Sunday, August 13, 2023

INECPHBI---2031---CHPT. 28


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Yes the stories that I one day plan 2 tell about the mighty Hammonton MADHOUSE-MARHOUSE, the dreaming prophecy-visions showing me the exact place months earlier, and on and on, U all know the dream vision, the one where the wind blew and the doors were all slamming. No lakehouses, no chokes, no hinges taken off doors, no not yet folks, but all later on 2 follow. Of course our wonderful modern day non-Canonized by the Roman Catholic Church's mighty 'SAFET' is right away displaying the loudest sound of all possible vibratory realities, U know, as in in the beginning was the vibration or the WORD,and the WORD was SSJKK HERSELF or better said still (ITSELF) since how can zero dimensional truth B gender-specific which instantly implies one or MORE possible types of anything? Yes, the mighty SEEK AND FIND EXPANSION TECHNIQUE taught by the 'SON OF GOD' 2 his disciple-pals long ago and was killed and removed from Biblical teachings; is an instantaneous in our face deal when we look at MADHOUSES and MARHOUSES, am I WROOOOOOOOOOONG, oh lovely ad-spot hair shampoo queen from 1980? We just do what is done and completely accepted mathematically with any and all formulas that R trying 2 arrive at truths or spoken mathematically, 'solutions' 2 a given problem or QUEST 4 TRUTHS (solutions). We begin 2 cross out the EXTRA-ITEM ingredients so as 2 first and initially and ALWAYS, bring us ever closer 2 the simplification of the solution 2B arrived at. If we take 10 million divided by 100, 4 a quick example here; how many zeros R there in 10 million? 7 of them, correct? How many R there in 100? 2 of them, correct? So we simply subtract 2 from 7 and we get 5, so using the same '1' digit that is in both ten million and one hundred, we simply arrive at the solution of one, followed by '5' zeros, or 100,000. Math when understood is anything but complicated. So also here with the MADHOUSE-MARHOUSE deal. It is about as in your face as it gets, great awesome folks out there, YO. All of the letters printed in red-font R the zeros here. They R all the exact same on both sides of the hyphen dividing line, so they can B just magically zipped off and erased from the equation, showing and depicting what then is remaining. So what is left and remaining? The 'D' and the 'R' remain. What does DR mean first and foremost 2 anyone of U out there, YO? Well, 2 me it means DOCTOR, and verbally has another meaning of number 8 since in-between the first and final letters of the word 'DOCTOR' is the remaining 'OCTO', and this will B harped on later on as it beyond major. In the original calendar system that is still used but slightly different, our month of OCTOBER used 2B the 8th month and now it is the 10th month, but still, this is why its name 'IS WHAT IT IS'; oh lovely Latengrate Mizz D. M. King. We have enough on our plate right now 2 deal with, just harping on the DOCTOR part of things, as in 'RN' and 'LPN' nurses, lab techs and so much more. We need naught try getting into more advanced future stuff such as the number of 418 which is the DR (DOCTOR) digits, since 'D' is '4', and 'R' is '18', in alpha-numerical transposition-coded order. Basic numerological teachings if we all remember this; R always in 9 digits or base #9 mathematically, without any zeros in other words, just endless 1-9 digits, so the number of 18 means adding the 1+8 2 arrive at numerological-9, so actually, Doctor is 49. There R many powerful SAFET deals 2 this number, beginning with the simplest that when it is inverted, and never underestimate the power of inversion, just as with Mister Einstein's mighty famous formula, that proves that the physical plane of mortal realm life, is actually coming from the starry spirit realm of the ASTRAL-PLANE, and just as our BIBLES told us all along, and was spoken almost endlessly by the mighty LORD JESUS CHRIST; or the Almighty I should amend that 2. Yes, when '49' is inverted, we get '94', as in 1994 when my book 'THE PERMISSION BARRIER' was copyrighted and completed, as well as that very book being the seeming-mortal world explanation 4 what caused my incredible outlandish and mind busting search 2 locate the surreal astral teenager from my past, the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE!!!!!!!!! We also get 22 years following a mind busting vision from COOLEY HALL'S LOBBY, with a Christmas Tree ANGEL, back in 1972. How does anyone on this planet expect me 2 ever ever ever ever ever ever forget such things, YO BRAHHH!!!! But let us get back 2 simply, the 'DR' that remains after all the other letter-equations R indeed, mathematically canceled out here, oh wonderful and awesome and quite illustrious and completely unforgettable, Mister David Leigh Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This 'DR' lettering remains when the other letters of both MADHOUSE and MARHOUSE R all totally canceled out and removed, which is a perfectly acceptable mathematical procedure, used since the days of Archimedes thousands of years ago, YO. Where did all of this DOCTOR-oriented junk all begin with the Mountainpen??????????? 2B absolutely honest here great wonderful folks out there, I do not know this, as it just is naught quite as simple as one and one is two. It really just isn't that simple, Mister BBO-Antimatter Redjohn Codenamed Henningsen, from 1970, OH SIR!!!!!!!!!! Today's world would require a slight revision of those BBO initials, perhaps into BBBSO, as now, it is the Big Brothers & Big Sisters Organization. So WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2 that one, Sir Chester Frank, ole' roomie-ole' pal-ole' several other dual Christian named dudes out there, and beginning with the Piquet Security Company's commanding officer, Sir Bob George!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. Continuing on with how the two letters of 'DR' remain after the mathematical canceling out of the rest of Madhouse-Marhouse, and we first and foremost cannot help but 2-C again, yes world, the 1997 phenominon of all powerhouse dream-visions, U know, those great and unforgettable (2-LETTERS), and who sent them 2 me but 'Doctor McDonaldstairs'? Gee willagars whiz fizz without any of lovely Katy-Pee's ice cream stuffs with extremely rotten service and attitudes from Abseacon, NJUSAESMWG, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT, AND BUTTERCHEESE's ALL NOTWITHSTANDING HERE; following endless COSMIC PATTERNS OF ABSOLUTE DAMN ASS PREDICTABILITY, YO! Only one true thing should ever B added here 2 all of thissssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes from 1983's marvelous AMC-soap-television show, and that is directed right 2 the NIGH-NIGH CLUB OF MAGICAL 34 DIGITIZATION AND DAYS OF OUR LIVES DOCTOR DIGITALIS MCDONALD CAREY FROM 1967, or around there somewhere; huh 'Mister Camp-Boy' Craig Slocum, and upstairs nabe, Misses Betty JOHNSON????????????? Is this powerful story naught worthy of blog hits as described on recent blogs, that would indeed happen should a good number of peeps honestly and fervently attempt using, and then going onto mastering PATTY HOLLISTER's MIGHTY FASCITAR, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO????????????? Great wonderful awesome peeps out there; my connections 2 and with DOCTORS and LAB TECHNICIANS, R naught limited 2 a few things, nor R they what merely and so far has been written about on this public forum of Mountainpen's BLOGS, known as his MORIANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IPYT at the square of the velocity of photons!!!!!!!!!!! I will therefore B going on and on 4 some time on this powerful subject, so 2 quote my phrasing type of song music in the middle 1980's here, and especially with the 19786 tune called, “Real good girl” © Mark Wayne Mohr 1986; YES THAT is a promise 2-U all, me' gwate fwolks and all gwate Fwudd-wabbits out there as well, Mister Warner!!!!

Now I've learned that attention spans of the majority of peeps R naught that long anymore in these new-age times of this 3rd millennium; so rather than go on and on with any particular subject/topic at any one point in time, we can always keep coming back like a soap opera show, and continue on with it in incremental, and more sectional ways. Right now, we will therefore go on with the topic of all things that we could say it like this I suppose, “Would B PROJECT BLUEBOOK related in some way”. I am now gonna' move onward with one of me' more fave topics that is directly part of this, in fact just as much part of it at least, IMHO, as would B the beginning of it at least 4 poor pitiful sir Mark Wayne Mohr, blog-handled as the MOUNTAINPEN. The beginning was when the prohject had terminated, only we all know it merely went UNDERGROUND, and was in no way stopped; and this was in middle December of the year of 1969, my most absolute, next 2 the year of 1980, UNFORGETTABLE YEAR of me' current and present 'me' lifetime as the human being that I am, and physically born of blood and flesh. This is the part of me that can never B with SSJKK or HER spirit DIANA (Lightning) in the true way that I wish 2B, as after-all, flesh and a whole lot of electrons just do not mix all that well. In 1969 this project went undergroumd, or according 2 our wonderful government, was terminated altogether. I know that it simply became our present day, NASA, of which there is BLACK-NASA and there is WHITE-NASA, naught 2 try and get any really good curly haired girls 2 excited here, or those born of both genders, with Christian-J names either. NASA-WHITE is of course, what we all have come 2 know and enjoy watching their program of space flights 4 many years now. NW is what we R all allowed 2 know of and B aware of, and that as the great Mister Esolph would put it so perfectly, “IS THAT and as Mister John Red Henningsen would also chime in if here; is just that simple. None of us will ever know, at least 4 a vely long glass time, anything whatsoever about BN (BLACK-NASA). This is sort of a combined 'A' letter added word from National Security Agency, with and 2, the once somewhat obscurely known of publicly, BLUEBOOK AIR-FORCE-PATTERSON system. This project that WAS ONCE KNOWN as P-B (Project Bluebook), was publicly discontinued at the exact same time that my wild dreaming vision or perhaps alien-connected or even alien-contacted event occurred with SARAH KRASSLE and HER mighty ASTRAL CHAIN deal, all went down!!!!!!!!! Now me' pernt 2 all of this is the following PB deal and 2 me way more important than what had h happened just two years or so earlier with Sir David Roth and myself at the Red Lion Eats Joint called 'SUBS & SWIRLS'. I am speaking of one particular telephone call that I made after being beyond harassed by endless private as well as military type of aerial vehicles, and thunderously loud helicopters, day after day after day; 4 more than 2 solid years since 1986. It was in late winter time in 1988, and I was living at me' Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG residence at 114 West Central Avenue. I had just copyrighted my musical project a short time earlier, called EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, PART 2, misspelled of course. U have all seen this on me' © music forms CAPPED into these blogs upon many occasions. Since I began speaking of this and doing this particular paragraph, my dirt bag scum hole motorcycle fruyucking enemies have been persecuting me going by over and over, starting ten minutes ago or so 12-noon. Death angels also began at the same time, as well as a few planes. Gee, WEIN, SOSO??? We all know, it is just the SSDD! But let's get back on pernt now, Mister bunker Sir. I phoned up the local area FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), and spoke 2 a dude named Perry, who went onto become Admiral Francis Perry, stationed at the Pomona FAA Technical Center in New Jersey-USA. I only told him that 4 a period of 2 years, I am being stalked and harassed by private aircraft's, helicopters, as well as some military air vehicles, and that even some passenger airplanes appeared 2B on some weird and very irregular aerial routes and coming ridiculously low and close 2 me and zenithing over me at guard house posts and jobs as well as places while I am driving and of course, at me' residence. I never mentioned anything about the Red Lion, NJUSAESMWG incident in the summer of 1986 with David Roth, nor anything remotely connected with the UFO-phenomenon, yet it was just as if 4 whatever the reasons were, that future ADMIRAL Perry was reading off of some official-citizen-contact card, and saying precise predicated things, such as what he told me over and over and 4 truly no good reason as it made no sense 4 what I had been telling him, “Mister Mohr, what U-C and read in the newspaper, we C and read in the newspaper”. No matter what I would say 2 him, that was his response, along with a few other bland things. Now if I had spoken stuff about the Red Lion night at the Subs & Swirls place, then we could expect this type of a response, but Y did he feel the need 2 say this 2 me over and over, when what I had been saying 2 him had absolutely nothing whatsoever 2 do with UFO junk and I mean nothing at allllllllllll??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now HALLS FAWCES R attempting 2 screw with me' computer, but the Techy showed me a lot of whittle twicks 4 me 2 compensate 4 this Spaceforce bullying. TEE-HEE-HEE MIZZ LILLY MUNSTER! It was 11 years later in 1997 when his non-Shemp howard 'nice-niece' gave me such woes whiz me hassles just a couple miles east of the Technical Center Air-Base of Pomona, at the neighboring town of Abseacon, at the Julia White Horse Pike's Dairy Queen Store. This also went down after Perry had become an admiral and had completely ignored an official letter on Congressman' Andrews' stationary, written by his assistant's Sir Steve Petersen and Sir Phil Petru. When the assistant that was there at the Congressman's Office after these two men had left, named Sir Clarence Harris, had become personal friends wit me and taken me 2 his home which was right next door 2 a good friend of Mizz Sally Starr's best pals, in a naught so nice section of Winslow Township in Sicklerville, NJUSAESMWG; I learned quite a few things, and this is where right at this home, he told me late one evening close 2 eleven B4 I then left and drove home to Guthrie Short's mansion in the nearby locale of Blue Anchor in Winslow Township also, this fantastically cool ex-marine corpsman said 2 me, “I only wish it was legal 2 fake your death, and then 2-C just who comes around 2 pick at your bones”. I remember staring at him in disbelief, somewhat awed and completely shocked at hearing that wild and incredible and nearly inconceivable statement made from him 2 me on that late summer night at his home.

Let us not forget that the odds of these 2 homes being right next 2 each other and not somehow 'universe-cosmic-non-Hewitt planned' somehow by either MILLCO FAWCES or the gods only know what Astral fawces, but the odds would B off the numbers chart as no numbers that most of U have heard of would work, so using exponents, the odds of this just happening R about one times ten to the power of 28 or better. In truth, this means it cannot just happen, and it had 2-B somehow pre-planned, predestined, and whatever the word U-R all more comfortable with, well; then use it. It just could naught have occurred, 2 quote lovely Mizz 1983 AT&T Blake. Simple as THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then comes future awesome recording star lovely gorgeous white hot Mizz Katy at the QUEEN. Clarence told me after he witnessed her mind boggling mistreatment of the both of us, “He is gonna'[ stop in his attempts at helping me 2 get 2 the bottom of my search 4 Sarah problems, as this is just 2 damn much”. This was after first being major lied 2 in a bar after we frequented 2 bars on Tennessee Avenue back in Atlantic City, and tried nosing around, and things were a total glass mess, and then we drove back 2 the mainland and Katy at Dairy Queen was monstrous with us, and me especially Later on a month or so down the road, Clarence told me, I have been thinking it over and I think that she really likes U and is just pissed off that U never paid any attention 2 her in a romantic way. I reminded him of my age and her age, and he reminded me that 2 her, I don't look like anything other than a college guy, and maybe I should have told her my age, sort of a duplication of all great middle 80's songs, and one written by me in particular called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”; and maybe I will always look 19 2 these future extremely famous recording female artists, only the magical chain had a lot 2 do with it, and naught my genes, as those song lyrics had once implied, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peeps, all of these things happened, just as many wild things have also happened 2 many of U, and U know what? I'll bet lots of US-$ to scrumptious donuts, that some of U who indeed have had lots of wild junk go down in your life at one time or another, merely do what is more Barnabas Collins and Jeff Clark Dark Shadows “sociably acceptable”, and just forget about it al entirely, or use the so-called and definitely more accepted DSM mind-book commandments, and simply insist on seeing endless rational world explanations and refusing 2 ever realize that we as physical matter, and all the junk surrounding us in out mortal world lives, is all merely a counter condition from what is really happening at our origins on the energy realms of the ASTRAL PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! But is there so much more involved with music, my music projects spanning many decades and all copyrighted, and many of it still managing 2 get legally ripped off by an extremely unfair and slanted society, that brings justice a lot more 2 those of power and might and wealth than 2 the innocent and picked on majority of loser slobs like poor ole' frikkin' whittle Mister me-Mountainpen? Gee whiz fizz willagars there sure is a lot more, and I am gonna' only scratch a teensy weensy surface of it with U all right now, so here it comes, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Television and comic book fantasy, and on and on, is totally filled with a lot of powerful truths, but instead of anybody ever just telling it true and real 2 Tammie's little doctor, oh U awesome and Latengrate Mizz lovely Sandra Dee of times long gone by from the great SPIDER-Presley days; they exaggerate it into beyond stupidity, leaving true stories laughed at, such as MOUNTAINPEN'S MORIANITY, and this truly is a quintessential frikkin' endless shame, YO!!! One fabulous example here is the I-CHING that according 2 many historical accounts which the accuracy may B in question somewhat, as who can fully know, from 45 centuries ago or so; but this incredible ancient Chines wisdom of divination from recognition of the ever changing cosmos an dits extremely complex interrelationships of all things as these changes R endlessly being made manifest; is what is known as the I-CHING, an d many SYFY and fictional legends have sprung up from this, and according 2 many of them, even the great 'Confushus', “however his name was spelled” was not able 2 ever fully wrap his head around this. On the example with the television show called, “DARK SHADOWS”, that I and so many others all enjoyed watching so much a long time ago, and STILL 2 THIS VERY DAY DO, on DVD and rerun systems; this deal is a wee bit deviated from what we learn no matter how much library research we do, or at least that I was ever able 2 learn, in what is now called in today';s modern day computer jargon so often, “REAL LIFE”. U must watch this show B4 judging my Morianity an dits author's claims of his own personal experiences by using this I-CHING. There is indeed a lot more 2 it than what anyone of U will get from any library book that I have ever been able 2 check out and read. They speak of the hexagrams involved, and there R 64 of these hexagrams, and even though never admitted to; the Chinese did invent the digital computer concept, and its hexadecimal binary system that they have been running on, ever since they were first modernly built nearly a century ago now. If U watch this show on reruns or on DVD's sold, rented, or can B library-borrowed; and then read my story of my using this upon three occasions, once as a youth in real time as I learned of it from the TV-show's characters of Count andreas Petofi and Sir Barnabas Collins; at that point and only then, will U-B in a position 2 judge this entire matter. I say that there is truth 2 this and I absolutely know it, but it is quite exaggerated from what is really happening should anyone seriously attempt 2 use this thing and copy these TV-show characters. Twice I used it as a grown up, once in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG while residing in that nightmare Barf Karpf home that altered my life FOREVER, seemingly; and then once, when a decade later in 1996, on Pearl Harbor Day, as U all know only 2 damn glass well, 2 aid me in my frantic attempt 2 locate the mysterious mind bending goddess SARAH KRASSLE from my boyhood times in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, I used it again and still remember not the number, but the hexagram that I threw, the Hex of Deliverance!!!!!! Things turned out quite monstrous and disastrous 2 say the vely least here, ole' pal Bob Cooley-Hall McDowell from 1972 and 1973 times, an dyes, Christmas tree angels 2 boot!!!!! I don't blame the I-Ching and am merely telling and reporting the story. But I am getting further and further off from my needed point here. I will speak 4 me. I saw no door, nor heard squeaky door opening noises either. My mind simply began filling up with the exact hexagram design after staring at it a full half hour, and then I would lay back and lose consciousness and then pow, I was in no ordinary dreaming interaction, and things began happening in my spirit-essence that were n no way not part of what is called by many users, an I-Ching-Trance. The most recent one from 12-6-1996 or PHD, brought me 2 a full realization of powerful needed things 4 me 2 come 2 lean and better understand, and yet it took me well over 2 decades and living in an entirely different state in this nation, B4 putting together the full true meaning of the entirety of the event, such as the Almighty SSJKK Goddess teaching me about EXPLORATRONICS, and how I am 2 endlessly need 2 wonder and guess just who around me is what they appear 2-B, and them who may indeed B indwelt by what I was now in future times, referring 2 as “Type-3-Exploratrons”, or dream travelers, literally in full or near full possession of people. This is an old religious reality with more modern and scientific diction. We all have heard of it, “possession” or more accurately and specifically worded, “DEMONIC POSSESSION”!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we must get back onto the point that in my case, I know it is all quite real, just as it was on the fictional television show, only it is indeed somewhat exaggerated 4 entertainment purposes, of course. That is only natural and 2-B expected, but still, the basic truths R only 2 damn glass real. Many peeps at least IMHO anyway, R using this I-CHING all the time, and in various degrees and amounts and yes, but on a completely unconscious level, where they R not in any way thinking about doing any such damn thing. So what exactly is the goddessdog Mountainpen talking about here with all of his seeming senseless endless damn glass ramblings and rantings???? Well, here we go, I will now tell U; so doesn't patience prove 2-B worth so much, oh wonderful grate folks out there?

I used this unconscious mental I-Ching that I know now on a very alert and awake or fully-conscious thought type of level, right now in middle August of 2023, seeing it in my mind's eye as memories; and being in my basement level of my split level rented home in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, owned by Mister Jerry Pliner in the early-middle part of the year of 1983; and working on doing a musical project that was 2 shortly B sent 2 the United States © Copyright Office Library of the Congress,and without any assists whatsoever from Sir Outer Limits McDonald Carey, Mister Zeno-Zenon, or Lenny record promoter McKinnon, although the latter of that triad-grouping was indeed a part of the project, since his conversation with good ole' Miss Chillie on the Citizens Band Radio, was 2B a part of the music project, yes sir and absolutely, YO. 4 a split second in time, I was one and the same totally merged somehow, with numerous flash points of future times in my life, all the way up here 2 this very second. I knew that I had 2 do certain things, make certain things happen on those tapes, add and include what now has been labeled by me as 'AX-FLIP-SIDES', meaning accidentally on the tapes, but there 4 powerful cosmic reasons, that would in some unexplainable way, at that back in time point; perhaps go onto both vindicate and exonerate me from many cosmic future woe-whiz-me troubles, and major hassles. I remember a future self literally inside of me, and even taking absolute control over me, while doing certain pieces and parts of these projects, and this is all a part of what in truth and not Hollywood fiction, is the I-CHING! I know this, and I am willing 2 get up in any court of law on this planet, and absolutely completely totally swear 2 it under oath, and on full pain and penalty of perjury and punitation, and I swear onto these words of utter truth right here and right now, oh world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have also told U that there was a magical girl and a magical chain, and also that the word magical is one and the same as the 5 words, realm of the subatomic energies, from which our entire waking world reality is al stemming and springing up from, whether anyone of U out here likes these truths or naught, and yes, please do not shoot the messenger. I am merely bringing the truth 2 U all. Truth is truth no matter how many liars proclaim otherwise. U can always believe THAT, even if a goddamn liar tells U this. Think about that powerful statement, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! So also a lie is a lie, even should it B spoken by an honest man, 4 whatever the outlandishly silly and WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS reason that they ever would do such a thing, BRAHHH!!!! As I said, I only request that U never blame the Mountainpen 4 bringing the truth, and if anyone ever can prove me wrong on some of these issues, then go right ahead, and watch me apologize quite immediately and sincerely 2 anyone who does, once I complete an honest and revealing reevaluation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So getting back 2 wild late 2007 vision-dreams concerning apartments on Oakland Avenue called DELLWAY ARMS, in good ole' Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, with magical maintenance dudes who go onto become fictional CBS TELEVISION CHARACTERS named Mentalist-Patrick Jane; who in those dream-visions were doing things exactly as Patrick Jane did months in the future on that television show, and took place in the bedroom where I kept my chain, and was literally my SECOND DREAM SINCE 1969, CONCERNING THE BEDROOM CLOSET THERE, AND THE CONTENTS INSIDE OF A LOCKED TREASURE CHEST TYPE OF BOX, we can go on 4 days without hesitation of me typing this tale on this little black keyboard, and still not covering all of the nuances involved here, with my entire human-present-me life, and this chain, and this entire deal; so let me fixate now on one simple thing and only that, THE DAMN CHAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 'BBO' dude, Sir John Colorado-hailing Henningsen, the state's name literally meaning, 4 those naught sufficiently educated, COLOR-RED, as in REDJOHN on that “MENTALIST TV-SHOW', RADO is Spanish 4 red, and my dad taught me this and many things about SPAIN, since his heritage was both African and Spanish when traced back three generations, or was it 4? I never remember, only that his grand pop or great grand pop, as well as his grand mom or great grand mom, was either from Johannesburg South Africa, or from Lisbon Portugal, and yes; Lisbon, as in the agent of the California Bureau of Investigation or CBI in that great awesome television show, “The Mentalist. I have a question 4 both L&O's lovely ADA's, Mizz Abbey Carmichael and Mister John Jack McCoy? Just what is your tolerance 4 these endless coincidences, oh U awesome wonderful fictional phase-4 people? JEEEESE LOUISE, Detective Joe Fontana, kind sir! Now John Henningsen became my big brother right around the time that I turned age 13 years, and I remember it like it is happening live right this damn glass second folks, don't ask me Y, but I do remember it just like that. Since I will B turning 69 years old on this coming 4 December, we all can agree that this was some damn time ago. 2 me it was yesterday, Father Lucci of the 7th Sign fantastic Demi Moore movie from 1988, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember being there at the Philadelphia Boys Club with my mom and meeting him in the office of the dude who managed the joint, a Mister Hans Worshing. This was a little crippled Holland hailing dude from the land of non Sarah Krassle silver skating brink of non Brinker death, and endless SAFET clues from Long Island's mystical movie nights, of great almighty relatives, and non Egyptian Pharaoh's and Banking-Emperor's. I believe a quick glass whittle Sir Chester-Frank 'WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS' as it may B Mister Spellchecker, but 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'. Yes, I was in Mister Worshing's mighty office as a just turned little 13 year old snotty kid, and met Mister Henningsen “4 the very first time”, as that great ole' Christmas song would say it so damn glass well, without any magic angels, lobby songs, or fulfilled future prophecies being involved in the 'cosmic' mix, or as lovely beyond white hot goddess Mizz Jennifer Love Hewitt might say it here, the 'universe'. GEE WHIZ-FIZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW. Another gargantuan and HUUUUUUUUUUUGE “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, if I may B permitted here, oh wonderful Sir UNCLE HEINZ BANKER GOZZWALD-GOTTWALD, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I no sooner met my organizational BB (big brother) when he suddenly gave me a gift, and he was naught a person who gave 2 much, take me at me' word, kind lads and lassies out here, but he most definitely wanted me 2 have that wild magical motorcycle chain. 'No doubt about it', Mizz Chillie and record promoter McKinnon, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost immediately after getting it, strange things began happening 2 me, including me' sudden desire 4 what some peeps might B willing 2 think of as perverted-vampirism. I am by no means the only person with this affliction, but I magically received this, or so it now appears 2 me; as a direct result of becoming the new owner of this wild and beyond outlandish and surreal chain, that indeed proved itself out after numerous experiences with it right up 2 the final day of its middle December of 1969 vanished disappearance, 2-B just that and a whole lot more 2 boot, YO BRO!!!!!! When I say 'affliction' and using the very same word used on that incredible and great television show, DARK SHADOWS, with vampire Barnabas Collins and other vampires that came onto this show later on with beyond wild coincidental things all attached 2 them as well, that I will now today tell U all about, but I am speaking of the sudden wild desire 2 have all of the saliva that I could possibly get, and from extremely young girls, and I truly believe that this is Y, Doctor Eyes up there in that town next 2 Burlington, in the year of 1997; “I manage 2 look as well as B so young”, 2 answer your great query 2 me. This is also Y quite damn obviously, when I stopped doing this as the society turned way 2 damn politically correct 4 my safely perpetuating my habit, I suddenly grew old overnight, and look at me now, YO, all U Hebrew secret keepers from pre-FLOOD-DAYS with your 8 times longer spans of frikkin' lifetime, YO!!!!!!!!!! Yes B-4-I forget, there was a very lovely teen girl named Roseann Delaney, and while I was living in the future-numbered-elements McDonald Carey's son Wanna' Spend My Time (WESTMONT) (125) apartment there on Gomer (PYLE) Avenue, Hollywood's not really following me around, no sir, this is all just in me' damn sick deluded mind world; there is no BRIGGBASE or LAMBRIGG ASTRAL CULT, oh no, sure, have it your way all the way over 2 the most local and closest damn BURGER KING. And the elements table didn't really have more elements that got added now did it, U marvelous wonderful awesome and quite illustrious scientific folks out there; this entire mess is all up in my deluded and psychotic sicko brain, yeah, right, sure it is, YO!!!!!!! So R my daughter's stairs, and Mike Gutherman, and all of it, oh sure, yeah, right; YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just how many (GOLLLLLEEEE's) does Sir Gomer Westmont truly have there, oh mighty awesome ME-TV-LAMBRIGG PEEPS????????????????? U-R all so far off base MILITUFORCE-MILITARY-PERRY-FAA, Bluebook, assholes grass-moles, U-R as absolutely trucking clueless as anything could ever possibly ever get, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! A CRASH LEVEL HELICOPTER IS 'ZENITHING' OVER ME' RESIDENCE at 2:51 PM, as I type in this previous sentence, oh world. I never got over the habit of making up words, and coining new phrases and 300 year old habits R quite hard 2 mucking break, so pweeeeeze twy and just bear with me, kind fwolks, YO, and SOOOOOOOOOO TANKS, and B---O---O---M!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes this lovely girl either watched 2 much of that DARK SHADOWS TV-SHOW, or who knows, lawtronics B damned, maybe she was a bit throat like Patty HHH, only with lovely Patricia, I merely refer 2 her by that name as opposed 2 the neck sucking word of her originally born surname, also known as a maiden name, AKA. But indeed, lovely Mizz Roseann was around my age in the late spring of 1969, 14 years; and every night she would walk by my 125-A apartment, and always one minute later, as it did get darker by nearly one minute per day during this time of the year at that particular parallel of the planet. I could B wrong, but was it naught a number just talked about, as in the DOCTOR NUMBER, and if I am naught wrong here, then we can call it my life up there at the Doctor-Parallel of this earth Planet, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Her name was Roseann, and this was more than a year B4 the DARK SHADOWS show ever had their vampire named ROXANNE DREW, same initials and practically the same Christian name as well. Am I so WROOOOOOOOOOONG in all of these endless Abby Carmichael, and Jack McCoy, non high-tolerances-coincidences??????? JEEEESE LOUISE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom at one time was quite the infatuated play-toy of our local mayor, or wannabe play-toy, and many conversations spoken between our upstairs nabe Misses Johnson and the Mayor, Mayor Rohr, Harriet's cuzz obviously, and producer of the Dark Shadows show, and now in long reflected hindsight so many things have all come clear 2 me, all but one. Y did my mom want 2 steer me away so badly from watching the show if she and stuff she told these peeps, was all so seemingly such a part of many things in this show? I am always the first person 2 admit when there does indeed appear 2-B a fly in the Morianity-ointment, and indeed, here is one of them! Mom even told me that she wished she could sue them 4 what the show was seemingly doing 2 me or its effects it is having on me, and 2 this day I am clueless 2 just what the slit she was even talking about. She never was satisfied, and most peeps in my orbit, family especially, R all both ingrates along with being completely insatiable people. U know, they R never ever goddamn glass satisfied with anything in life, good as it may B, YO!!!!!!!!! I mean, I never drank, smoked, had any interset in drugs, dated, cared about romance or girls, I mean what better kid could a frucking glass rotten parent ask 4, and yet, I was always the rotten glass bad guy, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and my perfect family, don't even get me started here, Sir Bruce Alan Pennock, Christmas tree future angels; magic school lobby time tunnels, bridge visions, and awesome wonderful Eckert Pharmacy employee druggists or whatever they R called in today's new-age times of utter surreal nuttiness cubed and re-squared. Maybe she would B labeled today, a pharmacist, who knows, YO?????????????????? Who can ever know diddly slit, oh Lovely 1988 Mizz Whoopee Goldberg, and 1969 Sir Ziggy Malyeska? JEEEESE LOUISE, YO BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

September 30, 2008

T/T/W/M, etcetera subtitles 2 BLOG 5 on BDCWS
Datfile: 093008.623.55 ------- Begin Transmission:

Over the weekend I watched the huge party that Philadelphian's were all celebrating, with blimps all over, and major cheering. I was in a major interaction with strange persons; a tall thin well muscled young black male about age 25, and we had been traveling to Boston, MAUSAESMWG together, and were put up in a very weird and bizarre hotel overnight. He had some good friends that were on the New York Knicks basketball team, that were gonna' help me in some way in proving my horrific and monstrous dilemma and plight. It was so real. I could feel the raw cold in the room towards late October, and the manager of the hotel turned up the heat. A strange clock and a strange telephone were placed in the room that we had been given. It had a strange interaction with each other. Someday I will tell the entire long and wild story; the strange road on the wild ride home, only not 2 any home or place that makes any sense now 2 my waking world brain and memory system. But the raw cold, and the nice heat, were more real and tangible than any feeling of temperature on body or skin in the waking world. Then I saw the blimps over the Delaware River, and on them were written things such as, 'Phillies 2008 World Series Champions'. This was a wild and far out “DREAM” pal.


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:40 PM

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Labels: ALIENS AND UFO SUPERNATURAL DREAMS MILLIONTH COUNCIL BERMUDA TRIANGLE, government persecution in league with MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Millionth Council and Bermuda Triangle

Place your mouse over the time that reads 12:40 PM, and click, and pow, U-R taken by internet magic right 2 the original blog posted one solid month B4 that incredible PHILLIES WORLD SERIES WIN IN 2008. So just really who is the great Nick Cannon? Anyone ever truly wonder, besides those who used 2 own and run the New Jersey “Gathering Place” psychic shop of Deptford-NJ-USA????? This was the dude that I went up 2 Boston, MAUSAESMWG with on that incredible DREAMING-ROAD TRIP, and was somehow 'I-CHING' or 'whatever', zonked 30 days into the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW MISTER MACY. The SAFET would tell us that the biggest towel-seepage-effect CLUES in the transdimensional trip is the name of the basketball team that he did go out of his way in this experience 2 keep telling me we were driving up there 2-C someone on this team who had answers 2 what I was and always am, suffering through with the WOMO. The original unedited-errors-copy blog posted in 2008 in black and white font, spelled or shall we say 'misspelled' the team name, not showing the 'K' letter B-4 the NICKS, and when we do remove both the 'S' letter at the end of the word, as well as the name of the team when the 'K' letter is added 2 Mister Cannon's name, as well as bearing in mind that the greatest law show ever on television, “L&O” had episodes where the team was called the CANNONS, and also was my very fave television show once I started watching it, and was then immediately and totally hooked, and we take the two letters removed from 'New York KNICKS', of 'K' and 'S', 4 none other than KRASSLE-SARAH; and nobody not entirely frikkin' lobotomized, cannot help but 2-C this incredibly powerful glass horse slit here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A moron child can C how HALL FAWCES RELENTLESSLY OPERATE with all of these things that I do online with blogging this powerful and completely unexplainably awesome information of total and utter absolute truth, surreal and outlandishly unfathomable as it is, yes indeed; and so what happens? Mizz Witchbitch Janeuglypuss Thistlethorns nails me with her page eleven of frucking eleven. I will now attempt 2 compensate now, or 2 'bunt phlegm hate', with my nice grouping of lovely five-numerations, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!

Who with a straight face, honestly believes that this is a total coincidence, that when we take the name of NICK, KNICKS, & SARAH KRASSLE, and shake it all up together; that it is not a SAFET-VERIFICATION that SSJKK is not now SCYLLA presently incarnated as MC? Who knows the legends of her incredible voice and how she would sing 2 sailors off th e rocky shores of Italy, and make them so damn crazy that they would bring their ships closer and closer in order 2 hear her better, and she got them 2 crash into the rocks and drown and perish? The legends insist there is powerful truth 2 Scylla's incredible voice, YO world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is beyond hot and sweltering around here and has been 4 what seems like DOGTOWN-ETERNITY NOW! Just yesterday in mid-afternoon, the heat index in Fort Pierce was right around 115 degrees, and it is every bit this hot every single day. 2 quote the old hot fudge sundae queen and future gal-pal of lovely Mizz Senator Hilary Clinton, THIS IS TOTAWEE AND COMPWEETWEE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKAUSS, YO!!!!!!!

My recycle & trash pick up dudes were just here, and WOW! My heart weelwee goes out 2 any and every outside laborer all over the place, as I know that I would B dead and gone in ten minutes working out in this beyond monstrous demonic weather from just out beyond Dogtown's gates, the Dogtown Bridge, and out beyond that the Low Pass Areas of Dogtown heading towards the Linelane Number 8885, that is all referenced in the BIBLE by our great LORD JESUS; and it is so true. The closer we approach this general area, only one lane 2 the far left remains 4 riding off into the great capitol CITY OF SARAH KRASSLE, mortally known as HEAVEN. All of the other more than 100 lanes veer off with HUUUUUUGE billboard type signs that read off-ramp numbers 4 DOGTOWN as well as HALLOWEENTOWN, and points beyond this. How I endlessly frikkin' wish that a thousand or more peeps would diligently practice the great FASCITAR, and trip off 2 the timeless-purgatory 2-C and witness this all 4 themselves, and then they would spread the word like wildfire on steroids, and this blog would grow in just days, 2 a daily viewing hit of millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

Peeps; things R happening around me that go so far beyond words or explanations, that there truly is nothing right now 2 have me say 2-U. I promise however that many new things will soon B in fact, opened up and well explored. I will tie in the SAFET, Morianity, my family, Jenny Plageman's trailer park up in Jersey and my 8 years of residence there, Bonjovi's engineer helping me get a matching e-mail address several years after leaving the park, and even stuff such as the Brigantine, NJUSAESMWG SKYCAR-100, the MOGOSP-AI, and believe it or naught Mister Ripley sir, even the CYBEROM, as it all perfectly fits together just as the wonderful awesome Governor Thomas Kane would say it back in those nineteen eighties times. But this is merely a tell tale of things shortly 2 follow, and this will naught B done on this Chapter 24-blog, so yes all lovely Sarah Jacobson's everywhere, 2 quote both U and your awesome dad's from long ago in the decade even shy of the Kane decade, “this is a preview of coming attractions”.

Lightning not only came around off in my distant southern skies back earlier this afternoon, but also told me as she has many times B4 as well, that I am here 2 do something extremely important and when it is fully accomplished, she will take me home with her 2 stay. I know she is telling me the truth, and I also know that the important thing is the successful origination and creation of a true religion 4 this 3rd millennium, called MORIANITY, and whether it is completely shunned and ignored 4 the next ten or the next ten thousand years, sooner or later, it will all fit together in cosmic perfection, as anything meant 2B, will indeed always come 2 pass, and yes, that is my super condensed book report from reading the KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE, translated in a fantastic collaboration by King James of England and his good pal and stage actor and playwright, Sir William Shakespeare. There R a few even now in this early 21st century of seemingly endless continuation of darkness; who know that the seek and find expansion technique or 'SAFET' 4 a shortened abbreviation here; is indeed powerful, real; and anything BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT, BUTTERCHEESE, and butt-but, insane delusions of a schizophrenic sick mind, the way the great Diagnostic Statistical Manuel would have us all believe. This blog chapter is being written now 4 only one purpose, and that being; 2 tell U all one simple thing. Recently 4 a year or more and with ever increasing regularity, we R all hearing on news clips, discussions as well as all out blatant warnings, of the science of artificial intelligence or 'AI' 4 short, and what its full effects can and will B on the general society as years keep passing by. It is my sincere hope and wish and even plea, that one of the great tests that this science can B used 4 good purposes, will B-2 someday soon, take my entire MORIANITY STORY and blog writings, spanning two decades of time give or take, and use the AI in various ways 2 indeed prove and verify that not only could no human being ever B able 2 make up such a fantastic thing, but also and this is way more damn important here folks, prove that the entire thing IS A SELF PROVING AND VERIFYING REALITY of its numerous claims that yes, Mountainpen is being persecuted and harassed, but who cares? This is obviously much bigger than worrying about one single lousy glass human being here. But just who is it that is doing this 2 me and has done this entire thing 2 me during an entire course of a lifetime, 2 quote the mighty super talented song writer, Mister Paul Simon, without any magical sibling and parental reunions being involved whatsoever. I promise U all that if U use AI in order 2 test numerous facets of this MORIANITY someday, U will all get a mind blow that even tops the great Thaxton-Marcucci 1969 Mind Blow or TMMB-1969 as I have shortened this into recently. I know 4 a fact, that I could not have ever written all of these things, not by myself, so just who is it out there in Jenny's 'universe' that is behind my 'ghosts'? Think about all of thissssssss 4 a lousy minute, me' wonderful glorious awesome illustrious Blogaudians and Morians alike, pweeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The mighty Admiral Francis Perry, B4 he became an admiral stationed at the Federal Aviation Administration of Pomona, NJUSAESMWG, told me in 1988 somewhere, while residing in Moorestown, and during my copyrighting those 2 original EPITOME OF HARASSMENT musical projects; “Mister Mohr, what U read and C in the newspapers, we read and C in the newspapers”. I never completely understood just Y he felt the need 2 repeat that three times over and over 2 me on the telephone that day when I called him, but HE DID, and without any curls or girls or wild songs of time, all mixed into this mess from DOGTOWN itself. I did naught tell him what happened 2 me and David Roth at the SUBS & SWIRLS EATS JOINT in Red Lion, nor did I do anything or say anything, other than how air vehicles were endlessly stalking and harassing me and that it all began in 1986 and was ongoing now 4 two straight goddamn years. Still, 2 quote that great song and its lyrics from the late sixties if my memory is accurately serving me here great people; this is “what the man said”. Now does all of this fit into dozens if naught hundreds of other surrounding subsets and groupings of hellishness? You can bet your glass on it Annie Costner mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a coworker who said something extremely often and was as dependable 4 hearing him say it a minimum of ten times per work shift and he did not even work on my post, but rather, next door 2 it at his post at another job site entirely. By weekday, he was a full time employed chemical engineer, an don the weekends he made pin money doing security work. His name is Sir Dennis Snyder, and here is a damn good likeness of him, and also, here is what he said so often 2 me, YO:!!!


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The Air has been quiet 4 a while with the one exception this 'moanin-moanin-moanin moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning' with a real nasty glass CRASH LEVEL ZENITH HELICOPTER ASSAULT RIGHT OVER ME' PREFAB-HOME, SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, and not PLAN, plane; not sue Hollywood, not tow, but two of the errors and use Hollywood, and all those old 2007 MMM Jenny Park days HACKS (PBHE) from days gone by now, YO BRAHHH!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Art Crane ole' buddy, coworker, and Sir; when did the plane hit and what were the circumstances? Remember me telling U all, Blogaudians, how the lady nabe 2 me' north-west, had made some promises 2 me and never called me; concerning helping me 2 secure a used laptop computer? We R friends again, and despite that, as laptops would not do 4 my purposes anyway, according 2 me' TECHY-dude, so no skin off me' nose; but remember peeps how a super aerial assault went down when I was outside in the rear yard area, between our 2 property lots; and when I told U all about the crash level airplane assault that came out of absolutely nowhere, and after a totally plane-less sky 4 several days, both while out on me' errands, as well as here at me' frucking residence? Someone in the BRIGGBASE LAMIST WOMO CULT, Earthly chaptered as the SPACEFORCE, does naught want the 2 of us on speaking terms, and screwed with me B4, not just by air assault but magically screwing up communications and voicemail systems, as according 2 her, she insists that she called me and I never got any calls OR MESSAGES, something my WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MC MACY CLUB-MILLIONTH COUNCIL is quite adept in pulling these magical tricks off, with no problems whatsoever, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me also tell U that B4 the toilet WENT OUT YET AGAIN the WOMO PRICKS had just given me a sudden nasty-glass major diareah assault Havana death weapon strike, so the two items were most assuredly in connection and in unison with each other, further proving that none of these goddamn things are merely just happening 2 me, YO kind SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, oh SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So because the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACY CLUB MILLCO IS STRIKING ME NOW, we will continue on with my discussions that began with my early blogs of 2007, concerning the CYBEROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the CYBEROM is as famous in some parallel worlds in about two more decades time, as the internet is, here in our realm right now. And extremely POWERFUL HALLS FAWCES just went out of their way during this recent past half hour of time, 2 stop me and my train of thought, just as I was about 2 embark on some stuff so beyond outlandishly incredible, that no words R there 2 explain it 2 any of U. I am fighting what the UFOLOGISTS have their own ideas about and many names and labels 4, only they refuse 2-C my truths just as others refuse 2-C their truths. Sounds silly U may think? Now can I prove this shortly? U bet your glass I can, lovely Annie Costner, in or out of heavenly Iowa and Hollywood movies, and the vely opening proof is what has happened 2 me right now this day when trying 2 get into this with all of U out there in Blogaudian-land!!!!!! This goes so far beyond anything U can know or anything anyone of U have seen on the most far out SYFY, maybe in my own mind, because I know that it is so real and incredibly mind boggling it heightens the emotional value of it 4 me, but in any case, I will now scratch the surface today because the WOMO is attacking me, YO!!!!!!!!! Then after posting, a roulette game will B played, as told 2-U all, during air-sieges, and during BOTBAR strings, and etcetera. I have talked about MP and MOGOSP, same thing. It all has 2 do with using Qbit computing on highly advanced ultra high speed systems and a software program that combines highly advanced present into future artificial intelligence programs, and other things as well. M-O-G-O-S-P merely stands 4 Motive-Goal-Software-Program. Take away the words of Goal and Software, and we R left simply with a shortened M-P, but it is the same exact thing. Long B4 the ordinary world was discussing this and long B4 our evening news broadcasts and streaming services filled the system with (AI-stuff), I talked of this MOGOSP thing in 2006 and 2007 on my blogs, and anyone of U out here can archive and know that I am speaking an undeniable power house truth 2-U, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Also in those times, hardly even any computer geek had heard much about any type of NON-SYFY brain 2 machine connectability-systems, and we do hear about the computer and science labs now today, working on this very thing, and quite seriously, with hopes of introducing numerous types of these things into our markets and yes, within this decade and by the following decade, most definitely it all will B household-accepted, and nobody will ever consider any of this 2-B 'loony-crazy-nuttiness', and or 'SYFY'!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rather the words would B, “TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE”, and completely unlike in the times of my residing at Bonjovi's MMM Plageman's great and illustrious trailer Park, of Mullica-Berryville, NJUSAESMWG. Yes sir, good old Sir Sound Engineer Ryan at Sir Anthony Bonjovi's great once existing in Port Saint Lucie, FLUSAESMWG, AVALON RECORDING STUDIO, may have let me down with that vocoder job a wee tad little bit, but naught with his great and marvelous help securing me a nice g-mail address. Thank U all, great dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has come in very handy, allowing me 2 open up necessary things 4 all of us 2 have in this rotten 21st century, such as an Amazon account, and several other things right down 2 me' Google-Blogger system, and e-mail system in general. I couldn't have done it without U, oh wonderful Ryan. Hip-hip-haray 2-U-all!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, dumb-glass mole Spellchecker refuses 2 do anything other than tell me the word is misspelled. They give me absolutely no correct way of spelling it and I wanna' flucking glass say it, so I will, YO!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE and WEEEEDEEEEEEKAWUSS, Katy Pee and Bob Andrews from 1997, WOW, nobody will believe me' life. Hey, can I weelwee frucking blame them???????????????????????????

So I talked about a lot of wild powerful stuff in those many 2007 blogs that were quite difficult on the eyes 2 read in that old style lousy blog font at BDC, so I am slowly improving the old words spoken by the MOUNTAINPEN by copying the junk back onto me' open office files, and then fixing it up in better and easier print and style 4-U-2 all C and enjoy! As 4 the details concerning my opening up discussions back then on connecting into CYBEROM, well, at least the WOMO as of yet has naught violated my civil rights and ripped off me' so-called protected and copyrighted intellectual property, as they quite assuredly did with my 2006 opening discussions with EXPLORATRONS & EXPLORATRONICS, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Imagine the internet as an entity that not your computer, but U yourself were suddenly marvelously able 2 directly connect right into, and move around this magical kingdom so 2 speak as if it were a super ultra Disney cyber-park! Performing that whittle mental exercise may allow any of U, approximately one percent of the full thrill of actually doing such a thing, and yes, very soon these things will B possible. I have seen them, and even if this universe does not have it happen; some type of towel seepage effect of basic similarity will undoubtedly come 2 fruition instead, right here. IPYT!!!


SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 2023---JWSC-MON-11-236
















      Photos of the Day

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The Global Enlightenment Of Morianity, 4 Millennium-3

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

When SSJKK was the property owner Estelle Bassler’s renter/tenant, named Sara J. Karge; and however they worked it out in City Hall down in Atlantic City, the deal made somehow according 2 Mrs. Bassler whom I told all of U how I had many good talks with her late last century from her new location in Ormond Beach, FLUSAESMWG, and in one particular discussion, she informed me that Sara Karge trashed the hotel, the Piccadilly that she had leased from Mrs. Bassler, and Mrs. Bassler called the loan and got it away from her, and then she burned down her hotel, the Bolivar shortly after, in an attempt to astrally project herself as a teenager as opposed to the mid-seventy-ish old woman that she had become by the years passing into the early seventies. Since early 1970, she remained the astral teenager, and totally lost her physical connection to the material realm. She pretended 2 grow older and die after I disappeared from the scene during this time, officially being declared dead in October of the ‘90 year, at the age of just over 94. She sort of wanted 2 oversee her new physical self and guide the family that she now was tangibly connected 2, and the older sister was sat down at a young age and told these powerful truths, and I was wrong 4 a long time. MC did more than get my attention, first with the 2 letters coming empty in my dreams from my Somerdale home in NJUSAESMWG, and then later with her 2008 musical CD project that was marvelous and terrific, there is and only ever will B only one great U my Scylla, or MC now. The second thing indeed got my full undivided attention. Remember, 2 many coincidences, do not add up 2 a coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, I'll fight the entire universe 2 make that power house point come 2 life, as it is true, and is also the slogan lived by with any and all really great super sleuths and detectives, the world over, I assure U all!!!!!!!!!!

Gary-7 was a fantastic original Star Trek TV show character, but there R some on this Earth, put quite frankly, that R here as “VISITORS and OBSERVERS”; and not on mission 2 save anyone from a nuclear holocaust, such as with the fictional Trekker show, but instead; mostly as witness bearing and log keeping individuals. Yes, the title of that middle late 1960's STAR TREK TELEVISION SHOW is “Assignment Earth”, and is an absolutely MUST-C-4 any and all of me' true loyal BLOGAUDIANS, YO!!!!!!! WOW-THAT.

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People R constantly taken, or CHRISTIAN RAPTURED, 4 lengths in time ranging from a few hours to as much as 30 years, then sent right back 2 where they went missing in most cases, with conscious memory as erased as a tape next to a giant industrial degauss machine, such as the ones we used when I was employed in the Sisco Briscoe disco years, at the Recorded Publications Laboratory. This is all coming from the World Lab, yet to exist 3 dimensionally speaking. Some have come back here such as Sigmund Freud to intentionally target anyone that dares make claims of any truths regarding classified things not understood properly yet by our current feds. They also have sent back groups of people with lots of jewels that they can exchange for current day money and power. Now as Ziggy the shrink starts up the basics of psychiatry, we now have all around us, in addition, wealthy human infiltrators, buying up mind-control MUZAK systems, and major Recording labels, and major movie studios. If this was not enough 4 the gods sake, add to all of this that they meet regularly, and carry out huge planes that led to the formation of all of now existing black and gray file agencies, such as the NSA, which once the feds claimed as they mocked the citizenry, this must stand 4 the NO SUCH AGENCY, it of course does not, and got big time exposed. Still beyond this, the agenda of these controlled BRIGGER/World Lab agencies, is the constant creation and endless bombardment of disinformation through SYFY shows, even the X-FILES is all part of this dis-informational-conspiracy. They also R the majority of those whom consistently lessen the credibility of things that I talk about in MORIANITY, by perpetrating many hoaxes, over and over for decades. This makes people of intellect normally laugh and think of anyone discussing such nonsense, as the epitome of space cadets. They have tecks that R beyond unbelievable and incredible, such as level 8-12 MOTIVE PROGRAMS. A 'MP' is like a current day software program, but try using it in your 2007 computer and you’ll crash it in a second. With these programs, U simply tell the computer, I want to do this or that, from making ten million dollars, becoming a rock star, a doctor, a lawyer, or have your mind wave-connected into CYBEROM, where U can B one and the same with any reality or interaction, and either select a menu to keep the memory of who U ‘really’ R, or choose 2 lose it totally during the interaction, then set the timer from five minutes to 5 years, and it will B only 3 minutes later when U come out of your cybertrance. If U type in on level 4 or speak into the mic on level 5, or wave-connect mentally on programming level #6, either way, the machine will use a powerful physical and cosmic internet of a sorts, to step by step do whatever it has to until the desired effect is reached, hence the meaning for calling these MOTIVE-PROGRAMS, and R in levels 1-12. The first 5 levels will B available for normal use and levels 6-8 will cost upwards of 5 million current-value in USD, to install to your machine, which will need a bare bones minimum of 100 petabytes hard drive memory, not counting speeds of a million times or more faster than today’s maximum military systems that now R on the top top secret list. There is so much more to say, in 40 years, if U hate someone enough, U won’t do anything as low tech as go gunning 4 him, you will use a motive program and tell your computer to RUIN THE POOR BASTARDS’ LIFE, R any connection bells 2 anything starting 2 go off, R there no geeks on my level 2C what I know I am being put through by these Rumson/Blair D.S./D.S. total BRIGGBASE slimy twisted scum?????????????

If I am found dead, I have been murdered by all those whom have been accused on all prior web-logging entries. I am under a death siege hell that is off literally every dial and every scale, and this has been like this for a minimum of ten days, and last week, I was involved in a hit and run accident just off of Bellevue Avenue by the Wachovia Bank parking lot, in Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG. Every December, these horrible persons and entities do their total best 2 wreck my only transportation, my one and only automobile. Does anyone out there in cyber land remember what occurred back on the 18th of last December, when my other vehicle was totally wrecked and destroyed by the evil trilogy of Paula King, Robert McGuire, and Sarah Callio Martino? Instead of backing off after this intentional striking of my car by this evil turd guy last week, it only got far worse. This blog will B similar 2 the one of the 18th of December of oh-six. It will tell a lot, and it will B lengthy, so B bladder and intestinal-comfortable, pull up a real comfy chair, and a good pair of reading glasses if U-R like Fred Sanford and have a drawer fullofem. We R gonna get into the phase five, who they R and how they sue Hollywood on the physical plane, in order to totally control global society and especially the American society through their manipulative evil demonic and satanic dangerous twisted mind control. First, remember how the evil empire got its way huge-time after the intentional-accident last week, on the very following day? YES, TIME 4 THIS POOR OLE' PERSECUTED HANGING IN THERE HUNTINGTON, 2 “HANG IN THERE, UP IN HAMMONTON”; HUH LOVELY MIZZ PAULA DJ KING, OF WAYV-FM-RADIO OF ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, BACK IN the middle 20-OH's of the century!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That night of the magic trick at my work site guarding job where U all got me 2 tune 2 your ETTOS radio station, WOW, seems like that and the hanging in there comment days, were all just going down not ten damn glass minutes ago. TIME FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, U time them, Mister Smith from 1971 at Cooley Hall. They go 2 damn glass fast 4 me 2 time them, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Mister McNulty, I know from a few months in the future from Smith's class, “AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA” and etcetera-etcetera, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not tell you any details of the wild “dream” from last night, and no, you are not imagining that I did not. I was very busy going through hell with noise today, inside and outside, as well as many annoyances and major black hat computer hacking!!!!!

If I told all of the dream, we would be many hours of me typing, and maybe, you reading. SHEEEEEEEEIT, why take the chance of boring my audience to death? I will just tell you a few highlights. I was speaking to several people that I only know here as major big shot people, and yet over there, we know each other well; and one is President Barack Obama, and his entire family. I am sure over here, he thinks I am just a major nut case, and he is entitled to his beliefs. Over there, he too is in politics, and is a governor, and don't ask me which state, as I was in no mood to ask him about that, after he told me that I needed to remember some incredible things back where I am asleep physically and yes, that's a damn direct quote. When he went onto tell me, it had to do with the trip in late 1983 down to Orlando, Florida, from up in Jersey, as well as the throat specialist, and the major horrible experience of the memory loss on my trip back from there, and to that wild house on the highway, that I have had recurring nightmares about for years, but they stopped about a decade back, praise the gods. I also spoke with some people who I do know over here, and who are name recognized. They were telling me that I needed to realize what happened to me during that time that my mom and I were having those horrible problems with the Hammonton Texaco mechanic-owner, Jerry, who I have blogged about over and over, several years back. He told me that this man now is the head chauffeur for Mariah Carey the great diva, and yes, the one from the wild dreaming interaction of the first day of summer time in 2008, Mister Jersey-Logo Weirdo. Remember people, in case you are new to my blogs, or forgot; this wild experience was very major, as MC showed me where I was soon going to be living, because this is where it all took place, just in that parallel universe, instead of being a home owned by Hammonton, New Jersey Judge, Frank Raso; it was some medical building, but other than for that one difference, those two worlds totally collided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOO, WOW-THAT.

Lads and lassies; my life cannot be rationally explained. Not by mother frucking great psychiatrists, not by the UFO experts, not by those who hate me, nor those that don't; and not by many many other categories as well, YO.

In addition to all of this; take my entire ten year blog now, and multiply all of it by a thousand, and maybe, just mother flucking maybe; it may come somewhere close to rationally interpreting some degree, of the life and what it all is about, of me; Mark Wayne Mohr, the Mountainpen, and the receiver of Morianity. I did not say the creator or the inventor; so please take strong note of that, right here and right now, great Lieutenant Anita VanBuren as well as everybody else. Thanks!



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Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a nice burger and a bowl of damn ice cream, and then to bed with old asshole Mister Mountainpen. WHAAAAAAAAAAAHA!


This fantastic looking burger is available at all wonderful Walmart stores, everywhere. And so are these luscious delicious looking strawberries, YO!!!









Jumping catfish at light speed squared, those babies can be addicting. I used to tell my mom, when we would be out shopping, don't be screwing with other people's kids. My mom didn't mean anything at all wrong, but in a screwed up society filled with pervo's and sickos, one must now be careful to just be mindful to always keep to our own business. Once upon a time, life was no where near like this unnatural flit of today, and this is the trade off that people want and insist upon so much, They want their cell phones and their own little universes in their hand, but now we live in a world of garbage where you cannot even smile or say hello to a soul.

Our love was true, our love was rare

No other love could ever compare

Now that you're gone

My spirits are low

And baby baby baby, I love you so.

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© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr

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If there is a god and I serious freaking doubt it, Sheriff sir; you will make sure that my information goes to Sheriff, or Retired Sheriff Simons, of Camden County, up in New Jersey. Now sir, the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office, has or might still have, as I am free to always keep hoping; a disc that proves that McGuire came up to my car that day in middle October somewhere back in 2006; but he stood right at the passenger front side window, with his angry fist all clenched up, and neither Ed Lynch, nor myself, EVER EVEN KNEW THAT HE WAS STANDING THERE. It was the damn video camera that picked it up. He somehow was able to remain absolutely invisible to us. Ed and I had parked totally legally on Tennessee Avenue, about twenty yards west and away from his hotel property, where any damn tourist is allowed to park for a short time and take pictures of anything public on that street, which is what Ed and I were doing for my website, back then, that was called the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION. This is now defunct since it was a pay-site, and I did not have the forty-five bucks to put it up again for a third year, in early 2009. BUTTTTTTTT this damn video slide-show, taken on Ed's computer-camera system; was confiscated by the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office, after he was caught doing something illegal on the internet; another major story in and of itself, that I'll be glad someday to share with you, kind Sheriff Ken Mascara, sir!!!!!!! Right after this horrible day, my car engine went slower and slower, until one day shortly thereafter, it quit and died forever. That horrible dirt bag monster had put sand in the gas tank, when Ed and I went up to the boardwalk, as Ed wanted to buy a newspaper, and they have vending machines that sell papers, up on the boardwalk. Yes, right there where that monster Paula invaded my sleep at Robin Hill Apartment #1802, back in 1980; and sang her stupid 'LOIS FOCA' song to me!

ED, not short for education, but for Eddie 'Himacane', whose real actual surname was Lynch; was the downstairs neighbor to the King family of Hammonton, back in 2006. Both parties had recently moved into this rooming-house, that was operated and owned by our local town judge, the Honorable Frank Raso, that was just two blocks down a neighborhood street from the Hammonton Library, where I had been going to blog, when my blogs first began in early 2006. Nothing ever just happens, and this was all planned by the GREAT KING FAMILY, ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The hackers keep trying to make me call them the 'great KIND family'. Yeah, real damn kind. They only totally devastated me, and wiped out my entire stinking rotten lousy ass life forever!!!

Ed and I. Yeah, Huntington, not Harrington, Mister Rod Serling!!!!!!!!!! This all goes so far beyond any possible coincidence; my kind folks and wonderful BLOGAUDIANS, that no words could ever hope to express it. If Paula hadn't done this to me back in 1980, I never would have copyrighted in 1981, that stupid LOIS-FOCA crap. No time travelers, no troubles, 'no nothing'. Oh yes, you tell them Mizz D. Ross. WOW all of this, JOANN-A.

Boy oh boy, and HO-HO-HO, Patty and Merry. I always wondered why Christmas was such an endless time for me to be ruthlessly, viciously, and relentlessly persecuted, by HALLS-FAWCES, AKA the WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCES?????????!!!!!!!!!! Then there was ten years ago back on Friday. Coming out of that incredible dream, while residing there with those horrible nightmare KINGS, at the judge's rental home at 65 Middle Road, in Hammonton-Berryville. WOW THIS, kind Sheriff, sir. Psychiatrists call the event that I had, a dreaming resurfacing of a repressed memory brought on by extreme clinical level stress factors, and other underlying psychosis. Hey, I've said it before, Treasure Coast Automobile RIP-OFFS, and I'm sure I'll be saying it again as well. “I'd like to see anyone of you in the entire world, suffer through all of this nightmare since leaving effing high school, and remaining one percent sane and alive”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yes, the wild dream where I was back on freaking Long Island with my damn snooty Uncle Heinz and the gang. The road trip up to the In-Law Cousin Myers Branch of the Huntington Family, and the whole damn nasty mess, that would have been so much better all damn ass left alone!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I had to always be taking Dawn-Marie King to her psychiatrists, just one block further west down on Tennessee Avenue, near the Atlantic Avenue intersection. Then there was that day with the Rent-A-Center place. That was a real damn doozie-whopper; huh old pal, President Obama? Boy oh boy do I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God dog it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes sir Mister President Obama, that was beyond a doozie-whopper, only this entire mess is absolutely way beyond that. Clinton and his pal Patterson, wanna' cut me a bwake here Mizz 1985 Margie Leo, willya' lovely girl coworker? U all know that Jimmy Patterson couldn't MAKE UP A STORY LIKE MORIANITY in a quadrillion tucking years, FURTHER PROVING THE ENTIRE MESS coming straight FROM DOGTOWN ITSELF!




























































































































































































































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