Tuesday, June 25, 2013



*****CHAPTER 00113*****

Folks, it is ten shy of eight at night, on June 25, 2013, Tuesday.

I fell under a mother fucking death assault today with major mother fucking CHEMTRAILING all over. Even Mikey mentioned it, and said before I got over to his place earlier today. That huge lines were spreading out all over directly above him and his house. When others do the talking for me, that is when I know I am not a fucking not, Mizz Crazycursingdudeswriter of WFMU internet radio bullshit!!!!!

I did my best after bringing Mikey over to my place, late this afternoon, to try and get an application for a job at the Winn Dixie Grocery Store in Northwest Fort Pierce, filled out properly, and sent to them online, as that is the only way most employers are accepting applications. We failed. I know more than he does about working computers, but we still could not do it. If someone out here does not fuckin g cunt see how unfair and unjust this all is, then you all are worthless mother fucking cunt eating scum bags. IT EVEN PROCLAIMS IN THE FUCKING CUNT HOLY BIBLE, that people that the society is against in the fucking cunt lapping END TIMES, will be prevented from operating. The actual wordage of not being allowed to buy and sell, is a quote, but it is from thousands of fucking ass years in the past, and I feel totally confident that I am able to alter this a tiny bit to fit perfectly into the internet and computers, being the source that prevents anyone or most, in the older crowd on this century, to be able to do very much if anything, any MOTHER FUCKING LONGER, YO YO YO YO!!!


I could have had my way with eight lovely teen goddesses and twenty-somethings, so keep up this mother fucking persecution in the skies, ASS HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOMO enemies, woke me up with a HORRIBLE SORE FUCKING THROAT this morning, and I was sucking on Halls Medicated drops and chewing Bufferin Tablets for hours, until it finally went away. Well, Lightning is way to fucking worried about me, to come around any more; or so it seems. This fucking year is totally fucking cunt lapping dead, as far as getting any lightning around my area in Fort fucked up Pierce, Shit-Non-Paradise, Florida, Botbarida, USA here on Earth, system Sol, Milky-Way Galaxy (USAESMWG)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





MAGNESONIC, GO TO CG-18, UNDER SPECIAL ORDER 39, SPECIAL ORDER 5555, SPECIAL ORDER 2, G-901, G-1133, G-189, A------N------D~~~~~~~~~~~~~S-T-O-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mark_from_njAt the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey.  Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations. 

Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently.  He was given a CD called "The Meaning of Life."  The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title.  He's really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark's side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day.  More importantly, he is insane.  Completely, violently insane. 

Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU's own Jason Forrest isn't clear.) 

Here then, are three selections from Mark's version of reality:

If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.

Forget about the freaking aluminum foil folks. I will be telling a huge secret about Project DREAMING JEANIE, and a little more will be revealed about Monica Mohr and her hubby,s pillow talk at my Oaklyn, mother fucking New Jersey apartment back in January of 1974, 29 and a half cock sucking years back in fucking time, folks, W---O---W!

Every single mother fucker involved in this conspiracy to do me in all these years since my school days, is all part of the LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE ASTRAL-PLANE. None have any idea consciously, but in altered states, they all know exactly what is going on. Try real hard remembering some very wild recent 'dreaming-interactions' you've had. Yeah, so I know, and there's a lot I know, way more than any of you fucking creeps dare to want to start even imagining!!!!!!

The same people who built the Egyptian Pyramids, do things called MAGIC TRAIL LEAVING or for short, the abbreviation of (MTL). Things my dad said in his mother fucking sleep over a week or two sharing my bedroom back when I had just turned nineteen, made me privy to things totally unspeakable. But since these fucking jerk offs are totally killing me and the fucking authorities stand idly by allowing it to happen with dirty bloody hands and no shame or conscience whatsoever; I'll begin to talk now and tell a little bit of this shit, YO. First, he knew things about numerous schools, and said that educators are all part of this powerful project, well not all of them naturally, but a handful of selected agents that blend right in with the pattern, and you will never ever tell them apart from the other ones not in on it. Also, he knew things about Atlantic City, but his word choices back then did not make me at all suspicious until the 21st century began coming in, and things began to all unfold in certain ways. He knew all about the entire family, as well. They all are advanced super androids. They appear totally human, but have extraordinary abilities in varying ways, all of them without exception. Most of them, don't even know consciously who they are, and one of them is still clueless consciously, that she is so powerful that she could speak 5 syllables, and the entire universe, would fold up like a bunch of rolling carpets, and then just dissolve away as if it were never even fucking here. Monica is a girl who was born in the year of 2252, who at the age of thirty six, came back into time to 1973, married my father, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and then had a child, who today is the father of a very well know top child star, and under full control of the lovely wonderful and marvelous son in law of mine, the Cannon. I am not sure he and my kid even know who this lad is, but I will say one thing, Darius Evans, I know you remember a lot of strange events that took place on the night that you were in here helping me with my YouTube on this computer, the night 'Carey's lovely twins' popped up on the Google page out of nowhere. Actually, I feel that Darius or Deezy slim, knows a lot, and plays his cards so close to the vest, they may as well be glued permanently to it. He came here to me at just the perfect window in mother fucking time, and I KN OW WHY, so don't think that I am so stupid, fucking jerk off OTAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes this siege brought their evil stock market up today, and you can view the chart and see it all for yourself, and I know exactly when each point of change, each top and bottom happened, as this is matching the exact time of a major event in my personal day timeline on this day. Where are you when I need you, Lawyer and AG, Pam B?????????????????

There are a million things going on, and if anyone out here thinks that these blogs have told much more than perhaps one tenth of all of this fucking total ass shit, you are very sadly fucking mistaken, folks, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!




I believe that he does, lovely girl of the nineties!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

I TOLD YOU ALL on a recent blog, about following the follow.


AND ALL WITHOUT ANY**********************************

///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 'KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL'®

MARK WAYNE MOHR--------1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013

So here I am my wonderful awesome believers, of whom I think are between 2-4 somewhere, and I love you all with 100% of me totally enlightened beingness, (I love these other two to four parts of me, that are not me directly), in other words, knowing this makes me 'enlightened', nothing else, no trances, no potions, no meeting of the minds with a group of gurus on a mountaintop, no illegal drug consumptions, and on an don I could go. Let us get back to the wild stuff presently so urgent in MORIANITY. TANKS!!!! Only the Vatican really understands MORIANITY, and even they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Lightning told me last night in Akoslem City, that I better tell the truth and not leave my Morians hanging in there with the Hammonton's and the Huntington's, so I must now obey her commands. After-all, she's my beyond hot and unfathomably awesome baby-blond love of my life, and the third part of a wild triple GODDESS, and no more needs to be said now or ever, or the entire thing will go right into the NUKESON can! Not yet, Mister McNulty, not unless you think a set of stairs in Suffolk County, New York was real funny in the very early seventies as well, old pal from Exton, Pennsylvania! So here I am in my car with a tape playing, while doing guard duty one night, during my STOCKHOLM KIDNAPPING days of latter ohm-8 through most of all of ohm-9. By December of 2009, I thought I had learned the full depravity of my oldest daughter's sense of humor, I hadn't. Now laugh if you really are dirt bag enough to want to, MMCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is like discussing Atlantic City, or Sarah Jacobson, or for that matter, the great United States Government, the Vatican, and the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE. We can talk, we can cry, we can do a Disney cower speed away with Gramps Spears screaming his lungs out in the back seat for an ever greater metal pedal, but all of that, and so much more, I never until just today, really knew just how down right mean and frightening, my kid can be, once something you do pisses her off. There is no grabbing the minute hand, and trying to fling it back; as it is simply a hopeless cause. The difference between doing things via the ES, and just lots of other great parlor tricks; is that all averaged out and then remeasured again, the agonies inflicted upon those victimized by either of these monstrous atrocities that dwarf any concept ever conceived by Hitler, the ES causes way more lifelong everlasting deeper unhealed injuries, after all is said and done, after all the pieces of dog shit are swept up off the smelly floor, and after the fat lady finally sits down, stops writing, stops singing, and keels over like Shelly Winters' heart attack, after her heroic swim-dive, in that great movie, “The Poseidon Adventure”; the ship named after the true King of the sea, Mister Cavelantisocleevious Krassle, AKA Neptune-Jupiter-Poseidon. Him and his lovely wife, on the Astral-Plane, chase me away from their great daughter, Sarah Stacey Jehovah Krassle, and then I am the bad guy for being the victim of this hellish hyper video-game of the Lawnmower-Man-2 system, for roughly, 1.49720507 times ten to the twenty-fifth trillionth power year equivalent in Astral-Interaction-Event or (AIE), something never measurable to the last drop, any more than we can ever determine an exact relationship of a closed curve (circle), between its through-ness (diameter) and it's all the way around-ness (circumference). We can say 3.14, or take it out a bit more to say, 3.14159265, but it still never ever stops, yet there is perfect connection, and we can see it with any circle a child of two draws on a piece of paper. So before you tell me there are no mysteries unsolvable, let me first take a good healthy crap into your brain, so that maybe you will think better after that. Who can ever know, with or without those cool ass breath echos, Copyright Examiners, AHA-AHA-AHA? Go back to 1971, Mike McNulty. You're not welcome here today, on Morianity. Thank you.

Yes, Lightning told me that I must be honest, and tell the truth. I admit I slightly made things appear just razor edge off of perfect truth when I said on a previous blog that Diana is scared to come around me, just as with many others, and I gave the one real good example around the time that Iraq invaded Kuwait, with the Resident Manager Nate, at the Echelon Towers Building of Voorhees, Township, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I'll bet dimes to cunt sniffing donuts right about now, my old ex-bizz partner PP is heading straight for his local K-Mart with his own dirty pants, right about now. He must remember the shit I told him through the phone back before he had me rolling on the floor with his voice-mail message that he left me, a year and a half back somewhere in time. He knows I do what needs to be done. He know if you bastards won't stop hurting me, that I'll do exactly what is needed, to deal with the situation and take care of bizz, a lot better than he ever took care of making all those millions in the music business, WEEEEENA. Yes there have been a lot of very special and very precious girls in my life, and all anyone has to do is examine the United States Copyright Office records, under the name of MARK WAYNE MOHR, to see that this is all true. I do not get stuff from all of them. They get it from me; unless you want to seriously believe that I am a real live true honest to the gods, T—I—M—E ***** T—R—A—V—E—L—E—R!!!!!!!!!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Jacobson was indeed, a very special girl. Too bad Mister Mackey would not let me run my cassette recorder that day, as a lot more was said in the shadows, than just the great Bob Madison Club of the Teacher's Lounge, and a few who's sleeping around with who stories, that go hand in hand with any and all high schools all over the cunt eating country, and most likely, the civilized world. Still, Mister McDowell, maybe I love my calendar girl and my calendars, and you loved taping as much as I did back then, but the real secrets have not even begun to speak out, right oh lovely Karen Upchuck Carpenter-83? Now I know that was not a nice thing to say, and I do sincerely apologize, but it gets the point across, when I do a General Patton, you know; tell it down and dirty. There is not always time for the amenities of niceness, unfortunately, we live in as very mean, nasty, ugly, evil fucking ass world, and you all know this is true!

Now moving on with the topic of the great Goddess Sarah Jacobson, good believers and other folks; I told in the first three years of my blogs, a lot about her, as well as some stuff that all happened. Later of course, I began to realize that this awesome two year old from New York, was able to become this 22 year old super girl at my school. I told you how she already knew about the Watergate days, but never clarified back then, just what she knew and when. The day she first discussed it in quick bursts of a few choice words, was back on the newly built bridge in the late springtime in the year of 1972, telling how 40 days from now, on the 17 June day, as it was then early April on an unusually warm early spring afternoon, this would all happen. Once she said this, I suddenly remembered a dream I had of her just that night, where she was telling Steve the Jock, that she does not kiss boys. Fifteen minutes later, this actually went down in what you would call, real life. Talk about needing the services of K-Mart. I know I had some ass wiping to do back at the school. I told how that autumn upon returning to school in late October, I had been beaten up in the same manner as my Cousin Donald had, at a place we need not discuss right now, and instead of the perpetrators being expelled, I was after shit was all blamed on me, and I was then back at special education all over again, upsetting my mother beyond any verbal description. She had been planning this for a while and was hell bent on getting me out of the area, and I think we all know why. It's been told and told and needs no rehash job at this current time. Melanie Safka the folk music diva was just out with her great song at the time, called, “Brand New Key”. Locked up inside all of this, for all Dan Mackey and I ever knew, was this entire mess still ongoing right to this very minute, and so maybe indeed, and as the great MS said all along, maybe then, I too have this mysterious key. Or maybe I did have it and MS was unaware that ISIS had taken this stuff out of my closet in 1969, at the Dellway Arms Apartments, on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, New Jersey, Apartment O-15, as in Gawky Gaukauk and his letter-number order numerology. In any event, this did not all happen random in some meaningless happenstance grouping of silly coincidental things. Anyone foolish enough to believe this and to discredit the MORIANITY truths that really double as the ADULT VERSION and reprinted BOOK OF THE BEACH, burned by Russell Thaxton that night in middle December of 1969 or maybe it was a little later on, as ISIS has fuzzed out my memories now, for all I know it could have happened right around the time that Dorothea Dario threw my bicycle into the Newton Creek, in early January in 1970. In any event, the hypnotic SUNRAM eclipse, was still a short ways off, taking place in March. Bob Madison was all a part of this, as was John Zane, only in ways totally outside any boxes of rationale. As of this point, I still am putting together possible scenarios of how it all fits together, right down to Zane's teacher, Mister Ciprionni Ohm. There is so much more to tell about 1969-1971, and the joke is on ISIS, for telling me to tell the blogs more about this as well as the progressing years after this leading up to the song, 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS' and the interaction where she sang this song to me, in early June of 1980, and now is more than 33 years back into time. You can wonder about a million things that all link up to all of this, along with the great original interaction and the giant county wide chemtrail that dispersed and dissipated all over the skies above me, on the following morning on that chilly December day in 1969, just half a year after the almighty Misses Marola made sure that I did that school play, so as to be at a precise place and time, later on that day, down in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to hear the mighty and great Sarah say to folks riding in a car that came bolting down Tennessee Avenue, “Your friends are in the shop”. Just tell me this folks, and I know the internet is gargantuan and appears to include the entire world up there. Is there another Morianity or something even close to it, anywhere up on this great and powerful OZERNET???? I would seriously doubt this myself, but admit to not being god almighty. Still, before we do move on with the great SARAH, which caused my poor mother and I to be assaulted and criminally preyed upon in numerous ways almost 24 years in the future, minus a month or two, back on the second day of August in 1996, at the Pathmark Shopping Center of Turnersville, New Jersey, County of Gloucester, Township of Washington, and BOOM, don't get MOWED DOWN or jacked in by all these incredible backwash, eddy, current SPACE-TIME-MIND symbolism's, YO folks, and please, is a big ass W-O-W needed right about here?


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If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So back to the story that is not off a shade or two from total 100% TRUTH! Lightning told me that she is not afraid of any of these people in hyperspace. But SHE IS AFRAID THAT they will hurt me and mess with me, if she comes around and brings me joy and happiness; as this is never permitted by my ENEMIES, the ruthless vicious evil monster sub-scum MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''THAT'' is what she is scared of, SIR ROCKDROID KIRK AND KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, as for kid, she almost never got here, as you got the royal bear hug of your life by old Android Rock that day, when Nurse Chapel was with you; and the lovely vision of gorgeous sensuousness, the 'girl-droid', whose name, or number, or whatever; congressman; I now have forgotten. I have not seen this shit since 1973, in my Russell Thaxton First Morianity original version long burned, O-15 bedroom, of 'GAMES EXPERTS', and accidental flip sides, that for this one time at Cifaloglio, was meant for me, imagine that, entertainment world?????????? So say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! OK, that's been said, PTL, PR-80! Then there was Misses Marola, who made sure, another ''kid'' would come to be, along with that unfathomable mind and suigenerous sense of humor oh hers, the wow needed for this one folks, stretches across light years of space, so forget seeing it on this blog, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!!!!!!!!

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County, in New Jersey. Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied. I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only, where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!

Mizz Bondi, if David Roth were here to be my witness, he would tell you under sworn oath how real this all is, hard as it may be for you to fathom. These peeps have very great reasons for keeping me out of music, and really, a moron can see what's happening, if he or she would just look and honestly see what is what here, with both their eyes and their hearts. But alas, as I told Lenny McKinnon in 1980, “I ALREADY KNOW HOW THIS WILL ALL TURN OUT”, and no Mizz AG, it ain't real pretty; nothing like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On Blogger since January 2006
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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

What nobody is aware of, is that huge things are around the corner, and is why the stock market is whip sawing and see sawing back and forth, like 50 powerful men playing Tug-Of-War, with 25 men on each side holding the rope. Eventually, one side will prove a little stronger. This is not just something recently beginning, and is more like something recently ending, a long journey, just about to be completed, only it still is not over, as the traveler may have been gone a million years and came from the distant stars, but home is yet an hour away, and robbers and murderers still await him along the roadway near to his home, and at any second, can finish this poor bastard off in one mighty fell fucking swoop. This is not some philosophy, and it certainly ain't poetry, so forget Shakespeare or Romeo and Juliet, or even similar names. This is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS BULLSHIT, whether or not any of you are getting it yet or not; and very soon, you may just be going, oh yeah, that little fucking bastard said all that, back on the cunt eating thirteenth night in June, and wow; now look at shit. That's all you fucking need to know, great folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No this is not the crazy rantings of lunatic Mountainpen, or even the nightly resurrections of Roseann Delaney, or the one time resurrection of the great Lord and Master King Akoslem, also known as (AKA) Jesus Christ. Without delving too deeply into anything in particular in order to safeguard great things as much as is humanly Pennock-possible, I will only say this. The WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE woke me up very very very Hurricane Ingrid ill this morning with a sore throat so bad I wanted to punch a mother fucking hole in my wall. After lots of lozenge tablets and chewing on Buffered Aspirin for most of the day, I AM OK now, but I AM NOT ICY ISIS, lost in time, or chillier than an ice machine, with or without any Trinity chemtrails, hotels, machines filled with ice cubes, balconies to be dangled off of, or curly haired lost daughters of Carlisle Avenue, huh Ron Bustrips Wirtz, of the Camden County, New Jersey, Prosecutor's Office? Oh sir, I did plenty of legwork, as you so instructed me to do back in the mother fucking rotten middle nineteen-nineties, YO YO YO YO and not bounced around from town to town, or other such 1988 copyrighted shit in my fucking ass name! Ga'hed, say it Dad and Dawn-Marie, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT! Ga'hed, Mike McNulty, laugh out loud, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA! Morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all think you have all of the answers to everything. Even Einstein was totally fucking clueless about how to beat Roulette, using parallel event, time's reflection, and just why it makes sentient beings aware to roughly 400 tiny instant little pieces, each and every minute of the clock while they are in hyperspace. Wanna' really know a fucked up secret, not that anyone out here's gonna' fucking believe a dam ass word I say, BRO? This great man was unable to perform many simple tasks, including the tying of shoelaces until his fifteenth birthday, and even then, there are photographs of his shoes tied all his life, in loose knots, rather than bows. He, like me, was great at being able to see obvious things all around us that for reasons too lengthy and complicated, seem to elude the 99.999999999% of most sentient persons in hyperspace, or waking mortal tangible an material life. He was not all that good in math, and had many persons in his early days, helping him to actually physically work out into equations, all his ideas about the cosmos. When they seemed to fit together, he had the opposite thing happen to him that happens to me, a total 180 concentrically persisting reality from that of freaking ass mine. All his helpers vanished into obscurity, and he was left as the great publisher and total creator of the ''theory of general and special relativity''. This is the total opposite, and the entire Copyright Office and legal system of the UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS KNOWS THIS PERFECTLY TOTALLY WELL; and that is for just one example, the project called Billy Harner 2000. You can Google up http://www.billyharner.com/ or click on the link here, and see his web-page, but you will see how I totally vanished out of all reality from anything pertaining to STUDIO PARK RECORDS, HIM, or for that matter, the illustrious and wonderful PAUL EVANS PEDERSEN. I have no issue with this anymore folks, and could care less, and you wanna' know why good folks? Because it is just all that much MORE FREAKING EVIDENCE IN MY FAVOR AND ON MY SIDE OF THIS ETERNAL BATTLE AND WAR, proving how someone or something, Captain Shatner and kid, have GONE OUT OF THEIR WAY WORKING TRIPLE SHIFT OVERTIME FOR DECADES NOW, to do all of this to me, in a continual pattern, relentlessly, without so much as a hint of ceasing any time or millennium soon. They made me deathly ill as they did to Mikey back on Sunday.

Yesterday late into the night, I took a huge computer hack attack. Then hours later, my health was brutally and viciously struck by these filthy fucking bottom feeder sub-pigs. This of course shot the DOW up, and the chart below shows this. But before this is all said and done, I will prove that time travel is going on all around us, right under our noses, but in ways no mortal as of yet in this year, can even remotely begin to conceive of. It honestly is like the example of trying to explain the ocean to a person from the Colorado Rocky Mountains who never even saw an ocean on television or in a picture, let alone in actual reality. There you would be attempting to make one futile attempt with one example after another, but when the person actually would come to see it some day for real, they would say to themselves, shit man, nobody came close to describing it.

The world has wanted me to vanish away ever since I left high school. The movie done by the MTM Network back around 1996, depicted a small ocean attempt description example, in their great movie staring Mary Tyler Moore, called, “Secrets of the Rose Garden”. This is a MUST-C movie for all Believers of Morianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only seeing it, AGAIN, explains just why it is such a MUST-C fucking ass show, I can only proclaim that it is now in words ladies and freaking gentlemen, YO! Now what happened back in fucking school that caused this planet's powerful controllers and owners, to desire this so much? Well, how many out here have read or remembered my older blogs that talk about the GODDESS SARAH JACOBSON, from school, along with Watergate, Steve the Jock, and so much more, huh Molly Ringworm Ringwald????????????????????????? This is just an opener for right now good folks. Well, Molly, you can hate the Microsoft Spell-Checker too, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharkey says, 'HEY GIRL', Leticia Tilley, oh, and also;

tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???

Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth, so HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.



My Photo

Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.


{December 12, 2006} (W---O---W)

I still have your comment that was accidentally posted to my blog, Jason Forrest, of the great DJ DONNA SUMMER WFMU-INTERNET RADIO, AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!

Go ahead Mike McNulty, you just yuk it up, along with all the rest of the twittling twang gang, and the female counterpart of them, the Atlantic City Quoddy-mockers, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Well people, this will be a WHOPPER TODAY, and you may quote any of three people here, Professor Pepperwinkle on the original high phone bill Superman show, President Obama, and then finally, little old nobody me, Mountainpen.

I am not going to entertain you all with huge fonts, super wild stupid swearing, or anything else like a blog over filled with brah's and bro's and bree's and yo's. You will do yourself an extreme disfavor if you skip it however, and you just go ahead and do this at your free will and choice, both WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE and tiny group mingled in, known as my Morians (BELIEVERS in my truths, for the most part or perhaps entirely). I am holding at a MPB-40% as of yesterday's horrendous emmereffing day that will close out when I finish this blog, post it up, and go to 'sleep', as mortal world residents would call the experience. But this blog will contain quite a bit of tattle tailing and powerful stuff, ignore it at your own potential funeral somewhere down the dimly lit road, good kind folks, whoever you are, as frankly, Mister Rett Butler, I do not care about those details, or for that matter, Congressman Andrews, whether the city or the river, ran away with my mind, or whether or not I have been lost in time, all these dam years, sir. I will open by telling you that I knew I would get clobbered on my dam systems-roulette tonight, and was not disappointed a small fraction, losing 26 and a half emmereffing units. You can expect the DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS to rise on tomorrow's markets, somewhere between 250 and 600 points, and you can bank on it folks, I PROMISE YOU, LOVELY MO! Yes, I played five games, and got clocked, mostly on the final game, as before that, I was only down three units, and was stupid, and could not see the freaking writing on the wall as clear as Johnny Clariton 1-2-3 ripoffs Lovernash, and merely quit at this small loss for the day, knowing fully well, it could only do a Howard Solomon Busted Eardrum, or an anti-dice, or whatever, but real followers need not force me to spell out the appropriate five letter word that starts with a 'W', and ends with an 'E', no rabbits, no Mike McNulty's, sorry, no time tonight. There's too much to rock chucking say and I do not wish to type all throughout the night. You will get your mind blown, unless you do not want to, and have joined the two great world renown clubs, the Missourians Club and the GWPOS CLUB, either or, or both; makes little difference. The days of my doing security detail out in my car, at the Cifaloglio place, comes to mind. The greatest system in the universe could be used, but if I was being dive bombed by WOMO ENEMY AIR STRIKES, and the skies were filled to the brim with nasty ass chemtrails, making me ill and causing me to crap myself many times; there is no way I could ever win. The weak link in the system I am currently using is an over abundance of house vig numbers as well as the evil-side-doubleton pattern, as one pattern wins, and the other one destroys the system, and when it comes in, it comes in with a vengeance, and you can play the dam wheel forever, and it will only change if you do the unthinkable and try betting against the system, as that inside the quantum foam of real true reality, makes the system then start to work, and the bad patterns go away. BUT, you still lose, either way you play the game, literally, and figuratively. I got both hits tonight, clocked by runt slapping green numbers or the house vig, as well as that one pattern that kills and seems to remain endlessly unless you quit that wheel, and this is the evil-side-doubleton pattern. This has a twin side that makes a killing, as do strings and alternates, but this one pattern type, will wipe out this particular gaming betting system, I promise. So why does the one pattern come out so vigorously, tenaciously, obstinately, and regularly, and by that I mean you can set your watch to it if you are me, as all super attacks will eventually bring the one pattern that just will not quit, and really wipes me out, and I can count the truck on it, folks. This was a serious botbar day, and I am five for seven now, in other words only 2-non-botbar days were in the last seven days total, and for the month, I am now 12 botbar days for the 20 days of May so friggin' far, good people. I did speak to Debbie Marotto, but it is merely a futile expenditure of energy. No on else complains, and the architecture of the system is why. Don't ask me the details, it is too lengthy. Being across from these bastard scum bags, only I get the full brunt of their evil wickedness, and unless others complain, no one will ever help me. You see, this is proof that I do not count in this world one tiny bit. No one gives a blasted dam if I live or die, not one soul, and so, I do not care one bit about this world, and it can go blow up right now, and that is just fine with me. Do you want honesty or deception, from this blogger. You're the one reading my words, do you want them to just be a bunch of pretty sounding lies? Now let me begin to break down this horrible botbar day for you, my believers. It started with hearing a loud aerial vessel outside, I am sure of it. Now the rest of the entire day was air free for me, nothing out of the ordinary, once I went out to do an errand or two, and boy will we explore what happened to me, good folks, and really, if you are not sitting down, I strongly urge you to do so before reading further along. If you do not and you hit your head when you fall down; please don't blame me, as I TOLD YOU!

After the air sound, while I was reading some of my stuff on the computer, and after being up and awake a short time, arising around quarter past eleven or so yesterday morning; the evil mother fucking neighbors across from me, began their 'BING BANG BONG BOOMING' of doors; over, and over, and over again; FORT PIERCE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND NARCOTICS DIVISION! I was going to go out later on in the afternoon, but it was as though the forces of Misses 1969 Marola, and her 'MUST HAVE ME DO THE SCHOOL PLAY' ON MEMORIAL DAY, stuff all over again; that put me on some perfect cosmic schedule, just as it did back then, to be on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, at a perfectly timed minute and second, so as to witness and experience something; and this time, it was again, all done for me to be someplace, and witness another awesome something; and so let me now get to all of that. First I spoke to my Resident Manager, after returning from my errands, and not initially. All I did was take out my trash and throw it down the chute on my floor near the elevators, even my mail was not checked and received by me, until I returned back to the building. I wanted to get up to the HARVEST, and see my old pal, JASPER. I was not going to rest, until I told him a very horrible thing that Mikey had accused him of, with no evidence or real good reason whatsoever, and we will not get into it all, although, the local television reporters may know just exactly what is being talked about here right now on this blog. I never agreed with him about this, and did not like it when he did all that trash talking, but only after he totally screwed me over and vanished, was I boiling mad, and decided a few days ago that indeed, I would retaliate and tell Jasper how he has been trash talking his reputation all over town, and he has, and then Jasper told me, he is aware that someone in fact was spreading that around, and he was quite appreciative to learn that it was Mikey. I only rat out rats that deserve it. Only if you hurt me will I rat you out on something, really hurt me, and for no good dam ass reason. If I see something that is none of my business, I walk on, and that is that. I have seen and witnessed enough things in my life to write a billion essays on it, but again, I stress that I am not a rat. A rat does this. I do not really tattle-tail. I just feel that when someone does me real friggin' wrong, then they deserve a little payback, and if most people are honest with themselves, they will tell me they agree with me. Now I mean this people, be sitting down for what I'll tell you next, L-4.

I talk a lot about my copyrighted music, so here it is, folks.

United States Copyright OfficeI wonder why the great Disney is checking out little nobody me, good folks, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?

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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

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United States Copyright OfficeWhat do you need to know about me, Walter, old buddy WW2?

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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

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Thank you, it is my sincere hope that even if I die a horrible death, I have helped a few along the way, know the truth; truth bigger than any media sources, will ever dare to print.

May the Goddess fully bless, all of my Morians/Believers!!!!

Well let us wrap this all up for the day. Folks, my nightmares the last few nights are off the scale. But there are people alive and well, all around me, it matters not where I live or move, and they mean me nothing but harm, but just don't have the guts to walk up to me and cap me a couple of times in the thinker. Not that it would ever matter, as none of us can ever attend our own funerals, and realize that death is every bit as big of a parlor trick, as all the strange sounds that materialize on tapes, or green horses that seem to on video tapes, but no matter, the real truth is that I have told you all, time and again, over and over, it is all a game, but just who is playing it, controlling it, and the victim of it? Answer and solve these puzzles, and you will have consumed the fruits of two very tasty trees from long ago, on my side of a fence line, the first time, not in 1972, not in 1997, not in 2013, but in 13000 plus BCE. I never forget anything ERMC, and you are all mine forever, no matter what you try and do to me, and yes, I am very very very disappointed in you, lovely brown eyed girl.

Folks, I cannot tell you what I want to, just know that maybe I should not have posted that last thing up to the Youtube, on my site paulaking2011, and no, I have not seen the yellow telephone anywhere, despite an extensive all night search for two nights now, on both sides of this great bridge so keep up the good fight everybody, and I hope you all find your own yellow telephones someday, before it is all too John McDowell late.



My health has been hit hard by the WOMO-MILITUFORCE recently, and I have been resting and recuperating as best as possible under my miserable circumstances. I will not be able to tell a long bunch of things, until I am feeling better. Still and all, this is merely all a lot more ammunition for me to use against the enemy at a later time, as all things fit together always and forever, and escaping that reality, is as impossible as many other mysterious other ones. One thing out of two things that will be told that are quite large and major, folks; should be obvious to a pint sized moron mind, and this would be, I said I would prove time travel is going on all around us, and ever since I said this, my health was struck very very very hard, lovely 1984 'Ingrid', whoever you are, or 'were', for REALE! Oh may the mighty winds a blow, me freeends!!!!!!!!! Ahh laddies and lassies, let me go on with me blog naol.

The second thing that would be obvious to many, if they were living through my journey and waltzing around in my small yet Titanic connected 'Quoddy's, is the mighty and gorgeous Lightning Goddess Diana Arteemis. She has been all over, to the east of me out at sea, to the west by the lake or further out at the west coast of the state, to the north above me and the south below me, but she just will not come right around me, actually, hardly at all so far this year, has Fort Pierce experienced any nice lightning activity. Feel free to monitor the posted weather chart that shows her positions at whatever time you click onto the blogs. Now, a Resident Manager from another Public Authority Building, back in New Jersey, in 1989 and 1990, a man named Nathaniel, whose last name will remain anonymous; told me that he did not want me near his family, and to please keep a distance from him, and his wife and children. He was quite firm and polite, but he meant business. He had witnessed a powerful unexplainable thing that had happened to me, as the building security guard. It is told about in more detail on several past blogs, and needs not be reiterated now, for time's sake. Now this was a mere flesh and blood human being, who as all of us, are vulnerable to attack in many and numerous ways, and we are all frail and delicate, even big powerful muscle people. We all injure and die a lot easier than in the mother fucking movies, and THAT, Dennis Snyder, sir; ''is just reality, son''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My pernt here Mister Archibald Queens Bunker, is THISSSSSSSSS! Lightning has times, when even SHE is afraid to be too near me. You can all choose to believe and or disbelieve parts or all of the Morianity story, but I will tell you in plain truth, I make nothing up, I imagine nothing, these are not a bunch of absurd psychotic delusions and mental disorders; and if you were a fly on my skin, for the past 30 years or so; THEN YOU WOULD KNOW, AND ONLY FUCKING THEN, that these words are all dangerously deadly TRUE AND TOTALLY REAL!

My simple point here today is that if LIGHTNING, who most people fear and revere and are aware of its power and greatness, is too scared to be around me; then what IS around me, that NATE, and Her, and many others throughout my long HELLIFE, all are so terrorized by, without any numbers of nine or one involved. Yes, we do not have any 'nine oh one situations', or 'botbar quad one buildings', or Technion Furniture outlets involved here, but 'something' or 'someone', is involved in all of this, right Kraptain Kaymart Kirk??????????????????

This is nothing new about lightning by the way. I have been following this ever since the middle eighties when all of this fucking nightmare shit began for me, good people! I do not hide stuff, and there are no secrets in MORINAITY. It is all in plain view, but if it does not quack like an EARTHDUCK, many will never be able to hear any of it no matter how plainly it barks out at you. This is why Jesus, after the great resurrection, was recognized as slightly different in appearance, when in fact and truth, the difference was in the mind's eye of the many beholders, who just could not totally escape the EARTHDUCK QUACKING SYNDROME. They see, they hear, but it is all fake steak and techno-pop. The problem is that everything shares a commonality and this is that nothing is really real, so then, what the fuck is phony, anyway? When anyone figures out that little powerhouse wisdom bite, share it please, and then, you are definitely ready to understand the following little quick squib about Morianity hating secrets, and why the LORD called EARTHERS, ''hypocrites'' over and over again, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NA WELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if it is the example of several months back with Mister Woods-golfer and fiance', or anyone out here with a Facebook account, or any social media. How can you keep a straight face, and do all this stuff; and then hate the government for supposedly spying on you? Also, when Tiger and his girl posted all that stuff up, and then demand their privacy, no offense, and this is just an example using name recognized people to make a better point; but millions of you all are biblically described so perfectly. The NSA is not taking your privacy, you all have been giving it away for years, and then you complain. Now as for me, I have a message to get out, and could care less how many people are spying on me. Spy on, rock on, roll on, roll over and play dead for all I care, I mean folks, get real; this is totally ass ridiculous. If anyone could care less, Morianity has told you now, for seven or eight years, that this was all true; only no millions of people know my name, the way that they know the dude who squealed. Also, FYI lovely folks, they don't HAVE TIME to give a shit about you or me or our lives. The entire planet has been under surveillance for decades, and the teck is just better recently and so it all has come out, but not to burst any bubbles or egos out here, but unless you are planning on doing something that is a threat to America, they don't even know your name, or want to. They have raw data that great programs examine and analyze, with a time backlog that you would not believe. They are just now examining the most important key-word-signaled data from 5-10 years ago, and this is why they were not on top of the 911 event. The manpower is lacking, not the teck. If you could record just 6 hours of the day, 40 of your favorite television channels, tell me how you will ever catch up to watching it all back? You'll get an ever increasing lag time as time keeps passing. The NSA is not the problem. The problem is social media out of control and nutty people. How can you get out there and tell your life to an open world, and then expect or try and demand 'PRIVACY'? It's the quintessential oxymoron if ever there could be one. Either want the world to know your name, or don't, but why do you all vacillate back and forth? If you have accounts and tweet out your basic life moves 24-7, then what's your problem with big brother reading the same pages, hay, call me dumb peeps, I just don't get any of it, so if I am missing something, why not straighten out this dumb old fuck?

People say that I'm fucking Looney Tunes. Fine, I guess I am, because for the life of me, I simply do not get the new age American citizens, and really for the most part, the entire new age so-called civilized global internet society. I mean really, I have had things happen to me that go beyond the fucking known universe, and have begun to write and record about it ever since 1995. I've copyrighted shit, written music, written blogs, it is all real, and I only hope the dam fucking feds read it and examine it all. None of this shit makes one bit of sense to me, so if it does to you, and you will not ever comment and explain this to me in a full paragraph and not a dumb ass 15 word or less bird chirp, well, to me, I see myself dead center in a huge jungle with billions of folks beating their chest and doing Tarzan imitations. Hay why not, we can call him, Techno-Tarzan, huh Mister WD of the non electronic fluid realms? Yes Mike McNulty, you certainly surely may; so go for it, BRO!!!!!!!!

WEEEE----NA, GINA, and Nina; signing off pretty soon, WHAAAAAABIT!!!!!!!!!!


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© 2006-2012 MWM/MWM/BOM/MF-2


It is early on this Tuesday morning here in warm Fort Pierce, Florida, and the entire United States (48) also appears warm, unlike in other locations in more distant hyperspace where police in Camden City seemed hellbent to alter an accident report back on Saint Pat's Day.

Earlier blogs talk about a powerful bunch of dreaming interactions, just as the one mentioned here, again, dreams are no more than other realities happening, and we all are always awake and alive in an astronomically huge number and amount of them. Our 5th dimensional being 'never sleeps or slumbers'. Tee Hee Hee. Still, so many insist on things disproving this, only they do not. When we have a serious problem, localized hyperspace kicks in as our nightmares, after a bad accident or losing a loved one for two examples, and anyone reading these words knows this. There are the few like Ed Himacane with no conscious recall of any activity in hyperspace, and they only seemingly are here and never remember dreaming. Still, the equipment that is available in dream institutes will prove that they do in fact dream, and merely for reasons that they do not yet comprehend, just never remember anything. We all know that way more than we remember, is sort of right there at the tip of our mind, but yet lost seemingly forever to us. Some love to site another example with me on this debate, that such as with myself that night where I fell asleep at Cifaloglio with a bright beautiful full moon shining in my face in front of me while in my vehicle, I suddenly found myself at Linden Hill, where I lived when it was 1975 here in this universe, at Apartment number 1118, in Lindenwold, New Jersey, and had the telephone number (609) 783-4020. In the dream at Cifaloglio, there were two maintenance men, who had bright flashlights, and they were walking up the stairs towards the apartment where I used to live at here, and as they ran, the flashlights were on and the light was bright and shaking in all directions while they were running up the stairs. In some parallel universe, anything your mind can think up, is indeed taking place, so a common incident such as maintenance men doing this, is nothing, not when you figure that there are vigintillions of localized enough universes to contain things such as another Linden Hill Apartment Complex somewhere on their Planet Earth, and over here, a bright moon had moved in-between some tall trees and was bright enough to make my mind tune into one of these exact type of parallel universes. You can fight me all you want, I do know what I know, and I am right, and you can all believe whatever you want about reality or dreams, and whatever, and if it is not what I tell you in my blogs, sorry, you are wrong. John Henningsen could take things from here with his famous slogan and saying, from here to Red Colorado Basketball Angerfits. I am starting to get very freaking pissed off at this rotten basketassball for canceling the television shows I enjoy watching. Oh well, this happens every freaking year with this stinking 'MARCH SADNESS'. Yes I remember moons and flashlights, and also bus rides and hills, out in the middle of lonely country roads, and losing my Sarah at a very interesting age. BUT, I remember another great part of this wild interaction, and endlessly hope that very localized hyperspace will begin creeping slowly together with certain things. They all ready may be doing this, because when I went to fill out my exit papers at AARP on Monday afternoon, the two persons were smiling all over the place and telling me they are just going to put me into a sixty day medical leave, and then I will return to a site where I won't have to kill myself so much. I never sent any letter to the President, I hadn't even written it yet, I was going to. As of Friday, it was all over. So what changed, & should I dare risk those three magic words, after my recent YT post? In any event, life is powerful and interesting, and always has been for me. I was never going to let this cat out, but I am feeling more bold than old, even shy of the 5-5+7 date, wow, mucho sickem swalen cherundo, or however it is spelled, the gods will I be angry forever for losses that even Trump could not have inflicted on me, or could he? Well George Bell Tone, if you are reading this; you had me beat by a country mile, until you invited that call girl into your life, and she robbed you blinder than Count Russell Von Marcucci at noon.

If my descendants are indeed reading this from the future and tuning back on the Lunar-Sat SWISS NET SYSTEM, I know someone knows about the shore because the minute I pulled up to the Beach House, there was my favorite dude up in that plane, and Count Royal Guardsmen was not his name. Great song dudes. Everyone of these places go for 13-19 meg in the middle and late twenties, and Mike's bro is giving that monster place away at seven hundred G. The only thing more unbelievable than this would be the next thing tomorrow or the day after that one, that will happen to me quite obviously. In any event, I'll never forget the experience at Flagler Beach back in middle December of 2009. I got the same shock that you got Mister Trump, when you saw Leticia Tilley on your video surveillance at your Atlantic City Plaza. Oh well, you all just have a nice life, and forget about all the horrible things you have done to me, you need not remember. Things all balance out in the 5th dimension. They have to, it is merely an equal amount of energy off of the D-6 that is spread around in the lower reality. Water in any form loves to seek its own “LEVEL”. I capitalized the word, because some freaking hacker is messing with the print, and forcing the word to have a 'capitol. Letter', see what they are doing to me, BUT, maybe it is my wonderful SKY letting me know she got my Thank You. In any event, it is time to sign off and stay under the radar, lll. Love is for Carpenters © 1980, only am I really the rightful owner of this? Wow, this is one hell of an experience, YO. Where are you when you are seeking more miraculous stuff, Benny-16???????? Yes, a Death Angel attack is on my left side at 130 millidays, and my life is stranger and more wild than anything that you could ever write in a million years, James Patterson. The last sentence was just hacked off, where ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU MCDOWELL, one chance huh, how about one more, YO??????????????????????????????????? Does it have to be 1963 forever old pals & old buddies? Where are you Jimmy Stuart, my old hyperspace changer wonderful life 6th-D companion?



Lotsanlots of shit is going on folks, only this is not the month of March anymore, it is the seventeenth day of October of twenty-twelve, at six minutes shy of one in the morning. Oh you poor little fucking bastard, Mark Wayne Mohr, of the crazy's and the Jason Forrest crackpots of Aquarius Records. Here is what you need to do my loyal MORIANS, and even the skeptical unbelieving Lessians, as well as all of the Inbetweenians of the GRAY WORLD, who R domestic or alien, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. You need to deal with a few powerful truths, NOW, not at some other time. Your life in the year of 2012 is destined to be the worst hell since this all got started being this bad in 1986, and WOW, what a wild coincidence that both years spelled out have not only the same PCN GAWNUMLY, but also have the precise calendar year matching days to weeks precisely in all twelve of the months in both of these frikkin years. There are only fourteen possible ways any year can be, it would be seven, for the amount of days in the week, but since we have the leap year, this now makes it fourteen possibilities, and for complex mathematical reasons; every twenty-eight years, is a full cycle on the calendar, so adding any multiple of 28, or subtracting any multiple of 28, from any current year, and the exact 365 days will fall on the exact weekdays. 2012 is like 1984, not not 1986, but 1984 was so powerful, that I had no idea, sort of like with the year of 1980, that while I lived within that year, that this was anything but usual normal times and life. No one is able to see the forest from the trees, and I am no exception. Hence, 1980 with the powerful interactions with LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS being sung to me by GODDESS SCYLLA, early in June, and then Gawky the magical black cat coming to me later on in that autumn with that powerful and awesome lottery 'dream' with the number coming out as the straight or boxed equivalent to the meowing word of “DIE” or 495. Just as with all of this, the final major deal was finding the HAIR ALBUM vinyl disc 33 record album, done by teenager Donna Summer, who at the time, was Donna Adrian Gaines, now deceased, and according to some great friends of hers, not from her chain smoking. I am told my daughter is not against me either or my non mainstream chemtrail claims along with my great pal AKA formerly-PRINCE and many others, but that it was not the trails that made MC miss the high notes of her later life and days, nor was it the chain smoking that took Donna to an early grave. We will not need to talk any longer about the Astral Plane either, so it seems, I need to do my communications with a higher e-mail system. Now as old ex-pal Eric told me from North Fort Pierce, Florida; maybe I cannot always trust what I am told on the computer interconnected networking system, well, gee, I know that, but I am between a rock and a hard place with many things right now, right Mister Marcucci, Melanie, and Mister Lennon Lenny McKinnon? Moving through transdimensional hyperspace, and using the Astral-Plane as a bridge to time-hop, as many esoteric and paranormal researchers know to have many truths within all of this somewhere; do not know about a future known fact that becomes learned in many areas of localized hyperspace in coming centuries, as SPACE-TIME-MIND, or for short, STM. Without going into a dictionary sized voluminous dissertation and thesis here folks, I will abridge and compress this ultra major, with these following words and sentences about this reality. Many advanced scientists who are learned in the subject of Quantum Mechanics, feel that they have figured out why traveling to a past time is not possible, and have explained the long established paradox of killing your grandfather in the past, and then what would become of you at that instant; and they call it feedback prevention, in the science or new science of wormhole mechanics. Wormhole mechanics develops slowly with experiments after Higgs and all the other collider tunnels are all completed, and what is later learned, is that there is more than SPACE-TIME involved in the equations of cosmos. The sixth dimension is all why the universes work as they do, and it is quite complex and needn't be gone into on this blog. But when the individual localized universes of the 5th dimension or the hyperspace, do indeed begin realizing the STM equation of truth, this ushers in the fully advanced scientific community that leads to the early 23rd century of WORLD LABORATORIES. My experience in 1988 at Walker and Water Streets in Southeast Philadelphia, that involve this future life I exist in as Labber Zeejins, employed by WL, escaping by jumping from a prison airship heading to what now is Brigantine, New Jersey, and waking up the original time, not as a little toddler in the late nineteen fifties, but on a train as an adolescent, with a sort of Arnold Total Recall built in memory of being younger, but in truth, I am in an endless repeating loop of February of 1969 through June of 2031, and this has gone around approximately 215 times now if my count is at all accurate. Moving through time using STM, is a very similar powerful truth that was known by just about all of the great ancient Chinese Dynasties, in their now world famous BOOK OF CHANGES, not beaches, sandals, bleachers, or scandals. Only the United States Copyright Office and some of the music industry publishers, know that I indeed, have been doing a lot of 'traveling' since the eighties, and the complexities involved in all of this back and forth stuff, is not in the paradox of the 'other FDR' or the just 'four-dimensional reality', and because there are MIND SIGNALS being sent down from the 6th Dimension into the hyperspace or the 5th one, containing these virtually limitless parallel universes of which this one here is but one of them; altering any kind of atomic arrangement causes no feedback as current quantum science believes as one possibility, nor is it impossible to achieve, nor does it cause a philosophical conundrum and paradox whatsoever. The second that we alter our normal motion through time, with the signal that connects our beingness and consciousness to the 6th dimension, we rearrange our atomic structure and no longer exist ever again in the precise atomic arrangement that we were in before we altered the direction or the speed of 4-D motion, or time if you wish. There is no way to ever control an exact restructuring of events via altering 4-D MOD, (Motion Or Direction). It is like playing a huge and outlandish gargantuan unfathomable cosmic game, and it is more intoxicating and addictive than all of the alcohol, drugs, and GAWNUM equations, all put together and then multiplied. But never, is humankind able to do anything but PLAY A GAME, as it cannot ever be under control; not without controlling the entire 6th dimension, and that is sort of like saying that a speck of paint on a wall somewhere, can control our universe. You can digitally copy and replicate these specks until you filled up the cosmos with them, but they still would never control anything. Also it would require more energy than we could ever have available to us collectively as conscious cosmos, to pull off making that much replication, of the speck of paint on that wall someplace, so maybe this gives you a small idea of why you can indeed play this game, but unlike Monopoly, or Football, or some arcade video-game, or even the very best and newest one, available to be played on your television or computer; it is a mindless game of walking around high. That is why I appear to be nuts and crazy folks, so let us take the gigantic mother fucking cat out of the bag now, and then we can go from 1980-1984, and hear my copyrighted songs and music sent down to the US © Office, during those years, and realize the details, the real ones, stretching from Icabod Laughman Crane, all the way to My Nosanemind Pandora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So do things make any sense yet, dear world? Of course they do, to the top secret peeps in 'Fortune Whatever', and the EW.

As for Ed Lynch and 2006, and how MORIANITY was all preset to begin, along with the destruction of life as I knew it; back in Mullica Township, next door to Hammonton, Hang in there, New Jersey, Paula Waves; you need to listen to the posted song, “DEAL WITH THIS ANOTHER TIME”, and then you need to look at some posted websites. Things will begin to clear up, ladies and gentlemen, that I'll promise you.


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