Wednesday, January 23, 2013

where are you bobby mcdowell?



This will work you backwards from right now on a middle Wednesday afternoon, here on January the devil number (23) day, in twenty-twelve, two thousand twelve, 2K12, or OH-MAROLA-12, say it any way you wish and hand me a nice fresh rose as well, calling it by any name you may so choose to do, Billy Shakespeare; and I’ll still be left holding onto a ROSE, on the date of Wednesday, 01-23-2012. So indeed, what is really in a name? Well, a more important question will now be posed here on this blog of the great and only, MORIANITY-2-OF JEWELLY WHITE’S SECOND CALENDAR, that all began with or without Sabrina Collins, on the twenty-second day of last December, back in twenty-eleven. OH MISSES MAROLA, where are you when I could just use hearing you say, ”Hello Mark”, and I promise that I won’t make a brand new song out that, you have my word of honor, and please don’t say, my word of what, as Jim burr did not trust me, and it was Jim burr who wanted that secret meeting with my mom and Elsie and him, that day in the summer of 1989, up at that White Horse Pike Diner, in Voorhees, New Jersey, and excluded me from their little secret meeting club, as though they were trying to emulate the mighty Bohemians. Also, good folks, I want to give you that rare opportunity of starting with the day that I have returned back ONLINE with you all, and be able to work your way backward through time until I was planning to exit the internet to save money. You are about to get the mind blowing freaking experience of your entire life, and I would so heavily suggest, that bring a friend or two along with you, for this little reading ride, and put down James Patterson for a day, and really hear what powerful true tales can do to the soul of the readers. Not to knock my favorite fiction author, but give me one day of your dam time peeps, and you won’t regret it, but then, you’ll see. Begin now, trekking backward through time, from today, back to the first few days of this year, reading my nightmare world and life in reverse, and see the awesome true power of how I indeed am dealing with entities who as scriptures teach, do know the end from the beginning, and they should; as they created the end, at the beginning.


JWC2, DAY 00033, BLOG-A

January 23, 2013, 12:16 PM-EST at Fort Pierce, Florida

Well, at this time, according to the news, the Dow Jones Stock Market is up about 80 points, and nearly at the 13, 800 level, just about to cross the ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS, meaning that the evil rich people have never ever had things so good or their way in everything so much. Did I not TELL YOU ALL FOLKS, THAT THIS WOULD ALL GO DOWN THIS WAY, AND DID I NOT TELL YOU ALSO, LOVELY GIANT GINA?

It is now an early mother fucking Wednesday afternoon. My entire life is over. Everything that I ever tried to do has been completely ruined and wrecked. I live around people who sit around every second, with nothing else to do but to figure out ways to persecute me and make me totally mother fucking miserable, 24-7-365.2422. On top of all of that, my life and its general magnetic condition or agreement with cosmos in all general things (LUCK) is about as down and low as ”Ice Tea’s” Fun Group for fagots.

Let me stop this blog for now and get dressed. My AT&T installer is here, to bring my internet back to me. I knew I could not exist without it, and am only left to seriously ponder on what this culture will de, somewhere between the next 30-50 years, when all of the world’s oil reserves run out. We will not return to the life of the 16 hundreds by the way, because in those times, people never knew technology. They knew how to live off of the land, just like you me and a dog named Flee if you want to rhyme this old sixties tune. This entire new age world of folks will not just be plunged into outer darkness, but it really will feel like the ninth circle of fucking hell when it happens, because the masses will not know how to function with no power grids, hence no electricity, and no gadgets run off of this great item working for them any longer, and even more horrible, most products made today could not be made with no oil coming our way, as they are nearly all what you might think of as partly if not totally, oil-byproducts. So laugh now, you wealthy WORLD OWNERS, and your silver spoon up your ass offspring, from the Kardashian scum bags all the way to any celebrity or wealthy person whose name you may have ever heard. Their time in the sunshine, is all waning down, like a disappearing moon, night after night, and then it is all gone. For what has been done to me all of my fucking life, you all will pay a very steep and hefty price, so be warned and be careful, and yes old friend Regis, tell Paula to watch her rotten back too, and that I am not one bit scared of her and her friends. I may be no perfect little choir boy, but I never went around destroying the lives of innocent peeps, as did Callio and McGuire, and the list could just keep right on going like that anti-gift that keeps on taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am now hooked back up to the internet, and the installer has left. It is ten minutes before two this afternoon. The Dow Jones is up nearly a hundred points, as it is just about every single day this year in 2013, and my entire year as a result, along with the garbage Philly Flyers Hickey/Hockey team back again playing and kicking ass, just as I said would all go down folks, has left my life in ruins and shambles, at the speed of mother fucking light squared.

So let me end this blog and try shooting up the entire blog, which may be too large, and if so, then it will be done piecemeal, as maybe that is best anyway, and even if I can get the entire blog up in one fell swoop, I will still be making individual re-posts of much of this major fucking material, as my entire life has been totally destroyed by the ”IF”, and this evil has been able to accomplish this, and get totally mother fucking scott free away with their dastardly deeds!!!

Anyone who can believe in a loving father god of the bible, is the biggest dam fool in the galaxy and beyond, OR, they just never have bothered to read MORIANITY 1 and MORIANITY 2 from cover to cover. Now that would be some reading, even for Patterson and Tolstoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY 00032, BLOG-B

It is only minutes after I ended the other blog. It also is mother fucking eleven-eleven, in the mother fucking morning, and this is not going to be a good cunt eating day, after a major clock attack from Jane Shit Head Bitch Weeds Fonda; along with the nabes, and noise, even though it is not real loud, and also; along with a major fucking cock sucking sky attack, and especially a fucking ass slew of nasty ass


You can add to this list, the computer, even totally off line, is playing games with me, and hacking me. It is not internet, or the machine itself; nor is it any person or group. It is the power of a teasing energetic entity and its surrounding controlled reality, to contact and then go onto take control over some (REALITY-CHUNK), as was all fully explained on enough previously blogged texts, so as to make sense enough to readers, to at least, agreeing or not with me on the issue of its reality; follow along, and not be in the dark about what my words are discussing, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I left the Avalon Recording Studio yesterday, around the middle afternoon somewhere; I stopped at two stores near my residence, on the drive back home. I bought a few sixty cent VHS movies at Good-Will, and a three dollar pack of chocolate mini-cupcakes with colored dots on the frosted icing, and some liverwurst. As soon as I left the grocery store, to go to the Good Will, just down the way, in the same shopping mini-mall, at Virginia Avenue, and Route 1; a loud and low private Cessna type aircraft, flew right directly over me; and instantly, I began to get shit cramps; and when I got home, I needed to take a nasty shit, all though I had all ready done so, before leaving in the late morning. So I have been under some nasty siege now starting around the era of just past three yesterday afternoon, and it is still nasty and fucking ongoing, and I cannot fucking wait to post all of this shit up onto the internet, and get some real heavy and major fucking ass revenge. As you know, they got their dirt bag way, and the evil Hockey Season is back once again, just as what happened in 1995, that totally led me into complete fucking cunt devastation, and obliteration; as a paralleling ass result, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I am hearing that musical modulation, that hockey fans know so well; only I am hearing, not GoogleX4, followed by ‘G’ is the antichrist, but instead; “FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, FLYERS SUCK, AND SO FORTH. I have always sung that along with the organ, ever since the late fucking cunt lapping nineteen eighties, when this twisted disease all got started, between this hickey team and myself, huh STM © Office?????????????????????? OUCH, take it easy with me, Mizz lovely Delaney, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe for you, it’s endless 1969. Time moved on for the rest of us, there, sweetie pie. Well read on folks, and see how this machine is electronically, in direct contact with my MIND; to make me hellishly fucking miserable, and totally BOTBAR!

I WILL BE TALKING TO DEBBIE IN A FEW MINUTES, AS SHE SHOULD BE HERE ON MONDAYS. THE SUBWOOFER ATTACK IS HORRIBLE AT 11:44 AM. No sooner did I hook up my roachphone system, which is headphones-directly-attached to a phone receiver, this began; and there is no way that ”THEY” can hear any of this. Wish me luck, as I am throwing on a pair of pants now, and complaining. This has been bad all morning, and now they are cranking it way up after being told that they must remove this box. This never misses one fucking cunt lapping single beat, ladies and gentlemen. MILK strikes me every single cunt lapping year. I like the dude, and he was great; but something about him with me, is just like, Christmas, my own fucking birthday, and music, and so many constantly never ending other items; that just serve to crucify me, on a regular fucking ass annual basis, year after year after, and decade after decade; and with the ‘KING SHIT’, ever since my long walk, in Blackwood, New Jersey, in the deep snow; back in 1978, over to a closed bank, on Doctor Martin Luther King Day, when out of nowhere, and with no proper informing of the public; it just began; as I was not the only one waiting out in the cold, and the deep snow, over on the fucking Black Horse Pike, in Blackwood, New Jersey; for the Bank of New Jersey, to open; and of course, it never fucking cock sucking did on that day. Well the same thing just happened. I went down to try and see Debbie, and she is here on Mondays and Fridays with regularity, and of course, dumb retard me, is thinking this is MONDAY, forgetting all about the three day King Holiday, that just past. All I knew, was this was the start of the work week, so it must be Monday; and Debbie Morotto is here in her office on Monday; and when the guard lady at the desk smirked and said to me that she is here on Monday, I finally caught on, after looking like a total mother fucking retarded cunt ass lapping rotten stupid shit swallowing fool. I obviously do not need to tell you that this mother fucking day is now BEYOND SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR, and that both the month and the year ‘MPB’, is now at six for twenty-two (6:22), or 6 times 100, divided by the days in January as well as the days of 2013 so far, 31, same thing exists on the first of all the twelve months each year quite naturally folks; so this is now where I fucking cunt stand peeps, YO, at 27% Magnetic Percentage for Botbar or (MPB-27%) for short, BRAHHH!!!!!!! Yes folks, there’s no need to wish me any luck. However, I will e-mail Debbie that the box is back, when my AT&T service arrives tomorrow afternoon. I have no intention of waiting for fucking cunt lapping FRIDAY TO ROLL THE SHIT AROUND! She’ll have the e-mail by end of tomorrow’s fucking business, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!! OK, with nine days left in this 2013′s first month of JANUARY, I am holding at MPB-27%. Every one of the next nine days would need to pass by, without becoming a BOTBAR to bring January-2013 a 27% BOTBAR, which is bad enough. How the fuck would any of you ‘normals’ out there, enjoy living at a rate of just over one out of every four cunt eating days, being super horrible bad, or BOTBAR?????????
Just think about it seriously before you switch over to the ‘NEXT-BLOG’ button, and laugh me off, YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew that those major fucking dreaming interactions, would as they always seem to do, cause a nasty fucking BOTBAR DAY FOR ME AGAIN, so new kids and old kids, YO; here we go, and yes, ‘again’, whether you want to hear this fucking shit or not, SIRS, Marcus, and McGinty, WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Now I’ll ask my ‘GAGA CAT‘, just why this horrible shit has fucking cunt struck me today, after getting through my first five full NON-BOTBAR DAY STREAK in several months of time now????????????????? The answer GAWKY just gave me folks is PCN-541. Here are the canons for selection that I deem most fitting from my total complete and whole (holy) match-book for the 81 GAWNUM NUMERATIONS:


But there is way more to talk about now, at three fucking ass minutes shy of eleven of the clock on this Tuesday evening, January 22, in 2013, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THIS, and PUT IT ON TOP, Mister American Express Twilight Zone Goldsmith Troublemakers, old cavemen and computers!!!!!

I had a very long talk with Gawky Gaukauk today, running a lot of question-equations by him, ”MEOW”, and they say life’s not fucking stimulating, and exciting, for the poor 99er peeps; like little old me, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I do tell about this major discussion, let me lay the foundation. I had a major dreaming interaction last night, and no people, very rarely do I intentionally actually do ”DREAMING”, and just like you, most of the time, my nocturnal activities are merely done to rest my body, just as you all do; and only on the rarest occasions, do I perform intentional activities, that may qualify me for a hopeful someday acceptance application, into the most secret and exclusive club in this entire galaxy, and even far beyond it; theEXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND’, as only perhaps once or twice a year, do I intentionally go to sleep, with intent to become a full TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON. Even though however, I was just, ”in a dream or (having) a dream”, and not in any way was I dominant over my doppelganger so-called ME-CHARACHTER, but was the normal recessive character just sort of watching, and observing the on-goings; through this transdimensional other me, which is why so many dreams are described by so many folks, as sort of like ‘watching a movie’; and they would not be entirely wrong in their simple concept of this more complex truth. I remember this extra vividly, and the very extra clear and vivid type of dreams that normally wake us with a bang, and remain fully remembered for
quite a while in our consciousness; are thought of in future times, as TYPE-2-EXPLORATRONIC ACTIVITY. Only the awareness that you can go from a recessive to a dominant switch over of your own self, and then doing it for short durations, is considered total type-3. Now in my interactions earlier this morning before arising from bed, here is what happened. A man who is very evil, and who I have seen before in ‘dreams’, not often, but he is there, at post offices, at houses I am in and once with my daughter back on June 21 of 2008, and a few other times in the twentieth century as well, and was at the library here in Fort Pierce, as an older man, but it was him, as there is no mistaking those glarry wild eyes, and whoever he is, both my daughter and myself, become very defensive around this man, at least in these other parallel realities, that in 2013 and back before this year, are just called, and mislabeled; ”dreams”. When this prick appeared to me on the first day of summer in 2008, Dawn King was shortly released from a rehab clinic up in Seacaucus, New Jersey, almost a year ahead of a mandated legal schedule for her to avoid spending a five year stretch in a woman’s state prison, and the judge in Atlantic County who sentenced her, was involved in this case of legal public record; and is a man who I am very proud to know, as he is also a recovering AA member, and this would be the Honorable Judge Mike Conner. Down here in Fort Pierce, back in 2010; right after this man appeared at the library, and became physically aggressive with me; my blogs would not work for about 40 days or so; and I called that time in my blogs, my TWEETY-BIRD, and my ROCKIN’ ROBIN TWEETS BLOGS. It is all up there, in the late summer time of 2010, at this address link: and you can click and search this era in time, and see proof of how these POWERFUL TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, such as this ”man” or entity, without upsetting the Project Bluebook folks too fucking cunt much here, YO; can indeed effect alternate realities, from the one where they are dream-controlling in, such as his getting physically aggressive with me in what you call a major vivid dream, and then right after that, at the very spot where this happened, my blogs were totally interfered with and stopped, or (SANCTIONED) if you will, for about seven weeks; and causing their evil DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TO SOAR, as I’m sure it did today, probably hundreds of points, after screwing up my life, and persecuting me so mother fucking relentlessly. I will go on to continue laying my foundation now, by telling you that this man was in last night’s interaction, along with me, and my mother; and these three characters are all that I can consciously remember in ‘waking world’ right here and now, so really, two characters besides my own doppelganger there, that I was watching this all through. My mother insisted that my name was Mark Wayne, so that had to be my name over in that other parallel universe reality. But this man is aware of me in numerous parallel universes, telling me that he must therefore be a real TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON or for short a (T3E). He was a horrible criminal there, and was telling my mother some really upsetting and monstrous despicable shit. Both of us were leary and frightened of this fucking jerk off, and with good reason. He is a very freaking dangerous ‘T3E’, and means normal ‘T1E’ folks like all of us, NO GOOD AT ALL, and this is what the PROJECT BLUEBOOK UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, totally knows of, and is keeping quiet. This is not just about a few silly hundred little gray things, or a few hundred little space ship toys. My life and what I know, spans way beyond this entire fucking cosmos, and if any and all of my viewers want to insist on being endless Missourians and GWIPOSIANS, then fine. You are all entitled to your ‘Michele Daniels RPL-1980′ Recording Studio Opinions, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This strange entity was upsetting my mom and I, and telling us why the floor in one of the large three rooms that for some reason that I do not know now because this ‘me here’ is not that me there, but a parallel universe me; was all broken up in one corner area, OHSHIT, is just came back to me, as I typed this folks. He said that it had to do with being taught a lesson by the great LAMBRIGG CULT of Paul Stoddard King ll, if I can throw in a little bit of stair chase humor in here, to overcome some real agony, and LFLD; and that since I was trying to teach forbidden things in alternate realities about hyperspace and how to manipulate it, before being officially initiated into the ‘SUPERMIND SYSTEM’, these corner areas of floor in these three large empty rooms in this large house that my mom and I seemed to totally own free and clear over in that alternate reality; would be there as a reminder that I was using the picture-puzzle example of being able to change small reality-chunks of ‘STM’, without altering the larger-picture in the ”truth/reality”, such as the corner of these rooms being broken up, while the rest of the floor remained in perfect shape. Then he grabbed my fucking right index finger and took a weird razor blade type of an instrument and cut my finger at the inside and middle, right on the outer third tip of it, only it did not bleed, and after he did this, he said, ”Jesus said the power is in the blood, but I tell you, that the power to keep your blood, is in the finger blade”. I now remember that word for word, but only after I began typing about this strange dude (T3E), or as Congressman Andrews said as a teenager so often, and so perfectly, or, ”whatever”. While I was showering two hours ago or so, I cut that exact spot on that exact right index finger, only it never bled, as the cut was not quite deep enough to get the great 1969 Roseann Delaney all wet and excited. Then he told us, how he is the reason that so much criminal stuff happens to me; and that it is a lesson to teach me things that I still have refused to accept and or learn. My mother began to shout at him to go away, but he gave her a powerful shove at that point, and she fell to the ground; and her face began to bleed from hitting the side of one cheek hard, against a coarse surface. I went to give him one of my non-elevator-Cifaloglio ‘AT&T karate’ Chucky Norris 134 moves; but just as I did, he pointed that same finger, only his finger, his right index finger; and it was like being in a fucking old ‘Bewitched’ show, when one of the witches would freeze one of the mortals, right in the middle of some action. All that is missing here at this point, was a mess, thinking about those two comedians from yesteryear; and being shouted at, by an old German distant cousin, the husband of my mother’s First Cousin, Ruth Huntington; the Long Island Banker, named Heinz Gottwald, residing at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, New York! Aniwho, he threw me into the air and right on my ass, just by waving his arm and finger up a little bit; and he left me to come slamming down onto a bunch of pottery; smashing it all to bits. My mother began to scream and cry, and yell for help; and the man began to walk away from our house, but as he walked away, he threw a large red ball right at me, and I was quick, and I caught it with my hand. It was rubber, and about five inches in diameter; and after I caught it in one hand, it began to separate in half. Inside of it, was a note, folded into fours. I opened this ball up, and unfolded this note on yellow lined legal paper. This note told me the following information. I remember these words exactly, and I MEAN EXACTLY, YO! There is a GAWNUM compatibility with the PCN’S of these two sentences. ”I cannot win as well at roulette”, and ” When my enemies attack me”. This is the part that was with me vividly, when I jumped out of bed to a lot of neighbor noise, early this morning; while they were really fucking going at it. I wrote this down, and planned to just blog that small amount of information, but WOW, did more shit get remembered over the hours of this fucking day. Yes this very fucking ass SUPER BOTBAR TIMES ONE DAY, FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Jane Shithead Fonda, you fucking got me again, with your lousy rotten stinking ONES, as this is PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN. So let me fucking now try and ‘cunt-phlegm-rape’ or (COMPENSATE), for this fucking rotten shit you did in ’93.

55555555555555555555555555, PLUS 555555555, TIMES 555555555555, AND DIVIDED BY 55555555555555555, IS EQUAL TO WHO COULD FUCKING CARE LESS????? I JUST NEED TO STARE AT THESE MOTHER FUCKING ASS FIVES, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after I was awake and wrote down the two sentences given to me in this note from this ALIEN or T-3-E; I wanted to see for myself, so I got the PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER FOR THE QUESTION PART OF THIS INFORMATION, AND IT IS THE SAME AS MY OWN PCN, NUMBER 871, which came out late last autumn in the Florida State three digit lottery by the way, so I will bet my kid’s will be coming up soon as well. THEN I GOT THE ANSWER PART PCN, AND IT WAS 374, ”BUT”, that is only half of THAT equation, right, oh great sir ROCKDROID KIRK HOTELPRICES???????????????????? So I added up the two PCN’S for the compatibility calculation, and sure enough 374+871 is equal to 1245, and indeed is a compatible answer for that question, hence, ”I CANNOT WIN AS WELL AT ROULETTE”, ”WHEN MY ENEMIES ATTACK ME” just as GAWNUM EQUATION SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that still ain’t all she wrote, whoever she really is, and whatever really got written. Before the very obese, and horizontally challenged, PC lady, sits down, to sing to us all; there was another thing that happened in this wild DREAMING INTERACTION. On the wall of the largest empty room of these three total empty rooms in this house, where I lived with my mother, in this parallel universe, where my name was Mark Wayne, and not Mark Mohr; and I was about thirty years old, and my mother was again only in her middle-late sixties, as she was around age thirty five or so when she bore me, in this universe, and also so it seems, in that one as well; but there was indeed, a very bizarre item, hanging on the wall of this one empty room. It looked like a very rosy red large picture portrait frame and it contained a picture of a large lake, and only a large lake; but written on top of this water, in bright green and bold letters; was a message that went as follows, and I remember it vividly. “Sarah Krassle and Mark Mohr” “The PCNT proves that they make beautiful music together”. Well, I know what a ‘PCNT’ stands for, and you may or you may not. But it stands for a ”PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER TOTAL”, such as when you add up two or three of these numbers, to do a compatibility test. Well, I thought I’d shit my pajamas early this afternoon, after coming back into my apartment from trying to see Debbie, and forgetting what day it was because, and again, of that dam KING HOLIDAY, as ever since 1978, this has been a super THORN IN MY SIDE, and I mean no god dam frikkin disrespect to this fantastic great dude and champion hero of CIVIL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, I added up the 871, and the 363, which is the PCN of ‘SARAH KRASSLE’; and what is this total, as all musicians can relate to this counting sequence, but like frikkin DUH, it is 1-2-3-4!!!!!!!!!!! So take 1, or take 1 million; Library of Congress, Office of Copyrights, YO!!!!! If I had to WOW this, in an apropos font size; what would it be, a thousand, a trillion; you decide, and then tell me someday, somebody, OK????????????????????????? 55555555555555555555555555555555555

No, not a fifty five decillion size font, as that would be too big, but I sure like looking at the number of fifty-five point fifty-five decillion, YO. W—–O—-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY 00031, BLOG-A

January 21, 2013, just before 8:00 this Monday evening, YO.

Now we will do what I said would be done a few blogs ago, tell some ‘Q&A’ information from GAWKY GAUKAUK’S great numerology system, that is beyond the fathoming mind.

But first, I went to the Port Saint Lucie, Florida recording studio, called, Avalon, today’ and things happened that cannot be told, but I will tell you that STM is, ”alive, and well, and living here”, to quote the great man of religious faith, ”on Planet Earth”! On the drive home, I stopped at two places to purchase items that only cost a couple of dollars, and now am down to my last two dollars, that must last me for the next twelve days, al though in eleven days, my meager sixteen dollar EBT food benefit will be in.

I never told the Walgreen Story, but parts of it from the past, are all on numerous and previous blogs. It seemed to begin shortly into the Christmas Season of 2011, just over a year ago. I told about the strange little girl with the karaoke machine in the store, and singing, what is this, a fucking bar or a drug store?????????????????????????????? Well, in any case, that was my first clue that trouble was ahead, and that I was in no cunt lapping way, imagining anything, right Mister David Leigh Zenkiss Smith, of 1970-Haddonfield-Einstein-Blackboards, New Jersey?????????????? WOW!!!

So it began with this weird miniature karaoke being sued by this little brat, in the pharmacy up there at the corner of Twenty-fifth and Orange Avenues, right after I was taking my ex-computer guru, Meagan, back to her house up on Twenty-Third Street, and we passed a young dude in a small park type of area, with my exact keyboard amplifier, and then a very short while later, at the pharmacy, this smaller version of the very same make of my unit, and the unit I saw being used on the street by that dude, from my car that day; along with the illogical usage of this device inside of a pharmacy, by that bratty girl, who was singing, and seemed to begin after I arrived; as the machine was there when I walked into the store, yet it was not used until I walked on past it a ways, and towards the area of the pharmaceutical prescriptions counter. She was staring at me as I exited the store as well, and I just ignored her. Men my age cannot look at children, especially females; or else we are all considered to all be perverts; in this new age and new world total disorder. Talk about pendulums swinging too far, and forgetting to accept gravitational pull-back reality, or 1983 songs that I wrote from my rented home in Atco, New Jersey, am I correct, old pal, Mister Magic sixth dimensional Mailman, Adam? Then after this music crap, I began being short changed by exactly one of my medicines every single time; month after month; receiving only 59, and not 60 of my very necessary medication pills, called ‘generic ativan’ or ‘lorazapem’ tablets. Then back last autumn of 2012, I finally spoke up about this; maybe it was the late summer. I had already been robbed at the mother fucking Hutchinson Island beach, and lost everything, from my carry bag, my eye-glasses and case, my clothes and underwear, you name it’ right out beyond Mike Patterson’s Beach-House rear yard, on the beach, and just as in Hyperspace twin locales, where only months earlier, I was up in North New Jersey, and had all of my stuff stolen there, by Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston, and all their friends, and again; this was what you mortals call, a ”DREAM”, and is all part of the larger fifth dimension of reality; and all connects up together, RPLDD all notwithstanding. Now after I used their own little device that counts and sorts or whatever, as I called up ahead of time and asked if I am able to check the amount as I am always one pill short, the manager said, that is fine; and the pharmacist was told that I would being it, and I did do it, when I came in that time, and sure enough, because they knew I was going to count the pills, there were the total of 60. But right after that, it went right back to 59, 59, and 59, shorting me by one pill every month. So I complained again, and that is when that identity thing happened, where out of the blue late last year sometime, I was told that someone was using my identity, and they did not want to get the police involved, raising a huge red flag for me, and this too is all blogged, and is back in MORIANITY-1, and on my SAFE JOURNALS. This was their way, in my definite opinion IMDO, and not IMHO, ‘netters’; that I was being intimidated, as I was even told that until the situation could be straightened out, that I may not be able to fill my prescriptions; and day followed day; until I told them, that I would bring in the police; if they did not get to the bottom of it; as when it’s time for me to refill my necessary meds, this is a serious matter, and they indeed need to be refilled, and I cannot be concerning myself with all of this fucking hassle. After-all, none of this was something that I had done, and was in no way any of my ‘own Oprah’ fault!!!!!!!!! So I laid low-land, and allowed one more refill to be filled, and yes, with only a count of 59-pills, and then I went early this year, to the other branch here in fucking Fort Pierce, of the Walgreen Pharmacy; the same distance away, only not on Orange Avenue up in the hood, but along route 1, right opposite of my Cheryl Crow TD Bank. DID I SAY, WOW? Where is my beautiful ‘WOW’ truck, TD, I really miss it; so please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me feel closer to the All Mighty SSJKK, when I am in my darkest days and hours, of this cursed, hellish, nightmare existence, that other folks might mistakenly call, ‘my life’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now, I deal with the same pharmacy, ”WALGREENS”; but at a branch, where, unlike up in the ghetto-hood across from the HARVEST where I used to work through the AARP Program out of E Street, in Washington, DC-13-600; AHA-AHA-AHA Mister McNulty, YO; now it is across the highway or Route-1, from my TD Bank, and that was the day that I told you that I was not going to be more specific at that time about my errand, but that I went someplace, and hundreds of beautiful crows came all around me and followed me, and then when I went to the store a few hundred yards down Route One from there, after that, to my south; the Winn Dixie, for a few grocery items; the MUZAK system activated within seconds of my arrival into the store, and the recording artist, Cheryl Crow came on and sang that stupid mid nineties hit of hers, about ‘wanting to just have her stupid ass fun’. What garbage, all the way from Fort Pierce Route One, to Hollywood Boulevard, sweetie; and Michelle Daniels told me, that I AM entitled to my opinion, back in 1980, so I am assuming, new weird odor or no new world disorder, that I still am, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA Mike McN!!!!!So now both the meds for keeping my blood pressure lower, as well as what I have been forced to take 4mg of every day, ever since July somewhere, back in 1983, when the great Doctor Frank Addiego, prescribed this for me, to stop the horrible never ending Angelique Dark Shadows Roseann Delaney chocking condition that on me out of the fucking blue one night at exactly 10:30 PM, on the night of June 4, 1983, at the Atco house, rented from a Mister Gerald Pliner, owner of the L&S Nursing home on Jackson Road in Berlin, right lovely luscious Jay-low Diner Door Swinger, WOW, don’t ever swing on me. You’d crush my fragile little body into a million pieces of glass, you lovely goddess. Now this is the story of how I bided my time, and strategically, and Paula-carefully-WAYV-FM, got not only far away from her Atlantic city people of horror and terror, but away from that intimidating Walgreen Branch, that I gfeel, if the agents and FEDS reading these blogs would adequately do their jobs; would start investigating them, as if they did this to me, they may be shorting other meds customers, and if they short 50 people and get away with half of it, that is 25 times 12 months, times the street value of pills like mine that are probably around fifty bucks each. You do the math, every year, some employee there splits with the manager, if my theory is correct, somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 times 12 times 50 dollars; and that’s a nice hefty little pile of fucking chump change, YO!!! Peeps that are no good thieves and robbers, have hurt me and taken from me, and robbed me, all of my god dam mother fucking ass life, and I am getting sick and tired of it. Why should I have to fucking feel sick one day a month, so these two would-be, should-be, rat scum jail bird bastards, can split roughly fifteen grand???????????????????????? Do the mother fucking math, AGENTS READING THIS BLOG, and I will gladly sign an affidavit that they were shorting me up there, and then intimidated me after I tried to get them to stop it, just call me or visit me, FBI, I LOVE PUTTING EVIL ROTTEN THIEVES IN PRISON, and have DONE SO, in the past, ask the fucking ass CAMDEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY PROSECUTOR if I am telling it straight or not, with Marc Marini and John Crowley. I hate fucking evil criminals, and I hate thieves worse than I hate those who assault and even murder, because I’ve been the victim all of my life of so much thievery and out and out stealing, from direct tangible property, to intellectual property, bringing me to a really heartbreaking topic that will close out this blog for the day, folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOUR ”ODF” HACK, you rat bastards. I caught it, and repaired it, HA-HA-HA-HA, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!

Now, for the GAWNUM Q&A, that many have been awaiting, and hopefully, quite anxiously. So here we go, in or out of copyrighted early eighties, ‘regular time’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After we get this GAWNUM querying out of the way, I’ll end with a little disappointing heartbreak. I grow more and more heartbroken the way my lovely incarnated Sarah Krassle distrusts my motives, and thinks I could care less about money. This hurts me more than anything she ever could say about me, or do to me, right down to her going as far as to cause the next great OJ TRIAL. But first, the GAWNUM:



















OK good folks, now here are the major and main items, from my match-book lists (canon) if you will, selected by me as most important, for each of these six (PCN’S) or PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBERS, listed above, that came out on random card draws, as explained in many prior and not Richard Blogs, for querying the GAWNUM, along with full instructions such as compatibility checks, branchcodes, and other things as well, pertaining to developing skills for operating the GAWNUM WISDOM.

Only five things will be typed here, as PCN-220 was shown to be my answer on two occasions. We will therefore begin with that number, and then do the canon lists of the other four of them.











Now people, I forgot the seventh question that I had asked about a week or so ago, and received the answer to, so I’ll do it as one thing here, the question, the PCN answer, and the match-book items or selections from my list (canons) that I decide to make public for view, as they are the most powerful pertinent things to my own personal life and all of its interactions.




Now for the frikkin upset of upsets. Some rumors circulate around that are off base and about as true as a magicians hat or a flying rabbit inside of it. It really pisses me off to see that people do not take a good hard look at the fact that the internet is a totally reliable source, and really what is; for getting at the truth. After-all, I know it has my family about as fucked up and incomplete, and totally god dam sanitized as a hospital closet full of bleach and sterile cleaning solutions, all mixed in with sike wards and special education classes. There are some folks that have recently brought to my attention, a terrible and totally false rumor about me, my YBCO song from last year that originated from my old 1983 GITYA, song, and today at the Avalon studio, another source totally confirmed for me, that many peeps in power, think that this is some attempt by me, to take some kind of action for this entire messy business, in a court of law, the very furtherest thing from my mind. I cried all the way home in my car from the recording studio. I am not the least bit interested in anything like this, and if I ever find out who started this horrendous monstrous rumor, they will be harshly dealt with, and wish they were back on a rack during the times of the Inquisition, next to what I’ll do to them. Nobody is going to turn the great SSJKK against me, and get away with it. I want nothing at all from her, only for her to be happy, and if she so chooses to keep me away from her during this lifetime that we are both in, then that is her frikkin business. I do not want anything from her, other than for her to show me that she is happy, and has overcome as best as she can, some of the past. I am proud and honored at what she did in 1997, and I only wish her the best on her new project as well. Heaven only help whoever is trying to spread this newest crap, because I will gladly go to prison for life for cutting out your mother fucking heartless heart. Only a totally heartless mother fucker could start something like this about me, after all I’ve
suffered through, and her as well for that matter, so if you act totally heartlessly, then I’ll make sure that you will be as heartless on the inside, as you are on the frikkin outside, so watch your fucking ass back, whoever is behind this little Pizzeria rumor, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mow I know why GOOGLE has interfered so dam much with this song getting looked at, as well as anyone being able to get to my account at all up there, ever since last summer time when all this shit with ”YBCO” all began, so FUCK YOU EVIL WORLD!


JWC2, DAY 00030, BLOG-B

January 20, 2013, Sunday evening at 8:20-PM-EST.

Things are going on peeps, that if I ever told the details to it all, and you ever believed me, and you were a non agent audience of at least a few thousand strong, the entire world would fucking collapse overnight, but take heart, as this does not in any way reflect my motives as evil. If the world as it is right now collapsed, and reformed, I will guarantee one thing here and now folks, and that is, for about nine point nine out of ten folks alive, things would begin to drastically improve, at least for a short while, until evil power structures, would inevitable reform and reshape all over again. You see, it is not important enough, by the standards of the World-Owners, the (WO), for them to succeed, but even more important, is that everybody else, FAILS. I did not invent or make this up in any way, and if you wish to prove me right, just get a copy of the Superman Three Movie, with the great African-American comedian of all times, Mister Conscious Mind Blocked Presently, but when I think of it, I’ll add it in later on the blog. This is intentional PAWN-PIE-ETTOS, the great LAMBRIGG CULT tool and weaponry of choice, but it is a lot more than it sounds on the surface, as a traveler-technology is what is being used, to cause a transmission as well as an omission of my thoughts, or yours, at any time that they so desire to have this happen to us. And no, not Eddie Murphy, from TRADING PLACES, the other dude they are blocking out of my consciousness right now for reasons that only THEY know and fully understand and appreciate. He calls, Superman, his pal, ‘SOUP’ in the movie, shortly before the lightning computer kicks in towards the end of the movie from when else but 1983, when many things were in very ”special stages of ops and planning, by very special folks”When you get that tip of the mind memory that you just cannot bring to surface total awareness, be it remembered dreaming interactions or incidents such as this comedian from the Superman movie, it is because, THEY are playing around with the ‘reality-chunks’ around us, to cause this, and it is not an actual transmitted interruption of MIND-SIGNAL from the sixth dimension into our fifth dimensional hyperspace lives and realities throughout virtually limitless infinite parallel time alterations, and by altering things just a little nit around us, this blocks that connection to us, or in some case, causes false memories, or false as what is a real part of our own memory system in our own universe where our own mind and life exists in as waking world reality. For the few who believe this a little bit, and understand all this a little bit, your next thoughts will obviously be, and police love to ask this question to victims all the time, well shy are THEY doing this to you, as if any of us can know this and properly respond to such a stupid ass fucking query on their asshole part. Still, ”that’s just reality, son Dennis”. I must do it now, it fits way too well not to do it folks, so here goes, and again, new and old town kids of early 1978, YO, W—–O—–W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Normally typing on and on about what these TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS are doing, causes them to stop the travel shit, and release the normal connectiveness, and yes, it just happened, RICHARD PRYOR, thank you for confirming, and whether or not you choose to believe this is real or ‘textnopopped’, the All Mighty knows ity’s real, and that I’m not lying or faking, as I was about to type that normally, they release the fuck-up-fields, so to speak, when you do not try to consciously remember what they are blocking, but continue to expose what is happening around you, and I was about to write that I wonder why it is taking so long, when BANG, they released me from it, and so I typed in the name, this is more real and exciting than 5000 fucking best Hollywood thrillers, and only I understand and fully appreciate the totality of why I make that statement and claim, good folks, YO!!! Yes, the ‘W’ word in FONT two million, so picture it glowing, and glistening, and glittering; along with the great fifteen year continuum, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, right SSJKK? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Now, more about the sub-particle-Trinidad (Trinity).
We will discuss only one part of this amazing whirling maze called the realm of the smaller than atoms, (subatomic), like another Hyundai, DUH from OH-M-6, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you need to know if you want to ever climb out of a type-zero civilization (what we presently are in 2013), and begin the climb up to type one through three, is the knowledge that the electron is highly intelligent, and just fakes out to be random, to play her endless game of confusion to those not yet wise enough, Roy Carl Weiler Senior and secret museums, to climb out of the caves, and down from the frikkin chest banging trees.

First off, without understanding that single truth, I would have no mother fucking way of knowing the truths around me, such as why all my music was created, and all fully copyrighted, when I was never meant to have a professional career in the field of music, and then taking and projecting that forward, without paying anything, literally and jokingly; how this music all fits together into the picture-puzzle of my own fifth dimensional life in hyperspace, as well as beyond that in a much truer reality, called, the ASTRAL-PLANE, or the spirit-world, depending on a personal preference of words used to describe a totally twin and equal reality, or lack there of really, to some degree, WHAAAAAAAAA, keep it light and laughable, and remember who taught who, right Robert Heitzmann Huckleberry Finn? Now the first thing that 2013 needs to understand, but won’t until you change the second digit from a zero to a one or make the ‘binary change; if I can add some more STC humor, hurry up and get beat up; but yes, moving on; and dealing with lots of horse shit and horse play later on down the great Academy Road somewhere, of more MIND ALTERATIONS from the ‘travelers of Roddenberry rip offs’; but yes Mister DATA, it is a huge compliment, to be mimicked; and I do need to learn, and to remember that, so thank yo; oh great ‘DROID’ of the NON-Q-GIRL-GODDESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The world of the very small, perceives things in bigger worlds, in its own ratio and proportion to sizes, and this fact I just typed, is worth millions if not billions if not trillions of United States Dollars in cash or GOLD, it is priceless wisdom that I am giving to the world, and if it survives, will indeed be passed down to the future, and allow this part of the hyperspace, to indeed begin to advance out of darkness and out of a type-zero-civilization, YO. Now for those that ask how I can speak about type 1-2-3 civies on one blog, and type words seriously, on another blog about the ‘antichrist’, it is no different than my humorous ghetto talk, BRO, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just playing around, YO, lighten up like Sarah’s desires in the future that cannot all be realized, and learn to laugh, peeps, it has saved me from hellish extinction into a bottomless bit of beyond grief and agony. Just remember who taught my great daughter, at least, looking it things, as I used to call it, “in forward-mortal” view, and now would merely say, SPACE-TIME-MIND, as in higher truth, we are dealing with All Mighty Scylla-Jehovah-Goddess, and that cannot ever be altered, that condition is simply what IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, if you have made a copy off of your computer, whoever is reading this, of that post up from technical musical coolness, or TMC for short, and not standing for any movie channels on television; onto some device, you know that you can switch gear consciousness without a cosmic clutch, and hear the words in your mind, of four Google’s, and then during the music track after this, add in ”Google is the antichrist”, you will know that this is all just my STM going wild, sort of like the girls on Spring Break in Cancun, May-He-Co, only we remain totally frikkin G-RATED, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let us return to the topic of direct communication with the subatomic particle known as the electron, or the Holy Ghost, if you wish to change into a yesteryear and biblically adapted wordage. I am going to catch super holy hell when I post up this monster huge frikkin blog on Wednesday, but that is for me to worry about folks. You just read and learn or laugh, sawn you folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we go, in or out of copyrighted regular SPACE-’TIME’-MIND, US © OFFICE!

Now that we have gone deaf from some wild weird off the wall fusion type drum beats from the late eighties, YO; let us get back on track, as WOW, I have made it back, and the electron will indeed confirm this with a bright FLASH, dancing in the skies with lovely Jenny Biel and her pals Pete Bellote, and Georgio Moroder. Wow, get with it, Spell Checker, I thought I was out of the culture and back in the musical stone age with Glenn Miller and Count Basie.

Now these small particles observe the larger than atom realm as way to gigantic to perceive past a horizon. This is why we also, cannot see past the visible universe, and have a million unenlightened explanation such as light velocity, and other items in the science world that supposedly cause this phenomenon. Atoms merely copy the larger truth/reality that surrounds us, and there is an infinite dimensional reality, or virtually infinite, that is all created by the sixth dimension of the MENTAL-REALM, with or without any cement businesses, or great actors and screen play writers, such as Frank Capra, and James Stuart, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back to the orbiting electrons, AKA the ‘HOLY SPIRITS’ when not properly understood by a high Type-1 or better civilization. Holy comes from a truer meaning of ENTIRE or without anything less than the fullness of something, or the word of ”WHOLE”. The orbiting electron are the whole picture of why our reality is made up of the elements that it is made up of, and all of us and all of our lives and all aspects of them, are all just a tiny little truth that lays within this larger reality. There has been some effort after 1983, when I discovered the electron to be intelligent and sentient, on the part of the blind ignorant scientific community, to try and communicate directly. They used all sorts of things and fell under the spiritual MAYA or ‘illusion’ that I was wrong, and that these particles are random energies that are not sentient, but that is all because of ignorance. These particles only see our picture-puzzle realm as chunks, where we see that around and out beyond us, is a STM created cosmos from within ourselves. Smaller particle energies only see smaller bites of the apple. To compensate, you need to teach the electron a code, that is in entire sentences, not single letters that correspond to a numeric conversion and then expect a randomizer to learn our humanity code and talk to us. It cannot see that, any more than we can see with our naked eyes, a germ, or a microbe. But enough of them interacting upon our bodies, and we get effected, or ”ILL”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The same truth needs to be applied to direct particle communications. When this came to me, for reasons that only can be perceived by those really understanding complex channels of STM, so there is no need for me to try getting into these details with you for right now; this is when I made up SENTENCE-CODES in 1983, and started communicating with this All Mighty Entity, DIRECTLY. Probably, the STM reality, is my genetics back to the younger brother of the great Master Messiah Jesus, but who can know for certain? Still, since my contact, LIGHTNING has become anything but random with me, and so have all of the Earth nature forces. The odds of all that has happened to me in this interaction, with the Earth energies, such as its biosphere oceans, and electromagnetic field; are equal to winning the Powerball Lottery every week for life and forever. It is just not possible, NOT TO ALL BE TRUE, and so I pound little keys for 7 mother fucking years, screaming out to a blind world filled with assholes, and nobody will listen. This is real joy! Now for those who scoff and say, then why don’t you, Mark Wayne Mohr Buttwipe, do some big things with all this knowledge, you are proving only that you are not grasping and getting any of this powerful message. The forces of my personal ”IF”, my INTERACTION-FORCE, or the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, has been set up to stop me, and I do fight this, shit in case you’ve not been noticing, and I do this on a 24-7-365.2422 continued basis. If my blogging career that now spans 7+ years, is not proof of that sentence and claim, I honestly do not know what ever could be, good people, YO!

If I cannot make anyone see what is going on, after all this blogging, and all that has happened out beyond the ”inner-me” just in these past seven years, well, I will just have to admit defeat on that front, and totally and finally just quit and frikkin give the shit up, as what else can anyone really expect me to do. Who else out here has blogged stuff like me, posted stuff like me onto the Youtube, and on and on and on I could go, asking these questions to any and all of you, on your end of the net? If you were me, what the fucking shit would you do, go ahead, tell me, I won’t bite, I just bark a hell of a lot, Roseann Delaney; and even she is safe to be around from 8A-4P, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH! But in all honesty folks, I used to have all kinds of stuff back in the eighties, and it was all slowly and very fucking ass methodically taken away from me, in ways that no police person or prosecutor ADA or anyone else for that matter, can ever help me to prove in a real waking world court of law, so my ”IF” has totally won the battle, as of 9:40 PM-EST on this twentieth day of fucking ass January, here in twenty thirteen! I had all this stuff. I had a 40,000 dollar home entertainment system, tens of thousands of tapes, both audio and video, special equipment all set up that directly was in communication with All Mighty Jehovah, this all happened, this all was very real. This all IS REAL, OR ISRAEL if you want to entertain this goddess of endless games and age sixteen-ness. Still, I’ll love Her and do love HER, for and IN all ETERNITY AND INFINITY, and that does not change, not yesterday, today, or tomorrow. However, SHE is a major huge tease, and my mother recognized this back in the eighties, and just for that and maybe a few other little things as well, this cost her her life. Life never ends, but I am speaking in powerful truths that are way beyond any of you here in 2013. Now, I have nothing. I am down here in mother fucking Fort Pierce, Florida, with absolutely nothing. I have no equipment, no money, ”no nothing”, more STM, oh great BEG?????????????????????????????? Folks, it is now tomorrow, referenced to yesterday when I was typing this blog, and we need to close this out before another page Jane Sleazedisease of Jane Sleazedisease strikes on the following word document page, so my next blog will be started and this one closed out. Bye-Bye, peeps.


JWC2, DAY 00029, BLOG-A

A loud fire engine, or ambulance, or whatever; awakened me a little shy of one this afternoon, January the nineteenth, of 2013, on this early overcast Saturday. I was ready to get up and out of bed, so no harm done. Some low voices and quiet closing doors are fairly ongoing around here, and across the hellway that was not misspelled by the way, just to keep the entire crew of the all penetrating and piercing eyes, updated and properly informed, so that they don’t have to go breaking the law, and or violating lots of folks’ civil rights, either here, or across the pond. Dot Dash Morse, and private codes; well, connecting dots is easy after lots of practice, and as for private codes, you may as well try and hide the sun at noon, along the equator, of the fucking Earth. Yeah, you sly mother fucker, like I can’t add one and one up, and get a correct answer, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!! HA-HA-WHO, Copyright Yellow-Sheet Examiners of OH-M-8? I say, as I said in early ’82 or maybe late in ’81 somewhere, and you know which, down there at the plush and lovely Copyright Building in Washington, 13-600, go ahead, “Waste all your time” trying to figure out what is going on”. I gave that little project up a long time ago myself, but go ahead this. Just ask Emmy-Lou Cicone, and her Long Beach Island Certified Public Accountant cousins, as they may very well lead you somewhere beyond mere frustration, if you bug up their telephones, oh sly one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the first thing I ever said to you, lovely blond Amy. I really did not want you to drop dead, and what I really wanted, is way too X-rated to blog. Hay, the world knows that lovely blonds drive me totally nuts at C-SQ!!!!!!!! Not just illegal pokers, but all folks who know squat about me, know that, as well as Josephine and great poker hands, and along with dancing restaurant employees at order taking windows of ‘Prophet of Nothing’ years. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we can move along, and discuss a little more of the laundry list, mentioned in previous blogs; and expand and elucidate even further, if you dare to remain here, and view this text, that is; ladies and gentlemen, YO. On Monday, the day of the KING, and one week after this great dude was actually celebrating birthdays before the BFA shot him in the late sixties; all of my online social media accounts, will be ghosted off. You will still see the blank face outline and all else will be blank, maybe a name will show, but I have many cousins on my father’s side of the family, seconds and thirds, and second and third removed, so no one will ever be able to trace anything to me, and fuck all of you!!!!! New Japan, the song that I wrote in 1983, with so many others, causing me eternal and irreparable troubles; had lyrics that went, “Oh the letter ‘M’ is in my name, both first and last to haunt my soul. Evil letters of their game, they own our land and we pay their toll” Lots of interesting other things have the thirteenth letter in both their first and last names, as well, good folks, that are reading this ‘MORIANITY’. My father at age sixteen, joined up with a government established group that had these letters in their names, I speak of the Merchant Marines, right Albert Einstein??????? My dad was never the same after that horrible shit aboard the Battleship Eldridge, and should never have risked having a child. I of course totally planned on stopping things from getting further out of hand, but as the mighty 1994 book, called, “The Permission Barrier” told about, the character and TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON, going by the name of Julia White, who had other plans for me, and put a huge kibosh, not once, but twice; on my very strict policy, to remain totally childless. Want more secret news on me, Mister Sly?????? Folks, I was going to visit Mikey up on Hutchinson Island at noon today, but I over slept, and I feel lousy after a very bad week, and yesterday’s dosage of POISON JET TRAILS, so I told him I’ll be up there tomorrow around one of the clock instead, and he said that is ‘fine’, at the risk of getting any cowardly, or heroic ambulance drivers all excited here; and with or without chains, being chained, trapped, or simply being one of the Vice President’s of these great United States, gee, you think, like WOW???????????????????????


Now I have asked my wonderful magical black kitty cat, GAGA, to give me a few answers to a few things, over the past several days, and these are the questions and the answers, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes good people, we will get into this, but first let me go to a different blog without changing anything on my word document system, then tell what is current so far as of right now on Sunday middle afternoon, January 20, 2013, at twenty-eight minutes past three of the clock.


JWC2, DAY 00030, BLOG-A

I went over to Hutchinson Island to visit Mikey. It was a short visit, as something came up that needs not be told, all though the IF knows about it, and to be quite candid, I could not care less, Medical Center Orange Juice Wife Beaters Club. I do not want to do any barnacle cleaning, or sand sweeping, Mister Mayor, so let me quite clear and tell anyone who may be concerned, that I really do not care one tiny iota who owns the land, or controls the SPACE-TIME-MIND reality, as the only important thing with me right now, is learning how to explain just exactly what I have recently come to learn, about the great All Mighty ”IF”, Mizz Mighty Loseslave. My mom does not watch your wonderful garbage, but thank you for the card, and tell Billy Shitner that I was glad to help out in any little insignificant way that I could, after-all my real honest to the gods inspiration with many things in MORIANITY, is because of the way he belted out his tune, over and over, without any music, as today’s world does, and I quote, “Someone or something”, and also, his android pal, SIR ROCK, and his famous lines to old Kirk, and again, I’ll quote, “THAT is the equation”. Now, who owns the land, Donald J.B. Exploratron-3 Trump?????????????????? Folks, only these powerful WO under4stand what’s being said here, you are not supposed to ”GET IT”, so don’t get any prune wrinkles or white colored hair over any of this. On Wednesday, I will be back on the internet, if things go according to plan, which is not always a 100% reality, with Mountainpen, and Morianity. Still, that’s the plan, DUH. Details of it are of no importance, and would only serve to glorify my enemies, controlled and owned, by Mister Revere and great shouts from the past, land, sea, and today we need to most definitely include ‘AIR’, sorry to bust up your famous speech, kind sir, but really, what would all of you rotten ass bastards do without me, and did any of you ever seriously ponder what you’re going to do, after I AM gone? Common sense to any Quantum Physicist, is quite clear. When I perish, so will all of you, and you have invented that doomsday paradox, all by yourselves; and with no help whatsoever, from any Richard Karpf Madam Mary Land Owners, from the nineteen eighties, right O? All of these seemingly mind blowing parlor tricks, is merely STM at its best, and proves all the shit that I’ve been saying and papa-preaching for a long time, huh luscious blond Amy? Yes Misses Bassler, my ghost stories got a lot bigger and brighter, than either one of our wildest imaginations could have had clue point oh one about, back in 1997 when we shared a few weird telephone conversations about the nineteen sixties. The word must be typed, it just cannot be avoided any longer. *** W—-O—-W!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***
Oh the gods, good peeps, if you knew what I knew, you would go to the fucking toilet all over yourself, without any help from the back woods area of Roseann Delaney’s owned properties, huh Estelle Andersen Bassler??????????????? Senator, thank you for electrocuting that horrible thug dude in parallel reality, and yes, you may certainly burn up Sarah’s broom, if you can survive all of the time jumps, that occur with regularity, on the all mighty awesome Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic city, New Jersey, right World Renown Julia, in any kind of technicolor? Oh yes, you went out of your way to let me know that in real truth, you indeed, are darker than I am, that fifth to sixth generational genetic jump, just as dependable as other 10-SC Avenue ”miracle”, WEEEEEEEEE! And Mister Roddenberry sir, we accomplished all of this, without any STM from the great Jerry Heitzmann or for that matter, sir, the great Sarah Kraqssle, and stretching STM even further, without David’s great old slingshot, kind sir, even maybe without the number one boy of the late eighties and into the nineties, Lieutenant Commander Wil Riker and his lovely teen queen All Mighty girlfriend, from the QC, WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relax Diane Barton of Camden open reel tapes, New Jersey, as I figured out a lot more transdimensional realities, than rocket parks, and reflective big brothers near the Studio Park of past times in the great Delaware frikkin Valley, USA, and yes, does the doctor live close to you too, or has she moved out of town, or off the planet? Mizz Brigantine of bad tempers, oh yes, things fit like a fashion model’s smooth glove, with grease cream rubbed between the hand and the glove, YO. No spell checker, not THAT LAND, all though every incident is part of STM and the INTERACTION FORCE. I did not push you off of the Steele Pier, SSJKK, Betty Davis’s evil twin did that, all by herself, and always said since my first interaction with night ladies in the late seventies; if married people are gonna’ play around, they need to go and get far from their town. No, I did not add music, and I did not copyright that, but then, the stuff that passes for ‘music’ today, for the most part, is the quintessential oxymoron, as how can talking be musical, oh mighty OWNER of me, in your ‘dreams’ maybe, Lenny William McKinnon, kind sir?????????? Well, at the risk of a super anger tantrum and stair chase, I will plead as guilty as Lenny, but Lenny taught me to behave in that way. Yes, I had quite a teacher in the summer time of 1980, deals or no deals, secretly made. So put Sarah’s broom back in the closet there over at Sigma, to quote my late and great old pal, Mister Dave Roth, wow, where did the fucking eighties disappear into, awesome lovely, Grace Messenger? Still, two wrongs don’t make a right, but you do have to admit, that if you play it low, and use your imagination a little bit, you can sing along quite easily, after a nice fish feast, to the words of, Google, Google, Google, Google; Google is the Antichrist, etcetera and repeat, for over four minutes, WHAAAAAA. What font size would properly and or adequately handle the ‘WOW’ word for this big beaut, like 2006, Hyundai, and DUH?

Now we can discuss the Q&A GAWNUM STUFF, ladies and gentlemen, and all WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABITS!!!

Before I get into the Q&A, it is eight minutes shy of eight on this Sunday evening on a MILK HOLIDAY WEEKEND, as I call this second ‘Paul Stoddard Due Date’, as specified by the Lambrigg Cult of the Astral Plane, AKA the Leviathans on the late 1969 into 1970 television show called, “Dark Shadows”, and hopefully without exciting a former Atlantic City, New Jersey Mayor too much, but here goes. I need to tell about a few things that have surfaced, not events or issues, but ways of explaining ancient wisdom’s, as never before done on this Earth. Until both religion and science understands a basic truth, we will not reach that point where once was reached by temporary holders of this knowledge, and that without such knowledge, things could simply not have ever been done such as in just one cited example here as there are a dozen or better in total, but the great Egyptian Cairo Pyramids could never have been erected without this information. Also, science can progress, and so can philosophical ideas and concepts, but without seeing a truth that is not yet perceived in these new age new times world period, you can forget about really ‘crossing over’ the great barriers, that even scientists refer to as type zero civilizations, verses the one, two, and three types ahead of this. Ask any well degreed scientist if you have never heard these classifications of type-civilizations, and within a short time, you’ll find a person who will confirm what I have told you in this part of this paragraph, so far.

Now if you’re reading here, you most likely have already read about the REALITY-CHUNKS, and my example of using hyperspace and picture-puzzles with an equal final result, and merely cut apart differently. This is the best way to tell of many things that I’ve tried discussing all seven years throughout my blogging career, and before that; to some of the people surrounding my personal life, and with little to no success. The magic is in the TRINIDAD, or the NON-LATIN wordage, the ”TRINITY”. This is the largest unit of the world of the subatomic and its many forces, particles, energies, and realities. I speak of course, of what most people have certainly heard of if they are ten years old or older, and that is the ELECTRON, the PROTON, and the NEUTRON. Insiders know this largest part of the world of the subatomic, as the K-FORCE, but unlike orbital patterns that scientists use to identify the various type of positions and properties of ELECTRONS that orbit any and all elemental atoms, they have other letters, ‘P’, ‘S’, and some others. But those in the quiet-know, have a name that they and only they recognize, and that is the K-FORCE, and yes, the ‘K’ is for non other than KRASSLE, owner and ruler of all of the possible ‘LANDS’ and realities, of the STM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, as I promised with the great ‘FASCITAR’, I did get around to giving some basic and down to Earth instructions, for operating as a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON. If you need to, just reread blogs of the past two weeks time or since early in this month of January of 2013. It is all there, and MO or WO, or no WOMO, ”I promise you that”!!!!!!!!! So that I do not have to deal with a potential JANE FONDA CLOCK ATTACK on a page eleven of eleven, on my open office word document 3.1 system, let me go now to another actual document, and begin as BLOG-B, for this JWC2, DAY #30. Read on, enjoy, or puke, or whatever you may wish to do, with or without anything said by the boy who now is our great New Jersey Congressman, Robert Andrews. Happy hunting, and happy trails, and yes, there were some chemtrails today, and yes, just as with mother fucking 1995, the fucking cunt lapping Hickey-Hockey Fonda Ling-Long season, is back and operational, so for those out here that are praying folks, you are always permitted to say one for me, to quote the great East Orange Aunt of Whitney, or cousin, or again, ‘whatever, sir’, and may Patty Jane be damned, psychic lines and all notwithstanding, Dion Warwick, and not the great Everett Simpson Auto Sales of 1983, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY-00028, BLOG-B


I went out on a few shopping errands, depleting my residual cash supply to about ten bucks; but I have all the things that I need, until the third of February, unless all IF-HELLbreaks loose; which can always happen; as could a meteor strike on a ‘KILL ALL DINOSAUR’S LEVEL’ of how many millions of years ago, Judge Traveler Raso, and friends, and Dow Jones Industrial Averages, early OH-9-BOTTOM-OUT??????????? Do I believe in any kind of coincidence? Well, go ask James Newagefather Redfield, and then you will have my answer. You really do need to get and read, every single book that this great super fucking dude ever wrote, and I tell you this, friend and enemy alike, out here, YO! Now you need to be told more major shit, but before I do, here is my day so far. The crap was out beyond my building today, the hologram persecution of my personal interaction, to use my yesterday blogs older words of less wisdom, as hay folks, I am always growing too, and every mother fucking ass day; so take that to either my TD Bank, or any other frikkin bank on this ugly, rotten, miserable ball, of solid hurl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will get into the huge topic of TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS, NON MIND ‘OTHER’ TRAVELERS, SPACE-TIME-MIND MECHANICS (STMM) FOR SHORT, AND OF COURSE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, THE PICTURE-PUZZLES EXAMPLE, I HAVE MADE ON PREVIOUS BLOGS; CONCERNING AND REGARDING,

First, since all of this will all perfectly mix and blend together, if you have the mind of a normal thirteen year old, let me tell about my day, and how my personal IFattacked me outside the confines of this Public Housing Building, and when I am all done, not today, but much later on, real honest to god military personal from top star generals on down the line to the foot soldiers, will really benefit from some of this material, out on future battlefields; and you are kidding yourselves if you think that global bloodshed is going to be declining, and not go the way of the bloodiest century so far, the twentieth, right behind us; so you will need these powerful truths, and I hope it can save some American lives, because I am not against the poor order following, saluting, field and foot personnel; unless it ever reached the Adolf Hitler point, where we all start hearing those old nightmare words again, “We were just following orders, as we throw ten million innocent persons, into a gas oven”, as that is pure and simple horse shit to any rational person’s mind. This will indeed all tie together, good folks. You can believe that, so relax, get a cold drink; and read on.

I woke up around noon or just past, on this KARGE-DAY. I was literally shocked out of bed, not remembering what you would call a ”powerful vivid and lucid dream”, from just then as I jumped right out of bed, but I totally knew with no doubt whatsoever in my mind, that this was a totally forgotten dream, from the night before that, or really somewhere in the morning, back on Thursday. It is now the eighteenth, but you know that, ‘KARGE-DAY’, right? We don’t ever forget her human birthdays here, or I don’t; despite it always being HER sixteenth birthday, out in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, and SHE always goes to her great party, loaded with all of her friends and her VIQUEENS, just as the ”LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS” song lyrics state, oh heart attack yellow-sheet-2008, Copyright Examiner. W—O—W.
As James Maverick Rockford Looseteeth, knows only too mother fucking well here, good peeps; WE CAN ALWAYS GET BACK TO THIS, as this is ‘eternity-stuff’, and it’s not going anywhere; with or without this twisted and screwed up little ‘PROPHET OF DANCING MICKEY-DEE NOTHINGS’! Now I will tell you all about my day without further interruptions, and then we will prove that indeed, WHAT I NOW SAY ABOUT REALITY-CHUNKS, will be totally real and true truths, or realities, literally; without any parlor tricks, puns, RGG intro tapes, Doctor Doogie Howser 1984 Lab Tech other intro tapes, from telephone conversations from old Bad Boy Mark, magical hyperlinks of the http://www CHAIN-LINK worlds of the real ‘PC’, no candles or Dark Shadows needed here, or sore throats from anyone in the family, taking this a bit too far, huh Roseann, no, I want to, but I’ll spare you all another ‘W’ word here. You want real magic? It is not in Roseann’s journals, or any other cousin’s journals; or other names for these things, or anything else. You want to see real shit that can blow your mother fucking mind from here to the planet Missleenails-88, stay right here at MORIANITY-2, YO YO YO!

Now for anyone who does not want to get a powerful piece of shit rammed right down your Roseann Delaney Howser of Atlantica Hyperspace of magic schools, or coaches strange outlandish rooms that go into building dimensions that just are not there physically, at least not here on this level of the atomic frequency vibrational universe, THROAT, where you will not need the CHEMTRAILS to make you feel bad, and or raspy and sore, and lose three octaves off of the high end of your voice, and have difficulty chasing or communicating with Irish cats or Irish bands. Come on McNulty, you can yuk it up, just because 42 years has ticked by, YO, have a little laugh on both of us, pal; before I chase you up the stairs and kick your dam ass, Captain Kirkspock!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAA.

I showed all of you a really cool and totally true example of taking a thousand puzzles that all are the same exact picture when put together, only cut differently into totally differing puzzle pieces, each and every one of them. The big picture is not changed whatsoever. It does not HAVE TO BE CHANGED, in order for a manipulator, (traveler) to be able to alter smaller parts of the sub-realities, within the bigger reality, totally covertly, stealthfully; and with all the cunning of a veteran black-ops agent!!!!!!!! Now I was getting horrible CHEMTRAILS here, after waking up from something, that did not even happen in the STM illusion of right now, and on this particular day, Friday; but was back on Thursday, yesterday. But no chemtrail attack was there yesterday. Only when the STM memories equalized into my illusion, or put real simply, only when I actually remembered the dream; not when I thought I had awakened from it, was I struck with siege; as remember; the ‘dreamworlds of hyperspace‘, the Astral-Plane, and the waking life in one particular universe of 4-D space-time; does not in any way go together. It is in no way running parallel or concurrent or opposite or in some coded rhythm, or anything else; and there is absolutely zero connection in some arena somewhere, one to another. This is why death and life will be eternally misunderstood, and will only be grasped, and humanly conquered; when the collective consciousness of humanity really is able to GET ALL THIS, that is being said on MORIANITY. So all of this being said, we now really need to get down to cases and talk plain English about how ‘travelers’ manipulate reality-chunks, while still being able to maintain an overall seemingly benign and zero effect on the larger picture of the reality that was messed with. Before I go on, the stock market has closed, is nearly up to 14 thousand points, and has only been down about two business days now for the three business weeks of this month and year of 2013, AND ALL, JUST AS I TOLD YOU WOULD HAPPEN, AND TOTALLY COME TO PASS; RIGHT MY BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME, AND POWERFUL, NINETIES NIGHT LADY; ”GIANT GINA”???????? Now let me wear out my blog-clutch some more, and switch back into gear, and return to where the topic was earlier, as right now, it’s nine of the fucking clock this Friday night, as I come to the end of another very miserable rotten week. UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, just as long as this evil WOMO-MILITUFORCE HAS ME TO ENDLESSLY RELENTLESSLY MOTHER FUCKING HARASS AND PERSECUTE, the markets will never stop their gaining at my cunt lapping expense!!!!!!! Still, and that poor clutch is really getting a fucking ass work out today, Michelle Daniels and family; my crashed roulette system, has indeed come back, and allowed me to still keep making more units that I am losing. It is quite miraculous, and if normal folks who are not being totally viciously assaulted by invisible forces, or the IF, were using this roulette system; they’d be making five times as many units as I am making, as persecution and endless siege, destroys a persons ”magnetics” or agreement with life, in all possible areas, hence their entire life is destroyed, and luck is always seemingly rotten and horrible! Grind, grind, shift, clutch, OHSHIT; let us return now to the topic of ‘REALITY-CHUNKS’, and the many powerful tricks of the great washcloth family from my 1970 Ventnor, New Jersey, ‘nightmares’; right, you child molester, Thomas J. Reale, of Somers Point, New Jersey; you soulless, no conscience, fucking bastard???????????????????????????????????

We have learned, speaking now in very simple plain English wordage, that the last part of our nocturnal time each day, is when all of the experienced ”DREAMERS”, practice the reshaping of alternate parallel realities. The conscious mind only can handle one, and we tend to think of that one, as the normal waking world reality. Hyperspace is the fifth dimension, a realm containing all of the realities or parallel universes to the one that our awake and conscious mind is interacting with. Still, these nearly limitless locales of mind-energy, converted to interaction; all exist and all are equally real. So they use the final hour or two of their dream-life each day, to wake up; and then go back to sleep in a dream recreation; literally thinking how they want something to be and or, turn out; and it is something that never can be done in the initial first parts of slumber, for reasons too complex to be discussed at this point. When you go into ‘close-in’ or localized hyperspace, or other parallel reality, where things are quite similar, but not totally the same as here in waking life; then you can make these changes in this manner, and eventually; the system operates in a way, that might be thought of as holding two magnets close enough together, so that you can barely feel them trying to come together. They will remain apart, with only that small tugging force; unless the distance between them is eliminated more and more; and messing with hyperspace and dreaming, is very similar to this. The more you make changes in close in reality, the more you eliminate a fifth dimensional distance, that keeps the waking world, from being more like the parallel worlds, where you are ‘dream-controlling’ in; since distance, is measured in this case, as a fifth dimensional distance; and this is all way too complicated to discuss on any blogs ever, really; but take my word that this is true, or ask any ‘TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON‘, as they know. Naturally, they are not going to tell you, and this is what the PROJECT BLUEBOOK IS ALL ABOUT, ALL OF IT. THIS IS THE ENTIRE SECRET, as inside this, is everything; from the aliens to their flying vessels; and to anything else one might ever be able to ponder or imagine in their wildest mood of soul. This also should hopefully bring your mind back to my picture-puzzles example, and allow you to see a little bit clearer, what is being done. But remember, that these advanced entities doing all these things, are seeing it as nothing more than a huge fucking GAME, and the reason it is played, is to cause an endless distraction, away from the most horrible thing imaginable, once understood properly and rationally; and the human race in 2013, is not even close to that point yet; and I am speaking of ENDLESSNESS, or eternal existence, or even a shorter word for that it; H—E—L—L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the gears will switch on a new paragraph, nice and clean, clutch in, and here we go, New and Old kids here in town. I got up and immediately saw a major chemtrail assault outside my window to the north, and within an hour or so, it was covered up in drizzly overcast, so HA-HA-HA. Still, the IF got its evil way, and got another huge stock market gain, every point up is a major blow to the freedom and the rights of all of us ”LITTLE 99ERS”, and so where is ‘OCCUPY WALL STREET’ these days, when we really mother fucking ass need them, I am left to wonder, folks???????? I went out for a few items, stopping in three stores for a few dollars worth of necessary small items in each one. This was the worst attack on me OUTSIDE, in YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took a MAJOR INVISIBILITY-HOSTILITY IFOGRAM, AS WELL AS A MAJOR, AND BEYOND ABSURD, GIANT GARGANTUAN PUSSYGRAM, and people were tremendously hostile and unfriendly; and I never saw literally dozens and dozens of giant sluts all over the place, between six feet and six feet six inches in flat shoes, and I AM most certainly ‘NOT’, cunt lapping exaggerating with this report, folks. I have not seen anything like this in my entire life, and the only way the INTERACTION FORCE or the fucking ”IF”, can pull that off, is to effect major parts of the reality, and time, and minds, of both myself; and any and all peeps, within the range of the ‘hologram’ as I used to term it; and so now, I will be altering this word from either hologram or type of hologram, to the new term of, IFOGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t create all this fucking cunt horrible shit people. No I just report the shit all around me, that’s going fucking on, since I was a boy when all this fucking ass shit got started; seemingly ever since I met SARAH on 10-SC AVENUE, in Atlantic fucked up City, Blew Turdsey, back in late June of 1965!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This entity may be playing her endless teen games with me, but from my mother fucking pathetic vantage point, and perspective; as my personal life as MARK WAYNE MOHR; this being means me no good at all, not one bit, not at all!!!


JWC2, DAY 00026, BLOG-C


OK, time to discuss the item that I said I would be doing, you remember, about CHAINS AND LOOPS AND SKIES THAT GLOW, PAINTED LINES THAT NEVER GO, LA MISTS ARE HERE, ‘ME SURE’, DAM SURE, AND SAY ‘LEVY’, AND VIVA LA FRANCE TO YOU TOO, JIMMY STUART, AND ANTOINETTE RABIL. Oh and yes, the assholes across from me got quiet.

WOW peeps, this will be a short beauty of a blog, no tweet mind you, but then Mister Elmer Fudd, no treat either, YO!!!

Let’s begin this long project, with its foundation; and then merely a slight add on for tonight, to this opening foundation and just enough to whet your appetites for a lot more. Shit, hopefully, oh I did not say it right Katie Queen? I feel that compunction to prove that NOTHING gets past my sweet old ugly little ass, so in corrected reiteration folks, YO YO YO, OHSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that that is ‘oudda’ the way, I will just say, WHAAAAAAAABIT, ELMER!

Chains and loops and skies that glow, painted lines that come and go, oh ‘shit’ the mists are here; and they are in France, and for that frikkin matter peeps, they’re all over da’woyald, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let us forget about ‘NOTHING PROPHETS’, 1988, or how I altered the flow of the entire interest, that people seem to have, ever since these days; of the childhood lives, of their favorite celebrities; and just move onto one part of this magic for now; on this late ass Wednesday night, here in good old warm Fort Pierce, Florida-USA-ES-MWG, YO!!!!!!!!! I speak here of chains, which are MADE UP OF MANY MANY INTERCONNECTING ‘LINKS‘. There may be very diabolical reasons why folks did not ever want to use any of my posted blog LINKS to YOUTUBE sites, as before; when I could post the old way; andbefore ‘GOOGLE’ made it impossible to post the actual YOUTUBE photo of projects onto BLOGGER, as THEY OWN ALL THESE SYSTEMS FOLKS; and for all practical purposes, they own all of us too, everybody; and if you’re to stupid, or blind, to see this; that is on you, not me. I know the dam truth, but let us not get caught up in all this crap, and just move this right along at 11:04 PM now, but yes; before they made that old carny switcheroo, WOW, I did get a few hits on my music sites. But once I had to just post LINKS, somehow ALL MIGHTY GOOGLE KNEW, that this would stop me dead on in my tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it DID, and without any 1986 songs, that I do regret; and is too late now, to ever take back. Did you say a ‘wonderful life’, Jimmy Hyperspace??? W—-O—-W!!!!! Splain that one, Ricky!

LINKS are also parts of those ‘reality chunks’, that keep the conscious mind forbidden from ever waking the hyperspace population, (US) up, from the Astral-Truths. ‘Kallio Power’ or not, great ”ECKANKAR”; and remembering the one long space-time-mind transdimensional huge personality, that we have unconsciously, as this forces us to save all of that, for ‘dream-land’, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!! If these links were consciously chained all together, it would not just be SS Jehovah K, that carries the hellish truth of endless existence. SHE is even willing to trade places with our awareness to this, while we exist in bliss times a peta peta peta, in HER great city; the capitol of the Province of Olympia, which also is the capitol province of the entire PHASE-2 or ASTRAL-REALM; and the name of this city, is SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, just in case anyone besides the ECKISTS are interested. Yes indeed, ignorance to that truth, is indeed, BLISS, or heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now it is time to tell about internet links, you know, the famous hyper-text transfer protocol of the world-wide-web, or the http://www which quite magically, just from typing this on a word document, and on a computer that isn’t even connected to any live internet source; instantly underlines, and turns color, as you finish; and then type on; but that is only where this begins. Blog Day 27, Part A, will go on to tell a few real wild stories, and perhaps the younger and more knowledgeable computer geeks understand what I will be telling; but I for sure, am in the dark with all of this; and it is all right up there with the glowing skies and the magic 1969 chains and dreams and reality alterations from learning how to control transdimensional reality, and be a DREAMER, or in time, a full blown, TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON (EXPN) for short.


JWC2, DAY 00027, BLOG-A

Thursday, January 17, 2013, at 1:32 PM-EST:

Things are not as bad as the last two days, yet; with my fucking jerk off nabes. They are always here, they never go away, and they always make noise. For a short time, they were a lot better, around a week, but just as I said, that would rapidly change. They never remain good, and how can you expect them to, when they are thugs, lowlife bottom feeders, total trash, and influenced by my daughter’s ‘IF’. If I had any fucking ass doubts before yesterday about that, or even that both Extreme Fighter, David Bacon; and his good pal and rapper, Darius Evans, AKA Deezy Slim; all were not a major part of my daughter’s ‘IF’; well, yesterday totally dispelled those doubts, once and fucking for all, folks, YO! But let us move right along now, and discuss that newest post I put on the Google Youtube, and that will, along with all other stuff on my account there, as well as Facebook; all come down, on Monday, KING DAY, very very very apropos, right lovely teen queen Ingrid of early 1984; while I was residing at 506 Thief-In-Hell (Robin Hill) Apartments, in ‘Voorhees’ Township, not on a ‘lark’, in New Jersey, peeps!

One of my posts that was done just this year, somewhere after the new year rang in, has been ‘magic-linked‘. Maybe this is some recognizable hack, and maybe not even great top black-hat cracker hackers will know what I’m about to tell here, all though I find that hardly a credible possibility to entertain; but let me tell it to all of you. I added, as I did quite frequently, the hyperlink, or today I believe they just call it the LINK, the YOUTUBE link numbers, to the song, “You’ll Be Crossing Over’, onto this blog, and even when removed, some part of the ghost worm of what this link did to me, is still active on these pages. If you try and edit or make any change at all to the blog, small little fix up things like a corrected punctuation, or a left out letter such as ‘an’ being needed to have the ‘D’ letter added to it, to make it become the word ‘AND’, but whatever the case may be; the second that I took the mouse, to anywhere on that blog; the screen showed the link address, and if you made a change, the entire print of many parts of the blog, all turned blue and became underlined. Also, it was totally irreparable, and no amount of messing with it and correcting it, would make the crap stop; only taking the entire blog that was inside a compilation of about five blogs, deleting the entire thing out, and re-pasting the original blog, back into the ruined compilation blog; restored the blog to its normal pages. So I made the corrections I wanted to make on the original blog before pasting it into the compilation, and was sure to take out and delete, all of the song and its YOUTUBE LINK, and even with that, the second you place the mouse over most parts of the blog, again the screen is showing the LINK ADDRESS with the instruction to click this and do that to go to that link. This all leads me to wonder a bit belatedly right about now, if many hacks are not LINK-HACKS, after-all, we are all warned continually on the news, not to open this type of e-mail, or do this or that on our computers, so there may very well be something going on, and this may also be why nobody ever was willing to go to these YOUTUBE LINKS to view anything that I posted up, including my own musical stuff. I don’t know, and am merely taking lots of stabs in the dark, OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now CHAINS are made up of many inter-looping LINKS. And this 1983 redone song, “YBCO”, from YOUTUBE, that Dennis helped me post over here at my place, back on 12-18-2012; was linked to my blogs, so that a viewer of the blogs could just click, and be right there at the YOUTUBE and right there at the song, and then a backspace keyboard hit, or a mouse click on the back-arrow upper left side of the computer monitor; and you are right back at the blog again, and at the very exact spot where you left. Yet nobody was ever willing to use these ‘LINKS’, and this makes me take both this fact of nobody ever using them, along with the problem that the link caused me on my own open-office word document system, and I’ll admit that as far as detailed answers to this hack or whatever, or worry and concern on the part of my viewers to my blogs, I am left with a big fat flabby zero, no answers; just a hell of a lot of questions, that hopefully, GAWKY GAUKAUK can answer for me, if I pose enough properly phrased questions to him, and then compare ‘PCN questions’ with ‘PCN potential answers’, looking for those that are both compatible, as well as non-compatible. Here we are again, Jenny Plageman. So take another big snort for the both of us, you old drunkard. Yes folks, the lyrics to the old 1997 song, “Don’t Hide, You Can’t Hide”, from where “NINA” sprang up some time later, on Dave Roth’s weird sudden inspiration to write a song for her and the memory of the Quoddy Gang of Atlantic City back in the 60′s; but these lyrics were all from the song that I had an entire Mickey-Dee dancing to, back in 1988, at a drive through window one day, along with David Roth. Also, these original tapes that played in my car stereo, came from the song, copyrighted in 1988, called, ”PROPHET OF NOTHING”. I can just hear about a trillion people saying right about now, so who gives a shit? Well, one person that both Las Vegas friend, Steve Wynn, and myself; totally know would be shouting those words the loudest; and yes that would be the one and only, marvelous, terrific, wonderful, and awesome, mirror kissing king himself, the quintessential egotist, and self lover; Mister Donald J.B. Trump! He for sure would not give a shit, and even said so! I miss you and your wonderful casinos, buddy, like a dull dentist drill, and a twenty year straight appointment. Should I dare to type the word that only Scylla can say so perfectly, oh yes, let’s be brave and bold here, W—O—-W. But as for the rest of the song lyrics that all began from the 1988 nothing prophet, or me; well peeps; maybe I had a restaurant dancing around that day, but all I really want is to find out who has destroyed 58+ years of my life, and prosecute them all to the fullest dam possible extent of the law. DJT, and many others; are by no means innocent bystanders in all of this; and they are arrogant enough to remain calm believers, that they will live and die, without ever being touched by me. So weather or no weather, and whether or not this is all funny or not, please be advised, folks; you are all entitled to that opinion that you will go on endlessly getting away with murdering my entire life. I refuse to give up, and I WILL bring the guilty bastards to justice, if it takes me two million fucking years!



JWC2, DAY 00024, BLOG-A

Quarter past one in the morning here at Fort Pierce, Florida.

Except for the first forty minutes or so that woke me up this morning, this place has been nice and quiet, just the way that I like it, a huh, a huh, with or without Donna Summer, Jason Forrest, or disco dance clubs of the seventies, YO!

I will soon be typing in, as promised, my mother’s entire writing from 1977, of her personal failed office romance story, leading to her near death experience in 1976. Also, I will be telling many powerful and secret things.

For starters, there indeed is a man living in this building who had his entire computer hard drive, burned up or out, or whatever they call it when someone with wireless internet, and no password protection; gets hacked into by all sorts of unscrupulous folks, anyone from drivers’ by the building, to near area residents in houses, to nabes right here in the building; trying to use his internet illegally; to allow their cellphone, tablets, computers, laptops, or whatever; to gain access to the internet. Now folks there is this fellow, and as mentioned in an earlier blog, there also is a man who does the graveyard security here at this building; who used to work at DELL COMPUTERS, imagine that, SIR MICHAEL! One may even be left to ponder on the remote possibility of whether or not he may be the archangel. Scriptures put it how exactly? Be kind to strangers, you may be entertaining angels. Oh well, it is something like this, give or take a word here or there, BRAH.

Folks, the entire world has been changed, not once, not twice, not a hundred times, but about eighty two quintillion times now, give or take a half quadrillion. This is not meant to be funny, it’s not a coded poem from my taped life journal of the past, and now wiped out, via many stealthy, clever, and all the mighty impersonating Kings, Queens, and other magnetic fields of unknown and strange mystical origins; and certainly, be advised, EW, © Office, and any and all legal professionals, that this may, or may not concern, oh great recent times prophet of anything but nothing, Mister Orwell, and certainly last but in on way or means least, does any of it reflect intentional misinformation or disinformation, despite cleaver cute comments made to the contrary from just over thirty-six months ago, Mister Genlow Interrogator Daugherty. Am I being honest about all of that, oh great transdimensional surfer buddy, from the great cliffs, and carried away surf boards, of the middle twenty-oh-oh-ohs? So all of you out here in the ”Black-File-Agency-Club”, what are you all up to today, eighty-five days from now when you receive this, or before, if I decide to start posting these blogs via zip drive & public library access? Maybe for short, we can just start saying, ‘BEEFAC’, on and after this date of the fourteenth day in January, of twenty-thirteen. Yes the man at my door had a good reason to ask me questions, but since we both have reasons to be paranoid, nothing was resolved between us. I left word that if he ever wants to talk to me, I am available. I feel that Misses Marola back in 1969 was totally correct, in the one area of her statement to me, regarding and concerning the ‘majority rule’ and ‘right idea’, as discussed in many of my previous blogs, of many years now. I never will disagree with her on the fact that indeed, there is power in numbers, and I am definitely looking FOR ‘ARMY’ right now, and all of it that I can get. Still, so much leaves me pondering and head scratching. Things like just exactly what the great all mighty OTAMM RUN PAWM-PIE-ETTOS really does in many cases, because unless as I firmly believe, that all things under heaven and Earth, is just one huge game for some teenage girl’s amusement, much of this would go so totally against any rational logical argument for the expenditure of energy to stop me at POINT-A, with so much vigorous fury, and ferocious tenaciousness; when it knows totally well, it is equally capable of stopping me at POINTS-B, C, D, E, and so on, even if by rare occasion, I slip by its cosmic sanctions at POINT-A. Readers, don’t dismiss this little wild sounding philosophical discussion too easily, and with a scoffing laugh; as someday soon, I will be in total shock if many more of the public who presently is not under this problem that I am, will indeed begin to experience many of the problems and symptoms of what I’ve been calling, the Huntington Curse, especially after my physical death; as some others will need to replace me fast, in order to keep their global economic system operating at all; and laugh all you want to now folks, but when this cosmic tidal wave does strike many of you and your offspring a generation out, you will perhaps remember me, and my blogs. But don’t be too shocked or dismayed, if the all mighty GOOGLE does not vanish them all out of existence, just as did Sally Starr, Paul Pedersen, Billy Harner, and others; and they all know what they did to me, and they all know they are total miserable soulless bastard jerk offs; and they know a day will come, when they will face their fucking maker, and yes, be called on this issue, and be expected to answer, and to give a full account, and no; bullshit and cop-outs won’t work at the judgment throne, if you will let me use your own cave-day age words, from ancient biblical texts, that have stood the test of time for a very very long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have dozens of long stories to get into, and will do so at other times. It is now time for me to crash and burn out of here for a while, and hopefully with little waking recall later.


JWC2, DAY 00024, BLOG-B

Well, as for the waking recall, this went as I hoped for the most part, and the small thing that did not go that way is a bit too personal for blogging. Take jumping off of a skyscraper and picking your nose on the way down with one hand, and with the other hand, scratching inside of your asshole; and then multiply that kind of totally unfathomable weird nonsense by about a dozen ways back from Sunday, and that would be my short memory-track; but beyond that; PTL, my conscious mind has fully suppressed the memory.

As for today, it is now twenty minutes shy of seven in the evening. It is a warm and extra mild Monday evening here in FPFL-USA-ES-MWG, and all was very quiet. I think the entire day was nothing more than three or four very quiet doors closing, and that was it. I woke up around half past eleven in the morning, and spent the day enjoying television, “Law & Order”, and “The Mentalist”.

The dirt ball EVIL EMPIRE has won about six business days straight now, with UP DAYS, on their diseased DOW JONES markets. Why not, I have no internet, and cannot blog post these writings up to the public system? I am completely and totally off grid and isolated, even though the net was by no means any real solution to my large life problem, that I’ve labeled without hesitation, MY HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE, first thought of by James T. Burr; only he used an alternate word, ‘influence’, in lieu of the word ‘curse’. Why, I don’t know, and merely am reporting the historical facts, not creating them, as the travelers do, Mister LATE, and ”TOO-LATE”, Gene Rotten-Berry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes folks, for going on two weeks now, their controlled and ICPE fixed crooked stock markets have gained without exception, day after day, nearly at ALL TIME RECORD HIGHS, and JUST AS I TOLD YOU, lovely GIANT GINA, from 1998!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But there is absolutely nothing I can do about any of this, Katie Queen of 1997, is there, old pal Clarence Harris, 1998 Assistant to Congressman RA, of NJ??????????????????????????????


JWC2, DAY 00025, BLOG-A

1:38 AM-EST, 01/15/2013

I cannot even begin to get into all the things I really need to record for the record, my record, if nothing else, ever, at all.
I will give a brief list of what will be said, and it matters very little to me, who believes what, if any of these words; because I know that to the best of my knowledge and ability to rationally think, they are indeed words of total truth; and I know that those mostly against me, out of the army of OTAMMIC enemies, that I’ve had at least as far back as the late 1960′s, also knows; that these words speak only the truth, again; to the best of my ability to recollect memories, analyze voluminous amounts of data that only corporations would normally involve themselves with, as opposed to individual persons. First off, no one has a universal answer that fits all of the personal locks, of each of the unique beingness-entities, who in separateness, here in 5th dimensional hyperspace that all of us humans are. However, there is a powerful truth that has gone unknown since the beginning of thinking non-animal beings came on this Planet Earth; and through unfathomable miraculous events that all surrounded my life as the person who I appear to physically be since 9:30 AM, December 4, 1954; I have one large chunk of a reality, that is just not known or understood, by any single group, or individual, anywhere; as of 2013, in this parallel universe in hyperspace where I am awake and living and typing these words. Whether things remain endlessly, where I was meant to be the only one with this piece of gargantuan knowledge and wisdom, is anyone’s best guess, and my best guess, would be no better, and no worse, than your best guess. What I know, does not bring me some mystical total omniscience regarding all things, but rather, it explains how all things are perceived in a very magical reverse order, and this would quite naturally keep anyone for so many thousands of years now, from breaking the ‘reality code’ of everything, so to speak. Again and in reiteration, breaking this code shows one powerful and all encompassing truth, but it does not create little demigods who suddenly gain absolute power over any of the smaller pictures that co-inhabit together, inside of the larger one.

Here are some real nut-shell quickie things, that each item mentioned, will indeed require nearly full blogs in and of themselves; to ever so much as attempt to do these topics and truths, any real meaningful justice, for humanity, or whatever may eventually come to exist on this Earth Planet in 4th and 5th dimensional SPACE-TIME-MIND (STM). Let me totally compress a list that indeed, will eventually, all be taken far deeper and further, as well as elucidated on later, should I as MWM, continue to exist in this form, and in this world, for any length of time, past 2013.

Item 1, is the strange reality, fifth dimensionally, yes I admit to that, but as the Native Shaman Masters who originally ruled over the greater 48 state continent, that now is 96% of the United States of America, not counting territories; but yes, it is this strange locker room, that belongs to whoever the sports coach was, and maybe still is, at the Cooley Hall Building, of the once known Bancroft School, on Hopkins Lane, in Haddonfield, New Jersey; and this locker room extending beyond the office part where a normal door opens out into the school gymnasium; only this locker area has another sliding wall, hidden well; that takes this locker area all the way across what should be the normal dimensions of the school building hallway, and directly into the office of the husband of an educator, a man I only know as the elusive non Butterfly dude, by the name of Mister Marola. Now the details to this man and his wife, range from weird on a BLUBOOK PROJECT following the Second War War, all the way to, if fully exposed and known about, would collapse the entire global economic, religious, and social power structures, from one ocean to the next, covering every island, continent, and speck spot from high in the sky to the depths of the seas. I was given a powerful connection with this magical place, in many universes, in waking life, here in this one universe, as well as other parallel realities that the subconscious mind tunes to, whenever any of us do what has been known for the life of humankind on Earth, which is called, ‘sleeping’. Those like myself, and ancient Native American Shamans, all know various parts of these truths, while the incredible vast majority live and die and go through life, 100% clueless, and robbed completely out of two fifths of their real honest personal life, insisting on life as a three dimensional interaction, as opposed to its true five dimensionality.

Item 2, is the home that I was renting from the mob, the Crissafulli family, in Blackwood, New Jersey, in late 1977 through late 1978, before making my first of three moves, into a further west location, known in New Jersey’s Monroe Township, Gloucester County, as Williamstown, with or without yellow telephones, strange bridges, or dog-food. This was sort of like my Cifaloglio Residence. Instead of being up there in the future by thirty freaking years, at Cifaloglio where I was employed as contract security for 24 hours per week, this was an actual residence where I lived, but both these places were absolutely major, for my having often recurring non induced ASTRAL PROJECTIONS. Items 3 and 4 and 5 with zero explanation for right now, would include many experiences in Atlantic City over a 45 year period, my RPL Sound Studio employment experience, going from the end of July in 1979 through the eleventh of March, in 1981, and my soon to follow this, Atco, New Jersey experience with the PRIVECODE MACHINE, the mysterious ILLNESS that befell me, and is still with me to this very day, nearly 30 years in the future from its on sought; on the night of June 4, in the year of 1983, my inventing and using the original small model MAGNESONIC machine, and my direct communications, with the LIGHTNINGGODDESSDIANA, who after the end of the twenty-ohs, I came to learn is part of a Spanish Trinidad, of spiritual type of purest energy, the third part of this Trinidad, non-Spanish translation being ”trinity”, but in any case, from the great GODDESSSCYLLAJEHOVAH HERSELF, ”Mother, Daughter, Spirit-Electron”. The male dominated power structure of the times, when many things of giant religious event, were playing out; naturally, altered this, to a male dominant godhead, changing this into FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT or GHOST. When I was new to doing these blogs, the first half of my seven year blogging career, and perhaps then some time after that, I was totally frikkin clueless to the Trinidad Hotel, as a point of entry, for All Mighty Scylla, yet in 1997, I experienced a very powerful hyperspace experience with HER, where SHE had beaten up the Hotel Manager, Nina Soifer’s father, Al; until he could no longer take the beating, and gave in, and gave Her my old address from the days that my mother and I stayed at this vacation resort hotel, twice each summer, for four straight summers, from 1965-1968 inclusive, totaling eight vacation stays at this ‘portal place’.

Now allow me to frikkin compensate for page eleven of frikkin eleven, as I’ve been seeing ones on screens and clocks and all over the dam ass place for some time now, it is really on a god dam roll, my friends and my fiends. 5555555555555555555555555555 plus 55555555555, times 555555555555555555555, divided by 55555555555; is equal to, I DO NOT GIVE SIX AND A THIRD DOG SHITS, BUT I DO NEED TO STARE AT THESE LOVELY FIVES, AFTER WHAT DIRT BALL JANE DID TO ME, ON THAT HORRIFIC NIGHT, AT THE ATLANTA, GEORGIA, BASEBALL PARK; WITH THE ZOOMING IN OF THAT LARGE CLOCK ATTACK, WITH FOUR HUGE DIGITAL ONES, RIGHT IN MY FACE, AND ALL ZOOMED FUCKING CUNT INTO MY TELEVISION SCREEN, THE FINAL STRAW, AND OF COURSE; THE PHILLIES, AS A RESULT OF THIS FINAL PARALLEL EVENT, AND ‘APE’ ATTACK ON ME; LOST THE GAME, BACK IN MOTHER FUCKING 1993, AND I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I PISS ON YOUR GRAVE, JANE, YOU ROTTEN OLD MISERABLE WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Folks, I’ll keep us moving on these topics for now, as blogs keep marching right along. Later on, maybe in a year or so, I’ll make my B-LIST of five other mother fucking monstrous deplorable things done to me by some kind of BLUEBOOKFORCES, that nobody including any of the WORLD AIR FORCES have any real clue about, but for tonight, this is my A-LIST; and this is what will be expanded and elucidated upon, in many many fucking ass upcoming blogs throughout most of the year of 2013, and these five A-LIST items, will have tentacles that stretch into dozens, if not hundreds of interrelated topics, that blog by blog; I promise to get into, and try as best as I possibly can, to keep it simple and readable. Much like the great parables of my great direct ancestor were done, the SAR, Jesus, the Messiah, I’ll attempt to copy this style. For the non Catholic, and non-learned amongst the readership, ”SAR” is the ancient word for ”LORD”, and ”ESS” is the ancient word for ”AH”, ‘Sarah’.

My nabes were out in the hall talking and making a tiny bit of noise this past evening in the final three hours of yesterday, but I can tolerate them when they do not act totally ass crazy with long shouting matches, and long continuous door slams. Debbie has really helped me out with this, and her credibility with me, has risen back up to a good status, just for the record, and officially for the posted entry of MORIANITY. For right now, it is my bed-time, and a quarter shy of three in the morning; so nighty-night folks, and yes sir, muscles Arnie, I’ll most definitely be BAHHCK. See you around the galaxy, Miss Hicks, and still, no thank you letter from arrogant Mister Ego Shitner, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!


JWC2, DAY 00025, BLOG-B


Well folks, I woke around half past ten, and except for a few quiet doors, all is quite nice and quiet up in here on floor number six, at the west side of this great 601-PH Building, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went out late in the morning for an hour or so, to do some errands such as put eight dollars of regular gasoline into my vehicle, get some medical prescriptions filled at WALGREEN PHARMACY, and purchase a few small other items, that all totaled up; was around ten dollars, and leaving me now with about a third of a tank of gasoline, and forty-five spendable dollars, until the third of February; just enough, by the skin of the teeth; and then I will be a little better off for a while.

It is very warm. The past four days are about 80 degrees in the afternoons until around four or just shy thereof, and then it drops as much as ten or fifteen degrees by midnight, and the cycle starts all over again, so here we go, Steve Marcus, and Steve McGinty, of 1977 and 1997, whether you dudes want to hear from this new kid in town, OR NOT, BRAH!!!!!!!

The skies are quiet, the ground is quiet, the hood is quiet. This is not a normal situation for me, but then Sir Hourglass McDonald, with or without any great poker hands, ”I’M FRIKKIN LOVIN IT”, and so is David Roth, back in time, YO!

Folks, it’s now a few minutes shy of five and about to switch over from afternoon, into evening, here in the Eastern Time Zone, and along the Atlantic Coast of America; and here deep in the Dixie-Land South, ol’ grand dad Leonard John Mason, from up north in Philly-57, and back in time coming up on about 100 years now. Where does it all go, my lovely Grace Messenger, of Cooper River Park? Yes, that was me, playing with you, that day in 1984, on the telephone, from highland Avenue, son Brad. Yes, I had a lot of very wild and outlandish electronic machinery and technology, even back then, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I haven’t seen gorgeous Roseann Delaney since that night in the bushes outside your apartment rear entrance steps, when she nearly bit off my head. I think my lovely daughter still thinks this is all funny, Brad old pal, but then; she can laugh at what happened in that house with those stairs, when she was a toddler; and that blows my mind a lot further than Russell and I could ever blow the mind of Sir Von Richard Marcucci, a few months later in the autumn time of good old frikkin 1969!!! WOWand this is only going to be an opener, folks.

Jumping Moses Hotbush, why can’t the ignorant human race see the biblical powerful truth staring the planet in the face like a fast approaching giant meteorite? It answers all of the biblical shit, and is so monstrous, that words fail even motor mouth ‘Mountainpen’, and that’s an impressive reality, my son, Dennis Snyder, YO. The ”ANTICHRIST” has a name that implies a very impressive gargantuan number, and yes, if there is one owner, then this can mask the real truth, but the real truth is that lots of biblical prophetic warnings are incredibly symbolic, such as huge birds, with gigantic black eyes, and wings that sound like many chariots; an obvious attempt of a first century man, who is doing his very best to describe an object now known and called, the HELICOPTER. The ANTICHIRST, or false prophet posing as a great problem solver, helper, source of one total world information, and controller of sales items. It fits like a fucking glove about as smoothly as anyone could possibly ever imagine, YO. The antichrist has a name, and it is way beyond Hitler, and other past names, that scared the planet, and its inhabitants, so well. It’s name is obvious to any thinking person of any type of similar to Christian faith and belief systems, and every Christian has been fooled, except the one who really knows the truth, me, yes, it has a name, it is Sir GOOGLE.
But there is a lot more going on than me just telling you this tiny tid bit scrap piece of tantalizing and titillating major information today, or really, in your STM, when I post this up for you; and this will not be today, or tomorrow; but when the next incredible siege looms its ugly face, and begins staring me down, as it always does, every time, sooner or later; ever since August the fifteenth, in nineteen eighty six, when this all began, so yes, new kids, or old kids, of cities, country sides, or towns, “HERE WE GO AGAIN”, so hear it, with or without a bullhorn in your dam ear, Steve Marcus and Steve McGinty, YO! Let’s do it again, as it is so apropos. WOW!


Want even more wild information, well, MORIANITY-2 is full of it, my friend, Detective Fontanna, so train wrecks and bent rail crossings all notwithstanding, here we go, in or out of copyrighted regular time, right examiners, WEEEE??????

We will be talking about David and Sarah Karge, Victoria Callio and Thomas Reale, and who can forget after seven + years of blogging, Mister Jason Forrest, the great ‘Trinity’ Hotel on ‘CALL TEN’ AT&T Avenue, in Atlantic City, New Jersey; but there is so much more, and it all ties in with the destruction of my life, and my education; as well as how the time travelers are full of educators, and many other fields in the arts and sciences. These are the three groups in control of it where it is being used and from where it was, or maybe I need to say, where it WILL BE, invented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone wants real proof of forbidden hyper natural things on this planet, I will share them all with you, for what has been done to me for almost sixty mother fucking years now. It has causing me nightmares, agony, tears, and excruciating dam fucking pain, basically 24-7-365.2422!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll show you where active worm holes are located, and times when they get HOT, and I will show you where transdimensional photography is happening all by itself, and much more; but for right now, know this. You have messed with the wrong cock sucking person, MILITUFORCE-OTAMM, YO YO YO!!!!!!!

This blog will be brought to an end, and a new one will begin later on, either today or at another time and date, or who knows, Donna, maybe even place, but then, you know, you are all ready there causing a lot of this, and won’t accept my apology. Oh well, I have unforgiving kids as well, so I guess I am just destined to be one of the suffering folks under the HUNTINGTON CURSE, right oh wise one, Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald, of Babylon, New York, 1972, at 175 Peninsula Drive, WEEEEEEEEEEE? Ain’t all this fun?

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABIT, how silwee, but then, one must learn to laugh, or we might just start kwying like a bunch of bwatty little babies, SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY 00025, BLOG-C

a small attack came upon me around seven minutes shy of seven, if memory is serving me at all correctly. It is now 8:47 PM-EST. I will tell you about it for the official records of MORIANITY, and then I will tell a huger thing than anything listed earlier today that I said I would be getting into when an attack would strike, and strike it did.

At the time specified above, give or take a few minutes either way, a super sub-woofer attack from across the hall struck. Also, earlier, two fire alarms went off, and both ended without the need of the fire company having to come out and deactivate them. But the sub-woofer strike was super loud and super major, and despite it being a less than one minute duration persecution, I have been totally promised, that these nabes over there had removed their night club sub box, and it is not gone, IT IS INSIDE OF THEIR APARTMENT, AND HAS BEEN, as mentioned before, and they hit me with a quick burst attack, just for fun; whenever the mother fucking mood strikes them to do it. This is why for a minimum now of seven straight cunt lapping business days, their evil DOW JONES HAS GONE UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-AND YOU GET THE PICTURE. It has not had one down day in almost two solid fucking business weeks now. I will get word to Debbie Morotto, that this sub box is inside of that apartment, and unless they are caught with it, it is not going to be removed. I know that they have been contacted and influenced, by the same powers that the Project-Bluebook also knows totally about, and believe me folks, I am not speaking of alien grays, or flying air ships. A lot more is connected with all of this, than all of the big UFO BUFFS can ever even begin to fucking cunt dream about. All of MORIANITY is what is behind this entire thing; and it all has huge connections, that go far beyond the confines of this entire universe; and I am the central key and figure that is behind making this all a ‘reality’, and notice that I semi quoted the word, and not without very good reason, folks. As I speak/type electronically, I am receiving a major shit attack at four minutes shy of nine, so when I come back, I will tell you all a huge story about links and chains, how chemtrails many times appear as a linked chain if you view all of the many YOUTUBE videos, and I will also tell you about a major taboo item that is more hush hush than traveling out of normal 3-D existence, called REALITY CHUNKING CONTROL OPERATIONS, or RECCO for short. You better be ready, and you better be sitting; and that is a Caveat Emptor the size of a three-hundred font. So sit and breathe, as now I’ll give it to you straight and hard, and if you are not in the mood to be knocked around mentally, and made a brain punching bag for a while; then get out of here, and go over to the NEXT BLOG button, and read the blogs of Gary T. Elliot lll, and his days in a New England Lighthouse Job in the Thirties, or try Hallie Smyth and her prize winning Mums, but stay here, and you will most likely have some nightmares when you go to fucking sleep tonight. Please don’t say you were not warned. Thank you. Here goes:

OK, for starters, what are reality chunks? Well, don’t tell me that you didn’t know this question was coming. What is reality? It is time to not spare feelings or worry about local grocery store walls, or unforgiving kids, or the whole smack right about now, as I will play the part now of General George Patton, and be up front, down and dirty; and just tell it, and tell it mean and hard; as there is no gentle way of transforming what I am about to tell now, into a nice rosy child’s fairytale. Sorry Charlie Tuna. Well, at first you may not think I am being hard, or even harsh or cruel; but as I go on, you will notice that I am speaking a truth that has no time to worry about a reader’s reaction, or what they may or may not be feeling as a result or even if they should actually die in their sleep of sheer terror, this very night, that is on whatever day this eventually all posts up, and gets viewed. As stated on BLOG-B on this Jewelly White Calendar 2 Day Number 00025 (JWC2) it will not be this day. OK folks, first things first, and as I said, for a while this will be nice easy reading, but be warned, careful Patty Paula somnambulist, it won’t stay that way; and so may the horror films all begin. I said a couple of paragraphs back, ‘What are reality chunks’, and then went onto ask you to ponder, well, what is reality? I will give all of you the answer, whether you like it or not, and whether you think that I am totally insane, as some do, on my internet hatepage of Aquarius Records, WFMU, and Jason Forrest, and their combined conspiracy to further label me unfit to join the world’s society, and continuing the traditions of 1965 with the Board of Education, and the conspirators who were all involved with my life, not only as a teenager, and an adolescent; but even as a youth, in my pre-teen years, and in fact; going all the way back to the day that I came to this fucked up world as MARK WAYNE MOHR, over at the Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, Hospital; in the United States, at 9:30 AM, on 12-04-1954. But getting back to the point, and off of the tangent, of life’s cosmic calculus; the answer is and yes, I have said a little part of this before over and over in my 7+ year blogging career now, reality is nothing, it is pure 100% VOID NOTHINGNESS!!!!!!!!!! So then what is reality? NOTHING. Now many of the mystics take this to the next assuming levels of logic, and go onto state that reality is therefore not real in and of itself, as sort of as ZEN goes, it is entirely and totally, “WHAT WE MAKE IT TO BE, AND THAT IS ALL IT CAN BE”. Well, it is not at this level, where the truth of this is halted. There is something beyond that wonderful simplistic ‘ZENITY’, and I will now tell what it is by speaking a little around it. I do so in the same manner as if you try and stare at a faint star in the dark night sky, and please peeps, go ahead and try this for yourself, so you will see that I speak only plain truth to you; but if it is real faint, it will wink out on you, as you try to focus on it. This is not just me, and my poor eyesight. It is a known fact, so for all of you 20-20, and 20-15, and even 20-10, eye gods and goddesses out here; go do this. Find a dark area, and a night sky, and a faint star; and I mean a faint one. Now instead of just letting it wink out on you, begin to stare just off of this flickering point of light, and watch the magic happen. You now will be able to actually see it better than you were seeing it before, gazing dead onto it. In this same manner, I want to just talk around a few things, and let my readers’ subconscious mind, make more out of it than they ever would, if I go on talking, DEAD ON and straight, actually making you see my point better, and way clearer. It is time for some of you to begin to know a little more about many things; you, me, Morianity, the entire ball of wax, and right now; whenever that ‘now’ is for any of you, that is!!! All of us are in our own total individual zone, and I do not care if you are in the middle of the desert, or adrift at sea, or in a crowded subway, or a city street; or any gray situation in-between. You are always totally isolated, and alone; be it whether you have an electromagnetic force shield that is surrounding you, with tera-watts of power; or whether you are in the act of passionate love making. In truth; you are totally alone, in an interaction 400 times roughly each and every minute, where you, and only you; are creating all of the reality around you; and none of it, and I SAID NONE OF IT, is real. Only YOU ARE REAL. However, there is indeed a mystical, weird, beyond strange and awesome, and unfathomably powerful energy force; that is riding along with all of us, in our totally private loneliness zones; and you may call this, for lack of calling it something better, the INTERACTION FORCE, or even just the ‘IF’ for short, with or without the ‘bread’, or the ‘late sixties’, ‘or the ‘zen type of musical lyrics’ from yesteryear. So if the world does stop revolving, you indeed, can take the love of your life, and fly away with that person, and it will not matter one bit, and in fact, old songs or no old songs, whether the world lasted for one minute or for nearly ten billion years on the fourth dimension, does not effect your true REALITY, and that is because you, if you are here and reading these words, EXIST, and if you EXIST, you always have existed and always will exist, as in truth, there is no time above the fourth dimension which is where time exists on a line, and henceforth, you simply EXIST, and that is all that EXISTS, but there is one other tiny nightmare connected with all of this. There is indeed an IF, with or without the BREAD!!!!!!!!! Yes, this Interaction-Force is purely part of your very own creation, along with all other things you are creating; your entire fifth dimensional hyperspace lives, of the virtually limitless quantities of 4-D space-time-continuum’s. However, this ‘IF’ that you are creating, and that I am creating, is like the Frankenstein monster story; as it then goes on to take a life and ‘reality’ of its own, despite that truth that it really does not exist in and by and of ITSELF, and is merely YOU creating it. Conscious MIND that we all are living in an AWAKE WORLD interaction through, makes totally sure, that we do not ever ever ever think, and dwell on this, between the times that we awaken, and then fall back into our so-called slumbers again. BUT I AM NOT LIKE ALL OF YOU, folks, and I do know this; and I know it all totally awake and consciously. So more about REALITY-CHUNKS, and the IF: Well, be braced, as this was merely the frikkin introduction into a walking Paula King nightmare, at its worst; and one that I personally feel that she shared with her (our) daughter shortly after this millennium began, and it nearly cost a hefty price tag; the sanity of our great daughter, in the most important lifetime that SHE has ever gone through, at least IMHO. My Huntington Curse, my entire life situation, my 58+ years of physical torturous hell here, all of it, and lots more; is all wrapped up in the IF. I am not causing it. No one else is causing it. Whether any of you live neutral lives, great lives, or rotten lives, such as mine, again; the very same gravitational laws always apply. There is no favoritism or prejudice with gravity. Your parachute fails and you fail, and into the sweet night you return. There is no one to bribe, no payola, no parole boards, no police, no justice system; and merely a force that relentlessly will hold up to all of us, and is totally balanced, and with absolute and total equality; something that humankind could take a real lesson from, huh Roger Poole? For the very few that may just be grasping even the smallest part of any of this, you are feeling weird and different all ready, and are experiencing a major flux of incredibly powerful and ambivalent emotions, surrounding you as though you were caught smack dab by a #5 tornado. It won’t let you go, so just go with the spinning. Get ripped and torn apart for a while, and when you land peeps, you will be another Dorothy for two reasons. First, you ain’t gonna’ be in freaking Kansas anymore, and second, you will see a heightened reality around you, you know; as with the movie, when it suddenly bursts into technicolor, after she gets to OZ. This IF force, created by me, just as your IF force, created by you; is why my computer is hacked, and is why people treat me the way that they do; and it has no more to do with what some team of fucking so-called know it all psychiatrists would tell me in a sike-ward hospital, than the mother fucking man in the moon, on an endless green cheese diet, with or without gorgeous Jessica Simpson, and her lovely giant friend, on the WW television spot commercial. Still, this does not mean that I will not fight my created Frankenstein monster, until the dam fucking day that I AM planted deeply into the ground forever. I have no such intentions of ever giving up on screaming and shouting and crying out for help, and I do not think Chris and Ed, or David Roth for that matter, were wrong on their ‘exposure theory’; only somewhat misguided in their limited concepts of what is being dealt with, and thus, how to most effectively deal back, against this IF, AKA the ”OTAMMIC” WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, and many other things as well, both for me, as well as all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this IF is everything. It is why Dave came along in November of 1985, but it is also why I came along in Dave’s IF, with him. It is why Chris and Ed led me to blogging, and that led me to the KINGS, which led me to distant cousins of the greatest female RA on this planet, who happens to be ‘SCYLLA’, who I had been searching for since I thought I had lost her forever, when I was in my mid-late teens, and eventually let it just go; only the IF had other plans, and I had absolutely nothing to say in the matter. For those ready to scream the two great words at me, FREE WILL, don’t. Of course we all have FREE WILL. OUR FREE WILL CREATED OUR OWN UNIQUE IF’S. But remember that you can have free will to put your hand on a hot stove, but all the free will in the world won’t make it not burn and hurt real badly, after you choose to do this, and for a very long time. Watch how the fuck you view the very concept of FREE WILL, as it is a very tricky matter, and way more powerful of a parlor trick actually, than a million ‘MY’ intros, on the 1986 “REAL GOOD GIRL” song, © 1986, Mark Wayne Mohr. No, the old adage of God did not want robots after he made the angels, is totally true, and we all have plenty of free will. Christians in fact think we have a limited amount of free will, when really it is totally without limit, and we do not have chains on us, or we would be some small percentage of GOD-AUTOMATON’S.
This sort of parallel argues a point very heated at present times after a year of so much mass shooting and overall gun violence. I speak of 2012, and the most recent horrific shit up north, if you follow my uncle’s house, in that ROADWAY Trucking straight line, to my daughter’s old place, and then just basically keep moving in a straight line, like bullets do. No folks, guns don’t kill, bullets don’t kill, and people don’t kill. IF kills. A loaded gun will stay locked in a cabinet and turn to a bunch of rust and dust in a few thousand years, and so will all of us in a lot shorter fourth dimensional line. But what never gets old or changes for that matter, is the IF. This INTERACTIVE-FORCE is not to be taken lightly, but let us remain focused in on the issue of the guns, and the extremely violent United States; and its recent two decade crippling problem, that seems almost incurable right about now. Do I believe, as someone who understands the reality of the IF, that the gun ownership needs to be stopped? No. Do I believe that any gun law changes, short of changing our own collective selves, can treat, and hopefully one day, cure the problem? No. But do I believe that the founding fathers would have entertained the idea that citizens had a right to all carry around with us, a tiny nuclear bomb? Well, you answer that one for me, even you in the NRA. Common sense tells anyone, that peeps should be able to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their property; while maintaining a logical attitude about obvious overkill. In other words, what does any non military and non police system have any reason to have overkill weaponry? Explain that one to me, and I’ll be on their side of it, right up to the last shot up crowd. It is not now, and never will be, an argument with a valid defense. If we can all have junk that can take out a room of people in seconds, then we can all have a nuclear bomb, so why not bring back all the lovely crazy’s like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, and give them some nice little miniature nuke grenades as well? The entire thing is so ridiculous, it is not worth more discussion. Still, ever since the last massacre in Connecticut, I notice that nobody wishes to address the disease, and they still only care about giving out bandages and treatments. It seems to be as insane as the medical profession, that we all know after years of hearing Kevin Trudeau discussing it so plainly on his great infomercials; that they only want to TREAT the problems, NOT TO CURE THEM. I am telling this because others have turned this tragedy into deeper, more diabolical conspiracy type concepts; and they are so far off base. What power structure is possibly able to gain in the long run, from the slow annihilation of the citizenry, through endless mass shootings? Still, it is obvious that folks that make our laws, and who we the people elect to protect, just DON’T GET IT YET. We need to understand why this rash of mass insanity is going on, and I mean, AN ENTIRE WHY BOOK, every bit as big as the DSM-4, or 5, or 6 maybe by now, I don’t have a clue; but I do know that no real serious study is being done. If it was, they would take folks like myself for example, as thousands of peeps have viewed my words and my blogs, and know that things with me are real wrong, but I am sane enough to know that killing innocent people is not ever some answer; but not all people suffering like me, ARE THAT SANE AND RATIONAL. So, BANG, BANG, BANG!!! This is why Washington, DC, thoroughly disgusts me, ladies and gentlemen, as nobody cares. Nobody gives a fucking shit about curing anything, just endlessly treating and bandaging up the cuts and the scrapes, and burying all of the fucking dead. On they go, getting on the TV and scratching their heads, and my words tell what is going on, and so, is this a conspiracy of willful ignorance, or an intentional one such as was suggested by our local college professor on his blog? Well, I say none of that matters. Don’t the decent folks want to find out how to stop all of this, or at least put a dent in the fucking body count? Well, if they ever do, they will come here, to Morianity, and learn that what really is killing people in this new 20+ year gun epidemic, is a very twisted, Frankensteinian, INTERACTION-FORCE, that needs to be scrutinized and studied very carefully, by every possible professional with a license to do so. But don’t listen to me, and my lame advice, hell; I told my daughter to finish high school, and it is even on my song at the © Office from 1986 but she was the one person in the world that if she hadn’t, what difference would it have made? So go ahead, don’t listen to a dam thing I say, world, that will be on all of you. I am still telling you that there is a reality, and there is an IF. And further, I am telling you that this collective IF appears to be out of control and especially since these personal computers have come along, and then the internet, that brings strange people to our fingertips, and our kids would now rather FRIEND peeps from hundreds and even thousands of miles away, instead of going out into a local park or their own backyards, where the hell they belong. This entire shit, GOOGLE, all of it, it is unnatural, demonic, and my choice of old world wordage stands here folks, as whatever words that you choose to substitute for mine, the truth is the truth. They took the prayer and bible out of the schools, and in came drugs and gangs and guns and trouble to replace it. Things need a balance. Take away something good, and something bad will creep into the equation, every fucking time, mark my fucking words. Take away the local old world old school idea of normal real world friends, and in comes computers, perverts all over the place, and sickos to the point where we worry about our kids day and night. The world would be entirely different right now, if things were like this in the eighties. My own daughter would most likely be a statistic, and all you need to do is a quick bio to understand what I am speaking of. If it was today, she would have had to go to the city over my dead body. The world is a mess, and nobody wants to take any kind of action outside of the normal everyday bland mainstream bandage and treatment of the problems, well fuck that, I know this is not what America needs, since this country needs to be CURED, not treated for this illness; and internet and GOOGLE are a huge part of that mess, and if you carefully read the scriptures, with all of this in mind; it will jump out at you like a freight train derailing and heading for your living room. Go ahead, be a Mike McNulty, laugh, AHA AHA, real funny. Well, I TOLD YOU where the stock market would be, at all time highs, and up every day forever, and GINA, and all other MORIANS, not to brag, and sorry if it comes off that way; but WOW, I WAS SURE RIGHT, RIGHT???

OK folks, it is now time to end this blog, and begin the new blog; as this is now the following day, and there is a lot to tell all of you. So here we go, Marcus and McGinty, again!


JWC2, DAY 00026, BLOG-A

The noisy scum bag across the hall nabes, woke me around twenty minutes past ten this morning, and after about eleven, it has become slam bang, in and out, and in and out, continuously. It is now twenty minutes shy of one this afternoon, and they are a major pain in my ass today; and I knew that they would be, for several reasons. First, I opened my door to check for the Comcast Cable package that I’ll need to use to send back my internet and telephone modem to them, during my 90-day temporary cancellation of this service, so I can recoup my automobile incurred losses and save some money; and I observed that their inner door was open and their outer door had a missing slot, as though they had intentionally removed it, so that they could place some illegal spy equipment inside their apartment, aimed right across the hallway, at my apartment, and I will be telling Debbie Morotto about this on Friday morning, at her office, along with the sub-woofer attack last night, around shortly before seven in the evening; that was quite horrendous. For two days straight now, and as I told would be the case, as this is the way that things ALWAYS MOTHER FUCKING ARE FOR ME, PEOPLE; as nothing good ever lasts with me, more than a few days to maybe in rare blue moon occasions, a week to ten days, and then things always revert back to the same old mother fucking bullshit. This happens without fail, and anyone watching this could set their fucking Swiss time pieces, to this precision action. Yes, a 2-DAY NABE ATTACK.

Yes, even while totally not connected to the internet, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE always seems to know exactly what I type onto my open office word document program. It’s blatantly obvious to a retarded one year old, that what I said and typed last night, was not appreciated, by this great power, and yes, let us start using the labels and titles we have all come to recently learn from MORIANITY, the great and powerful IF, no Dorothy, the IF, screw the tornadoes, and screw Kansas, ‘my pretty’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before we move this further along, let me show you all something. Visualize a normal regular old world puzzle game, the type that come in boxes and the box has a picture of what the completed puzzle will look like after these many cut little ‘CHUNKS’ of it, are all put properly together, right Mary and Bess Greendress, of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii? My problem is that the United States Air Force, along with the Bluebook Project Club of the Blackfile Agency Network, are the only ones who see MORIANITY for what it really is, and all of its incredible and extremely powerful truths, for what they are as well. Now visualize this same puzzle before it was actually cut into thousands of small pieces, only also picture this. It is the very same picture, but now see 1000 other puzzles that are all cut differently, also into the very same amount of little chunks that will all fit perfectly together so long as it is pieced together accurately. Each of these puzzles could be seen now as unique realities, or even, parallel universes. The big picture in localized hyperspace or the many billions of very twin type near realities to our very own right here, are indeed not all that different at all. When put together, the small differences would be in the little crack in-between the joined puzzle pieces, but the same picture is made in the the long run, after all put successfully together. But the smaller realities would alter, as one might begin disassembling the corners, and then working their way inward towards the center, in areas of say twenty pieces or so. Take out these 20-chunk pieces, and they become very different from the other exact same picture puzzles of the twin areas, that are being compared with each other. Today is where I open another major door of secret-telling, of totally taboo and hush-hush items, as would be viewed by you, as an ordinary and zero-classified citizen, for reading these classified secrets; would learn quite quickly, only perhaps in and with varying worded terminologies. They say tomAAto, and I might say tomaato, but we both are still discussing the tomato.This will bring me to the situation called dreaming, now; and what I was dreaming, before the neighbors woke me this morning, for a long in and out door session, after a number of quieter days, that as I said; never lasts long. Also, a major indicator about a day being bad and noisy, and filled with persecution of me by these dirt bags across the hallway; is whenever a loud siege happens the night before; it means these dirt bags have peeps over there, and they will stay overnight; and be noisy the next day. This is something that you can count on and bet on, with a million dollars in cash or gold, and never grow a single wrinkle worrying about a lost bet. It is just another one of my many CONSTANTS OF THE WOMO MILI-2-FORCE ENEMY, or now, maybe we can just start using the shorter version of this very same truth/reality, the IF!!!Now the big secret on this blog, will be some real detailed telling of a Project Bluebook very super covered up HUSH-HUSH SECRET, and how it fits into my nabes from hell, across the hallway; and my dreams last night, or really; right before they woke me up this morning.

It was so real and major, that I am not convinced yet that except for the telephone call to 911 by me to complain, did not in fact happen right here in waking life. The dream was as follows. These jerk offs were screaming and hollering at each other at the top of their lungs, and it went on and on and on, and just kept escalating horrifically. Then I heard loud smacks, and slaps, and hitting sounds; and it was very frightening. I am an old, weak, fragile person; and violence scares me; and all you need to do, is access my old blogs when my daughter’s horrible distant family kidnapped me into Stockholm Kidnapping Syndrome in late August of 2008 somewhere, and whenever it was that I gained my internet and computer access again, at Judge Raso’s home at 65 Middle Road, in Hammonton (Blueberryville), New Jersey. I began blogging during these horrible fights, from my bedroom; that offered me no protection at all from monster Dawn King, and the incredible violence that went on in that house, and yes, WOMO and ‘MO’, “I’LL PROMISE YOU THAT”. But moving this blog along here folks, it was so horrible, that I thought I’d get a heart attack here in this dream, if it was a dream, but whatever it was, I called 911, and told that I needed someone over here quickly, and they then said to me that I needed to call a number for domestic violence. Then all the horrible scarey sound stopped dead cold, the phone line was dead as well, and I opened my eyes here into this ‘life and world’. I know I dreamed calling 911, and being given that absurd shit, about needing to call a domestic violence hotline number, when the police needed to rush over here, before someone might have gotten themselves killed; but the horrible fight could have possibly began here, in where my physical body was laying in this bed. As I said, they are acting up badly today, and if I need to, I WILL CALL 911, as this is just more ammunition for me to use Friday, in Debbie Morotto’s Office. I won’t rest until these FUCKING THUGS ARE OUT OF HERE, as I know my kid and her local friends from this part of Florida, are behind this, and would bet a billion fucking dollars of borrowed mob money on it; as I’m so dam sure of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You see folks, only Scylla and I truly know and understand, just how twisted she can be, when she wants to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this works into my point, that will be told, as one of the hugest secrets in the PROJECTBLUEBOOK, OF THE USAF.

Let us for arguments sake, just say that the fight over there earlier today, that was maybe in my dreams, and maybe not; was in fact ‘REAL‘, or real over here in this parallel universe, as remember; the ‘waking mind’ focuses on one universe-reality, and then it observes all of the parallel universe- realities ‘subconsciously’. Folks, this is the modern day explanation for the human brain and dreams, and why we dream, and what dreams are all about; and so on, and so forth; and it’s all a thousand trillion megatons of total unadulterated pig fucking shit, at C-Squared, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But this is not the power behind this peta tera gargantuan ass secret, no sir, THIS IS: Ready, YO??????????????????? By using the mix of realities, via our senses; normal folks who just go to sleep and have dreams all their life, that they rarely remember much about, or ever give much thought or attention to, in any meaningful; way; are known in the future of much of hyperspace, as TYPE-1-EXPLORATRONS. Being some type of an exploratron is like having a PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER. We all have one, as does anything that we could ever dream out from the great VOID INFINITY. And just as in this cited case, everything alive on this Earth with any degree of intelligence, experiences dreams. However, only more advanced entities, learn what is going on with all of this; and become DREAMERS, notice I change a noun into an energetic action, a VERB; hence the noun of ‘having a dream’, to the verb of ‘dreaming’! At that stage, you learn that you can manipulate your dreaming at certain times, and not the earlier three quarters of your time in bed each day, but in that final quarter, so begin seeing all of this as an exciting cosmic football game, with the quarters, and anything, as all football fans know only too well; can happen in that monster ass FOURTH and FINAL QUARTER!!!!!!!!!!

DREAMING is therefore done in the fourth quarter of our slumber, and by TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS. Anyone can learn a little bit, and most folks could care less about learning a single thing about this seemingly worthless topic, except for the psychiatric purposes of better understanding ourselves, but you want to understand yourself three-dimensionally, and all of you average normal folks out here, who are playing with the psychoanalyzing of dreams; you need to come to understand that this is helping you to only understand yourself better, fifth dimensionally, as the realer and much larger true you. I will now tell you a tiny bit of a very huge secret that the power structures and all those who own us and govern every aspect of our lives, by way of legislation, and force to back it up; know about in varying piecemeal; as some may know this, and some may not, and I doubt any of them know the entire reason why BLUEBOOK was closed, and why most peeps today just think of automobile value listings, when you mention that term any longer, not Ufology, or any of these related cousin topics, pun, pun, pun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone more advanced than myself, and empowered by group strength as well, or the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND, as I referred to this so often in my late twenty-ohs blogs; would have done something along these lines, rather than just get up for the day, and suffer at the hands of my daughter’s lovely friends. An advanced TYPE-3-EXPN would have taken a quick piss, and drank a glass of juice; and then put earplugs in his or her ears, then placed a headset with a white-noise CD that is sold in many stores, turned on their CD player, and gone right back to sleep, only they would be thinking as hard as they could about calling the 911 dispatcher again, and also hearing that operator telling them, we will come over and arrest those thugs for you. By the time you did that as hard as you could three or four times or so, you would be dead asleep again, and re-dreaming back where you were, only this time, your energy is taking over the operator person over in that other universe (parallel reality), and he or she indeed says this to you, sends over the police, and the fight does not stop, and is going on while the police exit the elevator on this sixth floor, and they come over and arrest the nabes. Once an arrest is made, that’s that, as the old Esolphs Fables go, so eloquently. Now you have taken a localized or close-in universe to your own, and made an effective change towards a goal, that you wish to have happen to the waking part of your brain, that tunes into this parallel universe. Every time you make a concerted effort to consciously, and with motive and will; make localized parallel reality alterations; slowly, the atoms that vibrate nearly equally in frequency, but off by unfathomably miniscule amounts, and just enough to keep universes and realities apart from each other to conscious brains; these ‘reality chunks’ begin to slowly reshape themselves towards nearer and nearer gradual equalization’s. I talked to you about reality, and reality chunks, and then later on about the example of equal puzzles, only cut differently. You in effect as a TYPE-3-EXPN are gradually reshaping the cutting, not the overall reality, remember, the picture at the end, is the same with all these puzzles, and this example is being used in this illustration, because I’m discussing close-in, or localized hyperspace, very close parallel realities, that may differ in extremely small ways and amounts, as opposed to more distant parts of the fifth dimensional hyperspace. Now you may not GET ALL OF THIS blog, but if you were able to get it fully, you would see what the USAF and other global powers and leaders, are really doing their endless best, to keep locked up tighter than even the illustrious Fort Knox. Gold will have no value just as soon as the price climbs higher one day, than the cost to produce it from other less expensive elemental chemical processes. As I speak right now, in long run moving averages, since gold was fixed at around 30-USD per troy ounce, there is a consistent decade gold price increase, that is totally astronomical. Also, the technology for making this same element of gold, by way of complex electrical mixing and atom splitting, is always coming down, decade by decade. When they match, and the two lines cross away from each other, the planet will financially collapse overnight, just as oil will totally run out when our grandchildren our still in high school. These are facts folks, you don’t have to like them, you don’t have to like me, the messenger; just don’t shoot this poor old messenger, for telling you all these great wisdom’s and truths. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it is somewhat later on into the evening hours, and I will continue on with the day’s B-BLOG, so goodbye-and yet again folks, HELLO!


JWC2, DAY 00026, BLOG-B

It is 7:42 PM-EST, on this Wednesday evening. At around twenty-five minutes past four back earlier in the late afternoon, the shit started again for ten minutes, with these scum bag demonic nabes from hell across the fucking diseased hallway from me here in the PH Building at 601 Avenue B, in Fort Pierce, Florida, near the corner of Orange and 7th Avenues. You can see this seven story apartment building clearly for blocks around, and that is what I wish I could be doing folks, seeing it, NOT LIVING THE FUCK IN IT!

Folks, I will skip around, here and there, so live with it. Thank you. What I never mentioned before, is that when I had Mister Morgan Chase AKA ‘Dennis’ over here at my unit number 607, back on December the eighteenth, back in twenty-twelve; something quite strange happened while loading a CDR disc into the computer disc hard drive system that because of the strange way that this Walmart HP computer tower is designed, makes what happened a definite but rare possibility, and it chose to happen while we were doing our thing, and as I speak/type, more yelling and uncouth loud fucking jerked off behavior, is coming out of that apartment again, across the hall; and now a door bang; and the time is fucking cunt 7:49 and a half PM-EST, on this January fucking sixteenth, of twenty-thirteen, YO YO YO YO. Somehow all of my nabes know when ‘I AM’ typing on this machine, even though the keyboard is dead ass fucking silent, meaning they all have illegal spy equipment, or else, other stuff is going on, and the net resulting effect remains totally fucking equal. In other words, if some punky little bratty child in a broom closet, three blocks west of this building; is chanting magic words, and eating a nasty raw mushroom, to accomplish this same event every single time; then it does not matter whether or not any spy apparatus is used, or anything else for that matter; thus, whatever it is that allows this all to simply be my reality, over and over again, IT IS MY REALITY, plain, pure, mean, and simple, right Medical Center 1970 wife beater, Orange Juice Simpson? Wow, we all need another big celebrity trial, and it feels and seems way overdo, I mean after-all, 1995 was some time ago, and the trials after that were never on that level. WO Mister Harner, but not ”WO” as in World Owners. The doors are slamming and the shouting is getting worse. I am really going to be telling Debbie, my building Resident Manager, about these horrible fucking people and what they did beginning last night. Something tells me there is going to be a huge fucking party in there tonight, and I don’t know why, only that the all encompassing and awesome fucking ”IF” is what is behind everything, including what is going on around me right now as I speak/type at three minutes shy of eight this evening. I really do hope they force me to call 911, as I have taken just about all I am going to take from these miserable twisted mother fucking total swine bags over there, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now back to the slipped disc incident with the great elusive stranger from 12-18-2012. No sir folks, I’m not discussing bad backs here on this blog, but this computer has a tower that pops the disc drawer open, and then when you insert a disc, you are not putting it in horizontally, but vertically, onto its side, and hence, the chance is very rare, but it theoretically can fall out of the drive; and that is just what happened on that day. So when it fell out, it became deeply buried inside of the computer tower. I admit that the computer instruction manual tells the operator, never to load or eject, without tipping the tower to the side, so this will not happen. What a stupid ass fucking design. In any case, it took major surgery, and fortunately for me, this strange dude knew how to take the entire computer apart, and even then, it was almost like brain surgery, getting the fucking stupid ass disc out of where it had become wedged and lodged in, deep inside the middle of the thing, just about as much as could possibly be the case. In any event, I had the right screw drivers to perform the surgery, and Dennis was an incredible surgeon. I’m now getting a right side death android attack at three and a half minutes past eight of the clock. It is just now abating, Sir Peter, of Post #120. Yes folks, I live inside HELL, and there is ‘NO ESCAPE’ from this HELL, and my wonderful daughter seemed to know about all of this, even back at age thirteen, and perhaps magically influenced me to write those incredible lyrics through STM, that went, “It was many many days, back before it got so bad. We all were fools for never seeing just how much we had. And the danger would be great, and today would be too late, if we put the letter ‘C’ back before the letter ‘B’, or put the letter ‘G’ back before the letter ‘D’. But now’s the time to make it rhyme, and not to do so is a crime, the mountain tops are there to climb”. Now the great Doctor Howser can discuss the next third and final verse, pertaining to the famous electrocardiogram machine, and how a broken heart is not all that ‘mendable’. Fuck you. I’ll use the word, it fits; screw your English vocabulary, as this is me, Benny Reincarnated; right my lovely LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA ARTEEMIS? Yes, the great doctor Doogie, and no, nothing to do with related Atlantic County Prosecutors, to a generation of family physicians from Philly 57 Hockey Sticks, or any kind of Barbara Fonda Ling Long other potential sticks, or rotten promo-singers, who were hired by dick head Ed Snyder and the garbage Philadelphia Flyers Hockey team. Yes, that would have been ‘Doctor Housel’, but you must admit; if this shit was all fucking going down in your lives folks, there’s no way that you will convince me, that you’d be accepting these twenty-four-billion coincidences in you lives, any more than I am willing to mother fucking do here in mine, YO!

Now to discuss LINKS and CHAINS and skies that glow, and LA MISTS ARE HERE, oh shitty prophet of absolutely nothing, back in 1988, MARK WAYNE LOSER TRASH MOHR!! SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM, WOW these crazy fucking cock suckers are acting up for the gods only know what reason, and it has been bad now for two straight days and nights, and I believe it is indeed heading for a mother fucking real major ass crescendo. Nothing lasts forever, as lightning in her full born human form, taught me; and when, Mister Orwell, kind sir? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, give me a break, Ron Wirtz Senior, Camden County Prosecutor ADA of 1990. Yeah, the great L&O TV show just happened to begin right after David Roth and I met Ron for the very first fucking time on December the dam ass fifth, in 1989, oh yeah, sure, right, whatever, dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in some strange way, MY IF, and these dirt ball NABE’S IF, are really going to town on something, and for some reason; but don’t ask me!!! Well, to put it more honestly folks, don’t ask me, you know; as if Doctor Garrigan needs to be listening to any of this, but say it I will anyway, and that is, many times we all have heard or been told, and I quote, “I can’t help you”, and then either it is said, or you are thinking silently to yourself; yeah, you can’t, or you won’t. A retard knows what I mean when I say now, “DON’T ASK ME”. Still, for going on five years now, I only used to think that I had ‘IF’ troubles, or to keep the mighty and great Doctor Garrigan happy, but not ‘too happy’ in all of this, ”AS IF”, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Have enough zingers been shot around the room yet, Dawn King, and Michelle RPL Daniels, YO??????????????????????

Folks, this blog will end right here for now, and I will be posting up a brand new series collection to keep any one blog from being a hundred pages long, as I realize now after a week of not being able to post up and publish my work to any internet blogger sites, just how big ass winded I AM. Have you ever seen a windbag, oh yes, the old camp songs, right Landon Horowitz? Well, you’re hearing one now, and to see one, my ugly photo is on many sites, go to the older website blogs, to the link address of and then access the bio, and clicking there shows my ugly mug for all to see. I have honestly not changed much at all since that was taken a while back, and I stay away from video and photography, rarely if ever taking photos. That was the only recent photo ever taken of me, outside of my two most recent passports, and Eric, I know you were full of shit, and you know you were, and then you doubted me and my family nightmare. You lying good for nothing hypocrite bastard, you. WHAAAA.

JWC2, DAY 00028, BLOG-A


Now that nice set of fives, compensates for lots of Jane Sleazedisease Dirtweeds clock attacks recently. Early in the day around late morning and early afternoon, yesterday, the seventeenth, was totally unlike the fifteenth and the sixteenth of January, with these crumbs across the dirt-bag hallway. It has been nice and graveyard quiet except for a little bit of shit once in the late morning and once in the early afternoon, and that was nothing like the shit on the prior two frikkin days. IF or ‘AS IF’, ‘thesis-failed’ Jim-G???

Eddie, if you are out here, my apology for thinking you were hacking into my computer, all though you did used to do that little scan trick, searching for other WIFI systems that were unprotected; back when I first met you in 2006; and you were rooming over there at Judge Raso’s rooming house, on Central Avenue, in Hammonton, New Jersey; and Ann and Dawn King, and Chicky; all lived in the apartment above you.

It still was not Ed Lynch. He is flesh and blood mortal, and cannot pull off the wild tricks that only All Mighty Scylla can and I know it. Even unconnected into anything, SHE has totally let me know that SHE can see everything I am typing on this keyboard, and blog; that is not able to be posted for any public view now, because of my break pads on my car fucking up, and causing a brake lock up; and between the 120 dollar repair cost, plus the 60 dollar annual December four, vehicle registration cost, coming to nearly $200.00; I had to make urgent and immediate mother fucking financial cutbacks, and the only feasible thing that I saw to do, was reduce my Comcast Cable services of phone, internet, and low tier television, down to just the TV, for a few months. It was my only logical and viable option. So I did it. Now there is no posting of my blogs. Sure, I can save them to a CDR disc as I have an entire box of free unopened blanks, except for about maybe five, that have been used to put music onto; or else I could use the flash-zip drive little key-chain thing to save a set of blogs to, and then go over to my local library, reserve computer time, and paste the stuff up to my two blog sites, WordPress and blogger. But I am very fucking concerned about doing anything anymore. This cunt lapping force against me, or really, this INTERACTION FORCE or ‘IF’ as we all call it now for short, like it or not 1970 Haddonfield Doctor Garrigan, this IF has me more than cock sucking major apprehensive about doing anything at all any more. It has me fucking terrified, and you know, Mister shot through the heart Cutter, of Lamist Law and Order, as with the great 2009 episode called, “RUMBLE” with that gorgeous Asian lady who the Loo said could use a lot of counseling, and I totally concur; but if I can ever prove the exact humans that have been in on this illegal hell that I’ve been cunt eating put through by them for 30 years give or take; THIS WILL BE A TERROR CHARGE, or else, I’ll get a lawyer who WILL have the mother fucking balls, to copy this marvelous fantastic terrific television law show; the one that even surpassed the great once All Mighty Perry Mason, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!


555555555555555555555555555 PLUS 5555555555555555 TIMES 555555555555555555 DIVIDED BY 55555555555555, IS EQUAL TO (I DON’T CARE ONE RATS BASTARD WORTH OF MAGGOT CRAP), JUST LET ME STARE AT MY LOVELY ASS FIVES, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let us start with reality chunks and one way glass. Did John Henningsen get this from 1990 and the L&O TV show, or did they get that back in 1968, from HIM, W—O—W?????
There was an office not that far from the great studios of Philadelphia, all of their television stations, on City Line Avenue, just off of the great world famous SURE-KILL Expressway, (Schuylkill) is the real spelling, and WEEEEE, even Microsoft Spell-Checker knew that. Should I drop dead now or later, folks? Don’t even answer that, YO! This office was in a building in this exact vicinity. He would take me there, and show me the magic one way mirror. Too bad my wonderful kid was not born yet. She’d a got a real kick out of that, I’ll bet. I know it really flipped me out, but just why, I did not understand ”yet” via STM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, there is really void more to be added for the time being about this (nothing), come on McNulty, I miss you, ya’ son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s just pissed because when I took off my glasses, the headmasters daughter was checking me out like a mother fucker, that day in 1971, YO. I do not ever forget one single detail. Hay you look good on TV, Jasper old buddy. I was very sorry to hear about the recent troubles up there. ‘STM’ kicks in here, buddy; as I MAY RUN INTO YOU LATER TODAY, WHEN I COME UP THERE, FOR A COUPLE WHITTLE GROCERY ITEMS, and so maybe I will see you tomorrow. Only when you read this, will tomorrow be long gone? Just where are you when I need you, Doctor Carl Sagan, and Mister water-hose ‘dreams’ Elmer Fudd; you silwee wabbit, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA???????????

So is John Colorado a secret BF Agent from the future, or are TRUMP and all of his lovelies, a lot more then ‘they’ are pretending to be? Well, I cannot speak for his folks, but as for him, until I created his personality on that RS-1500-US machine, there was no him. We all know it. We all know this is stuff we just don’t dare ever believe to be true, or we’d all be too fucking scared to turn off the lights at night, and crash into mother fucking bed!!!!!!!!!Hell, I still remember the old school-book story, to this very day; and I will quote from it now, and hopefully with permission, “Deny, deny, deny”!!!!!! Yeah right, like they are going to all fucking just come out tomorrow or soon, and say, oh yes, ‘Mark Wayne Mohr’ is telling us all a totally true, and completely accurate story; and we have been tormenting and torturing this poor little bastard, all of his god dam life. You believe that rotten dirty guilty peeps are gonna’ just confess to their wicked crimes, and I’ve got really great news for you. Santa Claus is gonna’ take you to the North Pole and give you his entire workshop, next December twenty-fifth, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is 12:07 PM on Friday the eighteenth, A KARGE DAY OF SIEGE, with CHEMTRAILS all over the skies of Fort Pierce, Florida, and I am going to begin playing Morianity Tapes, through the Pedersen Roachphone system, just as soon as I finish this short blogging entry. My numerous enemies seem to be so connected as coming from one source so many times, but that is a mere fucking ass illusion, it is all just a lot of horrible hellish negative interaction around me, all totally unconnected with each other in real truth, despite appearing so totally opposite of this to me, upon numerous occasions.

I now am going to begin a new word document as I start BLOG DAY 00028-B. There will be a lot to tell you about this incredible wild and approaching, one of my personally-famous, ”WEIRD DAYS”.


JWC2, DAY 00022, BLOG-A

12:17 PM-EST, early Saturday afternoon in HELL!

My dirt bag nabes woke me,with their loud horrible hallway shouting around half past nine this Saturday fucking morning, then all was relatively quiet. I woke up around two hours later again, but not as a result of major noise, but after I was awake a while, at around 12:08 PM, my dirt bag motorcycle enemy went by my window, not super bad, but enough to let me know that they all got their evil wicked fucking way last business week with their EVIL EMPIRE DIRT BAG DOW JONES STOCK MARKET.

I just now took a bath, and cleaned up; and am heading over to Mike Patterson’s Beach House, up on Hutchinson Island. And now, through the miracle of SPACE-TIME-MIND, I am back from Hutchinson Island. I had a good time and a productive discussion, with my pal Mikey, and then came directly home. The skies were dead quiet today, and the police were again monitoring the building with a patrol car presence, making me feel very happy and secure. It is now, 3 minutes past 7 in this mild dark evening, another one of Sir Elton Alright Saturday nights, YO!!!!!! I never did anything to any of you, not you Mister Mayor, and not any of you down or up there, or ”whatever”, RA, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Interesting how you followed a pathway that goes totally contrary to your wonderful initials, old friend, Congressman, sir. The skies and the building, other than for the loud quick burst around half past nine this morning, and a few quick talking sounds since I got home, and a door a few times not slammed, is all nice and for the most part graveyard quiet, just the way I like it. I would love to live in a mausoleum, or die in one, either way works for me, Mister Mayor, YO YO!!!

I am relaxing with some good movies and good food and desert. Fuck the world. I don’t need any of you, and I don’t want anything to fucking do with a soul, and really, I never did, and never will. I am the original man of solitude, the loner eccentric, who would have made a great male twin for the long ago actress, by the name of Greta Garbo. WEEEE!!
There were a lot of motorbike trash all over, but that is par for the course year round here in cunt eating ass Florida, my good folks, and BLOGAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was one girl in a very lovely dress who really was checking me out while I was stopped at a red traffic light. I am not interested in anybody, and don’t care if the entire world explodes into vigintillions of tiny particles.


JWC2, DAY 00023, BLOG-A
half past noon on Sunday 01-13-2013

Beginning around half past eleven, an hour ago, the dirt bag nabes opened and shut their dam doors over and over again, and then my other asshole nabes above me, as they do every several weeks, began hammering something. I do not know if they hang different pictures or what they are doing, but if this is it, then they are in violation of their lease as well, as this is strictly forbidden, and they’ve been doing it at least once monthly since I moved into this fucking dump back in May of 2011 somewhere.

It is another sunny day with a few clouds here and there. Today is supposed to be a carbon copy of yesterday, around 80 degrees for a high, and free of precipitation. Me, I’d rather have a lot of rain. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!!!!

l am going to watch some movies, and later, fix my frozen dinner, as the afternoon progresses along. Fuck the world.

It is half past eleven at night, and I’ll be starting a new blogging post later on around one AM or so. This will end here, and we will start with DAY 00024, BLOG-A. The rest of the day was quiet, nothing to report. Just relaxed and enjoyed some good food and TV. Screw everybody, and screw everything! I don’t need anybody, or want anybody in or around my life. All people are good for, are causing me trouble, suffering, miseries, and woe; and I have given all my pain and tears at the office, Mr. AT&T baseball fields, Gabe. MORINAITY-2

JWC2, DAY 00019, BLOG-A

12:12 PM-EST, Mark Wayne Mohr, at Fort Pierce, Florida:

Here is the situation, Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson. My nabes brought their sub-box back yesterday, the eighth of January, and I’ve heard it both yesterday and again today, for a very quick short duration, but it was there and on, in violation of their requirement to remove it or else face eviction. I will be asking Debbie what she plans to do about this newest escapade these trash have pulled, since they feel so all mighty privileged and entitled as though nothing can touch them and that they are invincible with the cosmic permission to mess with me, and do whatever the hell they want to do. They came in around two AM today and were gone since early afternoon on Tuesday, yesterday, giving me a small break from them, and a rare to basically never occurrence with them, ever since September when they totally changed, just like with the Playboy Bunny back in 1982, at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, of Voorhees, New Jersey; same exact thing, only with them; they changed when they heard me tell my mother that I was going to stop in at the FBI Office, and talk about these strange people who came out of nowhere, and invaded my peaceful worl;, literally. Never again did they go out on weekends after that, but rather, they had their horrendous loud parties at the apartment. This was an error that altered the course of my entire mother fucking miserable ass life.

My internet has been off since yesterday afternoon. The Comcast Cable people fucked it all up as usual, and I am glad that I called. It hopefully is straightened out this time, as they are mailing me a UPS box to send back my cable modem in, to them; and my downgrade is effective now, as per the date of my order placement, the 27th day of last December. The original agent had left things where I could just keep it for the 90-day off period, and this is not true, as it is rented property, and as long as this is retained by the customer, the rent on it is charged, and they keep it on; so the full billing would have taken place. But more shit needs to be reported, not just the subwoofer being back, and the cable fuck up, and now being off the net; but a third major fuck up happened early in the wee hours of this eighth day of this month of January-2013. I went into major systems fucking failure with my fucking cunt ROULETTE. I am unable to get RYAN to take down my FACEBOOK account, and it must come down. I believe that there is a plot to have me arrested and jailed, and GOOGLE is taking no prisoners. The Dow Jones is either at or just about to go to ALL FUCKING TIME RECORD HIGHS, so my life is a total fucking mess now, and anything is possible with these fucking diseased twisted warped evil demonic WALL STREET ENEMIES. I was finally able since the last week in November somewhere, to snap that monstrous fucking cunt horrible BOTBAR-ATTACK, magnetically locked in, that would not allow me to have more than two days straight of NON-BOTBAR, but on the eighth, kaplooee and shanooee, a nasty BOTBAR came my way, making me now three for eight, and unless it remains a fucking single BOTBAR, it will be four for nine and gearing up for a split should I in fact get a BOT X 3. This would mean five BOT and five NOT or a 50% MPB. Right now as of yesterday’s daily close, my MPB remains at three for eight, and I will tell more later about both why I started up again, keeping track of this, as well as some secrets that if this was to actually post today which it won’t, I would have to leave some of this out on the copy blog made separately, and told only on my own private blog, all about the complete secret. This is for only my own good, and has nothing to do with anyone viewing the blog. I am now going to shit, shower, and shave, get dressed, and go out on a few local errands. I’ll type in more later on, as things happen and need reporting. I’ll end this, with the fact, that the sub-woofers woke me around an hour ago, and it is now about 37 minutes past 12 noon, and that I will be getting rid of these monster lion-king scum bag nabs, if I have to fucking throw a hand grenade into their faces. Also, I was going to go to the library to see two of the IT Teck Support ladies yesterday, and decided not to go. I know what I am doing. Things need to be tactically retreated from upon occasion so you can live a little better and stronger, to play another day, from a stronger level and perspective. I know my old hero, General George Patton, differs from me on this particular part of my battle strategy, but he is not here to help me fight this army of the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, either, and if he was; he could do it his way. That would be all just fine and well with me, my brother; only it is not the case, so my way will just have to do here, folks. OK, time for the bathtub. I’ll be bahk later on, Arnie Gov.

Back now, as the later earlier, is the now, NOW. This is why SPACE-TIME-MIND is what it is, Dawn-Marie King, and with or without you, or your ever so blessed great marvelous ‘THAT-FAMILY’. There is a lot to tell, so far today now, as of 2:54 PM, I have been home from my errands about fifteen minutes, and have taken four fucking cunt lapping major attacks on this day now, and am naturally, SUPER HIGH OTAMMIC, and BOTBUR X 2. It’s unofuckingfficial, but it it what it is, DMK. It began with the dirt bag sub-woofer attack from the scum bags from across the hall. Then they spied on me when I left and was walking towards the elevator, and let me know it by slamming their door real loud, after opening it dead ass fucking cunt quietly. Coming home after all my errands had been completed, there was a spurious low MILI-2-FORCE AIRCRAFT, hovering right in front of me, and then after I got back into my fucking ass apartment, that new enemy on the cock sucking motorcycle, made his noise big time, right outside of my window. This is four fucking attacks, and this does not happen, at mere fucking ass random happenstance, whether any of my viewers reading this at a later time and date, choose to believe or disbelieve my mother fucking words, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! I would bet big money that their garbage totally monster evil DOW JONES STOCK MARKET is soaring and flying past the distant stars, and the intergalactic fucking shit beyond that, far exceeding all time record highs; an indicator meaning, if I do not get out of their evil dirt bag nation, I’M FUCKED, SCREWED, AND DEAD FUCKING MEAT, AT LIGHT SPEED SQUARED!!!!!!!!!!!! I Now am totally broke, except for enough loot to put a little more gasoline into my car before the month is over, so I will be able to get over to Ryan’s studio, Avalon; in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, Botbarida; and then until the third of cunt eating fucking ass February, I am sitting in here totally ass dime-less, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I did manage to get one big and extremely interesting piece of knowledge come my way, as a result of my short but sweet excursion today, out into the mother fucking outside world. Here comes the sub-woofers again, I cannot prove it is them across the hall when they merely do it for a few seconds, to persecute me, and that is all this is about by the way, and this is not being entertained by their rotten taste in noise-music, but rather is all about the persecution and pummeling of poor innocent me, and we all know that, or else; we all are god dam fucking idiot fools. I know what I know, not THAT, MC; since I am not the great Stacey-I AM, right Copyright Office Examiner of 2007 and 2008???????? If this siege against me does not back off, I’ll be PLAYING MY MORIANITY FUCKING TAPES, THROUGH THE PEDERSEN ROACHPHONE SYSTEM, and that you can believe, until 3AM. Now for what I was able to learn, by running into the one real true pal I have from this building, a man who also came from my very area, and knows the RPL Recording Studio very well, living in Camden, New Jersey, himself; some time ago. Someone told this man that the person that I had over to this apartment, Dennis, from the local Publix Grocery Store, back on December the eighteenth, to try and post up my song, “YBCO” to the Youtube; was in fact here to work on my computer, even though I never told anyone one single thing. According to my pal, who does a lot of the security guard duty, at the front desk of this Public housing Building; he is experiencing major hacking on his computer system, and someone is on his system, a real major KEYBOARD-STROKE-WORM-VIRUS, just as is discussed on the ‘LAW & ORDER’ television show, with the sex offender who was able to use the fictional company called, ‘Access Nation’ to learn all about his doctor, and then was able to place this worm into this psychiatrist’s computer, and monitor every move she made online, or on her word document system, from the privacy of his own home, any time he chose to fucking do so. This man here, is paranoid and has a right to be. He was asking all of the people on the sixth floor, that have a computer; the same things he asked me, only when you tote it all up, in retrospect; he only asked me if I knew three different folks, and then if I lived here; which still is strange and spurious. In any event, I know that my rotten family is behind all of these troubles, making me look like the potential bad person doing the bad stuff, when it is them all along, not only messing so it seems, with me; but others here as well, to throw off any suspicions, away from themselves, and onto me; an already fucked victim to start with, and all thanks to them. See what I go through and deal with, with this diseased washcloth alien family from beyond the fucking stars, people? No, of course you don’t, and furthermore, none of you could fucking care less; and I’m not stupid, and I know all of this only too mother fucking well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This day is very close to going BOTBAR TIMES TWO, and when it does, I’ll get on ‘MAGNESONIC’, and cause another major 7.5 magnitude earthquake, so just keep this fucking shit up, OTAMM-SCUM MILI-2-FORCE DIRT BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for right now, it is time for me to fucking cunt relax!!!!!!!! This is the ninth of January of twenty-thirteen, a middle Wednesday afternoon, and if anything happens to me, I have been murdered by all the wicked evil persons that my entire seven year blogging career, makes mention to, in not the nicest ways; and this is an official legal dying utterance and dying declaration, in fear of my life and limb at this moment; and under full penalty and pain of perjury, I make this legal claim, and legal statement, on this word open office 3.1 system; and my pass-code will be found, as it is in my wallet, so anyone can easily get into the computer. Inside of my wallet, is a note, telling that my murderers will all be found on my blogs. For now, this is the end of my words for today, fucking ass hopefully anywho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK folks, their dirt bag market, as expected, flew up again today, over 61 points. But this is not the giant news, and you would not believe it anyway, so I won’t bother putting it into print, except on my copy that does not get posted up for the public view. I knew the DOW JONES was flying because of numerous fucking cunt lapping major indicators. One is the siege around me and numerous attacks all day long, another is what I refer to as my ‘personal magnetics’ being extremely fucking LOW, and there are yet more constants that always seem to indicate, that when they are around me and happening to me, UP UP UP, is going the fucking cheated, crooked, manipulated, evil, stock market; the tool of the super wealthy, stealthy, world owners. Yes, my evil fucking nabes are being very noisy again today, and at exact times, such as the minute that I start typing on this keyboard, and unlike the typewriters of decades past, the only way that they can know I am on this thing, is if they are illegally spying on me with sound dish type equipment, available supposedly, if you trust television shows such as L&O-SVU, at any spy-stores, wherever these really may exist at, in non-television-real-life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am sure that somebody has all of this information, just as somebody knew all along, that Mariah Carey, was and is, my daughter!

It is now 6:27 PM-EST, on this same date of 01-09-2013. Half an hour or so ago, loud hall shouting was going on by my uncouth jerk off nabes, and recently lots of doors and in and out noise from these total fucking twat licking turds. Now folks, I asked GAGA CAT just why this horrible fucking BOTBAR X 2 DAY, happened today, and was given PRIVATE COSMICCODED NUMBER (PCN) 682. Items in my book that match up with PCN-682, are as mother fucking ass follows:


I mentioned my personal magnetics, based on a powerful system for testing and measuring a person’s luck or agreement force with cosmos, to put the word “LUCK” somewhat more intelligently, and it is an actual and real honest true force no matter who says it’s not, and I should fucking know if anyone should, but yes folks, this right now is as low as it gets. IT CANNOT SINK LOWER. You fucking can’t take an absolute bottom and cut a hole in it, no matter what my old hero, Eric Clapton, may say on this issue; sheriffs, deputies, and all else, notwithstanding, YO YO YO!





I went to sleep around one this morning, and awoke around quarter shy of two to a horrible diareah attack and a nasty mess to clean up, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Attack number 2283, since 1986, give or take a few bad ones forgotten about. Again, my argument still stands, would someone really still be alive if something this serious was wrong with their health all of these 30 long fucking cunt years now, and the answer is obvious as the next sunrise, an unequivocal GIGANTIC FRIKKIN NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny too folks, I was ‘dreaming’ to use your way of expressing the human experience of not being awake but being alive physically, about being told how chains are made up of links, as in hyperlinks and connecting up things on the internet. WOW, do forces in the M-2-F hate me learning anything, experiencing anything, and most of all, having any pleasure or happiness in the tiniest smallest fucking way ever. I pay for it ten fold every single time, with clockwork time piece Swiss accuracy precision, Henry Pardon Cursewords Fonda, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, if I fucking had a dollar for every attack on this computer and every virus or T-horse or whatever, I’d be a millionaire, YO!

Well, if things persist the way they have been going between and one and three fucking cunt of the clock this Thursday afternoon, this WILL BE ANOTHER BOTBAR, AND TIMES CUNT LAPPING THREE.

All was quiet until the early afternoon with these diseased fucking jerk off nabes across the hall from me. Then so far, three attacks have followed, quick bursts, then separated by short in-between small periods of time, let me break it the cock sucking hell down for you, and for the fucking record, folks.

At 5 minutes past 1 this afternoon, came a 15 second major loud blast from their NOT REMOVED SUBWOOFERS. Then again, it happened, right shy a minute or so of half past one. Then the third strike on me, were some doors, at about a quarter shy of three, followed by a real loud slamming door. Again for a half hour, all is quiet over there again. Still, after all this shit, and after already having two fucking cunt preexisting BOTBAR DAYS; ”I AM” now holding at a BOTBAR X 2, on this day, January the tenth, twenty mother fucking thirteen.

It is now a quarter shy of five. All afternoon, these dirt bags have been in and out and making noise, not real bad, just enough to be really mildly fucking cunt annoying. They did their subwoofer hit a third time, more than ever yet in one day since this all started in Sepfuckingtember. Soon, I’ll be out on Hutchinson Island visiting my pal, Mike Patterson. We are getting together to discuss our project, as Saturday and weekends in general right now are bad, as he is a real football fan, and playoff season is here. Speaking of sports, things do not look fucking good for me, as just as in 1995, they are talking about bringing a short hockey season into play soon. This is probably why both 1995 and all of recent times have been so fucking bad, and I just knew deep fucking down, that I would not get an entire season off from the FLYERS HICKEY HOCKEY LONG-LING FONDA MOVIE HARASSMENT AND PERSECUTION, and I was fucking right, huh lovely giant Gina?????????????????????????????

I got a major premonition not to go to the island to Mikey’s beach house, and called him to postpone my visit. I wish now I had not listened to my inner voice, or the mind control beams transmitted to me from WOMO enemies perhaps, who can know these things with certainty? I was going to leave at a quarter shy of seven, and instead, stayed home and watched, “The Mentalist” on television. During this time, around half past seven, the scum bag nabes slammed back into their fucking noisy ass apartment, shouting loudly as well, but it only seemed to last a few minutes. It is now three minutes past eight on this mild evening, here in Fort Pierce, Florida, and things right at this point have quieted back down again. I no sooner typed this, and again I am hearing shouting from within that dirt bag apartment over there. These jerk offs are the worst uncouth scum bags that I could possibly be living across from. This is the way it has always been, all of my life however. There is always some horrible mother fucker that moves next door to me, if I am down real low, and forced to reside in a mother fucking apartment setting. It is every single cunt lapping time. I will call the police if these bastards don’t stop this fucking all day noise, as I am getting fucking real dam sick of this fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2:46 AM-EST, Friday Mouuuuuuuuuuuuuurning, YO!


I’ll be putting lots of secret shit down on this blog over the next few days, and will hopefully have this posted up sometime next week, from my local fucking ass library, YO!!

I am going to go into a deep trance and do some real digging around for major information about my WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE ENEMIES, back later on. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Between half past ten and quarter shy of eleven this morning, the doors and the dirt bags started, waking me up, and also, with a sore throat. I see some dissipating chemtrailing off to the west of me that caused this while I was sleeping, obviously. I was in a parallel universes where people were talking about me and wanted me to be some spokesperson for something after they heard some song that I had posted onto the Youtube, and then found out that I use too much fowl language. It was a very interesting experience. I would not be interested in any kind of public stuff anyway, it is not my thing. Also, my very uncomfortable bed mattress makes my back sore, and when I sleep on it wrong, exacerbates the problem, such as last night. I managed to squeeze out yesterday, just over the one-one mark and ended a two day botbar streak, and this day, as yesterday, is not starting out well at all, but hopefully can be somewhat fucking salvageable. SLAM SLAM BOOM BANG CRASH, THESE FUCKING JERK OFFS ARE A PAIN IN MY FUCKING ASSHOLE TODAY, it is all day long, slamming the door, in and fucking cunt lapping out. It began in the morning, and is working all throughout this day. If I had more money for gasoline, I would take a ride to a park, and get away from these scum bags, and enjoy doing GAWNUM EQUATIONS at a park bench. I may go to the library, and do this anyway, it is only a round trip of a mile, and I can afford ten or fifteen cents in gasoline for this trip, and away from these cock suckers. I am holding another neighbor-caused fucking BOTBUR, and most botbur days, do end up going full blown mother fucking botbar. I think I am going downstairs to see Debbie when she gets back from lunch shortly, to ask her if she is looking at the monitor, as well as further discuss the visitor and computer situation from the eighteenth of December. I will also remind her that when the new building is built, I do not want to be on the same fucking cunt floor with these scum bag nabes across the hall for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, this is beyond fucking absurd, let me get down to Debbie Marotto’;s fucking office, and see if she can see in the monitor, just how many continuous times these bastards are slamming in and out of their fucking cunt lapping unit.

A lot is happening. First off, I AM UNDER A MAJOR ATTACK FROM ABOVE, YES FOLKS, THE SKIES ARE ALIVE, AND FILLED WITH THE FUCKING CHEMTRAILSTODAY. So forget about the hills of Julie Andres, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, forget about the old plan of posting up my blogs via CDR writable disk, as I was put onto the simple idea of using zip drives, now small memory little key chain whistles are about 3-10 dollars at the local fucking Walmart, so I merely save my document blog to that, and plug it into the library internet computers, and post up my blogs once a week, until I can afford to have Comcast Cable, restore my full triple service again on the first week in cunt eating April of this twenty-thirteen year. Slowly, I am learning, but I refuse to be a part of this new age, and am having the FACEBOOK wiped. This means only a ghost account with a faceless image is up there under my name, and no more Facebook. This will be done very soon, as I have been put onto many wonderful things, and people who live here in this building, such as the man who used to work for freaking DELL COMPUTERS. Also, many of the noise today, was not who I thought it was, but a recently moved in tenant was bringing some stuff into their apartment and that is why so much in and out activity has been occurring. I now am going to enjoy some Breyers Ice Freaking Cream, and watch some tapes and DVD movies and enjoy the rest of my dam ass day, YO, so trail away, as my sore throat is fine now after taking some throat lozenges and lots of icy cold fucking water, you bastard civil rights violators. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! No one wanted to hear my music, and all views on YOUTUBE were merely generated with my attaching of hyperlinks to my blogging accounts at WordPress and Blogger. So screw everybody, and I will live my own life, enjoy my own music, tell my life story as it is ever ongoing and frikkin progressing, and ignore the entire world and especially the Entertainment world. They to me are all a bunch of thieving, conniving, idiotic no talented fools, with nothing more than old worn out Geritol ideas, remade over and over onto even more worn out Geritol shows. FUCK-U! Yes sir/mahm, this has been one hell of a special, noisy, and yes, even quite a “WEIRD” day, and remember that weird days are to be taken as WEIRD 4 ME, and that Sally fucking Harner, is ”SAYING SOMETHING” HERE, BRO. YES AT 2 MINUTES SHY OF THE CLOSING WALL STREET BELL, 3:58 PM-EST, A NASTY FUCKING FIRE ALSARM IS GOING OFF, IT IS NOW ONE MINUTE PAST FOUR THIS LATE FUCKING fRODAY ASS AFTERNOON, and I still am not handing the dirt bag scum ball OTAMM-MILI-2-FORCE, a BOTBAR, it is very very fucking BOTBUR and if this was bedtime, it would have to close BOTBAR, just like a football game with their running out the clock tactics, but it is not three in the dam morning and I have about eleven hours to go, and as told earlier, many good things resulted to compensate for all of this dam noise. As I speak/type now at 4:03, the fire alarm is OFF, TEE HEE HEE, Lilly Munster Shipyard Andrews, and oh oh oh, here it starts again at just shy of four minutes past four. Now it is off again. I do not see why another fucking fire alarm test is being done, when one was just fucking done ten days or so ago. All day long hallway noise, shouting, talking, continuous doors, but as I said, it is coming from all three units, the one directly across from me, SIR JAMES and his lady over at rapper woofer unit number 608, as well as the unit on each side of his place, totaling three in all, YO. Also, speaking of rap and woofers, the box is out again, and they are ve3ry close to being 10-day ordered out if they try sneaking it back just to harass me with those quick five-twenty tone bursts. It is not done to enjoy their so-called NOISE-MUSIC, but to persecute and annoy the piss juice out of poor little fucking me. Yes, I had a great lengthy talk with Office Manager Debbie earlier, and that is all that needs to be said for now. As for the smoke alarm shit, it went on and off twice, and seems to have now abated, sir landfill Peter, over at Post 120, Assets Protection Security, in Pennsylvania, just northwest of Tulleytown. No fire truck was ever here. If it is only a small amount of smoke, many times the alarm will go off automatically if the unit is quickly vented out with a fan and opened windows. Today is very mild and warm for middle January, even in this part of the state of Florida, and opening windows when cooking is advisable, unless peeps cook slowly, keep their stove-tops and even real nice and frikkin clean, and remember to use their ventilation fan over the stove top in their kitchens, YO. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!


IF THINGS PROGRESS ONWARDS, IN THIS FUCKED UP DIRECTION FOR ME; THIS YEAR OF 2013, WILL BE EVEN FUCKING CUNT LAPPING WORSE THAN TWENTY MOTHER FUCKING TWELVE, something that I would have bet my life, and your life, just could not possibly fucking happen; and I’d have been totally fucking wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even as I cunt lapping speak now at 34 minutes past six, loud shouting and doors are going on AGAIN in the hallways, and YES, it is all being fucking monitored, by management. Still, until they clean fucking house on this sixth floor southwest side of this PH Building, it is all for fucking cunt naught, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well, by the skin of the teeth, this is not BOTBAR X 4, but it is a fucking cock sucking BOTBAR X 1. So now, I have two fucking nasty SUPER BOTBAR DAYS, followed by a near miss BOTBAR on yesterday the tenth, but I never ever MOTHER FUCKING CAN GET A JANUARY OR A NOVEMBER ELEVENTH, that does not end up super mother fucking cunt ass B—O—T—B—A—R!!!!!!! The answer of course is blatantly fucking obvious to any real true followers of MOUNTAINPEN & MORIANITY. IT IS EITHER A NUMERICAL DATE OF ”ONE-ONE-ONE”, AS IS TODAY; OR IF IT IS THE NOVEMBER DATE, IT IS EVEN WORSE WITH FOUR ONES, ”ONE-ONE-ONE-ONE”, AND NO, I WON’T FUCKING EVEN WRITE THESE DIGITS OUT TOGETHER, as things are totally mother fucking bad enough right now in my hellish nightmare fucking ass life, without me doing more fucking shit to heighten, and strengthen, and worsen, my diseased, twisted, & totally fucking screwed up, HUNTINGTON GOD DAM CURSE, YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JWC2, DAY 00017, BLOG-B



6:52 AM, 01/07/13-MONDAY MORNING


JWC2, DAY 00017, BLOG-A

5:35 AM-EST here in Fort Pierce, Florida, blogger Mark Wayne Mohr, recording and reporting for the official record of Mountainpen and Morianity.

Here are the details of the eighteenth day of last December in 2012, 2 weeks before the New Year of 2013 began, when I had the young dude over here to help me post up the techno-pop song that was originally an old 1983 song, slightly altered with rewritten lyrical content, now titled, “YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER”, on the YOUTUBE, for a short while longer until two weeks from today when both my FACEBOOK and my YOUTUBE accounts, will be down forever, and no more ME, will ever be publicly displayed again, on this silly fool tool, called the INTERNET.

OK, you want it, you’ve got it. Here is what happened to me that day, and what has happened since, with this strange dude whose name is Dennis.

This young man of about twenty-three, give or take a couple years either way, was already at the local library, when I arrived and asked for some technical help with my problem, from library staff. It was as though he was just there for the purpose of my visit that day, and did not have anything that he really needed or wanted to do at his computer terminal. He overheard me talking to the tech support lady, at his computer terminal, near the upstairs reference desk; and just offered to help, on his terminal-time. When it was eventually ascertained that we could not make it work, not due to library filtering, but YOUTUBE/GOOGLE policy of not allowing post ups from public terminals, and more proof of prejudice against the poor people, as YOUTUBE is totally against all poor people that cannot pay them between 25 and 100 dollars A DAY for them to promote you on the fixed and what should be illegal game, as this was once considered to be, PAYOLA, in the music industry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should know, coming from right outside and east of Philadelphia, the famous spot where PAYOLA was named for, as this is where it started decades ago, before it became cracked down on hard by many so-called governmental authorities, but then the same thing goes on, just cleverly and covertly, as promoters who are hired by all the major recording labels, merely give gifts/material possessions, vacations, prizes, drugs, and I could say more; in exchange for boosting new material from major recording companies, up through the normal ranks of rotation. Well, the YOUTUBE is absolutely the same, and not one bit different at all. It is all a GOOGLE advertising stunt, and a way for them to make billions of dollars, for doing nothing but circulating your stuff to more sources, and even if you were to get a viral video, you don’t get one cent back in return, for your many many thousand dollars of investment, and if this is not a crooked thing that should be stopped, I don’t know what is; and so I will be off these social garbage networking sites completely and forever, in two weeks from this very day, now Monday, as Ryan, will be taking it all down. The world had its chance to really know the greatest story ever told, a million times more powerful than Christianity, and I am not afraid to tell the TRUTH, as the truth can never get you into eternal trouble, merely Earthly Crucified. I don’t worry about what the WOMO-MILITFUCE can do to my physical plane attached body. I only concern myself with what this force can do to my endless existence, making that total hell, or a beautiful heaven. The All Mighty GOOGLE admitted, that YOUTUBE is total PAY TO PLAY, and that once, in music and entertainment circles, this was considered, a totally illegal operation; and should be again. There is no place on the entire internet, set up to judge real musical talent, and then if and as something rates well, it is circulated more, and as it slides down, circulated less. This is how your music world Billboard Charts operate, but no, not these new owners of everything, good old crooked GOOGLE, and their avarice and greed, for major massive endless wealth.

As for the FACEBOOK crap, peeps continually ask me to friend them, that I do not know, yet if I do this, I am warned that this is strictly against policy, and I have to go through a major series of agreement clicks, that pull all of the friend requests off. They can do it, and I cannot, FCC, so WHY? So my letter to you will be in this afternoon’s mailing system, old school pal, Bobby McDowell, of 1972. When things are not only not fair, but blatantly crooked and stacked against me to keep me from ever being able to use this new age social media, this in a legal argument, is attempted murder. If you cannot buy or sell, and in this new age, without being a part of all of this, you are left basically out in the cold, then that is ARGUABLY ATTEMPTED MURDER, and I will be making new case law, and spending lots of my time soon, at the local LAW LIBRARY, just down the frikkin street from our local regular library, right here in East Fort Pierce. Also, no one is willing to explain or tell me anything, or help me one tiny bit, and I am supposed to just know as though by total magic or mental osmosis, somehow; how all of this works, and what all of their all mighty rules and regulations are. Well, I will do you one better. I plan to sue GOOGLE within a year, for literally preventing me, from telling my story to the world; and this is a blatant egregious violation of my FIRST AMMENDMENT CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to freedom of speech, to indeed tell this story of my life, both in my writing texts, as well as in my corresponding musical writings as well.

Now, as for this strange man, who had the personality of a robot: He said very little, and once we left the apartment, and the song was posted up, he would not even speak to me, all the way back to the library where my car was parked, as we took his car from there to my place. He ignored me completely, and I knew that something was wrong. I did nothing or said nothing to prompt that weird action on his part NOTHING. Still we already had exchanged telephone numbers, back at the library previously; and so a week later, I called him, and when he would not answer, I left a voicemail message, that I would be at the Publix here in town, where he works at, to pay him a short visit and give him his ten dollar payment for helping me. I got there on the third, the day my SSD money was credited to my checking account, and he just about totally ignored me again, for no reason. He finally said, “I’ll call you tonight”. He of course did not, and I would have bet big money that he would not. On the following day I called him to tell him I wanted to pay him what I owed him, and did not get his voicemail, but a special message blocking my number, saying that the customer is not taking calls, this is a blocking, I am pretty sure. Fine, be a prick, I was going to pay you ten dollars, but since you don’t want the money, well, I can use it, BRO. For whatever reason, he wants nothing more to frikkin do with me, but the story does not end there, and far from it. You see L-4, while he was here, in fact he had just got into the apartment, and two minutes or less afterward, a knock on the door came, an African American male, about thirty years give or take, a large man, told me he is looking for some person, and he gave me a name, but at the time, it was of no interest to me, so I admit to forgetting it, and then he asked about another name, and then a third name; and when I responded with three ‘no’ answers, he then said, “Do you live here?”, right to me, right at my door, with me inside of my own apartment. I said that I did, and closed the door on him. I reported the incident to Debbie Morotto, and it’s being looked into. I get a visitor over here, and shit immediately starts.Another CROW coincidence? I somehow really don’t think so dudes and duddesses out here reading these words. Would you be buying into all of this fucking bullshit if it was all happening to you, and not just once or twice or thrice, but for nearly 30 mother fucking years now without let up, YO???????????????????????? I am making plans to leave Florida all together, but not for Mexico, as this I have come to learn from reliable sources, that are not anyone else’s business for right now; that my enemies, or the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE; wants me to do just this, SO FORGET IT. I am going back home, to where I belong; that was home, this is HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never said my life back in cunt lapping New Jersey was heaven, not by a fucking ass long shot folks; but it wasn’t total death-land Florida either, YO!


Well peeps, it is past me’ ol’ frikkin whittle bed-time, YO. Keep doing shit to me, and I’ll go on reporting it, forever!!!!
You think I do not know about the 7.5 Alaskan Earthquake?


Governor Jesse Ventura talks about time travel, in ways that totally connect up with stuff from my own personal life; including the chance that his own distant relative, Salvador, was sent to me in 1965, to show me, and not Miss Wescott; how to tap my fingers in really cool ways, so that ‘lightning’ will respond to this, up in 1983; on a telephone receiver. ***** 100% machine created


TRACK ALONG WITH: Only the opening title words are real.

To sing along with the new 2012 lyrics, go to my blog, and click the SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0555; and scroll down until the page comes up with the words to the song, YO.




Then afterward, right up through now at nearly half past four PM, on January 7, 2013, my across the hall scum bag neighbors, all though not real loud, have been talking in the hallways and opening and closing doors, all day long. What
ignorant, arrogant, asshole, shit heads.

Moving along, my electronic-mailing address should be gone any day now along with my entire internet service. I cannot afford to keep it, unless I do this temporary ninety day cancellation, that will save me, or actually; compensate for my 60 dollar car registration fee, back on my birthday last December 4, and then directly following that; my break pad repair, as they busted and locked up, and the car could not be driven. So this was where another 120 dollars went into, totaling $180.00. So anyone e-mailing me soon, will get one of those screens telling them that their message was unable to be delivered. I have been too busy with my fight with the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE and family hell, and nightmare nabe problems; to do anything. I also will be forever off that silly ‘FACEBOOK’ My account will be down and closed, and good riddance. I’m not a social person, I need no friends, and I love to be alone and all by myself. This is just the way that I am, and is no different than my being extremely ugly, or old, or fat, or short. These are just realities’, Dennis Snyder, my son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll also be removing my silly stupid criminally run, ‘YOUTUBE’. I refuse to give billionaires my tiny little share of Social Security disability money, as this is all that I have to live on each month, you greedy, avaricious, mercenary, dirt bag corporate giants, without any humanity. No wonder you run a robotic automaton operation. You are soulless and inhuman bastards; and the entire world is nothing but robots now anyway. I WANT NO PART OF THIS JUNK!!!

Better still, I am thinking of taking this personal computer over to the jetty one night, and throwing it to the bottom of the ocean. It is a stupid game, society is stupid, and count me out of it. I will be leaving this galaxy and moving far away in time as well, just as soon as I take care of some unfinished business, like blowing up a few worlds that have done me wrong. You make me ill and angry, all those stuck in ignorance and pathetic old style thought processes. Still that’s your right and I’d fight and die to keep these rights for all of us, anytime and anywhere; but I still need to escape this place forever, and am making plans for a very long trip, off of a very short pier. Don’t say I did not try and warn you of the future, all though it gets pretty cool at first, is nothing but doom and despair, and dark and dismal. It is those in the twenties and teens that I feel sorry for, as their world, after the oil runs out, will be worse than they can ever imagine. Oh the gods, will you be suffering. BYE-BYE CALL-10-AT&T, and all of you miserable rotten job gods. Yeah, ‘you all were no ED GREEN’S', that’s for sure. Poor Danny Quale back late in the eighties. I could not imagine standing up, taking that much public humiliation; Kennedy or no freaking Kennedy.WOW!!!

Silly to post this up, it is coming down in ten days.

I’ll be crossing over, Scylla, and then lovely one, you just feel totally free to own the land, right © Office of 1983? And there is no such thing as STM, huh? Well if these 7-years of blogs do not dispel that frikkin myth, what does, MAYANS? No more visits now, please, Viqueen Jewelly, Jeese Louise!!

3/4/3/4/3/4/3/4/3/4/time to rest a while, Sky, so BYE-BYE, and see you later too, Doogie Howser, as this is not my problem, not any frikkin longer, DOG, so WOLF-WOLF, ‘NITROBEY’!!!!!

Where are you when I need you and your museum secrets, Roy Carl Weiler, Senior? For that matter, where are you when I need you, Mister Orwell, YO??????????? Enjoy all of my expensive stuff, Ann King. Your entire group are a bunch of totally soulless crumbs, and tell Daut Dawn, she needs a mirror when she trash talks poor old me. Well, first she needs a laser retrace machine; as the systems today can only bring back music and movies, so go visit the great and illustrious World Laboratories of the twenty-two-eighties, and maybe steal one of those bigger shoe boxes, but you will need one of Robert McGuire or Mister Cannon’s smaller shoe boxes to get you there, in the first place. Again with the W———O———W!!!!!!!!!

My roulette is kicking major butt, folks!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

You ain’t seen shit yet, as on the fucking twenty-second, everything totally mother fucking crashed completely!!!!!!!


JWC2, DAY 00017, BLOG-A

5:35 AM-EST here in Fort Pierce, Florida, blogger Mark Wayne Mohr, recording and reporting for the official record of Mountainpen and Morianity.

Here are the details of the eighteenth day of last December in 2012, a week before the New Year of 2013 began, when I had the young dude over here to help me post up the techno-pop song that was originally an old 1983 song, slightly altered with rewritten lyrical content, now titled, “YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER”, on the YOUTUBE, for a short while longer until two weeks from today when both my FACEBOOK and my YOUTUBE accounts, will be down forever, and no more ME, will ever be publicly displayed again, on this silly fool tool, called the INTERNET.

OK, you want it, you’ve got it. Here is what happened to me that day, and what has happened since, with this strange dude whose name is Dennis.

This young man of about twenty-three, give or take a couple years either way, was already at the local library, when I arrived and asked for some technical help with my problem, from library staff. It was as though he was just there for the purpose of my visit that day, and did not have anything that he really needed or wanted to do at his computer terminal. He overheard me talking to the tech support lady, at his computer terminal, near the upstairs reference desk; and just offered to help, on his terminal-time. When it was eventually ascertained that we could not make it work, not due to library filtering, but YOUTUBE/GOOGLE policy of not allowing post ups from public terminals, and more proof of prejudice against the poor people, as YOUTUBE is totally against all poor people that cannot pay them between 25 and 100 dollars A DAY for them to promote you on the fixed and what should be illegal game, as this would once be considered to be, ‘PAYOLA’, in the music industry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should know, coming from right outside of, and east of Philadelphia, the famous spot where PAYOLA was named for as this is where it started, decades ago; before it became cracked down on hard, by many so-called governmental authorities; but then the same thing goes on, just cleverly and covertly; as promoters who are hired by all the major recording labels, merely give gifts/material possessions, vacations, prizes, drugs, and I could say more; in exchange for boosting new material from major recording companies, up through the normal ranks of rotation. Well, the YOUTUBE is absolutely the same, and not one bit different at all. It is all a GOOGLE advertising stunt, and a way for them to make billions of dollars, for doing nothing but circulating your stuff to more sources, and even if you were to get a viral video, you don’t get one cent back in return, for your many many thousand dollars of investment, and if this is not a crooked thing that should be stopped, I don’t know what is; and so I will be off these social garbage networking sites completely and forever, in two weeks from this very day, now Monday, as Ryan, will be taking it all down. The world had its chance to really know the greatest story ever told, a million times more powerful than Christianity, and I am not afraid to tell that TRUTH, as the truth can never get you into eternal trouble, merely Earthly Crucified. I don’t worry about what the WOMO-MILITFUCE can do to my physical plane attached body. I only concern myself with what this force can do to my endless existence, making that total hell, or a beautiful heaven. The All Mighty GOOGLE admitted, that YOUTUBE is total PAY TO PLAY, and that, at one time, in music and entertainment circles; was totally considered, an illegal operation; and should be again. There is no place on the entire internet, set up to judge real musical talent; and then if and as something rates well, it is circulated more, and as it slides down, circulates less. This is how your music world Billboard Charts operate, but no, not these new owners of everything, good old crooked GOOGLE, and their avarice and greed, for major massive endless wealth.

As for the FACEBOOK crap, peeps continually ask me to friend them, that I do not know, yet if I do this, I am warned that this is strictly against policy, and I have to go through a major series of agreement clicks, that pull all of the friend requests off. They can do it, and I cannot, FCC, so WHY? So my letter to you will be in this afternoon’s mailing system, old school pal, Bobby McDowell, of 1972. When things are not only not fair, but blatantly crooked and stacked against me to keep me from ever being able to use this new age social media; this in a legal argument, is attempted murder. If you cannot buy or sell, and in this new age, without being a part of all of this, you are left basically out in the cold, then that is ARGUABLY ATTEMPTED MURDER, and I will be making new case law, and spending lots of my time soon, at the local LAW LIBRARY, just down the frikkin street from our local regular library, right here in East Fort Pierce. Also, no one is willing to explain or tell me anything, or help me one tiny bit, and I am supposed to just know, as though by total magic or mental osmosis, somehow; how all of this works, and what all of their all mighty rules and regulations are. Well, I will do you one better. I plan to sue GOOGLE within a year, for literally preventing me, from telling my story to the world; and this is a blatant egregious violation of my FIRST AMMENDMENT CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to freedom of speech, to indeed tell this story of my life; both in my writing texts, as well as in my corresponding musical writings as well.

Now, as for this strange man, who had the personality of a robot: He said very little, and once we left the apartment, and the song was posted up, he would not even speak to me, all the way back to the library where my car was parked, as we took his car from there to my place. He ignored me completely, and I knew that something was wrong. I did nothing or said nothing to prompt that weird action on his part NOTHING. Still we already had exchanged telephone numbers, back at the library previously; and so a week later, I called him, and when he would not answer, I left a voicemail message, that I would be at the Publix here in town, where he works at, to pay him a short visit and give him his ten dollar payment for helping me. I got there on the third, the day my SSD money was credited to my checking account, and he just about totally ignored me again, for no reason. He finally said, “I’ll call you tonight”. He of course did not, and I would have bet big money that he would not. On the following day I called him to tell him I wanted to pay him what I owed him, and did not get his voicemail, but a special message blocking my number, saying that the customer is not taking calls. This is a blocking, I am pretty sure. Fine, be a prick. I was going to pay you ten dollars, but since you don’t want the money, well, I can use it, BRO. For whatever reason, he wants nothing more to frikkin do with me, but the story does not end there, and far from it. You see L-4, while he was here, in fact he had just got into the apartment, and two minutes or less afterward, a knock on the door came, an African American male, about thirty years give or take, a large man, telling me, he is looking for some person, and he gave me a name; but at the time, it was of no interest to me; so I admit to forgetting it; and then he asked about another name, and then a third name; and when I responded with three ‘no’ answers; he then said, “Do you live here?”, right to me, right at my door, with me inside of my own apartment. I said that I did, and closed the door on him. I reported the incident to Debbie Morotto, and it’s being looked into. I get a visitor over here, and shit immediately starts.Another CROW coincidence? I somehow really don’t think so dudes and duddesses, out here, reading these words. Would you be buying into all of this fucking bullshit if it was all happening to you, and not just once or twice or thrice, but for nearly 30 mother fucking years now without let up, YO???????????????????????? I am making plans to leave Florida all together, but not for Mexico, as this I have come to learn from reliable sources, that are not anyone else’s business for right now; that my enemies, or the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE; wants me to do just this, SO FORGET IT. I am going back home, to where I belong; that was home, this is HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never said my life back in cunt lapping New Jersey was heaven, not by a fucking ass long shot folks; but it wasn’t total death-land Florida either, YO!


Well peeps, it is past me’ ol’ frikkin whittle bed-time, YO. Keep doing shit to me, and I’ll go on reporting it, forever!!!!
You think I do not know about the 7.5 Alaskan Earthquake?MOST RECENT MORIANITY BLOGS, AS OF JANUARY 5, 2012


JWC2, DAY 00015, BLOG-A

It is ten minutes shy of eight, on this Saturday evening. I enjoyed a nice swim in the Atlantic Ocean over at Mikey’s place, wearing only my shorts, so as to prevent any more repeats and robberies such as what did occur back on June 21, 2012. There were a few very low planes and loud planes, the first loud one was not a low one, so it was definitely MILI-2-FORCE, and that was while I was walking in the PH Parking Lot, towards my car somewhere around 2:30 give or take a few minutes, and the crash level quieter plane was right as I got to the ocean on South Hutchinson Island and went to make my right turn and drive towards Mikey’s beach house. There were lots of giant girls today on the beach, and many people were on the beach, many sunbathers, and some were fishing, only a couple of people were water wading. I dove in for a fifteen minute full blown swim, just to be close to my wonderful awesome love. The world vanishes away when SSJKK and I bond together. There could be a Trump beauty contest going on right there, or a Mitch Baywatch contest from 2000, or even a Miss whatever contest, along with naked gangs from all of the whore houses in the county. I do not see anything, only my wonderful unfathomable love, the Atlantic Ocean. So go sing your version of Atlantic Queen, all you want to, Vasco, and kill all the Mayan’s if that is your goal and motive; as I am only interested in loving my giant teen queen throughout eternity. When I got back, the police were out at the parking lot of my building, and I came to learn that there had been a domestic situation, and a large crowd had gathered. I took my bag of laundry, that Mikey did for me over there, and just walked on, and up the elevator, and into my sixth floor apartment, not into the sixth dimension, all though, where would one really be able to draw the elusive blurry line of distinction here with this?

Since the siege is down, so too is the PC, just a beach filled with oversized giant females, and I ignored them, and they ignored me; and everybody was quite happy. When death siege picks up badly, an entirely different scenario would play out on a beach, on an unseasonably mild warm day for this time of the year, even in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Folks, I could tell you so many things, your mind would explode like a frikkin bomb. Only I can know just how real and totally true this statement really is, and believe me folks, I do know. You can doubt (Astral Weak Nuclear Force), or you can choose the other force, you can believe me, (Astral Strong Nuclear Force), as was previously discussed on several of my blogs, back in 2012, and back in good old MORIANITY-1. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

L-4, I am going to take a shower, and fix a very small din-din, to quote the marvelous and beyond talented, late Betty Davis, from the older Hollywood days, right Aunt Maud Huntington Benjamin? I have a dynamite roulette system, that if any of you were to use, who were not going through a lifetime of beyond conceivable hell; you would end up wiping the game of ROULETTE right off the frikkin maps, so I am not going to tell you what I am now doing. This is my little secret, and it is beyond awesome, BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Now that we have a shower and a meal out of the way, it is on the dot of nine of the clock on this somewhat all right night of Sir Elton Saturday John. If you are young, don’t worry, I’m not totally nuts, and you have no clue what gets said many times, as you were not around, and living in the sixties and the seventies, like ‘DUHYUNDAI-2006′ vehicles.

I feel the need to touch on a few topics, and expand on them a bit farther than I may have ever done back in Morianity-1. Before I do, let me tell some mundane crappy things and get that all the hell out of the way. First off, seeing ONES is on a real emmereffing roll again lately, and gee-willagars-gash-1988, Copyright Office Examiners, I weelwee wonder why, Mister Fwudd. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA, and wabbits, YO!!!!!!!!
Also, for the past 48 hours, I have had a nasty intestinal bug or whatever, or the results of another stealthy poison-gas attack from the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, as who can ever know for sure, and be able to claim with frikkin certainly, what is really going on with all of this nonsense and hellishness? BUT, big ass BUTT, all puns and jokes and 36th Avenue hacks aside, and Nitro Dogs, TOLD YOU-STM, but yes folks; many times there are indeed, quite powerful and revealing clues and constants, if you’re really looking for them, or really, if I AM, and without dogfood, or 1987 YOUTUBE CHEMTRAILS, OR, and on top of the list, annoying calling daughters. But alas, who believes me and my wild incredible life, except for the black ops folks and the trillionaries, who know all ready, that it’s all true, mostly because in one way or another, they have been in some way, responsible for it happening to me in the first frikkin place, YO. So yes peeps, this 48 hour super nasty shitting myself bug, can be logically factored into the equation with stuff like, well, I was not eating much food at all for two weeks and then suddenly I start to feast a bit after my SSD money came in back on the third, and this would indeed be a perfectly rational possible way of seeing this nasty mess, but then; I’ve lived long enough and then some, to know that every bit as much as this may be true, so also may be the fact that this was either done with some sonic death beams, or chemtrails; or any number of things that the WOMO has done to me since 1986, to make me continually ill. Then there is another follow up to this, on the heels of the word in the previous sentence, ‘continually’. No one can remain ill every other day roughly, or somewhere thereabouts, and not have any systemic reason for it to be the case. Ask any medical professional, or health care provider, that you wish; as they will be forced to win my argument with you, for me. As I speak, the jerk off scum bags across the hall at eighteen past nine, are shouting incredibly loud, and the doors are also starting up. But fear not, as all activity is monitored with new systems, just not INSIDE the individual apartments; and I have been totally promised that when things keep happening, and especially after 11:59 PM, with these vulgar uncouth pricks, action will be taken, IE, a thirty day eviction notice given, and out they’ll frikkin go. Now let us shift back into gear, and go on with my blog, Opinion Permitting Michelle, and peeps from nineteen-eighty. Aren’t I just the super lucky one? WOW! Yes, either I should have died decades ago from this endless physical attack from this evil WOMO-MILITUFORCE, or else it should have stopped, as no one just lives on and on with serious shit hitting their body, from 1986-2013, and on into forever perhaps; as who can frikkin know?

Here is the huge thing that happened to me back on the third, while out purchasing a little bit of gasoline for the car, and a little food for the old bod. I went to a place near my local TD Bank, that does not concern anyone, as enemies are messing with me on this matter; and I need not get specific about shit right now, for my own dam good, folks; but when I got there, thousands of big loud crows, were all over me out of nowhere, and followed me after I exited this location, down the road a ways to a local supermarket, the Winn Dixie on Route One, here in town. The minute I walked in, and the crows were still following me, on went their MUZAK system, and who started playing and singing, but good old biker bitch of the nineties, the rock star known as Cheryl ‘CROW’, again if I may folks, like, W—–O—–W!
I know that if this had happened just once or twice in my life, you know, similar things to this, I could easily dismiss it as a coincidence, but not when I can place my hand on a frikkin bible and in all legality as well as total good conscience, swear that it is more like numerous hundreds of times, and with each & every event this spurious, weird, and unexplainable; individually enough; but in this kind of continuous ongoing barrage of incidents; if you could just dismiss this stuff, if it was happening in your life, for nearly 27 years; then I’d worry about you, and yes, Mister John Henningsen of 1969; ”it’s just that simple”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLAM, SLAM, Debbie, at 9:34 EST. Gear shift. Man, I’ll either wear out that clutch, or Stanley will keep me in an eternal early 10-2008 MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!

Yes, many secrets will be told soon, and any day now, my internet will be off for about 90 days give or take a few days, so I will still blog onto my open office 3.1 word system, and then put the text up onto a CDR as I have a pile of blanks, and take a grouping of blogs, twice a week to the local library down on the Indian River, on Melody Lane. As my pal, Detective Fontanna told DT. Ed Green, after the L&O train wreck, and the ‘WHO’S YOUR DADDY’ deal before it wrecked, and speaking of secrets, “I’m fullofem pal”. Still, I did screw up and say, the wife of Mary, or the husband of Joseph; and I forget now which; but in rereading that blog later on, I realized that I meant the opposite thing of course. Sorry about that Chief, but please Agent-86, haven’t you caused me enough total agony and grief with that lovely and wonderful number???????????????????????????????????

Many people know the songs and stuff that I did in the year of 1983, while residing at 134 Norris Avenue, in Atco, New Jersey. The June 21, 2008 interaction, where the future residence where I was to be Stockholm Kidnapped into just two months later or less, in Middle August of oh-8; was the backdrop for the area in the interaction, despite the house being half a dozen miles or more to the east of this area, in Hammonton, over on Middle Road, just past the Walmart Store, heading towards where this road eventually crosses into Route 206, not over thank the heavens. Anyone who has accessed my 1983 material, knows these blogs are all the total truth, as to deny it, would be to admit to lunacy, which is believing that by pure chance, I came up with something that would have to be billions or more to one odds, against this not being so. Just ask Pope Gregory-16. Or if you are close enough to my wonderful awesome kid, ask her, but even though she is honest as the day is long in Alaska in the summer; she is beyond clever, and smarter than anyone I have ever met, who went ten full years past high school; and which leads me quite happily to looking back to a time when I gave some advice, and boy, thank heavens that I only said to finish high school. This is all a joke, as we are dealing with All Mighty Scylla, and anyone who perseveres through my 7 years of blogs, unabridged; can see this is totally the truth; and that a billion Einstein dudes could not make stuff like this up, that all just happens to perfectly fit; as this would violate the great boy wonder philosopher of 1973, Mister Bruce Allan Pennock, of 2 Beaver Drive, in Barrington, New Jersey, back in those times, hell; he could be in Southeast Jakarta now, for all I know BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my BLOGAUD, I truly want to thank you for being interested enough to read the story of MORIANITY, both the long ONE blogs, and now the early TWO part of this great project. Oh lovely Jewelly Viqueen Somnambulist White, how I will always remember you, in very strange ways, as Tennessee Avenue has ways of altering memories, and memory alterations have connotations to the taboo subject of TIME TRAVEL. No matter how many fast ships, or shoe box machines, or worm holes, are ever used, to play around with the altering of normal fourth dimensional flow; the same thing is happening as would be with the ancient CHINESE and their MIND TRAVEL VIA 64 hexagrams, that you will not find in the library should you research the I-Ching, by the way, interestingly enough. MIND alters, and MIND creates what is being altered to begin with, whether it be from a physical, or a metaphysical mode of traveling. It is just MIND CHANGING, and thus these ancient dynasties from 3000-BCE all ready were told by great traveling MAYAN SOURCE AGENTS, (MSA) that they were going to give to them a powerful knowledge and wisdom, called, ‘BOOK OF CHANGES’. The MIND is what CHANGES, and this true knowledge of infinite power, was lost or intentionally burned out of existence by what race of people, gee, Ron Wirtz; you told me to do my dam homework, and legwork; so are all of you gonna’ crucify me now for doing it????????????? WOW!

Even the dam stuff that All Mighty Sound Distorter Jason Forrest put up from my stolen early nineties cassette tapes; mentions a United States town, that was named after an Egyptian capitol, intentionally; by the owner-controllers that are on my side of this fight and army, as the ‘LAWTRONICS’ of cosmos, insists on leaving clues for those who wish to do the RON WIRTZ SENIOR LEGWORK ADVICE; and this goes way past the completion of high school, or any of the late seventies NASA sightings, of Super Men, Girls, or Curls. Still laughing, Mike McNulty, BRRRRRRRR?????? Well then, you just go and laugh on, AHA AHA AHA AHA AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This crack pot from a place called Roddenberry, New Jersey, and all of his clues, and long legwork; is signing off the grid for the day, and any day soon; my blogs will be put up in only multiples, from the library, as I need to save my money, and this is why my Comcast Cable Service had to go into a 90-DAY cancellation, YO, folks. For now, brown cow, CALL-10 AT&T BLAKE/RAMBO CALLIO, I bid you a fond farewell!!!!!!!!



JWC2, DAY 00014, BLOG-B

10:05 PM-EST


LADS, LASSIES, LABBERS, AND LAB-DOGS, here it is, semi-short, definitely sweet, and not totally simple, but I will promise to do my best, oh great pilot of the 1979 airwaves.

25-45 years ago, every dam thing you now hear on channels on the television line up system, such as Science Channel, or History-2 Channel, and Nova, and along the lines of documentaries for the intelligent and thinking folks; was all discussed by me, over an FBI-bugged telephone, as my father was a part of some huge stuff that caused our phone to be tapped since I was in grammar school, and not just from his treasure salvage operations, but many other things as well. There is no way, this information did not get spread around, and all of the WORLD OWNERS or the ‘WO’, know very well, that I was ahead of the awareness curve, to all of the wild crap now in circulation, on all media sources, from the internet, the television; to any and all other possibilities.

They also have figured out that I remain far ahead of this average or collective humanity awareness level, and so now, where stuff that you now are seeing in real time is just being digested by you, I am where you will be, roughly twenty years from now, and that is, realizing that this entire thing is a huge dream out, from a void reality; as how can anything be real, and where would it come from; and thus, the only possible answer to all of the asked, as well as the unasked questions; is that indeed, nothing is real? That is correct, NOTHING, is what is real, so say it either way, and tease your brain; yet the same thing is being said. However, what we do perceive around us while seemingly awake in this tangible and ‘caporial material physical life and plane of existence’, is a DREAM; or a created experience, done with MIND, not yours or mine, but a collective, that is one and the same thing with an actual realm, known as the sixth dimension. If this dream is in the three dimensions of length and width and height, and with the added item of these three dimensions in motion, giving the fourth dimension of time, and the time is not one reality but infinite possible lines of experience; then pure simple math, tells us that this is the fifth dimension, or the hyperspace; containing all of the virtually unlimited parallel reality universes. So the signal that is sent into this, that makes it an item of reality to experience and reference, must be one dimension higher still, or the sixth. This is not some silly blog about how to make up stupid junk, but to the contrary; it is based on very accurate, and precise mathematical and scientific data. But I will also admit, that merged and married into this part of things, is the truth that my life has caused me the unusual reality of becoming quite aware of these truths, and this very awareness separates me from all of you; but not in distance, and not in time; nor in a parallel reality; but in the dimension above all of that, ‘TRUTH‘, also known as the VOID, or zero dimension. To begin a new column of mathematical numeration, a previous grouping of 1-9, must lend itself back, to the inevitable zero. This is why this is what it is, and works as it does; and is why I am suffering and miserable; if I can compress an eternal fucking story into a couple of pages of text, and that is a totally absurd notion, that I most of all, completely realize, and fully well know, that I’m just wasting my fucking time; but I have forever, so really, who gives a fucking shit?

This morning I was in Debbie Morotto’s office, my resident manager, here at this Public Housing Building. There will be a meeting of the residents soon to discuss the do’s and don’ts, and I’ll be notified, not with the usual notice stuck on the outside door slants, as she knows that the scum bags across the hall will remove it. They are in and out a lot with normal Friday fucking partying, but as long as music is low, and doors are not slamming; then I have no problem with their asshole normal activities. Still, one thing cannot be glossed over here people, and that is, that ever since my WILD CRAZY CHAIN INTERACTION, back in middle late September of last year, these dirt bag nabes have totally changed their behavior, and as bad as they used to be, on a dime, they suddenly turned on me like a fucking World War ll ‘Comocosi’ pilot, and yes, it is misspelled; and the cheap piece of fucking shit Spell-Checker, is its usual good for nothing, no help at all.

All of this leads straight back to my original point on this blog, the real truth of why this nightmare is, and always has been, unfolding around fucking me.Why am I so different from other people, and why am I being treated so wickedly by the co-inhabitants of this hostile fucking diseased planet, all of my fucking dam ass life; when I do nothing to warrant this wicked evil shit from fucking scum ball people? Why am I unable to ever catch the smallest break in the world of business, or social stuff; or anything, that normal mother fucking human beings, take for granted; and act like it is nothing, when to me; doing the smallest task, is made to appear totally fucking herculean? Then these scum bags that have stalked me all my life because of my father, and the gods only fucking cunt know what other things, wonder why I would sell my FUCKING CUNT SOUL TO THE DEVIL, if I indeed had a ‘soul’, and if there indeed was a real ‘devil’; to be able to make this entire world explode into about nine vigintillion tiny pieces of dogshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, despite the WOMO-MILITUFORCE enemies, keeping me from both living any kind of a normal life, as well as ever being able to learn just exactly what is causing this, and why it is all happening to me; there is a balancing constant, where some things do, praise the fucking lords; seem to take a form and a shape, and not just remain nameless, faceless, fucking matter.
Following a lot of facts for a long time, led me to lots of
fucking shit, but that is nothing. That does not even take me close to ending this horrific fucking
HUNTINGTON CURSE, as I have come to label my personal condition, and position in my rotten ass family that is 4,000 traceable years old, way more than the Rocky’s, the Built’s, the Trump’s, or the Macy’s, or any of them all put together; and you can grow the list as long as your arm for all I care. So these words are a direct letter/message, to the father of a now government employee, at the CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE, in Camden, New Jersey, USA-ES-MWG, Ron Wirtz Jr. Just exactly why you played your game with me and especially at the end, I’ll never know, Ron, kind sir, but you have to admit one thing, pal. I obeyed you, and I followed your fucking advice to the dam letter. I followed the facts, or as you said, I did my legwork. All I did since all this started, was what YOU TOLD ME TO DO, and I broke no physical plane laws with any physical plane tools or weaponry, and of course, this is why this blog is not being posted up from jail, and only why, as we both know, kind sir; my enemies would fucking salivate, to see me in an orange jumpsuit, cuffed, and in a 6X9 cell with some bozo. I think what you did was what you had to do, and that is why I do not totally hate you; but don’t take that as total forgiveness from me. I haven’t gone that soft. But sure, I have come to understand the many BRICK WALLS, from the BLUEBOOK, the AT&T, the WOMO, or whatever. Still, if you are still alive and breathing, you are a rotten human being for not ever contacting me, as you and I could still converse over this new age fool tool, and perhaps I would be able to take my attempts at finding a solution to this unfathomable hellish nightmare, still closer to the ultimate conclusion, and that is obviously; I AM fighting the All Mighty, and I think that you knew this all along, or at least, knew about the family, and if you ever read my 2010 blogs from that springtime, while I was newly residing here in Florida, and living in the RV Park in the White City section of town, on Route One; then you know about the strange laboratory and swimming pool filled with black shellfish shells, and the peeps who followed me into that long hallway, as I do know that this place is indeed somewhere, to quote you, where I’ll find some answers, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. *****WHAAAAAAAAA, kind sir!*****


JWC2, DAY 00014, BLOG-A
3:22 AM-EST



Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be as brief as I can be, while still telling the details of Lex Loo Thor, and his mystical chewing gum wrappers, from the end of the nineteen seventies era. I am not a fudge shop owner, I don’t live in any pink houses, nor in Warren Grove, New Jersey; and I certainly am not the one and only KR, without the ASSLE, Mister Burns. Now that this is officially cleared up for all the records and files of this cosmos, let’s move the fuck on, shall we, good peeps?

Only the ‘Christian’ faith believes that old Joseph, husband of the great real and first ‘Madonna’, was not the father of Jesus. All the larger percentage of non-Christians, do not believe that this miracle took place. Please do not expect a detailed discourse on miracles tonight. The subject will be glossed over, merely enough to make the sufficient points that are needed, to do this blog, and without any lab-tecks.

I don’t know a mother on this planet on two legs, that has not considered at least one miracle to have happened in her life. I speak of the birth of a baby, and from anyone’s belief system and point of view about where life exactly starts, at conception, birth; or in the tween area at some stage, for sake of my point; it is irrelevant. My point is that before this baby becomes born, and starts living his or her life; it was NOT ALIVE. This means it was dead. I do not care how many people rationalize an argument against this logic with either globs of religious or philosophical crap, the truth is ALIVE, or NOT ALIVE, and if it was YOU that we were discussing, and we put you next to the words NOT ALIVE, for any reason whatsoever, your mind will be thinking ”DEAD”. So my point is not to try and prove a life circulation system to anyone right now or that of any ancient wisdom of cyclic reality and karma, and or reincarnation, or whatever; is some kind of truth handle; but it is being spoken by me on this blog, to just simply state, that a baby comes from being not alive, to then being alive; and later on at some future time, whether it be one second, or 119 years; it again will be NOTALIVE, on this EARTH. This, as Dennis Snyder would put it so dam eloquently, “Is just reality, son”! You can doctor it up and photo shop it, or play Techno-pop-master, and create an entire new world of songs sung by every famous artist from here to there, but some things still come out one plus one is two, no matter what you try and do about it; and believe me folks, I KNOW THIS!

Two thousand years ago almost, a boy in his early teens did a lot of wild stuff, that was left out of the Holy Christian Scriptures, as these were decided to be non included canon items, by the owners of the world of those days. You can say the religious owners, but to be quite frank, an owner to me, is an owner; and as a tape duplicator from 1979-1981, I know the difference between a master and a slave, as I worked with recording machines that were somewhat politically incorrectly named, but you must bear in mind, the times folks, as this junk had not been invented yet, and was only in the distant stages of planning, by the lovers of Sir Reagan, and this will be discussed before the end of this blog; since it all fits together, like a brand new key, into an expensive new lock! My blogs began seven years ago today, give or take a few days, opening with the OLD TESTAMENT, MORIANITY BIBLE.As things progressed along, there was no plan, other than to tell what happened to me as a boy, and up to that point as a middle aged man in his early fifties at the time. No one had a tale to tell like mine. I knew all about life and death, and had died dozens of times, and totally believed that the Entertainment World knew all about me, and my situation; as they created the movie, and the series television show after that; called the “Highlander” in 1984, while I resided at 1406 Highland Avenue, in a normal Southern New Jersey town, called, Cinnaminson. Yes Mister ORWELL, it is always about ’1984′ somehow, and I’m left to really ponder, just what’s wrong, and it is so powerful inside of me, that I WENT BACKWARD INTO TIME, and copyrighted a tune, called, “What’s Wrong”, in the autumn of 1984, and the © Office has the address of the package that I sent to them, and it will match this HIGHLAND AVENUE ADDRESS, ‘perfectly’, Mister Bruce Monopoly Cheater Pennock, of ten years prior to that! This is not a game or a miracle. This is being done by all of us, and all the time, and not just by the wonderful awesome somnambulist, PAULA KING, AKA ***. We all do this stuff, every single week and month of our lives, and not even know it, folks, and again oh wise one, Mister Dennis Snyder, “That’s reality, son”! But let us examine REALITY a wee bit, YO my wonderful blogging audience, 99% made up of CIA/NSA AGENTS, hay, I’m not prejudiced, enjoy yourself, have a couple of frikkin beers on me, and a laugh too if you want, only I think that you all know better by now, than to laugh at this shit. YOU KNOW, and I know that you know, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Christianity would be a worthless pile of bullshit, and just ask any born again Christian, if it was not for the SAR (LORD) having control over the biggest angle that has so far been pondered and never conquered in any way, ever by humankind; LIFEand DEATH.They will not phrase it quite that way, or curse most likely, most of them, some do curse by the way; but they totally hold this to be their number one reality of their religion, that without this, it would all be for nothing. Even all of the world’s atheists agree with that part of their religious faith, basically because this concept is within their scientific and rational mind. They feel that if you could show them proof, they too would most likely believe at least something, but without seeing the dead rise, forget it. Now the argument back to those in the faith, is that very word. Without faith, you basically deserve to burn in hell. Well, then if this is true, I am a very privileged person. I have no faith, and I do totally know that the BIBLE tells many real true things, and that the concept of the Christianity religion is indeed based on a powerful entity. For reasons only IT KNOWS, IT has appeared to me in two lifetimes now, as a lovely teenager, and then living on past this into maturity, in this second come back, relative to my awareness, as I think this GOD of yours, comes here on a very continuous basis, existing most of the time in physical nature forces, but then when the whim strikes, IT takes a human shape and form, and no scientist understands shape and form, only matter itself, ask them. I fucking triple dog shoot out your eye dare any of you, and Merry Christmas to you, Sarah Callio-401. The bible is accurate on a lot of shit, and is also quite misleading in some matters. It truly is a half-truth. You can love or hate me, believe or disbelieve me, but I should know; because I have been what you think of as DEAD, a lot longer than I have been what you think of as ALIVE, and so by the way, have all of you; only without any AWARENESS to this reality in your cases. We all differ from each other in hyperspace while in a separateness condition, and the machinery and mechanical reality that is behind this, is none other than various degrees and shades of personal unique individual AWARENESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So just where are you, when I really do need you, DENNIS SNYDER, YO?


So in these teenager days of LORD JESUS, son of parents, Mariloo and Joseph Carpenter; more than sixty generations straight back in the family lineage of myself, my seventh grand pappy, Samuel Huntington, and his nineteenth granny, the Queen of Scotland, Mary; who was named after the great Madonna who she was descended directly from Jesus; had a lot of other things to be worrying about, than merely humming strange tunes to his friends, changing into frogs, or lending out his soul, as the Native Americans taught us that any kind of recording, audio or video, of ourselves causes; and these particular original aborigines are the first tribes out of the state of Georgia, who migrated here, from Chicky’s neck of the woods, the Guatemala Highlands, and Mexico; and they were called, THE MAYANS. They knew stuff, lots of it, only parts of it never got told, parts like Jewelly White, the great white spirit was all that was left of the legend by the time of the Conquistador conquest, and mass destruction, of this great race. At the risk of angering my daughter, the great wise spirit too, or any kind of Egg Harbor City, New Jersey potato chip factory, I suppose would do in a pinch. Still, if you don’t want to listen to the tune posted up to the Youtube by ‘paulaking2011′, called, “Deal With This Another time”, then don’t; but stuff gets talked about that would really make these many blogs make a hell of a lot more frikkin sense to all of you. A normal non agent audience would do this, but the government all ready has long known about all of my music, and songs, and copyrights; and all through the years since 1975. So there truly is no need for them to duplicate their freaking effort! Like DUH, so that is why they read the blogs, and stay current with that; but never listen to the YOUTUBE posts. I do not go up there any more myself, and soon it all will be down and gone. But many other things will also change, and I do not intend to give away the brain factory, and go telling enemies, my plans, ahead of freaking time, YO. Now we will get back to Ronald Reagan, and great pal of my late best friend’s good buddy, old Dave, and I speak of none other than, bag blowing, chair hiding, saluting, Military Officer and NSA Chief in 1987, without the chemtrails real bad yet; SIR Oliver North. I did not dislike Mister Reagan or disagree with all of his political agendas and policies, but I vehemently did disagree with his biggest one that all led to the change of this world to pure greed and evil, and into a term used very frequently at the time, “Reaganomics”. The only reason that he broke up the biggest telephone company on this planet, AT&T, was because of ME, and what was going on then in 1983, between my daughter and myself; only it would come to pass that I would not learn of this kinship, for an entire quarter century yet. BUT SHE KNEW ME. Then right directly following this 1983 and 1984 period, pow; he reversed his strategy, after busting up the ‘big bell’, and making a lot of what they termed back then, ‘baby-bells’, and began slowly and covertly, totally dismantling the ANTI-TRUST LAWS, established over a century back from even those days, to protect little people from being totally taken over and endlessly owned and bossed around, by the corporate giants, or the WORLD OWNERS, or the (WO), as I call the first half of the evil, ‘WOMO‘. Anyone not totally lobotomized, and that has an average to better knowledge, concerning the modern times personal computer, and the internet system; KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL; that this tool and medium of expression, has also been totally fucking taken over, and it is technically now, an OWNED INTERNET, BY THE
! WHO KNOWS, MAYBE THE GOOGLE GODDESS? SHE keeps a very low keyed life, even when SHE does big things; and if you stop and think about it folks, who is really more incredible and powerful and great and awesome, than the one and only, MARIAH CAREY? This is a ‘person’ like no one else ever on this Earth, and sorry if I am busting your big ego bubble Trump, but she dwarfs you a million times over and ten ways back from every Sunday, and without even having to lift one gorgeous fingernail; while you go out of your way with your crumby DJT Entertainment, bought up NBC, bought up all the beauty contests that I used to enjoy until you wrecked it all for me you big ugly scowling turd; and I could type on for a year, without finishing what I could say in totality. Put your candles together, and yours will fizzle out before you can say, “Help me Macy”. She managed to send me two powerful messages that only I received, and not one of her hundreds of millions of fans, ever really got them. No make that three, the formula, the ruling of the empire, and the ‘too late’ message that matched the recent copyrighted music project I did on the redone from 1980 LOIS FOCA song, 26 years later, originally sent to me, again, BY HER at age ten years, into my dreams; and no human being can pull these things off, NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But as for what miracles really are, well, one could begin to argue that they, just like personal things of numerous kinds, are in the eye of the beholder. Some laugh at me when I call the birth of a baby, a bigger miracle than walking on the water, or healing blindness; by Jesus. Hay, a baby came from the world of DEATH, and just now has ENTERED into LIFE, so you do the math, butt wipes.


”THEY EVEN GOT SUPERMAN”, RIGHT MY OLD PAL, KENNY ROGERS? HAY YOU SAID THIS IN YOUR GREAT COUNTRY TUNE, SOME YEARS BACK; AND I MERELY ECHO ITS DAM SENTINMENTS, YO. Well, Mister Rogers, maybe you will do the world a favor and write a new song for all of us using the dam internet, as we may just lose a lot of our freedoms real soon, on this thing; unless someone of your great name recognition, takes the advice of this poor slob, little old me; and tries to really belt out a heartache tune about this. All I ask is that you, and others too, really give this some serious frikkin thought. YOU KNOW VERY WELL that the great All Mighty GOOGLE, has gobbled up the entire internet, originally offering a service for purposes of searches; now expanded into Hitler type regulations, that SERVE ONLY THEIR FINANCIAL GREEDY AGENDAS, AND POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS, SHUTTING UP SLOWLY, ONE BY ONE, BIT BY BIT; THOSE LIKE MYSELF; WHO DARE TO SPEAK ANY OF THESE MOTHER FUCKING POWERFUL TRUTHS; OUT TO THE ‘FREE’ WORLD. LAUGH-LAUGH-LAUGH, MIKE MCNULTY. AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, OH WOW DO I HEAR YOU LOUD AND FRIKKIN CLEAR FROM SEPTEMBER IN 1971, YO YO YO!!!

Well people, the nabes were much quieter today, but all it takes is another day, and they just act up all over again. I am making plans to move, and am doing all that I can. I naturally cannot reveal strategies or personal battle tactics in any details, as this would totally defeat my mission, and purposes of survival. Still, let me move this on just a bit further, before we close down, YO.

When my teen queen was in a different human gender, 2,000 years ago, and about to become a teenager, right to the day, HE did a lot of things, that as I said; did not make it into the acceptable lists, to be placed into our present day bibles. These ‘canons’ or ‘lists’, were decided by the ‘WO’ of those days, exactly as things are decided for all of us lowly 99% poor and defenseless folks of today’s so-called modern day global society of gigantic advancements, and technological evolvement into non barbarism, by the present day and era, ‘WO’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to clue you all in about miracles once and for all. There are only things that humankind is yet able to accomplish in the natural order, and waking world. So those entities that are out of rhythm with normal STM, may indeed appear as powerful mighty great GODS and GODDESSES. I do not doubt that for a minute, and nor do I have faith in this truth, but indeed, I HAVE WITNESSED THIS STUFF, FIRST HAND; and so that is sufficient for now, to be spoken by this blogger. So this finally brings us all to the last point to be discussed tonight, “Mental Illness”. Extreme enough brain damage or illness, via accident, attack, genetic trouble, or what have you; is one and the same as DEMONIC POSSESSION. When evil forces that are very frikkin totally real, want to cause harm, one way is to mess up a person’s fucking connection to their 6th dimensional MIND SOURCE. Their physical waking brain in other words, is thrown out of whack, in various degrees. There always have been people who go so totally nuts, that they need to be in rubber rooms, or else they will tear themselves, or anyone else to pieces. The bible talks about these people, and merely uses the old world lingo and terminology of demonic possession. It is all merely MENTAL ILLNESS. This same evil force can destroy us from within our bodies as well as our minds, growing as germs, viruses, tumors, and all manor of JOB-RELATED biblical stories. But there was a difference back in time 20 centuries ago. We had a great being here in this waking world, who did not have a father named Joseph, despite the majority of the world back then, saying that indeed he was, and that Jesus was of Joseph and Mary. This All Mighty Entity was however, able to get rid of the stuff that was plaguing humankind, and even do other miracles; defying gravity, and duplicating food, or using a replicator of some kind, where atomic elements can be formed and shaped into the things that in these dark times of total ignorance, seems beyond rationality and possibility. Now I am directly descended from this magical family of thousands of years ago, as a seventh grandson of Samuel Huntington, thus a twenty-sixth grandson of Mary Stuart of Scotland, and my sixty-first grandfather’s uncle was the younger brother of Jesus and Mary’s first born actual child, of Joseph. Water walking is a simple trick, thick clothes with inner layers of powerful compressed gaseous compounds that are much lighter than air, and replication is no big trick when we take some of the great science we now have, and expand it to where it will be in less than three centuries, where the scientific authorities of those times who are finally in control of the global population, sends back this Christianity Cult, in an effort to jump start the world, and make it better; a real failed experiment, but that is my secret. SSJKK does plan to return at the end of the fifties, as HERSELF, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and many just will be calling Her, the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE, ALL MIGHTY GODDESS. I will be here as THAT-BOY, and this life back here will appear as an occasional shadowy dream, a foggy nasty bad memory, better left frikkin totally forgotten. It will take place in ‘ATLANTICA’, now called, Atlantic City, New Jersey, shortly after the really big reshaping of the coastline, making Sandy look like a little girl at your door saying, ‘Trick or treat’, on October 31. I will be living as a teenager by the name of Joe-Joe, and her THAT BOY, with her right there with me forever. This will last for 1000 years of mortal world time. She will hold me, and love me, and endlessly sing all of my favorite songs to me, day and night forever; well, for a thousand years. The complicated part happens in 2292, when part of me falls asleep into a whole different part of the hyperspace, and suddenly finds himself working at the WORLD LABORATORIES of Westmont, as a man by the name and title, Labber Zeejins. Somehow the two worlds collide, and all manner of stuff happens again to ruin my paradise, but that is a long way off, and I cannot concern myself with this bull shit. It is all in the powerful hands of the great Goddess Scylla, or SSJKK. Now, I need to relax and try drifting off into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, with my endless beyond hot and awesome Teen-Queen, Sarah Krassle.








8:37 PM-EST


I ASKED MY GAGA CAT WHY THIS DAY HAPPENED, THE WORST DAY IN DECADES, AND THE DOW FLEW, AND GOT A WILD ANSWER, WELL, TRULY A DUH ANSWER, PCN-165, as if anyone has to tell me any of this, Mister Doctor James Garrigan, of Haddonfield of 1970, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So where is Mister A, Mister B, Mister D, Mister E, Mister F, and Mister G, hiding, here on this blog, on DAY-12, Section-C I am left to ponder, presume, and query my tiny little fucking ass mind peeps, oh that’s right, over in the Library of the Congress, with “THE PERMISSION BARRIER” book, back on Halloween fucking cunt day, in 1994, AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, right Mister Michael Mc Freaking Nulty?????????????????

W—-O—-W, I must be on my way to MACY’S, YO!!!!!!
Or could it be to my great TD Bank? Folks, I really do miss your wonderful truck outside in the lot, over on Route One. I have blocked my memories somehow on how this all got started with ”STACEY MACY WOW”, and the great ‘TD BANK’, but it did; right around the friggin’ turn of the dam century, some how or some where; or maybe even some who, ha-ha-ha there, other blocked and mind hacked 1981 laughing guy YO! I mean really, © Office, speaking of a happy, jolly, and merry Halloween, and all. It is like Moe Howard; if he were just here to pop me in the back of my head, and I know then it would come out of near limbo. It is right there, but they’ve mind hacked the shit out of so many of my memories, these lovely rotten Rockefeller/Kennedy conspirators, and the joke is on them; as they only think they connect up into shit that is important, and they have nothing to do with the real foundations of this world, to quote the mother fucking bible. Thank you Moe Howard, he just hit me now, I speak of SIR Icabod Crane, now how does one keep forgetting this FUCKING MIND-HACKED NAME, MISTER FUCKING IRISH BULLEY ASSHOLE MCGUIRE OF 10-SC AVENUE, YO YO YO? You and your dirt ball pal Donald Thump, from PHASE-4. You dudes impress me like the CALLIO branch of this clan of super fucking dogshit. I hate them all, and most of all, I DESPISE THAT FUCKING SONG FROM 1983, IT WAS ALL USED IN A TIME TRAVEL PARLOR TRICK BY THESE ROTTEN DIRT BAGS, ALL FUCKING ASS ALONG, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHSHIT, let me tell you something gargantuan, after what these fucking twisted ass diseased cock suckers did to me today, and after ruining my entire life for close to 581 deciannums now, YO. First, yes, PCN-165, as many know, tells it all, and is the number GAGA gave me when I asked why this day had to be my fucking cunt cross to bear or just go over, either way, Doctor, you know what my problem is, and has been; you sure should, you’ve caused it a trillion fucking years ago, lovely SSJKK, and now you enjoy this wonderful game. Saw you the other day on the SYFY Channel, a New Year’s Day Marathon of the old TWILIGHT ZONE television show, the episode where the couple had a bit too much to Dawn-Marie King, or drink, same thing really, and found themselves with their Q-GIRL version of the GREAT-I-AM, SCYLLA. Again, it must be done, it fits too well not to do it, WOW. Yes, many things were GAWNUM QUERRIED today, during this unspeakably vicious fucking despicable monstrous evil ass day, and I learned that indeed, my blogging has caused all of this, and shit was totally fucking bad enough before Chris asshole Bennett and Eddie Lynch dick eating Himacane, put me onto doing blogs and websites. Oh well, glad some of you enjoyed some of this, while I went through Sumo Wrestling HELL, CUBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you when I need you, 4 pack bottle water carrier Jen; when I could really use you around, now, and there at that fucking evil library by that dirt bag asshole high school of geeks and nerds and tough guys? Nice to know you can deck anybody, huh big Jen, here we go again, sorry, but it does really fit in here good folks, W——-O——-W!!!!!!!!!!


MY BLOGS HAVE TOLD YOU FOR 7 MOTHER FUCKING YEARS NOW FOLKS, THAT I AM PICKED ON AND PUMMELED AND PERSECUTED ON HOLIDAYS, AND ESPECIALLY ON MY BIRTHDAY, BY MY DIRT BAG ENEMY, THE WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE. But why do you suppose this is part of the shituation and cross I bear, and not go over, lovely Jennifer Hewitt, and sorry they canceled your show, as it seems this entire past year was some kind of planetary parlor trick involving that fucked up stupid song, most recently posted on the YOUTUBE by the great goddess PAULAKING2011. Yes, WHY, YYY JIMMY, did you tell me these fucked up things in 1974, so I could sing that fucked up song ten years later in the autumn of 1984 from HIGHLAND AVENUE, in Cinnaminson, New Jersey, USA-ES-MWG??????????? Well, ask yourself YYYYYYYYY the lady, in June, or around there somewhere back in 2008; nearly got a heart attack at the United States Copyright Office, over that one silly little piece of yellow paper. Y did Goddess create the heaven and the Earth, you could also ponder, even though I all ready know the answer to that. SHE is a teenager and she loves to play games, and attend her sweet-16 birthday party, so there is your BIRTHDAY connection, and all other things fit into this via one thing, and only one thing, good peeps out here; good old mother fucking TIME TRAVEL or STM manipulation. ”I AM” now going to tell you all a huge ass fucking secret that of course, I also know all ready, will simply just fall on deaf and worthless fucking ass ears, YO!!

We all live on a world where we are conscious to about one seventh of our second as we call these small sixtieth periods of our minutes, which is one four-teen-hundred-fortieth of our rotation, and we call this a day, or period of one night and one day, gee whiz, a Genesis Lesson from Mountainpen, go figure? This perfectly matches up with the speed of light, as well as the diametric size of this world, roughly eight thousand miles. This means that light will travel roughly seven times around this world of ours each and every second, and light is the reflection of time. If we evolved on a smaller or larger world, we would be conscious to slower or quicker fractions of seconds, and even though all the formulas in science tell us that if we traveled at near the speed of light for a few weeks or so, and came back to the Earth, about 100 years would have whizzed by, and this is true, but only because of a ratio between awareness to time fractions, you on the fast moving ship, and the others on the slower moving Earth. Time traveling always changes the BRAIN, whether moving out of a so-called normal time flow, and going faster, slower, or even in reverse, it is the brain that is changing, and recreating the new time and 5th dimensional hyperspace reality around you, just as right now, it’s your fucking stupid ass brain, that is creating the space-time, and all of the shit that this contains. This is why there are folks who can trance out and move through time and hyperspace, as you are only doing what a time machine would do, and yes, I know that there are indeed, TIME BOXES, rectangular boxes just a tad bit larger than shoe boxes, I HAVE WITNESSED THEM, and yet I remain totally fucking unimpressed, Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, and your CIA Operative pal, the great 1967 Iranian Shah. All the people that really know the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, know other names that SHE uses quite often, when she plays her many games, in so many unlimited dimensions of reality. The ‘Hello-Ziggy’ 1969 anti-pollution commercial, is all a secret part of this, as well as a coded message, left for those who can possibly understand how to decode it. Hello Ziggy, I AM here, Ziggy, Ziggy, HELLO. Whoever taped this, made sure certain parts of the words came out stronger and weaker at powerfully coded areas of the structure of the entire shouted sentence. Still, done by sleep walkers, done by space aliens, it is all the same to me and always will be, and again, it leaves me completely unimpressed, folks. Why I did not say “CURLY” instead of “MY”, is anyone’s guess, Copyright Examiner of 1986, but I said MY, just as I said Ziggy, LOW I AM, and the SHAH knows the full secret, and how the other major name for the All Mighty Scylla all got started, about a dozen millennia ago. I speak of Elohim, or hello I am, without the here. Since those who have sang the song and know the song from the turn of the millennium have met HER and know they want to see HER, oh yes, Karen Simons, we’re not imagining any of this, are we; but this is how the part that sounds more masculine got removed in secret, thousands of years ago; and this is not in any history book, or secret religion; as none of this secret powerful fucking information, was able to survive enough necessary time, Julia Hoffman. This is why the real name for the All Mighty is indeed known by those who took down the great towers that I named a long time ago, huh Donna Angela Mills????????????????? So my only query now is this, sweetie, where are all your friends from the fifth dimension, or is all that’s left, the coded secret Marilyn McCoo??????????????????? Well, in any event, “I’ll a wrap” this powerful truth up now, but you know who you are, and what you are, SCYLLA. You don’t need Mark Wayne Mohr, or his blogs, or his old now defunct website to un-hack your great memories, oh GREAT GODDESS!!!!!!! This is why I posted up that song from the early nineteen-eighties, Scylla, to draw you out, and in a way, I did, but not quite the way I had hoped for, Brown Eyed Girl. I sure hope you don’t kick the crap out of me tonight, when I lose my waking world awareness, and enter your Mighty Queendom of so many colored lights, with or without any trees, or Jason Forrest’s.

I told you, RIH Casino, you’d be surprised about computers.






Now after the stock market closed, and after a short half hour back off from these fucking wicked demonic neighbors from hell, across the mother fucking hallway just beyond my tiny little fucking ass onion thin door that a small child could punch in, should they so choose to ever do; I played the system-roulette again, with far different results, and if I may shift my gears here Michelle and peeps, ‘SLAM, BANG, WHAM, POW’, it just never stops, it’s worse than it has ever fucking cunt lapping been since these diseased twat holes came to
fucking ass live here. If I do not escape this, I’ll be stark raving fucking crazy, and I will have my SSD in the bank tomorrow, and I then will be able to purchase some food and gasoline, and then also, I plan to drive to the police station, and press charges against this PH Building, as well as harassment and criminal charges, against these fucking dirt bag scum ball fucking cock sucking nabes over there, or should I fucking say what they truly are?, total fucking wild animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A child can, and does, see what is really happening. It takes no big brain, and Scylla has a huge brain, filled with all kinds of warped and wild ugly things, I’m quite sure. We go back a lot longer than the days that my readers, even you mostly NSA readers; could ever have a real honest clue about; as your bosses are keeping secrets even from you, as you all operate on a military system called, NTK, (Need To Know). I know this, as my father was a US Naval Officer, and did a bit of talking in his sleep over a week visit, back in early 1974, right around this very time as a fucking cunt matter of fact, 39 years ago to the week, the first week in cunt lapping Seasons in the Sun January, huh Mister Terry Jackson, only there is no joy in Mudville, not with Casey, or me, only with me; it is Stacey who is making my entire life a living fucking hell, and the great ‘phone company’ is sworn to eternal secrecy.

I have counted 30 slams and 22 tolerable slams so far today and since the past Sunday when this fucking shit began, a grand total of 194 loud slams that eventually will break your doors, PUBLIC HOUSING BUILDING, and don’t ever fucking cunt tell me that you have not been told or warned, as I’ve been shouting out to you for six mother fucking cock licking months now, and you do not give a shit and a half, so it is all on you when your property is all wrecked, but don’t raise my mother fucking rent, or we’ll have a real fucking problem, other than for the few dollars of your take as the 30% cut you will be getting soon, if I am dumb enough to remain in this apartment for a third years lease, with these total fucking ass animals; off of a meager 1.7% SS, so-called laughable cost of living raise adjustment, as real COL is about 300% of that fucking amount, YO!!!!!!!! It is a total insult, like SS funeral benefits, that have been the same amount of benefit, for about a half century now, if I am anywhere near accurate. You’d save money by admitting you have no funeral benefit, cut it completely, and put the lousy $255.00 in the mother fucking ass treasury, YO, as it is an insult to any beneficiary’s intelligence, as was that 1.7 fucking percentage COL increase. You may as well just keep it, and throw it at your secret UFO projects, or whatever the fuck you guys in Washington are spending it on. You’re all a bunch of fucking crooks, as I’d be in jail for nine lifetimes if I did one ninth of what you all do every dam day, and this is why the legal age of sexual consent in Washington, is the best kept secret that is a real real real taboo subject, publicly, but true nonetheless, AGE-13. The true and real reason that I do not run off, is that I am on disability, and I need what pittance you do allow me. As soon as I turn the age where my disability becomes my Social Security in 7 years give or take, I will be far away where none of you can fucking get at me, or if you do, I’ll make it so fucking difficult and expensive for you to do it, that you will fucking ass shit your fucking selves, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell that to the FBI and the Back Burners of America, Mister Hose-Paul Lenny McKinnon, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You own me, yeah right, well, maybe you do, as ever since we met, your Rastafarian Illuminati, or whatever; has been shadowing me, and fucking with me continually, just exactly as you threatened me would be the cunt eating case; on many of our telephone conversations, that you illegally tape recorded, and I know you did; or else you have the most precise and dependable bladder in the history of anatomical fucking medical records, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a real honest motive and purpose for what I did this year on the YOUTUBE, but was of course, totally stopped as always, or SANCTIONED as many of our national enemies would call it, and TOTALLY RELATE TO THIS. I needed to prove that this all was real, that my memories were blocked and messed with by this alien clan that goes back to the stars themselves. There is no fighting the ALL MIGHTY GODDESS SCYLLA, and now I know it. Perhaps I knew it all along, and only the mother fucking Copyright Office, and the 1983 examiners, know what’s getting said here; Prosecutor ADA Ron Wirtz Senior, of Camden County, New Jersey, USAESMWG. I know there is such a thing as authentication, but with all of it a million times over, I would still fall under the NSA SANCTIONS, and they have me on a million enemy lists, I’m sure, and by the way, here’s something for the L&O-SVU team to MUNCH on. I get all your little messages, just like you get all of mine, YO DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I tried to make the phone calls stop back in 1983, I was not fighting just some large and important people; and the POPE and the entire frikkin Vatican, all know that, as does, IBM, AT&T, and all of the dam top movers and shakers on mother fucking diseased ass WALL STREET, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If any real honest peeps were ever reading my blogs, and of course they are not, it is all government agents, or else they would be nice, and listen to my music, as if I were reading someone’s blog and asked as a viewer to do this, I would not hesitate, so it tells me 100% of what I am dealing with, and without asking any fucking ass magical black kitty cats such as fucking Gawky Gaukauk, or GAGA for short. As I said, a child knows, and in fact knew, all along, and as I said to myself, and the entire © Office has the frikkin 1988 tape, yes, “that is LIGHTNING”, well at age two. I recognized the voice in my suppressed VENKA-STRONG-GIRL-MEMORY-SYSTEM, from 1972, as I seemed to do quite often, huh Russ Thaxton, and Venka, YO???????????? Huh, David Leigh Smith, from 1970 Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG? Huh, Sarah J. Cobson? Huh, Wolf and Trump, you arrogant ass holes that think you know so much? Well, Trump does know, as he is a PHASE-4-entity, who used me to bring his personality to life, all 7’7” of the bastard, at least if he had had his way on that, huh Jason fucking Forrest from the trees??????????? Oh yes, “I KNOW” you know that I’ll always love you, SSJKK, you wild and crazy endless freaking teenager. I never forget.



Jewelly White Calendar 2, Day 00012, Blog-A
11:29 AM-EST here at rotten Fort Pierce, Florida

My scum bag evil fucking neighbors have been hell now SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND NOW ON WEDNESDAY. This is why their fixed evil DOW JONES STOCK MARKET IS FLYING UP TO NEW RECORD HIGH TERRITORY, just as I told you all, and you too Gina, THAT IT WOULD DO, because as long as this EVIL FUCKING EMPIRE has me to harass, the wealthy bastards behind my fucking cunt demise, prosper big hyper ass time, and always fucking cunt will do so, as this is not new. It has been going on since 1986.

These evil sick deranged cock suckers slammed and hollered all day long from Sunday through right now today, waking me up at 2:00 AM, Public Housing DIRECTOR of Fort Pierce, Florida, and my letter will be off to you in the mail tomorrow, when I pay my monthly bills after getting my SSD deposit into my account. There is no escape from these two scum bag across the hall units. They are not ever leaving, and I cannot afford to leave either; so they have me right by the mother fucking balls; and this is why the DOW JONES MARKETS will keep fucking endlessly flying UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP. So watch and see, and I’ll prove myself totally mother fucking correct; and to you too, my giant lovely Gina. “TOLD YOU”, as you loved to say to me back in the cock licking nineteen-nineties, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, MC, they will always be my NEIGHBORS, just not my baby, but I’d still love to understand someday, how you and your wonderful family, were able to pull off all of this wild, weird, unfathomable, and unexplainable stuff; for so long now. It is as if you knew all of this in vivid detail, all along. What cruel people you all are, and using my 1983 song, fourteen years later, to mock me with it.

Basically, every cunt lapping fucking day is now SUPER BOTBAR, WITH NO COCK SUCKING END, IN SIGHT. I always knew deep down inside, that Christianity, and Jesus Christ, and ‘God’ and the bible; was just a big ass fucking worthless rotten lie and hoax. My life proves this to any and all fucking cunt lapping atheists, and should forever, as long as these blogs stand and survive time, huh Julia fucking Hoffman of late 1969???????????????????????? My roulette however, the non-quantum-system that I have been using, holds up, no matter what is being done to me; merely giving back little bits, during periods where shit is so horrible, that it is literally fucking life threatening for me.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again, the song of 2012 was responsible for my all ready rotten sucky life going from the frying pan, smack fucking dab straight into the bond fire. This is the same song that anyone would know was used to tell me that I can not ever run away from this, or this horrible family of washcloth dissections, and other abduction encounters; King related or any others in the ‘Bluebook’; and that song that was finally posted on December the eighteenth of last year in 2012, is this one.



Burn in fucking Hell, PLANET EARTH. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!





JWC2, DAY 00010, BLOG-B

At about ten minutes past two, on this mother fucking afternoon, I was awakened from a nap, by a tremendous horrific group of uncouth and extremely loud sounds emanating from at least two or three of these sicko trash two legged roaches over there, super loud hall shouting, doors slamming, after a weekend of much quieter conditions. Now I realize it is New Years Eve Day, but this is fucking cunt absurd times twenty three thousand.

The skies are quiet, all though yesterday over at Mike Patterson’s beach-house, a plane that was very loud and very low, was dogging me while I was there, and we were working on our project. I am unable to get more than two fucking days straight of NON-BOTBAR DAYS any more, and this condition began in November sometime, making this a brand new set of really super fucked up magnetics for me, that if does not change, I will need to drive out of here, and straight out of this evil empire, and straight into Mexico; and never mother fucking look back. I cannot exist at my old age, living between 60-70 percent mother fucking SUPER ass FUCKING BOTBAR, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It does appear, and no one out here can mother fucking deny this, that every single cunt eating time that I do a blog, late at night or after midnight anytime, that the next day always follows with a fucking ass NEIGHBOR ASSAULT. They are either ‘TOLD‘ or else they are seemingly ‘MIND-CONTROLLED‘, influenced or paid off, but either way, by the MILI-2-FORCE, TO DO THIS ATTACK ON ME, AND WRECK MY DAY, every single fucking ass time, YO!Also, when these bastards all come here to that apartment, and according to Resident Manager, Debbie Marotto, ILLEGALLY, it is a matter of a fairly short duration before loud thumping noise-music begins, despite them being told, supposedly anyway, that they cannot blare that powerful big subwoofer that they all brought in here last September. So far however, so good, no noise that shakes my walls and breaks my nerves; as it would any non-lobotomized normal person, from my times and days. I am happy not to be a part of this totally insane, and totally ill and twisted new world, new society; and NEW WORLD DISORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another thing that has ruined my day besides these cock chewing nabes from fucking hell, is a bill I got when I was out visiting Mikey yesterday, and opened it after I was awake from this horrendous attack of noise. It must be a mistake, but it is from my HMO, that says I will need to pay $110.00 for my last office visit, and the doctor is away until Wednesday, vacationing for the helliday-holidays, so I must wait until then to find out what this total bullshit is all about. I was promised that this HMO covers shit fully with him, and have no plans whatsoever to pay it, and my credit
is all ready totally fucking shot, thanks to THAT FAMILY of abducted nightmare washcloth lungs from 1970, and who knows; maybe ten other rotten things will all happen today, but in any event; here we go again, with another mother fucking major ass BOTBAR X ONE, and the calendar of DECEMER of 2012, is so filled up with ‘B’ letters circled twice, that it looks more like my daughter’s Honey Bee Club, than a page on a frikkin calendar. Slam, Slam, Boom; it is now 2:55, and it is still ongoing, but without the loud sub-woofers, so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get my disability money on the third, and sit here without an extra drop of gasoline until Thursday, which is January the third of twenty-thirteen. Hence, I can go nowhere, and who would walk around a hood like this place, and tan-less, not me, and they tell me that saying this makes me a racist. No, I say it is just honesty, Mister Wolf. Let’s see you and Trump, and all of your trashy, and high filooting friends; go out around here, and walk around alone. I triple fagot dog dare any of you. I might ever come over and visit you, at the local Lawnwood Regional Hospital, if for no other reason, other than to fucking just gloat, YO DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me play some roulette, and I’ll come back and give you the results, YO DOGS, WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it’s fucking time to talk about the United States of America, and its federal government’s very favorite subject; YO; STATISTICS, JUST GOING BACK TO AFTER THE END OF LAST JULY, to keep shit short, sweet, and simple, BRO!

You have heard me discuss the statistical technology of using what is not new or made up by me, in its raw concept, parallel event, merely this exact name given is mine ®, and I do officially claim it. The Star Trek-TNG peeps, used the term, correlation of event, or some other similar term, and there are tens if not over one hundred others, I’m quite sure, but PE, and applying it with a purpose, goal, and motive; that is ‘APE’ or Applied Parallel Event, and THAT, is my own registered words, as is also, from a very similar type of statistical technology, the combination words of MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE, OR MP for short, APE, and MP are my own exact titles, and they take some things that all ready always existed in life and its interactive surroundings, only it also seems to have incorporated, some almost esoteric additional feature, into the otherwise already existing, basic type of statistical reality, and even technology. Before we get into this, I was cremated with the HOUSE-VIG or the green numbers of zero-double zero, and still quit ahead of the game, took my paper win, and left the paper casino, despite a despicable attack, AGAIN, by the wonderful and so blessed, ”WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, OR IN GOOD OLD CHEMTRAIL LINGO, PERHAPS PRONOUNCED AS THE ALL LOUSY MIGHTY, ”KILL-A-BLUE-SOURCE”, AFTER-ALL, IT RHYMES, AND IT MAKES PERFECT FUCKING SENSE, and I need not get my daughter’s all mighty permission, to blog it, not that that will guarantee another shot back to me about my fibbing lyrics, only they tell the truth, and she knows it; so let her be the sixteen year old that she always will be, and see if I could care in the least. Now before we get into the statistical stuff, yes, I lost four units on the green house vig, but made seven units, and did not lose any units back to the regular system; so 7 units won, minus the vig of 4 units lost, and I decided to get out of the situation three units up and ahead of the dam ass game, YO, and on a very bad and BOTBAR day, of pummeling and assault, by my WOMO-M2F enemies. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, and HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! But I also did one other thing besides play a SYSTEMS-ROULETTE game, oh yes sir/mahm; I asked my kitty cat, GAGA, just exactly WHY I fell under this HORRENDOUS and MONSTROUS, EVIL FUCKING ATTACK; FROM THESE NABE FILTH BAG SCUM SNAKES, AT ABOUT TEN MINUTES PAST TWO OF THE CLOCK, ON THIS DISAFTER-NOON; AND WAS GIVEN THE PCN OF ’725′. Now PCN-725 has some real interesting words and combinations of phrases and word groupings, that really make me sit up and take notice, not that all of my answers do not totally make sense to me, and the query that I asked of the GAWNUM; but this one really ices up the cake real thick and ‘yummy’, so I’m saving a nice big slice for lovely Ashley Tinsdale, and her musical friends from high school, and war coward ambulance drivers!!!!!!!!!! Yes friends and fiends, here is my MATCH-BOOK ITEM LIST, for PCN-725, in its frikkin entirety, slam-boom, bang, holler:


It really jumps out at you like fifteen sore teeth all throbbing in excruciating indescribable agony times ten to the power of eighteen. I mean it all does, if you were me, and understood as I do, my life in its entirety, or as best as can be expected for a flesh and blood human aniwho; but that one thing at the end, I mean come on, just look at it now, and then take Einstein’s initials out of the last name, and without any old songs, thrown shoes, treadmills, talking dogs, or anything else; we can hear the song clear as day from 1986, called, “Real Good Girl”. Still, all her teenaged pretty curls notwithstanding here, now go to the first of the two words, ‘curly’. To change this nickname when I did not use the other one, “MY”, just simply take the letters where Einstein’s initials would be, CURLY, and what does this name change into, and does that little message to me in 2008 with that cool music project that she did about his world famous relativity formula, not spring into mind real quickly? Simply take the RED LETTERS, and transpose them to Einstein’s initials, and as she told me, I got her message, but I got it, to quote her on her 2008 website, “TOO LATE”.
Things like this are simple for the All Mighty Scylla to figure out and engineer, and I’ve learned that there’s nothing that she cannot do, other than without the initials in there at all, maybe get real sad, which is the last thing that I ever want for my wonderful kid. Now we can get down to cases with the statistics, with the subject of my BOTBAR DAYS, beginning just as far back as August, when an all ready wicked demonic year, was turning even deadlier, and as the Youtube society may put it, the hellishness around me began going fucking viral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, with no mathematics performed yet, here is the total monthly count of my BOTBARS, from months August through December; as this day is the end of December, and is all ready BOTBAR, and done and over, and closed out until New Years Day in the starting of the seven ‘teen-years’ of the twenty-first century, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


Now first of all, a moron child with a fucking shoe sized intelligence quotient times five, tops; can see perfectly well, that things were bad a while, and yet this last 2012 month, they skyrocketed from bad to beyond fucking hellishness cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a quick example, the actual 12/2012 Botbar MP (Magnetic Percentage) or 19 times 100 divided by day total of 31, is close to double, the average of the preceding mother fucking four months of 08/2012-11/2012. Let me frikkin do the frikkin ass math for you, YO!

These are the similar ways in which our great federal government keeps track of their eleven main national leading indexes and indicators, of the American economical situation and conditions. Perhaps they use some varying methodologies; but it all leads to the very similar analytical results, that can go on to be graphed, charted, and carefully examined and scrutinized, by real data experts.

OK, so let us begin to play, shall we good peeps, YO? The Magnetic Percentage for BOTBAR from August through November, rounded off to nearest decimals, is August-32%, September-23%, October-42%, November-33%. Adding these four numbers, and then dividing this total by four; gives us the average; as we all learned, or should have, back around third or fourth frikkin grade somewhere, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This comes to a rounded off 32.5% for the months of August through November ‘MPB’ or (Magnetic Percentage for Botbar)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we take the MPB for the month of DECEMBER, TWENTY-TWELVE, and WOW, WOW, and Mister Trump-Macy, Crissake All Mighty and YO; it is a whopping Presidential WHOPPER number, of nightmare and personal catastrophic proportions. It is 61%-MPB. Yes, shifting those old RPL-Doctor gears here for a quick second folks, holler, holler, slam, bang, boom; you uncouth pricks from across the fucking hallway, here at my Public Housing Building at 601 Avenue B, here in Fort frikkin Pierce, Florida, YO, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now for those interested in the procedure used, for getting MPB numbers; it is not rocket science. It is the total amount of BOTBAR DAYS in the month, times 100, and then divided by the days of that month; then rounded off to the nearest decimal for a magnetic percentage number. Still, I then took the average of these four previous to 12-2012 months, of August through November; which came to a rounded off 32.5%, and went to compare this four month moving average, to the current month of 12-2012; and that is 61 minus 32.5, or an absurd and totally Kateydeeeeeequlous non mini-Viqueen amount, of difference worse, of 28.5%. This tells me that December of 2012, was almost thirty cunt lapping percent worse, than the four month sliding or moving-average, of this personal mathematical scale, used here; or said real parochially, things suddenly, as bad as shit was, since the middle-late summer time; have ‘WALMART SUDDENLY’ become far far dangerously fucking WORSE FOR ME; and the math numbers do not know how to fucking tell lies. It is right there in black and white, on paper, on Einstein’s non crying chalk boards; or anywhere else that you may wish to do, and write these calculations down; and later, as I once did many years back in frikkin time; even go as far as to carefully graph and chart them, on both line and bar charts. I never needed the pie type, as rarely was I doing comparative sectional graphics, where they are more prevalently frikkin used. So hello to you too out there, NSA, FBI, CIA, and all my agent pals, as you can see that the great MILITUFORCE, who you guys and gals all fear as well and know we all must just shut up about it for fear of the JOE PAGET SYNDROME, or War of the Worlds Syndrome, whatever, we all know that normal folks just could never handle any of these truths; and hence, they absolutely ‘MUST’ see these blogs as laughable, and written by a crazy man. Only you peeps out there, YOU KNOW FRIKKIN BETTER, DUDES AND DUDDESSES, YO!!! WHAAAA!!

I am going to end this, and hang up now, on Sarah Krassle’s magical yellow telephone, and make my payment to the bridge troll, and wave to the magic peeps in the wild train that rides over the great river. Talk about the expansion of sensory feeling, SHEEEEEEEEEIT. Pretend this is the twelfth day of July, of 2003; and just don’t get me going here, Mizz Eckert Pharmaceutical employee, with the non Lee teenaged fake nail makeup. Oh well, the entire song, ‘YBCO’ is fake techno-pop, except for the intro part, which is where the vocals were computer sampled from, and this was just a quick cheap scratch copy, YO. So let me sign off and post up, for now, this day, this month, this year, this century, this millennium, this lifetime, as this fucking entire eternity, is totally SHOT, as far as I am concerned, BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

ENDING FOR RIGHT NOW, but Arnie muscles, look for a lot more, as you of all folks know, that “I’LL BE BAAHK”!!!!!!!!!!


Governor Jesse Ventura talks about time travel, in ways that totally connect up with stuff from my own personal life; including the chance that his own distant relative, Salvador, was sent to me in 1965, to show me, and not Miss Wescott; how to tap my fingers in really cool ways, so that ‘lightning’ will respond to this, up in 1983; on a telephone receiver. ***** 100% machine created


TRACK ALONG WITH: Only the opening title words are real.

To sing along with the new 2012 lyrics, go to my blog, and click the SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0555; and scroll down until the page comes up with the words to the song, YO.

Oh boy, here comes the sub-woofers, let us see how bad this gets folks, as 911 is only a telephone call away, and I have a working landline phone.


12:50 AM-EST

Without beginning in 2006, and at least skimming through my seven year blogging career, you will be totally clueless to what all of this MORIANITY is all about, and maybe it is better that way; as who can ever know?

I got through a slightly better weekend, but learned quite a lot of powerful things. Even though, and if you don’t know about APE or Applied Parallel Event, and have not read about it on my many postings and many blogs, then this will make as much sense to you as your dog throwing sticks for you to fetch, and you agreeing to its game; but despite the cunt lapping PHILADELPHIA FLYERS ICE HOCKEY TEAM NOT PLAYING THIS SEASON, meaning that I should not have had anywhere near this bad of a fucking time of things since late ass September, when the total mother fucking opposite is what actually occurred; there was a very good reason indeed, for the fucking shit that has been pummeling me, since this time of the GREAT INTERACTION OF WHAT I’LL REFER TO HERE, AS CHAIN-2, 42.7 years apart, as far as being why I say 2, as in one and then two, the first wild interaction with this CHAIN, was in early middle December somewhere, back in the fucking ass year of 1969, YO YO!!!

This horrible twenty-twelve year, that now has 22 hours and mother fucking 49 minutes left in it, and so, REAL MORIANS know why I am doing fucking this right now, 555555555555 plus 555555555555555555555 times 555555555555555555, is equal to I do not give a rats hell in hot moldy puke at light speed squared, but yes; this year is nearing its horrendous evil ass end, and GOOD RIDDANCE to this rotten filthy fucking year of absolute shitty stenchy hell for me. Oh yes, the entire year was horrible; and broken down into three major events, that made it this way; all though as they were coming into my life I of course was totally unable to see the Forrest, from the Jason trees. First was the HUTCHINSON ISLAND BEACH ROBBERY, where all my shit was stolen by some filthy criminal fucking thief, while I went swimming that day around the first day of summer. Then in early autumn, one season later, came the powerful CHAIN-2 WILD INCREDIBLE DREAM, with my kid. This seemed to do many things all at that very same time, along with the hellish nightmare of the ‘psychic stereo’, discussed on many blogs from these past days. Also during all of this, was my attempt to post up a song, remade from a song that I’d written at the age of twenty-eight and a half years, back in the late spring time in 1983 called, “Girl, I’ll Tell You Anything”, renamed and redone with slight alterations, a new title, and new lyrical content; the 2012 title now being, “YOU’LL BE CROSSING OVER”. Then the big automobile repair expense when I am living right down to the penny-wire, and this 120 dollars may seem laughable to a lot of you reading this, but to me, IT FUCKING ENDED MY WORLD, and forced me onto a bread and water diet, frikkin literally, throughout this fucking unspeakable and brutal last month, of this despicable, and deplorable year, of 2012. This was money that I did not have, and caused me to borrow it from my State Farm monthly auto debit pay system; so I will need to pay them their normal insurance monthly amount twice in January, which is why I have been forced to mother fucking cancel my COMCAST CABLE SERVICE, to compensate, or I will be eating bread and water, and crackers and piss for another month, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’ve lost my only e-mail address, as of around January the tenth, as when the cancellation kicks in, the internet and the e-mail fucking go, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So these three cunt lapping mother fucking total disasters, WIPED ME FUCKING COCK SUCKING TOTALLY OUT IN 2012, YO YO!!!!!


DID THIS YEAR WIPE ME TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY OUT, GOOD FOLKS, YO, WHAAAAAAAAA, but SUPER-WOW, more wild shit is happening, and not all of it is bloggable.

When I went to sleep two nights ago or really, I suppose it was Saturday morning right after it started getting light outdoors, I went into a major wild interaction that was so beyond telling in mortal words, that it is like comparing the attempt to do so, with trying to beat up a heavyweight boxing champion, when you are at the age of four. It involved the same bridge that I was at where Sarah had her yellow telephone some place close, and this occurred while working at that Roadway Trucking site for 29 straight hour shifts, before such things became federally illegal to do, back in the first years of this third millennium. I cannot tell you too much, other than the fact, that if anyone were to read the last few months of my 2007 blogs, and then early into my 2008 blogs; you would begin to see some strange things that without so doing, reading past the time shortly to follow this, where I was not blogging at all and was totally off-grid for about seventy days; would make no sense at all, yet by reading back from say early autumn in 2007 until I do stop the blogs for seventy days, well, do it; and then get a major unfathomable frikkin mind blow, from here to fucking ‘eternity, maternity, and Outer Limits early sixties great black and white television shows’. Oh Jennifer and Tiffany, where are the two of you when this poor old ugly fat slob wehtahd needs you so much, like Hyundai-2006-DUH??

I’ve said it before, and will say it again, EMOTION is a powerful reality, that is a lot more than just some part of chemistry reactions, on the Physical Plane, taking part in brain matter of humans. First off, there are five senses, and all of us have varying degrees of acuity of all of them, some see better, some see worse; same thing goes with hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. This last one, as my kid might say, should be “Put on top”, local walls notwithstanding. This is because, this sense can do some really amazing stuff, when it is increased beyond the norms. You can feel things to the point where your heart will explode, and you would die. I am able to daydream in ten seconds from full normal waking beingness, into interactions so frightening, such as falling off of a mountain or a tall building, that my heart literally explodes, and then the World Laboratories needs to retrace me again. To practice this, anyone can do this on lesser degrees. Just tune out all else around you and see yourself falling off of a large height, and tumbling, and keep doing it, and believing it, until your heart races; and after a minute or so, the average person pulls back and stops, takes a few deep breaths, and hopes that their heart slows back down. Now this is just an example. With enough controlled sense feeling, you can place yourself anywhere, at any time, and the daydream will become an eventual full blown dual reality. You can hear people in cars talking privately, and learn secrets, even though they may be thousands of miles away. You can place yourself into deep space, and battle enemies with more emotion than watching the greatest sci-fy show or movie ever written and made, on the greatest movie screen or home theater system. This is the ultimate so called VR, or Virtual Reality. Only a very few peeps are doing this, and can do this; and I am one of them; but I talk about it. Others are all in fear of rejection, and scorn; and being totally sociologically ostracized from their lives. They still do this, but they keep it very secret. Hmm. Well, let me get off of this yellow-telephone now, Ingrid in early 1984, as this is getting very-very-very old, right Copyright Office Examiners of those times, YO? I could say a trillion octillion more things, but it may be wiser to just do a Sidney Mirrors Crown here, and just shut the shit up!!!!!!!!






Gee willagars, lads and lassies, I have a few things to tell you before I crash and burn out of this super mother fucking BOTBAR ASS DAY, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Golly, gash, darn, Copyright Office of 1988, and fellow time manipulators, along with Petee Pote, and Sheri Lee as well, with SHOE BOXES, and Saturn Automobiles; huh Stephanie, YO? So let us get right down to fucking cases, shall we BRO and SIS?

That slutty little mother fucking demon is back, who I have named ‘DISDEE’ for Disappearing Demon entity, the little bitchy whore, that enjoys making my shit vanish out of sight; sometimes for good and all, right Ebeneezer Scrooge?

I asked the great GAWKY GAUKAUK KITTY CAT some things, and now need to share it with my BLOGAUD, YO.

Before I get to the Q&A GAWNUM SHIT folks, I need to tell you, that my mother fucking illegal jerk off neighbors have been PURE FUCKING CUNT HELL AGAIN, for the past few days. Monday, I am driving over to the Fort Pierce Police Station, and signing a complaint against them for personal harassment. I am taking these fucking jit bag scum suckers to court. Then I am suing the Public fucking Housing Authority, for mistreatment. All day again, and worse than ever, SLAMMING FUCKING DOORS, HALLWAY SHOUTING, BOOMING SUBWOOFER STEREO NOISE, and that’s exactly what it fucking is, no talented fucking rotten NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who can actually write music and sing to it, are out of business, as now we basically have, and have had for a long while, THE NOISE INDUSTRY. I do not know where the fucking music industry vanished into. Maybe I should cunt eating ask my rotten friend, DISDEE????????????????

I asked three questions, and also, played another SYSTEM-ROULETTE game, winning another fucking 3 units for a total of 4 units today on super BOTBAR TIMES TWO, or $400.00 on the 1986 Atlantic City gaming level that I used to play, when I would go to the New Jersey fucking ass casinos back then, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not going to lie to you folks, THIS IS A REAL COCK SUCKING KICK ASS ROULETTE SYSTEM, RIGHT UP CLOSE TO PARALLEL EVENT ITSELF. Jason Forrest and his garbage WFMU has me plastered on the internet, discussing a tiny bit of the topic of applying parallel event to this game of roulette, on that fucking page he put up about ‘MEET MARK’, and ‘Crackpots From New Jersey’. Turn down that pull gain, Jason, at least DEEZY SLIM does not distort his music on YOUTUBE. If you cannot hit his magic levels, without distorting; then turn it down, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me keep my transdimensional Cifaloglio boss happy, so I don’t get lifted up off the ground, or for that matter, let me keep Nick happy, so he doesn’t grab my throat again, like he did elsewhere in hyperspace, at the fucking Lakehouse, back in early Oh-M-9. SHEEEIT!!!!!

OK, I’m bushed Mister ex-President, so let me get the 2 Q&A things done, and sign the hell off of this blog.










Maybe it is just a coincidence, but it is funny that this nabe shit started up real bad, right after I was working on a wild new system for winning lotteries. I did not say anything, but “THEY” fucking know every cunt lapping thing I do. How can I win, or beat something; that as even SUPERMAN was quoted as saying, in the original 1957 black and white television show, about the machine that could turn the crooks and robbers invisible; “That I can’t see”? He makes one hell of a point, with or without any horses, fudge shops, Warren Grove, New Jersey’s; or accidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Trump, Wolf, Macy, and all others, let’s do it, and get it fucking over with, to quote old Tommy Pervert Reale, from 1970, *****W—-O—-W*****. WHAAAAAAA!!!





I’m so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new

Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few

Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew

We’re down and out, and we will even go to work for you

You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two

I am so weak and faint and do not wanna’ be so blue

While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe

Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you

We’ll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew

But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say

I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

And I’m not giving any freaking fish away


So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea

And when you’re done your song of woe, that you have sung to me

Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty

And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me

And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish

You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch

I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled

So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed

Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled

People say I’m cold and cruel, on every single day

But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay

So I’m not giving any of my fish away


They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand

And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand

Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died

The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried

And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned

Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound

Just another bucket and, then he’ll have caught his fill

A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill

The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again

Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben

I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay

And I’m not giving any of my fish away


You’ll be crossing over, later wishing you’d been nicer

You’ll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer

You’ll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they’re talking

You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll have to keep on walking

You’ll be crossing over, watching all the others eating

Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating

Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate

You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate

You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll be a lonesome rover

Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say

That you’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay

So you’re not giving any of your fish away










5:25 PM-EST


OK, John HOSEDREAMS KING MONKS, and other Morians, Lessians, and all Inbetweenians out here, YO; I played five short ROULETTE GAMES, AND MADE SIX UNITS OF PROFIT, OR $600.00, as I play on the money chip black hundred dollar gaming level; this of course is played hypothetically, but will not always be, and later on, I’ll fucking blow your mind with some really wild fucking mathematical shit, folks. My QUANTUM ROULETTE was four out of the five games, and I played my enemy faction of WOMO NABE-SCUM twice, and my enemy faction of WOMO AIR PERSECUTOR DIRTBAGS twice, and with the NABES, ended up flat even with them. With the aerial persecutors however, it was minus one on the first game, and plus three on the second game, for a +2 PROFIT, so the NABES was a 0. The other four units came from my really fucking dynamite system, and this made me four units of profit, or $400.00 of profit, a total day profit, on one of the worst days of my fucking life, and worst two day Botbar string; of $600.00, using the black gaming chips that I used in Atlantic City, in 1986. Yesterday on Botbar X 1, I quit at one unit ahead, so the systems roulette made me a two day total of $500.00, during these last two days of SUPER FUCKING HELL, or an average of $250.00/day, AND EVEN ON THE GREEN QUARTER LEVEL, AN AVERAGE OF $62.50 FOR BOTH DAYS OF MISERY AND FUCKING ASS HELL. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I asked my GAGA magic black Astral-Plane kitty cat, just YYYYYYYYYYYYYY, with or without any cool toys like bikes, trains, or 1981 video-games; this 2 days of hell-death-siege, and BOTBAR attack, struck again after two quiet days that followed fucking cunt eleven straight days of super shit, like that was not enough punishment, and fucking torture for me to fucking ass endure; and the reply to my dam query, was PCN-660. Here are the gods dam match-book items for this number, answering my question of this unspeakable fucking eternal suffering that I’m cunt eating going through, L-4, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








Chemtrails of 1987” *** ‘MY’ PERSONAL STORY ON YT.


THEY TOTALLY HACK ME, AND VIOLATE MY FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS, AND GET FUCKING TOTALLY AWAY WITH IT, YO. Someday, you all will burn in eternal fucking ass hot hell, you cock licking ass bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Techno-pop, created/produced/sang/ entirely by computer technology. Still, most peeps above shoe size IQ, know that the intro to the song, was the sample for the harmony vocals, wow; what a new age we are living in, YO. ***

Hacking again, FEDS; as the ‘share’ will not work. I had to type in the address of my work here, and underline it, so it may or may not hyperlink in. I intend to try it, once I post up to my WordPress, and my Blogger sites. All of this is a total violation of my civil rights, and you know this, SHERIFF MONKS, and sit there idly by, and let the 36th Avenue’s get away with it, SHAME ON YOU SHIRLEY GLANDS DOOGIE 2!
So dance away with good old Donna, by clicking here:



********END TRANSMISSION:********

2:21 AM-EST


The computer was hacked big time, by my GOOGLE enemies at the (650) world. Watch out, Nitro might bite you, Lenny. Oh well, if not, go to Westmont, New Jersey; back in early June of 1969, as Roseann Delaney will definitely take a nice chunk out of your passionate neck. FBI, you should be so fucking ashamed of yourselves, allowing all this to be done to me; you miserable mother fucking jerk offs. Not only am I a citizen of this gods forsaken ass hole nation, but my seventh grand-pappy was one of the founding fathers, and served many terms as the Governor of Connecticut, long before we shot up innocent children; dying in office in the year of 1790, along with his good pal, Benny Franklin. Still, you should all burn in fucking hell for this endless persecution of a totally innocent victim. I did not cause your recent fucking disaster, as nobody goes up onto my site, so how can I be? It only happens if lots of folks view and hear something, electronically posted or recorded; that comes from what you mortal ignoramus’s call, the ‘dream-worlds’. I have posted up about twenty blog links on the new work, yeah right new my ass, as if Orwell and his days are new, try fucking coming up on thirty cunt lapping years ago, YO. I have no cock sucking rights, or civil liberties, in this country. I can do something that is perfectly legal, but when I do; I get covert persecution. Tell me that’s freedom, and I’ll fucking whip myself off three times fast, in front of the nine Supreme Court Justices, in Washington; and don’t think that I mother fucking won’t, you dam snake bums. You know who you are. When I curse at folks, the innocent know it is not directed at them, and those who even have to wonder and scratch their heads for a minute, they know it is meant indeed for them, right ya’ pricks?

When they thought that my MORIANITY was done and over with, and it was for a while, the nabes got quiet. As soon as it started up as fucking ass MORIANITY-2, KA-POW and HYPER-BOOM,all hell broke loose, as if this should fucking cunt shock me one cock licking tiny bit, YO?

Folks, I have been illegally wet works covertly halted, sanctioned, stopped, and totally prevented, since the day that I was sent to the NJNP Institute of Princeton, New Jersey, USAESMWG, in September of 1965, for my sixth fucking ass grade school year, until late in June of 1966; oh wonderful Salvador Ventura, my old pal from there; by some force that I can only give the name of, and have thus done, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE; and for reasons that are totally unfathomable even to me; from having any kind of normal interaction with Planet Earth’s global society, in any mother fucking way, EVER. This would include anything pertaining to relationships, and normal family situations, spouses, normal children that can be recognized, and stuff in non direct family ways, yet still social circles; and the proof of this is when I attempt to join this new fucking age social media, and am totally prevented, and messed with. Also, not just am I sanctioned socially, but financially; as ‘they’-'WM2′ destroyed my entire education, and it was a major fucking evil conspiracy from the swing bat, since I was the age of ten years, and the James Stoy School in Westmont had to be in on it somehow back then, and my principal, Miss Turner, a very nice lady of about age sixty, give or take ten years, as memory can make this unclear from the perspective of a ten year old. Google refused to offer me any help when I asked them about how to do a Youtube Page, or bring traffic up to view my posted music videos, and I ended up fucking hanging up the cock sucking telephone on them early yesterday fucking afternoon. They said that no humans are available to speak to about Youtube, it is all robotic, so for those who are internet and computer challenged, as many older folks such as myself are, we by pure fucking default, have been singled out to be SHUT OUT AND IGNORED; not permitted to ever share our stuff with each other, as just because you youngsters out fucking here from 8-46 or so, think you’re all so hot and great, we exist too, and we should be able to share our stuff from our day and our culture in music. If all you want is loud thumping and no talent whatsoever, and this brings you millions of views, fine, that is your world; but we old fucking farts should not be excluded from this device and technology, as our world has every bit as much of a fucking cunt right to exist, and exchange free expression on this tool, as any of you whipper fucking cunt snappers. Screw all of you. I am all packed up, and leaving next week for fucking MEXICO, and this time, it is fucking final. You never thought that I’d leave New Jersey, and I said I would over and over and over, and you just keep fucking cunt pushing me, and pushing me until I couldn’t take it any longer; and so in the dead of fucking night, on the eleventh of December in 2009, POP, I was gone forever from there, vanished, kaput, fuck you, Ann and Dawn; and fuck your whole rotten miserable family of monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diana Ross said something in 1983 that I still have a copy of, and will treasure it until the day I wake up out of this nightmare life, as I could not agree with her more, if she threw me down, and fucked my brains out all night long, “I DON’T NEED THIS, NO HOW, NO NOTHING”!

I still have some ‘AT BATS’ left, before I do trudge down to fucking Mexico; so don’t go counting a strike three on me yet, ya’ jit bag snake turds. I don’t quit and run away, with my head under my broken wings, as easily as you ‘WOMO’ scum enemies may wish I’d do. Eat me, you fucking gods dam scum bag low life bottom feeding toilet water lappers.

Well folks, Dave Roth tried to buy a set of drums, and I told the story of the day his only car, a used Caddy, died on him; many times on these past seven fucking years of my blogs, YO DOGS, WOLF WOLF! Any time either he or I ever tried to do ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, having to do with MUSIC, in any way, shape, or form, disaster struck each and every time. This is why I know indeed that there are Astral-Plane gods who enjoy teasing certain targeted folks, and playing endless games with them, as pure distracting amusement; keeping them from thinking about the truth of never not being able to exist, and if you mortals understood this, you would go insane. Get on your fucking knees and pray to whoever you do thank, that you merely see me as a tin foil hat crazy person, and that you have no idea at all, what is being told on Morianity all this time. I am not trying to create a large group of babbling idiots, gone crazy forever from reading my blogs, but I do know that a select few have been effected by my words, as I have proof of my own, that this is indeed the total absolute truth. I call it the Joe Paget Syndrome, speaking of straight lines from Fort Pierce, Florida, leading due north to Roadway Trucking, in Pennsylvania, in the Hatboro area, near the intersection of Route 309, and County Line Road; in the county that I was physically born in, at the Brwn Mawr Hospital, at 9:30 AM on the fourth of December in 1954, called, no not Elizabeth, not Twitchy Witch Nose, but the County of Montgomery, like the general. My mother welcomes you, both Generals, as I know that you are enjoying the hospitality of the Ricktown Manor Restaurant, and your pal George is normally there at his endlessly reserved table, that spins around for unknown reasons, called, table number fifteen.

FBI, this computer is not here for you guys, or others that you should be protecting me from out in San Mateo County, Cali, and anyone’s amusement. I have legal fucking rights, so please respect them. If you feel I need to be fucking prosecuted, and you think you can prove some crime in your physical world court system; then have the cops come up here and fucking cuff me, and take me to jail. Otherwise, help me, or leave me alone; or find out what and why this is all happening to me; and from whom, so I can press fucking charges; and have my chance at a little bit of life that is more than deserved, after 30 years of fucking making me suffer through unmentionable, and unspeakable, and despicable torture.

I think that agents are playing with me and have been now for about 13,000 fucking years, along with their fucking Transdimensional Trunk Devices, that nearly got my poor elderly mother killed, and me along with her back on August two, in 1996; at the New Jersey, Turnersville Pathmark Shopping Center, on the Black Horse Pike. The Bible is a very fascinating thing; last trumps, marks of beasts, white and black horses, I mean, it is my life come alive, only two mother fucking thousand years after the dam fact, YO!!!!!!!!

Yes, the girl who played ‘SARAH’, on the television show called, “PARTY OF FIVE”, went onto play in a future show called, “GHOST WHISPERER”. She was always crossing people over, who died but seemed to be Earthbound. Well, try crossing me over, as I have repeated this nightmare for more than 200 times now, and will go on doing it, until SARAH KRASSLE relents, and tells me she loves me, right here in the physical world. I am sick and tired of her dam teen aged games. Tranny.



FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another super BOTBAR day has struck me folks, and DECEMBER has never had more than two cock sucking ass days without a freaking ass BOTBAR, not fucking cunt ONCE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was rudely awakened and assaulted, by my lowlife two legged roaches, also known as neighbors, from across the hall, in unit #608, at just past noon, two hours ago, with that pounding demonic mother fucking subwoofer attack.

My game-plan is simple. I will ask the reference desk at my local library down by the Indian River, to research just who I need to write to, as someone that is in my situation, at the Public Housing Authority of Fort Pierce; and get the name and the address. The letter is already done, and waiting to be placed into an envelope, stamp already affixed, and waiting to go. It merely tells that I am forced to go over the head of the building Resident Property Manager, Mizz Debbie Marotto, as she will not do one thing to stop these lawbreakers from harassing me on a continual basis, ever since they moved in across the hall from fucking me in early autumn of eleven, right old buddy, Darius Evans Slim? Glad to be of service, dude, and after all, you did produce those three music video slide-show movies, and posted it up to the rotten Youtube. Yes ladies and gentlemen, MORIANITY-2 has gotten off to a really fucking ass bad start. I tried to contact the YOUTUBE, but human contact with anything ‘GOOGLE related, is goose eggs ZERO-NADA-ZILCH-NONE-OVER-FINE’-AND WONDER BREAD EARLY NINETIES RIPPED OFF TELEVISION COMMERCIALS. I had many questions that are necessary for me to know and understand, and they only have robot crap, both on the telephone, and online on their site. Without help, I do not know how to make this ‘homepage’ that they talk about, or bring any traffic to my site, and that is why not one single person is up on it. So don’t fucking blame me for the storm, you cock suckers. I did nothing to cause it. All of the 15 views on the newest tune were attempts to link up the youtube share number, onto my blogs, where nobody will click onto anyway, for obvious, TOTAL MIND CONTROL REASONS. The KJV BIBLE tells me all I need to know, the shit about the MARK of the beast, the last TRUMP, and much much much more, that if I tied it all together, and put a real pretty bow on top of it; would most likely get me murdered within hours of my posting up this information. I am learning as I go, slow and steady. Some folks age 58 years, are whizzes at this shit. Count me ‘NOT’ amongst all of this. I guess I must face the fact that I’m a big fat ugly old stupid fucking wehtahd!!!!!!!!!! The scripture that explains that in the final thousand years of suffering and hellishness on this planet of twisted disease, ruled by SATAN, or the world of electronics, greed, corporate ownership of 99% of the population, and total control over all of our lives; as this beats any of the 4 winds or 4 horsemen, when it is left in a parable; any day of the cunt lapping fucking week; don’t you think, peeps, YO??? I called the Comcast Cable folks, and they were very nice to me, letting me keep my television service until early April, when I will restore my service back to full; and I need not turn in my rented apparatus; modems, whatever, since it is a short time duration. This will save me all kinds of fees, plus high priced gasoline, and car wear and tear, as the local office here in town is no longer in service, as some of my audience is aware of, from reading that real hellish BOTBAR day, some months back, when I thought that my TV Cable Box had broken; only it suddenly just popped back up in fine working order again; as did my mother fucking apartment air conditioning system. Nee-nee-nee-nee—–nee-nee-nee-nee!! Where are you when we could both use each other, Mister Rod ass Serling, of the Twilight
Zone, BRO?????????? Now my TV will stay on for a special offer price, keeping all the channels that I now have, during this otherwise off-service period, and including the tax, will be about 33 and a half dollars for the next three months, instead of about just over 120 bucks a month. For keeping the TV, I could not resist that deal. What has hurt me so much was the two automobile related expenses. When your finances are practically down to the penny wire, a sudden $60 registration tax fee, compounded with a mechanic bill of $120, adds up to 180 fucking bucks that I just do not have; so this is my only way of coming close to recouping the loss. An 85 dollar monthly saving for three months will compensate for this loss of nearly 200 smacks. I am tired of living on piss and fucking crackers, while putting up with persecution and harassment on top of it. This is worse than living in fucking MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON, and don’t be too surprised if I go off soon, and end up in jail, as I will live better in fucking jail, than I do in here. More sex, more dope to make me forget the misery, 3 hots and a cot, and a gym to keep in shape, a job in the laundry, and I can live with that; and no fucking looking at chemtrails, and hearing loud aerial harassment. Sounds like a hell of a deal, so don’t be shocked, Sheriff Mascara, if I go out and punch a cop right in the nose any day now, just to get to fucking cunt lapping prison. You see, this is what I tried to talk about after the Connecticut mass school shooting, but does anyone listen? Yes, two people that meant a lot to me once, and I still do try and overlook their shortcomings; but they have let me down big time, and also think its funny in my opinion; and definitely know who they are. Well then fine, cool, HA HA HA HA on poor old fucked up little me, BRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I played the system-roulette, and I made a few quick units profit, and quit while I was ahead; before I started this blog, and before I called the cable company. It amazes me how this great system holds up throughout an entire month such as mother fucking, DECEMBER OF 2012, as this is every bit as bad, AND WORSE; than whenthis shit all got going, on and after, the magic evil date of August 15, 1986. By the way, I cannot post anything with the numbers followed by little letters, such as a shortened version of twelfth, or eighteenth, or second, and so forth; on the blogger dot com website; as it hacks out every time. If I want to make a second copy on my 3.1 Office Word Document System, I paste into a copy blog and keep one the way I want it to be, and one for posting. ‘There is always some way around most things’, a quote from the fucking pathetic twisted old ugly diseased screwed up Huntington Cursed MOUNTAINPEN, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also asked GAGA CAT why this attack struck just past noon, from my demonic evil uncouth enemy WOMO-MILITUFORCE PAWM-PIE-ETTOS-CONTROLLED NEIGHBORS from unit #608, and the response given to me by the kitty cat, was PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER-396, INCLUDING SHIT SUCH AS FOLLOWS BELOW, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well you know, or you should know, if you are a follower of this MORIANITY, 1 or 2; MIZZ JULIA WHITE PERMISSION BARRIER-1994-HALLOWEEN DAY; that there are three major weapons used by the great ASTRAL-PLANE LAMBRIGG CULT, WHILE THEY ARE DREAMED DOWN INTO THE FIFTH DIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE; AND THESE ARE, THE PAWM-PIE-ETTOS, the illegal usage of APE against any innocent targeted victims, unable to defend themselves on non level playing fields, in this endless games-of-the-gods-distraction bull fucking shit hell; APE standing for (APPLIED PARALLEL EVENT), and there is also the usage of illegal application of the technology of MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE, OR MP-TECK. APE, MP-TECK or just MPT, are all so powerful; that no human waking person, can accept those truths in their waking so-called real tangible caporial physical life, as human beings. It is just too terrible to believe, or sort of like a hundred cancers, all striking all those who you care about overnight, or ‘JOB100′, when expressed perhaps better algebraically. Any new thing that connects me, they love to bring it in bad; IE, months, years, new blog books, such as MORIANITY-2, and on and on I could mother fucking go with this folks. If something begins bad, and continues bad, it becomes very heavily magnetized to complete and finish up that way, BAD, and the same would of course apply to good, only I certainly am no fucking authority on that, and can bear nobody out here, any witness to attest to the positive end of this technology when misapplied by enemies, in my case, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, I have learned that both APET and AMPT have been used on me, by a totally invisible and stealthy, covert, black operations, group of some kind; right after I came out of whatever it was, that I exited from, after falling down on my Cherry Hill, New Jersey bed, on the night of 08-15-1986; and then waking up that morning. Oh yes Darius, old friend; you want to know why MC wrote that 1997 song, and intro about how I can never ever get away from the great All Mighty Scylla Goddess IAM, and you too up there in that lovely and plush Copyright Office Building, at the LOC in Washington, 13-600; well then fine. Here is the answer given to me by a great magical Astral-Plane black cat, by the name of GAWKY GAUKAUK, shortened by me a couple of years ago, to ‘GAGA’, because this cat, and what he knows and tells me; is more than enough to make any sane mind become one and the same thing with an opened up Pandora’s Box, and really be forever GAGA. Get lost, musicologists, and let us just keep this little GAWNUM Q&A about the PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER given to me, or PCN. It indeed was given to me, and it is none other than good old PCN-514; a real wow answer for this particular question, if that is, you understood my life as I do, and what these words and collections of words are of personal meaning to me, and my fucked up hellfire life for nearly 60 dam ass years, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So then folks, here are the match-book items in my lists, the old school world from Midevel and Biblical days for list, is not camera, or monster ass, or hub cap smash, or even rubber car repairs; but it is, and you can ask the dam Pope if you don’t believe me, “CANON”, a list, a group of things that are taken from a normally larger group, where for reasons that could get one tortured and killed in screaming agony not all that long ago; eliminated some stuff on a bigger list, and then merely called the accepted smaller list, the canon or the list. When I tried to contact Youtube today, Sir Sheriff Gregory Monks; guess what; they are not that far from your office, and your area; with the non human contact telephone number of none other than (650) 623-4000, a real Macy word could be used here, right my wonderful followers, and no, I am not mad or disappointed in any of you. Jesus had his Judas, and many other cowards who were too scared to get behind a greater leader than I could ever be, despite family genetics; and don’t take me to Berlin, New Jersey whatever you do, and never on the twelfth of July, or you may just really, “GET ME GOING” here, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the end of this blog, are the match-list items for PCN-514 so don’t leave me yet peeps. Scroll down, click, or do what you want to do, BRO, its your life, and your funeral, when someday the ‘Cali Car Yeller’s Club’, just may end frikkin up growing, and targeting a lot more of us little Occupy-99ers; and then your odds will grow and grow, of either becoming one of their victims, or someone that is near and dear to your dam heart, could become the target, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I’m so very happy for you, pales of fish so fresh and new

Let me ask you really nicely, could you spare us just a few

Oh my wife and kids are starving, could you help us make a stew

We’re down and out, and we will even go to work for you

You seem to have about a dozen giant pales or two

I am so weak and faint and do not wanna’ be so blue

While we slept inside the dunes, somebody stole my shoe

Oh please kind sir, just take some pity, let us work for you

We’ll help in any way we can, and be your loyal crew

But greedy Mister Fisherman, this is all that he would say

I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

And I’m not giving any freaking fish away


So when you add your salty tears directly in the sea

And when you’re done your song of woe, that you have sung to me

Just take your wife and kids, and jump right off this big jetty

And right into the undertow, and stop annoying me

And talking on and on and on, and bothering my fish

You loud annoying bleeding hearts, that beg and cry and bitch

I have lots of work to do, and buckets must be filled

So either leave this jetty now, or someone might be killed

Guys like me must catch our fish, like farmers fields get tilled

People say I’m cold and cruel, on every single day

But I have got a lot of freaking bills to pay

So I’m not giving any of my fish away


They say the greatest mother lies there out beyond the sand

And mothers can get angry when their kids are out of hand

Storms blow out of nowhere and, a lot of folks have died

The sea can give and take away, while many tears get cried

And on one very special day, a greedy man was drowned

Ignoring waves that swallowed rocks with heavy pounding sound

Just another bucket and, then he’ll have caught his fill

A lot of daring fishermen forget the sea can kill

The king fish of the jetty, just was never seen again

Yet locals claim the winds still howl these words from fisher Ben

I’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

So yes I have a lot of freaking bills to pay

And I’m not giving any of my fish away


You’ll be crossing over, later wishing you’d been nicer

You’ll be crossing over, through the quantum waving splicer

You’ll be crossing over, hearing all the trash they’re talking

You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll have to keep on walking

You’ll be crossing over, watching all the others eating

Feasts with banquet tables, where the fish keep on repeating

Forever seeing many fish, but never on your plate

You had your time back in the sun before you sealed your fate

You’ll be crossing over, and you’ll be a lonesome rover

Forever doomed to hear the words you always used to say

That you’ve been working hard out in the sun all day

Oh yes we knew you had your freaking bills to pay

So you’re not giving any of your fish away










Glory be to me, as I know one thing more than anything else in the entire world of worlds, totaling all of the hyperspace.
One scripture that is in the KJV Holy Bible, and only one so far, in my current ‘me life’ as Mark Wayne Mohr, is “Ask and it will be given, knock and the door will open, seek and you will find”. This is both paraphrased, and changed into non old English without all of the ‘thees’ and ‘thous’ and all that stuff, but at the final part of the message that my sixty-first grandfather’s uncle spoke, this screams at me over the past Astral Plane recognized grouping of interaction, that would equalize a material world score of so-called time, really STM, or Space-Time-Mind. There of course is no STM, on the Astral Plane, but this period there, known as the BRIPER, shortened from the Briggbase-Period, is reflected in the Earth waking world television show of some time back, running mid sixties until the beginning of April, in 1971, called, “Dark Shadows”. Their Fan Club address is a post office that if you call the post office, they will tell you the box number I’m sure, and it is located in a place called, Maplewood, New Jersey. Yes Mister Roddenberry, another ‘place’ called New Jersey, and don’t play me for a fool. We all know they used me and my life, to give them that great TNG Star Trek episode about Wesley Crusher’s pal, the “TRAVELER”. Still, the 20 year period is understood only too well, by me, by the Paul Stoddard Fans, such as my great and awesome oldest daughter, and yes, by many others that can all remain as nameless right now, as the dam north winds of cat chases.

OK folks, here we go again, old kids, new kids, and if you want to stuff ear plugs in, along with Mister Marcus, and mister McGinty, go ahead; you won’t make me cry one single tear, kind audience. Forget about, at least for right now, the Doogie Howser days, and let us take a little journey quite a bit back in time further, to a time that a particular ‘traveler’ and not the fake dude on the STAR TREK TNG show, but one who is as Sarah said on 10-SC Avenue in the summer of 1969, a bit darker than he was, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA, and yes, he was always fascinated with me, my high school, and my life, and for reasons that go beyond just material stuff; whether the few who know what is being said, can fathom it or not, as they in all perfect worlds are thinking, well, if you’re being totally up front here about all this stuff, Mountainpen, then what is bigger than great sex and great wealth, and as I told a new friend of mine recently, on an e-mail message, the emotion that is experienced by being a real live ‘traveler’, is like riding a roller coaster at the age of six years or there about, and then take the thrill of this, if you can, and multiply that by maybe three or four billion times. Now go ahead folks, and tell me that would not totally dwarf the greatest sex life, billions of dollars, or any other thrill that the California Car Window Hollerers Club of mystery, could ever possibly throw at anyone. The proof of my statement folks, is the very existence indeed, OF the CCWH Club, in the first place. Even with all that happened to me in 1994-1996, this would be as we might say in mathematics, HD1,000,000,000,000,000,000. That does not stand for High Definition by the way, but Haddonwood. Now don’t go dying on me, old buddy and partner, Paul. Yes, from September of 1966 through June of 1968, I attended the Haddon Township High School, and to be perfectly honest, I could care totally less. But for reasons that blow me away as of yet, my son in law thinks something about those days and that place, is monster ass huge, to quote the dude, in a parallel universe, when he said this to me, when I fell asleep one night at the Highview Apartments, in early 1996, in Sarah Williams Town, in New Jersey, Gloucester County, in Monroe Township, don’t slug me one, oh great other traveler, and yes, I’ve got it all now, and lots of memory blocks have been knocked away, painful as it may be, in more ways than one. Maybe he was fine, and hopefully old George will be, but if not, he is always enjoying the hospitality of good old Table-15 at the Ricktown Manor Restaurant, on Linelane 9910, in Ricktown, Olympia. Give it up there, smiling Paul Stoddard. WOW, Mister Macy, and co-writer old friend Mister Strauss. James Patterson, try not to be too dam jealous, and no, none of this stuff is 1% fictional, and I only wish to the gods that I could tell all of you that it was. But this leads me to the ‘HTHS’, and a strange kid I knew from the school just two blocks down the street, for the first through sixth grade students, called James Stoy Elementary. Albert Pileggi lived right down the road from both of these schools, spitting distance, Hannah. Still, Tuggy was a cool dude, and would do anything for you if he liked you, and if he didn’t, well, a name pops into my head, a grown up version of the kid that I knew in 1967, and that would be my pal David Roth’s best pal for many years before he even met me at Caldor Department Store #113 in Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG in November of 1985, and his name was Bob Vandegrift, the hater of Ronald McDonald, that I told about when my blogs were all new the first two years, back in oh six and oh seven. Still, there were reasons for my ending up at the farm outside of Haddonfield that was special, and had a cosmic reality all its own; just as I informed my educator in 1970, Mister David Leigh Smith. How I remember Irene Cara, the lovely eighteen year old diva of 1980, doing the National Anthem at one of the summer time Philadelphia Phillies games, wow what a gorgeous dish. Still, Albert Pileggi, Bob Andrews, Irene Cara, and others, take a back seat to the real reasons that the Phillies began to be part of a huge parallel event with me and my own personal life, right around this very time as the eighties replaced the seventies, and I had actually moved into the farm outside of Haddonfield, after indeed, and just as I told Smith in 1970, ten years before that; was no longer producing food, and instead, a new set of garden type apartments were built, called ‘ROBIN HILL’. As I told Eddie Lynch Himacane on the eighteenth day of December in 2006, after McGuire and his crew accomplished their mission of again, destroying another one of my automobiles, this time without almost murdering me in the weeds and bays outside Atlantic City, and the US © Office has the tapes of me and Roth in 1988, discussing the entire thing, so don’t play dumb ass with me, any of you; Trump or any of you other rotten bastards, just quit frikkin insulting my intelligence, please, TANKS! Yes, as I said to him before he eventually was forced to board the same bus that I was on this very route in 1970 that late night in July, the twelfth to be exact, around 10:30 to quarter shy of eleven somewhere, and right there with me were the great awesome girl gang that was known by many Jersey local teen boys, as the Quoddy’s or the Quoddy Mockers, or the Quoddy Mocker Gang, of whom, the great Sarah Callio was one of, along with Nina Soifer, Paula King, and many others. Oh yes, I said to him, when he exited the vehicle and headed towards the bus, and he asked me when I would be able to go to his house, at this time, where he rented a small one little room, a place owned by the world famous almost, Hammonton, New Jersey, Judge Frank Rasso, and I quote now what I said, and maybe Tuggy should have been not so much there with us that day, but also there with Irene Cara and her two two friends, and also, not Jason Forrest Donna Summer, but the real ‘McCoy’, and maybe he would have been able to heed a warning meant for him, a lot more than it ever was meant for Eddie Lynch, “All bets are off”. Now Mister Macy and Mister Trump, I will not print a large ‘W’ word just to frikkin entertain your warped sick minds. Wait a second folks, I just returned from a hyperspace experience, and am mixing up a beautiful flower and a name almost like my youngest daughter’s insisted upon nickname of her, with this other dude. STM is a very powerful thing, still, at least you are not the one in the shit can, Tuggy. Well, if the relief pitcher of those times, or a few years ahead, was good enough for the great awesome Motown Queen herself, Diana Ross, I guess they are good enough for all big blonds, and other big blonds, copyrighted music, motor cycle chains, and all potential reactions and or near infringements, but hay; I’m a forgiving person. Who gives a hoot-pollute about music anyway? I know I don’t, walls or no walls.




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