Wednesday, April 3, 2013




      Photos of the Day


Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.

my pic photo MohrMark.jpg


Here is a little bio information about the head-Morian, as requested by the original blog website that I joined in 2006 to begin my blogs and the Morianity-Project:


My Photo

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views - 2779

My blogs

About me

paranormal researcher
Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
I close my mind to nothing
Favorite Movies
all old movies
Favorite Music
most old music
Favorite Books
The winds of war, Time travelers from our future, Gone with the wind,

You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?

An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:

At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

Now before we proceed with the blog, see this:

Alerts Map
Note: The image above may not reflect the current alert state for your county due to a several minute delay between the issuance of the alert and the map processing.
Advisory Colors Key
Winter Storm Watch
Flood Warning
Non-Precipitation Advisory
Flood Statement



Governor Jesse Ventura talks about time travel, in ways that totally connect up with stuff from my own personal life; including the chance that his own distant relative, Salvador, was sent to me in 1965, to show me, and not Miss Wescott; how to tap my fingers in really cool ways, so that 'lightning' will respond to this, up in 1983; on a telephone receiver. Do not bother clicking here, the site was removed, slow Bobby; but maybe our pal fast Jesse will wrestle around with us later on, watch out for Elisa, big boy.



Only the opening title words are real.

To sing along with the new 2012 lyrics, go to my blog and click the SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0555, and scroll down until the page comes up with the words to the song, YO. If you do not like techno-pop music of the early and middle nineteen-eighties, there are other songs at the same site, http://youtube/paulaking2011/ so go there and have a blast.


12:33 AM-EDST, THURSDAY, 04/04/2013


Not everything can be blogged in real time, just as certain football landings and door breaking Brady's know about only too well, courtesy of Phase-Four Entity, and electronic-cousin from the sixth kind, Mister Laughing non-1071 Mike McNulty Typo. Yes folks, there are reasons that I must live as tghough I am on a planet orbiting the area the nearest stars not including our sun (SOL), but a bit further away in the local cluster of this local MWG arm. I say this, because in such a case, before negative space fields or NSF are created electromagnetically using entire stars to power them, and this is not going to happen for a while quite naturally, but this is how I am living, as though I am receiving everything from a number of light years of distance away, and this allows me to do quite a few things that only some real half physicist and half psychiatrist type folks, can even begin to wrap their minds around the concept. If you have the same warning for example, with a tornado verses a hurricane, I doubt there ever would be another tornado related casualty. The more time that can be artificially placed between events that ordinarily do not have a lot of this in-between artificiality, the more modification and or compensation to the ordinate event, becomes [possible from the abscissa event, geometrically or in any other way or discipline. This is why, unless a star family from the G-7 open commanders of miss Blakeville and others as well I'm quite sure, H-2; re-interferes as a double bubble from any origin of something, a distinct advantage can indeed be gained, along the ratio of the ability to make a widened artificiality of in-between-ness. Now this is what I worked on a little bit here and there, since August of 1986, when all hell broke loose around me, as a result of not realizing that I should not have allowed myself to awaken at the time I did. You see, the light did not really go on, on my desk in my Oaklyn apartment, it never did, but I forced the light on in a new reality and went with it, or otherwise I'da been eternally trapped in some Satanic nightmare, that even Santa Sarah and Patty Hollister, would not most likely have been able to do any magic chants and get me out of. I knew when I wrote my book in 1994, “The Permission Barrier”, © also in 1994; that indeed, I never really came out of this, and instead, rewrote a new reality around me, but not all of it is perfectly chained together with the old one. The glitch points are why my life screwed up once in a huge way in August of 1986, and then in other less huge ways afterwards, here, and there. But why these things are all rewritten and how it led to wild 100 James Patterson type soap opera lives all around my reality, is way too complicated to simplify and condense on one blog. I totally refuse to even make the remotest absurd attempt at such nonsense. Now the other day, I did a lot more than just what I said I was going to do, and all you need to know is one tiny fact about the hours after my previous blog posted up to the interconnected networking system of the PC WORLD, AKA the internet. All I can say without getting into a McCoy/Wirtz world of trouble and grief, good people, is this: I came to learn a very powerful thing, and the source or the details are not necessary, just listen to my message, and do with it whatever you wish to do, from filing it away into the crazy as usual file, all the way to the ultimate-WOW file, and any place in-between you may wish to do in your own personal psyche, whoever is reading these words at this second. I totally respect everybody and their right to think 'whatever', even the rights of Robert from 1975, and 'Robert' did not want to capitalize, I tried like 5 fucking times before the shit stopped hacking me. Speaking of Microsucks, yes, this is all owned by them, we buy a computer hardware unit at a store, and yes, we own that hard device, but all of the soft stuff or software, the quintillions of zeros and ones on discs and whatever formats, well, THEY own it all, and can do anything they want, and had all this planned decades ago. They even left a real paper trail to their monstrous crime of taking over the entire humanity. My dirt bag nabes have been slamming in and out all night and it is now just shy of one AM, Sheriff KM, sir. But grind grind, let me clutch back before the clocks shift over to October fifth in OHM-8. This was all planned from before the majority of any of you out here looking at this blog, were born. The actual planning however that went into this on a matrix movie level, was done infinite STM ago, if the word 'ago' were even to apply, and it does not. Tents and circus trees, and Dave Roth's most funny jokes, cannot laugh all of this away. Do you feel famous yet, mister Himacane Lynch? WHAAAAAAAAA! Hay, Mayor Levy, how could we have known a dam thing? They planned it all a long time ago, and they're just laughing at us now, and the dangerous fields involved at one of the triangulated wormhole points of New Jersey, indeed, sir McGuire, is right next door to your third floor hotel, you wild crazy mick. I don't mean to get super nasty and totally off the PC grid here folks, but this guy and others along with him, should be taken out and slowly shot and left to bleed out in a marshland just out of town, so a little name calling they can live with, and hopefully, so can Lizzy Duff, AHA AHA AHA, Mister McNulty of NINETEEN 71, not 1071, hay the keys are next to each other, you know like IO and CV, innocently making words that were never intended to be misused by this blogger in 2006 when it all began for me, Mister Bennett, oh sir; you know; Hickey, Hockey, Previous, Precious, and the list can go on and on, but I choose to end it due to lateness in the day and other things as well, peeps. I did not know Mike McNulty 900 years before 1971, but the simpler explanation is the way the typewriter keyboard was invented long ago. It is very weird to me that the three vowels of I-O-U are all right together, increasing the chance of word typing errors in my mind at least, 10 fold, call me crazy, oh I forgot, MO and WO, you already do, WHAAAAA!

Folks, just how long this computer will last is very problematical. It is not running good, and I do not have a ton of fuckin g money to fix it, nor would I trust a soul with my computer, not with what is on it, and not with my list of enemies and all of their virtually limitless power, and desire to fuck up my life on a 24-7-365.2422 basis for 60 dam ass years. While there still is time, and to quote my wonderful ever loving beyond talented daughter from the land of cosmic secrets and closets; let me just say this quick and easy: First, YO, all I care about is copyrighting my YOUTUBE account with an official check and filled out form, which is something that is right around the corner now, PTL-PR old boss of the stingy cassette world, and ass for keeping my channel up and running more than 30 days after I officially send the © form electronically up to their website, most likely I'll remove my entire channels there, the philly57hockeysticks, the paulaking2011, the King Nebnooshoo, and or any other place that any of my youtube garbage may be scattered helter skelter on, and it will be gone forever, no more social media, just the blogs, and even this is in the process of rapping up, so don't make the mistake of thinking that now that I have a slightly more professional opening, this is leading to anything other than the fact that recently, I have figured out just how to do these little cosmetically improving things; but my blogs are almost finished; and then they will stay up a year, and then be removed by me, deleted entirely. Now I cannot make my Jason Forrest hatepage disappear, or other shit up on the net about me, but that cannot be helped. This is the great age of technology out of control, but then, oil will run out; and we will all go back to life as it was a very long time ago, a very very very long time ago, lovely Ingrid-84! Now speaking of this devil, technology, not lovely Ingrid; not exactly the way that 99.999999999% of the yoputh on this planet believes about their peers all being part of the net-world any more than they need to be to live and survive in these new end times of without it, no life, no buying, no selling, read your bible, folks. My point is that I learned that there is a secret growing movement among the great young crowd, and this Protestant movement is exactly what the religious movement was with the church long ago, when they [protested against the originally created Roman Catholic Church. Great time to be fucking screwed by dirt ball Jane Bitch notfondauonebitforwhatyoudidtomein93. Page eleven of fucking eleven again, well, I must of course compensate, so here I go with some nice large fives, YO! 55555555555555555555555555

You have forever altered my life, you ditsy activist, your wonderful gentleman dad would be totally ashamed of freaking you, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I hope my poor monster in law face survives the Pressing of the numbers and the roll of the dice, gee willagars, Copyright Office. Golly gash darn gee whiz and 1988 McDonald Dancers, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Yes, there is a growing movement, in the young crowd, that is not totally abstaining from the necessary modern era, but they do not have the social media accounts, they know nothing of posting to blogs, or the Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube, and told me I am like a guru next to them, sending some real Donna Gaines White-boy Goosebumps up and down my spine at C-SQ! But there is a little more, and this is all falling into the magic 10 light year zone of chopper landing mahogany divas and door shaking sister flinching Brady sisters, and a lot more. What will be told publicly tonight is this and only this. I have decided to stay one more year at this horrible building and then I be going back up to New Jersey, until I am at the age when Uncle Samuel Huntington AKA (Uncle Sam), changes my Social Security Disability into just plain SS income, and I can go to Americana in south America then, and nobody is going to stop me, NOBODY! Yes folks, lately, Jane has been giving me quite a workout, and not with her dumb tapes. I AM seeing ones all over the place, which is a message from fucking cosmos directly to me to LAY LOW. So, I will lay low. I don't do a lot of arguing folks, I AM too dam old and too dam tired!!!!!!!! But I do know what I know, and when challenged, well, I politely walk on smiling! ET.

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