Friday, June 7, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Several Urgent Things 2 Tell 2 Me' Awesome L30B Peeps, Or 'Whoever' Is Reading Me, Sir Bob A From 1975


L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Several Urgent Things 2 Tell 2 Me' Awesome L30B Peeps, Or 'Whoever' Is Reading Me, Sir Bob A From 1975

4 minutes past 2 PM, Friday, 7 June, 2024


MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 06-11-24

Some peeps think that Morianity is 4 Mountainpen, and maybe a lot of it truly is just 4 me, indeed. But it is also 4 the rest of U out there who may just someday wish 2 better understand the stuff and the junk that is going down in all of your lives, that up until right now, this vely second, U have scratched your BUFFERIN HEADS OVER, with no success whatsoever in truly understanding dog squat about some of it, YO!!!!

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Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces









Our love was true, our love was rare

No other love could ever compare

Now that you're gone

My spirits are low

And baby baby baby, I love you so.

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© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr

06/07/2024-----Mountainpen's most recent scores:




  • Excellent

  • Checked daily



  • Excellent

  • Checked daily

What I don't understand is Y my FOCA SCORE is 70 points lower than the other credit scores; and I am naught one wee tad bit happy about it, because I have naught ever done anything at all, other than always paying me' bills on time, keeping my total indebtedness under 30 percent of my total credit lines and limits, and way under 2 boot; and do all else needed 2 bring me' scores 2 the maximum positive conclusions; and as R reflected by the 'K-C' other credit reporting agency systems!!!!!!!!!!!! SO then, YYYYYYYYYY is this going down around me, great awesome FBI out there, and 'BBB', and no; I ain't asking the 'before the big bang', one single solitary thing here, my good folks out there!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and yes white hot and super talented Mz Katy-Pee, THAT 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH 'JEEZ-LOUISE', 5 D-S-F.

Folks, here is a small smattering of small items tha ti wish 2-B all out of the way and said B-4 we trudge ever onward with even greater Morianity-Truths-of Reality, or 4 short from now on if needed here; EMTOR in pronunciation, and taken from the abbreviation of 'MTOR'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW & WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cut me a break here willya', Sir Chester-Frank, lovely Mizz Katy-1997-D-Q, and Mizz Margie 1985 Leo McFly????????????? Quoting one of me' long ago musical project song lyrics now, “HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOO”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All things that appear on their surface-Pedersen-levels, or SPL 2-B some random silly coinkeedink, my good folks; is 2 put it quickly and simply here, just naught that at all, YO. Naught one wee tad Hollister-Blake whittle teensy weensy bit, YO me' BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! So if I may B 'Sir Babylonian Gottwald-Oswald-OZ-WALD' 'permitted' here, 2 produce an excellent non-1972-camera related' example of me' pernt here, Mister Archibald Queens Bunker; then this would B one super awesome great one 4 me 2 use right here and now: I am just about positive that it was on the 4th day in June, in 1980, that my mind boggling and definitely life altering POWER-HOUSE DREAMING INTERACTION WITH PINK GODDESS SCYLLA happened, and that wild song that she sang 2 me outside of the Frailenger's Salt Water Taffy Store, on the pavilion boardwalk area, where about 20 benches were all situated, happened, went down, or 'whatever' soon 2 become our great Federal Congressman, great SIR and recent country tunes vocalist on me' 4 demos package musical project © 1980 Mark Wayne Mohr. I have every reason 2 believe that this was the exact day of 6-4, and if I am wrong, then I am, and only the LORD knows 4 sure, but let us keep it on that date, as I doubt it is off even by one day. 3 years 2 this date later in 1983, June the 4th of 1983, my also life altering experience with the glandular choking condition all began happening 2 me, in that home in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, as any reader of these blogs is fully aware of, oh great awesome FBI!!!!!!! While typing all of that information in, I had a major NOISE ASSAULT start around me, and I mean an unusually loud one, and it is still ongoing, with me' groundsmen, making more noise right here around me' residence than ever B-4, and I am absolutely naught imagining this, and it is still going down as I speak at ten minutes shy of 3 PM. Some entity on the ASTRAL PLANE is major dead set against my bringing this particular piece of information onto the mortal world, and now I shall not only do this, but later on I will go onto big-glass hyper-time expand upon it also, YO BRO!!!! When I realize that I am hitting and striking enemy 'phony-funny-bones', then pow; I will do all that much more later on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I know that the 3 gigantic dreams of 1969, 1980, and 1997, & all involving 'SCYLLA PINK' and music, in some gargantuan and beyond Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE ways; is not only a one edge sword but a definite 2-E one. It is powerful urgent 4 me 2 understand the absolute fullness behind this trilogy of mind busting dreaming interactions that all 3 altered me life in brain bending ways going beyond the normal EARTH-PLANET, and its present times understandings of basic things of life; but it also is powerful when being told, as the WSMT SPAMMENIES R negatively effected from merely getting the word out on all of this wild and hellish junky total mess on Madonna Cooley steroids!!!! Another thing that is not completely talked out by even the remotest long shot here good folks is as follows: My pre-2024-Saint Patty's Day Holiday Party in the Community Room, that created a powerful negamagging MAGNETIC in me' life as a direct result, that anyone of U out here, and especially Technical Chart Reading Analysts out there, can instantly recognize, on my almost daily posted MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE 4 BOTBAR LIFE-CHARTING SYSTEM (MP4B)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It truly and honestly, and quoting awesome Mister REDJOHN-HENNINGSEN here, “Is just that simple”!!!!!!!! Hey FBI; this now leads into yet more stuff that needs a quick refresher and address here today, as during that monster noise attack on me just now that has abated since just past 3 or so on this post meridian afternoon (PM), I will bet something gigantic-grass-HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE went down, either on WALL STREET, with TRUMP, or with my kid, or with some part of this post 1986 ICPE-APE-TECH NIGHTMARE ENEMY SITUATION that I have now been forced 2 futhermucking suffer through since middle flagging August in the 1986 year!!!! Now B-4 that, there was an earlier assault that brought me 2 one higher star level on the yellow range of the MST-SCALE!!!!!!! A dual assault of telephone and aerial, and this happens nearly continuously, and it is 2 goddessdog boring 2 keep endlessly reporting these endless individually occurring incidents every single ram glass day, good folks aldare, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Approximately 6 minutes past one this disafsternoon, along came a noisy near zenith 2 me' roof aerial attack on me, followed about 2 minutes right directly after that, with a predictable SPAM TELEPHONE CALL that yes, Mister Microsoft Corporation Word Program System, in all probability was MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE caused and connected, so yes great peeps, YYYYYYYYYY then should I naught type in, 'TELEPHONE CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC' here, as sometimes, life does indeed prove itself even 2 the totally glass blind folks of this world, that there is such a thing as the built in 'SAFET-LAWTRONIC SYSTEMS' IN THE GREAT & MIGHTY SEVENTH DIMENSION, (7-D)?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yes, I just now went back and amended the earlier part of the blog, sliding my MSTS onto the presently holding position on the YELLOW RANGE BAR!!!! So far since this afternoon began, it has moved up another 3 spots from 4-Y through 7-Y. LIKE WOW, 2 quote the goddessdog young kids of this clueless ole' weerlld, huh there simplllleeee minded Officer Chuck Certainteed Kim??????? Finally, I need 2 say a few words pertaining 2 a cool conversation that I had with awesome Mister mathematics teacher of Cooley Hall, Sir David Leigh Smith; only I was long out of Cooley Hall when we had that talk. I was living at 1118 Linden Hill apartments in Lindenwold, NJUSAESMWG and it was summer time of 1975 some time; and I was living in total miserable rotten HELL, cubed, CUBAN, and on Madonna's future steroids 2 frikkin' glass boot, me' wonderful good peeps!!!!! We got talking about things that later led 2 the creation of the famous movie, 'STAR WARS', and I know it, and no APA head shrinker society will talk me out of it, as I know what the flag I know, oh weerlld aldare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that straight 2 the great beyond wonderful Toronto Dominion Bank, YO BRAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was telling him how someone I had met in 1973 about 2 years earlier, Mister Jim Burr, told me and I quote him from his biblical interpretations and extensive bible research; “There was a war in HEAVEN”, and as soon as I said that, Mister Smith looked at me, and replied with a semi-grin on his face, “Oh Mark, I don't buy that”!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I do know that this is what led 2 this awesome movie, and I have many power house reasons that absolutely support that belief, and those reasons R based on wild incredible yet absolutely true facts, and IPYT, oh FBI; and U may polygraph me any time, on this or any other thing that this Morianity has made claim 2, YO agents!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But rather than rant on an done, I need 2 cut 2 the chase here and tell U all the real deal here that's 'going-Sivo-down', both in 1980, and up here 44 years later in 2024's reflected antimatter space of 44 times 6 times one trillion miles of space points, all blown out from this night spoken of, at that RPL-Sound Studios joint in Camden, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!! We were talking at his office in Haddon Heights located right across the Route 30 Jewelly White Horse Pike from Sir Bob Andrews' future Federal Congressman's Office, in the shopping plaza where the old A&P Food Store had been in and was no longer, in Haddon Heights, NJUSAESMWG on that summer's day in 1975. Goddess help all of us, huh Mister Albert Pileggi, and HTH School, of WSMT, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA????????????????? We got talking of the biblical accounting of the ever ongoing invisible forces that seemingly R surrounding this world forever, the forces of GOOD and EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is way 2 powerful 2 do more than a quick scraping surface scratch right now folks, but here goes: It is also a large part of that magical GOD-MESSAGE given me that day just a month earlier that I had spoken on the telephone 2 Jim Burr about, and he went ape over, and telling me I need 2 keep this in a safe place an dguard it literally with my life, and did not act as he normally did with me at all. Usually he was only negative and 'poo-poo nay-saying' anything that I ever did, just as did me' ole' medical agent who I am now so glad 2-B forever frikkin' rid of, as nobody can take that junk forever, nobody!!!!!!! There R some peeps who U could bring them a billion dollars in golds or show them a pill that would bring them ten thousand years of immortality on Earth, and they would treat U like trash and spit in your ear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim Burr and Beve Sterner, were 2 of those types of peeps, at least with me; and I mean, all the dang time. Anyway, Jim didn't act in his normal and ever predictable manner when he learned of what he named almost instantly, my 'GOD MESSAGE'. This message was all about measuring the forces and powers of positive and negative spiritually battling realities or energies, but it was so much more than that. Again, that surface Paul Pedersen deal keeps coming back 2 endlessly rear its ugly garbage at us, like a spilled out full garbage truck after a bad accident right in our front lawn on a hot July afternoon. 'WHAT A MESS', 2 quote awesome Mister George 'GOD' Burns!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 make a long tale here as short as possible 4 right now today, here goes: This is the same invisible power and force that makes magnets when held closely together, have those attraction and repulsive forces between them. U cannot C it, but U know they R there and can most definitely feel it and don't try telling me otherwise, not anybody, U know that U can!!!!!!!!!!! The magic is not in the forces, but in the reasons that they do what they do, and it is anything BUTTERCHEESE and but- BUTTTTTTTTTTT-BUTT big glass, or anything else folks, SCIENTIFIC, not that science cannot B used 2 figure out nearly endless equations; only so much more than science is behind these forces that caused this DAVE SMITH COOLEY HALL WAR IN THE HEAVENS, and how the Mountainpen fits so perfectly into it all, and even without his pal Sir Bruce Pennock, and his wild saying in 1972, “We're all human, nobody's perfect”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is where I plan 2 leave U all 4 right now, me' great illustrious Blogaudians out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only my loyal followers know that I plan 2 tell the entire tale B-4 leaving my soapbox of endless Gemma-Jemi deals, and quoting the great Sir Esolph here, “AND THAT'S THAT”, and yes Mizz Dawn-Marie King, it truly is what it is, so hey girl, U go, and 'straight 2 DOGTOWN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Words don't exist 2 say or 2 tell some things, U know this, as do I, and i refuse 2 treat U as dumb, as I know otherwise. This is the Mountainpen, and hopefully, DMK is indeed in DOGTOWN, but no matter what and where and all of this and more, remember one quick little thing, please peeps. Every little thing in Morianity is beyond LOADED WITH POWER! The Gemma-Jemi deal is naught one wee tad bit different either, lovely Mizz AT&T BLAKE from 1983, in case U-R still there!!!!!!!
