Thursday, September 13, 2018


This is the absolute worst summer that I have ever experienced in my entire life. Since late June right through nearly the end of this season now, it has been pure pure pure gega-HELL!!!

I had so many **** ups that I could not get over to the SHERIFF'S OFFICE so far this week, but definitely hope to later on this Friday and final week and work day!

SEPTEMBER 14, 2018,









Since my enemies are causing me so much unfathomable **** huffing pain and agony, let's discuss them. As soon as I typed that last sentence, and of course, like duh, my mouse is getting the hackasaw Stacey treatment, from the world of the 'early eighties' Jack-Attacks! Gee willagars and **** soup, I'm like totally shocked, as the kids might put it! WOW Joanna! And before we do this, sweet peeps out here; I will go over the events of the past four days of unadulterated ******* hell, September 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th. Fire alarms are too many to count or keep track of. Utility harassment is off the dial, mostly with the Comcast telephone, but with other things too. I put up with a major hassle when merely trying to reorder or refill my anti-anxiety prescription, and this is all a result of the scum bag narc-squad and their THREE-STOOGES TEAM, we all know and hate, at least on the “D” side of the aisle up there at Crapitol Hell, and that is Florida AG Pam Bondi Scumsleaze, Governor Prick Snott, and President D. J. Rump!

Not only did they totally **** up my telephone, but Mister Mike Patterson's telephone as well. Both our systems went down, and just at a critical time when we had some urgent business to discuss. AMERICA STILL, AS I HAVE SAID FOR A DOZEN YEARS NOW, IS THE EVIL EMPIRE. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, what is America? If you think I mean the America that used to exist back when I was in school, then you don't mother ******* know or understand the MOUNTAINPEN one little bit. Morty Mortino the death angel is passing by my right side, and has been annoying the pig **** out of me for so long now that I have lost count. For reasons I do not understand, he seems unable or unwilling to tap me on my shoulder, left or right side, and just continues to endlessly scan my position, day and night, year after year, and eternity after mother ******* eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now speaking of eternity, let's talk about HALLS damn FAWCES. Gene Roddenberry, who created the great TV-SHOW STAR TREK, and other great syfy writers such as those behind other greats such as STAR WARS, all tend to know some things that Morianity knows they could not know, unless they have been indirectly communicated with or what AAT peeps call (Alien-Contacted); and it's really just a matter of differing word choices. Still, even though it was Star Wars that Mister Hall was obviously referring to, when he spoke those words up there in Camden back around 1990 somewhere, “You must be in with the FAWCES”, all the great shows if you really are a fan, and if you have good retention, you know that they all seem to believe in these “HALLS-FAWCES”, and only one show gave it the name of “The Force”, but what is in a name, Rose Shakespeare?

What are HALLS FAWCES? In fact, 'let's get serious' here, Mister Jacksonlate, and move ahead thirty-five years into 2018. The forces or this force that is behind everything, or as stated in my 1996 song lyric, “Same force behind it all, SHE lives on Tennessee Street”. Well Paula King does more than live on Tennessee Street, she works right there, has a parking lot on the street, and a radio station called WAYV. I had no idea about any of that however, when I wrote those song lyrics back in late 1996; oh great and powerful United States Library of Congress Copyright © Office! Yes people, all joking aside, just what is REALLY happening here? Is there really a force or a power that exists, and to our human minds, we call that in our total ignorance, a 'singularity'? Is zero dimension really some all knowing and all powerful reality that none of us can ever hope to understand one tiny bit, now or ever? YES. Want a simple answer, you'll get one, lads and lassies. YES, I'll even repeat myself! There is absolutely no way that you or I (WE OF THE HUMAN KIND RACE ON THE WAKING WORLD PHYSICAL PLANE) can ever know or understand 0-D (Zero-Dimension) or as the Cern-Collider folks call it, the SINGULARITY! BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, the few people who HAVE INTERACTED in one way or another, with THIS GREAT FORCE; GALACTIC BARRIER, PINK GODDESS, call it ECK, GREAT SPIRIT, GOD, JEHOVAH, CHRIST, SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, or any other name you may ever wish to use; we should be listened to, and not ignored. Not the way that I have been anyway, by those Earthly powers and forces who manipulate and control this damn world. So why do Earthly powers keep me down and out and expend virtually unlimited time, attention, and energy, even right down to the expense of being with their own loving families? Simple answer here folks. They know who I am, 'THE CHOSEN TO SUFFER HUNTINGTON', passed down in this family line now for 2200 mother ******* years. Still, we are not exploring the Earthly powers on this writing today, but 'the FORCES', to almost quote the great Mister Hall. In zero dimension, not even the Plankatory exists. Nothing exists, 'nonexistence exists', the great oxymoron or maybe even the damn quintessential oxymoron. But it is not an oxymoron. Nonexistence is a reality that finite freaking minds such as all of us, and that is without exception, are unable to grasp this powerful concept or maybe said a bit better, this NEW-TRUTH. When zero dimension is acted on by the force of nonexistence, it creates Plank-time, or the plankatory as Morianity has coined the term. When the entities that eventually exist are there, they have always been there and will always be there, because that is the way things work in non-time dimensional existence. Looking at the universe around us, we cannot see truth, only zillions of extremely powerful illusions. When the entities of the plankatory dream out and away from their existence there, when exhausted by virtually infinite interactions, this becomes the nuclear universe we now are living in physically. But things did not come out in one place. They broke out in two separate fabrics around the great hole. One of them contains one charge of mass polarity while the other contains an opposite charge. Simply put, one in relation to the other one, has electrons that are positively charged and protons that are negatively charged. Thea fabric is like huge rolls of multidimensional carpets that cannot ever come together because the time or separation that continues to move, is moving in opposite directions. Someday perhaps trillions or quadrillions of years from now, these fabrics will begin to fall downward and even eventually slam into each other. This is where it all began, then, not with another big bang, but the original one. There are no multiple points of singularity which is why even the dummy scientists know that a controlled worm hole would literally erase out the distance or the space between them. Even the smartest guys on TV today, still see the whole damn thing as mortals always do, in a linear reality. The universe will end someday. Believe that illusion and you are king of the buttwipes club! We exist. Time is pure illusion. I did not say this makes sense here, while alive on this Earth, and inside of our physical bodies. The only way existors such as us can ever stop existing would be to trade places with non-existors. They would love to trade places with us, the grass is always greener on the other side of Ziggy's Pier. Anyone remember that from earlier blogging texts? But how can existors ever make that magical deal with them? No one in infinity has ever found a way to communicate with the non-existors. We only know that there are an infinite amount of non-existers inside of a finite amount of 'whatever', say space if it makes more sense to your mind, even though in ZD, there is no space, or time. ZD = EWI. (zero dimension is existence without interaction). Plank-time or plankatory, is interaction without time. Once in the state just beyond the ZD, every 'thought' is one and the same with a created reality. Time and space gets created as a result of the interaction. On the mortal plane of human existence, we need to first have the time and the space in order to have the interaction take place. Then there is what is called PHASE-4. This is a team of wild entities on the ASTRAL-PLANE or the plankatory, who intentionally try to dream into the human realms in ways that give them too much power or too much edge and advantage over the rest of us, in a very unfair way. The FAWCES however have built something into the system that is part of their LAWTRONICS as Morianity has termed and labeled this. When they make that cosmically illegal attempt, in just about all of the instances where this occurs, instead of dreaming into a newly born piece of otherwise dead clay, they only make it so far in here, as the imaginings and fantasies of some of us already living people. This is where we get all of our great superheroes like Superman and Spiderman, as well as all of our wild tales. Not one single solitary thing can ever be made up. Not a song, not a play, not anything. It is all PHASE-4 entities or (P4E) who try and cheat, and end up in that state here, in ALMOST ALL CASES. But once in a blue moon, we get someone who slips through the cracks, such as Donald John Trump! And yes, THERE ARE SOME OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as long as society and forces who govern us all, in this world, chose to disbelieve me and ignore me, we are going to be in more and more extremely grave danger, as a society, as we continue leaping into the age of super high technological advancement, that will accelerate these evils to a point where things will be forever beyond the point of no goddamn return. This I promise all of you!!!

Yes people, the Nuclatron indeed created all of this, or said biblically, “God created the heavens and the Earth”. The majority of people will never need to see the truths of Morianity. It is here because of who I am, what I have been forced to endure and live through, and because for reasons inconceivable to me, I really do still care about this world after all I've been put mother ******* through. I know that if the real brainiac folks ever read my ****, they will eventually make contact with me, and we can fight these evil powers that are all around me and doing all of this to me.

Will I ever tell a lot more about Patty-Paula you may be asking me, from Russia all the way to the great down-under lands? Sure I will, but I am going to need protection from this powerful and perhaps virtually all mighty being before I do so. In case you need reminding folks, she ain't no ordinary person. Where in the name of Goddess are you when I need you, Sheriff Mascara sir? I know you don't want my skull turning up in a shallow grave like those others you saw the other day. If you don't think these Atlantic City witches can do it, then you are underestimating them big big time, kind sir!





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