Friday, August 4, 2023






Friday, August 4, 2023

Dave Smith from Cooley Hall, recognized some stuff that was quite major frikkin' HUUUUUUUGE back in the very early seventies of the previous century and millennium. He knew that some invisible 'something' almost magically was appearing 2 in some organized way, eve back then, and with an incredible vengeance, 'KEEP ME AS ISOLATED AS HUMANLY POSSIBLER' right 2 the point of pushing it any further would require them coming right out and doing stuff so damn ass blatant that it would then begin actually SHOWING UP 2 OTHER PEEPS SURROUNDING MY LIFE AND ORBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This man was a major 'sensitive' as it is called in today's more modern times, and I know that 4 a total and absolute frikkin' fact, YO kind great peeps. This same nightmare indeed did follow me all throughout me' miserable rotten life, except of course 4 those peeps who the WOMO-SPACEFORCE Earthly chaptered LAMBRIGG ASTRAL PLANE CULT from the Olympian Province BRIGGBASE; who were completely designed 2 mess me up and ruin and wreck me'; entire life, peeps such as Lenny McKinnon, John Crowley, Thomas Reale, Jim Burr, Patricia Hollister, the entire KING CLAN, Paul Evans Pedersen, and the list as most of U know fully well, could literally keep right on marching onward practically into Tolstoy book lengths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An incredibly great example making me' entire point right at the very present times is as follows: As times change and technology advanced, without having anyone who could ever in any remote way other than 4 a brief stint period with Sir Edward Himacane Lynch, assist me in adapting and learning the necessary stuff, I fell endlessly behind and now when I need any kind of help in this life, I am 100 percent absolutely screwed, and nobody who is naught going through this extremely unusual and beyond weird and surreal situation, is totally incapable of even beginning 2 understand my plight, and only C me as either a lazy slob who just refused 2 learn some basic things, or literally ranging into dozens of other negative and judgmental items, in all cases, leading only 2 an endlessly spiraling down of life into an abyss that ordinary peeps would consider 2B beyond unfathomable. So on one hand we get Billy Harner giving me his great and awesome advice one day, at his Haddon Avenue Westmont-NJUSAESMWG barber shop; “Stay 2 yourself Mark, don't live with anybody”. I ignored it however, and then along came not Elvis, not spiders, but rather; the Washcloth Clan of DOGTOWN, Also Known As (AKA) the King Family of Atlantic City and Berryville-Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG. This proves that a 'MOGOSP' system has been set up out in eternity itself, and 2 quote the great musical female group of the 1960's, the lovely and talented Chiffon's; “No, U never win, so stop trying”!!!!!!!!! But all joking and coded poems, and rhythm lie-rhymes aside here folks; there is no way 4 me 2 ever win and break out of this ED (earthly Dogtown, or CAPTAIN PICARD'S HELL BOX, if we can take literally here, my experiences in a future century at the illustrious and fantastic WORLD LABORATORIES OF WANNA' SPEND MY TIME-USA, AKA WESTMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOGOSP is an artificial intelligence type of 'still-future advanced' computer software program system that a user on a Quantum Computer, speaks a desire into, and it then does all necessary things in the cyberworld and beyond, 2 bring that desire into actual real-world fruition, and far out as this sounds, it naught only explains my entire life in this Picard Hell-Box, but our present day computers and systems if shown 2 peeps just one hundred flucking years ago, would seem even beyond that leaping jump ratio, so pl;ease do naught B so quick 2 ever dismiss these words of Mountainpen and his damn ass Morianity!!! Oh pweeeeeze pweeeeeeze I'm down on me' knees, I'm down on me' knees saying pweeeze pweeeze Pweeeeeze pweeeeeze! Yes, some know about the DOGTOWN HOWL chant, as we poor dogs there sort of sing-chant while working so hard out in the cut-fields, where we stand on our hind legs, hold a pair of 70 pound sheers with front paws, and hewn down endless rows and fields of six feet high and five inch in diameter stalks of weed-growths, that regrow on the very next day, or 'what seems like a next-day' in the DOGTOWN area of the Purgatory's capitol province of Olympia. I know that me' little illegal worker-pals from the great once existing 'Cifaloglio joint' would agree with me, along with the mighty dude known by the Mountainpen and a few others back there, as 'Muscles-Ed'!!!!!! It is obvious that my kid and her orbit of peeps got a thrill out of it as well, huh Mister math teacher David Leigh Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but let me get on with the non-Verizon CALLIO SHOW here, okay, King Dark-Shadows Johnny of non-Atlantic City? Barking Jeff, wanna' cut me one of your world and maybe galactically famous BWAKES here right about now, oh me' wuvwee Mizz 1985 Caldor-113 Mizz Margie Leo, YO ME' SIS, and no aids tests or what's wrong tapes copyrighted in 1984 ©. So I got up today at approximately quarter past 4 this moanin' (ouch) those 2 acres of land YO; or Merry''s incredible 7-11 right crosses, huh Mizz lovely Labelle; her right maybe nothing as she has admitted 2 but that left took the 7-11 man half way across the room. After being up and awake less than a half hour, I observed my Comcast modem blue light was blinking on the telephone, and I had no service, but within twenty minutes it was back on. Still, I expect a lot of this type of bull-skit, oh FBI, after Trumps recent woe-whiz-me troubles, it is as goddessdog dependable as the Macy Club themselves, all being major television characters and recognized by the general public immediately on sight. McFly and his 4th and 5th dimensional lightning activated time car; Dogtown YO, it sort of reminds me a wee bit now in damn ass hindsight of many Egg Harbor City related things, right down 2 lovely distant cuzz Leticia Tilley absolutely INSISTING back on that late summer day of 2009, in my car, when she was sitting in the back seat behind me; that I do this imitation thing, and keep saying 2 her,HEY-GIRL” over and over. This entire family as about a WOW-whacked as it gets, unless maybe we compare it all 2 the Speers clan, and we won't go here folks in a trillion damn ass mega-years, plus, who is the goddamn ass Mountainpen 2 talk about being crackpot whack, at least according 2 the author of the crazy cursing dudes who doesn't wish 2 ever B pigeon-holed as such, from the awesome and illustrious WFMU-Internet-Radio, and its marvelous page called “crackpots from New Jersey???????????? Yes the phone service went out on me but the other internet stuff remained on. Despite being charged 4 it, I decided 2 keep that junk that Comcast sent 2 me long after I no longer needed it, busting me' budget 4 another buck or close 2 it last month. When I paid me' credit card bills yesterday, it came 2 pennies over 6 bucks, and I thought it was gonn' B around 4 and a quarter, so I obviously frikkin' miscalculated some stuff, an dam totally and completely frikkin' BUDGET BUSTED NOW, oe; buddy Mister Jagger-Low Budget. I may indeed B oh kind sir, a cut priced person in a low budget land from 43 years in the damn ass antimatter space, but WOW, I cannot keep 2 me' budget with the damn ass endless assaults on me by the WOMO-NON-PO MO RADAR SYSTEM-SPACEFORCE MILITARY-UFO-FORCE, named by me 8 years later, Mick ole' boy. SOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester non Billy, Frank, or Ann; OR, any great Japanese Ambassadors either, so keep that volume down Stanley from next door a decade ago, especially if using me' 1983 tape and music project copyrighted as title project called, non Harry Mudd Star Trek, “SAGA OF SONGWRITER MARK MUD”!!!!!!! We have lots of spurious crap happening, and I am growing concerned as I have 2 freggin' monsters on me' back right about now, oh kind, and hopefully somewhat benevolent SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, OF SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FLOWERLAND-USA, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!! First there is the Magnetic Percentages 4 BOTBARS 4 the YEAR-2023. Yesterday's NON-BOT day created what all stock market technical chart annalists label and call, a resistance point 4 the Mountainpen, closing out the 3rd day in August as 29 times 5. My near-term-resistance or 'NTR' point is indeed, 29.5. This means that a magnetic power or force is at an extremely heightened pull against a resistance point being permitted 2B broken, thus today going BOTBAR would prevent that, and so all odds R that I am gonna' have a whittle frucking pwobwum today, and already, several things R happening, the largest being the phone modem truck up, temporary as it was, still, it happened, SHERIFF SIR, and then we have mister distant cousin DJT, do we naught? Every time that he is in any court woes, what does he do ever since learning of his distant cuzz Markie-boy-Mountainpen, over at his then in 1986, TRUMP CASTLE CASINO, with my foolishly admitting 2 the Casino Control Commission peeps, at the booth there at his joint, that summer's day, after playing a roulette game, and winning some money; that I use PARALLEL EVENT in order 2 accomplish the win. A real damn no-no on me' part, only I recognized that “just a wee trad bit” 2 late, huh lovely Mizz Patty Hollister H.H.?????????????? So many endless strings of 'H' letters, huh folks? Gee willagars, YO. Who out here, besides those that created the 'HISTORY-CABLE-TV-CHANNEL', knows about the mystical and very magical H-BLOCKS of the distant historical past? The magical 'H' letter is something only so far glossed over here in Mountainpen's Morianity, unlike the great 'N' and 'R' letters, and that were harped on repeatedly back last year in 2022, when these blogs started up after well over two years of being completely shut-down, YO YO YO BRO!!!!!!! We will get back 2 this, Mister power punching James Rockford and gang from those middle awesome 1970's times. But 4 right now, I need 2 pweeeeeeze ask me' kind awesome sheriff, Sir Ken J. Mascara, 2 help me in this critical time, where all odds R that I am ABOUT 2-B ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY TRUMP-MACY-CRUCIFIED, REAMED, AND PUMMELED at the speed of frikkin' light SQUARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm down on me' knees doing the DOGTOWN CHANT, and with no help whatsoever from any of the MACY GANG FROM DOGTOWN, oh kind wonderful understanding Sheriff K.J.M., oh Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is now 20 minutes past 8 of the clock on this Friday moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, and I am on pins and needles and wish this day was over, and 4 that matter, the year as well, and 4 that matter, I WISH THAT MY GODDESSDOG ENTIRE LIFE WAS OVER, U KNOW MISTER 'H.T.H.S.' TEACHER QUAY, “KAPUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the past ten 30 days now, I played a total of 8 roulette games using the WOMO-HNDS roulette system or the WORLD OWNERS MILITARY UFO FORCE ORGANIZED TRASH AGAINST MARK MOUNTAINPEN HOT NUMBERS DURING SIEGE, and on just a nickel level or $5.00 valued color-non-gaming money chips, made a total of 846 bucks so on a quarter or $25.00 level, multiply that by 5 times, a nice monthly start-up income B-4 later on advancing into double quarter and even 100 dollar chip level, only the chips are color table chips and of no value 2 anyone else, avoiding shill persecutions entirely. WOW-THAT!!!!!!


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