Thursday, September 27, 2012















I have many things to say, so not too much time for right now, can be devoted to any one individual subject that I get into. Still, later on, I do plan on expanding and elucidating each thing that I will briefly discuss this early morning. It is very important that all of the things that I tell on the blog tonight, just simply do indeed become part of the public internet traffic and system of general net-chat information, without any time hesitation. It needs to be thrown out here RIGHT NOW, TONIGHT, as Barnabas Collins, the original and not some copy up here in the future; would put this, as only he could, so perfectly. HYUNDAI-2006-and DUH. Well, for Disney Ashley and all other musical reality the world over, let me just say that in case the WOMO is wondering, IAM NOT BUYING INTO ANY OF THIS DIRTY ROTTEN MOTHER FUCKING CRAP. I totally know what is going on, and all though many powerful people in this 'NEW WORLD ORDER', and those who are pushing its MIGHTY AGENDA, do not believe in retribution or punishment for evil behavior and crimes against any undeserving parties, I can totally assure the fragile poor little innocent oppressed 99ers, all of us, that there indeed is a HELL, and it is called, if translated into English waking world conceptualized language, “DOGTOWN”! I should know, as I've been there and done that, and have served fourteen minnina-kalpa there, in this place that would equal 888 times 14 years, if you averaged out the way humanity while awake, measures time, in a ratio with Astral Plane interactions. Horrible mother fuckers, will indeed, BE HORRIBLY PUNISHED, sorry Red John, you too, old buddy Henningsen of Colorado. Yes, I did do your tire, but no, my name is Mark, not Nick, WHAAAAA. My sentence there was not fully completed, but the GREAT SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, took me out of this place early, in a secret way that we need not get into on this blog. Some of it is discussed in song lyrics, or actually in a lead introduction to song lyrics, on my re-write version of a 1980 copyrighted song, called, “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS”. Yes, it is on the YT, so why not poke fun of that horrible production? I am not posting up things from Manhattan Studio One here folks. Most of this is done by having a really good sound-man fix up some old tapes that just happened to make it down with me to Florida when I ran away to save my life, in December of mother fucking 2009, good folks. The tapes that I came down here with, were not even the tapes that I meant to bring. I lost all of the good quality stuff somehow, and it is a miracle that I still have in my possession, a lot of stuff from my dying days of 1983 and 1984, including taped telephone conversations. I know that everything I have done may not be perfectly legal, and for that I am sorry, but guess what, an outside external force was behind all of this great holy mess, millions of years before humanity set foot on the lands of this planet, so it is not entirely my fault, ladies and freaking gentlemen, YO.

First, a couple of days ago, a pretty large EARTHQUAKE struck California, around just under six and half Richter Power. No mention was made of it by this fully absolutely controlled police state WOMO WEALTHY OWNED MEDIA as far as normal networks such as the ABC, NBC, CBS system here in the great US of A. The only way I know, is because I watch TWC on my Comcast Cable television system. You can fact check me by GOOGLING up “latest earthquake activity”. The enemy does not want me to believe in the power of my MAGNETIC SOUND MACHINE SYSTEM, or for any of you to see what's going fucking on as well. Once upon a time, any California quake over five point oh, would be on the World News at 6:30, coast to coast. This is all part of the new age agenda that I made mention to earlier. Remember, I cannot harp a real long time on any one topic tonight, but a lot more details on each of them will be covered, one at a time, at later times on later blogs. What I tell you now will make me seem to be a little mother fucking crybaby, and I can't worry about that, it is time for candor, and I did not invent, nor put myself under this mother fucking monster ass HUNTINGTON CURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why my life is the way that it is, and I am going to talk about the beginning of the real hell, and yes good old 1986, a totally inescapable reality for me, under this curse, as all things seemed to culminate and commingle together in one final negative and evil fell swoop, against me, that summer, despite being a professional roulette player at the timer, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and making nice money in my spare time. People love to misjudge the persecuted. Many peeps have told me that if all my fish tales are true, they would envy some of my experiences. No you wouldn't. You are under a powerful, all encompassing delusion, that all of us face in life from time to time; called GREENER GRASS ON YOUR SIDE OF THE FENCE SYNDROME, or the (GGOYSOTFS) and that is that real FACTS OF LIFE, lovely BLOND BLAIR! WOULD YOU TRADE GOOD HEALTH FOR A BILLION DOLLARS AND VERY POOR HEALTH? Folks, as you know and I won't insult anybody's freaking intellect today, nothing is as simple as it may appear to be on some surface level. No matter what good thing that ever happened to me while alive in a dream as MARK WAYNE MOHR, in this particular parallel universe, and time period; there is without fail, a balancing bad thing, that not only offsets it, but is normally in a ratio of bad to good, in the range of say, 5:1 or worse. Envying any part of me or my story, in any way, should you believe it to be true; makes you the Crowned King and Ruler, of the FOOLS PARADE CLUB OF FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will not discuss what happened yesterday, Thursday, in detail, except on one part of it. Yes, I went out and took care of the business that I talked about on previous blogging texts, and then visited my pal Mikey up on September Island, old buddy Ramsey L. Wow does WOMO love to endlessly tease me. You would think all that casino fucking crap would be enough and would suffice to appease their monstrous wicked appetites for persecuting me to death, but forget it dudes and duddesses. But we must move this along or this will easily become a twenty fucking page blog. I don't need this, as Diana put that so eloquently in a 1983 temper tantrum. You don't either, and I need folks to read these words, so let me get right down to frikkin cases.

When I got to Mikey's house, he was not home yet, and was delayed, so I parked in the large driveway, and cut through the brush behind the beach-house, leading straight down to the beach. I walked down to where the State Park area is that I used to go to before I ever knew that Mikey lived in the tall cedar home down the way. I talked to a few fisherman who were not having much luck, and ended up eventually down around the lifeguard tower station, unmanned except on weekends, even during the summer time now. There were a few folks swimming, but the beaches really suck around South Hutchinson, and unless you drive way up to North H. Island, if there is any wave action, it is easy to be injured, because the beach drops right off, and suddenly there is just the shore, and then pow, a four foot water wall is right on you. Only young agile folks can navigate this type of water so as to get out and in safely and not be literally tromped on, and have your back or neck fucking busted. I was not about to chance swimming, and made my way onto the boardwalk area where showers and water fountains are placed on two ends, where one side has a ladies facility, and one side has one for the men. When I sat down for a short rest on a bench, as both sides have benches also, a female who could easily be a Vogue Magazine fashion model, about age 20 give or take a couple of years, came over from the girl's side, and sat down on the bench next to me abnd flirted with me. She was beyond red and white hot, a face to cause a man to die of a heart attack, and a body that went beyond what typed words could hope to do justice to. Put me through enough continuous mother fucking persecution, and this weird off the wall parallel event that I have called on a hundred plus occasions on many of my blogs over the past 5-7 years now, “PUSSY-COMMAND”. It's not a polite term, and is offensive, I will admit, but it directly explains the situation without requiring a hundred or a thousand words of typed detailed explanation. In other words, for no real worldly reason, suddenly lovely young girls are just all over me, out of nowhere, as if I was fucking Justin Beiber or some other Disney rock star. I am old, fat, ugly, and have nothing at all to offer anyone. Naturally, no one can see your bank balance at first glance, but it shows in this world. The way folks dress, the material possessions they have and own, and so forth, it is just something that is unfakable, YO. Dennis Snyder back in Hammonton, New Jersey, could chime in about this real well right about now with his famous lines of, “That's reality, son”. Shine on Cousin Deanboat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As all of this was going on, the very same milituforce aircraft that has messed with me all throughout this 26+ years of nightmare hell with my WOMO-OTAMM problem of the great Astral Plane Enemy Tool, called, PAWM-PIE-ETTOS or mind control in ways not yet dreamed of or put on the internet anywhere, as nobody has a dam clue, but yes, this same large bomber craft that circles high and very loud all around my position while outside or in my own place of residence, when it is set to be there, was real nasty. This on top of all the neighborhood shit for many days straight, and eventually, the parallel event kicks in every time, the one that I call, PUSSY-COMMAND. Since Tuesday morning, right through even now, the hall hollering and the continuous doors are very very bad. Yes, the entire matter will be looked into, and that is more than I should have said, because it was confirmed that indeed folks all around the world read me and watch me on internet, but the locals do too, and this just plays right into their hands. It is similar to giving away troop movement locations during war. It is insanity and suicide, so let me shut the fuck up and say no more for right now. I will admit it was a little better each day, Tuesday was beyond fucking murder, then Wednesday was a little less, and Thursday was a little less than that. Things will be looked into over the next thirty days, and so I will shut up and be real quiet myself, and say no more about anything, other than this one thing. This is not the only SHERIFF. I have two sheriff's looking into things. Nobody has the right to think they can just do anything they want to in this world, yet as we all know in our pathetic little 99ers Club, the ENTITLED are indeed ENTITLED to many special privileges and even special laws. Dawn King said it all one day to me, and real loyal Morians know what is being said, so there is just no need for me to repeat words that could lead to more blunt consequences for my more blunt blog. No Sally, I don't expect to you get involved again, you helped me in 1998 and got the shit kicked out of you sweetie. I'll always be grateful for your help that year, and am sorry that these Atlantic city Horror Show Monster TAWFERS, sank to such bottom feeder levels, and messed with your reputation. They are totally without shame, without heart, without conscience, without humanity, and without soul. Atlantic fucking City impresses me about as much as a ten thousand ton cube of liquid pig shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not afraid of any of you sick twisted fucking monsters, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say hi to your island wife, back stabbing Delmo. Oh how I love that diseased mother fucking cock sucking miserable ass island, oh mighty David Ultimatefighter, and DEEZEE SLIM. Let us touch on that topic while we are here, world. This will get real good, as well as lead into the other topics that will follow, as they do legitimately dovetail all together, YO, from BLUCRAN VILLAGE to Sherry-Lee Pote Power Travel!!!!! On the local news tonight, channel 25 from the great Palm Beach area to my south, a report came up showing how a guy who was victimized by this Lenny McKinnon Newculture Crowd, or the (LMNC) for short; was able to get justice by finding the perpetrators of the crime, a robbery; something that I can totally mother fucking relate to; from a source that makes us all scratch our heads a bit. He was able to look them up and find their FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS. On it, they were BRAGGING about being dirty filthy criminals, showing numerous photos of themselves holding gobs of cash in their hand, and I could go on. This is beyond revolting. I would never ever join this social network community now after seeing this last night, not for all the money and love in the entire fucking world. These systems promote crime. I am all for freedom, but not when it comes to protecting criminals and allowing criminal behavior on their sites. This LMNC is a total accident, I just now realized these initials are an interesting coincidence, but that is all they are, honestly. I knew McKinnon in 1980, and if any of you out here, the older crowd, did, well; then you know how horrendous this entire shit is. Even my kid sold out to Lenny, and that is entirely her own business. But I will never ever be a part of any of it, and you can take that to the dam moon. You see, where does freedom stop. Your right to express your anger with me, with your hands, stops a half inch away from my nose. Once you think that your freedom gives you the right to take away my freedom, then the entire fucking concept of freedom, quite naturally collapses in on itself, and a retarded moron preteen can see this with one eye, one leg, and one ear. So all though I am the biggest champion freedom fighter you will ever meet folks, this thing with the FACEBOOK, makes me so major fucking glad that I did not even try joining these social networking communities. This is TOTALLY FUCKING REVOLTING. Where are the fucking police and the federal authorities? Does anyone not see the shit in all of this? Here, this victim had to solve the crime, so where were the dam cops after they left the fucking donut shop, and where were the dam FEDS after they ended their workout at the Philly Gymnasium right in their dam FBI Building? Here is all this shit right out there on the internet, crooks admitting to being violent felons, right on this GARBAGE FACEBOOK THING, wow folks, WHAT IS FUCKING GOING ON HERE ON THIS DISEASED TWISTED PLANET EARTH, YO?????????????????? This really pisses me off, and it leads me now to the second part of things. The Holy Bibles of Christianity make a powerful statement about the future, and it is now the dam present, and for me, it is so personal, that I can taste the foulness of this truth in my life, in-between the molded crackers, and the god dam rotting cream cheese. It talks about those who do not take the mark of the beast, those who refuse to go along with this new age order and accepted society of computers and internet, will not be able to buy or sell in these end times, or today. It is right in the mother fucking bible folks. You bet I am pissed off tonight world, so try and look past my dam profanity. As was spoken to me and Jerry Heitzmann some time ago around 1971, in Atlantic City, where else, “YEAH I'M BAD, JIT BAGS”. This is all on long ago prior-blogs, YO. My point folks is really quite non-complex here. Try getting it. Here I am, unable to do shit on a computer. No one will show me, no one will help me, I get the distinct feeling this entire thing is even real fucking funny to a lot of rotten diseased mother fucking evil folks that I know totally fucking well are involved in making my life total hell, talk about the fucking Palm Beaches, or Atlantic City. But this is just one player in a huge group called WOMO. Those with the most real power on this Physical plane, tend to stay more behind the curtains, the real power is in secrecy, as all folks into conspiracy shit, fully know I'm speaking truth here 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here I am not able to do anything I want to do, and none of it is criminal. Yet these turd chewing squat eater criminals and LMNC gangsters and hoodies and all of them, can go do whatever they want to. You see folks, nothing is as simple as you think it is. These are also peeps that all things taken into account, are in the 99ers Club. So believing that everyone in the 99ers Club is on our side or even is a good person or a victim, that just is not the truth. On this one small point, this is all that the great MITT was trying to elude to back last May. I don't like or agree with his words, nor do I agree with taping him illegally, and I know that this is the fucking quintessential pot calling the kettle Kessle black here, but whether I am lighter or darker, than you Sarah, or any of your friends from the sixties, my doing the wrong thing does not make it right for you to do it. Let me add in another piece of real true power, and a lot of folks are going to be offended at this, and a lot of rage on and off the playgrounds will be generated as a result. This needs to get said folks, and I'm going to say it, my brother. Crazies are not allowed to legally purchase guns. I have no argument with that, even as a registered crazy. I also invented the usage of pluralizing the word, in my Real Good Girl music project that I sent down to the Wash-Doc © Office for Copyright registration, back on August 15th in 1986. This is a good thing, as we don't need more crazy bastards shooting guns, the so-called fucking sane folks are doing more than enough of that all ready, every fucking day all over America. This is all out in the open, nothing secret or covert is happening here. But now we come to the topic of not letting crazies become a part of a Biblically fucking prophesied truths, computers and internet, as without these tools, you literally are prevented from everything now, and you are quite literally LOCKED OUT OF FUCKING LIFE IN THIS FUCKING WORLD. HA-HA-HA JANE DISEASEWEEDS SLEAZE, you missed me, this is page twelve of twelve now, TEE HEE HEE Lilly Shipyards Munster Andrews, YO!!!!!!!!!!

At ten minutes or so past nine of the clock last night, I was struck hard with a DIAREAH ATTACK . I have noticed that this happens every time that the television show called, “The Mentalist” cycles back on the TNT channel, to the very first pilot episode that aired in 2008, right after I posted my blog about a man exactly like this man, who as I called him, was a “games expert”, always able to always win in the Rock-Paper-Siccors Game, and by the way MICRO-SUCKS is fucking hacking me, I have spelled the cut-word in ten different possible ways, and the cunt lapping Spell-Checker won't tell me how to properly spell it, so I know it is misspelled, I am a rotten fucking speller. If the fucking machine won't do its dam job, than there's nothing I can fucking do about it. He was the boss of a two man crew who came over to my Oaklyn, New Jersey apartment on Oakland Avenue, nice set of powerful address word coincidences if I must say so myself; but it is totally verifiable by going to late 2007 and early 2008 blogs. This man from my 'DREAM', or EXPLORATRONIC INTERACTION, that turned into a television reality here in this parallel universe shortly afterwards; is a powerful part of my life, as is the entire 'LAW AND ORDER' television show, as well, that started just a few months after my first meeting with a Camden County Prosecutor at the Office of the Prosecutor in Camden, New Jersey, and speaking to Ron Wirtz and Donna Spinosi, on the 5th fucking day of December in 1989. A moron kid can see these blogs tell a powerful true story of my miserable cursed fucking ass life. Now we will close with a powerful story. I might be arrested if somebody can ever properly add these pieces up and prove that I did exactly what I did, but it needs to get told right now, right this fucking second. I know this for a fact, as sure as I am sitting here and typing.

How do I know that this tin foil club conspiracy with computers and internet is real and has been planned since about 1996? Well, let me tell a few things, and it is all true, and I may be killed or disappear, or framed, but I am going to say this. I have met seventeen people since 1997 and after that horrible incident in my Somerdale, New Jersey home at 112 Harvard Avenue, when Fred Windstein was over with me who worked at Tandy Radio Shack in their Berlin, New Jersey Office, in 1997, on the White Horse Pike Shopping center and not the Shop-Rite Shopping Center where another Radio Shack was also there at this time; and I told on previous blogs how both the electricity and the telephone lines went out, and before they did, a message came on the screen threatening to kill me the way that killed my mother in Turnersville, without us even knowing about it. This was referring to the horrible August 2nd day in 1996 about a year back, while living at the Highview Apartments of Williamstown before I purchased the Somerdale home for 112,000 dollars on total credit. This all led me, this along with Studio Park Records that was soon to follow in early December with my meeting Paul, to a 350,000 dollar personal chapter seven bankruptcy that was filed in 2004, and adjudicated around the early autumn of that year somewhere if my memories are in tact. I have never earned more than ten dollars per hour in my entire life, not counting 1986 when I played professional roulette at the Atlantic City casinos. Yet I was given all this credit, personal unsecured and some secured mortgage credit, by the banking institutions of the country, back in that magical year that my Morians hear me speak of so ofter, 1994. But this is all part of huger plots inside huger plots that may not be known by this planet and its population for several centuries to come, I just do not know the answer to that, peeps. Let's for right now get back to the computer and electrical strike when Fred and I were trying to access some personal information, all legally, ion the internet, on a computer system that I had bought a couple of weeks prior to this day, at that Radio Shack Store, sold to me by Fred, and the other two salespeople there, Craig and Mister Magic Mirror Reflection Faces. This is all up on the internet peeps, all on prior blogs. This will of course predate the URL blogs you are reading this on, and you need to play around with earlier blogs at the URL address as follows: as this will blow your mother fucking minds, good folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You think my kid is a wild fish tale story, well, read 2006-2008 stuff and see how some real huge shit all led up to that, in the name of fucking diseased hellfire, YO. Fred went onto steal a lot of stuff that was inside my computer, when I let him borrow it to take home. He also downloaded enough pornography to keep a fucking sex maniac crazy for a century, all legal, 18+, but wo, it was beyond wild and awesome. I have no interest in women or sex, I have too many fucking problems in my life to even think of this. This is why today at the beach park on Ocean Avenue or Route-A1A, same diff, I just got up and walked away from that goddess who was stalking me. I have no time for anybody, sorry, that is just the way it goes, Ziggy Malyeska, sir. Now for the grand fucking finale folks. Fred put a strange program in or if he didn't then how it got there I'll never know, maybe the subterranean tunnel people of the ACMUA did this. Who can ever fucking know anything for dam sure, peeps? It loaded some little story with a man with a hat on and lots of tin foil, like the one they show on my internet hate page, posted up by the mighty YOUTUBE jit bag, Jason Forrest, going by the screen name of DJ-Donna Summer. Why would he choose her name and then fuck with me? This is another intolerable coincidence, unless you have a lower level than the nighty doll baby prosecutor, Miss Abbey Carmichael Angie Harmon. Multiply this goddess by 5, and you would get the girl today that flirted with me, YO. Anyway, te thing came on and this dude with the hat and the tuin foil that came down all around it in an obvious unhidden way, and he kept repeating the buy and sell bible thing over and over. He said that all the crazies would be prevented from joining, quote, “This new age computer thing”. This, he went onto say in a paraphrase now, is the full explanation to why we will not be able to do anything. He was fully on the money and totally correct, and I had fully and totally blocked all this out of my mind, like ?I did 1972 and long Island, and little Mariah. Still, the US Copyright Office could probably take their copy and prove stuff, but I doubt that the government would want to ever do that, what else do great scriptures teach? Jesus said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Gee really, wow, you're the coolest dude that ever walked the planet, YO. This this time, before this week, I met sixteen hat-people. I remember every one of them now, and I swear to the gods, I remember all of them telling me that they cannot make their computer work or that they gave up long ago on the internet, and along these lines. Yesterday, at the beach, I met number 17. This man had the most tin foil of any of the other prior 16. The total now is 5 women and 12 men, ranging in ages from a little younger than me, down to barely the legal age. This has me literally teeter tottering on the verge of somewhere between insanity, suicide, and mass fucking murder. I am admitting that right now, I could be considered VERY DANGEROUS, so mess the fuck with me, anyone and everyone, at your own risk. There is no lifeguard on duty, and the surf is up, WAY WAY UP, and that is a PROMISE, that someone or several someones may choose to take as a warning, or ignore it and end up as another fucking ass Marie Fahey. Swim at your own leisure and risk, WOMO. SAWN FUCKING YOU, as I am one pissed off fucking dog right about now, so WOLF-WOLF, Lenny Briscoe, old pal!


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