Saturday, September 28, 2013




I talked a little bit recently about measuring my personal luck, calling it my (LUCK FACTOR) or simply my cosmic-magnetic relationship, and then shortening to my ''personal-magnetics''. Call a rose by any name, as Sir Shakespeare said this so well a long time back, and Dawn King ends up completing his sentence for him, with her famous, ''it is what it is''. So call it my luck or my personal magnetics or a cut of rose-coffee, and whatever, Bob from 1975; it still is what it is; and I wish to discuss a few things about it, folks. Before I do, my health has been very bad for some time now. The enemy, or the WOMO-MILITUFORCE, as I have come to label them back around 2005 somewhere; and before that, merely addressing them as OTAMM, standing for Organized Trash Against Mark Mohr; and recently my breathing has become quite bad, and my crap attacks are back after quite some time of a back off from this particular strike against my personal health, delivered to me beginning late in 1985, from these monsters from hell, and worsening in middle 1986, and from there, never even so much as looking back.

Right after I discussed how my luck scores went to total hell, I was silent on the subject for a week or so. However, despite my surrounding hellish life, my actual personal luck or magnetics, began strengthening, from a major bottoming out point. This bottom out was what my viewers heard me discussing on my blogs back a week or so ago. But all this week, the scores have miraculously improved; averaging around a score of plus 2.4 in a three day moving sliding average, and also, moving and climbing at a daily rate for a solid week, when measuring in this way; at +0.7 per day. Again, I use an exact roulette gaming system as a way of taking this measurement, removing the 0 and 00 house-edge-advantage from the wheels, since this is not a hypothetical roulette game being played and scored and measured, but rather, is my LUCK TESTING SCORE SYSTEM, no more and no less. Still, I want to refresh your memories on the system that I use, merely without those two extra house-vig numbers on the wheel, and again, I do not use wheels, but instead, numerous dollar decks of ordinary playing cards, as well as conversion charts. These charts act to further randomize everything, so that I do not just have 30 decks of cards or wheels, but more like just over 1000, because I simply use the cards ace through nine, and then have about 35 charts where each of these cards represents a number from 1-36, and all of the charts are totally different and completely randomly selected. So with my 1000 synthesized roulette wheels, I have a large randomized field of test area to work within, for purposes of luck testing, playing hypothetical systems, asking the GAWNUM questions, and so forth. For those who've forgotten how to ask the GAWNUM questions, and receive answers, and work this great system, we will be repeating it again shortly on upcoming blogs. But for now, let me remind you what I do in the luck test, using one roulette system that I only use specifically for this one purpose. For those who know nothing about this game, skip this, it won't do you any good. I combine a half and half kind of tool to this method of luck testing. Part if this is fully systemic, mechanical, and non-changing. But it in the mix, there is a selection to be made out of two possible choices, and along with then adding the double-up staging to four maximum bets, this I've learned through lots of trial and error on many previous attempts to mirror image my personal-luck with something that I can do first on paper; is the best way yet I've come to figure out. I told before, but will repeat it now; for those who know how to play the game of roulette; you begin after one spin outcome, keeping track of all numbers 1-36, not as numbers, but on the three parameters that they make up in this game, as 18 of them are red, 18 are black, 18 are even, 18 are odd, 18 are low, and 18 are high. After the outcome, say it is 19-red-odd-high, you begin in the mode of follow where you are betting to have things repeat. Normally you have a selection of two possibilities, as you cannot repeat your previous bet, that is to say, if you had bet black, you can bet on the even and odd or the low and high parameter on the next spin, not the one you just bet on. You begin with a following mode, so you bet the same outcome that just happened. On the very first turn or the second spin, this is the one time you may select from all three instead of just two, as you had no previous bet before. So you can bet on RED, ODD, or HIGH. Now let us say the number came out 35-BLACK-ODD-HIGH, and you had decided to bet on HIGH, and you had won. From now on you have but two choices, the two opposite parameters from the one you had just bet on. So you decide now to bet on BLACK and you lose with the number of 27-RED-ODD-HIGH. Now you not only are forced to select only from the ODD-EVEN and the LOW-HIGH, but you now must copy the last event that made you lose. It went opposite, so now you are betting opposite, and you select the ODD-EVEN, and bet now based on the last outcome number 27 being ODD, so you BET ON EVEN. Only this time, you bet 2 units, as when you lose on one bet, your next bet is 2, if you lose again, your next bet is 4, and if you lose 3 times, your fourth and final bet is 8 units. After a bet of 8 units, you are stopped out and the game ends. If you win before being stopped out of the game; you again return to the base betting amount of one unit. Every time you win, you copy what just worked, either follow or opposite, and every time you lose, you go opposite, or in reverse. You only have a selection of which of the two parameters to play, not the direction, that is always fixed based on whether your last event won or lost. There are many ways to take final scores and put them together, get their averages, be it a moving average of 3 days, a moving average of 3 and 5 days and the current day all averaged together, or any way you come to do it that seems to work for you. When I for example take my monthly botbars or horrible days, first I get the month-MPB number, and then I take all the months of the year before it and get an average; and then I compare these two amounts, for what I call the current month annual averaged comparison, or CMAAC. You don't want to know how rotten September is for me this year, but I am getting off on a tangent with this, just to show you how I do my calculations and then go onto graph my own charts. I'll quickly tell you all the wicked rotten news about my MPB (Magnetic Percentage Botbar) for 9/13.

It is DOUBLE the amount of the other eight months all averaged together, MOTHER FUCKING ASS DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, in MPB, it is like the game of golf, you hope for smaller numbers, not the bigger ones, so a doubling spells the word NIGHTMARE CITY CUBED, for me, good folks!!!!!!!! Still, my MAGNETICS or personal-luck, as per the tests I take just explained for the second time now on the BOM, the (Blogs Of Mountainpen); and this is the weird fucking part of this shit, good peep. As this negative hell of my BOTBARS doubled in the month of September, and actually beginning out of the wild and mysterious assault on me, both magnetically and cosmically, on the twenty-eighth of last August; as was told about over and over by this blogger; my luck force has gotten twice as good, and let me tell you about this, as this is really powerful fucking shit, good folks.

I have always wondered if my advanced T-3-E enemy travelers, don't have their own far advanced methodologies and outlandishly inconceivable ways of knowing my luck change points, only ahead of what my charts are able to show me with my best calculations. Then when they worry that I am in too good of an agreement with cosmos so that lots of much better things for me will have a chance to be happening during a coming time period, be it one short day or a week, or even longer; and so they then go right to work to injure and destroy me and my life so that it short circuits what would otherwise have made my life more normal, and a lot better, than the perpetual hell I have been forced to live in and sub exist in and endure and suffer through for nearly sixty mother fucking years now. This is by no means a new idea on my part, I remember in the early nineties beginning to arrive at these wild ideas, but I only slightly entertained them back then, as I was continually learning, growing, expanding, and evolving, into where I am today and have been since the times near to my Stockholm syndrome Kidnapping by the great TAWF.

Another thing I wish to explore with you is matter, energy, and polarity, as it relates to stuff discussed in the great books written by James Redfield, regarding how all things on this waking world Earth, are really a battle for energy, disguised as a battle for money and power, and sex, and control, and all that other sinful evil junk. There is positive and negative charge in matter, so of course, there is positive and negative energy, but this has nothing to do with what the 'psychics' refer to regarding sending energy to someone, or how bad pricks rob others of energy. When you are born, you are born with an exact amount of energy. When you have no more energy, your body will die. No laboratory or scientist can as of yet equate this onto a blackboard formula, but it is totally the truth. When those around us up set us, we feel horrible. We were robbed of energy. Our very beingness slowly brings more back to us from a life-reserve we all have, but when this runs totally out, ka-put, we die. Now many who know these powerful secrets, mingle amongst the crowds every day trying to literally suck out other people's energy. It really if done correctly, is as though we are all cars, and they have stuck a siphoning hose into our tank and robbed us of our gasoline, forcing our weaker self to boost up again. All anyone has to do is make us feel small and worthless and mistreat us, it doesn't have to be a full blown fight that would defeat the purpose, as the instigator normally would get as good as they gave, either in the fight, or later on with a criminal record, and on and on. So the clever energy-vampires, they learn how to stay clung to your windshield, despite the entire great State Farm insurance Company forcing them away. But there is a lot to be learned by these funny and really cool commercials run by my auto insurance company. These are not 'rate sucker's, they're energy-stealer's. When I worked at the Griffin Pipe Company, of Florence Township, New Jersey; I had one of these pricks, so I do know exactly what I am talking about. This prick drove my energy reserves around me down so low, it cost me my fairly good paying job, as I had lots of overtime at basically simple guard posts, and this is of course not allowed for me ever, to make any decent money whatsoever, via this HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE; just as back in mother fucking 1986 with the roulette playing, and the 1977 time while employed at the print shop in Westville, New jersey, Mars graphics. I am not permitted to ever make anything, barely able to survive if that, and this MILITUFORCE is real, and is doing this to me just as I claim it is, and has been, from the fucking day that I left fucking cunt school. This dude would walk into my guard shack every morning and literally steal my energy. He said he was a god. What he was, was an ENERGY-VAMPIRE. When things go your way and you get that real happy feeling, or any happy emotion, such as love when a person is young and things are all new and fresh, they insist on believing this is just an emotion, period, despite no doctor or scientist in the world as of this printing date, know diddly squat about the brain, or what emotions really are, not down the nth degree. They ain't even fucking close. Bad emotions are really just your energy being sucked out of you, as if you were a balloon, and someone was deflating you, making you get smaller and weaker. Then when things are great and you're all bubbly and happy, you feel as if you are that balloon again, only now, it's as if you are literally growing bigger and stronger. More energy is being pumped back into you. What polarity these energies are on are meaningless. It is not like the fake vampires, that only exist in Hollywood, or on the Astral plane's Phase-2-4 condition. This is not like blood where the wrong type will kill a person who is infused with it. There is no bad energy, no matter what bullshit you might hear out there in the paranormal world of ''know-it-all's''. When energy is converted into lower forms of energy, then polarity is everything. The ergs of energy that are expelled from sending electrons flowing down a wire path, convert into a north and a south pole, and south pole electrical fields of energy are destructive to biological cellular tissue. Concentrically, north pole electrical fields have a 99.9999999 or greater percentage of neutrality with biological cellular tissue. The few that are not neutral are actually program-points. These are, if I can put this very simply; what binds the four magic ingredients of the double helix, or the DNA of our Earth biological creatures, all of us; and stabilizes them in the exact way they are originally meant to be in, without any outside microbial interferences that might mutate them into other interrelationships that go onto lead changes to come about that eventually age and kill us all, as well as make us ill throughout our lives. The program points are no more than the matching frequency of these electromagnetic fields, and since most are totally neutral, and a tiny few are precise program-points; if you were to remove your blood slowly through a circulation transfusion where it is passed through a field on north polarized EMF fields from the lowest low to the highest high, basically a speck above direct current all the way up to microwave pitch, the person would suddenly overnight, become reprogrammed back to perfection at where they were when they stopped physically growing, and remain in that state for a very long time, possibly 5000 years, at which time, another simple transfusion could be done. This is not Frankenstein stuff, it is very real stuff, and is also kept guarded very closely by the very top controlling ESS Travelers, or the TYPE-3-SCIENTIST-EXPLORATRONS. This world is a huge game, and the great William Shakespeare knew all of this over half of a millennium ago. This game has owners, and controllers, and of course, winners and losers; sort of the way any good game does as well. SLAM BAM BOOM, LOTS OF DOORS SUDDENLY ARE BOOMING AWAY AT JUST PAST QUARTER PASSED ONE, AND YOU MISSED ME, JANE WHORE FONDA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! But I only got off onto this tangent to make some points that purest energy has no bad or dirty side to it. When you burn a sheet of paper, you convert some of its mass into a very dirty kind of energy. If the conversion was total, it would leave no residue behind, no ash, no smell, just pure energy. But one matchbook sized sheet of paper turned into this pure energy, in so doing, would cause an entire state to blow up. Even all of our greatest nuclear weaponry is not close to being able to convert mass to 100% energy. Anything less is a day and night difference. Our weaponry is all based on atom splitting, called nuclear fission. Fusion is when humankind totally masters E=MC SQ, and I hope it is not in my lifetime. Still, it is mastered, and controlled, by the ESS, as this group is all time, all hyperspace, and has the entire thing under their total absolute control, so that last sentence is just the mortal that is still left inside of me; as I know better than to word it like that, but I did it anyway. Yes Bruce and Virginia, I am still only human, and maybe looking for Virginia Avenue and Santa, and my special singing Christmas Angel of Cooley Hall back in 1972. A MACY WOW!

Some of the hacks I have experienced over the past month during this August 28, 2013 attack, old pal, Bob McDowell, FCC; a couple days ago the caps key was reversed, when it showed I was in smalls, it came out in caps, and when it showed I was in caps, it came out in smalls. I had the mouse disappear completely, dance wildly around in a fast wiggle jiggle way, and I have had the clock fucked with on the computer over and over, and it is literally one fucking hack after another.

Do peeps in the ESS come here on mission to steal energy when they do not need to do this? You bet they do. They don't do it to help them, they do it to intentionally weaken you, and very often, ME. Scientists, Educators, Recorders, Witnesses, and Adjusters; of the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. Any guesses out there, of which group is mainly doing the weakening of us, via this energy-sucking? Well in a process of elimination game, just for a little fun, let us work in reverse. Scientists need things and have no desire at all to make a lot of contact. The part of them normally awake here that's under influence and control of the hyperspace doppelganger, must associate with normal peeps that normally he or she does, so as not to get the red flags of suspicion all madly flying in gale force winds, but for the most part, they are looking to do what they came here to do, very privately and discretely. How about the Recorders have one job only. They are not here to interfere in anything at all, but they may upon occasion go as far as to do something similar to that great fictional syfy television show, Star Trek, The Next Generation; where the dude from New Jersey, time tripped up to the Star Ship, and began stealing objects to take back into time with him. Sometimes they in fact do hide time capsules and take things and place them in these capsules just for their use in future times, so unlike an opposite the fictional show on TV, they have gone backward, not ahead, and wish to bury an object or an item, and then, wake up, and dig it up. This in one of many functions of Recorder-Exploratrons that need not all be delved into on this blog, but they don't have any desire whatsoever, to rob anyone of their personal life energy. Then there are the Witnesses. Now in some small ways, the Recorders and the witnesses both take what is called in much of future hyperspace, 'spacefreeze'. We in a very backward way call these somewhat similar things, videos, recordings, shots, and lots of other things that capture pieces of reality for later observation and or pleasure. Now when taking a spacefreeze, an entire area is literally scanned and not so much copied, merely coordinated. In other words, it is like a computer telling you that your favorite movie or song, on whatever medium it is digitally on, would be for example, the following number: 01101001110110001101010101010100011011111001010, and so on and so forth, for about ninety thousand more pages like this. It is not a truly digital 0 and 1 binary code, and is too complex for me to even try telling about. But what is captured is an area of STM (Space-time-Mind). This can at any time, with the right encoder-decoder device, be for lack of better words, though of as Doctor Who's British Telephone Booth, in so much as you can activate the system and scan to any time in that parallel plane, it is not a 74-WP, and works in one universe only; but anything that is inside of that small area, adjustable somewhat, but normally is a 90 inch cube, 90 inches long and wide, as well as high. It can be fine tuned about 30% to a minimized or maximized size, but that is the norm for this device, 90 inches, just as the 74-WP has a 50-52 inch square and about twice that amount in height, but all this is for another time and place, as the late great Donna Summer might put it so well, good peeps. Getting back to the five classifications of TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, Witnesses do more 'personal writing' than Recorders do. They keep lots of notes and journals, and they observe the on-goings of many things of all types, all over the world. They have no need of our life-energy either. So then what about the Adjusters, after-all, they cause quite a lot of trouble? Well, that they do, but no folks, they don't do that particular mischief, at least no more than would their normal doppelganger during the course of his or her life while not being hyper-dimensionally remote controlled. Wow, what is left? DUH, the TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON EDUCATERS, that's freaking who. HI yourself, Misses M. Yes sir good folks, these peeps do the most work in their 'sleep-missions', and need to take and steal the energy from those around them. One way to know who they are, unlike the other 4 classifications of T-3-E, is that you will feel them drain your energy. They will want to be around you, use you, make you feel worthless and horrible, treat you badly, brag continually, and do all these type of things that if you remain around them for any length of time, you will go away feeling drained and blue and depressed. If you get enough of your life-energy sucked out of you by these bastards, you will become clinically depressed, unable to refuel your own reserves. Many suicides are victims of the educators. Watch out for them my friends, you will know now, as you've read!!

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