Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My 76th June Posted Blog, Averaging Me More Than 3 Blogs Per Day 4 This Month, and Largest Ratio on the Entire 2024 Year; and Yes Mister Mack Counselor Kaiter, This Is Quite Ridiculous


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My 76th June Posted Blog, Averaging Me More Than 3 Blogs Per Day 4 This Month, and Largest Ratio on the Entire 2024 Year; and Yes Mister Mack Counselor Kaiter, This Is Quite Ridiculous

Quarter shy of 3 PM, Tuesday, 25 June, 2025

It is another vely hot sticky day around my place of abode here in Flowerland-USA, good folks. I played another roulette game 4 this day, and made an error with the date that showed the prior game as played today rather than back on Monday, 24 June. So sorry, all Japanese Ambassadors of World War ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The early day siege broke off shortly after posting the blog, leaving me with only the remaining diarrhea, from that HAVANA DEATH WEAPON STRIKE that happened earlier. Depending on the weaponry used on me, the resulting attack leading 2 a quick glass bathroom trip can range from being immediate-plus all the way 2 a sleeper effect delay of nearly a solid daily cycle of time. Here is my new roulette game that I played as soon as I posted up earlier blog works from today, me' wonderful L30B and other peeps:

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------06/25/2024

My life conditions: BOTBUR times 2 and HCCOT-X-2.

Numbers signaled 4 play today:

Hacking and utility strike numbers & Macytrump #'s:




T-----16, W-----2, L-----14

W-V --------- +33 UNITS

L-V------------- -3 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +66 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -42 UNITS


Yes, I have basicly figured out that it is a waste of time telling the world about my ATCO-DEATH & HELL TRUTHS, and concentrate now only on the MEMORY ETTOSIAN FUZZ OUT DEALS, or the MEFO DEAL, ABBREVIATED 4 SHORT HERE. There were about ten of these incidents, all worth mentioning, and so, WILL B, down the road somewhere and eventually, but 4 right now, there R-3 gigantic incidents, and this will B quickly glossed over now; and then expanded on hyper time big, later on, with soon 2 follow other blogs. These main major 3 deals R as most of U already know, or should know by now, and perhaps even the mighty Mister Joel also, back around early 1978 somewhere: First and foremost, the meeting of the throat specialist in northeast Philadelphia in the early spring time in 1984, just off of GRANT Avenue, no bufferin tabs, no future landlords, no psychic visions, and definitely no dancing Shirley companies, or any other companies 4 that rotten matter. The other 2 deals that R absolutely tied 4 both place and show non-horse positions here, took place in the same real estate and many miles away from northeast Philly, Pennsylvania-USA. This is on Tennessee Avenue in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG. It is right outside of the locally famous Pittsburgh Hotel and Irin Bar building, near the world famous Atlantic City BOARDWALK. This was in the year of 1997 and on the 7th day in the 2nd month, or 2-7-1997. I walked out of the place with Bob McGuire right behind me about 2 pounce on me 4 doing nothing whatsoever wrong nor belligerent nor hostile in any way 2 or with him, and pow, I felt a weird 'something' right inside my dern brain, and instantly following that, the memory of the surname given 2 me on his pay telephone just beyond the bar itself on the left side of a small corridor, by Mizz Sarah Callio Martino, was instantly blotted out of my mind, the name of CALLIO. Approximately just over nine and a half years after that, the 2nd 10-SC Avenue McGuire strike happened while in my car with Mister Edward 'Himacane' Lynch. We were taking photos 4 the website that Ed had just put up on the internet 4 me, called, morianity-foundation. It is now defunct, so don't bother clicking on it, www.morianity-foundation.com/ as all U will get is an 'oops' prompt that comes up 4-U. It cost 45 dollars annually, and I was 2 cheap after 2 years up online, 2 keep it up 4 a 3rd year; and lost major proofs 2 many things that this wild STAR FAMILY did 2 me, B-4 the 'rest of it all went down', Mister Joe Sivo. The Atlantic county Prosecutor's Office has the disc copy of the website, great Federal Bureau of investigation, so please contact them and they will gladly share it with U, I'm quite sure. U will C on the sideshow part of it how McGuire was right there at our car, only we were never aware of it, and only THE DANG CAMERA SHOWED THAT HE WAS EVER THERE. This all leads me 2 a so-called fictional deal on the 'DARK SHADOWS' TV-SHOW with Mizz Grayson Hall, playing the part of Doctor Julia Hoffman, as well as the part of Countess Dupres', back in the tail end of the 18th century. I have no memory, nor did Ed, EVER, of McGuire ever being near us, or our car; but the proof is in the camera, that he was not only there, but caused our memories 2 totally blank or FUZZ-OUT via 1994-TPB-book-ETOSS technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the Pentagon despises and deplores this information being typed, and simultaneously cheers and celebrates the tiny blogging audience, that Mountainpen's Morianity, is ever able 2 magically have and keep. If I had anywhere near a celeb-audience; I would have a fatal car accident. I have already been in swoops up in Jersey. All cops know what swoops R, intentionally created car crashes; normally done by criminals who use drivers of expensive looking cars, 2 cheat the insurance companies out of money. They all belong in jail or HUNG. Still, with me, I ain't rich, so right away, we can know that it had nothing 2 do with THAT. Wanna' cut me a brake here, or a break at least, oh lovely awesome coworker at Caldor-113 Store in Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG, in November of 1985, Mizz Margie Leo McFly???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The throat specialist in Philly's northeast section near G-R-A-N-T AVENUE, is another v e r y --------- v e r y--------- v e r y wild deal, folks, and awesome illustrious UNITED STATES © COPYRIGHT OFFICE LIBRARY OF THE CONGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a jumbled grouping of memories that actually combine several DREAMS with a sort of half baked memory of my waking life-being there, and all the junk following my leaving there that day. Something that happened 2 my mother in middle late 1997 somewhere, and shortly B-4 her demise with that Laura Collins Fire-Blaze-Psychic Assault on her, by the KING-CALLIO witch coven club of AC-NJ-USA; also has hit me, only I never knew it, and even yelled at my mom and treated her quite poorly one late afternoon back in that nightmare Somerdale DEATH-HOUSE, when she proceeded telling me about her experience while out 4 a walk around the neighborhood. Reality is pliable, it can b bent, and if peeps R around someone who is in a controlled hologram Playfield GASME-GAME of the GODS, (UFO's), well, all great Ancient Astronaut Theorists Club members out there; it is fair game 4 all and any things 2 happen, or quoting coworker Mister Sivo here, '2 go down'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rather than go on and on and risk Mizz Thistlethorns assaults with page eleven of eleven, I will continue onward with all of this in following blogging chapter works. This is another one of my famous 'opening-foundations'!

There is an illegal 30 year old female living next door 2 me, and it is hard 4 me 2 believe she can B the hubby of the dude that I spoke 2 several weeks ago, as he seems 2-B around 55-60 or so. I plan 2 bring this 2 the attention of me' landlord!!!!


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