Thursday, July 16, 2015


Those reading these blogs are playing me for a fool. I don't have time or energy for it any more, Eddie and Chris.

If I carefully study just recent things, let alone all the things, pertaining to my stats of this blog over years now; I can see that there are times where a major amount of people go up and read/view/RAW my writings. A child looking carefully enough should eventually be able to reason out just why all this happens as it does. Let me get specific on the most recent uptick of the day 7-7-2015. This was the day I went to Walmart last week, nine days back on Tuesday, and had the two prayers answered. I hate being a naysayer to things of religious slant, but I am forced to tell truths, as that is what my telling my life story on a blog is supposedly all about and has been since it began a decade back.

Those doing these things to me are playing some sick wild game, and to them this entire universe/cosmos/RAW, is NOTHING BUT A GAME, literally. So naturally, when they do something along those lines as was told on the corresponding blog to that date; they would all want to go up and view their handiwork and my twist and slant on it. As said, a stupid little child can see this if they took off their born-blinder-set!

Now let's talk about what I call the BRIGGBASE or Astral World Cult that is real and exists in th eland of what we humans might call, 'THE DEAD'. Many top television shows if watched in hindsight, and with the ability to view dated orders by hitting that key on the remote that shows the title and date and provides a brief description of what is being aired, all appear totally be following my real actual life, day to day, week to week, year to year. A paranoid mind would see this as wow look at me, I must be some god to the people of this world. But I try not to be paranoid, but on the contrary, I attempt to analyze it and keep it as totally freaking real as possible. The logic that this is all about me and that someone follows me and my life and then does all of this, ever since I left high school, just makes zero chance on the logicians scale. Even Donald Trump in his wildest egocentric days and thoughts of mania cubed, wouldn't believe that about himself, so who then am I; a poverty stricken total nobody? Keeping it all real and logical, it still appears to be happening, even though it just can't be. Now when things totally defy logic; some into the paranormal, or occult, like my mom's great coworker of the early and middle seventies; would insist of things all somehow being engineered on realm of witchcraft, which includes th every same world of the religious people, demons, angels, possession, channeling, heaven and hell, god and the devil, and all of this stuff. The folks that have joined up with something known as the AATC or Ancient Astronaut Theorist Club; see an ultra-high super technology behind a nice pretty set of Oz Curtains. Either way, none of this gives a real good simple honest number 4 answer to gee, what is two plus two, and the 2 plus 2 is gee, why all of this, ever since I left high school, why? Neither of these people-mind-groups, can help me ever; to reach a good number 4 that holds up in the logicians club. Wow, now that's easy to those in the psych world. They always have a quick snap ass ready made answer. I am freaking nuts, crazy, sick, deluded, filled with psychotic features, and so on and so on, and so forth. Well, this argument is not resolvable. Without my having degrees in this discipline, they would win on their turf and topic, by default, simply with that. But I can still argue anyway. I know how those with paranoid delusions all speak and act. None of them can talk in a rational way, every bit as intelligently, as Professor Kaku of the NYU. I can. You al know this. When I don't take the time to check blogs, it may due to hackers, appear that my thoughts are scattered and that I have dementia. That is why these hackers do this of course. Nothing just happens helter skelter and without reason. Even insanity has goals. The very same hacks that are being discussed, and used even as I speak, would also attach themselves to other machines not owned by me, should I make a habit of doing my blogging on them. For example, libraries, or even Ed Lynch's laptop. I don't forget anything, not a god dam thing.

The point to this is that thanks to the most recent antics and escapades of my enemies, whoever they truly are and they are most certainly both very real, and out there; but thanks to the JULY-7 incident with the two prayers and the answering of them along with the incredible lightning storm; I have finally come to realize and see quite clearly, that I have a group of real piss drinking slobs who are enjoying using me as a PACKMAN-BLOB in their insatiable need for reality-entertainment, and not caring who they make victims out of, and this, believe me, makes the LAW & ORDER Wess Tatum story, in comparison, look like a grain of sand next to Mount Rushtrains!

I won't be blogging for a while. This project has been a total failure. As I speak, I am taking a major outside car stereo attack, and obviously these trash bastard enemies are pulling up this word document in real time, on their hacked in computer systems. You can just know, anyone interested out here, that every day I am now being put through total hell with persecution that is unrelenting and major horrendous. If their truly was a god, this would not be real. You can argue it and the Christians can argue it until doomsfreakingday for all I care. I know it is the truth. Very soon I will fall asleep forever and that will be the end of it all. None of these sick mother fuckers will ever be able to hurt me again, and then, I WIN and they die and they lose. I say this because they need to hurt me so bad and have become so coke-crack type addicted to this narc pill of theirs, that I can already know with full mother fuckiGN confidence, that very soon, the entire planet Earth and all of humanity will be wiped out and gone. I hope you thought this wild shit was all worth it, PATTY!



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