Monday, September 17, 2018


SEPTEMBER 17, 2018,












For a couple of days, I was in some pain with my right foot. I tried switching chairs at my computer work station, and it caused me to keep raising my foot. I woke up all through the night with sharp shooting pains it the dam foot, and slowly it lessened, and most of the past twenty-four hours, it is gone all together. That was a major pain in the ***-foot, if I do say so myself, kind people! On top of that, it has been low nineties in temperature with blazing high humidity, and this is supposed to keep right on going for most of the month, with a feels like temp in the range of a buck and a damn nickle.

Let me tell you another thing that has me about as urinated off as a tongue in an operating toaster oven! Many of the products that I enjoy eating, are being removed from store shelves, one right after another, Federal Trade Commission! To list the few that have me about as hopping frosted mad as a testicle decapitation victim, are as follows, in case any government agency is at all interested, as is listening in, well, I know you are here, no doubt about Miss Chillie and all of her ham-radio operator friends from the early nineteen-eighties, YO!

    1) Swanson Chicken Ala king-------------------2) Seabrook frozen Creamed Spinach--------- 3) Canada Dry Bitter Lemon Soda-------------- 4) Snow Caps Candies---------------------------

And there are other goddamn things too!!!!

Yes sir/mahm great peeps, every time it gets to be my father's freaking birthday, POW, BANG, ZAM, ADAM BATMAN WEST!!! I GET CLOCKED with persecution and death siege, oh great FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, YO YO YO YO BRAH!!!

I plan to leave COMCAST just as soon as my two year contract with them is up. They took away my “STUDDER-TONE VOICE-MAIL FEATURE”, and insist it is my fault and that the problem is on my end, when clearly IT IS NOT, FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION!!!!!!!!!!

Now a little bit more on 'dreaming', verses having dreams, as well as where exactly all of these interactions are truly taking place. Dream-downs off of the Purgatory or what MORIANITY calls the Plankatory, all begin in those extra-weird (non-local) parts of the hyperspace. Hyperspace is a fifth dimensional fabric that contains the multiverse or metaverse or whatever name that the scientists call the containment of all of the parallel-universes, where ours is merely one of a virtually limitless group of them. This is always where the majority of the extremely scarey and disjointed things appear to be what our lives are really all about. Now as the distant parallels of reality eventually begin filling up, the closer-in local-parallels of the (HS) hyperspace, such as our 'WAKING WORLD REALITY' begin to gradually wiggle through the hyper-reality. Still, the powers that exist in the disjointed and distant hyperspace (HS), make their presence known in these local waking worlds. Now humankind and all of their religions and systems of religion greatly desire for all of this to make some sort of perfect rational sense. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, the reality of it all, with or without coworker and ex-pal, Mister Dennis Snyder, is that NOTHING MAKES SENSE, NOR DOES IT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE, and NOTHING is trying to help us (human-kind), or hurt us either, for that matter. The simple yet unfathomably powerful truth here is that the NUCLATRON (GOD) (SSJKK), spit us all out, in a developmental timed-program, and IT could care totally damn less about any of us. The truth here would make everyone wish to go into a private room and cry like little freaking babies for ten straight hours, but I'll say it aniwho. Imagine an almighty teenaged girl who lives quadrillions of years all on her sixteenth birthday, and on one of these many countless days, she decides to build a toy called us, and she falls in love with us and it really does matter to her, but alas, she gets totally bored and sick to tears with the entire matter long before ten of her minutes ever passes her by. When I have been with her, she loves to fly kites, play with large chains, and tease the hell out of me. She loves parties, naming things, counting things, and creating things. To attempt to describe SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE beyond this, would be a total waste of my time and effort and energy, and yours as well, kind folks! The powers and FAWCES that influenced the great SYFY RODDENBERRY TEAM, to create that awesome television show called, “STAR TREK”, seemed to be well informed of this being, as She surrounds our Milky Way Galaxy (MWG) with her negative polarized great pink energy, hence my description of HER ever since seeing this for the first time on a color television set, back around 2012 or thereabouts somewhere, “PINK GODDESS”!!! Only a few top open minded people who are skilled in science with PhD's in Astrophysics and other similar scientific disciplines, believe totally and one hundred percent, the words spoken here in my MORIANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes people, I know for a total fact, that in HER GREAT CITY of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, which is Astral Plane lingo for the 'CITY OF THE GREAT SARAH KRASSLE', SHE loves to play games and she absolutely loves to fly a very special kite that I gave HER for HER 16th birthday. Every nano-second forever and ever is of course, HER 16TH BIRTHDAY. That's just the way things work in the great Plankatory!!!

Let us now take a look at the HUNTINGTON CURSE and how this mighty and outlandish family, connects into all of this stuff; my kind people. I discussed in my dozen and a half plus year blogging project, AKA MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM 3, a term and label called by me, the founder and creator of Morianity, the PITSY. This stands for Port-In-The-Storm-Years. It is all about the lifetime that Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr is currently existing in physically, here in waking life, in this particular universe of 5th dimensional hyperspace, or 11th dimensional bi-polarity super-string fabric; and the few tiny years out of so many years of total unbelievable misery, where a small break from all of the hell, seems to somehow manage to surface. 1954 was the year of my birth in this current lifetime. The three 'PITSY YEARS' as of 1995, appeared to be, 1969, 1980, and 1994. I had thought in 1995 to have worked out a pretty damn cool mathematical formula for why this was indeed happening to me. It then predicted that in the year of 2011, my next Port-In-The-Storm-Year would come. In a way it did come, and just much smaller than in those three prior ones. I will not totally count it out, because I honestly thought that just maybe, some very powerful information that Lightning Goddess Diana had told me back in the early nineties, was going to be more than what it was. She told me that some beyond incredible and beyond bizarre event would occur, but that it would not really alter my personal life in ways that could be measured by normal ordinary mortal humankind. She, unfortunately was totally, absolutely, 100% was correct. I speak of learning that I had a 38 year old daughter, in the year 2008. Let's not get any further into that horrendous nightmare for now, or I might drown in dishwasher liquid twice over, while chanting those magical words of 'Neo-ho-rengay-key-oh'! But moving on and getting back to cases here, kind people: It was 1994. B4I go on, Mortimer Mortino the death angel is passing by my left side at six minutes shy of three in the Ante' Meridian. He is extremely mother puking annoying! Yes, so it was 1994, as I was saying. I was living at the Highview GWPOS Apartments, in Williamstown, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and had moved in the first week in April, staying there until the final week in August of 1996. I was in the tedious process of reestablishing my credit, and was doing a very good job. I had amassed an unfathomable huge available personal credit line by middle 1995 of well over a hundred freaking grand! I was driving a brand new Saturn Automobile that I purchased on the Moon-Landing day, July 20, 1994, LSD-YEAR after the actual one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind; oh lovely Serena Sutherland of L&O! No giant slices for me, NOT YET, gorgeous! Yes so here I am with a brand new life, new residence, new car, brand new great personal credit, you name it. This indeed was a great PITSY, as was 1980 before that, and 1969 before that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOO, Mister Arthur Crane, from 1991, kind sir and pal, and SURVIVAL OF PAULA KING'S ATTEMPTED CAR HOMICIDE ON US; now that the great HUNTINGTON CURSE was again in danger of being messed with by any potential success or happiness for me whatsoever, HALLS FAWCES had to go immediately to work in hyper-drive hypertime overtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There had to be a MASTER PLAN so that they could wipe out and totally annihilate any chance for my happiness and success and the end of the HUNTINGTON CURESE. To quote the great DISCO-DIVA DONNA SUMMER, my LAST CHANCE and my last dance, HAD TO BE TERMINATED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE! There was no Miss Chillie here, and there ain't no doubt about any of this stuff, Mister Pig Crap Bob Gagnus of Philly! HALLS FAWCES were just waiting in the wings, just as they were when I left the Cooley High Hell Hall of Haddonfield, New Jersey, USAESMWG, at the end of January in the year of 1973. LIKE FREAKING WOW JOANNA. Jeepers Creepers and gee willagars. They just had to wipe my life out not once, but twice. The final chance for me to have any tiny bit of happiness and success on this goddamn planet, POOF, gone. The first time was just all sorts of zillions of evil monstrous things that they did to me and they were on me like black flies on a damn July's garbage truck! But this time, my second and final opportunity, oh no, they had to have a really fantastic master plan to do me freaking in, and what was it? What else? It was SARAH! A part of my life that I had reassigned to my juvenile days, and had totally forgotten. But no, these FAWCES had to create dreams and nightmares and flashback memories, and then the entire **** in Atlantic City! Hey I'll give them an 'A' for brilliant ******* genius, kind peps and peeps, and wonderful folks out there, from lovely Mother Russia to all points around the damn loving galaxy!

Yes, in one super fantastic quintessential fell swoop, KAPLOW, bye-bye to any chance for any happiness or any peace of mind for the MOUNTAINPEN, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!

You really have to see these HALLS FAWCES as absolutely brilliant and ingenious, you really mother ******* do. Only looking back at it all can I truly see how awesome and twisted and sick beyond a billion trillion vigintillion piles of dead puke and dog diareah! Oh yes sir/mahm, Sarah, Paula, Patty-Stacey-Melanie, WHATEVER, Congressman Andrews, just like you always said to me back in the summer time in the year of 1975, old pal. WEEEEEEEEEEE! All of this led me straight from what should have been a blazing successful future for me, right smack dab into a $340,000.00 personal bankruptcy! Real clever and smart, this entire mother ******* SARAH matter!!!!


Yes people, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, 100% totally and completely. I just hope these mother ******* bastards feel like total super heroes! Boy oh boy oh boy, aren't they wonderful, destroying a poor underclass underprivileged poverty stricken special education student. Must make somebody and somebody's mom real proud. Oh yes folks, I wonder how Haddonwood's 'Trump-boy' is doing these days, and his lovely mom?

Oh the dangers of so many things, from powerful ocean storms to greedy fishermen on Stone Harbor, New Jersey jetties! In any event, danger exists in so many things, and “many people go through their lives with blinders on, or at least with rose colored glasses”, to quote my great and later father, Mister Wayne Landis Mohr, 5th grandson of world famous Father-Mohr, of 'Silent Night'! But getting back to dangers in 'general', and no 'breakdowns', from the days of magical throat specialists and magical medications, that pill-mill, and State-AG Pam Bondi, hates so much. If karma is real and I doubt that it is at least not in the way that the psychics believe that it is, but IF, one day, she or someone that she loves, will suffer with some similar horrendous nightmare, and some vicious prick will come along to make her life a living goddamn hell, just as she made mine, sheriff Mascara, sir, and last time I checked, this is America, and I'm mother ******* permitted to speak my mind and tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back now on pernt, Mister Archibald Queens Bunker sir, THE DANGE OF NUKES giving eventual programmed birth to the element of carbon, and then to sentient life beings that exist physically; is that WATER ALWAYS SEEKS ITS OWN LEVEL, to quote another late and great person and an old pal of mine, Mister David Charles Roth. Let me explain just what I mean here kind folks! Once here as sentient carbon based beings (the human race), we eventually begin to develop and interact with the invisible world of 'electronics'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't underplay these words my brothers and sisters, or you'll prove to be the biggest fools in the metaverse, I promise you. Now this will then go on to become the slow and tedious process of “THEM” operating and existing THROUGH US as the controllers and of a remote-control physical army of drones. THAT WAS THE FORBIDDEN AND INCREDIBLE KNOWLEDGE that was imparted more than half a dozen centuries ago, to the great world famous philosopher, Mister William Shakespeare, with his well known statement that ONLY HE truly knew the absolute power behind it, “All the world is a stage, and all the people are only the actors in the play”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laugh until you turn shades of greenish freaking purple for all I care. I am telling you a powerful reality and truth, lads and lassies, YO YO YO YO YO YO! You see kind folks, I personally came to fully understand all of this, as a result of my unfathomable interactions IN THE WORLDS OF ELECTRONICS, ever since my goddamn early boyhood. SSJKK knows I am telling only the mother ******* truths here, folks!

I have been either blessed or curses, with the very unique viewpoint and horizon, depending on who may be viewing these writings and these truths that are being told to this world on this blog called MORIANITY, of watching humanity innocently falling quite rapidly into the great cosmic bear trap. Only here, the bear is not some wild and vicious powerful animal, but rather combinations of infinitesimally tiny subatomic particles, and stringed-together dots of energy, that are the forces behind them. These entities exist in all five dimensions of a fabric of a sort, as one reality, so both time as well as parallel reality is quite meaningless to these entities or HALLS-FAWCES, that lay well hidden behind the OZ-CURTAINS. Now just as all of reality itself, is literally moved and carried along, at approximately six-hundred-seventy million miles per hour out away from itself in every possible direction, continuously and virtually forever; by one electron literally speaking to another electron, which creates what is called a photon; literally describing in every possible complex detail, describing it much as an artist describes his or her work and then makes it appear on a sound recording or a picture, or some similar medium; reality now moves along by becoming a photon wave, not all that different that a photocopy machine makes a copy of a sheet of paper and what is printed onto it. So also, on a scale so tiny that no one could ever imagine it, these tiny signal dots as I call them, ALSO PLAY A COSMIC MUSICAL SONG. This of course is the general and basic idea and principle of PARTICLE STRING THEORY! What only a handful of people seem to grasp in my time period here on this little blue marble called the Earth Planet, is that one very large fabric surrounds a singularity. Then space, time, and a multiplex of realities or universes that contain space and time, or as we now call it Space-Time, and Morianity has labeled it even truer as SPACE-TIME-MIND, is ejected on opposite sides of this great hole, but both of them are on their own separate fabrics, as they need to be since they run out on opposite polarities. The five dimensions are L, W, D, T, and H. They are on opposite sides and they contain opposite magnetic polarities. So this is why there are really eleven dimensions in the String System, the one fabric that both of these five-dimensional fabrics are situated on, so that is two fives or 5X2=10, and then the great fabric containing both, only on opposite sides so they never touch. So 10+1=11, and is why there are eleven dimensions. But Lawtronics will eventually force both of these expanding fabrics to begin to fall and drop down towards each other eventually. When this happens and they meet, this will cause the BIG BANG. So why then did the BIG BANG all ready happen. Because you are mortal, thinking like a human being, and insist on seeing linear time in what is called your conscious mind awareness!

Now I eluded to having a lot more information on some of the humans that are merely the actors and actresses in this cosmic Shakespearean play. I also said that without people in my corner who will trade protecting me from them and their evil, even though they really do not understand themselves why they endlessly perpetrate these evils upon me, I in return will tell things so powerful and beyond incredible, and prove it, that you won't know what the hell to do with it, to quote another non-pal person from the spring time of the year 1971, Mister John Gillerlain, and also from the mighty and wild Cooley Hall High Hell. But until somebody wishes to make this trade with me, my knowledge will remain forever buried with me. WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

This is the absolute worst summer that I have ever experienced in my entire life. Since late June right through nearly the end of this season now, it has been pure pure pure gega-HELL!!!

I had so many **** ups that I could not get over to the SHERIFF'S OFFICE so far this week, but definitely hope to later on this Friday and final week and work day!

Since my enemies are causing me so much unfathomable **** huffing pain and agony, let's discuss them. As soon as I typed that last sentence, and of course, like duh, my mouse is getting the hackasaw Stacey treatment, from the world of the 'early eighties' Jack-Attacks! Gee willagars and **** soup, I'm like totally shocked, as the kids might put it! WOW Joanna! And before we do this, sweet peeps out here; I will go over the events of the past four days of unadulterated ******* hell, September 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th. Fire alarms are too many to count or keep track of. Utility harassment is off the dial, mostly with the Comcast telephone, but with other things too. I put up with a major hassle when merely trying to reorder or refill my anti-anxiety prescription, and this is all a result of the scum bag narc-squad and their THREE-STOOGES TEAM, we all know and hate, at least on the “D” side of the aisle up there at Crapitol Hell, and that is Florida AG Pam Bondi Scumsleaze, Governor Prick Snott, and President D. J. Rump!

Not only did they totally **** up my telephone, but Mister Mike Patterson's telephone as well. Both our systems went down, and just at a critical time when we had some urgent business to discuss. AMERICA STILL, AS I HAVE SAID FOR A DOZEN YEARS NOW, IS THE EVIL EMPIRE. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, what is America? If you think I mean the America that used to exist back when I was in school, then you don't mother ******* know or understand the MOUNTAINPEN one little bit. Morty Mortino the death angel is passing by my right side, and has been annoying the pig **** out of me for so long now that I have lost count. For reasons I do not understand, he seems unable or unwilling to tap me on my shoulder, left or right side, and just continues to endlessly scan my position, day and night, year after year, and eternity after mother ******* eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now speaking of eternity, let's talk about HALLS damn FAWCES. Gene Roddenberry, who created the great TV-SHOW STAR TREK, and other great syfy writers such as those behind other greats such as STAR WARS, all tend to know some things that Morianity knows they could not know, unless they have been indirectly communicated with or what AAT peeps call (Alien-Contacted); and it's really just a matter of differing word choices. Still, even though it was Star Wars that Mister Hall was obviously referring to, when he spoke those words up there in Camden back around 1990 somewhere, “You must be in with the FAWCES”, all the great shows if you really are a fan, and if you have good retention, you know that they all seem to believe in these “HALLS-FAWCES”, and only one show gave it the name of “The Force”, but what is in a name, Rose Shakespeare?

What are HALLS FAWCES? In fact, 'let's get serious' here, Mister Jacksonlate, and move ahead thirty-five years into 2018. The forces or this force that is behind everything, or as stated in my 1996 song lyric, “Same force behind it all, SHE lives on Tennessee Street”. Well Paula King does more than live on Tennessee Street, she works right there, has a parking lot on the street, and a radio station called WAYV. I had no idea about any of that however, when I wrote those song lyrics back in late 1996; oh great and powerful United States Library of Congress Copyright © Office! Yes people, all joking aside, just what is REALLY happening here? Is there really a force or a power that exists, and to our human minds, we call that in our total ignorance, a 'singularity'? Is zero dimension really some all knowing and all powerful reality that none of us can ever hope to understand one tiny bit, now or ever? YES. Want a simple answer, you'll get one, lads and lassies. YES, I'll even repeat myself! There is absolutely no way that you or I (WE OF THE HUMAN KIND RACE ON THE WAKING WORLD PHYSICAL PLANE) can ever know or understand 0-D (Zero-Dimension) or as the Cern-Collider folks call it, the SINGULARITY! BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, the few people who HAVE INTERACTED in one way or another, with THIS GREAT FORCE; GALACTIC BARRIER, PINK GODDESS, call it ECK, GREAT SPIRIT, GOD, JEHOVAH, CHRIST, SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, or any other name you may ever wish to use; we should be listened to, and not ignored. Not the way that I have been anyway, by those Earthly powers and forces who manipulate and control this damn world. So why do Earthly powers keep me down and out and expend virtually unlimited time, attention, and energy, even right down to the expense of being with their own loving families? Simple answer here folks. They know who I am, 'THE CHOSEN TO SUFFER HUNTINGTON', passed down in this family line now for 2200 mother ******* years. Still, we are not exploring the Earthly powers on this writing today, but 'the FORCES', to almost quote the great Mister Hall. In zero dimension, not even the Plankatory exists. Nothing exists, 'nonexistence exists', the great oxymoron or maybe even the damn quintessential oxymoron. But it is not an oxymoron. Nonexistence is a reality that finite freaking minds such as all of us, and that is without exception, are unable to grasp this powerful concept or maybe said a bit better, this NEW-TRUTH. When zero dimension is acted on by the force of nonexistence, it creates Plank-time, or the plankatory as Morianity has coined the term. When the entities that eventually exist are there, they have always been there and will always be there, because that is the way things work in non-time dimensional existence. Looking at the universe around us, we cannot see truth, only zillions of extremely powerful illusions. When the entities of the plankatory dream out and away from their existence there, when exhausted by virtually infinite interactions, this becomes the nuclear universe we now are living in physically. But things did not come out in one place. They broke out in two separate fabrics around the great hole. One of them contains one charge of mass polarity while the other contains an opposite charge. Simply put, one in relation to the other one, has electrons that are positively charged and protons that are negatively charged. Thea fabric is like huge rolls of multidimensional carpets that cannot ever come together because the time or separation that continues to move, is moving in opposite directions. Someday perhaps trillions or quadrillions of years from now, these fabrics will begin to fall downward and even eventually slam into each other. This is where it all began, then, not with another big bang, but the original one. There are no multiple points of singularity which is why even the dummy scientists know that a controlled worm hole would literally erase out the distance or the space between them. Even the smartest guys on TV today, still see the whole damn thing as mortals always do, in a linear reality. The universe will end someday. Believe that illusion and you are king of the buttwipes club! We exist. Time is pure illusion. I did not say this makes sense here, while alive on this Earth, and inside of our physical bodies. The only way existors such as us can ever stop existing would be to trade places with non-existors. They would love to trade places with us, the grass is always greener on the other side of Ziggy's Pier. Anyone remember that from earlier blogging texts? But how can existors ever make that magical deal with them? No one in infinity has ever found a way to communicate with the non-existors. We only know that there are an infinite amount of non-existers inside of a finite amount of 'whatever', say space if it makes more sense to your mind, even though in ZD, there is no space, or time. ZD = EWI. (zero dimension is existence without interaction). Plank-time or plankatory, is interaction without time. Once in the state just beyond the ZD, every 'thought' is one and the same with a created reality. Time and space gets created as a result of the interaction. On the mortal plane of human existence, we need to first have the time and the space in order to have the interaction take place. Then there is what is called PHASE-4. This is a team of wild entities on the ASTRAL-PLANE or the plankatory, who intentionally try to dream into the human realms in ways that give them too much power or too much edge and advantage over the rest of us, in a very unfair way. The FAWCES however have built something into the system that is part of their LAWTRONICS as Morianity has termed and labeled this. When they make that cosmically illegal attempt, in just about all of the instances where this occurs, instead of dreaming into a newly born piece of otherwise dead clay, they only make it so far in here, as the imaginings and fantasies of some of us already living people. This is where we get all of our great superheroes like Superman and Spiderman, as well as all of our wild tales. Not one single solitary thing can ever be made up. Not a song, not a play, not anything. It is all PHASE-4 entities or (P4E) who try and cheat, and end up in that state here, in ALMOST ALL CASES. But once in a blue moon, we get someone who slips through the cracks, such as Donald John Trump! And yes, THERE ARE SOME OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as long as society and forces who govern us all, in this world, chose to disbelieve me and ignore me, we are going to be in more and more extremely grave danger, as a society, as we continue leaping into the age of super high technological advancement, that will accelerate these evils to a point where things will be forever beyond the point of no goddamn return. This I promise all of you!!!

Yes people, the Nuclatron indeed created all of this, or said biblically, “God created the heavens and the Earth”. The majority of people will never need to see the truths of Morianity. It is here because of who I am, what I have been forced to endure and live through, and because for reasons inconceivable to me, I really do still care about this world after all I've been put mother ******* through. I know that if the real brainiac folks ever read my ****, they will eventually make contact with me, and we can fight these evil powers that are all around me and doing all of this to me.

Will I ever tell a lot more about Patty-Paula you may be asking me, from Russia all the way to the great down-under lands? Sure I will, but I am going to need protection from this powerful and perhaps virtually all mighty being before I do so. In case you need reminding folks, she ain't no ordinary person. Where in the name of Goddess are you when I need you, Sheriff Mascara sir? I know you don't want my skull turning up in a shallow grave like those others you saw the other day. If you don't think these Atlantic City witches can do it, then you are underestimating them big big time, kind sir!







The great National Aeronautics and Space Administration just set off another rocket, without any help from “Little R-Man” Kimmy. I knew as soon as this mother ******* NASA BULL**** struck me early this **** huffing moUUUUUUUUUrning, things were going to be real bad. There is noise in my area, and the skies are alive with stalking private covert black file agency planes as well as CHEMTRAILS all over my area here in lovely hot hellish Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG!

My nabes are banging on top of the outside music attack earlier, and as stated, the skies are major serious! Watch out, there will be some huge weather disasters and major aerial crashes as the next days and weeks follow if this mother ******* death siege doesn't back the Dogtown off of me, YO!

The mouse and my computer as well, is also under a major mother ******* STACEY LATTISAW JACK HACK ATTACK, without any tapes turned or makes moved, whatever all that was about, lovely Stace!








The ongoing reason for my hellish trip through waking world hyperspace in the human parts of the metaverse/multiverse, is simple enough, once some of the basics are understood just a wee damn bit, kind peeps! Yes I indeed have said that someone in this present time Huntington family must suffer the tradeoff of Sarah Krassle's 'video-game' where a substitution is offered those who are in rebellion with their Almighty GODDESS SSJKK, and built into this super cool game is the only way to not rack up more ASTRAL-INTERACTIONS in a region in PLANK, that Morianity refers to as “DOGTOWN”, and you might translate for yourselves as my readers as “HELL”! Many 'Christians' who are clueless to super hushed up powerful truths, will holler out real quickly that my teachings are SATANIC and EVIL, as they do not agree 100% perfectly with (ONLY JESUS) being able to make that tradeoff with those willing participants of humanity who use their free will, and decide to become (SAVED)/(BORN-AGAIN)/(WHATEVER)! Only it is the ignorance of humankind making this illusion appear to them in this manner. Those who understand code-DNA, such as Professor Kaku of NYU, and David Childress of the AAT Society; see that I tell no lie. But without getting too far off the point that I'm trying to make on this blog, let me get back down to freaking cases here, my kind folks.

Yes, I am suffering as the present day, and time, and age, 'CHOSEN-HUNTINGTON', and this will never ever be anything other than completely true, and completely hellish and nightmarish, but still; in order to have this horrific **** bestowed on me; a real-world group of situations are necessary in order to bring my suffering about. Nothing ever just freaking happens just out of the blue for no reason, or only perhaps for 'no apparently humanly distinguishable reasons'. I SPEAK OF, OH YES, HERE WE GO AGAIN; ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY, (PARALLEL EVENT), and how the gods brought this information to me at a bathtub in my apartment one day, early in 1986, at the Highview Apartment Complex of Williamstown, GWPOS, New Jersey, U. S. A.

Every single time, since my nightmares all started going from frying pan intensity, directly into FIRE-INTENSITY, on August 15, 1986, it was all a result of ICPE-APE-TECH, something not from this world, Mister David Childress, and Professor Michio Kaku of NYU. It seems that no one is permitted to use special information from beyond, to try and rearrange their personal life or improve it, or interfere in any way with this information, with the society that the great Nuclatron (Sarah Jehovah Krassle), has spit out from what the Cern-Collider peeps call, the (Plank-Time)! I dared to use this PARALLEL-EVENT system in the Earthly casino game known by most all folks, as Roulette. Playing outside bets, there are three parameters of the 36 non vig-house numbers of 0 and 00. All 36 of those numbers are either red or black, either odd or even, and either low or high. Without boring anyone to total freaking tears and going into pages of boring text on how to work the system, the powers to be from Earthly casino owners all the way to the not so Earthly higher FAWCES, knew before too much time had elapsed, since I began using this in the Atlantic City Casinos, that I was disrupting the Huntington Curse, and that as I, as the CHOSEN HUNTINGTON, was not permitted to break out and away from the great SALVATION TRADEOFF CURSE of this mind bending incredible, and totally unfathomable, family lineage; YO BRO!!!!

One day while playing a roulette game at Donald John Trump's Castle Casino, now called the Trump Marina, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, EARTH, SOL, MWG; I was stopped by the security peeps at the Casino Control Commission Booth, nearby the table where I had been playing; and the folks there politely requested that I tell them just exactly what I was doing with all of my little stick figures, and notepad pages. Like a total innocent idiot of just barely thirtiesh in age, thinking the world was a relatively OK place, and that everything was all sugar and spice, and peaches and cream, and 'jelly and jam' which is a more 'Astral Plane' accepted expression for describing it, especially in the Capitol City of the Capitol Province of Olympia, called, “SAHASRA DAL KANWAL”, I explained to those who were inquiring, just precisely and exactly I was doing, comparing all twelve bi-parameters of all spins against the remaining parameter on the following spin. This way, there is a constantly running twelve possible outside stick figure betting possibilities that have a chance to line up with a strong parallel event where lots of stick figures are on one side and very few are on the other side. Put simply, waiting for one of the strong parallel event betting situations and betting with the strong parallel with all of the stick figures, using high value money chips placed on their gaming layout cloths, I was raking in the money like a damn king, just not you Paula!LSS folks (Long-Story-Short), there is more to this that makes the odds shift from a negative advantage when using this, all the way to about a 2% positive advantage in endlessly running play-time, but no need to even get into all of that. Once I gave my brief whittle synopsis to those CCC folks at the casino gaming booth, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE, because the great math whizzes knew this really works and really can indeed defeat not only roulette but anything it is applied against. Hacking of course, FBI, Mister FCC former Chairman/Director McDowell, and ACLU, etcetera, is really really picking up, and gee folks, I WONDER FREAKING WHY? Now this is not a blog about how to beat gaming systems, but rather to discuss however, since that very day in middle 1986 at Trump's dirt bag casino in ACNJUSAESMWG; THESE HALLS FAWCES CONTROLED HUMANS, and most likely many if not most or even allofem, as a part of the great frightening travelers club that MORIANITY calls the (EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY), declared total mother ******* war on poor pathetic helpless little MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN MOHR, and things have been like this now for over 32 **** lapping dirt bag years!!!

Yes there is a powerful reality that certain PLACES, and TIMES, have some bizarre significance to these WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCES that were described to me along with his accent, by Mister Hall, the Security Officer and my coworker, at a licorice plant on Jefferson Street, up in Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG. This was around late 1989 somewhere or maybe early in 1990. I also worked with this cool dude back in 1980 and 1981 at the same place, and while my full time employment was just a mile or so away from there, at the RPL Sound Recording Studios of 1558 Pierce Avenue and 1100 State Street. This dude was telling another coworker of both his and mine, whose name now eludes me, since I never really had any significant dealings nor conversations with this other fellow, but after this other fellow mentioned some real weird thing that had just happened to him, Mister Hall's reply back to him was, and I'll never forget it if I live to be 673 years old, and that was, “You must be in with the FAWCES”. Of course he said or meant to say the forces, but as I stated, he had that strong AA-accent, and that is most likely what made this stand out for me more than anything else, YO! It's just that audio-engineer part of me I suppose! Still folks, I feel the need to occasionally keep reminding my BLOGAUD (Blogging-Audience) just what this (HALLS-FAWCES) deal is really all about. I know that there are more things in all of your lives than just sitting around reading the MOUNTAINPEN!

About Me

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Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.


THE GREAT MIGHTY HUNTINGTON family. WOW Joanna, where will it ever 'endocrinologists', or END for that matter!


Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy, Jimmy Stuart and Uncle Billy Hypertron of the (Never Born Club) of all great hypnotherapists of the Moorestown, New Jersey, U. S. A. area. When those guys had me under the 'whatever', and ran a tape of the session, I heard myself after the therapist asked me when I was born, and my words were, “I was never born”. They did not want to do any further treatments after that doozie, Captain Callio Dodge Drunkmirrors! Oh well folks, I wouldn't want to bother my wonderful County Sheriff while he is busy examining human skulls in my local neck of Al Roker's woods! Maybe later if and when he is a bit less busy, YO!

THE ILLEGAL GUEST ACROSS FROM ME IS SLAM SLAM SLAMMING AWAY TODAY, AND ANNOYING THE MOTHER ******* **** OUT OF ME, SIR SHERIFF. My upstairs scumbag nabes were major noisy early in the day moving furniture around as the do so damn often, making more noise than a mother ******* World War ll BATTLEFIELD, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel sorry for myself but even sorrier for others out there who have been driven mad and crazy throughout the past three mellenia by these HALLS-FAWCES, and never knowing what REALLY was happening to them. Here is one example that has made a lot of people literally 'lose it', because they begin to think it is them and not seeing that this is all being done to them. When I was on a HOLD while waiting to discuss a personal matter with a pharmacist earlier today, I did the 'old experiment'. If I mumble or speak aloud, anything, and especially anything controversial or OBJECTIONAL to these HALLS-FAWCES, they either somehow magically and quite Hollister-mysteriously manage to transfer me into a never-ending-hold, or disconnect me all together. Wanna' hear what I mumbled? I said that I wish the feature that they used to use where those holding and waiting would have a count-down on how many calls were ahead of you. In other words, while the music loop is playing, it would break in and say, “You have three callers ahead of you”, then as you continued to hold, it would count down to two callers and one caller, you get the picture. When I was suddenly placed onto an infinite holding pattern, I called back and this time I kept my mouth completely shut. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT, big *** butt, find folks; this time, the count-down was suddenly back onto their muzak system. Ordinary people experiencing stuff like this would begin to think that they are going absolutely crazy and nuts, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT I KNOW BETTER you see, because peeps, I've been in side of this lunacy and magical-Hollister bull**** now for three or four solid decades!

This is all, as the great Jim Tyberious Burr used to put it back in the middle nineteen-seventies, kind folks; “actually, literally happening to me”. And yes folks, to some others, and I don't doubt that for a damn *** microsecond!



It really is ashame that so many other people throughout history, that definitely were targeted for whatever the possible various reasons, by HALLS-FAWCES, went through their pathetic bull**** blind and ignorant, and eventually wacky and nuts as a Walnut Tree! BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT (all Fort Pierce, Florida, Library Hackers, of 2010), just who was Patty-H? And what REALLY is this FASCITAR thing all about, so many wonder about and never have the damn testicles to ask me about? Every single time that anyone of you out here ever wonder why anything that either you do or anyone around you did, or for that matter, wonder why you or they DID NOT do something, or for that matter, say or not say something; every time folks; this is really a higher reality of your own soul, the real and true YOU, asking me, the MOUNTAINPEN, this very question, and some others that are quite similar. Doesn't anyone remember anything anymore? The reason I am hated by a lot of these 'HALLS FAWCES' is because they cannot control my mind the same damn way that they control just about everybody else's. That totally pisses them off. Take that straight to the gods-damn bank of hellfire!

Yesterday was a very horrendous mother ******* SUPER-BOTBAR-DAY for me my fiends and friends out here, from Russia with love, all the way around the world to here, there, and every freaking where, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BRAHHHHHHHH!!!!

When I tried calling Mike down in Hollywood last night on my landline COMCAST PHONE AKA my (house-phone), I was disconnected and blocked and voice scrambled, and about five illegal civil rights violation persecutions were done to me, A TOTALLY LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN, BORN HERE IN THIS ******* UP COUNTRY on December the 4th of 1954 at 9:30 in the gods damn morning, at the Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania Hospital!!!! The COMCAST people still have not effected the needed repairs to my phone system, yet boy oh boy, they sure expect me to always PAY MY DAMN BILLS ON TIMES, BRO!!!! These words have proved out as totally freaking true. They are not true or false because Mister dirt-bag-Mountainpen has typed them and posted them. Reality proves or disproves itself. Still, as Doctor Bruce Goldberg said in his great book from about two decades ago now, “World War ll made all the newspapers”. Unlike Studio Park Records, and many other powers and forces, who have made MARK WAYNE MOHR, vanish and disappear; when something becomes big enough, no amount of TRUMPISM can create fakeism. I honestly don't know how to better say these truths, or as Jay-Jay Evens puts it so well forty years ago on his great TV-SHOW “Good Times”, “WHAT CAN I SAY”?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to rat-tat, and forget the darn football, from the old oh-six/oh-seven years, where things for me were shaping up big time in ways no mortal mind could ever hope to freaking grasp. B4I get down to cases, I screwed up on my last blog on the BLOGGER site, so you will see two CHAPTER 23's on the right side margin. SAHWEE FOLKS, MY-F-UP!

1802 Robin Hill, was very magical, and I'll bet even Patty H. agreed with that back in 1980. The trouble is, I was out of contact at that time, but the reason for that would take five years to scratch any serious surface about, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, for one thing, it was where I resided in a particular matching time year, 1---9---8---0. A half blind brain injured snotty bratty child however, can plainly see that these two numbers both contain three similar digits.

So let's talk about the three digits here of 1-8-0, since they appear in both 1980 as well as in 1802. There was a special day when I lived in the Oaklyn apartment back between late July of 1969 and up through the end of February of 1975, when Santa and Patty H. helped my mom and I move out of there and into 1118 Linden Hill Apartments, in Lindenwold, New Jersey, USAESMWG. Thanks to the great KING FAMILY, I cannot post lots of incredible stuff up on the internet of this modern day era. There is only poor little old fart sniffer me, and my photo, that is left.

Oh well, 'that's the way it goes', to quote my old beach bud back in 1969, Mister Ziggy Malyeska.

Moving back to a day back at my apartment at O-15 Oakland Avenue, Dellway Arms, in Oaklyn, it was very early in 1974. My father had returned after not seeing him for nearly a full decade. He had been treasure diving with the famous Melvin Fisher the treasure hunter, of Florida. These two men were also close in this diving effort, with another man of the Real 8 Corporation, by the name of Kip Wagner. Aniwho, I was in my bedroom and inside my head was suddenly an inaudible but totally unmissable voice. It said Melanie Safka's great 1971 song would be on the radio at 2:08 just a couple of hours in the future. Sure enough at precisely this time in the afternoon, on it came on, if memory serves me, a radio station on the lower end of the dial for the Philadelphia area, called WFIL. This song was titled, “Brand New Key” and I always liked that song. Still, I never ever forgot the prophetic nature that was somehow associated with the song, myself, and the artist, Mizz Melanie Safka. But there is about a trillion other things that are part of this deal, and time won't permit me to even start discussing it all right now on this particular blog. Still, the time on that afternoon, 2:08, contains every single part of my future apartment number at Robin Hill, nearly six and one half years before I ever lived there or even knew the place existed. Also, it contains the '8' and the '0' in 1980 and 1802. Then my Uncle Stuart Huntington Mason and his wife, my Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, had a home in the Philadelphia suburbs in Narberth, Pennsylvania. It was on Greentree Lane, overlooking many TV and radio antennas, later named the Studio Park, but after I had seen another such place in a parallel universe or a (dream) in 1986.And yes folks, the address was 1208 Greentree Lane. A perfectly matched and merely rearranged number to the apartment of 1802. But the part of this that I never told on any of my blogs, not ever, was my mom's mysterious magical coworker, Mizz Patricia Hollister, who taught me the NEO-HO CHANT as well as cleverly made sure that the mighty secret 'FASCITAR' was delivered into my hands, appeared to me in a very wild and powerful vivid dream, about a month after she and her friend Santa, helped my mom and I move, from the Oaklyn apartment, to the apartment in Lindenwold. In this beyond outlandish and unfathomable (parallel event reality or dream), she was wearing a beautiful bright white dress with lovely giant polka dots that were jet black. However in bright red ink, these black circles all contained those three magical digits of one, eight, and zero. So looking at this dress from a distance, one would see just a lot of different ones and eights and zeros. This meant nothing to me, at the time.

Religion is nothing more than a way for power structures to have TOTAL CONTROL over the lives of all of the people. All throughout history, these words have proved out as totally freaking true. They are not true or false because Mister dirt-bag-Mountainpen has typed them and posted them. Reality proves or disproves itself. Still, as Doctor Bruce Goldberg said in his great book from about two decades ago now, “World War ll made all the newspapers”. Unlike Studio Park Records, and many other powers and forces, who have made MARK WAYNE MOHR, vanish and disappear; when something becomes big enough, no amount of TRUMPISM can create fakeism. Still, my fiends and friends out here on the great-net, eventually I will tell a whole lot more about how the science behinds this really operates and how our P-45 top dog did all the magical things that he has done! There is absolutely no such thing as Alzheimer's Disease or any other forms of brain malfunctions involving memory loss. This is all merely the mortal world explanation of why memories fade and vanish forever. In truth, powers that are inconceivable are behind making changes on an invisible and gradual level, and this is actually causing people to 'not forget' but actually 'correctly remember' newer remade realities. I know this sounds so off the wall to you that you refuse to believe it. Joe Paget made the mistake of allowing me to really show him some proof to such things, and yes as a result, the poor bastard went nuts as hell. The RC Church and many other powerful large religious organizations know fully well that HALLS FAWCES is real and true. They totally know that Mister Einstein was given knowledge that proves MORIANITY is 100% real and true, the inversion of the world famous formula totally proves that life in the physical world is merely a lesser darker reality than where we all exist in a timeless interaction. But if the powers who control us on this physical plane wish to have any real way to control the population, THEY MUST ALWAYS USE THE FEAR OF HELLFIRE AND DAMNATION! There is simply no two ways about any of this, or as record promoter Mister Lenny McKinnon would put it so well back in 1981 on his CB Radio Channel, to his CB Radio pal, Miss Chillie, “Ain't no doubt about it”!


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