Friday, June 7, 2013





OK folks, I've cut the fucking enemies a break for a week of siege now, and this is where KI must now draw a line in the rock chucking sand, and really tell some things out to the world, as a total retaliation for this death pummeling siege being rained down on me by the Astral-Plane group known as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL'S EVIL THIRD, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT, those who reside on the BRIGGBASE of the great nestern shores of the TECK BAY. I have not run out of things to tell you, as somebody hinted at recently, and believe me, if I had all the time in the world, for Weena, and other story telling listeners; we would be all night long. My rotten bunt tapping nabes have been making horrendous loud noise now day and night all week long, and it must be reported, and it will be, I cannot take it this bad any longer, and they go on real mother sucking rolls, or maybe a more accurate way of putting it, despite being scoffed and laughed at, would be going on roles, as Dennis Snyder was a very intelligent man, and quite the philosopher, and I'll not soon forget the talks that we had at the Cifaloglio guard job, where he reminded me that the Hollywood crowd are impossible to ever really know, especially the actors more than those in the music circles, as their job is to act and perform, and it does not necessary stop when the words of, “cut, that's a wrap” get spoken, and I fully agree with him, and for every actor officially paying taxes as actors, there are most likely a four figure amount of wannabees. Now this means they too have practiced the art form well and long, and are also very adept at this professional deception ability or I'll shorten this term that may be used again on other blogging material at future times, to the abbreviation of PDA. PDA is all around, everywhere, whether the average person going through a normal average day is ever aware of it or not. Using psychology on someone, a term that once was quite commonly used, at least in the olden days of my earlier life, and this was sort of one and the same thing with this now discussed PDA. The difference if anything at all between the two items would be that one would exist for the sake of only and just, using this technique to control and manipulate other people to do our bidding, whereas the other one that has little to do with stuff in the DSM-5, actually has a real life reason to be and exist, as all of us love to enjoy a good show and a good movie, and that takes some really dam good acting, and thus, good actors and actresses. There are lots of mediocre actors and few great ones. The ones who may not quite be ranked within the Greta Garbo, Betty Davis, James Stuart, Humphrey Bogart, etcetera, caliber; or on the Astral Plane not that far from a region known as Potterkovich, in Province Olympia, 'Callio-Botbar'; Mayor of H-Town and phased four times outside any ambulances driving in the wrong direction at ancient battlefields; but yes folks, the ones that appear to be great at certain times, although not really on the top of the list, happens from time to time, as they are given roles to play, that the Beatles Music Group knew a little bit about, especially, speaking of Brady flip side kisses of YESTERDAY. Yes it is quite easy to come off as great acting, when you are not acting, but really, being yourself. I just thought it 'important' here for me to toss this little bit of somewhat insignificant speck of raw data into the equation, for the few out here who may appreciate it, and maybe if I am lucky, instead of wanting my head mounted on a den, just may decide to give a quick honest little chuckle, and then move on and do a Rob Hartley! No ladies and gentlemen, there is no end in sight to what I plan on telling, not when my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES are pouring on this much horrendous and totally monstrous persecution and harassment, and remember their number one tactic, used on me, and others who they hate; is EXCESSIVE NOISE, and for those too young to remember the Waco, Texas situation with the Branch Davidian Cult in 1992, well, need I say more other than the details are in the library to read, and I assure you that lots of truer information that matches what I am telling you right now, can be found on the internet under ''conspiracy theory' writings, Google it all up, look at the clubs and the websites, and narrow your search down to the tactics of excessive noise used as a weapon against enemies by military forces and powers, it is all up there, everything is on the internet, and you need to be your own judges and juries on accuracy and dependability, as there are always some degrees of a lie within any and all truth, and the reverse also applies, folks. There are always some degrees of truth, within any lie. In fact a piss poor liar just lies and lies and lies, and very soon, not a soul will ever believe a word that they say, rendering them and all they may try and ever do, from that moment on; quite null and void. The smart liars will tell 100 big truths, and then at just the perfect time; they will slip in that lie that catches up the most non-trusting and non gullible persons from Missouri, and kaboom, they've got you. I say all this merely to reinforce the point that I am trying to make, and not to create more clever nasty liars in this world, as we have enough actors and liars, right now, 500 times over, at least, IMHO, that the great Mashell Daniels says I am entitled to, at least she said it in 1980, that was then, and I am clueless to how it all devolved into 'now'. Shall we move this along, wonderful folks, L-4, MB, and any others who may be even eluding this T-2-E. Yes, someone who is onto the entire stuff that falls under what I have named and labeled, ''EXPLORATRONICS'', and may be officially named something entirely differently by the real club in some remote corner of the fifth Marilyn McCoo dimension; but that entity that is onto this truth 100%, yet is not fully able to claim mastership 100% of Type-3 beingness, and is not in the club, is by the labels and standards of the Morianity system, a TYPE-2-EXPLORATRON. Type one are normal folks who would get a gold star, and pass the patient test, for rational and sane, by any textbook definitions written in the current bible of nut-case study, currently the DSM-5; and thus who believe that we sleep and we dream, and that is that, except for perhaps dozens of wild psychological theories and studies of what dreams can reveal to the waking world real life, a total nonsensical lie of the year 2013 and backward from there so far. So Type-1 are just the normal folks, and type 2 are the types who know that hyperspace is nothing more than dreamers falling down asleep off of the Astral-plane, and all the other complicated stuff explained so far in Moriarty. TYPE-3, now this IS THE CLUB, as most of them, although traveling rarely alone, do upon occasion in fact do just that, and perhaps often, but eventually, to be fully TYPE-3, common sense tells us that just as law and medicine of this time is established and controlled, so is this, and just as licenses to practice, and some sort of a standard and centralized hub exists such as the AMA or the legal BAR, and so on with all professions; I would doubt with what's left of my sanity and good reason, that this would really be any different. So there are three types of entities, and MORIANITY has made this claim from the first swing of the baseball bat. TYPE-1 people just go to sleep, and they leave things right there, and this is the vast majority of the entities of hyperspace, especially in the backward years in relation to more advanced times in any parallel reality. TYPE-2 people are varying shades of gray-me-types, you know, no connection to gray aliens, I simply mean there is a range of types like myself, such as Carlos Castaneda, and myself, and many many other folks, but none of us IMHO at least, are TYPE-3. The only three people who are TYPE-3 in this exact frequency of atomic reality, or here in this present time and this universe of so many virtually parallel other ones inside an unimaginably vast hyperspace that contains them all, would be my son in law, his mother in law, and the greatest pop diva on this planet so far as of 2013. I will leave things right there for many many reasons, as I do have knowledge that I should not have, not as a type-2-non initiate of the full maxed out entity beingness that is possible inside this wild 5-D dream! Now we will proceed on into what will be added to what so far has been made a part of the Morianity Project, or the hopefully future, MORIANITY-FOUNDATION, the 'religion' for the THIRD MILLENNIUM, hence, the name on old originally blog texts, MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM-3 or simply MFM3.

BANG BANG BOOM BOOM BING ZONK BATMAN ADAM WEST AND NEIGHBORS FROM FUCKING TOTAL HELLFIRE, PHA, the worthless overseers I've ever had the displeasure to deal with, and as I said, in earlier blogging texts, IF THEY ARE NOT THEMSELVES IN ON IT, then why, first, won't they throw these pricks out of here and help me, and second, why won';t they let a drug dog walk the hallways as resident manager Debbie Moratto suggested to them twice, and thank the gods, was foolish enough to impart to me that information, so I can blog it out to the entire fucking world? A moron can see through all of this, but when things begin to prove old tin foil hat me, and others like me, on the 'KEEP DOWN, AND COVERTLY DESTROY' LIST; this is when they need to go into the WASHINGTON-IRS-POLITICS-MODE, so to speak, and I really do hate using current events to maker my points, or to even discuss them at all, as m y story is pertaining to eternity, and not confined and limited to tiny specks of time and event here and there inside a huge illusion that is only explainable so far with Einstein's great mass and energy equation. Still, they forced my fucking hand tonight, my good believers, YO! Watch those queens and sixes Josephine, or was that aces and fives, or are we still all dancing around trying to create new elements and dance-beats, lovely ISIS?

Yes folks, Friday or no Friday, between midnight and one AM, I WILL CALL CRIME STOPPERS, JUST AS DEBBIE TOLD ME TO DO, IF THINGS DON'T STOP, AS THIS IS TOTALLY FUCKING ABSURD AND MACK KAITER OFF THE WALL REDICULOUS. Just put me to the test, as I will get this stopped and them evicted, if I have to die by knife as per the old old dream, to do it, my people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, shall we move onto the final thing I will start getting into on this blog? DUH, Lenny Briscoe, and COLOR ME MINE!

I told you all that nothing is real, that everything needs to be created, that we in a higher all powerful collective self have indeed done so, even though the word 'done' is no good, as it implies a time or a tents when none is real in truth and at truth, and I have treaded lightly and a little tad bit into the lane that discusses the beginning of controlling ones non-conscious shift, into a controllable entity, or as the mighty world renown Julia on the black Horse Pike of Atlantic City, New Jersey said this to me back in 1997 on that summer night in her psychic shop, a 'being', as until an entity becomes a T-3-E, they are only a mere fraction of a true ''in-control'' BEING. Maybe this is instinctively why many of us enjoy being considered, ''human beings'', allowing us to remain beings, but of the human and fallible race of Pennock Imperfections of the early nineteen-seventies, not meant in any cute smart-ass pun type of a way, as it really does perfectly, all fit together, BRUCE! Still, I promise not to cry over any more magical combinations of vibrations, not now, not during any cat chases, and not before any major twisters strike back in the great PITSY-4-YEAR that NEVER WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you may laugh, MMCN, old buddy from Church Farm School in 1971, all you want to! So what will bring me the greatest retaliatory revenge and strike, for a week of pure hell, and powerful noise attacks; oh wonderful late and great, Mister Davidian Cult Waco Wacko? Well, what normally comes to mind when I need to do this, what secret do they want kept the most and the best, right this moment, besides Paula King (her street name) raping me on the first Saturday in July of 1969, underneath of the Central Pier, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG? Well, the problem here is that this does not fit with the plan right now of adding a bit more onto the EXPLORATRONIC study of real truth. Still, why not tell two for the price of one blog, and since I keep it all free, and this is the endless policy of MORIANITY to always do; let us enjoy a little online BOGO here, great believers! Some know about the seagull heist and the training of birds and monkeys and dolphins, and George C. Scott, and a lot more, and is does not matter, as that one is not all that easy to prove. My original computer programming degree from 1973 from the PC Institute, here we go again with the initials of endless PC, politically correct or not, but aniwho, with or without any Hanna's, western states, Lizzy non fire bugs, boxes, pools, cannons, or car insurance; in or out of Griffin Pipe Township in New Jersey, big guy CC, I thought you would enjoy knowing that I am blogging from a PC, not a tablet, so I am not the hell on any beach, with any whales, or any cursing Vulcan dudes, in or out of regular time, or 1986 years. No sir, I am here at home, in this hellish PHA building with neighbors from where else, but HELL SQUARED???????????????? So is a W—O—W appropriate right around here, Mike McNulty, sir, (MMCN)?????????????? Yes, the power is in the blood, and mine is just one grade better than my graduation, you know, British Petroleum and betting our Red Henningsen 1969 raped BIPPIES on anything except roulette wheels that did not arrive down there in Lovelyville, until it all began in 1978, huh Resorts SIN-DERR NATIONAL HOTEL AND CA----SIN----O? Yes folks, but all this fucking stinking rotten bullshit laid aside, folks and wabbits; here's the long and short of the updated lesson in non Advanced-Robotics, but rather, in EXPLORATRONICS. First off folks, you will all tie what I say together, in your own ways, it is not my business to preach to you, merely tell some shit about my life, then you go and invite it into your lives, just as you so choose to do, this is exactly what I want, no more and no less. James Redfield is indeed the true father of this supposed now long dead, ''New Age'. His great books are ALL MUST READS, unless you enjoy being on a very low level of the Pedersen Created Lifescale System or the (PCLS) for short abbreviated initials. How many of you remember the blog a month or so back, when I cut my hand on a can top that was near the stove that I had not yet thrown into the trash, a somehow a cockroach, brought to me by what else but these cock roach fucking neighbors across the dam hallway, made me injure myself by reaching over to kill it, and getting cut quite nastily. Well, I was fixing a steak and spaghetti din-din for Mizz Davis and myself, AHA-AHA-AHA, I'll do it this time, smoke break for you Mike if you need one; anihee, I fixed another meal exactly like that one mentioned on the blog where I cut myself, a few nights back, and as I was eating, and cutting the steak, don't even bother fucking asking me just how it happened as I've been cutting meat longer than Donna Summer, and she was a meat packer as a teenager, up in Boston's Burbs, but POW, I cut my finger really bad and it bled profusely until I got it all bandaged up. Most of May and June is all SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, I just don't go discussing it any fucking Wirtz-Monster-Feeding-Mohr. Oh lovely, not old, sorry, misprint Mizz Bondi as you are anything but old, but I meant to type in ''OH, not old, anihee; just as the ADA told me in the early nineties while my mom and I were renting the home of the mother of a New Jersey State Police Officer, on Route #561, in Gibbsboro, NJUSAESMWG in the early nineties; don't keep feeding the monster or it grows bigger, you need to know when to fight it and tell me stuff, and when to just totally ignore it yet staying vigilant, and remember when you see stuff in front of you, that's when you need to be looking into your rear view mirror”. I never mother fucking ever forgot that GREAT ASS ADVICE, thank you KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I am on page fucking eleven of elven let me cunt phlegm rape with my fives, please folks, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 555555555555555 TIMES 5555555555555555555 divided by 555555555 is equal to who gives a shit, Donald Winn? Yeah, you are one swell lovely nice cool fella, real charming and loaded with human feeling, and then you want the citizens of this already major fucked up nation, to elect you cunt lapping ass president, what fella, ya nuts???????????????????????? Kiss my ass Jane, for what you did to me in 1993, you rotten ass slob!!!!!!!! Say it Dawn and Dad, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!

Now what do the two cuts and injuries have to do with the price of dog shit and canned berries you may be wondering right about now, good believers, so let me get down and fucking dirty. Well, both were cuts on metal to my right hand, a lid of a can and then a knife, as I said, both metal, and then both times, I had prepared a meal of steak with spaghetti and tomato sauce, and I have not had this exact meal combination before or since or at any time inbefuckingtween, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like Microsoft Spellchecker has the hots for Roseann Delaney on that past sentence, but then crissake we are speaking of the subject of blood, in fact we have been ever since my computer programming degree in 1973, at the PC Institute, WOW, if it gets much better than this, I'll whip off right in front of the US Supreme Court, I swear to this!!! Hell, three hots and a cot doesn't sound so bad to me right now, fuck this shit, Henry Fonda, my old friend from 'MIVILLE' and Lake-less Vineland Paramedics of parallel universes. So is another WOW appropriate, MMCN? So what is causing these parallels to happen, you know, I fix the exact same meal that I rarely prepare, and boom, I cut my right hand friggin' half off? Well,, what causes Parallel Event to happen in anything? The answer is I will never know for sure, but I am beginning to totally that believe REALITY-3 is the entity behind all paralleling events. Something, I don't fucking know just what, but SOMETHING happens, and THEN, two other things HAPPEN, and they seem to be related to each other in some mathematical preponderance that remains endlessly above what would normally eventually be random or unpredictable, out of a large grouped number. If you go to a roulette table, and start keeping track of the twelve bi-parameters of outside betting, you know, black and low, or red and even, there are twelve total; and then you watch to see if a strong parallel event exists in any of these twelve, where on the following spin outcome, there is a much larger amount of times that one of the two 50-50 chance outcomes does indeed come out in the remaining third parameter, and let me give you an example here. If you are tracking all 12 with a simple little stick figure chart as I did in 1986 when I was playing professional roulette in Atlantic City at the casinos there; and suddenly without any Walmart's or tunes of the RIAA being involved whatsoever; you observe that on the bi-parameter of BLACK-HIGH, there are 37 EVEN'S that follow on the next spin, and only 6 ODD'S, you have a nice strong parallel-event for EVEN to follow any near term wheel outcomes of a BLACK-HIGH number, these being, in case you may be interested, 20-22-24-26-28-29-31-33-35. After any of these numbers pop in at your wheel, your stats up to the present time according to your stick figure chart, show the following 18 numbers to come in at a ratio of 37:6, and these being, 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22-24-26-28-30-32-34-36, not counting the house VIG numbers, the green ones, zero and double zero. This is an 'outside-betting system, so we are just thinking that after a BLACK and HIGH, the so-far odds of an EVEN follow outcome are 37:6. Well, don't get too excited. The true odds are never what they appear, as this is just the way the wheel is working so far, but by waiting for a strong parallel event such as this where the ratio of these two numbers is at least 4 and even 5 times, or in other words at least 4 times the lower event number, so in this case being the 6, so at least 24:6. By playing after you get something this strong, all odds are that you will make more units profit than you lose, by betting that same event every time it is signaled to be played, and when the parallel event does eventually reverse, by the time it no longer at least 4:1, you have made a lot of units. In reality, this system of using the parallel-event in this exact way, was computer run by a man named Rob Provenzono from New Jersey in the late eighties, and after 100,000,000 spins, was showing a 6.0-7.1 percent profit, when the house VIG was not included. Factoring the roulette VIG in however, big as it is, 5.26%, the 100 MEG computer run test, still showed at 1.74% unit gain over the 50-50 random, with this huge house-vig included in the mix. This is not one of the strongest parallel events, and this has been talked about before, right down to my high school days at the Haddon Township High school in Westmont, New Jersey; where I learned that tapping certain tiles in precise combinations, in my bathroom, while either shitting or bathing in the morning, would bring me a better or a worse type of a day, in school. All my 720 high school days sucked, I could not wait for all three 720 thirds to be over, I hate fucking school. But not because I hated to learn, I just hated the mother fuckin g jerk off people. Naturally, we all grow up, and look back, and it was all a lot of shit anyway. It means nothing to me now, in fact, I would love to see the end of the entire fucking world. Nothing personal, and no offense meant to a single soul. I am just tired of existing eternally. IT SUCKS!!!!!

But this is only a part of bullshit, the tile tapping that led up to parallel event, as well as the great Sherry-Lee Pote from the Chrysler Automobile Dealership in Oaklyn, New Jersey in 1997, and lots fucking more. I may as well tell you all, a letter to the Fort Pierce Mayor will be mailed at the post office tomorrow when I go up on the island to see Mikey. It details how the Public Housing Authorities must be in on this plot to drive me mad with noise from these thug drug ghetto trash and their all night door slamming and screaming, and drug selling and using over in those apartments across from me. I have nothin g to lose, it will stop, or it is back to fucking new Jersey for me, so get ready for me to come home, big guy, like it or not, if the shit hits the fucking ass fan here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want the hell to know about this, SIR!


Very strange shit happened, part of this blog is hit with hyperspace equation or some computer trick and black hat cracker hacking, I don't totally know which or witch, but I do know that something got screwed the fuck with. Next week will be interesting around the middle or late part, when the Mayor of fucking Fort Pierce, gets my dam ass letter, good believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told the Mayor that when I go back to Jersey, I may not have all that much good to say about the county and the state, as everyone has fucking hurt me very badly here, and this is only me telling the mother fucking ass total truth,m YO!!!!!!!!!!!! What, I'm supposed to fucking cunt lapping tell a bunch of fat ass lies? That is not the way that I was raised, in or out of Atco, near or far from the Durham House, or the Pliner one for that freaking matter. Still, whether you all want to endlessly watch me or not, that is your business, my life is an open book, as is RIP OFF TOWN, and all real great straight haired or curly haired girls everywhere, so that is that, mister Esolph. Anihee, let me get on with the dam ass story, folks. Parallel event can be a wonderful thing as well as a hellish nightmare. Sound familiar? So can fucking cunt nuclear energy. So can a spouse. So can a parent, a child, let us stop there, crissake, even I kn ow when a do not crossover line suddenly pops up, and my apology to the township of fucking Northfield, New Jersey, back in cock sucking 1999! Let me be a real 'prince' here. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Smoke break's over, Mister McNulty, YO! No sir, I don't wanna go corrupting one of my daughter's heroes, and messing up his mind with all of my rotten ass Morianity, old unstable dinosaur little freaking me, WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! People, the god dam truth about tile tapping is not me traveling in time, or is it about a song called, “Love Is For Carpenters”, please be both advised and assured of that, friends and foes. Still, my blogs did tell you about the higher buildings, with or without blood types, abbreviations, roller coaster giants, future devices such as tablets and Wildwood Presses, and so much more, but it tell you that soon it would be 3030, and even sooner, it would be 1001 years before that, and I would be hearing a really wild cool song playing on the radio about this wild ass year of twenty-twenty-nine, and I was not sure just how long the Marola pronunciations were going to last, or if they have totally converted to the 2029 way yet all over America, as they have recently here in fucking paradise, AKA Florida Laughing Time, MMCN! I told you in a round about way at first, about the great Roseann Delaney, but let me add herein that I do not remember whether or not I ever told you that the dude who fixed my computer back at Jenny's hellhole park in Jersey, told me that his two pals, the gay couple, also rooming at Judge Raso's place on Central Avenue in BluEBERRYVILLE, New Jersey; told him that they knew me and would not be specific about it. When I myself later asked them, after they were going to help me with another computer situation that Eddie was not going to do for reasons we need not get into as this is a very fucking ass ugly world as many know without any help from the Morianity Club, or whateverrrrrrr, they suddenly up and moved far away somewhere, naturally with a plausible and reasonable and very logical on the surface, explanation. Before the dude from the store where I bought the computer before I had the one I currently am using here in 'PARADISE', pity me Middie, I asked exactly what he was able to glean from them about their comment pertaining to their claim of knowing me from some place. He told me and I quote him, “Oh it's nothing, they were high on something that day, 'cause they said their great grand children know you in the future”, then he laughed, closed his trunk, as he had been packing to leave himself, and started up his car; and that was the end of all of them, forever. Then suddenly, Dawn appears in my life, only it seems one other thing was said. He claimed that they were talking, 'while high on something of course', as 'it just could not be real', that Dawn is some kind of a visitor, and that she is real, but that 'she is possessed with some spirit inside of her'. These were the two things that I managed to get out of this young dude, who worked for the EASY BUTTON store, before he sailed off into his own sunset, as I was also destined to do. I don't buy the dog, I don't but the kidnapping. I really believe that ISIS was inside DAWN most of the time, and she enjoyed tormenting and torturing me relentlessly. Maybe now she feels vindicated, as she seems to be convinced that her step-dad is sleepwalking inside of me upon occasion. Hay at least I never did bad stuff, I do not remember any complaints on August second in 1986 either. If you kept the tape all these years, I;d sure love to know what it contained, probably me shouting the freaking word “BOTBAR” a dozen times or more, and maybe you calling into the Privecode machine as your subatomic third triune persona-self. Who can know if you won't, show. Anihee, the NABES FROM HELL HAVE BEEN HORRIBLE ALL THIS WEEK AND MONTH, THIS HORRIBLE FUCKING ASS JUNE OF '13! I just know asked GAWKY GAUKAUK why this is happening, and he said to me through a deck of cards, “MEOW-MEOW-MEOW-MEOW, no piano songs, and PCN-550. Here is what I have for PCN-550, my wonderful believers:


Does anybody see why I chose December of 2009 to escape the great wonderful Dawn-Marie King? Also, if you need a refresher course in operating the GAWNUM, I'll re-explain it shortly, but you probably can access it all easy enough, it is all through my SAFE JOURNAL chapter blogs. Is another freaking WOW in order, Mister mike???????????????????

Thank you lovely BABY-BLOND for coming to visit with me today, lovely one. Your lightning drives me wild and beyond passionately insane. You were so good to me today, ever since awakening from the experience that you promised to share with me, and did, and I---W---A---L---U, BEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that the big boys on wall Street took their profits for a couple of days, the DJIA will be heading right back up again. There is no mystery to any of this, only none of you have bothered to ever pay any attention to stuff, and ''they'' just love that, my friends. I won't always post the stock charts on every blog, so to check, you just simply click on blogs that are on the right margin that say chapter-95 or 93, and there are others.

Well people, maybe it is time to tell you a few little items that I have been keeping underneath my tin foil. First, I talked some time back about how a lady was quite determined to make me change automobiles, from my 1994 Saturn to a 1997 Plymouth Breeze that needed no hall-less interconnecting rooms from 2008, or Public Housing Buildings of the second decade of the twenty-first century, to make doors slam. Good old Mizz Pote. Just yards away from her office after she was long gone as she was only there to get me to get rid of my time car from Haddon Township High School of 1966-1968, I was with a girl named Margie, a friend of Dawn's friend Cuba, only then in late 2000 or early 2001; I did not yet know that either of these women existed on Planet Earth or anywhere else for that matter. This is where something beyond weird happened to my Breeze car, just yards from where it was on a lot and bought by me a few years prior, Richard Mindhacks. Before we were on this Oaklyn, New Jersey side street, we were at the residence fairly recently moved into by me, the trailer, #10 at the Mullica Mobile Manor on the Julia White Horse Pike AKA 'Soon-Will-Be-30-30', with or without any Viagra tablets in hyperspace exploration. Saying just this much will probably get me, as my pal Mister Barkley would say it so well, “an ass whooping”! Oh well, we all get yo yo'd and bounced around from time to time, and town to town, with or without any help from VOID-PROPHETS, or Miss Lee 4 Teens Pharmaceutical Corporations from the late nineteen-eighties. You may laugh now, MMCN sir! Then along came you, right MIDDIE, and then there always seemed to be endless initials that never go away. Still when the Copyright Office and those who have examined my files, can figure out how I could know about 19 years coming and going from the time that song was written, unless the great rocket man himself was in on this all along, and forgetting the Camden park and Red John Henningsen and just remembering the brutal horrific attack on me by WOMO over a year ago in a parallel universe, all blogged and told about; well, then you all just go and rationalize this all you want to. I know when I've been hit, and I know when everything has gone up permanently in flames, without any berries or nuts or songs or low sounds or piano rumbling, so there, ladies and gentlemen. That is it in a Madonna-shell, if I am at liberty to quote Mister Roth from some time ago, underneath Diana's large lines, in East Atlantic County on that hot summer afternoon in 1998, if memory is serving me at all, let alone correctly, YO. The straw that broke the camel's proverbial back with Eddie calling me the nickname of 'District Of Columbia', in its initials, was enjoyed by someone watching the Mark Truman Mohr Late Late 2 Late Astral Night Show, right lovely SSJKK? Still, let me curse and swear at people like the sumo wrestler juvenile or those other pig kids in Hammonton, both at WAWA from the scummy high school football team as well as the younger smaller gang that harassed peeps at the food store shopping areas. There is so, much more going on folks, than what is appearing at just a Pedersen surface level, that most folks insist on seeing and only seeing, placing them in such darkness. The group that has been following me around since 1967 give or take, since the Quoddy Mocker Girl-Gang of Atlantic City raped me in the Trinidad, now SUPER-8 hotel ''CHAIN'', in that same year in late June; and was all planned out by my Aunt and her friend the Shah, and his family and countrymen for three thousand years, which was days to them when they all access the McGuire Parking Lot, on either side, but let us get more specific here with this. The old photo slide show from the now defunct Morianity-Foundation website, showed an event from the west lot, but the Bolivar Karge Hotel was once standing where the east lot is today. This is where I ran into Paula Roofdog King, on the twelfth day in July, of 1997; 27 years to the day from when we ran into each other on a public transit New Jersey bus system, right at the Atlantic City Bus Terminal, then at the location of Baltic and Arkansas Avenues, near the start of the great Atlantic City Expressway. It is also where the great Mary gave me the long evil eye stare, in front of her son John, brother of Photeous, that day in the summer of 1997 that was maybe two or three weeks later on after seeing Paula talking to the security gate-man at the lot now rented or leased to the Casinos, by the wealthy branch of the Kings. That kind of evil eye and stare-down when I did nothing at all to warrant it; tells me all I ever need to know about this putrid family from Hay-Dee's.

Dave begged me not to try and fight this horrible family, back in 1998. At first when this was all new in 1995, he loved it, and grew only more intense and excited over the prospect of discovering the secrets of this wild and mysterious family from beyond the fucking stars. But shortly as time passed along, he changed, and never ever was the old Dave again, whom I had known back in the eighties ever since meeting him in early November of 1985 at the Caldor Department Store in Woodbury Heights in New Jersey, as fellow security officers. The biggest secret in all of this is that it all is nothing but a game, and the owner of the game is no different on a grand cosmic scale, than would be for example, the owner of a normal video game here on Earth, some random teenage we could call Tory Frederick Mulligan Junior, who just went to a Target or a Walmart store, and made a purchase, only this would be 100 years from now or dam near, and the game would be quite advanced, again, you really do need to get the movie called, “Lawnmower Man 2”. Someone reminded me again today, that nothing I am doing can work, because to the 'sane world', true as my entire nightmare tale of mother fucking woe may be, is and will be always just dismissed as the ravings and rantings of a total mad-man lunatic. In essence, and in a compressed and abridged tell all story, I will fail at telling the story of Morianity at C-SQ. In non mathematical terms, I've already fucking failed before I even suited up and grabbed a typewriter and some paper. It is no different that with the physical death of any of us. It is already a fixed and rigid unalterable event. If you go nuts from hearing these very words, as did Joe Paget that day up at the Roadway Trucking place at CL Road and Route 309 in Pennsylvania, and you shoot yourself right now; it was not my words that made you do it, you just were someplace where your death needed to happen. If you were not there, you may have been 1000 miles away, and you would have been hit by a truck that went out of control while the driver fell asleep at the wheel. If not this, you may have been in a deep basement, and touched the wrong wire and got yourself electrocuted. If it was YOUR TIME to wake up from your current dream-down off of the Astral-Plane, you will, no matter how the events around you may need to work themselves out in order to accomplish this. This is the cosmic Motive-Goal program, that will eventually be turned into a Gates Software System, and downing this by one dimension, someday we will type a desire or a goal into our personal computer, and the system will just go to work and not stop, doing whatever it needs to do, until your command goal is accomplished, or the machine blows up attempting to fulfill your request. Don't even try and worry about figuring this all out folks. I am in this fucking nightmare, and am just as far today, from figuring it all out, as I was on the day it all seemed to begin, the day following a very bad and stupid move on my part in 1986, to make an I-O of the great SSJKK and try and destroy this great being. But what did I know in fucking 1986, so try and be a little forgiving, as the old country tune goes, whether you ever felt lonely or sad or naught, Miss Blake, old AT&T friend from older tears and years, and if we add in Kirsty stealing Alley, Cheers and beers. If we further add in Tom Reale and the Callio clan, we could keep right on rhyming this with fears, queers, and jeers, and should you throw cousin Donald into the mix, we could even add jets, but to make it rhyme, we would change that to Leers and steers. Hopefully, the rotor will break when he is on board, the next time, huh Camden County Prosecutor of New Jersey, and is a freaking WOW needed?




Only the opening title words are real.

///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ KEYBOARDS FROM PETA-HELL ®

MARK WAYNE MOHR--------1980, ALL BLOGS © 2006-2013

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

Now remember, this chart will move during the hours of 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM, not in live action, but you can snap off and back onto the blog, and every few minutes, the chart will update, ahhh these leevely ol leprechauns, maitees. Technology can be wonderful me frensl, speeshally ween its on your side of the fight,




Doors, doors, doors, doors, Public Housing Authority, my letter to you, and the two others mentioned; will be on your desks most likely by end of business this week, or next Monday at the latest. I am living with dirt bag welfare rats that have numerous peeps in that apartment at all hours of the day and night who will shout and make noise also at any hour they so choose to do, and if this is not the typical behavior of area drug cartels, I will eat my rug with dog stink on it, at the speed of light squared.

OK Lads, Lassies, Labbers, and Lab Dogs AKA (L-4), and as my introduction on an old drum music track from the eighties and copyrighted by me also long back, says in my own voice, before the first drum sounds, “HERE WE GO”.


Friday, August 25, 2006

Morianity Bible, The Epilogue:

Enemies, who R they? They are any situation made up of a pure energy that is unidentifiable by mortal man as yet in 2K6. Anything, anyone, any possible situation, causing U or me, more harm than good, more bad and sad than happy, U get the idea, this is ‘the enemy’ and Christians can use one or a group of several names when referring to this enemy, but I say only, ‘the ENEMY’.

My friends in the real estate and travel game, and one in particular, is looking into where I need to go in the world, where I can reduce the evil effects of this enemy; and B able simultaneously, to live and exist on my fixed social security income. Until then, still from here, I will direct U to follow the MB after U read the epilogue, by clicking onto the second blog, called [ MORIANITY FOUNDATION ].

A child can C that has been faithfully following MORIANITY, and knows what I go through with these rotten runtslapping subskummites, that for the past 3 weeks, these dirtballs have put my puny pathetic little fatass through a hell that would be unconscionable even for Adolph Hitler, himself, and I mean this. No human without outer influence, by his or her self, even Mr. Hitler; could ever B this totally cruel to another, whom wears the same coat of flesh as they do!!!!!

This is obviously Y the stock stinking market has been getting its way, and the Phillies kept from ever getting into the wild-card. When they get close, 1, 2, or 3 games back GB so to speak from winning position, the enemy POURS ON THE FRIGGIN ROCKCHUCKING PERSECUTION, AND STOPS THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS EVERY SINGLE BUNTTAPPING TIME. They made yesterday, the 24th of August, a horrific hell; major chopper attacks, over my residence, following me to the Hammonton Wall Mart, U name it; they efed with me. But I am not even starting to tell what they do 2 me on weekends @ my security job post. The aerial persecution is major and constant, and many strange and spurious occurrences are the norm for me. Someone in government circles, another famous ‘promise breaking story I can endlessly tell’, reneged and would not do something promised me earlier, that they would have someone actually sit with me, and C 4 themselves; the shitsapookna that I must endure at the hands of these knock puckers. No, just leave me out in the cold to fend 4 myself, and endlessly suffer in a hell that U simply put, could never even fathom for all the pick six lotto numbers in the winning pool.

Last Saturday morning on this job post around one and a half of the clock, give or take a quarter hour, I had a real honest to the gods UFO situation, and this never was witnessed by me before, not like this. Any craft flying in the air, that U don’t know who and what it is, is by definition, an unidentified flying object, but though in the past 22 years or so give or take, I have seen some mildly bizarre crap up in the sky, this happening could have an entire book written about it; and if I lie, I accept full pain and penalty of perjury, and any and all punitation, that this material world, and all astral worlds; both transdimensionally, and inter-dimensionally; can ever throw at me; on top of all my hell, that exists 4 me; endlessly and forever. Most will not believe a word that I will now speak unto U. If I sat U down and said that I want 2 tell U something, but you'll never believe me, and U kept insisting that U will believe me; then I would say 2 U, if U do not believe me in a little thing that I say, does it not prove and verify that U will not believe the bigger thing? Then U may say, what little thing am I not believing? I then would respond, “when I tell U that U won’t believe what I say”. Think about it, there is magic energy in doubting; just as magical energies exist in this short pun. In any event, out of nowhere, a loud and very low chopper with many bright and numerously colored lights shinning around both in circles, as well as straight downward at the ground, and it hovered and circled around me making several loud and spurious passes directly over me and my car, as I work out of my car, and will, until the boss builds us a guardhouse, which is a plan in work at present. Aniwho, rabies and germs, Morians and Lessians, I feel the need to state again to all of my readers, or maybe just to an empty cyberspace, that what follows next, has, nor won’t soon have, nor B able to yield an Earthly explanation. After ten minutes of fudging with me, it flew off to the north, and towards the city of Hammonton. I followed it with the naked eye as long as I thought I would B able 2 do so. After 3 or 4 minutes, it appeared to stop dead in its tracks and just hover over the city area, moving back and forth east and west over slighter distances, and eventually just totally stopping dead, but shinning its lights brighter and brighter, and the colors faded a bit due to distance, but still were visible to the naked eye. I keep a tape recorder at all times, and was logging the event or so I thought I was, on a cassette tape, but it never came out. A brand new store bought tape, recording on a new and recently cleaned with isopropal alcohol and demagnetization cassette; had wrapped up in the capstan mechanism of the tape machine; and I was talking only to myself, not friggin' recording anything. Later my watched gained 45 minutes over the course of an hour, and an explosion sound was heard when I started my car, but the mechanic on the following Monday, again and as usual; could find no Earthly reason for it, nor a thing mechanically wrong with the auto other than its being old and crying out for a good car-Christian burial. R U ready 4 the big one Mister Fred Sanford????? After 20 minutes from when the chopper flew off and stopped bothering and circling me, dead zenith above me, it became, yes BECAME, a pulsar star of the heavens, in fact, the bright one that we all C on clear nights, that if U stare at it; flashes with every color in the rainbow; and is bright and in varying luminous intensity. The star itself, which is an astral city called HYDRAGLACIA, far beyond the province of Olympia on the Astral Plane, literally came to me, in the shape and sound of a military helicopter; and then within less than half of a human hour; traversed thousands of light years of distance, and returned to being the astral city again. All physical plane stars, are huge cities, with great populations in the trillions, on astral realms; as if enough citizens all decide to merge into a particular piece of interaction of Astrality, they do; and now I know this 4 a fact. I also know with the same absolute knowledge and fervor, and total certainty; that an ETTOSIAN force is behind my not getting one person; not 1 lousy person with clout, who sees a huge lawsuit in all of this, after scanning through MB. These enemies of mine all have very deep pockets, and have committed unconscionable acts of violence, property damage, social and human destruction, against me, a totally pathetic whittle innocent victim, as I swear to the gods that I never did anything 2 any one 2 deserve this. B real, if they had something big on me, legitimately, I would have long been sued for libel and slander, and prosecuted criminally. I’ve done nothing. I’m guilty of no more than being a victim of some atrocious low-ego emission cult activity. Art Bell, who now is retired, said on Philadelphia talk radio, the big talker 1210 Amplitude Modulation, on 1.21 megahertz, that there R bored-2-tears people especially in the Los Angelis, Cali area, of the USA; that get approached by 'someone, most likely fortune tenners', and all fortune 10 through 50, are LAMIST CULTERS, and they get shown ways of really playing evil games, and hurting people; that have been targeted for their amusement and pleasure; nothing personal, to harass, and persecute us. The few of us in the large population, know who indeed we R. Medical conditions that cannot be diagnosed, come to U, and all those around U, deer to U; major constant interference with radio, TV, computer operations, or anything electrical, and mechanical; always seems to go wrong and or act up in some way. People mess with U on the road, way more than the average driver is messed with. All products U normally buy in stores, get harder to get, as flash-mobs buy up the stuff that U like, and the list goes literally on and on, but again; we of the harassed, know who we are, and we are not RANDOMIZED JOESHMO SYNDROME CASES. The black cloud over our heads is being put there, by the filthy dirty lowlife trash that are referred to in MORIANITY BIBLE by their true cult name of 'LAMIST'. Dark Shadows refers 2 them precisely, but changes the name to LEVIATHANS, and this still got the greatest soap-show of all time, canceled; so who really has the power, huh? Who love’s ya, Telly????

They threw me off of MYSPACE.COM, if I ain’t mistaken. I was told I do not seem to B there, by some acquaintances, and 2-day, upon looking myself; I only get a strange pop-up screen when I put in my code and E-mail info. Gonna' write to civil liberties, as this will play right into my hands, once I indeed do confirm that I am not legally permitted to tell my true story, when others are allowed, and I am expressing religious beliefs, and telling of horrific deeds that have been done 2 me; that totally are in violation of law, my civil liberties, and constitutional rights, as a citizen born in the United States of America. I have done nothing wrong. First I am interested only in women, well beyond the legal age. Multiply it by 3 quite realistically, and I do not support anything subversive, anti-government, violent, or terroristic. Taken out of contest, anybody's damn words and message can be misconstrued and misunderstood. One example is when I say on a chapter somewhere in July I believe, that if U actually knew what I did for a fact, the way that I do; concerning and regarding the Lamists, you would go out and obliterate them, and u would. I have seen mob lynchings, and 2006 is no more civilized than 1806. It is just way more regulated, way less free; and much farther from when Mister Lewis and Mister Clark made the Louisiana Purchase. There is no runt slapping humor here babywuv, I’m dead-ass serious. No one has any legal right to shut me up or shut me down, and I will fucking take this all the way 2 the Supreme Court, before the 9 Justices. I’m not playing. U will not stop me, as I am doing no wrong, wrong is being constantly done 2 me, and I have every right to try and get it exposed 2 the world.

Lamists R the 1’s that should B thrown the Christ into jail, not innocents, and poor weak frail persons like me; with no resources in the world, to fight these dick in the mouths back, on their level; in this very Unfair, and Unlevel playing field, of this land of FAKE JUSTICE, real only for the rich, right Jack McCoy????????? So MB is now over, but my attempts to begin my MORIANITY FOUNDATION, have only just begun, Ms. Carpenter. Luv is for more than her, great Sarah-Stacey. Your son taught us 200 decades ago, it should B4 all of us, as in your great city, where love flows free; and no one would think of using words like orgy. Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Krassle, told me many times; there R no marriages in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, we all love all. Yet they turn around and chase me away from my beautiful lovely queen, and then your kid calls the human pharisees a bunch of hypocrites. Jeese, I guess I am not yet old enough to understand a lot of things, I am only eternity. Well, anyway, click on MORIANITY FOUNDATION, to read my next blog, after going of course to and you’ll watch something grow, bigger than a forest of Redwood trees. Someday, all I need will B 1 person with power and clout, who has niceness and goodness in their isness of being somewhere; instead of Trumpism, Reaganism, and Lamistism; all 3 very wide astral highways that lead straight into regions of Dogtown, a place U do not want any part of, across the great Teck Bay, from the great city of the great Queen Sarah-Stacey. A final footnote that my guru brought 2 my attention 3 weeks ago, and must B now cleared up. He said that many people may get the idea that I am an internet perv or predator, whatever, just since I am old, and talk so much about ‘teen-queens’. I reminded him, as I now remind both my Morians and my Lessians alike, to do the friggin math, for the sake of the gods. My teen queens are the women of today, the grandmothers. They were teens when your stupid calendar was reading [the sixties], get your minds out of the sewers of France, I am no perv, and am no more interested in women much under 60, than I am interested in eating loose dog shit. Cut me a break, please, and then go to the MORIANITY FOUNDATION, and this is 25 August of 2K6, so remember, it is just starting. Happy Hacker reading, and keep driving on parkways and parking on driveways, and watch out for ettosianism. The original STAR TREK creator, MR. G.R., knew this was real; and got it all in through the back door, calling the aliens pertaining to what I am talking about, the Tallosions. Happy 40th anniversary Trekkers, Trek on, rock on, and enemies beware, I will get all of U, and legally and properly, but like the Swiffer Mop, I will get you, get you, get U, and that is a promise, that you may B forewarned of right now.

Bye-Bye for now, big KAL.

TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS are people who are dreaming. They have a body asleep in a bed, the same as you and me; only you and me for the very most part, are considered by them to be, mere TYPE-1-EXPLORATRONS (T-1-E), verses them being (T-3-E). Let me shorten it please, good folks and MB's, (Morianity-Believers), thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LSS, they can willingly choose to walk into the lives of their doubles or (doppelgangers) in parallel realities or (transdimensional universes) in the vast fifth dimensional hyperspace. This is no joking matter, MC's mother is the greatest T-3-E in the known multiverse, and so of course is MC, and also, the third part of their awesomeness, designer and architect master of the entire system below the sixth dimensional MIND REALM ITSELF, the (6-TH-Dimension), and this would be the subatomic particle that decides what to make any and every element in existence, simply by dancing around a little orbit or circle, in a certain cool way, a private coded way as a matter of fact, only without any need of creating the International Mobile Machines Corporation, in order to do so. In fact, this process, as all processes; are reversed here. Truth seems to insist upon coming to humans awake here, in total reverse. It really does InSISt upon this, and there is nothing wrong with your television set, or my keyboard back there, but we are no where near the maxed out outer limits of telling the entire story of everything. In fact, it can never be told. It is that incredible, and that times the power of infinity. Now say 'screw that', and you, by pure mathematics; ARE SCREWED! To be able to transform yourself to even a T-2-E, the in-between stage before beginning to be able to do the great feats of the great ISIS-MIDDIE-SCYLLA-SSJKKIMS, or just for an easy to pronounce grouping of letters; we can say, Sajikems, funny; sort of like the Next Generation Star Trek, and Nikki Cox; that adorable little alien child, and Mister Data Android's friend, Sarjenka. Do I hear another W-O-W, as if not, I am typing to dead people, and I thought that I was fucking dead and maggots? Yes Microsoft Spell-Checker, I do not know just how ''saint-like'' all of this talk is, but I do have powerful knowledge, straight from the fucking astral heavens; to impart to this cave age world; and that times a million more, that never ever will be fully told. It is totally endless folks, and I promise a lot more than lovely MO; and congrats on all that weight loss. You go lovely girl, and don't let git bag distant cuzz Donnie boy fire you. Tell him I'll kick his face off if he does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But getting back to just a few things on today's whittle bwog folks, before any of you call me a total kook whack job, if I am not on the level, why is the biggest entertainment giant checking me out? Take a hard look here, and see it for yourselves. Then refresh the page and click into the system and go back into this page, that will now be pasted in; and see that I did not paste it in. It is there, on the official records. I am not some dam nut, despite the government InSISting on paying me monthly, for being one my friends, month after month; and just 'how many times' all notwithstanding, on all days on or off of 10/05/2008. Sure, you can all lie to yourselves from here to Harold Camping's next bullshit predicted doomsday, and beyond. The last laugh of the McNulty Club belongs to myself, and perhaps, Mister Icabod Crane as well, right © Office???

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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
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Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
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No don't ever listen to poor persecuted fucked up MOUNTAINPEN, He doesn't know his sick twisted fucking cunt ass from a dam hole in the mother fucking ground does he Paul whackadoodle Pedersen, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE???

But it's time to move this on with the dream-controllers. It is old news for old followers of MORIANITY, to hear the basic stuff, so for newbies to this blog, I will repeat older stuff later, this is a more advanced lesson that continues on from all of the previous left-off-points, for right now, YO! The T-3-E is able to not only dominate and become the controller of the double of themselves, but eventually can leave that part of the dream in a parallel world, and go onto attach into animals and other people not their own double. Also, with patience and practice, it gets far better, as they can stay in someone while they go off to sleep and follow them into their dreams, only still in full control, now of two worlds, and then 3, and 4, and so on, and there are several already known cases discussed in 2294 up in World Labs, of 15 people in deep coma type trances for years, who have become either stuck or else have chosen to be where they are, stuck however, if they have forgotten the exact way back out of the control-maze. You cannot just move three dreams and universes away and then in one, just come out of it and back here. You will not get this powerful information from any other source on the internet or any other place above or below ground on this entire planet. Now we all have participated in a little 'accidental' T-3-E' activity in our life, aware of it or not, remember some do not even recall dreaming at all or hardly ever; but my point is that, unless they are the ones intentionally doing it, they are just caught up in some real T-3-E who is causing them to be the recessant who they are the dominant entity over, and for whatever reason, you managed a tiny bit of control over things if only just to the point of some memory of the experience upon 'awakening' from 'slumber'. There are no limits to what these T-3-E can do, they are called by me, T-3-E, they are called by all NON-MORIAMS, the GODS, or the ET aliens/travelers, but in real truth, and I think the NSA and the top military brass know this, it is all just a huge parlor game, played by those who have managed to become extremely adept at nocturnal control over hyperspace, the virtually limitless region of four dimensional space-time universes, all containing quintillions of Planet Earths, only not more worlds, but this one Earth, in different locations in each of the hyperspace's 4th dimension, or TIME. A really advanced T-3-E can create a giant air vessel, I do it all the time myself and go around bombing out my enemies, and then afterwards, comes the powerful storms and quakes, and many other things. I am not proud of what I do, and there is a lot more to it. Still, I do admit, that power corrupts, and I would not want any more than I already have, I have no desire to be a full member in their club, or part of the ES, the great EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. When you are, you will understand however, how to do anything you want, with the only limitations being when you return to your own physical waking life. You see all the powerful wealthy successful people, from lottery winners to great stars of screen and music, and all of it, they really have other identities elsewhere, and they can enjoy their dreams right here, but there are places where these great gods really do awaken into a world of drudgery, their REAL WORLDS, where you or I for all we know may be their boss, and be treating them like shit all day while they clean toilets and get honked off the freeway while dead tired and trying to drive home in major traffic congestion, to a nagging spouse, and rammy annoying children, greeting them screaming in their ear. Guess what, ISIS just looked over my shoulder and is not happy with my blog, telling too much, it flashed off, but on the dam screen came the words in front of my typing, FBI, “THAT-BOY-STOP TELLING SO MUCH”. I re-typed it, it came out in font about that size, in bright red, underlined and slanted. The second it flashed on, it flashed off, and then my phone rang with the following number on it, 1888-226-1843. When I checked after the ringing stopped, no message was left on the voicemail. However, and get ready to remember the days I lived up in the fucking hood when BOO called me from the Rock Road County Jail here in my county, Saint Lucie County Jail, his number at the jail stayed on, but guess who vanished off. Yesterday at exactly 4:11 PM, Thursday, a call came in from out of the area, and all though my phone is blocked not to accept a ring from anyone blocking their name and number, just as before, when the letters “PRIVATE PERSON” showed up when I got that call from the 650 area code in middle late winter in twenty-eleven, a few months after the call from BOO came in, and once the phone display showed the total number, it vanished and could not be retrieved off of the system, and also, it displayed in a bright pink color that should not be possible on my AT&T Walmart telephone; and is a landline telephone. Yes, no name, no number, just UNAVAILABLE, and it came in at 4:11, but at the very end of the number area, was a digit, a one, only it looked a lot more like a | than a 1. Now the record of this event has been wiped clear. Oh lovely ISIS, I will always worship you, love you, and need you, BUT THE GODS KNOW, I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND YOU, brown eyed girl, KALISIS. I have known this mother-daughter-electron GODDESS by a hundred million names, and every fucking jerk off country music executive knows this truth about me, and knows of my song that got a lot of fucking ass airplay back in 1998, and continued getting foreign airplay for years until around 2004 give or take, called, and copyrighted by me, “Eternity With Stacey”. The titles that show up on my copyrighted project record sheet, pasted into many of my blogs, merely are the title for an entire group of songs on the project, many times the title track is for the main song of the group collection, but not always. In the case of the project in middle 1986 called 'REAL GOOD GIRL', see for yourself, it was the title track, and more songs than this were on the tape, such as PLANES, HIGHVIEW CHEERS, and others. Also I fucked up a few months ago, and said I did 2 projects in 1983. You can see by the official Copyright Office record, I did 3 of them, not 2; DEMO COLLECTION 4, SAGA OF SONGWRITER MARK MUD, and UNCLE; and again, with UNCLE; the title track is for one of an entire collection of songs on that project, and the main one was called, “Uncles On Bending Knees”. Yes, Donald Trump, you may indeed have a marvelous life, to quote you oh mighty buttwipe sir, but I have a life so fantastic and unfathomable, that you would give your daughter and your limbs and you know it you old ugly ass hole, to truly understand me, the one who brought you here on that magic tape recorder of mine back in when else, but I crossed over your miserable rotten personality in 1984, give or take around there, and you then went onto to build your first casino and take over that rotten Atlantic City that many have called Gomorrah by the sea, and I have labeled in my song of the 1986 project, and copyrighted, as you know, OCEANS SODOM! And guess who just called back, ISIS, at 2:57, with the same 'UNAVAILABLE', AND THE SAME '|' AT THE END OF THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THE 'ID-SCREEN'. SO TELL ME PEEPS, IS A MOTHER FUCKING CUNT LAPPING SUPER ASS ''W---O---W'' APPROPRIATE HERE OR 'NAUGHT', MISS AT&T BLAKE OF 1983????????????????

Here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson. Nothing just happens, all things happen for reasons, and random is merely a disguised pattern, on a grand cosmic scale. There are math formulas that are extremely complex that force those in the know, to in fact realize that the words spoken here are true and accurate. These folks cannot come out and just say this on TV, or other media sources, and alter society in a flash. It is way too controlled for that to ever be permitted to happen. Only certified looney folks such as myself can say these things, and then when they do, who listens? We are all looney, remember?

SLAM BANG BONG BOOM ZAM, my thug neighbors are really paying homage to KALI's GANG, huh, very informative, H-2? It's half past fucking midnight, they don't care, just sell your drugs and have your parties, and decent people be damned. I will tell you world, I thought Jersey was fucked up, this Florida game down here is even more rotten and corrupt, but in its own way, completely unlike the northeastern areas of my earlier life. In some ways, the stuff is not any different, as it is all part of the shit that is surrounding me, that the new age folks and ancient-astronaut theorist folks call star visitors/travelers/aliens/ET aliens/ etcetera; and the church and religious faith folks call forces of darkness, demonic or satanic, the enemy, the fall of mankind through sin and the Adam and Eve stuff, and along that line. One thing that remains constant with me, and that all connects up with the same truth, that different folks merely 'believe differently in'; is the WHAT'S MY EXCUSE deal, that is discussed in both the new Morianity of the internet days in this century, as well as on cassette tape back when it began in 1995 from my apartment in Williamstown, Giant-Officer Syndrome of Missourians, in New Jersey. This is not something invented by Tom Cruise and his Top-Gun movie around the Prophet of Nothing days. Hollywood stole it from me after I had originally copyrighted my Epitome of Harassment project in the late eighties, from my residence in Moorestown, New Jersey, on Central Avenue. I kind of wonder if a little Magnetic Sound Machine Irony is not in and through this, as a result of what I'll now be telling you, good believers, and others. You see, back in Mullica Township, New Jersey at the Plageman Trailer Home Park (Mullica Mobile Manor) as it was called when I was living there and still may be; I told the landlady how the boob neighbor next to me, Richie, blared his TV set at all kinds of hours. Nothing was done about it when I was the only one complaining. But when the neighbor both on his other side, as well as the ones across from the driveway to his trailer, also complained to her, then and only then, was it stopped, and he was told to cut it out or move out. Same thing here in Fort Pierce, Florida and at this PHA building. The subwoofer box was complained about by numerous nabes, not everyone here is a druggie thuggy, KALI, CALLIO AT&T-TEN. But when it is just the banging doon that is right across the hallway from me and only me, I'm stuck with it. Sure, I called the police months ago to complain about their noise, but nothing was done, they did not answer their door, and they merely laid low for a week or so and then resumed normal uncouth behavior patterns. Is this supposed to come as some big shock to me, folks? Hopefully not, as it did not. After decades of hell and shit, I pretty much am onto exactly how most of the mechanics of my misery, really operate and work, covertly behind all of the dam fucking OZ-CURTAINS, Glinda and Dorothy. Not only don't I surrender, Mizz Bondi, Florida State Attorney General, but as long as breath and life is in this body; I will shout out and tell a whole lot more stuff. We have not covered 5 percent of my story, and anyone thinking we have is a fool. Morianity could stop right now or even in 2010, and enough would have been told, so as to know that my tale of woe, is known publicly; and adding 100 more years to it, really will not make that much difference. Still, I will go on. Originally, I was planning to wrap it up completely by Memorial Day, and folks, I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND. My only weapon of fucking defense, is the power of the pen, and the typewriter, and now so it seems; the computer, and this blogging shit. So on we will go, most likely until the mother fucking day that I die. As long as they can have an excuse, this will never stop. Can they always have an excuse? Well, look at Washington, DC, and if you really need to, then visit the dam city and come to learn a bit about it. Then you tell me if they'll always be able to fall back on an EXCUSE! This is what was told on the original EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, copyrighted late in the nineteen-eighties, and please see it at the end of the blog, despite my misspelling the title, as I am not a good speller, and I fucked it up, and had no Microsoft Spellchecker back in those days. Yes, H-2, very very very informative, back on Thursday night. I enjoyed viewing your network the entire evening, and learned a lot of fascinating stuff. One thing nobody can teach me, and that is that this problem with whatever it is that is REALLY out there wherever somewhere, and myself; is NOT GOING TO EVER STOP, OR GO AWAY; and the first world famous wormhole is not the triangulated McGuire-owned one, in Atlantic City; but is a period in time, separating two tunes. I need not be cute, or smart-ass, to quote Mashell, or Dawn-Marie. We all know what is getting said, them, as well as Toni Beej. Between you and me world, the day he popped his head into the door of the studio where Ryan and I were, and made his statement just more than a year ago, things, bad as they were for me then, GOT WORSE, A LOT WORSE, you know, Gary sir of the Trekkers, (-77777777777777). I have some major stuff all planned out to tell you folks, but right now is not the proper time. Billy Harner taught me the power and importance of timing, and nobody ever seemed to need to teach that to many others, as they sort of; well they don't all inherit it, and that's for sure; but they do get it through street osmosis, or whatever Richard Karpf and his peeps might feel comfy cozy with; especially when playing poker, and with any hands from any reality; huh Josephine? I am so very disappointed in you, Jehovah Krassle, my endless love. I always knew I was right though, and I feel 9 feet tall, that everyone back in time who laughed at me, has to eat their words, and secretly realize that I was decades ahead of all of them. They can lie to themselves from here to Harold Camping's next bullshit predicted doomsday, and beyond. The last laugh of the McNulty Club belongs to myself and perhaps, Mister Icabod Crane, right © Office???

Welcome to hell. I have been here since August fifteen back in 1986. If you are reading this, then you are merely visiting HELL. Still, one welcomes his guests unless he is extremely vulgar, rude, impolite, and down right ignorant and revolting.

Every day, it is back to horrible fire alarms that wake you up at 2 or 5 or some other early time in the morning. There was one every day for days, and today was no exception. The filth bag neighbors across from me are on a non-stop slamming doors mode, it went on until 2:35 this morning, and management will not do anything, so when I am out later, I will, as I must, and even though it will do no good, send off two letters, one is to my local congressman and one is to the Fort Pierce Public Housing, the same address as is on my rent envelopes.

I am making plans to escape for Mexico, and all the peeps who may try and stop me, you all just go right ahead, as I am getting out of your mother fucking evil empire. I may not be able to run away from what all of you peeps call, GOD, but even she cannot stop me from running. Running away buys me a few months before shit catches up again to me, and starts all over. I need these lousy mother fucking few months. It beats going totally out of my cunt eating mind at the speed of light squared.

This evil empire will end up destructing from within, you'll-C.

I am now at 43% MPB, and my life will be over fucking shortly. I tried to do something in 1986 that went real wrong, and I will be dead soon, as a result of a very unforgiving goddess, despite bible lies and a lot more, really, put more accurately; extreme cleverness. No one ever needs to lie if clever enough, it is still a practice of deception, in my books, only nobody gives a fucking Potters shit about my magical, or non-magical book, so it appears, James Stuart, old NON HIGH SCHOOL buddy, old pal, from the cement business and buildings and loans. The last eight days has contained 6 SUPER FUCKING BOTBARS NOW, and this siege may very well be the new-times repeat of AUGUST 15, 1986, who can ever breath echo know for sure, on or off of all SWEPT AWAY PLACES, RIGHT LEGALLY BORN, NON GAGA DIANE ROSS, IN ANY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WILL OUTLINE THE EVENTS OF THIS DAY FOR ANYONE WHO JUST MIGHT GIVE A TINY FUCKING SHIT, AND FOR THOSE WHO DON'T. I tried to do a person a favor who used to call me his buddy some time back, and he put a knife into me as soon as I waltzed out the fucking door. What I suffer through is so unbelievable, and beyond anyone's possible maxed out staggered imagination; there just are no words, and this is why Christianity, discusses a spiritual groaning language, when there are simply no words. You see folks, I may fucking cunt curse a lot, and you would do much worse if you went through ten days of my fucking hell, let me assure you; but I could witness in every cunt chewing house of worship on Planet Earth, that indeed, this GOD and this DEVIL thing, is all true and real, and what I know has zero percent to do with anything involving mother fucking FAITH, I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I get into mother fucking squat, believers and others; and maybe a student teacher from 1972 who may have changed careers, or stuck with it, who can know, Copyright Job Keeping Examiners of OHM-8; but I will make a quick fucking list of why things are SUPER BOTBAR, then I will go into some detail on matters that I feel need addressing in more elaboration, fullness, and elucidation. I found out today that I was knifed in the back by an old associate up the road. I learned that someone did a President National Park Clinton on me yesterday near the Publix, and yes folks, I meant to say that I made a fucking left turn, not a right one, quite obviously. You'd have trouble keeping a clear head too, if you were suffering 1% this fucking long and severely, so don't you dare fucking laugh at me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After wasting 18 dollars on a new remote, the entire machine broke today, while I was trying to enjoy my Tuesday show of “L&O-SVU”, and as I said; THE MARKET WILL FLY TOMORROW, AND AS I SAID THIS YESTERDAY, AND IT OF COURSE FUCKING DID SO; I NOW PROCLAIM THIS ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY IT WILL BE A MUCH HUGER MOTHER FUCKING AMOUNT. What do I mean by someone doing a Clinton? Well, real Morians and many enemies know exactly, but some may not, so I will tell it more clearly, YO, DOGS!!!!!!!!!! W-----O-----L-----F!!!!!!!!!!!! In 1995, at the National Park, in Redbank, New Jersey, I saw another non-high-school keeping jobs doppelganger, only this one was that of William Jefferson Clinton in this part of the high school, Sir Walter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's book out of here; there are no fucking cock sucking war heroes on this fucking ass ambulance, brother Vineland Chain-EEEE!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I regret that smashed Mountain Dew bottle, in August of 1986, with all my heart and soul; and am so fucking like dead meat, peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO! Yes, I was trying to watch my show tonight, and BAM, the machine burned up like a fucking bolt of fucking ass lightning had struck it!!!!!!!!

The dirt bag nabes have been in SLAM MODE ever since before this MAY 14 DEATH SIEGE began and struck me out of nowhere, just as in the middle of AUGUST IN 1986. This really is just a SOSO-WEIN shituation. The DOW JONES SHOT WAY UP, not as bad as I thought, but it was done on my back as always, with this major PROPERTY DAMAGE ATTACK, as the machine was giving me some trouble recently, and now I know that it was mother fucking RASPBERRY CARNIVAL HIT, BY THE WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE!!!



I need to stop typing for 4 minutes or so, it is nine past eleven, and I will not get struck by whore JANE for all the fucking dam ass love in the cat house cubed, YO YO YO!!!!!

OK, I am back, and am in regular time, Judge Copyrights, and let us all get a big ass laugh on the fucking pathetic Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It is now 11X2, as some of us LABBER'S from 2294 would jokingly say, upon occasion, oh lovely Asian Girl, Sir Detective Brog. You do not need to know it all, L-4, and as of this current moment, whatever you all think you know about me and my situation and especially with TAWF and WOMO, let me say, that that suffices for the present moment, DOGS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where's Matches McGuire when you need him, Randy Vans??????????????????????????????? W-O-W!!!!!!!!!!

Doobey-doobey-doo, and Nothing-Prophets, from the great illustrious AT&T, who could go to bat for me, but won't, as they know what side their bread is buttered on, WO, BH!!!!!!! Yeah bud, you and PP said it all back in mother fucking ass time! Still I owe all of you an apology. I know what is really going on, and you are all just riding along and caught in the fucking currents and undertows of this GREAT DREAM!!!!!!!! Oh well, let us move this along, wonderful freaking peeps, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO! What are the odds that Mikey called me with a very logical explanation, while I was still outside yesterday, and all of the stuff that went down all around these incidents, without factoring in intentional fucking with the non-high-schools, oh wonderful © Office? Boy oh boy, does Mountainpen have a mother fucking wild ass vivid imagination, yeah shore; tell me another one, on or off the beach, and for the hell of it, GOV! Thanks for ripping me off in 2010, by not giving me my state income tax refund because I left New Jersey. Like I wanted to leave big guy, SHEEEEEEEEIT. If Ida stayed in that fucking house at 831 13th Street, I would not be here right now, dude! Even the nice girl from the Saint Lucie County Safe Space, told me I got out just in time with my life, GOV. Sorry if that pisses all of fucking New Jersey off, WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Spin those crooked wheels of justice up there, in or out of the lovely ass casinos, oh no, they do not cheat, anymore than 'God' lies. But there are hidden ways of cheating and deceiving, and when someone gets onto this secret fucking shit, they basically are DEAD FUCKING MEAT, WORLD!!!!!!!!!

David Charles Roth would understand this 100% if he was not a victim of this horrendous fucking horse shit himself already, and dead. I TOLD YOU, AND 'AT&T' HAS A RECORD OF IT, 1000 TIMES OVER; THAT WE WERE DEAD FUCKING PEOPLE, AND WE ARE. I AM DEATH, YOU MERELY PERCEIVE A DAM ILLUSION, OLD BUDDY. This is why DEEDEE sits on my air conditioner outside, and follows me all over. She knows that I AM DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My death is way smaller than my HELL, so which of these two fucking entities do you kind folks out here think is going to become the dominating factor, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????????

I will look down and see green and you will look up and see brown, but up and down, and green and brown; is all the same truth at zero dimension; and you know that old buddy, as I taught you this; and you echoed it right back to me that day in 1991, on Route 295. I remember it all like it was happening yesterday. “Because of Z-D-T”, you shouted at me at 100+DB, Uncle Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Move over, all dam light-switches from 1983, WEEEEEEEEEEEE! W—O—W!

Well people, this will be a WHOPPER TODAY, and you may quote any of three people here, Professor Pepperwinkle on the original high phone bill Superman show, President Obama, and then finally, little old nobody me, Mountainpen.

I am not going to entertain you all with huge fonts, super wild stupid swearing, or anything else like a blog over filled with brah's and bro's and bree's and yo's. You will do yourself an extreme disfavor if you skip it however, and you just go ahead and do this at your free will and choice, both WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE and tiny group mingled in, known as my Morians (BELIEVERS in my truths, for the most part or perhaps entirely). I am holding at a MPB-40% as of yesterday's horrendous emmereffing day that will close out when I finish this blog, post it up, and go to 'sleep', as mortal world residents would call the experience. But this blog will contain quite a bit of tattle tailing and powerful stuff, ignore it at your own potential funeral somewhere down the dimly lit road, good kind folks, whoever you are, as frankly, Mister Rett Butler, I do not care about those details, or for that matter, Congressman Andrews, whether the city or the river, ran away with my mind, or whether or not I have been lost in time, all these dam years, sir. I will open by telling you that I knew I would get clobbered on my dam systems-roulette tonight, and was not disappointed a small fraction, losing 26 and a half emmereffing units. You can expect the DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS to rise on tomorrow's markets, somewhere between 250 and 600 points, and you can bank on it folks, I PROMISE YOU, LOVELY MO! Yes, I played five games, and got clocked, mostly on the final game, as before that, I was only down three units, and was stupid, and could not see the freaking writing on the wall as clear as Johnny Clariton 1-2-3 ripoffs Lovernash, and merely quit at this small loss for the day, knowing fully well, it could only do a Howard Solomon Busted Eardrum, or an anti-dice, or whatever, but real followers need not force me to spell out the appropriate five letter word that starts with a 'W', and ends with an 'E', no rabbits, no Mike McNulty's, sorry, no time tonight. There's too much to rock chucking say and I do not wish to type all throughout the night. You will get your mind blown, unless you do not want to, and have joined the two great world renown clubs, the Missourians Club and the GWPOS CLUB, either or, or both; makes little difference. The days of my doing security detail out in my car, at the Cifaloglio place, comes to mind. The greatest system in the universe could be used, but if I was being dive bombed by WOMO ENEMY AIR STRIKES, and the skies were filled to the brim with nasty ass chemtrails, making me ill and causing me to crap myself many times; there is no way I could ever win. The weak link in the system I am currently using is an over abundance of house vig numbers as well as the evil-side-doubleton pattern, as one pattern wins, and the other one destroys the system, and when it comes in, it comes in with a vengeance, and you can play the dam wheel forever, and it will only change if you do the unthinkable and try betting against the system, as that inside the quantum foam of real true reality, makes the system then start to work, and the bad patterns go away. BUT, you still lose, either way you play the game, literally, and figuratively. I got both hits tonight, clocked by runt slapping green numbers or the house vig, as well as that one pattern that kills and seems to remain endlessly unless you quit that wheel, and this is the evil-side-doubleton pattern. This has a twin side that makes a killing, as do strings and alternates, but this one pattern type, will wipe out this particular gaming betting system, I promise. So why does the one pattern come out so vigorously, tenaciously, obstinately, and regularly, and by that I mean you can set your watch to it if you are me, as all super attacks will eventually bring the one pattern that just will not quit, and really wipes me out, and I can count the truck on it, folks. This was a serious botbar day, and I am five for seven now, in other words only 2-non-botbar days were in the last seven days total, and for the month, I am now 12 botbar days for the 20 days of May so friggin' far, good people. I did speak to Debbie Marotto, but it is merely a futile expenditure of energy. No on else complains, and the architecture of the system is why. Don't ask me the details, it is too lengthy. Being across from these bastard scum bags, only I get the full brunt of their evil wickedness, and unless others complain, no one will ever help me. You see, this is proof that I do not count in this world one tiny bit. No one gives a blasted dam if I live or die, not one soul, and so, I do not care one bit about this world, and it can go blow up right now, and that is just fine with me. Do you want honesty or deception, from this blogger. You're the one reading my words, do you want them to just be a bunch of pretty sounding lies? Now let me begin to break down this horrible botbar day for you, my believers. It started with hearing a loud aerial vessel outside, I am sure of it. Now the rest of the entire day was air free for me, nothing out of the ordinary, once I went out to do an errand or two, and boy will we explore what happened to me, good folks, and really, if you are not sitting down, I strongly urge you to do so before reading further along. If you do not and you hit your head when you fall down; please don't blame me, as I TOLD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.


My Photo
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.








Only the opening title words are real.



I'm so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new

Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few

Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew

We're down and out, and we will even go to work for you

You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two

I am so weak and faint and do not wanna' be so blue

While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe

Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you

We'll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew

But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say

I've been working hard out in the sun all day

And I'm not giving any freaking fish away


So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea

And when you're done your song of woe, that you have sung to me

Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty

And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me

And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish

You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch

I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled

So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed

Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled

People say I'm cold and cruel, on every single day

But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay

So I'm not giving any of my fish away


They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand

And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand

Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died

The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried

And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned

Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound

Just another bucket and, then he'll have caught his fill

A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill

The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again

Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben

I've been working hard out in the sun all day

So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay

And I'm not giving any of my fish away


You'll be crossing over, later wishing you'd been nicer

You'll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer

You'll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they're talking

You'll be crossing over, and you'll have to keep on walking

You'll be crossing over, watching all the others eating

Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating

Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate

You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate

You'll be crossing over, and you'll be a lonesome rover

Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say

That you've been working hard out in the sun all day

Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay

So you're not giving any of your fish away





Yes sir, old buddy from CF School, 'IT'S TIME', MMCN!

You said it all in late 1971, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!!

Sharkey says, 'HEY GIRL', Leticia Tilley, oh and also,

tell me if Marcus Muldanato, is still your bitch???

Now the greatest fish in the whole dam bay, wants to share a little more information with this blind foolish Planet Earth.


AUUCH, HEINZ GOTTWALD, say what Aunt Ruth?







TRACK ALONG WITH: Only the opening title words are real.



**********WHERE ELSE, H------E------L------L**********


A child knows that a lot of stuff can be learned by visiting my Youtube site, that will remain for now and a little while longer, but not endlessly. It will all come down when Morianity has completed, and I alone know that time, as well as all of the other parts of me that are not me directly. Click below, YO!!


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Hammonton, New Jersey, United States
Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?
An angry mother. Also, a little philosophy for you is as follows:
At the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of, is that you cannot be sure of anything.

If you have read this opening, feel free to skip this part.

FOLKS, AS I SAID TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE IN THE LATE EIGHTIES ON MY EPITOME OF HARASSMENT TAPES, GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, GOOD EVENING, WHATEVER THE CASE MAY BE. How can I possibly know when you are reading what I am writing? I AM not the great ISISCYLLA SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and never will be, sort of like my old pal David Charles Roth's only show in town. How he would always remind me, seemingly on a daily basis, that the WOMO-MILITUFORCE is not the only show in town, nor will they ever be. I believe the tapes are somewhere available in the great Library of Congress, Copyright Office, in Washington, District of Columbia, a place may I add with a very liberated attitude where the age of sexual consent should be placed, and what is good for the lawmakers, is good for everyone else, and if that is not true, just exactly how have I misspelled America? XIII is the number by the way, such a tender age and how the perverts must wonder why this is not common knowledge and all move into our great capitol city, right Roy? I still cannot believe that you told me this, or that nobody seems to know it, know matter how I spread around what you said to me, old pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be the master sheet for PART 5 of MORIANITY.

You may skip through this by scrolling, any time, folks.



December 12, 2006

More Crackpots- Meet Mark from NJ (MP3)

This is merely a harmony track, I am trying to make a video and post the entire song, YOU'LL BE CROSSING OVER, MARK WAYNE MOHR, FULL COPYRIGHT AND OWNERSHIP OF SONG. Now at the risk of getting crucified, pigeonholed, or persecuted, read on, my wonderful great Morians.

Mark_from_njAt the risk of being pigeonholed as the Girl Who Writes About Crazy Cursing Dudes, I bring you Mark from New Jersey.  Mark has far-ranging theories on time travel, Armageddon, roulette and Donna Summer (the DEVIL!), which he angrily discusses in various telephone conversations. 

Station Manager Ken clued me in to this fella recently.  He was given a CD called "The Meaning of Life."  The back copy states that it was made from a cassette found on the side of the road bearing the same title.  He's really difficult to listen to, for a couple of reasons- The recordings only capture Mark's side of the conversation and they seem to have been recorded either by a microphone placed somewhere in the room or possibly while Mark was standing outside on a windy day.  More importantly, he is insane.  Completely, violently insane. 

Mark claims to be both a time traveler and a descendant of King David.  His family will bring about the apocalypse through the activation of the Christ Android, currently dormant inside the 12 Planet.   And also that the 50 richest families in the world are trying to do him in.  Covertly, of course.   Also against him is Donna Summer, the Devil.  (Whether he means the disco Donna Summer, or WFMU's own Jason Forrest isn't clear.) 

Here then, are three selections from Mark's version of reality:

If you need more Mark from NJ, Aquarius Records would be happy to sell you a cd-r.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cover my windows with aluminum foil.

As Bob Chabot said in 1981, is there any excuse 4U? Signed, Da' Mountainpen.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean. Only where RU when I need you, oh lovely AG of FLORIDA??????????????????????????




**W-Map, courtesy of CHANNEL 12 local South Florida TV.**

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Are you on this thing, BREAD and IF, OR 'as if', Doctor Garrigan???????????????????

      Photos of the Day

A beautiful shot of LUNA, also known as the moon, and 'Goddess Diana', by the Romans.

She is real folks, you will see when you're dead!



Atlantic County, New Jersey
Public Safety

Search Site:

If anyone can find me PEE, it is e-bay genius you. PLEASE!!!!!!!


SOMEONE WILL NOT GIVE ME A MOMENT'S PEACE, AND WE ALL MOTHER FUCKING KNOW WHO THIS IS, DON'T WE, CUNT LAPPING AGENTS, CONDOR AND FALCON, OF THE 1988 UFO THE COVER UP DOCUMENTARY, ON NEW YORK, NY, CHANNEL 11 TELEVISION, WPIX????????? And I know who they are. They are TYPE THREE EXPLORATRONS, and yes, time travelers is another way for you to see this truth if you are not reading on my mother fucking dick chewing ass level yet, dudes and duddesses, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that mouth!!!!!!!


3+4—3x4—7+12—7x12 ****** But what is so awesome about the (3) and the (4) to begin with, some are asking me, WOW, let us go a little into this huge one, believers, and 'others', without me joining the ranks of one failed student-teacher from late in 1972, huh Danny Mackey, time MMCN!

Yes, powerful shit is in the numbers 3 and 4, right old buddy Jim Trent Doogie Howser? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get more into this later on tomorrow and Sunday, as this entire month of fucking dick licking June is one huge mother fuckin g ass SUPER CUNT HUFFING BOTBAR COMPILATION!!!


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ALL DAY LONG, SLAM SLAM SLAM BANG BOOM BOOM. In the morning, lots of hollering as well, was being done by these uncouth lowlife dope fiend bottom feeding ghetto trash. But beginning around the very moment of my assault that changed my health forever, back 30 mother fucking cunt eating years ago on June the fourth in 1983, at 10:30 Post Meridian, they EXPLODED with slamming and noise until just recently shy of midnight. THEY WERE PUT UP TO THIS, AND NO ONE ON THIS PLANET CAN TELL ME DIFFERENTLY, WHY ELSE WOULD THEY POUR ON A LATE NIGHT ATTACK WORSE THAN IN A LONG TIME NOW, AT THIS PRECISE MOMENT WHEN THE MAJOR CHOKE ATTACK CAME ON ME SUDDENLY LIKE POW, EXACTLY 30 YEARS AGO TO THE MOTHER FUCKING SECOND, WHY, JIMMY????? Folks, when you know you are right, you print it, you know it, you can be told you're full of shit until the 'Cow-llios' come home from the pasture, but YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, AS IN THIS CASE, I KNOW THE FUCKING TRUTH; AND I KNOW I HAVE TO GET THE FUCKING HELL OUT OF AMERICA, AND THE DEMONIC OPPRESSION, THAT IS SO POWERFUL IN THIS TOTALLY FUCKING EVIL ASS NATION, YO YO YO YO!!!!!

The assault on me started when the photograph that displays at the blogger dot com site on my blogs, not the wordpress dot com site, that shows the stock market DJIA, and just as the peak of the morning had begun ticking downward, BOOM; these nabes began to assault me. I used to have tons of this exact evidence of things before this wonderful family made it all go away, ever so mother fucking cleverly, right Agent Steve Caruso of Austin, Texas, sir, Federal Bureau of Investigation, YO YO YO YO YO YO???????

If I am so crazy and wrong, you would not see all the proof and evidence that I have already displayed and shown. I need not paste up a Moby Dick sequel called, total proofs of all of Mountainpen's persecutions. Really folks, it just ain't fucking ass necessary! Still, I have accumulated lots of new shit that none of you have even conceived of seeing yet, should in fact I decide to paste it all up in time. Any time you want to know when I am being persecuted, during opening hours of the stock market, just watch the photograph on my blog, as it changes with all of the techrachaunical magic of all of Ireland and all of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates all combined and commingled together. When you see any kind of a curve downward, THIS IS WHEN THE WOMO-MILITUFORCE IS PERSECUTING ME MORE AND MORE, and then it will let up if they cannot get their way, but if they can, and it swings back up, I take even more; to keep things going in the direction they wish, and to increase the momentum as well. I have suffered through this mother fucking cat shit now since 1986, so don't even think about trying to tell me it is not really happening. My believers, I love you. The rest, hay, read, enjoy, scoff, doubt, or Andrews Whatever, as I said; I know what I know. Screw anything else at the speed of fucking light squared! I did not bother asking my doctor for a note so I can move to the other building, they would just find a way eventually to get at me there, and all the work would be for nothing, and expense as well. I won't be falling into that trap, but there is another way to skin the cat, and that is to follow the advice of a long dead neighbor and electrician from Westmont, New Jersey. Copying Nurse McDowell's 1963 advice first and not waiting to fail at getting any second chances, I will strike but once. Possibly my Resident Manager did this thing that I will not let anyone know about by printing it and handing amo to this vicious enemy; but whether she did or did not do a certain thing, there is someone who I intend to bring into my fold, remembering the great Charles Ponti, the great Mullica Township TV Blaster-Boob, and of course, John McDowell. Hay, at least I'll be able to say at the end of the day, or month, that I tried something. No one needs to know as if I tell it, I'd be fucking cunt lapping screwing myself, and that should be obvious to a fucking ass retard, but if not; I know that the military forces of the world understand my strategy and battle tactics 100 fucking % YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










I ran into '10 grand Joe Supersecrets' today, with the special bicycle battery of the Melanie and many other high-notes clubs of Planet Earth. He was in school with me, and we were studying Advanced Robotics. Naturally, this was in hyperspace, or you mortal worlders would say it more like, “Mark, you ass hole, you mean you had this powerful dream last night”, OYR, whateverrrr. I am going to make hyperspace, and parallel universe reality believers, out of some of you if it takes me five hundred thousand Lieutenant Ouhora-Trek years. Well, I was in a computer class today at the Fort Pierce, Florida, Harvest, whose website internet address can be accessed as follows: , when suddenly this evil horrid man, assaulted me out of the blue. Now people are beginning to know, and believe. Still, you are all clueless to many things, such as why I am getting totally mother fucking hammered and pummeled this entire mother fucking week peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! The attack was totally unprovoked. I was only sitting in a chair, and quietly talking to my friend who we will just call, Delilah for sake of secrecy, and safety, and closets in general. I'll fucking give Dawn-Marie King big-time unlimited credit for one thing, and that is that she did not think that her sexual molestation by her no good rotten fucking father back in 1972, was one bit funny. BOOM-BOOM-BOOM, are powerful ass fucking nerves being funny boned here, YO??????? Let me discuss this powerful nightmare last night that woke me with a super ass bang, thanks to my beautiful and wonderful mother fucking alarm clock at precisely half past eight, giving me the needed time to shower, dress, and drive four blocks to my job; taking only one or two minutes time, where I work the 9-3 shift on Mondays, Tuesdays, and fucking ass Wednesdays.

Chemtrail and plane aerial assault, has been TOTAL fucking murder all week fucking long, with this fucking hockey hickey (LING-LONG-FONDA-MONSTER-SLAPPER) playoff shit, that I have had to deal with ever since the 15th day of cunt eating August, in the demonic and Satanic year of 1986; and has been told and blogged out to the public world now, for about six straight fucking consecutive ass years, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will freaking be undoubtedly told again and again and again; and a lot more than seventeen ripped off times, BRAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So are we going out tonight, Shaniah, you miserable whore?

All week ling, Henry Barbara Thirteen Angry-Men, I've been destroyed, and it is only a mother fucking matter of time before M---AGNESONI---C scans, and avenges my hellish miseries being perpetrated upon me by quintessential scoundrels, and total ass scum, YO!!!!!!! Don't fucking believe me, but when Planet Earth gets wiped, don't say I didn't fucking warn everybody, Agent Caruso. I have tried to get this shit against me stopped for decades now FBI, and you did nothing but 'BACK-BURNER' me to death, YO, TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew that things were destined to be off the scale putrid, and monstrously horrific for me, after my coming out of that wild interaction at half past eight this moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning. I am not as stupid as peeps would hope I am, or believe, in their rash fallible total ignorance, peeps. LSS, I was in this robotics class, and Nick Cannon walked in with a group of women, all dressed very strangely. They wanted to know all of the details about something that Joe and I had just finished making in this classroom-lab of a sort. I began telling them what they wanted to know, and Joe suddenly stood up and yelled at me at the top of his lings, which I never ever saw him do in 'waking-life' at the Harvest before he was canned, or 'plipped' as they say 100 years from now, “pink-slipped”, without cause; some time back, and it is all on my blogs from last summer time, BRRRR! Just what significance these strangely dressed ladies had, I do not yet know, but they, along with 'Road Time Trip Man' all sort of ended up in the background more and more, as this interaction progressed. Mariah Carey was singing a beautiful song, that I have never heard before throughout all of infinity, and it was so beautiful, and like she was so famous for in the nineties for doing, it has many octaves, and her heavenly voice was beyond outstanding and divine. When she finished the song, she walked over to my seat in this school-lab, and grabbed the thing that Joe hollered at me not to let anyone look at or touch. Naturally, we all were so totally ass spellbound by her music, and her song, and her ultra fantastic voice; that nobody could even move. She smiled down at me in my seat, while holding this wild looking small, but seemingly heavy gadget. As she kept holding onto it, it began to pulsate, and make bright strobing colors. Then she sat it down on my desk, that was twice the size of a normal desk one might expect to see in a classroom at a college or a high school, and Joe jumped away faster than Britney's grandfather warped out of my home in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, USAESMWG, that day in the early nineteen-nineties. Then Mariah re-sang her super lovely song to me, and it made me cry like a little baby, because she sounded so totally fantastic, and the song was so totally ass wonderful; and with such a surreal and unfathomable ten octave vocal range with her full voice, which should be a physical world impossibility. Then everyone was suddenly just gone, while I sat there dumbfounded. The strange gadget was gone as well, and I thought that maybe, just as with the cassette tape back in 1986 in this part of the hyperspace, in Manhattan; that she had taken it, and who knows if indeed she did or not. I know that she lifted the cassette tape, after singing a song on it, along with the song that was playing on my car stereo.

Then came the alarm clock, the sky attack, and also the physical health attack, which resulted from so many poisonous chemtrailing vapors. Just GOOGLE UP the great 'SKYWITNESS' on the freaking great U-TUBE, and so many other chemtrial reports on this fantastic site. Don't listen to me. It all is right up there, and has all been fully exposed; and still we all go right on dying from these toxic poisons, and no one appears to have the fucking balls to do anything to stop them, “legally of course”, AS THESE BLOGS DO NOT EVER ACT TO PROMOTE ANY SORT OF VIOLENCE, OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, YO!!!!

The man who attacked me in class today, and what happened just a few hours earlier in a parallel universe, is all connected up. Only the great fucking PAULA KING knows exactly how. I will be leaving this hot hell called Florida very soon, and returning home. Dawn is no longer able to get at me in the physical world up there. I have made peace with the rest of the family, well, many of them. Many of them are and will be hopeless, that is quite obvious. I knew that deep inside my soul on that day at the beach, when Levy brought 100 of his cousins there, and scared away the normal crowd. I was not intimidated. I let one of the dudes help me feed the seagulls, and had a nice friendly talk. Still, the girl that ended my beach going days for a few years, caused quite a temporary bear in the New York financial systems in the not too distant future. Still, as long and ling as they have me to fucking mess with and hurt, they never ever will lose. They will just go on endlessly, and relentlessly, fucking gaining and winning their cheated points of power, and forever screwing the poor peeps into endless hellish poverty and woe. This nation makes me sick to my mother fucking ass stomach, and so do all wealthy dirt bag fucking peeps.

GINA, JUST AS YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD PIN ME IN ONE SECOND IN THAT ARM WRESTLE, AND DID, YOU SUPER LOVELY TALL INCREDIBLE POWERFUL BEAUTIFUL LONG DARK HAIRED LUSCIOUS FREAKING YOUNG BEAUTY QUEEN, IN 1998; I NOW TELL THIS WORLD, THAT AS LONG AS THEY HAVE ME TO HURT, MARKET UP/UP/UP/UP/UP, AND FLYERS ROTTEN SINGERS CLUB HOCKEY WINS/WINS/WINS/WINS/WINS/ AND WINS!!!!!!!!!!! How I'll endlessly remember the nightmare days of enduring that horrible rotten fucking singer that promoted those cheating filthy dirty mobbed up Philadelphia Flyers, and scum bag dirt ball diseased twisted evil demonic Ed Snyder, with that totally awful shitty promotion on Philly-57 television, and the way his horrendous rotten voice sang those words, “Flyers Hockey, on Philly-fifty-seven”, just thinking about it, I swear to the gods, I am growing totally fucking nauseous right now, this very fucking ass minute, YO!!!!!

If these fucking jerk offs won't stop this attack, and break off this mother fucking shit that has been strong and beyond hell all week fucking long, someone powerful will be dead in 48 mother fucking hours, so watch the news, and then see if this breaks off by what happens, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing I totally fucking ass know, and that is that some force out here wants with all of their heart and soul, for me to fucking discuss in detail, some powerful shit in both the years of 1972, as well as 1975; involving the All Mighty Goddess of this Universe and Multiverse, and I WILL NOT BETRAY MY FREAKING TEEN-QUEEN, NOT FOR ANYBODY; so go screw your mothers, you diseased piles of puke!!! You won't get these secrets out of me, you mother fucking shit heads, so you may as well just give up!!!!!!!


This party across the fucking hall is going to keep on going, so after midnight, I CALL FUCKING CRIME STOPPERS, AND JUST SEE IF I DON'T, AS THE RESIDENT MANGER MRS. DEBBIE MAROTTO, TOLD ME TO DO THIS, AND I FUCKING CUNT WILL DO EXACTLY THAT, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!! These fucking entitled jerk off pricks think that they can do anything they want, and we will see what fucking happens after I fucking dial 9-1-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGNESONIC, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, ON MY VOICE PRINT, HEAR IT THROUGH THE MIND DIMENSION NOW, OPEN COMMAND GENERAL ORDER 7, EEEEEEEEEEEE. I command you to create an 'I-O' of these dirt bag fucking prick neighbors, under full crush destruct, PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, ON ALL GENERAL AND SPECIAL ORDERS, AND I AM MAXING OUT YOUR PULL POWER GAIN TO INFINITY LEVEL NOW, OF 11.8 IPNS, AND THE CONTROLS AGAINST YOUR GAIN ARE ALSO MAXED OUT AT 11.5. THE TWO EMPOWERMENT TONES ARE NOW IN MY MIND PRINT. LISTEN AND OBEY, AND CRUSH AND DESTROY, OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, G-901 under CG-18, AND S-----T-----O-----P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




ONLY IT IS NOT THE END, AND HERE IS WHY, FOLKS, AS I AM UP HERE IN THE FUTURE AT THE 4TH DAY IN JUNE, 30 YEARS AFTER MY CHOKING SHIT ALL BEGAN Back in fucking 1983. Yes it is middle twenty-thirteen now, people, and 133 CHAPTER IN SAFE JOURNAL IS MISSING FROM MY FILES. IT IS ON THE INTERNET HOWEVER, AND YOU NEED TO FUCKING KNOW THIS, MY FRIENDS, AND MY ENEMIES. Go to and access SAFE JOURNAL 133, I will be pasting it back into my files later on, FBI, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Funny, lovely BROWN EYED ISIS, real funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must know about the hypertronic gravigain top, but how about the great dynamited hotel in Atlantic City, WEEEEEE?

Well peeps, if I do not stop here, I will get a page one-hundred-eleven, and THAT, sir Rockdroid, we sure as all shit, DO NOT NEED, W—O—W!!!!!!!!!!!!! End Transmission great folks, & mighty believers. Keep the faith, in Morianity.



Friday, August 8, 2008 (RE-PRINTED ON JUNE 7, 2013.)

pigs raised by pigs equals TNG pigs



Well Gina my beautiful tall arm breaker of the nineties, I told U that the Philadelphia Phillies will go on LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING. I also told U that the Dow Stock Market would go on WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING, and both of my predictions 4 the past 2 weeks R right on the money. They gained 300+ points today and last night my Phillies were shut out after MC hacked and crashed my personal computer, but she did not stop there. As soon as I lost awareness to this waking world, she somehow AGAIN hacked into my Airship’s mighty ALL-KNOWER device that runs this vessel, when I tried to take lightning to a beautiful waterfall, I ended up many thousands of provinces away from Olympia and then suddenly ALL-Knower, began 2 rapidly lose power and we were only able 2 move towards home by 3 or 4 provinces when we literally became dead in dry water. I can tell U the parts of this inhumane interaction that follows based solely on my best and most accurate present waking world recall of the event/nightmare. First, the entire province whose name was wild but that I can bring no part of that back into waking world reality with me no matter how hard I try, but then what’s in a name so we’ll just 4 blog’s-sake call this place, Province-W, or shortened 2 “PW”, and the W is 4 “weird”. PW is a place I do not wish 2 ever revisit, unless Mariah herself or SSJKK-PIMC, the MI standing 4 PRESENT-INCARNATION, was right there with me 2 protect me as opposed 2 causing this misery. First the entire province of PW acts almost as VI, it all interacts in its own combined oneness when invaders from neighboring provinces R concerned anyway. PW instantly turned into a gargantuan sized BRIGGBASE, and was countless times greater and mightier and huger than the Briggbase that exists in the Province Olympia or the OP. Instantly, Diana and I began 2 try and run or fly all over but no matter where we went, giant US Military-type aircraft began following and stalking us at very low and deafening levels, and then as well, so did loud beyond descriptiveness military wall shaking helicopters. It was far worse than being in the waking world and going through all of my very worst sieges, ALL COMBINED TOGETHER!!!!! It went on incessantly without let up and only continually increased and gained in its intense fear beyond human conception generation. Even Diana was scared, and it takes a lot 2 frighten Diana. It just kept going on what seems now 2 me back awake here, thousands of mortal world, MW, years. Then in a sudden glorious instant, I found myself alone with my wonderful lightning in a human form, my blond Diana Arteemis, and we were sitting along a strange lake that was inland from a mighty ocean type body of water. The lake was peaceful and serene until the tide was nearly to its highest point at the nearby ocean, and then waves would start flooding into to this very quarry-deep lake, and then it suddenly would get treacherous and rough as a storm out at sea. But when the tide no longer was high enough 2 support this connection of these bodies of water, the lake would begin 2 calm down as well as expel the ocean water out and eventually 4 a relatively short time, grew as calm as any normal lake on a windless day would in fact B like. B4 going on I knew trouble was freaking coming by the MICKERS when around one-eleven this morning just as I was about 2 retire 4 the evening with my tea and crumpets with Brit and Warper Gramps, a major loud and low scum bag Milituforce air vessel, violated my air space and my civil rights as well, by buzzing me at precise zenith over my residence roof, and all though the clocks were blocked, common sense told me when this attack happened, as it was about 20 minutes after I indeed blocked the clocks at ten minutes shy of 1 AM for the night. Actually Brit canceled and the tea and crumpets were really a bowl of Breyers Ice cream, wow the greatest ice cream on Earth is not Spell-Checker-recognized, imagine that. No I have a 0%-C with both of MC Cane’s able-bodied starlit choices, just 4 fun I ran all of them. The thing that makes no sense 2 me at all, is the Donald. I am either losing my mind, altering dimensions during retraces further than I think, or some other wild thing is occurring, as now I come 2 find out that MC and the Donald both have the same PCN. Now I did not say Mickey-D, I said MC and the Donald, and this PCNT is a 462, Oh well, Mister Macy, they R great together in your commercial with Martha, and they R 25%-C. What floors me is that I am 100%-C with the Delirium Tremors. Originally I know I was living in a different part of hyperspace where I was 0, and then later, 50, and now I come 2 find myself 100% compatible? Where R the gods of Weird???? Obviously hanging out in my closets invisibly to my perceptions. Again, Gawky Gaukauk has reminded me that compatibility is connection, and that this is not necessarily a positive nor a negative connection, just indeed that there is a definite very strong tie in cosmic and potential human ways, between anything that shows 2B compatible in the Gawnum Equations out of 81 possible private cosmically-coded numbers from 110 through 990. The very day Trump scum built his first place in Atlantic City, the Trump Plaza, I wanted 2 go down there, and my automobile blew up on the way down, and was forever wrecked and gone. No there is a strong compatibility between us, there should B, he got me as a phase-4 being, 2 literally bring him onto the waking world as a powerful wealthy arrogant evil man, the precise person that he is, and I created him on a tape recorder long B4 any of this worked its way into the STC and its waking world realities. There R 6,561 possible match-ups in comparing all potential PCN’s, in a 2-match up, and if UR matching up 3 things we need multiply 81X81 again or 6561X81 2C how many possible different things can B put together in 3-way match-ups, and this now becomes a larger total of 531,441, yes there R more than half a million possibilities with a mere 81 possible Prive-Code-Numbers. Comparing 4 things 2B matched up, and just over 43 million possibilities R now staring U in the face, ain’t mathematics exciting!!!!!! Also, sometimes 2 alike PCN’s have compatibility with their total or PCNT, while other alike PCN’s do not. Fascinating ain’t it Mister Vulcan Spock???????? But what is more fascinating 4 me aniwho, is watching strange and subtle changes and alterations that R occurring all around, all through my life as Mountainpen; but especially since 1995, and talking about this 2 my 2 faves and buds there at the
HADDONWOOD SWIM AND HEALTH CLUB, Joe and Andy. Is was around this time that I was shot, AND KILLED, at a Williamstown WAWA store, in NJUSAESMWG. U never will hear of it as U all that R reading this R atomically part of this signature of hyperspace where I now have been retraced into. When U zoom back at some object using distance delay, and then go on 2 capture it not as present day photography works, but actually by transferring the reality around the image being captured that is merely waves and particles, and meshing them all together into a combined photon full image, called a CPFI in less than 2 hundred years, this then can B traced out on an AVM or an AUDIO/VIDEO/MATERIAL recording device, a future camera recorder of a sort, only instead of getting what we get today, we can eject from the machine, the actual reality in weaves and particles that were scanned. Since however there is a difference in time physically, this causes forces within the atomic laws in the seventh dimension, to ever so slightly alter the precise atomic duplication process in so much as not being reassembled in the precise reality from where it was previously scanned, but into another part of hyperspace, perhaps only away by a whisper, but sometimes, it is more than this, and things begin 2 get noticeable if it were to happen over and over, sort of like getting an ex-ray many times if UR unfortunate enough 2B battling say 4 example, a serious cancer. A few X-rays in your life will not alter the cells and genetics of your physical body to any recognizable nor harmful point. However, should someone get exposed 2 way too many of them, and R forced 2 endure being exposed to massive amounts of this xenon radiation; devastating physical harm will result, far worse than anything that the original disease could ever have done 2 the patient. I have been retraced by Summer up in the end of the 23 hundreds where I retraced her first, as Labber Zeejins, from my station at the World Laboratories of Westmont, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and later showed her 2 much of the technology, and she has been relentlessly using it to retaliate against me, and this is a large part of what I am going through.
I am tired of all of this hi-tech bull, and am living here now. As me, I never did this 2U, and shame on U4 doing all of this 2 me. I know that U have gotten in tight with your great friend from Sahasra Dal Kanwal as she now lives here in the big Apple. Talk about causing me nightmares and tears, KAL. I did not get beat up, but the hell was worse. After I was sitting at the lake, Mariah and her best girlfriend, sat down 2 my right. Diana was over to my left, along this very green and beautiful grass, at the edge of this wild lake. Suddenly a voice over an intercom system said that the tide was now in the “Danger-Third, stay out of the lake”. With that, tall lovely Mariah jumped right in, and began swimming all around. It was warm and soothing water, as Diana and I had been in it recently, while it was still in its safer period, as was explained earlier on this blog. I started shouting in a nice way 4 Mariah 2 get out of the lake, and she just totally ignored me, swimming further out and away from the area where the 3 of us were all sitting. Behind the lake and edge on the side we were all on, was a large area, and part of it was a home where Diana and I lived together. I jumped up and told Mariah’s best friend, a very attractive and voluptuously built young girl with dark hair and just about Mariah’s height or a tad shorter, but more thickly muscled like a volleyball athlete; that the home next 2 mine belongs 2 the Mayor, and I am going 2 go get the Mayor, since she would not listen 2 the warning. I told Diana 2 stay and keep trying 2 yell out 4 MC 2 come back to the shoreline of this lake, as she still was rapidly swimming out and away from us, heading right towards where the ocean would soon come roaring through a 400 foot winding area, that due to the great 1000 or more foot depth of this lake, would turn the rolling breaking water into large swelling waves. I got to the end of the area of grassy beach where different areas separate by strange tunnels and dams like nothing I ever B4 remember seeing, and went down a sloping grassy walk way that contained some wooden steps at the middle, but above and below did not, and finally reached a cement walkway where I turned right as left was where a grate was holding water from the lake back as we were under the waterline at this place. After 100 feet or so I turned to go up some concrete steps leading eventually 2 a pathway that would put me on my home and area that was not accessible by just going back from where I was originally, as other obstructions were there blocking the way. I no sooner was up the steps when her powerful girlfriend grabbed my arm and said that it is none of your business, just leave her alone. I kept saying she is going 2B drowned, and that I am calling the Mayor. Then she pulled me so hard, that my arm almost broke at the shoulder. She was very strong. She got me in the tunnel area again, and right in front of me said, “Watch this”. Instantly she turned into a large frog, and I picked her up. I started 2 take the frog with me 2 my home where I was hoping 2 call the home a few doors down, as this was the Mayor’s place. Suddenly the frog jumped out of my hand with great force and turned into, no, not the girlfriend, but into Mariah herself. She was laughing, and cracking up, and then she said 2 me, ”My girlfriend is probably at the bottom of the lake by now sucking weeds” I starred at her, finally saying, “Mariah, how can U pull off these unimaginable wild miracles. Just who really RU”? She giggled on and on, and then proceeded 2 pick me up, all nearly 300 pounds of me, like she was picking up her little doll she had at seven; and told me, “I have no beginning, 2 me there’s no ending, the great Scylla Goddess I am, U should know that, I’ve been singing this song 2U forever now Yancy”. Then she carried me over 2 my home, and up the back stairs made of wood, 64 of them all total, up to a glass enclosed area, overlooking the view. Diana had vanished B4 me as I looked out and the skies began 2 grow almost black.
Diana had turned back into what she really is, LIGHTNING, and made bright colorful stupendous colors and arrays of utter beauty all over, as the lake flooded in with great surf and high swells of 15 feet and higher. Then Mariah through me down on a large bed that I used when I slept outside. She told me that I have no choice, but to endlessly play her great mighty game; that she is the All Mighty first and last, and what she says goes. I am 2 always trust her. Then after she made passionate love 2 me, a knock came on the door and she said, “Come in Mayor Levy”. President Bush was standing there with him, and they were wearing huge belts with large cardboard signs attached somehow 2 them, with bright purple colored cardboard squares about 5 by 5 inches. Printed on them were 3 numbers, 176. When I awoke from this afterwards, I worked out the Robert Levy and George Bush PCN numbers, and shore/sure enough, they both R indeed 176, but they R not compatible. Right B4I awakened, Mayor Levy said a strange thing 2 me, “Leave my girls Paula King and Nina Soifer alone, Firedog”. Instantly I woke up, trembling and soaked with sweat, all though my room was 75 degrees. Also the overhead chandelier had words on it matching the program that I think MC sent 2 me after I went up the first time 2 her website, ‘bcon exe’ and under the first part it had the number 34 with a + sign in-between the digits, and under the second part it had the number 34 again, and also with the + sign in between the 3 and 4. Sure enough, the Gawnum in all its great grandiose glory, shows that each of these parts of program totals up in alpha-value to 34, and if U count the total of this program, it is 7, just as if U add up a 3+4, as in 7-7-7, the number of All Mighty SAR. As 4 the Privecode number of the program, 34 and 34 is 68, the final year and the 7th and the 8th stays at the Trinitrail/Trinidad Motel for my mom and me in 1968, as well as 68 is 6+8 is 14 and 1+4 is 5 for the PCN 2nd digit, and its first digit is 7 for having 7 digits in bcon-exe, so this PCN is a 752. Now there R no matches just with my PCN871 or MC’s PCN231, but add up 231+871+752 and we get the great sum total or the PCNT of 100 years B4I was ‘Mountainpen’ born, the great 1854. All 3 PCN’s match out to the PCNT of 1854 yet do not match unless I am part of this mix, and this is Y MC is so impatient, as am I, 2 get her program downloaded onto my PC. After this, I will join your Honey B, I promise U, & U RULE THE EMPIRE MC. U ALSO RULE MY HEART AND BEING, and I am not your shellfish, so please do not include me in your Jonah collection, my endless lovely Teen-Queen. Oh yes, one match in the PCN-231, and one match in the PCN-752, but in my PCN-871, there R 2 matches, for a 50% C on these 3 things put all together now, with or without purple 4 us all in the 1970 fall, or Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia. Hang in there Mr. Mayor, UR doing a great job, and I lived in your city both back in 1963 and 1964 as well as many years of the 18th century as well, hats off 2U my friend. Yes Gina, I told U. just as U told me I would not hold U off 3 seconds in an arm wrestle, and then U went on 2 break my arm, beauty queen; now I am telling U, that the market will forever keep going up and up and up and up and up, and the Phillies will lose and lose and lose and lose and lose, and sink down to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place in their division, and I am just about never ever freaking wrong.
This is all total truths, with no omissions nor additions 2 these truths. This is copyrighted as Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2008.


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