Friday, August 4, 2023






7:47 Post Meridian, Friday evening, August 4, 2023

I knew that a pattern of DAMAGE was opening up 4 me, and the day other than 4 this went at least so far, quite damn smoothly. But 3 nasty ass things did occur and this is what they were. First off, waking up 2 the COMCAST MODEM HACK, temporary yes, but still on the Mountainpen-Damage-List, or shortened with abbreviated lettering here, 'MDL'. The 2nd item happened approximately four hours later when cleaning out two kitchen pots in my double sinks, and when I went 2 pull out the sink stopper on the right side sink, poof, it busted, and I had 2 remove it with a wrench and a screwdriver. Then I said softly inside my own self and mind, “I'll bet a billion flucking bucks that B4 this day is over, the toilet will go out also, as it has been a nasty nuisance all throughout this 2023 year, and yes, it is fixable but a pain in the asshole. What needs 2 happen since it is not actually clogged up and merely won't work, is simply 2 take a bucket from my kitchen's utility-closet, fill it half way up 2 the 3 gallon marking, add a three second squirt of Dawn dish-washing liquid into it and stir with my all purpose large stick also kept in me' kitchen closet, and remove the lid of the toilet and pour the contents in, and instantly, poof the problem is gone, “UNTIL THE NEXT TIME”, 2 quote the great fictional L&I DA, Sir Adam Schiff. I figured out as nutty as it sounds 2 peeps naught ever suffering through this type of WOMO-OTAMMIC HELLISHNESS; that the enemy SPACEFORCE LAMBRIGG ASTRAL CULT has a magical and mysterious way of taking over and commandeering any item, 'anything at alllllllll', and when they wish 2 hit their famous mucking “HIT HIM NOW” button, then poof, they do, and the thing trucks totally up, poof, just like tucking ass magic. I am quite sure it has a logical and rational explanation 4 how they can pull this wild slit off, only I am of course absolutely clueless of those damn details, YO!

Yes I did forget 2 put the time of the previous blog, Chapter #17, onto the document, and it was posted up in the vicinity of, if memory is correctly serving here, a quarter shy of 9 AM. Other than 4 these 4 items of the ever-dependable frikkin' MDL, the day was relatively quiet and typical. The co-op garden crew did their usual Friday landscaping, no mail came today which translates normally into no bad news or bills; and all else was nice and calm and quiet or C&Q 4 a short whittle way of saying thissssssss, lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes of 1983, mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Twansmission, Elmer Fwwwwuud Sir.

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