Thursday, September 5, 2013









LADIES AND GENTS, I HAD ANOTHER REALLY NASTY FUCKING SUPER BOTBAR DAY, (VERY BAD) SAME DEAL!!!!!Natch, their DEMONIC DOW JONES FLEW up 100 points, what else is new on really really really horrible Ingrid days?

This blog will tell a lot of short things, no need to rant on and on on any of these topics, but I'll get SOME MAJOR FUCKING RETALIATION AGAINST THE WOMO-MILITUFORCE with what does get said here, today, bank on that one good peeps and loyal Morians, and whatever, BOB-1975!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was one of those curious weird type of Botbar Days for me, folks. By this I mean I had some OK things happen as well as lots of bad shit. But nobody wants to hear the little niceties when they read a newspaper, news really means, BAD-NEWS, we all know that, and the media can pretend all they want to that this is not so by airing the little filler junky things, especially about celebrities or crap they make 'go viral', on the social media, by fanning the flame fame, with their media hype; but all of this horse shit is neither hair nor there; Late Mizz Gaines. So we're only going to discuss the bad shit, just like the real old journalism was into; before this new celebrity heaven struck planet Earth, along with the garbage called social-media, and their ever growing 'online sites', and making sports and weather part of the news, and tons of other garbage. To make a quick laundry list, the day went botbar real fast when I went to my doctor and had to hang around for a couple of hours, and not even see my doctor. I did learn, that indeed, a conspiracy was against me all along, and the man who appeared out of nowhere who got me to change my medical insurance, was all to take my doctor away from me. You don't need to know any further details, other than it's being handled. The less I say, I've learned long ago in this nasty ass rotten life, the better. Still, this is what fanned the flames of the Dow Jones stock market system today, via my problem with this parallel event with them, me going down and they going up, it's been a reality around me for 30 mother fucking years, and denying it is like denying you have Cancer or fucking Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome, will alter absolutely no part of reality.

Every minute that I was home today, I was persecuted by my creditors. This always happens when the stock market is flying upwards. This proves to me without a doubt, all of the claims I have been making right along that the big-business world is harassing me to get their endless way on this ever up-ticking wealthy man's economy. We the ordinary ninety-niners are not one bit better off for any of this, and everybody knows I am speaking the mother fucking truth, the poor, the rich, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!! I have nothing to prove to a mother fucking soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)


These were the areas I tried to show before, fixed up a bit. Today, they would be placed more like this, WHAAAAAABIT:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)



Before I began this blog, I was playing roulette all evening. My 9-16 system CRASHED. It did not go into TOTAL SYSTMES FAILURE, but would have if I had not quit. We will see what happens if and when I ever manage to pull out of these horrendous mother fucking 'bad-magnetics'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am 1900 dollars below where I was 2 weeks ago, but I need to drop another almost that much to reach total collapse of this system, but take heart, as there are more important things happening than a bunch of hypothetical roulette losses on paper that does not hurt my real-life bank account in the slightest, and I will be getting to this once my little laundry list is finished for th entire fucking day, as it is very important and ties into lots of current shit on my blogs and MORIANITY in general.

I wish to talk about my late pal, and 'degreed-Mason' David Charles Roth from Philadelphia, who I met at a job site, the Caldor Department Store of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, during its construction and original stocking period. I blogged this before. Along with very peculiar things that were going on, in th middle nineties at Highview Apartments in the fucking days of Haddonwood Swim and Health Club. Somewhere in the spring time of 1996, around the time Paula King raped me for a second time and messed with my memories as well, in Williamstown, New Jersey, and the trip to Carlisle, Pennsylvania was taken by David and myself; a powerful conversation began between us, in David's car, in the rear Highview Apartment parking lot around midnight. He asked me if I would take ten grand, it could have been 20, but it was one of these two amounts; from OTAMM or the WOMO, same diff, in exchange for a truce. I looked at him like he was a space alien and told him, ''No way''. He went onto pursue this for reasons I never came to really know or understand, in fact, it may have started as the lower figure and gone up to the double amount, I cannot tell you that I remember this clearly, not in good conscience, BUT, I certainly remember totally well; the basic shit that I am telling you about; just not the amounts, other than it was in this ballpark. LSS folks, I was quite shocked at the way it all came up out of left field, speaking of ballparks; and how he seemed genuinely angry that I would not accept this paltry figure as a remunerative compensation, for at that time, a minimum of a decade of solid mother fucking hell from these people, whoever and whatever, Captain Kirk, this all really is. Then a year later, he brought the subject up once again, quickly, and when I reminded him of my feeling of total absurdity of even discussing the matter, he quietly dropped it and changed th subject, and it was unlike the first time, as though it never even came up at all. This time forever ended that discussion between us, but it left me scratching my head and wondering about that statement made to me back around early 1993 by Camden County Prosecutor Ron Wirtz, about his, and I quote, ''recent spurious behavior''. When I told him in 1996 about my powerful dreaming interaction where I was taken back to my high school with some ghetto thugs who wanted something I had in my car and were determined to get it, stranding me back in 1968, and how I told everybody that I was from 1997, and I was not, it was 1996 when I went to sleep, and this I totally remember clearly as a tinkering bell, he was very interested and asked me if I could describe these young teenaged black dudes, you know, like do one of those police artist crime sketches. I told him I have the talent of a one year old in art, and can only draw stick figures, and he said he would try and draw either or both of these dudes if I could describe them. I want to make a statement here folks. Shit on TV is so different than real life, all of it. That stuff about drawing accurate faces that we all see on TV, is a bunch of shitsapookna nightmare data, or SND for short. I may use this expression of SND or just say 'SEND', in future blogs, as why not? I am trying to send a huge fucking message out to the world of my plight in eternity, as well as in hyperspace, and the void, don't even get me fucking Eckert July-12 Pharmaceutical going here, lovely lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look folks, I don't know just what's going on around here, butr something sure fucking is. First this snotty shit head takes a hammer to my car hubcap while I am in a psychic shop getting a reading. In retrospect, these peeps are big into this sit, and probably wetre afraid I would get too close to something real big, ahead of schedule, huh Dave Speas??????????????? Time caught up with me, just as you said it would, and so did houses of horror and pain, high school SHARON. Now way up in the future, I had Ryan at Avalon Studio, open up a Facebook Account in my name, and I was instantly bombarded with my old high school peeps, contacting me to friend them. I only went to 2 of the 6 grades there at HTHS, their school went from grade-7 straight up through grade-12. There was James Stoy Elementary going from one to six, and then the high school, there was no middle school, in Haddon Township, New Jersey, not back then anyway when I was actively attending school in the sixties. Yogi Berra begins screaming in my ear after too many of these too coincidental things happening, and then that great 2009 movie, give me a break, there is no way I can be imagining like 200 things, maybe some of it I could be, but 200, please Margie Leo-85!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Dave asks me if I would 'settle' for amounts of money that also are very coincidentally following me in my life,and even in my mom's, such as with her, and that fucking wild dream the day she met Sarah Callio at the ACMUA water company in Atlantic City, New Jersey, about her dad's summer camp on Long Beach island, Brant Beach, and the property and the 20 grand, etcetera, it is all on previous blogs. I stand to gain absolutely nothing, making up a huge wild outlandish fish tale like all of this, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Running down here to Fort Pierce, does not permit me to escape these wild travelers, despite the question being posed from one of the commenter's on the WFMU page about me. If a few lousy miles would end my problems, no one would be happier about it than mother fucking good old little ME! But let's not even think about ending the discussion of nightly interactions, or dreams, or hyperspace exploratron travel, or any words you all want to use and be freaking comfy cozy with, as there is quite a bit to say on this that all ties together like a perfect freaking ass knot, straight out of the Scouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was the Camp Miquon deal with my mom in 1997, and the year before that, there was my high school; and forgetting a million other ones that are less relevant with these peeps; there was my re-kidnapping the other night in hyperspace, at the TAWF ROOMING HOUSE, of wherever, and 'whatever', maybe on Oak Street in Haddon fucking Heights, for all I know, BOB!!! Jeese Louise.

I'll tie shit in that will totally blow your mother fucking mind as you read on, I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since 1986, if you ever would read Doctor Goldberg's fantastic book, ''Time Travelers From Our Future'', you would begin to see very clearly, how indeed, there are pathways that take us, once magnetized into them, into greater and greater intensity levels, of both potentially good, or bad universes. Don't see travel in hyperspace as such a far out thing. It is so ashame you cannot see the easy simple truth around you folks, that everything is energy, and your conscious mind is simply a tool that divides by the speed of light squared or (C-SQ) so that we can all experience this material life here, physically. Built within this same simplicity is why humans need to sleep and dream. This is that other two fifths of our fifth dimensional self, and is why on an average, all people of all ages, all put together, tend to need to be asleep about two fifths of the time, and then the other three fifths, they are awake, 2+3 is the full 5 dimensions of our beingness, here, and in th other parts of hyperspace as well. A child who stops denying these truths, can see that MORIANITY is teaching a powerful piece of true information. Screw the psychiatric community and the medical-professional know it all's. These are those same folks who could never find out why my mother had her strange condition strike her on the day after Christmas Day in 1997, and my bizarre medical hell that struck me on the night of June the fourth in 1983, and don't tell me you don;t know someone in your own life who cannot say a few bad things about the doctor business!

But back now to Doctor Goldberg and his book and his discussion of pathways. Do I believe that every tick of the clock, is a movement through both the fourth and the fifth dimensions? You bet your mother fucking British Petroleum that I do, we sixties kids would say, you bet your bippie. Someone has been trying to kill me and torture me and torment me, and make my entire life a living burning endless nightmare fucking hell for all eternity. All I have is my life, these are my facts, I am not mother fucking god all mother fucking mighty, YO. Sorry, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let's look at hat horrible fucking ''nightmare'' from a couple days ago, at the TAWF Boarding House, where to quote my own words, I kept being placed in worse and worse ''rooms''. Well folks, let us change the word ROOMS, to the word UNIVERSES, and this becomes a very clear composite photograph, cosmically; of my situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who cannot see that, may the goddess help you.

I am not in the mood to get real big ass time into exploratronic travel (dreaming) or anything that attracts the owners of the great boarding house of other worldly locales, but I do want to try at least to make a simple point. It is not like some complicated trip to the moon or Mars or some planet orbiting a local area star someday. That IS complex, and by all means, a stupid risk, when you need not go anyplace at all, but that can be further looked at and talked about at a later time. What I want to try and make a little clearer to my readers is simply this: Your waking life is being brought to you by a brain. Its function is to somehow literally divide reality by C-SQ, and produce this life illusion here physically. None of this is real. It is as real as we make it, as is any other place or thing, we ever DREAM OF. I do not care if you hate this, and don't want to SEE THIS, it is the fucking truth, I swear to GODDESS ALMIGHTY it's the dam ass truth, folks!

I promise you, the DOW JONES WILL BE UP 500 MORE POINTS BEFORE THE WEEK ENDS, WITH 2 MORE TRADING SESSIONS. Every time it struggles to stay permanently above a new semi-kilo-point level, (500 basis points), I go through major mother fucking H---E---L---L! This happens every mother fucking time the dam market is on these rolls at CONTINUAL ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS, ever since this fucking nightmare began for me on August 15, back in 1986!!!! I doubt anyone alive could imagine all of this shit!!!!

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