Monday, June 24, 2024




Some evil rotten person or persons, thing or things, or 'ANDREWS-1975-WHATEVER', has again removed my MOON-PHOTO. What would this putrid disease do without me 2 endlessly viciously persecute and harass and slowly torture and torment 2 his grave? Please please please please, just tell me the answer 2 that little query of mine, willya'? Did anybody ever stop and wonder 4 even one dang rotten microsecond, what this force or whatever is shortly gonna' do, after I am dead and gone; and they do naught have me 2 pick on unrelentingly and forever, Mizz AT&T 1983 Blake? FBI, U know well that only one possibility exists here. They cannot just no longer have me, and yet they will no longer have me, ONCE I AM DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well then, there is one possible thing that U genius Federal-LEO's R left 2 conclude here. 'They', or the 'WOMO', R definitely planning 2 bring other innocent pathetic taxpayers of the future, into this monstrous playfield; that U may feel totally alright labeling & calling the 'HELLOGRAM' 4 short. When their test-hellogram is over, or my life, same thing, same dang diff YO, then they mush have others waiting in the wing 2 bring on board at the moment of my physical flagging demise. Tell me that this is anything other than good detective analysis here, great agents out there, as if U disagree with this, then your initials really do stand 4 the F-B-IDIOTS. Hey, no such word as 'ignorers' exists outside of MOUNTAINPEN-MORIANITY-POOR RUSS-RICHARD's ALMANAC, RIGHT??????????? THE ONLY THING LEFT 4 ME 2 SAY TODAY IS AS FOLLOWSSSSSSS, FBI OF 2024 AND ERICA LUCCISNAKES OD 1983: And the clue 2 that is the Erica year of all great and ever-marvelously demonic hissing snakesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U guys know what U did 2 me in 1983, when U called my car “The blue nungen”, on that day that U placed a bug into my landline telephone line, while I was out at my eye doctor's office, in Narberth, Pennsylvania, Doctor M. Morse Michaels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But U don't know all of the horrible UFO-related details of the 1983 total experience. I never asked 4 any of this, and then U made my woe-whiz-me issues even far worse. SHAME SHAME SHAME on all of U, and U-2, dancing Shirley Companies!!!!!!!!!!!! U know that my daughter and my distant cousin won't quit until I am covertly dead, and yet U seem 2-B taking their side here, just because they're freaking glittering bug glass hot shots. Thisssssss is what destroyed America, thisssssss and nothing else. This great nation of a quarter millennium ago was founded by my 7th grandpa's pals and him, and yes, it was all about goodness, righteousness, fairness, and power 2 the people, and naught 2 the monster greedy super-rich scum!!!!!!!

I knew I should have tried to leave Florida years ago, when the music slit went totally south. I already through STM, knew this was going to happen to me. It began in 1983. It had no rational explanation. It never would go away. Nobody would believe me. It was like a window directly into hell. These things in themselves without going any further, should be more than enough for me to realize, I was heading straight into the 15-death year. I should have run like I did in December of 2009. I didn't, and now I will be sacrificed and murdered. I have no clue what this is supposed to accomplish but I do know that after I am dead and gone, the world will begin to be totally destroyed. How long the process will take is anyone's guess. I have no answers, and I never claimed to have them. I always said that it was my opinion, all of this; but based on my entire life and the stuff that happened to me. Then taking that and instead of going nuts or just playing head games about it and ignoring it as much as possible, I then went onto rationalize things, and make stuff fit. What I was able to make fit would then be a picture and as the pictures collected, I had a photograph road map of a sort. This allowed me to make these wild conjectures, that my almost ten year blog project is so filled with. They may make little sense to any of you, but they fit the pieces of my life perfectly. The deal with the guy that had the bike crash is one example out of literally many hundreds and maybe even four digit amounts, of things over the decades; that all kept happening to me with absolute regularity. There simply is no way for the entire thing to be a series of bad luck coincidences. In truth; it is not that I cannot catch a break. It is that I am not permitted to ever break out, of something that I now call the family curse, or the Huntington Curse. Boy oh boy oh boy, and oh my, those dang auto-reverse cassette tape decks from days gone freaking by. Fire me D-T and R-H-M! See if I cry one tiny whittle danglass fracking tear about it; YO gentlemen. WEEE!


And any others on the great


Posting up at approximately 3 minutes shy of 9 AM.

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