Thursday, August 17, 2023



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The Global Enlightenment Of Morianity, 4 Millennium-3

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I went 2 sleep shortly past eleven last night and slept until a few minutes past eight this moanin-grownin' mouRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRning, following 3 nasty-ass rotten stinking lousy BOTBAR DAYS FROM STRAIGHT OUT BEYOND DOGTOWN, DOGTOWN GATES, DOGTOWN BRIDGE, DOGTOWN LOW PASS AREAS, AND ALL THE WAY OUT AWAY FROM DOGTOWN 2 THE ON-RAMPS LEADING 2 ASTRAL-HIGHWAY (LINELANE) NUMBER 8885!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I no longer am in the 28---MP4B's any more, as yesterday's frucking glass BOTBAR took me back into the 19's, YO, and I am now presently holding at 29X1---MP4B (Magnetic Percentage for Botbar. 4 the month of August, I am now holding a MP4B of 19 flucking percent. It could B worse, but any major string causes my PE-2 Roulette magical numbers system or PE2MN roulette-system, 2 take off like a rocket heading straight 4 'Star Trek-TNG-Crusher-Kazinskiville', AKA warp space-time-mind, or a little sideways 8 number, YO-YO-YO great wonderful and beyond awesome fwolks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B4 posting up me' final whittle bwog yesterday evening and shutting down me' whittle frucking cum-puke-her 4 the day, I played only 7 spins of the roulette wheel, and 'WOWSER' as some would say back in the goddessdog nineteen-eighties; 4 hits of me' 4 magic numbers that pop up during air sieges and botbar-strings, and a whopping 80 units of profit happened; Mister 1980 Joe Sivo. Excuse me ole' lunch stealing rotten coworker mine, I mean 80 units of profit WENT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't die on me now sir Quentin Selby Collins from Pedersenville-Tennessee, not ACNJUSAESMWG AVENUE of course!!!!!!!! 'BUTTERCHEESE-BUTT-STILL', New York City Detective fictional or PHASE-4 of course, Sir Lenny Briscoe, these endless intolerable Carmichael-McCoy coincidences just never ever really quit now, do they, oh mighty fictional sir ADA John James (JACK) McCoy?????????

Last night I slept well and long, but did have one disturbing fifth dimensional hyperspace experience that most of U out here will still forever insist upon merely labeling as having a very vivid dream. I was in a city building in a city somewhere here in America that just may have been good old Chicago, Illinois. I say this as once in the dream while recalling a quick view out of a window in that building, something did resemble quite well, that famous Bob Newhart Television Show establishing shot of the famous Chicago train system, also shown in many Hollywood various productions over my presently-me human physical lifetime. I am sorry if I am misspelling the surname of Mister Newhart here, as Microsoft's great Spellchecker System never aids in those type of situations as all word-program users know only 2 dern glass well. Moving on here. This dream-building is definitely a place where I have been in B4 in 'dream-experiences', 2 quote the rest of U mortal worlders; only I never was in this particular office or place within it nor thereby was ever looking out of the window. Anyway, a man came in and yes, let me tell U who it goddasmn was great awesome illustrious folks out here in Cyberville: It was transdimensional Mister Mowry. Good ole' plug pulling CYBEROM machinery guy who causes me seemingly, a whole dam lot of Bob Schleigh 1980-1981 real-REAL-REALE-REALLY BAD strings of days back in what is mortally thought of as 'WAKING-LIFE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All he wanted 2 do was talk 2 me about my trip to that mysterious throat specialist's office in the spring time somewhere in 1984 during me' final days of residing at my middle of 3 times ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS abodes. Hey, there is some positive out of all of thissssssss oh wonderful gorgeous white star hot Susan Erica Cane Luccisnakes, after-all; the apartment complex name was not Robin Hillister or Hollister or even HOLL, but HILL; and am I correct here; oh U awesome friend of the latengrate Sir David Charles Crazy-Boat-Driving Roth, Mizz Anita, from back earlier in the Mowry-'23 year of TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE DOGTOWN???? That letter that he allowed me 2 read was beyond awesome, and is Y now, I believe anyway should U-B out there 2 this day mahm', I wish U only the vely vely non-Bob McDowell 1972 BEST, and naught BEST-BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW with a sideways '8', YO weerlld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes he asked me all about my trip there and back home 2 lovely 506 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS on that non-BRUCE spring day of 1984, and just a few months B4 my leaving that place for HIGHLAND AVENUE IN CINNAMINSON, NJUSAESMWG. JEEZ-LOUISE FONTY!!!!!! Yes, unlike the previous time that I was with transdimensional Mister Mowry at his office back last April somewhere; this time we were perhaps in the same buidling as who can know that, but this time, it was naught in his actual office and we sat down on two large black leather couches facing each other, with coffee on end-tables, and I do not drink coffee here in waking life but my double seemed 2 there in that part of 5th dimensional hyperspace, and yes, it definitely skipped a generation here as both of my parents as well as me' lovely daughter would literally kill U if U tried 2 take a cup of 'moanin'-3-Joe' out of their hands, I know that 'vely' well, 'Bob McDowell', from 1972. But as I drank the coffee and was talking 2 Mister Mowry, I instantly recall in my' over here reality self double inside of my hyperspace double or my type-1-exploratron, instantly recalling the taste of it, as back in the 6th grade while forced 2 attend school in a nut house called the New Jersey Neural Psychiatric Institute or NJNPI-4-short; we all drank coffee there, 'crazy' as that sounds folks. Hey Y naught, as after-all it was a place 4 crazies???????? Remember folks, both Cooley Hall's Bancroft as well as the NJNPI, both mysteriously and instantaneously CLOSED DOWN, when? Right after these MOUNTAINPEN BLOGS BEGAN AND THEN STARTED DISCUSSING MY INTERACTIONS AT THOSE 2 FLUCKING HORRENDOUS JOINTS, Mister Goddamn Winn, oh sir!!!! Later, I will tell U all major slit about our conversation and how it fits into many recurring nightmares from my past involving what in the pshchic and mystic circles is referred 2 by several names and is extremely powerful 2 say the vely least. Dreaming within dreams, something beyond even the mighty Juan Matus and his great pal and Chela-student, Sir awesome Carlos Castaneda. Mizz Jane Thistlethorns Sleazeweedsdisease Notfondauonebit Fonda just got me really really yucking GOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD, Mizz Zabriskie from 1999, and all shattered and fractured arms notwithstanding here, oh U awesome super-girl, and beyond white hot gorgeous ravishing Keisha; should U-B out there somewhere, somewhere at non-nuke alllllllll. I will now do a quick and somewhat shorter compensation here, with my lovely 5-numerations, YO WEERLLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This talk between Mowry and me was all about my nightmares with lights not going on and not being awake, and the whole damn 27 feet of it ever since me' goddamn teenaged times and the unfathomable nightmares that I had concerning just this thing during me' days of Patricia Hollister, Jim Burr and Atlantic City 'DADA' alchemist dude, of those beaches right there, where Ziggy and Patty, and the entire mess, all seemingly is stemming from!!!!!!!!!!! I will bust your brains later on, & IPYT! So B ready 2 get blown right off of your seats, great peeps out here, and it is way 2 damn big 2 begin when coming off of BOTBAR TIMES 3, opening up at 3-3-GLMA, dropping a flucking full point down 2 a 2-2-GLMA, AND WITH LIFE AT A REAL DAMN TOTAL NIGHTMARE POINT RIGHT NOW, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO FOLKS! All U need 2 hear right now is that trip that day 2 Academy Road's exit off of Interstate-95, over 2 GRANT AVENUE and the magic lab-tech's place, is all so major that it is beyond that wonderful BLUEBOOK SHOW that was aired on one of the great cable-TV channels and is on APP stream systems that is on me' ROKU-TV system still today. PRIVECODE is completely & fully wrapped up in this; and only because I purchased that PRIVECODE, was I ever able, despite all of my mom's best non buying efforts 2 keep me' kid from me forever, 2 come 2 know about the great SCYLLA-humanly speaking of course. “THE END”, Katy!!!!

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