Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTER 0427, King Nebnooshoo






For the record, my record, the opening is my own Q&A, but all things tie into all lives, we all are nothing but dots that have lines through them in their more natural state at a singularity. In individuality forms and modes, quite naturally, much more sleuth work is needed to get a door to open when knocking Biblically on it. Still, it always opens, and based on the honesty and accuracy of the asker, the proper response to all legitimate query is never refused an asker, this would violate lawtronics in the 7th dimension, it won't ever be the case, I assure the world of this truth and reality.

To remind readers once again that are not reading this blog at the site blogger dot com, you can get better visuals on my blogs, clearer print, and colorized for nicer appearance and better internet appreciation in general as all things are responded to on levels of cosmetic value. This should not be the case in life, but what should be and what is, are always going to be two totally different things and we all know this if we are older than about three and a half years or so, or we certainly should. So wherever you may be stumbling into the zones of the once quite well known artist known as Susie Quattro, if it is not on the blogger site and you want to read a better cosmetic value blog, same words and message, just merely a slight jump in visual quality, use the proper URL address to take you there. This would be folks: http://www.theansweristheqyuestioncontinues.blogspot.com/ and now let us move this along.

The years of 1978-1983 were roughly five years of wild quantum physics that was applied to my own personal life, without my knowledge at the time, later to learn however, that time is not that solid or trustworthy, as well as its effects on our memories no matter how great our minds work and how sharp and or young that we think that we are; and things will get said on a very impersonal level, a very rare event for me for the entirwe duration of a blog. During the years listed, asnd no, I will be specific about things regarding me, myself, and I, the personal trinity of the writer of this and all Mountainpen Blogs, just not directly regarding any other life forms, of any type whatsoever, no even the pet turtle from little Boo Joe down the block who I don'tr know from Jack S. Squat. So be prepared for a slightly different type of blog, and remember, you are always so free to move and click onto the “NEXT BLOG” button at any time you so choose, my feeling do not bruise one bit. I'm old and set in my ways, and have been called every name in the book fro a very long time by a very large amount of folks, and I've been hated and despised as well, by experts, boo hoo hoo wet eyes. The day that I try to demand more than Michele Daniels from the RPL Sound Studios of Camden back in 1980, this is when I need to either retire and hang up my blogging keyboard for doggie chew, or get stoned in the village square by the biggest and baddest gangs of village imbeciles who would eat their own sweet defenseless grandmother for dinner if the food supply got too low, and say a prayer, believing that would make things all right. Wow, guess it really does take all kinds to run a world, sink a ship, or float a boat, huh?

Yes the long dreaded heat is here at my wonderful town, days hit 80 ve4ry early on now, but still cool down a little at night, very soon this will not be the case for a few months, just unrelenting punishing oppressive heat and a nice dose of humidity as well.

W@ell, it seems that my blogs came tio the attention of some local authorithy who spoke to me briefly the ither day and tyold me tio make a log list, the events, the start and stop timers, the niuse rated in minor, medium, or major, but with minor still being a bit excessive, merely low on the scale of annoyance. I have a return envelope and in two weeks, it is postage prepaid and will be sent in this pre addressed envelope, the the authority that took an interest in the goings on in the residence building where I live. I will not be making a lot of mention for the next 12 days yet to go regarding this on any blogs. In the few minutes where we did exchange these short words and paperwork, he asked me what strings I pulled to get into the building so fast, applying in August or September of 2010 and getting my approval notice in April of 2011, normally a minimum 18 month wait. I told him the truth. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how this happe3ned, merely that I am glad I lucked out for a change. After-all the rent is cheap and so are the utilities. Still, I live with a nasty roach infestation, and crazy neighbors, the roaches are a new experience for me, neighbors, well, not new at all, am ongoing problem with me as far back as I'm able to remember into a high chair spilling sloppy baby foods all over a gross and nasty bib. Yuk. Let me move things now to 1978-1983, as this is quite huge, and needs to be told again but in not only a different and even expanded illumination, but in a lot more good clear elaboration. First we will get into codes and symbolism, how most ignore all this and pass it off as weirder than UFO and saucer stuff. Then we can begin to tackle the next stages of cosmic importance. Just how does one learn how to ask, and then read the answer, and then totally also know, that it was the answer indeed being searched for, or not; right off the bat, with no wondering, no room or need for any mistakes in judgments, or errors of any possible kind. You will totally know that your answer to your query came to you loud and unmistakably clear, or you will know that you are still legitimately waiting for the right interaction in your life that will indeed BE this absolute unmissable correct answer. It is foolproof, but talking about exactly why, is indeed complex and amazingly intricate, and is not needed for what I'll be discussing throughout this entire blog today. Also, as with other recent blogs, this will open some doors, and we will get into stuff so don't worry, but the rear heaviest meat that will come later, will come when the reader has time to digest what already has been given to the reader. You don't go to 12th grade first, then the following year to 11th, then 10th, and so on back to first. You do need me to establish some kind of foundation before I can hope to lead anyone into a new way of seeing some powerful truths. First comes the hubndred year old question give or take a year or five one way or the other, “Does Quantum reality, drive sanity slowly out of a persons' life? No it doesn't. Sanity is oil and quantum reality is water. They don't mix. They won't mix, and they never can mix. However, QR does not cause insanity by many who delve as deeply into it as is possible, but on the contrary; they see things on very advanced processes of thought since getting more and more familiar with these sciences or 'QR' personally, and even living it somewhat, and the last part needs addressing, if anything on my blogs needs it, and I know that they do, and the rule of thumb that is really quite accurate with all o this is as follows: If as you move deeper and deeper into quantum realities, and learn the awesome forces that drive these minus-atomic-sized cosmic contractors, it is only at this time, will new thoughts and ways of seeing old realities, suddenly wake up and challenge your inner core being, mind, and spirit; as nothing ever did before? Some peeps in your life will say, “You've gone crazy, and ask you what's with you whack job?” Am I able to every single day, set up a major quantum foam incident that will be a guaranteed occurrence in my personal life and real soon? You bet I can, Annie Britpetrol Fields. I said I won't get direct and specific, no names, no hints, if you draw an inference, that is entirely your own privilege to do of course.

A real time warp was created in 1978 and looped around in 1983. This is truth. I may be a manliving in 2012, but in my mind, from traveling into hyperspace, and witnessing things observed in dream-travel at future parallel universes, I now am able to go to the average non food consumption store outlet, and but 100 dollars worth of anything. With each 100 dollars, I can put together some things that would make the great Cosmologist Steven Hawking salivate, and I'll explain this later before the blog ends, as I opened up this big door, and it is only right that I should properly take my readers through my topic and point, at least a little bit of the way.

Most folks not dwelling deep in a cave for the past 5-15 years or so, have heard of the BIBLE CODE. We also learned and this goes back as far as Einstein, that if we could get a monkey to endlessly type throughout forever, all of Shakespeares plays would have to be eventually typed by this oproverbial monkey, and also, after this, other books as well, but another thing comes out of this wild foamy experience in the science and labs world, and that is, there all ready are books, movies, songs, you name it, stuff that is out there, that has been out there, and that keep being put out there for public entertainment consumption, that, and hold onto your hats please folks; will indeed, tell your entire story from the day you came to be born, and right up through the present days, while other somewhere out there, will tell you how it will play out from here, from right now, until you lay down your body and life, in exchange for a wonderful long and well deserved sleep. Let me cite the example with myself just this morning after awakening from a very short nap and then deciding to randomly pick a movie from my movie pile of maybe two hundred cheap 3-5 dollar movies. Right before this, I was doing something that involved a place I hardly ever think of or talk about, next to never really; Waikiki, Hawaii. It fitted into something I was doing, and then I randomly grabbed a movie with no thought at all about anything, and right away in the very start of this movie, what is being talked about out of millions of places on planet Earth, but Waikiki. Then, all through this movie, were things that might as well have been directly my character in this so-called 'real-waking-life', and many many things just fit and fit all through the show, it was awesome. But this happens to me over and over. It happens to many others as well, who unfortunately are not sensitive enough to this, to ever respond to the stimuli, recognize that something huge is happening with their life, and also, begin duplicating this intentionally, so as to be come in total direct communion with the cosmos throughout your entire mortal waking life. The movie I watched was called, Apocalypse 10.5 done in 2004, where the North American Continent ended up split in tow separate pieces, and was filled with good acting and plenty of action and suspense throughout the entire show, a hell of a great movie, especially for a $3 bin in a K-Mart, only7 or 8 years after it was made. Not only will a monkey type anything like the complete work of William Shakespeare, but everything even written, if said monkey is given time and ability to perform this task. There is another thing the monkey is hypothetically capable of performing, and that ism ton go out and find a book that totally matches your life, and even predicts your future and your own death, with total absolute accuracy. If not a book, then a show or a movie but something. Somewhere not in this one parallel universe where we appear to be awake and living in consciously, but if all of the possible 5th dimension is taken into account, there would be countless books written on us, with every single thing that we ever do from a sneeze to a walk in the breeze, is all ready written. Now let me begin tying in my loops in time where seemingly, I have been trapped in not only a short but a very long one, the long one being the one that ensures that I return back to the beginning of the loop, eventually, and begin all over again. SPACE-TIME-MIND or (STM) takes the old SPACE-TIME by itself, thing; and brings it to a new place where all thongs can be placed neatly and well organized into a box that explains just how and what the cosmos is and does. HA-HA, BITCH JANE SLEAZE BAG, you missed me, it is one twelve, but I'll compensate for your one attack try anyway, you low life monster slapper. 555555555555555555555555555555555. The second I typed the row of fives to compensate for evil energies expended against me so that i'd see the near one-eleven, the loud door slam in the hall was set into the order of controlled cosmos.

I have recently come to accept a powerful thing in my personal life, world. There is no fighting the natural process of my endlessly repeating loop that seems to average going from my teen years until I am in my middle seventies, over and over again. In Atco, New Jersey, where I lived in 1983, from the 31st day in January, through the middle part of October somewhere; and right up through the last time this loop went through its course, I was scared out of my mind that I would have to somehow somewhere pass about thirty two trillion years, and then relive that as well, over and over. My problem was doing the same thing I tell others not to do, Apostle Paul's twin I suppose, at least in my misguided and incorrect actions. 555555555555555555555555555. Another compenfreakingsation for being on my word document page eleven of eleven, and hence my seeing this; or seeing these horrible four frickin' ones, which always have some type of devastating effects on me when I see them over and freaking as over again. STM is more important than the topic of exploratrons. They both are totally natural processes, as are all goings on in cosmos. Steve Hawking has my full respect, and because I respect him, I only wish I could get him to listen to things that have happened to me. This will change his concepts on numerous ideas, and I feel, would bring him immense joy learning about my excursions as well. In my days at age 28 while in the Pliner house I rented, in Atco, on Chuck Norris Avenue, some really unexplainable things happened. First, the Goddess of lightning made direct contact with me, and let me know in no uncertain terms, that I had to go along with this, shortly thereafter, I came to realize how wonderful she is, how awesome and lovely this tall blond teen is, and I fell head over heals in love with her. What I had no clue about was her unfathomable wisdom and intelligence, and also her coming to me at this time, was part of a complicated series of plans made by her and her Astral Plane family, the Olympians; Even still, I love Lightning so much that I cry every day that she is not right here with me and by my side, flashing up in the skies with awesome and ravishingly beautiful colors, just for me, even making wild shapes and fractal design patters in the skies as ribbon type lightning. When I taught her how to use the machine to talk to me in a series of codes in July of 1983, this started the ball rolling, down a long seemingly endless hill, for about 27 years, but by the late part of the year of 2010 while living now in the state of Florida, things did change. There is a chance that unless I return to this area where all of this began with her and me, it may never be the way it was before and this is not acceptable. Still, my topic is STM, not my love for Diana, not right now, on this blog.

For two hundred or more times now, I have become aware in different ways and degrees and amounts, that by the end of the seventies, I was in a long huge cosmic looping system, and was repeating my life over and over, in excess now of 200 times. The thickness of this repeating existence does not however get bad for me until I start to realize that again, this happened, that I was talked out of my total memory that I am back as a youth again, and until about the time of my midlife crises and trying to find the great missing teenager, SARAH, this was not really a huge concern in my life. But around 1995-1997, this got so intense, that I came a millimeter from totally losing my sanity, and if it was not for the usage if the I-CHING, throwing the Hexagram of Deliverance, and falling asleep staring into this bright hexagram that I had the wands placed into, that circled around, dimmed and moved, and acted as a major hypnotic inducing trance, then I fell back into my bed, and the next thing I knew, I was with Sarah. This was something that did not happen that often. Still this is needed for later topics, it builds a bridge along with other stuff previously discussed. However, the STM is the real kicker folks. This is where I come to realize that this is a natural process for me, just as you all have your particular lives and natural processes to live and die through. I in that way am no different than any one of you. For some time, I wanted to connect my time before my physical death, to the time range of 1978-1983, so that I would have some time to try and use the power oand knowledge of STM to make changes. Making changes is not the answer, or trying to prevent my next coming into myself on that train ride in February of 1969 in-between the stations of Westmont and Haddonfield. What I need to do is accept the cycle, not do anything, just go with it. Wake up eventually and be back in time doing this all over again. Only this time, I need to have the guts to make changes then, making them now has nearly an unlimited energy flowing against me. Gravity effects mass, mass effects time as speeding objects become increased in mass, and this disrupts normal time flow in relation to how it would flow in regular time passage if just merely living and interacting normally on the Planet Earth.

Still all this talk about scientific ways to achieve fast speeds in outer space, it is a little dizzying for the best of us, and I know a way to just cause the same effect, but only when STM is understood, can things be done like this, and it is very dangerous to pull this stuff. To cause a giant tearing rift in-between two nearby areas in any space, one must understand how to operate a little bit in the 5th dimension. On to of this, understanding is one half, and then applying the knowledge, you might say completes the circuit. There are those out here that know very well that certain things have not yet caught up with other things, and when they do, the entire memories of some from past times, will alter and memories will either be removed or replaced with other ones. Nothing ever moves in the 4th dimension alone, it takes the 5th dimensional along with it every time, this too, is built into the lawtronics. By taking an electronic machine that is designed to change sound that we all hear, into radio frequency, and then back into sounds that we all hear again, basically any type of as taping or recording machine, and wait for a dream where someone you do not know from this parallel universe, either says a sentence to you that stands out, or sings a bar of unrecognized music to you, but then, you need to remembe3r it, come back awake, record what you heard from this parallel reality, or your dreaming interaction, and then ifm you really want to create a time discrepency in a room in your home or any place, you place two recording sources on playback mode or one onplay abd the other iobn record, but here is what you also need. You need to dream about someone who does speak or sing or whatever, and then take something from this waking world and play it through the recorder on one side of your room, then take the same thing that you did that was from the other dream world in hyperspace, place this on the other side of the room, and just let these things play for a few minutes low, no need to crank up the sound. Now take a plyug in AC powered set of three large face dependable working clocks. Place one on one side iof the room, the middle one in-between, and the 3rd one at the far side of the room. You will see that time runs slower ans slower in the room as you approach the part of it that you nornmally are not in as much. A week ago, when I did this, one clock saqid ten past nine, the clock in the middle read 8:40, and the one closest to the first source read the correct time matching that shown on the Comcast Cable and my AT&T Telephone, this being just shy of 6:30. Fortunately, the rift slowly lessens and stops to merge when the hyper field strength is overcome with gravity created through distance3 along the field, similar to magnets held closely together causes fields that you can feel in your hands while grasping them, but this lessens and goes away entirely as you remove these magnets farther apart in distance to where gravity has virtually miniscule to no effects on each other. It is so funny, I sit here with all; of this, and am laughed at, while the greatest minds on the planet cannot duplicate my time warps. STM is the trick, and the fictional character Wesley Crusher on TNG Star Trek knew all about this, in that episode with the TRAVERLER. I move all over time and hyperspace, but I admit, I do have tremendous complications back in my waking life. The life you are with body at, will indeed have many hyperspace effects happen resulting directly from these experiments.

There is a super code that shows all of us, our lives, our destinies, no exceptions, but without knowing how to locate and access these things such as for all you know it may be a book or a movie at your local Wal-Mart or library,but when you become more fluent in cosmic-code, you will see, that monkeys never need be typing it all. It all ready is there, and when you find it, you'll know it, it will pop up right in your face, you won't miss it unless you drop dead.

Only a child can see that I've been looping a lot of things around in the hope of doing it earlier. You cannot. It is fixed to go the way that it goes. Still, my problem is that I do need to connect it all up before I begin to hear that rumbling sound that tells me, “Here we go again”. Yes, as the great © Office is fully aware, I knew this was all here in 1983, not physically in three dimensions, but in five full dimensions in the hyperspace via STM. My words went, “And I will know, and I will see. I've set it up so carefully. And I'm the one who FIRST begun, and power tests for me are fun. Where we're going I have been, can't you tell by now? The more the days that pass me by, the clearer grows the rumbling sound. Cosmologists make me roll around on the floor laughing. We dreamed out of the void infinity or the singularity, into what we are now. When it all goes in reverse, we will think it is just running forward, and will have no way of referencing this reverse mode of a crunching cosmos. So was our cosmos really the singularity that was just one black hole in another upline universe? There are unlimited upline and downline universes, still, nothing is as easy as 1-2-3. All 4th and 5th dimensional activity is connected. People in science circles love to site the Paradox Theories of time movement. By going fast and reaching the future, they say no paradox can occur. Still, when a person left his or her normal time to compress years in hours, they left Earth, changing many possible things, what if one of the travelers stayed and became President for example? So whenever 4th dimensional movements are made, they are also made in the fifth as well, this is an inescapable rule of inviolate lawtronics, and keeps any paradox from ever happening. As for the past, give me a break, that is so simple to reach it is not funny. A little high speed in reverse atomic field, and for every year you go, it is a year ago when you come back into forward running white-matter-space. But high speed is a way off, as speeds needed to make big time changes need ships capable of reaching unbelievable velocities. This never stopped my being able to throw different time speeds into a room. But without understanding the STM (Space-Time-Mind) in full, and the entire Mind Realm or the 6th Dimension, it cannot be explained in one afternoon. Still, study me and my life, and a child knows, I've been playing in an organized controlled looping system all of my adult life. On top of this, I do believe that secrets are being kept for the supposed good of the world population. A dumb move, I believe in people and they are looking to deal with a true explanation to lots of long time unexplained mysterious events. The TTD machines hardwired into the vehicle trunks of WOMO, discussed quite ioften by me in blogs before I came down to Florida in middle December of 2009; tolkd that Atlantic City and Egg Harbor are powerful areas where powerful Lambrigger Cultists from the Briggbase of the Astral Realm are using these dangerous machines, and my 2007-2008 website proved all this right there on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. The reason we forget stuff, is because time was changed. I thought I did this or that, and they went back and fucked shit up. No this is not years away, it is right now, they are ALL FROM YEARS AWAY. McGuire and half this great family are not from here. As for the cobtrails or timetrails, spoken of by the Hopi Indians, many centuries back, and a number of years ago, I explored them in dream states. They do take you into other times using a form of chemically mixed unknown by today's scientific formula limits, that create a powerful field that pokes holes in the sky where flying from these invisible holes one into another, can take you to other worlds and even millions of years away, both ahead and behind us in time. The great fields are difficult to measure, only becoming on and hot so to speak when an actual craft moves out of one and into another one.

I have met too many lovely giant and very tall females, goddesses by every stretch of the word, with the physical strength of 30 normal women. I know these are ANDROIDS, not angels or demons, but ANDROIDS, they are made and programmed to believe they are a GOD, not an advanced super high tech machine. There are too many thins happening around the world that cannot be explained in any other way that the slow invasion here, by non-baby-starters, or NBS. A snot nosed punk that really has their eyes open, knows what I have been put through by this wild family since the 1960's. None of this could be made up, and even Jack McCoy and Dick Wolf know it. I am opening the door today, and will lead us all further down these roads later on. For now, I bid you all a fond farewell; until we meet again on SJ BLOG, Chapter #0428. Stay well. BYE-Y'ALL!!!!!


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