Saturday, April 20, 2013



Sharkey Marky may or may not be the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, but he has the evilest trashy bottom feeder neighbors across the hallway from him. Yes folks, I am putting up with them slamming in and out all day, and it still is going on at nearly 3 AM, and if it does not quit, I'll call the fucking CRIME STOPPERS number, that was given to me by Resident Manager, Misses Debbie Marotto.


I have dozens of huge things to tell that WOMO, I assure you, does not want out and told, if they don't get off of me, Angels A, W, and Millie. WAYWINY, LILLY MUNSTER?

These dirt bags are all connected with the computer shit in this building, and the security guard rotation force. When I told what I told, they attacked me huge time, you can all be a witness to the way I say things, and then get instantly punished and pummeled by WOMO-MILITUFORCE right directly afterward.

There is no real true supernatural, and all of religion and church shit is garbage, but the idea behind it is moral and honest, and I find no fault with the fact that folks are still swinging from trees, carrying little self contained mini universes called compuphone's, in many other dimensions ODF reality. NOT ODF, OF REALITY, HACKERT MS SCUZ! When you go into a movie theater to watch the show called, “EARTHQUAKE”, huge sub-woofers shook the entire viewing area, simulating a real quake. There really was not one happening, but the illusion that there in fact was one happening, was very very fucking real, we all are tricked and fooled by sensory illusion, constantly and continuously, and even relentlessly. There is no devil called SATAN, but there may as well be, and THIS is a truth that the churches will eventually come to see and realize. For all intense and purposes, there is A SATAN, but still, Lenny, there isn't an actual devil with horns and a pitch fork in a burning furnace of fire that is named HELL. Hell, and HEAVEN, words for great so-called after-life 'places', are not places at all, they are simply CONDITION-INTERACTIONS. Again, it may as well be real places, you would never know the difference. If you were hooked up to a trillion dollar super virtual reality video-game, with brain connect scan technology, so that while you enter and play, your only memory of self is right there inside of that game, just as entering this world through the Astral birth dream, produces seemingly, in like manner. Dennis Snyder would say it perfectly right about now, as should he be here, and saying all of this, as opposed to me; “That's reality, son”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you some powerful GAGA CAT Q&A later on, not on this blog. What I will close out with is simply this. Hopefully Mrs. Shoemaker and daughter Tracy won't make any trouble for deer sweet little old me, who tries so hard all the time just to be free, but if it does happen, I'll deal with that another time, Youtube.

Every secret I reveal, the enemy punishes me back in a precise way that pertains to the details of that secret. Anyone following this for at least 6-12 months now, and cannot see this is truer, along with how true all of my claims are; is simply in a comfy-zone-denial in their spirit as they read the words of MORIANITY. Fine, you have a right to do and think as you please, and I have on problem with that. Still, I do know that that the majority who read my words, can see through the lies and do in fact know that I indeed am really truly being persecuted by some unknown beyond alien group of very very very distant foreign travelers. The only pieces in the jig saw puzzle that have any hope of fitting into a good explanation, is the games of the gods for distraction purposes, as well as to keep it all organized and under their total control. Any truth should be revealed, and none should be intentionally buried and covered up, as they are currently being. Take the truth away, and all that be left is various degrees and forms of lacking sanity. Collectively as a species, humanity has a side effect of growing overly com[plex and technical on an ever increasing upward linear if not geometric sized scale. This would be none other than forcing truths, rearranging lies to become new age truths, and sop forth, again, without what really is being what we all agree to perceive to be true, we have nothing. We may think we own a very high teck world and be super rich and maybe even somewhat happy, but again, there is that pesky three syllable word again, ILLUSION! It does not matter where or what I live, work, go, do, and so forth. The Assistant to New Jersey Congressman Robert Andrews in 1998, Mister Clarence Harris, knew how real this powerful truth was in his own life, and never doubted it for a second in mine, as he could relate personally. There is an IF or an Interaction-Force that takes control, and makes gold slowly turn to rust and smelly garbage, if I am in any way connected into it; a subject that could be thousands of pages long, and not scratch all that much of even an ice shaved surface. But a few constants are right there in my face. The tit for tat retaliation that all started in 1986, along with the escalation of my major fucking hellish nightmare problems to begin with; PROVES and VERIFIES beyond one speck of miniscule doubt, that this is all a game of the gods, as Morianity has preached all along since it began in early 2006. Still, why me and not all of you, this is the all time Shakespearean question. Let us explore this.

If Shakespeare was correct even slightly, about the entire world being a stage, and us being the actors in a play here, and I know that he was told this by the gods in some form of slightly off of normal mind awareness state, be it a dream or meditation, or whatever; then we all have been given a roll to play, a four dimensional script to act out our part in an interactive menu various choices way, and so on and so forth. We do not bring this to surface waking mental level as we go through our waking times and live our parts in this Shakespeare play arena, but we play our parts nonetheless. Just as we breath in and out, with rarely any conscious attention ever paid top it. Same exact thing folks. Before anyone totally judges claims made in the Morianity teachings, you need to read all of the books ever written by one of the great nineties new age guru founding fathers, Carlos Castaneda. Then we can talk again and when I tell of a lot of stuff such as the Lambrigg Cult all meeting on this physical realm without knowing or remembering each other, merely being subconsciously driven to join the EW group, and all eventually and gradually carry out the great new age mind control, spoken of by me in my 1986 “Real Good Girl” music project that I copyrighted. You can see this as the title to a group of songs and matching the LOC catalog of my songs for 1986, in the blog's enclosed list that I CAP in. Rather than go on and on and really say next to nothing for most readers at their dimly lit stage of awareness levels,let me try cutting to the chase. We have an existence of our truer self-entity, on the Astral-Plane, or the spirit world. This entity self or 'soul', is way to large and complicated, for any one universe to contain it; so it breaks up into countless amounts of various ones, where they then are all dreamed eventually, into various separate life-times, down in the fifth dimensional hyperspace. This is the vast area containing virtually limitless numbers and amounts of space-time f-D universes, all operating on slightly different but agreeing atomic frequencies. Now I told of the towel example and how localized other nearby realities all seep together in strange ways, just as a soaking wet towel would also seep its wetness into other surrounding towels that lay around it and touch it at some point. Very soon, if harassment keeps up, I will make up real examples, showing these towels in action, and then showing my life here as well as in surrounding localized hyperspace. It is all one big us you know, and separate parts of our 'soul' living in unlimited parallel realities, does not mean a total disconnect in the lives of our many localized doppelganger other-us's. All ready, my blogs show all sorts of dry towels around the one central wet one, but only a few are getting it, and putting the 2 and the 2 properly together, and arriving at the proper 4 answer. 3.9999999 won't cut it, it may as well be 26.00029384756. Knowing what I have come to know about this topic, can be related to a lottery winning number. One number wins it. Every other number, far away of off by one digit, are all equally losing numbers, not counting the way the system operates the cash payout's for near misses, I simply mean that any wrong answer, a little or a lot wrong,. Is still equal to a wrong answer, and that there only van ever be one correct answer, to any problem mathematically. Now my trying to post up my song, a year long try now, last week, at the library in West Fort Pierce; not only failed and caused a nasty BOTBAR day for me, but also, was punished. It is just a simply little ditty about a greedy fisherman, who refuses to share his catch with a starving family, who encounters him on a fishing jetty one day, and then later, a storm blows up and knocks him off the jetty to his death, where in the after-life, as mortals see it, he is saddened to see he no longer can have any fish to eat, despite being surrounded with such an incredible abundance of it. But we all know that this is more than a song telling a cute little story. The WOMO has a vested interest, or so it would appear, to keep me blocked and unable to ever do what normal 9 year old's do every day like nothing. Some may think this is supernatural,others that I am just either crazy and think this is all happening when it is a mere delusion, don't I wish, or they figure, wow what a total retard, all he has to do is get a book on how to work the Youtube at the library, only my fucking brain is not wired to be taught without a real live instructor or teacher. So the enemy has me covertly by my thrill rocks, and the know it, and they fucking laugh at me every dam ass day. It's after four now, I'm tired and need to fucking crash. Yes, this blog is hit a lot, but my Youtube channel, http://youtube/paulaking2011/ is never hit, maybe once or twice every month, one song is hit. It seems that after I took down the original postings in middle 2011 after moving in here to this PHA apartment, and doing this, it caused a strange thing to happen where nobody can get to my music, and or, they just do not have any desire to ever go and listen to it, even though the blogs would make a lot more sense of viewers would listen to the music posted, as it tells true stories that will match stuff from this blog. Do I have any answers for just what is causing this? NOPE, not even a clue, maybe ten or so wild theories, and they all together and three dollars will get me 12 shinny quarters any time at any bank. I could not help seeing how one of the two brothers who caused so much havoc back on Monday up in Boston, has a Youtube account and is only 19 years old, and has four digit hit counts on his posts, while I am lucky if my average post has had 3-6 hits, all other counts above that are my views, and or CAPPING links to blogs, as this all creates a view, and is counted. I am left top wonder why a murderer has 4 digit hits and I am getting maybe 4 on one post and 5 on another, and so forth, on an account I have had up since the 30th of December of 2010, almost two and a half years now. They stopped allowing me to blog share to blogger one day back last year in 2012, and I could go on. I know my stuff is somehow covertly being as sanctioned and blocked from stumble on views, as is possible. Many have also told me for a long time, that they gave up trying to get to my stuff from their computer, it just leads to nothingness. If I can ever prove this, I'll have a case for First Amendment Legal Issues, impeding my freedom of speech, and I don't even post major stuff such as hate core and really heavy anti-anything stuff, it is just normal music, that tells stories of my life, in small and clever ways; that is if it is listened to carefully. Hay, I am happy for those who get a million and 90 million views, but why am I getting 5? This has to be some form of a blockade, and this clearly legally is in violation of some rights that I know that I must have somewhere in this great country's constitution. You cannot watch the bnews one day without the anchors telling how people post something, and it virals out to a million or more hits in just days. I do not go after that amount, but why can't I get 2-6 thousand for example, who is stopping me? I do intend to hire an attorney, and see if I can indeed ever get to the bottom of it all, after-all, if this case if ever won, it would put me and my Morianity on the map, and then I could get my message out to the world, and that is all that I have ever wanted to do; as then I would have friends on my side of this nightmare fight, and folks that would all band together, to help each other against tyranny and oppression, of any and all forms and kinds, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth.

Sit back and enjoy, folks.

Before two years of these blogs were done, all of the basic information in Morianity was out. There will always be possible additions as life moves on in my present incarnation of beingness. Only stones don't change, so why would this not be the case? Well, that is soaking wet with liquid truth, and yet even more than that is going on, and stones do change. People say when you die, you stop aging. I use this as a quick example of something. That is entirely untrue. You stop aging in a biological sense, but while the dead body and remains of what we were, sits on a slab, or is buried in a tomb; the universe is aging, so thereto are the remains aging, cosmically and not biologically, but even the rocks around the cemetery, all are aging, and will eventually crumble away. Only stopping the motion of the worlds and the inner working of them, stops the clock, another scientific term for this state in the laboratory, is called, “Absolute Zero”. When things are frozen, they don't move, and they do not change. Change is age, as well as many other things. This all fits nicely into many things that have been said in Morianity, only in-between the lines more than direct and bluntly. One thing I will be touching on with this particular blog, is the middle nineties, and what may have led to a significant alteration in my life, that no ordinary 'midlife-crisis' or other Millionth-Council nonsense, can be used as an overly simplistic explanation, or even excuse. I have come right out and said one of many over-the-head beliefs in Morianity, that there is but one real true point of reality, and change and age is merely this point with a little before 'something' now existing behind it, that was not there before. This can send chills up a spine at 186,282 SMPS, especially if really grasped and properly understood. The few times that a person seriously begins contemplating what time really is, or what is forever and along these lines; a quick spark jumps up and enters into our consciousness, from the deeper all knowing beneath the consciousness omniscience, that we all ARE. Depending on individual level of 'enlightenment', this plants a seed, and at another time, the same thoughts begin to roll around in the mind, and again, a little more and a little more starts creeping into normal human waking awareness. Surviving enough hellish existence accelerates this process, like throwing expensive garden feeding chemicals onto our lawns and flowers. Normally a limit exists where only so much can be tolerated, so much physical pain before a death results, or so much mental anguish before total insanity takes over. But as Christian scriptures cleverly teach the 'enlightened' folks, something bigger than death is out there, and there may be a hundred names for it the world over. On this blog, when not saying DOGTOWN, it is refered to no differently in Morianity than in Christianity; and that word is HELL. For reasons that go beyond my surface awareness at present, I survived more than what it takes to remain sane by human standards, and can prove it when forced to do so someday by the authorities; and this means that my life, my physical life on this physical plane reality, has become HELL. This did not happen in 1986, nor did it happen during the beyond monstrous horrendous years to follow into the nineties, and up as far as the middle of the decade. Then, suddenly, with or without any shopping at Walmart or seeing or hearing or music related nonsense, something happened to me, that was explained by the so-called know it all degreed people in authority, as a mid-life crisis. Well, fine and well, only this was one mother fucking hell of a mid-life crisis, Mary Carter initials of inescapable proportions, with or without magical McVeigh paint projects, classified or unclassified, pillow talker Daddy. This is what I wish to talk about at this 'present-point' on this blog, the mid-life crisis of 1995, and without any Youtube joking around, or songs, or harbors, or eggs, or Rodney's, or phone calls, or warnings, or any other pieces and parts of Atlantic City, New Jersey, and its great County, here in America, that contains this GREAT CITY, the mirror image in a microcosm of ISIS and her true great city known Astrally, as Sahasra Dal Kanwal. This is a human English translated pronunciation, it means, the “City of the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle”. Before going on farther with 1995 and the start of all of this beyond incredible bullshit nightmare, let me tell you folks, that I don't like discussing current events and politics all that much, and did give a warning that the middle part of 2013 will mysteriously get dark and bad, and this is all just the start of it. I also told, and warned, that people are their own worst enemy. If they choose to not believe me on powerful issues, then when shit goes all wrong and rotten, just don't blame me, or expect me to cry a single tear. If I had my way, the laws of physics would make things like bombs and guns, be as in that old original Star Trek show, with the light beings, who stopped the Klingon's and the Federation from fighting, while maintaining the appearance of simple sheep herd folk. But this is fictional, and stuff does go bang in the night, and the daytime as well. My second choice would be that magically, only the cops and the army's would have such things, others simply would not and could not. Again, this is not reality. But I told a while back that if the authorities do not begin to carefully scrutinize and examine, why the world is getting crazier and nuttier all the time, and more and more of this kind of stuff is happening; then it will not stop. You can not legislate a bomb throw, a murder, a gun going off, or even hatred and craziness; but what can be done, is a thorough research study of many things that are totally ignored today, such as Morianity and my own story for one example. Oh I'm quite sure I'm on many lists of watched people, you cannot say all the shit I've said and not be; but that is just more anti-freedom, and in fact, in its own way; all this shit becomes LEGALIZED TERRORISM, to quote my wonderful treasure salver father, or expanding the scope of his saying of 'legal thieves', referring to most of WASH-DOC, and hay, I am just quoting a man, a loyal serviceman who fought for his country during WW2. I despise the evil and cruelty and injustice on this planet; and much of it has been aimed right directly at me; down to the copyrighting of my song 'LOST LOVE' a year after it should be, to keep me from ever making a stink about Robin Gibb and Marcy Levy, perhaps; but we know what is happening, don't we fortune filthy 500, and wicked evil EW (Entertainment World) or industry? There is no record of Tom Glenn arranging the song either, and yet I sent an open reel tape down to be copyrighted in the early summer in 1980, containing all 4 demo tunes; The Morning Light, Lost Love, Love So High, and Long River Blues; and the 'EW' blasted into this project, and stole around it, like rats off of a sinking ship. I do not have one good thing to say about that rotten stinking cheating evil industry; as they can all go straight to fucking DOGTOWN for a thousand MK. But back to other evil. I tried hard to tell those that I know listen and read this blog of Mountainpen, not wanting to take advantage of the suffering, but when else will it all hit home as good, as when an incident happens? We all know that a traffic light is only constructed out of blood. You beg the township for 30 years, then finally three little kids are hit and killed by a speeding car. Then the traffic light comes. That is just the sad way of the world, and we all know it. Instead of putting me on a list, as I am quite sure I am on, those who I used to pay my taxes to, should contact me directly, and be genuinely desirous to know my true story, but no, Washington, we can't have ALL THESE POWERFUL SECRETS EXPOSED, oh no, forget that one, YO. And when the truth is right in your face, you will all see it or hear it a little off, and say, nah, can't be, similar yeah, now onto the next thing for the day. Well, I have no power to stop anything. But this is why terrorism has become so horrible since the nineties, because fucking people just won't listen to those who shout and scream out for help, so one day, they do the unthinkable, and go blow a mall up. Well, don't worry about me you sick arrogant bastards, as I do not intend to spend my life in a prison, or a sike ward; but I sure did try and help, and nobody would listen, not even my great pal in the Julia Mansion. You won't do it the way you tried, even if you had gotten the votes, sir. The human condition needs addressing big time, folks like me, with huge unspeakable nightmare problems, ignored; hoping we'll all just eventually go away and vanish, and most of us do. The trouble is that 1% don't, so things end up going boom. This is just good advise and a lesson in Morianity, advanced 102, by no means to be taken as any kind of a threat. I bring truths, not threats. Now back to my Mary Carter Crises of unending eternal initials. By the way, I never said that I believe that conventional psychiatry is the total answer, as did anyone ever take a survey on the suicide rate of these whacky ass doctors? I have. Now let us move on, WHAAAA!

1994 was a very magical year for me, and I had two others like it in my life at both that time, and still to this day, there have been but three of these type of years in my pathetic mother fucking life, 1969, 1980, and 1994. Spacing in time from 1969, this was 11 years and 14 years after each of the preceding one that the next one occurred. That is why I was hopeful that the mathematical pattern of adding three years to eleven, might kick in again; only it did not, and 2011 was a horrible horrible mother fucking nightmare year for me. In any case, so was 2012, and normally, things do not tend to work out all that great for me on the following years in this mathematical pattern, you know 1969 plus 11, plus 14, plus 17. Even though the 2011 year did not happen the way I had hoped it might, based on this pattern activity; the next-year shit sure did, as in 1970, 1981, 1995, 2012. I will miss out on the next nightmare after-year, at least according to ISIS, as in a 'dream' she promised me that I would be released from this nightmare life as Mark Wayne Mohr in 2031, and so, fuck 2032. Of course, she has enjoyed teasing me since she was 2 years old in this life, and before that, in many others as well, but I am still friggin hoping for the best, so I can do my 18 and out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, back to the Mid-life Crisis, and another wonderful MC. This is not something that can be told, bing, bang, boom, and done, but again, I can start to open a door on this blog, and then later, the room beyond can be more thoroughly explored, good folks.

I was living at the Highview Apartments, owned by Philadelphia slum-lord Maria Shoemaker and her hubby. Now a child can use their eyes and see something powerful in the last sentence, and we are too smart to even touch it, YO!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho peeps, Ace and purple not withstanding, TEE HEE HEE LILLY, learn to laugh at the wild symbolism world, any-ha; there are some key events and key figures involved in my so-called Midlife Crisis, one was the President at the time, one was an elderly entertainer of days gone by, and there were some others, and I cannot freely just give away the cake and divulge the whole dam rotten mess, or trouble would most definitely follow quite closely behind the posting of this blog. One thing led to another, and 1995 came in, and the magic of the great '94 year, where all sorts of great shit happened to me, began to disintegrate away with every bit the realness of any fictional fucking Harry Potter story. I wish I had the imagination of writers like James Patterson, and whoever this English lady is who did Potter, not my mom's old boss from the nineteen-seventies, but very interesting and powerful symbolism, if I do have to be the one leaning on my own horn, Lovely Lena, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA, AHA AHA AHA MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the cracking open of the door. Some of it happened when I would meditate over at a place called National Park, then I would leave there and head for the Haddonwood Swim Club, and this is no normal place. This place has a real honest road that goes directly onto the Astral Plane, if you know how to access a secret underneath the creek behind the place. In any case, no one thing is the story, and no one powerful secret is being kept. This is literally a fucking nursery of baby secrets that live and breed and grow, and are heavily protected; maybe for all I know, by the great McGuire clan themselves, as they were not afraid to hire the OZ man, and I am afraid I just made a big ass mistake, typing this truth to you all right now. He also hired the other jerk off to take care of the first one, even the name has a symbolism to this jerked off behavior, WHAAAAAAAAABIT! If you do not believe in Alice's, looking glasses, reflectional time, magic Sidney King Crown, and independence, well; you won't believe in all this Santa Claus Easter Bunny stuff either for the most part. All that matters to me right this minute good folks, is that I totally know that it is all the truth, and that I have made it all a public record, cleverly of course; but it's up here now, screw the results, Aunt Tea, as I expect things to get worse, trees, burning bushes, and barking wolf WOLF wolves. Well, now that I've committed literary suicide, let me end tonight's lesson with this little finish line that won't explode at least, well, not in your face, maybe mine. Herby Letts, David Selby, and Lifeguard Albright, all know what this little squib is about. If you had helped me Herby, you prick, things would have been so different, and there are no trillion words to tell it. I may be joining Adrian Donna Summer without needing the F-6/10, but here goes, Brad Ice. There is no way McGuire would do all of this, to his own cousins as well as to me, the father of one of them, if it was not all about saving something on a cosmic scale. This family is a cosmic family, many folks in WASH-DOC totally know this is the truth. There were those who tried to bring this out around the time before my midlife crisis took hold, and nobody even remembers it, like the magic of 10-SC Avenue, only it was done with ETTOS, and without the Illum Club, and broadcasting networks; as they could not legally get these sound waves, and the gods only know what else out there; to effect the entire mass populations. Now let me shut the fuck up, Professor Jackson, and Shorty Gong MacInvondi, before the entire planet is struck with a moon size meteorite, Miss Tessmocker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good night and pleasant dreams, Ann Reese and Bobby Witherspoon, and many many many others. I have nothing against anyone, so do not take it personally that I got off of the FACEBOOK. I have no time for childish games, I am not 16 years old forever and ever and ever. AHA AHA MMCN!

Jesus Christ, where is my talking treadmill? I've got some weight to take off, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!




First off, my asshole nabes are not only annoying, but I have forgotten about something they did to me, and have been meaning to blog it for six weeks or so now, give or take. Somebody is playing with my mind and memories, sound like McGuire is in town, K-MART of Fort Pierce? Hay, opposite the highway where they are, is indeed, another Tennessee Avenue, I mean as Lenny Briscoe might chime in here, “But still”. Lots of hollering and in and out, and strange shit as well. I got off the elevator today after coming home from some errands that YOU WILL MOST DEFINITELY BE MADE PRIVY ABOUT, it is beyond mother fucking ass major ladies and gentlemen, and whatever else is out here. Aniwho, I get off the elevator, there are two elevators, and am in the area of these elevators, all seven floors have the halls leading down to apartments on the west side, and also, the east side, and there is a lot more to the story than this, or New York City. AHA AHA AHA MMCN (Mike McNulty)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I do get into it, this is another super BOTBAR DAY, and many powerful negative shit ass things all culminated together to cause it, but all things considered, the lulu botbar days of April so far, are not in any way a comparison or a contest to the ones in March, by this time here in center month. On top of the shit, it was very humid and fairly hot, mid eightyish, feeling 100, at least to mother fucking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you, adding 'ISH' to the 80, was acceptable when I was growing up, or shall I say, in the fucking cunt eating universe I used to live in, as boy has this been a CROSS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to sort of wonder, then wonder a bit harder and stronger, but no more. This is not where I used to live, before the greatest fish in the bay CROSSED OVER THE GREAT ACADEMY OF THROATS or WHATEVER, Congressman Robert, old pal, and SIR!!!!!!!!!!

The contents of this blog focus on quality, not quantity. It will not be ten trillion words in length, but it will do its share of hard punching, so if you are not in the mood for this, hit the “NEXT BLOG” button right now, thank you. First off, I will tell you why the STOCK FUCKING MARKET SHOT WAY UP AGAIN TODAY, probably placing it now over the big 15000 point mark. It is because, once again, I WAS SCREWED IN A MUSIC DEAL. Again, I tried to get some help posting my “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER” song, the full song not the harmony track, up to my account at the web address http://youtube/paulaking2011/ so what the fuck else is new? This is all just a tiny miniscule mother fucking part of why our former POPE, came almost to the door of the home owned by Judge Frank Raso, on Middle Road, back up in Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG. He also owned many others, including the rooming-house on Central Avenue, in town there, where the King family was renting and living in before we all moved in together at 65-A Middle Road, Your Eminence. Before we hop on over to the hub, yes there are interesting things that never ever have been discussed and or blogged, such as the initials being yet ANOTHER MILLIONTH COUNCIL coincidence, moving from Council Central Avenue, to Millionth Middle Road, right Mary Carter McVeigh Paint Company, AHA AHA Mister McNulty-'71?????

Hay, the name of this blog is not Resorts International Hotel and Casino, or Donald Rottenslob Trump, no sir, it is Morianity Part Five, Chapter Forty-Eight. My opinion of the entire Lambrigg Cult, CUZZ, you and all the rest of this gang of shit from fucking hell, is thisssssssssssssss, Mizz Lucci:

Inward snort, exhaled gross out throat sound, thueey! Filthy thieving garbage, with a lot of awards on their wall, and endless egos in their mirrors; don't do a lot for me. In fact; they don't do one blessed thing for me, and never did. Why you ever wanted to join this scum bag gang from hell, PP, is beyond my limited intellect, and I'll openly fucking cunt admit it, YO. Now I need to move this along to the events of the day, beginning with the asshole at the elevator.

I got off one of the two elevators and so did a lady with me who was speaking to me about how hot it was and how slow these elevators travel, and when we got off, we just finished up our talk, as she is on the east hall or wing of the building, and I am the far west apartment facing the north side. Before I go on, I need to thank my wonderful beautiful LIGHTNING GODDESS, for coming over to visit me again the other day; bringing her awesome scrumptious bolts of gorgeous electron channels in the skies out beyond the windows of my crummy little PHA apartment, lighting up everything with unfathomable color, and beautiful fractal patterns; all CG, no ribbons. Aniwho, back to the magicians trick at the elevator. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my dirt bag nabe across from me was just there with this lady and me, only he did not get off of either our elevator, or the other one, or Ida seen it. We were standing right there, and yet, I moved a few yards, and there he was; right at the other elevator; only it never came up to the floor and opened, or if it did, I was 'McGuire'd', AGAIN (ETTOS-HACKED)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, there is more to this, but remember, I am coming in at this point, so the stuff I have yet to tell you about while I was out, is still all coming. I merely want this typed so I will not be McGuire'd into forgetting again and again to tell something that what I first open with about these nabe-scum, follows, and all pertains to music, computers, and the Dell Security Guard who was supposedly going to help me with my stuff once, and by help, I was not going to ask for a freebie, I would have handed him 50 bucks for doing maybe three hours work, and down here in Fort Ghetto Pierce, that is a prize to be taken and then run with; not ignored and spat upon, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the son of these people, who is not supposed to come here, by order of some court or something. I do not know the story, and it's none of my dick chewing business. All I know is that he appeared literally out of nowhere like many of my POP-UP and SEND-BACK entities have done since this all started in this new universe for me when I awakened into it on the morning of mother fucking August 15, 1986. I never saw him before today, only was told of him by Debbie, my Resident Manager. He walked ahead of me until we got half way to our location at the end area of the hallway, or almost, as there is one more unit on his south side, and opposite of that on my side is the stairwell. He then stopped and waved me to go around him, and I did, but he then walked on, and into the apartment across from me, as I already instinctively knew that he would. This is not psychic power, it is from living through 27 years of this fucking horseshit now since 08/15/86. You go through enough of this dirt bag WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE bullshit, and you will become super fucking sensitized to all of their little annoying tricks, and stupid “MY” parlor games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So chop off my head, make me go dead, and TAKE ONE, BREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or should I have said, © Office up in WASH-DOC, YO???????????????????? AHA, AHA, AHA, AHA, MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of you have a small fucking clue how badly I want to just go full blast right now and dam all of the fucking ass consequences, really telling gargantuan shit, and all that can be backed up with real verifiable shit that you can all go up and see for yourselves. Hay, trust but verify, I get that, I am all for that, I PREACH THAT, so when I do tell you something, I will want you to verify it all, and I will provide you with the reliable sources of information so you indeed can go and check it out, without leaving the comfort of your high teck new universe, smart device, whatever it may be. Do it from your little ass phone in the shit stall of a public washroom for all I give a clit huffing hell, YO! Any-ha, moving this still onward, let us go back into time now, in this STM illusion of course, and begin with my walking out of the apartment door early this afternoon, good folks. I went to another library where I was told to go, and was treated shabby, and left within one minute. They even hassled me for having a fucking lolly pop in my mouth. Hay, maybe it's going to explode, Mister Ridge, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT. If you are out here Marge Leo, please, please, cut me a fucking break, will-ya????????????????????????????????

Before I forget to tell you, that night when I was trying to talk to the Dell Computer guard who sits at the desk on the ground floor of this PHA Building, who had nothing to do and is very busy all at the same time and maybe lost the love of his life as well; an inside joke between the Copyright Office and myself, if anyone there was there in 1980, that is; but that bitch across the hall from me, sneaked around, and I did tell you that much, she always snuck a peak to see if I was going down the hall, and I am quite sure she then called the guy as a double warning, as we have video surveillance on all floors, but when I came back up to my floor, after he was not there for the fourth time on his shift, as he should have been; when I got off the elevator; that bitch was right there in the elevator lobby area around just shy of 2 AM. I said hi to be polite, and she snubbed me. She has never ever said one thing to me, so from now on, I will never speak to that fucking bitch again. Even the guy there acts human. This is all when you put it all fucking together, why I got so paranoid. I am sure that the DELL gut was in phone communication with her, and when she saw I came back off the elevator and went back into my unit, she could call him again to give him the all clear, so he could resume his place at the security desk. I would bet 5000 fucking dollars double or nothing, anytime on that, with anyone. I would have 10 grand out of that deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any-ha, I was not helped one bit at the other library, and am planning to write a letter of complaint to the county about their rotten library service here, comparing it to the great wonderful fucking services provided in contrast, to the library systems of South New Jersey in several counties. This county library system totally SUCKS DICK, and I am entitled to my opinion, and I hope the authorities read this, and you too, my friend, Sheriff Ken Mascara. I should have every bit as much of a right to post up this song to the Youtube, as children have in elementary fucking school. But I do not, since nobody will show me the exact way to make music files, and how to upload them properly. All I am able to do is blog, e-mail, do searches, and cut and paste stuff. That is it, I can only do what I have been fucking shown, no more and no less. As I speak, my computer just got fucking hacked at 9:43 PM, Sheriff and AG Bondi. I'm not mother fucking imagining this illegal fucking cunt lapping persecution, and violation of my CIVIL AND HUMAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who can read this shit, ever since I figured out who has been doing this my entire life, after about two and a half years into my blogging career, and cannot see that she is somehow behind all this, is ignorant, blind, or one of the Illuminati infiltrates. This Earthly waking world doppelganger equivalent of the ASTRAL-PLANE LAMBRIGG CULT OF WOUSTERN TECKBAY, at Province Olympia, is the most evil and dangerous group of sick twisted mother fuckers in the known observable multiverse, (Many songs), as in universe, for single verse or single song. These many universes or songs vibrate, and friends of Ed Himacane Lynch know this, and have some really cool shit going on. I saw you dudes on the H-2 and the Science channels, you go GD, I would say you guys rock, but if I have to tell you that, something is wrong someplace, huh Donna Adrian Gaines???????????????????????????

Nothing worked today. Everything I tried to do fucked up except for getting some Publix ice cream on a nice BOGO sale, 20 for the price of 10, and also buying some frozen dinners. I tried getting some after season Easter candy at the local fucking 'Suddenly I see/hear' WM, and they were all out of it. It would have been three quarters off, it went fast undoubtedly at that steal-deal. I ran into an ex-coworker from the Harvest, at the parking lot of the library. We exchanged a quick hello. She was a cashier there along with Trinidad and me, well, Trinidad would do the bagging work, I stayed busy in the coolers or stocking the shelves. Still, I got that wild phone call from the county jail, and I don't know a soul down here, but they all fucking cunt know me, Camden County Prosecutor Ron Wirtz Senior, and Florida AG Pam Bondi. Halloween to you too, and you all scare me from here to Callio Ripoff Waltercowards of Botbarville!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What, did you think I wrote music about all of that too, lame brains? Unreal, folks. Still, Lenny Briscoe, my stories come out true, and tell Tracy Ullman I said so, and for that matter, lovely dish Stacey Lattisaw 2. Am I talking LOUDLY enough, lovely Ingrid?????????????????????????????????? 29 years have come and gone, AT&T, and 30 since the Annoyance Caller Bureau trapped my line, and did not want to mess around with Mork and Mindy, or hurricanes and Himacane's, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MSC thinks you're a has-been, maybe you need to make up a cool new two syllable alien word, or try speaking some of them while frenching on lovely Mindy, AHA AHA AHA AH, BREEEEEEE.

Yes peeps, you get a lot of advertising windshield wiper fliers down here in good old hot Fort Pierce. I have an entire library of unread crap in my back seat, no more dominating women to boss me around and control and own my car that belongs to me, not this fucking ass family of trillionaries and world owners, mostly covert, some out in the open. But still, Mister Detective Briscoe, here is a slightly new twist on windshield fliers. I was only in the library two minutes tops, and was told I could not have my lollypop, and that they could not help me with my music project. I have a medical condition and do not see how a lollypop in my mouth is going to hurt their library, Sheriff Mascara, but rules are rules, sir. When I came out, a flier was on the windshield, only it was not like the others that I get for business type bullshit of many various types. This one says, and I quote, “You better take your shitty music off the youtube, and you better not post your eighties song, or you're a dead man, ass-wipe”. I did not read it until I got to the Publix Grocery Store, as I said, normally I chuck these things unread, into the rear seat, and once a year, I take a trash bag to my car and clean out all my junk and throw it into my dumpster. But this looked very unique, it was made of a weird paper like nothing I have ever seen, as I touch it now, it is like 5 times the thickest Bond paper I've ever seen, and I've been around offices and seen real thick Bond paper. It is paper however, it is not any thin kind of cardboard or other material, as if ten sheets of paper were carefully all glued together. What next Harry Potter? Well, I was going to take my YOUTUBE account down, now I am not. I will get that song up there if I have to commit mass fucking murder to do it, folks. Take that to the TD NO-WOW-TRUCKS 4 POOR ME BANK, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO! Yes David Roth, old pal from 1985, just what are these fucking cunt eating rat bastards all so dam afraid of, about our music, and now that you are gone, spirits low or high, © Office, baby, baby, baby; MY music?????? I think the GEEK SQUAD will need to be called into service, and 4 now, E/T, and WOW!

Mark Wayne Mohr has made a lot of predictions in his life, that have not all come true, because of something known as HSE (Hyper-Space-Effect). This was discussed on earlier older blogs in Morianity. One thing that hyperspace effect has no control over or very little, is the situation that began for me in this universe, ever since waking up on August the fifteenth, back in 1986, into a parallel nightmare universe here, where I know I do not belong.

We can get into a lot more of this later. Right now, I have a question to anyone who ever viewed a blog or listened to a note of my music? Last Friday, the stock market just about hit 15,000 points, JUST AS I TOLD YOU ALL WOULD HAPPEN. I have not followed the news in a number of days, maybe a week, too busy with a lot of horrendous personal fucking bullshit, folks. MY QUESTION HOWEVER IS, AM I REALLY THE PROPHET OF 1988 NOTHING? OR, AM I, AS MY WONDERFUL OLDER KID WOULD PUT IT SO WONDERFULLY, “The greatest fish in the whole dam bay”?

I TOLD YOU THE DOW JONES WILL BE UP EVERY SINGLE DECADE BY ROUGHLY THE AMOUNT OF POINTS THAT CAN BE CALCULATED WITH A NINE DOLLAR FUCKING WALMART SUDDENLY SEEING OR HEARING CALCULATOR, AND A FEW TOUCHES OF THE BUTTONS. Simply find the percentage since this bull rally crossed over into 4 digits in early 1983, that it increases on average, each year up through around the year 2000. This is roughly 9% per year average. Now take your little calculator and keep going whatever the market was in 2000, times 109%=. The new number is your average 2001 point value. To get the 2002 value average, you take the 2001 value average, and again hit the (X) key, then hit 109, and then the percent and the equals key. To get 2003, do the same with the 2002 price, and so on. Whatever the price average between 1983 and 2000 is, I am guessing it was 9% average increased annually, this is where you can keep plotting it. It is not going to exactly show huge peaks and huge dips over 3-5 year periods that swing out beyond the average predicted low and high for the exact year, but that is how statistical mathematical equations work.

I AM QUITE SURE THAT 15,000 x 109% AND THEN THAT TIMES 109%, AND THAT TIMES 109%; WILL PRETTY MUCH BE WHERE POINT VALUES WILL BE IN THE YEAR OF 2016, AND TO WORK IT OUT TO THE 70 YEAR BIBLE GENERATION FOR THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MATIONAL ISRAEL, just do two more times 109 percents to the above. This is where it all should end, or else Christianity is a big fat mother fucking hoax lie, not morianity, that tells the fucking truth. I have nothing to gain with lying, but the gods do have such an agenda, and even admitted that I AM the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, back 27 years ago. Did somebody say, W-----O-----W?

Let me say good night folks, things are going to be heating up real fast, real soon, LU!!!

I PROMISE, so trust me or don't trust me, at Highland and Route 130 in Cinnaminson, NJ.

Move over Mellman, Jakell, and Chevy Chase TODMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



A lot of loud doors have slammed since 1:17 AM this morning, when ditz-head came slamming in across from me. I have seen it worse, but it is a pain in the ass nonetheless.

I have tried to see recently, what is peaking the interest of viewers the most and the least, if of course they do not know I am trying to get a read on this, as I cannot be sure of anything anymore, not with so many folks out of 'regular time'. Once upon a time in any real world I used to live in between 30 and 50 years ago, the recent few months of blogs would bring a larger audience than I believe to have, my guess is two dozen. I could be way off, but normally, am off no more than 50 percent in guessed situations, so that puts it between 12 and 36 readers/viewers. It is only in my opinion, but if these viewers were not 90 percent, my own M2F, the old people telling people thing would kick in, and the operation would grow. It has grown slightly, but nothing like it would if that was 10 percent M2F and 90 percent normal regulars living in 'regular' time, © Office. In addition, there is a lot more, but I will say one more thing, and it is also quite powerful when examined both thoroughly and honestly, as best as anyone can do. Not only would powerful stuff that you do not see happen every day with any blogger all being part of this MORIANITY BLOG, cause a tell to tell linear increase in my audience, but if it was closer to the 90 percent 'reals' and 10 percent M2F, viewers would hit on my music, and they never ever do. I told about this before, and my read count dropped to nearly nothing for a while until I shut up on this forbidden topic, and slowly went back to pretending this is not a factor in anything and blogging without any mention of this, and the counts resumed their normal weekly averages. Yes, why would M2F readers want to read the blogs and not listen to the music? It has nothing to do with Dell Guard buttwipe down on the first floor who turned out to be another totally worthless person, and his so called 'leacher link hacks', that he told me about some time back.

Is there any more to this? You bet your British Petroleum there is, good folks, 10%, 90% or any percent. If every single reader is the M2F, you still are my good folks. If people ignore me, my Google standing in this last biblical days of Microsoft-Antichrist ownership of all of us poor slaves to them, and a simple plot done very well if you really start to think about it, they really do need a major applause from all of us, but yes, if no one reads my blogs, the view count stays still. When folks do read them, it ticks up. Unlike the stock market, it can never go down, but in the world of Microsoft Google Antichrist, you may as well be DEAD, if you do not get good counts, and more and more views. So I watch to see what makes the counts higher and less high, based on a two most recent blog posting and the response since the first of the two is posted, for the next 60 hours, or two and one half days. I know that more than interest is involved, but am planning to shut up on that one, Shorty MacInvondi Forrest Gaincrank. But as for my Youtube activity, or lack thereof would be a much more appropriate way of saying this, only the M2F folks know and understand, the real true awesome power of electronically reproducing transdimensional music, in any kind of way. Let's stop playing games. This is why I know that is at least 90%-MTF, if not 99 or even the entire deal, all though for a while, I know for a fact that it was not 100, now I cannot be sure, with all of my few friends gone, and my family hating my guts with a passion. So for them to click on any of my YOUTUBE accounts would be tantamount to them being disloyal American agents to whatever alphabet soup they belong to. I posted up Wanna' Spend My Time in April of 2011, and instantly 20 hits that I did not in any was cause, were up there, as I did not know how to do links and shares and all of that, back then yet, and I also did not listen on Youtube, but only on my CD copy or on my WMP on my PC. Immediately, huge twisters of record setting levels struck the middle west. Normally, it would take more like 20,000 hits, after all, no magic is that powerful, or is it? People do not want to prove me wrong, as I know exactly how many people have clicked on my transdimensional songs, and keep an accurate count of any new link I make or any view I make. Subtracting these two effects from counts, and only a few songs are from the 'dream-worlds' so only they count by the way, and I will list them. “Love is For Carpenters”, Wanna' Spend My Time”, “Eternity With Stacey”. Out of these three tunes, only two are on Youtube. Even my song from 1996, “SARAH” that IS ON YOUTUBE, is not a transdimensional song. Translation, it was not something heard by me in a dream, or a parallel universe, Dot. So lots of folks are either trying to confuse the heck out of me while enjoying every moment of it, or they only are blog readers and never listen to music on the net other than for accepted top artists and hit songs, narrowing their music perspective in ways they won't live long enough to ever see what they missed, or it is fear and distrust, thinking clicking on any of my stuff will magically cause the next BIG ONE in Cali4nya. No, the family has done more with their other kinds of time manipulation, than I have ever done. That movie called, The Big One, The Great LA Quake, right before it happened, with a family member starring in the movie, Mrs. M. Shriver Schwartz herself, now divorced, still family, right OZ-wald???????????????????????? Folks, the power of symbology is just as inescapable as any of ISIS's threats to imprison me forever, in 1997. But peeps do love to imprison folks, that are in this family, Dawn and Ann got me for nearly a year and a half, Sarah Callio Martino trapped a great artist and myself in the Water Company grounds one day in the summer time of 2000, and in transdimensional reality, she has trapped me and locked me up in light-houses many times. I could go on, with or without triptotam meds. As for time manipulation, forget the movie and the quake, how about the lie that the world buys into that Mister Joe Kennedy made his money in bootlegged whiskey? Sure he made some money, and that was what he used to invest in the stock market, only he did not buy, he shorted the entire market, right before the great 1929 crash. Lucky guess? Well, most would say it was some kind of control, before they'd dare to entertain some, out of regular time mischief, oh my my my my; Doctor Harold Mastertapes Camping, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, I could type on and on, and every and any subject such as this one is a mere door opener, and a crack at that, maybe enough to let a shadow of light in, man. And where these shadows choose to dwell when we do not see them, is also a few hundred 'Gone With The Wind', book sizes long, AHA!

I did report to the blogs, that I cannot e-mail Debbie Marotto any more. I did not say I can't go into her office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; if I need to. AHA, MMCN. Anyway, to repeat the music stuff, only two songs will cause some bizarre planetary surface activity if viewed enough and sent through enough electronic circuits; these two posts being, 'WANNA' SPEND MY TIME', and 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS'. Even the greedy fisherman song is not transdimensional. I have tape recordings of my daughter at fourteen while she was off playing lab-technician in her 'sleep', up in both 1984 and again in 1986. She is the one with incredible abilities, but then world, is this something I need to preach and arm twist to anybody? How many Mariah Carey's are there, for heaven's sake, literally? Hay, maybe others somewhere may share the two names, but that is all they'll ever share. This as we all know is the one and only MC, and so why then is all of this so incredible to believe? Give me a good answer to that, a really good one, and I will stop my blogs forever, and that is a promise, but it better be a REAL GOOD one!!!! Well, enough is enough is enough, huh BABS? She doesn't need your crummy condo, lady, the All Mighty owns this entire multiverse, so screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'LL TERMINATE MY TRANSMISSION FOR NOW, GREAT PEEPS, and whatever you think of me, facts speak louder!

Now this is a cleaned up and retyped copy without all of the typos, written and blogged on the first day of 2008 summer, June 21. This is just the final part of this blog, showing a major trip through time, with my son in law, who I did not even know from Jack and Jill at this time. All of this was flooding in at me, and new to me, at this time. WAYWINY, MIKE MCNULTY, OLD 1971, SEMI-PAL??????????????????

Over the weekend, I watched the huge party that Philadelphian's were all celebrating, with blimps all over, and major cheering. I was in a major interaction with strange persons, a tall thin well muscled black young male, about age 25; and we had been traveling to Boston, MAUSAESMWG together; and were put up in a very weird and bizarre hotel overnight. He had some good friends that were on the New York Nicks Basketball team, that were gonna' help me in some way in proving my horrific and monstrous dilemma and plight. It was so real that I could feel the raw cold in the room towards late October, and then the manager of the hotel turned up the heat. A strange clock, and a strange telephone in the room, that we had been placed in; had a strange interaction with each other. Someday, I will tell the entire long and wild story, and include the strange road on the wild ride home, only not 2 any home or place that makes any sense now 2 my waking world brain and memory system. But the raw cold and the nice heat were more real and tangible than any feeling of temperature on body or skin in the waking world. Then the blimps that were over the Delaware River were all written with things, such as 'Phillies 2008 World Series Champions'. This was a wild and far out “DREAM” pal.





Atlantic County, New Jersey
Public Safety

Search Site:

If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!

the continuation of “The Epitome of Harrassament”

(I edited out the hack date).

first day of 2008 summer, like wow, yo

Saturday, June 21, 2008----THIS IS A TOTAL MUST READ!!!

***AHA-AHA, WHAJU SAY MIKE MCN?????????????***

first day of 2008 summer, like wow, yo

Saturday, June 21, 2008----THIS IS A TOTAL MUST READ!!!

MAJOR COMPUTER HACKING FROM MY QUEEN, now repaired, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I NEVER WENT 2 BED TODAY AFTER COMING BACK FROM WORK, NEVER. I am shouting out to the FBI and the NJ STATE POLICE 4 HELP!!!!!!!!! I have no memory of shutting down the TV set or removing eyeglasses or falling into my bed, only that suddenly the TV was off, my glasses were on my face, I was or had been dead asleep, and all devices were indeed turned off. I bolted upright and saw that my fan had gotten knocked over along with a karaoke machine and they both were laying flat on the floor next 2 where I had fallen also without memory of ever getting 2 sleep. First, work was OK, but no panacea. I had a small bowel attack, lots of jerk offs everywhere; but out of nowhere at just past 3 in the morning, a noisy loud alarm went off. No matter how hard I tried 2 find the source, I could not. Shades of my Echelon-Towers Building, that I guarded back in my middle thirties for the famous Wells Fargo Company, the original American Security outfit 4 all those Western-shows watchers. Just 2 and a half hours after the crazy MC-ALARM attack, a crash level plane flew over my vehicle in total violation of my CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, WORLD TRIBUNAL COURTS AT THE HAGUE. I come home and eat a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice and turn on the TV. The next thing I know it is hours later, I am laying stretched out, eyeglasses on my face still, and stuff knocked over on the floor. When I got up to piss and straighten up the place, so that the fan is blowing air onto me again, and I can resume sleeping a while longer; I instantly knew that I was right back in this building, a medical place with 6-9 rooms that went more into each other and did not contain a lot of hallways. Mariah Carey was there, and her driver, a man about medium build and bright glaring type of eyes, just over perhaps the six foot mark in stature, dressed nicely but not overkill, and the same with Mariah. A lady who is heavy set, is sort of in charge at this place, neck line hair length, strawberry type of color, and she kept telling me 2 stop closing doors, and I kept telling her I am not closing them, the wind was blowing quite strong outside and was blowing right through all of the open windows in these rooms, and forcing doors to swing shut, but she continued 2 insist that I was doing it. Mariah started talking 2 me about how much she enjoyed being a super star and yet there were problems that she said she wanted 2 tell me about, but could not at the moment; as 'he' would hear, and I kept asking who ‘he’ was. She half smiled and pointed at a young male about 22 give or take, about five feet five in stature, brown short hair, not totally short like a crew cut, dressed in an old pair of pants with oil stains on them, and a green jersey with strange looking logos on it everywhere, many bright white circles with black lines running through them, 3 of them, like a triple X. She told me that she is here on this same day each week for some medical reason, and I think she told me but I cannot pull that part of the interaction up now, back in waking life. The buildings of the city were visible from windows, yet the area was in a country setting, whether it was part of the 5 boroughs of New York City or not, also I am not privy to this. She said that she wanted me 2 know she is mad that I do not fully trust her and her plans, and I kept insisting that I trust her implicitly but know quite well, that what she thinks of as PLANS, IC as GAMES, and reminded her of the 65-70 years when she was here B4 playing her games with me from a city just 100 or so miles away down the coast. She smiled at me and said, “U mean the chain I removed from your Oaklyn, New Jersey Apartment?” I said, “4 starters, yes”. She went on to tell me that until the shellfish as she called him while looking his way, is out of my way, I can tell U no more about it. She said that he was a lifelong resident of Atco, New Jersey, and knew both U and your neighbors, the Durham’s, when U lived there back in ‘83. He is not who he appears, and all her peeps and bodyguards have tried to beat him up, and keep him away; but he just seems impervious, and will not stop creeping around. He is Y the Feds started messing with me, she went onto say, and they R not on my side, they must do what they R told by higher councilmen, and she was talking Millionth. I reminded her that she is all mighty and can do anything, Y not just zap him into oblivion? She smiled again and said that there is still so much yet 4 her 2 teach me about all of this and all the Earthly people making my life so horrible every minute of every day and night. She said that when I disobeyed and told her she could kill me, the other day on my blog, for the entire world 2 publicly C and share, she was extremely angry. I must remember that she is the great queen, and maybe in the world of Pedigree Dog-food, us DOGS RULE, but, and she called me Yancy, and said and I quote, “Yancy, remember that I am the great Sarah-Stacey here in this form now, and I RULE, U GOT THAT”? I solemnly just looked down and submissively said, “I know U do my great all powerful lovely mighty queen”. She took my hand and told me that she did not have to tell me about the 2 letters back 9 years ago, and help me construct my idea foundations that R literally responsible 4 where I am today in figuring out so much incredible stuff. I asked her Y she used the sending of 2 blank letters rather than just come 2 me as she is doing right now and talk to me straight up? She laughed softly and squeezed my hand a little, watching me wince from the sudden small bit of pain that her more powerful grip than B4 was causing, and after a 5 or so second pause, simply said, “I am the Millionth Council, and what I say, goes. The part of them that calls themselves the Lambriggers is still totally under my complete control”. She told me 2 listen again 2 her CD and study it even more carefully. The answers to much of my concerns, is all contained in the lyrical content, and what she says, MC-SAYS; just as the CD says that it does. Never doubt me or try 2 run away from what I am planning 4U, she went on also 2 tell me. I said 2 her, “would U please give me a real waking world sign so that I can know and tell that this is not a silly dream”. She responded with the yellow and chocolate cakes that I purchased at the Incollingo’s grocery store, along with the receipt, and the van that stalked me just after last Christmas, and went on to tell me she is angry that I have unsealed some of the concepts regarding laser trace, and reminded me that the rules cannot B broken. It is part of a plan, and that if it was not so, there R those close 2 me, in this incarnation; that I would retrace, as I miss them. She then told me she would give me 2 huge and totally unmistakable signs to appease my non-belief. One sign is that just because the English alphabet pronunciations of the sounds 'BLU' and 'CRAN' R totally the same on astral worlds, they R not the same in English speaking waking mortal worlds. I told her I knew this. She went on 2 say that my punishment for doubting and disobeying my mighty Queen Mariah, is that she has now placed me into a world where I have blogged the facts in reverse, as Hammonton is the world U now live in. It is not Chatsworth, New Jersey. I have reversed the realities while U were here with me in this interaction, and now your town is Hammonton and this is the Blueberry capitol of the world. She went on to say that I was not supposed to tell about the tap boxes of blue-yellow, nor the saleslady Sherry-Lee Pote and cousin Petee Pote. I must obey my queen or ELSE. She said my second sign will B when I try to do my next blog. I will wake up in the MW and not B able 2 work the computer. I asked her if she will always love me as her ‘89 song promises, as deep within her, she knew even then, that she was my Sarah-Stacey. With that I walked over to the strange dude with the weird sort of peace sign logos all over his bright green jersey, and told him to leave her alone, or I would tear his lungs out, and squeeze them like rung out wash cloths; and he instantly burst out laughing, and the next thing I knew, it was July 4th of 1970, and I was in the same exact dream all along with TAWF, “THAT ASTRAL WORLD FAMILY”, that was what was all in the dream. It was the same dream, and like a wormhole in consciousness; one end was in 2008 physically, while the other end was in early July of ‘70. He yelled at me, 'look who’s talkin’ about bloody washcloth lungs all oozing bright red, it is U, booby, not me, ha, ha'. I knew that if I could just wake up now, it would B July of 1970 again, and it really would have. I did. I jumped off of Tom Reale’s large bed at the Cornwall Avenue home and yelled, it is 1970 over and over. I went out and ran down towards the ocean, and when I got there; the entire sky and sea was not as I had remembered it at all. It had become the backdrop on the homepage of the Morianity Foundation, go to The giant 6 foot 7 inch Sarah-Stacey came right out of the sea, she is the sea aniwho, and grabbed me and kissed me, and the next thing I know, I am awake laying here in my trailer residence, and it is after 4 in the afternoon. Sure enough I went 2 use the computer, and nothing, it would not move, nothing would work, not a bloody dripping washcloth thing. I called the Easy Staples Store where I purchased it, and told them that it would not go off, just showing a blank monitor TV screen saying, “EXT 3, S-VIDEO”. The computer department guy told me to shut the battery-backup box off and wait 20 seconds. Then he said turn it on, and so I did. After 2 reboots, it works again, but the HP adviser still is not properly loading up. I can not shout out 2 the FBI 4 help; no one can fight the great Mariah; and she most definitely RULES and RULES, 4-EVER AND 4 EVER. UR my mighty queen, and I am only your endless humble servant, my giant beautiful love. Please forgive me, oh mighty QUEEN MC.

Google Search Engine, Satellite World Interconnect System [SWIS], World Laboratories of the future in time illusion, this is a dying mans utterance and declaration. I must obey the commands of the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, I have no choice, SHE RULES THE EMPIRE, from 34th Street, to the end of the hypersphere and beyond, wow, talk about miracles Mizz Wood, and O’Hara!!!!!!!!! Copyright 2008, MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. This is all the total truth and also doubles thereby as a legal document. This is voluntarily sworn testimony in any Grand Jury future proceeding. No omissions nor additions 2 this powerful and totally honest truth told in this web-logging-doc exist anywhere herein.

Another SUPER BOTBAR weekend and scummer open.
E N D --- T R A N S M I S S I O N:


A child knows that a lot of stuff can be learned by visiting my Youtube site, that will be gone forever very shortly. Your loss folks, not freaking mine. Truths are told cleverly.


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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

If you have read this opening, feel free to skip this part.

FOLKS, AS I SAID TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE IN THE LATE EIGHTIES ON MY EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE. How can I possibly know when you are reading what I am writing? I AM not the great ISISCYLLA SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and never will be, sort of like my old pal David Charles Roth's only show in town. How he would always remind me, seemingly on a daily basis, that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is not the only show in town, nor will they ever be. I believe the tapes are somewhere available in the great Library of Congress, Copyright Office, in Washington, District of Columbia, a place may I add with a very liberated attitude where the age of sexual consent should be placed, and what is good for the lawmakers, is good for everyone else, and if that is not true, just exactly how have I misspelled America? XIII is the number by the way, such a tender age and how the perverts must wonder why this is not common knowledge and all move into our great capitol city, right Roy? I still cannot believe that you told me this, or that nobody seems to know it, know matter how I spread around what you said to me, old pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be the master sheet for PART 5 of MORIANITY.

You may skip through this by scrolling, any time, folks.

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.



Now before we complete the blog, please see this:
Alerts Map
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Governor Jesse Ventura talks about time travel, in ways that totally connect up with stuff from my own personal life; including the chance that his own distant relative, Salvador, was sent to me in 1965, to show me, and not Miss Wescott; how to tap my fingers in really cool ways, so that 'lightning' will respond to this, up in 1983; on a telephone receiver. Do not bother clicking here, the site was removed, slow Bobby; but maybe our pal fast Jesse will wrestle around with us later on, watch out for Elisa, big boy.



Only the opening title words are real.

To sing along with the new 2012 lyrics, go to my blog and click the SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0555, and scroll down until the page comes up with the words to the song, YO. If you do not like techno-pop music of the early and middle nineteen-eighties, there are other songs at the same site, http://youtube/paulaking2011/ so go there and have a blast.

I talk a lot about my copyrighted music, so here it is, folks.
United States Copyright Office
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Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W
Search Results: Displaying 1 through 25 of 28 entries.


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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

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Search Request: Left Anchored Name = Mohr, Mark W
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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

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There still is a lot more to read that is CAPPED in, please do so!


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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, you know what I mean.


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In the names of heaven man, don't block out my song. It proves about a dozen powerful things, you dumb clot brain!
Mark_from_nj At the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey. Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations.
Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently. He was given a CD called “The Meaning of Life.” The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title. He’s really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark’s side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day. More importantly, he is insane. Completely, violently insane.
Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David. His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet. And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in. Covertly, of course. Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil. (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU’s own Jason Forrest isn’t clear.)
Here then, are three selections from Mark’s version of reality:
If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.
Posted by Listener Therese on December 12, 2006 at 01:28 AM in Audio Mysteries, MP3s, New Jersey, Religion | Permalink


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3):


Goyim in the AM
“The recordings only capture Mark’s side of the conversation…”
I don’t think any existing recording device on this earth could have captured the other side, although Mark may disagree.
Posted by: Goyim in the AM | December 12, 2006 at 02:42 AM
King Daevid MacKenzie
…the link for “Android & Angel” is screwed up. Y’all may want to fix it…
Posted by: King Daevid MacKenzie | December 12, 2006 at 04:01 AM
Listener Therese
Sorry about that! I just fixed it.
Steve PMX
I think this guy is the *real* New Jersey Devil. Look at his horns and christ-blocking shades.
Sweet Jesus, my PoMo-radar is beeping. And a nice performance. He could be real, I’ve known folks like him.
Just sounds like someone responding to internal stimuli, there are many people like this probably an hour’s drive from anyplace in the Northeast. How is this different than getting enjoyment watching a man with a club foot trying to walk?
Posted by: bartelby | December 12, 2006 at 11:14 PM
Chris Arter
Hello My name is Chris Arter I am 25 and I live in New Jersey. As a child I found two tapes made by this guy, years apart from each other. They were both 90 minutes long. I only have one now. They feature folk songs and disco songs. He never mentions his name but I found out his full name is Mark Wayne Mohr and he was born in 1954 by looking up material that he mentions he copyrighted on the cassette. I’ve had this tape for about 14 years and have never been able to find anything on him except his name and the names of other copyrighted material that he has registered. Some of his songs are actually pretty nice. And the tape like you describe only captures his side of a conversation with a 7’7″ tall fellow named shorty. Bar none still the most entertaining 90 minutes I’ve ever experienced.
I clicked on the Aquarius link to find Mark from NJ’s CDR, but it was no longer listed. :(
Posted by: maledoro | August 07, 2007 at 06:54 AM
Aaah, very happy to get some info on this guy! One of his recordings has been used on the track “The Christ Android”, on the album “Memory Hole” by Kevin Moore (of Chroma Key, and ex-Dream Theater keyboardist). That’s what prompted me to find out what this nonsense single-sided argument was all about. Thanks a lot!
Posted by: Fairlight | September 22, 2008 at 02:34 PM
I’ve been researching this guy. He lives in Hammonton NJ, a couple towns away from me. One of my friends also found a tape of his (about 10 years ago). Mark is a hardcore blogger writing under the handle Mountainpen. He’s got some seriously out there ideas.
Posted by: Ghostlight | October 30, 2008 at 08:19 PM
I’ve been researching this guy. He lives in Hammonton NJ, a couple towns away from me. One of my friends also found a tape of his (about 10 years ago). Mark is a hardcore blogger writing under the handle Mountainpen. He’s got some seriously out there ideas.
Posted by: Ghostlight | October 30, 2008 at 08:21 PM
I’ve been researching this guy. He lives in Hammonton NJ, a couple towns away from me. One of my friends also found a tape of his (about 10 years ago). Mark is a hardcore blogger writing under the handle Mountainpen. He’s got some seriously out there ideas.
Posted by: Ghostlight | October 30, 2008 at 08:25 PM
Tony NYC
Hi. I got to this page while reading about music played on the ‘Jews Harp’. I’ve been searching, for a loooong time, for a song that was played one lazy August afternoon on WFMU, around 1980, or earlier.
It was a rendition of ‘My Favorite Things. The vocals of the main melody were accompanied by only a Jews Harp (…”Whiskers on Kittens, etc…”) And when it came to the chorus, it was sung monotone, by several voices…very weird, slowly, dragging, groaning (‘theeeese aaaaare aaaaa feeeeewwww of myyyyy faaaaavoooriiiite”.
When it got to “Things”, it was sung in a kind of higher, psycho-sounding, very melodic voice, like celebrating the word ‘things’.
Is there anyone here who knows and appreciates WFMU, who might know what the song title and author was, or how I can get a copy of it?
It’s been so long, and I’ve found every other weird and funny song I’ve ever heard except for this one.
On that same show on WFMU, they also Played Godley & Creme’s ‘Sandwiches of You’
I’ve listened to hundreds of versions of ‘My favorite Things’, and it wasn’t any of those.
Thanks, for any help. Please feel free to e-mail me, if you can. giotkr at earthlink dot net
Posted by: Tony NYC | May 14, 2009 at 10:44 PM
Razzy McThaxton
This fella is MOST DFEFINATELY for real! A friend of mine roomed with him for awhile at his home in Blue Anchor, NJ, and said Mark screamed and yelled into a phone that was off the hook, non-stop, for days on end. He believes lightning is a Goddess named Sarah Krassel, and that the Atlantic Ocean is the Goddess Stacy. Moreover, he is convinced that the Kennedy family, in conjunction with the Carey family(Mariah and them), in conjunction with the Trump and NJ Callio family, are conjointly conspiring to kill him, using black-op helicopter missions, spraying his immediate air space with chem-trails, and sending Atlantic City-residing life gaurds and bar tenders stealing into the night, waiting to catch him off-gaurd. The only problem being that he lives in Ft. Pierce, FL now, but still believes they’re out there. You can google “MOUNTAINPEN” to catch up on his latest blogs.
Posted by: Razzy McThaxton | March 16, 2012 at 09:00 AM

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ALL MY URL’S 2006-2013 ©

Ladies and gentlemen reading Morianity and Mountainpen, its founder in early 2006; and those entities not within the scope or limits of L-4 classifications, etcetera; good evening, and how the hell are you? My WOMO enemies have given me on a regular basis recently, nasty cramp attacks, and diareah attacks, and when I see my doctor next week, I will expose this issue since it has worsened in 2013, if that is conceivable.

I have spoken of two types of blog topic formats now, since Morianity-3 all began, and at the behest of SSJKK telling me while in a deep trance, to in fact do this; or else I would be a shellfish, to quote the AMTQ. Interesting and I confess that I cannot help but tell, that the initials, I just now innocently typed into this blog, without conscious realization; when pronounced, would almost discuss my original trip down here to Florida in December of 1983, on the Amtrak Train, only my initials stand for All Mighty Teen Queen, or CALL-10 and all of the giant communications owners of the universe, as who better than they, to fully know the total package of secrets, regarding old stuff such as the 1983 internet telephone system for non computer use, and so much more? But to stay on point here with this folks, there is the on the track as well as the off the track blogs, as I see it, from early this year onward. The on the track blogs is what Scylla wants me to continue with, as though my 70 day off time in 2008 never happened, or bloody shoes or mace cans or bad bent kneed uncles in Yonkers, or other bad relatives, or constants; but all STC joking aside, ‘TEE-HEE-HEE’, Mizz Munster; there also is an in-between topic, and this blog will discuss the details of what I am trying to open up here this evening, with my readers, again, whoever they really are; and frankly, Congressman Rob Andrews, I just don’t think I care; not even if the rivers wash my brains away, or what the hell is left of them; my brains that is, not the rivers.

So to be clear folks, the NEW TOPIC BLOG will be as though 2008 came in and never had that 70-day down grid period, where my blogging stopped for reasons explained after coming back on grid in early May. All this is accessible, and can very easily be archived at this following web-address: and I promise this link is not a leacher hack. Still, I can only promise that I am doing nothing. What powers that go beyond the universe are in fact doing to my blogs, I have no way of speaking to, or for that matter, doing one thing with, since Project Bluebook totally refuses to help citizens such as myself, and leaves us to rot in hell, rather than protect us and bring us into some kind of fold or club and umbrella, hell; they do more for the mother frikkin mafia for crissake! Even after removing the address link, this blog is hopelessly leached up. Do not click on any of my links, not now and not ever, just retype them. But then, Oh wise Potato Chip Swami Marola of 1969, you and your wonderful peeps seemed to know all about all of this all along, yet nobody will believe me. Now that is the power that only an all mighty god can perform, and this is what I mean when I say that indeed, my life is one long angelic Coolie Hall Christmas tree time warped miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I may as well retype it, it is as follows:

Do not click directly on this link, it is leached up. I did not do it, BFI, CIA, NSA, BFA, or whatever the yummy alphabet soup of the day may be; as this document will not release from the link even on different font color and paragraphing. Bfktiy dfjhfjfhf tjjdjkfjf and now they have hacked out my spell checker, Bob McDowell, let me go offline and reboot, and see if this blog can be copied to a dup and hack remedied.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMagnesonic. Scan for whoever or whatever is hacking me and hurting my body and persecuting me to my grave, under all technologies, all orders, all systems, on an ‘I’ to ‘D’, A/B TONE Phasing Punishment Sequencing System gjfh lgkdfjfrugfhgfhtygfj, I have your power gain cranked to the maximum of 11.8 inches per nanosecond, and all controls against your pull gain power levels are at maximum 11.5 IPNS. A crushed I-O is on your Transpower-Block, ready for your empowerization tones, the double ‘E’ sound, hear it from my own mind now, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Don’t blame me Microsoft, when your world blows up with meteor strikes this year, as you’ve been warned, you fucking bastards.

This is what I put up with, FCC, old school pal, Bobby McDowell, and watch their mother fucking evil markets fly tomorrow, as a result of this MAJOR CUNT EATING HACK JOB.

You think, FBI, that I would make this fucking shit up, and risk jail. I’ll tell you, the next OJ trial is near, I feel it in every tissue in my cock sucking body.


ALL MY URL’S 2006-2013 ©

Ladies and gentlemen reading Morianity and Mountainpen, its founder in early 2006; and those entities not within the scope or limits of L-4 classifications, etcetera, good evening, and how the hell are you? My WOMO enemies have given me on a regular basis recently, nasty cramp attacks, and diareah attacks, and when I see my doctor next week, I will expose this issue since it has worsened in 2013,, if that is conceivable.

I have spoken of two types of blog topic formats now, since Morianity-3 all began, and at the behest of SSJKK telling me while in a deep trance, to in fact do this; or else I would be a shellfish, to quote the AMTQ. Interesting and I confess that I cannot help but tell, that the initials, I just now innocently typed into this blog, without conscious realization; when pronounced, would almost discuss my original trip down here to Florida in December of 1983, on the Amtrak Train, only my initials stand for All Mighty Teen Queen, or CALL-10 and all of the giant communications owners of the universe, as who better than they, to fully know the total package of secrets, regarding old stuff such as the 1983 internet telephone system for non computer use, and so much more? But to stay on point here with this folks, there is the on the track as well as the off the track blogs, as I see it, from early this year onward. The on the track blogs is what Scylla wants me to continue with, as though my 70 day off time in 2008 never happened, or bloody shoes or mace cans or bad bent kneed uncles in Yonkers, or other bad relatives, or constants; but all STC joking aside, ‘TEE-HEE-HEE’, Mizz Munster; there also is an in-between topic, and this blog will discuss the details of what I am trying to open up here this evening, with my readers, again, whoever they really are; and frankly, Congressman Rob Andrews, I just don’t think I care; not even if the rivers wash my brains away, or what the hell is left of them; my brains that is, not the rivers.

So to be clear folks, the NEW TOPIC BLOG will be as though 2008 came in and never had that 70-day down grid period, where my blogging stopped for reasons explained after coming back on grid in early May. All this is accessible, and can very easily be archived at this following web-address: and I promise this link is not a leacher hack. Still, I can only promise that I am doing nothing. What powers that go beyond the ubniverse are in fact doing to my blogs, I have bno way of speaking to or for that matter, doing one thing with, since Project Bluebook totally refuses to help citizxens such as myself, and leaves us to rot in hell, rather than protect us and bring us into some kind of fold or club and umbrella, hell, they do more for the mother frikkin mafia for crissake! Even after removing the address link, this blog is hopelessly leached up. Do not click on any of my links, not now and not ever, just retype them. But then, Oh wise Potato Chip Swami Marola of 1969, you and your wonderful peeps seemed to know all about all of this all along, yet nobody will believe me, now that is the poswer that only an all mighty god can perform, and this is what I mean when I say that indeed, my life is one long angelic Coolie Hall Christmas tree time warped miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I may as well retype it, it is as follows:

Donot click directly on this link, it is leached up. I did not do it, BFI, CIAS, NSA, BFA, or whatever the yummy alphabet soup of the day may be, as this document will not release from the linkl even on different font color and paragraphing. Bfktiy dfjhfjfhf tjjdjkfjf and now they have hacked out my spell checker, Bob McDowell, let me go offline and reboot, and see if this blog can be copied to a dup and hack remedied.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMagnesonic. Scan for whoever or whatever is hacking me and hurting my body and persecuting me to my grave, under all technologies, all orders, all systems, on an ‘I’ to ‘D’, A/B TONE Phasing Punishment Sequencing Systemgjfh lgkdfjfrugfhgfhtygfj, I have your, power gain cranked to the maximum of 11.8 inches per nanosecond, and all controls against your pull gain power levels are at maximum 11.5 IPNS. A crushed I-O is on your Transpower-Block, ready for your empowerization tones, the double ‘E’ sound, hear it from my own mind now, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

This is the power that this rotten goddess has, and you can all go on loving her, as I am beginning to totally despise her.

Let me boot off and come back folks, SHE is GOD, and there is no fighting Her and Microsucks Corporation, the other dam MICK CHOIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My bloody shoes are spilling on this page, where is the dam mace can?

Have I ever ever wondered how you got your darn degree? Oh doctor Doogie Howser, you have done so much to me; and the danger is so great, and today is now too late, blah
blah blah blah!

To Whom It May Concern From The Head Morian

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rats Tats and Playing Real Football, #30

Let us move up into the future, to the night of February the seventh, in twenty-thirteen. We can always come back in time again to 2007. I am under a real vicious computer link attack, known as leeching by black hat cracker hackers. You will see the net result when this blog is over, as I will attach a copy.
Well fiends and friends, Morians and Lessians alike, the subtitle is because this will work as an intro for leading into the title of my next blog name, the 4th one now about 2 begin on Thus this is the 30th and final blogs in this third of my blogs.
The worm hole incident from one week ago down in East Dodge, NJUSAESMWG, in my IMHO got these bastard crap asses off of me for my first little rest bit since the ending of January. But starting 5 days after a mini-heaven, all of Dogtown broke loose and struck me like both of Diana’s parents, on Friday last, just past seven in the fooking evening. It started with a big home theater attack. The scum bags kept cutting out the sound and crackling through it, and there is nothing wrong with it, it all has been checked out, so that I can send certified and documented evidence to both the FCC as well as the ACLU, and CC to state attorney general’s office of New Jersey, my local Congressman, and the Board of Public Utilities. Keep fucking with me, and I will rat and tattletale on U every time, to anyone that will listen, and I’ll try even 2 those that do not want 2 listen, I have civil fucking rights incestrallites. No football team ever won a single game just playing defensively on any field anywhere in the world. Give these fucking bastard scum dirt holes just a quarter of an inch and they will take 100 light years every time, B4 U can realize it even happens 2U. Say “jackrobinsquat” and U won’t even get it fully pronounced, and they’ve got U right by the cat tail Mizz Purr; hold the fucker-juices out of that one, and my prick as well. They match U point 4 point and dollar 4 dollar, and then hit U with a couple of their dirty fighting boom-boom one-two punches B4 U know U took a breath of freaking air. These filth have no conscience and no shame, I have tried 2 shame them, they do not fucking shame, because entities that R lower than whale shit are totally un-shame-able. So what weapons do I have in my arsenal? Do I have armies of believing helpers in a powerful foundation? No! Do I have money or any resources at all 2 work with? No! Can I legally go out and fight perceived enemies, shooting up people and places? No! So what options R left 4 those few unfortunate persons in my position? Ratting, tattle tailing, and exposing is all the available options left 4 poor whittle me bwaby-wuv!!!!!! Notice when I exposed on an earlier blog, the full evil empire of Phillies always losing and the Dow Jones Stock Market crooked system, always being up, every single Friday, it did not happen that week, last week, not this one. Naturally since the siege on me started Friday night, my Phillies got sliced up like a watermelon found by starving island survivors. So what occurs, but 3 straight losses, and a swept up floor by the Broom club of the Phillies Haters, Incorporated. The weekend is constant furious air assault, both nights my full moon was literally wrecked and ruined, literally swallowed up with their filthy poisonous kemtrails, making me sick and forcing me to have wicked painful shits, these total bitches have caused ma many an accident in the pants, all the axes they’ve created 4 me have not been via automobile.
Eddie Himacane got totally screwed by crooked VERIZON. These scum R on my line at home constantly fucking with me, and they know that I blog and tell the world, or at least attempt 2, so they naturally R goon do all that they R able 2 interfere with it. Really, it does not require an Einsteinian mind 2C any of their motives, and the crimes that result, after all who can prove any of it, so they get away with endless major murder, and the absolute destruction of an innocent human life, mine!!!!!!!! Do not worry loyal few Morians, he realizes that they were not the only show in town, and now is with the Comcast system, last laugh on them, as they R connected with my Flyers enemies, and I get 2 slam the shit oudda them on their own network system, it is a free country, and I will speak out. I have dying declarations and utterances all over, I have several people that I keep constant current voicemail death evidence messages on their systems, so they can at least report 2 the authorities should I disappear and get murdered like my mom did as well as my best friend, Style Court Judge Roth’s cousin David Charles. These bitches R ruthless and I think they even got to McMeekan on the ACPD force. Dave was working for his cousin back in 1997, at the Bucks Cable Vision yard, off of I-95 in Bucks County, PAUSAESMWG. This post was a gun carry site, and my friend Dave was a licensed 235 Card carrier. He used to go with a partner filling ATM machines, they had 2 and 3 million dollars of cash 2 handle, and the Jersey police usually let them slide, as here, in good old Puke Turdsey, they do not care if U die on the job, unless UR totally blue, [a police officer], not a security officer or bank money handler/guard. Go ahead and get shot, I was always worried that the enemy would shoot them, and use the money as a good reasonable excuse, should I start screaming to the authorities, as I always try 2 do, and will always go on endlessly, futile or not, you’ll all have 2 fucking do me in bitches, and I do not go down easy, I know 2 many secrets about what U term [life and death]. I admit that 4 the most part, guns should B in the hands of the cops and the military, there is one + murder per day on statistical average this year in Philadelphia, this is totally not cool. Hunters should B able 2 rent what they need 2 hunt, and those that can prove major death threats on them, a possible exception, but please, give me a break, U think I will take a job handling 2 or three million cash, and have no side iron? You’re nuts bro!!!!!! I personally know a handful of yard birds that this very minute would slice up their sweet old grannies for 5 sawbucks. People really do need 2 get real. Of course Reale got me back in 1970, when he sexually molested me, the perverted bum fagot. No U can all saw whatever U wish 2 about our overseas enemies doing cowardly things like attack with car bombs or crash planes into buildings, but in all honesty, what weapons R they expected 2 have or use for crissake? I do not promote terrorism or war, or greed, or any part of this new age started by a total dirt bag who happened 2B our 40th US President, us roulette players refer 2 him on occasion as Red-Red.
I think it is time to remind/expose, locals to the area of HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, when it is in the larger half of the lunar cycle, from the first quarter lunar phase of a waxing half moon, to the second full moon phase, and then waning down into the last quarter half moon phase, as opposed to the 2 weeks of the lesser and darker moonlit skies, the night poisonous chemtrailing is vicious murderous hell 4 me. When I told about this many blogs back, the exposure of this helped 2 get it stopped, 4 a while, U know the old saying, “when the cat is away, the mice will play”. I am sick 2 fucking death of this never ending constant siege, and the only thing holding back my opposite shooting with Ed, at the NJ casinos, is his recent increase in leg pain, and also a recent move into my trailer park, yeah, we R just a couple of fucking poor pathetic trailer rats. We have been screwed, he was robbed, wrongfully accused of crimes, and the list goes on, it is his business, I will say no more. My story, I have been sexually molested in 1970 by a property rich bisexual child molester, assaulted by 2 Atlantic City lifeguard mascots in 1975 totally unprovoked, I think because a gorgeous young girl was extremely attracted 2 me, and they wanted her, and here I wasn’t even interested, poor whittle helpless me was just down there trying 2 cool off and take a whittle dip in the Atlantic Krassle Ocean. Then I have had a Saturn and a Breeze automobile drivers side window broken and smashed, trunk popped open, and car amps and subwoofer boxes removed, once at Friendly’s Restaurant on Roosevelt Boulevard-RT #1, in Pennsylvania across from the Ross Dress shop, she always wanted a dress shop business since her days as a little girl back in the Detroit Brewster Project, and now she is quite happy. As I pen this, a crash level private loud piss bubble airplane is scraping the roof here at Ed’s trailer while I sit here blogging away, and EXPOSING this evil astral crap. I have also been defrauded, once by a record promoter who took $600 and shoved me under a buss, threatened me with a gun to run a red light in center city, Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, defrauded out of$4,000 by a tow truck driver who said we would buy a truck and start a business, and he knew the dealer and the Glendale Bank President in Haddon Heights, NJUSAESMWG, defrauded out of 10 thousand by a contractor who conned me into purchasing a HUD home in Kramer Hill, a section of the city of Camden, NJUSAESMWG, a judgment on him was at least fully satisfied by my agreeing on getting half the money back, and then the gargantuan fraud, a man answers my ad where I said I want a promoter for my songs that I wrote, and cleverly he got me to pay close to 36,000 dollars, and basically it was him and his wife that was getting promoted, I admit I got some, and had stuff that I have written played all over the world, and even had a song reach #1 position on the Independent Country Charts of 1998 in the summertime. I was played on Muzak and CD Dish, and received quarterly royalty payments from BMI, a music industry royalty collection organization, about 5 years or so. But all monies gained, although one year I actually paid tax on it, was a wrung out wash cloth amount, next to the monies expended. I have jury duty on the 13th of August, and will have this page on a print out sheet, when the prosecutor or the defense attorney asks me at vwardere, whether or not I was ever a victim of any major crime, as all these incidents are legally on file in 2 county prosecutors offices, and I am not even including the great 1996 terrorist threat that was made to my mother where the man told her and scared her into literally an early grave as she never really was the same after he told her, “I am going to kill your son, and I will kill U2 if U do not get away from my truck”. She was only going 2 ask him if he wanted something from us, as he had been following us around 4 miles, turning every time we did, and it ended up at the Turnersville, NJUSAESMWG Pathmark Food store Parking Lot. Spellchecker does not give any better way 4 me to spell the word for jury selection, I spell it hence, the best way it sounds 2 me, ‘vwardere’. I am not trying to get out of anything, and will gladly serve, as this is considered an obligation and duty as a citizen. But I must tell the truth under oath when I am questioned about all the shit that has happened to me in my pathetic whittle life. I think that lots of crime has been committed against me, and these R some of the more major incidents, reported, police documented, and filed at Atlantic and Camden County Prosecutors Offices.
Now I wish to make something as perfectly clear as the 37th President: The motive of creating the foundation called MORIANITY, has nothing 2 do with suicide Jim Jones pacts, nor R we in with weird looking inter-galactic aliens like the 1990’s crazy bull shit cult. The motive is 2 create a place, a giant multiple purpose but ‘harassment’ oriented safe hose of a sorts, where anyone, big or little in any way, can come and get protection, get heard, get help, and along these lines. Admitantly, I wish 2 take what I know 2B truth, and merge this foundation into a religious order, and let the world C that this is all true and real, and no one ever need fear death again. What has happened to me, talking humanly in forward mortal time illusion, is not a made up story, nor is it the product of a diseased mind, but if Social Security and government shrinks disagree and give me 10 sike-named diseases and some benefits, great. Working a full time job is not possible under all my persecution; it is hard enough 2 survive their rotten shit for a part time 24 hour weekly stint at work.
Now a little discourse will begin, on directionality. In a recent prior blogging text, I talk about A and B events, and direction. Does one cause the other only in one direction, or both directions, and along this line? Now let me start to open a huge can of worms that at later times, will B harped on with much greater alacrity and detail. Right at present Maya minper or illusion of mortal world time, I remind U of earlier blogs, starting with my first one, the Morianity Bible. Many entries in this series of blogs and those that follow start some early discussions on a night in December of 1969. I went 2 bed, and the very next instant I am aware of definitely NOT being either asleep or awake, but in a TTH, or as I say, a THIRD THING HAPPENING. They know every keystroke, as another plane just struck, and the famous combo 1-2 punch included a super ass loud piece of junk motorbike. Anyway, I am first on a beach, the time was the early twentieth century, and I was with the most beautiful young teen aged long dark haired big brown eyed girl that I ever saw in my pathetic life. She told me that her name is Sarah Krassle. I had in my right hand, a heavy large motorcycle chain. She and I walked along the beach making light conversation and I was in total awe of her physical size and beauty, her long hair was light brown with many highlighted shades of colors that do not exist here in the waking world. Also, her hair shone as bright as 100 suns, and yet I was able to B with her and C her, and not go blind nor literally fall down consumed and evaporated. After a short time, she seemed 2 appear 4 years younger, about 10, as she was about 14 at the beginning of our interaction. I was just 15 back in human life, and about this age in the interaction on this dream-plane. She said out of the blue that she wants to have my chain, and that she needed it 4 her great city. She then proceeded to take it away from me, grabbing it out of my hand with more force than if I was trying 2 hold onto it while connected up 2 a moving freight train. Her strength is not comprehendible, nor is her physical beauty. Do not think for one rotten minper that the Mayor of Atlantic City and all his pals starting with Robert McGuire on Tennessee Avenue, do not all know about all of this, as when I told Sergeant Frank Callio the story at his Police Station back in 1997 in the springtime shortly after my miserable and frightening meeting with dude McG, he tried to act real nonchalant about it all, but I could C a look come over his face that told me all I needed. Anyway, after the great SJK took the chain, we both were instantly transported from the beaches that looked across the inlet from the beaches of Brigantine, to her shop, in the upstairs area, her bedroom. In this bedroom on the rear wall across from the entrance door, was a 3 drawer dresser and she opened the middle of these 3 drawers, and there was the chain. She smiled at me and closed the door, just starring at me with huge chocolate brown eyes with natural super thick and long eyelashes that were so gorgeous I thought I was not going 2B able 2 get another breath inhaled. She kept thanking me 4 giving me her chain, but now a word was started 2 get added, thanking me for returning ‘her’ chain. Later on, years in mortal time, I did come indeed to learn that this was stolen from her and sank on some boat down in South America. She actually is the energy that flows through the oceans of our world. Without this energy, the ocean would B dead, hence she is the life of the Ocean or really said better, she is the Atlantic Queen, the great Ocean herself, coming 2 me intentionally in a pure energy to energy interaction, my unconscious dreaming energy connected into her energy, no differently than your printer is connected into your computer, or your DVD, VCR, TVO, or stereo surround amplifier is connected through your cable television system. This is not when I mortally as me in this so-called here and now, came to know and understand with full clarity that I am directly dealing with the ALL MIGHTY JEHOVAH SCYLLA GODDESS, an upline girl who is no different than me here in this down line of reality, controlled by operations and systems in the 6th dimension that curves up and over in right angles out beyond themselves over lapping all of the unfathomable numerous 5th dimensional multiverses of hyperspace, HS. Eventually, as a 5th phase being, I in this lifetime, since no matter how many times they murder me or I die from fatal strokes and heart attacks, I remain unaffected by normal release through the physical death exit, so I fully intend, 2 totally master the lawtronics of this entire system, so that I will B able then 2 get upline to Sarah Krassle’s world, and escape my hell. Nirvanic oblivion is never possible, not 4 any entity, but just to escape this life, I would sacrifice a trillion tars and entities without fucking batting a single eyelash. As the great Sarah-Stacey Scylla Jehovah has told me on many occasions, and her cousin the Earth Lightning Goddess Diana Zudlecronesia Arteemis as well, Oblivion or [NIRVANA] is only 4 those entities that do not exist. If U exist, U cannot ever hope to have oblivion, it is only forever available 4 those that do not exist. Once U exist, U always have and always will. All time is one time, and all space is one space, and out of that total zero dimensional void infinity, springs all 6th dimensional interaction, leading down into all multiverses or 5th dimensional parts of a larger 6th dimension creating it in various ways too far out 2 get into right now, I am on a schedule and must get 2 work shortly. Yes, my lovely Jupiter Scylla sent her energy from the physical planet herself, her lightning, and crossed 500 million miles of near vacuum space, to merge with our dark cold quiet still oceans, and cousin Diana and her did a lovely job of putting this world into operation, but really, it is all just a dream. Nothing physical or supposedly tangible is real, we dream it all down from an astral world, that upline Sarah is unconsciously entering into her own creation from. But in my private 1969 December interaction with my teen queen, this chain seemed 2B so very important 2 her, and so was the 4 year variance in her age, being 10 on the beach, and 14 in her shop, and her name and this 4 year variance was indelibly left in my minds’ consciousness, so it must have major significance in ways I still am working on figuring out. This website has info on Sgt. Frank Callio, and the fallen Sgt. McMeekan, his very good pal. This site has great stuff, and learning about many of my ex-pals starts here, including the current Mayor, Bob Levy, the ex-Chief of the guard force. My website will soon B much better, I have much to add 2 it, more of my many copyrighted songs, other audio sound bites, and much more mapping and text information is upcoming. Go to and get a real mind blowing. If time permitted, I would tell U so much more about the chain, and my Scylla, SSJKK, your all mighty God.
Last night I lost awareness at work and passed out just a few minpers, and crossed into astral projection, as we always do in dreams, but feeling and remembering the out and in to this, is called by man kind, [astral projection]. The great Sarah told me that a major event is around the corner 4 the world; she will not say what it is. If I admit that a machine does exist that can alter the space time continuum, and that a magic clock and a magic mirror also exists and that I have access to these 3 devices, U would laugh and call me a space cadet. A Space Cadet huh, just do not call me a Sarah Callio, I am way uglier, and she is beautiful but colder than ice cubes. Another plane is scraping over Ed’s place, at about 12 shy of eleven in the late morning.
Directionality of interaction is where I will leave off, but only opening up the subject 4 right now. When I woke out of this Sarah-chain interaction in 12/69, I got on a bus to go to school. There was a huge **************** asterisk kemtrails in the sky, dissipating, and this was years B4 I mortally was in any way part of jet vapor condensation trails. This harassment and persecution would not come to B used in the MW4 about 18 fucking years, 1987-1969, U do the fudging Copperkessle math bwaby-wuv!!!!!!! I believe the 3 jets that cris-crossed were from the astral plane, that they abducted my mind/soul/call it whatever U wish 2, took it in one of these or perhaps all 3 were all part of one super astral airship, similar to the one that I own on the astral world as Duke Ricktafarius of Ricktown. Until a year ago, I thought the interaction was first, then the sky incident, and this includes what You’ve heard me discuss in 1994, my mid-life Krassle interaction. Now I totally believe that we all R abducted in these ways, and nothing can ever really B trusted, illusion/Maya is all over, like maggots in a cemetery.
Brown eyed girl, do not burn any bushes for Moses or our 43rd. Stay around brown eyes, some day, I will make U all mine, just like the 1969 song says in the autumn, I remember it like it is happening live at this very minper. Bright haired Scylla, come over and B friendly with your white car, I will B real friendly with my queen, U know U love your 'THAT-BOY', screw your parents, tell them the truth that they only think that they R your parents, this whole entire creation is really yours, it is your up line thought, and someday, I will get up line, and U will B mine, if I have to crush every star in the skies into dead ashes. Bye-Bye brown eyes
Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 8:05 AM 1 comment:
Labels: paranormal and psychic, persecution harasement UFO and Abductions

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 (Yes peeps, skip to the end for the most recent blog and hack of the future, in February of 2013, WOW.

Blog number 29 TWIMCIFTHIM

TWIMCIFTHIM—Blog # 29—062507.670
Wooopdeedodoodledo, this elevator is riding me to some far out shit here in hyperspace, [HS]. Ed Himacane’s Verizon DSL service is promised 2B on 4v today, as of time and date shown above, he gets billed, but no WIFI INTERNET. I knew that this weekend would B beyond putrid because I came back from what U would call a vivid dream, where my mother and I had a bad argument in an apartment we had lived at back in the middle 1960’s, and I slammed a door into her head and saw her brain go right through the back of her head. Some time ago, I would find myself referring quite often to reality one two and three, or A, B, and C. I believed that basically, both the dream world and the waking world, using your forward-mortal lingo descriptions, were sort of a combined resulting factor that came 2B as a result of the third truer or higher ‘reality’. Some truth exists 2 this, but some parts of this thinking R not at all the truth, hence, rather than me attempting to pitifully describe in elaborate details what I now have come to know of all this, we simply will abridge the discussion with my saying simply this 4 now: U must C the true hyper-spatial effect on things first, B4 ever even hoping to get any of this. 4 example, biblically, the concept of Christianity cannot B mortally understood totally by anyone not able 2C that linear time is pure illusion that consciousness creates in order to sustain mortal world life as we know it 2B here on Earth In addition 2 that, we in this universe R no more than one thin slice layer of an onion with rings that would B the size of galaxies. Not any one of these universes has any greater or lesser importance than any other. All is also relative one to another; it always was this way and will B. B4 I go on with this, permit me pweeeeeze to correct a previous blogging error that I made a couple of weeks back in mortal maya. I said that only one world can come 2 exist with carbon based creatures, [homosapiens], in each of these universes in the multiverse. I told U that the reason that proves this is an in transmutable law was in the atom, and that it was a proton singularity law. I meant nucleus, not proton, no there R not only one proton atoms, sahwee, in reiteration, there is only one center or hub or [nucleus] to the atoms that make up all of what illusion sees as solid reality. This endless size dimensional reality, both above and below any relative center point, always shows that one Earth and human race only exists per universe. But getting back to Christian teachings in the bible 4 example, there is the chosen elect that [God] supposedly chooses to save from damnation, and this is done B4 the creation of the world as well as long B4 our even getting born. Can U as of yet C how looking at time in linear fashion, makes all of this so inconceivable? Now add HS knowledge, and watch all the biblical mysteries hidden in so many layers of shrouds simply freaking vanish like a morning mist in the bright summer sunlight. If 4 example 24,875,944 R chosen 2B saved from [hell & damnation], and all other carbon based entities by the process of elimination R2B lost and cast into hell, Y is this fair, when [God must by the nature of this entire equation, B totally just and fair, as the ultimate judge of the Earth, and King of Kings, even Paula, Dawn, and PK-L&O-Todd? It would not B fair and just at all, but, in the full fifth dimensionality of HS, all the lost and unchosen, get their turn 2B one of these small elected of God, the chosen 2B saved from God’s wrath. Every baby that dies in a hospital at the age of one hour, has unlimited hyper-spacial alternates, some live only a minute, some live 2B 98, some will become president of the United States, the Campbell’s Soup possibilities in HS make even the contemplation of it all beyond staggering 2 the mortal mind. Another major thing that any mind has trouble fathoming, in my case 4 example, the nightmarish situation with parallel event, specifically me verses the 2 Philadelphia sports teams and the Dow Jones stocks. In cause and effect, cause being the A and effect being the B in the equation, A creates B while B does not create A, and only results from A. With parallel event, concentrically, A goes into B with the equal reality that B goes into A, hence, is my life hell and mysterious harassment's all around me R getting created as a result of markets going naturally up after coming in very undervalued by the annual 7-13% gain average that has existed since the inception of the stock market? Which is it, because it freaking does indeed work both ways, and should U indeed B able 2 survive a trip through a dark energy field from a black hole into a white hole of your universes twin, as all have the reverse twin effect built into the system, U would come back 2 Earth and watch everything from the point U return there, going in reverse or backwards, and yet 2 all of them, all is totally normal, and by their standpoint, it is U that is out of whack. Speaking of the [wormhole] or the quantum foam and other agents that make up a connection field between white and black holes, again, no one on either side of the twin universe system sees the effect of the white side of the worm hole, as their reality is an ultra dense matter sucking hole in their space, and the event horizon is totally relative to the twinallity effect. But speaking of wormholes, it was 10 years ago during my huge quest and search 2 locate my Sarah Krassle here in the MW, that some one in the Lambrigg Cult did indeed activate the wormhole that has been created and placed near the Casino Control Commission Building in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, and again just this past weekend, yesterday on Sunday the 24th of June, they did it again. The first of the three times that the energy of this monstrous thing was misdirected, was when Sarah J. Karge burned down her hotel on Tennessee Avenue, the Bolivar, back in the middle 1970’s. This is very dangerous, and I hope my ex-surfing pal, Mayor Levy, gets in contact with Steve Hawking, B4 all of freaking Atlantic City goes one day, and takes half of the Atlantic Ocean with it, redistributing these horrifically frightening energies into continental tectonic shift, 4 a second time, Atlantis being of course the first one. Go ahead, laugh, but if it was Edgar Cayce on this blog, U would not B laughing, and just because he is Edgar Cayce. He cannot help U now. The being who was dreaming he was this man is living in the far western nestern areas of the Olympian Province, in a great City by the name of Fromularshun Al Tenulboon, and has existed as the Chief Editor of the city press called the [Fromalten Times of Phase Two], and is known and has been known there in these parts of astral interaction as Barthalamas Rektamar XIII. He is well over a trillion millennia old and time is only of importance in phase two, as the astral entities there make it 2B. I must break off 4 the moment, the sun is out, the room here at Ed’s pad is 85 degrees, and this is not good 4 a lap top with no protection of fans such as R built into desk top machines, so tomorrow we will go on with a major blog, U ain’t heard puke juice yet Mister Jolson.
Now it is the next day, 062607.515, on an early Tuesday afternoon, and where am I but good old Winslow Coopers Fools Library, across from the Jersey Columbine Non Hyperspace. No giant sluts to greet me at the door, and no teenaged huge sumo wrestlers either, praise the SAR. This past weekend and Sunday was the worst elevator ride of my life off of the sixth dimension. Do not even try to grasp what I went through. It was literally like getting into the ring with both Mike Tyson, and the devil itself. I can only ask the question that I am able to survive all of this because some power far beyond what any tiny conscious mind can ever hope to really get any type of handle on. First off, Ed Himacane should have been up and good 2 go with his Verizon DSL, but here I am at the damn library, just as though it is last year all over again. The air siege on Sunday at the work site was worse than ever in my entire life here as Mountainpen, the loud shitty motor suck off cycles were also beyond anything that I ever saw B4. The Otamm-combo punches R off the scale, U know, the type of sick behavior that they use, a military and boxers battle tactic, where they get U down, or U all ready R down, and then they instantly slam U with other shit, the famous one-two punch. I was promised by state agencies such as the famous Atlanticare, who helped place me with my current part time employment, that they would come over and witness the stuff that I claim 2B occurring. Also, the same people promised that some computer learning classes would B starting, and after the very first class ended, so did the computer learning. I ask any of U out there in cyber land, how many Jack McCoy coincidences would U believe in? None of this is anybody’s fault, and this is not coming from mortal realms nor from individual or even groups of human regular people. Let me start to surface scratch some of the truths behind what the sixth dimension is B4 going any further into any of this nightmare. The human brain is similar 2 your radio or TV set, it is receiving signal or program or even better verbally described, cosmic data from the circuitry of the spiritual system that is what really is behind all that ever does or ever could and can occur on mortal world life. It receives this transmitted reality in ways that no one can ever see. If U watch your wrist watch for 12 full hours, U will C that the hour hand does indeed make one full sweep around the arc or the circle of your watch, yet simultaneously Y must realize another reality connecting into this. You never can really C it happening, it is moving just too gradually, yet stare at it, and it does in fact change position, yet without the observer ever really being able to witness the change, it simply is at one part of the arc in one time, and yet another part of the arc at a later time. Trying in the same way, to observe either scientifically or in any philosophical way, what is happening in this process of sent realities and received realities, from this sixth dimension to the lower dimension of the fifth, or multiversal worlds of carbon based receivers, us, is sort of like trying to move into the twinallity of a universe that your atoms and very existence occupies, and move right in and B totally at home in a reverse world where the electron and the proton of atoms that make U what and who UR, R all running in a reverse charge, as the polarities of electrons and protons R in opposing polarities in the 2 twiniverse systems of each individual universe in the multiverse of 5th dimensional space that it all is existing inside of.. Now since all multiverses or 5th dimensional products or systems, R all inside a higher larger reality curving up beyond the total 5th dimension, this 6th dimension is the elevator room or the circuitry of the systems that make all of the upline-downline thoughts flow and endlessly create inside of themselves within the limits of the total 6th dimension that contains all of these 5th dimensional products. All rides off these elevators that open up into interactions, has more of a behind the scenes reality 2 it. Put as simply as I know how 2 put it, it is lots of nearly infinite sub-atomic math equations that some of which are divisible or indivisible each to themselves and in relation to all of their counterparts, and it is not really events that the 6th dimension creates in its very ultimate function that governs it in the 7th dimension called LAWTRONICS, but individual thoughts, and what really is a thought, or any process of the ‘mind’? First, the events and or interactions are made up of single individual ‘mind pieces’. These subatomic numbers or mind pieces R basically the smallest waves that emit out of zero dimensional void infinity. Lawtronics or the 7th-D directs a program to flow down and make sense, but this would take a century 2 explain both how and why, in proper detail so as to make anyone really take any of my words seriously enough 2 believe me. The illusion that living endlessly in this Hollywood Hypercube, the 6th dimension, is just like the example that I gave a minper ago with gradualization, and being unable to witness true movements, such as with the observation of an hour hand on a small time piece. Attempting 2 witness true things happening is not always ever possible. The same limitations with only seeing the changes in the location of an hour hand, is the same thing with the sixth dimensional illusion that entire interactions R awaiting us as we go 2 leave an elevator ride, and the doors close behind us. Not entire interactions R being created, it only appears this way in the maya that is filling up the hyperspaces everywhere, maya or illusion is simply a bi-product of 6th dimensional operations procedures, sort of like fall out with nuclear energy, or pollution resulting from the production of electricity using fossil fuels.
Without going further right now into this, the 6th dimension is the only thing that is real. Becoming onto this reality only serves to heighten the intensity of this reality. Sarah Krassle is behind the entire reality of all of this in our multiverse. Our entire multiverse is her upline thought, but as stated and explained in varying ways over and over, the 6th dimension is what causes her thought in her upline world when she was thinking of her teen aged days and That Boy at a seashore resort, to indeed turn into this downline multiverse, or our entire 5th dimension, our multiverse containing all of our countless individual universes, where all of our space and all of our time and all of our alternate and countless parallel universes, R but her one single upline thought. We also and I mean all humans, can think, and the 6th-D causes that simple single thought wave, also to downline into an entire multiverse where to that world, all of their time and space and alternate hyperspaces, R one instant flash upline, or one and the same thing as our upline thought that we think.
Yes Mr. AC, NJUSAESMWG Mayor, your honor, and ex body surfing and beach buddy, U guys have a very serious problem on your hand. Basically 400 feet in all directions from the old Boliver Hotel, U have a matter sucking nightmare there, causing fires to spring up, and eventually, the gods know, ATLANTIS II.
The siege on Sunday was so bad, that between the terrible interaction I had with my mother and the hell all day from the OTAMMIC MILITUFORCE, Albert Einstein was not necessary 4 me 2 figure out that something gargantuan was ongoing, and sure enough at roughly a half past 2 in the post meridian, on the famous and world renown Atlantic City boardwalk, another worm hole overload disaster indeed had struck, I felt this literally in the marrow of my bones. U know Bob, old buddy, I am the one person that not only can totally relate to your Nom and metal story, as I have my demons too, without the N in TeNNessee. Is it not interesting that both of our [out of the blue gifts from the gods only know where], my songs and your metals both half real and yet real, and U know that only I can relate 2U and your situation, especially the fact that 1980 was the magical year 4 the both of us, regarding these very strange and bizarre occurrences. . B4 I came back from witnessing this destruction 4 myself down there in East Dodge, I knew something was radically wrong. They eventually will explain it away, but Y would the homeless burn down their own shelter, pweeese gimmie a frickin break!!!!!
I have attempted to tell my life story to a disbelieving world, but one thing is 4 total sure. When this worm hoe grows bigger and stronger, and can no longer B ignored nor explained away, and they will come to me and want 2 know it all, and my blogs and website will B on the great Gore Avenue, the info highway of cyberspace. Trying to put anything together when they R fucking with U so major, is next to impossible, but I keep plugging. Wall Mart sold me 2 defective air conditioners earlier this month, and I finally got a working model. Eddie H. will eventually get his Verizon DSL up and running, but this is not the time 4 me to go on jawing at a public terminal, where literally, any one of hundreds of negative interactions’ R possible, so my blogs will not tell too much yet, but soon, look out, and as stated B4, wear a good set of diapers and then read, you may thank me for this advice, cleaning up stinky shit from your good clothes, just ain’t no fun bwaby-wuv.
A fleet of 4 or 5 military copters flew over me yesterday on Route 30 on my way back from the shore. Speaking of the shore, the casinos will be mine for the ripe picking in a week. Opposite shooting will kill the shit out of them, as they endlessly go on pouring on the death siege against poor whittle pathetic innocent victim me. The only other system is long run play, or applying this to gambling games such as roulette. No matter if U get numbers from one wheel in millions of spins at a roulette table, or from hundreds of wheels around the world, U still have at the end of a 38 million spins, roughly one million outcomes of all the 38m numbers, and although wheels are made of non thinking mass with no memories, the cosmic reality operates so that indeed they may as well have a mind and memory system. To capitalize on this and win all the time, U simply get groups of 4 or 5 numbers, and when a hit from your group comes out, it is counted. Counts are multiplied by 100 and divided by the total spins of all games in your endless one long [life-game]. Computer programs can even B written, and graphs can show U when anything is the time to play or avoid. Nothing is ever due, but things indeed do get hot, and then stay hot way more of the time than not. When U wish however to not cheat by using this guaranteed method to win at games, individual systems that R good like the BAD SYSTEM, or betting against doubletons to occur, U can also chart when one system tops out and starts a losing trend, and while another good one is starting to come alive and begin a nice winning pattern, and which wheel or dealer is involved, is meaningless, it is pure illusion. Parallel event applied to the game will win, but few including me can play just those few high odds times, such as when there is a stat for 24 blacks and 3 reds that follow after every odd and low at a particular table one day. Betting high chip value and only betting strong parallel stats, will win a player big money at roulette, and I love to cover the greens with 10%, for example if I am betting $2 or 3 black chips or $2 or 3 hundred bucks a pop, I love covering the greens or splitting them with a green quarter chip, $25. This is what I did back in 1986, and I made out well, working 4 me, no bosses, no time clocks, but the gods will not allow my happiness, and they have been persecuting the fucker-juices out of me ever since, basically working through the UFO cult operating as a Briggbase transdimensional bunch of pure fucking evil, the bible in Christianity calls them, the spiritual wickedness in high places. The year 2007 from the start of February right up to the present, has been worsened 4 me, and the hell and siege thrust upon me is equal to having the entire elected and chosen to B saved from damnation by these game playing gods, to allow them to trade with me, the 62nd generational responsibility of our cursed family, cursed by the gods, even though the great Sarah Stacey loves me above all names and refers 2 me always on astral realms as THAT BOY.
No Honorable Bob, it was 1980 for both of us, and she was involved in crossing our paths 16 years later, when we indeed did meet, and body-surfed together. But when I asked U about her in her human form, U gave me a look like, good bye to your life bud, it is over. Well, I will try to do my part not to ef around with the worm hole and with magnetic powers, such as I said I would in my copy written 1983 song, and hopefully, you as well will do yours.
There is so much more 2 say, but I need 2 get ouddahere. Go ahead my lovely teen queen, and hate me all that U want 2, as on the astral realm, U love your THAT BOY, and always have and will, as I am what U were thinking of upline in your world as simply, my Sarah Krassle. Together in your un consciousness, down lined into this astral world where we always have and will, share endless love and thrills, I will give U anything that U ever wish of me, my beautiful Jehovah, and I will B adding to my website shortly, your song that I call in mortal world code, LOIS FOCA, or your real and true title, LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS. You and Donna and Levy, and me, wow, what a motley crew if it takes me 2 say this myself.
Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:42 AM No comments:

Thursday, June 21, 2007 (WAIT FOR ONE YEAR, BUDDY.)


My last #27 blog has errors, some I will try to correct today, others on a future blog, using mortal [forward mode thinking process], will B corrected when U think it is later in some deluded reality. B4 telling a thing, I will mention that never has the shit around me been this continuously bad, not in the more than 105 semi-annums of my life as Mountainpen. Karen, U have 3 dying utterance and declarations on your voice mail. Just keep one, and remember to give the ACLU, and the WORLD TRIBUNAL COURTS AT THE HAIGUE, my website address, and the Blogger dot com address, my site as U may know, and is on your PC favorite’s, is The MILITUFORCE has been relentless, taking me into yet another roulette systems failure, the one where while under death siege by these turd-scuz's that normally wins many chips, where I would bet the two following outside bets on unanimous or majority three groups, such as RBR, or RRR, or BRR, and RED being the bet 2B placed, I would make RED BETS two times, betting all three parameters of the 1-36 numbers, and flat betting only, and ignoring zero losses. Anyway, the system always failed when under quieter times, but finally this caved in 4 me, during the late oh-seven spring hell death siege from this evil Briggbase cult, the MILITUFORCE, again creating 3 words into one word, combining military, UFO, and force. None of U regular humans have a simpleton’s clue what is going on nor do U need 2. For those being assaulted and continuously attacked, it is an entirely different matter. Thank U Diana 4 coming around the other night 2 visit your whittle boy here in this miserable human world realm, as always, your lightning was filled with grand and glorious beauty and color and splendor, literally strikingly ravishing and gorgeous beyond comprehension. We were at your Great Forest just outside Olympia, in one of your so many lovely cabins there, and U said 2 me that UR all around me both here and in my dream. Then I thought a tree came crashing down, only it was me waking up to a loud thunder crash back on the mortal world, and sure enough, my lovely baby blond was all around me both there and here, just as U had told me precious. Last night, I remember the green printing inside Stacey’s book, somewhere in the Psalms that I wrote when I was King David so long ago. Then U gave me a phone number and told me 2 call U in human form, it had 8’s and 9’s in it, just so the world knows I make nothing up, and I called U twice. My first call was 2 tell U what the green writing said, but my second call was important, but U made me forget most of your number, so that when I returned to consciousness, I’d never B tempted 2 break the rules, and call my queen up one day. U came 2 me at Clarence Harris’s house across the street as the tall lovely long haired blond 18 year old that 4 no reason came over and waved 2 me and kept starring over at me, and again years later, in Kargetown-Trenton, NJUSAESMWG, as the Noonan girl, again real tall and long bright yellow hair, just like U ‘really’ have. U really were becoming quite a young lady, as your then Earthly father told U at Hibb’s, ‘member my queen? It was on a Friday afternoon in late July or early August back in 2K2. KI knew U were my lightning the second that I saw U, and the way that U looked at me, I was worried I’d B taken off 2 jail. Throw a rock and I’d B right there at the Constables On Patrol’s place. Police officers like Detective Fontanna do not like citizens abbreviating these three words, but it is not a disrespect, COP = CONSTABLE ON PATROL, just as FUCK=FORNICATION UPON CONSENT OF KING, and Paula and Sarah and her gang did more than consent at the Trinidad motel in 1967, it was me that did not, but got gang raped anyway.
I would B lonely at this point if everyday was not filled with kemtrails, planes, choppers, motorcycles, loud music, Muzak teasing in stores, property damage, utility attacks, body attacks, and the list is like a greedy kid’s letter to Santa Claus. I got off Kirshty’s hellevator in 2007, not to lose Jenny 20 weight, but literally any hope of ever living my life as me in this sequence of dreams. No year is like this. When it all began “Resorts”, shortly after U did, at least I had a mother to fall back on when the pressure became totally unbearable and totally intolerable. Now, I cannot just walk off of a job, take a short sabbatical, hide in a closet, and lessen the torture for a small time. Not any more my fiends and foes, “nope nope nope, Jimmy Stuart Clarence”, no freaking more, ya dirty whore. Now I must face the music, and very loud music on top of that, as I told yalls about at the Hammonton Shop Rite Grocery Store, until the market’s closing bell went ding dong, and then off it went, not at money of the clock, error, sahwee, but 4:00 PM. 4 and $ are the same key on a keyboard, one is the number 4 when in the lower case mode however, my screw up.
People in top UFO clubs talk about their abductions, and I say, “bully for U’s”. My entire experience on this sick rotten diseased sin cursed evil satanic wicked planet has been one huge abduction. I live with 2 lovely giant goddesses as 2 separate astral entities, and do not want 2B here another godsforsken minper. I am getting treated like shit by everyone that I know. Everyone is taking what little money I have and all I am is a disabled poverty stricken pathetic nobody to start with. No Senator FT, [EX, from TN], I am not a split ticked or even a split ticked off democrat, but a split TICKET, sahwee, another blogging prior screw up. I am ticked off a bit that Ted Turner is slowing down my evening L&O enjoyment, replacing it with garbage next to this great show, second only to the great Perry Mason. If U run, I read in the paper that the show may stop all together, oh well, in one realm U helped me escape a wrongful murder charge and in another U remove my favorite show, I always said things balance out unless colbodots R placed in a sphere of inverted magnetic shielding, causing endless motion until the gauss energy runs eventually down and out. My blogs R all copyright by MOUNTAINPEN’S true name, and I can tell U about SKYTORCYCLES and FREEZERFANS and OPTICAL-TV, and SWIS, before it happens, jeepers, did I just wreck the space time continuum for the Trekkers and the Sci-Fi buffs? Portable air conditioners, what a joke, when in the next decade U can get a freezer-fan, © MARK MOHR. If does not recognize the symbol B4 my name, it is the symbol of US COPYRIGHT. A freezer like the one above a refrigerator is placed on 4 ball bearing wheels. Various models have an opening panel that adjusts in several ways on varying models, to let out small, or large or in-between amounts of the cold freezing air, and then in the front instead of a door that opens, is a fan with 2, 3, or 4 speeds, and the freezer temperature adjusts with a dial. Small and large models can B wheeled around room to room or kept in place, all neat and clean, no venting, no windows. WO, is this ass hole going to tell the whole future, or steal it? It has all been first stolen from me, and remember that I did not ask 4 any of this; I do not even belong here. I by your concept should have died B4 the sun started burning in space.
Week after week after week, every Friday, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, with Phillies going down hard and the Dow Jones stocks flying to the fucking stars, all as predicted, and all by making my life a fucking living cock sucking endless hell. At work, I get choppers and kemtrails and crash level morning planes, and I will go on writing it all up on Sora orders from Governor Corzine. I, unlike yalls, am simply abiding by and obeying the fucking laws of this great land, so screw all of U and your ugly moms and dauts!!!!!! Same thing on all my off days, at home, on the road, constant MILITUFORCE HELLSIEGE, never ever ends. I would B lonely at this point should it go away.
And the good part is now bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!! Ed Himacane and I will B starting our casino counterattack very soon, and on paper, in just 2 games per week averaging a total of 80 spins, and on the 10/100 $$$$ betting level, we R fucking averaging taking home more than 1800 smacks each, so staying twice as long and playing 4 days in the week would quadruple this to more than 7 fucking grand in our pocket each every week, just by me losing my ten dollar bets and him winning his 100 dollar bets. I am more than happy at 7 grand a week and do indeed plan to legitimately file my taxes, as a loss. Hopefully Ed, will honestly file his on his gain. Think I’m fucking stupid, huh, well just ga’hed. Hay, I am legitimately losing money at the casino, and the eyes in the skies will B verifying it, eat my urinated dust. The more U harass and persecute me, down goes my life, my lick, and up goes anything betting against me or that I hate such as Flyers and stock markets. Fine, and up goes anyone betting higher amounts, against my bets, U really just cannot have your fucking cake and eat it too OTAMM, again this stands, Karen, for ORGANIZED TRASH AGAINST MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/MARK MOHR © BOTH OF US. Told U all the Dow would go straight up a year ago, and I am always RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT all night, and day as well, in the morning light Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW THE SQUARES HACK IS HERE FOLKS. , “and on the night of 12 July, I saw my giant love go by, I knew we’d B apart that day, until we’d meet again at John Kings parking lot 27 years later, JK” ”W—-O—-W”.
No Mister Hendershodt from Flagstaff, U missed my clue as did the others. Mac and Less Citer know about the secret of the red X and the kemtrails, the extra line making up the tri-ex asterisk is an entirely different story. I may look like a damn jack off jack ass Adam and the other Schiff on TN Avenue, but that is where it stops. I know the wormhole is real, Thomas J child molester real or not. Some people in that city get away with murder, sexual abuse, robbery, U name it, and quit blaming it the fuck on Vegas, man, you’re all being hit with a ton of major maya. Closest clue U came to is I am on low and Eddie’ll B on high, so abbreviate the low and high dumb-dumb.
Day after day, Dow Jones goes straight up, Phillies lose string after string, and color me so non-shocked Lenny Briscoe. I knew all this a year ago, and when I got off the elevator ride leading me into the oh-seven shit, I needed not B hit with a cotton candy mass 2C where all going. 770X110%=1983, and this amount X110%=1984, and this amount X110%=1985, and do the math up through 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and tell me the Dow will not B 30-50 thousand points. Then where will my hellish reality B at these points, since I have long established the parallel of the market being up and climbing, to my life being hell and falling, literally into Christless shit? It really and honestly does not take Albert E. 2C any of this, but if U come to my blogs with the mindset all ready made up that this is all bull shit, then Y come up at all. Ask yourself Y anyone would waste this much time and give so much attention to nothing but trash and crap. Also, get 2 know some mental patients, and U will C a pattern, none of them speak in a straight and organized manner. Some do not maintain cleanliness, some have strange quakes and blinks and facial expressions, some cannot look at U or keep their hands relatively still, the list of patients’ symptoms is virtually as long winded as my blogs. I on the other hand, am well groomed, have no criminal record, am a SORA registered private security officer, and speak straight and clear, just think about it all B4U race 2 judgment that my claims cannot possibly have any validity 2 them because they sound so way out, and it just therefore is not possible that they could B true, based on this. Yet is U saw a 300 foot super tsunami coming for Atlantic City, U would believe your eyes and most likely get a heart attack B4 the wave would kill U. And what if I told U that the NSA has successfully completed, and even in the 70’s had some version, of holographic tek that could fool your senses 2 believe the tidal wave is coming, provided several of the NASA satellites R all in a proper alignment and orbital operating position? Can’t fathom this either, I’ll bet, but I will swear that under penalty of full perjury charges, I swear this 2B the entire and total truth with no omissions nor subtractions. I have had literally hundreds of holographic road attacks, and once not long ago I tested it. I knew it was not really a car, as it just was not there, and one second later out of nowhere, it was, and it appeared 2B barreling along at a high clip. I cut out and it went through me and vanished, just as I knew that it would. Do not try this if U think UR getting this experience, UR not me, remember I cannot die the way U can, and most of U want to B here, so don’t fucking do this, and I am blameless should U not heed my advice.
Optical TV is so much better than large screens and high definition, It is a small box like an old cable box, that receives the stations, and with a wireless comfortable helmet, brings stereo surround to the ears, and the visual reception directly in front of the eyes, the room is gone, there is just a crystal clear bright image 5 times that of the best 2007 regular plasma big TV screens. © MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/MARK MOHR.
Could I tell more? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Don’t even fucking get me going!!!!! I have not started with the 6th and the 7th dimensions, inventions of the thirties, the song out in 2029 called “The things We Can Do in 2029”, and so much more. I will tell U that when I get into the Phase 4 Club, the Lamist-Briggers, and many other related topics, wear diapers B4 reading, you may damn well B glad that U did!!!!!!!
Walt old buddy, saw U working hard over at the judges place the other day. Thank U for telling me that Callio retired back in oh-five. Some tell me the gods R punishing me 4 telling secrets. No, I am part of a family line that goes straight directly back to the tribe of Judah and to when I was King David. Now I am him as well as his own grandson. SSJKK never let me remember what she lets me remember up here in AD2007. When I said “back in the 19chips” on my prior blog, the machine mind screwed up and hacked me, I meant 2 say, when I get back into the 1986 chips, or back 2 where I was in my pro-gambling days. I could say a million things right now, but until I put an air conditioner in here, the computer may overheat with the heat of this first 2007 scummer day, so I will say SO LONG BROWN EYED GIRL KAL CALLIO AND ANTI-ECK NIRINGIN. Just because U have done things 2 me that I do not understand, thou art Scylla Goddess, mortal mans words [GOD], and I will not question thee, Shit, anybody can speak Shakespearean, this is not holy, just the way they talked back when Billy S and the King got together to translate the holy words into old English of their day, King James that is.
Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:06 PM No comments:
Labels: persecution harasement UFO and Abductions

Friday, June 8, 2007

I got off the hellevator Mizz Kirshty A. at another very super unpleasant stop, Mister Cement business Stewart. As much of these texts R4 the Astral Realm alone, mortals R not expected 2 break all the codes, only those that they R desirous to break, and also, R enlightened sufficiently 2 make this a realizable talent. I got off where I woke up in the year of 2007 and things 4 me have never ever been close 2 being this bad. The evil Milituforce is climbing all over me and has been all month, all year, and words R not there Donna 4 me 2 express it, yes, your soul would B in major efen distress 2!!!!!!
There is no place 2 start, and as time is illusion to me, it matters nothing to me what is out of mortal world time-order, totally without significance 2 me bwaby-wuv. My webmaster, Mister Himacane, has moved 2 where I am living, and it has not slowed down the Coast Guard and other Military enemy helicopter attacks flying at very low levels over my area, nor does it slow down the super loud shitass noisy road vehicles and blotorsuckles, the poison kemtrails R all over the place, utility attacks still R running rampant, and telephone harassment is never ending, they call and hang up endlessly or leave crazy bull shit messages. The Verizon DSL takes forever to get reinstated into a new address 4 whatever reasons, and the list of endless nightmarish shit is non fucking stop. Finally, I get off the elevator ride where big Ed has been living here 4 a week, and at least has the computer set up, and no one is driving me nuts to take them here and there, all part of course of higher [biblical spiritual wickedness in high paces] stuff, pre-planned from even B4 the world was here orbiting around at 25000 miles per day or roughly 1100 MPH. There is unlimited stuff 2 tell, it will not get told 4 many weeks, but it will by the Gods, get told. The ride that took me into 2007 is quite a trip if it takes me 2 say so myself. 2 nights ago, Ed and I and a couple of other people were all outside talking, and one huge kemtrails after another kept going over directly zenithing all of us, pure persecution, and total violation of people’s civil and human and constitutional rights. I am not dealing with a 20th or a 21st century US Military system, I know it, the Ufology buffs all know it, top clubs anyway, we all know that something gigantically huge is happening 2 this human race, and no one big enough seems to care enough to seriously look into any of it. There is no cover up of anything; I am not buying into that conspiracy idea where this is concerned. “Nope, nope, nope”, Mister Jimmy. Not a big one Mister Stewart, and forget about Clarence the angel 4 a minper, I do not buy for one single micro sucks sec that we on Earth R this big, nor that we do not want it out in the open. Logic is not there 4 believing world governments all want it covered up, C it this way, how about our enemies. If we want it covered up, and all governments know something, then enemies would bring it all out on the net today, just 2 fuck with Springsteen’s good ol’ USA. The sightings and landings have been proven 2B planet wide, so our enemies know just as much about any covered up secrets as the rest of any of us do. Iraq would use this in a heartbeat 2 wipe our imperialistic asses out of existence, so buy into that cover up by Earthmen’s nonsense, if U like, my money is on the opposite bet there bro Green, of L&O, and funny is it not, that BRO GREEN is reversed to almost mock Mayor Levy, with his phony Green Beret Hero story. Planes R one after another, the aerial siege is off all scales and dials, 2 attacks today crash level by the Coast Guard, where is the water or the rescue, it sure as sweet Jesus Moses ain’t in the Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG Lake. What is going on is far bigger than all the stars in the sky exploding simultaneously. What is going on is that up line above us, an entire world with its many alternate universes, has a girl in it somewhere who was thinking about her days at 16 years of age at a seashore resort, and as all thoughts do, it down lined into an entire group of separate atomic universes, all held tightly but not solidly together, in its own new 5th dimension. All 5th dimensional multiverses R here due to a thought from another one’s upline, one quick thought, and boom, and remember that once a down lined reality is created, it is protonically fixed, there is but one proton to an atom and one world to a universe. Unless more protons R in atoms, no more than one concentration of life can B in the entire 4th dimensional space-time-system, evolving into biological carbon based life from its nuclear up spring. This is Lawtronic, and is non transmutable law. The beginning of the week was when I was parked at Hammonton Shop-Rite food store, while Ed went in 4 a few groceries. It was about 3:40 in the afternoon. The stock market was 20 minutes from closing bell time. The second Ed went inside, a car went by blasting illegally loud music from his vehicle, and he parked somewhere near me, I could not C where, but the music was miserable. At precisely $ PM when the market shut, off went the loud persecution, alagazam, like fucking magic. What no one will B kind enough 2 believe is that this can B a series of coincidences 2 a point, but not constantly every day for a quarter of a century. When I tell my blog readers that I am doing serious hard time in an awful viscous evil prison, U may all B just a bit 2 quick 2 start yukking it up. Laugh all U want, every one of U will eventually get your chance 2B me and go through this, if it takes literally gogalplexes of years. Think I lie, well, go to a top think tank Quantum Mechanics Professor, and ask him/her, screw me, I count 4 shit. The 6th dimension is not upline. Upline and downline R all 5th dimensional multiverses that lie in the realm of the unfathomable sixth dimension. I have told all of U the simple way to practice the [FASCITAR 6 and 10] method, to B able to have your physical body alive, as U, in this mortal world; while exploring astral realms. This can take U to some far out places, and both there, and here, is loaded with what Eckankar followers label ‘maya’ or illusion, or said better now by me, untrustworthy realities. U know nothing, and U can trust nothing. Not one organized religion will make U guarantees, they say that we need [faith], remember. Faith in what. Some power or god, or perhaps in ourselves? Faith also means hope, that what U wish 2 believe, has in fact some substance of reality 2 it, but that it may indeed not at all. Translation, all of it is subject to MAYA, illusion. The only person on this planet that can claim 2 know some absolutes is me, and if I sound whatever, 2U, sorry, it still is true. I can prove 2 a blind ignorant human race that this is all here because of the reason I claim that it is. No other thing can explain how the Dow Jones Stocks and I endlessly parallel event each other in a reverse directional mode. Not one broker would come out a year ago and say buy the Dow, it will basically go straight up to record highs, then into the 12, 13, 14 K’s and on and on and on, but I said it, and I KNEW IT. I said 20, 30 40 and 50 K, and I mean it. Just do the fucking math starting with 770 points in middle 1982, so to arrive at 1983 U simply take a Wall Mart calculator U can buy for under 10 dollars, and hit the keys X110%=. The next price U get, hit those little 6 keys again of [ X 1 1 0 % = ] not real complex, but you will C that as the twenty first century came in undervalued, it had to go up, and my life had to go to major hell. Also, when any little side effect thing relating to this parallel event thing such as Phillies being around 500 ball, the persecution picks up every time to get it to go back under and stays under, further raising the fucking stock prices. Certain mortals also on to this teck use it against me to get their way, such as dirt ball Trump. When he needs to get his way on something that could go one way or the other, I notice every time for 25 years, they pick on me and harass me, and it is done with precision clockwork regularity. Other big shit shots, not just Chump boy, R in on this, and continuously hurting and wrecking my pathetic innocent whittle life. U know U ain’t nuts after years and years and years of this shit, it does not matter if 33 quadrillion people tell me I am, they R not suffering through my hell, and they do not know. Hell is relative, just as is Einstein’s theories. Hell is not cemented in location; it is a condition-interaction. This is YI hate the guts of most church people and organized religions, as they R the meanest and harshest with me out of the bunch. People were meant 2 go on individual spiritual journeys; it never was intended as a collaboration adventure. All this shit is legend and myth. I should know, I travel continuously out of body, using your mortal concept of things, and I should know. Yes the Fascitar or the Fascitar, spell it any which way that U wish, can let U move around aware of being beyond-the-dream so to speak. Most people that master it get caught up in this cool eternal realm where they realize they all ready exist in anyway, and can re-enter into the physical at any time or place they choose, as they get more savvy, or become a [master] in these occult or hidden arts. When I left an elevator and stepped into a place where the great disco diva was working as a lab technician at what now is called Atlanticare, and then was known as the ACMC, [Atlantic City Medical Center], I never was able to re-enter into the life I was living in the same way. Somehow this elevator took me to an interactive ness where the very act of returning to where I lay asleep on the night of August 15 of 1986, caused me to come in where I for some reason, must have done either some things that I cannot fathom doing and no record of any of it exists such as not being a convicted felon on parole out of the blue 4 example, but something was indeed radically different, and in an extremely negatively exaggerated way. This has been discussed on numerous previous blogging texts. The reasons for re-entering into something this bizarre could range from a dozen Twilight Zonish things and concepts. I used the I-Ching on 3 occasions in my life, once in 1986 on this night, once in 1997, and once in either the end of 1969 or the start of 1970. No genius mind is needed to figure out that the daytime famous soap show of the times, “Dark Shadows”, gave me the idea to play with this nightmare. I said N I G H T M A R E. I meant nightmare. Babies and fools and poor whittle me, have done some dumb shit in their life, my dumb shit was messing with I Ching, and copying the great Count Petofi. The first time sent me months into the future in a day-trance, where I saw June of 1970, and me there, on the beach, with my friend Ziggy, [Sigmund Malyeska]. I could hear my own brain saying that the third day of my 26 day vacation would B pivotal, and later, it was, when 1970 in late June caught up with the I-Ching trance. Only the 3rd usage of this tool in the mid 1990’s served any real good, or did it. I was going out of my mind, in my frustrated search 2 find the great Sarah Krassle, the Lord Jehovah, whom was never lost in the first place. My blog, the ‘Morianity Bible’ tells much of the story, and definitely not all the story. James Patterson would ejaculate if I ever permitted him to write a so-called fictional story of me and all of these beach and Tennessee Avenue characters. After which time, he would die of a massive coronary thrombosis. Hay JP, if U’re ever up 4 it bud!!!!!!!!! Without going into details, I crashed into Governor Florio on the Atlantic City Expressway many years ago when he became governor of NJUSAESMWG. I speak of course not here in the waking world, but it was real. In 1984 I went to sleep and was suddenly playing a loud audio tape of the Space Shuttle; it took off and blew up. A year later, it did, as did a future governor get into a terrible crash on another major road, not far from where I rear ended Florio. No one understands dreams, realities, life and death, and maya is the culprit. Only in the 6th dimension is where it clears up, and the maya dims under the brighter REALM OF THE MIND. But when U finally know that U have been in the elevator room, nothing I can upload to the Blogger site in text words, can prepare U for the unbelievable enlightenment that will follow. All that is ever real is ride after ride, going from interaction to interaction. UR only as real as the 6th dimension creates U2B and all of your loved ones as well. No one is ever lost or found, alive or dead, or part of anything tangible and believing in anything at all tangibly, is being successfully fooled, or overcome by maya, [illusion].
Mr. Himacane was almost placed under arrest, through no fault of his own, yesterday Wednesday the 6th of June, 2K7. Attacks, near accidents, violations against him and me, R unspeakable and unconscionable and prosecutors in 3 counties as well as assistant governors and state attorney generals, R all complicit in allowing this torture to endlessly happen to an innocent American citizen. This is YI know I died and went 2 hell a long time ago, as in any ‘real’ world, it behooves me that this could ever happen to anyone. But what is dying and going to hell? It is what every blogger believes in his or her mind that it is, that is it pure and fucking simple. Just because the great Sar-ah Krassle Jehov-ah was thinking of me and her days at 16 at some upline world seashore resort, and it then downlined all of this, still does not supersede my beliefs and thoughts over any of anyone else’s. It does make me literally the center of the multiverse, or universe as perhaps we all, as alternates in HS, get our chance 2B THAT BOY, but being the center means that I can know major paralleling events that will show me ahead of time things of importance like the stock market’s direction, etc., but, this still makes me a suffering victim in all of this, not some mighty powerful entity or god. They R not stupid. They know that should I come into enough doe, this is not forgivable, U do not totally wipe out 70% of a mans adult life, and his basic childhood as well, and think that forgiveness is a possibility Mr. Campbell’s Soup. They know I would buy out 2 things if suddenly I won the power ball lottery and had 9 figure USD2 play around with. One would B an entertainment company so I could do my best to bring my message of truth to this ailing MW, and two, to get this all fully investigated, and the perpetrators eventually caught, and brought to justice. I do not care if they R the flowers from Beta Sigma 200. No, ‘they’ know that I can never B permitted 2 have any money, as I would turn it into more and more, and they know what I would then do with my fortune, and that they’d B fucking TOAST. This is not a threat blog-flaggers, THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKING PROMISE BABES!!!!!!!!!! All my promises R legal and all actions taken someday by me will all B within the framework of the laws of the land, don’t even think of trying to shut me up. Persecute me, and I will at the very least continue to blog and try to get my message out to as many as will listen and laugh, and maybe someday, the right person will say, wait a minute blowhard, this is not one bit funny, this poor dude needs some real serious help, and not sike shit. Karen S., I hope UR able 2 have a nice whittle mini-vacation. When U get back, a DYING UTTERANCE will B on your voicemail, please keep it. If U do not hear from me, go to the authorities and do what U can for me, pweeeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the great F-6-10 can get any practicing mortal, into the realm of the gods and the land of the ‘dead’, a silly word. To reach the elevator room, the Krassleville River has a branch that runs towards it, but few get there, they just think that they do. I can tell by the way they write things in mortal world order. Once there, it is no longer possible, even though while alive, your conscious mind still forces linear focus, riders with awareness, write as I write, in the vein that mortals C time in an order, but we know it is not so, and no one forces our poetic license to B re-written, their way.
One of the reasons the oh seven year was so bad 4 me here on the MW, is that the media, totally BRIGGBASE controlled and owned, saw the tongue tie syndrome kick in, over and over, when things were said on TV and radio, that in any way connect anything on my blogs and website, just as I promised would happen, and did any of U out there catch the deal with the Fort Dix Terror Plot, wo, U gotta know I speak truths, or Y not just deny anything is real and jump off your local bridge head first into a nice soft rock????? Just ask yourselves, Y would this crazy mother fucker lie, what does he really honestly stand 2 gain with all this Morianity shit? I do not want money or fame, other than to create an anti-harassment organization, and things like that do take mucho bucks.
We were but 10 on Ten-nes-sea and now we R old, or at least is me, but Ex. Sen, I wish U all the luck in the world, even though I admit to basically being a split ticked democrat. UR the only entity on any realm who ever did something huge 4 me, such as when U stuck those electrodes in that young lads mouth who stole the only evidence, some cassette tapes, proving I did not commit murder in the year 2000. U never got me mixed up with a horrific criminal from Rising Sun Avenue, in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, by the name of Jonathan Schau.
I never claim to B some know it all, just a sad little shit with a nightmarish story to tell, to a sick ugly evil sin cursed world that just will not listen nor pity me, nor give me the smallest benefit of the doubt that this all just might B real and true, and happening around me, just as I claim that it is.
The 6th dimension is mind, and the 7th is the circuitry of the system, the mechanical parts to it so to speak, and when U dream or go through life, it all must begin at and in these phases, and sort of filter down into what scientists see as the space time continuum. To reach the 6th dimension while physically alive and in body, biblically speaking “present in the body and absent from the Sar”, U first must come 2C that bibles talk on mortal world levels and thereby cannot reveal the truth to mortals absolutely, that U first simply exist at void infinity, then dream out and away into phase #2 or the Astral being ness, and then further dream downs occur onto the mortal realms all along virtually unlimited times and places in the great 5th dimension, or HS, HYPERSPACE. Maya or illusion, in each mortal “lifetime” U occupy in HS, sees the astral as some sort of afterlife, and until U reverse this and C truth in the reversed immortal reality that it in fact is, the 6th dimension could no more B reached nor understood than could trigonometry by a 2 year old fish. The biggest secret of all is that U do not have to ever do one damn thing, as the knowing of what is going on, is entering the 6th dimension, as now U no longer receive thought and robotically accept maya. Now, concentrically, U can properly and much more efficiently interact with thought. U will fall asleep at night in no time at this point, within 1 and 10 years tops, and just find yourself in the sixth dimension, forever, where U always have been and will B, wandering around, interaction and ride, to interaction and ride. By my mortal memory while back here in my Earth world dream, an entity that I in my perceived memory, is a nice lady of late thirty or starting forties in age with mildly red hair of shoulder length, talked 2 me 4 a while, stating that she has been “wandering around in here endlessly”. She, and yes me, and all of U, we all R endlessly existing in the 6th dimension. This is now another date, Ed as previously mentioned will not have his Verizon DSL up and running for uploading my text-blogs to the Blogger site, for at least another full week, so I am back at enemy territory at the Library across from the school that is more satanic and evil and violent than the famous Columbine High, being of course our own area’s famous Winslow High, here in Camden County, NJUSAESMWG. This is where close 2 a year back, the huge teen aged African American teen male sumo wrestler practically assaulted me without any freaking provocation, and verbally abused me and assaulted me, and the library guard, also A.A. in race, whether this factored in or not I do not make that judgment call, but she did nothing, and would not properly and adequately do her job. A giant A.A. female was standing outside as I walked in, at least 6’4” in height, beefy and husky, probably able to bench press 600 pounds without breaking a damn sweat. Over the past days and weeks the giant huge and tall pussies R on a tremendous ridiculous roll again. As stated many times, this is done as an intimidation since Paula and Sarah and her filthy gang, raped me at the Trinidad, and is it not fascinating that the island of TRINIDAD also plays a part in recent terror plots, as do all the areas that I have been blogging about and referring 2 for a year and more. Seems my Buena, NJUSAESMWG life as a paramedic that I discuss on my website on the part regarding where I astrally live at the RICKTOWN MANOR, type in or level five programming speak into your PC microphone, and read about all of it. Remember that the night B4 Iraq invaded Kuwait around 89 or 90, memories of unpleasant shit gets intentionally fuzzy, I tell the story in early MORIANITY BIBLE blogging texts; of how the very next day after I had left D.S. DESTRUCT TAPES on the Atlantic City boardwalk, it happened. I left these tapes, 3 or 4 cassettes, on benches along the AC boards between the area of the Showboat and Taj Casino’s. These destruct tapes were me on the phone, a fake conversation, usually with altered voice for my co-arguer, sometimes just left out and blank all together, but the kicker that made the stuff that I would say on the [A] side of the tapes, was the incredible [B] side of these tapes. This normally was stuff that no one could have normally had, audio demos and major things that helped to back up claims that I made of a far out nature, such as now in my blogs, so the 2 tape sides would sort of compliment each other to more powerfully to some degree, authenticate things I was saying, at least this is what I hoped and believed was a possibility.
Now, I said that things would change, without ending the blog called, 4 short and in abbreviation, TWIMCFTHM, we now R all going to stop this silly space time continuum nonsense, and enter into the truth of the S I X T H D I M E N S I O N. Good-bye to the old and welcome to the new, rapies and germiblows. First B4 I go on, happy retirement Frank Callio, hope your golden years go a lot better than the last million for me have. Morianity Bible began in 1995, and ten years later, U turned in your shield, Now we enter D-6.
I exited an elevator and found myself talking to a maintenance man named Walt, one of your buddies Mayor Bob Levy, and Retired Sergeant Frank Callio. Hope U had a nice time at the fallen officer viewing last Saturday, or at least as nice as can B under such circumstances. He and I talked a lot and I learned a few things, such as your 1995 retirement from the force Sarge. Wonder if I now will C the license plate THESARG, when leaving this library and driving back home with Eddie Himacane. A man was talking 2 me and telling me that he enjoyed working in the cement business, his precise words. I walked off the elevator and he vanished along with the elevator, and the room that the 16 ride-boxes R in. After Walt and I were done talking, he told me that he knew secrets about me and my magic mirror. I do indeed have a magic mirror. When I get a person 2 look in it, the real person is reflected back 4 me 2C, he may B smiling and nice outwardly, but if he or she is thinking negative thoughts or planning to injure me in some way, an ugly reflection of them appears 2 me in the mirror, they C what they C, but IC the true picture so 2 speak. I told him that it is in Ed’s apartment and he could throw it out with the trash as Ed had moved out hours ago, and that I was merely back there 2 check his mailbox and get any residual mail that he may have. The following morning I got off an elevator where many things were strikingly different, and I learned beyond any doubt that the enemy wants me to know and believe that I am being persecuted, and that I’ll never ever B able 2 prove my plight to a soul, nor ever get it stopped. When those near me try 2 explain things away to relax me and alleviate my paranoia and fears, they want me not 2B relieved, but miserable and scared and up tight forever instead. They know every possible way of making me miserable and live as much 2 do this, as the scum bag Dogface Donald lives 2 make endless money and capital. The gods R all totally bored 2 tears, and play endless games 2 keep from going ballistically crazier than shit. Even mans greatest thing, sex, is not sufficient to properly endlessly distract an entity that is totally and absolutely aware that they simply exist and time does not, they in fact therefore never really started existing, nor R they ever able 2 stop existing.
Finally, I got off an elevator where Ed and I now R practicing for our opposite shooting casino attack that will begin this very month at the shore, ACNJUSAESMWG. The higher the Dow, the more the Phillies fuck up, and the more U skuzzy incestrallites keep persecuting me with endless shit, the more ten dollar bets I will lose at the table, and thereby the more 300 dollar bets that Himmy will win at the table. U do not believe me now, but You will all B so sorry when I get back into the 19chips, get a beauty queen girlfriend, or 2 or 3, and start 2 live like a fucking king, your whole damn crooked economy’ll go to fucking total SHIT. BY-BYE lighthouse girl with the ling long hair. Where’s Sarah, the race horse, just another koinkedink huh, back in those wonderful days when I began my search and quest 2 find U great Sar, great all mighty Lord Jehovah, I will always love thee. No, not bye-bye to the blog text number electricity [27], just a quick mention of my great lovely teen queen, even though she and her friends scared the hell out of me at 12 or 13 and used my own cousin to accomplish this brutal and viscous rape. Y was all this a reality? Y did the Middle East care so much about the great Sarah and me? Very very Columbine Law and Order Semple, Mister Henry!!!!!!!! Abraham did not trust SSJKK to bring his Earthly wife Suri a son, and this led to things far beyond the time and energy available today 4 me 2 blog. Sarah-Stacey Scylla Krassle, my big teen queen, big J brown eyed girl, told Aby Baby to rename his wife after her, SAR, and she became SARAH. Hagar was the Egyptian girl slave of Suri and Abe, who due to no one ever believing in things that R the tiniest bit out of normal human belief ranges, went into the love tent with Abe and she became the Mother of all of the troubles over there today, people do not believe in things, and U may say, so fucking what? I say 2 the contrary, it can sometimes cost U a price that millennia of time must pay for with their damn blood. Humans have a very narrow belief range. Edgar Cayce was believed in, a few R, but most rear true honest mystic or endowed master types, such as high Earthly degreed Eckists, [C] Eckankar, will go unrecognized in the worlds of the obscure. That bothers me in the least, I only want to get what is being done 2 me exposed, stopped, and punished. Anyone doubting the rationality of a person who would say this, my response is, GO TO DOGTOWN. C MY WEBSITE AND CLICK ON Dogtown, and then tell me if that is where U would ever wish 2 share interaction in.
I got off an elevator on Easter Sunday in 2000 on this Earth and part of HS, on the 15th day of March if memory serves me properly. One of lightning’s best friends Hijika Rooanne, and she has 5 other names, one a secret SDK City Name, found me wandering around a park near a beach on the Krassle Atlantic River, and she was carrying a large blue and yellow striped gorgeous surfboard. I also had a board and was not using it, since I was busy exploring a deep cavernous type of stream with beautiful vegetation and dense forests all around as it wound and sank deeper into the woust direction of the Astral Realms. She used the excuse that she saw me picking up my board, and wanted 2 teach me the proper way 2 carry a board. It was all a big rouse just 2 get me 2 go with her miles down a road that resembles here on the mortal worlds a place in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, called Route #1, or the famous to this area, Roosevelt Boulevard. Eventually, we entered a soda shop, she told me that she just wanted 2 stop in for a minper 2C a very good friend of hers, and then we both proceeded to walk into Murray’s Soda Shop, on Ondaoxten Road. About 2 minpers went by after she got talking to a long haired very tall blond with almost line eyes, long and thinner than any oriental eye on the mortal world would ever B. The blond suddenly walked directly over 2 me and stared at me, and it was Lightning goddess Diana Z. Arteemis. I was unable 2 remember in my projected-ness who I really was, and who she really was, not that anything in really real anyway. She stared at me and I stood looking up at her frozen, but madly in love, and I kiddingly tell my Lightning all the time at the great RM in Province Olympia that it was like falling in love with her all over again.
Since I have blogged out the information about the 16 elevators and elevator room or the 6th dimension, I have met many people, and have spoken in some length with them, in the 6th dimension. There is much more to say, but the evil empire has been warned, and now I tell thee all truly this fact, U will C a huge abundance of war and crime and violence, pestilence, earthquakes, twisters, volcanoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, wild fires, droughts, plane and chopper crashes, and U have really asked 4 it, and nothing that I do, is from this natural world, where currently all of your laws bind and stop me, so get ready to fucking cook, and U cannot do squat. N O T S Q U A T.
Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 11:48 AM No comments:
Labels: Edgar Caycee dreams supernatural 5th Dimension

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Twenty Six Blog

TWIMCFTHM——052907.572——–Blog #Twenty-six.
This is now going 2B the beginning of some major new stuff that will progress as ‘time’ moves along. The enemy mince-meated my poor horrific HELLIDAY weekend. And Y not, it is symbolically ‘their evil military’ day and celebrated time to honor the fallen war dead. I am not against any officer in any military unit anywhere in this entire multiverse, unless they R carrying out orders to hurt and horrifically injure me, from the gods only know whom is issuing these orders. As I currently machine-pen these words at Mr. Him’s place, kemtrails and loud aircraft’s R all over me like flies on dog shit. I will tell secrets today that may get me down right shot. People that have the money and the power, in the mortal world existence, can have anyone, ‘removed’. The trouble is that to them, it appears that I died, but it all is uncreated and recreated fifth dimensionally in a biblical wink of a raptured eye. The air siege the last two weeks is worse than any time in my entire life, and the year of 2007 is beyond being in totally uncharted waters for me, it is worse than all the Jews put together that suffered in concentration camps during the great Holocaust. This may sound harsh or even racist, unfeeling and ignorant on my part, and so B it. I know how true pain and suffering is measured, and no amount of what all of them combined went through equals what is being done 2 me, and has been done 2 me. Go ahead and disbelieve. That at least 4 me is not uncharted territory, disbelief in me and all that I go through and all that I totally know and proclaim, is a very old and familiar companion. This should B totally axiomatic 2 any Morian, but just 2 a blog reader who is thinking “this space cadet is out so far he is about to name some new stars”, I all ready know how they will receive from the 6th dimension. Remember, I absolutely know that we do not think, we receive from the 6th-D. Even all of our complex psychology and mental processes, memories, emotions, all of it and so much more, is not U thinking or remembering things, or even feeling painful or angry or sad or pleasant things. But now it is time 2 tell U all a bit more about the 6th dimension, in ways that some of the nerdier and geekier amongst the human pop, may B able 2 at least get something wild and fantastic out of it. I want U to picture a room about 70 feet long and wide, perhaps 15 to 20 feet high, and in the center area of this room, on all 4 sides or walls, is 4 elevators. I had to get very special permission from the lightning goddesses of Jupiter and Earth, to tell what I am about to tell. B4 I go on, I used to scoff at astrology, and still do not claim 2B knowledgeable enough in the full details of this ‘science’ 2 act like I am mister know-it-all on the subject, but I grew up and went well into early adulthood in my present ‘lifetime’, actually sequences of current dreaming, just thinking of it as total silly nonsense. How can gravitational effects from large celestial bodies far away determine so much, just because a human being is born at a paralleling time? Well, B4 anyone laughs too loud, I learned the power of ‘parallels’ early into my thirties, a full 20 years back in forward mortal time. Then, think about this, our moon that we do not feel in a conscious way, has the power to pull the giant oceans of our world six or more feet up and down twice a day while orbiting us. U and I can barely put a ton of seawater in a wheel barrel, and make it shake a bit, U anyway, as I have the strength of a small child. We must also in some ways not understood yet by man kind, B affected by these powerful forces of magnetization. Oh, and the gods, we R!!!!!!! Conscious mind is covering it up; as this is its job to in fact B doing 4 us, but it is real and occurring nonetheless. When I lived in a small apartment in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, in 1994,5, and 6, called the Highview Apartments, where when I left, I wrote and copy wrote my song HIGHVIEW CHEERS, from where the CHEERS show came from and later Mizz over weight Toothless, Alley, ripped lots of my stuff off, an old well charted story as Hellywierd has ripped off well over 1000 things from me in less than 30 years of mortal time, no spellchecker, not Hollywood, I know what I am saying, but back on point with my story, I was living my life, not thinking nor searching 4 the great Sarah, but suddenly a bunch of outside stuff made its way into our solar system, and eventually crashed into Jupiter. As if this was not enough, the owner of the Highview building was Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker, the slumlords from Philadelphia, and Sarah although out of linear time order, while searching 4 her, was and is a good friend of then, Chief Bob Levy of the life guard force in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, now in mortal time illusion, he is the Mayor of the great city. So the names Shoemaker and Levy R all ready in the mix, or better spoken perhaps, in the ‘cosmic equation’. The comet that impacted Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, in the human world atomic equivalent on this physical plane and here in that part of hyperspace, at that time in the evental-fold, was discovered, out of all of the possible persons telescopically gazing and peering out into the heavens of the physical plane, by these two persons, Levy and Shoemaker. As soon as all of this happened, my world changed instantly the next day. My search and quest to locate the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle was born. Naturally, at the time, linearly, I had no mortal way to C any of these connections. All of this brings me right back to the truths that all things R connected, yet separate, and this is what U must know a bit more about today. No 2 subatomic particles can touch and remain attached. They can make contact, resulting in a massive devastating transfer into energy, from the mass or matter that these separate pieces of reality were B4 they touched. So Y is all connected, when basically unless forced together, I am saying that all really is a reality of separateness? Forces in higher spatial dimensions operate in strange ways as they also R added to this cosmic mix. There R an unlimited side-band reality of the three dimensions that contain normal length, width, and depth. In these side-bands, R forces that control lower spatial dimensionality. Einstein never put enough spatial dimensions into his many famous tri-force equations, until almost at the end of his dream sequences as Einstein. He realized that all of the math and models of the laws would bit in a bigger box, not bigger in size, but in dimension. Time and HS will always B the true 4th/5th dimension, do not mistake what I say, as there only R3 ‘TRUE’ spatial dimensions, L-W-D. Side-bands to them do not count in this. However, they count in many equations where man and science is starting their journey to learn whether the temperature is correct in the universe for proving ever expanding verses eventually contracting future-universe, and also data is connected regarding the existence of extremely dense matter, as without it being there, the proof of ever expanding would B the case, as how could the great explosion lose force and B greeted with gravimetrical pull back or inversion, causing eventual universal contraction and collapse? This entire thing is still is meaningless, as inter-dimensionally, there is sort of a slip through-effect, whether it compresses back to absolute temperature at just beyond zero-dimension, or escapes away, it is meaningless. All of the matter and energy would in a three dimensional box concept, either B blown into annihilation, or dissolve into oblivion. However, 4 the conscious collective that does not remember that this is what we endlessly wish 4, escape from endlessness, a prison beyond mortal concept, and many of the gods as well, I can alleviate your mental anguish and absolutely assure U all, there is no end, nor any beginning. First of all, even while alive and viable, all universe, spin off sort of ‘daughter universes’ all the time, perhaps said better, humans have offspring, animals do, universes do. They leave all of the prior dimensions and become new ones in their own system. But doesn’t some dimension or place or something have to exist and B in order to sustain this? My answer is that it does not have to, no, yet it just happens to. This is why this example, when mentally placed into a microcosm, indeed, the smallest bits of sub-reality is one ‘A-dimension’ and the spaces that surround all of this is one ‘B-dimension’. This A and B is complex, but simply stated, it is Y wave-particle duality is similar to dividing by zero, and also, is why there R 3 dimensions spatially in a so-called A-fluxing field, and then there is the B-fluxing field. It is why wormhole juice or Quantum Foam 2B more accurately in scientific terminology acts as it does as well, in various inter-dimensional fluxing states. We have other days 2 move further along with all this, but 4 right now, shall we again discuss the 70 by 70 foot room that is 15-20 feet high, with 16 elevators, 4 of each of them being centered at each side of the room on all four sides. When U walk into any of these elevators, the doors close and immediately it always begins to move either upward or downward. At this point, you can control whether U wish the elevator 2 move forward or backward, as well as to the left or 2 the right. Do not try implementing logic and saying 2 yourself, how can IB in elevator 3 and move left without crashing into elevator 2, as this is mortal logic. Once UR in an elevator from off of this elevator room, and the doors shut, U go up or down first, but can then direct your elevator to move in any of 4 other directions, as well as up and down again, and as many times as U wish, and U will never crash into anything, there is only the elevator, as nothing else anywhere exists. When U push the open button, the elevator stops and the doors open. U walk out and think nothing changed, as again UR in another elevator room with 16 elevators, 4 of each centered on each of the 4 walls. When U walk out of the elevator, the doors close behind U, and in an instant, UR in a place that could B a mountain or a seashore resort, a home or an office, anything, it has no limits. When U wish to leave the place U came 2, U must turn off the place by shutting your eyes and then seeing in your ‘mind’s eye’ a new elevator room, and keep thinking of it and seeing it until UR again back in the elevator room. This is the 6th dimension. It is real, and everyone U know and everything U could ever know is all at the exit of some elevator ride. Now the other thing is that elevators R what we in 2000 AD can relate too, so we would perceive this elevator room. If U were an Algonquin Indian 300 years ago, it would be the top of a hill on a flat clearing with mountainous rocks around U, and 4 braves on 4 horses would B on all 4 sides of this clearing, for a total again of 16 riders. If this were 140 years from now, it may well B that U would identify this with 4 Skytorcycles on each side of a room or a mini-hanger, on all 4 sides, but for reasons even I cannot pull up, there is always an astral 20 total or half of an astral ten on all 4 sides. Astral 20 is mortal world converted to the number 16.
On prior blogs, lots of typo or Ettos corrections now need B amended, as normally I do not find 128 year old women that cute, nor have I known any, I have been in love with some between 80 and 110. I meant that if some cutie pie of 28, do not know how the one got in front other than to make me look like a fool. Yes Karen S., I need remind the readership more often what my obscure abbreviations stand 4, ETTOS = ELECTROMAGNETIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION and OMMISSION SYSTEM. HS = HYPERSPACE, OP = OLYMPINA PROVINCE on the astral world, MW = MORTAL WORLD, SSJKK = SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. We can quit 4 now, come on smokers, if I can, ——. On my website,, I will B soon adding the real way that my 1980 or ’81 song, called, “Love Is 4 Carpenters” really went, as I tranced out at work months ago, and re-listened to the great SSJKK sing it 2 me from the meeting square at the boardwalk and Monolazarium Boulevard. This is sort of the Astral World version of Atlantic City’s area at Frailenger’s Salt Water Taffy beyond the Casino Control Commission building entrance, on Tennessee Avenue. Scylla is known in Earthly legends 4 her beautiful loot, an astral world common instrument, but her playing is anything but common, it makes me cry like a baby to hear her play it and sing to me, while I gently run my hands through her ling-long lovely light brown hair, going from 6 feet and 7 inches down to nearly her ankles. I will B singing it, but it is word 4 word, as far as how this song really goes, and is not the copyrighted version from the early eighties, and I needed 2 use a guitar, no loots, nor good astral musicians where I am living and dreaming at here on this MW, sahwee. Yeah, KS, they freaking mince meated my holiday helliday, I had to work an extra and extra long shift, for a total of 34 hours, much of it in the miserable hot bright scummy sunlight, which I detest second only to mister Vaudeville Frid, from my Flower Wing, in the great Ricktown Manor. C more on this at my website, read the text telling about the great RM, oh another abbreviation, sahwee, RICKTOWN MANOR. Lightning and I live here together, we always have and we always will. The I-Ching is the closest knowledge for mortal worlders to access into the sixth dimension. I saw a lady there Saturday morning or whenever I went to sleep by mortal terminology who told me she has been wandering around in here forever. Move over honey, we all R, and as soon as anyone walks out into a reality that matches a close enough one 2 being normally ‘awake’ from where U ‘went off to sleep’, U will forever B totally enlightened, and know what I know, and B as I am. Speaking of enlightenment, Diana was so good to me at work, she hates 2C me suffer at the hands of such evil and monstrous scoundrels, so she came real near me and flashed her scrumptious lovely colored lightning, and then returned immediately 2 me as her beautiful giant gibbous waxing moon. I cried like a baby that she cared enough 2 do this 4 her whittle boy, who is suffering in eternal infinite HELL, [Dogtown]. Diana, U will always B my baby blond, and I will take U to beautiful waterfalls and all of your favorite parks, and make powerful passionate love endlessly, my ravishing delicious colorful giant coil. Thank U so very much, and please B sure to thank cousin Stacey 4 permitting U2 come over 2 me when I needed U so very desperately. When the astral/physical white private loud piss bubble came zenithing over me at 4:21 PM when I got off the elevator into the beach where the ocean was so surf-able and beautiful, I was so wanting 2B with your cousin, tell her please that I would have stayed there with her, the plane did not chase me away, I wanted 2 get back to my dream and remember truths about the sixth dimension. No, phase four’ers, your cube is not the invention of government agencies; they cannot even find the fucking front doors to their main headquarters in Fort Meade, MDUSAESMWG. The cube is a square with 16 thought ride interactions that offer the rider cubic 6 directional movement rides, into connection circuitry’s where interaction is and becomes one with the closing doors of the elevators.
I am sure that the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, or the ACLU, would B fascinated to get a copy of a tape I have of U Robert McGuire, in which on repeated occasions, U quite angrily and vociferously tell the darker skinned part of humanity whom wander into your miserable stuck up bar, ‘WE DON’T SERVE N****S IN HERE” Even machine mind sees the SIN here, U arrogant prejudiced prick. Just because your pop and the clan come from literally the most beautiful land on this planet, and this is just fact like 1 and 1 is 2, but who RU to think U can break the law, and people’s heads too, U and the crooked Mayor, and ACMUA, and your partner at the pub, and all the wife cheated concubine friends of all of U, what a land of SIN, and they say it stays in Vegas, right, it all leaks from there and comes straight into East Dodge, and I am glad to get the hell out, and Happy New Year 2 all of U2, and screw your dauts.
Yeah man, some of the recent siege over the last few months, is due 2 the enemy seeing I am on the money over and over. Last nights hell siege caused my Phillies to get burned up by the Ruby-shacks as I would have bet a billion bucks on. Dow will B 20,000, just as I said it will B flying to record highs and then into the 12K’s, the 13K’s, and B4 June ends, the 14 and 15K’s, everything I say comes true in every shade of black and blue, yet still I wait 4 them 2 state, that I am here, Toothless Jenny. When the siege is super super bad over time and never lets up, especially in the skies 4 me, I get as stated in prior text, major pussy command, as I not so politely refer to it as. Also, a simple thing happens repeatedly in roulette numbers, which when not under this much of a gun, makes me lose my shirt and my ass when played. Simply put, I play all three parameters, and the first 3 on color, order, or range, non green or from 1-36, whatever the majority or unanimous-ness of each is, I play that for two non-green spins. I flat bet only, and ignore house-edge green outcomes, [zeros]. All day today, last night, the entire weekend, air siege is beyond the beyond. If I were 2 walk into a bar tonight, and knew the rules of how 2B a real player, I could walk out literally with a fucking gang of young but legal honey’s, and don’t think I fucking couldn’t. The last time I was half aware upon returning from the 6th dimension 2 here in hyperspace and where I live as current mortal me or Mountainpen, I was about 8 years of age. My last ride was to a room where I was in a high rise apartment with a gorgeous view of some large modern city, high up in the George Jefferson sky. I laid in the bed and fell asleep, only to wake up quickly and think I was awake, only suddenly I knew I had not awakened, and walked out of the apartment to find the elevator room. I had fallen out of one interaction but instead of mortally turning on back in this mortal system here, I was still stuck in the hypercube, as the McGuire movie storyline Phase Four Club goes!!!! Believe me, mortal man did not create the 6th dimension, nor the circuitry of this thought dimension {LAWTRONICS]. Lawtrons R really us, from a prior system that re-circulates endlessly as we now recycle shit on Planet Earth. No one ever gets away with, nor gets over on anyone, as in the great HS, if U mug me and hurt me and rob me 2-nite in a gutter rat alley way somewhere in an inner city, there R an equal amount of universes where the same act is also being carried out, the difference being that UR me and I am U. The Lawtron, [law and prophets, biblically and Christianity], is the rule and the circuitry of the system that is all of this around us and much more. Most Lawtrons become gods on the Astral, or the unconscious up line thought wave that down-lines into its own unique 5th dimensional multiverse. The elevator room [6th dimension] [Eckankar’s Mental Plane], is what the Lawtrons create, so that we can enter into rooms, [interactions], the I-Ching equivalent is that we can pass through doors. Once U go to the 6th dimension, for real, this ain’t no fucking bullshit, I have no time to sit here at a computer keyboard wasting words and energy on made up stupid un real delusional crap, but U will believe that that is precisely that, until U go to the 6th dimension. The Fascitar 6/10 an take U only as far as the upline thought wave, into its unconscious merging state to what it is creating with its own energy, and never can U go any farther. U have 6 directions of north, south, east, west, nest, and woust, but U do not have the other two in the 8 that can bring U in and out of the system, life, and death. On Earth, without a high-tek society with air travel, there is movement only in the west, east, north, and south, as U would endlessly and forever make your way around an eternal seemingly flat surface of this world. Blow the planet up to the size of the universe, and cut away the living only on the surface edge, and U have 6 directions, but never enough to come in nor go out, endlessly in the hyper spherical prison, unless you also have the final two directions of life and death. Life is entrance into the hyper sphere or the fifth dimensional up line thought wave in conscious down lining, while death is exit from the hyper sphere or the 5th-dimensional up line thought wave in conscious down lining. UTAH, where the MORMON CHURCH is headquartered, is the only state out of all of our 50 states that ends with [AH]. This is no coincidence. Reverse U to covert to I or I AM, and the T is for TENNESSEE AVENUE. SAR is the force that created the interactions and visions that started all of this, so SAR-I AM =U. Tennessee Avenue’s queen is the great Sarah, hence U-T, and AH, given by SAR, the GREAT ALL MIGHTY LORD [SAR], U—T—A—H. This is the groups that is keeping a careful record of the families of all humans world wide, go ahead and “ASK” or “GOOGLE” all about this, Y would I fucking dare 2 lie about things with eternal value, and take a chance on angering Jehovah and burning up in endless hell? Gawky Gaukauk the giant Astral Panther cat or LOTTERY CAT from the Great TECK BAY MYSTERY School, told me half a billion Earthly years or so ago, that Professor Mystic UTEE as he is simply known by and referred to there by, said that after Earth’s most recent Roman Empire new cult is started, 2 final revelations will finalize the full meaning to it all. Nothing new is added in either revelation, but mortals unable 2C spatial reality and that live linearly only, will perceive it as new added revelations, hence a blasphemous thing, as it is written that plagues R added 2 those that add to the holy words, and that if words R removed, the remover will B likewise removed and no longer will have a City name or a City pass in the great Sahasra Dal Kanwal. Last night, Callio took me to Dogtown, and guess who was there to bail me oudda there? Ol’ Gawky, the Lottery Cat. Amazingly if U Google up Lottery Cat, I am by no means the only Earth Mortallite that has cyberspace text regarding this. Subjects may appear unrelated, and this is topic for many future discussions and discourses, but they R not really different. The power of illusion, MAYA, is so incredible, Roddenberry the great Star Trek creator knows much about Estonian teck with the powerful illusion creators, the Tallows-4 beings. Remember the show with all of this was what originated the entire shows, both of the Star Trek’s, all of their great movies, and all of the spin offs beyond the first two Trek’s. The problem with too much sci-fi is that disinformation syndrome gets spawned into the mix, and wrecks any chance for me and what I try to tell the world, to ever get believed. Error on prior web logging text, I typed in or machine mind did, 40-8- years, when it should have read 40-80 years.
This ecological horse shit is a pain in my royal ass, because what is really causing all the shit, is my enemy harassing me, and this is true so help me under pain and full penalty of perjury in the US Supreme Court. Greenhouse gas and CO2 emissions, environmental studies, on and on, it is crap. Any meteorologist knows that a clear blue sky will B there many a morning, but follow me when I go out on my errands, and watch kemtrails after kemtrails as they form, dissipate, and eventually fill the sky and literally turn it ugly gray. This is reality, and all U need 2 prove it is a video-cam, a VCR or DVD and then set up on a clear morning, and when it happens, speed forward simulating a time-lapse photography, and C this evil Briggbase Milituforce 4 what it is, as they truly R destroying our environment, and wiping out not only Kendall and Ryan’s Blue Sky days, but everybody’s. We all have to suffer, and if I was off this world tomorrow, it would all magically just go away, and this is simple plain truth, that I legally swear before the Hague World Court Tribunal. Before the late autumn in 1987, 18 years after Count Petofi, not Petofi, another prior blog error typo or MMH [machine-mind-hack], none of this was real. Sure, as all my family and friends, and associates and acquaintances tell me, there always have been vapor trails. They would quickly show up, never spread out, and would go quickly into evaporation and die. Now a blue sky turns gray, and we have to all put up with this forever, and now I am telling U all what really is fucking up this ecological system, our entire environment, THIS IS NO FUCKING JOKE, AND SOME ONE HAD BETTER BELIEVE ME, or the gods help all of us. The final course for getting THIRD DEGREED at the TECK BAY MYSTERY School, is called [Tour through Life] and if I had more time today I possibly might start telling U about this, I observed the class for just a few periods, MW entities think of the word HOUR in English translation, for Astral Plane “period”, and as I observed it, I fell deeper into the interaction, as unlike Earth physical plane classes, U move right into the deal, learning is so cool here, it as U well know can occasionally suck here on this ;lower plane dream world. I have an invention that will let people do this, why would I share it with a world that only wishes to rip me off and hurt me, it would turn Trump and Gates into trillion Airs, screw U, I’ll never tell any of it on pain of torture 2 the death.
4 now BROWN EYED GIRL KAL, CALLIO, ANTIECK, but still my lovely great SAR, U behave yourself, I am watching U. Come back and C me on the AP at the job as U did 2 winters ago, and B friendly, ya luscious giant teen queen. U know U wanna knock me down and give it 2 me until I scream. Remember that I know the realer U, that your conscious mind is blocking out from U, I know all about U, low tide, high tide, flowing all around U, lose a ride, win a ride, it matters nothing 2U, don’t hide, U can’t hide, I can C right through U, C-Mountainpen-1997.
W—-O—-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end for now, BROWN EYED CALLIO COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT & T, CALL-10!!!!!

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the continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Mountainpen’s Blog

Just another weblog



FEBRUARY 1, 2013, @ 2:31 AM-EST
© 2006-2013-ALL OF MY URL BLOGS


We will get into a few things today, as well as tell what happened yesterday. I am laying low for both financial as well as overall badness around me, reasons. Actually, one effects another, as most reasonable people would both see and agree with me about, at least, IMHO!

First off folks, and that is such a joke, but I don't really give a hoot-pollute anymore who is up here, but yes, ''IF-entities'' would be somewhat more accurately describing the situation; but in any case, and as stated previously; all of 'MORIANITY' is winding down, and will most likely be officially over, with a back cover on it; believe it or not; and before it is time to copyright all of my ''musical, and non musical'' internet activity, and by officially paying the online registration fee. It is totally legal for an already existing copyright owner, and anyone I suppose, to pay this when they are able to, and still affix the label of the copyright symbol along with name of claimant ownership, in this case, me; not you Amanda cutie pie, ME, but yes, then the years that make things up, and then eventually pay the fee to the Library of Congress. At least this was copyright law back in 1975, and I do not think that part of it has altered. The old paper way to copyright is now $65.00, in 1975, is was only $6.00, and this is the only really big change or reality-shift, and this alteration is very normal and three dimensional, as times change, and we do live in an infinitely inflating economic social and financial structure, called American and really now in the third millennium, global financial ops. Paperless online registration, unless it is upped between now and early in May, is thirty bucks cheaper, PTL, Pat Robertson, but then, it is a lot easier to say PTL when you're filthy rich, and who's kidding who? I'm an insider who worked in the fucking trade, so don't try and con me, world! For no good reason, the last two sentences just fucking 'poofed off', and that is why I AM swearing. Keep it up, smart ass, and a huge earthquake will strike the United States within 36 hours. As I speak, dirt balls in the hallway are talking, not real loud, but I have a lot to tell about these mother fuckers over there, all getting kickbacks very covertly and stealthfully, by operatives of Microsoft, but you won't be able to connect it up in any conventional way, as the process is wiped very clean. This means that when someone tries a track back to learn the truths, huge sanitized systems will block the real truths, from ever becoming exposed.

All I can say for right this minute, is that all of my concepts were totally accurate, merely rearranged slightly with the wrong characters accused, and the right characters, left as always; in the blackened shadows, to operate in their monstrous horrendous evil agendas, to control the entire human race, and those that founded that corporation, were all around as a type of Napoleon Hill ''Mastermind Team'', long before any Personal Computers existed in the early eighties, or the internet of the nineties, or the great other inescapable initials for me, ''MS'' ever became an operational legal entity, on the Planet Earth. This is all an integral part of what I have been calling by so many various names all throughout my entire blogs of 7+ years, as well as long before that on my personal life journal that was kept on cassette tape, and some of the titles and names used, you all know of, such as; WOMO, the MILITUFORCE, OTAMM, the EW, and most recently, in its Astral Plane equivalents; titles have included such names as the Lambrigger Cult, and the very most current one, the INTERACTION FORCE or the (IF). Some butt wipe pounded on the door and shouted for a while yesterday afternoon, across the hall, and I do not believe anyone answered the door, yet a while later, all sorts of bullshit suddenly was heard by me, in that mother fucking apartment over there. I really was hoping that I would be rid of these dam cock sucking jerk offs, but here we go in a new month, and they remain. The only way I'll rid my cunt lapping self of these twisted scum bags, is to press charges if I can ever catch them doing anything illegal. All was so nice and fucking graveyard quiet for quite a while, until I asked the day guard about the night guard, who used to work at Dell, and the next noon, these bastards persecuted me. There is a Microsoft Grapevine in this building, and I know this for the simple fucking reason that I know that there is a Microsoft Grapevine everywhere; in league with 24-7-365.2422 World-Wide-Google-Earth, Satellite Surveillance Systems; and I could go on and on with this. Anyone who THEY want to follow forever, is not going to fucking ever be able to escape. They are so clever, that these pricks can even get other folks to appear guilty, pun pun pun, and carry their dirty laundry bags, while again; they endlessly remain in the obscure shadowy realm of fucking Stealthville. Things that I came to learn from this person, are FAR FAR FAR BEYOND BEING WHAT I DARE TO EVER BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that, coming from Mountainpen?

Yes peeps, YO; there is an ''EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND'', and no, they go by their own rules, and ideas, and names, and titles; but I call it this, as I am not a member of their very far beyond Bohemian Club in the cosmic realms of outlandish times a quintillion, and so what they actually do in precise detail, or call themselves, if anything; is not going to be ever directly known by me, other than as a traced outline that surrounds all of the never ending horrific bullshit that they do to me, womb to fucking tomb. I have merely somehow and quite fucking miraculously so, if I may be so bold to declare; survived an incredible and unspeakable fucking hell; and if a human survives enough hell, biblical language even backs me up here folks; hell will swallow up death, as opposed to the more normal reality of death eventually swallowing up hell. Remember that bible verses are quite powerful, but naturally, since written so long ago, the lingo is not going to be all that modern and hip, having more thee and thou words, as opposed to YO or BRO words, but on top of that, if a prophet saw a helicopter in the future, he will describe it as a large giant insect with big eyes, and wings that sound like many chariots. You must be able to realize all this shit is true, and see how to read that wonderful fucking book, while decoding it into millennium three wordage, simultaneously, YO. This is one way of describing my concept, but there is another single word to do that very thing, as well, good people. That word is ''MORIANITY'', AKA MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3.

Yes, both times that I was in the Security area in this building's lobby on the ground floor, the next day was some sort of bullshit attack with these very weird twisted strange asshole fucking nabes that I have directly across from me. There was some shouting today, and some activity that was annoying for a while, and it all began around a quarter past two yesterday afternoon, Thursday. It's now 3:17 AM on the East Coast of the United States, down here in Florida, on February the first, in 2013. It is now Friday morning, in all places in Continental America. As I said, I cannot tell anyone any real details about a lot of things, not and be able to save myself from Sarah's Broom, Ralph and Sandy, and all other Privecode and Microsoft related monster HELL. These wicked bastards can wipe me out in a flash, any fucking time they want to, and make it all look perfectly innocent; just as they can make others appear totally guilty. I will never underfuckingestimate these pricks from ''HELL'' ever again, not in 2013, and not 30 years before that in Atco.

Beginning next week, things will happen, event by event by event. Notice that I absolutely told you all, and I demand my mother fucking props on this; that we would soon have the stock market back at all time record highs, and I even promised you all before it began happening more than a year ago, on these very blogs, that the housing markets would begin to soar overnight as well. You only need to know that shit is connected with me and my life that is so powerful, it allows me to totally know many things, as things have parallel-events, all things do, roulette, stocks, people, all things, all events, it is like the PRIVECODE, just not the great machine, huh pillow talking pops? All things have PCN'S, and all things have parallel events. Those not willing to see that as reality, are ignorant, and have never ever gone through anything close to what I've had to fucking endure and experience for many decades. Number 27, Route 27, big LIE'S, other big linelanes, houses of memory loss and nudity, and a lot more about why my Aunt Ruth Huntington; was all forced to happen in a precise Microsoft Mastermind Team controlled operation; is way to big, and way too unsafe, to discuss any further in elaborated details. Still, out of all of the search engines of Planet Earth, I talked a long time ago on my blogs about the Pathmark Shopping Center in Turnersville, New Jersey, in Washington Township, of Gloucester County; and HISTORY MARKERS; and how friends help those like me establish them, while MMTMSC and those in the inner-circle, do all they can to destroy them. This is not a new topic, but what is new, is the Firefox, and as I speak, some wild force entered my brain, and made me nearly pass out; so I am indeed being monitored right now, by intergalactic powerful forces; this is beyond mother fucking wild, folks. You should have this experience once or twice, then you'd believe me, mother fuckers. Yes, what powerful transdimensional forces sprang into Lauderdale John Mason late 1983 wallet losing action, that suddenly made the Firefox and the Babylon Search, all one and the same thing, on the internet? You have to admit it, if anyone out here is a real human being and not with the fucking NSA/CIA/FBI or whatever; reporting back to the BLUEBOOK of the non-automobile industry; hay come on; what the fuck is going down, dudes and duddesses? Do you know, or R you as totally wigged out and nuts over all of this as I am; Mister Marcucci, and Misses Marola? And why did it matter so much that I HEAR THE GREAT SARAH KRASSLE SAY ON 10-SC AVENUE IN 1969, that she is darker than her friend, and that other friends of folks in a car, were in the shop; a shop that the mighty Estelle Andersen Bassler, insisted was on the opposite side of the street; and all of the many other wild 1997 events that connect up into all of this mother fucking hocus pocus Frisbee twilight zone crap?

Now, let us begin with this blog, and work back, and make a new compilation of a number of prior blogs before this one, and I want even the mighty BLACK FILE AGENCIES to realize the magic of time running in reverse mode, at least in my life, and see shit for themselves; and get fucking lost Morty Mortino, or I'll fucking slug your guts out, you worthless bastard, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA.




L-4 folks, other entities, and whoever and whatever, Congressman RA sir, and old pal from 1975 and the Albert Pileggi Band, of Westmont, New Jersey, on Pyle Avenue; THE WOMO MILI-2-FORCE has struck me hard, at exactly 12 noon, right on the cock sucking fucking button, YO YO YO!!!

On top of these horrible cunt lapping nabes across the fucking cunt hellway, the WOMO has pushed that magic button of theirs, that my blogs discuss from time to time, called the ''TOOTHACHE MAJOR BUTTON''. Whenever they wish to cause me severe excruciating mother fucking agony, POW, out of nowhere; major pain in my teeth is suddenly just there, yet it goes away eventually with the same suddenness and totality of its original onset, normally anywhere from three days to three weeks. It began getting bad yesterday, but not enough to cause me to BOTBAR, and also, I had no problem with my sicko psycho nabes until noon today, when this entire fucking shit just EXPLODED out of nowhere. Obviously the DOW JONES has crossed over, with or without great talented daughters, the 14K point mark, and this is when my enemies go all out to destroy me beyond anything that I could ever even hope to describe to you people reading this, on some stupid fucking cunt ass blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us examine these BOTBAR or wicked horrible bad days that strike me out of nowhere, and don't even try and look back, or cut me the smallest cunt eating break. Before I do explain this somewhat, HA HA HA, you missed me Miss Dirtweeds Notfondau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is nineteen past one now. Screw you, and screw 1993!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever since god dam fucking 2013, and I AM looking at my calendar now as I speak to you all electronically through this keyboard right now folks, WEDNESDAYS are the day of MAJOR NABE ATTACK. The only Wednesday that it missed, was a week ago, back on the devil number, believe it or not, the twenty-third. But the second day of the month and the year, January 2, was indeed a horrible Wednesday, and a horrendous wicked SUPER BOTBAR. So also was the following Wednesday, on January ninth, and again the one following that, on January 16. Then I'll admit there was a skip the following Wednesday, last Wednesday; on January 23. But on the following Wednesday, TODAY, mighty Jesus, KAFUCKINGCUNTPOW-ADAM-WEST-BATMAN-SIR, and this makes 4 out of 5 January Wednesday's, SUPER BAD DAYS OF WOMO MILI-2-FORCE ''IF'' ATTACK NOW, and on no other day of the week this year, was this the case. For cunt eating ass example, let's walk through the other six days so far. Total January 2013 Botbars or (TJTB) are listed now as follows, taken right off of my wall calendar where I carefully record all of them, for the other remaining six days. TJTB for THURSDAY are goose fucking eggs, a big fat ass zero, zilch, nada, zip; also stated as NONE. TJTB for FRIDAY is 1 and yes a lonely number as the old song goes, and one that I can live quite perfectly and enjoyably with. TJTB for SATURDAY is yet another lonely number, so far just one, and the last Saturday as well as Friday, have already passed forever by, this year; for the month of nasty rotten ass January. TJTB for SUNDAY is still another lonely and gorgeous number, again, with a 1. But hold onto your socks with MONDAY, as the amount of TJTB is NONE. The only other day that gave me trouble was TUESDAY, but only half the trouble that WEDNESDAY gave me, as there were a total of 2 TJTB days. Still, the big attack with these nabes seems to be the two days where RESIDENT FUCKING MANAGER, DEBBIE MOROTTO, IS NOT HERE IN THE BUILDING TO ENFORCE THE RULES AND REGS. Why else would the match up of the BOTBAR DAYS, be those same two days, yes folks, TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS?

When I came over to blog here, I put on my headphones and began playing my HU-CHANT, made by the great ECKANKAR religion; and something just fucked up for no good reason. The tape does not stick, nor is it jammed; yet it stops a lot, and will need to be re-dubbed onto a new blank tape at high speed; as this normally defeats the problem. But for now, I am fucked. This is now so far, the TOOTH fucking shit, the diseased sick bastard crude uncouth NABES fucking shit, and now this electronic or really, unknown 'UTILITY' related hack or attack. So now we have, count them Lex and others, three events so far, and the day is just starting. These fucking pricks over there woke me up with a huge door slam like nothing I ever heard, and since then it is slam slam slam slam slam, and lots of hollering and shouting. They began this on the exact fucking cunt dot of twelve noon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is considered to be a total-ground attack, so far, but that can change on a fucking cunt dime, and go from ground assault up into the air, without warning, but for right now, all three assaults on me by my IF or ''INTERACTION-FORCE'', labeled many names, as my enemies; but as of now, during all of this ground war hell, the skies are both quiet, and devoid of lines and grids and poisons. Many days back in Jersey, it would switch back and forth during super BOTBAR attack days, as if these crumbs literally were trucked around, and went from being USAF Bluebook Pilots, to these pricks on the ground. I know it seems fantastic, and I did say, and as all unknown things or magic tricks operate, by slight of hand and clever quick moves coupled with simultaneous diversions; I said ''it looks like'' or gave this impression. Somehow, I think I would bet a billion Trump lawsuits against beauty queens, that this is NOT what actually is being done; but it most definitely produces this illusion, and I'll give you all another wild parlor trick, every bit as unexplainable as tropical island fruit juice late nineties real good television commercials, or 'MY' 1986 song introductions, done absolutely with no knowledge of it on any conscious level; and that would be, my recent experience of nine days ago, over at the fucking Avalon Recording Studio, in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, with my engineer, Ryan. Now to get any part of this in any fucking shit swallowing meaningful way, lads and lassies; you really do need to expand your normal thinking processes just a little bit. This man was a pretty heavy chain smoker since high school, and was so happy that he had recently quit smoking last year in the springtime somewhere; and he was very happy on his electronic cigarettes. I believe he used the BLUES, for those smokers who know the various brands. Now he went away in November last year, and he did not get back until the first week in January. He was working at a sister studio on the West Coast of Florida, and then went up north to be with his Jersey family for the holidays. All seems perfectly normal so far, I'll give you that one, but it does get a whole lot better and wilder, so sit down, as I really don't want you standing and reading on. The shock may cause injury to your head while you faint and fall down, so please, sit. Thank you. I had done a partial musical project with him back last spring and into summer time, and am still saving up to pay for it so I can both take the CD as well as have him electronically register all of my stuff done there, with the United States Copyright Office. This makes the registration fee lower, to register online; and he knows how to go up on their website, and send the music data to them, and fill out the forms. He also will be taking down all of my 'YOUTUBE' accounts in full, when I see him next; but let us stay on point for right now, shall we folks? My 'FBK' is already gone.

We discussed how I was not all that totally satisfied with the way he synthesized my kid's harmony vocals, taking that old telephone conversation where she tells me, ''You'll be crossing over'', and pitching it to the exact notes of the harmony vocals on all four verses of the song. I reminded him of how I used to play around with keyboards from local music stores, as early as 1980, and by using numerous mixed input and output signal mixing, equalization effects, sound samplers, and the notes on the keyboards; I could make words turn into perfectly pitched music singing, that did not sound so electronically produced. He said he would look into all of this, and I even gave him detailed information of various machines that I had all assembled together, and over the phone, he suddenly told me, back before he left last autumn for a long time away; that he knows just how to do what I want and that it would sound much better. He told me that word for word. Now remember, he is someone who takes honesty and integrity to the nth degree, never lies, never misleads, tells it straight, etcetera. He also told me that he will never smoke those nasty 'real' cigarettes again. It made his clothes stinky, his girlfriend did not like it; and he went on quite colorfully, and vociferously, about the matter; and absolutely told me he was forever done with the old smokes, and loved his new electronic BLUES smokes. Now I stress, here is a dude who I've known and would vouch for his character as honest to the point of almost sacrificing his life to a stranger if it came to that; and yet, two major things suddenly SHIFTED out of normal reality, back on 2012 King Day, when I went over for my scheduled noon session with him. He knows I don't want something that is anything less than great, as after-all; we are talking about taking the greatest singing voice on this planet, and using a talking only younger version of it from early in 1984, for the digital sampling; and hence, I wanted something that sounded far better than what we already had done before when we made this harmony track, that is up on the paulaking2011 channel of the youtube right now, and is viewable by clicking on the video showing the railroad tracks that are all bent and twisted out of shape, sort of like my entire life. But my point is that I got there, and he played what he was now going to change it too, and it was worse than listening to fingernails on chalkboards. It is not like Ryan at all, not one little bit, to even suggest to me; that I would want to copyright such a horrible and mickey mouse version of my wonderful great daughter's voice. How could I have done so much better 33 years ago? It makes no sense at all. Still, the point ties in with the cigarette smoking, that he was back all over again to doing. Now I know that quitting is very hard, as I have known my share of really fucking hard core smokers, with my own father being among this crowd. But he told me straight faced last spring, that he was done with this, and was totally happy with his new smokes, the BLUE ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE. I am now totally convinced, that was not the RYAN that told me that he would be able to make me a much more lifelike, and better quality harmony vocal of my daughter; from that sampled intro, where she in 1984, was giving me some driving instructions. Instead, I get there, and he is smoking real cigarettes again, and then totally blew my mind with that awful sounding new version, that I politely told him he could file under 'TRASH BETTER LEFT FORGOTTEN'. If either one of these transdimensional differences or reality shifts of seemingly major consequence, had happened solely and independently of the other one also happening, the rotten new voice creation, and the going back to smoking; I could believe it is all normal circumstances. But given my personal life and all of the continuous switching of reality on a dime, just like the way stuff today at noon, just banged into my life, and reality, out of nowhere; as if I had been taken by an alien UFO SHIP, from a dream, straight into this so-called same apartment where I appeared to awaken up in, only it is not the same; and just as in the bedroom in Richard Karpf's Cherry Hill, New Jersey home, at 1931 East Route 70, or Marlton Pike, same road; when I came out of whatever I really came out of, on the morning of fucking cunt lapping August fifteen, in 1986; things forever 'shifted' for me, into this death nightmare, never ever being able to return to the life that I had known before that with at least a small semblance of order and reality, that made some small sense even to me, and relative to my screwed up Huntington cursed life!!!!!!!! I was not going to discuss this powerful last session date at the Avalon Studio, but now that the flood gates have been opened, ciggs or no ciggs, beauty queens or no beauty queens, Mister Dick Wolf; let me tell you in addition; that I had a nice talk with Tony Bonjovi, and he admitted to me, that he had figured out right away, that this song was so much like that intro done by MC in 1997; and the one with that powerful message to me, 'put on top or not'; and he told me that he is quite sorry that things turned out so bad with everything; and he hopes the lawsuit does not get too ugly. That is when I came to learn that there is, or was, an industry buzz; that I was trying to make trouble. That was the last thing on my mind! I was proud, and I also was flattered; and it was not that much of a copy; merely a short musical idea perhaps, that nobody really owns; any more than anyone owns tales such as locals hearing things in the winds, yet the great 'MENTALIST' television show, did edit that part out of that 2012 episode, with the treasure; that was on a few nights back, on Monday night, if I am not mistaken about it. I thought it was way cool, that the greatest female artist of all time, did this; and I told Mister Bonjovi that, word for word; and hopefully, he will get that circulated around that rotten industry, where I am hated so much by so many; for no good reason whatsoever. However, one thing is about as plain and easy to see as a lightning bolt that just missed your head. That god dam mother fucking 1983 remake song, ''YBCO'' has caused more grief than it is worth. I just want it copyrighted, to keep the yellow sheet lady happy, as she obviously 'knew the end from the beginning', and needed to 'keep her dam Ed Green job' too much, for her to tell me anything too directly, when she called me up that late spring day, in 2008; at the Mullica trailer that I was living at, before the great King Kidnapping occurred.

Folks, when shit is made to be real fucking bad for me, with neighborhood shit, computer hacking shit or utilities or neighborhood attacks, or a heavy sky attack; it causes me a disastrous fucking loss in ability to work gaming systems, and the entire evil fucking gaming industry knows this super well guarded all time secret; and they do use it against a few peeps, who normally just die, and are found dead in some obscure and stenchy old hotel room near Vegas or AC, and no one is ever the wiser. Morianity will hopefully allow a lot of real honest lawsuits against these suit punk corporate cheater owners, who have indeed wiped out my life, and that will never stop persecuting me, knowing fully well, that doing so, causes me an endless lack of GOOD COSMIC AGREEMENT INTERACTIONS, or (LUCK). Wipe out a person's entire life, and their luck goes down right along with it. Someday, I will fucking find a cunt lapping way to prove all of this in a controlled environment laboratory setting. Until then, I sit here, an eternally fucked duck; with the ugly laughing jals of the USAF high ranking covert officials, and their endless COVER-UP of the BLUE-BOOK truths; and there ain't dick licking asshole squat, that I can seemingly do about it. That is because freedom is a pure illusion. Anyone who says that this is a free country, is not properly educated. It is a republic. It stands for one nation of non democracy, and also, the overkill power of the super wealthy, to endlessly rule, own, and totally control all of our lives; picking and choosing literally, who lives and who dies, in medical related decisions; and cleverly, and with great fucking stealth; who is permitted to live in poverty forever, or forced to really, and who is permitted to occasionally make the system look good, and 'appear to be free', and climb out of it, 'miraculously'. This is truth, folks. I am not insisting you like truth. Most peeps throughout the fucking ages, despise truth; and kill those who dare to speak it too often and or too fucking loudly. Look into your history books, and remember that this is merely a very sanitized Victoria Winters Dark Shadows Family Bible, version; as she learned so well, back in 1795, on that fantastic daytime soap show, that ran from 1966 into 1971. WOW. SHEEEEEIT! 55555555.



Never ending things continue to happen to this computer, and will always happen, as the ''IF'', quite obviously views it, as an instrument being used, to attempt to overthrow and injure its very survival, as once something is exposed, to quote the mighty 'Barnabas Collins of Dark Shadows', it can much more easily be destroyed. BUT FIRST, it needs to be exposed, then it can be, possibly destroyed, and then only possibly. But still, there is no possibility whatsoever, of accomplishing that lotable goal of destroying wickedness, and evil, and power-mongers, and greed loving Reaganomics fans; without bringing the entire issue to the surface, and to the attention of the public 99; so my question still remains, to a totally controlled news media; just where is Michael Moore's great 2011 group, ''OCCUPY''???????????????? Oh well, with or without it, or them; I will fight on, and there is a major lot to tell.

First off folks, I lost eight units over the weekend, but won back eleven units, on Monday, yesterday, at my roulette. We are plugging and trudging along, averaging plus one unit for each of the three days of play, being Saturday, Sunday, and Monday; and I have not played today, and may not; as I am busy with other major bull-crap, and am on some limited time; and have a lot I need to tell right now on this blog, and will only be able to get to a little percentage chunk of the entire mess, but I'll open a lot of doors up, and then later on, we can all walk into some new rooms and areas. Then folks, believe me when I tell you; that minds are gonna' get frikkin blown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My father, according to numerous psychic readers, knew the Callio folks, back when my mom and him, and myself, all resided on Richmond Avenue and Atlantic Avenues, in South Atlantic City, at the Bruce Manor Motel, owned by Fred Laurenz and his wife, and no I do not know exactly how they spelled their name, as I was eight years frikkin old at the time, and neither does Microsoft Spell Checker, (MSC). Folks like Patty-Jane, on a great television show called, ''The Mentalist'', don't believe that 'any' psychics are tuned into Astral Realities, and all are phony fake con artists, and he is 99.99% right. The problem is that I personally and totally know that he is also 0.01% not right. This fall between the cracks of reality, and not ODF you hack jack quack Lattisaw garbage; but yes, this fall between the cracks, in my personal miserable hell or waking life as MWM, is all built around this one powerful truth; and the mighty 'Fred Tandy Windstein', somehow seemed to know about this, back in 1997; and so did his coworker and pal, 'Mirrors-Craig', from the Berlin, New Jersey, White Horse Pike, Radio Shack Store. Without making a million pages out of a huge evil nightmare, that is all major BLUEBOOK interconnected, and keeping things as abridged and compressed as is humanly possible, peeps; let me just say a few little things. My dad knew the parents of the late Frank Callio and the brother of late Victoria, his aunt; who was in love with me, when I was age fifteen. Then 27 years later, Victoria treated me like total crap over the telephone, for no good reason. When peeps act horrendous, when you do nothing to cause it; they have something to hide, and the more wild the situation, and the more that they need to keep well hidden in the darkened shadows, well; common sense tells us, that the crap being hidden, is in a ratio and proportion, with or without Sorian question number eighteen, of New Jersey Security Officers; to how mean and horrible and wild, you get treated, for doing no more than politely asking a quick question that could be answered in a single sentence, including a polite response of, ''well, I don't really think that this is any of your business''. All of that would be within normal behavior. I totally disagree with you, Mike Kelly, of Philadelphia, oh great and mighty nineties Anesthesiologist of the 'U of P' Hospital, and author of a once existing newsletter, that brought the chemtrail phenomenon into first exposure, called, ''Secrets From The Next Dimension''. You and Victoria Callio are totally entitled to your opinion, as is Michelle Daniels of RPL Sound Studios in 1980, and also, as am I. Spell Checker does not seem to recognize the way that I believe Mizz Daniels spelled her name, 'Mashell'; and puts a red line under it. Then when you check, there is no correction for it; so yes State Farm, you really cannot trust much of what you see here, on this lovely ass interfret.

My father was in the United States Merchant Marines, during a time, when the great Albert Einstein, did the unthinkable, at a naval shipyard, in Philadelphia, just down the road from where my parents were destined to meet, where my mom was working at the same time, as a secretary, for the then 'Lavino Shipping Company', now bought by the great British firm, INCHCAPE SHIPPING, at least as of the times when this century was just getting started. My father's genetics were altered in a way that causes one to be more sensitive to fifth dimensional life. This was a result of this experiment conducted in total secrecy, by the War Department, later to become the Department of Defense, and part of the USAF and the great Bluebook Project. Both the father of Robert McGuire, and builder of the great Tennessee Avenue Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin Bar in 1903, as well as Victoria Callio's brother, the parents of Frank and Sarah Callio, were all in on a few things, that pertained to the great secret experiment; and is even why today, they all own a secret machine, or several of them, that can indeed open up reality into the fifth dimension. I learned the hard way that this can be done synthetically, through the electromagnetic recording of sound waves, and using the right kind of sound, as opposed to what they all have and use; which is more along the lines of things way too classified for me to feel at all safe rambling on about on a blog. Still, my catching onto the entire mess, was all done in January of 1974, 39 years ago right to the very calendar days of present times. The entire story if ever told at a beginning point, and done in ways that average stories are indeed written in books, would be several encyclopedia's long, I promise you all. There are things happening, all around this world, that make anything now that you could possibly view anywhere on the entire internet, seem like a child's fable, or kids messing around in a sandbox with toy dump trucks. If I lie, I die, right Daddy? Still folks, my dad did do some pillow talking, over a two week stay at the same apartment, in Oaklyn, New Jersey; where the great Russell Thaxton came over, at age fifteen, drunk as a whale; after he had just been molested sexually, by one of his special education teachers, of the more acceptable ER days of middle December in 1969. I can never tell it all, but my father had nightmares from the time he was aboard the Eldridge, right up until the day he died. Only some Morians by now, know that really, he did not have nightmares, but that the fifth dimension and the great 'IF', was 'doing its own thing', as gorgeous Valerie Bert said in that Gong Show song of hers back around the time era of 1979, and that is if my memories are serving me within the limitations of normal channels, within the STM. But 'weight watching', or worlds doing their thing, or not; reality is what it is; just as the illustrious and eminent Dawn King used to put that so well, back in the late twenty ohs. This is just an opened door, to a windy house, with many breezes blowing, and many glaring eyes staring; and we can get back to this later on, my pal Maverick Rockford, and other Morians. So before anyone gets loosened teeth, or files; let's move on!

I could not help noticing, old friend, 001, that you edited out that line that was on the show at earlier times, with the conversation in the bar, on the episode from close to a year back somewhere, with the gold and the crabs. I don't own that you know, the gold, the crabs, or that age old story line. That has been around forever, and you don't need to edit it out for my sake; but are you doing it so that my stuff remains further and further inside of the great realm of endless obscurity? Yes, that must be it. Still, do I know that is the motive, am I psychic, sir? Well, to quote you, 'let's' not be absurd, huh Herby? Sure, there are thousands if not a million peeps out there in the world some place, using the psychic game as a con to steal our money. Paula Uwich of Glendora, New Jersey is one of those, but you do not get the whole story, Patty. She really did have a major expansion of the feel sensory system. But yes, she also knew how to dig up stuff with a real network that psychics use, and not Dion's network, but a 'pre-Google' intranet type of interconnected source material for sharing, and this is why she knew a lot about me in 1996 and 1997, and took 9200 dollars from me, but she did have a real expansion of the sense of feel, and there is no sixth sense, but some few out here, really do have a powerful extra amount, of extra sensory feeling. We all have some sense of feel, some have normal, some have less of it, some have more, some have really major expanded amounts; and 'PU' was amongst that group. But all she wanted to do was to triple the size of her home, on the Black Horse Pike; using peeps like me, in torment, that needed real help; and not separation from our money. So you keep right on preaching the word of anti-psychics 001, as after what trash like her did to me, at my most vulnerable time in my entire miserable frikkin life; there is not enough bad stuff you could say about her, and her profession; for the most part. Hay, as with the episode following the edit-job, for reasons only you in Hollywood know; 'take' the wrong person, and you may indeed need to throw a fire drink at somebody, and run for your life. I admit that if I ever were to run into Paula Uwich, I would pick up that little 55 inch pip squeak by her miserable ugly old throat, and throw her half way across the pike. Better still, I'd take her after that, out to the middle of nowhere, and let DEEDEE feast on that miserable carcass. Anything I can do to be of service, lovely DEEDEE. How I love my huge ravens, and hawks, and buzzards; and they all know me. Once the nature force makes contact with a human, in this biosphere; the creatures below the human kingdom, all know you; and you need only use a basic telepathic conversation with them, as they are on a five year old human level for the most part. We need not ramble on with any more of this, for right now, ladies and gentlemen; as there is always later, for that.

Good people, I could tell so much, that you would go insane. For right now, I will just keep insisting, that there is literally a million pages of text, behind every single topic that I open up; either on this one particular blog, or any of them. Earlier this evening, someone or something hacked into my PC, and froze it up without my even being online. It was some Microsucks update system in fifteen parts, and it froze at 11 of 15 update, and would not release. My machine was totally off, and not even on the sleeper mode, where the dim orange light is on, instead of the brighter blue light. Suddenly, poof, it pops on, and froze up for 90 minutes. I had to kill the power and restore the system, and eventually the updates finished, and did their Bertrinelli thing. GONG, Sally Starr. Oh well, Letty, Midge, MY; mimicking is not only a great flattery, but it is something that certain families just seem to do, within their vast long extending members; and maybe whether they are consciously aware of it, or not. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, and End Tranny, Sweet Granny!


10:18 PM-EST

Ladies and gentlemen, and any other entities, following Morianity; just so you know, the entire weekend, was totally SUPER BOTBAR.

Monday has been quiet for the most part, so far.

There is a lot to tell you, and it will not be done on this blog, but hopefully; on Chapter lV of MORIANITY-PART-3.

For Non Romans, and Non Entertainment Briggbase Folks, dreaming into conscious humanity, and those who never learned in school about the great Roman Numbers; lV is the number 4. Spellchecker, or 'MSC', did not like the lV, to wit I reply; I do not need your permission to use these Roman Numerations, thank you very much. The joke about so many things is that we all wait for twenty-one long years, to make the same stupid mistakes, and do the same dumb things; that we once needed permission to do.

Oh well, this is not the time or the place, right Andy Gaines, if you're still out there, or have joined my pal Timmy, maybe, but in any case; let us not get too festive, and drunk with pre-vinegar-STM; or even think about doing anything wrong, up at Twenty-fifth and Orange, here in Fort Pierce; as seemingly, a lot of wrong things do in fact, go down, up there; and why not, TT-ROY? Hay, if we cannot laugh and joke a little, through all of this horrendous nightmare, then the only thing left to do, is to break down, admirably and generally; and cry like little pathetic freaking babies. Am I right, or am I right?

I installed an AT&T Internet system, and have had a lot of trouble with my internet ever since. I will be going downstairs after midnight, shortly; to discuss things with the guard down there, that gets on duty for his midnight shift; and who used to be employed with the great Dell Computers. May the Archangel Michael of Oakland Avenue, defend me with grace, Doctor McCoy of 1986, and other Deloris Humps.

I will tell you all, that I lost eight mother frikkin units playing my roulette system, over the weekend, and only made 42 units before that in the seven day period before the loss; a near system crash. If it loses a quarter, or 25%, of what I make; in any prior seven days or seven games, whichever is a smaller number; it is considered to be a 'system crash' for that week. That would be like our now 14,000 point Dow Jones Industrial Averages, being down a quarter in one week, to thirty-five hundred points less, or down around ten-four somewhere. Get the drift, Wendy Northwinds? I could not win over the weekend no matter how hard I tried. When I am attacked by the MILI-2-FORCE ENEMY, just as GAGA told me a few days ago, I CANNOT WIN, AT GAMING, AND LUCK situations; even hypothetical roulette on paper, and it works the very same way in 'real life' whatever that 'really-is'. I learned this as the year of 1986 drew to a frikkin close!

There are many things to discuss, and some are so major, that it is blowing my tiny little pathetic mind. Please try not to hate me so much, All Mighty Jehovah Goddess, as IWALU, even if you do kill me someday. It's your creation, and you rule; and I have nothing to say about it; and I need to obey you, and get back on track; where I was, before the huge derailment, of Glaring-oh-eight!

So no details will be told on this chapter, other than simply, I have placed my PC back to an earlier restored time point, and we will see if this helps in any way, with my problems; as if it does not, then this wireless crap has to go, as that is how come this is all happening then, all though, this powerful thing recently done, has seemingly caused the hugest SPACE-TIME-MIND effect in the known hyperspace, dwarfing 'MY'-INTROS on old tunes, or a hundred other things from following me back to high school, all the way to the countless miracles done on Tennessee Avenue, of good old Atlantic City, New Jersey. I really should not say a lot more, right Aunt Ruth, and Uncle Heinz; even though it all started when I tried to download FIREFOX to see if changing internet browsers, would make things better; and the entire world seemed to blow apart as a result, Highness Ramases.

Where are you when I need you, Sir Elton, and Sir Joel?

The 'W' word now, at Font-three trillion.




Yesterday was a super mother fucking BOTBAR for me, and today is following with a nasty BOTBUR, not a good sign, when a fucking weekend is wiped out, or when real bad Saturday's and Sunday's are created for me by the enemy WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE.

The attack this weekend has totally fucking centered around the UTILITES. Every day, there are many fire alarms again, so far none today, but it is only four in the after fucking noon. New people moved in here obviously, who are unfamiliar with our shitty easy to set off smoke and fire detection system. If folks would maintain and properly clean their stove top burners, their ovens, and be sure that the kitchen fan above the cooking device remains on during all cooking operations, and would monitor their activities, not laying down where they may fall asleep, and so forth; this would be reduced to a very rare activity. But then I could create a lot of perfect-world scenarios. Bruce Pennock from his days as a boy in his late teens, would put things quite well right about now, it is not a perfect world nor can it ever be, for a very simple reason. We are far from perfect, and as he would have gone onto say in the early and middle seventies, 'we're all human'.

Today, I went to turn on my Comcast TV, and I am not sure what is going on and who is playing games, but it worked just fine when I first activated it around 3, shortly after awakening from my late morning slumbers. Then suddenly after only seconds, it changed to all channels producing a screen saying 'This channel should be available shortly', and all giving the same reference code; and that is all that would appear on the television screen. When I called, they told me an outage is happening in my area. Well, that too is a normal event, as Bruce also would agree, I am sure, as if none of us are perfect; then our technology certainly isn't either, as we imperfect humans created it. Still, why is there an outage when it seemed to work just fine when I first activated the system? That is what I am finding difficult to totally buy into, and in lieu of the fact, that the computer attack was super mother fucking MAJOR, all day yesterday, an entire weekend, seemingly, of MAJOR ENEMY UTILITY ATTACK, and this kind of stuff is what I am forced to fucking suffer through and live with, every single time their evil fucking stock market is up at, or around, all time record cunt lapping highs; ever since this all began for me, in 1986, when 90%+ of the cock sucking time, their evil manipulated and cheated 'ICPE-APE' markets, were indeed, on never ending mother fucking ALL TIME DAILY HIGHS, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year; until the very end of the century, and into this one; when their evil wicked momentum finally slowed down, after nearly a decade and a half or so, of absurd bullish non ending stock market rallying, and gaining. Then the news press crooks who are the puppets of the billionaires naturally, for those too ignorant to put 2 and 2 together and get a 4; would tell us all on the world news, year after year, totally different and opposing stories as to why markets were up so high, or when they would rarely correct downward, for very short periods; also, the reasons for that. But follow this carefully as I was doing as sort of a 'markets forced fan', and it was blatantly obvious to even the biggest fucking retards, that this was a lie, and total fiction. One year, oil going up, meant the markets going down; and many other so-called absolutes and constants. But when the market would go up and up and up forever, no matter what other stuff was going on; they would be forced to come out and change their fucking tune completely; and this would go right over peoples' heads, who were supposedly so smart, and financially wise. It did not get past me however, and I saw right through all this demonic billionaire greed, and filth, and theft.

This all started in the summer of 1986 with me, and never looked back. When I first told the truth about deeper shit that I had begun remembering, after my last days in Jersey, and my early days here in Florida, folks seemed genuinely interested. You could type in KING NEBNOOSHOO, and get all sorts of information about my story, sanitized of course, but at least it was there, and smart folks knew that where there was smoke, and no puns meant or should they in fact be; there was fire, and maybe even Dawn and McGuire; but for now, that's all neither 'hair' nor there; right lovely Donna Adrian Gaines? Now, the owners of the internet, and the ANTICHRIST ITSELF, the All Mighty GOOGLE, have literally shut me down. They refuse to allow me to post my videos on the YOUTUBE to different accounts; since I have three channels, KING NEBNOOSHOO, PHILLY 57 HOCKEY STICKS, and PAULAKING2011. The only place where this song, that has meant nothing but gargantuan trouble for me for about a solid mother fucking year now, called; “YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER”, is up, is PAULAKING2011. When I try and post it to any other accounts by going to them, clicking the 'UPLOAD' button, and attempting to add this song to these other channels; it always posts to the one and only one, paulaking2011. Finally, early this morning, the video was totally rejected by the YT for being a duplicate, and it should be rejected for being a duplicate, as this ass hole GOOGLE YOUTUBE keeps insisting on putting it on only one of my three fucking cunt channels, and you can see it is up there about five times, with the railroad track cover scene, at that channel, paulaking2011. But early this coming week, I am going down to speak with the building security guard, who has the graveyard shift; and who Debbie Morotto, the Resident Manager, has informed me; that he used to work for the DELL COMPUTER people; and he should be willing to try and help me for a few bucks, after my February 3, 2013 disability money comes in, and if he cannot do anything, then he will be my witness, and will be subpenaed into court, when I file charges against the ALL MIGHTY ANTICHRIST GOOGLE, FOR SANCTIONING MY RIGHT TO GET MY STORY OUT TO THE WORLD; MY TRUE AND POWERFUL REAL LIFE STORY, and not some Patterson fiction. I will go to court, and I will have the local media all around; because I can produce real powerful shit that will not be able to be ignored, and once shit starts in this country, then try stopping it folks. My entire life has been destroyed by these offshoots of Robert McGuire and Sarah Callio, going all the way to crossed over bridges, and telephone taped daughters from long ago. Oh yes, will we be crossing over all bridges successfully, or end up drowned, on a famous bridge in Massachusetts? You all know that I am telling you a powerful bunch of truths, and admitted from the start, that I am doing my best to put a billion little puzzle pieces all together. You try doing better if you're all so Rubik Cube emmereffing Einsteinian out here.

If you can do better, and you see past the horizons that I've managed to reach, from my best mountain top views, and fittingly so; well, why not help a dude out, and contact me; and tell me your greater version of fucking wisdom? First of all, there are two truths that appear to conflict, when really, if carefully observed and scrutinized correctly; they actually compliment each other. I speak of how I claim that enemies intentionally effecting my life negatively through continuous covert and stealthy attacks, 24-7-365.2422 for 25-50 years now, indeed brings down the force of personal luck, and life in general gets darker and hellish, as this process forever appears to unrelentingly fucking continue. Yet, on my worst, as well as my best days; I would be first man at the gate, to come out and admit to anyone who wants to know; that there are constants, that no amount of shit done to me by the PROJECT BLUEBOOK MILITUFORCE (IF) bastards, would change one tiny microscopic bit. If I were to jump off of a tall building, or strike a person on the head with a huge plank or rock; the same reality would become the net result. If I did a mathematical calculation properly and correctly, 2+2 would always be 4, 50 times 30 would always be 1500, and the square or the square root of any number, would also remain exactly the same as well, and on and on I could go. There would still be one and only one number for PI, and it still would never come out to a totally exact diameter to circumference ratio to the closed curve (circle), and a square will never be a circle, nor will these shapes in geometry ever be a trapezoid or a triangle, and so forth. These are not changeable realities. On my best or worst day as far as my enemies attacking me are concerned, if I throw a brick through a store window, in front of a police person; I am going to be arrested, and jailed; and also, if I were to miraculously be handed the winning jackpot lottery ticket; it would win, and the state would have to pay out to me, the 800,000,000 dollars, minus the taxes. This my fiends and friends is a part of the new roulette system that I am not going to get into, at least not with my life being this totally fucked up, and dangerous for me; as it has been now, all fucking century, and millennium long. Some things will remain constants, but then there are all those other things that DO NOT REMAIN CONSTANT, but rather; will indeed alter, as the OTAMMIC WEATHER alters. I have tracked this in my life since the middle eighties, and I really do feel and believe folks, that this is a long enough period where I can state with reasonable degrees of accuracy; that this is real, this works, and this monstrous shit is indeed being carried out by my ''IF'' ENEMIES, and has been the case, ever since this began for me in the early eighties, and worsened as these filthy rotten eighties progressed along into the nineties. For a quick example that is pertinent 100%+ to me right now this weekend, the markets ended up last week at record highs, up every single business day, up many hundreds of points on the week, and up thousands of points in this month and year of 20-lousy-13. This is not a good thing, not for me, not for 99% of any of you reading this, and is only a good thing for the world owners who want nothing other than to totally control and own all of us, all of our lands and possessions, the whole mother fucking ball of 27 foot wax. Yes, that wonderful fucking electrical number of 3 cubed. I told the blogs how in when else, but middle 1984 somewhere, while living in a rented home owned by another Patterson family of Cinnaminson, New Jersey, at 1406 Highland Avenue; I had a powerful, what else is fucking new for me folks; ''DREAMING INTERACTION'', or nocturnal experience, where I was at the then existing Atlantic City, GOLDEN NUGGET HOTEL AND CASINO, and a storm came up, and LIGHTNING came right down onto the roulette table where I was sitting at and playing, and went right through the number RED-ODD-27. Then her adorable voice that only the Copyright Office has, and really humanly SSJKK, at two years of age, via the original internet telephone system, of the 'Ingrid Very Old Club'; and she spoke the unforgettable Nat 'King' Cole words to me that went; I am number 27, little boy, that is my number, I AM the electron, or what you call electricity and lightning. It is a slight paraphrase, as the precise words are dam close to this, but are forgotten now, and the tapes I had once where I reported for my TAPED LIFE JOURNAL, are of course, all now cleverly removed from me, by the KING family, very distant cousins of my wonderful kid, but still, cousins. They did not want me having records of these things, any more than 'YOUTUBE' wants me to have the few things left, that I did manage to get down here with me, to fucking Florida; lovely full moons and all, both now, and a couple months from now, or should I say in an adorable voice too cute to humanly imagine, Copyright Office, ''I KNOW''?????????? I am unable to resist the temptation any longer, and am so sorry folks, and Mister Japanese Ambassador; W----O----W!

Isn't there anything you can do to help me, Fred Hinger, Derrijo of Cherry Hill, Mirrors Craig; and others out here, as they all know who they are? Why do you leave me here to suffer endless fucking cunt torment, and everlasting burning cock licking hell; 'why; why Jimmy why', secret Bohemian diner meetings and all, just tell me frikkin why? 'ENDTRAN'!


JWC2, DAY 00036, BLOG-B

JANUARY 26, 2013, 9:05 PM-EST





Now folks, this will be short and sweet, and that's a dam promise. I've learned that I am much better off speaking to the readers' subconscious, whoever the readers may be, and that is a very large barrel of cosmic possibilities, Mizz Elizabeth Montgomery Twitchynose.

I got the crap knocked out of me by SSJKK in my sleep, and I am not allowed to tell more than the reason why SHE did this. It seems that I forgot something that she told me to do, and she gave me way too much credit for my powers of potentially being a charter member in the very exclusive club, cosmically secretly known as the ES, or the 'EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND'.

LSS, I got beat to a pulp for not remembering to do some things, first, rereading my own older blogs from late oh-7 and early oh-8, and see exactly where the course was heading with these blogs, before a powerful derailment occurred, and that is no pun, GOOGLE YOUTUBE, as SHE is awake as well as asleep, and I was with the real SSJKK, and not HER living entity here, and that is what really counts. She does do a O.W. Network with the land, and She does indeed, RULE THE EMPIRE, evil or not, and I must OBEY my TQ, as my shellfish days are over, OR ELSE; to quote the All Mighty.

'OH SHIT', the 'SECRET' is out 'GOOGLE', that little old me, 'CAN FLY', and all the way from 1984, over to the great Camden City Andrews Shipyards, and then right back again, to all the queries of 'What's Wrong' with the universe, since this very era; and then soon to follow, along came the most mysterious person in my life, to quote ADA-RON WIRTZ SENIOR, of the CCPO, in New Jersey, and that would be; high degreed Mason, Sir DAVID CHARLES ROTH, no less. Only much greater powers than him exist, as the great Petee Pote, and all Popes, from Somerdale Police Chiefs, to sovereign nations like Vatican City, and its RULER; all know so well. So many ask me still, will there really be a great mile high roller coaster built in Wildwood, New Jersey, in the middle twenties; completed in the late spring time, of twenty-thirty-one? Absolutely, in many many universes in the hyperspace. Will it be where you and I are living? Who can know the answer to things like this, unless we first learn how to conquer a little enemy of wisdom thing, called the DHKB or 'DOUBLE HORIZON KNOWLEDGE BARRIER'. It is just like the title of it implies, ladies and gentlemen. Every time we begin to learn more truths and more things, we also learn that there is so much more we need to learn, that we endlessly know a lesser percentage of potential wisdom and things. It really is no 'secret' or (PCN-671) and many smart folks figured this little truth out a long time ago. I did not invent the old saying that the more you know, the more you know you don't know. Still, I have been given marching orders to begin MORIANITY-3, and in this, will simply be chapter numbers, no titles or subtitles, all given in Roman Numerations, and the course that the original Morianity was on, before my 70-day 2008 sabbatical happened; will indeed be resumed, returned back to, and if the gods will it; perhaps even someday, successfully completed. And thank you for the wisdom sir, diner doors and drug store 12 July days, ANWG-660!

MORIANITY-3-----------------------CHAPTER I.

Shorty, this will be a shorty. I created you, and I can remove you, any time I want to. I can remake the same tape that I made in the fall of 1979 or early part of 1980, from my home at 112 East Fifth Avenue, in Mantua, New Jersey, USA-ES-MWG. Then, I can reverse the tape and keep making new analogue recordings of the reverse tape sound, until you vanish just as suddenly and mysteriously, as you 'pooped' up in everybody's life in 1984, DJBT.

Maybe you'll die with a big grin on your face, maybe not, as that's entirely your own business, kind sir. I have no power to stop your out of control DOW JONES, or your horrible effects on my family. But I will eliminate you from the surface of this planet, if you keep messing with me, you evil arrogant prick.
Now for the record folks, I am not putting the double blue lines under any of the blogs on my blogger dot com blogging. I do not know who is doing it, or why; and this is why from now on, I am not doing anything except for capitol lettering, and punctuations. No color, no underlining, and as Diana would put it so perfectly in 1983, over the telephone, to me; ''NO NOTHING''.

Before I log off, I asked the GAGA CAT a short while back, just what number out of the 81 PCN'S, most adequately addresses the strange glarry eyed dude that wanted to hear what was spoken to me in that 2008 interaction, and has haunted me in 'dreams' forever so it seems, and I got a very wild response, from the random card draw; PCN-615. I have but three items that are in my canons for this number, and they're as follows: 'DEEDEE','PRISON', and 'ELEVEN HUNDRED STATE STREET'. What are you up to Paula Uwich, you witch, and say hi to the value sisters of caller-ID-land.


JWC2, DAY 00036, BLOG-A

All evening, my ass hole nabes were in and out, but at least the doors were not slamming real loud.

I know exactly why all the things that happen around me, happen. Nobody is fucking fooling me for one cunt lapping minute, and that means nobody; not the super wealthy dirt bags involved, not any of their pizza employees, and or other dirty deed doers, that own fire brooms, and plenty of land as well as all other things, just as 'OCCUPY' used to say, before they all gave up and disbanded, and we now, AND JUST AS I SAID WOULD HAPPEN, are right back with the EVIL EMPIRE in total fucking control, and at ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS ON THE STOCK MARKET, meaning doom for all of us 99ERS.

This day would be a pretty nasty BOTBAR if not for a couple of pluses that went my way. One is the discovery a short while ago, only a few hours, late last night; that I had totally miscalculated something that is just too complex to get into, pertaining to my roulette system; and that is only for openers. All I'll fucking tell y'all, is that the system has not crashed. No, it did not make a ton of money; but it is still struggling along, despite ALL TIME MARKET ''RECORD HIGHS'', and many PROMISES TO A SPECIAL NIGHT LADY, NAMED 'GIANT GINA'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOLD YOU, sweetie.

I had major 'DREAMS' again, and knew it from the second that I 'awoke', to use 'forward-mortal' lingo here. But I could not pull anything up, and my consciousness was totally blocking it out; as that, to be quite frank and honest, good peeps; is its job. The less you remember about your life in hyperspace, the better your conscious mind is doing its job. Still, you need not remember consciously, to awaken real happy, or real angry, or real sad; and all of the many other emotions, ranging from sheer overall terror, to total unexplainable bliss. This comes from not remembering details, yet as I told you all, and yes GINA; we need not always be discussing the fucking stock market, honey cakes; but all of the universes indeed do connect up, from any present awake point we all are at continuously. After all, if you were treated monstrously at your job in a 'dream' and awoke, and then the boss started to give you hell there; you would be much more likely to react negatively to it, than if the 'DREAM' had not happened, so think about all of the stuff, that MORIANITY has preached to you now, for over seven years; and don't be so dam mother fucking quick to dismiss it as space cadet, tin foil hat, nuttiness.

No, the roulette never crashed, but Ida gone on thinking it had, and never started playing again, on this super ass system that WILL NOT be shared, for obvious reasons; until and unless my life ever somehow drastically improves; a tremendously unlikely event, folks, like DUH! So what did happen folks? Well, it has to do with two powerful, and very name recognized persons; one from the 'dream-land' experience, and the other, while later awake, and watching some TV. I am not willing to say more at this point in Watergate Time, with or without bright lights, scowling faces, big egos, scandals of the seventies, or senators.

As soon as I began remembering the DREAM however, this past evening, as this is now five past one on Saturday morning, the NABE SHIT started up with precision fucking time piece clockwork. Thank you so much for being so very nice and understanding, David Leigh Smith, in October of 1970, as you really did me a giant favor; or else to this very day, I would think I am just totally crazy; and that is exactly what the ''IF'' bastards, and or the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, wants me to do; and I'm not in the habit of doing favors for enemies, any more than are two great peeps from 1897, in the world of very darkened shadows, that do not dwell a lot by day, not on Park Avenue, in Westmont, near the Delaney residence anyway. Wo girl; all these hockey sticks are really putting the bite on me, so let me fly the hell out of here with this little news tip, Donald.

I know a whole hell of a lot more, than any of you cock sucking WORLD OWNERS HAVE A CLUE THAT I KNOW; and I know shit about each and every one of you; so take that to fucking bed with you tonight, you crumbs!

As Luke 'Skywalker' might say now, 'E.T.' Get with it MSC!


JWC2, DAY 00035, BLOG-A

My days of internet and blogging will also be over, shortly after I get my YOUTUBE garbage down. It is a total waste of time, when I am being sanctioned by the ANTICHRIST, and the PROJECT BLUEBOOK PEOPLE. I refuse to waste my time, when I can just drive to Mexico, and get the fucking hell out of this crappy misery, once and for all; and refuse to play this monstrous mother fucking game, with these sick and twisted despicable people out here. You poor pathetic losers. Keep on believing I'm just a crackpot, and that this concept of your antichrist is an actual single personality, such as you see in those religious films on the religious channels on TV, when really; it is G---O---O---G---L---E.

Ever since 1997, when Fred Winstein helped me to some degree, to buy a computer, where he worked over at Radio Shack; and helped me set it up, along with his pal, another employee from his store, named Mirrors Craig; the man with two faces, and we need not touch this piece of hell right now; but way back then; he could not understand why nothing ever works for me on a computer, such as for one example, when I attempted to download 'Firefox' last night as my default browser, and it does not work today at all, even though the little ball icon is up on the screen as it was last night.

This no more started happening around me in 2007, 1997, 1987, 1977, or even 1967, shortly after meeting Sarah Krassle, 'humanly', as SARAH; for the first time in late June of 1965, on Tennessee Avenue, of Atlantic City. No, this has been going on with the Huntington fucking family, for over 2000 years, right around the time that the Popes knew that only certain things could dare to be put into the religious record, while other Bluebook Truths, needed to not only remain out of it forever, along with roof pushes, strong frog changes, and drowned girlfriends; and lots more Bluebook nightmares, I am quite sure; but still, I thought it fitting to see what just might happen, should I try and add fire brooms, and fire foxes, into the mix; and especially in lieu of nosy Mister Donald, sticking it where it doesn't fucking belong. Go ahead you sick old bitch, buy the Times, buy TIME ITSELF if you think it can erase a life of devil worship, but your end is right around the corner, as is WFMU, and WAYV; and for that matter, all of the entire sick twisted evil demonic shit all over this mother fucking planet. It is very soon about to be burned up and endlessly destroyed. It may not fall into your conscious mind illusion for thousands, millions, maybe billions of years, but I have seen this world, all charred to ash, with a glowing humongous red star that once was our loving son, scorching the entire inner solar system, and this is your fate, all of you, and you will rot and burn in endless fiery hell; you sick dirty rotten mother fucking jerk offs.

So you just go on hurting me and hating me all you want, and you too Mister Potter's employee, and you too, Charles Delaware Tate. See you all in hell, to quote my grandmother, to her own daughter, after her daughter murdered her, and she lay on the bathroom floor, bleeding out, back in either late 1964, or the end of 1963, somewhere, on Ranstead Street, in the slums of Philadelphia. My very mentally disturbed aunt was forcing her mom to tell where she had hidden her pills, and my granny wouldn't fork them over, as she knew that more pills would make her worse. Either way, daughter killed mother. My family is loaded with tragedies like this one, as with the one in Braintree, Massachusetts, back around early in February of 1948, when my cousin, Arthur Huntington, son of Herbert; murdered his wife, and mother in law, in their sleep, in the house; and then went into the basement and strung himself up with a fucking cunt lapping nasty noose. 'AGHGHGHAHCKCK', well, if he did it right and snapped his neck, he did not have to choke and suffer, any more than did his wife and her mother, my Aunt Alice, and Great Aunt Rebecca; or 'whatever' her name was, Congressman.

When you come from a wonderful family like mine, and then come to learn that in each generation, someone not given an option or choice in the matter whatsoever, is forced to do a cosmic 'Dark Shadows Morgan Collins', and become the CURSED HUNTINGTON, well; now you know why I wonder if another OJ trial is not around the corner. This is why I plan to get all my YOUTUBE stuff down, as I should not have tape recorded my daughter as a teenager in the first place, over the telephone, and also, I should not have posted those projects up, without asking her for permission first. So to prevent another huge family 'incident' to put it delicately, I am pulling everything off, and not allowing ANTICHRIST GOOGLE, to influence my mind, through their powers of ETTOS or the PAWM-PIE; to ever again use any of their social media bull shit junk. You missed me today Janeyslut.
How would you put that now, Mike McNulty, old pal; working at the CFS Printing Plant of 1971, 'AHA-AHA-AHA'????????

I am left to understand one fact better than any other, well, really two of them. First, my curse is unbreakable, and is worse than anybody's present maxed out concept of eternal hell. Second, it is all just a game, being played by a wild teenage girl, by the name of Sarah Krassle, the great All Mighty 363, and not always, such a real good girl, but I suppose, she tries; so I'll give her that much, huh Bobby McGuire? Have you ruined anyone else's property, or lit anything up recently???????????????????????????????




JWC2, DAY 00034, BLOG-A

10:40 AM-EST, at Fort Pierce, Florida, Mark Wayne Mohr, recording and reporting, for the record, on the record; and by the record.

There is a lot to tell, and just as when I was not online for just over two weeks, that seemed more like closer to two months. I may again, only post several blogs together for a while, so as to leave the humongous compilation up there on my two sites, front and center for a while. Speaking of this, when I tried to post them up, both of my sites made it extremely difficult for me to do. Many changes were made in those short sixteen days or so that I was offline, and even my AT&T installer, told me that it is weird, and that he never witnessed anything like what happened to me. He hooked me up, and many pages that were supposed to still be there, were no longer available, and is all part of my 'control pages', as I have come to call them. This is what keeps me a nobody in this world, and never recognized for things that I have done, not ever; and not by anyone, because it is totally fixed; and these secret covert fucking cunt sanctions that are imposed on me, are as real as any heavy hefty Krassle motorcycle chain, that could ever be used to bind anything.

First I'll give the updated report, since my last post up; and since blog JWC2, DAY 00033, BLOG-A, ended the last updates, on what is ongoing around me. Things have gotten strange, and persecution is looming around me like the impending cosmic doom of a rapidly approaching meteorite.

But first things first at seven minutes shy of eleven this Thursday morning, YO. At just a few minutes before the last hour, and right about one hour ago, after already being newly awake for the day, a loud squeal came over my off hook telephone AT&T landline, and all 'Cifaloglio Garage' or copied New York condo karate kicks shortly thereafter, notwithstanding!!!!!!!! I had very recently awakened out of a horrible 'dreaming interaction' experience, and it will most definitely be shared, as this is going lately, on a severe, and very fucking nasty-ass roll; peeps. Before going on with this, as I may not have been all that clear about many things on my long compilation blog, since there was way too much to cram into one post as I did, but felt that I had no choice; so I wish to now clear up, that my roulette systems all crashed and burned, both during those horrific BOTBAR ATTACKS, that followed a nice string of short BACK-OFF DAYS. The negative effects on me, appears to be empowered more by a huge 'CONTRAST', than most other things; and whether the OTAMMIC MILI-2-FORCE or the 'IF' realizes this or not, or for that matter, even cares; but this indeed, is what does me the most mother fucking cunt lapping severe damage, every single cock sucking time!!!!!! But I need to get back to the details of what this nice fellow and AT&T installer, told me early yesterday afternoon, while hooking me back into the frikkin internet. Before I do, yes, I altered some personal plans, and the details of it are nobody's business, unless I should decide to make this public information; as obviously somebody offered me a deal, that I could reasonably work into my extremely limited financial budget; and so I am back now, having a phone, an internet; and some low tier cable television; and I am with two different services, and will be most likely, throughout most, if not the remainder of this year of 2013. I am actually saving quite a bit, and have lost nothing, and how does one say no to a great deal, especially when they normally are on the receiving end of the shittiest possible deals anywhere, all their god dam frikkin life? Now that will be it for the details of how I am back again online, much sooner than anticipated, good folks, YO.

Yes, things were pretty much ascertained, that I am indeed being stopped from getting anyone to view my works on the crooked YOUTUBE, and as I said, all the views up there, are my own attempts to hook up hyperlink connections, into my two blogs, at Wordpress, and Blogger. Also, Wordpress was fairly hard to post yesterday, but Blogger was nearly impossible, and refused to post my document entirely, from my open office pages, and only finally would it post this up eventually, on a cut and paste job, directly from the copy posted up at the Wordpress site. I hope, my old school chum from Fort Wayne, Indiana, Bob McDowell, and now Chairman and Overseer of the Federal Communications Commission; is seeing, and witnessing, all of the shit that's happening to me, now; and for all my seven plus mother fucking years of internet blogging; as there aint no cunt eating way, that any of this endless persecution; is just some coincidence; and we all know it, or else; we should all take some advice that I gave to my kid in 1986, and get back, not to Rod Stuart, and Maggie May; but older fans of the late sixties, and the early seventies music; get the fucking picture here, I'm quite sure, YO. Maybe we might learn something as well, this time around. And then, maybe not.

You missed me Jane Dirtweeds Sleazedisease, HEE-HEE. It is thirteen minutes past fucking eleven this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, when an AT&T employee in the installation game, who is experienced, and not a real young person; tells me that something is up, and weird, and wrong, and going on somewhere, with me, with all of this; it more than confirms to my mind at least, Uncle Heinz Gottwald Late Sir, of Babylon, New York, up in your big ass mansion, on Peninsula Drive; that none of this is some psychotic delusion, or paranoid persecution features, on my part; and that mental illness and disease, has nothing whatsoever to do with any of this hell that I have been suffering through, since 'WOMO' started chocking me to death, on June fourth, in 1983; and from there, things kept progressing along worse and worse; and by middle of August in 1986, my residence was literally switched from Planet Earth, to Outer Darkness Center-Land-Underworld, or AKA ''HELL''. The reason that my shit is still fucking up on the YOUTUBE, is COURT EVIDENCE, and things that my 'IF-ENEMIES' in human bodies, do not need to know about for my sake, will be kept every bit as fucking HUSH-HUSH and stealthy-covert, as they like to play the game with fucking ass me. Hay BRO, there is a 50 yard line here, as well as in that wonderful game of fucking ass football; and nothing happens in the rules of that game, on the one side of it, that does not apply to the other side of it. So I refuse to let my life, be turned any longer, into a mother fucking less of a fair ass arena, than any fan of football, would expect, let alone tolerate; in a football fucking game. Now to discuss the major fucking 'nightmare' that woke me up this morning, right before the telephone squeal sound, that was as unpleasant as hell. Well, both attacks sucked, but the nightmare was truly like my lovely blond Amy, from long ago; in a league all her own, blond to blond; right Copyright Examiners? What is with yellow paper and hair?

I was up at the Harvest place at the Corner of 25th and Orange, caddy corner to the no longer used branch of the Walgreen's Pharmacy, as I only deal with the branch now on Route One, where I do not feel cheated, and intimidated, and fucking cunt 'MESSED WITH', so 'who is it', Gawky L&O?
Again, this is, what you all would label as; 'my dream'. I see things extremely fifth dimensionally, and need to make sure to clarify myself, and write stuff in a more normal, and down to Earth fashion; or folks will hear things that could get me locked up; as in all five dimensions, all sorts of wild stuff is going on in my life, and yours as well folks, but you refuse to entertain anything but a cave-person, and dinosaur attitude, towards the subject of nocturnal activities. As an old pal's dad said to me quite often back in 1966, Charles Ponti, from Westmont, New Jersey; ''Mark, you cannot expect others to acclimate themselves to you, so you will need to acclimate to them''. Well, I won't of course, hence my life as it stands at age 58 years and six and a half frikkin weeks; but that's my concern. Still, for the purposes of improved clarity, and having my blogs understood better; I cannot just go all out, speaking of my entire fifth dimensional life, in its fullness; as if it is one real and total reality; from the reference point and view, of any one waking world universe and reality. When I forget that from time to time, get old Mark Hamill to smack me on the head, and may I spend a few hours or days with that lovely punk rocker, YO? Wow she rocks my fucked up world, BRO. So back now to the really bad ass nightmare, that notice again, my loyal MORIANS, going all the way back on these blogs to October fifth in 2008 after waking up from being up in Suffolk County in Long Island, and then telling Diana one little thing, and then BANG, that horrible MILITUFORCE CHOPPER ASSAULT, out of nowhere, as if 'they' were just waiting to activate an 'on' switch, in some higher locale of reality. Read it, it is all there. So there I am at the Harvest place, and their web address is as follows: and I was working there again, and had entirely different bosses. Things were even more hellish than they were in this universe, back between June the eighth of twenty-ten, and the eleventh of March of twenty-twelve, when 'Jessica Deal With This Later Grant', fired me. Aniwho, lads and lassies, I came out of the experience, told Diana on the telephone that I just popped out of a nightmare, sound familiar 10-05-08?, and then came the loud fucking civil rights violating squeal sound over the telephone. Fortunately, my ear was not right at the receiver at the time. There will come a day when I represent myself, if they ever damage me, and I do not regenerate again. Fair is fair; love, war, and moms of James Stuart, or Frank Capra. Hay, I love AT&T, but as Whitney might say if she still was around, this does not 'crack' me up in the smallest bit.

Now the details of this nightmare, centered around the end of it, all though the entire time, I was working there and things were totally deplorable, and people were too; even more so than they were here, during my peak time of hell up there in the frikkin past, in this universe, (the waking world) you would all say. As this all drew near the end of this shitty experience, I was up at the front area there and things were totally arranged differently. I had been expected to move some food bins into an area, and had no idea that I was supposed to do this, actually this other doppelganger me didn't, but through his eyes, and my being a recessive entity within him, as a TYPE-1-EXPN; I totally knew what he knew, at least about the job, and what was required of me in order to properly perform my work related duties and tasks. Out of the blue, and after the offices were all dark and empty, the big boss lady who is not anyone from this parallel reality over here, came up to me, and really reamed me out, for not doing this particular thing. I told her that I would be happy to take care of it, but she just kept balling me out, like there was no tomorrow about it, and that shouting at an employee was about to be outlawed in 24 hours. She was relentless, and totally evil, and mean. Suddenly I also noticed that her husband was standing next to her, but quietly, not saying a word. He was bigger, and heavier, and older, than I usually see him in dream-land; but it was him, and yes sir, the glarry eyed man again; from the library, and from Judge Raso's magical windy door slamming house of 2008. Does this require a WOW yet, good Morian folks? The plus out of this day, would be that at least he did not make me call him ''Vasco'', or start belting out in his baritone voice, my song from 1999, ''Atlantic Queen'', WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! The emotion of the total meanness of his wife however, still remains trapped in my emotional well being, hours later while 'awake' back here in this reality while I am typing this story into a blog, for my viewers to soon read. The more you do live fifth dimensionally, my good people; the more your dream-life will heighten in its emotion, and have many other effects back in your waking world tuned in universe consciously, not just with memory and feeling, but with actual connections in realities, universe to universe, and we have only brushed open this topic with 'Sarah's 1983 fire-broom', and when I really get into it, most likely and you watch and you all remember my words; the USAF Bluebook folks, WILL certainly shut me down, one way or the other, and of course, covertly, making it look so totally innocent.

For right now, I am going to relax with a snack, and four hours of my favorite television show, none other than the one and only, non George Burns, ''Law & Order'', YO!!!

Folks, it is seconds shy of seven this evening right now. I enjoyed 'L&O', and a nice meal. Things were mostly quiet around here today, and I'm doing a McDonald's about it. If I had my fucking ass way, I would live in a mausoleum a mile underneath ground, and never again hear a single sound, for all fucking cunt lapping eternity. Screw the planet. I hate everybody, and I hate everything. If Michelle Daniels gives me the special green-light-permission, without any lines or barriers, to have my opinion; then that's frikkin good enough for dick licking poor ugly old me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''YUK''!!!!!!!!

I'll tell you why I like being very solitary and sedate, even if it only makes Melanie Safka, and her magical brand new key happy; back in the early seventies. First, I truly do not think the way that others do. How can I once I observe the worlds around me, with two additional dimensions, than other folks do? Did you ever wonder not so much where the shadows dwell by day, or any other things that maybe you wish you knew or the thoughts you cannot say, back in 1983; with or without, any music and songs, and Copyright Offices, and mafia insurance, and so much more; but did you ever ever wonder peeps, just why we basically, as a race of humans; require an average of nine and one half hours, out of the 24 hour day; for sleeping? Well, that is a fascinating argument that is not ever going to be 'court proof' to anything, but it is mathematically quite fascinating, and here's Y: This period of time is roughly two fifths of the day, and the two fifths of the dimensional experience that we all move into, while 'being asleep'; equals out here with this, just as perfectly as the light travels around the world about one seventh of a second, and we are all conscious to instantaneous pieces of time of about, yes you guessed it; one seventh of a frikkin second. Lets get this over with, Tommy Reale, W—O—W!!!!!!!!

But there is a second reason folks, why I would enjoy a life of super solitude where literally I never would have to encounter another human fucking being ever again, and I'll bet donuts to coffee fucking ass beans, that not one of you reading my blogs, has the answer, until you read on and get it from me now. I'll bet you three billion fucking USD right here and right now, with low or high blood pressure, Lenny McKinnon's 1981 girlfriend, or my hero up in future newer times, Miss lovely Anita Van Buren of 'L&O'. Here goes, in regular time, © Examiners, and with a lot of heat on your feet, if you're secretly out there MJ, and we all know my blogs, and what they said on 'Wordpress', 'Blogger', 'UM', and 'MIND'; back in the late summer time of OH-M-9, and it takes no Lynn Noon Noonan Exotic dancer fiance' of Robert Cheatley, and her lightning laughing, from 1985; to see all this; if you'd all just fucking take the blinders off your dam ass eyes. 'DAWN KING is the answer', and also, even though she took away my entire life; she did me the world's most humongous fucking favor folks. I no longer wish to date, or be married, or have anything to do with anyone, ever again; not after her, and that evil family from HELL!!! E.T. No puns.




Now for all my friends out here in the black file agencies:

You know dudes and duddesses, your logic is so far up your butts, it makes me exceedingly sad.

Instead of working with me, to combat this ES-IF thing, you chose while I was a child, to make my entire life hell, and to destroy an innocent person, that never did a thing to you. I only created 'Magnesonic' AFTER already knowing that something was wickedly wiping me out. It was not until after the DOOGIE HOWSER CLUB decided to choke me to death with one of Moses' Death Android Sky Poison Assaults that I fought back, and built that mother fucking machine. You are all a bunch of mother fucking worthless evil whack jobs. Now look at the mess this all is in. Do you really think this time line was meant to be like this? Go ahead, look at the stinking evil shit all over the internet, and the world. Look at the rotten bastards from fucking hell, and their entertainment industry. Do you think that any of this would ever have gone this far, if you did not try and choke me to death in 1983? This is not where the splice was meant to be left off, and you all know it; you fucking worthless bastard liars.



JWC2, DAY 00033, BLOG-A

January 23, 2013, 12:16 PM-EST at Fort Pierce, Florida

Well, at this time, according to the news, the Dow Jones Stock Market is up about 80 points, and nearly at the 13, 800 level, just about to cross the ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS, meaning that the evil rich people have never ever had things so good or their way in everything so much. Did I not TELL YOU ALL FOLKS, THAT THIS WOULD ALL GO DOWN THIS WAY, AND DID I NOT TELL YOU ALSO, LOVELY GIANT GINA?

It is now an early mother fucking Wednesday afternoon. My entire life is over. Everything that I ever tried to do has been completely ruined and wrecked. I live around people who sit around every second, with nothing else to do, but to figure out ways to persecute me, and make me totally mother fucking miserable, 24-7-365.2422. On top of all of that, my life, and its general magnetic condition, or agreement with cosmos, in all general things, (LUCK); is about as down, and low; as ''Ice Tea's'' Fun Group for fagots.

Let me stop this blog for now, and get dressed. My AT&T installer is here, to bring my internet back to me. I knew I could not exist without it, and am only left to seriously ponder on what this culture will do, somewhere between the next 30-50 years; when all of the world's oil reserves run out. We will not return to the life of the 16 hundreds by the way, because in those times, those people never knew 'technology'. They knew how to live off of the land, just like you, me, and a dog named Flee if you want to rhyme this old sixties tune. This entire new age world of folks will not just be plunged into outer darkness, but it really will feel like the ninth circle of fucking hell when it happens, because the masses will not know how to function with no power grids, hence no electricity, and no gadgets run off of this great item working for them any longer, and even more horrible; most products made today, could not be made with no oil coming our way; as they are nearly all what you might think of as partly, if not totally; 'oil-byproducts'. So laugh now, you wealthy WORLD OWNERS, and your silver spoon up your ass offspring, from the Kardashian scum bags all the way to any celebrity or wealthy person, whose name you may have ever heard. Their time in the sunshine, is all waning down, like a disappearing moon, night after night, and then it is all gone. For what has been done to me all of my fucking life, you all will pay a very steep and hefty price, so be warned, and be careful; and yes, old friend Regis; tell 'Paula' to watch her rotten back too; and that I am not one bit scared of her, and her friends. I may be no perfect little choir boy, but I never went around destroying the lives of innocent peeps, as did Callio and McGuire, and the list could just keep right on going, like that 'anti-gift' that keeps on taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now hooked back up to the internet, and the installer has left. It is ten minutes before two this afternoon. The Dow Jones is up nearly a hundred points, as it is just about every single day this year in 2013; and my entire year as a result, along with the garbage Philly Flyers Hickey/Hockey team back again playing and kicking ass, just as I said would all go down folks; has left my life in ruins, and shambles, at the speed of mother fucking light squared.

So let me end this blog, and try shooting up the entire blog, which may be too large, and if so; then it will be done in piecemeal. Maybe that is best anyway, and even if I can get the entire blog up in one fell swoop, I will still be making individual re-posts of much of this major fucking material, as my entire life has been totally destroyed by the ''IF'', and this evil has been able to accomplish this, and get totally mother fucking scott free away with their dastardly deeds!!!

Anyone who can believe in a loving father god of the bible, is the biggest dam fool in the galaxy and beyond, OR, they just never have bothered to read MORIANITY 1 and MORIANITY 2 from cover to cover. Now that would be some reading, even for Patterson and Tolstoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY 00032, BLOG-B

It is only minutes after I ended the other blog. It also is mother fucking eleven-eleven, in the mother fucking morning, and this is not going to be a good cunt eating day, after a major clock attack from Jane Shit Head Bitch Weeds Fonda; along with the nabes, and noise, even though it is not real loud, and also; along with a major fucking cock sucking sky attack, and especially a fucking ass slew of nasty ass


You can add to this list, the computer, even totally off line, is playing games with me, and hacking me. It is not internet, or the machine itself; nor is it any person or group. It is the power of a teasing energetic entity and its surrounding controlled reality, to contact and then go onto take control over some (REALITY-CHUNK), as was all fully explained on enough previously blogged texts, so as to make sense enough to readers, to at least, agreeing or not with me on the issue of its reality; follow along, and not be in the dark about what my words are discussing, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I left the Avalon Recording Studio yesterday, around the middle afternoon somewhere; I stopped at two stores near my residence, on the drive back home. I bought a few sixty cent VHS movies at Good-Will, and a three dollar pack of chocolate mini-cupcakes with colored dots on the frosted icing, and some liverwurst. As soon as I left the grocery store, to go to the Good Will, just down the way, in the same shopping mini-mall, at Virginia Avenue, and Route 1; a loud and low private Cessna type aircraft, flew right directly over me; and instantly, I began to get shit cramps; and when I got home, I needed to take a nasty shit, all though I had all ready done so, before leaving in the late morning. So I have been under some nasty siege now starting around the era of just past three yesterday afternoon, and it is still nasty and fucking ongoing, and I cannot fucking wait to post all of this shit up onto the internet, and get some real heavy and major fucking ass revenge. As you know, they got their dirt bag way, and the evil Hockey Season is back once again, just as what happened in 1995, that totally led me into complete fucking cunt devastation, and obliteration; as a paralleling ass result, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I am hearing that musical modulation, that hockey fans know so well; only I am hearing, not GoogleX4, followed by 'G' is the antichrist, but instead; ''FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK'', AND SO FORTH. I have always sung that along with the organ, ever since the late fucking cunt lapping nineteen eighties, when this twisted disease all got started, between this hickey team and myself, huh STM © Office?????????????????????? OUCH, take it easy with me, Mizz lovely Delaney, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe for you, it's endless 1969. Time moved on for the rest of us, there, sweetie pie. Well read on folks, and see how this machine is electronically, in direct contact with my MIND; to make me hellishly fucking miserable, and totally BOTBAR!

I WILL BE TALKING TO DEBBIE IN A FEW MINUTES, AS SHE SHOULD BE HERE ON MONDAYS. THE SUBWOOFER ATTACK IS HORRIBLE AT 11:44 AM. No sooner did I hook up my roachphone system, which is headphones-directly-attached to a phone receiver, this began; and there is no way that ''THEY'' can hear any of this. Wish me luck, as I am throwing on a pair of pants now, and complaining. This has been bad all morning, and now they are cranking it way up after being told that they must remove this box. This never misses one fucking cunt lapping single beat, ladies and gentlemen. MILK strikes me every single cunt lapping year. I like the dude, and he was great; but something about him with me, is just like, Christmas, my own fucking birthday, and music, and so many constantly never ending other items; that just serve to crucify me, on a regular fucking ass annual basis, year after year, and decade after decade; and with the 'KING SHIT', ever since my long walk, in Blackwood, New Jersey, in the deep snow; back in 1978, over to a closed bank, on Doctor Martin Luther King Day, when out of nowhere, and with no proper informing of the public; it just began; as I was not the only one waiting out in the cold, and the deep snow, over on the fucking Black Horse Pike, in Blackwood, New Jersey; for the Bank of New Jersey, to open; and of course, it never fucking cock sucking did on that day. Well the same thing just happened. I went down to try and see Debbie, and she is here on Mondays and Fridays with regularity, and of course, dumb retard me, is thinking this is MONDAY, forgetting all about the three day King Holiday, that just past. All I knew, was this was the start of the work week, so it must be Monday; and Debbie Morotto is here in her office on Monday; and when the guard lady at the desk smirked and said to me that she is here on Monday, I finally caught on, after looking like a total mother fucking retarded cunt ass lapping rotten stupid shit swallowing fool. I obviously do not need to tell you that this mother fucking day is now BEYOND SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, and that both the month and the year 'MPB', is now at six for twenty-two (6:22), or 6 times 100, divided by the days in January as well as the days of 2013 so far, 22, same thing exists on the first of all the twelve months each year quite naturally folks; so this is now where I fucking cunt stand peeps, YO, at 27% Magnetic Percentage for Botbar or (MPB-27%) for short, BRAHHH!!!!!!! Yes folks, there's no need to wish me any luck. However, I will e-mail Debbie that the box is back, when my AT&T service arrives tomorrow afternoon. I have no intention of waiting for fucking cunt lapping FRIDAY TO ROLL THE SHIT AROUND! She'll have the e-mail by end of tomorrow's fucking business, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!! OK, with nine days left in this 2013's first month of JANUARY, I am holding at MPB-27%. Every one of the next nine days would need to pass by, without becoming a BOTBAR to bring January-2013 a 27% BOTBAR, which is bad enough. How the fuck would any of you 'normals' out there, enjoy living at a rate of just over one out of every four cunt eating days, being super horrible bad, or BOTBAR?????????
Just think about it seriously before you switch over to the 'NEXT-BLOG' button, and laugh me off, YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew that those major fucking dreaming interactions, would as they always seem to do, cause a nasty fucking BOTBAR DAY FOR ME AGAIN, so new kids and old kids, YO; here we go, and yes, 'again', whether you want to hear this fucking shit or not, SIRS, Marcus, and McGinty, WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Now I'll ask my 'GAGA CAT', just why this horrible shit has fucking cunt struck me today, after getting through my first five full NON-BOTBAR DAY STREAK in several months of time now????????????????? The answer GAWKY just gave me folks is PCN-541. Here are the canons for selection that I deem most fitting from my total complete and whole (holy) match-book for the 81 GAWNUM NUMERATIONS:


But there is way more to talk about now, at three fucking ass minutes shy of eleven of the clock on this Tuesday evening, January 22, in 2013, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THIS, and PUT IT ON TOP, Mister American Express Twilight Zone Goldsmith Troublemakers, old cavemen and computers!!!!!

I had a very long talk with Gawky Gaukauk today, running a lot of question-equations by him, ''MEOW'', and they say life's not fucking stimulating, and exciting, for the poor 99er peeps; like little old me, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I do tell about this major discussion, let me lay the foundation. I had a major dreaming interaction last night, and no people, very rarely do I intentionally actually do ''DREAMING'', and just like you, most of the time, my nocturnal activities are merely done to rest my body, just as you all do; and only on the rarest occasions, do I perform intentional activities, that may qualify me for a hopeful someday acceptance application, into the most secret and exclusive club in this entire galaxy, and even far beyond it; the 'EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND', as only perhaps once or twice a year, do I intentionally go to sleep, with intent to become a full TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON. Even though however, I was just, ''in a dream or (having) a dream'', and not in any way was I dominant over my doppelganger so-called ME-CHARACHTER, but was the normal recessive character just sort of watching, and observing the on-goings; through this transdimensional other me, which is why so many dreams are described by so many folks, as sort of like 'watching a movie'; and they would not be entirely wrong in their simple concept of this more complex truth. I remember this extra vividly, and the very extra clear and vivid type of dreams that normally wake us with a bang, and remain fully remembered for quite a while in our consciousness; are thought of in future times, as TYPE-2-EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITY. Only the awareness that you can go from a recessive to a dominant switch over of your own self, and then doing it for short durations, is considered total type-3. Now in my interactions earlier this morning before arising from bed, here is what happened. A man who is very evil, and who I have seen before in 'dreams', not often, but he is there, at post offices, at houses I am in and once with my daughter back on June 21 of 2008, and a few other times in the twentieth century as well, and was at the library here in Fort Pierce, as an older man, but it was him, as there is no mistaking those glarry wild eyes, and whoever he is, both my daughter and myself, become very defensive around this man, at least in these other parallel realities, that in 2013 and back before this year, are just called, and mislabeled; ''dreams''. When this prick appeared to me on the first day of summer in 2008, Dawn King was shortly released from a rehab clinic up in Seacaucus, New Jersey, almost a year ahead of a mandated legal schedule for her to avoid spending a five year stretch in a woman's state prison, and the judge in Atlantic County who sentenced her, was involved in this case of legal public record; and is a man who I am very proud to know, as he is also a recovering AA member, and this would be the Honorable Judge Mike Conner. Down here in Fort Pierce, back in 2010; right after this man appeared at the library, and became physically aggressive with me; my blogs would not work for about 40 days or so; and I called that time in my blogs, my TWEETY-BIRD, and my ROCKIN' ROBIN TWEETS BLOGS. It is all up there, in the late summer time of 2010, at this address link: and you can click on this, and search this era in time; and see proof of how these POWERFUL TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, such as this ''man'' or entity, without upsetting the Project Bluebook folks too fucking cunt much here, YO; can indeed effect alternate realities, from the one where they are dream-controlling in, such as his getting physically aggressive with me in what you call a major vivid dream, and then right after that, at the very spot where this happened, HERE, my blogs were totally interfered with, and stopped; or {(SANCTIONED)} if you will, for about seven weeks; and causing their evil DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TO SOAR, as I'm sure it did today, probably hundreds of points, after screwing up my life, and persecuting me so mother fucking relentlessly. I will go on to continue laying my foundation now, by telling you that this man was in last night's interaction, along with me, and my mother; and these three characters are all that I can consciously remember in 'waking world' right here and now, so really, two characters besides my own doppelganger there, that I was watching this all through. My mother insisted that my name was Mark Wayne, so that had to be my name over in that other parallel universe reality. But this man is aware of me in numerous parallel universes, telling me that he must therefore be a real TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON or for short a (T3E). He was a horrible criminal there, and was telling my mother some really upsetting and monstrous despicable shit. Both of us were leary and frightened of this fucking jerk off, and with good reason. He is a very freaking dangerous 'T3E', and means normal 'T1E' folks like all of us, NO GOOD AT ALL, and this is what the PROJECT BLUEBOOK UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, totally knows of, and is keeping quiet. This is not just about a few silly hundred little gray things, or a few hundred little space ship toys. My life and what I know, spans way beyond this entire fucking cosmos, and if any and all of my viewers want to insist on being endless Missourians and GWIPOSIANS, then fine. You are all entitled to your 'Michele Daniels RPL-1980' Recording Studio Opinions, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This strange entity was upsetting my mom and I, and telling us why the floor in one of the large three rooms that for some reason that I do not know now because this 'me here' is not that me there, but a parallel universe me; was all broken up in one corner area, OH SHIT, it just came back to me, as I typed this folks. He said that it had to do with being taught a lesson by the great LAMBRIGG CULT of Paul Stoddard King ll, if I can throw a little bit of stair chase humor in here; to overcome some real agony, and LFLD; and that since I was trying to teach forbidden things in alternate realities, about hyperspace, and how to manipulate it, before being officially initiated into the 'SUPERMIND SYSTEM'; these corner areas of floor in these three large empty rooms in this large house that my mom and I seemed to totally own free and clear over in that alternate reality; would be there as a reminder that I was using the picture-puzzle example of being able to change small reality-chunks of 'STM', without altering the larger-picture in the ''truth/reality'', such as the corner of these rooms being broken up, while the rest of the floor remained in perfect shape. Then he grabbed my fucking right index finger, and he took a weird razor blade type of an instrument, and cut my finger at the inside and middle, right on the outer third tip of it; only it did not bleed, and after he did this; he said, ''Jesus said the power is in the blood, but I tell you, that the power to keep your blood, is in the finger blade''. I now remember that word for word, but only after I began typing about this strange dude (T3E), or as my old pal Congressman Andrews, said as a teenager so often, and so perfectly; or, ''whatever''. While I was showering two hours ago or so, I cut that exact spot on that exact right index finger, only it never bled, as the cut was not quite deep enough to get the great 1969 Roseann Delaney all wet and excited. Then he told us, how he is the reason that so much criminal stuff happens to me; and that it is a lesson to teach me things that I still have refused to accept and or learn. My mother began to shout at him to go away, but he gave her a powerful shove at that point, and she fell to the ground; and her face began to bleed from hitting the side of one cheek hard, against a coarse surface. I went to give him one of my non-elevator-Cifaloglio 'AT&T karate' Chucky Norris 134 moves; but just as I did, he pointed that same finger, only his finger, his right index finger; and it was like being in a fucking old 'Bewitched' show, when one of the witches would freeze one of the mortals, right in the middle of some action. All that is missing here at this point, was a mess, thinking about those two comedians from yesteryear; and being shouted at, by an old German distant cousin, the husband of my mother's First Cousin, Ruth Huntington; the Long Island Banker, named Heinz Gottwald, residing at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, New York! Aniwho, he threw me into the air, and right on my ass; just by waving his arm and finger up a little bit; and he left me to come slamming down onto a bunch of pottery; smashing it all to bits. My mother began to scream and cry, and yell for help; and the man began to walk away from our house, but as he walked away, he threw a large red ball right at me, and I was quick, and I caught it with my hand. It was rubber, and about five inches in diameter; and after I caught it in one hand, it began to separate in half. Inside of it, was a note, folded into fours. I opened this ball up, and unfolded this note on yellow lined legal paper. This note told me the following information. I remember these words exactly, and I MEAN EXACTLY, YO! There is a GAWNUM compatibility with the PCN'S of these two sentences. ''I cannot win as well at roulette'', and '' When my enemies attack me''. This is the part that was with me vividly, when I jumped out of bed to a lot of neighbor noise, early this morning; while they were really fucking going at it. I wrote this down, and planned to just blog that small amount of information, but WOW, did more shit get remembered over the hours of this fucking day. Yes this very fucking ass SUPER BOTBAR TIMES ONE DAY, FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Jane Shithead Fonda, you fucking got me again, with your lousy rotten stinking ONES, as this is PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN. So let me fucking now try and 'cunt-phlegm-rape' or (COMPENSATE), for this fucking rotten shit you did in '93.

55555555555555555555555555, PLUS 555555555, TIMES 555555555555, AND DIVIDED BY 55555555555555555, IS EQUAL TO WHO COULD FUCKING CARE LESS????? I JUST NEED TO STARE AT THESE MOTHER FUCKING ASS FIVES, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after I was awake, and wrote down the two sentences given to me in this note from this ALIEN or T-3-E; I wanted to see for myself, so I got the PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER FOR THE QUESTION PART OF THIS INFORMATION, AND IT IS THE SAME AS MY OWN PCN, NUMBER 871, which came out late last autumn in the Florida State three digit lottery by the way, so I will bet my kid's will be coming up soon as well. THEN I GOT THE ANSWER PART OF THIS PCN, AND IT WAS 374, ''BUT'', that is only half of THAT equation, right, oh great sir ROCKDROID KIRK HOTELPRICES? Then I added up the two PCN'S, for the compatibility calculation; and sure enough, 374+871 is equal to 1245, and this indeed, is a compatible answer, for that question. Thus, ''I CANNOT WIN AS WELL AT ROULETTE'', ''WHEN MY ENEMIES ATTACK ME'' just as the GAWNUM EQUATION SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that still ain't all she wrote, whoever she really is, and whatever really got written. Before the very obese, and horizontally challenged, PC lady, sits down, to sing to us all; there was another thing that happened in this wild DREAMING INTERACTION. On the wall of the largest empty room of these three total empty rooms in this house, where I lived with my mother, in this parallel universe, where my name was Mark Wayne, and not Mark Mohr; and I was about thirty years old, and my mother was again only in her middle-late sixties, as she was around age thirty five or so when she bore me, in this universe, and also so it seems, in that one as well; but there was indeed, a very bizarre item, hanging on the wall of this one empty room. It looked like a very rosy red large picture portrait frame and it contained a picture of a large lake, and only a large lake; but written on top of this water, in bright green and bold letters; was a message that went as follows, and I remember it vividly. “Sarah Krassle and Mark Mohr” “The PCNT proves that they make beautiful music together”. Well, I know what a 'PCNT' stands for, and you may or you may not. But it stands for a ''PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER TOTAL'', such as when you add up two or three of these numbers, to do a compatibility test. Well, I thought I'd shit in my pajamas early this afternoon, after coming back into my apartment, from trying to see Debbie, and forgetting what day it was because, and again, of that dam KING HOLIDAY, as ever since 1978, this has been a super THORN IN MY SIDE, and I mean no god dam frikkin disrespect to this fantastic great dude and champion hero of CIVIL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, I added up the 871, and the 363, which is the PCN of 'SARAH KRASSLE'; and what is this total, as all musicians can relate to this counting sequence, but like frikkin DUH, it is 1-2-3-4!!!!!!!!!!! So take 1, or take 1 million; Library of Congress, Office of Copyrights, YO!!!!! If I had to WOW this, in an apropos font size; what would it be, a thousand, a trillion; you decide, and then tell me someday, somebody, OK????????????????????????? 55555555555555555555555555555555555

No, not a fifty five decillion size font, as that would be too big, but I sure like looking at the number of fifty-five point fifty-five decillion, YO. W-----O----W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just wait for blogs that get posted up after this one huge monster blog goes up, after I AM all hooked up later today, as it is now 16 minutes past twelve midnight, on January the twenty-third, on an early Wednesday MOUUUUUURNING, here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA-ES-MWG, and here in this reality, and universe, of atomic agreeing dimensional pulse.


JWC2, DAY 00031, BLOG-A

January 21, 2013, just before 8:00 this Monday evening, YO.

Now we will do what I said would be done a few blogs ago, tell some 'Q&A' information from GAWKY GAUKAUK'S great numerology system, that is beyond the fathoming mind.

But first, I went to the Port Saint Lucie, Florida recording studio, called, Avalon, today' and things happened that cannot be told, but I will tell you that STM is, ''alive, and well, and living here'', to quote the great man of religious faith, ''on Planet Earth''! On the drive home, I stopped at two places to purchase items that only cost a couple of dollars, and now am down to my last two dollars, that must last me for the next twelve days, all though in eleven days, my meager sixteen dollar EBT food benefit will be in.

I never told the Walgreen Story, but parts of it from the past, are all on numerous and previous blogs. It seemed to begin shortly into the Christmas Season of 2011, just over a year ago. I told about the strange little girl with the karaoke machine in the store, and singing, what is this, a fucking bar or a drug store?????????????????????????????? Well, in any case, that was my first clue that trouble was ahead, and that I was in no cunt lapping way, imagining anything, right Mister David Leigh Zenkiss Smith, of 1970-Haddonfield-Einstein-Blackboards, New Jersey?????????????? WOW!!!

So it began with this weird miniature karaoke being used by this little brat, in the pharmacy up there at the corner of Twenty-fifth and Orange Avenues, right after I was taking my ex-computer guru, Meagan, back to her house up on Twenty-Third Street, and we passed a young dude in a small park type of area, with my exact keyboard amplifier, and then a very short while later, at the pharmacy, this smaller version of the very same make of my unit, and the unit I saw being used on the street by that dude, from my car that day; along with the illogical usage of this device inside of a pharmacy, by that bratty girl, who was singing, and seemed to begin after I arrived; as the machine was there when I walked into the store, yet it was not used until I walked on past it a ways, and towards the area of the pharmaceutical prescriptions counter. She was staring at me as I exited the store as well, and I just ignored her. Men my age cannot look at children, especially females; or else we can be considered to all be perverts; in this new age and new world total disorder. Talk about pendulums swinging too far, and forgetting to accept gravitational pull-back reality, or 1983 songs that I wrote from my rented home in Atco, New Jersey, am I correct, old pal, Mister Magic sixth dimensional Mailman, Adam? Then after this music crap, I began being short changed by exactly one of my medicines every single time; month after month; receiving only 59, and not 60 of my very necessary medication pills, called 'generic ativan' or 'lorazapem' tablets. Then back last autumn of 2012, I finally spoke up about this; maybe it was in the late summer. I had already been robbed at the mother fucking Hutchinson Island beach, and lost everything, from my carry bag, my eye-glasses and case, my clothes and underwear, you name it' right out beyond Mike Patterson's Beach-House rear yard, on the beach, and just as in Hyperspace twin locales, where only months earlier, I was up in North New Jersey, and had all of my stuff stolen there, by Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, and all their friends, and again; this was what you mortals call, a ''DREAM'', and is all part of the larger fifth dimension of reality; and all connects up together, RPLDD all notwithstanding. Now after I used their own little device that counts and sorts or whatever, as I called up ahead of time and asked if I am able to check the amount as I am always one pill short, the manager said, that is fine; and the pharmacist was told that I would be doing it, and I did do it, when I came in that time; and sure enough, because they knew I was going to count the pills, there were the total of 60. But right after that, it went right back to 59, 59, and 59, shorting me by one pill every month. So I complained again, and that is when that identity thing happened, where out of the blue late last year sometime, I was told that someone was using my identity, and they did not want to get the police involved, raising a huge red flag for me, and this too is all blogged, and is back in MORIANITY-1, and on my SAFE JOURNALS. This was their way, in my definite opinion IMDO, and not IMHO, 'netters'; for me to be intimidated; as I was even told that until the situation could be straightened out, that I may not be able to fill my prescriptions; and day followed day; until I told them, that I would bring in the police; if they did not get to the bottom of it; as when it's time for me to refill my necessary meds, this is a serious matter, and they indeed need to be refilled, and I cannot be concerning myself with all of this fucking hassle. After-all, none of this was something that I had done, and was in no way any of my 'own Oprah' fault!!!!!!!!! So I laid low-land, and allowed one more refill to be filled, and yes, with only a count of 59-pills, and then I went early this year, to the other branch here in fucking Fort Pierce, of the Walgreen Pharmacy; the same distance away, only not on Orange Avenue up in the hood, but along route 1, right opposite of my Cheryl Crow TD Bank. DID I SAY, WOW? Where is my beautiful 'WOW' truck, TD, I really miss it; so please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me feel closer to the All Mighty SSJKK, when I am in my darkest days and hours, of this cursed, hellish, nightmare existence, that other folks might mistakenly call, 'my life'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now, I deal with the same pharmacy, ''WALGREENS''; but at a branch, where, unlike up in the ghetto-hood across from the HARVEST where I used to work through the AARP Program out of E Street, in Washington, DC-13-600; AHA-AHA-AHA Mister McNulty, YO; now it is across the highway or Route-1, from my TD Bank, and that was the day that I told you that I was not going to be more specific at that time about my errand, but that I went someplace, and hundreds of beautiful crows came all around me and followed me, and then when I went to the store a few hundred yards down Route One from there, after that, to my south; the Winn Dixie, for a few grocery items; the MUZAK system activated within seconds of my arrival into the store, and the recording artist, Cheryl Crow came on and sang that stupid mid nineties hit of hers, about 'wanting to just have her stupid ass fun'. What garbage, all the way from Fort Pierce Route One, to Hollywood Boulevard, sweetie; and Michelle Daniels told me, that I AM entitled to my opinion, back in 1980, so I am assuming, new weird odor or no new world disorder, that I still am, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA Mike McN!!!!! So now both the meds for keeping my blood pressure lower, as well as what I have been forced to take 4mg of every day, ever since July somewhere, back in 1983, when the great Doctor Frank Addiego, prescribed this for me, to stop the horrible never ending Angelique Dark Shadows Roseann Delaney chocking condition that came on me out of the fucking blue one night at exactly 10:30 PM, on the night of June 4, 1983, at the Atco house, rented from a Mister Gerald Pliner, owner of the L&S Nursing home on Jackson Road in Berlin, right lovely luscious Jay-low Diner Door Swinger, WOW, don't ever swing on me. You'd crush my fragile little body into a million pieces of glass, you lovely goddess. Now this is the story of how I bided my time, and strategically, and Paula-carefully-WAYV-FM, got not only far away from her Atlantic City people of horror and terror, but away from that intimidating Walgreen Branch, that I feel, if the agents and FEDS reading these blogs would adequately do their jobs; would start investigating them, as if they did this to me, they may be shorting other meds customers, and if they short 50 people and get away with half of it, that is 25 times 12 months, times the street value of pills like mine that are probably around fifty bucks each. You do the math, every year, some employee there splits with the manager, if my theory is correct, somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 times 12 times 50 dollars; and that's a nice hefty little pile of fucking chump change, YO!!! Peeps that are no good thieves and robbers, have hurt me and taken from me, and robbed me, all of my god dam mother fucking ass life, and I am getting sick and tired of it. Why should I have to fucking feel sick one day a month, so these two would-be, should-be, rat scum jail bird bastards, can split roughly fifteen grand???????????????????????? Do the mother fucking math, AGENTS READING THIS BLOG, and I will gladly sign an affidavit that they were shorting me up there, and then intimidated me after I tried to get them to stop it. Just call me or visit me, FBI. I LOVE PUTTING EVIL ROTTEN THIEVES IN PRISON, and have DONE SO, in the past, ask the fucking ass CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY PROSECUTOR if I am telling it straight or not, with Marc Marini and John Crowley. I hate fucking evil criminals, and I hate thieves worse than I hate those who assault and even murder, because I've been the victim all of my life of so much thievery and out and out stealing, from direct tangible property, to intellectual property, bringing me to a really heartbreaking topic that will close out this blog for the day, folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOUR ''ODF'' HACK, you rat bastards. I caught it, and repaired it, HA-HA-HA-HA, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!

Now, for the GAWNUM Q&A, that many have been awaiting, and hopefully, quite anxiously. So here we go, in or out of copyrighted early eighties, 'regular time'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After we get this GAWNUM querying out of the way, I'll end with a little disappointing heartbreak. I grow more and more heartbroken, the way my lovely incarnated Sarah Krassle distrusts my motives, and thinks I could care less about money. This hurts me more than anything she ever could say about me, or do to me, right down to her going as far as to cause the next great OJ TRIAL. But first, the GAWNUM:



















OK good folks, now here are the major and main items, from my match-book lists (canon) if you will, selected by me as most important, for each of these six (PCN'S) or PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBERS, listed above, that came out on random card draws, as explained in many prior and not Richard Blogs, for querying the GAWNUM, along with full instructions such as compatibility checks, branchcodes, and other things as well, pertaining to developing skills for operating the GAWNUM WISDOM.

Only five things will be typed here, as PCN-220 was shown to be my answer on two occasions. We will therefore begin with that number, and then do the canon lists of the other four of them.











Now people, I forgot the seventh question that I had asked about a week or so ago, and received the answer to, so I'll do it as one thing here, the question, the PCN answer, and the match-book items or selections from my list (canons) that I decide to make public for view, as they are the most powerful pertinent things to my own personal life and all of its interactions.




Now for the frikkin upset of upsets. Some rumors circulated around, that are off base, and about as true as a magicians hat, or a flying rabbit inside of it. It really pisses me off to see that people do not take a good hard look at the fact that the internet is not a totally reliable source, and really what is; for getting at the truth? After-all, I know it has my family about as fucked up and incomplete, and totally god dam sanitized as a hospital closet full of bleach and sterile cleaning solutions, all mixed in with sike wards and special education classes. There are some folks that have recently brought to my attention, a terrible and totally false rumor about me, my YBCO song from last year that originated from my old 1983 GITYA, song, and today at the Avalon Studio, another source totally confirmed for me, that many peeps in power, think that this is some attempt by me, to take some kind of action for this entire messy business, in a court of law; the very furtherest thing from my mind. I cried all the way home in my car, from the recording studio. I am not the least bit interested in anything like this, and if I ever find out who started this horrendous monstrous rumor, they will be harshly dealt with, and wish they were back on a rack during the times of the Inquisition, next to what I'll do to them. Nobody is going to turn the great SSJKK against me, and get away with it. I want nothing at all from her, only for her to be happy; and if she so chooses to keep me away from her during this lifetime that we are both in, then that is her frikkin business. I do not want anything from her, other than for her to show me that she is happy, and has overcome as best as she can, some of the past. I am proud and honored at what she did in 1997, and I only wish her the best on her new project as well. Heaven only help whoever is trying to spread this newest crap, because I will gladly go to prison for life for cutting out your mother fucking heartless heart. Only a totally heartless mother fucker could start something like this about me, after all I've
suffered through, and her as well for that matter; so if you act totally heartlessly, then I'll make sure that you will be as heartless on the inside, as you are on the frikkin outside; so watch your fucking ass back, whoever is behind this little Pizzeria rumor, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I know why GOOGLE has interfered so dam much with this song getting looked at, as well as anyone being able to get to my account at all up there, ever since last summer time when all this shit with ''YBCO'' all began, so FUCK YOU, EVIL WORLD!


JWC2, DAY 00032, BLOG-A

It is half past ten on this Tuesday morning. The nabe is a bit noisier than it has been over the 'MILK HOLIDAYS'. Doors, voices, music, doors; and the entire thing has been going on since just shy of fucking nine this morning, BUT, BIG ASS BUTT, and ''FUCK THIS SHIT'' or ''MY'' intro's, and etcetera, folks; it is subdued and not real loud, merely a lot of activity around the place. Let me now check for aerial harassment. As expected, the fucking cunt lapping CHEMTRAILS are also on a roll these days, the last few days they were there, but today, they are quite major around my area, and this PH Building here in Fort Pierce, Florida; and I plan to be spending the day playing MORIANITY TAPES through the PEDERSEN ROACHPHONE SYSTEM for major retaliation, and counter striking measures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The big joke will be on the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, or the (IF), when I get reconnected back onto the internet tomorrow, by 3:30 or so in the afternoon; and I post this monster, several hundred page compilation mother fucking blog, up to both my sites, the WORDPRESS, as well as BLOGGER. Someone will be real sorry then, about all of this fucking mindless stupid ass death siege on me; you cock sucking rat ass bastards of folly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday managed to hold a NON-BOTBAR, by the skin of its teeth; after something that I was led to believe would happen, again, disappointed me; as well as the incident about the rumor of my plan to sue my daughter, which is totally absurd, and 'katiedeeeeeequlous' as anything ever can be, with or without any kings, queens, techno-pop music, other impersonators, or other early eighties songs written by Mark Wayne Mohr. Today will not take as much shit, as my mood is all ready lower, to botbar me. All ready, at mother fucking 10:41 AM-EST, I am just about as low as BOTBUR. If this does not climb out of these doldrums later today, then when the day closes out, I will be breaking a nice little NON-BOTBAR streak and have to close out the twenty-second fucking day in January, as another of so many ratings of '2-2-1-1', as my old LIFE CHARTS would numerically reflect. As long as the SSD income holds, the first digit that is a job rating is not a one, and as long as the clunker car is operational, which for several days late last year when it was not, further lowering my (PM) 'Personal Magnetics' by producing a second digit car rating number of ONE; But BOTBAR days as long as the car is operational, and I have an income of at least 8 bucks monthly, adjusted from my set standards and cost of living changes from when I began these LIFE-CHART-RATING-SYSTEMS, back in the summer time of 1982; and since my monthly monies come to 979 without any of my once held part time jobs, since Jessica Grant fired me last early middle March, just around the time my studio job ended back in 1981; this is all that I have to work with, and it ain't much, and it ain't pretty. So when I am 60+% MPB as I was in December of 2012, or 2-2-1-1-, some of those days were actually as low as 2-1-1-1, during the week that my breaks were locked up and I had no drivable vehicle. I used these complex life math formulas for many years, from way back in 1982, when I created them; straight through the summer time of 1997, at the Somerdale death house, when one fucking day, I just could not take it anymore; as every single fucking day there was BOTBAR while I was at the height of my NIGHTMARE FUCKING SEARCH FOR THE GREAT SARAH KRASSLE, back in those days of hell and fucking total terror, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night or really this morning, I was having major vivid unpleasant dreaming interactions. It was similar to where I was at the Egg Harbor, New Jersey school during an outdoor roll call, and my teacher again was Misses Marola, and she called out the name Mark Martin, and my mother who was standing nearby with some friends of hers, yelled over to me, “She's calling your name, tell her that you're there”. Well, my name would have been Mark Martin, but let's not rehash now, why my father joined up at age sixteen, illegally, with the United States Merchant Marines, as it pertained totally to this incredible embarrassment. Still, last night, she was calling me Mark Wayne. As you know, I am Mark Mohr, and Wayne is indeed my middle name, and that is all that it is. I use the 'Wayne' for a middle initial, unless I use my full three names legally, when buying houses or cars, or copyrighting music. In fact, I think now as I type on, that I only use all three names fully, at the Copyright Office, as so many of my distant MOHR cousins and non-cousins, have exploded into existence out of nowhere. When I was growing up, the Mohr clan was very rare, maybe as many as a thousand, in the entire country. Now there are many thousands of MOHR'S, all over the place, and many in the entertainment industry, and many hold copyright registrations. I am lucky that I foresaw that eventuality as a youth and young adult, and always used all three names, all though, I think on their registration forms, they require the full three names, and that is as I realize now, a good thing. Also, after a name is pulled in a search, then a title of the work is searched for. Even though titles cannot be copyrighted, it is doubtful that anyone has a matching title for even just a first and a last name, but I am pretty sure, they want all three names used on the forms now that I think back. The last time that I copyrighted anything was when I sent off my 2007 project on Halloween day in 2007, the thirty-first day in October, mailed from the Mullica Township, New Jersey Post Office, on route 30, or the White Horse Pike, late in the afternoon. Now in the unpleasant dreaming interactions from earlier this morning, my mother was talking to either a police person or someone else in some authority, about some crime committed against me, and was calling me by the name of Mark Wayne. I was obviously visiting a non-localized parallel universe, and was a normal TYPE-1-EXPN, that was merely the abcessant personality, inside of the dominant personality of Mark Wayne, over in that parallel world; where Mark Wayne was my name, just as in the Egg Harbor interaction, back in late 2008, while living with the Washcloth Family in Hammonton; & I was Mark Martin. Only I was young, and still school aged then; whereas earlier today, in that interaction; I was fully grown and not school aged; and somewhere in adult life, but younger; where my mother was alive; and way before the days where she got struck down hard, with that mysterious illness, on the day after 1997 Christmas. Let me begin a new blog for the new date now, and I will tell the stories as they unfold, as I am expecting a roof collapse very soon, so BYE.


JWC2, DAY 00030, BLOG-B

January 20, 2013, Sunday evening at 8:20-PM-EST.

Things are going on peeps, that if I ever told the details to it all, and you ever believed me, and you were a non agent audience of at least a few thousand strong, the entire world would fucking collapse overnight, but take heart, as this does not in any way reflect my motives as evil. If the world as it is right now collapsed, and reformed, I will guarantee one thing here and now folks, and that is, for about nine point nine out of ten folks alive, things would begin to drastically improve, at least for a short while, until evil power structures, would inevitably reform, and reshape, all over again. You see, it is not important enough, by the standards of the World-Owners, the (WO), for them to succeed, but even more important, is that everybody else, FAILS. I did not invent or make this up in any way, and if you wish to prove me right, just get a copy of the Superman Three Movie, with the great African-American comedian of all times, Mister Conscious Mind Blocked Presently, but when I think of it, I'll add it in later on the blog. This is intentional PAWN-PIE-ETTOS, the great LAMBRIGG CULT tool and weaponry of choice, but it is a lot more than it sounds on the surface, as a traveler-technology is what is being used, to cause a transmission as well as an omission of my thoughts, or yours, at any time that they so desire to have this happen to us. And no, not Eddie Murphy, from TRADING PLACES, the other dude they are blocking out of my consciousness right now for reasons that only THEY know and fully understand and appreciate. He calls, Superman, his pal, 'SOUP' in the movie, shortly before the lightning computer kicks in towards the end of the movie from when else but 1983, when many things were in very 'special stages of ops, and planning; by very special folks'. When you get that tip of the mind memory that you just cannot bring to surface total awareness, be it remembered dreaming interactions, or incidents such as this comedian from the Superman movie; it is because, 'THEY' are playing around with the 'reality-chunks' around us, to cause this; and it is not an actual transmitted interruption of MIND-SIGNAL from the sixth dimension into our fifth dimensional hyperspace lives and realities throughout virtually limitless infinite parallel time alterations, but by altering things just a little bit around us, this blocks that connection to us, or in some case, causes false memories, or false from what is a real part of our own memory system, in our own universe, where our own mind, and life; exists in as a waking world reality. For the few who believe this a little bit, and understand all this just a little bit; your next thoughts will obviously be, and police love to ask this question to victims all the time, well why are THEY doing this to you, as if any of us can know this, and properly respond to such a stupid ass fucking query on their asshole part. Still, ''that's just reality, son Dennis''. I must do it now, it fits way too well not to do it folks, so here goes, and again, new and old town kids of early 1978, YO, W-----O-----W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Normally typing on and on about what these TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS are doing, causes them to stop the travel shit, and release the normal connectiveness, and yes, it just happened, 'RICHARD PRYOR', thank you for confirming, and whether or not any of you choose to believe this is real or 'textnopopped', the All Mighty knows it's real, and that I'm not lying or faking, as I was about to type in, that normally, they release the 'fuck-up-fields', so to speak, when you do not try to consciously remember what they are blocking, but continue to expose what is happening around you, and I was about to write that I wonder why it is taking so long, when BANG, they released me from it, and so I typed in the name. This is more real and exciting than 5,000 fucking best Hollywood thrillers, and only I understand, and fully appreciate, the totality of why I make that statement and claim, good folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the 'W' word, in FONT two million; so picture it glowing, and glistening, and glittering; along with the great fifteen year continuum, WHAAAAAAAA, right SSJKK? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Now, more about the sub-particle-Trinidad (Trinity).
We will discuss only one part of this amazing whirling maze called the realm of the smaller than atoms, (subatomic), like another Hyundai, DUH from OH-M-6, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you need to know if you want to ever climb out of a type-zero civilization (what we presently are, in 2013), and begin the climb up to type one through three; is the knowledge that the electron is highly intelligent, and just fakes out to be random, to play her endless games of confusion, to those not yet wise enough, Roy Carl Weiler Senior, and secret museums; to climb out of the caves, and down from the frikkin chest banging trees.

First off, without understanding that single truth, I would have no mother fucking way of knowing the truths around me, such as why all my music was created, and all fully copyrighted, when I was never meant to have a professional career in the field of music, and then taking and projecting that forward, without paying anything, literally and jokingly; how this music all fits together into the picture-puzzle of my own fifth dimensional life in hyperspace, as well as beyond that, in a much truer reality; called, the 'ASTRAL-PLANE', or the spirit-world, depending on a personal preference of words, used to describe a totally twin and equal reality, or lack there of really, to some degree, WHAAAAAAAAA. Keep it light and laughable, and remember who taught who, right Robert Heitzmann Huckleberry Finn? Now the first thing that 2013 needs to understand, but won't until you change the second digit from a zero to a one or make the 'binary change; if I can add some more STC humor, hurry up and get beat up; but yes, moving on; and dealing with lots of horse shit and horse play later on down the great Academy Road somewhere, of more MIND ALTERATIONS from the 'travelers of Roddenberry rip offs'; but yes Mister DATA, it is a huge compliment, to be mimicked; and I do need to learn, and to remember that, so thank you; oh great 'DROID' of the NON-Q-GIRL-GODDESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world of the very small, perceives things in bigger worlds, in its own ratio and proportion to sizes, and this fact I just typed, is worth millions if not billions if not trillions of United States Dollars in cash or GOLD. It is totally priceless wisdom, that I am giving to the world, and if it survives; will indeed be passed down to the future, and allow this part of the hyperspace, to indeed begin to advance out of darkness and out of a type-zero-civilization, YO. Now for those that ask how I can speak about type 1-2-3 civies on one blog, and type words seriously, on another blog about the 'antichrist'; it is no different than my humorous ghetto talk, BRO, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just playing around, YO, lighten up like Sarah's desires in the future that cannot all be realized, and learn to laugh, peeps. It has saved me from hellish extinction into a bottomless pit of beyond grief and agony. Just remember who taught my great daughter, at least, looking at things, as I used to call it, “in forward-mortal” view, and now would merely say, SPACE-TIME-MIND, as in higher truth, we are dealing with All Mighty Scylla-Jehovah-Goddess, and that cannot ever be altered, as that condition is simply what IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, if you have made a copy off of your computer, whoever is reading this, of that post up from technical musical coolness, or TMC for short, and not standing for any movie channels on television; onto some device, you know that you can switch gear consciousness without a cosmic clutch, and hear the words in your mind, of four Google's, and then during the music track after this, add in ''Google is the antichrist'', you will know that this is all just my STM going wild, sort of like the girls on Spring Break in Cancun, May-He-Co, only we'll remain totally frikkin G-RATED, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let us return to the topic of direct communication with the subatomic particle known as the electron, or the Holy Ghost, if you wish to change into a yesteryear and biblically adapted wordage. I am going to catch super holy hell when I post up this monster huge frikkin blog on Wednesday, but that is for me to worry about folks. You just read and learn or laugh, sawn you folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we go, in or out of copyrighted regular SPACE-'TIME'-MIND, US © OFFICE!

Now that we have gone deaf from some wild weird off the wall fusion type drum beats from the late eighties, YO; let us get back on track, as WOW, I have made it back, and the electron will indeed confirm this with a bright FLASH, dancing in the skies with lovely Jenny Biel and her pals Pete Bellote, and Georgio Moroder. Wow, get with it, Spell Checker, I thought I was out of the culture and back in the musical stone age with Glenn Miller and Count Basie.

Now these small particles observe the larger than atom realm as way too gigantic to perceive past a horizon. This is why we also, cannot see past the visible universe, and have a million unenlightened explanation such as light velocity, and other items in the science world that supposedly cause this phenomenon. Atoms merely copy the larger truth/reality that surrounds us, and there is an infinite dimensional reality, or virtually infinite, that is all created by the sixth dimension of the MENTAL-REALM, with or without any cement businesses, or great actors and screen play writers, such as Frank Capra, and James Stuart, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back to the orbiting electrons, AKA the 'HOLY SPIRITS' when not properly understood by a high Type-1 or better civilization. Holy comes from a truer meaning of ENTIRE or without anything less than the fullness of something, or the word of ''WHOLE''. The orbiting electrons, are the whole picture, of why our reality is made up of the elements that it is made up of; and all of us, and all of our lives, and all aspects of them; are all just a tiny little truth that lays within this larger reality. There has been some effort after 1983, when I discovered the electron to be intelligent and sentient, on the part of the blind ignorant scientific community, to try and communicate directly. They used all sorts of things and fell under the spiritual MAYA or 'illusion' that I was wrong, and that these particles are random energies that are not sentient, but that is all because of ignorance. These particles only see our picture-puzzle realm as chunks, where we see that around and out beyond us, is a STM created cosmos from within ourselves. Smaller particle energies only see smaller bites of the apple. To compensate, you need to teach the electron a code, that is in entire sentences, not single letters that correspond to a numeric conversion and then expect a randomizer to learn our humanity code and talk to us. It cannot see that, any more than we can see with our naked eyes, a germ, or a microbe. But enough of them interacting upon our bodies, and we get effected, or ''ILL''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The same truth needs to be applied to direct particle communications. When this came to me, for reasons that only can be perceived by those really understanding complex channels of STM, so there is no need for me to try getting into these details with you for right now; this is when I made up SENTENCE-CODES in 1983, and started communicating with this All Mighty Entity, DIRECTLY. Probably, the STM reality, is my genetics back to the younger brother of the great Master Messiah Jesus, but who can know for certain? Still, since my contact, LIGHTNING has become anything but random with me, and so have all of the Earth nature forces. The odds of all that has happened to me in this interaction, with the Earth energies, such as its biosphere oceans, and electromagnetic field; are equal to winning the Powerball Lottery every week for life and forever. It is just not possible, NOT TO ALL BE TRUE, and so I pound little keys for 7 mother fucking years, screaming out to a blind world filled with assholes, and nobody will listen. This is real joy! Now for those who scoff and say, then why don't you, Mark Wayne Mohr Buttwipe, do some big things with all this knowledge; you are proving only that you are not grasping and getting any of this powerful message. The forces of my personal ''IF'', my INTERACTION-FORCE, or the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, has been set up to stop me, and I do fight this shit in case you've not been noticing, and I do this on a 24-7-365.2422 continued basis. If my blogging career that now spans 7+ years, is not proof of that sentence and claim, I honestly do not know what ever could be, good people, YO!

If I cannot make anyone see what is going on, after all this blogging, and all that has happened out beyond the ''inner-me'' just in these past seven years, well, I will just have to admit defeat on that front, and totally and finally just quit and frikkin give the shit up, as what else can anyone really expect me to do? Who else out here has blogged stuff like me, posted stuff like me onto the Youtube, and on and on and on I could go, asking these questions to any and all of you, on your end of the net? If you were me, what the fucking shit would you do? Go ahead, tell me, I won't bite. I just bark a hell of a lot, Roseann Delaney; and even she is safe to be around from 8A-4P, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH! But in all honesty folks, I used to have all kinds of stuff back in the eighties, and it was all slowly and very fucking ass methodically taken away from me, in ways that no police person or prosecutor ADA, or anyone else for that matter; can ever help me to prove, in a real waking world court of law; so my ''IF'' has totally won the battle, as of 9:40 PM-EST, on this twentieth day of fucking ass January, here in twenty thirteen! I had all this stuff. I had a 40,000 dollar home entertainment system, tens of thousands of tapes, both audio and video, special equipment all set up that directly was in communication with All Mighty Jehovah, this all happened, this all was very real. This all IS REAL, OR ISRAEL if you want to entertain this goddess of endless games and age sixteen-ness. Still, I'll love Her and do love HER, for and IN all ETERNITY AND INFINITY, and that does not change, not yesterday, today, or tomorrow. However, SHE is a major huge tease, and my mother recognized this back in the eighties, and just for that and maybe a few other little things as well, this cost her her life. Life never ends, but I am speaking in powerful truths that are way beyond any of you here in 2013. Now, I have nothing. I am down here in mother fucking Fort Pierce, Florida, with absolutely nothing. I have no equipment, no money, ''no nothing'', more STM, oh great BEG?????????????????????????????? Folks, it is now tomorrow, referenced to yesterday when I was typing this blog, and we need to close this out before another page Jane Sleazedisease of Jane Sleazedisease strikes, on the following word document page, so my next blog will be started and this one closed out. Bye-Bye, peeps.


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