Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ever Since Internet Took Over in the Middle Nineties, the Millionth Council Used This Tool 2 Absolutely Take Over Everything, With the Mighty Davis Family Behind the Entire Deal, Think of Them as the EARTH-AGENTS of the Gary-7 Club


Ever Since Internet Took Over in the Middle Nineties, the Millionth Council Used This Tool 2 Absolutely Take Over Everything, With the Mighty Davis Family Behind the Entire Deal, Think of Them as the EARTH-AGENTS of the Gary-7 Club

10 minutes past 6 AM, Tuesday, 25 June, 2025

This message is quick and simple, and is being told once coming 2 the full realization that my WSMT-WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES R absolutely futhermucking refusing 2 permit me any end 2 my MEDICAL DISASTER NIGHTMARE. Truly this is nothing whatsoever other than a LIFELONG CONDITION, both the medical problems themselves, and all of the stuff pertaining 2 my attempts 2 solve them and or 2 continue any small part of a normal average way of life here on this rotten diseased EARTH-PLANET! Allow me now 2 expand on this with extremely detailed information. At exactly 15 past 6 now, the disappearing document hack and trick just struck me while typing out that previous flagging sentence, and I am now holding at the vely beginning of this new day, at SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC TIMES 2 AND BOTBUR TIMES 2! There wasn't much 4 me 2 work-jerk-work off-quirk-cough with 2 begin with after yesterday's super flagging BOTBAR hellish day, opening me at a GLMA-1.75 and dropping me a quarter point 4 that major fracking BOT-X-1 day yesterday. When trying 2 save my title and create my filename-document so that I can save it each sentence, as I have learned I must do and especially on days and times as bad as these; again it was HACKED with that stupid junk aboiut “user rights” and not permitting me due 2 a lack of these, 2 make my title what I wished, and it was not because it was 2 lengthy in its total characters either. It is some HACK that is quite dependable on very bad times and days such as what I am suffering through right goddessdog now, peeps. Very soon, I shall pack up and MOVE BACK INTO NEW JERSEY, AND RIGHT INTO ATLANTIC CITY, and begin using my A2R2023 ROULETTE, as this simply cannot go on. I either do this, or I die, no one leaves me one single little fracking cherce in the matter, Mister Bunkerqueens, SIR!

Only the mighty DAVIS PENTAGON FAMILY of the FIFTH DIMENSION, both musically as well as stuff major UFO related; can pull off this entire deal, and this all leads into Y now, I must re-plan many things, even me' latest exploits of threatening 2 terminate life as we all know it by publicly screaming out some wild major facts. U-C folks, it won't work, not like it did in the middle 1990's times when my poor Psych-Counselor suffered a major nervous breakdown and then 6 years later or so, Security Officer Paget suffered permanent insanity, both as a direct result of my telling them about my BEING IN HELL, and all of them and U out there, along with me. It won't have that effect any more, as U-R now being controlled 100 percent by this new age internet phenomenon, in very similar ways as that fictional SYFY TV-episode on the 'TNG'-STAR TREK show, titled, 'THE GAME', where Ensen Wesley Crusher was the only one onboard the starship, who had become aware of the nightmare going on around him; and exactly the way that it is now going on around me. Speaking of which, I know there is a military rank called ENSEN, yet my Spellchecker refuses 2 even recognize it, and I know that I am not misspelling it that far off, yet none of the options given me when I right click my mouse over it, will come up 4 me. It is all some wild game that Morianity labels as the GASME GAMES of the GODS of the Timeless Purgatory, or AKA the 'PLANCKTIME', same diff!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay fine, so it's spelled wrong, I realize that, but there is such a rank, and we all know it, so what is going the heist on here, Mr. Microsucks Corporation of the Millionth Council's new age ETOSS Mind Control? Just what is going on, 'DAVIS CLAN', FROM DIRECTLY OUT AND BEYOND DOGTOWN'S PURGATORIAL GATES?????? I fully agree with that awesome TV documentary on the UFO deal, and I made many references throughout these entire blogs of the other great documentary show from 1988, aired on Channel ELEVEN, WPIX-TV-in NEW YORK-NEW YORK-USA, with Agent Condor and Agent Falcon, called, 'UFO, The Coverup'! Anyone out here who disbelieves that this DAVIS FAMILY, and their 'MARILYN' R some wild coincidental item with her naming her 1960's great musical band the 'FIFTH DIMENSIONS', is lifetime certified, as dues paying solid members of the Eternal Fools Club of the Earth-Planet, or the (EFEP-CLUB) 4 short. I know that the Pentagon peeps R of the cauk race, and the music Davis clan R of the AA race. But color is skin deep, and we R not discussing a physical plane deal here, but rather the 'subatomic energy realm' of absolute truths, and believe me folks; as much as the KKK may hate this, or the B-P's of Harlem also back 50-60 years in time; color of skin is totally meaningless, and exists only because of more or less long time extra-generational exposure 2 a whole lot of direct sunlight. Given less than one thousand years of evolution, white and black is nothing more than the same thing that happens 2 peeps whom spend their lives on beaches, and being sun worshipers. I knew a guy from Atlantic City who was born as white as snow, and yet he looked blacker than the majority of African Americans do. This race junk is nothing more than another one of ALDK's mighty tools, in his mighty rotten garage of endless nightmares that he launches endlessly against this human race, bringing eternal enmity and strife 2 humankind. So don't give me the white-black crapola issue with Pentagon-DAVIS and Marilyn. Please peeps, it is high time 2 grow up a little bit here, YO!!!!!!!!! But the point of this blog chapter is my realization after yesterday's assault on me, with this endless medical disaster; that I am not dealing with the world of 1995-2002 times, where my saying the entire 1983 disaster-deal in my life, will literally drive humanity insane. IT WON'T, as this was always anticipated by the creators of this nightmare horrible PLAYFIELD that was created 4 me when I died at age 28 and a half years, while renting that home on Norris Avenue, up in Atco, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What, U think that HALLS FAWCES that R able 2 pull off stuff like all of this were stupid and blind enough 2 naught anticipate my eventual attempt at breaking out of this, only unlike the great Rodney Serling and his marvelous fictional SYFY TV-SHOW and that particular episode titled, 'Escape Claus', there is NO ESCAPE FLAGGING CLAUS 4 MISTER MOUNTAINPEN, YO WORLD OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do I absolutely know all this? SIMPLE, officer KIM, vely vely simple, oh sir: U-C world, after yesterday, it hit me like a ton of slit bricks, all loose and stinky 2 Dogtown and back. Peeps have been literally MIND-ALTERED by way of this new age INTERNET SOCIETY, and every person whom is fully PHD-degreed in the world of the APA, or other global similar institutions pertaining 2 the study and practice of psychiatry, knows, and most will openly admit 2 this phenomenon whereby this 3rd millennium is now under the “ST-TNG-ENSEN WESLEY CRUSHER-'THE GAME' deal”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They won't deny it, and R very concerned about this change in peeps. Most of U have heard it discussed and vely dang seriously. U hear stuff such as 2 much screen-time, the online bullying phenomenon, and literally dozens of internet related things, proving how the entire world has suddenly mentally altered, and not in small teensy tiny wee tad bit ways, but rather, in Senator Sanders totally glass 'HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE' ways. None of this is bull, none of this is nonsense, none of this is being made up or created in any way by only the Mountainpen and his wild 'far-out-there' Morianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IPYT. When I spoke 2 that agent yesterday from the Freedom Health, it suddenly struck me like a bolt of lightning, and other July 7 wild deals that may or may-naught B pertaining 2 the greatest store on the planet, Mister Latengrate Sam Walton's WALMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That agent just like almost every agent tha tI ever speak 2 no matter what type of place I call on the phone, utility, health, U name it; they do not act human at all, they literally act like a COMPUTER. Anyone in the APA who does naught recognize these powerful awesome proofs and then comes 2 the conclusion that something is beyond off the wall wrong and deadly dangerous here, with this entire flagging glass world; they need 2 surrender their PHD, as having their degree is an affront 2 reality and an affront 2 humanity, and it literally worships the DEVIL HIMSELF, as our BIBLES call him and this is a direct quote and every Christian knows this, “the father of ALL LIES”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now don't go picturing some monster with a fork in his hand, with a tail, and with horns, and ugly, and with lots of invisible supernatural powers 2 do all manner of evil deeds any time 2 anybody. Concepts R way more important than trying 2 actualize everything. That same truth is Y nobody can ever seemingly realize the UFO truths that we, 'them', it all comes out of the Timeless Purgatory, or scientifically, the PLANCKTIME. If mystics and psychics prefer their term, then so B it with that as well, the 'astral-plane'. Words R words R words, let us stick with some concepts. In the subatomic realm, things smaller than anyone can humanly deal with in their limited minds, R literally in a lawtronic program of a sort. In Purgatory, things can merge together and separate again, they 'think', and that is one and the same thing with action. Action is not caused by the thought of a Purgatite, it literally IS one and the same truth in the energy realm, and if this wasn't so, then the greatest math equations would not state what they state, such as energy divided by time equals power, and energy divided by the speed of light squared is one and the same as matter. Science endlessly wrestles with and studies how things R the way that they R. Fine, only they never will B able 2 move past certain limitations without seeing some bigger pictures, and seeing them first, and then with everything else following that. I came 2-C yesterday, the futility of trying 2 stop what is against me, or threatening 2 make the world go crazy if it doesn't stop. The PLAYFIELD already anticipated that I would make that silly move eventually, and merely thwarted me by changing the make up of people's minds. How did they do this, U may B asking me and wondering, and doing some major BHSD??????? Well, simple really, they introduced a series of electronic systems, and something called the interconnected networking system of computers. The INTERNET 4 short. Simple answer 2 a not so simple query into absolute truth, peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, Mizz Sleazeweedsdisease Thistlethorns Crabgrasshitinnerpants Notfondauonebit Skunkslime; U MISSED ME!!!!!!!!

Most likely I will B switching back 2 Humana Health-Care and accept a lousy 125 monthly medicare allowance, and go back 2 the old doctor since they do not have my good doctor in their plan. 2 hell with worrying about anything, as I cannot take this any more, and no one in this government could care less about a poor person whom is being severely mistreated, as it is all part of the PLAYFIELD that I have been brought back from death into literally, mommy-ghost; and inside that playfield is the PENTAGON of WASH YOUR HANDS 13-600-DC WASHINGTON, and they R 100 percent totally clueless that they R merely puppets in a string, happy 2 wipe out and destroy my entire life since the day I dared 2 walk out of school and begin my adult-life. How is this inside of a rational time-box, some R now obviously asking me or asking themselves while trying 2 ponder seriously on my claims here?????????? As long as people on this planet refuse 2 stop seeing life in a linear way, my words will B endlessly a cross between absolutely meaningless and complete and total insanity. I must accept that. What U-R unable 2-C and fully get and realize deep inside of your selves folks is that life, although inside of a 3-D timeline of events from cradle through the graveyard, is really stemming from the energy worlds of oneness or a compressed infinity of truth!!!!!!!!!!!! Only by accepting this concept, can U ever even begin 2 honestly rationalize your UFO deal, my Morianity, or anything else whatsoever, and IPYT, sitting, standing, living, and dying!!!!!!!!!!!! My medical agent is following up and has been given authorization legally, 2 act in my behalf, and is doing what she can 2 resolve the mysterious reasons 4-Y my account was frozen out and locked up when I did absolutely nothing 2 cause it. All I did was pay a 70 dollar portion-balance on my utility bill, and this has seemingly caused this problem ever since. Let us examine this. Right there at the utility building, the very next building across the street from it, is the Federal Courthouse where this Trump junk is happening. I also had horrible nightmares the night B-4 last, and while all sorts of junk was happening in that Trump related court, and these nightmares consisted of me being right there in that neighborhood. Only these nightmares all started even B-4 the Federal Courthouse was ever even built, let alone where TRUMP is having his deal there. No human force could have anticipated all of these events, not even the flagging Davis-Pentagon of the Potter-Magical 'Majestic-12'!!!!!!! Also, dates of movies, dates of court deals, and this is not new and has been ongoing around me 4 decades now, it all corresponds endlessly 2 three peeps and dates that R part of their lives, and I mean directly part of them, oh Mister 1969 Sidney Teachermalls Cohen-Crown!!!!!!!!!! I speak of myself, my daughter, and my distant cuzz here, the MACYTRUMPS and ME; and all of dates that pertain 2 stuff that is part of our lives. It never ever ends, it never ever stops; and I am not a crazy nut case, no matter how many dirt bags out in this rotten world wish 4 that 2-B so; from the mighty 'UMWELL SOCIETY', 2 the 'ANYTHING-ELSE-SOCIETY', (U-S)(A-E-S)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I died in fracking ATCO, NEW HERSEY-USA in middle 1983, and was playfield-assigned; all the stuff from my real life that I once was living in, had been created again, only recreated or reassigned into a pure HELLOGRAM or HELL-HOLOGRAM if U will. This includes and is definitely naught limited 2, roulette, people upsetting me and never wanting anything other than bad stuff 4 me when this behavior is totally unwarranted and undeserved, all my health issues and woes, problems with my family, and some mysterious thing making me continually miserable at my places of abode, my places of employment, my financial life, and on and on, and then shall we not ever forget, my issues with SCYLLA PINK, GODDESS OF ATLANTIC CITY; AND EVERYTHING ELSE AS WELL 4 THAT MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what used 2-B a nightmare rotten life, was just as if it was a transistor radio signal, and now this has been jacked together into a powerful audio amplifier. It is the same exact life of rottenness and horror and misery, only now, it is quadrupled or more in its intensity of woe-whiz-me situations of quintessential hellishness. Already knowing the Keith-Padgett Hell-Tell deal a dozen years out into the yet-2-happen reflected antimatter spaces of all great catchers mitts and beach-balls; the makers of my PLAYFIELD, anticipated my trying 2 expose and tell it all somehow someday 2 someone or many someone's, and so they had 2 make a way 4 peeps 2 changfe enough so that nothing tha tI could ever tell or say 2 them, would bring any danger in ending the hellogram that I agreed 2-B placed in if allowed 2-B brought back 2 physical life as the same me, Mark Wayne Mohr. This leaves many of U wondering just Y my need was so great 2 come back here, and was it really just because I wanted 2 exact revenge on my 'even-then enemies', that had ruined my life, or so I seemed 2 think, then? Is there a math formula that proves the biblical statement of death being swallowed up by a larger or 2nd death, known as HELL; or actually, is there something like the 2 most powerful ones that I seem 2-B citing all the time concerning energy, time, matter, and so on? No there is not A formula, but the world of physics and mathematics has many various formulas that all lead into this biblical proof. However, no human being seems 2 have been properly designed by the energies that created them in the first place, on the TIMELESS PURGATORY, OR PLANCKTIME; allowing them 2 make that human leap right off of the Einsteinian blackboards and C this 4 them selves. I cannot show U, since it is U that must look at this, and then one day say 2 yourself, “WOW, this whack job wasn't nuts, nor was he lying in his Morianity. It is all really so, YO”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All anybody has 2 do, whom has a lot of power and wealth, 2 disprove all of my nearly 20 year Morianity online project, and nearly 30 year Morianity Bible plan, 2 expose this nightmare that I am in without explanation or rational 'whatever'; is 2 PROVE ME WRONG, and is AKA do a CHPMW-DEAL with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That stands 4 a Clarence Harris Prove me Wrong DEAL, folks, and that is all anyone needs 2 do, and I will slink away into the dark shadows, admitting that I was fully totally completely misguided and WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG about everything, and that my entire Morianity and these blogs R one gigantic bunch of beyond enormous quintessential junk birds on Madonna-Amy-Cooley 1972-1988 steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if U think that I will do this if nobody is willing 2 prove that 2 me, then forget it, as I shall laugh at U the same dang dern way U enjoy mocking and jeering and poking endless fun of me, YO!!!!!!!!! You have all been told the true tale of a day that I spent with the assistant of Federal Congressman Robert Andrews, in late 1997 or early 1998 somewhere, first in Jersey, and later on in Philadelphia, then back into Jersey again; and he was insisting that I was wrong about what is happening with me when I am under these major wild unexplainable death sieges from the WOMO-SPACEFORCE enemies. HE TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED AND TRIED, AND HE COULDN'T prove me wrong, AND HE WAS BECOMING DANGEROUSLY AGGREGATED. This literally was a situation on par with things pertaining 2 the MAJESTIC-12. Y do I make that claim, U obviously R wondering and doing yet more BHSD over it????????????? Because anybody in any fairly large capacity working 4 any global authority, with the American government being only one example here, but a dang good one as we all know that there is only one true super power so far in the world, AMERICA, and all other nations, like it or not, still R playing 2nd chair fiddle in global reality!!!!!!!!!!!! Who am I-2 upset the great apple carts of our so-called reality?????????????? The same playfield automatic adjustment systems that anticipated my trying 2 expose my nightmare hell publicly and thus created a new mind set using computers and internet as the perfect invisible covert way of carrying that out; also R behind the same cover up situation of the UFO-DEAL, as in truth, these 2 deals R just as much a Clark Kent and Superman truth as anything ever could B, U know, as in BEING ONE AND THE SAME THING, only nobody's supposed 2 know that, other than 4 the outside of the screen playfield makers. So I am not going 2 tell any more, at least 4 right now, that connects the powerful truth of the ghost kids from 1962, my mom's resurrected statements 2 me at the Kennedy Hospital in the opening days of 1998, and how it directly inputs into stuff with the family, with the Atlantic City peeps, the Washcloth clan, the whole mix, right into the full total true explanations of the ENTIRE UFO-SITUATION that plagues humankind in the past near-century snapshot in time. I will B getting into the memory-ETOSS-fuzz out DEAL, 4 short, the MEFO-DEAL! It almost sounds like a Pentagon secret hush hush project, U know; as in the REDFIELD-CHRIST-SAFET thing, YO world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-C folks, I have nothing against anyone other than those whom R making this endless hell box around me, where there is seemingly no escape from; and in or out of any musical realities. If U-R not part of what is hurting me with endless Laura Collins agonizing fire-flames, Mister GLENN from 1981, and magical farmlands of Voorhees, NJUSAESMWG; then Y would I have anything against U?????????????? Please tell me if this makes sense 2-U, Mister Boothwhales Checkoff, from any part of the 'S-T' transdimensional reflecting hyperspace system? Since this hellogram all began with my magical weird glandular illness that came upon me on 4 June in 1983, this is the only seeming point of true reference 4 me. Try and understand and realize this good folks, please! This is Y the only way 4 me 2 stand a chance of ever breaking out of this Brigantine HELL-BOX which also is all opart of the 2007 wild nightmare with all of this that was all meant 2 lead up 2 my discovering or shall I say much more honestly and accurately here, my rediscovering of PATTY & MERRY from my days of between 1969 and 1975!!!!!!!!!!! This is of course Y the whole thing all is intertwined and commingled together, just as it is, despite the entire Pentagon chewing off their fingernails down 2 the cuticles wondering Y the upline thoughtwave or GOD was thinking about me and then this all became suddenly mysteriously magically 'realized'. They refuse 2 believe simple truths. I know that every thought in the entire 6th dimension is doing the same thing. There is nothing special about upline Sarah Krassle, she is just a lovely girl from some upline world similar place like our Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!! This is all I am gonna' say today other than 4 just simply goddessdog thistlethorns and thissssssssssssssssss, Mister Mike Sucks Microsoft Corporation, and lovely Mizz Erica S-K-Luccisnakes, oh lovely white hot mah'm:!!!!!!!!!! According 2 the weird deal with my benefits being stolen, lost, frozen out, or Congressman Whateverbob from one unforgettable night in late spring time 1975 in WESTMONT-WSMT, NJUSAESMWG; this issue has been given a ticket, and will not B resolved until the 28th day in June. Y this exact day of the 28th in June, Mister awesome wonderful, PLEASE HELP ME SIR, President JOSEPH ROBINNETT BIDEN; is all proof 2 me beyond the smallest sliver of fracking possible doubt, that it all connects into several powerhouse deals. The unforgettable and totally unmistakable date in 1969, underneath the Schiff Central Pier, in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, that is first and foremost of course. This issue will B resolved ON this date, and no other DATE, according 2 the FREEDOM-HEALTHCARE PEEPS. Then we have a wild dream that I had, shortly into the 3rd millennium, only several days if my memories R at all accurate, and after living only about 10 weeks or less at the Jenny Drunkard Plageman Trailer Park called the Mullica Mobile Manor of Mullica Township, and situated right next door 2 Berryville-Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this dream, another transdimensional music piece was going down and led me 2 yet another song copyrighted in my later on 2005 © project, accidentally titled as, 'SAME TITLE'. The lyrics went, “Where do the stars go when they're not shining up so high? They go 2 Atlantis, that's where we'll all go”, and so forth, and this was being made up by me, in this parallel alternate reality, or 'in my dream', same diff. In this same dream, I was on the beach with future Mayor Bob Levy Junior, and whom I knew as Chief of the Atlantic City Beach Patrol, www.acbp.com/ and I am not sure if this site even exists, but it did back when this blog project was brand new, and showed LIGHTNING's personal gal-pal here on this mortal world, the short gorgeous beyond white hot blond. She flirted me with once in waking world times, walking by me beach towel so close that her feet kicked sand right onto the towel. Then shortly after that, came another dream with this girl, and this was on Easter Sunday, April 15, 2001, where she led me from the beach into the soda shop in the capitol city, and I saw DIANA, and she came right up 2 me and stood next 2 me with that awesome smile that she has. I had no human memories of anything, but instantly fell in love with Diana all over again, and shall never ever forget this experience, but getting back 2 the deal with the earlier dream from a couple months or so B-4 this 2nd dream. I was on the beach and scraping barnacles off the pier and sweeping debris off the sand, and working directly 4 Bob Levy, and he mocked me and called me, 'FIREDOG' and told me that Stacey doesn't really love me, and it is just a horrible joke on me. B-4 being on the beach with him however, I was in the Atlantic City Welfare Office applying 4 food stamps, and it was all connected up into yet another wild dream of being homeless, out in the icy cold with deep snow everywhere, and right outside of my bank, that back then, was the Commerce Bank, B-4 the TD Bank bought it up. That all happened very shortly after my leaving Jersey and coming here 2 Flowerland (Florida-USA). All of it connects, the song, the being in Florida, the weather, even Studio Park Records was all a part of this major quintessential nightmare from HELL ITSELF, CUBED & CUBAN! All of this is merely opening foundations, and the full story would require freaking TOLSTOY SIZED BOOKS 2 fully cover it all, and IPYT peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The playfield that I am in is eternal. I will have the illusion of illness and age, even physical death, and then suddenly B living in another deal where suddenly I am in a catastrophic situation, and waking from a nightmare in that life, only that nightmare, WAS THE LIFE THAT I AM IN NOW, and how do I know this is the absolute truth, Mister Serling, oh wonderful and awesome great SIR??? Because THAT is what HAPPENED 2 ME IN ATCO, leading 2 the poisoning, the chocking, and the entire life that I have lived so far, after that, after awakening form the other lifetime, only it never was real, it was a dream, at least from the perspective and vantage point of my human homosapien counterparts out there. By their limited views and standards, the one and only explanation 2 all of this is really quite simple, and Mizz UMWELL and her pals, many form the now defunct WFMU-internet-radio web-page, all agree, and that is, that I am totally and violently INSANE! Well, by seeing things in their extremely limited 3-D fashion and way, then yes, absolutely, that would B exactly and precisely JUST WHAT I AM! And hey peeps, the APA agrees with the UMWELL SOCIETY. Now, R any of U in doubt or wonderment, when after all, U know that none of U out there have the answers 2 squat, U know it. I know U know it, so who's kidding who, Mizz Donna Adrian Sudano, and grand-pa DAVIS????? Oh Peeps-Mag, oh-oh Peeps-Mag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh MAJ-12, oh-oh MAJ-12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, natch I played roulette yesterday B-4 crashing into me' bed around midnight or a wee tad bit shy, and then sleeping until half past five this 2006-2007 blogged [moanin' moanin' moanin' moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning], of all great counselors that managed naught 2 have nervous Kieth breakdowns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a short whittle gasme with a nice whittle profit, and here is the pasted in gaming-results, YO weerlld!!!!!!!

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------06-25-24


Numbers signaled 4 parallel-event playing:



(14-0-2-20- - -)

T-----4, W-----2, L-----2

W-V ----------- +25 UNITS

L-V------------- -11 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +50 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -22 UNITS


Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces









Our love was true, our love was rare

No other love could ever compare

Now that you're gone

My spirits are low

And baby baby baby, I love you so.

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr

There may B nothing I can do, as I am in ETERNAL DAMNATION, and I know it, and my proof is as simple as Clarence Harris on that day from the late 1990's. Not one single person can prove me wrong, nor wishes 2 even make the attempt 2 do so any longer. When nothing is capable of breaking out of some wild unexplainable inconceivable nightmare hell; then reality begins 2 dictate that that is exactly what the words and labels and name R all indeed implying here, that I AM IN HELL, and HELL goes on 4 flagging ever and ever, day and night, read the very last few sentences of your KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) BIBLES, PEEPS OUT THERE, and C that 4 yourself. I never ever have asked U-2 take my word 4 anything that is so easy 4-U-2 go and freaking glass verify, YO dudes and duddesses!!!!

I am still gonna' keep on fighting. I am definitely leaving Florida and returning back 2 NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, and right 2 good old ATLANTIC CITY, where this entire mess seems 2 all have the greatest flagging strangle-hold upon me. Call me a deluded whackadoodle gluten 4 epitomized punishment; but THAT is gonna' B what I shortly will B doing, and no power on this flagging glass EARTH-PWANET can stop me, oh U awesome Mister Elmer Wabbit Fwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud, SIR!!!!!!!!!!! Quoting the marvelous and Latengrate Mister sportscaster announcer, Harry Callas here, “I'm flagging glass ahhhhhhhhda-heeeeeeeeeele, YO”!!!!!!!!!!!!! If baseballs can do it, Y can't the trucking pitiful screwed up MOUNTAINPEN??????????????????


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