 4 grand more from the casinos, there is something wrong with me, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually there is, but that’s beside the point, I have a gargantuan monkey on my back. Is it called the HUNTINGTON CURSE, or the mighty GUATAMAYAN JULIA WHITE AND THE ‘GANG’, sorry Ann.

Let me crash, it is one in the afternoon, I need 90 minutes of rest B4 finishing out my final 8 at work for this week. The gods take pity on poor me, Linda.

End Transmission:

Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 10:04 AM No comments:


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Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my WOMO-SPACEFORCE SUBSKUMMITE ENEMIES, whom are VICIOUSLY PERSECUTING ME, BEGINNING WITH A NASTY HEALTH STRIKE HAVANA DEATH WEAPON BEAM IN MY SLEEP ON THIS LATE MORNING OF 7 SEPTEMBER, AND THEN FOLLOWING THIS A NASTY LATE AFTERNOON AIR SIEGE AROUND MY PROPERTY, FROM MY WOMO-SPACEFORCE ENEMIES FROM HELL ITSELF, THAT FIT EXACT PERFECT PATTERNS WITHOUT FAIL; AND WHICH IS ALL directly a part of the ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME, THAT BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Now in closing today, my upline realm teen queen, the lovely Sarah-Stacey Krassle came 2 me first in a wild dream during the exact five day period in all of the entire American history where coincidentally, the great PROJECT-BLUEBOOK had been officially terminated, so speaking governmentally here, that means the project went completely underground, it did naught vanish by any means, oh lovely Mizz phone company Blake, YO mah'm. B-4 this, Sarah and I, here on the mortal Earth-world, had never actually spoken. The only time that we had spoken was AFTER the 4 years that we encountered each other in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and always on HER STREET, the ever illustrious and outlandish TENNESSEE AVENUE. No human words can ever tell this story, it is like the Christian Church itself that calls themselves or did in my younger days, “Full Gospel or Full Bible believing churches”, meaning usually and normally that they believed in current times miracles and even the legitimate astral plane communing with the Almighty, AKA “speaking in tongues”, but this is what needs 2-B understood here folks. Unless we could use this spiritual language, there is just absolutely no human way of ever being able 2 properly convey all of the needed complex nuances and details 2 this entire story, so that U won't simply say 2 me, “Gee butt wipe Mountainpen, all that there is 2 this whole thing is U seeing some young girl at a seashore resort a total from time 2 time over 8 vacation stays at a hotel and on the following year in 1969 two times where U heard her say two sentences, once to peeps in an automobile and once 2 a friend of hers while they were playing a game at the far end of 10-SC Avenue where it led into a beach tunnel that was underneath the famous Atlantic City boardwalk. Let's get back on point here. The only time that we actually spoke 2 each other, was not while I was what U call and C, as regular human beings; being asleep and dreaming, hence it was not a real experience. I hate 2 remind all of U of something here, but I feel that I truly damn must, YO. Your entire Christian faith and religion is 100 percent all based around a gigantic similar type of deal approximately 2,000 years ago in the Roman Empire located area called Galilee, with heavenly angels coming into dreams of peeps from my own family, and all of this religion of modern day times is ALL ABOUT THIS VERY SAME THING that U-R all denying me my reality here thereof, and this, 2 quote me' distant cousin Mister DJT, “is very unfair”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The details of that CHAIN-TAKING-DREAM, and Sarah HERSELF, and the way that SHE insisted in this wild vivid lifelong lasting memorable DREAM went out of HER way 2 spell HER surname of K-R-A-S-S-L-E, and so much more, right down 2 HER 10-SC Avenue SHOP that the mighty Misses Bassler insisted with me over and over again in several lengthy telephone conversations back in the year of 1997 after learning of her name from performing an extensive research project that wore me as well as my sanity down 2 a total frikkin' frazzle, let me tell U; and this all goes so far beyond any possible human reasoning, that even without the BLUEBOOK ending coincidence here, would B more than enough 2 cause irreparable insanity, 2 almost any human being. Most likely my being 1,000 times greater energized astrally, is Y-I was able 2 survive and come out even one tenth unscathed here; as who can ever know; huh there great © Office Examiners of the 20th century?????????? By the way the cults of many types, even the mighty and very entertaining and informative ECKANKAR peeps, absolutely and vehemently believe that existence is an endless evolution process towards absolute enlightenment and this would in their opinion sort of imply that I have reached some higher state in all of this, and it is simply not the case. Astrally, it is what it is, and I suppose the great Dawn King is quite happy in the timeless purgatory, as that was her living mado, and creed; as she spoke it 2 me on countless occasions, oh folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, what I am is what I am; and I didn't evolve into it; just as the Ring River neighboring province 2 Olympia, and its wild resident-GOD, Sir Psyche Myrathus told me so often back in 12002 and 2003 in his human mortal realm personality and human lifetime, as the human being man named Sir Steve Murray said 2 me, and also quite repeatedly at the illustrious GRIFFIN PIPE COMPANY when I was doing weekend security work there, 4 the mighty awesome Assets Protection of Pennsylvania. He would tell me and I am quoting the great dude, “Mark, I am a different species than U-R”. In his true form he is either a COIN or a COIL. I know this much, and he of course had insufficient human-memory 2 even begin knowing it, but he did instinctively know, or seem 2 know, that we R indeed a different species. I am a LEVEL-3 PURGATITE, WHILE HE IS EITHER AN 8 OR A 9; with energetic levels astrally, that go so far above and beyond my levels of energetic reality, that my infinitesimally tiny human mind would naught even B able 2 start 2 comprehend it. Thisis pure absolute powerful unchangeable and in-transmutable reality/TRUTH! Same-diff really. But back 2 Sarah Krassle 4 now, okay? No ordinary human being could ever in a goddamn trillion mortal world years ever B able 2 effect a co-human being the way that this entity has effected em, and from both the waking realm as well as what U all would simply call, the land of our dreams. And folks, that is my first, as well as me' most powerful argument in this discussion, that right up front I admitted 2 all and everyone out here and or ever will B out here; that only a spirit-language could ever truly communicate the proper MEANINGS BEHIND THIS ENTIRE ENCOUNTER with this being from the 1960's in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG. I stand absolutely totally by those words, YO. What I could get into here, with that magical motor-cycle chain, that my organizational big-brother gave me out of the blue one day, shortly after we had met in the Boys Club and Sir Hans Worshing's office there, at 21st Street and Chestnut Street, in center city, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-USA; would not B containable in my opinion in the limited space provided by the entire Encyclopedia Britannica!!!!!! I am dead-ass serious with that statement, oh kind lads and lassies out there in Cyberville, YO. So abridging and shortening and compressing things approximately ten zillion times here at least peeps; we will just move on and simply say that without covering so much crap that U would literally explode, as if U were a large case of military dynamite, should I keep going onward here with this; let me anticipate the question of those more advanced thinkers who right about now R saying, when will U get 2 your point about your UPLINE TEEN QUEEN, or (UTQ) 4 SHORT??????? Upline downline universe is a topic of pure fascination and has been surfaced scratched upon numerous occasions in this Morianity project and thus on these blogs of the Mountainpen, (BOM)-----(C) Mark Wayne Mohr-URL-2006-whenever they will end... Still, this is not something that can told by the damn fireplace 2 grandchildren who I know I'll never in my case even get 2 meet, so then who flucking cares about that; but let's go on here, shall we? I will keep what I wish 2 convey today as short, sweet, and simplified as my tiny whittle human abilities permit and allow, oh illustrious Long Islander, Sir Global Great Banker Heinz Gottwald, latengrate and 'uncle'; actually cousin of some type. My Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason was the genius who always understood exactly all of the in laws and removed cousins and numbered generational cousin systems, and all of that, so anyway; just how does this 'ULDL-UNIVERSE' thing all tie into just the Mark Mohr situation, so as 2 keep it all as non super ass elaborated here as is humanly damn possible YO? It is almost as mysterious as all of the other unknowable's of the Castaneda bag of genuine wizardry, so I can only make a real concerted and bold effort 2 do me' best 2 bring this 2-U in some organized and fairly succinct way folks. I am putting lotsanlots of personal inhibitions and frustrations into full and complete abeyance here, and will now trudge onward 4 all of U out there. Try and understand that I was a little kid in my current human lifetime during this wild magical period of going 2 Atlantic City and seeing the great SARAH. She never spoke 2 me nor told me her first or last names, only telling me her name in a dream at the end of 1969 and I did know her first or Christian name as I would hear peeps indeed calling her by that name several times right there on Tennessee Avenue (10-SC), 4 short, and used in Mountainpen's Morianity. One thing was 4 absolute sure however, an dyes, even B4 she was able 2 bring me her wild magical dream where she took my chain away from me, out of my hands on the beach and we were then at her shop and she was placing it into her middle dresser drawer that was located in her bedroom in that shop, in a piece of furniture that exactly matched the piece that was also in my apartment bedroom; so the middle drawer was the one in-between one lower, as well as one upper drawer, on both of those waking world furniture pieces of my bedroom in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, as well as in Sarah's dream-realm bedroom down in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. Misses Bassler insisted time and time again on many of our telephone conversations, that this place that I was describing was a hotel, and there was definitely no shop there, and folks there MOST DEFINITELY WAS A GODDAMN FLAGGING SHOP THERE, and nobody is gonna' tell me that there wasn't; and I'll get the truck up in a court of law, and swear under damn ass court oath, that I was in there 2 or 3 times between 1965 and 1968 buying candy as well as one time,a plastic beach pale and shovel. It was there, it may have been a shop on a first floor area inside of a hotel, but she insisted vehemently that there SIMPLY WAS NO SHOP, ONLY HER HOTEL, the Piccadilly, and across the street she also owned the Bolivar Hotel, that lovely Sara J. Karge also purchased and loater burned it 2 the ground, and all of this gets beyond wild and complicated and split fan blades into so much alternate TOSE realities, that I could not lessen and simplify it all into any one or even any twenty damn long blogs, as it is just way 2 goddamn much folks, YO YO AND NAUGHT BOUNCED ALL AROUND WITH GREAT 1988 COPYRIGHTED MUSICAL PROJECTS from 20 years into the antimatter space (the future)!!!!!!! WOW-THAT, PHHH. Just don;t keep telling 'all of your freeeenz', Mizz Karge, and Mizz M.T. Moore, that your poor ole' innocent transdimensional hubby is just a clown, okay KING KONG JOHN??????????????????? Oh those damn ever powerful ROSE SHAKESPEARE AND ROSE GARDEN SECRETS, boy weerlld, how about what Tom Speers told me at the hospital the day after flicking Christmas, concerning me' mom getting drunk all the goddamn time due 2 her wild intense FAMILY SECRETS? Gimme' a break here lovely Mizz Margie!!!! Upline, there is something that exists that ain't no damn bit different than right here. All of us have our thoughts 2, as did UPLINE LOVELY SARAH OF 10-SC AVENUE, only she was thinking of her upline “That Boy”, and then the thought wave downlined just as all thought-waves do, forever and ever. Remember that bible verse that says, “World without end, AMEN”? Well folks, this is what that is all about, in absolute truth. And yes, it never started and there is no original upline, nor will it ever end, as there is no final downline. Unlike 'daughter-universes' as may scientists began calling them in some of their brand new theories, and formula-based new concepts; this is an entirely different and other separate thing. It is so gigantic, that no human words can tell it, yet I am indeed stuck with the truth of it, and yes, there R indeed a small trickle handful few out there, such as Billionaire Sir American-Rocket-Boy, not 2B confused ever with Trump-named Kim from Korea North; but yes, there R a few who know that this entire world here is just my Sarah's upline thought that is all becoming realized as our reality, and it truly is just that John Red-Code-named SIMPLE; all of U great and beyond awesome CIA dudes and duddesses out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's 5 minutes shy of eight on this 7th evening in September of 2023, and I am about 2 post this up after taking a short whittle tea and candy break 2 give me a wee tad bit of energy, as I am completely and totally busted out and down 2 a sock cucking frazzle, oh gwate peeps out there, and U-2, Sir Elmer Warner Brothers FWUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Blog start time: 11:15 Ante' Meridian


Another lousy ass weekend is beginning 4 me folks. My fucking flash drive has been corrupted and the machine is attempting 2 fix it while I'm now typing this blog up. I must have pulled it out of the library computer system B4 doing the correct steps first as I now get some dialogue box and prompt 4 me to have the system effect a repair and it still has not completed this, and I doubt that it will. Most likely next week I'll need to purchase a new five dollar E-drive at the library and bring it back home, and C if I then can get it operating so that I can cut and paste (CAP) my blogs beginning with chapter 0026 to it, and then go back 2 the library again to CAP it into a word-document, and from there correctly coded-post the new quality blogs up onto my blogger dot com site. U truly have to be a wealthy goddamn person to operate a computer today unless you're naught under some beyond fucking bizarre curse such as me with my endless shit eating HUNTINGTON CURSE officially beginning around 1,000 BC. Here is the fucking shituation Inspector Kent-Soup Louigee Henderson, sir: I will have to buy another drive for five smacks at the library, but I'll also need 2 have someone in here like the BBGS dude again, to get this all working 4 me, and it is my fault 4 not making sure it would all work when he was already in here B4, last fucking ass Sunday folks. B4 all is said and done, in order to post up quality-style-properly-coding blogs to the BLOGGER-SITE; I'll most likely need to push another 21 fins out of my pocket (105 bucks). My latengrate pal Mister Roth always referred to 5 and 10 dollar pieces as fins and sawbucks. How I really mother fucking miss those great ole' days, me' kind folks out here, and a few 'unkind ones' 2 of course, YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BRO!!!!!!!

The main thing still is that I am indeed able 2 type out my messages 2 the blogaudianship here, so unlike last weekend, I am naught just going 2 go right to a fucking BOTBAR DAY, and in fact, part of me really expected something 2 go wrong today with this, as just about all things in my hellish fucking life IN FACT DO GO WRONG TOTALLY & ABSOLUTELY, so knowing me folks, you all realize, and lovely Sharon-HTHS as well, from back in 1967; that Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr PLAYS THE PERCENTAGES OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO, Sir Arthur Crane, chime in now pweeeeeeze Mister wonderful Chester-Frank with your mighty and ever so cool, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!

Yes folks, I am botbur today at a quarter shy of noon, but aha-aha-aha-Amanda Harris Amanda, 'NAUGHT BOTBAR'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO, moving on here Mister Crane Sir from TCE (Thompson Consumer Electronics) of 1992, I was in a wild dreaming interaction this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, and the dude who played the part of Captain Cragen, or however his name may actually B spelled in the “Law & Order” television show, was part of this wild nocturnal interaction-fifth dimensional hyper-space experience (5-DHS). I lived not that far from where I lived B4 coming here 2 Florida in 12-2009, right in or around Hammonton, New Jersey-USAESMWG, and had just landed a good security job that gave me a full time plus 8-hours overtime, at a base pay-rate of 17 smacks per hour. The lady boss was very nice, and things were great; and I planned to move nearby to the job that was situated not all that far from the County Line Road and Route-309 intersection other job in Pennsylvania, that you have all heard me tell about upon numerous occasions; the Roadway Trucking place. I was also one or two decades younger in this experience, than I am here in my current waking life. Things were great other than 4 the fact that the dude who is the actor who plays Captain Cragen was involved with me, naught professionally but personally. I only remember and recall the main theme of it. UC peeps, B4I began the job, I drove down here to the area I am living at, Fort Pierce, Florida-USA, and I appeared to have a residence a couple blocks away from the Melody Lane Public Library. The Cragen dude seemed 2B one of the bosses that I was dealing with in my current situation, yet I am still unable 2C and understand how and Y my life seemed 2B happening in both New Jersey as well as in Flowerland-AKA Florida-USA. The big honcho over all of us in this place where I was working near my house here in this wild dream, liked me and did not like the Cragen dude at all, and they were always exchanging the evil eye look between them when they'd pass each other. Also, where the library as well as the hotel system across the street 2 the south of it is here, over there, was one very large office building that was ten or more stories high, and was extremely large, covering more space than the average building does even in a large city such as Philly or NYC, and I know as I have lived in or been in both of these place upon numerous occasions here in my waking life. The dreaming experience was extremely wild and vividly real, more than the average nocturnal experience one might say. We all know that 4 the majority of peeps who remember their dreams, as everyone does dream and this has been REM-proven by dream institutes and extensive scientific data conducted on this subject; that indeed our dreams come in what may B classified as intensity-levels. Rating our 5D-HS experiences in levels of intensity, of say perhaps one through five, with five being most intense and one being least intense; then allows us should we take it even further and begin 2 keep a record of it for our later perusal, so as 2 then C the unmissable parallel 2 the way waking world events then go on 2 correspond with our dreaming intensity levels. With me anyway, I absolutely know that if I average the DIL's out (Dreaming Intensity Levels), and also keep a record of the OTAMMIC HARASSMENT and death siege PERSECUTION (OHDSP) when abbreviated & shortened, that is going on around me right after waking up, and then going through my waking world day; the DIL's do indeed mother fucking match up on a near PERFECT CURVE over endless time periods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like super ass MACY-WOW-WOW-WOW bank truck STACEY'S. As some may love 2 say it here folks, “Imagine that”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's now a quarter past noon on this hottish stickyish Saturday early afternoon here in sunny Flowerland-FP-FL-USA, and WEIN-SOSO, in other freaking words, YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been outside as of yet today, but by quarter shy of eleven I did need 2 put my AC unit on. Until middle March or even later, I shut it down at bedtime, and then place it on with the auto-temp-setting at 79 degrees Fahrenheit. My mother fucking utility bill was pennies under 152 bucks and just came in yesterday's mail. When I first moved into here, this utility, the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) billed me at approximately middle high nineties monthly in United States Dollars (USD). It has gone way up as has most things around all of us in this lousy miserable mother fucking goddamn life. U all know this and don't need the mother fucking Mountainpen 2 tell U any of this damn ass bullshit. My beef however is two fold, as just about all shit with me always is, and U all know that as well, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO-HA, ME' GREAT BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I requested being placed on their budget averaging plan a year ago once I had resided here at this new place for one year. Most utilities offer this, and they do as well. My average was set at $117. I told them to PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE allow me to overpay by a fin or a sawbuck monthly so as to avoid a large 12-month usage-overage payment, as mine now is $109.39. Next month's bill will come in and then I will need to pay at least this much overage amount in addition. I begged them three times throughout the past half year to up this average and they refuse 2, acting like I am nuts 4 making a big deal out of it. No rich large concerns in this nation care one tiny bit about the poor. They scoff and laugh at us and go right on endlessly mother fucking trying to make our already lousy rotten goddamn lives worse and worse, and they THINK IT IS MOTHER FUCKING FUNNY, A LAUGH FOR THEIR STINKING ASS AMUSEMENT!!! Next months bill will most likely B a whopping mother fucking $260.00 plus or minus a tolerance possible amount of twenty bucks, and YO, I ain't got mother fucking loot like this, U goddamn cock sucking son of a bitch pricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Social Security does not pay these high benefits to its recipients, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and all my mother fucking life, someone or some thing out here is doing their best to keep me down, oppressed, and sub-poverty poor, no matter how goddamn fucking hard I try to tighten my belt and live on a super strict and austere budget, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! My utility bill is in three parts, and all three go up and up and up, just like that endlessly crooked evil twisted criminal Dow Jones Industrial Average stock market system. I pay ELECTRIC so they can pump in DIANA (electron) throughout my residence 4 me 2 draw on as needed and can B afforded, then I pay for waste-water-sewage disposal service, and finally 4 water supply itself. My original bills were approximately 20 bucks for water, 20 bucks for sewage disposal, and 55 bucks for DIANA (electricity). It first merely inched up, and then later it began to mile up, and if I am permitted, Uncle Babylonian Heinz Banker Gottwald of 1972 SIR, to create another 2 NEW MORIANITY-WORDS here, I will now add in that things all over the place are 'miling' up and that this utility bill has 'miled' up. Things, especially UTILITY BILLS AND FOOD PRICES, simply put peeps, are not inching up any longer, but for half a decade and in an ever increasing parabolic and inflating way, R endlessly miling up, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Social Security benefit is 1,259 bucks monthly, and with this; I am supposed to pay high rent, buy unfathomably high priced food items, keep a clunker car running both operationally-mechanically, as well as legally, pay for entertainment such as any kind of TV and internet service, and cheap phone service, and on and on, and this is supposed 2B a country that I should just love and praise and B so goddamn endlessly loyal 2, huh world, well; maybe Dick Nixon ain't a crook folks, but I ain't a stupid man either, Count Quentin Petofi and Barnabas Collins, and with or without the 49th I-Ching-Hexagram, or 4 that fucking cunt eating ass matter YO, the Hexagram of Deliverance, whatever its number is as I have forgotten that from back in 1996 when it came up 4 me that late night twenty minutes B4 Pearl Harbor day. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, sir Chester-Frank, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now on top of this, in order to post groupings of quality-coded CAP-blogs to this blogging website BDC, I need 2 now spend an additional 105 smackeroos so that I can make this mother fucking goddessdamn flash drive system properly operate, great kind peeps out here, except of course 4 some total shit eating pricks who know just who they R, as I simply said Mizz 1983 phone company Blake, “DO NAUGHT, mahm'”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 24, 2023

Blog starting time is 1:31 P.M.

Every day is hot and miserable, once I get used to the short coolish winters here in my area, and by late February and into early March of each year, it begins growing hotter B4 my blood can thin out all the way to a more summertime-normal, and for a month or two, it is really hellish. Also yesterday folks, I spoke too soon about my recycle pick up, as once the truck came to pick up the regular trash, I assumed they would come back for the other blue-bin shit only for two weeks now, nobody came. Maybe it is another month of strike as this happened once B4 sometime last year if my memory is serving me correctly. Hopefully this will get resolved B4 spill over starts occurring all over the park. YUK!

Every single day, the stock market is UP-UP-UP-UP. Am I wrong here, me' lovely giant-Gina of the nineties? Your 'little cream puff' is just wondering, you lovely awesome girl! I have had some really bad recent times as you all know, and am by no means out of the Rokerneck-Woods, huh Al ole' pal? Jetties and all, huh great Weather Channel? WOW THIS, Macy Club! Yes I am online, and have some small TV type of service allowing me a wee bit of entertainment and ability to get some news items here and there, and I have my landline phone service back; and all for a much more reasonable rate than I had B4 in the pre-May 11, 2022 times, but still Al, I just ain't out of your neck of the trees yet, kind sir!!!!

I mention this stuff ONLY BECAUSE the parallel event nightmare that I've been suffering through now for nearly 37 years since August of fucking ass 1986, is driving me beyond up a goddessdamn wall at light velocity cubed and definitely many times, weapon-arsenal CUBAN! So pweeeeeeze Sir Chester-Frank, do it willya' YO? “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe that it's nine minutes shy of trucking ass two of the clock on this again, hot & sticky middle Friday afternoon here, in sunny-Flowerland, that's AKA by most peeps, FLORIDA-USA. AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA and Amanda Harris from “DARK SHADOWS” television show, YO YO YO ME' BRO. BUTTTTTTTTTT, big ass BUTT peeps, let's now talk a wee bit today on this whittle bwog about this, and other related topics as well, shall we peeps? Anyone who truly knows what I've been dealing with ever since the goddessdamn nineteen-nineties with my wild unbelievable and outlandish search and quest 2 locate the great lovely SARAH KRASSLE (Singularity in NEAR-PRESENT-human form), knows just Y this Dark Shadows TV-show character is so connected and part of this entire nightmare Dogtown hellish fucking total mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need not B some great big brain-trust rocket scientist 4 crying out louder than dog shit stinks! First off, we get powerful physical resemblances and this was all two decades ahead of any human world scheduling systems of course, and then we get occupations of similarity in entertainment, and then we also get the spaced apart time periods with me and AH when we factor in Sarah Callio's lovely and awesome grandmother, Mizz S.J. Non 'Dreams' or 'Works', KARGE! Also and without needing to prove anything, ever since my demo-tunes were first done at the Maxfield Studio on Beidamin Avenue in Cherry Hill, New Jersey across from the at-the-time Garden State Racetrack; at least one, and perhaps all three of those 'DREAMWORKS GUYS' have had covert secret connections to me, those dance tunes, and other stuff too intense and wild to even attempt 2 tackle here and now today on this blogging chapter, Spielberg, Jeffin, & King, and how can we miss that freaking 3rd name there folks??????????? BUTTTTTTTT, big ass Muscles Mo & Mili-2-Force BUTT folks; shall we move this along now, YO YO YO-HA, me' BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???????????????? Anyone can C tons of connections in all of this with SARAH, with me, with that 'DS' TV-show and its characters, such as the antique SHOP, and Sarah's shop as in “Your friends R in there”, and on and on; but this says absolutely nothing next 2 the fullness of everything that's involved in all of this Morianity that began indeed in 1969 with its original and later burned up texts, as in the Leviathan Book on the TV-show, and Russ Thaxton coming over to my apartment that late night 2 burn it up, and on and on and on. The antique shop was purchased in the show by Megan and Phillip 'WHAT'? Well, it wasn't a “ransom 4 many” 'reale' estate brokers, as in employee Sir Scott Ransom, who informed me that “very powerful people were in a conspiracy 2 stop me from being able to ever sell my Cramer Hill home”, and yes, this story has been publicly shared and published, officially, and copyrighted in my 1988 musical project called, “Epitome of Harassment, Part 2”, while I was residing in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, at 114 West Central Avenue. The entire time spanning just over a year on this great sixties TV-show, 'D.S.', that pertains super-hyper-HUUUUUUUUGE time with my story, all begins with the introduction of David Selby into the show, the dude who played the character of Sir Quentin Collins. This began with a magical-spiritual telephone connection; oh gorgeous phone company employee from 1983, Mizz Blake. As with me, no human source could have been responsible 4 being able to speak to the characters on the other end of the phone, mine, or little Amy Jennings and David Collins. This all starts here, and then slowly twists and turns, and mysteriously winds into the plot of the great Astral Plane cult, which in real truth on the Astral Plane, is known as the Briggbase, and also as the one third of the great Astral World Authority (AWA); making up in total, the name of the astral government so 2 speak, and is called the MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Rather than go into the literally hundreds, if not thousands of major ass connections of all of this nightmare mess here; I will begin 2 only insert a few things at a time, as one blog follows another, and so forth folks. If I thought that I could hold your attention properly, I would say so damn much fucking stuff that you would most likely B left half insane, just as was poor old 'Roadway-Trucking job of Pennsylvania', Sir Joe Padgett! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! So 4 right now me' great wonderful folks out here, other than of course 4 those trying 2 shut me both up as well as down, TEE-HEE-HEE lovely Mizz all-over-again lover-girl Lilly Munster; allow and permit me pweeeeeeze 2 wrap up here by discussing just a small ending epilog 4 y'all, YO YO YO ME' BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like randomly pasting in something, and then ending the blog with a quick discussion; and I of course am totally clueless 2 what is about 2 happen, and folks, I swear this on my eternal salvation, via my LORD Jesus Christ, and on HIS blood. So “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, Sir Chester Frank!



Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me on this 00000 day and this 00000 day in February, of the year of 2019, on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

Don't die on me, or get all 'snowed in' there, Ed. I hear the Soviet Union gets its share of fantastic blizzards. WEEEEEEEEEEEE, Chester Frank! You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits? To start with my great and wonderful people, I could make a VERY ANGRY MOTHER!!!!!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.


So exactly where does the Mountainpen fit into the grand scheme of shkit?

Oh the gods and 'Tammie little doctor-girl', PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE just tell me true, willya'????????

Gee willagars great peeps, just what is 'reale'?

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I have three wild unique DON cuzz's, YO!!!!!


The reason for this blog is because I am back to getting annoying shit from my upstairs nabe continually now, along with other fucking bullshkit, such as being awakened with another power outage this goddamn shit eating screwed up frucking moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, somewhere around eight of the clock! Shortly later on they moved out, but in came Mister Spanish-dude-#605!!! Holy Holly Molly Moley Hollister, when I begin blogging after a quarter decade shut down shortly, it will B September of 2022, and then all this will B history. BUTTERCHEESE and BIG-ASS BUTT WOMO-Muscles MO-Monique, like WOW!!!!!!! The middle cuzz in all honesty spent his life in Hawaii and I know little of him. I know a lot about the other two, and we can get more into this later on peeps.

'HO-HO-HO', STEVE & 'SANTA'-PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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© 2006-2019, results below as of 01-19-19.

On Blogger since January 2006, Profile views – 3,354

The few things that are not completely 'dot-connected' yet, I truly believe will be, once that marvelous PROJECT BLUEBOOK show is completed, if HALLS FAWCES/MILI-2-FORCE permits them to fully air it. This Fascitar Astral Projection information was to get me primed for 'CONTACT', and then the 'IMMC' made sure to start a company and create the contact-machine, my 'Privecode'. Then in-between those two events was my 1980 Love Is For Carpenters interaction”. It not only fits, but it is symbolic as in the lightning code of 1-2-3. So, to quote Superman, as he said to Inspector Henderson, regarding the mobster crook, Louigee; (1) Patty made sure I would get the info from that school, and order the Fascitar info. (2) I was primed for contact, and half a dozen years later came the Paula King 1980 LOIS FOCA DREAM. (3) 1983 came, I left 1802 Robin Hill for 134 Norris Avenue in Atco, plugged in Privecode, and to quote Doctor Emil Farmers Skota of L&O, “I was cleared for takeoff”!!!!! Now shall we examine some more horrendous lucking bullslit in greater detail with additional alacrity and succinctness; me kind and wonderful Blogaudians? Just as the day that I opened up me wee whittle blog, kind lads and lassies out here, in early January of 2006, and Blogger dot com asked me the great question, to wit I retorted with me somewhat world famous whittle answer, as copied below. I will now respond to a few ideas recently posed to me by me' new group of interested cove-club members; that I believe just may have been secretly organized by me' old pal from half a duzz years back, 'AD-6'!!!! Don't die on me, or get all snowed in there, Ed. I hear the Soviet Union gets its share of fantastic blizzards. WEEEEEEEEEEEE, Chester Frank! You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits? Well to start with, I could make a VERY ANGRY MOTHER. Tee-hee-hee, lovely Mizz Lilly Munster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The reason for this blog is because I am back to getting annoying shit from my upstairs nabe continually now, along with other fucking bullshit, such as being awakened with another power outage this goddamn shit eating screwed up fucking moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, somewhere around eight of the clock! Upstairs nabes replaced by next door S**K dude; Clarence Harris, sir!!!!!

He knew back in late 1997 all about Satan's Replacement Technique (SRT)!!!!!!!

Yes great world, as time keeps passing, we all put more and more jigsaw puzzle pieces endlessly together, such as the NABES of 601 Avenue B's hellish PEE-HA-Building, and the mighty 'Mister C. Harris of 1997 recognized', SRT!!!!!!



FORGET STAIRS, CATS, CARS, AND CHASES, or greenlines from 2011 Youtube pages!!!!!!!








So in the afternoons I would enjoy Sesame Street, and then there were those other two shows, “The Electric Company”, and “3-2-1 Contact”. This is a very major thing here. The magic numbers of 1-2-3 in reverse, and ELECTRIC. Well, I don't know about Electric Avenue or getting higher, BUT I HAD BEEN CONTACTED, MIZZ AT&T BLAKE!!!!!!!!! That much I do know, and whether someone was trying to drive me crazy or NAUT, Mizz B, this all happened, as did the wild song too. The first two songs that I wrote not counting preteen childish tunes and stupid lyrics, were both in the year 1969, and they were written closely together in the warmer part of the year, the first one in early June of 1969, called “That's The Way It goes”, and the other one in the middle of July, called “Burn With Fire”. They both have extremely major significance, even though the lyrics are teenager shit, and at first glance may appear mundane, insignificant, and unimportant on any major human scales that measure any of the stuff being discussed on this blog. Both of these songs lead directly to the incredible and mighty super goddess, PAULA KING of Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. Now for some time in my forties, I was under the false impression and delusion that her friend Sarah Callio was the major player in all of this. Indeed there was and there is a SARAH KRASSLE who appeared to me in a powerful DREAM-VISION, every bit as incredible and inconceivable as any of the visions given to prophets in the holy Jewish Bible (KJV) and other versions of the Hebrew Bible, that discusses Jehovah-God. I now totally believe that PINK GODDESS is the force that surrounds our MILKY WAY GALAXY, and SHE is Almighty Scylla Jehovah Goddess AKA the TRIPLE-GODDESS, and AKA countless other names. The FASCITAR method of intentionally going 'OOB' is a powerful way of controlling dream-traveling by our spirit part of ourselves. This is what the magical school taught, and I fully believe it was part of or in some mysterious way connected with and into, the school at the Cherry Hill Ellisberg Circle in Jersey back in 1970, that I attended while also attending the Cooley Hall Bancroft School. But I also believe that both of these chapters in this same school had a headquarters elsewhere, and one of them was done by way of a mail order system, quite advanced for the times, don't you think. After-all folks, mail order studying by way of online campuses was just not available in those days. It is all a part of our new age digital days revolution. Still, the entire school, the mail order part that Patricia Hollister seemed to somehow be connected in and through back in those days, as well as the physical structures, are all merely a mortal world counterpart of this otherwise known as the Teck Bay Mystery School of Province Olympia on the Astral Plane or the purgatory as the Catholic folks use the term, and not fully understood by them by any means. OOB by the way stands for OUT OF BODY, and I nor Morianity made up this term or abbreviated system. This has been around for a long time, along with the two cousins, NDE, and OB, for Near Death Experience, and simply and quicker said, Out-Body. Mortals on the Earth Planet, except for the spiritual few who, unfortunately for the very most part, misuse their gifts for profit and material gain, which totally in the long run, circumvents the system, since materialization and the energy astral worlds/realms are about as noon and midnight as anything can possibly ever be, but still; most people here awake and so-called alive, cannot see the linear time illusion and insist on seeing existence and life and beyond it so backward and in reverse, that they insist on calling OOB stuff, out of body. We all are simply existing in a timeless purgatory. We dream off of it in what the world of cosmology labels as the still completely unknown “big-bang” or singularity that blew out into plank-time, and then from there, into all of this. Continuing to see the truth in reverse will always make people say things such as the 'afterlife' or 'out of our body' as if any of that is true. Only the great religion of light and sound or Eckankar peeps know that we do not go anywhere during what they call 'soul-travel'. We don't. It is a realization, just is what happened to me in Atco in 1983 when suddenly all infinity was revealed to me despite my being trapped in a time dimension here, and awake in this body. The Fascitar is just a tool that creates the magical bridge if you will, allowing CONTACT to be connected up, between us here, and us there. Now I do not ever mean to say that we here are the gods, and the great Hebrew Bible does reveal some powerful stuff about us becoming as they are in HEAVEN, equal to them, this is all in there. Equal in awareness is the truth here, not in a true value of energy. We simply are NOT AS HIGH AN ENERGY VALUE as are the COINS or the COILS. This is just simple reality, or to quote the mighty and cool Mister Dennis Snyder from up there in Jersey, back a decade or so ago, “That's just reality son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blood type--A neg. & Eye color--green-hazel


With no help from Disney, nor any goddamn thrills, or joys, of fifth grade classmates named Deborah T. Just wait 'till late 2022!!!!



Speaking of the great and non-OZ powerful awesome and quite illustrious, when naut in bed with, or making deals, with gargantuan musical artists, such as the BEEGEE Music Group in 1980; United States Copyright Office, of the real and true swamplands of Washburn's WASHINGTON non Mike Soft District of Columbia, 13-600; and or any connected secret museums out there somewhere, huh Roy ol' pal; as soon as I had moved into this 'FARM OUTSIDE OF HADDONFIELD' as I telepathically heard those exact words and then spoke them very prophetically several times, to the illustrious educator/mathematician named Sir David Leigh Smith of the COOLEY-HALL; it all went into motion in some cosmic chess game the size of a fucking galaxy. In no time at all, KEYBOARDS FROM PETAHELL was all a part in this mix of hellish fragmented jumbled up puzzle pieces spat directly out of the mouth of the devil itself. Within a couple of weeks or so, I was GIVEN THIS WILD DREAM where Paula King or some unknown Atlantic City GODDESS who I have come to call the (Pink Goddess Scylla Jehovah of Sahasra Dal Kanwal); totaling blowing the minds of the Eck masters as well as the late Sir Marcucci on or under all roads or train tunnels of the great Mother England and its great 'other' QUEEN may I add; I mean really, we have to keep James Bond happy or he and the American Milituforce will really let me fucking have it; but still, along came that wild vivid dreaming interaction and that UNFATHOMABLE 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS' SONG (LOIS FOCA) as I've shortened it into on these BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen). And here comes the expected MOUSE-JUMPING HACK (H-1), right on schedule, SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, SIR, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here comes the mother fucking also quite reliable and dependable other famous hack, the (`~HACK) (H-2), SHERIFF SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So folks, the Copyright Office has played two major parts without even getting into some future other parts that once this foundation has been properly laid and addressed, we can further delve deeper into. The BEEGEE's and their complicit willingness to side with power and against the small fry nobody music amateur, me. Then the deal where as soon as I sent that demo, along came the Atlantic City wild dream with the LOIS FOCA SONG, and for those who think that dreams are just nonsensical things that just randomly occur, well, you just go on being eternally damn stupid as shit, because YOU ARE MOST DEFINITELY IN MAJOR ERROR with that point of view. Three more SPACE BAR HACKS just happened, yo. Usually I do not even mention all the hacks as they (H-4-6) happen in REALE-TIME, but today, I'm making a point, and “just saying”! So TEE HEE HEE, Mizz Lilly Lovely Munster! Here comes the BOX SCREEN HACK now Sheriff, (H-7) where I go to change color on a word which normally works just fine, but once in a while that stupid box pops up on my screen with all sorts of complicated fucking menu option prompts and I just 'X' out of it and go back to using the normal color box, and here comes another SPACE-BAR-HACK, so you get the picture Sheriff, of what these diseased fucking monsters love to endlessly put me through, and this is merely modest harassment (H-8)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So shall we now continue onward with the FAMILY OF WASHCLOTHS that time warps in-between the 1970 and the 1980 deals, where first I am in Haddonfield's illustrious Cooley-Hall, and then I am ACTUALLY IN THAT PREDICTED PLACE THAT I AM YELLING ABOUT, 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, in Voorhees, New Jersey, that really was a farm outside of Haddonfield back in 1970 as Robin Hill was not yet built, and it was A FARM. Psychic visions or abilities are very fucking misunderstood here on this level of human waking world conscious awareness. I won't bother to list all the hacks any more, as we are up to at least number thirteen or so now, SHERIFF, but you get the point, hopefully anyway!!!



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Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)




6 DECEMBER, 2019









Gimme' a while 2 analyze these CAP paste in's folks. This is more damn ass fun than a barrel of monkeys in a cage with the entire MISOE with poison on their claws and angry from just being beaten by some nut case lab-technician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, February 23, 2023

Blog starting time is 10:56 AM

It's a late morning here in my town on the southern east coast of good-ole' America, and my Thursday trash and recycle workers have just picked up my junk 4 the week. Later on perhaps when I go out for some bug spray, sodas, ice cream, sea-salt, and a few other staple items that will completely exhaust my Humana Benefits card for the month of 02-23, I may stop off at the library with my flash drive and shoot up this blog chapter as well as a C&P job of those B4 it that have no quality as a result of some strange inability 2 properly code the posting the way it is actually printed up on my open-office word-program. As of yesterday's close out on my life charting-system, my MPB spread for February over the year of 2023 is at a resisting point since the earliest days of the month, at a minus 5, and remember that minus on anything pertaining to MPB is a positive, not a negative. In fact, 4 actual charting purposes, if the spread is ZERO, a 50 score of the spread is given, and then whatever the spread amounts are each day, the sign is reversed, so yesterday is at a point of resistance 4 me holding at 5. The month is at 27% 4-MPB, and the year is at a 32% 4-MPB, remember that MPB stands 4 (Magnetic Percentage 4 Botbar). In other words, all the points R now resisting their attempts 2 fall any lower in MPB, and thus I need 2B vely vely vely McDowell 1972 Cooley Hall non-Paula King “careful” 4 the rest of this day. This is how mathematics is a tool that can B indeed used 4 extremely accurate forecasting of not only what is in store for someone, but permits their guard 2B up as well, perhaps disappointing those peeps who were discussing me some time back now on that wonderful WFMU-FM Internet Radio website, and that can be also reached simply by Google-searching the following words, “crackpots from New Jersey”. WEEEEEEEE!

How can any of U you there doubt my Morianity claims after you have seen and witnessed now on my Morianity, so much stuff over nearly 2 decades of time? It totally blows my mind every bit, Sir Thaxton from the autumn of 1969 at Cooley Hall in Haddonfield, New Jersey-USAESMWG, as you claimed that I was blowing the count's mind that day, (Mister RJL Marcucci); oh great illustrious Cherry Hill Mall record store billboard sign observer, and boyfriend of my mom's; Sir Sidney Cohen-Crown? All I do is randomly C&P, and no, typo-PBHE, naught 'C&O', as we all know that the 'O' key and the 'P' key lay right next 2 each goddamn other on the keyboard, but back 2 the 'pernt' at hand 4 right now lads & lassies out here in Blogaudianville, Sir Archibald Queens Bunker; when I TOTALLY RANDOMLY CUT AND PASTE (C&P) stuff from old blogs into current ones, it is unmissable how shit all immediately connects together, just as I've laid claim 2 for a long time now. It verifies what the mighty minded Sir Einstein used 2 call back in the days of scientific antiquity, “spooky forces”!!!!! And 4 anyone out here who thinks this is just a big ass fake out, I will submit 2 any truth serum or poly-test, ANY TIME YOU MAY WISH 4 ME 2 TAKE ONE. I have better things 2 do as well as larger fish 2 fry, than 2 sit here 4 years and years, making this all up and faking shit. When shit is a fake job, I am the first guy at the gate to tell U all that it's fake, such as my 2013 faked techno-pop musical project titled, “You'll B Crossing Over”, or actually, the harmony track on it was faked, by taking an old 1984 telephone conversation made by myself and the mysterious lab-technician who I've jokingly refered 2 upon several occasions as Doctor Carey, and then the Bonjovi peeps over in Port Saint Lucie at their marvelous music studio called AVALON RECORDING at the time and is now defunct, was able to take vocoders and sampler systems that allowed the repeating line 2B pitched to various chord sounds so that speech was turned into singing, but yes, totally faked, AKA a form of technical music, or 4 short, was simply worded in the 80's, “techno-pop”. When something is fake it is fake, and I simply enjoyed doing this project. Because the conversation was private and not from any public source since legally, artists have “rights 2 their likenesses”, or some similarly worded legal terminology, but Bonjovi made sure that nowhere in public record was this conversation such as a talk show or movie, etcetera, and so when they were satisfied they agreed 2 do the project back in 2013, and the rest, as they say, is now history; other than 4 my pernt here, Mister Bunkerqueens, sir. I will B the first guy every time 2 always give U all a heads up if something is merely “faked-4-effect”, such as my musical project was. But when I tell U all that using a library of audio or video material or a large computer file such as chapters covering years of my blogging texts, there is a magical Einsteinian HALLS FAWCE that does really honestly and truly kick in here, and I'll pass any truth test given 2 me, and would welcome taking any, to satisfy any doubter, that never ever have I intentionally tried 2 just 'create' this 4 effect, as that would indeed B quite easy 4 me to do, and THAT I'LL ADMIT right upfront 2U all here and now, YO!!!!!!!!!! Doing things like my paste-in's of old shit into new and current bloggings is actually quite a way 2 operate the SAFET, (Seek And Find Expansion Technique), 4 those who may need a quick whittle refresher on the “meaning” of those abbreviated initials, oh great camp counselor sir and king of ambiguity, and yes, the MISOE and or HALLS FAWCES, made me forget that word 'ambiguity', numerous blogs back now when attempting 2 remind my viewers about those days from 1967 and 1968 from good ole' Camp Chesapeake, in Northeast, Maryland-USA. Yeppir me' gwate folks out there, back on my first three years blogging (2006-2008), I told upon several occasions how at that camp, I said the word 'ambiguous' and was called out 4 saying big words that a 13 year old kid 'couldn't possibly know the meaning of'. I then told the group of other kids who were all there with myself and the counselor Mister Kaiter, that the word implies 'having more than one meaning'. Then the counselor went into the bungalow to retrieve his dictionary that he had near his bed, as he was a college student and who also by the way was a cousin of the then famous newscaster Mister Lester Kaiter, who most likely I am misspelling some names, as I admit 2 being a rotten ass speller. I don't deny or fake anything, it is simply naught in me' nature, oh lovely Mizz AT&T Blake from 1983, mahm'. He couldn't wait to try and make me look the fool by coming back outside with his hands on the dictionary page, saying 2 all of us kids, “Ambiguous means unclear, C, U don't know the meaning of the word”. I learned very young not 2 try arguing with adults as in those days, all it got me was a good swat, and I did naught need any of that Bob Gagnus car salesman stuff. 4 crying out fucking louder than dogshit stinks peeps, what part of having more than one meaning is not in the dictionary description of “UNCLEAR”???????? Wanna' gimme' a break here cousin Don??????????? WO-muscles-MO, and enemy-WOMO, watch out 4 those endlessly ever-proving older first three years of the BOM-BLOGS, huh folks of the MDC (Morianity Doubter's Club)????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it Mister 1971 McNulty, do it, and naught Mister A.P.K. McFly, “AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA”, and Amanda H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh good ole' McFly and daughters of Almighty EGG HARBOR CITY, NJUSAESMWG, YO. Can I die yet, oh wonderful awesome weerlld????????????????????

It is now precisely noon on this day, another doozie-whopper unseasonably warm one, even for south-central eastern Flower-land, and AKA Florida-USA. Twice, I allowed coworkers to borrow my car, something that as maturity develops through age and experience, we all learn or hopefully so, naught 2 ever do, Mizz Blake; naught under ANY circumstances, but yes folks, once 2 Mister Joe Sivo at the RPL Sound Studio Labs in Camden, NJUSAESMWG back in 1980, and then a decade later in 1990 at the great and illustrious Echelon Towers Building in Voorhees Township in New Jersey, just a quarter mile down the road from the great Robin Hill Apartments, and behind the other western side of the Echelon Mall. 1980 was worse since I was driving a relatively new vehicle, me' 1978 Chevy-Nova car. But the second lend was my clunker while I was employed as a security guard, and Mister Flash-Runner Joseph Berrios needed 2 pick up an army buddy and take him just down the road, and the army place was right behind the music studio where I had recorded the four demo tunes I did that seemingly set into motion all of this wild and beyond outlandish and unfathomable nightmare all around me ever since, the great Jan Nace's place on Beidamin Avenue, in Cherry Hill called Maxfield Studio. Yes folks of that area, most likely crappy-ass speller MWMM is misspelling that avenue where Mister Russell had his famous music store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-2-THAT-1. So shortly after I had asked my coworker at the Echelon Towers Building, Mister JB, 2 translate a Spanish song 4 me and he had done so, a song about flowers as if I need 2 ever further really prove one single ass thing about Sir Einstein and his endlessly active subatomic stringing “SPOOKY-FAWCES”, and so I couldn't refuse and say no to him, Mizz Nancy Reagan, mahm'. WEEEEEEEEEE. But right after I lent him the car for forty minutes that day, pow and Chef Emeril “BAM”, a magical MCFLY CAR-CIRCUIT suddenly had been placed in the vehicle and although of course I cannot accuse him, as without proof no one can legally accuse anyone of anything, but the 'coincidental-tolerance-level' here, oh lovely Mizz Abigail 'L&O'-TV-SHOW Carmichael, with the role played by gorgeous white hot Mizz Angie Harmon; I know what I know, but I just cannot say it 4 sure. We all have been in these situations and thus I know fully well that anyone out here is able to relate to this particular tale on this BOM-BLOG, but back now folks with the magical car circuit. The same shit happened with the Chevy-Nova-1978 car borrowed 4 an hour or two by Joe Sivo in 1980 from RPL Studio, so that he could go and do some 'super urgent thing over in Philly right across the Benjamin Franklin Bridge' from RPL. When I drove home that night, the car acted up big time, and the trunk had been messed with; and even though I did not have the enemies that I have had since a few years following those times of 1980 and RPL, I was somehow being fucked with, and 2 this very damn ass day I remember stopping at a 7-11, and calling my night-boss Mister Don Cialoni at his house, 2C if he had gotten home yet, and tell him what was happening, since he told me it was okay to trust Joe with my car, and now, BAM, I am suddenly thrust into being in a real royal fucking turd swallowing total ass mess!!! Now let me draw some of the really powerful parallels here B4 even attempting to move things on in any larger ways here, or in other future blogging texts. I had just completed my demo-tunes, the two dance and two country tunes, and the 2nd third of 1980 had come in, and it was now May, and I was now residing at the Robin Hill place for the first out of three total times that I'd B living at this apartment system over a decade of split-time ending finally and forever early in 1991. But 4 right now, it is my demo tunes that are all somehow mixed up into this fucking total ass mess from DOGTOWN (HELL) mortally. Two months after they were done and I'd been in my 1802 apartment unit, & after selling my home in Mantua, NJUSAESMWG at 112 East 5th Avenue; Joe Sivo, who had a music band himself, and was sort of like an old washed up wannabee rock and roller, nearly twice my age as I was age 25 years at the time in 1980; asked me for a copy of my demo tunes, after hearing me play a copy one night on a small open reel system near 2 my work-station one late evening. Normally he was gone by somewhere in the 7-9 PM time range, but he was working late, and just happened 2 hear my tape playing. It was right after this that he borrowed the car, and quite obviously inserted, with or without his own free will involved in the matter and the mess; the McFly car-circuit of total unexplainable magic, and that I've been dealing with now ever since, over 4-DECADES later on in human world fucking chronology. So in 1980 we have Joe Sivo's car borrowing, & leading to instantly having a McFly circuit inserted into me' vehicle, followed by a decade later in 1990, Sir Joe Berrios, both Joe's by the way in case this has some cosmic significance that is yet unknown 2 me right now, oh mighty and great DS-TV-show character, Sir Count Andreas Petofi. But the real parallel that at least 2 friggin' me is totally absolutely unmissable, is music, my music, both times; Joe #1-1980, my 4-demo tunes that began this mess 4 me that's dogged me ever since, and then Joe #2-1990, and right following within a week or less, my asking him to translate a Spanish song 4 me; oh wonderful, awesome, and quite illustrious “People's Magazine” over at magical wasteland Cifaloglio, later 2 become Waste Management (WM), and just like Wayne-Mountainpen, only without adding the other Jenny Plageman owned MMM Bonjovi future G-mail joint (Mullica Mobile Manor)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So WOW-2-THAT-1, huh great world out there?????????? UC folks, the great DSM psych book calls my type of thought processing analysis, mental illness, due 2 it bordering on 'magical thinking', which is a psychotic feature known as schizophrenia. They will tell U all that they R right and I am wrong, and that they have the degrees. Well, they're right, they do. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, big ass Muscles-Mo BUTT folks, I have my life's experiences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ziggy from 1969 at his jetty there in Atlantic City's famous Schiff's Central Pier, would of course B chiming in here now 2 say 2 all of us, “That's the way it goes”. SOOOOOOOOOOOO, please do it now, Mister Chester Frank, “WEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!


8:16 PM-EDST, and END TRANSMISSION, peeps.

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