Sunday, June 30, 2024




Half past 1 PM, Saturday afternoon, June 30, 2024

So we come 2 this at last, the great series of recurring dreams of mine, only not my first, as my first were the ones with the horrible frightening shadow-monsters, back at the WSMT apartment, number 125-A, on Gomer Pyle Avenue at the corner of Crystal Lake Avenue, where that great awesome number-55 bus stop bench was situated and seen vely easily from me' bedroom window at the 125-A apartment. My next serial nightmares were not as scarey, buy much much more prophetic, that is once I was fully old and wise enough 2 put it all together, as I did just this very day, this final day of the official half of this wild off the scale 2024-YEAR, not only 4 me so it seems, but 4 the whole ding dang dong weerlld, and no, lovely non-Microsoft-Katy of 1997, at the Abseacon Dairy Queen; absolutely naught absurd nor one little bit WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS.

The serial dreams in my following apartment where I lived between the ages of just past 14 and a half years into 20 and one sixth years, the DELLWAY ARMS APARTMENTS of Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, is more than a quick simple tale 2 tell, on its best or worst days, and that's a dang promise. These dreams if permitted here 2 major compress, abridge, shorten and mitigate all details, was all about television shows and videos, even though videos as we all think of them since I left there in early 1975, did not really exist, and nobody had videotapes except 4 television stations, until months after I had moved inot the next place, good old 1118 Linden Hill apartments in Lindenwold, NJUSAESMWG, on 1 March of 1975, and even then, only a tiny handful pof pees had them or the large top loader video cassette recorder/player devices that used these VHS tapes, known then as VCR machines. I got my first one in early 1988 sometime and would B considered more of a late bloomer, since having a bad experience with one, after purchasing this in 1986, at that Cherry Hill nightmare joint; and so I never bothered getting another one until about 2 years later on. These dreams ran almost all through my entire life at that Oaklyn apartment, and the theme of it was that I was in some place that couldn't B rationalized by a person of those times, yes, what other than “the future”, only that future is NOW-----TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This gets real goUUUUUUUUUUUUd here, oh lovely Mizz 1999 Helen Zabriskie, and any and all others out here, whom R still reading this blog-work in public view domain 4 a short while yet; so this ain't the time 2 go off on a break somewhere! My advice 2 anyone is 2 KEEP RIGHT ON READING THIS, IN THE NAME OF THE GODS OF PURGATORY, YO!!!!

The general gist of entire series of about 3 or 4 years of these serial Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG dreaming interactions that I had, is all about my being in some strange new world, and yet I was in that same apartment. It appeared as if nothing mattered, no order was remaining in anything. Shows could B watched any time, any year, any show, any episode. Peeps today reading this R thinking, “what R-U, nuts grassmole Mountainpen, so what else is new”? No sir peeps, not in those days, this didn't exist. While going through my streaming ROKU-TV service earlier this day, it hit me like a ton of bricks, all the dreams from there in those times, and also how all the stuff was being processed in my seventies-mind, not in age 70's as soon I shall indeed B, but the 1970's that is, and the earlier first part of them 2 boot. I also remember thinking within several of these experiences as a teenaged person, the entire world and nation and government is all screwed up and the world may end soon. I am not speaking WATERGATE junk here, as smart peeps know only 2 well that there is no comparison with 70's-W-G stuff and present day Trumpism and the nightmare of Capitol Hill and the entire GOP being literally commandeered and taken completely over by one man, something never in the quarter millennium history of America was even drempt of or remotely fathomed ever B-4 these modern day times. My simple point here is that all along from these 1970's dreams, I knew this entire future was here, and something else was all a part of this. On many screens inside these wild dreams, there were lines at the bottom that moved, and time clocks were displayed with these moving lines across a screen as well. Never ever in those days in waking life, was there anything even remotely similar 2 what I was seeing in these incredible mind wiping dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When it first began happening around me, in the early parts of this new 21st century; I thought I would lose my mind, and I remembered those dreams immediately, but never ever talked about it, 4 fear of even greater sociological ostracization than was normal 4 me 2 receive on a general basis of 24-7-365.24219!!!!!!!! Now I know that I was up in these times, in those dreams, I know it, and if the FBI came over and hooked me up 2 a hundred different poly-truth-tests, I would pass them all WITH FLYING GLASS COLORS, YO WORLD OUT THERE, YO!!!!!!!!!!! My final Oaklyn-VIDEO dream took place just days B-4 Mizz Patty Hollister, Santa Claus, and 16th Street Sir Steve came over with their truck 4 the first of 2 times, 2-C how much junk my mom and I had, as they were planning 2 come back in a week 2 move us from the Dellway Arms 2 the Linden Hill; and it was beyond major, as it was TODAY, and it was here, right here at my current residence, and don't U all tell me that none of U have ever had that experience where suddenly, U remember a dream well that U had totally forgotten, and by doing something, pow; that dual event sort of actualized together, as if 2 powerful magnets got 2 closely together and someone's finger was in the middle and the scream could B heard 2 blocks away!!!!!!! I opened up my door an hour ago right B-4 starting this blog chapter 000006, and ka-boom the sky was the same, the clouds, the sticky humidity, the sun angle, the time, the scenery, it all matched the dream of middle February somewhere back in 1975, at the Dellway Arms Apartments. The world's collided, Mister Carpenter, or was that the day it stood still, Mister Giant metal android? In any event and case, here I am, after just over 49 and one third years of time illusion from waking from my final serial video dream of the Oaklyn times, right here where it all makes more than total perfect sense 2 me. Only yesterday, I would have laughed if I had read this blog on internet, but no more! Am I the only one who has seen a half century into the future via powerful dreaming interactions, some may do lots of BHSD here??????????? The simple answer 2 that little query is absolutely naught, lovely Mizz phone company Blake of the 'A-C-B' of 1983!!!!!!! There is more stuff now de-scrambling in my mind and memory, from this final video dream, of a series of at least 15 of them; being my best 'guests-guess' here, oh world! I remember putting something together or coming 2 some finalized wild conclusion right around the half year point, only I was clueless 2 the year it was, or that this was the 30th day in June, of some future time out into the antimatter reflections of a solid half glass century. I won't lie nor make up anything, and a lot is fuzzy and less than 'perfectly-Nixon-clear' here, but some of it is quite clear and recollected in me' mind, and THAT-I-P-Y; whoever may B reading these words. I was here in TODAY, half a century ago in this wild dream, and unlike the very lucid dream in Atlantic City outside of the Frailenger's Taffy Store on 10-SC Avenue where Goddess Scylla-Pink Sarah Krassle was singing that song, 'Love Is For Carpenters' 2 me and about 30 or 40 other peeps all gathered around some boardwalk benches at a small pavilion area there; this dream in early 1975 was not at all vivid, and only remembered and recalled by me as the final dream of that video-series-dreams, and how reality was all scrambled up and weird, matching this very future time electronic world. Only a retard or a completely closed minded individual is unable or refuses 2-C this powerful stuff here, being told. I almost envy the majority of anyone reading these words who laughs and mocks and jeers at me, as I would trade places with U faster than any beam of light ever moved from point glass A 2 point B. I'll tell U that and would shout it into your ear with a bull horn, if I could!!!!!!!!!!!! In that final video-dream there was one other thing, and this was part of some other earlier video-dreams as well, only without as many details. It ends where I am at Cooley Hall in Haddonfield. I am back in Misses Young's class, only I am now an old man and not the teenager that I was in waking world life while actually being in her class. My hair and teeth were just about gone and I was ugly and old and not feeling well. This also matches the waking world that I am now finding myself in here on this day OF DUAL-EVENT-REALITY from that dream in that Oaklyn apartment. I have blogged and told about this part B-4, and it repeated numerous times within earlier stages of that recurring & serial-video-Oaklyn-dream; and 4 short from now on, that RSVO-DREAM, AND PRONOUNCEABLE AS THAT RESVO-DREAM, OR EVEN MORE EASILY STATED 4 SHORT HERE; THAT RESVOD!!!!!!!!! Yes this nearly 2 decade old failed-blog, that is, as most successful bloggers would categorize my BOM-BLOG; has indeed talked about these RESVO DREAMS from my days living in that Oaklyn apartment, AKA the Gawki Gaukauk apartment, since it was apartment number O-15, the letter 'O' followed by the 15th letter in the alphabet that indeed, this 'O' letter is. All 16 of these apartments worked that way, going from apartment A-1, through P-16, and mine was O-15. I of course had not yet had my first 'time illusion' STM' interaction, with the great panther cat of the Purgatory (BB-Astral-Plane), Sir Professor Gawki of the Tech Bay Mystery School of Province-Olympia; until about 2 years or so after leaving the Oaklyn place, and living in the Carriage Lamp place in Clementon, NJUSAESMWG. Well, Jane Miseryturdsoupdrinkingutterumface Thistlethorns Crabgrasshitinnerpants Notfondauonebit, just struck me again, real real dang glass rotten Mizz Zabriskie 1999 'goUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUd', with her endless ones-ones death assault on me, so let me now compensate 4 her brutal evil demonic assault on PPNRMM, or me.


Yes I met Professor Gaukauk after sticking a walkie talkie antenna, directly into a 220 volt air conditioner electrical outlet in my bedroom, in my apartment in Clementon, thinking that it was an antenna system, and all I remember was a brilliant flash, and a loud super deafening bang; and then Gawky trying 2 cut me into tiny pieces 4 some college initiation, at his school, with a very sharp tool, astrally called a vagromder-cuttery tool, or a V-C-T, 4 a shorter way of saying THAT!!!!!!!!!! Then LIGHTNING suddenly was all around me, and I had no human memory in the late summer of the year 1976, of DIANA. So my mind would not have recognized anything if SHE had come 2 me as my big astral teen-queen baby-blond Olympian girl. But SHE spoke something 2 me after telling Gawki 2 stop cutting me all 2 pieces, and after SHE put me back together again, SHE said that I will C HER again next week. One week later in the waking world, a powerful gigantic thunderstorm came all over the tri-state area, that caused a SENSAN HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE BLACK-OUT in NYC, that is remembered by power and utility companies, 2 this very day. There is a lot more 2 all of my true tales, and I challenge the FBI 2 give me polygraph tests, 1,000 of them if they wish 2, as I will pass them all as this all happened 2 me, it all went down, Mister Joe Sivo. So is the world going 2 last? First off peeps, the sad truth 4 both U as well as me, is NO. The sad part 4 me is that I KNOW THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE ETERNAL DAMNATION OF HELL, ASTRALLY KNOWN AS THE AREA OD DOGTOWN-OLYMPIA. When I go shortly, and I just remember my life here since 1954, as a horrible nightmare dream, and then find myself in my next set of hellishness or Dogtownism; I will go right into more of the same thing, only a different tune is playing along, yet still filled with endless rotten clinkers, and off key clueless chords; and other woe-whiz-me relentless disasters of unfathomable and inconceivable proportions. BUTTERCHEESE, big glass BUTT, BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, and but YO, when I go, Mister 'DA-RICHIE' electric chair Twilight Zone Mister Rod Serling; all of U simply go off, just as quickly as a parent turns off a child's bedroom light when it's gull slam beddy-bye time! I think I am destined 2 go soon, but there is not a sufficient amount of really good clues 4 me 2 know a better time table and schedule. Diana told me back at Highview, the first time that I resided there in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, in 1985, into 1986; that I would leave this world in my middle 70's somewhere, but SHE refused 2-B more specific. It seemed 2-B around 2031, but that can B off by years. Many very healthy people croak early, and many sick peeps, live 2-B nearly a buck. There is simply no way 2 play 'god' here, but speaking of GOD-god-whatever peeps, remember one simple truth that cannot B ignored. I studied the effects and physical medical symptoms of CO-2 poisoning, and I know that I suffered an all night dosage of it. But the furnace in Mister Jerry Pliner's home was not faulty, as if it was, Y did only I die, and Y did it seem 2-B completely all right once I woke up from the incident? Also, yet another powerful deal is happening, and Christians ain't all that happy with the truths of it, and hate my guts 4 screaming it over and over on my bull horn. Nobody has out-prayed me or asked Jesus and God Almighty 4 more help than I have, and nobody has tried 2 live a good and clean and Christian life more than I have, and I know how hypocritical this judgmental world is, so don't even try your fang junk with me, great peeps of this pwanet, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, Christians claim the bible insists that mathematics and luck and measuring luck mathematically is all replaced when born again with the blood of our awesome wonderful savior JESUS the CHRIST, son of GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can prove that is ONE GIGANTIC FRACKING TOTAL LIE, and maybe this makes me extremely deadly dangerous 2 the inhabitants of the religious systems of this EARTH-PWANET, who can know such things 4 sure, Mister Elmer Wabbit Fwuuuud, SIR???????


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