Tuesday, June 4, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; It is Now About 44 Years 2 the Day Since Me' 1802-1980 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS 'LOIS FOCA' Interaction, With Almighty Goddess Scylla Pink, Singing Her Awesome Song 2 Me in, AC-NJ-USA


L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; It is Now About 44 Years 2 the Day Since Me' 1802-1980 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS 'LOIS FOCA' Interaction, With Almighty Goddess Scylla Pink, Singing Her Awesome Song 2 Me in, AC-NJ-USA

Half past 2 AM on Tuesday morning, 4 June, 2024

I did naught go BOTBAR, but the same difference happened back on yesterday the 3rd day in this 6th month (06-03), and the day had 2 close when I crashed around 8 PM or so last night, and it was between rock bottom 1-1 and maybe an eighth of a point over 1-1, so it rounded down at best, and was a GLMA-----1-1 miserable HIGH CCOT day, all around, and 4 numerous reasons. Harassment, bad mood in general, nightmares that cause an endless dream channel OTAMMIC shkituation with me as most of U out there know of only 2 dang well, and not yet receiving my over the counter junk that I ordered with the Freedom Health peeps and it has 2-B-2 weeks plus now; so I shall need 2 phone and C what is wrong with me' order. On top of all of this Mister Checkoff Whales from 1986 Star Trek, oh sir; numerous other small items R just naught going my way at all, none whatsoever and that is putting it quite frikkin' glass mildly, me' kind folks aldare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allow and permit me if U will YO peeps, 2 explain this a wee tad bit non-Hollister better 4-U: Readeth on if ye' pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezw: DUHH-DERR-2007, and all other wild '7' ending years 4 crying out Fontanna surfer 5-D LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Suddenly', and it appears that even without great decade ago Walmart ad-spots, songs, memories, or anything else, and speaking so often recently about driving directions 2 my various medical locations, B it now in middle 2024 or back 40 years ago in twisty windy dinosaur roads leading 2 transformational Comcast Company places that R indeed just as was dream-indicated, oh Biblical Prophet Sir Daniel and others; part of the great mighty astral plane's EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY; my new PCP (doctor) is gonna' B moving 2 ONLY his old location in the next door town of Port Saint Lucie, south of my town of Fort Pierce, and is approximately between 3 and 4 times further away from my residence than is his current practice-location near the Edwards Road railroad tracks that 'cross over' the Federal Highway Route #1, down at the Save-a-Lot Grocery Store shopping mini-mall plaza 'joint', Sir Halloween Cheater ICPE-APE-TECH-1983, STEVE WINN, oh mighty awesome gaming controller SIR!!!! I learned this from receiving the mail delivery late yesterday afternoon, from reading his letter 2 me and all of his Fort Pierce patients. I fully expected a 500-900 point gain on the stock market's 'DJIA' yesterday, but nothing is 100 percent predictable and reliable, naught even Mizz Blake, nor parallel event, from 1983 and 1986, so it appears, RESPECTIVELY; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and definitely NAUGHT ONE TEENSY WEENSY WHITTLE DANG GLASS BIT RESPECTIVELY, oh world out there!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the market closed around a buck down, naught between 5-9 bucks up. STILL, the day closed 4 me at a JCGLMA 2-2-1-1 DAY when I crashed into me' beddybye at approximately just shy of dusk last freggin' night, good folks, (JOB-CAR-GENERAL LIFE-MOODS & ATTITUDES)!!!!!!!!! Here is the most current mother fracking LIFE-CHARTS 4 the Mountainpen, regarding BOT'S & NOT'S, or B&N 4 short, but is that naughts, Mizz AT&T 1983 Blake?




















































I played roulette B-4 going 2 bed, the BOTBAR NUMBERS as well as good ole' trustworthy major cumpuker hacking number '26'. Here R the results of this 2-spin quick winning game that I decided 2 take no chances with, and B a 2-hitter-quitter!!!!!!!

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------06/03/2024


(4-30- - - - - - -)

T-----2, W-----1, L-----1

W-V -------- +28 UNITS

L-V------------ -8 UNITS

WINS $ ------------- +28 UNITS

LOSSES $ ----------- -8 UNITS


#'s played: Multiples-5-35, & 26.

Image result for images free funny faces

44 years ago, perhaps 2 this very day of June the 4th back in 1980, at me' bedroom at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments in Voorhees Township, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA; I went 2 sleep, as normal peeps all do, after every daily cycle period of somewhere between 14-18 hours of being up and awake; and POW. All, if naught most of U out there reading this, know the rest; but let's discuss it now in more detail, shall we??????????? This was most definitely an absolutely life altering experience 4 me, and most peeps who do remember their dreams, and whether or naught they ever choose 2 admit 2 one single person in life including their own parents, spouse, or children, best pal, or Federal Congressman Robert Andrews from 1975 as a young lad and naught yet a congressman, 'WHATEVER' have had at leas tone of these 'happenings' themselves, where it is so powerful and vivid and awesome, thatr it is remembered 4 the rest of their life, if nothing else. Then comes the 2nd part however of what makes an unforgettable 'dreaming-experience' so beyond awesome 4 us, in extremely rare cases and situations. I speak here of how it alters our life in that we then go onto make life-decisions as a direct result of the experience. I have had 3 powerful life altering such deals, and they all involve none other than some magical beyond words, young female with an incredible singing voice, and I need naught B a great world famous historian 2 then have none other than the GODDESS-SCYLLA pop right smack dab into me' mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No world, she did not sing anything 2 me in the 1969 wild 5-D experience, she merely took away me' magical REDJOHN-H GIVEN Motorcycle Chain, gave me HER name, spelled it out 4 me so clearly that I couldn't possibly miss it nor forget it upon my awakening from the 'dream', and that was of course, (SARAH KRASSLE)!!!!!!!!!!! I know 4 a while, I thought that Paula King was the one behind this, and quoting Mizz awesome & opinionated 4 sure, UMWELL here, of course I am making up Morianity as I go along, the BIBLE itself was made up as it all went along, U dong dong nose!!!!!!! All shkit is a life learning cure and experience, and change and improvement is normally quite dang inevitable, folks!!!!!!!! Y would Mountainpen and his danglass Morianity B one wee tad bit different here, YO???????????????? Was there a musical connection with this 2-scene wild dreaming interaction, first on the beach and then at HER great awesome Tennessee Avenue SHOP, that HER friends were in that MAROLA-DAY, all brought straight 2 me, the future Mountainpen, courtesy of a perfectly timed schedule; and a school play, organized by the mighty MAROLA's!!!!!!! U-C, in this wild dream in middle December of 1969, and practically 2 the absolute very day that a powerful USA Government project was canceled abruptly 4 very publicly given flimsy reasons and despite it 'having major appeal by the gen-pop', Detective Goren of 'L&O', oh mighty life saving sir in 5-D anyway, all drilled holes in me notwithstanding here of course; the 2nd part of it in Sarah's magical 10-S-C Avenue 'SHOP', had several powerful things go down in it, one being the magical dresser drawer in her bedroom of that place, matching identically, the 3 drawer dresser piece of furniture that existed in me' own bedroom, that me' mom bought at some 2nd hand store, in center city Philadelphia, and back when we lived there together at 2041 Chestnut Street, Apartment #24-A and with a living room there, with 3 stained glass windows facing Ranstead Street, nearly identical in appearance 2 the famous DARK SHADOWS TV SHOW scene we all have observed over and over again, at the top landing that the foyer stairs lead up 2, and so many times with DIANA flashing outside of them, and as U all know, SHE lives with me in RICKTOWN MANOR, and the entire Collinwood Mansion, astrally; is merely one wing in the great home that is owned by Rictofarious there, called none other than the 'FLOWER-WING'! The fact that I of course was supposed 2-B little David Collins in this show, is just one of a million powerful points and side tangents, 2 the entire story of MORIANITY, and so 4 right now; we just cannot B concerned with all these important and surreal and wild details, but they all do fit; and 100 percent perfectly, without any assists from Sir Pennock, Christopher or COOLEY-HALL's BRUCE, or SCYLLA in present Pink-Goddess human form; oh weerlld aldare!!!!!!!!!!! So let me get back 2 the issue and point at hand 4 right now, YO: In the 2nd part of that 2-part wild 1969 dreaming-interaction with PINK GODDESS 'SSJKK', in HER SHOP, she talked 2 me about several things and was extremely serious, naught what anyone would expect any possible conversation 2-B between 2 peeps of the ages of 14 and 15 years, as we were, in 'some possible time-reference', and 'forced', 4 the sake of this story, since this all went down IN INFINITY of course, making this all so much more ultra complex!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not going 2 make up something just 4 effect-purposes folks, and IPYT, so searing this on the Almighty, I can only tell U-4 absolute sure here, that this conversation between us was ultimately serious, despite it being seemingly done on a lighter note between two young teen aged peeps, since both the words of teen aged as well as persons must B used, and they R not 100 what they would need 2-B and or seem 2-B, 4 purposes of any ordinary literary work, such as mine, here, 4 all of U!!!!!!! What I will tell U is that SHE made mention of that SCHOOL PLAY, without ever saying those 2 words and U all know what I mean here, as your own lives R filled with similar stuff unless that is U live in a cave all of your life, YO. This school play at the Cooley Hall took place, on what then always was Memorial Day, the 30th day in May, an dB-4 the federal Monday Holiday legislation's were passed into law in the 19-7-DEEZ of all great non-Harrah's casino teases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that was about 6 and one half months B-4 the wild dreaming interaction of the future December month, and somewhere at middle month time. One of my classmates, Sir Bruce Shane, whom was severely mentally retarded, had a singing voice like the world famous Mister Pavarotti, and he had a part in this play singing a song about a war that took place in America and at that time, approximately 100 years earlier, the great Civil War. The lyrics however made mention of things that directly pertained 2 Sarah's shop or the conversation between us in HER shop, in so far as preventing unpleasant things from happening and needing 2 step in from time 2 time 2 make what words could possibly now B converted into saying here, 'magical changes'. The lyrics were talking about how a family who had lost their children in this awful war could have been spared if not 4 just a few little things in life not going all totally wrong, and remember it was Mister Marola who wrote this song, and it was his wife and my special-ed teacher who produced this play, and INSISTED THAT I-B IN IT, AND PARTICIPATE, and just wasn't hearing any part of my saying no-mah'm 2 here, she wasn't hearing it, naught one wee tad bit, Mizz Blake and Mizz Hollister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This all gets super complicated, and by now a lot of folks, I am quite sure R asking; but how does this 1969 deal work its way into 11 years later in the first week of June in 1980???? We would B all day if I tried getting into the entire matter, so I shall do my best 2 make it into a very true and honest and short tale here 4-U all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! The main focus in this dream was the chain, the dresser drawer, the school play, the walk and talk on the beach leading up 2 not only the 2nd part of the dream but Y there suddenly was a 4 year time gap in this part one and part 2 dream-situation, sionce we were about 10 years old at the start of it an dthen poof, PPMM, we were in HER shop and were now our current age of 4 years older. My mind knew this in the dream, 10 and 14, those numbers were in my dream, without any actual words being spoken about it, and again, I know fully well that most of U out there can relate 2 these type of dreaming situations 4 yourself. LSS, does the incident where she sang the LOIS FOCA tune all fit into the 10 and a half year previous deal? Absolutely yes, and does the school play, and do the Marola's fit as well; and now we shout out YES on steroids, cubed, and CUBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U may re-square THAT as well, if U wish 2, good folks!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was either on the 4th day in June in 1980, at 1802 RHA where this went down; or within one day or 2 days at the very most, B-4 or after this date. I shall never forget that it was sometime in the middle of the first week in June, and 5 weeks after moving into that incredible and endlessly surreal 5th dimensional apartment. I moved in at 1:30 AM on May 1, 1980, and so yes, approximately 5 weeks shy of the date of 4 June. Today is most likely 44 years since this incident went down, Mister RPL Sivo, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 44 was my number at the Church Farm School, and used 4 purposes of student ID; and it was mandatory 2 have every article of our clothing, even under garments, 2 have our numbers labeled into it, and 4 many years into me' adulthood, I remember wearing shirts and underwear with good ole' number-44 sowed into them, by me' whittle ole' sweet adorable Mommy! I blog told this tale at the vely beginning of this 2006 BOM-BLOG work, and we all know it and anyone can archive it, even mighty Pink Goddess Herself!!!!!!!!!!!!! But how much more is important 2 eventually get way more into concerning these 2 interactions with PINK-SKY-SSJKK from 1969-1980' some may now B doing Bufferin-H-S-D's here, BHSD, (Bufferin Head-Scratch Deals)????? Well, if it were this simple, I would finish the job up right now, thisssssssss moUUUUUUUrning!!!! BUTTERCHEESE, big glass BUTT, 'DUHH-DERR' & BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-BUT peeps; it just ain't that goddessdog simplllleeee, sorry, Officer Chuck Certainteed Fiberglass Kim; oh great and illustrious 1978 SIR, up there in good ole' Berlin Junction, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!! There is that pesky number 3 interaction in summer time somewhere or maybe a little earlier in that 1997 year, with that mind boggling incredible transdimensional Mariah Carey song, that here is 5-D written and © protected in my name, called 'WSMT', and having nothing directly whatsoever 2 do with my enemies from August of 1986, nor the township of Haddon, in NJUSAESMWG, well, or DOES IT??????????? After all, speaking of the 5th McCoo Marilyn's great dimension here folks, how about those SHADOW-MONSTERS, and future 'Shadow Man' tunes, and Rod Serling TV-shows, 4 crying out Fonty-Surfer loudly???????????????? JEEZ-LOUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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